#ugh I meant fantastic things canT happen*
kmwonpil · 4 years
1, 14, 37, and 50!!!!(hope you’re having a good day (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*✲゚*。⋆)
Hi Hera ! thank u for sending!! (⁄ ⁄•⁄ꇴ⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most
(take this as random songs I always obsessively play lol) 1. Sacrifice/Seungwoo; 2. Fear/Seventeen; 3. dOra maar/OnlyOneOf; 4. Role Play/Astro; 5. All I Do/Verivery; 6. Wannabe/Golden Child.
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
mm taking a walk.. buying candy.. smoking.. watching the stars? but u won't see me outside 😅 i belong inside
37: Do you believe in luck?
i believe that in everything you do there is a certain percent you can't control, and that will haphazardly happen, affecting you in a good or bad way.. now, is that luck? i have no idea.. but i dont believe in things like.. oh, take this to have good luck! no, that gives bad luck! you can't affect luck in any way, just happens
50: Do you believe in magic?
sadly, no :c I love the idea, and everything around it, but seriously talking, I don't think there's magic in this world..but i believe in love, and love smells like magic c:
ty and hope you have a really nice day too♥️♥️^~^
ask me more 😙
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thearcana-junkie · 4 years
ALRIGHTY! @genderless-plant-likes-thearcana Requested this a long while back, and while i did in fact finish the request; an error or something happened and i lost all my progress. Thankfully SOME of it saved (Albeit i can’t access it) they were a complete doll and sent me screenshots of what saved so i could finish it!! I want to sensearily express my gratitude for them helping me and being so patient! Thank You! Now after SIX times of writing this for it to all get deleted for stupid reasons— ONE HEADCANON COMING UP!!!
Main Six With An MC Who Can Do Great Impressions
It took her aback when she heard you do a snooty impression of the chamberlain. For two reasons— One; You ever normally remarked anyone or showed obvious anger or agitation towards someone. Two; You did a near perfect impression!
“Darling that’s amazing! Do it again for me? I do believe my ears are deceiving me.” Nadia hummed.
You blushed at her compliment but nonetheless granted her request. “Oh I’m the chamberlain!! Oh, countress Nadia!! There’s a disaster that requires your imidient attention during this very unconvient time!” You dramatically threw an arm across your face as you leaned back in you chair, only dilaing back the drama when you heard Nadia giggle from across the table. “I do see what you mean my dear.”
From then on you’d do dramatic impressions of anyone who interrupted the two of you durning the day once they left the room, if for nothing else to make Nadia smile throughout the day.
Then she got curious— Could you do an impression of her?? Of course you could, in fact it was even better then the others.
She thinks of your impressions as impressive party tricks.
Julian found out in a rather bizzar way.
He was trying to teach Malak how to say new phrases, of course the bird refused to cooperate with the doctor. Both of their paients running thin in the kitchen while you sat in the living room listening in. You had to admit in some cruel way it made you crack a smile.
“Malak, Please I’m begging you. SAY GOOD AFTERNOON!!”Julian yelled at the bird who was tossing his plastic toy cups off the counter into the floor. “NO!” Malak yelled back at Julian who yelled in frustration. Juan’s yelling just made Malak even for frustrated; “SaY GoOD AfTErNooN MaLAK!” Malak taunted Julian while he picked up the cups the raven had thrown about in his fury. “Oh har har, Is that supposed to be your impression of me? That’s pretty low even for someone as low to the ground as you.” Julian huffed. “I’M jULIan I’M DrmAtIc AnD NeEd AtTenTiOn!!” Malak squawked. “I do not sound like that!! Who taught you that anyway!?” Julian hissed in defense.
You had moved to stand in the kitchen to watch the circus not long before Malak started doing impressions of Julian. “(Y/n)!!!” Malak cawed cheekily. as quickly as you came in you were trying to discreetly return to the livingroom, until Julian glanced at you. “Hold it right there!” Julian called, when you turned you had the biggest shit-eating grin on your face. “Yesss?” You giggled. Julian crossed his arms and leaned against the counter, his eyebrow cocked up in a playful manner. “So— You do Impressions of me with Malak when I’m not around??” He questioned. “Mostly when I’m mad because your late for dinner— but yes. Yes i do.” You cheekily smirked. “Do it then.” Julian mused.
In a matter of moments you had your hands planted firmly on the counter behind him to pin him in, You were trying to reenact a very specific scene where the roles were reversed.
“Oh. If we had the time, the thing’s I would do... Who know’s if we’ll get another chance? I want it all now. Ugh, How I’d like to ravish you...”
You quoeted Julian in his voice— The same julian who was a blushing and laughing mess above you. You had to admit you had to cover your mouth to keep your giggle fit away. “When have I ever said that??! And i most certainly DON’T make that face.” Julian barked with laughter. You did dramatic exaggerate the face you remembered him making. “Oh no you deffinately did. remember, we were in the library and you shoved us into a sight corner because a bird scared you.” You recalled with a smile.
Julian’s face dropped to a smirk as he leaned in close. “What else have I said before?” He hummed.
Let’s just leave it at; Julian deffinelty enjoys it.
Asra remembered you used to do goofy impressions of people way before you ever died and lost your memories. In fact it was something you both used to do together; A customer with a dramatically-fancy hat would come in, or A very grumpy client would come in. Either way when they’d left you and Asra would crack jokes and do stupid impressions of the person. It made the day feel less long, after all everyone talked about people behind their back it was just a normal thing humans do.
But after you died and came back he had to teach you everything all over again— granted he’d forgotten about those happy moments in the shop mainly from the lack of it. That is until the day you once again started commenting on goofy people who’d just left the shop, then the bitter sweet memory of laughter and stupidly inaccurate impressions came flooding back to him.
He eventually got up he courage to ask if you could do impressions or if you remembered ever doing them with him. He knew it was a long shot since even though you got your memories back you’d told him before it was very fuzzy and had hardly any details before you died, but he couldn’t just not ask even if you didn’t remember and he’d just be hurting himself he wanted to at least have a solid answer so he wasn’t speculating. You knew the basics from before your death— You remember doing the impressions of people but not any specifics other than that.
“Could you try?” Asra asked softly. “I don’t know who I’d do an impression of.” You laughed nervously. “You could do me!” Asra seemed to solve all the problems you had.
After he gave you a line to say you granted his request if for nothing else then to smooth his aching heart, your aching heart.
Asra laughed. That was a good sign. He even cried a little, “It’s even better then i remember!! Fantastic!!” He smiled.
Now— Just like before, You and Asra do impressions of outrageous people who come into your shop throughout the day.
To say Asra was happy is a giant understatement. You could feel your shared heart lighten with happiness at the fact that though you cant remember everything, there’s still a chance things could be like how they were before you died.
He caught you in the act.
He walked in on you talking to Inanna about something (He really wasn’t paying attention to what was being said) when you started answering yourself with a voice you used for Inanna— officially making it a two party conversation. Inanna didn’t seem to mind, in fact, she seemed pretty interested.
“...Inanna doesn’t sound like that...” You jumped out of your skin at Muriels sudden appearence. You figured he’d think you were crazy but instead he was more concerned with the face you got her impression wrong. “Well what does she sound like the? I can’t exactly hear her talk.” You hummed after a moment. Muriel thought for a silent second.
Both him and you sat there for almost 10 minutes, he tried his best to describe Inanna’s voice to you while you tried to copy what he meant. Eventually he was happy with the results.
Now that you had Inanna’s voice down to a T, you sat behind her and outstretched her arms to Muriel while waving them around. “GIB ME CHICKENNNN!” You whined in her voice. At the mention of food her tail wagged, selling it all the more. Muriel just rolled his eyes.
Suddenly you were behind him, his arms outstretched like with the wolf habeen before. “NO! YOU CAN NOT HAVE THE CHICKEN!!!” You mimicked Muriels voice so well his brain had to take a second to process that he himself wasn’t saying it but you instead. “Your pretty good at that...” Muriel said quietly.
He did think you were really good at it! But he had To ask you stop, it made him feel uncomfortable; Like a doll being voiced. After all impressions could be dangerous when you could make literally anyone say what you wanted them to.
This didn’t mean he didn’t like you doing them, The opposite, Muriel enjoys when you make Inanna talk, or tell a story about the day you spent with your friends and did impressions of them to quoet.
Portia LOVES doing impressions! She’s claimed the crown of the ‘Impression Queen.” Her’s are so good (So she says.)
Now its not secret that when Portia gets excited she tends to repeat herself or even forgets she told you something. So being told the same stories a hundred times is something your used to. Enjoy even! You remember every detail of every story she’s ever told you because she has told you so often.
One day she was telling you a story she had told you already 30 times in the past month so you knew the story fairly well. In fact she was coming up to your favorite part. “Oh! I remember— And then you said ‘Ilyushka you have less brain cells than a plank of wood with a face drawn on it by a child’s crayon.’” You said word for word what she had said that day while also dong an impression of her.
Portia stopped in her tracks. “OH MY GOD THATS SO ME!” She exclaimed
Now she brags on you to the staff and your officially known as the new “Impression King/Queen”
Much like Julian, Lucio found out from his bird. “Oh I’M LUcIO AnD I hAve MorE ImPorTanT ThiNgS To DO ThEN HaVe DiNNer WiTh My PatNeR!!!” Cameo copied, “Who taught you to say such a thing!! Who dare imply i don’t love my belov—“
“(Y/N)!!!” Cameo Ratted.
well then.
Lucio confronted you in your bedroom in a slightly agitated way. “So a little birdie told me you do impressions of me.” He grumbled. “Once or twice, why?” You hummed as you remembered the latest; Lucio had canceled a dinner date you and him had set that morning to have late meetings with the courtiers. Of course you were mad and did an impression of him on the balcony to make yourself feel better before promptly going to bed without him. Apparently Cameo over heard.
You cleared your throat. “Oh I’m lucio and I have more important things to do then have dinner with my partner, like galavant around with an alcoholic and his minions.” You huffed out in Lucio’s voice while finishing what Cameo had not. Lucio couldn’t decide if he should be mad or impressed. He chose the latter.
“Do another one!” He smiled, you rolled you eyes and continued on doing impressions of him and the courtiers.
Now whenever there’s some party, he pulls you out to do Impressions as a party trick. It’s become very popular AND you get to let out some of your anger by making people sound stupid.
He also doesn’t skip dinner dates anymore, if he has meetings he simply tells them he cant make it. Your the most important thing to him— Plus the thought of you being able to use his voice against him keeps him in his place.
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More Lisa the First questions, hope you don't mind! What are your favorite tracks? Do you have any favorite moments? What's your least favorite aspect?
i literally would NEVER mind being asked about lisa. i love any fucking excuse to infodump about it LMAO
i honest to god think the lisa the first ost doesnt have a single bad song on it... like there are some songs even on the soundtrack to the painful/the joyful that im not a huge fan of, but not the case with the first. i love every fucking song on there djkdjfdk
that said, if i HAVE to narrow it down, i think im gonna go with either bile, the sireens call, or fuck it - “bile” because i genuinely think of it as THE song for lisa the first (although i think you actually hear “remember” much more often), “the sireens call” because it really does feel like a spectre is following u (and in the painful it basically serves as an announcement of lisas presence), and “fuck it” because i think it perfectly encapsulates the feeling of giving up on fighting for yourself. honorable mentions to the companion songs “angry + angrier,” especially the latter which is one of the most repugnant songs ive ever heard (so its doing its job LMAO), and creepy sax for managing to fill me with the most dread and disgust imaginable for a song that utilizes saxophone 
i have a LOT of favorite moments from the first but i think some of the most notable ones are:
- walking out into the living room in the beginning of the game and hearing that disturbingly loud tv and feeling the dread as you look at marty sitting there. even though nothings happened yet, u just KNOW hes bad news right away. idk something about it is very visceral LMAO
- the bar from the town. i love the way austin shares information about the characters without explicitly stating it, and the bar is a great example - they never have to SAY that marty is an alcoholic. the minute u walk into the bar and see two dozen martys all over the place, its obvious. their dialogue is, of course, disgusting, and i LOVE the art direction in this room. it looks fucking fantastic lmao
- the white area; i find the version where u see what marty used to be like much more upsetting than the version after u walk between the statues. it really shows how much lisa wishes he would go back to how he used to be
- the bile area. ABSOLUTE favorite location in the game. the art style works fantastically here, and the red and yellow bile (as opposed to the usual colors one might see, like green). my favorite part of this area is definitely the room with the melting martys encircling a large golden cross. as a 13 year old being forcibly subjected to extremely toxic christianity playing this for the first time, it was such a fucking cathartic thing to see dkjnfdgd
- of course, the mansion, but ESPECIALLY the room with joy mutant marty. that image of his beard spreading out like roots through his distended body is VERY fucking punchy, and it really shows how disgusting he has become to lisa. especially when she has no choice but to crawl underneath him and find herself..... ugh 
as for my LEAST favorite aspect of the first, its easily the gameplay. that is indisputably the games weakest point. its meant to be a yume nikki-style exploration game, but because of its story and progression being much more clear cut and linear than yn’s was, it really just becomes a game of fetch quests with a VERY annoying spider minigame in the middle fkjgnldfndjk
i think lisa the first really does deserve a remake, one that could update it in a style similar to the painful and joyful, but even if he wanted to keep it yume nikki style i think making the areas a bit bigger with more to interact with would be a good move (as even though the mansion is HUGE, theres actually almost nothing to interact with there). i also think that keeping the marty spiders but making them slightly less annoying to deal with would be great, because i think the difficult in avoiding them is actually very key storytelling-wise (because lisa cant avoid him either), but... its kind of unreasonably annoying at this stage LMAO
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kinktae · 5 years
I’m so proud of you for not only finishing the masterpiece that is Bitchin *chef kiss* but also getting the final chapter out when you were hoping. Every little win should be celebrated so make sure to give yourself some credit x
bitchin 10 asks (finally!)
thefouranemoi said: just finished bitchin! it was soooooos soooooooooo good! im a sucker for a really good slow burn but this wasn't dragged out or overly dramatic. it was perfect and im so glad y/n and jk have each other. thank you for such a series!
sadlemonboy said: i read bitch’n 10 on the bus and was trying so hard to just not cry. i was so good i love it so much. just like thank you
Anonymous said: Buttt just out of curiosity what happened with Yara and Taee, did they became fvckbuddies or smth
forvever-ddaeng said: STOP IM FUCKING SAD ITS OVER :( WHEN I READ “I SLEPT WITH ERIK” I WANTED TO STAB MY EYES OUT LIKE WTF BUT THE PAPER WAS HONESTLY SO FUCKING CUTE IM SO HAPPY WITH HOW THIS TURNED OUT I LOVE YOU AND YOUR BRAIN 🥺 p.s. do you think you’d ever do a drabble or epilogue where we get more of yara and tae? Totally cool if you don’t want to I was just wondering
Anonymous said: AHHH I LOVED BITCHIN SO MUCH!!! This has always been one of my favorite fics right from the beginning and probably will always be one of my favorites. You did such an amazing job. I’m sad Bitchin era is over but I’m excited for whatever era that will be next:) Thank you for writing this, ILY
Anonymous said: Bitchin was one wild ride 😭😭 I loved it and can’t wait for more of your rewind series 🥺💕💕
Anonymous said: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💜💜💜😩😩😩😩- my reaction to bitchin final (for now)
Anonymous said: bitchin was so good😭 i am BEYOND devastated knowing that ill no longer be getting notifs on another update🥺it was so fun to be a part of this journey consisting of having to anticipate for another part to be posted for as long a month! but never have i regretted any second of waiting bcs the result came out so well written and interesting u might as well make it into a hard copy or a movie and get paid loads🤩 keep up the good work❤️
Anonymous said: Funnily enough, you were the first EVER bts blog that I followed because I thought you were funny as hell. Then, you posted part 1 of bitchin and on god I swear I signed my life away for bitchin!jk 🤡. I've officially lived through an era 🥺🥺. I'll miss them but I'll always be the biggest yaraxtae whore 🥵💦 -♒
sydney--chan said: This might sounds totally stupid or whatever, but bitchin' means a lot to me and I'm so happy that you decided to share it with us. Not to get all sad n shit but I started reading this during a really rough period in my life. This story allowed me to forget about all the stuff that was going on, even for just a little bit. This story means so much to me and seeing it end is like making me 😭😭😭 this is the perfect story and I love you and thank you for creating such a beautiful story 
Anonymous said: THAT WAS SO GOOOOOOOD the way u wrote about jungkook’s feelings tugged at my heartstrings like my heart physcially legitimately hurt ur writing was so spot on!! all the details!! Totally worth staying up even though i have class tm
Anonymous said: miss rose i just wanted to stop by and say thank you for always giving us such masterpieces. as a jk whore (ot7 whore in general but ya know) bitchin was just *chefs kiss* i literally looked forward to Sundays bc I knew there was a chance a new chapter would be posted lol. I am sad to see bitchin end but am also suuuuper excited to support your new fics and anything else you come out with. you’re the best. love ya 💕
Anonymous said: Bitchin' 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I'm going to say this for the umpteenth time... IT WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD. It's one of the best fanfictions out there and I'm gonna re-read it at least five more times. Thank you so much for blessing us with this bounty! Take care! 💜💜
koru-rhi said: I should really be asleep but I had to finish Bitchin & I went back and reread it from the beginning to the end and I just want you to know how much I loved it! It was a beautiful smuttyfluffyangsty ride and I can’t wait to read more of your writing! I totally lost it at Everything I Didn’t Say 😫 btw.
Anonymous said: Wow bitchin is over... what is there to look forward to now on this app :(
Anonymous said: UGH! bitchin 10 was amazing *chef’s kiss* I sobbed, I felt their earnest love for each other. A real roller coaster just like my emotions rn. Ngl I sound like a middle aged white mom giving a book review 💀 anygays I just wanted to say that I love ur stories and they’re always so well written
betysotelo18 said: Bitchin'...has me in tears! For some reason I thought this was going to have smut...Who needs smut! This was PERFECT! The damn piece of paper made tears roll down my cheeks! I loved every single chapter. Thanks for sharing
deewhalien21 said: Waiting bitchin part 10 was hell, couldn’t imagine living without them now😔 I’m going to miss them, like a lot. And thank u for good memories with these people mam, thank u for making me experiencing heart break that I could never have. I’m waiting another great stories❤️😔
lalumaia said: That was just perfect, Rose. Thank you, I love you
Anonymous said: hi, bitchin was soooo good and every time you uploaded i felt so happy and excited for the next one, thank you for all your work!
Anonymous said: when i saw the warning said “angst” i was so worried they wouldn’t end up together :( thank you for this rose this was such a beautiful story and experience!!! love u lots angel
Anonymous said: ROSE HOLY SHIT THAT WAS SO GOOD !!!!!!!!
Anonymous said: OMG CANT BELIEVE BITCHIN IS OVER 😭😭 i loved everything from the beginning till the end 💜 THANK U FOR WRITING SUCH AMAZING STORY
Anonymous said: On god bitchin is the best series I’ve ever read on this app. The ending was great too! Just sad that it’s over :( thanks for writing it
Anonymous said: FAM YOU GOT ME CRYING IN THE CLUB WITH BITCHIN PT. 10! I absolutely adore your work so much and Bitchin was absolutely beautiful and so fantastic to read. I love it and you so much! Thank you for giving us something so beautiful ❤️ P.S. now take a long break girl because you deserve it
Hi friends! I can’t even begin to explain how much every single comment/like/reblog/ask in regards to bitchin has meant to me
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spectralmagpie · 5 years
Beat the Heat
Sooooooooooo here’s my Troy Calypso/OFC smut trash. not tagging n to the s to the f to the w because Tumblr has been hiding that material but it’s that. So here it is nearly 4k of Calypso goodness.  
She had hoped the blistering heat and the drenching humidity of the cursed weather would give way to cool evening air as the desert-like climate was sometime know to do. However the hellscape had decided to move from blistering to stifling instead; and the rising moon on the edge of the darkening sky brought little solace that the rest of the night would be bearable by any means.
She had meant to leave the Zealots (she doubted they would take kindly to her labeling) and their worshipers earlier in the day, but her runner had overheated two days before and she doubted, despite repairs that the scraped together albeit peppy mess would take kindly to the weather. She wasn’t keen on breaking down in the middle of the desert, so she lingered about, twiddling her thumbs and hoping that none of the rabble would touch her recently acquired Eridium and mods.
The twins had been kind enough to allow her a blessed shower under the chilling water of the in ground piping the cobbled together...fortress? Stronghold? shanty town? She wasn’t even sure what to call the place they had built up from the dusty dry earth of the wasteland. Either was she didn’t have to worry about finding some mucked up, tepid puddle in the desert to wash off in while she was here. Her mouth nearly watered at the memory of the cold water against her warm tawny skin, now that had been a gift from the Gods. The relief had been short lived however, it only took a matter of minutes for the coolness to evaporate from her skin and by the time she had put her clothes back on sweat had already started to clingy and prick at her.
Grumbling she wipes her brow against her forearm and shifted slightly from her sprawled out position on the metal balcony. She winces as she moves, the skin on her stomach velcroing to the metal beneath her with sweat; her discomfort and frustration mounting. She slugs closer to the edge of her vantage point, getting a better look at the grounds below.
A few followers mosey about, why they dared to in the heat she doesn’t know, but then again they were in a cult so they probably weren’t quite right to begin with. She wonders if she had a slingshot if she could pelt them with pebbles with them being none the wiser; ah her youth was calling.
Sighing she dips her arms through the bars of her lofty perch and swung them, the sweat cooling on her heated skin, the air weaving through her fingertips a nice sensation, and for the first time today she feels her weather induced agitation dwindle.
They really had built something quite fantastical, the twins she couldn’t deny that. She couldn’t remember if she had ever told them or not, though she’s fairly certain Troy would have brought it up on the regular if she had. They built this up out of the sand the dirt, a walled testament to their strength and fortitude.
She’d been lucky they had trusted her enough to finally let her come and go as she pleased; though that had taken months...on top of the months it had taken for her to convince them to let her in at all. Having Hyperion stamped on the hull of your transport wasn’t exactly something that screamed trustworthy, she really need to get that thing painted.
She tracks a follower with her fingers, a mock gun with her index and thumb, making a cocking sounds and then a ‘ka-coom’. The man waddles into one of the building none the wiser of her folderol.
“Boom headshot.” she blew the imaginary smoke from her finger.
They had a good thing going, a well oiled machine, and that was rare to come by out here. They gave he access to their neat weapons tech and if she was lucky, Eridium (that took a lot of convincing that she wasn’t a vault hunter) and she brought them in supplies that they wouldn’t be able to get otherwise. The last haul had been some sweet ATLAS tech that she had managed to get her hands on through some of her backdoor dealings; that had scored her some nice Eridium bars and mods as payment.
Honestly being a transporter wasn’t that bad, aside from the occasional run in with bounty hunters and the like, though compared to other outlaws and vault hunters she was a small fish. Still that didn’t stop her from tacking up her first wanted poster over the dashboard of her runner when she saw it posted at some backwater station. Troy had laughed at that, mostly because her bounty was only a few thousand over 10k credits. Still the thrill that ran through her when she saw it the first time.
“Should I get like a spatula or something?”
She turns to look over her shoulder to see Tyreen staring back in her looking rather amused. The Calypso Siren had forgone a good deal of her usual layering, a combination of the heat and a lazy summer night in.
“You might, I feel like a fucking egg.” she whines, propping her chin up in her hand. “Why did you guys insist on building in this place, uugghhh.”
“You seem to spend an awful lot of time here for all the complaining that you do.” Tyreen laughs, placing a hand on her hip and cocking her brow.
She rolls over, propping herself up on her elbows and crinkles her nose at the other woman.
“You guys have some good stuff.”
“I’m sure that’s the only reason.” Tyreen’s eyes are sharp, daring, but mirth lay dancing in the corner of her gaze.
“Ugggghhhh.” She collapses on her back, kicking out her feet, the metal of her heels making an awful grating sound against the metal below her as she squirms.
“Ah yes, I see you are very adult.” the Siren mocks.
She reaches for her goggles that had slipped from her forehead to her neck and pulls them taut, stretching the elastic as she arches her back and continues her mock tantrum.
“I have a Master’s degreeeeeeeeee.” she whines. Tyreen guffaws.
“I can totally tell.”
She continues her little pout and writhe mostly for show and earns a ‘tsk.’
“Don’t roll off the edge Master’s degree.”
She can hear the retreating footsteps of the other woman’s heels and she slowly lays still on the balcony, realizing that her childish display only made her more sweaty and uncomfortable from the exertion.
“Fuck this.” she grits heaving herself up into a sitting position and wildly began ripping at her clothing. The buttons on her vest slipping against her clammy fingers; when that was off, her shirt manages to get caught on her chin and goggles, pulling her hair and not in a good way. She knew her frustration was only making her job more difficult but as each article refused to come off willingly she just fought against it more.
Finally just down to her undergarments she paused briefly, weighing the situation. Honestly, at this point in her life she didn’t care who saw her bare ass and it wasn’t like the followers were allowed in this area of the sanctum. Off came her discolored bra, only she removed it with such zeal it slung-shot from her hands and over the railing. She paused...well someone below will have a nice souvenir.
Finally she pulls down her panties (ugh she hated that word) only to have the band get stuck in the tight metal just below the couplings of her her metal legs...not the first time this had happened, but one would think you would learn after so many years of having prosthetic limbs below the knee. After a moment of fiddling she flusters and tugs, ripping them completely and tossing the ruined material aside.
Great now she had no underwear.
The thought didn’t plague her for long as she almost aggressively rolled over, sprawling along the balcony. A shaky, satisfied groan escaped her lips as the cold metal kissed her bare skin. This was the most comfortable she had felt all day...well aside from the shower.
Sighing she folded her arms and rests her head against them, allowing herself to enjoy the feeling of freedom and heat relief. Every so often she’d shift, only slightly, like she did when she was a child on hot night, searching out cool untouched sheets as she lay in bed.
The night was surprisingly still here, despite the number of residences and wildlife outside the walls, and she lay content, enjoying it all. So content that she hadn’t heard the heavy footsteps approaching.
There was a sudden weight on the back of her thighs and then narrow, clothed hips against her ass, she could feel his belt buckle digging into the meat of one of her cheeks. Out of the corner of her eyes she saw the massive metal hand brace itself beside her and she could feel his heat radiating off him...she groaned, she had just escaped some of the stifling temperature and here he was with his big stupid body crowding her in.
His hair tickles her spine before she felt the tip of his nose brushes between her shoulder blades, slowly moving upwards, she could feel the ghost of his lips against her neck; he hums lowly.
She can smell him; dust; like electronics after heavy us; salt and machine oil; she had to admit, at least to her it was a heady smell, and she can’t help but talk a deep breath through her nose.
“Troy.” she turns her head, resting her cheek against her folded arms but doesn’t bother to glance at him.
“Mena.” there a smile in his voice and it’s smug. He leans close nipping at her ear.
Normally she would very much welcome his close proximity, but he was already generating so much heat. At least from what she could tell in her current position he was wearing his usual jacket but still.
“Ugh too hot.” she grunts at him.
“Mmmmm being a flatterer? Why thank you.” he coos in her ear.
“Oh my goooooood.” she can feel her eyes wanting to roll.
“And the compliments keep coming.” he is so smug.
At this her eyes open and she hoists herself up onto her elbows, he gives her some breathing room but not much.
“I’m going to wring that long handsome neck of yours.” she bites back.
“Oooo didn’t know it was that kind of night.” she feels him playfully cant his hips against her backside.
“Has anyone ever told you, you’re a smug ass?” she ask looking over her shoulder at him.
“Mmmmm most don’t get the chance, aside from Tyreen.” she can feel his flesh and blood hand smooth up the her side; calloused fingertips coming to press against her ribs.“I can leave you to your weird rolling about under the moonlight if you like.”
She grumbles at his teasing but presses her ass back against his pelvis; she could already feel the outline of him through the worn material.
“I could continue my roll around...with company.” she feels him twitch and harden further; with all his bravado, he certainly riled up easily.
The chuckle he makes comes out as more of a breathy sound and he leans in again, nuzzling into the crook of her neck, nose against her skin as he take a deep inhale.
“I can’t smell very good.” she says but tilts her head to the side for him nonetheless.
He growls in the back of his throat and laves a long wet line across her skin; his hand slipping from her ribs to her hip.
She wonders if this position might be a bit difficult for him, he’s all encompassing, all lean, hard lines and ridiculously tall...and she...she’s compact...probably no taller than his sibling maybe even slightly shorter. If someone was to walk passed she doubted they would even notice she was underneath him.
She snorts at the idea of someone thinking that Tory would just be writhing on the ground for no reason other than just to writhe.
The sound obviously caught his attention because, his hand was suddenly pressing against her throat and his lips at her ear.
“Something distracting you?” his voice is low and she has to stop herself from swooning.
“Mmmm just thinking of something funny.” it sounds bratty and she knows it.
His fingers twitch against her throat and a breathy hiccup escapes from her; can’t play coy forever, especially not with him.
“Let’s get your mind off that, and on to something else.” His hips grind down against her ass and her mouth practically waters at the feeling of him; she doesn’t know how he still has his pants on.
She turns her head slightly to nip at his jaw.
“And by on something else you mean your dick.” she enunciates the ‘k’ with a harsh bite against his heated skin.
“So goddamn crass!” he scolds, though out of the corner of her eye she can the amused, feral slant tugging at his lips.
“What can I say, I call it like I see it.” She arches back against him and he curls into her.
Her ears pick up the sound of his metal arm, scraping against the ground beside her and then he growls.
“Enough talk.” She knows he’s in command and she lets the shiver of anticipation run the length of her body, head to...well if one was counting only the fleshy bits, head to knees. But hell he even made her prosthetics feel like they were shivering.
His flesh and blood hand moves from her neck, fingers brush against her flank before she hears him start to fumble with his belt buckle. She can feel it then, cold and unyielding; his metal arm coming in closer and caging her in. Leaning further against the mechanical construct he takes the hint; multi tasking as he brings the overly large fingertips to her lips.
She never hid how much she liked his prosthetics; with prosthetics of her own and a previous, illustrious ...but brief career with Hyperion working with robotics and weaponry it was hard not to like it. Or at the very least admire.
Cool metal pressed against her lips and slowly she pulls one of the long digits into her mouth sighing around it as her tongue presses into it. Troy let out an animalistic snarl; he doesn’t have sensation in the appendage but she knows how much he relishes the sight of her enjoying him.
When she feels him tug his pants down and press himself full against her she moan and bites at the metal in her mouth. His hot puffs of breath fan against the side of her face and neck as he begins to lazily roll his hips against her; she presses back eagerly unashamed of her desire for him.
She told him every so often; not enough to over inflate his ego further than it already was; he was handsome, devilishly so...how ironic he was was being worshiped like a God.
The scrap of his teeth along her jaw, drags her somewhat out of her haze and then his fingers are moving from her mouth until they are flexing around her neck. The hand and attached digits are so large they won’t fit comfortably around her throat, so he holds her in place with his index, middle and thumb.
“I thought I was going to wring your neck.” she breathes out, the metal hold tightens against her skin and she mewls, her ass pressing against his straining length.
“I wonder how much you would let me do with this…” he coos lowly, flexing the fingers again.
“I’m adventurous, I’ll try anything once.” she manages to reply, though her voice is shaky and needy. Oh she definitely would try anything with him once.
He chuckles, ducking his head resting his forehead against her shoulder as he ruts against her.
“Next time pet.” he rumbles, giving her flesh a sound bite before rising up slightly; his metal hand leaves her neck and she goes to protest; he quickly shushes her.
He begins to pull her hips up and she moves to get on her hands and knees but his hand comes to press between her shoulder blades forcing her chest back against the floor. His metal hand, a firm steadying presence on her raised hips.
His hand lingers for a moment, hips slowly moving against her as he slides his length against the cleft of her ass. She moans and pouts; already dripping, she doesn’t need anymore of his teasing, but that’s never stopped him in the past.
“Look at you.” he purrs his hand smoothing up her spin, calluses catching on her skin. “Mmmmm like you’re worshiping at an alter.”
She wanted to say something, something bratty or smart, but he had her head spinning; so instead she whines and tries again, pressing her ass back against him.
“Yes…” he murmurs and she feels him lining himself and she nearly praises whatever God might exist when his tip catches against her. “So fucking…” and he slides himself in to the hilt. “Perfect” his voice dissolves into a chuckling groan.
Her mouth hangs open but no sound comes out, she’s so full, never quiet entire sure how he fits each time they do this; Troy Calypso is anything but average. He presses himself further almost painfully so, his hip bones digging into her cheeks.
“Quiet for once?” He says his own voice is gravelly and hushed.
She weakly glares at him, craning her neck just slightly to get a look at his smug face. “Can’t have that now.” with that he begins a languid pace, one that has her squirming on his cock.
Every part of her feels alive, her nerves are dancing, the feeling of metal fingers pressing into the meat of her thigh, so tight she’s sure he’ll leave bruises. The feeling of his nails scraping along her spine; the jut of his hips when he comes to press into her fully. Even the feeling of his pants scratching against the back of her thighs, slung just low enough that he could free himself. It’s all so incredibly decadent and she wants more, more of him and and everything he’s willing to offer.
She starts to moan in earnest now, not caring to keep up their little back and forth, it’s too much effort and he’s giving her so much.
It’s amazing how fast he has her teetering on the edge, it’s not fair; it should be criminal. She needs just a bit more, the fire growing in her belly, the spring coiling tighter and tighter, just a bit more.
“Troy…” his name slips past her lips in a prayer.
“Ahhhhh there it is.” his voice is a low rumble in his chest; then his calloused fingers are pressing against the bundle of nerves above her aching core. “You just had to ask.”
She keens the pressure and measured petting overwhelming; she comes, whispering and cursing his name over and over until her body begins to sag and his ministrations become too overstimulating.
Above her Troy sighs, basking in the feeling of the aftermath of her orgasm, her muscles twitching around him as he continues his brutal pace. As she slumps further against the cool metal of the balcony he leans in, his body blanketing hers.
“I think you have one more in you.” he husks in her ear before licking the sweat from her jaw.
“Troooyyyy…” she whines; but god if her body doesn’t shiver at his words.
“You are so good.” he grunts and slams into her harder than before.
His pace ramps up and she finds herself getting pushed further and further against the floor until her hips are barely above the cool kiss of the metal. Her nerves are singing again and she’s moaning and whining unabashedly at him again.
“So. Fucking. Good.” he hisses through gritted teeth, his pace beginning to falter.
She’s surprised that she’s racing towards the peak again so soon after cumming; and he hasn’t even touched her.
“Come on…” he husks. “One. More.”
That’s all it takes, his command and she’s silently crying out as pleasure crashes over her again.
In her haze she can feel him falter and then he pulls out. She feels the hot splash of him against her back and ass and hears his rumbling, satisfied groan.
For awhile they lay in the afterglow, heavy breathing filling the silence. Then his flesh and blood fingers are at her spine, dragging through the mess he made before bringing it to her lips.
“Oh so I get to clean up the mess you made?” she huffs, but it’s all for show as she takes the offering into her mouth.
“I’m surprised you complain so much for something you very much seem to enjoy.” his voice is raw, sated.
She hums around his fingers and nips him one last time for good measure when he goes to move.
Slowly she settles, her body heavy and pleased as the sweat cools on her skin; behind her she can hear Troy moving about and then it’s quiet. After awhile she wonders if he wandered off, a wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am; and she hates that the idea of that hurt.
Something slams into the back of her head; she whips around as it falls to her side...a pillow and a rag?
“Nice reflexes.” Troy’s walking back out onto the balcony, pillow under his arm and a worn sheet in his grasp, he must have removed his pants fully as well because he’s on full display.
“Walking around in the full nude now? Is this going to be a new requirement for joining the fold? Oooo gonna broadcast it?” she taunts using the rag he had tossed a her to clean the rest of his drying cum from her back.
He chuckles as he comes to lay down beside her, throwing the sheet lazily over the lower half of their bodies.
“I think that’s reserved for a special few.” he’s smug, the grin pulling at his lips sharp.
“Ooo what an honor then.” she replies, pulling the pillow under her chin and folding her arms beneath it.
“It’s true, you get to witness a rare honor, a blessing really.” she groans and rolls her eyes.
“Alright there big guy.” he laughs and lazily slings his arm over her back as he settles down.
A quite settles between them, the sounds of the desert filling the silence.
“Were you serious about next time with the arm?” she asks
The sound he makes is somewhere between a growl and a chuckle and he leans over to nip at her shoulder.
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lovedsammy · 5 years
All right, ya’ll, I saw Endgame! Major spoilers will be under the cut so if you’re on mobile and it doesn’t work, SCROLL, SCROLL, SCROLL. Also, blacklist ‘a4 spoilers’ and ‘endgame spoilers’! 
Overall? I loved it. There are a few things that REALLY bothered me/disappointed me, which I’ll talk about. As a star rating, I’d say 9/10. 
First for the things that bothered me so I can get that out of the way... 
- Thor & Loki: It’s no surprise to some of you that Loki is my favorite character (with Tony in 2nd place), and I adore the Thor & Loki bond. So I wasn’t happy at ALL that Loki remained dead, nor the fact that the Loki and Thor bond was completely erased/forgotten. Thor didn’t mention him ONCE, and instead focused only on the bond with his mother, which was, admittedly, beautiful. But the fact that he didn’t think of his deceased brother at all really felt like a disservice. I think it was supposed to be inferred that that what’s Thor’s so depressed about during the film, but it wasn’t TALKED about and instead was played for laughs. Thor’s PAIN was made to be humorous because he let himself go and had a beer belly. And yeah, I can see how at first that can be slightly funny, but it’s really not, if you think about it. Thor was so consumed by depression that all he did was drink himself almost to death. He was a wreck during the whole film and was made to look like a drunken idiot, except for the ending. Making him gain weight just to make him ‘funny’ also rubbed me the wrong way. Being ‘fat’ is nothing to be ashamed of, or funny. Thor’s characterization this movie was a big minus for me, which was disappointing. Him leaving at the end with the GotG made some sense, though, and I’m hoping this will lead him on a path to maybe trying to find Loki, in the past or otherwise. Quill trying to find past!Gamora... maybe it was a hint. 
- Going back to Loki, he showed up in flashbacks from Avengers 2012 which really made my heart swell. Him rolling his eyes at the Avengers, waving ‘bye bye’ to the Hulk sarcastically when he had to take the stairs, taking the opportunity to snatch the Tesseract, not once but twice, and disappearing to God knows where? LOVED IT. It was so nice to see him again, no matter in what capacity. Though I still wish he’d come back for real, ESPECIALLY in that battle at the end. It wouldn’t have taken much more screen time, honestly. They could’ve just shown him arriving with the others at the return, have him fight side by side with Thor, and address Thanos. Maybe hint at some possible control, imprisonment, torture from Thanos? It could’ve paved way for the Loki series. Although, I guess this 2012!Loki disappearing with the Tesseract can achieve that, too, but it would erase all of the development Loki has achieved, and I loved the development. I loved his path to redemption. If they do this, I want a redeemed!Loki, who has a place among the Avengers, not a villain again. 
- Gamora not coming back. I mean, I loved seeing her as her past self, but again... she died by being killed by her abusive father. It leaves a bad taste. 
All right, on to everything else! 
Things that I loved: 
- Nebula and Tony’s friendship! I loved their dynamic a lot. Nebula taking care of Tony, and sitting him upright? My heart. <333
- Tony’s reunion with Steve. Omg their dynamic was FANTASTIC this movie. No leftover resentment from Civil War. It really made me love their friendship that much more. 
- Tony’s reunion with Pepper!
- “I lost the kid. I lost the kid.” The first part I got choked up, of many. 
- omg Scott coming home to see 5 years have passed and his daughter is a teen? omg I couldn’t even handle that. I loved older Cassie, though! 
- THOR GETTING TO KILL THANOS FOR REAL. OMG I CHEERED. It didn’t help his vendetta, though, and once the revenge was complete, he had nothing left, which makes sense. His hate for Thanos was what drove him in Infinity War. He fell into a huge depression once that was taken from him. And why I wish, again, that this hadn’t been used for laughs!
- TONY AND HIS DAUGHTER!!! omg dad!tony was the CUTEST AND SO WAS MORGAN. Tony’s my 2nd fave character in the mcu, so seeing him happy, living life with his wife and daughter? perfection. The “shit” scene was both hilarious and sweet. “Go to bed or I’ll sell or all your toys” and Morgan laughing because she knows he won’t. <3333333333 
- “I love you 3000″
- Clint and his family!
- Natasha saying that her family is the Avengers. 
- the time travel was well utilized, even if it makes my head spin a little. XD 
- “that is america’s ass” lmao
- steve saying ‘hail hydra’ and it WORKING
- tony and steve just KNOWING how each other thinks and using that to formulate the same plan, of going back to grab the tesseract? genius! 
- There was so much foreshadowing in this movie at the beginning and middle of how this was going to end. Tony was unwilling to help at first because he didn’t want to lose what he had gained, and Steve kept saying he was over Peggy but by looking at her in the past, it was clear that he wasn’t, and that was where he wanted to go. I’ll touch on both those things more later.
- Tony getting to talk to his father, and finally come to terms with that relationship, and understanding/loving him... ow my heart. That hug was amazing. 
- Thor getting to talk with his mother, getting that closure as well. This movie centered a lot on family. 
- Clint willing to die to get the soul stone, but Natasha also willing to, and fighting over it, who had the strongest will to sacrifice themselves for everyone else. Their dynamic is also one of my favorites, and even though Clint is happily married with a family, part of me still ships them, and I loved those final moments together. 
-”Let me go. It’s okay.” Natasha’s death was one of the first scenes that got me outright bawling. I adored her, and her death hit me hard because I was NOT expecting it. And for her to die as she did, willingly, with no restraint.... she wiped the red out of her ledger for sure. :( R.I.P Natasha. I’m so sad that they couldn’t even get her body to give her a proper burial. And everyone’s reactions after... devastating. 
- I didn’t think Bruce using the Gauntlet was going to work at first. But once Clint’s phone started ringing, I breathed a sigh of relief and just waited. Then past!Nebula had to ruin everything by getting Thanos to blow up the Avengers HQ.
- Touching on this, btw: Thanos really is the Avengers strongest opponent. He was too clever using the two Nebulas (UGH) as he did, and he almost won again without even breaking a sweat. 
- The. entire. fight. Literally, all of it. Thor using both of his weapons, Tony and Steve giving it their all... omg. 
- The second Steve used Mjolnir, my entire theater screamed, and same, tbh. Thor’s “I KNEW IT!!” was everyone. It was nice continuity with AoU when Thor’s expression hinted that Cap was worthy. YES. 
- It took me a minute to realize that Sam was back, and when it did, I sat there going “IS IT REALLY IS IT REALLY IST THIS HAPPENING OH SHIT”
- Everyone coming out of that portal, focusing on each of them. Omg the theater erupted. 
- “AVENGERS.... assemble.” cHILLS 
- WANDA GETTING BACK AT THANOS’S CRAZY ASS, HELL YES! “I don’t even know who you are.” “You will.” YES, QUEEN. 
- Tony and Peter. The hug! The shock from Tony that this boy that he looks at as his own son, the relief that he’s alive, okay.. hi i’m crying again. 
- The second Stephen raised that single finger, and Tony knew what it meant. And we all knew what it meant... 
- “I am inevitable.”  “I am... Iron... man.” 
- Tony’s death hit me like a ton of bricks, and I was sobbing before he’d even collapsed to the floor. Watching the color drain from his face, and his body become so badly damaged.... I knew it was over for him. 
- “We won, Mr. Stark. Come on, you did it, sir, you did. I’m sorry, Tony.” I CANT EVEN HANDLE THIS. PETER DIED IN FRONT OF TONY, AND NOW TONY DIES IN FRONT OF HIM. This surrogate father/son duo hurts me and I feel so much. 
- PEPPER AND TONY. THEY DESERVED BETTER, DAMN IT. THEY DESERVED TO BE HAPPY AND TONY DESERVED TO WATCH HIS DAUGHTER GROW UP. ;A; “We’re going to be okay. You can rest now.” Rip out my heart. Just rip it out. 
- As painful as Tony’s death was, it also felt.... perfect, in ways. He gave up his chance to keep things as they were to save everyone else. He did tHAT. He gave everyone else their families back. He died a hero, a true hero. I feel more at ease with Tony’s death, despite how unfair it was, because unlike Loki, Tony had achieved everything he meant to. He had a little girl who he loved so much and was an amazing father to. He had a son, who he taught to be a hero, too. He had a wife who will go on to keep Stark Enterprises alive. They’re Tony’s legacy. 
- The funeral was SO heartbreaking, I was a crying mess. Happy and Morgan... :( </3
- ok so I’m 50/50 on Steve’s ending. He goes to return the stones to their proper time, and then stays behind to have a life with Peggy. Which, I mean... I’m not opposed to, and I think Steve deserves his happy ending too, but... it also hurt because not only was he leaving Bucky behind, he also left his friends behind. Friends that were already hurting from losing Natasha and Tony. And then to leave them like he did.... it felt... I don’t know, not wrong, but insensitive, considering what had just happened. Everyone had lost enough, and then they had to lose Steve, too. Although, I see his frame of mind. He’d lost so much as well. He wanted to have something for once, something happy, and he took it. I can’t blame him for that. I just wish his timing had been better. 
-Bucky just knew that Steve wasn’t coming back as himself. He knows him so well. And his nod at Sam to let him take up the mantle... I knew it was going to happen, but I thought it’d be different. I’m fine with this, though. Steve’s retired. He can rest now. 
- Tony’s voice over at the end was beautiful and perfect. That is all. 
I loved this movie a lot, and can’t wait to see it again eventually! I had complaints and things I wish they’d done/fixed, but overall, the good outweighed the bad. 
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killcomet · 6 years
Mutuals!!! here!!! read this!!! i love you!!!
heres an appreciation post to all my mutuals that i consider family!!!!! because i love you lots!!! 
@anpandan Danny boy!!! i love you so much oh my god you are such an amazing person and i have so many good memories with you, bad ones too but even those are nice !! you make me smile and i when you sometimes respond to my updates i send you it makes me smile so softly and its just a really nice feeling? i love you a lot Danny!!!!! happy new year!
@unknowntalesx Pao, we havent talked in a while and i hope youre doing well!! ill always love you even if we dont talk. i miss you and you are such a good part of my day when i do talk to you, even if they arent very often. happy new year and merry christmas Pao!!!!!
@little-star-in-the-universe Holley Jolly, im so so proud of your resilience. youve overcome so much and grown so much as far as i can see when i talk to you. you are such a good thing to me, even though you may not feel the same. i know that you always struggle, and im incredibly impressed at how far youve come, even if youve taken steps back. even when youre feeling shitty, you always listen to me and talk to me when i need it and im thankful for that. i love you, youre my family, i hope i never ever lose you. happy new year!!!
@little-bunny-jungkookie Parent!!! ahhh you are such a role model in my mind?? you always seem to keep a somewhat level head and always are so so supportive and just ugh i want to meet you so bad?? i always love talking to you and you always seem to know how to help even if its just like telling me to go drink water or sleep. i really truly consider you family, like i would consider you someone i would follow? anyway, i love you a lot, happy new year!!!
@sundaetae Dee Cookie, my smart cookie, you amazing person you. i love you a lot, you seem to have this aura around you that just lights up rooms. you are so so creative and im so glad your personality is the way it is. you are such a light in some peoples lives and are such absolute joys to them. you are so so smart and you are a god damn fantastic thing to this world, i love you, happy new year Cookie
@jungkooksbuttons Bub, i love you a lot, even when i do seem a bit agitated. you are such an important piece to my world, and you always are there to support me when i need it. youre my cub, my cutie patootie!! you always make me smile when im a bit down and its p great honestly, and when you always talk to me about cough cough you know who cough cough you always try to just let me talk about her? which is kinda nice, but i love you my cub bub, happy new year!!!
@bloomingjiminie Marshmallow, wow i remember when i gave you that name, you were pouting about not having a nickname and wanted me to make one for you and i thought of marshmallow bc youre sweet and full of fluff and a wholesome being which is what marshmallows are. we dont talk as often as i would like, but i love you a lot and you mean a lot to me, and i just want to hug you tbh, happy new year Dia!!
@seokjinownsmyass Mina!! you amazing person, i remember when i first met you i gave you the nickname my love because you were low key jealous that me and eden were flirting so i called you my love and it just kinda stuck for a while (tho i stopped when Rae showed interest cough cough didnt want to get into that whole thing lmao) but you are such a funny and caring person and we dont talk very often but im glad we do talk in those few cases we do, its nice, but i love you a lot and happy new year!!
@problematicsinnamon baby, where do i even start. you mean a fuck ton to me, even tho i sometimes act kinda shitty. youre so supportive and so so so kind and patient and i just love you so much. you just light up my world and always make me smile and just overall always help me a lot through things. youre so so understanding and i look forward to when i get the chance to talk to you. i remember when you would go crazy the first few times i flirted with you and it made me laugh and made me smile. i remember when i said i like being given nicknames and you called me starlight and the softness i got from it. i remember when the server started shipping us lmao i remember when the first time you said i could come to you whenever i needed it. they all meant a lot to me, because they made me smile. i love you Eden baby, happy new year
@simonbunnyjunior Simon Sweetie, you wholesome being that i love v much and would suffer from the most annoying people for you. you always get me so excited when you come around. its like a bout of excitement and its really nice when im having a bad day to see that youre talk, even when im just simply lurking. theres moments i had with you that really made me laugh and smile, like the “its just platonic” thing that happened a bit back, i love you sweetie, happy new year!!
@lofisapphic Honey Bee i would drop kick someone for you. you mean a lot to me, like really truly a lot. i would never let you die and i would kill you in the after life if you did, and im saying that bc you say you will a lot. i love you to the moon and back and i would 100% support anything you do, unless its killing millions of people, thats a big no no. bUt you have y love so that should sate you for a bit lmao but seriously tho, i love you a lot and happy new year
@bangtansoftboys Robin!!! my honey bun!! we dont talk often but you are a v wholesome person. just your entire personality is so soft and fluff and overall p great. when i first came on the server, and first talked to you, i kinda thought of you as this intimidating person that was impossible to talk to, and honestly thats hard to believe now. youre way too soft to even try to intimidate me, not that you cant try. anyway, i love you a lot and hope you have a great new year!!
@kingdomzeldaquest Lotte!! my other parent!!! i love you a lot, even though we dont talk too often bc of time zones. you along with some others have been my family the longest, and i love you a lot. i remember when i first met you and i thought it was honestly wild when you said you were from australia. you always have loved me so much and always cheer me up when im feeling shitty, overall im v thankful for you lotte, i love you, happy new year
@spriteisbetter Esther !!! you wholesome wholesome human being, where do i start. you are such a soft yet firm soul hon, and i love it. youre understanding yet know when clear about what you say. you always try to make me feel better about how im feeling when i talk to you all about that stuff. youre such a comforting person and always seem to calm me. i miss you a lot and i think always will. you made my day good when you were at school and always check up on me when you can to make sure im doing ok and better, and i appreciate it a lot, more then you know. i love you hon, happy new year!!!!
@generalchenchen Rachel, bby!!! you always are such a happy soul, a loud, but happy, soul. its really nice when you dont make me talk about anything and just,, talk. its nice when you ask about my day and i tell you then you babble on about whatevers on your mind. i find it v cute and endearing when you get super excited about something and just ramble on and on about said thing. i remember when you had me come over for a sleepover to cheer me up. im so so grateful that you trust me enough to talk to me about things on your mind and that you trust me enough that you want to tell me when you leave the country. i love you, would die for you, happy new year bby
@daydream-hobii Sweets!! ive always admired your writing and i just love it a lot. youre so sweet and just really make me happy when i read your stuff and when i see that youve answered my asks! youre a really nice and v understanding when im a little down or when im not taking care of myself. you overall are just a v caring person that im grateful to know, i love you! happy new year! (´ヮ`)
@puppieseokie Fay, i know we dont talk often and were not as close and i am as everyone else, but you still mean a lot, you always have a somewhat level head and you always seem to be so calm and i kinda admire that considering the server were in together lmao but i really do appreciate youre existence, love you, happy new year!!!
@shadowclaws Sophia!!!!! i miss you!!!! i love you a lot!! i remember when we were kids and vaguely remember meeting you in kindergarden and man that was wild when i had the revelation that were in the same kindergarden class as me. you are such a funny and relatable person and so easy to get along with tbh. youre my longest friend and im incredibly grateful for you, happy new year!!!
im sure theres people im missing but im getting tired of typing and my fingers are getting cramped and this is really fucking long so like ヽ(。_°)ノ
but i love you all a lot!!!!!
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toxikbubblegum · 5 years
April Reading Review
April was a big month for me. After not reading for a long time, this month I've fallen back in love with it. So I've decided to log all the books I read from now on. To track and remember what I've read throughout the year. Sorry if I shit on your favorite book.
Eragon by Christopher Paolini
The only book I DNF'd. I've tried to read this series 3 times since it came out and I just cant. I quit about half way through everytime. It's just extremely slow and I cant seem to get invested. The characters are bland and dont intrest me at all. Just didn't care for it in the slightest.
Need by Carrie Jones
Oh, was this a trip. And not a good one. Being completely honest I dont remember any of the characters names and I dont care enough about this title to look them up. I will refer to them by their stereotypes that were so fuckinh prevalent in this novel. 🙃 So the story is about this girl, your typical "look how quirky and plain I am" ya heroine for these B list supernatural romances, is sent to this little town in I want to say North Carolina, but dont quote me there. She moves in with her Grandma, who is 100% the best character in the book, after he dad mysterious drops dead on the kitchen floor. So, right off the bat we end up in the first day of school trope. Main character is in the office and here we meet a boy and a girl WHO ARE CLEARLY THE ANTAGONISTS OF BOOK. This may just be a me problem but I absolutely hate when I can unravel the entire book in the first few chapters. It feels like the author was lazy and didnt put enough effort into concealing the intent and weaving a mystery. I digress, the two main villains and the main love interest are all introduced within the first 3 chapters and like, it's made clear who these characters are meant to be. It honestly felt like the writer looked at a list of stereotype tropes and started checking them off. So yeah, weird shit starts happening and the main character is convinced someone in trying to kill her. Oh, theres also this overarching theme of high school boys wandering into the woods and disappearing. Conclusion: FAIRIES! Or pixies rather which arent really pixies but have the name forcefully sewn onto them in this novel. And shapeshifters are the towns only hope! Just ugh. I don't want to talk about this book anymore. It was awful and I wont be continuing the trilogy. I rated it 2 stars out of 5 right after I read it but I almost dont feel it deserves that now. Looking back on it, Need was just a dumpster fire.
The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein by Kiersten White
This book was fantastic. No if, ands, or buts about it. It was one of the best books I've read this month. I'm usually not a big fan of horror retellings or historical fiction so I went in expecting to hate it and that absolutely wasnt the case. The book follows the story of Elizabeth Lavenza, the future wife of Victor Frankenstein, and her adventures prior to her marriage. I dont want to spoil too much because I think anyone who is a fan of suspense will love this novel. The side characters are usually my biggest critique in YA but the author worked magic with them. Justine and Mary were both angels and I loved them so much. It was just an all around good read that had me captivated from start to finish. 4.5/5 stars. Deducted a half point because I'm salty about the fate of my favorite character. Is that petty?
Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins
Again, another title I kind of expected to have issues with but didnt. The book definitely suffers from a lot of YA tropes but they are presented in a more interesting way than in Need. The story follows a budding witch named Sophia who is being sent to a magical reform school called Hecate Hall. But it's not your typical "I got sent to boarding school" story. The year before a witch had died under mysterious circumstances, her body completely drained of blood. Everyone thought it was Sophie's vampire roommate Jenna who did it but there was never enough evidence. And now its happening again. The story is great and while the cast suffered a bit from trope syndrome, the twists in the plot really made up for it. I would definitely give the trilogy a read if supernatural school settings are your thing. 4/5 stars.
Demonglass by Rachel Hawkins
The sequel to Hex Hall. The continuation was really good and had an ending I absolutely didnt see coming. Actually liked this entry better than the first in the series. I plan to continue the trilogy as well as the spin off novels. 4.5/5 Deducted half a point for the infuriatingly ambiguous ending cliffhanger.
Sweep by Cate Tiernan
This book was meh at best. It was a tiny book about a girl who becomes a witch. She gets super into wicca and because of a pagan boy at school. It wasnt great but it was semi accurate to the religion. I dont honestly even remember much about the book. It went in one ear and out theother. Solid 3/5.
Splintered by A.G. Howard
This. Book. Is. Wonderful. It's a retelling sort of thing of Alice in Wonderland. It follows a girl named Alyssa, who is the descendant of Alice Liddel, as she tries to break her family's curse of madness. It infects only the women of the line and will eventually drive them insane, as it has Alyssa's mom. The one blight on an otherwise perfect book is Jebidiah, Alyssa's crush. He is a trash character and I hate him. I have so many problems with him that it would take far to long to list. My biggest one is that he is mildly abusive and extremely controlling. Just in the first part of the story he intentionally ruins Alyssa's education opportunity to study abroad purely for selfish reasons, forces his way into her home when he was asked to leave, goes through her belongings after being told not to, gives off major stalker vibes, and consistently treats her like his property. His presence was such a fucking stain on an otherwise lovely romp. Honestly, Morpheus and the twisted world building were what saved the book for me. Howard did such a brilliant job weaving together a demented version of an already dark land. 4.5/5. Gotta take a half point for the oozing, cancerous sore that is Jebidiah Holt.
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tayegi · 6 years
Omggggg why is JK such an asshole??? Like he confessed he liked her many times and do all these things for her knowing exactly what it could be taken as live gestires, and laughs at her hfsce at her very obvious try of confession???? Oc drop his ass and go after a new guy, hopefully Namjoon. Jungkook, i love you dude, but you are a complete asshole that is too coward to follow your heart, no matter how much u were hurt, grow the fuck up and man up before she goes to someone else. Pinche pendejo.
Anonymous said:This fucks me up like if he didn’t want more than why tf is he concerned with what happened with Jin? And ugh I feel so bad bc she knows she fell for it and she’s gonna be even more icy but all she needs is to be loved. Like yes she’s an independent woman and yes she can handle things in her own ofc but sometimes you crave affection from others. Anyways i love your writing and appreciate your stylist approach. Best of luck to you!
babesaejimin said:It wouldn’t necessarily make him a hypocrite, depending on what kind of “relationship” he developed with Hyejin that’s why I was saying I’m curious to see in what is that different. He said he enjoyed it and would like to do it again, he could mean as friends, we don’t know that, as a reader Idk what sides u’ll explore, I meant by my other ask that that’s a side I was curious about, it can be an interesting concept based on his (assuming) complicated past, but also not where the story will go!
babesaejimin said:From what he vaguely said about his ex, he could not want to mix sex with a “romantic” relationship. He’s got the physical relationship with OC and maybe is ok with having a more dating type of relationship with someone else not involving sex - might sound weird but totally possible? This is why I was saying I was curious to see in what ways he’d see those relationships differently.
Anonymous said:maybe she'll try to make jk "fall" for her too? if his contradictions are just coincidence and he really doesnt like her
smolchimchimhandz said:that nr update ;____; GODDAMN whatta ride i should've seen this coming but i'm a FOOL what a beautifully written chapter i was super happy with the way OC stood her ground when jin confronted her nOW I JUST WANT JUNGKOOK TO BE HEALED FROM HIS PAST WOUNDS
Anonymous said:After reading this chapter, I personally think that JK doesn‘t have any feelings for OC. And by feelings, I mean what we think as „love“. As you said, there are many ways to show affection, and Jungkook is simply doing that. OC doesn‘t seem to be used to affection in a relationship. I think she might have misinterpreted the signals from JK. I think this is what „hookup culture“ does to you. People are not used to receive proper affection from hookups.
Anonymous said:Thank you so much Lu for a fantastic update! Every time you release a story, it feels like I’m wrapped up in a warm bubble of feelings and emotions that you evoke in such a seamless way. As heartbroken as the OC was and as much as I feel for her, Jungkook has always been real about his feelings and what he wanted in the relationship. I love your stories so much because you show how difficult and how not black and white relationships can be. (1/2) #iluanon
Anonymous said:Intense feelings of friendship from one person can be seen as a budding romantic relationship to another. I can’t emphasize enough how much I love your writing and even how much I love you Lu! I hope you have an amazing day and week and life! (2/2) #iluanon
Anonymous said:It’s weird bc I feel like new rules jk is naturally inclined to being lovey dovey but still avoids it like the plague... I wonder why hmmm and I wonder if OC will know! Anyways she must be sad rn but hopefully she’ll feel better later
Anonymous said:I think most people thinking he was out of character were just jarred because he's been so kind and empathetic. That cruel kind of reaction was super freaky to me too because the Jungkook we've seen so far would have the emotional maturity to calmly and kindly say no. So the real question is WHY?! What makes an otherwise lovely boy act like an absolute fuckwad? Who hurt him? From the ex mention it seems he and y/n might have parallel traumas that stop them from trusting the opposite sex.
castingofthedemons said:Just finished reading NR... wow my heart breaks for the OC as well as Jungkook. Whatever happened to him with that girl from when he was younger is still holding him back from having future feelings for someone else. He has such a hard time with letting his true feelings show so in turn he hurt the OC because that’s his form of coping. I hope he can eventually learn to let down his walls so the OC can understand and help him. You know he like the OC! 😌😉 p.s all your writing is golden! ❤️💕
Anonymous said:Even though Jungkook has said all these things about wanting to be just friends, his BEHAVIOUR has consistently hinted to a deeper, almost romantic attraction for the OC. Wanting exclusivity, needing to feel wanted by her, seeming to value the OC's affection and company more than sex at times, the jealousy with the Hoseok thing... I got major crush vibes. But then again he may really just care for her as a friend and a person. Excited to see where you take this! Thanks for the update!
wow you guys have such conflicting thoughts and feelings about jk and his behavior! this makes me so happy bc itd be too boring if you guys all just reacted in the same way. i think of this as a real success that i was able to make u feel such conflicting feelings and i cant wait to do this again :D 
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badedramay · 3 years
Heyyy…i have a loooong day in uni today that ends at 6:30pm with a test and then an hr long commute home so the only thing that’s keeping me going is the fact that there’s going to be a new episode of JBG tonight. while i was daydreaming, I remembered a post on your blog where an anon had spoken about the SoMi ship and some speculations about there being a defining moment for Sonia and Rumi which will imply that they cant be together. Do you think that moment has already happened???? In the last episode, it was quite obvious that Rumi was talking about them and not Pakistan when he said bichar chuke hain..but the amount of screen time SoMi get and their scenes indicate that they’re not just cousins or friends, there has always been something more to them..so do you think there will be a more confrontational or intense moment before the SoMi ship sinks? Or do we just mourn them before Fania (see: ugh) takes over? This show will be the death of me 😭
okay first off i LOVE how this place has become a strict No Fania zone. yessss...be annoyed at their superficiality and lack of any buildup!!! endgame? chal bhakk :@
oh yeah, SoMi appears to have officially ended last week. I heard that the show has like 12 or maybe 14 episodes so I really do not think we will get any time to develop any relationship. all the buildup that we could've gotten we already have. with Farrukh confessing (urgh) to Sonia in today's episode and Rumi breaking up with Sonia (THAT BICHARNA WAS NOT ABOUT THE COUNTRY. I KNOW IT. YOU KNOW IT. RUMI KNEW IT. SONIA KNEW IT!!!) I am thinking the show has made clear which "ship" will serve as the epic love tale that couldn't come to fruition because of the tragedy of the times. i hate it. but at this point I am just..happy to have gotten whatever crumbs I did.
what DOES surprise me is the very inclusion of this love triangle? according to the source material, there was no Rumi. and if what was shared here was right about the real life Farrukh and Sonia having had such a tremendous love affair that Farrukh was convinced Sonia would've found him if she was alive...there was no point of the triangle in the first place! like whyyyyy try to "spice" things up when we know that our audience already has a soft spot for the fauji jawaan-nazuk dosheeza love story? Farrukh and Sonia had the meet-cute that was straight out of a Disney movie. and for the subsequent episodes..their scenes did make it look like they were getting that forbidden, slowburn romance development. but then it suddenly just stopped and we got to see Sonia's tension with Rumi. let's not forget initially we weren't even sure what their relationship was!
was the triangle included to make the show more palatable to the TV audience? ke chalo history mein interest nahin toh lo...three beautiful people stuck in a triangle! Iss mein invest karo! I adore Talha...he's doing a fantastic job but Wahaj and Maya have years of experience on television and they have honed their skills to make sure they grab the attention when they are together. also...normal audience would see two well known TV faces in one frame together and would naturally assume these two are a pairing. so like....why the whole khichdi?? did they not want to pair Maya with a total new face for the GP? but Talha had said he initially was meant to play a different role and got Farrukh at the very last moment possible.
i am confusion!!!!
should i blame the writing? should I blame the direction? should I blame the acting? but all these things are intricately connected!! should I blame myself for reading TOO much into the subtle glances and prolonged silences that really mean nothing but I ended up finding depths of the ocean there.
ohhh bhayee....!!!!
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weathernerdmando · 6 years
Okay, so I went in excited and stuff. I cosplayed as Black Widow and met two spiderman cosplayers, which was awesome. 
I sit down and wait until the title screen. The title entrance is silent. I was like, wait, did the sound stop working, and then I realized it was deliberate, and I was like, 
I couldn’t really make out the call at first, but oh god. Once I realized. Ugh. My dad looked up the stuff beforehand to ensure he could properly support me, which I am extremely grateful for. 
The scene opens to whats his face, Ebony Maw, stepping over all the Asgardians and I’m just like. NO. THEY DIDN’T. 
Loki’s “kill away” made me crack up. I’m sorry, it did. And then he was like NO I CANT I LOVE THOR TOO MUCH. And then he brings out the Tesseract and looks so guilty and regretful and I just. my baby.  
and now that I look back on it it's so obvious he’s faking that nonchalance when he says kill away
He hands it over and then... disappears somehow. He came from behind the Black Order. (which makes me thing Loki being trickstery! more on that in a bit.) 
Then he does his whole emotional as crap listing of titles and I’m like NO LOKI RUN AS FAR AS YOU FREAKING CAN. RUN. THEN I SAW THE KNIFE AND I WAS LIKE I KNEW YOU WERE GONNA DO SOMETHING ALL TRICKSTERY! AHHH (that's not what i meant earlier by trickstery be patient). AND THEN THANOS JUST CHOKES him and “you’ll never be a god” and “undying fidelity and UGHHH” THAT NECK SNAP NO. PLEASE JUST LET ME HAVE IMAGINED THAT. 
I sat there in absolute shock, tears coming out of my eyes and my hand over my mouth for a good 15-20 minutes. If someone is willing to get me a Loki plushie that would be great. 
Can’t remember what happened next exactly but overall the humor was perfect. The movie would have been so depressing had that not been there. It was perfectly balanced.
AND THEN PETER OH GOD. (side note, with Peter being a teen and all do ya’ll think he was quoting the Doctor from the last episode where he regens? Because that makes it like 3 times worse. The only comfort I have is that whoever said all the deaths were permanent LIED BECAUSE PETER HAS A SEQUEL.) 
As it ended I kept repeating “They killed them all.” In shock. I only got out of the shock today. I’m still in denial and disbelief. 
So basically, it was fantastic. They did a phenomenal job with it. If a movie makes me cry and feel like that, and yet tell the story so well, then it deserves to be called one of the best ones out there. I loved it. The cliffhang- 
The cliffhanger was ...brutal. I don’t know how I’m going to wait an entire YEAR for the answer to all my questions. It's going to be excruciating.
I’m still going as Loki to DragonCon, and I plan on making a sign that says, “I’m actually still alive.” So yeah. 
*breathes and wipes tears* 
And I’m going back tomorrow to see all the pain in IMAX quality. 
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apirateandaprincess · 7 years
So im gonna give scene analysis a go because i havent loved an episode this much all season.
So here it goes.
Killian quite literally running down hill. Such a good representation of his arc. We got so much angst and this episode is going to be the come down to all of it. The settling. 
And just like his past created the the beginning of the climb to this story/arc, it’s interesting that in the scene where he is going downhill it is literally because he’s being chased by what could be seen as symbols of his past. Who he was in the past. (Referring to the lost boys).
Lol I love the whole buried Rum line. Very Captain Jack Sparrow-esque
I got someone waiting for me at home. The show IS NOT ACCIDENTALLY THROWING OUT THIS TERM A LOT. It’s done with absolute intention. 
I don’t know if we will ever get real backstory on Killian and Tiger Lily but his little smirk he has upon saying her name and the era of confidence has me thinking it isn’t anywhere near as bad as everyone speculated.
Ah and there’s Captain Floor again. I gotta say they really do love messing with this man’s neck.
Nice reference to the fact that Hook is family.
I also dig Charming saying that this is REGINA’S curse. He didn’t differentiate in this moment.
Ugh the Snowing theme song always chokes me up. I love that there Love is enough to snap her out of this. Always a sucker for TL moments.
IT still makes me so giddy that these are real life husband and wife being all romantic on my screen.
Okay BF is stunning. Like damn.
I laugh at the idea that had Charming not said Emma’s name Rumple could still be living mindlessly in the 21st century Storybrooke Regina made. 
Ahh Charms saying “I know Hook is out there doing the same for you,” is so important because she needed to hear it and I think Charms knew that. You can see the instant relief in her face as she embraces him. I think it both calmed her and it also solidified that he wasn’t as mad anymore as maybe she was worried he was.
“Skull Rock” nice throw back to the animated version!
Killian’s anger and desperate need at having to get back to Emma, the woman he loves, will always get me in the feels.
I love that fate comes into play when it means creating the chance to save someone you love. There is so many great moments around this idea, this episode. We have Snowing later sacrificing themselves so Emma can get Killian. Which by fates hands will connect her with the weapon she needs to stop the BF. We also see this same fate come into play when Killian ends up in Neverland with the woman (tiger lily) who has the needed weapon. It’s all connected my friends. 
20:1, “well I feel sorry for those lads, they don’t stand a chance.” Ah that pirate swag. 
I love that the FB all share some significance to season 1. I mean the scene where Regina sends Archie and Pongo to the mines is very reminiscent of season 1. It makes you wonder how much of these moments influenced those moments.
The field of flowers. Hmm well if Regina’s curse and season 1 evilness = 1 found pink flower. And now we’re seeing hundreds. She must really be a big big bad huh?
“NO mother should have to watch their child die,” hmm me thinks someone with a mom on the show might experience just that. SPOILER: my thoughts are Emma but I think she’ll be brought back. 
Killian Jones the host of all current hope speeches.
And there he goes again, risking himself to ensure his TL get’s what she needs to live. 
A single flower. A symbol that there is always hope. There is always something there that will get you through.
Okay so the scene with Snowing and young emma is really heart breaking. To me it’s not just a conversation of right vs. wrong. But a moment of just decision making. A hard one. And that’s why it was so important to have both sides of it. One side represented by Charms the other by Snow. It was the same conversation the audience would be having. So it fit well. But this scene was also meant to contrast what is coming next. It was also really nice to see that second chances run in romances. Ayyyee. That rhymed. But seriously Snowing and Captain Swan really do parallel the crap out of each other. The second good byes, the second reunions. Sometimes things happen more than once before they stick. 
And his fricken shadow caressed her face and im dead on the floor. I love that it kind of parallels the scene where Charms touched Snows hand and it was enough to just catapult a shift in emotion. 
And here we have the scene the FB’s were built for. One of them at least. Snow giving Emma the potion to bring back her love. TO have that happiness. To not have to wait. To do something for herself. EVERYTHING in contrast to what was done when they saw her through that door earlier, comes down to this moment. Snow is making the other choice. And it will pay off.
My understanding of that potion by the way, is that the one seeking their true love has to use it. So Im under the impression that everyone who will be mad at Emma for using it cant really be mad anyways? Because Snow has already passed out before she has a chance to use it. 
Also can we talk about how Snow knows that to win this battle. To fight this big fight, Killian has to be there. He’s part of what matters most to her and without that she wont be at her strongest. In a way Snow is once again doing what’s right by the people. She’s not only giving her daughter a chance but by letting her get Killian back and allowing her to have that person by her side for that fight, she is also potentially saving the town. 
Everything was just so perfect in that second that he saw her face. He was both scared and surprised and relieved at the same time that he saw her. And then not a second later he is warning Tiger Lily to run and again thinking about those other than himself. Here comes the full circle arc guys. I can feel it. 
Tiger Lily’s little happy smirk makes me happy. 
ALSO can we talk about how the last time they were in Neverland together everything was different. He felt like an orphan and had no family. Emma felt like an orphan. She was running away from him. He was declaring that he would one day win her heart because she’d WANT HIM. And now we have them both, with their families and each other, no where near alone and he has won her heart and she is running towards him and not only does she WANT HIM SHE AGREES TO SPEND ETERNITY WITH HIM BECAUSE SHE NEEDS HIM. THEY NEED EACH OTHER!! *loud screaching*
.2 seconds. Count with me. .2 seconds until Killian apologizes and gets right back to where he left off. This is so vital. So important. He’s tired of waiting. He wants to be different and he knows he is. He doesn’t want to waste time thinking about himself. He wants to get that truth of his and that apology out there because that’s what he’s been dying to say to her this entire time. Redemption arc! Redemption arc! You can even see Emma in my mind, taken a bit by surprise. He’s hurting and he doesn’t care. He needs to talk to her and clear the air. This is a clear showcasing of what he’s learned and what he finds important and Emma sees that.
He also owns up to the fact that he considered running away. He owns it. He didn’t have to but he did.
 The change off is so so good here. Emma’s line of “lets go get you cleaned off” showing where her concern in this moment lies. On his wellbeing. On his feeling whole. And his reluctance because he needs her to know that he loves her. That he wants to marry her. That she will never ever ever be alone and need to worry about him leaving ever again because he will always be with her by her side. (His concerns lying on her wellbeing, and her feeling whole).
Second proposal. SECOND FRICKING PROPOSAL. AND IM UGLY CRYING. DEAD AND ALIVE AT THE SAME TIME. My god. The single tear. The fact that they both had a chance to now ask each other. 
They’re both so vulnerable and delicate and AWARE of the stakes of life here. And it just guts me in the best kind of way. 
And again .2 seconds later he wants to know where her parents are because homeboy is not playing. He’s not messing things up this time. He knows who is important to him and how keeping them means being honest with them and he needs to talk to his bro before anything else. And make sure that the full truth is out there and that he is 100 percent the man he needs and wants and knows he can be and REDEMPTION ARC! REDEMPTION ARC!
Ah holding hands while walking to Emma’s parents. 
.2 seconds my friends. This is what i’m talking about the closing of a redemption arc. He is wasting no time owning up to everything, making amends for everything. Not only is Killian a vital part in breaking the curse. But he is the first step in making it happen. He is using his ACTIONS in CURRENT TIME to make amends for his ACTIONS of the PAST. All this is on purpose and it’s what makes this such a good redemption arc. I mean seriously who does a redemption arc better than Killian mother f’n Jones. 
I loved Killian and Emma’s little smile at Leroy. Especially sense they have a spotted past with him haha.
Idk why that little look on Emma and Killian’s face gets me. The one right after Granny takes a sip. It’s like Emma is seeing what he waiting until she was 28 to find her parents really did. It brought these people together. It made this group. These friendships. It was worth something. And Killian is just looking like he is desperately waiting for his bro to resurface. He needs the chance to Look David in the face and own what he did and make sure he knows that he is sorry. 
^^ Point: Colin and Jen are fantastic fricken actors. I will follow their careers until i’m probs dead.
I love the whole Season 1 feeling of Snow waking up, only now they are next to each other. Im a sucka for some parallels. 
And here’s another contrast point to the FB. This moment. Where they wake up and see what everyone has done for them is to show Snowing and the audience that when you help others they will return the favor. It won’t go unnoticed. 
Emma and Killian look so regal laying there haha.
Also David rushing to his daughter has my eyes rushing with tears ya feel.
Anyone else get a little father daughter feeling when Emma woke up at Charms touch. I could imagine him waking her up for school in the morning as a little girl when I watched this.
And CHARMS HAND REACHES TO HELP KILLIAN UP AND IM DEAD. IM ABSOLUTELY DEAD. Like the symbolism. Killian is still down because Charming needs to know how he feels. How he’s sorry. And now Charming is lifting him up and they are eye to eye and here it comes. The man who he inadvertently hurt is the man helping him to his feet. Coming to his hand and his rescue. And Killian is given the chance to finally say what needs to be said and HE TAKES IT. OF COURSE HE DOES. 
Can I also holla at the parallel shot (like literally parallel) of Emma and Snow looking at each other right next to Killian and David looking at each other. The newly engaged and the parents. In an actual parallel. I mean can you scream symbolism because I can “SYMBOLISMMM!”
Can I also point out that Killian is still scared. It’s not going to hinder him from being the good man we know he is. But he is scared. He tells David that he guesses “Emma didn’t tell [him his] secret.” And this line doesn’t have anything to do with Emma it has to do with Killian thinking there is no way Charms would help him to his feet and ensure his safety if he knew. Because how could he be forgiven so fast. How could something he was so ashamed of and so terrified of acknowledging and scared of knowing yet alone saying be forgiven. This is the bow on the top of a very important package. 
I love everything about this scene. Charming saying that Hook is a changed man. Ensuring not only him but the audience. Charming had a lesson this episode about the past. He knows that once was is far away from what now is. And the way he looks at Emma as he says Hook has changed. Ensuring his daughter that all is well. That he is still supporting their marriage and love and happiness and Emma’s knowing look. That look that says “these are my parents and I love them. I love who they are.” Is the best. And i’m in tears again.
“No matter what she does you will not face her alone.” This is so important. Because let’s be honest. Of course Emma is scared of the battle. But what has always scared her more than some big bad has been who will be there by her side when this darkness comes (Whether its the darkness of being an orphan or a literal dark one). Emma has her family. She has come full circle too. She isn’t alone and never will be again. 
AH Gideon kept a flower alive. You go my dude.
Can we also talk about the contrast in family dynamics. Rumples whole family is a mixture of people chosing to love each other and being forced to obey each other in some weird representation of false love. Meanwhile the charms-mills-swan-jones/town is having one big huge family moment. In which people are actively choosing, with their hearts, to be a part of this family that was built out of love and respect and forgiveness and sacrifice. They contrasts are on purpose. And it’s glorious.
Honestly this episode was so good. This is long because I had many feelings. Sorry not sorry. haha. 
Im ded.
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gawaine · 7 years
Code Blue - Chapter 11 - Incoherent Review
I am so excited for this…okay here I go!!!
(Mehak’s CB review, including incoherency, mad theories and other things that made me smile)
Okay wow, even this title has be buzzed.. Nothing..But the Truth? DRAMAAAA OKAY THROWBACK TO THE TAXI SCENE BECAUSE YASSSSSSSSS think about it Mary, think about it…. i’m living for this internal thoughts thing that mary and adam are doing  LMAO shelby with the thwacking  toby and adam 5ever L O L VINNY “DID THEY JUST HI-FIVE OR AM I LOSING MY SHIT” I AM VINNY i am so giggly right now..this mary x adam scene…ADAM WANTS TO CHECK OUT HER BAHOOBIES BUT IS SCARED FOR HIS LIFE HAHA I have been waiting for this Sarah x VInny x Mary time for so long…THE TRIFECTA eye sexing lmao OH SHIT
RICHARD IS THERE WTF BETRAYAL BY SANNY noooo, i thought this Richard apology was going to go way better, I was excited to have him back on Team Yay :( mary running and crying is hurting me in the aorta  i am sad like kajol when she couldn’t go to europe with her friends  we are going to call the chicago incident PPP - Potential Pizza Pappi (pappi means kiss in punjabi for my fellow non-desis) mary’s internal struggle with recognizing adam as a real person is amazing you’re amazing  okay so, are the intern exams before or after the potential wedding in Sydney? and what chapter are we anticipating the wedding because i have to go iron my salwar kameez and get matching bangles  irreversible like liver disease (nods and throws up medical nerd gang sign at you) CALL ADAM, MARY. PICK UP THE DAMN PHONE AND CALL YOUR CUTE AND DORKY FRIEND/FIANCE MARY AND SHELBY OUTBURST DRAMA YASSSS I AM LIVING  NO i did not want her to tell shelby it was arranged!!! She could have just said that she meant “proposal” instead of agreement  nooo plz dont let this add tension between Mary and Adam unless this is potential build up drama for their big outburst fight where Tilly comes up….I am still waiting for that… adam being so excited about chicago gives me the warm and fuzzies LOL I AM DYING SHELBY THINKS ADAM COULDNT GET IT ON L O L DEAD HAHAHAH oh god i love this gap between brown girl romance and white girl romance lmao the culture gap… ANTICLIMACTIC AS FUCK ok nope did not want to know about nadia and adam and the supply closet but im kinda loving shelby here? like she hadnt grown on me yet but this is fantastic  hmm mary and shelby potential friendship could be interesting  speaking of shelby, when are we gonna get more shelby x Toby because I SHIP IT actually, i feel like we haven’t seen toby in a while  ohmygosh please dont kill anyone  plz esp toby ADAM WALKED IN WHAT  omg aw adam being curious jealous mary my poor lil baby ily STAY IN YOUR BUBBLE HAHAHAHAH tsk tsk dirty adam ughhh tilly kinda done with her right now, she really needs to get her shit together  and also…..kinda move out??? i see bits of you in mary’s internal monologue and i love it THE COVER PHOTO LOL “fuck you shelby” faaaave adam and the toaster my lil cutie  oh dr brett is bi? I missed that grown man adam…my little prince ily  BOOOM mary rejected adams cheek kiss (insert sound of my heart crashing and breaking) the ONE CURL omg yess confined spaces ( wiggles eyebrows) i just had a pang of panic….what if they get into a car crash?? Please no  i love this car scene adam using Sarah adn Vinny’s first names mean the world to me Mary was angry at the question earlier but she just likes him??? /tears lmao mary just blurting that  OH MY GOD ADAM “he would live to regret this he knew” OMG  DYING  lol LEAH AND ADAMS REACTIONS WHEN MARY ACCIDENTALLY SAID SHE CANT WAIT THAT LONG FOR THE WEDDING  I AM BOTH OF THEM  DADDY  AHAHA is mary closer to her mum or dad? does adam have siblings, i forgot ugh the fathers…i dont love the idea of two separate daysssss australia should be the main wedding and the reception afterwards in new york…. DO WHAT ADAM AND MARY WANT hmmmm i mean…i guess it makes sense…. but honeymoon after the new york ceremony or the australia one (serious question but still wiggles eyebrows) INTERNET TROLL OF A HUMAN…. sign me up   lol the mother-in-law drama begins  praying 4 mary  leah adn mary tag teaming with these questions, yasssss poor adam tho  NADIA NUH UH BACK TF UPPPPPP THIS DINNER SCENE  NADIA VS MARY  ADAM CHASE AFTER HER YOU FOOL lol they all look to leah  if they make this into a movie, can you ask karan johar to cast me as leah  ( or sarah) kind of smirking that adams mom was embarrassed by the nadia thing LEAH IS MY FAVE I DONT THINK ASSKICKING IS SILLY  LOL <3 ugh Tilly dont distract mary, if something happens to her while driving i will cry  oh than k god it was SHelby i did not want to see the nadia showdown right now i am not prepared oh shelby, with the blunt advice NO MARY DONT CRY BBY I LOVE YOU girl power moment ftw oka yass shelby fix up marys emotions and teach her how to wing her eyeliners so she can be a sexy lifesaverrr THANK YOU FOR THE UPDATE I LOVE YOU YOU ALWAYS MAKE MY BIRTHDAY SO SPECIAL AND I AM SO BLESSED TO HAVE A SISTER LIKE YOU EVERYONE, HANNAH IS AN ANGEL, PLEASE REMEMBER THIS  PS - plz help me with my theories  k thx bye 
Intern exams are after Sydney! And haha, I’ll warn you prior to the wedding ;)
The white girl romance vs brown girl romance omfg that’s so well phrased... Also, why do you always assume I’ll kill my characters?!
Mary’s probably closer to her Dad... And you’ll have to see about the honeymoon ;) nah, I’m kidding, when Adam suggested Australia last chapter, he said they could honeymoon there!
Leah is A Homegirl this chapter
0 notes
elem-entals · 5 years
undercover irid, crown prince seb, single dad sam au
from the rp with Brent Pt. 2
Nads marveling at the academy
Nads: :OOO
Nads: it's so much bigger than I imagined Sam: that's what she said Sam: anyway
Also shabina telling irid to just “ride that wolf already”
"Break him"
“Make him your bitch for a week and then move on, if you dont want to date, jeez”
"Like you would a beast of burden"
Irid: >:c stop this
“Look you even sound like him”
Sam: ah, ser Velezquez Sam: back from a rousing session of kicking Marco's ass?
Irid: pfft
Irid: indeed ;D
Irid: hello @nads
Sam: choice
Nads: :ooo Nads, quiet voice: I like your armor
Irid; 😀
Irid; thank you!
Irid; his majesty helped me design it!
Irid; some of our fellow knights nicknamed me the phoenix, so ya know
Irid; feather scale thingies c:
Nads: that's so rad!
^thats what clans au irid’s armor is
It might also be canon irid
Nads: I have those too but they're a part of my body c:
Also valley irid becoming a good fighter eventually
But clans and sm@l irid becoming way more advanced
Irid: :D neat!
Sam: look at that, already making friends
Nads: oh I already had friends here
Sam: oh? Nads: you, sir c: Sam: right, right
Sam: uh, Sam is fine
This is a very soft nads
Shabina later, looking between this pre sads: ah
Shabina: you’ve chosen a fine bed partner, young miss
Nads: I've what now
Shabina: very eager to please and moderately fine breeding stock
Sam: no no no
Sam; NO NO NO Sam: that is not what is happening here
Irid; Shabina, we’ve talked about this
Nads: ah Nads: this is...the other half of the egg I presume? Sam, covering his face: yes
Nads: Nice to meet you miss?
she's like a whole foot taller than nads
she's also taller than sam
Everytime she sees them together she winks
“Ask him to do the tongue thing later. Also, Samir, the third shift guards need to work on defense, please relay that to The Elder DeSantos”
Nads: the what 😰
Sam: 😤
“The elder Desantos”
“Isnt relaying message one of your jobs, Desk jockey?”
Sam: 😒 among other things, yes
Nads: I think maybe there's been some kind of misunderstanding
She appreciates the werewolf view of life
Shabina: One of your peoples concepts, except I dont act like I invented it 😌
Marse: Thank- We do not >:|
Shabina: yes you do
Shabina: “oh we have the best soda bread recipe, our people originated it even though its recorded in history way before”
Marse: >:| that’s- we perfected it
Shabina and Marse are battle buddies confirmed
Learning from each other
Shabina: lovemaking
Sam: I cant dispute that one
Marse: oh i’ve heard more than I’ve ever needed to from this one
Shabina: just try one of the things i’ve described on your thin pale Courted one
Marse: he’s not thin, you should see him shirtless
Marse: ugh I’m sounding like you
Marse: goodbye, I’m not waiting on you to come to the meeting
Shabina: cc;; do you
shabina is an eastern starling with 4 eyes
Sam: "courted one"? Do we not say boyfriend here anymore ,':T
Shabina: one of them is always open
Shabina: wouldnt you know, with your fancy education
Irid: pfft
Sam: everyone says it >:T
Shabina: oh, another one of your functions here
Shabina: I will trust you to stay abreast of modern slang
Sam: 😒 and trust me with the hatchling we made
Sam: because I'm soft and domestic
Shabina: ah, you’re soft and domestic but smart
Shabina: soft and caring
Shabina: some of our country’s greatest battles were won by the soft hearted you had mercy on what would become our greatest allies
Sam: I dont like the emphasis you keep putting on soft
Shabina: soft
Sam: please stop
Marse from down the hallway: SHABINA
Shabina sighs: I take my leave
Shabina: stop whining, Desk Jockey
Sam: >:T
Sam, calling out as she's walking away: my name is samir by the way! >:T
By the end, she’s calling him Soft Samir
Samir the Soft
Sam: that's not Sam: ugh
Nads later@shabina: I feel like Nads: maybe there's a misunderstanding here
Shabina: lets clear it at once, my dear
Nads: I'm not here for- Nads: my dear?
A starling form of endearment usually meant for a younger starling maybe?
Nads: anyway I'm just here to be the new librarian
Nads: not
Nads: not to move in on your
Nads: territory
Shabina: hm? Oh Samir remains unclaimed, as it were
Nads: okay well Nads: I'm just stating for the record that I'm not trying to step on any toes sopleasedonthurtmeyouresobig
Shabina: c👀,’
Shabina: I will not hurt you, young one.
Nads: 😰
Nads: okay
Nads: you just Nads: keep making lewd comments Nads: I dont plan on doing any of those Nads: activities
Nads: tbh I dont know what half of them were 😰
Shabina: ah
Shabina: I keep forgetting about the different cultures of Starlings here
Shabina: forgive me, I come from a clan that follows a lot of the traditional werewolf way of being completely blunt and forthright
Shabina crossing a fist over her chest and bow shallowly: Forgive me for making you uncomfortable
Nads: well also I'm not super concerned with all that stuff
Shabina: I mistook this as Samir saying what he doesnt mean or being overly modest
Nads: no its uh, fine (you're so tall when you bow you're my height 😰)
Shabina: hmm
Shabina: very well, consider me mum on the subject.
Shabina: at least when you’re around
Nads: thanks I think
Shabina: or perhaps all the time? 🤔
Nads: that's- that's a personal decision
Nads: no one can make that choice but you
Shabina: hm... something to ponder
Sam, strolling up: DM wanted me to hand you these reports
Sam: Charlie's performance review of the third shift
Shabina:Ah, good
Shabina: Charles is of sound judgement
Shabina, looks over the reports: Charles is an idiot
Stalks off i guess
Sam: you're welcome
An au for charlie where his first wife is inspired by shabina
Finding comfort in the middle of a country at war
By a fellow soldier
Shabina kinda but not really bullying/teasing nads
Irid: Hey Nadia, if you want, I could ask some of the royal librarians to lend some extra copies of cultural books?
Nads: :DDD
Irid; maybe we could set up a lending program with less expensive copies?
Irid: interlibrary, maybe?
Nads: that would be fantastic!!!
Irid: :DD
Nads: I need to make more blood pact papers 🤔
Irid; I-
Irid: I mean do you tho.... 😨
Nads: of course! Nads: I have a nearly 95% return rate
Irid; that might
Irid: I mean maybe theres a less intense way, maybe you can talk to some of our librarians
Irid: I’ll let y’all hash it out
Nads: 🤔
Nads: so Nads: what can you tell me about everyone 🗒️🖊️
Nads: I like to keep thorough notes 👀
Irid: o- okay
irid: anyone you wanna start with?
irid: remember i've only been here for about 4 months
marco: hm
marco walking up i guess
0 notes
A sparkly invitation comes in the mail delivered by Pacifica herself when the twins are 17 while they're at the mystery shack during the summer. the whole pines family along with Soos and his wife (she has a bun in the oven) are invited to a 4th of July party by Mcgucket! How fun! mabel shouts yes they'll come and she and Pacifica share a hug. Paz says she looks forward to Mabel being there and takes her leave Mabel is super excited because its Pacifica and shes got this crush on her and this party could be the perfect opportunity to confess, it'll be super romantic! with the fireworks overhead illuminating Pacificas pretty face and they'll share a perfect- Okay Mabel, we get it Dipper says. Mabel pouts at being interrupted then she just kinda excitedly talks about Pacifica for a bit, cause she's an amazing and deserves to be talked about no matter how grumpy Dipper gets. Like, last summer Mabel and Pacifica had that day they spent at the lake where they swam and talked and had so much fun. dipper mentions that he was there too, but Mabel doesn't notice he said anything because Pacifica and then there's the time they had that sleepover at Pacifica's place which was super fun cause Pacifica has everything that a teenage girl could ever want. a movie theater, a bowling alley, a huge backyard to camp out in, Pacifica, and have I told you that she has her own horse ranch? only 13 times... because she has her own horse ranch!! how amazing is that? 14. 14 times now. mabel is practically convinced that Paz likes her back. I mean, think back to all the things that have happened so far during the summer break! lots of cute things that's what and Paz likes hanging out a lot with Mabel, there's been so many sleepovers and most of the time only Mabel's ever invited! they do so many fun things and they laugh together and one time they were touching hands during one of those sleepovers while watching a movie and she didn't move her hand away and was smiling! proof!! mabel is confident and never falters in her ways. dippers a bit more apprehensive, I mean, somebody's gotta be nervous about the situation at hand. but Mabel doesn't pay him much mind. shes totally got this. she makes fun of dippers nerves and implies that he's just jealous cause Paz likes her and not him. he flatly tells her that that's not the case. She spends the entire time between the invitation and the actual party, around two days or so, picking the perfect outfit. something that says romance and love is in the air. but not the sweater that literally says those things. there's gotta be subtlety,  Mabel is a romance expert after all. mabel ends up making a new sweater for the occasion. some pretty hearts in a multitude array of pinks and reds on a purple base. a pale lavender skirt excellently compliments the sweater while the headband with similar colors of the outfit adorns her head with a pretty flower stitched into it. add some hoop earrings and some nice purply makeup with glitter of course and now Mabel has the perfect outfit! yay!! mabel cant sit still and if she tries shes back up on her feet in less than a second on the day of the party. mainly its Mabel excitedly rambling about everything that she wants to do and everything she hopes Pacifica will have at the party. dipper is amused stating that there probably wont be a petting zoo. mabel wants a bounce house, hopes that Grunkle Stan will be providing illegal fireworks, a concert, a full-blown festival, complete with funnel cake and deep-fried cookie dough and so many different goodies. mabel keeps building up her fantasy until dipper finally has to cut in saying that she shouldn't hype up Pacifica's party so much otherwise it'll just be a disappointment when they get to the real thing. mabel assures dipper that no matter what happens Mabel will love whatever Pacifica cooks up. Cause its Pacifica and she's amazing. Dipper is still worried about the confessing thing and is worried that Mabel's heart will be broken. but more than anything he's getting annoyed at how restless Mabel is. there's still a few more hours until the party, calm down! ugh, if only time would move faster! what would Mabel give to jump cut right to where she wants to be? so they're at the party now arriving with the whole family. Thanks driver Soos. The cars have been parked and Mabel practically ran up to the house. Did I say practically? i meant actually. mabel flings open the doors and the party is looking pretty fantastic. everybody is having fun and the atmosphere is somewhat extravagant. a weird clash of formal with a hootenanny. butlers are serving while loud pop music plays. people attire is inconsistent, ranging from casual to ballroom. everybody's having a good time, and as much as Mabel loves that its kind of difficult to care cause the only thing on her mind is finding Paz. Mcgucket walks up and greets her welcoming her to the party. mabel says a quick hello but is distracted looking for Paz. she doesn't spot her so she wanders around looking for her offering an absentminded farewell to Mcgucket. Mcgucket looks slightly confused but shrugs his shoulders and turns back to greet the rest of the pines. mabel hears her name be called out and as it turns out its candy and Grenda. they're having a great time too enjoying the nonsense of it all. dipper catches up with Mabel and he and Mabel's friends greet each other. mabel asks if they've seen Pacifica yet. mabel hears a 'Mabel, I'm so glad you came!' Mabel turns around and gasps. there is Paz looking drop-dead gorgeous (at least in Mabel's eyes) they are both in awe of each other. pacifica thinking Mabel plays everything so cool and casual. shes so real. paz tried looking beautiful cause tonights the night shes gonna woo Mabel and get her to be her girlfriend, but now she knows that she should have just kept things simple. is it too late to change clothes? mabel looks at Paz and sees a stunning and beautiful woman. shes so confident and rocks that look. she looks so mature and pretty that Mabel feels her heart skip a beat. there's no way that Mabel's usual sweater skirt combo could ever impress like Paz does. this cant be impressive to her. (also Pacifica has a fancy cigarette thingy so there's that) is it too late to change? dipper looks between the two girls with a somewhat blank look and lets out a sigh of relief, completely unnoticed by either of them as they're to busy staring at each other. dipper was worried for nothing and everything will turn out just fine. 'i'll just be heading to get some snacks' dipper makes lots of motions trying to get the point across to his sister, but she's in her own world and doesn't notice. dipper gives up trying to get his sisters attention and just leaves. Mabel friends catch on to whats happening as well and join dipper telling Mabel good luck and give her general votes of confidence. paz is the first to break the silence. shes got a lot of fun things planned for Mabel and they cant just spend the entire night looking into each other's eyes, although that wouldn't be such a bad thing. but Paz is gonna woo Mabel so shes got the perfect date set up. pacifica lists the things that she got planned for the night and asks Mabel what she wants to do first. (bouncy castle, petting zoo, movies, eat, smaller fireworks and sparklers, and a cannon). no way, how did Paz know that it was Mabel's dream to be shot out of a cannon. paz laughs and said that she had a hunch. the fireworks don't start until 8 and its 5(?) now so there's plenty of time to do some fun stuff. mabel states that the best should be saved for last. dreams can only come true once. Mabel states that the bouncy house is a first must so they head over to the bouncy castle and the moment it comes into Mabel's sight she squeals, grabs Paz's hand and runs over to it. paz is laughing as the climb inside and they bounce around and have a fun time. c: luckily enough Paz's dress allows for easy leg movement so there's not much of any trouble. the bounce a little bit too close to each other and end up crashing into one another and they land with Mabel on top of Paz. they're silent for a moment looking into each other's eyes blushing and then Mabel bursts into laughter. she gets up and lends Paz a hand letting her up as well. its so easy being around Mabel, awkward moments just dissolve. paz starts laughing too. mabel now wants to see the animals while there's still a semblance of sunlight. there's horses, goats, pigs, chickens, rabbits, basically just a bunch of farm animals. mabel coos over the ducklings and a few of them imprint on her. mabel believes that the pigs here could have made good friends with waddles and is sad they probably wont meet. pacifica says that she can do her best to keep the animals around til tomorrow and Mabel hugs Paz cause would you really do that for me? paz blushes and glances away. mabel  is too bright to look at and she says of course she'd do that for her. mabel hugs tighter and jumps up and down shouting about how thankful she is. and then she lets Paz go and goes back to play with the animals. paz sighs affectionately. Mabel's the cutest and everything she prepared today was totally worth it to see Mabel this happy and excited. as Mabel plays around with the chickens some more she glances over at Paz and sees her smiling at her. she waves a little and as Mabel waves back she realizes that Paz is doing so many nice things for her and Mabel's hardly done anything for her! she then heads back to Paz doing her best to shush off the ducklings. she asks Paz what she wants to do now and she says that she wants to do whatever Mabel wants to do. mabel harrumphs and says that she wants to do what Paz wants to do. pacifica hides a smile behind her hand because Mabel is just too cute with her cheeks puffed up and a pout on her face. paz then gives in and mentions that she saw tacos back at the food tables and she could really go for a taco right now. Mabel's face lights up and she says 'well, what are we waiting for?' she grabs Paz by the arm and half drags Paz back into the mansion. mabel then remembers that she's supposed to be setting a romantic mood so she slows down and lessens her grip on Paz's arm. her hand slides down and not so subtly holds Paz's hand. both of the girls are smiling as they walk into the house. mabel shyly glances at Paz to see what her reaction is and Paz is smiling too cutely, and Paz notices Mabel and her smile grows even wider. Mabel's heart skips a beat again and her face blushes. who gave Paz the right to be this pretty and cute and beautiful? cause Mabel really needs to thank them. they reach the food tables and they grab a couple of tacos. mabel is disappointed to let go of Paz's hand. as they munch on their food Mabel feels that she cant just not put the moves onto Pacifica, I mean, what else is she here for? (besides the fun party and friends and food and fireworks and plenty of other f-words of course) Your eyes are blue, like the ocean. And baby, I’m lost at sea. nailed it. pacifica chokes on her taco in shock. she wasn't expecting Mabel to say something that suspiciously sounded like a pick up line. mabel worriedly pats Pacifica's back helping her swallow the food. woah, easy, you're not allowed to head back to heaven yet. paz snorts and then quickly tries to cover it up by laughing more dignifiedly, but its too late, Mabel heard the snort and loves it. Mabel determined to hear it again. mabel sticks her hand onto Paz's forehead and hums. oh jeez, you're looking a little pale. I think you're suffering a lack of vitamin me! paz just blushes and hides her smile behind her hand because is this really happening? is Mabel seriously flirting with her? mabel gets a contemplative look on her face. hey, have you always been this cute or did you have to work at it? pacifica finally breaks down again and starts laughing and snorting again. ah, and Pacifica tried so hard to never snort in front of Mabel, but of course Mabel got it out of her. mabel is nothing short of pleased with herself. paz laughs mostly because she cant believe that Mabel likes her! enough to use cheesy pick up lines at least. this makes everything so much simpler, its such a relief that Mabel likes her, there's no need to worry. paz ends up laughing so much that her stomach hurts. it's getting dark now and Mabel thinks that it'd be fun to set off some fireworks now. pacifica finally settles down and they head on over to an unassuming closet and Paz opens it up to reveal boxes upon boxes of fireworks. pick whatever you want, there's plenty to choose from. mabel gets sparklers and as many different fireworks that she can carry. the head outside sharing the load and excitedly chatter to each other about how much fun they're going to have lighting the fireworks. mostly Mabel being excited but it rubs off on Paz and she can't help but get excited too. so they're outside and Paz lights up another cigarette as the one from before has long since run out. mabel sets up a firework and Paz goes over and uses her cigarette to light it up. Mabel's eyes light up and she wants to do that too. she mentions that to Paz and Paz heads over to the pile of fireworks cause she knows that she saw something in there before and aha! there it is, a sparkler cigar. she sticks into Mabel's mouth and before Mabel can ask for a light Paz with the fancy cigarette thing still in her mouth uses it to light up Mabel's cigar looking directly into Mabel's eyes. she pulls away once its lit and sparkles spill from it. Mabel's face has turned a lovely shade of red from the close proximity between them and the intimacy of the moment. the cigar almost falls from her mouth but she snaps out of it before it does. any small doubts about wondering if Paz actually likes her are diminished and shes more determined than ever to make Paz her girlfriend by the end of the night. but not right now, Mabel's heart is beating too fast and she'd surely stumble over her words right now. the moment needs to be perfect so she says ha cha cha cha, dancing as she backs up. the first firework has already finished its thing so she sets up another one and lights it up with her cigar. they have a great time setting off firework after firework. both far too soon and not soon enough, its gonna turn 8 soon so Paz grabs Mabel's attention and mentions this fact. Mabel's both excited and disappointed but eagerly follows Paz as shes got a special spot just for the 2 of them. the head up a floor and head on out onto the terrace. there's a comfy loveseat set up looking over the forest. mabel and Paz sit down (with Mabel's heart beating faster because she's sitting right next to Paz and this could be the perfect opportunity to confess. paz looks beautiful with the moon lighting up her face and a happy smile on her face) Mabel's about to say something when Paz grabs her hand and holds it leaving Mabel's heart beating even faster and it's absolutely not fair that Paz can render her incapable of functioning just by holding her hand. the fireworks start up and they're beautiful and amazing. mabel glances over at Paz to see her reaction to the fireworks to see Paz looking right back at her for the same reason. they both blush but both keep looking right at each other. the fireworks are ignored for a few moments then they both speak at the same time. 'they're something i-' you first, no you. they both get the feeling they know exactly what the other is going to say. alright, lets say it both at the same time. they both say i like you at the same time. both of their faces light up and they start laughing. their hands hold tighter to each other as they lean into each other laughing. they gather themselves and look at each other grinning like the dorks they are. mabel leans in and Paz picks up on this and leans in herself. the fireworks reflecting off of Paz's face only make her look more pretty. they share a kiss for a few moments and then break it off. they smile at each other with Mabel vibrating for a few moments before she breaks the handholding to bring Paz into a bear hug, shaking her back and forth and shrieking. Mabel so excited, this is the best day of her life! paz keeps on smiling, her plan went off without a hitch. she giggles and bear hugs Mabel back. the keep holding onto each other and continue to watch the fireworks for a minute until Mabel pipes up, hey, you know what I make my sweaters out of? oh my gosh Paz thinks to herself. mabel looks over at Paz with a huge shit eating grin on her face. girlfriend material. pacifica holds back a laugh and hums. she takes a hold of the sleeve of the sweater inspecting it. after looking it over she looks up at Mabel and says that its high quality. mabel smiles wider mentioning that she only uses the best materials. pacifica smiles and goes on to continue the metaphor until she realizes that she doesn't know how to continue it, so she stumbles over her words until she stops talking for a moment before saying that the sweater is really cute and would suit Paz. or would it be that it suits Mabel? paz continues to stumble until Mabel presses a finger against Paz's mouth shushing her. mabel holds Paz's hands again and asks her to be her girlfriend. paz blushes and nods her head saying a simple yes, barely trusting her mouth to not mess it up. Mabel's eyes light up. she knew that Paz would say yes, but actually hearing it is another thing. mabel glomps Pacifica. she has a girlfriend now. a girlfriend that likes her and has kissed her and is hugging her right now!!! this really is the best day of my life, Mabel says in slight awe. paz chuckles and says just as planned. mabel gasps. she knew it. she pouts up at her girlfriend (girlfriend!). pacifica should have got a nice day too. paz hugs Mabel tighter saying that with Mabel by her side smiling like the dork she is making this the best day ever for her too. mabel looks at Paz's face and sees her genuinely smiling and she relaxes at that. but it doesn't stop her from immediately making plans to create the best day ever for Paz too. they sit leaning comfortably into each other watching the fireworks for the rest of the hour.   a grand display of fireworks ends the show and Mabel + Paz rise from the loveseat. the look at each other and lean into each other again for a quick kiss and then head back downstairs to the party holding hands and leaning into each other. they run into dipper first and Mabel excitedly shouts out fo him waving her free hand. dipper looks over with half a hot dog in his mouth. he waves back and they meet up. mabel excitedly holds Paz's hand tighter and says 'you will not guess what happened!' 'you and Pacifica are girlfriends now?' 'no, me and Paz are-' Mabel excited face changes to a pout. 'you weren't supposed to guess that' Paz laughs at her cute girlfriends (girlfriends!) expression. 'congrats' dipper says as he shoves the rest of the hotdog into his mouth. candy and Grenda wander over noticing Paz and Mabel holding hands. Mabel expression becomes excited again. 'guess what?' 'you and Pacifica finally confessed? congratulations!' candy says with a smile on her face. Grenda smiles along and says 'it's about time you two got together'. Mabel's pout returns twofold. how is she supposed to proudly proclaim that shes got a girlfriend if everybody keeps beating her to the punch? Mabel's looks around and spots Soos. she drags Paz behind her and shouts out 'hey Soos! guess what? and don't guess that me and Paz are girlfriends!' 'oh, alright, hmm, you and Pacifica's hands got glued together?' 'no, me and Paz are girlfriends now!' Mabel's has the biggest smile on her face. Paz hides her giggles behind her hand letting her girlfriend have her moment. 'congratulations dudes!' Mabel then spots lazy eyed Susan and runs over showing off her hand that's holding Paz's. 'guess what? Me and Paz are girlfriends now!' 'oh wow, I'm so happy for you dears!' Mabel then runs around to everybody that she recognizes shouting about how shes got a girlfriend. Paz laughs freely as she rushes to catch up with her girlfriend's hasty steps. 'you know, you don't need to do this, right?' mabel stops and looks at Paz. 'i know, ' Mabel grabs Paz's hand with both of her and looks deeply into her eyes with the most serious expression Paz has ever seen. 'i want to' Paz cant help but laugh. 'i cant argue with that' Mabel grins again and they go back to shouting about how they're girlfriends, Paz included. everybody's happy for them, though perhaps a little annoyed since they cant hear the music over their shouting. after everybody at the party is thoroughly aware that Mabel and Pacifica are girlfriends they head off to the side of the room and laugh amongst themselves. tonight was perfect, and Mabel wouldn't have it any other way. paz smirks in a sultry way and asks, you know what would be a perfect end to a perfect party? Mabel's grin drops and that lovely shade of red is back. w-what? she breathily asks. pacifica smile grows and leans in closer and whispers, getting shot out of a cannon. mabel gasps. that would be an excellent way to end a perfect night! mabel grasps Paz's shoulders jumping up and down. oh my gosh, can we do that right now? can we, can we? Paz quickly kisses Mabel's nose and says, of course. mabel stops jumping and blushes again. mabel has to learn how Paz makes the world stop briefly just by kissing her. perhaps shes dabbled in magic?mabel gets distracted from Paz's supposed witchiness by spotting dipper. she gasps, DIPPER! she waves him like mad, IM GONNA GET SHOT OUT OF A CANNON! YOU WANT TO JOIN ME? dipper chokes out a what? says excuse me to Stanford maybe? and then runs after Mabel and Paz. that cant be safe. when dipper catches up they've already reached outside. what is this about getting shot out of a cannon? mabel, you cant be serious. pacifica, tell me she's joking. paz looks back and smirks. dipper pales and turns back to Mabel. mabel, this has to be the most ridiculously dangerous thing you've ever stupidly tried to do. dipper walks in front of them. I'm sorry but I can't allow this. mabel and Paz stop in their steps while Mabel pouts. cmon dipper, you know that its been my dream since forever to get shot out of a cannon. mabel, its also your dream to break the world record for amount of candy canes that can be shoved into a mouth, no. mabel states i just need to learn how to dislocate my jaw. but that's different, this is different dipper! how often can somebody say that they got shot out of a cannon? dipper frowns. i cant let you do this. i mean, what if you break your neck? what then?! waving his hands about. paz says i made certain that everything's safely set up. i hired a professional. you, dipper points at Paz, stop enabling her. Paz's smile never lets up, much to dippers annoyance. mabel grabs dipper pointed hand with hers and puts on her best animal cooing voice. hey hey hey, don't worry, everything's going to be fine. mabel starts petting his hand while dipper looks even more irritated and a little insulted. noticing her brothers anger she throws being gentle and kind out the window. she throws her head back and groans, oh come ooooon dipper, quit being such a stick in the mud! look, how bout this, Mabel slings her arm around dippers shoulders, why don't you join me? we can get shot out of a cannon together! wouldn't that be fun? dipper looks unconvinced. come on, we'd be, cannonball mystery twins. mabel waves her hand as she comes up with the stupid name on the spot. I don't know.., I just don't think that this is such a good idea. mabel holds dipper hands in her own and puts on her best puppy dog that got kicked expression. dipper gives in, not because he's convinced but because Mabel gonna pursue this no matter what he says. he lets out a defeated sigh. Mabel's face immediately lights up and she squeals and bear hugs her brother. thanking him incessantly. mabel lets go of dipper and holds his hand up above their heads. CANNONBALL MYSTERY TWINS FOREVER!! dippers mutters a please don't call us that. paz chuckles at the display. paz leads them both to the cannons location. a huge cannon attached to a truck is set up in the huge yard. mayer cutebiker is there taking off a helmet exclaiming about how fun rushing through the air was. just hearing this hypes Mabel up even more if that's possible. Mabel's starts running letting go of dippers hand. she runs around the truck taking in the sight of the cannon from all angles while ooohing and aaahing. paz walks up to the cannon expert and talks for a bit while dipper hangs back looking apprehensive. dipper does not like the idea of being shot through the air with nothing but some flimsy air filled bag at the end to catch them. dipper remembers what it feels like to fall off a cliff with the wind biting into your face so forgive him if he doesn't think that getting shot out of a cannon would be a fun thing to do. mabel notices her brothers discomfort and goes over and wraps her arm around his shoulder. come on dipper, we'll do this, you and me, together. and my grappling hook. she holds up her trusty grappling hook and smiles brightly, so much so that dipper can't help but be suckered in by Mabel's confidence. yeah, with Mabel by his side everything would be fine. paz heads back towards them carrying a couple of helmets and goggles. she says that the professional is ready for them. Mabel's squeals once more and rushes to put on the goggles and helmet. dippers much slower and Mabel's starts jittering in impatience. he finally tightens the helmet but before Mabel can drag him to the pro cannon guy Pacifica whirls Mabel around and gives her another quick kiss. good luck and have fun. mabel blushes and in a voice higher than her own squeaks out a thank you. she turns and runs to the cannon guy before she changed her mind and decided that kissing Pacifica would be a better way to spend the night. focus Mabel! dippers already getting prepped by the professional. the guy gives them instructions about proper human cannonball safety which Mabel and dipper seriously listen to. then finally after learning all they needed to, they're set into the cannon. it gets lifted up towards the sky. Mabel's shaking with anticipation while hugging dipper. dippers shaking because of nerves. is it too late to not be shot out of a cannon? outside Pacifica asks if she can do the honors and after given permission lights the fuse with her cigarette. she stands back smiling as the fuse gets shorter and shorter before finally BANG! mabel and dipper are shot out at blinding speeds. Mabel's shouts out in exuberation while dipper screams in fear. they blast into the night sky as Pacifica looks on contently. shes so glad she successfully made the best night ever for Mabel but privately agrees with dipper sentiment about getting shot out of a cannon. she chuckles to herself thinking about how much Mabel would probably want to get shot out of the cannon again as she treks over to where the twins would land.
here’s the first draft, or would this be more of a quick notes sort of thing? a combination of the two? I’m uncertain as I’m not familiar with writing terms, but currently this thing is at 4,962 words and I get the feeling that once I properly write out this entire thing it could easily extend to twice that length. perhaps even longer, maybe. idk i dont write that often. but tell me what you think, if i should change anything or add something else. 
oh, and maybe you could suggest a name or something? im terrible at naming things and the best i got going on for this is a really nice night. im not even joking I dont know what else to call this. a night to remember? the best 4th of July party ever? Mabel gets a girlfriend? idk, i suck at this
0 notes