#in the first one I would have put literally all fatal love lmao but I couldn't be so lazy
strawbeelemonade · 1 year
Imagine: Being Miles Morales’ best friend but also your a bit insane
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🕷- Miles used to be so scared of you
🕷 - Even before you started a mutual friendship you sorta just…. kept appearing.
🕷 - He wasn’t sure when he became desensitised to you. but he likes to think his new double life of being a crime fighting upstart has given him a bit of a tolorence.
🕷 - Miles will now watch you eat an apple from the top down, core, stem and all, and literally not say anything.
🕷 - Your so consistently insane in such a harmless way, it’s kinda nice.
🕷 - He wishes you would stop picking up wild animals, though.
🕷 - Seriously stop. at least one of them will have a fatal disease.
🕷 - You keep venturing into the underground subway to play with the New York rats. Nothing bad has happened yet but that doesn’t mean nothing will.
🕷 - Don’t get me wrong. Miles isn’t overprotective or anything, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t still worry. Your one of his closest friends.
🕷 - He’s not sure what he’d do without you.
🕷 - So please take the rat out of your jacket pocket. Please.
🕷 - Oh but it’s so cute!!
🕷 - You are Cinderella actually.
🕷 - Miles stumbles across you as his spider-sona surprisingly often.
🕷 - Not always when your doing something illegal, so he kinda forms this double friendship with you.
🕷 - It’s hard because he forgets your not supposed to know who he is!!
🕷 - He keeps forgetting to deepen his voice and act macho. You just make him relax so easily.
🕷 - I like to think His powers are particularly in tune with body language, even if he doesn’t mean or want to. And it can become so incredibly exhausting. all the extra information and interference is unrelenting unless he’s completely alone or has his headphones on.
🕷 - But you’re different. You let Everything rest on the surface. You say what you think, and miles found after a couple of months of knowing you that you’re actually more deep thinking then you like to let anyone realise.
🕷 - Your completely willing to sit in total silence with him. It’s so relaxing.
🕷 - The closer you both get the more he starts to see that you are actually a total sweetheart.
🕷 - You remember little things about him, your willing to go through great lengths for him. He knows that no matter where the both of you are or what your doing, you are ready to drop anything and everything to come to him if he needs you.
🕷 - He doesn’t demand it from you, but…
🕷 - You show up outside his dorm window at 3am all on your own ok?!
🕷 - He just mentioned he was having trouble sleeping!!! It’s not his fault!!! … but he’s not complaining either.
🕷 - So yeah, you put him at ease.
🕷 - Which is why it comes to no one’s surprise except miles when you bust him within the first two weeks.
🕷 - It scared the shit out of him. The next time you saw him as spider man you were like “Yo, Miles”.
🕷 - He asks you how you found him out, And you laugh and claim his mask made him look like he’s bad at Spanish. He socks you in the shoulder and you laugh harder.
🕷 - He then timidly asks if you’ve said anything to anyone.
🕷 - You tell him you don’t have deep enough conversations with anyone else TO tell.
🕷 - He understands what your trying to say.
🕷 - It’s actually a lovely little moment.
🕷 - As Spider-Man, he’s gotten to know an even crazier side to you. The fact that that was possible scared him a bit.
🕷 - Miles always wondered what you would get up to when he wasn’t around. You would disappear for hours, even days at a time. But you’d always come back.
🕷 - You were like an outdoor cat lmao.
🕷 - Turns out your a bit of an adrenaline junky.
🕷 - “Y/n this is a 7 story building and there’s no stairs how are you up here.”
🕷 - You liked feeding the pigeons… which was… yeah. Ok, fine.
🕷 - Miles wasn’t sure how his parents would react to you. He wasn’t ASHAMED but… Was he worried? Definetely.
🕷 - His dad is a COP.
🕷 - When He gets home from a couple hours of patrolling New York after school he has a heart attack when he sees you sitting on the couch nursing a drink while chatting to his mom.
🕷 - Your not fake, your still you. but you make a conscious decision not to pull out the rat in your pocket until you both head to his room to hang out.
🕷 - He’s much more emotional then he likes to make himself out to be. He’s still trying to figure himself out, He’s still only 14 after all.
🕷 - So hearing you drop deep emotional wisdom at 2 in the morning is a fucking EXPERIENCE.
🕷 - The deep conversations you have (and, now that he’s thinking about it the meaningless ones as well) feel like precious moments. They leave a lasting affect on him, your presence makes him feel safe.
🕷 - He’s not sure how to say all that out loud though.
🕷 - He doesn’t have to. you already know.
🕷 - His parents are happy to know that he’s made you as a friend. No matter how much or little they really know about you, anyone with eyes and two working ears can tell that your a good kid.
🕷 - You probably end up in the hospital a lot.
🕷 - Like a lot a lot. You are in so many wrong places at so many wrong times…
🕷 - An arm in a cast is considered a small case when it comes to you.
🕷 - Miles wonders how your still even alive this point!
🕷 - foreshadowing
🕷 - After you become more acquainted with miles’ family, you start getting visits from them!
🕷 - Especially If you don’t have any stable adult figures in your life.
🕷 - You get in a lot of accidents and fights. And it starts getting worrying. You don’t go looking for any trouble but you don’t let the criminal population of New York stop you from venturing out at night, either.
🕷 - In the waiting room Your all smiles and laughs. Nothing fazes you it seems, even under extreme amounts of pain. so it makes them relax a bit.
🕷 - But they are MUCH more willing to let you practically walk in and out of their house whenever you need a Homebase to fall back on.
🕷 - Mr. Davis does NOT enjoy getting called out late at night over a complaint of a homeless person loitering on a bench and it’s literally just you.
🕷 - What are you doing out here young lady/man/ster.
🕷 - Sorry sir I missed my bus
🕷 - But why were you sleeping outside!
🕷 - Eepy.
🕷 - Let them help you please you don’t have to do things on your own.
🕷 - You’ve only gotten lucky enough to be attacked a handful of times.
🕷 - But when the opportunity arises you are so ready.
🕷 - Remember how I said you were crazy in a harmless way? Forget I said that.
🕷 - Miles has literally watched you rip an old (albeit loose) stop sign out of the ground and beat a mugger over the head with it.
🕷 - He was not ready.
🕷 - You don’t even have any powers that he knows of. No super strength or healing. No heightened senses to protect you.
🕷 - Miles is in awe of you sometimes.
🕷 - he’s saved you from trouble a
Handful of times.
🕷 - you’ve literally got Spiderman looking out for you.
🕷 - If anything happens to you
He will freak the hell out.
🕷 - you might end up being room
-mates at his new school
🕷 - No matter how low he’s feeling he knows that you’ll find a way to make him smile.
🕷 - You find the craziest things to do, there’s no where you’re not willing to venture and there’s nothing your not willing to play with.
🕷 - Unfortunately Miles suffers from the terrible ailment of being a teenager 💔 (and also occasionally having terrible bouts of anxiety)
🕷 - often times he just feels so painfully uncool. He catches himself asking if he’s really cut out for this life. Not just about being the next Spider-Man, but also in the the-American-dream-is-not-real-and-I-don’t-have-a-future kind of way. He worries if he’s failing underneath the weight of his burdens. That he’s a loser.
🕷 - But you don’t let him feel that way when your around.
🕷 - You make him feel like he’s cool. You make him feel like he’s funny. like he’s the most interesting person in the world, your so unshakably and enthusiastically invested in him and his successes!
🕷 - You celebrate with him when he wins small fights. When he saves people. When he gets higher grades on exams.
🕷 - He doesn’t feel insecure standing next to you, even when your personality is as chaotic as it is.
🕷 - Miles isn’t sure sure how he got so lucky to have met you. He doesn’t realise you feel the same about him.
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vigilskeep · 16 days
omg thank you for the support... feeling emboldened to return and be gay in your inbox but i was just thinking about how neve might actually feel a bit put off by a more uncaring/cold assassin rook. she has that conversation with harding in the ign gameplay where she says that authorities being corrupt is how she is employed essentially, but given her character descriptions, i feel like she very much does care a lot and corruption is something she Really Wants To Fix, Actually. but authorities being corrupt is actually great for business for an assassin. i mean lucanis was literally introduced to us as "the magekiller" and one thing we know about him is he specifically targets corrupt magisters. like taking down corrupt officials is definitely great for neve, but i feel very interested in the toxic yuri potential of her butting heads with someone who doesn't care about saving the world beyond putting down an obvious threat because their background relies very much on the world being broken. if this makes sense? femme fatale rook also adds an extra level of distrust which is fun! but there's also so much yuri development potential here... learning to care through neve or rook always secretly caring and neve bringing that out in them. cynic4cynic and all that. this doesn't have to be about a romantic relationship either, it's interesting to me even for a platonic neve/rook relationship!
and this also could be a potential point of contention for neve and lucanis, depending on his own world views. this group being referred to as a found family makes the idea of them not getting along (at first at least) pretty interesting to me LMAO anyway yeah if lucanis shares this kind of view then it really is as you said: (crow rook voice) no lucanis you're not insane. and neither am i.
SORRY FOR THIS. but also thank you for supporting the lesbianism.
the thing that i certainly believe about neve is what’s been emphasised over and over in marketing: she’s a cynic, but a cynic with a heart of gold. she may be our hard-boiled detective who’s seen the worst of people and the worst of her city, but that’s never made her love her city any less or fight for it any less. she’s intensely idealistic in her ambitions and her commitment to the job, putting her own comfort aside to doggedly pursue any mystery she’s taken on.
i think that conflicts delightfully with an assassin who is more self-preserving in what they are willing to take on and has no such high ideals or sense of community, but has it in common with neve that they’ve come face to face in the same way with the worst of people. they could make each other better—neve could definitely stand to take better care of herself and perhaps even take more direct action, and this type of crow rook could probably do with a moral or two beyond World Destruction Is Bad—or worse! i really like your read on crow rook being dependent on the world being broken, and corruption being good for business. i also think the kind of worldview that the crows teach is that nothing ever really can change. it doesn’t matter what you do or who you kill, because someone just as corrupt will always take their place. there are no moral obligations because there is no fixing the world even if you did try. i’d be so curious to see neve’s impact on that... whether she could get them to believe in something, or their jaded outlook would rub off on her
neve definitely has trust issues and high walls up for whatever reason (i still believe in venatori ex-husband theory) so i love the idea here of really playing into that and making a rook she actually shouldn’t trust. i love that for you. yeah why put this all on her. why make anything easy
i’m definitely interested in lucanis and neve’s dynamic. they have a lot of similar worldviews when it comes to, say, the venatori, but i wonder if neve necessarily approves of lucanis’, uh... impulsive and destructive approach, to dealing with that kind of problem. or if lucanis’ sympathies necessarily mean he takes the shadow dragons’ chances of achieving anything seriously. super excited to see them interact
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blair-the-juggalho · 2 years
Guess who's back lmao. I had another idea and you're one of my favourite twdg writers so I came back. First up, take as long as you need on this, attend to any requests that came before mine before feeling the need to write this.
(Twdg season 1)
You know how after the Motel is attacked, Lilly shoots Carley/Doug? (S1) What if there was like a young pre-teen/teen reader (say, somewhere from 11 to 13.) and whoever Lilly aimed for, she either accidentally missed or the reader protected carley/doug, and the bullet hit the reader in the shoulder/arm (so not fatal just a bit like "bruh"). What would the reactions of the motel gang be? taking into consideration Lilly just shot a literal child 🤣
(I'm sorry if this is oddly specific but I had the idea with it and in your rules you asked for as much specification as possible) if any of this doesn't make sense feel free to ask me because I kind of rambled lmao. If you can't do this for any reason or you struggle to, i completely understand. Have a good day!
Ty! And yeh I do really appreciate the specifics and tysm for all of that yer totally so sweet!!! <<<333
Hope this will do, lovely!!!!
TWDG season 1 group reacting to Lily shooting (but not killing!) a preteen!reader
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To say this man was pissed was an understatement
He didn’t care if Lilly meant it for someone else 1. There was no need to shoot an innocent person and 2. You just fucking shot a kid!
Idc what way you played with part wether you let her stay or no there is no was lee would let her come with you guys after that
After kicking Lilly to the curb he’d go back to you and gently carry you back to the RV before finding anything he can to patch you up
He’s so stressed and annoyed!
He wishes he could’ve gone back in time and changed it
He will fully take care of you till you make a full recovery!
He’d go through hell and back to get any medical supplies you need too<3
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He too was so pissed!
Like he’s shouting and screaming at Lilly
It’s by gods mercy that he didn’t shoot her
He tells everyone to help you get inside and find anything to stop the bleeding
I don’t have to say this because it’s obvious but he’s not letting her come with the group
As you all drive away he keeps shouting and cursing
It’s not very helpful but it’s all he can really do
Katjaa keeps telling him to calm down but yk that’s not gonna happen
He keeps a close eye on you while you recover and he gets a little (a fucking lot) over protective of you
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She wasn’t there too see you get shot but as soon as she heard the gun shot she panicked
She put duck down in a chair and told him to stay calm and not too look
Once she saw you she started tearing up
She felt so bad for you!
She’d tell everyone to keep calm as she tried to bandage your wounds
She’d be at your side 100% of the time and would make sure your as comfortable as you can be
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He also didn’t see everything go down but this kid was so upset
You where one of his best friends (mainly because there where only two other kids in the group, one being you) and he was you you bleeding and in so much pain!
He was already bit and seeing you shot made it so much worse :(
He was willing to share any supplies you needed to help you recover btw!
He’d do anything for his amazing best friend!
He couldn’t really help you out at all or even take your mind of it because he was too sick to do anything
But he’d use any energy he did have to ask if your ok or make a silly joke <:)
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She was traumatised oml
She saw her best friend get shot
She screamed and burst out into tears!
Lee told her to closer her eyes and not look at you while they patched you up, but she didn’t want to leave your side
So she stood in a place where you could see her and closed her eyes, every so often taking a peek and giving you a sympathetic smile
After you got bandaged up she’s stay by you and got you whatever you wanted
This one time the group stopped off to get some supplies are they came back to see her routing threw all the cupboards
“What are you doing, clem?” -group member
“I’m trying to find a snack for (name)! They wanted one :(“
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She felt so bad!
She didn’t mean to shoot you!
She totally froze, unable to say or do anything
Before the group forced her to leave and everyone inside she gave you one final look of worry and regret
She knew that leaving the group was the best thing for them and she wishes that you survive the shooting
That always sticks with her, the guilt may of died down after a few years but the memory never leaves
She always stills wonders if you made it
And if you wanna drag this idea to season 4 she will definitely bring it up to clem
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He totally freaked!
He felt so bad!
That bullet was meant for him (and ben) and yet you got shot :(
The guilt he felt was something he was never going to live down.
This man would risk death to get you any supplies you need for your recovery, it’s the least he can do.
It’s so obvious he feels bad like when Katjaa was patching you up he couldn’t look at you for more than a second
After your recovery he tries and shows you how grateful he is!
He’d either tell you that you where one brave kid and he’s very thankful for that
And/or he’d find you some old teddy that he’d think you’d like!
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Like Doug she felt so bad!
She was shocked at first but then anger took over and she started screaming at Lilly
She helped you get inside and find anything to patch you up
All the time ever during your recovery you could hear her angrily shit talking Lilly for what she did to you
Like Doug, she was obviously a little guilty and would tell you that she was grateful of what you did but she wouldn’t let the guilt consume her forever
But she’s always looking out for you now more than ever
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This poor dude was too shocked to do anything!
He just watched in horror
This was all because of him (and Lilly) but he felt so much guilt!
He never stopped feeling guilty
He doesn’t know what to do at all
He does get you anything you need!
But he just can’t look at you :(
It probably takes him a good few months just to be able to look at you
The only thing you can really get out of him is
“…so uh how are you?”
He just don’t know what to do he wishes he could just go back and stop all of this
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snobgoblin · 25 days
what's your favourite ending among all the routes?
OURCH.... good question. I have a few different answers
short answers
>favorite ending overall: Nadia's reversed ending. Julian's reversed ending is a close second
>favorite ending for Danny: Lucio's upright ending. love the reversed one too but it hurts a lot (positive)
>comfort ending: Lucio's upright end
but I do wanna get into it a bit more
***NOTE it may not be obvious from those short statements but these answers combined don't mean "I like to see characters besides Lucio suffer and only like Lucio" LMAO I do love each member of the main 6 A LOT which is why I have so many timelines for Danny, it's just that 1) the reversed endings tend to be my favorites and Nadia's and Julian's are my favorites of those and 2) as far as comfort, I do find the most comfort in Lucio's upright because what can I say it's nice to see him happy. it's nice to see that someone like him can change. its nice to see him have hope for his future in a way he never expected. it's nice to see an ending where he isn't hated his entire life by everyone and then he dies horribly the end)
I think what I like so much about the first 3 reversed ends is it really crawls into their brain and fleshes out their fatal flaw. takes it to the extreme
>Asra tends to disappear often and run away from his problems, so he ends up running away from his problems so hard hes stuck in literally a different dimension
>Nadia can't trust anyone and does everything herself, putting too much strain on herself, eventually this snowballs until she literally only trusts herself with the title of the Devil Arcana and takes his place to save the world
>Julian self sacrifices. he loves his family. of course he'd sell his soul for them. of course he'd hurt himself by staying away from them. of course he'd spend the rest of his life in a bar
and I EAT THAT UP I adore the tragedy I adore the tension and I wish I could go into more detail about that but I the best I can offer is the knowledge that the joy these endings bring me are enough to make me put my phone down so I can stim without yoinking it across the room lmao
the fatal flaw thing is a bit of why I don't like Portia or Muriel's reversed endings. they have aspects that work of course, and both of them gave me chills upon first reading... but there are some things I would have tweaked to make them better. I'll get into that if prompted bc it's a little off topic lmao erm
OH OH SIDE NOTE but I do think Nadia's route is the best written overall. the most cohesive. the best romance. S Tier route all around and definitely the best in the game. anyway
both of Lucios endings are bangers INNN my honest opinion especially in reference to my theory. either, The Fool continues his journey (upright) or... The Fool is trapped by his temptation forever (reversed) and I eat that UPPPPPPPP I love his upright end because he's happy but I love his reversed end because he succumbs to the very thing he's been trying to free himself from the entire route and he doesn't even realize it. and my thoughts are so much more complex than that but that's the best you'll get out of my inarticulate ass right now
man. I think I had more to say. but it's not coming to me right now. THANK YOU FOR THE ASK I love to yap
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simlit · 1 year
All odd numbers for Kyrie!😁
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What memory would your OC rather just forget?
I think he'd wish he could forget that he was given to the church as a baby. Not necessarily because he wants to reunite or even know his birth parents, he doesn't. But it's a constant reminder that he, quite literally, doesn't belong there. That he was given away as if he was a tool or some material good. It's just a lot to carry around with you.
What is your OC's fatal flaw? Are they aware of this flaw?
Fear of failure. Something that has only recently made itself evident to him (and me lol). In a way, he's a people pleaser. He doesn't want to disappoint those around him. He fears the ripple of consequences that might stem from his domino falling first, and doesn't want to be the person responsible for a larger collapse, so he sort of keeps to his duty as a cog, despite how he might not align with the objective.
How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want?
I would say... not very. He's lazy, certainly, but he's also sheltered, incredibly inexperienced, and lacks the means to get what he wants through pure brute strength, power or smarts. That being said, if the obstacle is something he can overcome, I think he'd be more inclined to actually try.
What's one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
I made Kyrie almost as a blank slate so that I could easily adapt him to the circumstances of the story. Because CotS is both interactive and filled with characters I didn't create, he had to be someone who could blend well with all types of people, and not have many "hardstops" so to speak, morally or otherwise. But along the way I've tried to make someone who is an "open template" entertaining, and I think Kyrie's almost lackadaisical unbothered humor emerged from all of ~that~. I didn't go in planning him to be such a huge fucking troll, but I'm glad he has his "thing". In a story with so many strong personalities, it would have been easy to get overtaken by the other cast members.
Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
"That's abominable." Because it's just so damn funny.
What is your OC's weapon of choice? Have they ever actually used it?
Yes, he has one, and no he doesn't use it. And it's been called into question multiple times in the story, and I still don't think a damn one of them knows the actual truth yet lmao. It's funnier that way. It wouldn't save him from getting murdered, obviously. It would probably just get him murdered faster.
If you met your OC, would the two of you get along?
Absolutely. If he wasn't so hot. Because honestly every time I look at him I just want to punch him in the face so 100% the conversation would go no where and I'd get arrested.
Does your OC have a faceclaim? If so, who?
No he doesn't.
What is the worst thing you have put your OC through story-wise?
I kind of... took his sister. Mean Jade go grr. I have this terrible habit of killing off loving sisters. I leave the bad ones though. Elsera says hi.
How does your OC behave when enraged?
He's one of those awful people who just gets stoic and civil when angry. As Tay said while having the absolute pleasure of being on the other end of it: that's probably worse. He's not been confronted with a situation that would make him exceptionally angry though, i.e. nothing life or death, so maybe that would change.
Does your OC have any illnesses or disorders? How do they handle it?
He doesn't.
What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
I think it would be loss. Which I guess is a generic answer, since it's pretty typical of human nature not to handle loss well. But I think when you have so very little in your life that is truly meaningful, then you're grasping at straws and have nothing to distract you from your grief. I think in the story currently, he's in a constant state of bracing. Trying to remain outwardly hopeful even though his body is already starting to reject the premise that things will turn out well, and that putting so much mental strength into denying it, degrades his focus in other facets of his life. Outside of the few moments where he's truly and genuinely amused, I do feel he's starting to lose himself under the pressure he would have, otherwise, been able to stand against without hesitation. I can't really imagine him in a place where he has to accept that loss is real, and I don't know how or if he can cope with it when it does.
What is your favorite thing about your OC?
I love what a huge fuckin TROLL he is. Sorry, it's so entertaining to me. It's one of my main reasons for preferring him with ~certain~ members of the cast. Mostly the ones who are ripe for riling up ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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tartrazeen · 1 year
I think it's so funny that in Episode 5, Angus is like, ":3 i'd love to get a kiss from the princess" and Rohan's like, "haha and i don't want a kiss from you lmao" and Angus is like, "🤨?"
And it takes all the way until Episode 39 for Rohan to finally be like, "yes i would also like a kiss from the princess. that is what i would want."
And it's like buddy
This is not complicated
You have Angus and Garrett giving step-by-step examples on how to flirt with a girl. At this point, waiting until the only pressure that's existed on this show to make you have to prove you're totally in love with Deirdre (aka Garrett) is leaving for three months says more about how 'into' Deirdre you are than anything else.
It's giving this:
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And it's like the only time Rohan initiates a bit about liking Deirdre. Outside of that, it's him following Angus' lead and joining in on his friend's joke. Or telling Deirdre that Angus isn't "that handsome, stop it right now 😤".
It's not really shyness, because Rohan'll say almost as much as Angus when he finally deigns to flirt. He's just got no interest in doing anything unless Angus is asking or joking or musing about it first. Angus is even the one who says Rohan should be jealous over Garrett and Deirdre, and I am convinced Rohan wouldn't've bothered interrupting that date if he wasn't trying to fulfill this 'jealous' expectation.
So the one time Rohan takes the lead, it's at the last, possible second that the 'cause' of his 'jealousy' is even still around. Just slipped it in there, gave a good "That'll do it," and then got back to enjoying three months of No Garrett and No Pressure to put on a show. 🤣
I'm not totally saying this as a ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) at Rohan's inherent interests in certain people.
I'm more saying it as "This dude will do anything that's expected of him, jfc he's cursed with peak People Pleaser and it's damn near fatal" and "Literally all Aideen had to do to get Rohan to notice her was have Angus flirt a little first lmao - but also it would end the second Angus stopped flirting so ENJOY IT WHILE LASTS, AIDEEEEEEEEN"
(Polycule-wise, this probably means Rohan would be an excellent (if not rigid) boyfriend to everyone... provided Angus tells him to be that. It's not a two-for-one deal with these guys; it's a "You get Angus, and then Angus will casually lob Rohan in your direction" lol)
Edit: adding a link to my little reblog so I don't forget about it in the future 🤗
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okthatsgreat · 2 years
i would gladly listen to any information about tao that you're willing to share actually. she seems like the character of all time
whoever this is i love you and also youve just released something ungodly within me i actually just sat down and scribbled together some sort of reference sheet for her LMFAOO. imagine this design but even more danganronpa-ified you get it
none of this makes any sense if you dont know what fic im talking about just as a warning!!!!!!!!
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also just a warning i am talking about her execution here so if youre not chill with death and violence and disturbing shit and all that please dont continue!!! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
anyways time to be normal about her. her full name is tao uyemura she's the ultimate miner :) she practically grew up in a mine due to her father's work and the crew she was always with pretty quickly realised "oh hey we can't fit in these small openings...... but you know who CAN 🤔" so they let her tag along even though they absolutely should not have let a little girl in the mines. later she grew a whole lot and essentially became one of the best miners in her field, extremely knowledgable about minerals and caves, as well as remarkably agile and able to manoeuvre herself in tough spots. it is however during this period where she grew remarkably tough due to a personal loss and also people just generally kind of being assholes towards her lmao so her solution was to Be Mean and Return to the Mines. she's honest to a comical level, takes things very literally, has this very deep voice that usually never gets raised above speaking volume because she doesn't need to yell to be intimidating she just IS.
in the first season she appeared in she was a secondary antagonist/survivor and she clashed with the protagonist/love interest a LOT, would constantly attempt to make the love interest see her side of things and stop trusting the protag with his hope spiels, would keep bits of evidence to herself so she always had something over the group and couldn't be killed unless they wanted to lose that evidence as well, etc. and it wasnt even the protag who managed to convince her to soften a little bit lol it was another unnamed character whose death severely impacted tao in a way that made her change her mind on the whole "trust nobody think for yourself" mentality. i dont have much on this season just because it's relatively unimportant to her story and also at that point team dr was just recycling a bunch of old tropes so she wasnt really considered groundbreaking to any of the audience lmfao
she wakes up from the danganronpa simulator pissed as hell for herself and for her friends, is extremely outspoken the entire time, makes multiple attempts at publicly making team dr's atrocities known, and eventually joins a team of people who were attempting to break out of the hospital they were in. unfortunately shit happened and she got caught about two weeks later 😔😔😔😔
the SECOND season she appeared it was brutal as hell for her because at this point it was basically a punishment. because there were a few other people from her season who were similarly being punished (ultimate motivational speaker, ultimate archer, both of whom died last season), danganronpa essentially had to backtrack and say that the first season tao was in was virtual reality in canon which explains why these dead people are alive again lmfao. tao is still comically blunt and not very willing to open up to strangers, but she is extremely loyal to the people she does put trust in and believes that being respectable is better than being kind. she's the second blackened of the game after one of her closest friends (an ultimate jeweller, they bonded over their lines of work!! the jeweller also reminded tao of that one unnamed character whose death impacted her last season so she gravitates towards the jeweller a bit more than the others) accidentally fatally struck another classmate. tao basically finished them off while the jeweller was running to get people bc damn it tao isnt gonna let her friend get executed for some stupid ass reason again !!!!!!!! but uhhhhhhhhhh team dr wasnt taking any hits with her execution 😧 idk if you think about cave diving as much as i do but god damn that shit is scary and that is essentially the basis of her execution, she's shown an "exit" that is through these old mines so she starts making her way through the cave system. the tunnels get smaller and smaller and as soon as she realises that its only going to get smaller from here it's way too late for her as it's become so narrow that she literally can't turn around anymore, until eventually she makes it to a particularly narrow tunnel where her foot gets stuck and she's essentially just hung upside down for literal days until they grew sick of her hanging there crying and filled the cave system with concrete. Lol! 😀👍🏻
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f1-stuff · 1 year
I love your characters because they seem alive. And I realize that a big part of creating them to feel real is making them humans, inevitably faulty. But I find that it’s incredibly difficult to let that character be an asshole, say the wrong thing, fail, hurt someone they love. That’s an issue, of course, given that those are the things they need in order to grow and fulfill their story ark. How do you approach it? Making things the right amount of imperfect, knowing when to give into the character’s wants, and when to hold them back?
Wow first of all, thank you for saying this! 🥹 Legitimately, one of the nicest compliments to receive, and something I'd actually been thinking about recently when I felt like a character was 'too perfect' in one of my fics 😂. It’s something I still have to actively remind myself about while writing.
Damn, how to go about answering this...lol
Honestly, there isn’t one approach I have, and I wanna think that there isn't really a right or wrong 'amount of imperfect' either. It's hard to know when you haven't done enough/you've done too much, and it's sort of subjective.
I think, generally, characters' flaws are what create conflict in a story. And conflict is what drives a narrative for me. It adds suspense and tension, and creates circumstances for characters to learn and grow. You can also think of it the opposite way: what conflict could I write to help expose this character's flaws? And what conflict would expose their strengths? (because you need both in a story)
Sometimes, if I do an outline for a fic, I literally write what the characters' arcs are/what it is they need to learn or how they each need to grow. For example, for my charlos boarding school AU fic, I wrote this in my outline:
What are each of their arcs? Charles -> accepting all of himself, putting happiness before duty, realizing that he’s good enough Carlos -> he can't always fix everything/protect Charles all the time - sometimes shit isn’t simple, learning to balance his friendships and relationship
This wasn't everything that these characters needed to learn and grow about, but it did help me to determine how they might react in a relevant situation. Charles' inability to accept himself/put happiness over duty is sort of the conflict that sparks the narrative journey, and then Carlos' need to protect Charles ends up being a source of conflict to carry us into the 'third act', so to speak.
But tbh, I don't usually think about the story in that way while I'm writing. It does help to break it down like that though if I'm struggling with where to take a story. Sometimes, a character's flaws are something you plan ahead, and sometimes, they reveal themselves during the process of writing. Neither approach is right or wrong!
I often like to pinpoint a character's 'fatal flaw' or 'red flag', in a sense 😅. I feel like my own is not knowing how to say 'no,' as well as sometimes lying about/concealing my true feelings to avoid conflict. If you can pinpoint what this is for a character, it helps sooo much in making them & their actions feel real.
You can also examine instances when you've made a mistake or overreacted or done something you regret, and understand why you acted that way or what triggered it. I'm kinda extra - when I watch reality tv (read: love island), I psychoanalyze everyone 🤣. I'll be telling my roommate like, "Wow, the reason Liv keeps trying to pick a fight about who's being 'fake' is because that's one of her insecurities." Lmao.
Last thing I'll add is that even if a character isn't aware of why they feel or act a certain way, you should know why. Come up with a reason, whether it be a trauma from their past or an ideology that they've inherited from their parent or authority figure. If you don't know why a character is acting a certain way, then it won't make sense/feel real to a reader either.
I don't know if I've really answered your question bc I don't fully know the answer tbh! But I hope some of this is helpful. And feel free to ask me about a specific fic if you're curious how I arrived at certain choices! ❤️
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onedirecton · 2 years
no shame because fatal love is such a good album it's maybe my favorite as a whole album? also I own all four versions💀💀
yesyes the 2020 gayo daejun was such a good fucking look like that stage with the letters. those suits. and definitely you can see where shownu is missed in the performances like the others are good but he just brings a special something.
some of my favs are 2020 mma (something about changkyun on the table) 2019 golden disk awards (water stage iconic) ur live from hidden track2 and 201115 inki solely bc ck performed in glasses
omg I can't believe I forgot about favorite song/mv. so important. also what do you think about joos solo stuff? smoky made me cry when it first came out lmao
Heyyyy I LOVE that for you!!!! 😩😩 when I was trying to pick one version I was like okay which one does Jooheon look good in 🙇🏻‍♀️ FRRR I miss shownu!! Do u remember that Gasoline performance he did with Jooheon? The one where Jooheon was in all black and Shownu was in white and they were dancing around the table? I think it was the 2021 Seoul Music Awards and that performance was tooo short 😭😭😭 sorry you mentioned the other table performance and it got me thinking skdjjsjd BUT YES!! That entire 2020 mma performance was so good, they put their entire you know what into it 😌 OMG the water stage?? Kudos to them for literally busting moves and dancing on a WET surface I would not be able to that!! Changkyun looked very good in the glasses and vest combo…it’s giving hot waiter/librarian dkdbjwfb
Also I’m sorry for the massive space between these two paragraphs? The mobile app is so weird 😔 my favourite monsta x song of all time?!? That’s really hard but I’ll have to go with a pick from Fatal Love (my beloved): Night View!! Runner ups would be U R from Follow, Just love from No Limit & Love U from Shape of Love. I’m all over the place with music videos too unfortunately, but I really loved the story telling in All In and Alligator was so good!! I’m sorry that my favorite songs and favourite music videos don’t correspond with each other skdjskdnjd
I really like Smoky as a song because it’s definitely grown on with me time, but the ep itself isn’t really my thing I’m sorry to Jooheon 😩😩😩 oooh have you listened to Kihyun’s solo stuff?
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llycaons · 1 year
ep21 (pt 1): jyl the mvp!
oh god oh fuck I forgot how emotional the last one ended. jyl pulling wwx inside to get a look at him and everyone's crying 🥺
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this is so funny. jc what are you so worried about? your brother hearing that you looked for him for 3 months? which you did? he's so silly and emotionally constipated. that is a totally normal thing to do for your family
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I remember ppl being SO mad at jgy for saying the same thing to nhs in fatal journey before a Mandarin speaker had to step in and be like 'that's actually a normal thing to say to someone grieving, he wasn't being rude or inconsiderate' which. jgy is so gifted with social graces, of COURSE he'd say the appropriate thing at that time
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this is so dramatic lmao. I know how you die old man and it's pretty embarrassing
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ah the dramatic look over the shoulder bc he misses his boy best friend who HE pushed away wwx you mess
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literally shut the fuck up sect leader yao you would be dead and powerless without the protection of the jiang clan you owe your life and your clan to this family be polite
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wwx saying this is very 😮 but it immediately cutting to jc is ALSO 😮 and I don't think its intentional
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oh my sect sect leader ouyang???!!
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ofc the lans get put in rooms that have a name like that
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wwx getting sick of everyone there and just getting up and leaving. politically not great but he lives his truth. I think along with missing lwj he just got sick of the old sect leaders congratulating him for torturing and murdering a man, and then hounding him about his sword
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jc I am so fucking proud of you I could cry
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the kicker is that jc is for once saying the RIGHT thing, compared to his usual sarcasm and aggression and sneers. but wwx is the one in these episodes who's not cooperating. he's being deliberately contrary, vague, and disobedient. he's not playing nice with jc or the other sect leaders. and I can tell why politics is the last thing on his mind given the fact that he just pulled himself out of three months of utter hell and he's still traumatized, but it doesn't help. his defense mechanism of joking and dismissal to cover his severe trauma and his massive secrets doesn't make him look very good either. it's so sad bc it's all he can do though!
also this is a grade A eyeroll from jc here. impressive
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do not break my heart like that wei wuxian
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*cues the observation that wwx is wearing his robes in the way that corpses being prepared for burial are dressed*
it is very annoying when fans create content where wwx is unwilling/unable to meditate when 1. how the fuck do you think he formed his core in the first place and 2. it's clearly an important part of his process as a demonic cultivator as well
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jyl is being so supportive and compassionate about chenqing in a way that literally nobody else is. she compliments it! she compares it to her mother's most powerful tool!
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I think the other translation is 'to give a full account'. I think chenqing's name is really neat, I love reading analysis for it
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kill me. and wwx's face after she says this...
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she's like the only person here who halfway knows how to approach someone with trauma. express your love and support and concern but don't push them. allow them to tell you on their terms, in their own time. don't make it the only thing you talk about. don't make them have to ask not to talk about it. lwj gets a little better at this but it takes like 20 years
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and who else says this!!! who else thanks him!!!! im going to cry
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jc and wwx both take a great deal of comfort and guidance from jyl in these scenes - she's level-headed, compassionate, affectionate, caring, and gives solid advice that her brothers can act on. and she stands up for wwx in ways that jc can't or won't. love her
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literally shut the fuck up jzx I know how you die
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see jc!!! this is what you SHOULD say to those assholes who won't leave you alone and who question your leadership! THAT'S what's called showing a united front!
on the other hand, given how things progress I don't doubt the jins would invent some pretext to attack the jiangs if jc didn't go along with them so it's not like simply saying this would have solved things. but man, this was a good deflection
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kmwonpil · 4 years
1, 14, 37, and 50!!!!(hope you’re having a good day (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*✲゚*。⋆)
Hi Hera ! thank u for sending!! (⁄ ⁄•⁄ꇴ⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most
(take this as random songs I always obsessively play lol) 1. Sacrifice/Seungwoo; 2. Fear/Seventeen; 3. dOra maar/OnlyOneOf; 4. Role Play/Astro; 5. All I Do/Verivery; 6. Wannabe/Golden Child.
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
mm taking a walk.. buying candy.. smoking.. watching the stars? but u won't see me outside 😅 i belong inside
37: Do you believe in luck?
i believe that in everything you do there is a certain percent you can't control, and that will haphazardly happen, affecting you in a good or bad way.. now, is that luck? i have no idea.. but i dont believe in things like.. oh, take this to have good luck! no, that gives bad luck! you can't affect luck in any way, just happens
50: Do you believe in magic?
sadly, no :c I love the idea, and everything around it, but seriously talking, I don't think there's magic in this world..but i believe in love, and love smells like magic c:
ty and hope you have a really nice day too♥️♥️^~^
ask me more 😙
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meeko-mar · 3 years
The more I think about it, the more I might be signing on to the theory that Izuku KNOWS his trigger is Kacchan, and he just hasn't admitted/confronted it yet...At least, that we have yet seen.
Hold my non-alcoholic beverage.
Once again, let's preface with the fact that we have SEEN with our own eyes, that Kacchan has been the trigger of two specific incidents, being Monoma insulting Kacchan and Izuku becoming angry enough to manifest Black Whip.
And second, Kacchan following him into danger, and then getting impaled and nearly dying to protect him, which then triggered possibly the most RAGE we have ever seen Izuku possess, AND the manifestation of Danger Sense, AND caused him to literally throw himself at AFO/Shigaraki which put him immediately under threat of having OFA stolen. Obviously, the vestiges protected the Quirk, but the fact still stands that the rage the a Izuku felt was enough to drive him LITERALLY into Shigaraki's hands, despite how very very dangerous that was. Izuku LOST HIMSELF so badly that he could have lost the entire war right there, if The Vestiges hadn't protected him and the Quirk.
The moment when All Might and Kacchan are trying to coach him and find the connection that brought about Black Whip. The mention of an external factor, and Izuku's avoidance of saying what that factor was(Kacchan being insulted, as we ALL know and explicitly saw), and arguably his words of "It's not something I can handle right now" seem a bit suspicious.
(NOTE: I've said before, that I had slight skepticism that this line about not being able to handle it and putting a lock on something, was meant to refer to the power he unlocked, however, watching season 5 has made me remember that, after the chaotic manifestation, and talking to Lariat, and realizing that Black Whip was part of his Quirk and therefore there to HELP him, and he had successfully used it without losing control because he ACCEPTED that it was a power that was there to help, not hurt him. I am not so sure that Izuku's "lock" is referring to the power anymore, but rather, his feelings for Kacchan.
But, I have new perspective that maybe, like others were pointing out, maybe it IS referring to the actual TRIGGER. IE, his feelings for Kacchan/his anger on his behalf.
I could be wrong, of course? But stay with me because this is a part of a larger context)
So, after the War arc, after Kacchan got gravely injured on his behalf, after hospitalization, we are given one thing before Izuku suddenly leaves. But it was KACCHAN's perspective, Kacchan waking up and being desperate to get to Izuku, and getting DENIED at the door. We are shown Kacchan's desperation to make sure Izuku's ok, but so far, even well after waking up, we are NOT SHOWN Izuku's worry over Kacchan's condition. We are suddenly FLUNG into a brand new world where Izuku is a drop-out "vigilante" working on the villain activity outside of school, cleaning up villains and questing to find out how villains come to be in their own minds.
We've seen him talk to his mom before he leaves. We've seen him talk to Gran Torino.
But we haven't seen him talk to ANY of his friends yet, ESPECIALLY KACCHAN. When there has been such a fantastic amount of tension placed on that particular relationship, after not only the sacrifice Kacchan made, but also, and particularly, the FOCUS that was placed on Kacchan trying to REACH HIM and FAILING.
We've all been forced to inhale a deep breath as Kacchan charged down that hallway yelling for Deku, and we are STILL HOLDING THAT BREATH. There is a huge, poignant LOOSE END there that is hanging over our head. We are still waiting for the payoff.
So like that scene, in theory, Izuku is still avoiding how he feels so strongly about Kacchan that he can be triggered into rage over him being hurt?
Actually, no, I think this sudden change to Izuku is very much him finally acknowledging it and acting on it.
The reason we have so much unresolved tension still hanging over Kacchan and Izuku's non-reunion, the reason Hori set up this big conflict that hasn't been resolved yet, why he showed us Kacchan trying to see Deku and not an ounce of Izuku wanting to see Kacchan before he leaves,
is that Izuku is actively trying to distance himself from Kacchan.
He did say that the reason he won't be returning to UA is of course because AFO could find him at any time and he would place everyone around him in danger.
But Kacchan? I think Izuku is still very much traumatized by the fact that he witnessed Kacchan taking a would-be fatal blow for him and falling out of the sky, drenched in blood.
I think he probably realizes that if Kacchan follows him into battle again, there's a real chance it could happen again... Or worse, AFO/Shigaraki, now knowing what a touchy button that is for Izuku, could actively target Kacchan on the battlefield, kill him, and/or use him against Izuku.
And Izuku is in the literary stage where the protagonist thinks that the love they have for someone else is a weak point and a danger/liability to those he loves, and so tries to shoulder all the burden themselves an shut the other out. He doesn't want his friends involved, he doesn't want Kacchan involved.
Because he knows that his love for Kacchan is his weakness. He's finally acknowledging that when Kacchan is hurt or slighted, he tends to lose himself. He loses control of his heart, and this is not something they can afford at this point in the game. Defeating AFO is now or never. (and he just desperately doesn't want Kacchan to be hurt for him anymore.)
He is going to have to learn, however, that, like Kacchan says to him, he can't keep playing the Hero on his own. And that their love can be their greatest strength, instead of a weakness.
So he's left, probably without a conversation with Kacchan. Hori is holding out on showing us this, building onto that tension, and I feel like he has some very significant pay off coming up. We haven't been shown any such conversation because he wants us to keep holding that breath for a little longer.
And if I'm right, it's gonna be dramatic when Izuku breaks down about this to Kacchan, finally. There was also some theories that Kacchan v. Deku 3 is going to follow the progression of their relationship and have this one center around Izuku's feelings being laid bare and Kacchan "accepting his feelings" as Izuku had done for him in KvD2, I think I'm a fan of this theory.
So yeah, Izuku knows that Kacchan is his trigger and purposely left without him for that reason.
That's basically my theory. Probably not the first one to think this, but I thought I'd write about it anyway. to get it outta my head, lmao.
Alsooo, yeah this is tagged for my Bakudeku peeps, and I use the word "love" in this, but you can read that as you will, either platonic or possibly romantic, not here to say this theory calls for canon romantic feelings between BKDK because that's not really my point, but at this point denying that they love each other in SOME capacity is being blind.
Ship or don't ship, but I legitimately think this is the psychology of Izuku's decision right now.
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nulfaga · 2 years
;________; god if you ever wanted to elaborate a bit on the timeline of salomé & miri’s relationship post-3….. would love to hear anytime <3 ;—;
thank you for asking they mean the world to me <333
i won't lie. i haven't really hashed it out blow by blow :') like my biggest and clearest vision is that they just settle down and have a family and nothing bad happens ever again lmao. i think in general things are very slow moving between them like um... ok
they were close almost from the start (obv miranda is kind of cold at first but salomé is an excellent judge of character and made the decision to just. not bite back. which kind of defused the tension and let them get to know each other on like a non-antagonistic footing)...miranda already had it kind of bad by the end of me2 but she's very good at shelving her feelings so.
around the end of me3 salo begins to wake up to like. how much she actually cares for miranda too but it's the absolute wrong time (salo herself is going to pieces literally and figuratively toward the end of the reaper war. she's grieving, stressed out beyond belief, crushed by guilt, etc etc. she convinces herself—it's not true, but she convinces herself—that she would have fallen in love with anyone who threw her a bone at this crisis point. her stance is very much like "if i'm ever sane again i'll reconsider it")
so after the end of the war salo is laid out in a hospital in london (maybe she had to be transferred since london is bombed-out, idk. it's not practical or probable but i always liked the idea that she was airlifted to paris, where she's from. bookends etc) and miranda's tracked her down and spends the better part of a year w/ salo in a private hospital ward while she recovers. waiting by your lover's bedside etc, never mind they're not actually involved yet. during this time they talk about their visions for the future. miranda hasn't had time to hatch many plans, she's just enjoying the fact that no one's trying to kill her for a change. salo on the other hand is pretty firm about remaining on earth, not so much out of personal responsibility/helping to rebuild but because like. christ. she's (more-or-less, temporally speaking) 31 now; she didn't leave the sol system until she was 22; she didn't properly speak to an alien until years after that (very little talking happened during the skyllian blitz, and the thresher maws on akuze were obv nonsapient); so her first steps into the greater galactic community, her first visit to the citadel, introduction to council politics, becoming a spectre, and the Fucking Reaper War all happened in the span of 5ish years (and 3 years in her experience, because she was out between 2183-85). this is all to say that very little of it all feels real to her after the fact; she feels the strong desire to remain on earth at least for the foreseeable future and recenter herself. miranda's a fan of the idea, and she hasn't personally been to earth in decades, so she'd like to reacquaint herself. so there's the agreement that they both want to stay put AND the tacit agreement that they'd like to stay together at least for a while.
so once salo is well enough to leave, they get a nice apartment in a small town somewhere (one largely left alone by the reapers); salo finishes her bachelor's degree remotely & under an assumed name. miranda helps coordinate restoration efforts in the nearby city. it's good work but unchallenging; she'd like to get back into a research lab at one point. this is all about 2188-89
the rest is pretty fuzzy NO IT DELETED THIS BULLET. short version: they get married around the end of the 2190s and have adopted 2 kids by 2200.
eventually miranda goes to work in a clinical research lab for an earth holding, everything aboveboard, etc, but finds it fatally boring. good riddance to cerberus but she misses the work environment where money is not a factor and red tape is nonexistent. that aside, salomé can be a homebody if she likes, but miranda wants any children of hers to see the galaxy. so they move (a little reluctantly on salo's part) somewhere closer to the action, one of the hub worlds like illium or elysium
that's as far as i've planned lmao. i will say, idk if i'm going to stick with this bc it is Quite corny, but i like the idea that one of the kids' middle names is bailey. (because it was on thane's baby name shortlist)
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simlit · 1 year
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first of all, how rude.
What's something about your OC that people wouldn't expect just from looking at them?
His resilience. Eifra is constantly seen as an easy target, and physically, he's not particularly strong, but he's endured a lot and has the ability to bounce back from just about anything.
What is your OC's fatal flaw? Are they aware of this flaw?
His kindness. It's the one thing he's most taken advantage for. He's aware of it, and people constantly warn him, but I don't think even he would choose to be different.
When scared, does your OC fight, flee, freeze or fawn?
All of the above lmao. Depends on the threat. He does naturally frighten easily, but he's also a very seasoned hunter. Even if he's afraid, he has the ability to temper his nerves to withstand a fight, but if he knows it's a fight he'll lose, he'll happily flee.
How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want?
Eif would never endanger others, but he would put himself through a world of pain if he thought it would help someone he loves. Again, all depends on the context.
How easily could your OC be convinced to do something that goes against their moral compass?
Not... easily. He would have to be put in a very precarious position, to know it was his only option, or if someone's life depended on it. But he's also not so much of a goodie two shoes that his moral compass is swung so far to one side.
What's one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
Ah, this is a fun question. I think I mentioned before I actually intended for Eifra's PoV to only exist as an introduction to Zeh's. But instead he became pretty much the defacto protagonist and narrator for the sequel. I didn't expect to love Eifra as much as I did, and I got attached to him, both as a writer, but also through Zehel. In the same way that I fell in love with Yeryn's romance, Zehel and Eifra's relationship *is* the main dynamic of Arcaen'vel. Eifra is Zehel's crux. He's his driving force and he pushes both the plot and Zehel's character development forward. I went in thinking Zehel would be the main character in what I thought was his own story, but Eifra really had another plan (though I'm sure if I explained it that way to him, he'd disagree and hold Zeh's pedestal that much higher lmao). The two share the spotlight in different ways. But if you asked me like three years ago if I thought the successor to Yeryn's line would be some random hybrid kiddo I'd have slapped your face.
Would your OC ostensibly be able to get away with murder?
NO lmfao. Eifra would never just commit murder. But he certainly wouldn't have the braincells to get out of it if he did.
Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
Yes! Zehel's theme for Eifra is "A Sky Full of Stars" by Coldplay, and I can literally not listen to this song without thinking of him. "Cuz you get lighter the more it gets dark, I'm gonna give you my heart."
What's an AU that would be interesting to explore with your OC?
Tbh, I think Eif would work in any AU, but I'll have to choose the most boring and say I'd love to see him in a modern storyline with Zeh. Just because Eifra adapts so well to our timeline.
What is your OC's weapon of choice? Have they ever actually used it?
Bow and arrow. He can hunt well regardless, but his arrows are also the only way he can channel dragonfire. It's the only defense he has, not having been born with arcane magic.
Is your OC self-destructive? In what ways?
Yes, and no. I think he sometimes gives too much of himself away, but I wouldn't say he's actively tearing himself down. But he'd be willing to let people walk all over him if it'd make them happy and that's not a particularly healthy way to live, either.
If you met your OC, would the two of you get along?
Probably LOL. I mean he's a much MUCH better person than me, but his self-deprecating humor is so relatable. He's a really uplifting person, which is actually the type of person I most enjoy being around, but he does lack the petty shittalk side I require my friendships to have so that I may thrive lmao.
How does your OC want to be seen by other characters?
I don't think he much cares how other perceive him, but I think he'd like his friends to see him as reliable. Someone that can be depended on, even when things get difficult.
Does your OC have a faceclaim? If so, who?
We all know I don't do real human face claims, but I do have an artwork I pinned ages ago that encapsulates his vibes down to his stature and dress style, the only thing off about it is the hair, otherwise really spot on: here.
What is your OC's pain tolerance like?
Surprisingly high. Eifra has been through... shit. And he's conditioned himself for things most people have never had to. He's been forced to survive most of his life, and I think that gives someone a lot of internal strength. He also has an incredibly good hold of his mental. In a situation where he knew he'd have to endure something to save someone, he wouldn't even miss a beat.
Is your OC more cold and detached or up close and personal?
He's very personable, but honestly he understands people wanting space. He gets attached to Zehel so easily because he feels like he owes him his life (he kind of does lmao), so it's a bit of specific situation. Normally, Eifra is the type to only approach if asked, but he'd always be able to reply. He's incredibly charismatic.
How does your OC behave when enraged?
I think Eifra has only been truly angry a handful of times in his life. Only once severe enough to have some physical repercussion. Usually he lets things slide off him, and doesn't get caught up on negative feelings.
Does your OC have a tendency to get jealous? If so, how does this manifest?
Unsurprisingly not at all lmao.
Does your OC have any illnesses or disorders? How do they handle it?
Neither, but I suppose in the context of their world, he's sort of "broken". He's half elf, half dragon, but he was born magicless, and his wings never developed properly. He's also not able to shift into dragonform, which is usually something that gets bred out over many generations. As he's a "first generation" mix, this is exceedingly odd. He's the only known halflyn to have one dragon parent and not be able to shapeshift.
What character alignment would you consider your OC to be?
Lawful/Neutral Good
What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
Desire. Eifra has an incredibly difficult time asking for anything, even if he needs those things to actually survive. He feels embarrassed and burdensome to ask favors of others, and hates to be indebted to them. He constantly sees himself as a weight holding back his friends, and would rather starve than to ask for money for food or anything similar.
What is your favorite thing about your OC?
His tenacity. Eifra is such a hard person to keep down, and even though I find these people really annoying irl, I think in stories, juxtaposed characters like Zeh, they become so much more likeable, and important. I think Eifra has a lot of qualities I gravitate to, but being in Zehel's head for almost four-hundred pages, my love and violent need to throw my life on line to protect Eif at all costs is so deeply engrained in me LOL. Zehel really following in Daddy's footsteps by being the world's second biggest simp, only in his case it exists within a platonic friendship, and honestly, I think it's the most fitting storyline I could have written for him.
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obeiii-mee · 4 years
How will the bros react to MC self-doubting themselves? Like saying bad things about them or can't be serious someone give them compliment.
Supportive demon bois coming right up! Sorry I took so long to write this anon! Thank you so much for the ask! (Also, thank you all for the love on my previous posts!)
The Brothers with an MC who self doubts themselves:
-As the embodiment of pride itself, Lucifer has an overwhelming amount of confidence, almost all the damn time
-So, he was flabbergasted to learn that you weren’t the same
-He always insisted that you aren’t anything but perfect, yet you always seemed to brush the compliments off with a shrug and an awkward smile
-Well, shit, we can’t have that
-Lucifer just got 10x more serious about the matter
-He pulls a really stupid concerned face whenever you insult yourself and he looks more and more like a 48 year old man/dad each time it happens
-He, as of late, increased the number of pet names he has for you and the amount of compliments he gives you each day
-He refuses to let you talk badly about yourself anywhere, at any point in time and encourages every little step you take towards bettering yourself like crazy
- Lucifer wants to prove to you that you are an absolute ray of sunshine and he will go to any lengths to do just that (do not ask)
-He’s even more affectionate than usual which confuses just about everyone in the House of Lamentation, yourself included
-His brothers are feeling a disturbance in the force and they don’t know how to feel about it
-You are possibly the best thing that’s happened to him since he fell as angel and Lucifer is ready to do whatever he can to help you realise that
-“You’re an idiot!”
-“*Sigh*, I know.”
-“Wha-Wait! Y-you can’t say thAT!”
-The Great Mammon is seriously worried about his human
-Being the dense motherfucker he is (i still love him tho) it took him weeks to realise you’re not all that confident in yourself
-At some point in your relationship, he jokingly called you annoying and you just went “Yeah I’ve been told. Sorry.”
-His jaw literally dropped and he almost cried
-He would have choked if he was drinking something
-Tsundere Mammon has gone bye bye and here comes the cuddling teddy bear that is your boyfriend
-He also doesn’t have as much self love for himself as he sometimes pretends to have so he’s kinda in the same boat
-Which means your boat is leaking and you’re perfectly fine with it while he’s panicking and trying to throw water overboard with his hands
-His brothers call him an idiot a lot but he’s a very sociable guy with people skills that he uses all the time in order to coax you out of your self pitiying shell
-Will whine every time you call yourself ‘useless’ or disagree with his compliments because what the hell, you’re literally the most gorgeous being ever let me love youuuu
-When it comes to you and your happiness, he ain’t fucking around. He will snarl at anyone that even looks at you in the wrong way
-Did that to Lucifer once, guess a what happened
-You’ve definitely helped him come to terms with the fact that he is loveable and not a good for nothing scum
-So now it’s your turn!
-Let him kiss your insecurities away please
-Your presence makes him feel wanted so he wants the same for you!
-Well then
-It takes two to tango ya know?
-He is the KING of self loathing and no confidence whatsoever in anything he does so every time you put yourself down, he counters it with a self deprecating insult as well
-“I suck.”
-“Nah, you’re pretty awesome normie. I’m the shut in, disgusting otaku who can barely set foot outside his bedroom without having an anxiety attack.”
-It’s like you’re trying to outdo the other on who is worse
-Truth is, he really admires you, especially knowing you chose to date him; an anime nerd with no social life and no communication skills whatsoever
-It hurts a bit, every time he builds up the courage to actually compliment you and you not taking it seriously
-That’s because he recognises that he’s the same and just as harsh on himself as you are
-Levi knows self hatred is something that takes time to demolish
-But you are his Henry after all (also his partner but whatevs)
-He’s not gonna leave you hanging when you need him the most
-He also gradually stops calling you a normie as your relationship progresses, though it still slips through every now and again
-Basically, the first time he realised that you think negatively of yourself, his immediate reaction was: Haha lmao relatable
-But now, every time it happens, he gets all serious
-Puts his controller down and everything, it’s like witnessing a very rare phenomenon and it’s creepy as shit
-He’s also made an effort to be more physically affection though he is kinda shy about it because damn it he just wants to hug you every time you speak badly of yourself
-Probably writes a list at some point stating all the reasons why you are better than him and Ruri chan combined, it’s rlly sweet
-He’s a bit curious as to where that mentality has come from
-What triggered you to be so self doubtful?
-He’s basically your psychotherapist and asks you a lot of questions trying to find different causes and solutions for your issues
-Honestly, he puts so much effort into trying to understand, reading books about it from the human realm and whatever he can find in order to help you
-He scrunches up his nose every time you call yourself an idiot or anything of the sort
-Satan knows that insisting you’re wonderful won’t exactly help you overcome this problem of yours
-But that doesn’t stop him from doing it
-It’s not like you can ignore his comments because he will keep complimenting you until you accept them
-He also repeats a lot of pick up lines but that’s just part of being his partner
-What do you mean you’re worthless?!! He would literally give away all of his books and his hatred for Lucifer in exchange for your well being!
-Satan is possibly the smartest out of all of his brothers, so he uses a tactical approach on this one
-Direct affectionate gestures don’t work on you so he’s gonna be more subtle
-Would slightly hint that you are amazing every time you do something for him, like fetching him a book or something
-“Ah thank you. I don’t know what I would do without you love.”
-He’s a lot smoother than he gives himself credit for
-He just appreciates your existence and that there’s someone out there that he doesn’t need to be act hostile or fake toward
-Satan is ready to sit down and listen to you talk about your insecurities for hours on end
-You would quietly say something bad about yourself and he would run through the House of Lamentation before bursting into the room you are in, shouting ‘No! That’s wrong!’ (going Danganronpa on your asses)
-“Welp, I fucked up again. I can’t do anything right.”
-And then, in the distance you hear boss music starting
-*Shocked Gasp*
-How could you say such things about yourself???? Is that even leGAl?
-Of course, the literally prince of Lust, with all of his narcissism, has never experienced things like ‘self doubt’ of ‘bad self esteem’
-Pfft, the fuck is that?
-He only uses the most positive of words when he describes himself
-So obviously he almost falls off the bed when he hears you insulting yourself for the first time
-But ya know, that would leave bruises on his beautiful skin
-“Oh darling, you’re not annoying or a moron! You’re not anything like Mammon!”
-That was a below belt fatal hit, press f in the chat for the second eldest
-At some point, he just genuinely believes you’ve been spending too much time with Levi and that his negativity started rubbing off on you
-But then you tell him you’ve always been like this and he almost has a crisIS
-He’s like ‘Haha, no, we’re going to get a spa day out tomorrow and a few shopping sprees so I can prove to you that you are magnificent in every way imaginable.’
-Asmo loves pampering you in general but on the days he sees you feeling extra sorry for yourself, he goes above and beyond
-Gets very hurt when you brush off his compliments because he just wants you to accept the fact that you’re beautiful
-He’s like a supportive mom lmao, whenever you’re feeling self doubtful, he goes “You’re doing great sweetie, keep it up I’m really proud of you.”
-It’s up to you to decide whether that helps or not
-He’s such a sweetheart in reality, it’s hard to remember that he’s supposed to be horny all the time
-Well he is but that’s not the point, you’re way more important
-Asmo is so much fun to write cuz I can make him so dramatic it’s hilarious
-Oh no :(
-He gets very sad everytime you self deprecate yourself
-You can’t do it with him in the room because he’s going to start crying and give you this kicked puppy stare, it will break your heart
-Beel kinda comes over and goes “If I give you some of my food will you please stop saying bad things about yourself? Because it’s not true.”
-Well you can’t say no to that face
-He feels like it’s his fault you’re this self doubtful even though you’ve tried to explain to him you’ve always been like this
-He goes crying to his twin half the time because he doesn’t know what to do
-“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to drop it! Fucking hell, I’m such a fucking klutz.”
-“Sniffle no you’re not.”
-He’s like, giving you large portions of his food now
-Because food makes him happy so he wants you to be happy too
-His brothers go in shock every time because the only other person Beel has ever shared his food with before was Belphie
-Physical affection goes through the roof with this guy
-Bone crushing hugs btw
-Your self worth is so immeasurable with him, you can’t even measure it
-W h o a
-I’m being serious, don’t talk badly about yourself in front of him unless you want to be hugged into next week
-You are a literal angel in his eyes, of course he thinks highly of you
-He’s just hoping his presence isn’t making your self esteem worse, that’s the thing that keeps him up at night
-Idk why but he does think that he is a bad influence on your mental well being since he’s a demon
-Beel gives you compliments all the time and it confuses him when you laugh them off uncertainly because he wasn’t joking or lying??
-He’s always supportive of your choices and encourages you to be more confident
-The same way you show your support everytime you come to his games to cheer him on
-Overall, he just wants you to feel special and appreciated
-Because you deserve it
-He feels like absolute shit
-Becuase he’s well aware he‘s called you a few...not so nice words in the past
-Back then, he only thought he meant everything he said but now that he’s hearing you accept his insults and actually repeating them yourself?
-It hurts his brain and he wants to smash his head against all four walls of the room for being such a cretin
-You do tell him it’s not exactly his fault you think so badly of yourself
-But he still believes he fueled it
-So now he needs to fix it
-He’s tried everything and I mean everything
-It’s kinda working, slow progress is made which he’s really happy about but you know, it’s gonna take a while
-He finally settles on physical affection as the best way to communicate his gratefulness for you being youself
-Oh, he wasn’t hugging you before? He is now, get your ass next to him and let him cuddle you
-Handholding has increased by 69% in the last month, sorry for the loss of your right hand with how much he squeezes it
-Sometimes, he can’t help but a throw an insult at you in a playful manner, because he’s an asshole
-But he always makes sure you understand that he was just joking
-He’s such a little shit, you would be having a chat with him and you would subtly drop a insult at yourself hoping he wouldn’t notice
-But then he stops dead in his tracks, kisses you, says “Shut up, you’re stunning” and then he goes right back to the previous conversation like nothing happened
-Accept his compliments damn it otherwise he will continue to bug you about it for the rest of the day
-He’s an eboy and he’s a dickhead a times, but he just goes soft for you tbh
-If you’re feeling really bad about yourself, he won’t even say anything
-He will just big spoon you for the next 24 hours, good luck going to the bathroom or any meals during that time
-Because once you’re in his grip, you’re not getting out that easily
-He gets so pissy if anyone says something even slightly negative about you to your face
-One time, a random demon called you stupid in one of the classes at RAD and he was like ‘bïtch excuse me what?’
-Snapped his head around at him and everything
-He would have done something worse but he was lazy and feeling really petty
-So Belphie kicked him in the privates from under his desk like a damn spoiled brat
-And then he turned his head back to you, all smiles and rainbows and puppies
-I’m simping so hard for a fictional character wtf
-I had to write more protective Belphie cuz I can’t find anything of the sort anymore and I need flUFF
(Haha, I don’t know what this post is, my writing has officially taken a shit lmao. Sorry this took so long to finish, I kept going back to edit all of them)
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afishlearningpoetry · 3 years
Hi! I've loved Sherlock since 2012 but I'm new in the Johnlock fandom. Your meta is one of my favorite! I totally agree that S4 is John's story/blog/alibi etc, but I wanted to ask you: if this time Sherlock is working with John to take Mary down, why is John jealous? How can he think Sherlock has feelings for her, if Sherlock wants her dead? Also: how do you think John faked his suicide? Is there a body? Maybe it's David's? I really hope it is all John's plan! It would be so smart and badass.
Hi, thank you so much.
It's funny you ask that first question because this (John's enduring jealousy) is a thing that was established the series 3 finale in 2014, and the particular scene in which it culminates is so convincing that it's not an exaggeration to say that currently almost no one knows what actually happened in it, which is in large part due to how manipulative Sherlock acts to John in the latter half of that episode, and also how people believe Mary's stated intentions (especially after her death, which was supposed to make her look like a saint, which definitely worked on viewers) and and underestimate John's intelligence.
Just to recap for anyone else: John's jealousy is conceived when Sherlock and John enter Magnussen's office and Sherlock deduces that the smell of perfume is Claire de Lune, which is the perfume Mary uses. This also comes right after the scene outside the elevator to his office, where Sherlock manipulates Janine into letting them in. John says, "But Sherlock, she loves you," and Sherlock says, "Yes, as I said –– human error," as John looks on, terrified. Later in the episode, John confronts Mary and says that the first thing Sherlock said when he woke up was her name. When Sherlock disappears from the hospital after being shot, in part because he doesn't want to be questioned by the police after who shot him, because he's trying to protect Mary to protect John, Lestrade asks John why he would disappear, and who he would be protecting from whatever happened in Magnussen's office. John asks the same thing, and then looks at Mary's perfume, which is sitting on the table next to him (he doesn’t even consider Sherlock is protecting him). To summarize, he assumes Sherlock is protecting Mary because he secretly loves her and that they had an affair, which in his mind is only confirmed later in the episode when John learns Mary was (is) an assassin, because John draws a correlation between him assuming Sherlock loved Irene and now Mary, to Sherlock being a sociopath and only being able to care about other sociopaths who enable him, which also means he could never love John. He says during the loft scene where they treat Mary as a client, “You two should have gotten married.” There's some comfort in the idea that Sherlock isn't capable of love to begin with, it's another thing to see this. (Something cool about its shape is it's echoed in Mary's wedding earrings, which are hearts with a hole in them, as well as the coin she shoots; "I will burn the heart out of you.")
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So there are a couple explanations why John would still be jealous, even after him and Sherlock team up to stop her. The most simple is that it doesn't even matter to John that he's trying to kill her now, because he's convinced he's a sociopath for the majority of series 4, so he doesn't have any lingering feelings about turning against her now because he doesn't care about other people in that way. John isn't jealous to the extent that he wants whatever their relationship was (at least consciously -- there's a lot to talk about how he makes his subconscious insert of Eurus into a brazenly over the top sociopath that Sherlock has to learn how to love, but even then, John still locks himself into a sibling relationship where he's caged up and they can only see each other when there's glass between them to stop him from attacking him), so much as that there was any initial love/connection or sexual affair between them. Throughout TST, Sherlock follows a trail of breadcrumbs he thinks will lead him to Moriarty, but actually leads him to Mary, so the real events of that episode involved him realizing the two of them are working together (if he didn't already realize this at the end of TAB -- there's debate whether he is or if it's still subconscious, but either way he's right on the edge).
So John wants to stop Moriarty, or Mary for working for him (she's working with him, but they wouldn't know this yet, because it's being saved for the series 5 reveal), which compounds his anger at her betrayal, but he doesn't know that right away. He already has enough motivation before that because he still thinks they had an affair. Sherlock doesn't have sex with Janine, but John thinks he did. John doesn't even understand what that kind of relationship would be like, if there are any emotional feelings involved, which is why he asks, "So how does it work, you and the woman?" at the end of TLD. His jealousy is also magnified by the idea that he fell for a sociopath in Sherlock, so a lot of it is just swelling self-hatred that John can't escape, that keeps growing and growing until he's choking on it by series 4, so it still doesn't matter Sherlock is trying to kill her now. In the teaser for series 4 they were both drowning.
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If anything, their covert mission being focused around her means that John probably can't stop thinking about it. If Sherlock loved her then he could he do this now?
Then he looks at himself, and he starts thinking about how whether or not he ever loved Mary to begin with, and then he thinks about how Mary was supposed to be different, and oh John actually fell for a sociopath for a second time just like Sherlock, so is he any different? Of course he should know that he is, even if he's wrong about Sherlock, but then he starts thinking about how his love for Sherlock actually makes him a monster, and that his love for him isn't real either because it could never be the same thing as him loving a woman, or maybe he could never love anyone to begin with, not really, and that maybe John himself isn't real either, maybe he isn't even a real person, or a person who should stick around at all. But no no no, first he has to stop Mary. He has to stay around to stop Mary. His goal for the first two episodes of series 4 isn't about trying to fuck Sherlock anymore, it's all about stopping her.
Of course we know that he can't stop thinking about it, because not only does he write Mary and Sherlock having a perfect relationship that doesn't exist where John is considered more worthless than a dog (calling back to Moriarty calling John Sherlock's pet by the pool in TGG), the cheating subplot established two episodes ago (and clarified by Sherlock in TAB, which is another explanation, but he isn't even aware that John thinks they had an affair), isn't addressed at all, even on the surface text/blog level in series 4. It's just dropped completely, which went over the heads of most viewers watching because they didn't even pick up on or remember it from before (fitting because it's not mentioned in John's blogs in series 3 to begin with iirc). John does this to absolve both himself and Sherlock, because there's no way he could resolve it without offering motivations for either Sherlock or himself to kill her. He finds ways to sublimate it though, because he has to make them flawed so it's a believable event. So to answer: John's jealousy is a huge, invisible, growing monster sitting at the heart of series 4 and everything that happens in it. It's largely irrational and trying to ask him why he would even think any of this would just make him retreat further into denial of the truth: that Sherlock loves him, which he's deeply afraid of.
When Sherlock manipulates John into thinking that Mary shot him non-fatally in order to cover for herself while saving his life, he's lying, because he literally died lmao. But he decides not to let John in on the secret, which is a huge mistake, and John can see through what he's doing and that Sherlock is using him, but he plays along in order to take Mary down. Sherlock underestimates John, so it's only fitting that Sherlock underestimates John again when he fakes his suicide, because John doesn't let Sherlock in on his secret, in part so he can know what he felt during and after the fall, because all of this is about the fall (and John tries to communicate with Sherlock while Mary is manipulating him, as we see at the end of TST with John’s note that is also dropped from the plot completely) (Sherlock does let John in on their plot to stop Mary sometime after the loft scene, but by that time John's already operating on his own to some degree, because Sherlock still isn't letting him in on the biggest secret of all that would explain everything to John). So because John is mastering the level of deception Irene, Sherlock, Moriarty and Mary (and Emelia Ricoletti) showed him over the course of the show, he would also leave a body behind. He would have planned it extensively, and part of that is by manipulating public opinion. He even gets really blatant with his prose and has himself sitting in front of a carpet of blood (calling back to how Sherlock sees the pile of blood before Mrs. Carmichael, explained here). You already saw this post but he would also need a body to draw Mary out of hiding by making the suicide convincing, which he also does by writing so many suicidal themes into series 4 so that when news gets out and people in-universe (and real life) react to his death, they put the clues together, which is like a double deception in order to make it seem impossible that he could have faked it. (#tw suicide)
So these plot points have been ongoing for seven years now lol and they’ll be key to series 5.
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