#in the full clip you can actually see him explain he had no grip that's why he ran them both wide
yesloulou · 10 months
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Max apologizes to Charles for the turn 1 incident at 2023 Las Vegas Grand Prix
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Yayy!! Requests!! Okay I don’t know if you’ve seen Stranger Things or not, so I’ll just rapid explain what I’m thinking of.
Deadpool x reader where it’s enemies to lovers. They are in the car (I see Wade being a passenger princess, so I like to imagine the reader is the one driving… your choice obvi), and they are in a full-fledged argument. Just completely bashing one another, insane insults… stuff like that. And then, Logan in the back seat is slowly losing his mind over the idiocy of these two (I like to imagine Peter sitting next to him too like in his own little world, drinking a juice box or something) before he just snaps and basically tells them what that bartender said when Wade went to recruit him earlier.
Hopefully this sparks some inspo 😁✨ if not that’s totally okay!!
(If you haven’t seen the show or the scene I’m talking about… I do highly recommend at least watching the clip. It’s actually very entertaining)
Insults on Wheels
The roar of the engine was loud enough to wake the dead, but it was nothing compared to the verbal onslaught happening in the front seat.
“You seriously think you’re the brains of this operation?” you snapped, eyes flicking between the road and the insufferable man beside you. “Your idea of strategy is just shooting everyone and hoping one of them was the bad guy!”
“Oh please,” Wade shot back, adjusting his seat like the passenger princess he was. “At least I do something! What’s your grand plan? Give the bad guys a stern talking-to? Maybe knit them a cozy sweater to show you mean business?”
You tightened your grip on the steering wheel, resisting the urge to swerve into oncoming traffic. “You know what, Wade? Maybe if you spent half as much time actually fighting as you do running your mouth, we wouldn’t be in this mess!”
“Right, because your brilliant move of not hitting the gas when we had the chance really paid off, huh?” Wade said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “Next time, how about you just let me drive? You can stick to doing what you do best—nothing.”
“Oh, you think you could drive this car better?” you scoffed. “Last time you tried, you almost got us both killed because you were too busy checking yourself out in the rearview mirror!”
“That was one time!” Wade defended himself, slapping his hand on the dashboard. “And I looked great!”
Meanwhile, in the backseat, Logan sat with his arms crossed, a permanent scowl etched on his face. His knuckles were turning white as he clutched the seat, every muscle in his body tense. Next to him, Peter was entirely oblivious, sipping on a juice box, staring out the window as if this was the most normal day in the world.
“You’re impossible, you know that?” you snapped, shooting Wade a death glare.
“Impossible? Sweetheart, I’m the full package—brains, brawn, and a sense of humor. It’s not my fault you’re too dense to appreciate it.”
Before you could fire back, Logan let out a low growl, a warning sign that he was about to lose it.
But Wade, being Wade, just kept pushing. “You should be thanking me. Without me, you’d be—”
“DEAD! We know! You never shut up about it!” you interrupted, your patience wearing thin.
“Oh, and you’re so modest, aren’t you? Let me guess, it was your plan that got us into this mess?”
“That’s because someone had to think things through!”
“Yeah, well maybe if you weren’t so—”
Logan finally snapped. “ENOUGH!” he roared, making both you and Wade jump in your seats.
Dead silence filled the car. Even Peter stopped sipping his juice box, eyes wide as he turned to look at Logan.
“I swear to God,” Logan growled, leaning forward between the seats. “If I have to listen to one more second of this bullshit, I’m gonna pop my claws and end this car ride for good. You two wanna keep arguing, be my guest. But I’ll tell you what Weasel said when Wade tried recruiting me: ‘You two are so full of crap, you’re practically fertilizer. Now either kiss and make up or get the hell out of my bar!’”
You blinked, stunned into silence. Wade, for once, had nothing to say.
“And for the record,” Logan added, his voice a low rumble, “You both suck at driving.”
The car was quiet after that, the tension still thick but muted by Logan’s outburst. You and Wade exchanged glances, both of you too stubborn to apologize but too shocked to continue the fight.
Peter went back to his juice box, the sound of his slurping the only noise in the now eerily silent vehicle.
Finally, Wade broke the silence. “So… does this mean we’re not stopping for chimichangas?”
“Shut up, Wade,” you both said in unison, and for the first time, there was a hint of a smile tugging at your lips.
Maybe Logan was right. Maybe you were both full of crap. But you had to admit, the arguing was kind of fun.
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waitimcomingtoo · 2 years
Once More To See You
Pairing: Peter Parker x scarlet witch!reader
Synopsis: in an effort to see Peter again, you Dream Walk and learn it’s consequences
Requested by @supernerdycookietrashblr
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“Peter, can you hand me the sugar?”
“Didn’t you already add sugar?” Peter asked you.
“That was for the filling. This is the crust. I just want to add a little more.” You explained as you mixed the contents of your bowl together with a spatula.
“Oh, okay. Here you go.” Peter said and held the sugar out to you. You went to reach for it but realized you had an issue.
“Could you put it in please? My hands are full.” You told him and continued mixing the batter.
“You’d have more hands if you put the book down.” Peter said, making a chill go down your spin. You slowly looked up at him and felt your heart pounding in your ears.
“What did you say?” You whispered.
“The book. You should put it down.” Peter repeated. He still had a smile on his face but his eyes were full of tears. You blinked a few times in confusion before shaking your head.
“No, wait. I don’t like that. Say something else.” You said and started moving your hands around as red flares followed your fingertips. Peter slipped his hand into yours to stop you and held your intertwined hands over his heart.
“Please, honey. You know what you’re doing is wrong.” He whispered as he looked into your eyes with desperation.
“What?” You laughed nervously. “What are you talking about?”
“The Dark Hold. You told me you’d never use it. What happened?”
“How do you know about that? Who told you?” You asked as you started to grow angry.
“No one told me.”
“Then how do you know?”
“I know everything you know.” Peter said with a sad smile. You looked at him in confusion so Peter reached forward and put a hand on your cheek. You melted into his palm and wrapped your hand around his wrist as tears came to your eyes.
“Oh, honey.” Peter said softly. “You know I’m not real, don’t you?”
Your eyes immediately opened and you were staring at your bedroom ceiling. You blinked a few times until it settled in that you were in your bed, dreaming, and not actually with Peter. Your bottom lip began to tremble until you covered your face with your hands. You rolled over and silently sobbed into your pillow. You gripped the pillow after a minute and threw it across the room on a fit of rage. Your whole body shook with one as you punched your fist into your bed over and over until you collapsed onto the bed.
“It’s not fair.” You whispered through your tears. “It’s not fair.”
Once you calmed down enough to get yourself out of bed, you left your cabin to tend to the apple blossom trees outside. You walked along the trees and clipped at the orchids until you felt someone staring at you. You turned and saw Dr. Strange in the distance, sending a pit of despair to your stomach. You blinked back a few tears and looked away but still heard him approaching.
“Hey. I thought I might find you here.” Dr. Strange said as he caught up to you. You looked at him for just a moment before turning away.
“You found me.”
“How have you been since I saw you last?”
“Not great. I’ve been alone.”
“You don’t have to be.” He said, making you look at him with an unamused expression.
“Don’t I? Who do I have, Steven? Tell me. Tony’s gone. Nats gone. Steve’s gone.” You listed before sucking in a sharp breath to keep from breaking down. You were quiet for a minute and looked down at the ground.
“Peters gone.” You said quietly.
“Right. I’m sorry.” Dr. Strange said, regretting suggesting that you didn’t have to be alone. He had said it to comfort you without realizing you didn’t have any other option.
“Why are you here?” You looked up at him and shrugged.
“I wanted to offer my condolences. I know I saw you at the funeral but I didn’t get to say everything I wanted to say.” He said, sending shivers down your spine at the mention of the funeral, Peters funeral. You thought back to the cold air of the funeral home, the smell of the flowers as you lingered around Peters closed casket, and the uncomfortable shoes you had on all day that pinched your feet. You blinked back a few tears before wiping your face.
“Like what?” You asked and went back to your gardening.
“That I’m sorry I couldn’t save him.” He said, bringing you to stillness. You stared at the apple blossom in your hand for a long time until the tears in your eyes made it too blurry to see.
“It was your spell that brought all those people into our world. Your spell brought that flying green heathen after him.” You said through gritted teeth without turning to look at Dr. Strange.
“The spell went wrong. It was never supposed to pull those people into this world.” He said in a soft voice. He wasn’t making excuses, just trying to explain to you that it wasn’t on purpose.
“But it did. And because of you, I had to watch him get chopped in half by Norman’s glider. That never should’ve happened. And it never would’ve happened if you didn’t fuck up your spell and bring those people into this world. He’d still be here if it weren’t for you.” You shouted as you whipped around to see him. Dr. Strange looked at you for a minute and nodded his head to show you that he understood where your anger.
“I know. You’re right. I’m so sorry. Perhaps I shouldn’t have come.” He said with a sympathetic smile.
“No. You shouldn’t have.” You sniffled and turned back around.
“There was one more thing I wanted to speak to you about.” He said after a beat of silence, making your stomach drop.
“Whats that?” You played dumb.
“The Dark Hold. It’s gone missing. Have you seen it?” He asked you. You gulped and kept your back turned as you continued to snip your apple blossoms.
“You already know the answer to that.” You said quietly.
“Don’t.” You cut him off. “I’m not giving it back.”
“It doesn’t have to be this way, Y/n. You could give it back now and end this before it gets out of hand.”
You were quiet for a minute as you stared at the apple orchid in your hand. You eventually reached your hand up and turned it, making the apple orchid dissolve into a the red hex you were really standing inside. Your apple trees became barren and crooked and the blossom in your hand became the Dark Hold. You and Dr. Strange were silent for a moment as you both stared at the book.
“Every night, I have the same dream.” You began. “Peter is alive and he’s with me and we’re happy. And every morning, I wake up to the same nightmare. I’m here and he’s still dead. It’s not fair. I need to be with him. I deserve to be with him. The Dark Hold is going to help me do that.”
“I understand how you feel, but this is breaking all kinds of rules.” Dr. Strange warned you.
“Oh really? You know how I feel? You lost the love of your life?” You asked with a smile that was seething with anger.
“I’ll have you know I just watched the love of my life marry another man.” He said simply. You stared at him for a minute before letting out an angry laugh.
“Are you kidding me?”
“It’s true. I just went to her wedding-“
“She is still alive!” You cut him off. “She is not with you because of things you did and decisions you made. Peter isn’t with me because he is dead. Do you really think you can compare your situation to mine?”
“You’re right. I’m sorry.” Dr. Strange said quietly. You felt guilty for yelling at him but you were angry that he tried to belittle your feelings.
“You have no idea how I feel.” You said in a calmer tone. “You can see Christine anytime you want. If I want to see Peter, I’d have to be dead too.”
“Or use the Dark Hold. But I see you’ve already figured that out.” He said with a little sass in his voice.
“Why did you really come here? You clearly already knew what I was doing.“
“I came stop you before that thing completely takes you over.” Dr. Strange said and pointed to the Dark Hold.
“This thing has saved my life. It has given me a second chance to see the love of my life.”
“I know you think this what you want, but it isn’t. Trust me. This isn’t healthy, Y/n, and it’s not going to end well. You need to grieve him and move on. You can’t use this thing to bring Peter back. It’s not gonna work. Think of the cost.”
“What cost?” You scoffed and started to form a wispy red ball in your hands, just out of sight of Dr. Strange.
“It’s corrupting you. I can see it already.”
“You don’t know me. You don’t know what you see.” You growled and threw the ball of your powers at him. He went tumbling to the ground and watched as you opened the Dark Hold flipped to the page about Dream Walking.
“Don’t do it. Think about the consequences.” Dr. Strange protested when he saw what you were doing.
“There can’t be any consequences when I’ve already lost everything.” You said and started to wave your fingers around as a trail of red wisps of energy followed them.
“I know you miss him, but this isn’t the way to deal with your grief. Not only is Dream Walking dangerous, it is highly illegal. You could be killed for this.”
“I was already killed. The day I buried Peter.” You said lowly as you continued to craft your spell.
“If you keep going the way you’re going, you’re going to rack up a lot of enemies.”
You stopped conjuring your spell for a moment to look at Dr. Strange. He took a step back from you when he saw the mischievous look in your eyes.
“So that’s how this works? You break the rules, you become the hero. I do it and I become the enemy. That doesn’t seem fair.”
“I did what I had to do for the greater good. I was protecting your reality.”
“But you didn’t protect me. You took away the only thing I had left.”
“Please listen to what I’m saying. I saw millions of endings in millions of universes. Peter loved you in all of them. You are together and in love in an infinite other universe. Just not this one. Isn’t that enough?”
“No. It’s not enough. Not for me. I need to be with him in this universe. And you won’t stop me.” You said and turned back to the book.
“Maybe not. But I’m hoping I can reason with you so you can stop yourself.”
“I am never going to stop. Not until I find a universe where he and I can be happy forever.”
“Please, think about-“
You cut him off by throwing another blast of your powers at him before hovering into the air.
“Goodbye, Dr. Strange.” You said and flew off into the red sky.
When you landed, you took out the Dark Hold and started to continue your spell to Dream Walk. You did as the book said and soon felt yourself fading into another universe.
Your counterpart in the other universe felt a cold wind blow by her as the lights started to flicker. She gasped and ran to her bedroom in fear, tripping and falling over her own feet. As soon as she hit the ground, you entered her body. You blinked a few times and looked around at the unfamiliar house you were inside of before getting off the floor. You were inside a small cottage in the middle of an autumnal forrest, a shark contrast to the city life you were used to. You caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and frowned a little. Your hair was cut to a length you never had it before and you were wearing clothes that didn’t fit your style. You didn’t feel like you at all, but you supposed it would be unlikely for all your variants to have the same sense of style. Your heart ached for Peter so you moved through the house until you found in the kitchen. His hair was buzzed and he was humming a song you had never heard before, but it was him. You took as deep breath as a smile tugged at your lips.
“Peter?” You said breathlessly.
“Baby? Is that you?” Peter asked and turned around. As soon as he made eye contact with you, his smile dropped.
“Peter.” You smiled in disbelief and walked towards him with open arms. Before you could touch him, Peter stepped back.
“Who are you?” He asked in fear.
“What? It’s me. It’s Y/n.” You laughed in confusion.
“No it’s not. You don’t walk like that. Or talk like that. Your cadence is off. And your posture is totally different. What’s going on?” He asked and looked around for the you he knew. You were stunned to silence for a moment at all the things he had picked up on until you realized his spider senses must’ve gone off once he saw you.
“Nothings going on, Petey. Just come here. I want to hold you.” You pleaded and walked towards him again. Peter stepped away from you before breaking into a run and going to the backyard.
“Baby? Are you out here?” Peter called out and started to search for you.
“I’m right here.” You said as you ran after him.
“No you’re not. You’re not my Y/n.” He shook his head and ran from you again. You ran faster and stood in front of him to block his path.
“Yes I am. Or, I could be. Please. Just give me a chance.” You pleaded and tried to touch him away. Peter ducked away from your touch and took off running.
“Baby? Where are you?” He cried out.
“Peter! Get back here!” You shouted as you chased him into the forest.
“Baby! Are you out here? Shout if you can hear me.” Peter yelled into the woods. You caught up to him but he tried to run away, so you used your powers to keep him in place. You carefully lifted Peter off the ground in a red wisp of your powers and brought him over to you. Peter struggled against your forces but couldn’t break free.
“Please don’t hurt me. I didn’t do anything wrong. I’m sorry I said you weren’t the real Y/n. We can pretend you are if you want. I’ll do anything. Just please don’t hurt me.” Peter pleaded as tears started to fall down his face. Your mouth opened in surprised and you felt yourself tear up as well.
“What? I would never hurt you. Ever. No, no Peter, I love you. I didn’t come here to hurt you. I just wanted to see your face again. Do you really think I’d hurt you?” You whispered in disbelief. He stared at you for a minute as you gently set him back on the ground.
“Where’s my Y/n?” He asked in a quiet, desperate voice.
“I could be her, Peter. Please. You won’t know the difference.”
“Yes I will. I know my girl like I know the sound of my moms footsteps coming down the stairs. I know her down to the look in her eyes and you don’t have it. You’re not her. I know the difference.” Peter insisted. You were taken aback by this and stopped using your powers completely.
“Your mother? You’ve seen her lately?”
“We go to my parents house every Sunday for dinner. My Y/n loves it since her parents…” Peter trailed off suddenly and looked at you sympathetically.
“What? What about her - my parents?” You asked him.
“They died in a car crash a few years ago. Didn’t that happen to you too?”
“I don’t have parents in this universe?” You whispered and took a step back from him.
“Is that where you came from? Another universe?” Peter asked curiously. You didn’t even hear him since you were too busy thinking about your options. You didn’t know if you could successfully dream walk again, but this Peter didn’t seem to want you. And even if he grew to tolerate you, you didn’t have your parents in this universe. This universe no longer seemed like the answer you’d been searching for.
“I have to go.” You said suddenly and started to walk away.
“Wait, please. Where’s my Y/n? What did you do to her?” Peter gently caught your arm to bring you back.
“I didn’t hurt her. I promise. I’m so sorry. I’ll fix this.” You assured him.
“Okay. I believe you.” Peter nodded and gave you a long, sad look.
“Why did you want to see me?” He asked after a beat of silence. You sucked in a sharp breath and Peter immediately nodded her head.
“See, I know that face. You have that face in common. It’s the same face I saw the night her parents died.” Peter said in a gentle tone. You looked down at the ground and started to cry, only stopping when you felt Peters hand on your shoulder.
“I love you in every universe, you know that don’t you?” He said in a soft voice. He then pulled you into a tight hug and let you cry into his chest. You hugged him as hard as you could and inhaled his scent, which differed from your Peters. Still, you accepted his embrace and held him close.
“I’ll fix this. I won’t bother you anymore.” You told him and ran back into the house without looking at him. You passed by the mirror again and this time, you saw someone else. Peter was right when he said you didn’t carry yourself the same way as your variant did. Her face rested in a different expression than yours naturally did and she had much better posture. You could see the fear in her eyes and reached out to touch the mirror.
“I’m so sorry. I don’t know what to say to you. This isn’t me. I don’t know who this is.” You admitted to her.
“Are you using the Dark Hold?” She asked you in a shaky voice.
“Yes. I am.”
“To see Peter?”
“Yes. To see Peter.” You told her. Her expression softened and she nodded in understanding.
“I forgive you for this. If I lost him, I probably would’ve done the same thing.” She said, bringing tears to your eyes once more.
“Thank you.” You whispered.
“For what?”
“Your mercy.” You smiled at her body leaving her body.
You tried to wake up in your own body, but instead possessed another version of yourself. You found yourself sitting in a big comfort chair in what looked like a nursery. You heard a small gurgle and looked down to see a baby in your arms. You gasped and started it instinctively rock the baby, making her open her eyes. But when you looked into the babies eyes, you felt nothing. This baby didn’t feel familiar to you at all. You felt no maternal responsibility towards the child and instead felt like you were holding someone else’s baby. You didn’t remember finding out you were pregnant and how you told Peter. You had no memory of the day she was born, her first word, or even what her name was. She looked like she was yours, but she wasn’t yours. You quickly put her back in her crib and left the room. When you walked down the hall, you saw photographs of days you had no recollection of. The entire house was covered in someone else’s memories. You caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and nearly fell over. You were about ten years older with graying roots and crinkles by your eyes. You had no memory of growing up and experiencing the rest of your life, and yet there you were. You immediately turned away from the mirror and kept walking down the hall.
“Mommy?” You heard, making you stop in your tracks. A five year old came out of their bedroom and stood in front of you in the hall. Once again, you felt nothing towards the kid. They were cute and even looked like you, but they didn’t feel like your kid. You felt the same way you felt when seeing any other kid out in public, which was basically nothing.
You knelt down in front of the child and reached your hand out to touch their face.
“Hi, sweetie. Where��s your daddy?” You asked them.
“In the kitchen.” They told you in a voice you that sparked no recognition. You nodded to thank them before walking into the kitchen. You saw Peter there, looking older just like you did. This Peter had a beard and was missing his left arm below the elbow. You stared at it in disbelief for a moment until he turned around. He jumped a little, as if his spider senses hadn’t alerted you that he was there.
“Hey, honey. Did you get the baby down?”
“What happened to your arm?” You blurted, immediately slapping your hand over your mouth afterwards. Peter laughed a little and gave you a strange look.
“An infected spider bite when I was 16. But I told Benji it fell off because I didn’t eat my vegetables.” He said with a teasing smile.
“Benji?” You asked.
“Our son? Perhaps you’ve met him.” Peter chuckled. “Are we playing a game right now where we forget everything we know? Because I would love if you forget that it’s my turn to make dinner tonight.”
You laughed as well, then felt an intense sadness wash over you. He had Peters sense of humor, but the dad version. It made you sad that you hadn’t gotten to see Peter become the man you saw in front of you. You didn’t get to grow old together like you wanted to. You were just plopped into this timeline with two kids you didn’t even know the names of and a Peter that didn’t seem to have any superpowers.
“Are you okay, hon?” Peter asked when he noticed the pensive look on your face.
“No. I mean, yes. But I have to go.” You said and swiftly left the room. You stumbled over your own feet and fell to the ground when you felt yourself leaving this body. Your vision started to turn black in the corners until you lost sight completely. When your vision came back, you were in a new place. You looked down at your hands before running to find a mirror. This variant looked the most like your usual self, giving you high hopes for what it meant for Peter. You rushed to find him and ended up bumping into him in the hallway.
“Hey. You’re back early.” He chuckled as he caught you. You looked up into his eyes and felt your heart stop. This Peter looked exactly like the one you had lost. The last time you saw Peter alive, he was bruised and bloody from fighting the green goblin. This Peter still had joy in his eyes as he looked down at you with a kind smile. You put your hands on his chest and felt his heart beating beneath his old flannel shirt. Your bottom lip began to shake so you stepped forward and hugged him as tightly as you could. He hesitated for a minute before hugging you back, sensing that you needed it.
“Woah. What was that for?” Peter chuckled and tried to pull away, but you clung on. You were too upset to speak, and Peter sensed that, so he stroked your hair and let you cry into his chest.
“What’s wrong lover? Why are you crying?” He asked in a softer tone. You picked yo ur head off his chest and looked into his eyes as a realization filled them.
“You’re not from here, are you?” He asked you.
“No.” You admitted. “I’m not.”
“So it’s true? The multiverse is real?” He asked with an excited smile.
“Yes. It’s real. It’s all real.”
“Wow! So you can come another universe? How did you get here? And how will you get back? And…” Peters smile fell as he suddenly trailed off. The tears in your eyes and the way you hugged him gave Peter a bad feeling in his stomach.
“And why did you come here?” He said after a beat of silence.
“Because I missed you.” You said through a sad smile.
“You missed me? Aren’t we together in your universe?” Peter asked as he instinctively wiped your tears with his shirt. You were hit with the scent of his cologne and sighed in relief.
“We were.” You said as your eyes fell down to the ground.
“Oh.” Peter said sympathetically. “What happened?”
You slowly looked back up into his eyes and Peter got the hint. You didn’t need to say anything for him to know his variant was dead.
“Oh.” He said again, quieter this time. Your eyes flicked to the web shooters on his wrists for just a second, but he still caught it. He looked down at his web shooters as well and realized what had happened.
“I died as Spiderman, didn’t I?” He said without looking up from his shooters. You reached forward and took his face in your hands to make him look at you.
“You died a hero. You saved thousands of people, but I just couldn’t…” You trailed off and gave him a tight smile.
“But I couldn’t save you.” You said quietly and looked away from him.
“Hey.” Peter said and tilted your face up to look at him.
“Did I die in a cool way?” He asked, making you laugh.
“Do you really wanna know?”
“Absolutely. Was it really epic? Did I get eaten by a dinosaur or something? Or, oh my God, were we on the Titanic? Did I die on the Titanic?”
“I’m from another universe, dummy. Not another time. We weren’t on the Titanic.” You laughed at him.
“Damn. Then how did it happen?” Peter asked. You looked at him for a minute as you silently relived the moment you watched him die. You remembered the look on his face, the forever frozen look of fear that didn’t fade even after his heart stopped. You remembered the sound of his body hitting the ground. You remembered your throat still hurting by the day of the funeral from how much you had screamed. Before you could give Peter an answer, he retracted his question.
“You know what? Don’t tell me. It’s probably better if I don’t know.” Peter said with a sheepish smile, one that made your knees feel weak.
“I’ve really missed your smile.” You said softly as you stared into his eyes. Peters face filled with sympathy as he put a hand on your shoulder.
“As much as I’d love to have you stay, you know you have to go home.” He said in a gentle tone. You started to tear up as you looked at him, knowing it would be the last time.
“But you won’t be there.” Your voice cracked. “What am I supposed to do without you? Where am I supposed to put my hands? I can’t go back to a universe that you’re not in. My life doesn’t make any sense without you. We weren’t finished yet. I love you. I still love you.”
You were fully crying now as Peter silently listened to you speak. You needed to get all these emotions out one last time while you knew he could hear you. When you were finished, Peter wiped your tears away before pulling you into a long kiss. You shut your eyes and let him kiss you for the very last time. When he pulled away, he smiled softly as he rubbed your cheek with his thumb.
“It’ll pass.” He told you, and you knew he was right. You both sat with those words for a moment until you knew it was time to leave. You gave Peter one last look as you started it cast a spell that would put you back in your own body.
“Know that you’re loved.” Peter said to you just as you left that universe.
When your eyes opened, you were back in your cabin. The red hex that previously surrounded it was gone and it was now just a small wooden cabin in the woods. You went outside and used your powers to fly off until you reached the Sanctum Sanctorum. The doors opened for you as you went up the steps and you looked around until you found Dr. Strange in his library.
“Oh. Hello.” He said when he saw you in the doorway.
“Hey. Sorry I threw my mind powers at you.” You said sheepishly as you walked up to him.
“You know, I’ve had worse thrown at me.” He chuckled a little. You nodded in understanding before making the Dark Hold appear out of thin air.
“What’s this?” Dr. Strange asked nervously when he saw the book.
“It’s for you. I didn’t want to destroy it but I couldn’t keep it around either. I thought you should take it.”
“Thank you. I’ll make sure it goes where no one can ever be tempted by it again.” He said as he moved his fingers in a circular motion until the book disappeared. You felt a pinch of sadness when you watched it leave, but you knew it was for the best.
“What do you do with it?” You asked without ever taking your eyes off where the book had been.
“With what?”
“The love you still have for Christine. Where do you put it now that you can’t give it to her?”
“Oh. I’m not really sure. I guess I give it to everyone else. I try to love the people I love just a little harder.” Dr. Strange said with a sad smile. You nodded your head and looked down at the ground as hot tears spilled down your face.
“I’m afraid that I’m going to love him forever but we will never be in the same room again.” You cried and buried your face in your hands. You heard Dr. Strange get out of his chair and walk over to you. There was a hesitation, then a pat on your back.
“It’s okay to be scared. As long as you don’t let that fear turn you into something you’re not.” He told you. You wiped your face free from tears and gave him an appreciative smile.
“Peter would say the same thing.” You nodded.
“I’m sorry this happened to you. I’m sorry you don’t get to be with him.” Dr. Strange said softly as he rubbed your back.
“It’s okay.” You said with a sad smile. “At least he visits me in my dreams. I still get to see him when I fall asleep.”
You left the Sanctum Sanctorum after that and went back to your cabin. After the day you had, you just wanted to go to sleep and forget your troubles. You got under your covers and pulled them over your head to fully block out the world and soon felt yourself drifting off the sleep. In your dreams, you were opening a door to your old apartment and Peter was sitting at the kitchen table with two cups of tea in front of him.
“Hey.” He smiled. “I was waiting for you.”
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atlasmarzz · 1 year
ugh why do i do this, its literally 2:50 am when im starting this and 3:26 am when i finish.
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NSFW WARNING - read at your own risk :) thigh riding, degration, edging, orgasm denial, leon is a meanie, mirror sex?
your fiancé had a government work part to attend, of course bringing you as his plus one. leon never really got you involved with his work, it was far too dangerous. but a classy party and drinks with the industry wouldnt hurt at all.
at the moment, you were standing infront of the full length mirror in your bedroom while leon sat on the edge of your bed. you worked on clipping in some earings that matched the necklace that leoj had bougjt you a while ago. you could see him behind you, leaning over, his slicked back hair, white dress shirt, and black dress pants making him even more attractive. you were wearing a long but not tight fitted dress that contained a slit riding all the way up to mid thigh. the top with thin straps and lowcut band. you chose complimentary heels that worked with everything.
you heard a low wistle come from behind you, knowing it was leon checking you out without even having to see his eyes. you ignored it as you finished with the jewlery portion of the night. i double checked my hair and makeup before turning around to face leon.
"are you ready, lee?" of course you had to use the nickname that made him crazy after riling him up with your attire.
"actually.. no, no im not, c'mere" he said, tapping his thigh with his index finger and leaning back to look at you.
"leon, we cant, we have places to be" you tried to explain to him, looking back at the clock hanging in the wall.
"we have 30 minutes, darling, just enough time for something small, hm?" he pleads, grabbing my arm and pulling my down for a kiss
of course i kissed back, but i pulled away quickly, "babe- my makeup" i warned him, looking down at him with stern eyes. he grabbed my hips and yanked me down onto one thigh. i yelped out, grabbing onto his shoulders for stablitiy, "seriously leon-" i warned again but he didnt care. my dress rode up my thigh and dropped the remainder to the floor.
he grippied my hips harder, moving my slightly back and forth. i could feel the wetness starting to pool in my thinly laced panties that he was meant to see later. he clearly had visions of his own as i whimpered, the friction of his pants on my clothed cunt made my head fuzzy.
"what were you saying? how much youre a slut for my fucking thigh? look at you, broken down just for my thigh" he spat with a smile, holding my face with one hand to look up at him.
i contiued to move without his help, my clit throbbing from the harsh contact. i leaned my head back and opened my mouth, silently pleading for more. his hand slid off my face and up my dress, moving my panties aside to have my arousal bare and dripping on his nice pants. when i noticed, i stopped.
"leon- your pants" i whimpered, looking into his eyes with concern.
"dont worry, keep fucking going. tell me how much you love this, making such a mess of yourself and ive barely touched you." i muttered lowly in my ear, gripping my hips again to move me, "god you look so dirty in the mirror right now." he spat again, watching my hips drag against him.
"mph- please leon please im so close-" i whined, picking up my speed and feeling my release creep up.
"you can hold it. be good and hokd it for me. dont want to ruin yourself right before a party, right?" he cooed, rubbing small circles in my hips.
i cried out, tears brimming in my eyes as i tried so hard to keep my band from snapping. my movements stuttered as i tried to regain my composure. i continued for a moment before stopping again.
"did i say you could stop?" leon asked, his voice husky and sharp in my ear, gripping my sides and moving me again.
"no! please leon it hurts! please let me come ill be good!" i begged, crying into his neck as i fought against his movements.
"youll be good? well when you say it like that.." he trailed, lifting me off of his thigh. my face furrowed with confusion, "turn around, watch yourself ruin yourself on my thigh." he demanded, turning my hips.
when i settled myself again, my back flush against his chest as i stared at us in the mirror. my lipstick was smudged and mascara ran down my face, a slight glisten in the light could be seen on his pants.
"c'mon, keep going" he offered innocently, i continued moving my hips, the coil coming back faster this time as i moaned out leons name, "is bunny close?" he asked, leaning in to kiss my shoulder, trailing up to leave soft kisses on my neck and behind my ear.
i nod furiously, practically bouncing on his knee, "stop." he said, it startled me, but i stopped, being ripped away from heaven for the second time, "we can continue after the party. we'll be late" he lifted me off and readjusted my panties.
i whined out, my legs like jello as i desperately tried fixing my hair and makeup. by the time we were actually ready, the wet spot dried, leaving it darker than the rest of the pants.
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pogueszn · 2 years
no because you guys know that trend on tiktok right now with ceilings by lizzy mcalpine where they clip dramatic running scenes from movies or tv shows? imagine that with you and jj
wc: 700+
jj and his friends have been missing for a month. he had swung by your place before he had disappeared, it was only after he was gone did you realize the undertones in your last conversation. he didn’t say anything that was cause for concern in the moment but things made sense now, the dots had lined up.
he had stood you up on every plan in the past few weeks, every rain check of a plan the two of you had to partake in whatever crazy shit he and the pogues got up to.
he told you he was sorry, cupped your cheeks and kissed you. told you he couldn’t explain right now but he would when he got back. when he got back he’d tell you everything. and then he left.
it was hard. you struggled with it. you wondered if you had said or done anything different if he would have stayed. if things would be different, maybe if you had your boyfriend and his friends who’ve you come to adore over the time you’ve spent with jj wouldn't be missing.
the authorities have no leads on where they might be. you don’t even know if they’re actually looking or if they share scripts of what to say to concerned family members and civilians to get them to go home and leave them alone so they can get 'their real work done'.
Keep reading
you and your parents have taken a trip to the mainland to visit your family  for a couple of days to get you off the island, away from the constant reminder that you don’t know if jj is alive or not
and when the pogues return to kildare the first place he goes is to your house. he bounds up your porch, taking two steps at a time, and slams his closed fist on your front door. he’s consumed by the thought of seeing you again that he didn't notice the family car isn’t in the driveway. he doesn’t have a phone, he imagines it’s somewhere at the bottom of the ocean, there’s no way for him to tell you that he’s back and that he’s okay. so he’s forced to wait and hope he can see you before this treasure hunting business takes him away from you again
picture it — you’re driving back home, your parents are talking in the front seat but you can’t bring yourself to pay attention to what they’re saying. you’re nearly zoned out, you’re barely comprehending what you’re seeing out the window until you see the twinkie.
john b’s old beat up van parked on the side of the road, the last you heard it was sitting in the police compound. your body immediately reacts, your spine straightens and you twist to look out the window.
the words fall out of your mouth so fast it doesn’t register to your parents the first time you say it.
“i'm sorry, say that again? i didn't hear you.”
“stop the car!”
the car rolls to a stop and you're out before the headlights fade off. they're too far to hear what they're talking about but it's them. there's no doubt about it.
jj is locked onto his conversation with john b, his hands wave dramatically in the air. his skin looks tanner, his blond locks of hair seem lighter than the last time you seen him. your eyes well up and your heart squeezes in your chest.
you call out his name and he stills. and all it takes is one look and your feet start to move. your pace is slow at first, your body is still reacting by the time you call out to him again.
you're a football field away from each other and even though jj is walking towards you, his stride matching your own, there's too much space between you. you break out into a full run and he does the same. you collide somewhere in the middle, his arms wrap around your torso and yours snare around his shoulders. you trip over your own feet and jj is stumbling backwards from the impact, you're clinging to each other like a lifeline, like if you let your grip loosen he'll slip from your hands like sand.  one of his hand slips up to cup the back of your neck while the other slips under the back of your shirt.
you don't need to know what he's done, you don't need to know where he's been. you just need to be able to hold him like this for as long as you need to. forever if you have to.
you don't need to know what he's done, you don't need to know where he's been. you just need to be able to hold him like this for as long as you need to. forever if you have to.
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quibliography · 3 months
Born a Crime by Trevor Noah 🎣
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Synopsis:  This novel is a memoir about the life of Trevor Noah growing up in a post-apartheid South Africa. He was born to a white Swiss father and a black Xhosa mother during a time when it was forbidden for these two people to so much as interact with each other. But even with the end of apartheid, Trevor Noah still had to learn how to live in a fractured world, navigating the differences between being white, being black, being colored, being many of these things, and being none of them.
My Quibs: I already adore Trevor Noah, as a comedian and a storyteller. Seriously, even a short clip of an episode of his run as host of the Daily Show or his podcast What Now, it's so clear how well spoken he is. So obviously, a whole book of it? Sign me up! But I would also recommend listening to it (even maybe reading along as you listen) because 1) the presentation of his words makes the story so much more impactful but 2) I couldn't even imagine how to pronounce the various African languages and names he uses. I think I've learned how to pronounce Xhosa by now though🤞. So just to preface, I came into this memoir with a hint of what to expect and an undying love for the author.
I really believe everyone should read this book. There are so many points that initially is about apartheid and South African history/culture, but actually has a larger message about race relations and how we connect to each other as humans. He tells a story about how his school playground was divided in groups by white/black/colored/other. And how even among the black kids, because Africa of course has its own diversity, there was division by spoken language. And it's not an uncommon experience, considering how America can do that as well. I mean, just as a stupid example, the Mean Girls cafeteria scene when the "cliques" are explained to her. In reality we also divide social lines by what we see and what we hear. It's a universal experience. But his message was how to cross those lines. Trevor Noah is good with languages and uses communication as a means to connect across these divides. He quotes Nelson Mandela saying "If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart."
But because Trevor Noah is also a comedian, he balances out the seriousness with outrageous stories of the hijinks he got up to. From having to covertly poop in front of his blind grandmother to his "Long, Awkward, Occasionally Tragic, and Frequently Humiliating Education in Affairs of the Heart" (in three parts). Everything he writes is so endearing and feels so relatable despite it being an entirely different life experience than I know. And I've heard many people say now that it's a gateway to wanting to learn more about that part of the world. Americans, at least, have so little education about international history and Trevor Noah provides a great sample of a world that we should be more aware of.
Should you read it? Yes. No conditionals. Just yes. Can't read? Listen to it. Actually, if you can read, listen to it too.
Similar reads? I don't read many memoirs so it's hard to compare. Any one that I have read is distinct in their voice and personality. But if you already like watching him on the Daily Show or on his podcast What Now, I guarantee you'll like this book.
(Spoiler Alert!) He's alluded to his mother being shot in the head when he talks to the audience or his guest on the Daily Show, off air. So I was aware this was not only an event in his life, but obviously a very significant one. So the entire time I was waiting for the full story. To those who didn't know what was coming, apparently it was such an intense ending. (Someone literally had to pause it while they were driving because they wanted to devote their whole attention to this last chapter.) For me whom it was a long time coming, it was still pretty gripping. And dammit, it made me want to keep reading. I need a sequel, Trevor!! Please! Or can his mother write a book about what it was like raising Trevor? I'll take that too, thank you!
What did you think of Born A Crime?
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doevademe · 2 years
As a prompt: Percy comes back home to find that little Emmy did a makeover to Nico giving him surprisingly well done pigtail buns (like a small bun in each side) and glittery make up on his face, resulting in a brain melt on Percy's part. Since you're going to hit us with angst tsunami these days, I figured I could ask for some fluff, possibly ending with some spice ? Percy s just a simp for any style change Nico makes. Dude's basically a model, can pull off anything. Now I got images of him cosplaying Jojos, pose and all. 🤯 man, think of the potential.
Percy has been used to chaos since before he found out he was a demigod.
When teachers hate you, stuff explodes unexpectedly, and strangers and weird creatures no one notices look at you with scorn and try to kill you all your life, you have to just learn to take it in and work with what you have.
Still, he didn't expect to see his four year old little boy running and hugging him as soon as he opened the door, trembling in fear.
"Da, she got pa! She got pa!" Asher cried, burying his face against Percy's pant leg. "She's coming for me next!"
Percy blinked, his first instinct was to reach for his sword, but he didn't want to scare his son further.
"What happened?" He asked, trying to keep his cool despite the fear gripping at his heart. "What happened to your papa? Where's your sister?"
"In her room!" He wailed, still terrified. "I said no, and pa took my place!"
Percy's panic started to fade as he realized the 'she' that got Nico was none other than their daughter.
"What did she do this time, Ash?" He asked, resisting the urge to laugh at his youngest.
"She asked grandpa for weird paints and brushes, and he brought them today!" He explained, stumbling over his words. "She wanted to use them on me, and, and—"
"So it was Hades," he said, chuckling. "It's okay Ash, you can always say no, your papa and I will stand by you when you do."
He lifted him and sat him down on the couch. He went to the stairs.
"You're going in?!" his son asked, scandalized.
Percy nodded.
"I have to see the damage," he explained. "Emmy might be good at painting on paper, but I doubt your papa makes a good canvas."
Asher just hid on the couch, making Percy roll his eyes. Asher could look a zombie in the eye and order him to dance ballet, but was scared of his sister painting on his face.
He opened the door, expecting to see Nico looking like an art project, with splotches of red, blue and green all over his face.
What he found instead was that Asher really needed to expand his vocubulary.
The 'paint' Hades had bought his little princess had been make up, and the brushes were actual, professional grade, combs and clips. Just what was Hades thinking?
But the biggest surprise was his husband. Despite being 6, Emilia had a good taste in colors and conbinations, having picked colors that accentuated Nico's face (though with excessive amounts of glitter), and a lipstick that made his already full lips look even meatier and shinier. His nails had been done in a dark blue that almost looked black and his hair... gods, his hair had been done in pigtails that just added to the whole picture.
"Hey there," he managed to say stupidly. Nico glared at him.
"Laugh and you'll be going to Father's place," he said, mindful of their daughter's presence, and Percy knew he couldn't tell him how the makeover actually made him feel.
"I would never," he said in a posh voice, making Emilia giggle. "You're the prettiest boy around, Ni!"
"He is, isn't he?" Emilia said in wonder. "Papa said I was too young for this, so I wanted to show him I could do this by trying it on him."
"Turns out, my father is not a complete lunatic," Nico sighed. "Emilia told him she wanted to work on a salon and make people pretty. He made her promise not to use it on herself until she's older."
Percy sighed in relief. Truth was, Nico's makeover was making his mind a little sluggish. He hadn't even considered the implications of a six year old wanting to use makeup.
He turned to his daughter.
"Well, your first job was a success, sweetie," he said honestly. "Your papa looks fantastic!"
Nico grimaced, but nodded all the same.
"If your dad says he likes it, then it must be true," he said. "Besides, I only want to look pretty for him."
Emilia giggled again and hugged him.
"I know that!" she said. "Now can I try on Ashy?"
"No," Percy said at the same time as his husband. He knelt down. "Your brother doesn't want to, and you have to respect that."
"What if I show him how papa turned out? The he'd want to!"
Nico pinched his brow, but nodded.
"You can try," he said. "But remember if he says no, it means no, Emmy."
"I know, papa," she droned before running out of the room, shouting, "Ashy, I'm done! Papa looks so pretty!"
Nico stood up to follow her, only to be caught by Percy, who grabbed his arm and pinned him against the wall.
"Percy, what are you doing?" He hissed, glancing at the door.
"I... may have discovered I have a thing for pigtails," he said, voice husky. "More to grab, you know?"
Nico gulped, his pupils dilating at his husband's suggestion.
"I... I could keep this a little longer..." he muttered.
"The lipstick too?" Percy asked hopefully, fingers wrapping around Nico's belt loops.
"Papa!" Emilia cried from the stairs. "Ashy need to see you!"
"Coming!" Nico said, shoving Percy away. Percy sighed in disappointment, but Nico looked at him. "This is father's fault."
Percy blinked.
"What do you mean?" he asked.
"He bought Emilia that salon kit," he said. "So he won't mind the kids staying the night at his palace, maybe dolling him and Persephone up."
Percy got it immediately. He gave Nico a lascivious smirk.
"I love how you think, Love," he said.
"I'm on my way, Principessa!"
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Welcome to Demon Life (Obey Me!) part 1
"Welcome to the Devildom, Riley! I am glad to see you have made it here in one piece." The current ruler smiled down at the newest exchange student. The human before him looking about with thoughtful concern before she brushed herself off. A backpack as well as two duffel bags for her to give a vehement sigh of air. The human soon looking up to Diavolo before her gaze drifted over to Lucifer. Her expression one of concern as she spoke up. "Hello, sir. Glad to see this exchange program wasn't some scam for laughs. So this means I get to go to school here for a year?"
Diavolo nodded as Barbatos walked forwards to be carrying a clip board with official documents. The butler taking the time to explain to Riley everything to do with the exchange program and living here in the Devildom. Riley listened and nodded to then look back up to Diavolo. Her words holding a bit of worry in them when she spoke up. "Yeah. About that one year thing. Is it possible to extend that time frame to five years?"
All the demons present looked equally surprised. So Riley continued to speak so as to explain herself. "The whole reason I signed up was to be anywhere but there for however long I could manage. It would be really helpful if I was able to stay in a safe and secure day to day lifestyle. Since life has been... Hard." Riley rubbed a hand over her face to then huff out a breath and look very tired. As if she has been awake for a week straight. "Semantics. I would be up for basing how long I stay based on my academic progress. Just wanted to toss that out to the people in charge. But yeah. Back to the matter at hand."
Riley reached out to grab the pen and scan the documents with a serious gaze. Which made Lucifer smile a little at the fact this human was taking everything seriously as Diavolo hummed a happy notation. The current ruler soon walking to stand beside Riley and speak with her on a more personal level. "I did notice you wrote a bit about your current living situation and the need for a stable place to live. We have it set up that you will stay at the House of Lamentation. A residence with several powerful students who will help you get your bearings. All of them brothers with quirky personalities. The eldest brother is Lucifer."
The human paused in her reading to look back up at Lucifer with a raised eyebrow. The mind within this human piecing things together for her to then give a full shiver of emotions. "Wow. As in Lucifer the Morningstar? I can think of several of my family who would be freaking out if they were in my shoes." Lucifer made his way forward with casual steps for the human to tense up. But Lucifer gave a bow for the human to then shake her head back a forth in a frenzy before she shook his hand with a firm grip. "Right. You're supposed to keep me going to school while I'm here. Means no eating my soul or such. Hi there."
Lucifer could scent the fear spike in this human exchange student to notice how Riley was doing there absolute best to stand straight and tall before him. But he did get a surprise when Riley kept speaking. "Be aware that if any of you try anything that registers as me getting hurt, "I will defend myself. We all know I am petrified and stand zero chance if any of you try anything. But I refuse to cower in my shoelaces here without tightening my proverbial grip on a baseball bat called words of warning. Anyone tries anything, I'm going for throats." Diavolo blinked to then burst out laughing as Barbatos smiled with genuine approval. While Lucifer actually felt himself smirk to nod his head. "Prudent and direct. Survival is something that one must prioritize. Especially here. Be that as it may, you will be safeguarded while here in the Devildom. As for how long you stay, that will depend on the success of this exchange program in it of itself."
Riley nodded to then heave a sigh of air. Which had Lucifer pluck up one of her duffel bags to carry it for her. The other duffel bag soon taken from her as Lucifer adjusted the straps on his shoulders. Which had Riley wobble a little before she got her feet back under her to stand steady again. "Okay. That just happened. So let's get to where I get to bunk and get things situated. Just... Don't jostle the duffel on your right. It has a highly expensive laptop in it. Rather not have that break on me when I spent so much money to get it." Lucifer nodded to then ask a hesitant question. "I take it you play video games?" Riley blinked to then nod her head. "Yep. I also do artwork for various video game companies. It helps me pay for food and caffeine. I take it one of my guard demons is a gamer?" Lucifer heaves a sigh of air to nod his head. "Leviathan is a passionate gamer and anime fanatic. Most of what he says goes over everyone's head."
This has the human exchange student visibly perk up to then grin a genuine smile as she chuckles. "Then I will translate. I speak fluent nerd. So if you need help with anything game related, I will help out gladly." Riley gave Diavolo a bow of her head in a show of respect before she turned to Barbatos to sign the documents with a scribble. So she then turned to Lucifer to hitch both thumbs under her backpack straps. "Let's head for this House of Lamentation and see who we have to deal with and who will be a fast friend. Lead on."
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vannybarber · 4 years
Rude Boy
Summary: You're practicing a dance routine at Chris' house and you can't get a move down, so he helps you out ;)
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Chris Evans x Famous¡BlackReader
(Imagine you're on Beyonce's level of fame. You can sing, rap, dance, act. All that 🥰.)
Warnings: SMUT, cursing, spanking, tiny fluff.
Words: 2.8k
S/N = Stage Name
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"Chris pleaseeee" you say, literally on your knees in front of him.
"I don't know if I'm qualified for that. I mean you're S/N." He rubs his face and sighs. You hate when he talks down on himself like that.
You were currently in his living room, begging for him to critic your choreography for your upcoming performance this Sunday night at the Teen Choice Awards. Its nothing different from what you've done before, but you like the feedback. Chris was nominated for 2 awards and also is attending with Scott.
"Stop acting like I'm better than you. Can you please do this for me? Please boo?" You beg him once more, using the nickname you developed for him over the time you worked together.
You met him in the beginning of both you guys' career when you both got casted for Not Another Teen Movie. Then worked together again in Infinity War after the Russo brothers discovered your years old string of tweets begging to be in a Marvel film. You both vowed to never lose touch again after that.
He smiled to himself at the nickname and finally agreed. You clasped your hands together, squealing like a 2 year old. You get off your knees, grimacing at the slight pain on the pads. Grabbing your phone and speaker out your bag, you run to one of his large spaced rooms in his house and hook up your Bluetooth.
You were ready, but hearing his feet shuffling behind you, it was evident he had no intention of speeding up. So you run to him and grab his thick arm and pull him the rest of the way.
"Alright alright I'm comin' " he chuckled at your excitement. He picks up his pace so you don't pull his shoulder out his socket. Finally making it back to the room, you grab a chair for him and make him sit in it.
He sits, getting comfortable and you quickly walk over to your phone and start the music.
Tonight I'ma give it to you harder
Tonight I'ma turn your body out
Relax lemme do it how I wanna
If you got it, I need it and I'ma put it down
You start the dance, lipsyncing the lyrics. You already have great breath control, so you don't have to worry about messing up your vocals.
Buckle up, I'ma give it to you stronger
Hands up we gon' go a lil longer
Tonight I'ma get a lil crazy, get a lil crazy baby
You swirl your ass up in the air, in doggy style position. You look up at Chris and see him looking at your butt. You just smirk and keep going.
Going into your last verse, the nastiest one, the one move you've been struggling with is coming up.
I like when you tell me kiss you there
I like when you tell me move it there
So get it up, time to get it up
You say you want rude, boy, show me whatchu got now
Come here right now
You catch his eyes and wink. He winks back playfully. You guys had flirty exchanges, but they were all joke based. One of the great parts of you guys' relationship.
You lie on your back and prepare to do the move.
Come here rude boy boy can you get it up?
Come here rude boy boy is you big enough?
You attempt the move and mess up for the 50thousandth time. Sitting up on your knees, you bring your hands to your face and groan. Frustrated, you rise and bring the music back to the last verse.
Chris gets up and walks to your side, wrapping his huge bicep around your shoulder. "Hey what's wrong, bean?" He dips his head down to look at your scrunched up face. Like he ain't just watch you fuck up the move.
"I can't get the move right. It's the one part I'm struggling with." You stomp your foot on the brown hardwood floor and fold your arms.
"Well how about you just change it to something you already know" he suggests, but you're not hearing it.
This move is perfect for the song. The move is like you're riding an invisible dick. You have to roll your hips twice and jump back up on your feet, ass in the air, right away. But your rolls are so mechanical and stiff. And you need to do it so you can go into the next move right after.
After you explain this to him, you sit down feeling defeated. He comes over and crouches infront of you, hands on your thighs. You stomach twirls a little. You haven't gotten any in like 2 years, so simple touches you riled up. It's honestly sad.
He scans you from your legs, stops at your lips and up to your eyes. You narrow them at him and wiggle your eyebrows smiling, lowkey wondering why he's checking you out. He smirks and speaks.
"How about I help you with the move?" So many thoughts and images of him riding an imaginary dick on the floor evade your mind and has you giggling like an idiot.
"You gonna get on the floor with me?" You question half jokingly and half serious.
"I have a better idea." Confused, you watch him rub his big hands up your slightly bigger thighs. He reaches your hips and squeezes them, making you squeal because you're ticklish. He stands up and bends down to your level and looks you in your eyes.
"I want you to ride me, Y/N." Your body moving faster than your brain, you get up and walk to the window and stare at it. Hands against the glass you just watch the trees blow in the wind, wide eyed. You hear him laugh behind you and you turn around.
"Chris what do you mean 'ride you'?" You asked the dumb question, knowing exactly what he meant, but you needed to hear it from him. You needed to know exactly what you just heard.
"Honey, you know exactly what I mean. Can we just be honest here? We both are sexually attracted to each other, but push it aside for our friendship" he counters, walking up to you, rubbing your sides again. "Might as well admit it."
You were definitely attracted to him, but him attracted to you? Like that? The flirty jokes you guys shared with each other and the playful touches didn't really mean anything though. Right?
You didn't have time to think about that as you come back to reality and hear him calling your name.
"Y/N? Y/N, you there? You alright?" He grabs your face and checks your eyes. You slap his hand away and look at him. He's so annoying, but so beautiful. Its not fair.
"Maybe we shouldn't do this. I don't want to pressure you into sleeping with me. You're my friend." He backs up and shakes his head. "I'm sorry bean."
You heart pangs a little at his words. You actually wanted to do this. I mean as long as it didn't ruin your friendship, you were cool with it. You grab him back to you and tell him.
"Chris, you're not pressuring me into anything. I want to do it. You're helping me out and plus I trust you with my body. I know you'll respect me." You smile at him and he does the exact same.
"Are you sure because-"
"You have to thumb promise me that this won't mess up our friendship" you cut him off. "I really value that with you." You hold out your thumb, waiting for him to touch it with his. He smiles widely at you, connecting his thumb to yours and kissing his thumb nail, you doing the same.
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Everything happened so fast. One minute you're making out straddling his lap and next he's picking you up and heading towards his room. And now here you are, on top of his splayed body on his bed. His tongue is still dancing with yours and his hands grip the hell out of your ass.
You both pull away after sucking out 75% of each other's carbon dioxide.
" Y/N, is this your first time riding?" He looks at you for your answer and you sheepishly nod your head, covering your face out of embarrassment. In your only two relationships, you did the same old things. Missionary and all that. You never really had control or lead so you were nothing less of inexperienced.
He softy pulls your hands from your face and chuckles. "Don't be ashamed, baby. I'm gonna help you okay? It'll be good for the both of us." Giving his famous wink, he adjusts his body a little higher.
"First, let's get these clothes off of you. Is that okay?" You nod eagerly and your heart warms up with how respectful he's being. Consent is so sexy.
He pulls your black t-shirt above your head and tosses it behind you. Observing your beddable torso he slides his hands up your ribcage, around your back and to your bra clip.
"Let's get this off, yeah?" Another eager nod. The entire time, you're just smiling. Because for one, he's being so patient with you and two, you're excited as hell. It's been a long ass time.
After your bra comes off, his hands shoot straight up to massage your boobs. They actually fill his hands and he's most definitely enjoying it. You laugh outloud and lower yourself down so he can slip one on his mouth. He quickly latched on twirled his tongue around the nipple and switches over to the other, doing the same. You throw your head back and grind on his crotch area.
He sees this and teases you about it.
"Is someone ready for their lesson?"
You whine out your words.
"Yesss." He halts his grip on your boobs and looks at you. "Yes what?" You pause and register what he's asking you. He quirks an eyebrow, waiting for your answer. You bite your lip.
"Yes Daddy." He pulls your head down by your neck and kisses you sweetly. "Good girl", he smiles at you proudly. Him praising you only made your panties even more soaked. You shift your body around, removing your tights. Throwing them to the side, you lean down and kiss him again. Only this time, you were the one removing the clothes.
After getting his shirt off and reconnecting your lips, your hands run over his chest and he moans in your mouth. You grin against his lips and reach for his belt. Pulling away, you earn a whine from him too.
Someone's eager, you think smirking to yourself.
Undoing that red belt he literally was in love with and removing his pants, his boner was on full display and you were not disappointed. According to your calculations, based off your sight, he was at least 7 maybe 8 inches. His shaft was visibly thicc and wide. You were in for a treat.
He watches you gawk at his coCk and thrusts up into your hand, making you squeal. He could literally feel the excitement radiate from your body. But he was way more excited than you could imagine.
"You like what you see, pretty girl?" You look back up at him and stick your tongue out like a child. You truly could not stand this adorable puppy man child. His hand rests on the side of your face and his thumb grazes over your cheekbone.
"Take it out for me, baby girl." All these nicknames he was giving you did not help your horny predicament. You reach inside his Calvin Klein's and feel for him. Grabbing his humongous length, you pull it out and pull the boxers down and off his legs.
Absentmindedly, you stroke him, dragging your thumb over the head and collecting the bits of precum sitting. He groans lowly, bucking his hips up into your closed hand.
"Now you're just gonna get up and sink on it slowly, okay? Stop for a second if it hurts" he coaches you. Following his orders, you move up so your core is right on his tip. Slowly you sink on him.
The slight pain does not go unnoticed as he stretches you out. Ignoring it, you push down a little more.
"That's it, sweet girl. You're doing so good for me. So good." He rubs your hips encouragingly, relieving some of the pain. When you finally get him completely inside, you look at your bodies connected, shocked you even got him in so easily.
"When you're ready, just move back and forth. If it gets too much, let me know and I'll help you. Okay, pretty girl?" You let out a soft 'yes', clenching around him. After most of the pain subsides, you move on him. His heaving breathing doesn't slip past you and neither does your tiny whimpers.
"There you go baby. You're learning so fast. Just keep moving, just like that." He throws his head back gritting his teeth. The pleasure is coming in fast and you moan out his name. Hands on his chest, your hips roll against his, cock sliding in and out of you. His hands on under your butt help you move swiftly.
You speed up at his praises and a swat lands on your bottom, leaving a tingling feeling. As if you weren't already fired up, that did it for you. Your pace increases and your skin slaps against his, echoing in the bare room. A yell leaves your mouth as reoccurring ecstacy shoots through your body everytime you slide back down on him.
Chris tries to grip onto you but his hands keep slipping.
"Fuck, Y/N! You're doing so perfect. Ride me just like that. You're such a good girl"
He starts to meet your rhythm, rutting up into you. Now you're screaming and the slaps get louder, his hands coming in contact with your ass more frequent. You feel the coil in your abdomen and you aren't short of letting him know.
"Daddy I'm- Fuck I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum!" You balance yourself with your hands on the sides of his head and give it your all one last time.
"Let go baby. Cum for me. Cum all over my cock, sweet girl." You didn't need to be told twice. Your eyes twisted shut and your pussy gripping around him, you cum all over his length. He thrusts a couple more times and shoots his load inside you, filling you up. Both your bodies go limp against each other.
"That was so fucking amazing" you force out, in between breathes. You raise your head to look at his fucked out state. Pride rises in your chest, knowing you did this to him. He looks down at you, giving a dopey smile.
"You were amazing. I would've never guessed this was your first ride. Hopefully it won't be your last, with me of course." Hope is evident in his voice. You take a moment to contemplate, but you already knew your answer.
"I think we could make it happen" you say tapping your fingers on your chin and a huge grin on your face.
"Then it's settled. I think you have this move downpacked." He leans down giving you another kiss. You were in for the ride of your life.
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Blinded by your excitement to perform, Sunday night came quick. You were backstage watching the program as you got ready. The movie nominations were up and Chris was nominated for Movie Actor: Sci-Fi/Fantasy and Movie Scene Stealer. Hearing his name called for both awards you freak out while your make up artists Stella tries to put on the finishing touches.
Chris honestly deserves every award he is nominated for and every one he isn't. He's so talented, but people never appreciate the actual talent around here. He doesn't win many awards so this was extremely big for him. You were so proud.
You hear Maya Rudolph present you and you get into position.
Throughout the performance you were grinning from ear to ear. Excited for the move Chris helped you perfect and reminiscing on how he helped you perfect it. The part comes up and you absolutely nail it. You look at him in the front row and see his mouth a 'good girl' at you.
When the performance is over, you take in your applause, wink at Chris and head into the back. Moments later, everyone is in the back congratulating you. Chris comes up beside you and smiles.
"You did such a good job, bean." He kisses the side of your forehead. Your bestfriend comes up and asks you how you got the move down. You look up at Chris.
"Well I had a very good teacher. He taught me very well."
Glances did not fail to be thrown across the room and your bestfriend did not fail to bombard you and Chris with questions on the ride home.
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Hmmm I actually liked this one 😎
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themandylion · 3 years
97 & 41 jaytim
Oh wow, this ended up long. /o\
97 (Time Travel) + 41 (First Kiss) + JayTim
He's boosting tires in the Bowery when the thugs find him. Crowd him up against a wall and threaten him with bodily harm for horning in on their territory, even though this part of the city is a free-for-all, with no one reigning supreme. There's three of them to his one, all of them full-grown men with bulging muscles and nasty tempers and Jason knows he's in his final moments, that there's no way he's escaping this. Still, that doesn't mean he's going to go down without a fight. He squares his shoulders, plants his feet, raises the tire iron in his hand, and—
Between one blink and the next, the back-most thug is on the ground, groaning and clutching his crotch. There's a blur of red, and then the next one's down on his knees, the crowbar he was gripping half a block away and the hand that was holding it pinned to the wall by a slim, sharp-edged disk.
Silver flashes through the night, and the final guy collapses in a heap, just sprawled out on the pavement like he's not even human anymore, just a pile of discard clothes over something lumpy and unmoving. Someone lands on his back, light and nimble and impossibly tall. "You okay there, kid?" the new person asks, crouching down so he's at Jason's level and smiling.
"…Batman?" He's only ever seen the Bat from a distance before, but he's heard about the cape and cowl, and this guy has both.
The guy shakes his head. "Nope, not him. I'm his partner, though."
"Robin wears green," Jason feels compelled to point out, because he's definitely seen Robin before, though always on the TV, when the Teen Titans are fighting really scary bad guys elsewhere in the world.
This time, a shadow seems to pass over the man's face, sad and unhappy. "I'm a different kind of Robin. Red Robin. I'm pretty new, it's not surprising you haven't heard of me." He leans back on his heels and glances around at the thugs, frowning. "I've got to tie these guys up and leave them somewhere the GCPD will find them. Do you think you can get home on your own?"
Jason gulps, staring up at him, at the way all that tight leather and spandex hugs his body. Gee whiz. "Yeah, I. I can take care of myself. Thanks!" He surges forward, practically smacking his mouth against Red Robin's cheek, before running off into the night. Maybe not headed home, but to as close as anything gets, these days.
Two weeks later, Batman catches him boosting tires on Crime Alley. A week later, he's going home with the man. Jason asks about Red Robin and gets a confused, clueless look, which is strange. With everything else happening, he forgets about the man in the black cowl with the silver staff, but he still finds himself drawn to that one particular shade of red.
He forgets until the memory is jarred out of the deepest depths years later on the other side of the multiverse, when he's bound to a chair and staring down the barrel of gun. A gun held by another Batman, a different Bruce. One who did all the things he thought he wanted his Bruce to do, only to end up a broken man as a result. Jason tries to explain himself and his presence, but it's hard to when he keeps seeing that suit in the case over this Batman's shoulder.
They reach an understanding, a kind of peace. Both of them, finally, for the first time in ages. This other Bruce offers him the suit, and Jason doesn't think twice before putting it on. He's traveled across the multiverse, seen places where dead people live again, where evil people are good and vice versa. It's not too far a stretch to believe that somehow, he's going become his own childhood hero.
When he finishes pulling on the last piece, Bruce looks on him with pride and announces, "Red Robin lives!"
"Red…?" Jason murmurs, more than a little startled. It's been so long, he'd nearly forgotten the name, but it fits, it makes sense. Finally, he's back on the right path, back to being someone the boy he once was could be proud of. Will be proud of, when their paths cross again, which he's sure they will.
The other Batman dies.
They get back, finally done traveling across the multiverse, fleeing across Apokolips, running from plagues and maybes and might-have-beens. Donna and Rayner return to wherever they call home, and Jason... He thought he finally found himself when he put on the cowl and became Red Robin, but with everything that happened after that moment, all the contrition he gained has been too long stewing in a half-broken heart. He isn't sure who rescued him when he was a kid, but it wasn't him, and it wasn't the long-dead Jason of another world. Maybe it was no one at all, and he made it all up and convinced himself it was real.
He runs back to Gotham, strips off the cape and cowl, the bandoliers and leather. Throws it all in the trash and goes to knock some heads and blow off some steam, anything to escape from what the rest of the Justice League brought with them—a sob story and a broken, days-old body.
The suit disappears from the can where he threw it, and he thinks good riddance to bad rubbish, but the person who's wearing it now doesn't understand the significance, the legacy. Doesn't know what it symbolizes, a last chance at redemption, a final loss of innocence.
The new kid distracts him, muddies the water and still Jason doesn't see it, doesn't realize what's happening. Even when the kid takes the cowl, adds it to his green-free suit, he doesn't see it.
Jason's too busy fighting, too busy screaming, raging, being angry at himself and the world to realize how things are swirling tighter and tighter, closing in, twining together, weaving themselves in an intricate, impossible mesh that's new and old and always existing all at the same time. The three of them—him and Dick and the new kid—push and shove and fight and scream and grieve in their own ways, trying to figure out who they're going to be now, what the world is without Bruce.
He ignores overtures of friendship, leaves the kid broken and bleeding out and thinks nothing of it, still too busy hurting and too busy denying he hurts.
Thinks nothing of Robin back on the streets in red and green and black and yellow, a different boy, an actual child.
Bruce comes back, but he's just as stubborn as always, and Jason burned the last of his bridges while the old man was playing possum. There's nothing left for him to do but lurk in the shadows and grit his teeth and watch Drake bounce around the city in a costume that isn't his, telling himself he doesn't care, that it doesn't rub him the wrong way.
Doesn't actually realize what's happening until one day he's watching as Drake races across the city, ready to step in and stop him if he dares to cross into Red Hood's territory when suddenly—
There's no one. The roof's empty, not a soul in sight.
He swings over, investigates. There's a strange acrid smell in the air along with the faintest traces of sweat and exhaustion, but there's no clue to where he's gone, no hint. Minutes pass and the sky is getting darker as evening turns into night. Just when he's given up, Drake reappears, but still, unmoving. One hand grasping his staff while the other touches his cheek and he stares into nothing, dazed and unfocused.
His attention snaps up, and Jason is too startled to move, still standing there in the middle of the roof, the two of them locked in place.
"Holy fuck." He can't. This isn't—
He's tried to kill Drake multiple times over the years. They've barely had a conversation that hasn't ended with Jason drawing a knife or a gun, and more often than not he comes out on top. Leaves the guy knowing that he's alive at Jason's mercy.
But now he's standing there, finally grown into the Red Robin suit and name, filling it in all the right places, all the right ways, grasping a staff that Jason somehow failed to recognize until this exact moment.
"I never—" He never thought to make the connection, always assumed it had to be someone else, some one huge. Big enough to match the larger-than-life figure that dominated a half-forgotten memory.
"Huh." Red Robin collapses his staff, clips it his belt. "Random time blip? I didn't even realize."
Which would explain it. Of course he didn't realize—no way would he have helped that other, younger Jason if he'd known who it was. Why save a boy who's going to grow up to become a monster bent on destroying him over and over again. "Sorry," Jason says, startled, confused, unable to wrap his head around it all as he stumbles backwards, tries to do what he always does when he's confronted with too much, too fast—run.
Red Robin—Drake—tilts his head to the side and then does something completely unexpected. He shoves back the cowl and studies Jason with cool, clear eyes. "I have a feeling this has been a weird night for both of us. You could stick around. We could figure this out together."
So help him, Jason hesitates. "Time travel is pretty weird."
"I was thinking more being kissed by my childhood crush. But yeah, that too."
"Your… what?"
"Come on," he says, holding out a hand. "I think it's time we finally talked. Maybe without the death threats this time?"
Gulping, Jason takes that hand in his.
It's not much, but. It's a start.
(The Fanfic Trope MASH-UP is still open for asks!)
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libermachinae · 3 years
Also on AO3 Summary: A quick walk around the neighborhood. Notes: Bit of prowlcoswave written for day 1 of @soundwaveweek! Prompt was ‘together.’
Cosmos gave the tether an experimental tug. Soundwave’s solid form meant he did not move, but nor did the harness pop off, which was exactly what Cosmos wanted to see.
“Looks good,” he said, stepping back to cast a quick final check over both him companions. “Feel ready to go?”
Soundwave stood quite confidently, arms at his sides, a familiar tilt to his head that could have meant he was thinking or listening. He nodded easily, field sparkling with confidence, which could have been entirely for Prowl’s benefit, whose own field was sodden with an excited dread. He was trying to stand with poise, but next to Soundwave it was all too obvious the way his doorwings quivered and his biolights flickered. Cosmos felt his spark sink.
“You don’t have to do this,” he said, stepping as close as he felt Prowl’s anxiety would allow. “It’s just supposed to be fun, but I don’t know if it will work if you’re…” Was there a way to say ‘terrified’ that wouldn’t offend Prowl’s pride?
Cosmos spent too long thinking about it. Prowl’s doorwings hitched up, his gaze sharpening though his biolights continued to waver.
“I want to do this,” Prowl said. “Faulty risk analysis, that’s all. Not worth a delay.”
Cosmos doubted Prowl’s programs were at fault: he was the only mech Cosmos knew who made algorithm tuning a part of his regular maintenance, and what they were doing was potentially very dangerous. Before he could make a mistake of trying to reason Prowl into fear, though, Soundwave put a hand on Prowl’s shoulder, the ring of hand meeting plating indicating that Prowl had been shivering.
“Cosmos: accomplished in interspacial rescue,” he said. “Soundwave: can locate Prowl at any distance. Prowl will be found, if you want to be.”
“Of course I would want to be,” Prowl snapped, but it seemed like Soundwave’s words had done the trick. Prowl had calmed under his touch, not trying to flick the hand away, and after taking a moment to cycle a ventilation he looked back to Cosmos.
“You’re ready?” Cosmos asked again, and this time Prowl nodded, grim but certain.
“Ready,” Soundwave said, his light tone an intentional contrast to Prowl. He stepped closer to Cosmos, his hand dropping down to Prowl’s to gently encourage him forward. He surveyed them, not searching for anything specific now but just as a general final check. And to steal an opportunity to look at them.
“Okay,” Cosmos said. “You know the drill. I can hover for a few seconds, but the sooner you grab on the better. Then, just… hang on.” He’d done this in the past, but usually it had been an officer delivering the instructions while he and a crewmate or two waited for the signal to go. He knew the process well enough, but instructing someone else (and perhaps instructing these mechs specifically) was a different feeling.
They both nodded, though, betraying their confidence in him, so he stopped himself before he could start overthinking it. He did a short hop up into his alt mode, the last panels only just sliding into place when he felt two hands wrap around his grab bars. He almost hesitated, but the reassuring brush of Soundwave’s field propelled him forward and up, launching out and away from Sanctuary.
There was only a moment of conscious drag before his systems recalibrated to accommodate the additions to his undercarriage. Prowl and Soundwave were doing exactly as instructed, holding on tight to him with their free arms wrapped around each other. For his part, Cosmos tried to keep his acceleration even, adjusting his velocity by hundredths of a degree to avoid jarring his passengers. He didn’t talk for a full minute, focused on escaping Sanctuary’s artificial gravity bubble, but as the pull finally dwindled to a negligible enough force it stopped factoring into his propulsion algorithms, he allowed the iron grip of self control to relax.
“And that’s all there is to it!” he said, maybe a little pridefully. He was, after all, pretty good at his job. “How are you both doing?”
“Status: impressed,” Soundwave said.
“And Prowl?”
His answer was not so forthcoming, and without being able to see his expression Cosmos wasn’t sure whether it was because he was thinking or too frightened to get any words out.
“I’m okay,” Prowl said at last. “It went… exactly as you described.”
“Well, good,” Cosmos said, even if that didn’t tell him much about how Prowl actually felt about the experience. “You want to go back any time, just let me know and I’ll get us straight back home.” He felt a bloom of warmth in Soundwave’s field, the same he always did when one of them called Sanctuary home, and even Prowl released a couple gentle blossoms at the word. “Otherwise, we’re going nice and easy: a quick tour over Jupiter, maybe do a couple passes over an upper atmospheric storm, and then back. Sound good?”
“Affirmative,” Soundwave said. Prowl didn’t say anything, which would have worried Cosmos had Soundwave not been there, monitoring the things Prowl wasn’t ready to say out loud. He pushed confidence at Cosmos, who returned it with his own, swooping over Jupiter’s orbit.
Flying over objects as large as planets was never without risks. Cosmos’ fuel tanks, though standard for interstellar class shuttles, were still finite, and dip too far into a large gravity field could result in overtaxing his systems trying to break free again. He had spent enough time near Jupiter to be familiar with its unique quirks, though, and as he’d said, the flyby came easy to him now: he could put one part of his processor to handling the flight while another gave voice to an ongoing commentary about the gas giant and its role in the solar system. Prowl and Soundwave listened obligingly as they passed over orange clouds marbled with white and ribbons of charcoal shadow. Soundwave was a rapt listener, asking indulgent questions that allowed Cosmos to spin off on tangents about the chemical makeup of the clouds and the gravitational interplay of the planet’s many moons.
This, though, they could see easily from almost any window on Sanctuary, so Cosmos angled south, taking them to the planet’s underbelly. There, cumulonimbus whirlpools roiled in shades of blue, spitting lightning just visible to Cosmos’ specialized sensors. He took pictures and sent them across the link to Soundwave and Prowl, explaining as he did so the unique makeup of Jupiter’s clouds and the forces behind its raging storms.
“It reminds me of the electron storms that started after the Gatterus Assaults,” Prowl said, the first time he’d spoken beyond the occasional hum to indicate he was listening.
“Precisely!” Cosmos said. They were still well within the safety zone, so he angled them slightly closer, searching the clouds for a better example of the phenomenon Prowl was referring to. “I haven’t had time to read all their literature, but some human researchers have proposed—”
He was cut off as he was startled by a particularly explosive burst from the planet, bright enough even his companions could have seen it. Whether it was the lightning itself or the electrical feedback or Cosmos’ sudden movement, he didn’t know, but Soundwave’s grip loosed and he slipped away, sinking rapidly into the void.
“Whoops!” Cosmos reacted instantly, transforming and pulling Prowl to his side with one arm while he activated the jet propulsors in his pedes. Prowl was rigid against him, his field a mess of jagged fear, but Cosmos projected back all the calm certainty he truly felt as he held Prowl tight.
Though the tether kept Soundwave from drifting far, uncontrolled drift was disorienting and unpleasant; Cosmos caught up to him rapidly and snagged him with his other arm. He pulled Soundwave into his side and shut off his jets. Soundwave, in turn, made a grab for Cosmos, clinging to him tightly in a way that was nonetheless not unpleasant. Though his motors were buzzing with activity, his field wasn’t projecting high stress, which was a huge relief.
“Alright, Soundwave?” Cosmos asked, old training keeping his tone lighter than he felt.
“Affirmative,” Soundwave responded. He loosened his grip momentarily, though clung on again almost instantly. Cosmos, for his part, kept his grip firm. “Soundwave: flight capable.”
“I know.” Cosmos wouldn’t push the issue though. For the moment, Soundwave appeared calm. There would be time to delve more into things once they were all back on the station. Cosmos gave Soundwave a quick squeeze before turning his attention to Prowl, who had not released his hold on Cosmos and was perhaps clinging even tighter now. “What about you?”
“I was enjoying it,” Prowl said, tone clipped, “up until that.”
Not unexpected. Cosmos kept his disappointment to himself (as much as one could in Soundwave’s company).
“Prowl: not reassured by Cosmos’ demonstrated retrieval proficiency,” Soundwave said.
“I was already well aware of it,” Prowl said. “In case you’ve forgotten, I was his commanding officer. I’ve seen his records.” Prowl shuffled, freeing one hand to reach across the short space and grab Soundwave’s elbow. “I’d just… never seen it happen before. I wasn’t ready to see you… floating.”
Soundwave took Prowl’s arm in turn, perfecting the trio’s huddle.
“Soundwave: unharmed,” he said. Their voices were getting quieter, the buzz of motors dampening as they calmed down from the brief fright. Cosmos angled his propulsors to keep them on a safe trajectory, but otherwise didn’t interrupt, focusing on holding them close to himself and each other.
“I know,” Prowl said. “Don’t coddle me.” He was, though, still holding tightly to both of them.
They drifted in silence for some time, in no rush to get back to the station. Cosmos could have flown them back in his root form, but it would have been an uncomfortable ride for all of them, possibly more off-putting than what had already happened. Instead, he waited, and eventually Prowl spoke up again.
“Next time, we’ll add an additional tether,” he said, “between Soundwave and myself. That way, if one lets go, the other has a better chance of holding on.” He looked at Cosmos, intentionally keeping his gaze off Soundwave. “He slipped away from me.”
Ah. The pieces fell into place, and Cosmos held Prowl a little closer.
“Sure,” he said. “I can also look into changing the angle of the grips to make it harder to let go.” It would take some time to find the tools for a mod, but Cosmos wasn’t in a rush to bring them out here again. Not until they were both ready.
“Soundwave: ready.”
Cosmos’ field brightened and he extended it to blanket them both. Despite the fact that he wasn’t ready yet, he was glad to hear Soundwave say that. He might have loved the universe, but space itself felt at times too big and too lonely, its many curiosities interesting but not as fulfilling when there was no one to share them with. Even just pointing out clouds from above, Cosmos felt at peace with his work in a way he hadn’t known in years.
High above Jupiter, Cosmos rolled along, holding his two favorite people close.
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themangolorian · 4 years
Hey bro that untitled one shot you did where reader thinks cyar’ika is a curse word? Friggin golden! I loved it so much and was wondering if you’d be open to writing a continuation where reader confronts Din?
Hey bro did you know that I love you? 🥺🥺Thank you so much for this ask, my love. I actually had a 3.7k word fic and I took the one shot out of that and...originally I was only going to post this on ao3 but this is the perfect time to post this here now too. Was so happy to wake up to this ask bb! 🥰💜💜💜
Pairing: Mandalorian x Reader
Summary: The simplest of misunderstandings can sometimes turn into the loveliest of reveals.
A/N: Full work of this excerpt. No warnings, pure fluff.
This wasn’t exactly your first rodeo with the Mandalorian. You’d been with him on hunts for quarry before. Not that the Mandalorian had much love for you. Usually you only came along when Greef insisted he needed a second player, which wasn’t often. This time you weren’t sure of the circumstances, but you had a sneaky suspicion the Mandalorian had specifically asked Greef for you to tag along. You couldn’t see why. He was always aloof. Quiet. Not quite standoffish but close.
This was one of the rare times he did need someone though. And while you were quite sure you annoyed him half the time, you also knew you were good at your job. You weren’t a bounty hunter in the traditional sense. Your speciality was tech specifically meant to trick and outmaneuver particularly hard to catch quarries. This time, the Mandalorian was dealing with a changeling. Which could be the trickiest of quarries.
You’d developed a device that could unveil the disguise of a changeling but it wasn’t quite up to specification yet and required two people to man it. One wearing the eye piece - that would be the Mandalorian. And one to actually man the controls - that would be you. And you needed to be close.
The Mandalorian had tracked the quarry down to a cantina on Coruscant. Almost the entire way he’d sat quietly in the belly of the Razor Crest watching you tinkle with your devices, constantly changing and perfecting them. He’d ask questions here and there and you’d been short with him, sure his questions were more out of boredom than anything else. 
Now, you found yourselves in a posh cantina meant for the wealthy and elite. The Mandalorian, tall and striking in his polished armor, seemed to fit in perfectly with the surrounding luxury. You, on the other hand, felt insufficient in a way you didn’t think actually mattered because you were sure the Mandalorian would never look at you that way anyway.
You hadn’t always thought this way about the Mandalorian. Your first few missions with him had been short, quick, efficient. He’d always intimidated you, but as time had passed, your feelings towards him had morphed into something softer. You’d begun to see him in a new light. His soft grazes and touches, the few that you got. His gentle voice. Your belly had begun to float when he spoke to you or looked at you. But you were sure that he didn’t see you the same way.
You shook your head, trying to clear your thoughts. This was the last time and place you should have been thinking about any of this.
Instead you readied yourself to activate the eyepiece worn now by the Mandalorian; you sidled closer to where you knew he was waiting for your instructions, not three feet from the changeling. A crackling over the commlink in your ear, a question. 
You spoke softly into your wrist. “Across and two chairs over.” Your device also accounted for tracking of the changeling so you couldn’t lose them even if they changed form again.
A gruff noise in your ear indicated he’d heard you. With a release of your breath, you activated the eye piece.
From there, things happened quickly. You watched in awe as the Mandalorian, seemingly with little effort, dived across the table. A short scuffle later and the changeling who’d been in human form but was now back to their natural form, sat dazed on the floor wearing binders. The Mandalorian hefted the being to their feet and headed your way. Just as the Mandalorian reached you, you both realized the changeling had not been alone. 
The blaster fire took you in the shoulder and you went down. Sprawled on the ground, all you could think about was the fact that you were still alive. 
“Cyar’ika!” You heard the Mandalorian’s harsh voice curse at you. You winced. Not at the pain in your shoulder but rather at the fact that you’d been too slow-moving to avoid being hit and now the Mandalorian was calling you curse words in the tongue of his people. Not that you knew what it meant but you could guess well enough from the context of the outburst.
You didn’t have long to dwell on it before rough gloved hands were pulling your trembling form to your feet again. A split second later, he was shoving you aside; several blaster shots passed through where you’d just been. Then- three blaster shots from the Mandalorian and each of your assailants were down.
“Let’s go.” His words were gruff and you winced again, collecting your gear off the floor of the cantina and rushing after him, noting the way he kept your hand tightly gripped in his, essentially dragging you after him, as he lugged his quarry along just to his left.
He didn’t slow his pace and you struggled not to trip, but you made it more or less in one piece back to the ship. Out of breath, you closed the telescopic gate to the ship behind the two of you as the Mandalorian began freezing his quarry in carbon.
“Can you handle that?” He gestured towards the freezing system but he was brushing past you and back up the ladder before you could respond. He knew you could. You felt the ship taking off as you finished the freezing process and stored the frozen quarry in an empty slot of the system.
Then you were sitting on the edge of his sleep cot and releasing a long drawn out breath. The next thing you knew your hand was at your injured shoulder and your eyes were tearing up. You could be such a baby, but you weren’t used to the same high stakes the Mandalorian usually went through on his hunts. To top it off, he’d been tough and aggressive with you despite your injury. You were tired and just wanted to go home.
When the Mandalorian joined you back below, you were making a poor attempt at patching your wound up with the meager supplies you had in your own pack. The Mandalorian did not check the carbonite freezing system; that was something at least...he trusted your work. Instead he seemed to hesitate when he saw your face, still puffy after crying. But then his eyes must have landed on the terrible job you’d done cleaning and bandaging your wound.
“Wait,” he said, his voice as gruff as usual. He turned and rummaged through a storage drawer before pulling a crate towards you that he could sit on.
He pushed your hands away, though not roughly, and inspected your work. A sharp intake of his breath made you close your eyes. His helmet tilted your way at your grimace. “Are you alright?” You opened your eyes in surprise and stared at his visor. You weren’t sure he actually cared, but you nodded anyway. He hesitated as if he wanted to say more but then instead got started on fixing the mess you’d made of your wound. 
You braced yourself for more pain, the wound was deeper than you’d thought after all, but the pain never came. The Mandalorian was quick and efficient, spraying something cool that numbed your arm. You couldn’t look as he cleaned the area and applied bacta. You’d always been better with machines, never with the body. 
“You’re alright,” he said once he was done in the softest tone you’d ever heard him use. And it made you look at him with eyes you knew were telling of what you were thinking. But he never looked away from the wound and you felt embarrassed for feeling anything beyond grateful. Soon you felt him applying a clean bandage over your shoulder.
“Sleep,” he said as he stood, packing away the rest of the ship’s medical supplies.
He didn’t look your way again, and you felt dismissed, so you lay back and curled in on yourself, resting on your uninjured shoulder. A slight pressure on your waist made you look up to see a folded blanket draped over your knees and the Mandalorian disappearing back up the ladder. He didn’t seem to want to be in the same room as you for longer than he could help it. You sighed sadly as you spread the blanket over yourself, wincing when you jostled your shoulder. You were sure the Mandalorian would be glad to be rid of you considering you’d ended up more a burden than a help this time around, and you would be surprised if he ever requested your help again.
When you awoke, you were shocked to find you were not on Nevarro. Not wanting to question the Mandalorian, you followed him to the hut seemingly located in the middle of nowhere in this vast desert. But your question was answered in due time when the Mandalorian, after a warm greeting, explained in a clipped tone that you couldn’t decipher to the ugnaught waiting inside the hut that you’d been injured and he wasn’t sure he’d done a good job considering there could have been muscle damage. You were at a loss for words and watched mutely as the Mandalorian seemingly fled back to the ship to wait.
The ugnaught seemed accustomed to these kinds of last minute appearances and odd requests; he asked no questions. Instead he settled you comfortably down in a large, soft chair and introduced himself as Kuiil. You made friendly, easy conversation with the ugnaught as he revealed the wound on your shoulder and began prodding and poking. You didn’t look, but you knew he was using some chemical to regrow the flesh you’d lost. He’d numbed you again to ensure you’d feel no pain. Still, you knew pain that came not from your injury but from something else showed on your face.
Kuiil finished patching your shoulder up. “What is wrong, my dear?” He asked finally sitting back and watching your face.
You considered his kind eyes and peered towards the entry to the hut. From the sounds in the distance, the Mandalorian was scraping at carbon scoring on the Razor Crest so would be too far to hear your words.
“It’s just-” You paused, frowning down at your hands where they were gathered in your lap. “I think he hates me.” You decided on.
Kuiil gave a chuckle of surprise that was deep and throaty. His hand came out to lift your chin so you were once again looking at him. “What makes you think that?” His tone was incredulous, his eyes light. He didn’t seem to be taking you seriously.
Your frown deepened. “It’s just- When we were on Coruscant...when I got hurt...he yelled at me - well, he called me a name. I think it was some sort of curse word in Mando’a.”
Kuiil’s brow furrowed, but his lips quivered as if he was trying not to smile. “What was the term?”
You pursed your lips trying to remember. “Cyar’ika.” You finally sounded out. 
Kuiil made a noise of surprise and you glanced at him carefully, fearing the worst. “Are you sure that’s what he said?”
You racked your brain, but yes that was it. You were even sure you’d pronounced it right. It would actually be hard to forget because the word had cut you so deep at the time. You knew the Mandalorian didn’t like you but you’d expected a little bit of sympathy at least at your plight and injury. Instead-
You lost your train of thought when Kuill began lightly chuckling once more, joined this time by the shaking of his head.
“What?” You sat up, glaring somewhat at him now. It was one thing for the Mandalorian to curse at you in the heat of the moment; it was quite another for Kuiil, who you’d thought kind, to laugh at something you were obviously sensitive about.
“My dear,” Kuiil said, struggling to stop chuckling, “that’s not a curse word.”
Oh. But then you frowned again. “What does it mean then?”
Still guffawing, Kuiil managed to finally speak. One word. A word that shot through you to your core. “Beloved.”
Suddenly you found yourself holding your breath, hands at your cheeks. “That’s impossible.” You croaked, your voice cracking.
A sound at the hut’s entry startled you, and you looked just in time to see the Mandalorian slipping into the small room. Your eyes immediately found the floor; you couldn’t look at him. Had he heard? You hoped beyond hope he hadn’t heard. So many thoughts were running through your brain. Kuiil must have been wrong. The Mandalorian had sounded so tense when he’d said the word to you. But- He almost always sounded that way, and if the word meant what Kuiil said it did, and if the Mandalorian had meant it that way, wouldn’t that be a natural reaction to seeing you injured? You blanched inwardly, sure you were being stupid.
All of these thoughts flew through your head as the Mandalorian thanked Kuiil, promised to return soon and gave his goodbye. You thanked Kuiil, who still looked amused, embraced him briefly and then followed the Mandalorian silently back to the ship. He said nothing to you as the gate shut behind you. As usual he rushed up the ladder but you heard his footsteps above stop. Then-
“Would…” A pause, then- “would you like to sit in the cockpit with me?” He sounded hesitant, unsure.
You took the two steps forward so you were looking up at him through the hatch. “I...” But your hand had already found the rungs of the ladder. So you said nothing and instead ascended. Then you were joining him in the cockpit. You’d been in it before on previous missions when things hadn’t felt so tense, when the Mandalorian had been much less aloof and distant. You sat and buckled yourself in as the Mandalorian blasted the ship off into space and then hyperspace.
Gathering your courage, you asked a question that had been a pinprick in your brain since you’d awoken. “Why did we stop here...” You trailed off, so uncertain, sure you shouldn’t be questioning him. “Inst- instead of going straight to Nevarro, I mean.” You rushed to clarify, wincing at the thought he might find your question annoying.
He didn’t turn to look at you, but he responded after a short period of silence. “I- Your injury was my fault. I didn’t want permanent injury caused to you because of- because I wasn’t cautious enough...” He trailed off, sounding more unsure than you’d ever heard him.
You wondered if it was just a guild thing; maybe he didn’t want Greef angry that he’d caused any damage to an admittedly valuable asset. But the word “beloved” kept echoing at you in Kuiil’s voice in your head; you couldn’t shake it.
Not a moment later, the Mandalorian was turning in his seat to face you. He seemed to have reached a decision. 
“I...” He stopped then rested his hands on his knees as if grounding himself in preparation for what he was about to say. You held your breath again, heart in your throat, now sure he’d overheard you and Kuiil, sure he was about to correct the ugnaught’s bad translation skills. “What Kuiil said...” 
He stopped again and you felt your face growing warm. You couldn’t look at him. Could not...stare your own embarrassment in the face - well- visor.
But you figured you could save him from his. What he must be feeling...thinking you thought he’d called you something he never would’ve...and the awkwardness of correcting that...
“It’s alright,” you tried for a light tone that only came out choked. “I told him he was wrong. I know that’s not what- I mean- I knew it was- you were...just...it was clumsy of me and I’m sure- I mean, it was the heat of the moment...we all curse when we’re mad, so, you know, no hard feelings. I’ll try- to be...more careful...” You broke off again, your mortification only growing. You hadn’t meant to imply he’d ever ask you on another mission. You rushed to correct it, wincing, knowing you were only making it worse. “Not that you ever have to partner with me again...I mean...” 
You were floundering and you were sure you both knew it because suddenly he was standing and while you saw his silhouette in your peripheral vision, you couldn’t bring yourself to look at him through the tears now blooming at the corners of your eyes.
Your heart began pounding as he approached you, when he crouched down in front of you so you were forced to look at him, and you almost gasped when his hands rested now on your knees.
“Cyar’ika.” A whisper beneath the helmet not captured by the vocoder so you heard it instead in his natural voice dimly from beneath his mask.
You couldn’t find it in you to breathe for several seconds. Less so when one gloved finger came up to your chin, tilting your face further up so you were staring him full in the visor.
“What Kuiil said,” he continued as if you hadn’t interrupted him. “The translation is right.”
He held your face there with one finger, both of you staring, only one actually able to see the other, as if he was waiting for a reaction, a response. But you were too shocked to speak, could not believe this was happening to you.
Finally a stuttered, “But- but you hate me.”
His hand dropped in surprise from your chin to your thigh and suddenly you were feeling warm all over.
“Hate you?” Now he sounded bewildered, as if he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
You spoke but tried not to move the rest of your body, afraid if you did, he would move away, that he would stop touching you. The hand on your knee and the one on your thigh were blazing, awakening a fire in you you hadn’t known you had. 
“You’re- you’re always so quiet. I annoy you. It’s a pain to take me with you.” You voiced suddenly out loud the sum of all the insecurities you had collected over time, over missions with him, things you’d convinced yourself of based on nothing but body language and tone.
The hand on your knee tightened and you released a whoosh of breath, completely in awe of the effect that one contact was having on your body. You’d never felt more alive.
“Cyar’ika,” he repeated, and his other hand left your thigh to take your chin fully in his palm, tilting your face again so you had no choice but to stare into his visor. You closed your eyes at the tenderness with which he said the word in a tone he’d never before used in your presence.
“I didn’t mean to be so rough with you on Coruscant,” his voice willed you to believe him. “When I saw you’d been shot...” His voice trailed off, sounding strangled. “I wasn’t mad at you.” One finger drifted across your cheek, leaving a fiery line in its wake. He brought your very skin to life. “I was scared. I didn’t want-” He stopped here and you felt him move his body closer to yours, his other hand trailing from your knee to your waist. “I didn’t want to lose you.”
Your breathing was ragged. This couldn’t be happening. Not to you. These kind of lovely, warm moments did not happen to you. You were made for a dreary life of toil with the Bounty’s Guild, not for soft leathered touches in a cockpit now too warm to handle. Not for feather soft words that tickled your very soul.
But he wasn’t done. “I don’t hate you. I...couldn’t.” Now he almost sounded amused and you opened your eyes to gaze his way. A finger ran over your lips and your breath hitched. “I’m...” He trailed off again, suddenly sounding unsure once more. “You frighten me.”
You started, staring at him like he’d grown another head. “Me?” You said in a voice so squeaky it was almost comical.
He chuckled and it warmed you to your core. You found your lips ticking up in your own involuntary smile. His happiness, little of it that you’d witnessed, was infectious. “Yes, you.” He paused again, then- “I never know what to say. I’m afraid of- of saying the wrong thing.” He hesitated again, looking down at the floor before back up at you. When he spoke again, his voice once again sounded heavy, almost congested. “You can’t know how long- how long I’ve been wanting- this.” His hand flexed around your face.
You were struck dumb. With so many things. Disbelief above all. Wonder as well. And pure joy. You must have hesitated just one moment too long. Or the look on your face must not have reflected what you were feeling. Because in what seemed to be a moment of realization, his hand dropped from your face and he was standing up and backwards, away. The sudden absence of his presence just before you was so pronounced. In the worst way.
“I didn’t mean- I thought maybe-” He couldn’t seem to finish his thought, but clearly he took your awe as rejection. He took another step back.
Before you could second guess yourself, your hand flew out to grab his before he was too far to touch. He froze. But so did you. You willed your lips to work. “Wait.” The word was strangled, but it gave you the strength to speak up.
“If you-” You swallowed the lump in your throat, praying this was real and not some trick on your psyche, some side effect of the numbing agent Kuill had given you. “I’m- Me as well. I-” You finally found the courage to look up at his visor from under your eyelashes. You said the one word you hoped would convey what it was you couldn’t seem to say. “Cyar’ika.” You squeezed his hand, hoping he’d understand.
A beat. Then- He fell back to his knees in front of you, cradling your head against his. You breathed a long sigh of relief, relaxing into him and letting go of all the tension you’d collected since...since you could remember.
Cyar’ika. You couldn’t believe you’d ever thought it a curse word. It sounded so beautiful coming off his lips now, more like a blessing. Or a prayer. You’d never had a favorite word before, but you thought that now, considering everything that one word had just gifted you...you had at least one favorite word.
Forever Tag List: @lesqui @beskars @rosetophighlander @dyn-djarin @keeper0fthestars @mrsparknuts  @hiscyarika @watsonwise
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hongism · 4 years
the little things - j.yunho
↣ pairing: yunho x reader; mentioned poly ot8 x reader ↣ genre: sfw, fluff, hurt/comfort, angst, fantasy au, witch ateez au ↣ wc: 3.3k ↣ summary: it’s been quite some time since these intrusive thoughts came around, but whenever they do, there’s always one person in particular who comes to brush them away. ↣ warnings: mentions of intrusive thoughts, seasonal depression, and general Sad Feelings
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The soft pitter-patter of raindrops drums against the window, filling it with strewn and random patterns of the water that falls from the sky, and you watch the movements with a blank mind. It’s a cold and resigned feeling that blossoms in your gut as you sit by the windowsill, elbow propped up on the wood and chin resting atop your clenched fist. You could sit here for hours just examining each little dragging drop on the glass, maybe even seeing which drop can reach the bottom of the window fastest, but instead, you pull back with a quiet sigh falling from your lips.
You aren’t sure how to explain it but the season is simultaneously your favorite and least favorite wrapped into one lovely little bundle. The air outside isn’t quite cold enough to let snow fall and stick to the ground quite yet — hence the rain — but the season brings you as much joy as it does pain and emptiness. You enjoy the snow and seeing what kinds of animals hustle and bustle in their winter coats outside your cottage, and you love seeing the way the sun bounces off the icy lakes and rivers nearby or how the evergreen trees catch hold of little snowflakes. But those are just temporary things that don’t last in the long run because you cannot shake the dismal feeling that begins to enter your gut around autumn.
Living alone in your little cottage has its perks, of course, although they always seem few and far between when it comes time for this seasonal plague to grip your mind. Work is always most busy in the winter as well, which only adds to your despondent mood when you cannot spend more than an hour in the presence of your lovers. So really, it’s one bad thing after another, a myriad of bad to worse that leaves you in tears at the end of the day more often than not.
You should probably be working now, at least filling next week’s orders or double-checking the ones you finished bottling earlier today. There is hardly any energy in you right now though, so the best you can do is blink a few times and stare out the window again.
It’s in times like these when you truly consider Seonghwa’s never-ending offer. The season wouldn’t be nearly so difficult if you lived with the rest of them in the coven’s home. Yet it is near impossible for you to entertain the thought while in this state. Your mind prefers to be less than kind and give you endless scenarios that have you biting back tears and crying yourself to sleep.
Maybe they don’t really want you. They have each other. Why would they need you on top of that? Seonghwa just pities you because you act so pathetic. You would just be a burden if you lived with them. You aren’t a witch like they are, you don’t have any magical abilities in you, what could you provide? They can do all the things you do in half the time surely. You are, quite literally, useless in their eyes.
Sometimes the thoughts become more cruel and harsh than that, all following the same theme of not being needed or wanted. And as much as you want to rely on them for comfort and support, you lose the internal battles more often so you resign yourself to sitting in a bed of your own tears and heartbreak. Fall asleep eventually, wake up, work until you cannot stand anymore, then repeat the process.
This week alone has seemed to pack more of a punch than any of the previous years of this seasonal plague, but that could be because you haven’t been through a winter alone like this since before your relationship with the coven started. Last year, Wooyoung and Jongho took to living in your cottage throughout the whole season just to keep you company. Perhaps the reason they are not here this year is because you’ve become too much, too burdensome, too emotionally draining to be around. Logic tells you that is not the case. That melancholy black dog residing in your mind does not.
Someone will surely be by to visit soon given how quiet you’ve been these last few days. You’re shocked that no one has come by sooner, but the second you begin to think about it, the black dog returns to barking loudly where he sits in your thoughts. The noise in your head is so loud and overwhelming that you actually have to push away from the window, shaking your head fervently and jerking out of your chair in a desperate attempt to make it stop.
The voice intrudes on your ugly thoughts, and it fills you with panic before anything else. You whip around in your little window seat, eyes immediately looking towards the door to your bedroom which is now cracked open. You can’t see anyone behind the door or in the room, and merely hearing your name did not give you enough clues as to who could possibly be in your home at this time.
“Baby, are you in here?” The noise resounds again, and this time you recognize it better.
Yunho. Why is Yunho here? A shadowy figure pushes past the doorframe, and your lover slips through the opening with his shoulder. You try to hide your signs of panic, furiously blinking away the tears that begin to spring to your eyes. Why is he here? Did someone send him? Maybe they sent him to tell you that the relationship is over. He is best at handling emotionally charged conversations since he’s a fae and can influence thoughts and emotions. Maybe Hongjoong and Seonghwa decided that he would be best for delivering the news or—
“Hi, love, I didn’t know if you were home because you didn’t answer the door.” Yunho pushes a soft smile onto his lips, and as he fully steps into view, you catch sight of the two mugs in his hands. You can’t see the contents in them, but there are small wisps of steam curling up from both as Yunho comes closer to where you’re sitting. “I saw the kettle boiling away though so I figured you wouldn’t up and leave with it still running.”
Yunho doesn’t stop moving until he reaches the window seat, and he extends one of the mugs towards you. The inside of a mix of green of brown, no doubt some type of tea that he’s brewed for you. You take it with a slight nod and restrained smile.
“I know Hongjoong said you didn’t want to be bothered without notice but…” Yunho trails off, cheeks glowing a bit red. “I was worried about you since this time of year is always hard for you.”
“I’m fine,” you insist, but your tone is too clipped and noncommittal to be normal. Yunho surely knows that it is more than a simple white lie. “Did one of them send you?” He most likely knows who you’re talking about, but he shows more confusion than anything else.
“Why would one of them send me?” He asks as he eases down in front of you on the window seat. You blink back with a bit of dazed wonder to your stare, half-expecting Yunho to explain further, but he just sits and waits patiently for you to speak again.
“To – to make the conversation easier?” 
“What conversation?” Yunho leans across the space between your bodies, and his free hand spreads forward to tangle with yours. You let him interlock your fingers. It’s a small comfort that sends shockwaves through your body. It hasn’t even been that long since you last saw one of the witches, but you’re still somehow so desperately touch-starved that just the slight touch has tears springing to your eyes. “Oh, my baby, sweet angel, what’s wrong?”
Yunho pushes forward until he’s all but in your lap at this point, hand tugging the mug free from your hands, and he sets it down beside his own on the windowsill before returning his full attention to you. He tugs you into his embrace, arms folding around your body until he can loop his hands about your waist. 
“Why did you think I came, baby?” He asks once you’re fully secured in his lap. 
“I just — when I saw you — I-I don’t know. M-My mind said that it had to be – that you were here to end things or something. I don’t know, I’m just rambling, I don’t know what I’m saying or what I was thinking. I’m s-sorry, I—”
“Hey, hey, it’s okay, Y/n,” Yunho interjects, drawing a hand up from your waist to brush over your scalp. “Don’t ever apologize for something you can’t control. Those thoughts are not your fault. Did you want to have them?”
“N-No, of course not, why would I ever want that?” You mumble against Yunho’s shoulder. He hums into your hair, lips pressing a soft kiss to the same spot, then he lifts his chin a bit to rest it atop your head. 
“Then it isn’t something you need to apologize for, baby. Not now, not ever.” You cling tighter to Yunho’s body out of sheer instinct, and he picks up on your grip in less than a second. “Our minds… regardless of how strong and resilient we are, they can be cruel. They can lie to us, tell us awful and heartbreaking things, lead us to believe the impossible with ease. Sometimes it is easier to cave in and listen to those demons rather than reason, but that doesn’t mean you are weak. The strongest person in the universe can be broken by his own mind because that is all part of human nature.”
“Easy for you to say,” you huff out as a few tears begin to soak through Yunho’s tunic. “You aren’t human.” Yunho laughs a bit at your quip, not at all offended by it. Perhaps it’s a bit childish for you to pull that card, but Wooyoung pulls it out every time the pair have a disagreement without fail, so what’s the harm in you using it just this once? 
“Perhaps not, but I still understand emotions and thoughts better than any human could. And having lived for so long, I think—”
“You don’t need to pull the age card,” you whine.
“If you’re going to act like Wooyoung, then I’ll treat you just like him too.”
Admittedly, your mind is still elsewhere and you aren’t fully engaged in the conversation now, head propped on Yunho’s shoulder in such a way so that you can stare out the window and watch the rainfall again. He doesn’t comment on your silence and merely eases the both of you back until he’s leaning against the wall with you neatly draped over his larger form.
“Do you love me?” You ask after some time passes. It catches Yunho a bit off-guard, and his breath hitches sharply, hand pausing in its rhythmic drags over the small of your back.
“Always and forever, baby,” he says once he recovers a bit. He pauses, and you can almost hear the gears turning in his head as he figures out what to say next. “We all love you. We would never lead you on or toy with your feelings. You are more than enough, but never too much. While it’s easy to lose yourself in these feelings of loneliness, we would never blame you for feeling them.”
“Isn’t it hard on you too though?” You ask, balling your fist around the material of his shirt. 
“It’s hard for all of us, darling. Seeing you in pain and hurting is never easy. There are some things we cannot fix though. We can ease the pain for a time, but certain things never go away. Sure, we can make them easier to manage and handle, we can provide methods that will help support you and help you not feel so alone, we can do everything in our power to help you. We cannot pretend to be able to fix you. You have the strength to overcome it; we support you when times are tough and help you up when you fall. Because we love you, care about you, cherish you, and want the best for you. That… that doesn’t make it easy, but it is never easy to work through these sorts of things.”
“How can you be so patient with me?”
“Why would I ever want to rush something that takes time? I don’t need to put a time limit on you, and we certainly don’t have a time limit on our relationship. Thus we are willing to wait as long as it takes even if it just means making winters easier to handle and manage.” Yunho’s hands trace patterns over your skin, slipping under the hem of your shirt to have more contact with you. The sudden chill of his fingers sends goosebumps over you. He cracks a small smile as you shiver in his grasp and tucks you closer to his body without saying anything for several minutes. 
It’s comfortable and needed right now, easing the dull and aching pain in your chest, but as Yunho said, it doesn’t completely take it away. Makes it manageable and easier to breathe. It’s enough, more than you could have asked for, and what you were wanting so desperately. It was just too hard to admit it and voice it to them.
“I did talk with Hongjoong before coming,” Yunho says after letting the silence drag into something warm and comfortable. You hum in acknowledgment, too content in his arms to move in the slightest. “Asked him if we could prepare the guest room.”
“Is someone coming into town?” You mumble through the sudden wave of drowsiness washing over your bones.
“No, I — we... we were hoping that you could come live with us, at least through the end of winter.”
That causes you to perk up, and you sit up, hands firmly planted on Yunho’s chest so you can better look him in the eye.
“I know last year Wooyoung and Jongho came to live in with you, but we were thinking that perhaps it would be easier on you if you just came to live with us. It doesn’t have to be permanent if you don’t want it to be. Don’t – it isn’t meant to pressure you or anything like that. Merely an offer. Something we can do to help you. I figured having a room to yourself would give you an opportunity to have a space on your own for when you need it. The goal isn’t to eliminate all your alone time, as that is just as important as spending time with others, but a fresher perspective might help. Or even just having the option to sleep beside someone every night could help with the loneliness.”
Your heart swells with emotion, and the gentle smile pulling at Yunho’s lips only makes you want to sob from how touched you are. Yunho sees the sudden twist in your expression. His hands dart up to cradle your face, eyes falling into soft crescents as a more bashful smile overtakes his features.
“Are those happy tears or sad ones?”
“I d-don’t know how to respond,” you whisper through a small sob, and Yunho tugs you down to his chest again. He rocks your form back and forth as best he can with the awkward angle, but it provides the right amount of comfort for you to settle against him once more.
“Think about you, baby. You don’t need to answer right away. Seonghwa won’t mind extra time to clean, of course.”
“Or I could just sleep with you until it’s cleaned to his liking.” You smother the words in his clothes to keep him from hearing them, but that is to no avail because he huffs out a loud laugh at your comment nonetheless.
“Or I could stay with you here until you’re ready to make a decision.”
You twist in his grasp to look him in the eye again, searching his dark gaze for… something you aren’t wholly aware of. The light from outside — a dull and grey-toned white light — reflects off his eyes and shows off those pretty purple flecks in them. The allure of his features hits in that moment, the dastardly effect of staring too long at a fae, but Yunho blinks his eyes shut before you fall into a daze.
“Don’t let me influence your decision. It’s up to you as always. I am content to do whatever is more comfortable to you, so you—”
You cut him short with a swift peck pressed to the tip of his nose, and Yunho scrunches up his face at the suddenness of the action. His eyes flutter open once more but this time you don’t stare directly into them.
“You’re the devil,” he grumbles, but the smile on his lips betrays how flustered he really is.
“Don’t laugh too hard, I’m comfortable here.”
“Is that a smile I see?”
“I love you,” you murmur, ignoring the question for the time being. Yunho doesn’t seem to mind all too much. “Thank you. Both for being here and for helping me think clearer.”
“Always, darling. I may not be human like you, but I do love you and want the best for you. And I know the other would do the same whenever you need it.” You respond with another quick kiss to the tip of his nose, but this time Yunho catches you when you pull back and he plants a kiss on your lips before you can duck completely away. “As comfortable as this is, I am quickly losing feeling in my ass, so maybe we could resituate or go to the bed?”
“I don’t know, you make for a rather nice cushion.”
“I wonder if this is how Yeosang felt when I accidentally sat on him,” Yunho whines, slumping further back against the wall. You slap his chest with a bit of force as he complains.
“He was in his cat form and you put the full weight of your ass on him!‌ That’s completely different!”
“He survived, didn’t he?”
“Then you’ll survive having a numb ass for a little while.”
“I hate when you’re right. It’s too sexy and makes me think of inappropriate things.”
“So you’re still a man, after all, fae or not.” You land another quick jab to the side of Yunho’s head as he laughs. He doesn’t complain any longer though, even as you force him to lie completely flat on the window sill with your body still draped over his like a blanket.
“Wooyoung is downstairs, by the way.” Yunho distracts you from the sudden revelation by pressing a line of kisses down the side of your face.
“He’s cooking dinner for us, I believe. And drawing a bath for you. We wanted to treat you.” He layers the words with more kisses, pausing over your lips to say one more thing. “Shit, wait, I think I was supposed to be in charge of the bath actually.”
“I’ll make Wooyoung do it after dinner so I can cuddle you some more.”
a/n: this one feels rather weak compared to the others but i was trying not to be too heavy handed with all the emotions and such in it so that’s why it might feel a little ~awkward~
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byeoltoyuki · 4 years
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↳Pairing : You x Namjoon
Genre : Smut / Gang au
Words: +3.5k
Summary : What could be worse than fucking your dad’s enemy? Actually liking it and wanting more.
The moment you spotted Kim fucking Namjoon among many foreign faces, you regretted instantly saying yes to your stupid best friend going by the name of Park Jimin. Why in the world did you say yes, you weren’t so sure anymore but the result announced nothing good for you. 
Let me explain. 
You were, from outside, what looked like a normal twenty five years old young, brilliant, beautiful woman who agreed to go to a huge party with her best friend. Nothing extraordinary so far, nothing to worry about. Except, you were also the daughter of a notorious crime lord. Not a big deal. At all. 
Now, Kim Namjoon happened to be another problem because he was your father’s enemy, a pain in the ass he had been complaining about for about two years now. Your father had tried to get rid of him, desperately, without much success. 
And you?
Well, you thought it would be nice to get fucked by your father’s enemy. Not a big deal, was it now?
You cursed and emptied your glass before hurrying to get to Jimin with who you had some unfinished business. 
Jimin was busy dancing with a girl, jet black wavy hair, in a very short and tight red dress, definitely Jimin’s type of girl. You would have felt bad for interrupting whatever he had on mind, but you were upset and terrified to find yourself in the same room as Kim fucking Namjoon. So you, without hesitation, grabbed Jimin’s arm and pulled him towards you.
"Sorry girl, I have some business with this asshole." You glanced over your shoulder to have a look at the girl. You really were sorry for both of them. Then, you pushed Jimin further towards the stairs, making him groan at your behavior.
"The hell, Y/N?!" He complained while trying to get rid of your strong and almost painful grip on his arm. Who said girls were weak? 
"What is Kim Namjoon doing here?" You asked instead. You were nervous and before Jimin could give you a proper answer you were already peeking over your shoulder to check where the man was. 
"Oh? He’s here?" Jimin didn’t sound too surprised or annoyed any longer with your interruption which bothered you.
"Why is he here, Jimin?" You glared angrily at him. You had a very bad feeling about it.
Jimin shrugged, feigning innocence which only caused your blood to boil. He could pretend that he was innocent but your guts told you otherwise and your guts were never wrong. 
"For fuck’s sake Jimin!" You buried your face in between your hands, muffling this way a loud groan of frustration. "What were you thinking about?"
Jimin took a step towards you, leaning close enough you could feel his warm breath over your skin. "Because you want to see him, Y/N. I know what you did." He whispered to your ear.
That was not true, you wanted to say but your voice got stuck in your throat instead. Jimin pulled from you, smirking proudly, he wasn’t your best friend just because he had decided so. No, he knew you, he read you like an open book.
"Have fun, babe." Was the last thing he told you before going back to his conquest (prey) of the night.
Fuck you Park Jimin.
You could have chosen to go back home and avoid all trouble that would follow. You still had time before you to turn your back and forget that you had seen this man. But no, you stayed, eyes glued to his body. 
You watched Namjoon from afar. Watched how he greeted with a smile or a fist bump some people. Watched how he grabbed a glass of whiskey and took a sip. You followed his every move without realizing how your heartbeat fastened or how unconsciously you bit on your lips. Your body grew hot without you noticing it either. 
It could have stopped here, but then, Namjoon’s eyes landed on you - it was game over. The moment his eyes widened in slight surprised at the sight of you, you knew there was no turning back. Namjoon quickly regained composure, in fact, if you hadn’t been staring at him for a moment, you wouldn’t have known there was a change in his behavior. But this slight change sent sweet tingles down your spine. 
Namjoon acknowledged your presence with a nod and a knowing and dangerous smile. He took a sip of his drink before staring back at you and while he did so, his thumb stroked slowly and gently the glass which was an absolutely normal thing to do, except your hazy and thirsty mind got distracted and thought of something else. The images of that one night with him were back in your head. Images you tried so bad to forget, without much success you had to admit it. 
Fucking with your father’s enemy was bad enough. No. Being in the same room as his enemy was bad enough, but what you did with Namjoon was worse. But the worst part of it was probably the fact that you absolutely loved every moment of that night and wished it could happen again. 
Kim Namjoon was dangerous and you should be running from him. But no, you couldn’t. Your body acted on its own will and before you could realize what you were doing, you were already on your way to the dark and pretty empty hall. 
Nothing could guarantee you that Namjoon would follow you and risk it all. 
But he did. 
Before you could move any further, firm and rough fingers wrapped around your arm and pulled you backwards resulting in your back colliding with a strong chest. Your breath hitched in your throat as your heart missed a beat - Namjoon held you tightly against him.
"Hello princess. Missed me?" He whispered to your ear, his voice alone got your knees weak and core throbbing; it was deep and husky and full of hot promises. 
"Don’t be so full of yourself, Namjoon." You snapped back to save yourself, to save your pride. Or maybe you just wanted to provoke him some more and see what he could do in a place where anybody could see you. Oddly enough, that idea didn’t displease you that much.
Instead of getting annoyed with your attitude, he only chuckled and leaned closer to you. "Hmm, someone is being brave tonight." His warm breath was ghosting over your exposed neck. He was so close you could almost feel his pretty lips on your skin and oh how much you wished you could. 
Namjoon’s free hand found its place on your hip, fingers digging slightly to your covered skin. "So I was asking, did you miss me princess?" He repeated and something in his voice had changed. It got deeper, if possible, with a hint of danger that got you more excited than threatened.
"Why would I?" You said instead of confessing to him just how badly you had missed him. 
"Why would you indeed." He repeated more to himself than to you.
For a second, you wondered if you had offended him, after all you had met him only twice. Yes, you had fucked, but you didn’t know each other. At all. But your worries vanished the moment he slid his hand from your hip to your thigh; his hand felt rough and awfully hot against your skin. His hand moved higher, hiking your dress up in the process - you pressed your back harder against his chest as he palmed your heat.
"This doesn’t look like you didn’t miss me, princess." Namjoon chuckled, fingers moving up and down, feeling how incredibly wet you were. He pushed your panty to the side to let his fingers touch you properly. "Baby girl, you’re such a liar." He gave your clip a strong slap making you arch your back as you let out a loud moan. 
"Hey Y/N." He bit on your lobe playfully. "What would your daddy say if he knew you let his sworn enemy ruin this pretty pussy hm?" With that he slid a finger inside your throbbing core. You welcomed him easily, swallowing his finger in your warmth.
"Fuck!" You swore under your breath; you grabbed his thighs, squeezing them tightly for support. 
Namjoon smiled against your skin at how responsible you were. Namjoon would be lying if he said he forgot all about you after that night because he didn’t. He thought about you a lot. About your pretty moans, about your pretty mouth wrapped around his cock, about your body covered with his cum. What he did was wrong, he knew it. It was dangerous for both him and you but he found it hard to care. Especially now that he had you pressed against him, wet and willing. 
"Such a dirty girl." He clicked his tongue as he withdrew his finger from your cunt making you whimper helplessly at the loss. He spun you in his arms and before you could start complaining his hand was on your neck and his mouth was on yours.
You were a goner. 
Kissing Namjoon was just as intoxicating as you remembered. His lips alone set your whole body on fire. The kiss was hot and bruising with a lot of biting just like you liked it.
Namjoon gently pushed you towards the closest wall, without stopping kissing you. He had you trapped and terribly wounded with just some kissing. He pulled from you, only to stare at your swollen lips. He was in trouble.
"What am I going to do with you, princess?"
You stared at him with hazy, completely blown eyes. "Anything."
"What a dangerous thing to say." His thumb found your lips. He started caressing your lips, imagining what he could do to you. "What if I chose to kidnap you?"
He wouldn’t.
"What if I bring you to my place and tie you to my bed?" His thumb slipped in between your parted lips and you welcomed him eagerly. "What if I use blindfold? You would like it, wouldn’t you?"
All you could was to mewl and suck on his thumb. His every words made your core clench around nothing and you just wished he would stop and fuck you. But Namjoon loved seeing you helpless and needy.
He pulled his finger from your mouth only to replace it with his mouth.
"Tell me." He bit on your lower lip. "What," he bit on your jaw, "You want." And your neck.
Namjoon made it hard for you to think straight. His lips were distracting, his hands were everywhere except where you desperately needed him. You tried to grab his hand but Namjoon was faster and had your wrists pinned above your head with just one hand.
"Oh I don’t think you can touch me, princess." He disapproved your attempt. "Tell me with words."
"Namjoon!" You whined helplessly. All attempt to free yourself had resulted in failure; Namjoon was just too strong for you. And maybe you didn’t try very hard either. But you persisted on disobeying him. Instead of answering him, you chose to hook a leg around his waist and pull him towards you, towards your center, seeking for any friction which only caused Namjoon to growl. You were pushing all his buttons at once and if you weren’t in public, he would have showed you what it costed to provoke him. Instead, he kissed you, pouring all his feelings in the kiss.
"Let me take you home, Y/N." It wasn’t something Namjoon was supposed to say, to admit, but he couldn’t stop himself. You were a temptation, a forbidden fruit that he highly desired. 
It touched you, in a way. But no matter how tempting his offer was, you couldn’t accept it without turning your life into a mess. 
As he let go of your hands, you reached for his hair, fingers raking gently through it, almost affectionally. "You can’t." Even if you wanted it. 
Namjoon leaned closer till his forehead bumped lightly yours, he closed his eyes and let out a disappointed sigh. "You’re sure?"
It was, in a weird way, endearing how sweet he sounded, your heart melted at his disappointment and you almost wanted to wrap your arms around him and hug him. You couldn’t of course. 
"Then, will you let me fuck you again?" 
You nodded all too eagerly which made him smirk. He licked his lips, satisfied. "As you wish." 
Namjoon spun you in his arms so you would face the wall. He bent you slightly and with a light nudge he pushed your thighs apart. His hands were everywhere at the same time; caressing you, pinching your skin, you didn’t know what to do with yourself, feeling suddenly completely overwhelmed and on fire. Incredibly on fire.
"Look at you." Namjoon slid his hands along your inner thighs, up and down before deciding that he needed to see more. He hiked your dress up exposing your beautiful ass. "A princess acting like a whore." He caressed your butt, gently, lovingly. "Wanting to get fucked, to get filled."
He gave your ass a strong slap that would have sent you flying right into the wall if he wasn’t holding you with his other hand. "What if someone walks on us?" He spanked you again. "Will you let them join us?" And another one. This one was harder than the previous one; your ass was bright red, you felt it which only made you even more aroused. 
"Would you like them to fill all those holes, princess?" He whispered, caressing gently your ass; you felt his thumb circling around the puckered rim of your ass - you tensed, breath hitched in your throat but then, when his thumb slipped inside you gasped and closed your eyes. 
"Namjoon." You whimpered, feeling incredibly needy. There was no way you could take this torture any longer. You needed him, now.
"I asked you a question, baby girl. Would you let them fill those holes?" Came another strong smack.
"Fuck no!"
"No?" You felt his fingers digging into your skin.
God this man was ready to ruin you.
"No." You repeated and nodded furiously your head. 
"Good. Because this ass is mine. And this cunt?" He tore the panties from you and slipped two fingers inside you. He growled as you were dripping, coating his fingers with your juices. "This was made for me."
You moaned softly, body shaking at the feeling of his fingers inside you, stretching you nicely, preparing you for his cock. As he moved his fingers, you pushed against his hand, wanting to feel him deeper.
"Really, princess?" He chuckled, "You’re supposed to be a nice and patient baby girl." He curled his fingers, you couldn’t stop the moan that left your mouth. "Instead ,you’re acting like a desperate slut."
‘So what’ was on the tip of your tongue but those words never left your mouth as Namjoon added a third finger. With a ring.
"Fuck." You clenched hard around his fingers.
Namjoon watched you with a smirk on his face. Your reaction to the ring didn’t go unnoticed. "It appears your cunt adores my ring."
He was right, it did. You did. The addition of the ring to his fingers brought you closer to your release. Except Namjoon had felt it too.
"You’re not allowed to come until I said so." He withdrew his fingers.
You sobbed at the loss of his thick fingers and the fact that he had robbed you of a powerful release. You tried to glance over your shoulder, ready to share a piece of your mind but Namjoon was fast - he yanked your hair, lips dangerously close to your ear.
"You take whatever I give you, baby girl." He growled, "And you say thank you." 
Still upset with the loss of your release, you considered disobeying again but the fear of not getting anything  at all was stronger so you complied. "Thank you."
Namjoon gave your clit a harsh slap, your whole body shook, still sensitive. "Thank you who?"
"Thank you, sir." You choked
Namjoon hummed, pleased as he stroked your now red ass. You were gorgeous and he couldn’t wait to get inside you. 
He pulled his cock, brushed it lightly against your clit, teasing you - you bit on your lips forcing yourself not to push back against him.
"Namjoon." You begged which got you a harsh spank. "Sir, please."
"What is it, princess? What is it that you want?"
"I want your cock, sir. So badly. Please." You begged shamelessly, it was driving you crazy.
"Good girl." Namjoon eased himself slowly inside you to your utter surprise. You expected him to pound into you mercilessly, without letting you any time to adjust to his girth. He did none of that.
Namjoon filled you slowly, inch by inch, dragging his cock slowly against your walls, making sure you would feel all of him. And like a good girl, you took all of him.
You supported yourself as best as you could, the stretch making you both groan in pain and pure pleasure. Namjoon was thick, huge and reached your deepest spots. It drove you absolutely crazy. He was right, your pussy was made for him.
As Namjoon waited, he caressed your butt, you could melt if not for his cock. You pushed lightly against him and he took it as a sign to move. He withdrew half way before pushing back, making both of you moan in satisfaction.
All traces of gentleness vanished the moment he got your sign. His past got fast, his thrusts sharp and deep leaving you no choice but to completely surrender and let him have his way with you. Not like you minded. Hell, you enjoyed it fully.
"Fuck, Namjoon, your cock feels so good." You mewled, forgetting completely that you weren’t supposed to call him by his name, not when he was pounding so hard. But his cock felt too nice, making you forget all about your manners and all about your place in this world. 
For once, Namjoon didn’t mind, in fact, he was too lost in the feeling of your walls clenching around him. He dug his fingers into your skin, making sure that he would leave marks for you to remember, for you to regret not accepting his offer. 
"God, i’d love to make a video of you, taking my cock like a good slut and send it to your daddy. Aren’t you ashamed?" He grunted 
"I don’t care!" You half screamed, legs almost giving up because of a strong thrust.
"Oh? You don’t?" He chuckled half-surprised with your honesty."Good. We should do it one day. Just to spite him."
If you weren’t so lost, so consumed with pleasure, you would have rolled your eyes at this stupid rivalry that was going on between Namjoon and your father. They were both annoying but you couldn’t possibly tell them that. Yet.
"Namjoon." You whimpered, lost and so close to your release.
"I know baby girl, I got you." He reassured you
And he did. When your release came crushing down, his grip on you tightened as he kept thrusting, slower as you convulsed around him. For a second, your vision faded to black and the only sound you could hear was the crazy beating of your heart.
Namjoon leaned over to kiss your shoulder, slowly thrusting into you. 
"I’m close too." Namjoon confessed, panting. "Fuck Y/N. Tell me where I can cum."
"In me. Please."
Namjoon did not expect that, but your pleading pushed him over the edge. With one last strong thrust, he finally exploded inside you, spilling his hot seeds inside you. He half collapsed, squishing you against the wall but it didn’t bother you, his arm was safely wrapped around your waist while his head rested in the crook of your neck. 
You both stayed silent for a while, panting but feeling satisfied. Almost. You realized that you didn’t want him to leave you yet, so when Namjoon tried to pull from you, you grabbed his hand and forced him to stay still.
"I know." You hurried to say before he could remind you that your reality was waiting for you. "I know."
Namjoon sighed and forced you, always gently, to let go of him. He pulled his cock out (and you wished you could pull him back already), and quickly adjusted his clothes before finally facing you. 
"Look at me, Y/N." He asked nicely. 
You bit on your lips, not wanting to look him into the eyes because you were too scared to face him, too scared for rejection. But Namjoon only sighed, followed quickly by a chuckle as his hand found your face. His thumb caressed your cheeks as he stared at you fondly. "How about a date hm?"
You blinked. Once, twice, proceeding very, very slowly his words, before finally your face broke into a big smile.
"Would love to."
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purrincess-chat · 4 years
Marinette Dupain-Cheng’s Spite Playlist: Remix CH9
This is the first new chapter! Every last bit of it has never been read before (except by me and my betas)! What nefarious schemes will Adrien and Chloe try? Find out below!
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Chapter 9: Emperor’s New Clothes
“Are you sure this is going to work?” Adrien asked as Chloe adjusted her wig. He peeked over the railing to the courtyard below with a frown. All of their classmates were gathered, enjoying their break—completely unsuspecting of what was about to commence.
“Of course it’ll work. These people are idiots who will believe anything.” Chloe snapped her compact shut and tossed it into her purse. “If they had any sort of intelligence, they would have seen right through Lila by now.”
“Yeah, but what if they-” Chloe pressed a finger to his lips.
“Just leave this to me, Adrikins. Being mean isn’t exactly your area of expertise.” She patted his cheek. “Little Miss Lie-la is about to be exposed. Now get into position!”
Adrien swallowed hard before climbing down the stairs to stand by the science lab door. Even though he agreed to help Chloe get back at Lila, he wasn’t entirely ready to deal with the guilt that came with it. Lila was a menace, and her lies needed to stop—that much Adrien could agree with, but he’d be lying if he said it didn’t make his skin crawl.
To justify going through with it, he reminded himself why he’d agreed to help in the first place. Marinette didn’t deserve to be pushed away from her friends, and freeing them from Lila’s grasp would help her move on. This was for Marinette, and on those terms only, he could accept it.
“Hello, everyone! It’s me, your favorite superheroine, Ladybug!” Chloe called into the courtyard as she descended the stairs, and every head turned to face her.
“Is that Ladybug?”
“It is Ladybug!”
“Is there an akuma?”
Adrien hung back with a wince as a crowd gathered around her. This was for Marinette. Lila needed to be stopped. He agreed to this.
“Yo, Ladybug, what are you doing here?” Nino asked.
Chloe placed a hand on her hip. “Oh, I was just in the neighborhood being a super amazing superheroine and protecting Paris from akumas, and I thought I’d stop in and visit my bff. So where exactly is Lila Rossi?” Chloe pressed a hand over her eyes and scanned the courtyard.
“She’s over here!” Alya waved. Despite Lila’s best efforts to shrink behind Alya, her new bestie wasn’t going to miss an opportunity to talk to Ladybug.
“Ah, there you are, my bff. It’s been so long since we’ve last seen each other. You remember? That time I saved your life, and we became instant bffs?” Chloe crossed her fingers. “You haven’t returned my calls, so I was starting to get worried.”
“Lila’s been out of the country until recently, and she’s been super busy catching up on school ever since she got back,” Alya explained. She patted Lila’s shoulder with a beam, and Lila offered a sheepish grin in return.
“Uh, yeah…” Lila’s face blanched.
They had her cornered. This was actually working! Maybe Adrien wouldn’t have to get involved after all.
“Oh, right, you went to Achu to visit Prince Ali. Funny though, I talked to Prince Ali yesterday—his assistant wanted to make sure that Paris was safe for his upcoming visit, so naturally they called me—I asked him how your visit went, and he didn’t remember inviting you to come to his palace.” Chloe cupped her cheek in one hand. “How weird is that?”
“Wait, what?” Everyone turned to look at Lila who stiffened, and a smirk curled on Chloe’s lips.
“But you were gone for over a month, Lila. I thought you said Prince Ali invited you to come stay with him,” Rose said. She hugged her scrapbook full of Prince Ali magazine clippings to her chest.
“He did!”
“But Ladybug just said he didn’t.” Alix crossed her arms over her chest.
“Well, she must be mistaken,” Lila said. “I’m your friend. Why would I lie to you?”
“Ladybug is a superhero. She’d never lie to us either.”
“What’s the truth then?”
“Yeah, Lila, tell us the truth.” Chloe egged. “Or perhaps you’d prefer to hear it from someone else? I’ve got a pretty killer witness. Adrikins, be a dear and come over here.”
Adrien hesitated, heart hammering in his chest. He couldn’t go through with this. Even though Lila deserved it, he couldn’t bring himself to call her out like this in front of everyone. There had to be another way.
“Wait a second, Adrikins?” Alya’s eyes narrowed. “I don’t think we have to wonder who’s telling the truth, do we, Chloe?”
“What? I’m not Chloe! She has way better hair than I, Ladybug, do. Plus she’s way funnier, prettier, smarter, and hey!” She spun around as Kim ripped off her wig.
“Ugh, we should have known,” Alya said. “You’re just upset because Lila beat you for class rep. Honestly, Chloe, grow up!”
“Yeah, Chloe, this is super lame.”
“Why do you always gotta pick on people?”
“You just can’t stand that someone’s getting more attention than you.”
Chloe shot Adrien a cutting glare as if to say, “Get out here and do your part,” but Adrien shot her an apologetic wince before ducking into the science lab.
“What are you doing? You can still stop that girl,” Plagg said when Adrien pulled his shirt aside.
“I panicked. I don’t want it to go down like this,” Adrien said. He ran a hand through his hair with a sigh. “I just can’t do it.”
“So you’re just going to let her keep using everyone?” Plagg asked.
Adrien squeezed his eyes shut, shaking his head. “Transform me!”
“Nice try, Chloe, but Lila won fair and square,” Nino said when Chat Noir landed in the courtyard.
Chloe blew a piece of hair from her face grumpily. “You all are so stupid if you actually believe anything she says. Even Dupain-Cheng realized she was a liar. I don’t want to be your class representative anyway. You’re all so lame.”
“The only liar here is you, Ladybug,” Alix said, and Kim waved her black wig over her head tauntingly.
“Lila is a liar! Ask Adrien. He can tell you!” Chloe’s cheeks flushed an angry red.
“Dude, leave Adrien alone.” Nino groaned, shaking his head. “Just admit you’re jealous, so we can all go home.”
“I’m really sorry if I’ve upset you, Chloe. If you want, I can talk to Mlle. Bustier about letting you be the class rep instead if it means so much to you. I don’t want us to fight,” Lila said humbly.
“Liar!” Chloe stomped her foot.
“I’m not lying! I promise,” Lila said. She held up her right hand for emphasis.
“Oh really?” Every head turned around as Chat Noir laid his staff across his shoulders.
“Yo, it’s Chat Noir! Like for real this time!”
“What are you doing here, Chat Noir?” Alya pulled out her phone to record.
“I heard that m’lady was making a house call, so I thought I’d come by and make sure everything was in order.” He cast a smirk in Chloe’s direction. “But it looks like someone just wanted to play dress-up.”
Goading Chloe probably wasn’t his smartest move, seeing as she was absolutely going to kill Adrien for chickening out, but he needed everyone on his side. Taking cheap shots at Chloe was always an instant crowd-pleaser.
“So, since you’re so honest, is there anything you’d like to share with the class?” he asked Lila. “Now would be a good time to get anything that your friends don’t know about you off your chest.”
She didn’t seem deterred by his presence at all, eyes glinting with amusement. Chat Noir bristled, grip tightening on his staff. Lila held no remorse for any of her actions, and she’d cling to her lies until the very end. Chat Noir bit his tongue hard as she turned to everyone else and plastered on a pout.
“There is something I want to tell all of you…” She clasped her hands over her heart. “I’ve been hesitant because I know you all have mixed feelings, but I think Marinette is behind all of this.”
“What?” Chat Noir and Chloe said in unison.
“Why do you say that, Lila?” Alya asked.
“Well, the other day on my way home I saw Chloe going to Marinette’s house, and now she’s here calling me a liar just like Marinette used to do,” Lila said, letting her face fall into her hands. “I just don’t know what I did to deserve to be treated this way.”
Everyone crowded closer to her offering their sympathy as alligator tears rolled down her cheeks, and a host of cutting glares aimed at Chloe. They should have planned for something like this. Lila always bent the truth to suit herself.
Rage boiled in Chat’s core, and it took every ounce of his willpower not to tackle Lila to the ground. How could anyone be so despicable?  
“Hang on,” he said firmly, forcing his shoulders to relax. “I’ve met Marinette a few times, and she doesn’t seem like that type of girl.”
“Yeah, I’m not so sure that’s true either, Lila,” Alix spoke up. “I mean, Chloe and Marinette hate each other. Chloe would rather die than set foot in her house.”
Alya pursed her lips and turned to Chloe. “Is it true? Did you go to Marinette’s house?”
Chloe averted her gaze, crossing her arms over her chest. “I did go to see Dupain-Cheng at her tiny, disgusting hovel, but…she refused to help me—stupid little goody-two-shoes,” Chloe said. She met Alya’s gaze head-on and squared her jaw. “But with friends like you, I’m starting to see why she left. She was nothing but nice to you losers, and yet you’d so easily believe that she’d help me get back at someone. You’re all so pathetic.”
“The only pathetic one here is you, Chloe. Lila’s never done anything. None of us have! We’re sick and tired of putting up with your crud,” Nathaniel said, and several classmates echoed their agreement.
“Whatever. I don’t want to be your class representative anyway if you’re all too stupid to tell the difference between a diamond and a lump of coal.” Chloe flipped her hair over her shoulder, hips swaying as she stalked to the locker room.
Chat Noir almost chased after her, but his staff beeped with a message from Ladybug. There was an akuma across town. Chloe was going to have to wait.
♪♫♪ Broken Pieces Shine ♪♫♪
Marinette chewed her pencil, tilting her head to examine her designs from different angles. Clara’s deadline was still several weeks away, but she already had tons of ideas. Would Clara like a tasteful pantsuit or a flowing gown? Which one said ‘award-winner?’ Maybe if she added a sash or changed up the neckline…
The lunchroom bustled several simultaneous conversations, condensed into a uniform hum in Marinette’s ears while she worked. She was vaguely aware of her friends at the table with her, but when Macy leaned in to get a closer look at what she was working on, she still jumped.
“Ooo, are those for you-know-who?” she asked.
“Shh!” Marinette covered her sketchbook and glanced around to ensure no one had overheard. “Yes, but they’re not final. I’m just playing around with some ideas.”
“I like them,” Macy said. “Look at this one, Eliott. Eliott?”
He was unusually quiet that day, but Marinette had been too enthralled in her own work to notice. His nose was buried in a booklet, seemingly as engrossed in it as Marinette had been with her designs. He only looked up when Macy stuck her hand in front of his face.
“What?” He blinked.
“Marinette is designing top-secret things, and she needs opinions,” Macy said.
“Can’t you ask Martin?” he asked.
Macy gave him an incredulous look. “Martin left 10 minutes ago to go work with his group on their science project. Weren’t you listening?” She scolded. Though in Eliott’s defense, Marinette hadn’t noticed either.
“Oh, sorry. Guess I was distracted.” He closed the cover but marked the page with his finger. “So what do you need?”
Macy shook her head, taking a bite of her cake. “You two are such space cadets today.”
“What are you studying, Eliott?” Marinette asked. She tilted her head to get a better look at the cover.
“I’m in a community play, and we have rehearsal tonight,” he said nonchalantly.
“Wow, that’s so awesome! What part did you get?”
“Oh, it’s nothing special…” Eliott sat back with a smirk and shrugged.
“He’s being modest. He’s playing one of the leads, and he’s super excited about it. He memorized his lines in like 3 days, but he always reads over the script again before rehearsals.” Macy finished her cake and stood up. “I’m gonna get another drink. Help Marinette with her designs!”
“Fine, but can you get me a slice of that cake, please?” Eliott requested. He pressed his palms together with a smile. Macy rolled her eyes but headed for the dessert stand anyway.
“So, you got a lead role. What play are you guys doing?” Marinette asked, and Eliott tossed her the script.
Miraculous! The Battle of Heroes’ Day
“Oh, so it’s about Ladybug and Chat Noir,” Marinette said with as much casualty as she could muster. “Wait, if you’re playing a lead role then that means…”
“You guessed it, m’lady.” He winked.
Marinette bit back a laugh. The director definitely cast the right person. Put Eliott in a blond wig, and even she’d believe he was Chat Noir.
“That’s so awesome! When is it opening? I’d love to come watch.” She passed back the script, and he found his page again.
“Not for a couple more weeks, but if you want, I can see about getting you into one of our dress rehearsals soon,” he offered.
“Really? Yeah, I’d love to.”
Macy returned with Eliott’s slice of cake, but not before Gabrielle locked on target. “Did you save any cake for the rest of us? No wonder your uniform looks so tight these days.”
When Macy froze, Marinette turned to Gabrielle with a glare. “She got it for Eliott because some people don’t spend all of their time thinking about themselves.”
“I think about other people all the time,” Gabrielle said with a wicked grin. “I’ve actually been feeling sorry for Macy after Simon rejected her three weeks ago. If only she were prettier, then maybe Eliott would be more than just a friend.”
“Eliott and I aren’t like that.” Macy shot back.
“Clearly,” Gabrielle said with a grunt. “Tell me, Eliott. Have you ever thought about dating Macy?”
“Well, no, but-”
Gabrielle threw her head back with a laugh, and Macy’s cheeks flushed a deep red. She stormed from the cafeteria, tears bubbling in her eyes. Gabrielle watched her go with a triumphant smirk that made Marinette’s blood boil.
“You should go after her,” Marinette said to Eliott.
“Trust me, she doesn’t want to see me after that.” He shrugged and returned to his script.
“How can you say that? She’s your best friend, and best friends should always be there for each other no matter what!” Marinette slammed her palm on the table, but when Eliott refused to look at her, her jaw clenched. “You’re wrong. I think you’re the exact person Macy wants to see right now.” She didn’t wait for his reply before gathering her sketchbook and chasing after Macy.
The halls were empty and quiet, the chorus of chatter from the cafeteria fading as Marinette raced down the stairs. Macy was nowhere in sight, and Marinette didn’t know where to begin looking for her. After a week, Marinette was still learning her way around—not to mention still learning her new friends.
If it were Alya, Marinette knew exactly where to look, which treat from the bakery would always cheer her up, and as a last resort, where she was ticklish. She didn’t have those ins with Macy yet.
Eliott would know.
Eliott… How could he sit by while his friend was upset? Didn’t he care about her at all? If they really were best friends, then why didn’t he stand up for her and believe her when she said she was hurt? It was so obvious that Gabrielle just wanted attention. How could he let her come between them? Why did he let her walk away? Shouldn’t he chase after his best friend and make sure she was okay? Isn’t that what friends were supposed to do?
Marinette leaned against a row of lockers, shoulders heaving and tears stinging her eyes. Wasn’t she a good friend? Didn’t she always take care of everyone? So why would they turn their backs on her? How could they leave her all alone?
“What’s wrong, Marinette?” Tikki poked her head out of Marinette’s blazer.
Marinette sat on the floor with a sigh, resting her head against the lockers. “It just gets so hard,” she whispered. “Always being there for everyone. Being the one to fix everything for everyone. Sometimes I just wonder… who will be there to fix me when I need it?”
“You’ve got me,” Tikki said. She floated up to nuzzle Marinette’s cheek. “And your parents, Master Fu, Adrien.”
Marinette smiled at that, petting Tikki’s bulbous head with one finger. “Thanks, Tikki. I needed a friend.”
Screams echoed up the hall, and Marinette jumped to her feet. Shaking off the last of her doubts, she slapped her cheeks and took a deep breath. She wasn’t alone, and she would make sure her friends never were either.
“That sounded like it came from the cafeteria. I think it’s safe to say we know where Macy is,” Marinette said. “Transform me!”
Terrified teens with crooked teeth and unibrows rushed past as Ladybug entered the cafeteria. All around the room, her classmates cowered from the akuma zeroing in on Gabrielle in the center. Macy had become the perfect porcelain doll carrying a mirror in her hands—no doubt where the akuma was hiding.
Ladybug hooked her yoyo around Gabrielle’s shoulders and tugged her to safety, even if she deserved whatever punishment Macy was about to give her.  “Get somewhere safe,” she ordered.
“Duh,” Gabrielle said. Ever the gracious one.
“You’re welcome.” Ladybug rolled her eyes as Gabrielle raced off.
With Gabrielle out of the way, the akuma settled for Thomas. She held her mirror in front of him, and his handsome face broke out in angry red zits. The misshapen students fleeing the cafeteria all made sense. Gabrielle told Macy she wasn’t attractive, so now she was making everyone else look the part instead.
“You shouldn’t have let her get away, Ladybug. I think everyone here would like to know what she’s ashamed of,” the akuma said.
While that much might have been true, Ladybug wasn’t in the business of agreeing with one of Hawkmoth’s villains. “Revenge is never the answer, Macy. You’re better than this. Let me help you.”
“I’m not Macy anymore. My name is Mirror-Mirror!” she shouted. Her glassy eyes bore all of her pain, the real Macy screaming inside. “If you want to help me, then give me your Miraculous!”
Ladybug dodged her strike, flipping backward onto a table. Mirror-Mirror wasted no time charging in again and again, the destructive force of her anguish taking its toll on the cafeteria. It was impossible to get a hit in edgewise without seeing herself in the mirror, and Chat Noir hadn’t turned up yet.
“Kitty, I’m battling an akuma, and I really need your help! Where are you?” Ladybug spoke into her yoyo phone. Looks like she’d have to navigate this one on her own. “Lucky Charm!”
A slingshot seemed straight forward enough, but what could she use as ammo? Nothing stood out, and in her moment of distraction, she barely dodged a flying table. Her lucky charm skittered across the floor as she stumbled into her landing, and Mirror-Mirror closed in.
“Mirror, Mirror on the wall, what darkest fears hide in us all?”
“No!” Ladybug tried to shield her face, but it was too late. Her eyes locked with her reflection, and she sank to her knees, all of the fight leaving her body.
What was happening? Everyone else got pimples or big feet, so why couldn’t she move? If Macy’s mirror made everyone unattractive, then why? Why did she feel so…helpless?
What darkest fears hide in us all?
Of course! Her mirror didn’t just make people unattractive. It turned them into the thing they’re most ashamed of—the parts of themselves they hid from the world. And what was Ladybug ashamed of? Failing? Perhaps. Having her identity exposed? Probably.
But as Mirror-Mirror reached for her earrings, their eyes locked, and she saw what she truly feared. The mirror didn’t take her powers. It took her will to fight. More than anything she wanted to save Macy. To save Alya. Her friends. Everyone. But her legs refused to move.
Ladybug’s greatest fear wasn’t losing. It was being powerless to help the people she loved most.
“I can’t do it,” she whispered, head falling.
Mirror-Mirror’s fingers closed around her earrings, but before she could remove them, Chat Noir’s staff struck her side, sending her flying into the wall.
“Ladybug!” He rushed to her side. “Sorry it took so long, m’lady. Are you alright?”
“No.” She shook her head.
Chat Noir cast a nervous glance at Mirror-Mirror as she stood up. “Come on. We’ve gotta move.”
“I can’t,” Ladybug repeated.
“Are you hurt?” Chat Noir bent one of her knees. “M’lady? What’s wrong?”
“I can’t save her, Chat Noir.”
He searched her expression before scooping her up and leaping out of the way of another attack. He set her down gently and brandished his staff. Would he leave her one day too? What if she couldn’t protect him either?
No. That was ridiculous. Chat Noir would always have her back.
You thought Alya would have your back too. Look how that turned out.
That was different. Lila was manipulating her.
Who’s to say a villain couldn’t do the same to Chat Noir? He could turn his back on you.
He wouldn’t.
But he could.
Ladybug squeezed her eyes shut, pushing against the darkness clouding her mind. Ever since she became Ladybug, she’d always relied on her head to get through tough situations. Now even her own thoughts were working against her. She didn’t know what to believe anymore. Macy needed her help. She needed to save her friends.
Mirror-Mirror kicked Chat Noir in the gut, spreading him on his back. His staff rolled into Ladybug’s feet as Mirror-Mirror closed in. She needed to help him, but her legs wouldn’t budge. Her lucky charm was only a few yards away. If she moved now, she could reach it before Mirror-Mirror changed Chat Noir too.
But what was the point? Even if she did reach it in time, she still hadn’t figured out what to do with it. This battle was over.
“Hey, Macy!”  Eliott stood in the doorway, shoulders squared and head high. His hands were balled into tight fists to hide how they shook as he approached.
Ladybug assumed he ran away after getting zapped just like everyone else, but he looked completely normal. She hadn’t seen him since she left to find Macy, so he should have been in the cafeteria when Mirror-Mirror first attacked. Had he gone to look for Macy after all?
Mirror-Mirror abandoned Chat Noir, freeing him to rush to Ladybug’s side. He retrieved her lucky charm on the way and placed it in her hands. “Come on, Ladybug. Think.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t stand up for you earlier,” Eliott said, and when she raised her mirror, he shoved his hands in his pockets. “Go ahead if it will make you feel better, but it’s not going to do you any good.”
When Eliott remained unchanged, she lowered the mirror with a growl. “Why isn’t it working?”
“Because I’m already the thing I’m most ashamed of,” Eliott said. “I was a bad friend to you, and that hurts me more than anything else ever could. Marinette was right. Friends should never turn their backs on one another, and that’s why I’m never going to abandon you again.”
“LB.” Chat Noir placed a hand on her shoulder. “I’m here. What do you need?”
Eliott hadn’t abandoned Macy, and Chat Noir wasn’t abandoning her. Not all friendships were destined to fail. So long as she held onto her faith in the people she loved, everything would be alright.
Ladybug turned the slingshot over in her hands. If she combined it with Chat Noir’s staff… She loaded the slingshot and aimed for the pillar diagonally across from them. The staff ricocheted off the wall, soaring right into the mirror. The glass shattered, and a black butterfly fluttered out.
Chat Noir pulled her to her feet, and she captured the akuma with one swipe of her yoyo. She took a deep breath as Miraculous Ladybug returned everything to normal, the last traces of her insecurities fading. When Chat Noir offered her a fist, she stretched up to hug his neck instead—he didn’t complain.
As Hawkmoth’s magic faded, Macy collapsed forward into Eliott’s arms. “What happened?” she groaned.
“You were akumatized, but I’ve got you,” he said gently.
Students filed back into the cafeteria, cheering for another victory over Hawkmoth. Gabrielle stood at the back of the crowd, arms crossed over her chest, and Eliott eyed her with a frown.
“I know I should have stood up for you, but Gabrielle didn’t let me finish,” he said. “You’re not just a friend to me, Macy. You’re my family, so of course I’ve never thought of you that way.” When Gabrielle rolled her eyes, he continued, “I think this has shown us that we all have things about ourselves that we don’t like, and just because I’ve never seen you that way doesn’t mean I don’t think you’re really beautiful, Mace.”
Macy hugged his neck, prompting more cheers from their classmates. Ladybug and Chat Noir used the noise as cover to slip silently out the door.
♪♫♪ Stall Me ♪♫♪
The day was over when Adrien made it back to school. Most of the students had already gone home, and he believed Chloe had too until he rounded the corner to his locker. He was going to have to face her eventually, though he hoped to delay it a while longer.
She didn’t say anything, but he knew that look all too well. Arms crossed, hip cocked, lips pursed. It was the same look she gave her butler when he took too long to bring her sushi, and Adrien lowered his head like a puppy awaiting a scolding.
“Chloe, I-”
“Oh, now you want to speak.” She quirked a brow.
“I’m sorry!”
“What happened?” She demanded. “I needed your help, and you didn’t have my back. We could have exposed her!”
He averted his gaze. “I know.”
“Why didn’t you stick to the plan?”
“It just didn’t feel right. I panicked.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Next time I’ll do better. I promise.”
“Next time? No one in this school is going to believe anything we say about her now because you chickened out!” She jabbed his chest with her finger. “I hope your conscience is happy. You made me look ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous! Maybe I should leave like Dupain-Cheng.”
“No! No more excuses. If you really want to stop Lila, then call me when you’re actually ready to do something,” Chloe said. With a flip of her ponytail, she shoved past him.
Adrien leaned against his locker with a sigh, running a hand through his hair. Mirror-Mirror didn’t have to show him what he was ashamed of—he already knew. He was a coward, and now everything was ruined.
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cherryblossomtease · 3 years
Chapter 18
18 + only (sub reader/bucky, dom zemo, first time m/m, collars/leash kink, and more please see masterlist for full warnings)
Warnings and summary - Masterlist
The directions were simple
“Go into the bedroom, you may help one another, and when you’re done getting ready, wait for me on the bed. The collars are in the bottom drawer…”
Bucky follows you, his hands wandering; stroking your hair, your back, your neck. He’s never going to be able to follow rule three if he keeps this up. You laugh swatting his hand away, trying to avoid his touch as you open the door to the bedroom.
Inside, he watches as you go to the closet and find the items just as Zemo said you would.
“How do we know which are which?” He asks from the bed.
You turn and grin holding them up.
His is thicker, heavier, and you wonder if these were in the crate Oeznik did not open.
“Me first?” You offer going to him.
“Sure” He says and watches you pull your tank top off over your head and toss it onto one of the plush chairs in the room. Bucky surprises you and finds the zipper of your skirt, pulling it down easily. He tugs the silk organza off your hips with a cocky smile as the fabric falls, giving you a little wink that makes you roll your eyes, giggling with your tongue between your teeth. Oh fuck it—your underwear comes sliding down your thighs too— no use pretending this won’t escalate quickly.
“Come closer.” He says and you stand between his legs.
He’s breathing hard already, his eyes bright with the excitement.
You look him over thinking about how beautiful he is. This is an established fact stated so many times it doesn’t need to be said. But you can’t stop looking at him tonight and you know it’s because you’ve lived with and loved him for more than a year now. The many connections between you run deep and now you’ll share in this singular experience with him. You feel… special.
Does he feel hesitant, you wonder eyeing his profile. You did the first time you ever had sex and you desperately want him to know that every time he’s ever tried to play the hero to you, tonight you will be his should he need it— but James is a lucky man. Zemo actually loves  him. He won’t find himself under some greasy haired, overly perfumed son of a Low Town gangster who thinks he’s hot shit. You hold in a laugh at the memory of your “first” and his sad, selfish attempts to satisfy you.
Watching Bucky from the corner of your eye, you raise your chin and keep close so he can gather the leather around the back of your neck. He buckles it easily, and you feel that familiar sensation of your body waking up. The clink of the metal, the touch of the leather, your nipples perk, you feel the slippery response between your legs— it’s all nice but you want to focus on him and you hope your desire to care for Bucky as he would you shows through in your own movements.
Pressing the center of the strap to his strong neck, you pull one side and then the other, pausing to kiss his jaw, nipping at his ear, you make him practically giggle involuntarily. He tucks his ear to his shoulder, leaning away from you. You smile and loop the ends, finding the perfect notch. “How’s that?” You ask softly, running your fingers back around and down his neck.
His eyes close as he smiles. “Good. A little tight, but— I like it.” How the tides have turned you think, remembering the first time he ever heard those words from you when he reluctantly fastened you into your restraints.
Your smile matches his as you stroke his scruffy cheek. “Perfect” You quickly unbutton his shirt and smooth your hands under the lapels sliding it off his shoulders and in doing so actually catch a glimpse of a metal loop you hadn’t noticed on the back of the collar at first. “Oh wait. I think there’s more.” You say realizing what that other thing was in the drawer. “Hang on.” You tell him, leaving Bucky shirtless on the bed.
“What is it?” He asks as you go back to the closet and open the bottom drawer. You don’t answer but when you return with a matching leash he tilts his head —a little like Zemo does— looking slightly suspicious.
“This is meant to clip on.” You say wondering how he’ll respond.
Bucky’s eyes go wide for a second. He pushes his palms to his thighs letting this layer of information settle as he leans in and chuckles shaking his head. “He thinks I’m dog now?” He inquires with a brow raised high. He sounds ever so slightly disturbed.
You snicker sweetly “Hush.” You say and go to him. You lean around and clip it on, feeling his hands on your ass as you smooth the length of it out. The leash is long, but not overly done. It’s the perfect length for Zemo to wrap around his hand once and really get a tight grip. “More like, a puppy. A good boy.” You tease trying not to laugh too hard.
Bucky’s look of outrage does it and you can’t hold the laughter in. Still grinning you try to soothe the sting. “Im sorry, I’m only teasing. You’re a very grown man with very large muscles who could probably crush everyone on this ship if he wanted. You’re very scary and we all fear you.”
“Oh ha ha. You’re so funny,”
“Aw, okay I’m sorry. Really.” You say meaning it.
He glances up and you can tell he’s not really mad, you’ve teased him about looking like the least intimidating killer before, which truth be told is something you probably shouldn’t joke about given the hurt he’s caused but it was never his choice. “Listen.” You say and lay your hands on his chest. “I think he made it very clear how he feels about you James.” You say his name so he knows you’re not playing anymore and it works like it always does.
Bucky looks up at you, studying your face for a second or two before he breaks, and looks away flashing the widest smile.
“By the way. When did you tell him? How you feel I mean.”
He thinks back as if he can’t remember. “This morning.” He says a little awkwardly.
So that explains why he was acting so off and sort of fidgety all day, and why Zemo has been so quiet. “And he clearly didn’t say it back.”
Bucky looks down as though he still feels the sting of rejection. “It was —not good. We were on the top deck laughing about something and I just, well I went for it. I looked him in the eyes, I held his hand and told him. He just stared at me. Eventually he said something like thank you, I think, I dunno, I sort of blacked out a little.” He says looking towards the windows “He said he needed to “attend to something” and walked away. He kissed me first though” He says with a sad laugh.
“And you’ve just been acting like nothing happened all day?” You hate that he’s kept it to himself, what an awful thing to suffer through; then again, it is Bucky. He’s known worse.
“What else was I supposed to do?”
“Tell me?”
“Why so you could make it a thing?”
“Well yeah?”
“I’m not a kid.” He says your name and you back down a little “I’m a grown man. I’ve had my heart broken”
“And put back together.” You remind him.
His eyes dart up to meet yours and slowly his smile returns. You know he’s thinking about the dance and the beautiful moment that followed. “Yeah. Turns out he wasn’t as ready as you thought he would be. But it didn’t take long.” He says sounding a little smug.
“I never had a doubt about Helmut’s love for you. I wouldn’t have wanted you to come with me if I weren’t sure. So,” You gently pull the strap around letting him see, “when it comes to things like this you just have to be honest. He trusts that you will, that we will. If you don’t want the leash James, don’t have it. Never be too proud to say no.”
He’s listening and you can see him actually thinking about it. Probably assessing his boundaries and weighing them against his love for Helmut and his level of comfort. He’s not used to this feeling, you can tell. He’s so physically strong, there are times he probably feels invincible. He’s certainly not used to being intimidated by the idea of the unknown. But tonight you suppose it’s more than that. “Are you sure you want this?” You ask wondering.
Bucky leans back surprised by the question. “More than anything.” He says without hesitation. You exhale the breath you’re holding feeling elated for tonight to become the start of so much more.
“You look beautiful by the way, you have all night.” He says softly “I meant to say so earlier.”
Damn it Barnes.
Your lips meet in a soft kiss and you lean against his chest feeling small in the warm space between his legs as his hands slowly glide across your back holding you so close…
The bedroom door opens and you part.
Turning in Bucky’s arms you’re fully aware that together you must paint the prettiest picture. The way Zemo gazes across the room at the two of you, this notion is quickly confirmed.
He has to stop in the doorway and just take it in. You’ve never seen him at a loss like this before. But you’re standing naked wearing the collar he chose for you with your arms around the man he thought he would never have, now in his own soft black leather restraint and that leash held loose in your hand.
You slide it up slowly over Bucky’s bare chest letting it drag across his skin and he closes his eyes against the rousing tickle until it falls over his back. You know damn well what you’re doing as you look back at the Baron with big, innocent eyes.
“Get up.” Zemo says, his already rough voice gone deep like it does when he’s ready to destroy you both.
Bucky gently moves you aside and stands.
“Take off the rest of your clothes.”
You stand beside Bucky watching him strip.
“And why are you still standing?” Zemo asks the second Bucky is finished, as if it’s laughable that either of you should think to do anything other than kneel before him. Funny though, he doesn’t have say it again before you’re both on your knees.
“Safe words” Zemo says unbuttoning his shirt as he comes closer.
“Songs” He says, undoing his pants, slipping them down and off.
“Anything from the sound of music.”
“Penny’s from heaven.”
“Colors James?”
“Red means stop, yellow means slow,” Bucky’s breath catches and you glance over to find the Baron pulling his head back by the hair just a little “Green— means go.”
Zemo slowly reaches with his other hand and grips the leash letting go of Bucky’s hair, but he keeps him in this back bent position as he trails his fingers down over Bucky’s face and traces his lips, lowering to kiss him before letting go of the leather strip. Bucky’s soft moan as he melts into the kiss makes the deepest center of your belly quiver as you take a stuttered breath in.
Zemo holds his face in both hands now, the tip of his nose grazing over Bucky’s, his lips gently kissing his closed eyelids and his forehead before leaving him.
Moving silently Zemo comes to you so quickly you hardly have time to catch your breath before his mouth closes in and your eyes roll shut as his tongue finds yours with ease. It is an unexpectedly calm kiss that makes your skin tingle. He knows that when he kisses you like this, you feel both his affection for you and completely overpowered; so much so that you do nothing but submit to whatever it is he wants. He licks the crest of your top lip, presses a soft kiss to you again moaning very quietly and smiles at you.
“Sweet girl… you taste like James tonight. Have you been kissing him?”
“Only a little.”
He laughs “It’s all right. I like it.” He lifts your chin holding onto your jaw as he smooths his hand onto the top of your head, keeping it there. He sighs deep in his chest, and you look up at him waiting, wondering if he will show you his gentle side…
He sighs and smiles at you shaking his head just a little “You do like to tease me don’t you?” He clicks his tongue with a disapproving tsk-tsk. “Oh, I will enjoy this.” He pets your head and you watch the way he looks you over; naked, on your knees, willing to be his completely and there is the most beautiful darkness in his kind eyes.
You swallow feeling your throat resist the collar. You want to smile but you’re a little afraid of what he means and you know better than to assume.
“James.” He says looking over, with you still held close in this slightly awkward position.
“Yes Baron.”
“Go to the center of the room, sit and wait.”
“Yes Baron,” He says and gets up leaving your line of sight.
His grip on your face tightens. “Beautiful girl.” Zemo says looking back down at you, his eyes wild like they were before he was sent away, “Forgive me. I will enjoy this…”
Bucky never looks away from your punishments anymore. Now he watches with a jealous sort of lust that makes it all the better.
His eyes are fixed on you as he waits from his place in the center of the room and you are momentarily distracted by him which is nice because you need a break from the pain.
“You do like to tease, don’t you.” Zemo says circling you slowly. He sighs pretending to feel sorry for you.
Your fingers are interlaced on top of your head and you don’t dare put them down again after he gave your palms a slap with the leather— how silly that you hadn’t considered that the leash could be used against you. Now you’re here paying for underestimating Zemo and your earlier actions.
Your lips and eyes shut tight but you manage to open you mouth and answer him. “Yes Baron.”
“I know.” He says, his tone all too cool. He steps in front of you again and you wait breathing fast knowing that it’s coming.
That thin leash strikes the tops of your thighs licking your skin with the heat of fire and you hold in your cries, looking across the room at Bucky whose narrowed gaze shows some ounce of sympathy, but mostly you see how badly he wants to get up, push Zemo out of the way and fuck you.
When the next few strikes criss cross your thighs in a pattern of pain you give in, unable to take more and sink down onto your heels, your shaking breath nearly turning to tears.
Zemo stops and comes over pulling you back up onto your knees by your elbows. “Look at me.”
You won’t
“Look at me.”
You open your eyes but you hate him right now.
“Don’t tease.” He says shaking his head. He smiles and kisses your cheek, ignoring your angry face. “But, I have to admit, you are an incredible dancer. Next time, let me touch the parts I like most, yes?” He asks tweaking the tip of your nose.
You roll your eyes but quickly mumble. “Yes Baron”
He laughs a little and kisses your forehead. “So feisty tonight,” He says petting your head. “Should we continue until I’ve whipped it out of you?” He asks, standing with the leash dangling in his hand, both the front and backs of your thighs stinging.
“No! I’m sorry.” You insist while thinking back to how you shook your ass in the lounge and how you can’t wait to do it again. Maybe next time you’ll be able to take more of the consequences…
He smiles stroking your face.
“Fine.” He gazes down at you for a little while until you calm and eventually his hand feels as good on your skin as it ever has. “James.” He calls.
“Yes Baron.”
Zemo walks over going around behind Bucky and clips the leash back onto his collar, the sound is soft but chilling. You see the way Bucky’s eyes close and his muscles tense. “Come, let’s make her feel better. I think she’s learned her lesson enough for tonight.”
Both their eyes are on you.
You watch Zemo take that leash in hand and wrap it around his palm closing it in his fist like you knew he would, but you’re curious if he’ll actually take the next step, so you wait holding your breath. Sure enough, as he orders you to lay on your back with your legs spread, Zemo pulls Bucky along making him cross the short distance on all fours.
Holy shit…
“I want to hear her say your name.” Zemo says as Bucky lowers “I want you to make her come like you did while I was away.”
Bucky does not hesitate and your entire body responds to the warmth of his mouth closing in on you. Your toes curl to points, your knees bend boxing him in, your back arches high letting your chin lift until the top of your head is nearly touching the floor.
He licks up the center of your divide parting your lips to circle your entrance quickly, you can hear and feel his arousal as soft, muffled moaning against your wet center and when he slides his hands under your ass and raises you up like a plate to be licked clean you nearly scream.
As he finds a good rhythm it does begin to feel just like New York. Bucky always loved burrying his face between your legs for as long as you wanted him to, there was never a rush, never any pressure to hurry, just this sort of lazy enjoyment that consumed you both.
Helmuts voice sounds very distant as he asks, “Does it feel good?” He already knows.
“Yes” You sigh feeling relaxed after a while, Bucky’s fingers press into the fleshy parts of your backside and you smile.
The sharp crack of leather on skin makes you jump and your eyes fly open. Bucky gives a surprised but subdued yelp that gets lost against you.
Helmut doesn’t want you relaxed, he wants you screaming.
You’re dropped to the floor and the flicking of Bucky’s tongue becomes a heavy, more determined effort, amplified by the way he moans as Zemo takes a knee behind him and directs his attention to parts of the soldier’s body that you can’t see.
So it’s like that tonight.
It might be out of your line of sight, but you can imagine what’s happening based on the lovely sounds Bucky is making; all those deep moans laced with a hint of pain and you open your eyes gasping as he vigorously begins to suck your clitoris.
From the throws of your rising orgasm, you sense eyes on you and manage to look. Helmut is watching, left hand down busy with Bucky between the two of you.
“Let go, don’t hold back.” He says looking in your eyes as you pant. “I like to see it. I like to see the way you nearly cry when he makes your thighs shake and you say his name when you look at me.”
When you moan it’s the sort that you’re not in control of, it’s a response to the things Zemo is saying to you, a reflex that grips and holds as tight as your collar.
His right hand glides across the horizon of Bucky’s raised ass, the leash rolling along with it and you toss your head back and flex every muscle as Barnes puts his all into devouring your pussy.
His head moves up and down as he works his tongue, but it is the sight of that single, otherwise innocuous bit of black leather held by the man in control of it all that sends you over the edge.
“Would you like to come?” He asks his favorite question.
“Please,” You beg.
He pulls the leash; you feel the loss of pressure which is maddening. That smug little smile on Zemo’s mouth making it both better and worse.
“Please Baron.”
“Did you ever think of me when he fucked you?” He asks suddenly curious. "When he licked you like he is now?”
“Sometimes,” You confess still breathless.
Zemo frowns and pulls the leash harder. The muscle of his arm flexes and you hate him when he denies you a climax but he looks so good doing it. Bucky rises up to sitting to stop from being choked.
On even level with Bucky now, Zemo reaches around to grab his wet chin. “You were a good substitute soldat I’ll give you that much… she does seem ready to come, what do you think?”
Bucky gazes down at you licking his lips slowly—tasting, you, smelling you— he’s happier than he’s letting on and you know he’s just thankful for the permission to have your legs wrapped around his neck again. A hint of his own dominance flickers in his eyes. He stares at you with your thighs parted for him, moaning softly as they rock open and shut from wanting more. “Yes Baron. She does.” He says and the way they look, towering over you together with Zemo like a dark shadow behind the tightly wound power of Bucky; you bite your lip and swallow hard so ready to be devoured.
“Go on, finish her off,” Zemo says and gives him the slack needed. He pushes Bucky back down and the wonderfully obedient Sergeant dives back in.
The pause only makes the continuation better and when you see Zemo reach between Bucky’s legs again, you feel, not hear Bucky’s response as a deep, heavy moan that vibrates against you.
Your orgasm is nearly instant.
The rhythmic pressure rises until its inescapable; your voice goes high and your body jerks once with the perfect shock of pleasure, holding tight until you melt into the pulsing release, moaning again and again, thrusting against his face until you are shaking and yes, in the end you say his name. Just as your Baron wants. You breathe it, gasp it, reach and pull his hair, shoving his face deeper into the throbbing result of his skilled tongue as you smile “James” You sigh releasing him as you sink to the floor with a shiver so happy to have said it.
In the dizzying afterglow — your arm draped over your eyes, your breath shallow, your legs completely useless— you keep your eyes closed until their sloppy kiss breaks the silence.
“And now, you taste like her” Helmut says with a soft laugh against him, followed by the distinct sound Bucky makes when anyone touches him, especially on the underside of his shaft where he’s so sensitive it’s almost cruel— you really do love that sound.
From under lazy half open eyelids, you watch the smooth motion of Zemo’s hand stroking Bucky a few times. His smiling approval has a warm humming tone as the solider grows harder in his hand, and then Zemo kisses Bucky’s cheek, gets up and leaves him throbbing.
You just close your eyes again, still feeling so high.
Helmuts return rouses you and when you manage to open your eyes it’s just in time to see the blindfold come down covering Buckys’.
He goes stiff, alerted and resistant for a moment, but Helmut is there whispering to him in Sokovian to calm him like one would a prize stallion. He takes a knee behind Bucky and gently slides the elastic band further down around the back of his head.
With a look of lust and wonder at the man he gets to have, Helmut smiles and smooths his hands down both of Bucky’s shoulders, kissing the metal one as he slips his hand through the space between his arm and waist to lay it flat against Bucky’s stomach pulling him close.
“Can you feel how hard you make me?” His deep voice sounds needy in Bucky’s ear.
You sit up a bit, somewhat recovered from your climax and watch the way Bucky’s pretty mouth opens, how he doesn’t know what to say, how his powerful form looks both stronger in his bondage and yet so ready to submit.
“Answer me.”
“Yes Baron.” He says, barely audible.
“Are you afraid of this? Of me?”
“Good” His eyes peer down at you in the dark “Come” He motions with his free hand, two fingers like he does inside of you, “Take him to the bed.”
You stand slowly, accepting Bucky’s leash, raising it high as it can only be done from the back and pull him up. For a moment you feel every ounce of control and power that Zemo must, then you take his hand and lead the man along.
“We’re at the bed” You say and lay his hand down letting him feel it. Bucky’s not so timid as you might be without your sight and you’ve been in his position many times before, but you can feel him being careful as he follows you onto the cool bedding.
“On your back” Zemo tells you not far behind.
You crawl up to the pillows and turn over.
“Legs open, he’ll find you.” Zemo says with confidence in Bucky.
“Go to her James.” He says, his eyes flitting from you to Bucky’s profile and along the length of his beautiful form.
For a second you don’t think he will, but he does in fact make his way to you and quite easily. Super heroes— you grin and roll your eyes. Bucky finds your foot and you flinch, giggling from the tickle. He smiles too and gently grabs your ankle, smoothing his hand up to your knee, his fingers reaching and then closing over the curve as he waits to be told what to do with his head tilted ever so slightly as he listens for Zemo’s voice.
Watching from the edge of the bed, Zemo looks distant and detached in a way that sends a chill down your back but you don’t mind, there’s something thrilling in the voyeuristic nature of it. “You may break rule three.” He finally says.
With a soft gasp of surprise you stare at Helmut a little shocked to hear him say it. Bucky however does not need to be told twice.
He parts your knees and you suck in your bottom lip watching the White Wolf hover over you.
His silhouette is stunning. Just long curving lines of tense muscle and power and that vibranium shining black and gold, reflecting the moonlight from the large windows.
Both his hands move up to your thighs before you can stop him and you hiss from the pain— a reminder of Helmuts earlier punishment. Bucky loosens his grip instantly choosing instead to slide his metal arm under your hips, pulling you down flat onto the bed. You look down between your bodies and see him so hard and so ready that he’s making you eager for it in spite of already feeling spent. He however could go all night.
Bucky lifts your ass while lowering his own to blindly find and spear you without hesitation.
You gasp like the air has been knocked from your lungs. Your fingers dig into the flesh of his shoulder and neck and his open mouth finds yours as he starts to thrust, punching his hips forward. Your loud, awful cries are muffled by his deep kiss. He’s been craving you since the last time and it shows.
“She feels so good after she comes.” Helmut says now on the bed with you. “Theres nothing quite like it” He’s close, you hear him just over Bucky’s shoulder but your eyes stay shut.
“Yes” Bucky exhales in your ear holding you so tight. “She feels incredible” He moans.
“So do you.” Helmut says, and you let your eyes open to find him beside you. He’s watching with the hard look of a man who loves as much as he wants to destroy. It makes you smile before you look away just as Bucky jerks his hips forward drawing a loud cry from you. “Don’t stop James. Whatever you feel, don’t stop,” Helmut says, his voice fading.
You slide your head over a little and see him behind Bucky running his hand down the man’s back. He then reaches back and you hear the snap of a bottle but you can’t see so you close your eyes to listen.
“Don’t stop.” Helmut mumbles again.
Bucky disobeys almost instantly. The leash is pulled. The smack to his ass is loud. He starts again and you smile, loving the feel of his ordered thrusting, though it is hesitant. He lets go of you and reaches up, running his fingers over the black satin that blinds him like he might take it off but thinks better of it and keeps fucking you instead.
“You’ve had this before.” Helmut says assuring him that it’s nothing new.
Bucky groans a little slowly grinding against you though he turns his head to the side. “You’ll make me come.” He says, his jaw clenched, voice deep and harsh in warning as he licks his lips, pressing them tight with a tense moan.
“Not yet.”
You stroke his hair where it’s very short at the nape of his neck and nip at his ear, “Don’t come” You say softly and he turns back to you, the tension easing in his shoulders a little as he fucks you just a bit faster.
“Slowly.” Helmut tells him and Bucky moves his hand in close to touch your face, his thumb stroking your cheek. You kiss it and lay your own hand over his, letting him feel your smile as you moan from the way he moves. “Like before, yes?” Helmut says.
“Mmhm” He agrees.
”Just like before so that you will know what to expect, even when it’s not the same” Helmut says softly and you open your eyes. Bucky turns his head left to right, curious, excited and nervous. He opens his mouth and you stare at it, hypnotized by the way he expresses every second of what he feels. He bites down on his lip but lets go just as quickly with a gasp, a moan, a sharp hiss and you feel his cock twitch inside of you.
That, must have been two fingers.
He takes it though, and turns back to you slowly, cautiously starting to draw back and push forward again enjoying the stimulation that will make what comes next easier.
“Are you okay?” You whisper through your own shallow breathing as you kiss along his collar bone and run your fingers down his arms.
“Yes” He damn near growls and kisses you hard.
Lost in the feel of his perfect lips and thick cock, just as he starts to find the perfect rhythm, you’re taken by surprise when you feel Bucky groan deeply. He pulls away, turning his head again and even through the blindfold you can see his deep frown.
With one hand firm on Bucky’s side, his fingers pressing deep into his ribs, the Baron’s words melt into Sokovian and his eyes close. You aren’t sure at first, not until you see his right hand on Bucky’s back pushing down just a little and Bucky’s thrust stop completely— not because he’s been told to. Then you know.
The sound, god that soft, unmistakable sound of being taken fills the room and for once it’s not coming from you.
You hold your own breath and reach up cradling his face. You want to look into his eyes but the blindfold was put there by the man you both obey and you think you understand why. It has him so keyed into every touch, it’s heightened even the lightest sensation, that you wonder if it’s fair, it must be so intense, but it’s already happening. And you realize that as good as Bucky still feels inside of you the fact that Helmut is almost inside of him nearly pushes you over the edge.
With his hands tight on Bucky’s waist, you listen to Helmut moan deeply as he pushes past the resistance to smoothly but very slowly, inch by inch, fill him.
Bucky is loud in your ear, louder than you thought he would be and you smile holding him tight until he sighs sounding somehow both relieved and overwhelmed.
“It’s done.” Helmut says between tight breaths leaning over him, “Are you all right?”
Bucky nods against you.
With his cock finally sheathed and the two people he loves beneath him, you get a taste of what the future holds as the Baron starts to, in a sense, fuck you both.
Helmut pulls back. You can tell because Bucky shakes his head in protest, just a little. He pushes up between you like he might want to stop but you stroke his face and bring him back down showering him with kisses until your tongues are playfully rolling along and he seems to be reminded of how good it feels to be buried in your tight walls with you flexing and pulsing around him, so that when Helmut thrust back into him again you both moan together.
He pulls from your lips mouthing “Oh… fuck” with a stuttered breath and if he’d said it, it would have been a shout.
It’s enough to make you moan again beneath them and for a second you close your eyes just letting it happen to you instead of being a part of it until his tone changes and you think maybe its to much…
Helmut pulls the leash and brings Bucky up somewhere halfway between the two of you. “Are you all right?” He asks again reaching to turn Bucky’s face to profile, letting his lips brush his ear. Bucky flashes a breathy smile and nods reaching back, his cold fingers spreading across the top of Helmuts thigh. “Yes.” He manages.
Helmut smiles then, thrusting slowly up and in, laying his head on Bucky’s shoulder to make them moan together and the resulting slow return of Bucky's cock into you makes you join them.
Helmut lays a slow line of kisses across his neck, towards his shoulder, one hand curved over the black and gold, the other snaked around his waist and against his solid stomach as he controls himself, fucking him just a little faster now.
Bucky is as noisy as you are. He hisses when Helmut draws back, his fingers gripping harder on the top of the Baron’s thigh. Zemo unwraps the leash from around his hand and pushes Bucky back down wanting to see you both again.
You moan at the feel of him deeper inside of you, but look beyond Bucky to Helmut; he’s so beautiful with his brow furrowed as he fucks. He looks down at you, legs spread, pussy filled with another man’s cock. He loves it and reaches for you and you for him, your fingers finding one another to interlace. He looks deep into your eyes, his gaze fixed and he refuses to break the link between you even as he bluntly thrust into Bucky until any notion of his “first time” is completely destroyed. Bucky so perfectly becomes this submissive, moaning mess between you.
“Please,” He gasps, your fingers tracing his collar as he raises up “Please, I can’t hold back.”
Helmut just leans over him sighing against his back, holding him tight.
“It’s too much” Bucky says and you try not to moan but the weight of Helmut pushes Him into you and he feels so good.
“Do you want me to come?” Helmut asks sitting up.
“Yes” Bucky answers.”
“And would you like to come?”
“Yes. Please!” He pleads.
Helmut smiles at you, quickly taking your hand to kiss your fingers before letting go and grabbing Bucky’s waist to hold him down. He draws back and snaps his hips forward making the man truly cry out for the first time and you wrap your arms around his neck feeling yourself pulse. You try to hold back too.
Helmut moans deeply enough to get your attention but when you open your eyes and see the look on his face, you know it’s not over yet.
“Beg.” He demands
“Please.” Bucky says in your arms.
“Please may I come.”
Helmut leans down, his cock drawing back and out, Bucky’s head raising as he does his mouth open looking anxious.
“Louder.” He shoves forward again driving into him which pushes him deeper into you and you press your forehead into his his chest as Bucky nearly cries into the pillow.
“Please Baron.” He actually begs. “Please, I can’t take it… I can’t take more.” And you can hear it in his voice, he’s not talking about the denial.
“Yes.” Zemo exhales in his ear. “Yes come.”
Bucky pushes up showing just a fraction of his strength, and you truly don’t know who is fucking who harder.
Someone has taken hold of your ankles, some else is pushing down on your knees. Bucky’s body flexes and he thrust deep, pushed further by Zemo. He moans through a clenched jaw going stiff before the pulse and warm rush which sends you over the edge with your own climax and you gasp as you cling to him wondering if you’ll always come together now.
The familiar sound of Helmut sighing loudly and breathing hard tells you that he’s only a second behind the two of you. You wish you could touch him…
Bucky is very still as it happens. You watch him openly accept Helmut’s warm ropes of come. You watch him feel exactly what you do right now, what you have countless times— that explosive finalization of being claimed by the man who dominates you so perfectly.
And when the heavy breathing slows, when everyone calms a bit, when you all start to ease back and away— it’s over.
“Bucky” You whisper.
He turns his head towards your voice and knows the tone. Its how you say his name when you’re worried. He smiles a little and leans down to kiss you lightly. Good. He’s not broken.
But maybe you are…
You can’t move, you don’t even want to try, you just wait until the layers of bodies fall away and the cool bedroom air hits your skin and slowly, scared to know what shape your lower half is in, you close your legs, feeling the deep ache in your hips. Your body is spent.
Time passes slowly before you move again and when you do, you prop yourself up onto your elbow somewhat surprised to find Helmut beside you and not Bucky. He’s on the other side lying on his stomach.
The blindfold is on the pillow and his eyes are open. His unfocused gaze seems a little shaken but at least he’s smiling.
“Did we hurt you?” He asks blinking and glancing up when he notices you staring.
Still the damn hero. After all that. “No Bucky.” You smile and roll your eyes laying back down, curling up beside the Baron who rubs your thigh. “You didn’t hurt me.”
You sigh deeply and let your mind go blank closing your eyes again, welcoming the calming silence.
“James” You hear from the edge of the bed.
You must have fallen asleep.
You think Bucky might have too, but you can’t tell. He looks down and Helmut motions for him.
He’s moving slow, rubbing his eyes, groaning as he twists onto his back, but Bucky does finally go and sit beside him.
Helmut motions for him to lower his head which he does and gently he unclips the leash and takes the collar from around his neck, pulling it free.
Bucky raises his head looking into those soft brown eyes for a while, the unspoken affection enough for a moment until he slowly folds into the Baron’s arms.
You turn onto your back wincing from all of your aches listening to their softly spoken words some of which are so low that you can’t make out exactly what they’re saying and that’s okay— but what you can hear is everything it should be.
“Not always.” Zemo is saying in answer to a question you missed. His arm is still around Bucky’s shoulders. “Whatever you want is what I’ll give you. You know my nature and I know yours but, never forget my many sides James.” He teases calling back to the earlier conversation.
Bucky sits up “I haven’t. And like I said. I want— well all of it— everything. You. Her.” He looks back over his shoulder and you smile at one another as he reaches back and strokes his hand down the curving arch of your foot.
Bucky looks back at Helmut and sighs. “I thought I knew how it would be… I had no idea.” He says still processing everything thats just happened.
Helmut looks at him and your heart aches with love as you’re sure his does. Bucky is the oldest person in the room with so much to learn. “It’s late, and if we keep on I’ll start getting emotional, I think Whitney Houston has a song about it and she’ll start fucking, dancing again” He tosses a nod in your direction like he just doesn’t know what to do with you.
You laugh from the pillows “Hey!”
“Go on,” Zemo says smiling “Get cleaned up and I’ll send her in after you.”
Bucky nods happily accepting a firm but quick kiss. “Yes Baron” He says with a hint of sarcasm. The submission is fading to the confines of the collar for now and Helmut watches him get up and walk away, with only the slightest change in his gait.
When he says your name you take Bucky’s place and bend your head letting Helmut remove your collar next. He unbuckles it and slides it off, dropping it to the bed; rubbing your neck, kissing where the buckle was. “Now lie back, let me see the rest” He says softly.
You don’t know what he means, but you do anyway.
Helmut bends over you and kisses the now dull, nearly forgotten marks left behind from the leash, but you still flinch. “I don’t mind when you dance, not in the least.” He confesses against your skin and you shut your eyes smiling. Oh. “You dance as much as you want to” He kisses the other leg tracing the fading lines towards your inner thigh. “When you want to and how you want to. So long as you know I’ll probably always find a reason to punish you” He says squeezing your hip, making you laugh. He pulls himself up coming closer and lets his chin rest on your stomach for a second. Helmut looks up at you and sighs rubbing your stomach with his hand flat. “You know that I love you? You— feel it?”
Your heart flutters with an unexpected rush of so many things. You know why he’s asking. A lot of this has been about Bucky, so now Zemo is checking in, making sure you still feel seen —Your dear, wonderful Baron.
You stroke his hair back lost in the clear brown gaze. “I need you to know, to always know.” He sits up sliding close along the edge of the bed so that he can look down at your face as a stream of Sokovian words tumble from his lips, his deep voice laying over your naked body like a blanket. “It’s clear this relationship involves three people and I may share my heart with him, but my love for you is no less. If anything I’m thankful to have a woman like you,” He pauses to lay his hand to your face, the heat of his palm against your cheek feels calming. “Someone capable of bringing the three of us together, no one else could have made this happen, just you.”
“Me?” You ask looking up at him leaning against his touch just a little more.
He nods “Yes, of course. Don’t be modest.” Helmut says stroking your cheek. “I may have loved him first, but you reminded me that it was safe to feel that way in the first place after everything… and to say the words out loud” You can see him thinking back, probably to the night you first declared your true feelings for him as only you would, and it makes him laugh softly. “I loved him first, but you were and are the one I need, so that I may love without fear.”
You feel that sunlight on your face, that warmth that only comes when Baron Zemo looks at you. Sometimes you feel like you will burn too bright from the heat of it; like a struck match. Sometimes you fear you will burn to ash…
You shut your eyes. Anything to break the spell.
He says your name softly and you open them a little embarrassed to find tears blurring your vision. Helmut wipes the stream that falls before you can stop them from falling down the side of your face with the back of his hand and bends to kiss you gently.
He pulls you up to sitting keeping you close.
“Thank you.” You say in his arms. He nods as he looks you over, like he’s looking to make sure you have no physical injuries he needs to care for and brushes a lash from your cheek before smoothing another tear with his thumb.
“No more tears. Go and get cleaned up, yes? You look tired, I was hard on you again."
You laugh hanging your head. “Both of us.”
He joins the laughter rubbing your back inhaling deeply through his teeth, the memories of tonight so good they hurt. “You don’t know; you have know no idea what it’s like to see the two of you…” You lean to the side to see his face clearly, “When you’re both beneath me, and you look small enough to break and he looks like a god” He smiles, a warm laugh mixed with a breath “And you’re both mine.” His smile fades into a look more serious. “And I am yours.”
You’re hopelessly in love with this man and lean in kissing him until you both feel the possibility of it becoming more which really should not physically happen, so you pull away.
“Go on.” He says tapping your leg. “Go and get clean and then come to bed.”
“What about you?”
“I’ll use the smaller bathroom across the hall”
”Okay, I’ll make sure Bucky’s okay too” You add and he smiles but looks up towards the door like he’s suddenly very worried “I’m sure he’s fine.”
You get up but stop and turn back to find him just sitting there looking off, lost in his thoughts. “Helmut?”
“Yes?” He looks at you, the shadows along his face making the sharp angles so pretty.
“Did you think you’d end up loving us both?” You ask and you can see that your question has surprised him.
He looks past you to the bathroom door again listening to the running water of the shower, then back at you for some time before finally answering. “I didn’t think I would give myself the chance.” He says and flashes a smile, the truth surprising even him. “Luckily I don’t always listen to the voices in my head.”
Authors Notes: I'm busy working on the final parts of this story as I've been learning how to work Tumblr thanks to the ever patient, ever wonderful, ever amazing @natbarnes1917 who is basically the best human alive and you should all go and read all of her stuff because it will make your day infinitely better. Thanks for your support and help bestie! and for encouraging me to never delete a single smut scene because why have one bj when you can have two!
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