#in the past whenever i woke up in the night i would immediately go on that website
victortalkingmachine · 4 months
it is always a bit shocking whenever i see another fallen london player indicate that they do not log on every day. your actions....?
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crepezinhos · 2 months
Scaramouche + Wanderer NSFW ABCs
(NSFW ABCs of Scaramouche and Wanderer, showing their sexual differences throughout Wanderer’s character transformation)
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SCARAMOUCHE’S POV: You and Scaramouche are friends with benefits. You’re a human but you are incredibly the Seventh Fatui Harbinger. You used to have a rivalry with the Sixth Harbinger because you always thought you were stronger. Slowly, you two start to realize you have many things in common and compete each other in a different way.
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WANDERER’S POV: You and Wanderer are a couple. You are a student at the Akademiya and used to be one of his fans when he still was Scaramouche, but, just like everyone else, you forgot his existence after he deleted hisself from the Irminsul. Wanderer met you again when he saw you being cornered by Fatui Agents and saved you from them because he still felt thankful for your support to him in the past. Because of this event, you began talking to him more frequently to him and he quickly fell in love for you, even if he promised to never do so again.
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— Both characters DO NOT share universes, so there was no “exchanging” in partners.
— This is a NSFW piece
— Reader uses SHE/HER pronouns
— Both characters will have some PTSD and are pretty toxic in some topics
— Contains MANY kinky topics such as: Creampie, cosplay / dressed sex, degradation, oral sex, body marking, bondage, overstimulation, teasing, unfairness, masturbation, public sex, quickies, unprotected sex, usage of elemental powers, sexualization of common and daily activities and probably more.
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A - Aftercare (How are they like after it and how do they treat you?)
Scaramouche: Scaramouche would usually win the “competitions” you two had, and whenever he did so he’d be pretty snobby about it. He would help you clean up and put you in a comfy place but he’d make sure to keep smirking and staring at your soul through every second of it. Depending of what the competition was about, and who begun it, he’d joke or be ironic about it. Good luck trying to live peacefully after losing to him on a challenge you did by yourself.
“Here you go. I know it’s hard to survive a challenge against me, so I just want to make sure you are not in a vegetative state!” He joked, handing you a cup of water with a very proud smile in his face after barely breaking your mind in bed.
Wanderer: He’d definitely keep the aftercare for the next morning. He feels embarrassed enough to get naked in front of you before it, so he definitely doesn’t want you to see him naked, panting, sweaty and blushing after it. He will immediately lay down and quickly cover the both of you up, cuddling your head until you’re asleep. After some minutes or hours watching you sleep while messing with your hair, he will get up, dress up and do whatever he has to do to make you wake up to a perfect scenario.
“Sit down, I brought you breakfast.” He asked, putting a four-legged tray on top of your waist as soon as you were set to. It had your favorite meal for breakfast and your favorite snacks and drink around it. He already had his clothes on and you had just woke up from an exhausting sex night. “So… did you like it..?” He asked, sitting by your side but avoiding eye contact. You could see him clearly blushing tho.
B - Body Part (What is their favorite part of your body and why?)
Scaramouche: Your hips. If he’s holding your hips, he has the control of it all, and he loves that feeling. He loves to see you sway your hips when walking, see you in clothes where your hips are valued, he loves to grip on them until they get red by the pressure of his fingers, he loves squeezing them and other body parts around it like your belly and tights and he really loves seeing you sway them, especially when you’re riding him.
“Fuck..! If you keep swaying your hips like that… I might actually pass out.” Says Scaramouche between low groans, trying to pretend like he’s not losing the current challenge. His eyes and hands locked on your hips like a hunter. You were swaying them in a way that was driving him absolutely crazy for you.
Wanderer: Your wrists. Even after deleting hisself from the Irminsul and going through his past identity of Scaramouche, he still likes to have total, or most control of sex. He will always lock both your wrists down by either pulling or pushing them to the ground depending on your position, and he does it hard just like his past self. The difference is that he’s just not that kinky anymore and doesn’t even realize how much he likes to hold your wrists.
“Stop moving.” Wanderer ordered between his many moans, grabbing both your wrists and pushing them harder into the wall he was thrusting you against.
C - Cum (Where do they most like to cum?)
Scaramouche: If Scaramouche has the opportunity to cum in your chest or in your face, he will always do it. He absolutely loves the power sensation he gets from doing that to you. He also really enjoys doing it inside and seeing you take it all until you can’t anymore and ends dripping some of it, but he prefers to watch you cleaning your face or chest after having his cum all around it.
“Look at you… letting yourself have all my cum around you like a toy… humiliating.” Scaramouche joked as he watched every single drop of his cum eject from his dick to your chest after fucking you in missionary position with a big smirk in his face.
Wanderer: Inside. Wanderer became a very reserved guy after going through the Irminsul, so his love for the power he got from cumming outside was absolutely lost. He also developed a really weird and unexpected perfectionism, so he doesn’t want to be responsible for cleaning up a mess he can avoid.
“Shhh, shhh. It’s ok, it’s ok. Just take it all in and it will be over in a second.” He said neutrally as he came it all inside your womb, holding you still as you trembled in agony of the feeling of being filled up.
D - Dirty Secret (A sexual wish that they have but you still don’t know about)
Scaramouche: Creampie. Scaramouche has a really kinky wish of seeing you dripping (specifically his) cum out of your pussy. Why would he dream such an specific thing? Power. Scaramouche loves that feeling and if he ever had you dripping his seed when it was initially blown inside you, it would be the ultimatum pleasure to him. He just simply doesn’t tell you about it because the amount of orgasms it would take to have you dripping cum is far from your limits. Unfortunately, you are a human. That means you could never take it that far. That’s why he prefers cumming outside you, so you don’t get enough in a single round.
Wanderer: The day Wanderer saw you dressed as Traditional Sumeru dancer (like Nilou) for an annual festival in Sumeru, was the day he first developed a sexual wish with that new identity. It took him a lot of time to realize he was having TOO many dirty thoughts about it and it took him even more to realize he would like to experience sex with you like that. He just doesn’t tell you that secret because it has been months since you wore that costume. It would be too “out of nowhere” and he’s afraid you’ll find that funny. He will wait until next year, and if the idea keeps bothering his sleeping hours, he will find a way to gather the courage he needs and tell you. He has become a very reserved guy, give him a break.
E - Experience (How experienced are they?)
Scaramouche: Before meeting you, Scaramouche had a low body count. He would only do it with prostitutes and only when he was stressed. That means he wasn’t perfect at it when you two started having sex together, which made you underestimate him at the beginning even if he did win you in the very first round. But time goes on, and you two started doing it almost every day. That means he became an expert pretty quickly and overcame your abilities. He could easily make any woman go insane with his sex, but he prefers keeping all his tricks just for you.
Wanderer: In this universe, his past self also had a even lower body count since he would also only do it with prostitutes and he never had a girlfriend. And unfortunately, he lost most of his already low experience throughout the process of deleting his memories in the Irminsul and then regaining them again. He still will pleasure you greatly, but he knows no much more than the basic stuff. At least he’s trying to become better at it just to make you love him more by trying different paces, positions, places and more.
F - Favorite Position (What is their favorite position to do it?)
Scaramouche: Doggy Style. As you probably know by now, Scaramouche is a huge fan of power. So it shouldn’t be unexpected for him to love fucking you from behind brutally. Seeing your back arched to its core, all your hair being pulled into his direction and your buttocks and hips marked with his hands… it just makes him feel too confident.
“I’m barely seconds in… and you already lost the competition… and made a fucking mess.” He cursed, leaning closer to you just to whisper the joke in your ear while pulling your hair slightly.
Wanderer: Spooning. Wanderer is a guy that needs assurance and love 24/7. So, being able to feel most of your skin touching his while having sex somehow reassures him that you are enjoying it as much as him. The fact that he can also shove his mouth on your shoulders to censor his moans and you can’t really see him in that position comforts him. He’s still very reserved about this kind of thing, so he still feels embarrassed to let you see him naked or hear him moaning.
“Do you like it..?” Wanderer asks huskily between wet moans in your shoulder. “Good…” He says, gently smooching your neck afterwards.
G - Goofy (How seriously do they take it?)
Scaramouche: It’s pretty obvious that Scaramouche is pretty goofy when doing it, but in a bad way. He’s not going to make silly comments or compliment you. No… most of the times he’ll annoy you to the last nerve with his typical comments or jokes and destroy your dignity. At least… he’s only goofy with you and only you.
“Hey, why do you seem so frustrated? Weren’t you the one that started this?” He asked, grabbing your wrists and locking them behind you when you tried to hold him down to stop going so fast and got mad at him for not doing so.
Wanderer: Wanderer is absolutely serious when he’s having sex with anyone. He will not make a single joke or comment about anything. It would remind him of his past self, which is pretty uncomfortable to him but he also considers sex a moment of extreme intimacy where no jokes should be done.
“W-What are you smiling at..?” Asked Wanderer insecure about the tiny smile in your face. You two were doing it in missionary this time and you were simply admiring the view right above you. He was the prettiest man you’ve ever seen.
H - Hair (How many hair do they have down there?)
Since they’re the same person and puppet, both of them share the same answer: they have no body hair at all besides their eyebrows and actual hair. Don’t ask me… Ei is who created him…
I - Intimacy (How intimate and romantic are they through it?)
Scaramouche: Initially, Scaramouche wasn’t romantic nor intimate at all. He would simply enjoy the sexual pleasure of the moment and leave you in your bed to sleep after being railed. But within time, he started to get attached to you even if he tried to deny it. So he started to let out some genuine compliments, kiss and hug you through it, spend more time with you after it and tell you his sexual wishes. Even with this tiny development, he still isn’t the most romantic guy. He becomes very embarrassed when the sex gets too real and will try muttering jokes and cover his sounds to make it more savage because he doesn’t understand that sex is a human instinct and that he’s feeling it.
“This is so fucking so good…” He moaned between the wet and breathy kiss, while his hips rocked hard against yours. One of his hands was gripping on your hand tight while the other one was barely breaking your hips. But when he realized how weird that was, he decided to mumble any joke that came to his mind. “Out of all cum sluts out there, you’re definitely my favorite..! This is worth some extra tips…” He tried to joke, even tho he was saying you’re his favorite partner.
Wanderer: Wanderer, in the other hand, is way more intimate with you. Living with Nahida and studying in the Akademiya made him earn some morality and values he would’ve never learned as a Harbinger. Falling in love with you also made him view some things differently and seriously. For example, the day he entered your room when you were changing. He spent days thinking about what he saw and didn’t understand why he felt so amused by it when he had seen many naked women in his life already? That means that he also feels embarrassed when you see him undress at your front. His attention will be 100% at you, looking for any signs or comfort or discomfort, kissing you everywhere and hugging you all the time. He will not say many things and will not make comments at all, but he’ll make sure you two are in the same environment.
“This is amazing… I don’t wanna stop…” Wanderer moaned while throwing his head to the air. You two were having a very hot missionary sex under the sheets and the overwhelming sweat and heat of your bodies was making him feel wonders.
J - Jack Off (How often do they touch themselves?)
Scaramouche: He wouldn’t jack off frequently. When he felt horny he would just go at you, challenge you in something, make it sexual and fulfill his desires there and now. He’d also have sex with you before going away to missions so his wishes wouldn’t disturb him during the mission. But if became too long, like a month or more, he would sit down in a chair or floor and do it. He would also start masturbating when you two had an appointment to have sex and he knew you were arriving soon, so you’d arrive to a very teasing view.
“You… finally arrived..!” Scaramouche said between low groans. He was masturbating in chair, completely backwards to you, already pretty close to his orgasm. “What am I doing? I’m just making these hours of waiting you less useless…” He joked, still not stopping his movements.
Wanderer: No. Absolutely no. Wanderer will try his best to avoid masturbation. Why? Because the only time where he felt that desperate to touch himself like that, Nahida entered the room without knocking on the door. He spent days avoiding her, even if she completely understood that instinct and wanted to apologize for barging in the room without his consent. Even if you’re away for an appointment and he gets hormonal, he’ll prefer to simply close his eyes and imagine you two having sex, rather than jacking his dick up and down.
“No, I’m not gonna do it.” He said to hisself while trying to sleep, changing his position again. His dick was brick hard but he was trying to ignore it. His brain wasn’t helping tho, making him imagine the both of you having sex with some extra erotic details that were only making him more and more horny. “Hell..! Why is this feeling so fucking insistent..?!”
K - Kinks (Do they have any kinks that you know of?)
Scaramouche: Absolutely. Scaramouche has many kinks and fetishes but the ones that most turn him on are degradation and dominance. Taking control of things and putting people in their place has always been the thing he’s most good at and also his favorite thing. So it isn’t hard for him to do it in sex nor uncomfortable. He’ll make you suck him like a leech, he’ll leave your ass cheeks red from the quantity of slaps given there, he’ll make you beg for him and way more… this guy is an iceberg you don’t wanna go through…
“Show me how much you want this, you little slut.” Scaramouche ordered while fucking you from behind brutally, making you instantly arch your back. “Bending it all over me like a fucking dog in heat… pathetic.” He commented, gripping on your hips tighter.
Wanderer: The only kink you know Wanderer possesses by now is Bondage. He’s not into extreme bondage where you can’t do anything at all, but instead simple things like a single blindfold, or handcuffs or both. That doesn’t mean he’ll absolutely rail you when doing so, actually he’ll be pretty careful with your pleasure now that you’re extra vulnerable. What he likes on it is the control of the handcuffs and the privacy he gets from the blindfold. For example, whenever you or him want to try a new position, he’ll try to ask you to wear a blindfold because he doesn’t want you to see him trying something new at all. He’s afraid he’s terrible at whatever you or him ask for.
“Is it too tight?” He asks you gently, after finishing the knot on the blindfold, with his head in your shoulders. “Alright then… may I start?” He asks, gripping on your wrists even if they were already handcuffed.
L - Location (Where do they most like to do it? And why?)
Scaramouche: Honestly… anywhere. Scaramouche doesn’t really care whether the door is open or closed or if it’s cold or hot outside. He’d do it in Tsaritsa’s bed if he had the chance. He usually prefers places where you can be heard or seen tho. He likes to make it clear to everyone that you are his.
“So what if the door is open? I’d let them see if I was you! Then they’d all know they have no chance with you because all that would go through your mind would be me topping you like this, and my cock making your insides mush.” Scaramouche joked while fucking you from behind in a restaurant’s public bathroom.
Wanderer: Anywhere that is private. Wanderer doesn’t want to be seen at all and especially… doesn’t anyone to see you. He’s very reserved about hisself but if anyone saw you in such an erotic state, blindfolded, handcuffed… he would probably threaten the person’s life. So, he’ll always makes sure nobody’s around, the door is locked and the windows are closed. But especially… he’d make sure Nahida wasn’t nearby.
“Don’t be so impatient. It would be irresponsible of me to leave the windows open.” Wanderer said while closing the windows in his room, pretty annoyed at your petty impatience to have sex with him.
M - Motivation (What makes them keep doing it with you?)
Scaramouche: Your persistence. Scaramouche really likes how you attract him into sex and how you fuck with him. You always bring different “challenges” to him, whispering in his ears and wearing lingeries under your uniform, which already turns him on instantly. But, since you usually lose the challenges, especially the ones you did, it makes him like the experiences even more. After the first time you two did it, where you lost, Scaramouche thought you’d never ask him for it again. But you did, and he was very surprised (in a good way). You turned a switch you can’t turn off. And now, he’ll constantly challenge you in bed.
“You really wanna challenge me into who’s cumming first again? Even if all the times you’ve done that were a victory for me? Ha… I wonder whether you’re challenging me or yourself.” He teased, already turned on, as he walked closer to you undoing his pants.
Wanderer: His love for you doesn’t only make him keep having sex with you but also makes him keep living. The care that you have for him didn’t seem to change even if you didn’t know his past self anymore. That makes him feel he won’t be betrayed romantically even if you’re a social butterfly. But… since you’re a human, it means that you’ll have to go one day (more known as “betray” in his head). So he wants to enjoy every second of you, the same way he wants you to enjoy every second of him. The way that you reassure him of his insecurities and traumas naturally just gives him too much pleasure, sexually or not.
“Say that again…” He whimpered in your ear desperately after you moaned that you loved his sex meanwhile he fucked you from behind. The way he moaned after you repeated it, this time with an “I love you”, was animalistic. “Oh god… say that again… just keep saying that…” He begged while accelerating his pace, too embarrassed to tell you he loves you back.
N - No (What are things they would never do while having sex? And why?)
Scaramouche: Scaramouche thought he didn’t have any no’s in sex until the day you joked about calling him Kabukimono during it. He laughed at first but soon realized he actually hated that idea and kinda got mad at you for suggesting something so disgusting like that. It just felt wrong to have you calling him a nickname that came from people that had all betrayed him one day. His mother, his best friend and a sick kid? No. Just no. His name is Scaramouche and his title is The Balladeer. That’s all you can name him as.
“You only realized that what you said about calling me by my past name, given to me by worthless people, was terrible now?” Scaramouche asked angrily but also jokingly, avoiding eye contact like you were truly disgusting. You really didn’t know that those names were that triggering to him and genuinely felt bad for him.
Wanderer: Wanderer has many more no’s compared to his past self and you. But aside from his past wishes he’s and the obvious no’s, his weirdest no in sex is you riding him. He just can’t feel comfortable in that position at all. You are the one who locks his hands against the bed, settle a rhythm for him to follow and especially, see him in such a vulnerable state. He has been through so much humiliation and manipulation in his life that he really wants to stay far from anything that gives him the slightest feeling of being used. And that position gives him that same feeling.
“N-No..! I don’t like this! Please stop..!” He asked desperately out of nowhere. You stopped riding him immediately and quit the position in a second, trying to comfort him and understand what was going on. It was the first time you two were trying that position and you were going very slow. “I-I’m sorry, I just… don’t like to see myself in this position...” He explained, completely embarrassed for ruining the moment and gasping for air.
O - Oral (Do they prefer giving or receiving?)
Scaramouche: Giving. Scaramouche loves to see you crumbling from above him while he’s giving you a cunnilingus. And trust me, he is good at it. He’ll do it until your legs are trembling, trying their best to smash his head further inside you, until all you can mutter are moans and pleads for him to either fuck you or go faster. Even if he’s not a huge fan of your hands gripping on his hair for dear life, he likes the fact that it basically means you are feeling the agony of being touched in such a sensible spot.
“I know, I know… but I’m having so much fun toying you here that I just… don’t wanna leave. Not until I’m satisfied.” Scara said between licks and breathes on your sensible clit. He continued to mouth you everywhere for barely an hour without breaking eye contact. Not even for a mere second.
Wanderer: Receiving. Wanderer is indeed a very reserved guy, that’s why you were so surprised to him like oral sex that much when you two first tried it. He was trying his best to not grip your hair too hard, to swallow his moans in, but it was too much for him. To have you kneeling at his front, sucking him so passionately and obediently was just too perfect for him. He felt such a huge feeling of power and privacy that made him fall in love with it. He never asks for it tho, because it is indeed a very embarrassing position for him.
“I-I’m sorry… I can’t hold it… this is too good…” He said between deep breathes, whimpers and moans as he gripped on your head tight to make you suck him faster. He was against a wall, barely managing to stand up. His other hand was trying its best to not grip on your head as well, scratching the wall for dear life.
P - Pace (Are they quick or slow? Rough or gentle?)
Scaramouche: It depends on what are you or him trying to do exactly. If he wants to edge you, he’ll go as rough as possible but torturously slow. If he wants you to cum faster than him, he’ll go as quick and rough as possible. He’s never going to be gentle to you, even if it’s supposed to be a more romantic sex.
“You like it here, yeah? Then I’ll fuck you right here until you’re brainless…” He commented, completely lustful for you and the moment as he roughly and slowly thrusted you all the way to your cervix, making you scream at each thrust.
Wanderer: He’ll most likely going to be slow and gentle most of the times. He wants this kind of moment to last as much as it can so both of you savor each other as much as you can, remember the feeling of doing that with each other and long to savor it again. He’ll never be rough with you, not at Scaramouche’s level. He’ll maybe go quick at you depending on the situation but usually he’ll just accelerate when you or him are close to climaxing.
“Faster..?” He asked, almost sounding like a husky whimper, when you whispered the command. “I will, my love… I will…” He said a little louder as he gripped and pushed your wrists harder in the bed and begun accelerating.
Q - Quickies (What do they think of quickies?)
Scaramouche: No matter where you two are, he’ll always ask for it when he finds the opportunity to have sex. A third person in the room said they’d go to the bathroom because they’re not feeling well and think they’ll vomit? He’ll not let you go help, instead, he’ll give you oral sex. Even if you two are caught he’ll most likely not going to stop. Why would he? It’s free porn for whoever is watching anyway… and he’ll obviously be more obvious about it if the environment is private.
“This is a nice kitchen, isn’t it?” He asked playfully as soon as the last maid left the scene and closed the door behind you two. “The maids’ lunch last around 30 minutes… do you know what can we do in these 30 minutes?” He asked, stepping closer to you with a smirk forming in his face. “Hint: it’s something I’ve been longing for a while now…” He said, finally pinching your chin and pulling you for a hot kiss.
Wanderer: Wanderer is actually a big hater of quickies and will only do it if you want it, there’s time for an orgasm and no possible intruders. For example, morning sex. If he’s the one that wants it, he’ll just hold it until it’s safe and nighttime. He thinks quickies ruin the entire meaning of sex. The closure, intimacy, love and lust is barely existent when the intent of it is being quick.
“Are you sure..? You have many work to do today, I don’t want you to be late.” He asked you, his mouth centimeters away from yours as he held your hips gracefully. You slowly pulled him with you to the bed behind you as you said “yes”. “Are you really, really sure..?” He asked you again, and you finally convinced him that you wanted it.
R - Risks (How far are they willing to risk?)
Scaramouche: He’ll risk whatever goes through his or your mind. Public sex? Yes. Elemental Reactions during sex? Yes. Upside down sex? Yes. Sex inside Shouki no Kami? Sounds fun. He’s going to risk everything possible aside from his single no and your no’s if you even some.
“What about… a good old missionary at night, in the Anemo Archon’s statue? In the hands more specifically.” He asked as he stared at the statue with you. You had a mission to investigate the location of the Anemo Gnosis but he insisted on going with you since he had nothing to do.
Wanderer: Barely anything. All that he’s willing to try new fetishes and positions but it has to be in a extremely private scenario. Anything that is public or dangerous to your health will be instantly denied by him.
“Are you serious?” Asked Wanderer after you suggested having sex in the snow of Snezhnaya’s high mountains. “No. Absolutely not. I don’t want you to freeze to death because of a weird fetish. Here, just put this on and let’s continue.” He denied, giving you his hat in order to try warning you up better, insecure about your state.
S - Stamina (How far can they go?)
Since they’re the same person, they both have the answer, which is: days. They’re puppets, they were made to last way longer than a normal human being. Both of them could go as far as they wished to, but they know you are a mere human that can barely last a round. So they just decide to go until your limit.
T - Toys (Do they use toys? Which ones?)
Scaramouche: Personally, Scaramouche doesn’t really like to use toys. He likes natural sex, so that he can control you the way he wants to and show you how no one is better than him. And if there was a dildo shoved inside you rather than his actual dick, it’d make you feel better, and believe it or not, that thought actually makes him feel a little insecure. He also owns a plastic dick, so why don’t you feel better with his? So he decided to throw them away. But don’t you think it’s over! He owns a Vision and Illusion and he makes sure to use them greatly against you when he feels like it. So prepare to have your pussy zapped when receiving a cunnilingus…
“Harder..? How hard do you want it, huh? Like this?” He asked you jokingly before slightly zapping your clit using his fingers. “Ha… you actually seem to like this, don’t you..?” Scaramouche asked with a curious smirk before continuing moving his hand in and out of your pussy. But now with sudden zaps with no rythym to catch up on, making you have a pretty messy, electrical orgasm.
Wanderer: Since Wanderer like to have you using handcuffs and blindfolds, he can’t really say that he doesn’t like using toys. But he doesn’t feel like using any other toys rather than these two. Even after going through a rough existential crisis, he somehow still feels insecure about vibrators…
“These look so pretty in you, my love…” Wanderer complimented, gently caressing your wrists that had just been handcuffed with your newest pair of red handcuffs.
U - Unfair (How unfair and teasing are they with you?)
Scaramouche: Just like mentioned in G section, Scaramouche will always try to make the situation unfair to you. He’ll put you in difficult positions and situations, tease you both mentally and physically in search of full control of you and go silent to make you feel dirty by yourself. Even after sex he’ll mess with you! He wants you to go home with the thoughts of him. And it works, because no matter how unfair he is with you, you still play your part in his little game.
“The more you complain and beg, the more I’ll remain here.” Scaramouche threatened as he fingered you robotically, making you go nuts with such effortless thrusts.
Wanderer: The only unfair thing Wanderer might do in sex is taking his clothes off way after he took yours off. After that he’s an absolute angel. Why? Because he just wants to live a common human life, and you letting him have the experience of a romantic relationship and sex makes it so much better and real to his eyes. He’ll spend the rest of your days cherishing you.
“Sorry… I’ll take my clothes off now…” Wanderer said embarrassed at having you asking him that. But you two were making out for some good minutes by now and only you were naked for no reason.
V - Volume (How high are they? And what sounds do they make?)
Scaramouche: A stressed guy like Scaramouche barely makes any sound during sex at all. Initially, it was just because you two weren’t intimate, but it quickly became his thing. He wanted not only to hear all of you, but wanted you to hear yourself, moaning and whining so dirtily and desperately for the amount of pleasure he gave you. He’d be extra silent if you two could be heard or seen by a possible intruder having sex in a risky area. But he can go fully silent, and he does if he was doing it not on his mood, for example, if you challenged him in a time where he wasn’t longing for you. He’d be smirking the entire time, hearing you spill it all out while he was as quiet as a rock. But when he’s feeling pleasure, he’ll hiss a lot and groan shortly with his mouth closed most of the times.
“Are you trying to get attention, huh? Making so much noise over so little… I can’t wait to hear how high you’ll be screaming when I cum inside you.” Scaramouche whispered in your ear, trying his best to not let out a single moan, even if he was feeling as much pleasure as you.
Wanderer: Wanderer is also a pretty quiet boy when having sex, but this time is because he still doesn’t know how to express his pleasure. He feels so embarrassed and dirty making that kind of noise, afraid that you’d find him perverted or anything. It’s an irrational insecurity, he knows. You would moan and scream until all the air inside your lungs was gone and he wouldn’t think you were perverted like he thought it would happen to him. But he is slowly letting himself be more and more louder with you by slightly moaning in your ears and breathing hard.
“You only keep tightening around me…” Wanderer commented between low groans and pants, trying to not make too much noise. “I want more…” He confessed, pushing you and him to the corner of the table to have a better angle to thrust you deep.
W - Wild Card (A random headcannon)
Scaramouche: He really likes kimonos. Since he’s from Inazuma, he was grown in a culture where kimonos are top fashion. That’s why his own uniform was designed with both Snezhnayan and Inazuman fashion. But during a mission assigned to you two in Inazuma of spying on the Shogun, the date coincidentally fell on a traditional Inazuman festival which you two decided to participate in search of the Shogun’s presence. But he totally forgot that during this day, the participants were supposed to wear kimonos to fit in, and oh… my… god. He couldn’t stop staring at you. He thought you looked beautiful in one but because of your relationship with him, it also made him feel turned on. He pulled to the first corner he saw and gave you a leg-shivering oral.
“You’re so lucky… that this dress is rented… or else I would be fucking you to oblivion in it right now… and ripping it apart after cumming all around it…” He teased between licks and breathes on your warm pussy he was eating.
Wanderer: Wanderer has a weird curiosity on the female human body and always likes to stare you at you like a piece of art whenever he’s seeing you naked. He thinks it’s so smaller than a male’s… but the curves and shape are so much prettier… he can’t describe it at all. But he really likes to stare at your anatomy while doing it with him or sleeping with him after it. And oh if you dare to try putting your clothes on after it.
“No, no. Stay right here. We have a blanket for that.” Wanderer said, pulling you through your wrist back to the bed, covering your body with your blanket afterwards. He waited until you were asleep to begin touching a piece of a hair while he looked at you up and down repeatedly.
X - X-Ray (How big are they?)
Since they’re the same person and puppet, both of them share the same answer: average sized. Even if Ei did put a dick in his body during his creation, she was no pervert and made it sized enough for an average vagina. He also cannot change its size or thickness, but he wish he could adjust to the perfect size to fill you all up with each thrust just he can adjust his neck and arms…
Y - Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Scaramouche: It is obviously pretty high, but he will never tell you that. He gets turned on with almost everything that you do. Your voice, body, manners, clothes… but he only shows his thirst for you when either you or him challenge each other in bed. The feeling of challenging or being challenged excites him a lot, and you know that he never resists when you whisper one in his ear. You’re still the one that takes most initiative in sex tho, but Scaramouche is probably going to take lead in that as well soon.
“You know just how to make me fuck you, don’t you?” Scaramouche asked, turning his face to you with a lusty smirk in his face. He was sat down at a chair in his office and you were whispering naughty thoughts right in his ear. You were asking for lose your ability to walk.
Wanderer: His sex drive is pretty average. He doesn’t get turned on with absolutely everything but still can feel amused with common daily things such as leaning your back to reach something that feel in the floor and jealously. Still, you’re definitely the one that takes most initiative in sex, to either make it or try something new.
“Can we… you know…” Wanderer whispered in your ear very lowly, completely out of nowhere and unable to finish the sentence. You two were simply about to sleep in a spooning position again. “Can we have sex..?” He finally said it, making the situation unnecessarily tense and sexual.
Z - Zzz… (How long does it take for them to sleep after it?)
Scaramouche: You two don’t usually do it in nighttime, which naturally decreases the amounts of nights you have him sleeping with you, but even when it is, he’ll most likely wait for you to sleep in his arms and leave the scene quietly after some long minutes or hours. He’s a puppet, he doesn’t need to sleep. But the more you two explore and discover more about each other, the more he feels like letting himself get a bit of a rest after it by your side, hugging you like a squid using its tentacles. Don’t blame him, nightmares torment most of the nights he decides to sleep.
Wanderer: A few minutes. Wanderer doesn’t need to sleep as well, but he usually feels so in-love and thankful for you after a hot, lusty and tiring night of sex that he allows himself to relax and enjoy the beauty of the woman in front of him until he finally decided to close his eyes. And when he does, he’ll hug you very tight just like Scaramouche would and put your head under his for the instinct of protecting you from this cruel world. Plus, when he realized that he never had a single nightmare when sleeping with you, he stopped sneaking out and leaving the scene after you fall asleep, no matter how much he needs to do something outside the bed. He’ll reciprocate the comfort you give him every day.
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whumpsday · 4 months
you got an ask about this like, a year ago (and absolutely feel free to ignore this if you want to) but could we get a drabble of jim holding human!kane's hand as he introduces him to the sun sometime?🥺
takes place after chapter 18 but before chapter 52
Chronological masterlist / Writing order masterlist
content: impossible "anon magic"-type AU, recovery, comfort, referenced past torture
No one could explain it. One day, Kane woke up as a human, and that was that.
Jim had expected Kane to freak out, and he did a little, of course. But overall, it was a relief to them both. Kane made no secret of how overjoyed he was at the development. Despite his shortened lifespan and decreased strength, Kane was all-too-pleased with his new species. Where Jim considered being human a vulnerability, Kane could only find safety.
No risk of future hostility from the hunters that had hurt him. Protection under human territory law. The ability to eat regular food. No danger from the sun. As Kane told it, he even considered the lack of immortality a boon, his ability to experience pain capped below where it was for a vampire–his new form would perish long before it could ever experience being burned alive for days on end.
Of course, he'd freed Kane immediately, now that he posed no danger, but Kane had nowhere to go. He couldn’t exactly return to vampire territory. So he'd just... stayed. That was alright, Jim supposed. He’d already gotten used to having him around, and he didn't even have to feed him his blood anymore. He couldn’t bear the thought of forcing him to navigate the world all on his own as a new human.
Plus, he had to admit that watching Kane's face light up whenever he tried a new food was endearing.
Kane never left the house. Not during the night, when Jim warned him to be extra-careful of the new danger of vampires now that he was human, and certainly not during the day. Despite his freshly human skin, Kane remained utterly terrified of the sun.
Months after the change, it was taking his toll. Jim knew what that was like, the fatigue he’d experienced after Kane kept him away from the sun for the five years of his captivity. Kane was human now, and had never had a drop of healthy sunlight in his entire life.
So, after weeks of gentle coaxing, here they were.
Kane stood petrified in the living room as Jim slowly opened the curtain, firmly in the shade as natural light flooded into the room.
"It's okay," Jim said softly, stepping into the sun himself, warm and pleasant on his skin.
Kane stared at him wide-eyed and frozen, like he'd rather stepped into a cloud of poison.
"Here.” Jim extended an ar out of the sunned area, offering it. “Take my hand. We’ll do it together. It’ll be okay.”
“What if– what if I burn anyway?” Kane asked, making no attempt to come nearer.
“We’ll go slow. Just a fingertip, and if you burn, you can go right back out again. No one’s gonna make you stay in the sun. I’m not gonna make you stay in the sun.” Jim kept his hand out, waiting. “C’mon. You can’t put it off forever, humans need sun. It’ll be okay. No hurting.”
Kane, to his credit, took a tiny step forward. “You won’t pull me?” he asked, his voice small. He looked so much more vulnerable as a human, and he’d already looked plenty vulnerable before.
“Swear on my life, man. No pulling. You set the pace.” Jim beckoned him closer. “C’mon. You’re doing great.”
The little bit of praise seemed to motivate him, and Kane stepped closer still. His eyes crept away from Jim, to the unshielded window, following the ray of sunshine across the room until he lost his nerve. “I’m sorry. I can’t. I’m sorry, no no no, please don’t make me, I can’t!”
“It’s okay.” Jim stepped out of the sunbeam, going to Kane and taking his hand in the shade. “Not gonna make you do anything. It’s all you, remember?”
Kane gripped his hand lightly, still used to moderating vampiric strength he no longer possessed. “I’m sorry for being so difficult.”
“Pssh. After what you’ve been through, I’d be surprised if this wasn’t difficult. You’re doing great just by trying. Promise,” Jim assured him, giving his hand a squeeze. “I was difficult too, doing stuff for the first time. Gave Liz a headache taking me to the doctor when I had to get my blood drawn. But look at me now, I was doing it every day for your breakfast before you got all human-y. You’ve got this.”
It was something Jim had often felt ashamed of. But now, seeing Kane struggle too… maybe this stuff was just hard, and that’s fine.
Kane nodded slowly, taking his hand back. “Okay. Okay. I’ve got this. I–I’m going to do it.”
Breath held, he slowly closed the gap with one pointer finger outstretched. He finally touched the tip of his finger to the sun–and shrieked, pulling it back instantly and clutching it in his other hand.
“Shit! Are you hurt?” Jim asked. “For the life of me, I swear I totally thought it wouldn’t hurt you. You’re completely human in every other way. Oh my god, Kane, I–”
“It didn’t hurt,” Kane said softly, uncurling his hand to stare at his unharmed finger. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I did that. I thought it would hurt.”
Jim sighed with relief, giving Kane a pat on the shoulder. “Well, that’s good. Just nerves, then. You wanna try a little more?”
Kane hesitated, but nodded after a moment. “Alright. I’ll try.”
Jim walked back into the sun, holding his hand out into the shade. “Just come on over to me.”
With a deep breath, Kane took his hand. It was shaking, now, but Jim held it securely, hoping it’d make the guy feel a little safer. “I won’t pull you. You come to me.”
And he did. Inch by inch, his hand crept into the sun. There was no burst of pain, no burns blooming across his skin. The sun felt… pleasant, somehow, like a warm bath made of air. It was like nothing he’d ever felt before. Despite the terror, his body seemed to yearn for more, wanting to bask in it.
He stepped forward all at once, into Jim’s arms.
i'm back!! expect more writing soon!! ty to the anon who sent this ask and this anon who somehow shook me out of my slump
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goldsbitch · 4 months
Here I go again
part 4 to I gave so many signs
summary: Afternoon talks are harder than late night fucks.
warning: present + flashbacks, mentions of cheating and typos
song fic (disclaimer: rights belong to the respectable owners)
The Louvre - Lorde Mamma Mia - ABBA (shoot me, I heard an amazing slow piano version of it and got obsessed)
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"We heard some noises on the stairway, were you alone?" her mom asked first thing in the morning. The irony that her mom would actually approve of Charles maybe a little too enthusiastically was not lost on Y/N. "Yeah, alone. Bit tipsy, so sorry about that."
Our days and nights are perfumed with obsession
He stared silently. Monitoring actions of his girlfriend and having absolutely clear on the mind what to say to her. Part of him wanted to leave the premise immediately. Part of him wanted to scream out his confession. Part of him was astonished that she absolutely did not acknowledge his absence - did she not notice anything? He must have had Y/N scent all over him, punching through the quiet living room. He wanted her to say something. But she just grabbed her workout bag and casually got to the gym. Left him there, bewildered. He wanted to feel guilty, but the lack of emotion from her part was making a really hard thing to follow through. Was he just an asshole? Or someone who forgot to get out of a relationship at the right time and lived in a stale water?
His now fully developed brain decided to jump on the train to the past and he spent his entire morning checking his phone for a text - and not from his girlfriend. For a man who slept about an hour last night, he was surprisingly fresh and energized. Must have been the three orgasms. A lighting of excitement ran through him whenever he came back to those. And there it finally was, his catalysis for a guilt trip.
I am your sweetheart psychopathic crush Drink up your movements, still I can't get enough
Mood swings were the one to rule Y/N's day. She felt like dancing around. Woke up to an empty bed, which was a shame, but it saved from potentially an awkward conversation, so maybe she actually appreciated the gesture. With a lazy day ahead of her, she could replay yesterday's night over and over all day. Rarely would the sun shine so brightly through her window. But - mood does swing. Even though he was the one to cheat, she was the one cursing herself over and over again. Not because she felt any sympathy for his girlfriend, on the contrary, the thought that this girl got to have, what Y/N only experienced for one night, anytime, was infuriating. Fuck any girl power bullshit, she was jealous and angry at herself for crumbling so easily. She had been happy, content, on the lookout for someone available to date for fun and maybe love. Not fucking with her old best friend only to develop a crush so massive her apartment felt small. Y/N was content yesterday morning. This morning, she was satisfied, and anything but content. And yet, she couldn't help but smile into her morning coffee, while trying to remain casual and normal in front of her family.
Blow all my friendships To sit in hell with you
"We need to break up," he found himself saying in the early afternoon. There was no plan from his side, no agenda about getting with Y/N or anything like that. He just had to get out of a relationship where he managed to be the cheater. The decision was suddenly so simple, just hard to execute. There were tears. Not his. Mutual understanding is the hardest thing to fake.
Y/N really tried to go about with her day, having lunch with the family, catching up and just generally free Sunday vibes. Only problem was that she was all over the place mentally - short attention span, distracted and having trouble keeping up with longer conversations. Head over in the clouds, fingers tapping nervously. In some ways, she couldn't wait to get back to he daily life in London filled with work and array of distractions. There was no hope for her in this town. Guilt and desire punching through her own integrity. It was in the late afternoon when disturbing messages appeared under Charles Leclerc tag on socials, which she monitored in every available moment. When she saw her own front door on one of the headline photos, that's when she lost it completely. Panic set in when she finally came to a photo that the two of them talking in front of the bar, with speculative headlines.
But we're the greatest, they'll hang us in the Louvre Down the back, but who cares? Still the Louvre
She sat in her room, tired, confused and lonely. Social media doomscroll it was then, trying to desperately ignore any photos of them. Her brain got stuck in a loop when she stumbled upon a slow piano cover of Mamma Mia. Not particularly her favorite song. But it spoke of everything she couldn't put a name on. Their joined history, the change of course, the inevitable return and the sudden urge to get it right this time. It was like being possessed. She had to act this time. At least let him know that she got it wrong the first time. She had loved him. The feeling was just so common in her life that she didn't recognize it only after it was gone.
Look at me now, will I ever learn I don't know how, but I suddenly lose control There's a fire within my soul
She had to see him and it had to be NOW. Powered by the lyrics praising delusion, she was not going to let it slip through her fingers this time. Not even sure his old number was still active, she called him, only to end up in a voicemail without any message. His private socials were deleted or replaced and she could't just walk over to his flat. His girlfriend would be there and the thought of it broke her heart. Was her current state of mind only make things explosive and worse for everyone?
There had been many times she'd let her chances pass her by.
So I made up my mind, it must come to an end
Only once she was standing before Charles's childhood home, ringing the bell, she realized that zero thought went to what she actually wanted to say to him. Fear hit her hard. Seconds turned into minutes and she realized that nobody was probably home. Heart sank low. What was there to do now? She had no idea where he to find him.
They'd walked together for hours. It felt so intoxicatingly refreshing after all those months of no contact. If one got lucky in life, they'd understand the type of connection that does not go away with time. But there was something different in the air that evening, as if their usual hang out spot, just above the town had a different vibe that day. She looked him in the eye and saw a look she's seen countless of times on his face. There was a shift in her mind and out of nowhere - what if the line got crossed? Would it be such an issue? She knew Charles would never make the first move. What if? Just to know how it feels. Curiosity got the better of her. This was not the first time she glanced at his lips, wondering what they tasted like. But she knew the feelings he might still have for her was something she could not respond to properly. The thought of hurting her best friend was stopping her from ever actually exploring this idea. But, what if? Just this one time.
Thousand of quick thoughts passed through her mind in that one moment - the last few seconds before they kissed for the first time. She was nervous, but it didn't show. Confidently put her hands on his chest, stepped on her toes and put her lips on his. If she was scared, he was borderline terrified. Never expected her to actually do it. Her warm lips touched his own, but he was still trying to process that her hands rested on his chest tenderly. Stiff and shocked seventeen year old boy stood like a rock, trying to catch up with what was just happening. Both of them have had their fair share of kisses and make outs with other people in their life, but this was one different. Somehow, it was harder to kiss someone who actually knew personal things about you. It was no romantic kiss, once Charles finally started to respond, both of them picked up quite a quick tempo and all of that was more close to a drunken teenage make out rather than an honest vulnerable kiss. And still, his soft lips felt really good, her tongue exploring his mouth was sending him to highs unexperienced before. Just as he started to relax and stopped fathoming what was happening, she pulled away. It was all too much, too real and scary for her unsure self. Afraid of loosing her fake confident mask, she had to stop before she lost herself in this. What even was this? She'd be leaving for university soon, so what was the point.
"Sorry," she said immediately and looked anywhere else but his eyes. Stepped back away from him in order to gain more socially acceptable distance. "I dunno, guess I hadn't kissed anyone in a while, so yeah... But this is wrong, sorry for that." There is heartbreak and then there is heartbreak. Charles felt betrayed, she didn't even give him a chance to kiss her properly. He wasn't ready, didn't expect it and now it felt like his one chance got slipped away from him. Once again, he stood there, frozen and processing. She couldn't stand silence. Scary thing to experience in a difficult situation. "I should not have crossed the line, we're really good friends and-" "No," he cut her off, not letting her play this game again. "That's not true and you know that. I never told you in person, which is a really coward move, but that's on me. But you know how I feel. That hasn't changed and I can't imagine it ever will." His words burned like hot sand. "You're right, yes," she replied quickly and wished she could just make herself invisible for a moment. This was all too much to handle. "And that's why I'm saying I'm sorry. I thought ignoring the subject would help you..." "Help me? Help in what, getting over you?" he had to laugh. Where did her delusion end? Was it truly endless? "I don't want that. Definitely not from you. I want you to open your eyes and give us a chance." One thing she couldn't stand was to be pressured to something and this was strongly resembling that. How could someone else try to say what she wanted when she herself wasn't sure?
"Charles, I can't. I need to leave this place and figure out who I am." "Why can't I be a part of that journey?" he said, broken once again. "We would only end up hurting each other and lose our friendship, can't you see that? I want you in my life permanently, so we can't date." "How does any of this make sense in you head," he replied bitterly. While she waved around these big concepts, the one intrusive thought he had was that she was just trying to avoid telling him, that he was just a bad kisser. Her gut was telling her to run away from this. How is one suppose to resist that? "Charles. This whole thing is a mistake. You don't love me and as much as I'd like to, I don't think I love you." The word think punched through Charles like a knife. She wasn't even sure of that... "Well that's it then," he said, knowing the last thing he wanted was to talk her into being with him and have her run to someone else at the first opportunity. He was trying to control the emotional cocktail mixing within him. Trying get his anger, disappointment and wonder lust in check. He tried to read her facial expressions, but the only thing he finally saw was a little girl running away from mature feelings. Suddenly, he understood. She wasn't ready and there was nothing for him to do with that. His job now was to work on his attachment to her, because relying on her was only blocking his own development.
"I think I should get going, big day tomorrow," he lied and waved awkwardly instead of their usual hug. "Yeah, you're right. I'm gonna stay here for a while, if you don't mind," she said and turned her attention to the stunning view on the mountains, sea and the city below them. To Charles, their favorite hang out spot was ruined. Forever the place where his worst kiss happened. His stomach turned at the thought of that and he knew he needed to get out of there and far away from her immediately. "See you when I see you," he said, walking away. She watched him, hoping the weight on her shoulders would disappear quickly. They didn't speak to each other for more than two years after that.
It was hard to believe, she only came to their favorite spot to reminisce about one of her greatest misjudgement and dwell in her sorrow. But, to her luck, he was already there, looking over at the sea as they had countless times together. Walking towards him felt like walking on a tightrope with the chance of falling down getting bigger with every step.
Mamma mia, here I go again My, my, how can I resist you? Mamma mia, does it show again My, my, just how much I've missed you?
Charles didn't come there to meet up with her. His intention was to run away, to clear his thoughts, come to terms with the fact he had just cheated on someone. Take in the feeling Y/N made him burn with last night. Like some sort of breakthrough - this was they were all singing about. This is why people were able to drop their while life and follow love. It was an old and new love at the same. And that created a complete mess in his head. But when saw a figure coming his way, he knew immediately that she chose this place as well. Charles hadn't been at their spot since the time they first kissed here. Unlike Y/N, who came here anytime she was back in Monaco. She truly didn't expect him to be here - but took it as a sign that there was no way but forward for her. She walked towards him and sat on next to him, joining the view he was getting lost in. No words were shared for the first minute.
Y/N found out only after her university years that physical communication was her way of expressing feelings. Words were a little too messy and hard to put together. So she reached over to gently put her hand over his. She felt him shake a little, but he kept his hand below hers. Which she took as a good sign. Charles was the one to break the silence. "I hope you won't have much trouble online. There are pictures of us circling around," he said bluntly. "I have a very average face, I think I'm good." Charles laughed at her response. "As if." She really wanted not to ask. But the words just slipped out of her tongue. "Will your girlfriend mind?" And immediately after that, she wanted to shoot herself.
Charles took a deep breath. Then smiled bitterly, because what else was there to do. "Do you think so low of me that I could stay with someone once I'd cheated on them?" "Every couple goes through a crisis..." Charles chuckled again. "Have you ever been cheated on?" "Yes," she did not have to think twice about that. "But strangely enough, it was a relief when it finally happened." "See, so you understand." They sat in silence again. There was a feeling in the air like rain was coming. Neither of them moved. "Are you sad about it? Do you regret it?" She took Charles of guard. "Look at you, asking the big questions. What happened to you?" "Grew up, you know. You're not the only one. But don't get me wrong...it's still very hard. Talking." "I can see that," he replied, somewhat amused by her red cheeks. "To answer your important question," he highlighted, making her feel like a school girl passing a test, "I guess I regret the fact I wasn't honest enough to myself before something like that has happened." Y/N got a sudden influx of insecurity. Could it be that he was just unhappy in his relationship and it wasn't about the two of them? She pulled away a bit. Charles picked up on that. But this time, he couldn't put himself on the line first again. Not after what she said all those years ago. "Regret is the worst feeling. I think." "Why would you think?" "It's really hard to get rid of it. It lingers. Stays on." "Is there something you regret?" Somehow, he knew the answer before she did. "Of course. Everyone does." "You're avoiding again." "I know. I am perfectly aware of that." "At least something has changed."
The mood shifted and there was no way back. Charles was about to push like he had never done before. "Y/N. Why did you come here tonight. And be clear, blunt and honest or just leave now. It's been confusing enough even without you." She did not expect him to talk to openly. But she came searching for him, to do the leap, so it was actually appreciated. She started speaking, very slowly. "Um. I was looking for you. Wanted to say...not sure what exactly, but...I guess to let you know that I'd changed my mind. And I understand, you're somewhere else in your life now. But I need you to know." One very impatient Charles spoke when she took a break to breathe. "Know what?" "Charles, you keep interrupting me! Let me just...you know." He nodded in understanding, amused by her giddiness. "I just need to say...When were young, I never realized that the connection we have is special and rare. Stupid as I was, I thought it was just normal and common. And I don't regret not dating you back then. I had to take some time to grow up and understand more about the world. But now I do - and even if you've moved on, I feel like I'm just about to get on this train." He took in everything she said carefully. Tried not to get to ahead of himself.
"Did you ever think of me? Or it this just because last night." This time, it was she who smiled with a sad undertone. Did she ever think of him? Her? Had she spent nights and more nights wishing he'd call? Had she walked aimlessly around Monaco just to run into him? Did she compare every guy she shared a bed with to the times Charles made her feel like she was the only one on this planet that he could see? "One would say it's alarming how often I come back to the days we spent together. How hard it is to be so raw with someone in the same way as I was with you." Charles was slightly overwhelmed by her words. "Look, Charlie, I don't want to put any pressure on you. I had many chances and blew them all. I get it. Just want you to know that this was not a random encounter with an old friend for me." She'd been so focused on the right words coming out, that she missed the moment when Charles got close to her, so his kiss that followed was a surprise to her. Soft and sweet lips touched hers and it was like a release from prison. This time, it felt so right and safe. She didn't want him to end this. But once he inevitably did, fear came in like an unexpected summer storm. Would he be as cruel as she had been back then? Sharing a kiss with her while knowing that he was going to break her heart?
He took a breath in order to speak again. She stopped him with her finger. For just a minute, she wanted to keep this moment intact. To have this possibility of him still having a trace of the love he once had and she now bared as well. "Charles, I know what you're going to say. I can taste the words in your mouth. Please, don't." "So tell me, what am I going to say?" She sighed, slightly annoyed with him pushing her. "You're going to say that you'd moved on and this was just to have some fun. And you know what? Maybe it really is for the better, it was never-" "And this time, I am really going to stop you," he said, staring deeply into her eyes. "It's even harder now that we're adults. I understand that, understand the hardship my lifestyle can bring to the ones closest to me...My love for you never left. Yes, it's way less destructive and I've come to peace with it. But I am also not a scared boy anymore. Y/N, I would like to see you again and not as a friend. I don't think you ever were my friend. But you need to brave and honest too this time. Are you ready for that?" "I want to have all the hardest conversations with you, even if that's all we'd be doing," she laughed, taking in the fact he did not reject her. "I sincerely hope we'll be doing more than that," he said and joined her in easing the tension. "Is this really happening?" she whispered, as if it was a dream. "Yes, I believe it really is."
Mamma mia, here I go again My, my, how can I resist you?
@linnmee @itsjustkhaos @rhythmstars @blueflorals @janeholt3
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nicohischierz · 11 months
cruel summer: nico hischier x devs!player
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you loved spending your summers with nico in switzerland. this summer was no different.
except nico’s ex-girlfriend was in town and made it her mission to spend every waking moment with him.
you found out she was back one morning when you were seated outside his childhood home with his mother, katja, learning some swiss-german.
nico’s ex had spotted katja and shouted a greeting, running over to the older woman and embracing her in a hug.
katja returned the gesture, although she did furrow her eyebrows when she looked over to you. the woman was shocked to say the least at her arrival.
“andrea, i didn’t know you were back. how are you?” katja asked gesturing to take a seat next to you.
andrea smiled and took the seat, not even looking at your side. “well i missed this place so much, i thought i’d get on the next flight and come home,” she explained.
you weren’t sure whether to introduce yourself or to leave, so you sat in silence until luca came out and noticed andrea.
“y/n, nico and i are going on a hike do you want to - andrea?” the older hischier brother stopped and looked between you and andrea.
the woman in question got up and launched herself into luca’s arms “oh i’ve missed you luca! it has been far too long since we’ve hung out,” she cried.
whilst andrea was preoccupied with luca, katja leaned across to you and whispered “i don’t know why she is back but i would tell nico to watch out,”
and katja was right.
for the past two weeks, andrea would come over to the hischier house early in the morning and follow nico around like a puppy.
whenever nico was sitting next to you andrea would be on the other side of him. if he needed something andrea would hurry to get it for him.
you never actually got a chance to talk to her until tonight. two weeks after the girl had made her appearance, katja and rino were having a dinner to celebrate your extension with the team.
“i don’t think we’ve formally met, i’m y/n, nico’s girlfriend,” you introduced yourself, holding a hand out to her.
andrea shot you a smile, which you could tell was fake, and returned the gesture. “andrea. i thought you were his teammate?” she questioned.
luckily, nico was behind the two of you and answered her question. “she is my teammate and my girlfriend,”
the answer made you smile. so you leaned up and pecked his lips, leaving your boyfriend a blushing mess.
that night, andrea continued doting on nico which made you feel like a bad girlfriend. upon reflection, you realised nico spent most of his time taking care of you than you did taking care of him.
that night you texted jack.
it was almost immediate when he replied your plane ticket attached and the promise to pick you up. he also assured you that your doctors appointment had been booked.
there were only five people who knew about your secret. nina, katja, your mother, ellen and now jack.
with a sigh on your lips and a quick glance over your shoulder, you thanked the hischier family for accommodating you before luca drove you to the airport.
nico woke up to a cold bed and a pit in his stomach. he thought you might’ve joined his brother on a morning walk but when he saw luca trailing in without he worried.
“where is y/n?” he asked.
his family didn’t say anything. it didn’t help that andrea took that exact moment to walk in and place a kiss on nico’s cheek, despite him pushing her away.
“she’s gone,” nina replied, grabbing her plate and bumping into nico’s ex. she had enjoyed spending time with you and was excited for what you had planned for tonight.
nico was stunned. you wouldn’t leave him like that, not after everything you’ve been through.
“what a shame, she seemed like a nice girl. nico i wanted to tell you alex and hannah wanted us to join their date,” andrea butted in.
rino left the room to call you and katja just shook her head.
“stop it!” nico yelled.
“all you’ve done since you’ve been here is folllow me around and it’s annoying. now get out of my house, i don’t want to see you!” he continued.
andrea faltered suddenly before she made her way to the door, embarrassed of her actions.
“luca, please tell me where she is,” nico pleaded with his older brother.
“she went to michigan,”
nico booked the next flight out with only one thought in mind. he took a cab to jack’s house hoping his friend could help.
but luke answered the door and near slammed it in his face again.
“luke please, i just need to know if she’s okay,”
but luke left the door and called his oldest brother. quinn, being the more level headed brother walked out of the house to talk to nico.
but before quinn has the chance to close the door and drown the inside noise out nico can hear you yelling.
“luke hughes you did not just tell a pregnant woman to lie on the floor!”
those words made nico freeze but quinn just shook his head and told nico to follow him.
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leeknow-thoughts · 6 months
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tw : Jack Frost!Hyunjin, mortal!reader, sub!hyunjin, dom!reader, p in v, pillow humping, praise, slight edging
Your head hurt, when you touched it you saw the blood on your hands. Your ribs hurt. Everything hurt.Your body decided to close its eyes. You felt someone carrying you for a moment before everything went black and fuzzy.
When you did come to, you were in a warm bed. You scanned your surroundings. A cozy room made of wood. "You're finally awake," a man's voice exclaims.
You look around, finding the man, "what-"
"You were in a skiing accident, you fell down the side of a mountain," he explains.
He was blonde with tan skin. Possibly the prettiest man you've ever seen. He looked familiar somehow. Like you had seen him many times in the past. "Do I know you?" you ponder out loud.
"My name is Hyunjin," he smiles, his teeth pearly white.
You'd never heard that name before. Not even in your dreams. "You look familiar," you state.
He smiles, "where you're from they call me Jack Frost," he chuckles.
Oh you definitely had a concussion. "Prove it," you chuckle.
He takes the glass beside your bed you watch as his touch turns the lukewarm water into ice. "That proof enough?," he asks.
You simply close your eyes and pray that this is a dream. "You can't wish me away my love," he sighs, "I've had my eye on you for the longest time."
"That's creepy," you blurt.
He laughs, "not like that, for the past three years you've just always caught my eye whenever I've brought snow."
"Me?" you sit up to face him.
He nods, "you."
"Because you're perfect, and beautiful. At least you are during the winter," he cracks a warm smile.
You recall the memory fondly as you wait for midnight. That was the third year you had waited for him to show up. You waited until midnight on the first night of winter. He would show up. He promised you he would every year.
For the past three years he would stay with you during the winter. "You changed your hair," his familiar voice rang in your ears.
You turned around and there he was, standing in your living room. "Just cut it a bit," you reply.
He smiles warmly, "it looks lovely, you look lovely."
You cross the space between the both of you, wrapping him in a hug. He was cold like usual, at first it used to bother you, now you felt comfort in his coolness. He ran his fingers through your hair. "Missed you Hyune," you murmur into his chest.
You hated to admit it, but you had fallen in love with Hyunjin. He knew it, you told him last year before he had to leave. "Been thinking about what you told me last year," he says.
You pull apart from him, looking him in the eyes. "Wish you could stay forever," you mumble.
"There is a way, but it's just," he pauses, "I don't think you'd want to do that," he smiles.
"Well what is it?" you question him.
"We would uhm," he chokes it out, "have to fuck."
Your face went blank, you'd have to fuck the Jack Frost. "I'd do it," you say immediately.
He sighs, "I know you would but I don't want to force this on you, let's just be together, we have all winter," he smiles.
You nod, "c'mon let's go to bed, I'm tired."
First day of winter. You woke up to Hyunjin cooking you breakfast, "let's go ice skating," he suggests as he watches you eat the pancakes he had made.
You agreed, you both walked to the ice rink. And of course he had to show off when he was there.
Fourteenth day of winter, you and Hyunjin had a Christmas movie marathon. Christmas with the Kranks, The Grinch, and Christmas Vacation.
Every night he would hold you close to him, running his hands through your hair.
Twenty eighth day of winter, Hyunjin took you skiing for the weekend.
Sixtieth day of winter you both went walking in the park while it was snowing.
He would kiss you every night, holding you tenderly.
Eighty eighth day of winter, the last day. You went out to the store to grab groceries to make dinner while Hyunjin stayed back in your apartment. When you put the key into the door and swung it open, the first thing you heard was whines coming from your bedroom. You placed your bags on the ground, making a b-line to the bedroom.
The sight inside was enough to make you feral. Hyunjin was hovering over one of your stuffed animals, grinding on it, completely naked. Your mouth was watering at the sight. "You couldn't even wait hmm?" you ask.
"Fuck, I'm sorry," he whimpers and tries to cover himself.
You cross the space between the two of you, "no baby, keep going, would you feel better if you saw my tits?" you hum.
He nods feverishly. You quickly remove your top, undoing your bra. Your eyes trail down to his pulsing cock. Long and veiny with a flushed tip. "Mistress, please, ngh touch me please" he whines.
"Why should I little love?" you pause, taking your nipple in your hands, twisting it gently, "you couldn't even wait for me hmm?"
"Please," he whimpers.
"If you want to cum at all Hyunjin, you'll keep humping that fucking toy," you grab his jaw making him look at you.
His hips resume their movements against the toy. He bites his lip. His eyes roll back into his head. You felt yourself getting wetter and wetter. You brush your hands through his hair.
"Mama, please, ngh I need to fucking cum-" he announces.
"Stop," you command.
You see the tears spill out of his eyes as he forces himself to stop his movements. "Want you to cum in my pussy little one," you grin.
You remove your pants and panties, kicking them somewhere in your room. You lean back on the bed, opening your legs for Hyunjin.
Hyunjin leaps at the opportunity to fuck you. Moving from on top of your toy, and lining his dick up at your entrance. "Such a good boy, go ahead and put it in," you coo.
He whines as he puts it in, his face contorting. Stopping once he had filled you completely. "Mama- ngh so wet," he whimpers.
"Such a good boy, c'mon fuck mommy good," you grin.
He whimpers with each stroke of his hips. His cock filled you so deliciously. The veins of his dick rubbing against your walls. You threw your head back whenever he hit your g-spot. "Atta boy, just like that, roll your hips just like that for me," you praise.
Your head fell back when he did it again. By this point he developed a steady rhythm. "Shit you're such a good boy for mommy," you praise him again.
You closed your eyes for a moment, but reopened them when you felt Hyunjin's hand rubbing on your clit. "Fuck, that's it little love, such a good boy," you smile.
"Can I cum- ngh please-" Hyunjin begs with hooded eyes.
You nod, "cum inside me Hyune, c'mon be a good boy."
He grips onto your hips as he cums inside you. You feel it filling you up, causing you to cum with him. He threw his head back, panting hardly.
"Thank you, mama-" he thanks you, "thank you for helping me stay."
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satansapostle6 · 6 months
The Man Who Sold The World | Luke Castellan
Spotify Playlist Link
Katherine. She was the one who started it all for Luke Castellan, the reason he did what he did.
Warnings: Mature themes/language. Violence. Sexual content.
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Chapter One: Out of the Woods
It was dark, and he was running, but Luke Castellan knew what he saw. He was weak and weary, having been running from a vengeful flock of Stymphilian birds and their venomous droppings. He’d since lost track of exactly how long he’d been running through the woods for, but the sky told him it had been little more than three days.
His legs had gone numb long ago; his only options were simply to keep running, or die. Luke had no choice but to keep running. He would’ve been able to kill the birds days ago, but he’d been left nearly defenseless after a long quest in the midwest.
He’d lost everything but a jagged and cracked Celestial bronze dagger, along with a backpack that was empty except for an empty bottle of water and only half of a granola bar. Luke had nothing to save him, except for his training.
He’d had no time to stop and fashion something to save him. He was without recourse, and completely alone. Or so he thought, until he reached a dead end. Luke was running furiously through the trees in the dead of night, delirious with fatigue and starvation. It had been hours since he’d last had water, and days since he’d eaten. He was finally beginning to fall victim to his exhaustion after three days of fighting for survival.
His feet dragged in the woods, and he feared his body was beginning to shut down. His vision, in the darkness, was next to nothing. He knew that, with his succumbing to fatigue, the birds would be closing in soon, which meant death. He tripped on a rock as he ran, falling to the ground.
“You must go on, my child,” a voice said in his head. “Come to your sovereign, and claim eternal glory.”
Even in his state, Luke was aware the voice wasn’t his father’s. He had fallen onto his stomach, his arms not strong enough to prop him up as he stared at the darkness of the ground, surrounded by sticks, leaves, and rocks. As his eyes slowly fell closed and claws dug into his back, he saw a pair of black boots hit the ground next to him before everything quickly faded away.
Luke woke to sunlight softly shining through a veil of trees in the woods. He slowly sat up, not recalling falling asleep on his back. He was also surprised to wake up not alone, to another face hovering somewhere not too far above his own.
“There he is,” a deep, resonant voice cut through the silence.
Luke frowned, feeling oddly well-rested as he sat up. He was startled to see a young, completely unfamiliar girl sitting across from him. She was the one who had spoken, and immediately, Luke was alerted by her presence.
“You can relax. I’m not gonna kill you,” the girl said calmly, which he found both comforting and off-putting at the same time. “If I wanted to do that, I could’ve done it whenever I wanted within the past two days.”
“Two days?” Luke demanded, refusing to believe that he’d spent two days in the presence of this strange girl.
“Yeah. I found you a couple days ago, about to get pulled apart by a flock of Stymphilian birds,” she said. “You’re welcome for that, by the way.”
“What—Who are you?” Luke questioned, “How did you—How am I alive right now?”
He knew absolutely nothing about her, but purely based on the fact that she had saved him, he figured he could safely assume that she was a demigod.
“One question at a time,” she said flatly.
“Okay, what happened?” Luke asked her.
“I was hunting those birds. I knew they were somewhere around these woods, so I’d been hiding out here for the past four days,” she explained.
It hurt Luke a bit that this girl had not only meant to find the birds he’d been trying to escape from, but she had also taken less time to find and track them than he’d taken to evade them.
“I found them chasing you, so I killed them,” she stated, tossing what looked like a bronze feather at him. “That’s yours, by the way.”
“Okay…” Luke nodded, slowly pocketing the feather. “And, who are you?”
“Katherine ,” she supplied.
“Katherine. Alright,” he adjusted gradually. “And… how did you kill an entire pack of Stymphilian birds?”
“Celestial bronze crossbow bolts,” Katherine stated, as if it were obvious.
“So, you’re a demigod,” he deduced.
She nodded. “I am.”
“Who’s… who’s your godly parent?” Luke wondered.
“Nemesis,” she said softly.
And suddenly, her demeanor made sense. Just meeting Katherine, Luke sensed that her every movement was calculated and precise. She clearly hadn’t saved him from the birds out of pure altruism or kindness; it was some sort of act of survival. How, he didn’t know, but he knew she’d seen something useful in him.
Luke also saw Katherine’s value, and not just because he was aware she’d saved his life. Katherine was clearly a survivor, with a small but efficient utility belt around her waist. The only way Luke Castellan could’ve described her was ‘ready’. She was clearly dressed for her hunt, in clothes that looked like she’d bought them at some sort of army surplus store.
Katherine was an interesting-looking person, with a soft, beautiful face that didn’t necessarily match her clothes. Despite wearing a heavy brown jacket and a thin black tank top, accompanied by a durable pair of jeans and black combat boots Luke had seen when he passed out, he couldn’t deny the beauty of her features.
Katherine had long, straight back hair that she wore down, and wide, almost-black eyes framed by long lashes. She had fair skin and bony features that reflected years of athleticism, which could be found in most demigods.
“Who’s yours?” she wondered. “Apollo? Hermes? Athena, maybe?”
“Uh, Hermes,” Luke replied, not quite proudly. “Hey, Katherine, do you know the way out of these woods?” he asked her.
“Yeah, past the sign, and onto the road,” she said as she opened a crumpled piece of paper he assumed was some sort of map.
“I spent the past couple of days getting us through the woods and to the nearest rest stops.”
“How?” Luke exclaimed, not understanding what had even happened.
“I carried you on my back,” she responded nonchalantly.
“Seriously? Like one long piggy back ride?” he asked.
“Yeah,” she said as he realized she also had some sort of training as a demigod. “I considered hiking us up to that motel up the road, but I figured it wouldn’t be such a great look trying to check into a motel with an unconscious guy.”
“Yeah, that makes sense,” he agreed. “Thank you. For that,” he said awkwardly.
Luke stopped for a moment, processing everything he’d just heard.
“I’ve really been out for two days?”
“Yeah. Like I said, if I wanted to kill you, you’d have been dead two days ago,” she frowned.
“Right. How long have we been here?” Luke asked her.
“About a day and a half,” Katherine provided. “I thought I’d let you sleep before we get moving again.”
“‘Get moving’?” he thought aloud.
“Yeah. That’s what I was gonna talk to you about,” she began. “I’m on a new hunt. And, I could… use a spare,” she shrugged.
“A ‘spare’?” Luke echoed. “No, I can’t, I have to get back to Camp.”
“Oh, yeah. I almost forgot most kids end up at that place,” Katherine remarked.
“You’re obviously not a camper,” Luke pointed out, “So… What’s your story?”
“I don’t have one,” Katherine said as she started walking toward the road, not waiting as Luke struggled to throw his backpack over his shoulder and follow along.
“What do you mean, you don’t have one?” Luke persisted. “Everyone has a story.”
“You want my story?” she sighed. “My mother is Nemesis. My father was my nemesis. Now I hunt monsters. There, now come help me find the biggest monster either of us have ever faced.”
“What monster are you trying to hunt that you can’t kill yourself?” he asked. “A dragon? Hydra?”
“No, I’ve killed three,” she said dismissively.
“Then what are you hunting?” he stared at her.
“That’s something between me, and whoever’s gonna help me hunt it.”
“Look,” Luke began, “I probably would, if I didn’t have to get back to Camp…”
“Why? You have a curfew?” she scoffed.
“Well, no,” he considered.
“What, you have to get back? Someone’s gonna die?” Katherine suggested mockingly.
“Then what’s the issue?” she stopped, crossing her arms.
“Well,” he contemplated, finding himself more curious about Katherine and her quest than anything. “I guess you can tell me what you’re hunting, and I can see what I can do.”
“So, what,” she challenged him, her alluring eyes locked on his as she looked up at him, “You’re in?”
“Yeah,” Luke decided confidently, accepting the challenge, “Hit me.”
The girl led him down the side of the road to the nearest motel, sparingly offering details.
“A group of demigods I met down south told me about something in the Underworld. Something valuable,” she explained. “And we’re gonna go looking for it.”
“Yeah, I’m gonna need a little more than that,” Luke told her as they trudged down the road.
“Like what?” Katherine asked in turn.
“Um, your last name, maybe,” he proposed.
“Montalvo,” she responded.
“Okay, we’re getting somewhere,” Luke nodded approvingly. “Now, what city are we in?” he asked in confusion.
“Sand Springs,” she supplied.
Luke was quiet throughout the rest of the walk to the motel listed on the road signs, needing an hour or so of silence to process everything that had happened in the past few days. After he and Katherine had checked into a motel room together, he sat down on one of the beds.
“Do you care which bed you take?” he asked politely.
“No. You can have that one,” she said indifferently.
“Alright,” Luke remarked, sitting down comfortably as he thought for a moment. “Hey, I know you saved my life and all, and I’m grateful, but before we get into the whole quest thing, I just have some questions…”
“You didn’t snore, and I’m not a creep.”
“Uh, no, that’s not what I meant,” Luke promised her.
“Then, what do you wanna know?” she asked, sitting down across from him on her bed.
“How, uh… How’d you end up on your own?” he wondered.
“Why do you care?” she asked, her question coming off more genuine than sarcastic.
“I just met you,” he reasoned, “I don’t know anything about you.”
“Okay, fine,” she sighed, thinking for a moment. “I ran away from home when I was twelve.”
“I ran away when I was nine,” Luke said sympathetically.
“Why?” she wondered.
“You first,” he stated.
“My dad… He was an asshole. So, when I was twelve, I left. And like any demigod, monsters started chasing me. They didn’t stop, and I was on my own. So I started finding them first.”
“I’m sorry,” Luke said softly. “That must’ve hard, living on your own all this time.”
“It’s fine. My car’s outside. I get by,” she shrugged.
“You have a car?” he asked.
“Yeah. It’s not far from here, I gotta go get it,” she told him.
“Okay. I’ll come with you.”
“Alright,” she decided, walking out the door as he followed.
“What do you drive?”
“‘67 Camaro,” she responded.
“How old are you?” he asked to clarify.
“Oh. We’re the same age,” he realized.
“Mazel tov,” Katherine said icily.
“How long has it been since you’ve had human contact?” Luke frowned.
“Not long enough,” Katherine sighed, pointedly walking ahead of him.
They walked down the street, not far from a nearby gas station, where the white Camaro was parked.
“The keys are in the car,” she told him, looking through the small crack in the car window that had been left open.
“Oh, shit,” Luke reacted.
“Can you reach your arm through the window?”
“Why?” he questioned, “Your arms are smaller than mine.”
“Are they?” she raised an eyebrow teasingly.
“God, you could use some human interaction,” Luke muttered, “Just get the keys.”
Katherine sighed, carefully sticking her hand through the car window.
“Fuck,” she grunted, unable to reach the car keys on the seat.
Luke looked around for help, trying to find someone who might be able to help them, only seeing a police car down the street.
“Oh, maybe those cops can help.”
“Quick,” Katherine hissed, “Follow my lead.”
“Follow your lead for what?”
Before Luke could think, she leaned in towards him, pulling him in by his shirt. Luke gasped into the sudden kiss, his lips pressed against hers in urgency as the police car passed them by. After a moment, fighting most of his instincts, he pulled away from her in shock, studying her for a moment.
“This car,” Luke exclaimed breathlessly, “It’s not yours. Is it?”
Katherine just shrugged, turning the key in the ignition as they both quickly climbed into the car.
“It is now.”
Chapter Two
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the-offside-rule · 6 months
Trent Alexander Arnold (Liverpool) - Jolly
Day 11 of Christmas
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Trent had walked down the stairs with his training back and kitted out in his usual Liverpool attire. He chucked his training bag at the door and walked towards the kitchen to see his girlfriend and her younger half brother Charlie. Charlie's parents both worked early hours and very rarely could bring Charlie to school so Y/n took it among herself to bring the youngest of her family to school instead. And so, every morning at half past six, the doorbell would go off and Y/n's stepdad would drop off Charlie and head to work. It didn't bother either of them much, but their favourite hobby was the Elf on the Shelf and making him do all kinds of mischievous stuff whilst Charlie wasn't there.
Trent walked into the kitchen and looked around confused. No one was there except Charlie eating his toast with a cup of tea in his Liverpool mug. "Well Charlie, how's it going?" Trent asked as he walked past the kid and patted his head. “Uncle Trent, how's it going?” Charlie asked as he stared at his Elf at the table. “Everything's fine. Why?” Trent asked walking over to the teapot. "This stupid Elf." He replied. "He won't stop fucking moving."
"I don't think your sister would appreciate you cursing now, or your mum." Trent said as he poured himself a cup of tea. "I don't care. I don't like this Elf." He mumbled. "What'd he even do?" Trent asked. "Oh my god, he did so much bad stuff!" Y/n's brother began. "He unrolled like five rolls of toilet roll last night, and then he went and broke my favourite lego set! I might have to rebuild it before I go back to mum after school." Charlie sighed. "Where's your sister?" Trent asked. "She's just doing some washing. Then we're going to school." Charlie replied. "Yeah sound."
Y/n had such a long day at work that she simply just fell asleep as soon as she dropped onto her bed and by the time she woke up again, the curtains were closed and she was tucked in. Trent must've come home. She got out of bed and walked downstairs seeing the living room light on. She peeked in and spotted Trent putting plastic pieces of lego onto what looked like a mini Annfield. "Hi?" Trent looked up and smiled. "Well, missus. I've some dinner ready for you whenever you want it." Trent said. "What are you doing up so late?" Y/n asked as she looked around the living room and spotted her boyfriend scanning through instructions. "Just helping Jolly with a lego set." Trent replied. She looked confused. "Jolly? As in Charlie's Elf?" Trent nodded. "Yeah, he broke one today so I helped him rebuild Charlie's one and I'm making him make one for tomorrow."
"You know how my mum feels about gifts before Christmas." Y/n said. "Yeah, but it's fun. And it was kinda my idea to break the lego set last night." Y/n nodded. "I'll write a little letter or something to go it with." Y/n said as she sat down beside him and pulled out a piece of paper. She began writing as Trent sat quietly mumbling to himself. "I don't have this piece." Trent muttered. "It's in the wrong place." Y/n said picking it off the tray and placing it where it was meant to go. Trent simply looked back at his girlfriend and an idea sprung to mind. "Do you wanna just help me with it so we can both go to bed?" Y/n and Trent stayed up for another hour finishing the set before they placed both lego sets on the table with Jolly and his note and headed to bed, only imagining what Charlie was going to say.
The morning after, Y/n had to call into work earlier which meant this was the first time Trent was in charge of morning duty. He eagerly anticipated the doorbell ringing and when he did, he practically opened it immediately. Trent greeted Charlie's dad before letting Charlie in and getting started eith his morning. "How are you today, boss?" Trent asked, taking Charlie's backpack off him. "Pretty good, Trentski. I-" He gasped as he saw the kitchen table. His broken lego set now fixed and a brand new Anfield lego set. "Oh my god! This is unreal!" Charlie squealed as he ran up to it. It was only when he got closer he spotted his Elf with a little note. He opened it and began reading the scribbly writing.
I wanted to say sorry for accidentally breaking your lego yesterday, so I fixed your one and asked Santa to bring you Anfield to say sorry!
"This is sick!" Charlie laughed. "Yeah? Didn't even see it. Must have been magic." Trent said as he plated up breakfast. "Is toast, eggs and bacon alright for you, lad?" Trent asked. "Yeah course." Charlie replied. "Are you dropping me off today? Dad said you were." Charlie asked. "I am indeed, boss. Y/n had to go to work early today." Trent explained. "I don't mind. My friends all wonder what car you drive." Trent chuckled. "Range Rover Sport, but they'll see it today anyway." Trent said as he placed the breakfast and a smaller cup of tea in front of Charlie. "Thanks, Uncle Trent." He didn't know what it was, but he felt his heart strings being played. Maybe it was the fact Charlie had called him Uncle. "No bother, lad."
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xovalentinewritesxo · 7 months
Care [Miguel O'hara]
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✿ - You assumed no one cared about you anymore after losing your universe, turns out, the person that did was right beside you.
✿ -Light Angst and comfort.
✿ - 1k words!
A/N: Heres my second fic for the day/night! It's a little thing I wrote a while ago but never go around finishing it, but now that I have a blog here ya go!
If you want to support me: Here's My Kofi! <3
I appreciate everything and everyone who comes across my works! Enjoy!
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“I’m going to have to tell Alexander to keep her Universe under control!!”
You yell out as you swing through the city chasing after the Doc Oct that escaped from Earth-229. 
You are one of the many SpiderWomen that are a part of the Spider Society. You’ve been a part of the society since it’s beginning, being a close friend of Miguel’s.
You had him to think for you being here.
Speaking of which, You zip past him, determined to get the Doc Oc and return them back to their universe. You were alongside Miguel when you noticed something being hurdled in his direction.
Without a second thought, you swung up and shoved him out of the way, taking the brunt of the hit and was sent flying, last thing you saw was Miguel’s concerned face and him shouting your name.
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Before you knew of anomalies or anything strange like that, you were just your friendly neighborhood spiderman, going about your days spending time with your family, fighting crime and enjoying life. That was until one day..
It was all just suddenly ripped away.
You can remember it like it was yesterday, you were fighting this Green Goblin that looked a little weird, like he didn't belong in your city. Then boom, your universe started looking like a glitched out computer screen, you remember the screaming, the crying as your universe evaporated around you.
Last thing you remembered was Miguel running with you in his arms, he was cursing in spanish to himself as he opened a portal and brought you back to the Spider society HQ.
And just like that, you were alone.
It changed you. 
You weren’t the same person anymore. After seeing your universe collapse in front of you, it was like a slap to your face. All your friends, family and things were all gone and you were forced to start all over.
You had Miguel by your side, who explained that it wasn’t your fault, that everything that happened to you was a canon event, that it was something that was going to happen, that you couldn’t have done anything to stop it.
That didn’t stop you from crying nonstop, some nights were better than others. But as you stayed with Miguel, you would wake up with vivid nightmares, seeing the images of your friends evaporating in front of your eyes.
It was hard, and Miguel was there, but you knew you couldn’t depend on him always.
You felt like a burden whenever you woke him up in the middle of the night after having a bad dream, following him around because you didn’t really know anyone else in the spider society and you were afraid of making new friends in fear of losing them again.
It causes you to get in your own head. You started to doubt yourself. 
You started thinking of yourself as a problem, you felt like an outsider as you couldn’t go home like everyone else. You thought everyone was annoyed by you being around 24/7. You would feel awful whenever you would go to Miguel in his office when he was busy or stressed from a mission gone wrong. 
He would yell at you, tell you to get out and find somewhere else to go, but then immediately took it back when he saw the hurt look on your face. 
You often get reckless on missions, risking your life for others who had places to return to when the day was over. And that tended to get you scolded by Miguel.
But did you care? Not really.
You saw it as trading your life for someone who deserved to live on, you saw yourself as a burden and you saw what you did as good.
But apparently someone didn’t appreciate it, and he would make it very clear.
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You didn’t have time to react before you were slammed into a building by a large piece of debris, you felt yourself go through several walls before landing on your back and falling forward, landing with a thud.
You groaned as you tried to move but your back felt awful. Your vision was blurry as you made out a figure coming into the hole that you were knocked through and running up to you.
“Dios, por favor déjala estar bien…por favor..”
It was Miguel and you heard his footsteps land near you and you felt him pick you up and cradle you in his arms. 
“Idiot..what did i tell you about doing foolish stunts like that!?” He yelled as he held you, assessing your injuries. Your spider suit was torn in several places and he could see a deep gash on your back. He curses as he opened a portal and walked through with you in it. 
The two of you entered the apartment that you shared together and he placed you down on the bed, not caring that your blood was getting on his sheets. You watched as he moved around and you were about to speak but was cut off.
“¡Callarse la boca! (Shut Up!) Why do you still do this!?” He yelled as he prepared bandages and medicine for you. His back was turned to you as he was yelling and you frowned.
“Do what?..”
“No juegues estúpido. (Don’t play stupid) You know what I mean. Why do you continue to risk your life out there like you have nothing to go home to.”
You look at him as you slowly sit up, being careful not to make your injury even worse. You avert your gaze as you feel him turn around to look at you.
“You know why Miguel..everyone else has something to live for..a home..I don’t have one.” You answer softly. You then jump as in a blink of an eye he grabs your shoulders, being mindful of your injuries but still gripping tightly.
“¡Cállate!(Be Quiet!), Do you not understand how much that hurts me when you say that?! I am your home! You have me! Am I not enough for you!?”
His words hit deep and you stare blankly at him before you feel tears well up in your eyes before they eventually spill over. Your quiet cries evolve into sobs as he gently pulls you into his chest, allowing you to cry.
He cant rub your back due to your injury, but he reaches up to pet your head as you cry. He soothes your cries, rocking slightly.
“I’m here for you, Y/n..don’t you ever forget that, you’re never alone. Not anymore.” He says gently as he maneuvers so he is sitting on the bed and you’re in his lap. He cradles you gentle as he looks down at you.
In his arms, you realized that you weren’t alone.
And you definitely have someone who cares.
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© xovalentinewritesxo 2023 <3
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Stolen | Canonverse Angst Oneshot
✧ word count ➼ 1.3k ✧ notes ➼ canonverse, implied soulmates!au, angst, death, levi being in pain :(, all hurt no comfort, i'm not sorry, idk if this is any good but if i didnt post i was going to rip my hair out plus it gave me an excuse to make some sad sad gifs ✧ warnings: blood, death, canonverse-typical violence, prepare for sadness :)
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Even successful expeditions were rarely anything to celebrate. There were generally too many people that died to really make any result worth it. Even if it did technically move humanity forward, the loss of human life always made victory seem somewhat sinister.
This expedition certainly didn't go well, but no one died, which was already something that was practically unheard of. Levi was able to easily account for everyone assigned to his flank, however he had no way of confirming the survival of the soldiers in the left flank—the one you had been assigned to.
Externally, he wasn't too worried. You were capable. Your squad was capable. However, competency and capability could only get you so far. That was how much of an advantage the Titans had over humanity.
Plus, he shouldn't even be having the selfish thought of wanting to immediately confirm your survival. You were supposed to be just another soldier. There was no reason as to why he should prioritize you over anyone else that had come onto the battlefield with him.
Levi sighed to himself as he blatantly told himself that lie. He knew it was a lie. He hated that it was a lie, but your relationship had long moved past the point of being professional.
He remembered the conflicting thoughts that stirred within him when he woke up next to you earlier that morning. The two of you had made a habit of going to see each other the night before an expedition, starting the night off with discussing your shared ire over the world you found yourselves living in before it quickly escalated into another form of stress relief that involved elated breaths and intertwined legs.
You'd see each other, sleep with each other, and then go on your separate ways. This morning was the first one in which Levi didn't immediately leave upon waking. He was usually quick to leave, occasionally electing to avoid staying the night entirely.
The only reason for this was that he didn't want to catch feelings for you. He knew it was a slippery slope, which was why he found himself so pissed that morning when he was forced to admit to himself that he did catch them. He could picture the exact moment that he had realized it. You were stirring in your sleep and a part of him longed for the idea of waking up to that one peaceful moment every day—with the sun shining through the window and you curling up against his chest.
It was just sex at first. It was a good stress relief and you were both easy on the eyes. He had consistently distanced himself emotionally, even on the few occasions in which you would ask him to stay for a while longer on especially stressful nights. He didn't want to get involved in a relationship when either of you could die at any moment, but it was getting harder and harder to stay away from you, and even harder to get himself to leave your bed in the mornings.
Sure, it was just sex—until it wasn't.
It was driving him nuts. He couldn't possibly see himself continuing this friends-with-benefits relationship with you, but he didn't want to cut you off either. He wanted, and needed more.
He had spent the majority of the lengthy ride back to Wall Rose strategizing over how to approach this. Levi had already made up his mind that he was going to bring up the idea of committing. He felt almost pressured to do so. He wanted you by his side, and not just as someone that was readily available whenever he needed to fuck.
He knew some type of celebration was going to occur once they got back to the Walls, given the fact that no one died. It helped keep morale up. He knew you hated how rowdy those could get, so he figured a good opportunity would be to walk you outside to finally have that talk, or maybe he could just go to you as soon as you were back within the Walls and the both of you could spare a minute to be alone.
Levi was sick of waiting and dancing around or avoiding the topic entirely. No matter what happened next, he was determined to show you that your feelings were reciprocated, and not by just a small amount. He couldn't rest until he took that next step to commit himself to being by your side.
Disaster struck. Of course disaster fucking struck. Levi should've anticipated this the minute he noticed that there were next to no Titans on his side of the travel formation.
There was a stench of blood and death in the air as soon as he reached the rendezvous point. The left flank had been ambushed by multiple aberrants. They were still in the process of searching for and retrieving survivors, but the preliminary conclusion was that nearly the entire left flank was wiped out.
Levi currently stood still, his eyes falling on a drape that covered a suspiciously familiar looking body. He was standing only about a foot or two away, with his hand hovering over the corner. All he had to do was lift it to confirm whether it was you or not, but he already knew.
The longer he held off from confirming it, the longer he could continue telling himself that you were okay, and that he can still hold onto the hope that he would still get that chance to tell you what had been brewing underneath the surface.
He took in an unsteady breath and forced himself to grab onto the drape, trying to contain his shaking.
Levi took an unsteady step back, dropping the drape as soon as he came into contact with your eyes, now lifeless.
Every single shared (and occasionally stolen) moment with you flashed through his mind. Those lifeless eyes of yours were once filled with mischief, pain, lust, glee, and hope. He remembered how annoyed he'd get with your tenacity, and how that tenacity ended up contributing to the fact that you were the only person that he felt like could really be competent on the battlefield against the Titans. Your competency was why, even after countless failed expeditions, his faith in you to make it back to the Walls was unwavering.
You had become an odd source of comfort for him. Even when he was actively denying his feelings for you, there was still a huge part of him that would feel safe around you. When he was with you, he wasn't Humanity's Strongest, he was just Levi, and that made you a source of stability in his life that he had been lacking elsewhere.
From the minute that he set eyes on you after you joined the Scouts, he knew that something was different about you, and that there was something drawing him to you. He avoided admitting it for years, and now that he did admit to it, it was too late.
A dark, but unreadable expression fell over Levi Ackerman's face.
He knew.
He had known this for years. He knew that his curse was that the moment that he decided that he wanted something was the exact moment that he lost it.
He knew that you were supposed to be here with him, alive and well, and not as a mangled corpse that resulted from their war with the Titans.
He finally recognized that it was you that was supposed to be by his side, but not in this lifetime—not anymore.
Your life—the life the both of you were supposed to share—had been stolen from him in the blink of an eye.
#: @chaotic-on-main @romantichomicide95 @levisbrat25 @leviismybby @moonmalice @averysmolbear @cathybarn @tclbts @belovedackerman @bejewelledd @sad-darksoul @ackermendick @aomi04 @apolloshaiku @laraackerman @pulpolicia @raenacreates @nube55 @roseofdarknessblog @saenora @noctemys @sixpennydame @sleepyfairyxo @heichoucleanfreak @svftackerman @levis-squishy-cheeks @dumbfound-princess @evas-leslas @kokosmiles @mrsmiagreer @catskze join my taglist! and pls pls lmk if you wanna be taken off :')
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kenjakusbrainstem · 9 months
Soft Tissue (Kenjaku x Reader)
Contains: Making out with the Brain, afab but body barely described reader, piv sex, fingering, riding, and very little plot.
Hey gamers, I woke up and immediately started writing this. Four hours later and here I am with this brain love fest, hopefully you like it as much as I do! The new episode really lit something inside me that I thought would simmer down at some point. Cross-posted to Ao3 under the same name, shared to twitter at kenjakusbrain, comment or reblog if you also can't stop thinking about the brain or liked the fic.
The sound of your front door opening and closing roused you from the nap you hadn’t intended to take. You had a feeling tonight might be one of the nights Kenjaku would choose to visit you, but you were never entirely sure unless he’d mentioned it directly. Though you were informed enough about his plans in the days leading up to the 31st to know that he would be in Kyoto on the 19th. Kyoto was where he’d requested you stay ever since they’d begun using that pitiful student as an informant. To make sure he didn’t let anything out, since Kenjaku couldn’t be sure that the boy wouldn’t come to his senses and break the vow they’d taken, he’d placed you here to keep a watchful eye.
You had wanted to stay up, hoping you’d be right about Kenjaku stopping by, but you’d been far too exhausted. Near constant surveillance of the student’s hideout and his robot body simultaneously had you relieved when you watched Kenjaku and Mahito approach the building you knew the student to be in. Finished with your part of this mission, you’d accidentally let yourself fall asleep.
Kenjaku barely gave you the chance to greet him before hoisting your body into the air. A shocked sound left your throat as he pressed an excited kiss to your lips. Through your surprise you kissed back, feeling his tongue slip into your mouth to press against your own. The intensity of the kiss surprised you, Kenjaku was a passionate man but it had been years since you’d seen him this riled up after a single preparation mission.
Large hands manipulated your body, Kenjaku keeping you pressed against him while moving you into a standing position. As your feet touched the ground you felt his lips pull away from yours, leaving you trying to catch the breath he stole from your lungs. 
Looking up at him clearly for the first time since this leg of your mission started, you were again shocked to see such manic glee across his features. Kenjaku smiled down at you as if you were a celebratory meal he couldn’t wait to dig into. “Things went that well?” You asked, hoping he’d fill you in before you got too carried away. 
The smile on his face widened, hands squeezing your hips tightly before he leaned back down to kiss you once again. Less pure passion and more of a firm press of his lips against yours. Not that you minded, affection and Kenjaku didn’t always go hand in hand, so you accepted it whenever it was offered.
“They couldn’t have gone better. Watching Mahito evolve so rapidly under pressure is just astounding. And the boy’s use of a simple domain was eye opening, it’s something the newer generation of sorcerers nearly have mastered!” Kenjaku’s voice much more animated than normal as he spoke. His excitement was palpable, you could feel his fingers digging into your hips as he spoke. “It won’t be long now, the 31st is just around the corner.”
While you hadn’t known Kenjaku as long as others like Uraume, you’d been with him for quite some time now. This was the first time his plan had progressed so far. Everything was just falling into place around you, all of his work for the past century blending together, as if it was fated for him to finally succeed. The last time he was this excited, he’d just acquired his current vessel, another important piece to his plan.
“Soon we’ll be able to move past this and onto your main goal,” You said, bringing your hand up to his chest and pushing him back toward the couch he lifted you from. Seeing Kenjaku this worked up had quickly brought you out of whatever tiredness had taken over your body, his energy was magnetic and you couldn’t help but want to celebrate with him.
The smile on his face turned into a smirk as he allowed you to push him back. There had been points in working together that you were stronger than the vessel he inhabited, even if it wasn’t the case with his current form, you still knew just what he wanted in times like this. Before pushing him down onto the couch, you untied the golden fabric at his waist, slipping it off of him and tossing it to the side. While you didn’t dislike his vessel’s robes, they had proved to be inconvenient in the past at times like these.
“Impatient are we? What if I had just come to debrief you on the mission?” Kenjaku teased, using this moment to untie the belt that kept the rest of his robes closed. You took your chance to help him, reaching up and slipping the heavy material off his shoulders, not caring that it had fallen to the ground at your feet. It was something for the two of you to care about later.
The warm skin of his chest now bare under your fingers, you pushed him back again, forcing him down onto the couch. His hands left your hips briefly as you moved in to straddle his strong thighs. Settling on his lap you felt his hands return to your body, kneading the flesh of your ass. A soft moan caught in your throat at the feeling of him handling you roughly. 
Slipping your fingers into his long hair and gripping against his scalp, you pulled roughly, forcing him to look up at you. The smirk on his face was still there but the look in his eyes wasn’t quite as manic as before, dark eyes full of lust now stared up at you.
“I know you, Kenjaku. I know what you want after a job well done,” You whispered, hands flexing in his hair. Leaning down you pressed another open mouthed kiss against his smirking lips. He met your kiss with a soft moan as he let your tongue into his mouth without resistance. 
The kiss quickly turned desperate as he ground his hips against your core, the position leaving you open on top of him. You could feel his thick cock growing in his pants, rubbing against the soft shorts you fell asleep in. The thin barriers adding more friction to his movements, you knew it felt good for the both of you. 
Sucking at his tongue, you pressed your hips down against his, feeling a rush of pleasure fill your body. It had been long enough since the two of you were able to be intimate like this. Slowly you pulled your face back, breaking the passionate kiss for a moment. You were panting slightly, looking down to take in just how much you'd affected him. 
Kenjaku’s lips were flush from all the kisses, mouth slightly open as you watched his tongue trace along his lips. Like he was still trying to taste you. His cheeks were lightly dusted as well, you couldn’t wait to make him even more flushed. 
Your eyes were drawn higher, to his forehead, where you could see the stitches straining to keep shut. All the pressure you applied to his hair had done exactly what you’d hoped for. Kenjaku, the real Kenjaku, was barely visible to you through the stitches, fluid leaking out and beginning to slip down his face. You felt your heart beat faster at the thought of what you were going to do to him.
Not wasting any time, you ran your tongue gently across the seam in his forehead. The juices thick against your tongue as you brought them into your mouth greedily. You could feel his muscles tense under the attention, nails digging into your hips. After swallowing all the leaking fluid, you slipped your tongue against the straining stitches. Pressing open mouthed kisses to the seam, you could hear his breathing become more shallow with each movement you made.
One of his hands left your backside, quickly reaching up to tug at the stitching that kept him from you. Your grip in his hair loosened as you felt him remove the top of his head. It was a sight that you never fully got used to, you had always expected there to be much more blood. He gently moved the top of his vessel’s head further down the couch and out of your way. 
The soft flesh of his brain, the real Kenjaku, was now exposed to you. Fluid leaking down his face again but you were too focused on the delectable tissue before you to bother licking it all clean. Leaning back in, you kissed softly at the brain, allowing your lips to travel around the teeth in the middle. 
Kenjaku moaned at the feeling of your lips grazing his most intimate parts. Every press of your lips or pass of your tongue on his brain sent waves of pleasure throughout his entire body.
As you felt his hand return to your ass, you let your tongue slip into the open mouth at the center of his brain. The teeth nipped lightly at your lip before allowing you in, the kiss much messier than the ones you’d shared with his lips. You could feel his juices making a mess on your cheeks, you could feel an ache growing in your core at the thought of how you were making him feel.
“I can’t wait much longer,” Kenjaku said, voice trembling with pleasure as he spoke. You knew what he meant, you knew you were just as wet as he was in this moment. He slipped a hand between your bodies and teasingly slid his fingers against your pussy through the clothing.
Instead of taking off your shorts or stopping you to undress, you felt him rip the thin material, ruining the shorts and exposing you to him. Kenjaku’s thick fingers quickly dipped into your wet folds, teasingly rubbing against your sensitive clit before he pushed two fingers into your aching hole. 
You moaned into his brain mouth at the feeling, the thick fingers filling you up perfectly. Kenjaku’s teeth nipped at the tip of your tongue as you broke the kiss. You couldn’t help but focus on the feeling of his fingers inside of you, rocking back and forth you felt them crook inside you just right and brush up against that spongy spot that pulled another moan from your body.
Lost in the pleasure Kenjaku was bringing you, you let yourself get lost in his soft tissue. What started as soft licks and kisses to the folds on his brain had devolved into sloppy kisses. Your tongue gently pressing broad, wet strokes across every part you could reach.
Kenjaku’s moans were beginning to sound as desperate as he tried to focus on stretching your pussy. He wanted to draw this out, to tease you on his fingers and make you beg for his cock. That wasn’t going to happen tonight, you forced his hand the moment your tongue slipped in between his stitches. Kenjaku could feel his cock straining against his pants and leaking into the material he needed to bury himself deep inside you the way you buried your tongue into his brain.
You moaned against the teeth on his brain, tongue tracing them and begging for another kiss. Kenjaku’s fingers inside you felt too good, it was distracting you from your goal of making him feel more. 
As quickly as they’d entered you though, Kenjaku pulled his fingers out of your pussy, leaving you to press your hips down onto nothing. You whined at the loss, the mouth finally opening for you and allowing you to kiss your way back inside of him. 
You could feel Kenjaku repositioning himself as he used the hand still on your ass to hold you still. Too lost in the way your tongue felt inside his soft tissue to pay attention to what he was doing.
You felt the thick head of his cock rubbing against your pussy, slipping through your folds to rub against your clit. Moaning into the kiss you could feel his cock quickly become soaked in your juices, sliding through your folds with practiced ease. It seemed like Kenjaku was content to just grind against you and tease you both.
Putting one hand on his shoulder to balance, you reached down in between your bodies. Your hand finding his now soaking wet cock and guiding it back toward your aching hole. Kenjaku let you take the lead again, waiting for you to slip the tip of his cock inside you before moving again. 
As soon as he felt your tight pussy around his cock, he knew he wouldn’t be able to last. You eased yourself down, taking every inch slowly so as to not hurt yourself. The kiss you had been sharing with Kenjaku’s brain paused because of how much you were panting, teeth still nipping at your lips to continue. 
Once you felt Kenjaku bottom out in your pussy, you took a moment to savor the feeling of him inside you. His thick cock stretched you so perfectly, it felt so good. Your mind dizzy at how you could feel him throbbing with want inside of you.
A hand of his pressed against your cheek, pulling you out of your pleasure drunk state for a moment. You looked down at him, his face as flush as you knew yours was and his eyes brimming with tears. You were worried for a second until you remembered just how overwhelming it was for him to have his brain touched this much. Perhaps you had made more of a mess out of him than you realized already.
The hand pulled you down, lips meeting in a messy kiss. You moaned at the feeling, different than kissing his brain mouth, softer and less control. You could taste his brain juice still, it turned you on more to know that he was tasting himself as well.
Kenjaku gripped your hips tightly with both hands before lifting you up, letting just the head of his cock stay in your pussy. You sucked at his tongue, wanting desperately for him to fill you back up. He lowered you, stuffing you half full with his cock. It wasn’t enough.
“Kenjaku please, stop teasing,” You begged, though you had been the one doing most of the teasing tonight this was too much for you. 
Without wasting a moment, Kenjaku quickly began bouncing you on his cock, forcing you to take him all the way inside with each powerful thrust. The scream that left your mouth was cut off by his lips on yours. Keeping you quiet as he fucked you, the last thing you needed was to draw any neighbors attention. 
Soon your moans had died down and turned into whimpering mixed in with desperate kisses. The feeling of Kenjaku’s thick cock splitting you in half made your toes curl and eyes roll back. He was perfect for you, hitting every spot and rubbing the most sensitive parts of your tight pussy just right.
As close as he had been, Kenjaku needed more to get him back to that edge. Fucking up into your tight pussy as he manipulated your body to ride him felt amazing, but he wanted to feel as fucked out as you did. Breaking the kiss, Kenjaku’s lips kissed their way down, biting at your neck hard enough to bruise. He could feel your pussy clench around him at the violent act, you loved it almost as much as he did. It wasn’t enough though.
Your pleasured moaning was interrupted by soft, wet folds brushing up against your lips. Kenjaku had positioned the two of you the way you had been before, his brain right in front of you. You didn’t need to be told what to do, long licks at the soft tissue made Kenjaku’s cock throb inside you.
Keeping his pace as steady as he could, Kenjaku felt a rush of intense pleasure overtake him as you lavished his brain with licks and kisses. Not only did it make each thrust feel ten times better, his entire body felt like it was on fire. He hadn’t felt this sensitive in a long time, biting at his own lip to keep some of his needy sounds inside.
The thrusts inside you turned erratic quickly, Kenjaku’s even pace falling apart as you let your tongue past his teeth and into his brain mouth again. The kiss was sloppier than before, his juices and your saliva coating your chin as you got lost in him. Every thrust had you moaning into the mouth, you could barely keep up with it. 
You could feel Kenjaku’s thighs trembling under you, both of you so lost in pleasure that all you wanted to do was push each other over the edge. 
Nails biting into your skin, you could feel Kenjaku’s grip on you getting tighter with each violent thrust of his hips. Fucking up into your pussy blindly, the feeling of Kenjaku so deep inside of your pussy finally pushed you to your limit. You felt yourself let go, pussy squeezing him as if begging him to finish.
The tight heat of you coming all over his cock was more than enough to push Kenjaku over the edge, stuffing you full of his cock before releasing deep inside your pussy. His thrusts slowed enough to allow you a chance to breathe, while he still fucked you both through your shared orgasms.
Your tongue slid out of his brain mouth and teased around the folds, enjoying the taste and soft feel of the tissue. A gasping moan tore from Kenjaku’s throat, it was too much for him. His hands left your hips, leaving his cock buried inside of you just to fly up and pull your lips down to meet his. 
The kiss was languid, both of you came much harder than you expected. When you pulled back from the kiss, you could see his beautiful fucked out face. Brain fluid and your saliva on his flushed cheeks, you were sure you looked just as flushed and sticky.
Reaching over, Kenjaku picked up the top of his head and put it back on. Quickly sewing it back into place as you watched. You never got tired of watching his deft fingers apply the stitching. With his scalp back in place Kenjaku’s hands returned to your ass, lifting you into the air as he stood. His spent cock slipped from you as he carried you into your bedroom. 
“If I’m still here when you wake up, we can talk about what happens next in my plans. For now, let’s rest,” Kenjaku said, kissing your messy cheek as he crossed the threshold of your room.
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tonkatsubowl · 2 months
separation anxiety.
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▼ caelus x fem!reader
▼ nsfw themes. mdni.
your separation anxiety starts to make you panic while caelus was out on a mission.
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caelus was well known to be handling tasks at the station, as well as throughout the cosmos. during your guys' relationship, you often accompanied him on missions, like jarilo iv, xianzhou luofu, and now... penacony. but one night, caelus had a mission he had to urgently be present for. you were half asleep when he woke you up to notify you that he would be gone for the rest of the morning until he had returned.
so, you went back to sleep, hoping that by the time you woke up, caelus was already on his way back... or even better, he was home.
but it was past noon.
you were known to have a form of separation anxiety whenever he was gone, and he always did his best to stay around or inform you he had to leave soon for a mission. and you trusted him—for you always had his location and he texted you whenever he could.
but for some reason... he hasn't texted you all morning, and it was already three in the afternoon, and he hasn't responded to you. you sent a few texts to him here and there, to which he didn't respond.
so, you began to worry.
himeko had stayed behind while welt and the others accompanied caelus on this mission. you decided to approach himeko for some sort of reassurance... but to your dismay, she goes,
"i'm not sure why they're taking so long either. i'm not getting any response from welt."
so, you began to panic. but you nodded in understanding, giving himeko the false illusion that you were okay.
"i wouldn't worry too much about it. i'm sure they will return soon."
you went back to you and caelus' room, but you were panicking now. you began to blow up his phone, asking if he was okay, if he was hurt, if he was coming home soon. but everything was hitting you all at once. your body began to shake, your vision began to blur, and you began to hyperventilate.
is he dead? what happened? why hasn't he been responding? did the planet blow up?
all these possibilities of the worst outcome ever began to flood your mind as you began to sob quietly. you paced around the room, but your legs gave up, trembling like a cold pup, and you felt yourself fall to the floor. you breathed, trying to stabilize yourself as you attempted to get up, only to fall.
you were panicking. and you couldn't calm down.
it was like your world went dark, and you were desperate to see the light. you were losing feelings in your body and you felt like you were going to die at this rate.
but unbeknownst to your episode, warm arms immediately wrap themselves around you. your eyes wide, familiarized by the sensation of these limbs. your body didn't calm down, yet, but your mind had realized who it was.
you sobbed quietly as the male pulled your trembling figure close. he breathed, unhurt as you can see, and he buried his face into the back of your neck.
"sorry i'm late. i knew this was going to happen. we were in an area with no reception and we were lost." caelus explained, before scooping your figure up before wandering towards the bed you both shared. "i'm sorry, (y/n). are you feeling alright? i should've brought you with me, but you were too exhausted."
"n-no... don't apologize. i'm.. okay now." your voice slurred as your visage tingled. panic attacks tend to paralyze your skin and body movements, numbing everything for you. you couldn't even feel your face. but you could feel the warmth that radiated from the stellaron-infused man.
"do you want me to grab you anything for you to eat or drink?" caelus asked in a soft whisper.
"...in a bit. i want you to be with me."
caelus formed a soft smile across his lips as he sat on top of the mattress, watching as your body began to calm itself.
"you don't need to ask me to do that. i'll always be here for you."
you faintly smile, before slowly and weakly brushing yourself against his side, where he began to gently move your hair out of your face.
"did you sleep well, at least?" he asked.
you nodded, "i did, but it would've been better if you were here."
caelus smiled, "sorry. listen, i even got stuck in a trash can. i dropped my phone in there by accident and it turned out to be a cosmic entity... so it took me a bit to grab it back."
"... what's with you and trash cans?"
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eveningserenityyy · 4 months
In sickness and In Health | One Shot
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Rating: General.
Pairing: Luke Skywalker x reader
Word Count: 3215k
Summary: Luke thinks the day shall be seemingly peaceful and perfectly content…until he finds you struck with an illness he must help care for.
A/N: I started writing this when I was sick, and whilst i'm better now, I do hope this helps comfort two of my friends who are! <3
Luke woke up early this seemingly delightful morning, eyes both kissed and scorched by the golden rays of the morning sun as it dawned upon his sleepy figure; easing him into a state of consciousness.
His first instinct, just as the day before and just as likely fated to be the same tomorrow, is to turn his attention to you in order for you to be the first thing he sees and may admire when he awakens. That alone is the key to a great day in his opinion, getting to wake up next to you and watch as your chest rises and falls with light breaths, and the way your lips are slightly parted with your messy hair framing your pretty face. 
His day cannot start until he can be assured you are next to him, safe and happy in his loving gaze.
You seem so peaceful and content, therefore he did not have the heart to wake you up so selfishly. He leaned over, careful for his movements to be anything but heavy as he pressed a gentle kiss to your cheek; the heat of your flesh warm and inviting against his soft lips.
Naturally, he finds himself to be smiling as he rises from the bed, getting himself dressed and ready to attend to his students. 
He hates to leave you just to wake up on your own whenever that time may be, yet alas, he would have to go regardless of his desires. You would be just fine, and close by if anything were to happen.
He whispered a sweet “I love you.” before leaving you to your rest, hoping you don’t wake up too lonely whilst he's gone. 
Soon after, the fog of dreams lifted on your end, and reality was born before your eyes as they fluttered open just to squeeze shut again in mere seconds. It wasn’t simply the sunlight of which was a source of woe, but too the dizzying pressure in your head that had struck you immediately.
Something was deeply wrong, wrong enough to be noticed despite the dreadful sleepiness that swarmed you like a warm weighted blanket fresh from the dryer. 
You sniffled, noticing how both stuffy and runny your nose felt- there too was a soreness in your throat, gathering the unrelenting need to clear it over and over as fluids coated it on the inside.
“No…not today!” You could not help but whine in such a moment as this, dreading the very idea of being sick so suddenly and without warning. 
Okay, that's not entirely true- for over the past two days, you’d noticed your throat felt rather dry, but being sick never crossed your mind. Instead, you simply drowned your throat in water and called it a day. You thought perhaps you had spoken too much, or hadn’t drank enough water, for germs were never a suspect.
Immediately, your body and mind craved comfort and care for this curse of illness casted upon you. You wanted to be cuddled, soothed, and brought copious amounts of soup until you could start feeling better at last, to be cared for as a parent does for a child. 
You wanted Luke most of all, reaching out for the empty space next to you where he no longer was; The only remnants of his presence was that of his imprint left in the mattress, the imprint of which had been lovingly filled when you had first gone to rest the night before. 
You extended your arm, reaching for his pillow as you brought it close to you like a teddy bear. You nuzzled your face into it, gathering his scent, for the pillow smelt of him; eucalyptus, and the light mist of fresh springwater, paired with a flowery scent that you could not put your finger on but was comforting nevertheless. You did in fact worry that your germs would swarm the fabric, but you could always wash it later- you needed the comfort when in such a state as this, and you dearly hoped he would not mind (Which, in all probability, he wouldn’t).
A sharp pain then built in your throat, mimicking the sharp stabbing of a dozen knives as it caused you to cough about a dozen times. You couldn’t stop as hard as you tried, a tingling feeling in the back of your throat that demanded your coughs of suffrage as compensation. Your throat was beyond irritated, close to nausea after such a fit.
You just about wanted to cry, too tired to deal with this. It wasn’t fair, and so suddenly were you mourning the days when your illness was beyond comprehension, when you could lay back without the mucus wishing to be drained.
Furthermore, from a distance did Luke sense something to be wrong indeed, the very fabric of the force singing to him in silent desperation. He attempted to focus on it, yet the younglings had so many questions for him at this time in their lesson, therefore he waited until the break in between sessions to go and check on just what was the matter.
Once the break commenced, he was quick to return to you, wasting no time as he entered the home you had shared and built together. 
As he entered the bedroom, his heart dropped as he saw you curled up under the blankets, your poor figure shivering and holding his pillow to your body as you struggled to keep the coughs at bay.
You appeared so weak and delicate, suffering under the effects of a sneaky illness. He couldn’t stand to see you this way, immediately tending to your side as he crouched next to you, pressing a hand to your forehead before placing his lips there instead, feeling the warmth you radiated so violently.
“Luke?” You mumbled out, voice sounding so rough and weakened. You had barely noticed him enter the room, a telltale sign of your state.
“I’m here, star, im here…” He tried his best to give you a reassuring smile, despite how much it pained him to see you like this. “Sick, huh?”
You nodded with a frown, sniffling to drain your nose as your eyes wet themselves with the buildup of tears. “I don’t…don’t feel good-”
He had the strongest urge to care for you, to do everything in his power to make you feel a little less terrible than you did now. How could he leave you like this? His heart sank at seeing your state of being, and he simply wished to do all he could for you.
He made a choice in regards to the day he had originally planned, one he was perfectly content with.  “I’ll be right back, alright? Try and rest. Close your eyes for me, it’ll help.”
You complied, eyes falling heavy as you heard his footsteps disappear into the distance. You wondered what he was doing, although your brain was much too fried to think about anything too deeply. 
After a few minutes, he came right back, once again crouched by your side with a cold cloth to be placed on your forehead. You hummed in response, for it felt so nice on your skin. It was the best sensation you had felt all morning, compared to the waging war of your immune system.
You then remembered something, gazing up at him with tired eyes as it occurred to you. “Mmm’ Luke…don’t-” Cough, “-You have-” Cough. “-Class today?”
He smiled warmly, shaking his head as if to reassure you as quickly as possible. “I cancelled, don’t worry. Who else will take care of you but me?”
You were glad, although did not let it show as to not be selfish over his time you had stolen from the padawans. “You didn’t have to do that…”
“Star,” The loving nickname lingered over his tongue, drawing it out as if to question you with a hint of amusement in his tone. “You’re hugging my pillow for comfort- I think you need me.”
You blushed, or at least you think you did if your face isn’t already pink tinted. You and Luke were equally needy when it came to each other, sure, yet that intensified when you were sick- you’d have him glued to your side if you could.
He brought a hand to your forehead, brushing your hair out of your face with the tips of his fingers. “Can I make you some soup, see if that helps you?”
You nodded, weakly so. “Please…I would like that, if you don't mind.”
“The regular, I assume?” He asked for clarification, a gentle smile tugging at his lips. He knew you liked to be cared for whilst also not wanting to be a burden, but to him, you could never be such a thing. Caring for you made him happy, for he could help soothe the one he loved most.
“Mhm.” You hummed in response, thus watching as he got up to make his way over to the kitchen, your eyes struggling to stay open as you found yourself succumbing to the dark fog that was a deserved nap.
It's truly a surprise that you could fall asleep at all when in such a condition, therefore you would take whatever chance you got for some rest.
Luke smiled to himself, knowing you were napping peacefully, and for that he was glad. It was the one moment in which you could have any true peace, not having to experience the effects that's plagued you so terribly. 
He loved you so much, and hated seeing you sick more than he naturally should. He loved seeing you smile, or strut about the room with such grace, making his heart burn for you with the sound of your laughter…but seeing you so weak and fragile, so pale and miserable at that, brought him great pain.
He gathered the ingredients at the kitchen counter, setting up the pot and cutting up some vegetables for your soup with a rapid ease.
He thought himself to be a decent cook, with recipes he already knew, at least. He had his aunt to thank for that, having taught him how to cook select recipes when he was growing up. 
This soup was always one of his favourites, and now one of yours, of which Beru had taught him how to make. It was a simple recipe, lots of spices- there was only one thing he had adjusted for your liking, and that was grating the carrots in as opposed to chopping them. It was a texture thing for you, mushy carrots not having much of an appeal.
The process of making it wasn’t too long, some time passing before he could bring it to you. He too took some time to allow it to cool down, too giving you more time to rest in the process. As he did this, he kept glancing back into the room you laid within, tinges of worry tainting his mind.
He quietly spoke your name as he nudged you awake, already having placed your soup on the bedside table for you. He made sure to be gentle with his nudges, not wishing to disrupt you poorly.
“Mm?” You hummed, voice raspy as your eyes fluttered open. “Oh…Hi.”
You were so sweet as you looked up at him, feeling awful yet still so happy to see him as you always were. It made his heart flutter with the dancing of butterflies.
He smiled, pressing his curved lips to your forehead again to read your temperature. “Still hot, I see. You should take the blanket off, i don’t want you to overheat or-”
“I’m always hot.” You tried to joke, yet it didn’t much land, for your tone was quite monotone and depressed sounding due to the physical state. “-But yes…”
You caused a slight chuckle to slip past him, and for that you were glad as he thus asked you to kindly sit up in order to eat the soup he had made for you.
You nodded, carefully and rather slowly pulling yourself up to sit with you back leaning against the headboard of your shared bed. 
“Good girl,” That smile was still on his face as he praised your efforts, causing you to blush. He didn’t mean it in any way that you may have been thinking, for it was a rather innocent praise.
He took the mug of soup from the nightstand, holding it carefully as he took the spoon, gathering some broth on it as he brought it to your lips. You had no complaints in regards to him helping you like this, so you parted your lips in return and allowed for him to ease the spoon into your mouth.
As you swallowed, it felt comfortingly warm against your throat and dry mouth, the spices dancing on your tongue as the flavours hit you like a harmonious song. 
“Thank you…” You spoke after a few more spoonfuls of soup, swallowing the liquid coating in your throat as you did so.
Luke is always so good to you, allowing for you to feel so loved and cared for. You couldn’t feel more appreciative of the man who sat before you. 
You reached a hand to him, cupping his cheek as you caressed the pink flesh with your thumb. Your touch was so gentle to him, perfectly delicate and warm due to the heat you radiated. 
“Can we cuddle, please?” You pleaded, giving him the cutest pout and puppy eyes. 
How could he say no when you asked so nicely, and needed him so much today? He was quite sure that his heart must be melting in his chest.
“Of course. It's hardly a question, you know. ” He smiled so warmly once again with a joy that felt like medicine, placing the mug on the bedside table as you scooched over for him, giving him room to lay with your back to his chest.
You worried that facing him would put him at risk of gathering your germs, therefore spooning was the safest position…yet part of you hated that very fact. Your love language is physical affection; you wanted to kiss him, to place your lips all over his rosy cheeks and soft lips, and you wanted just the same from him in return. 
He had his leg draped over your own, his face nuzzled into your hair and neck as his hand found its place upon your chest, feeling your heartbeat thump against him in a calming manner. It was peaceful to know your blood was pumping healthily through your veins, even in a state that may have left you feeling as if death was on its way. 
Though, he could indeed sense something was bothering you, a sudden riff like the waves on a calm ocean becoming disturbed. Something was on your mind.
“Star, is something wrong?”
You would feel rather silly having to explain that you’re pouting because you can’t kiss him until you get better, so you brushed it off instead. “Mmm no, just keep holding me, okay?”
He wasn’t buying it, but just nodded, pressing a kiss to your hair as he felt the disturbance once again. He was beginning to catch on, smiling to himself for the fact that you were always so needy for him, craving his affection; he adored it, truth be told. He felt so wanted and loved because of it, but make no mistake, he still wished to comfort the anguish of which he was not so very fond of in comparison.
You felt him pull away from you before slowly and gently nudging you around to face him, leaving you half laying on your back. He placed a hand on your chin, thumb running over your bottom lip as he began to question you. “Starflower, be honest with me; are you upset because you think I can't kiss you?”
You blushed, forgetting how quickly he catches onto things. “Well…but you…you know can’t- i’ll get you sick and i don’t wanna be the reason you get sick…”
“You didn’t answer my question.” His tone was both reassuring to protect you from embarrassment, while also teasing at once.
You sighed, pushing a cough down your throat as you did so. “Yes…I am- don’t laugh at me.”
He shook his head, blushing just as you were. “I'm not laughing, I promise.”
You tried to hide your face in the pillows, escaping his gaze as his grasp drifted to run through your hair soothingly. “I’m not afraid to kiss you just because of a few germs. You only have to ask me.”
“It would be selfish to get you sick, Luke.”
“And it would be selfish for me to deny you when you want me…Star, there is nothing I would hesitate to give you.”
You peered up at him again with the brightest blush, shy to give in. “Don’t blame me when you get sick then.”
His heart thumped in his chest, eyes switching between your lips and your sleepy eyes. “The padawans deserve a break for how hard they have been working, and we get to spend time together. I don’t sense a problem with this.” 
He had his right arm resting on the other side of your head as he looked down on you, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. A few quiet moments passed like this, finding comfort in close proximity before you thus spoke quietly, pushing a smile from your lips. “Kiss me, please…”
“Hm? What was that, sweetheart?” He lightly teased, wishing to lighten the mood further, thinking a tad bit of silliness may ease your mind. 
“Luke…” You whined, pouting. Although, there was a part of you that would have giggled if not for being sick.
He let out a chuckle, lowering his lips onto your own as they connected, latching onto one another as if they had moulded to fit together as a perfect puzzle piece over the years. The kiss was soft, and left your lips feeling warm and tingly as his kisses always did. Even the curves of your smiles blended together smoothly, considered almost addicting.
You could feel the tug of his smile against your own throughout the entirety of the moment, so blissful even when in the company of countless germs. It was a lovely contrast, truly. That was what you loved most, the fact he could make the dark times seem like a paradise.
Reluctantly did he pull away, yet not far enough for his hot breath still danced against your skin. “See? That wasn’t so bad, star…”
You shook your head, raising your arms up to wrap around his neck. “Just wait until you get sick, maybe you’ll change your mind.”
“It’ll be worth it.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, coughing along the way and yet not phasing him in the least as the germs were likely spread over him. “You’re ridiculous, Skywalker.”
“I’m only in love.”
With another cough, you spoke. “When did you get so cheesy?”
This would be one cue to say something along the lines of “when i fell in love with you”, but fortunately for you, he instead replaces such a phrase with another interlocking of lips instead. Suddenly, being sick wasn’t so bad as it once appeared…
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no-one-anon · 1 year
.. i may or may not have accidentally deleted this-. I deleted the wrong post okay 😭😭
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tf141 + Valeria w/ reader who HATES physical touch but craves it so muchhhh- had trauma from when they were a kid and need the affection they should've received when they were younger, but gets memories from their childhood.
Simon Ghost Riley:
Ghost was like you too. He had trauma from a young age, due to his abusive father. He too also was traumatized. But he refused to have the need of affection. He's cut off from what makes him happy. He claims he doesn't need it. He doesn't need friendships, especially on the field. But, once he met you and the 141. Things changed. Things always change. You and the task force showed him that.
So, whenever you need a cuddle buddy. Ghost is always available, even if he doesn't want it. He doesn't mind. He'll groan and complain. But as long as it makes you happy and at ease. Then his personal space can be sacrificed for your happiness and peace. He's heard you ramble about your past too. He can't help but feel empathy for you.
Although he did too have it bad, you were younger. He felt bad that he couldn't help you back then. But he knew he couldn't change the past. So he focused on helping you right now, in the present. Even if it changed his reputation a tad bit. He didn't mind.
So, when you had knocked on his door one night. He knew what was up. You needed physical affection. You needed to know that he was here for you. You needed his touch. Something to ground you. Anything, something. He opened the door wider, letting you know you could come in.
You went to go sit on his bed. It was unmade. You knew he was sleeping. You woke him up. "I'm sorry." Was all you said. Ghost sighed. "It's fine, you don't need to apologise for something you can't handle. I know that feeling." Your eyes were filled with tears. You wanted to cry.
Ghost shushed you. "Hey, no. It's ok. C'mere." Ghost laid down on the bed, pulling you to him. Immediately, you grasped onto his shirt. Crying into his shirt you told him. You told him your trauma. What happened to you, when you were a kid. You told him everything. Everything spilled out of your mouth. All he did was rub your back and look up to the ceiling. He let you talk about everything. It helped.
Slowly, you fell asleep. With all you had done in the night. It tired you. Ghost made sure that you would fall asleep before him. Making sure he knew everything. What he could do when you panicked. He let you cry into his shirt. Even if he was uncomfortable, he let you.
John Soap Mactavish:
Soap was always ready to open his arms for a cuddle session. Even if it leads to you falling asleep and having his arm fall asleep. Even if he needs the bathroom, he'll stay with you. For the whole time. But, what he didn't know. Was that you had trauma. From your childhood. He always thought you just didn't like him at the start. Always flinching away from his touch.
So, when you were both alone in a room. Waiting for a briefing to start. He asked you. "Do you hate me?"
Of course that surprised you. He didn't mean to surprise you. But the question was bugging him intensely. He needed to know. If you hated him, that was fine. He just needed to know. Whether to keep distance between the both of you or not.
"No. I don't hate you, why?" Why did he think that? You had no clue. "Well, you always flinch away from me and avoid me.. A lot." Oh. So that was why he thought you hated him.
You sighed. "I have..... memories. From my childhood. Uh, childhood trauma. So, I don't really... like touch. Especially when it's unexpected, sorry." Soap felt horrible. He didn't know. He should've asked you earlier. "Uh, sorry kid. Didn't know you had trauma. I'll, uh. Stop.." Soap trailed off.
You didn't really want for him to stop the physical affection. It made you feel like you were loved. "I.. I don't mind. I just, need a heads up." You didn't mind at all. "You sure? You don't have to feel forced."
This made you feel like you were trapped in a corner. You couldn't say you didn't like him, because you didn't. You couldn't say you hated his touch, you liked it. You couldn't say anything without being backed more into a corner. So, with that. You got up from where you sat and walked over to him. You hugged him. The hug was a bit awkward. But you made it work.
Captain John Price:
You were the youngest member in the 141. So, that ended up having John as your father figure. He treated you like you were blood related and as if he knew you from birth. But, when John had overheard a conversation between you and another about your childhood trauma.
He couldn't help but feel he needed to step up his game. He needed to let you know that you weren't alone. That you didn't need to suffer by yourself from your trauma. John knew what childhood trauma would do to people. It would change them, drastically. He knew that both you and Ghost had trauma.
John wanted to change it. Change your trauma. But he couldn't. No matter how hard he tried. He hated it. So, when one day you knocked on his door during the night. He wasn't really surprised. Price got up from his office chair and opened the door. Looking down at you, he sighed. Moving the door wider, he gave you the signal to come in.
"I know why you're here." Was all he said as he went to light up a cigarette. "You... You knew?" He sighed, taking a drag of his nasty cigarette. Tilting his head slightly back and letting the air become infused with his cigarette.
"Yeah. Well, I don't know what exactly happened. But I can tell. It wasn't on your file, trust me. I just saw you, and knew immediately that you had trauma." Oh. Well, you hoped he was telling the truth that it wasn't on your file. You don't think you've told anyone in detail about what happened.
"You don't need to tell me." He said as he made eye contact with you, taking another drag of his cigarette. Price shuffles around to grab something from the cabinet of his desk. "Here, I have a copy of your file. If you don't believe me. You can check it." Of course you believed him. But you couldn't take any chances.
When he placed down the file you grabbed it. Opening it up, all it said was your height, weight, gender, profile, role, etc. Nothing about your childhood. Nothing about you having trauma. You sighed, thank goodness.
Price interrupted the silence. "If you ever need to talk about it or if you have a nightmare or whatever. Don't hesitate to knock on my door. Even if you wake me up." You looked up at him and smiled. He was like a father. A great one. "Thanks." Was all you said before you got up and left. Closing the door behind you.
Kyle Gaz Garrick:
Gaz is friendly. Very, friendly. So he was always touchy and close by. He didn't know of your trauma. He never noticed how you'd slightly cringe whenever he or someone else got too close or got touchy with you. He was a happy little furball. Everyone enjoyed his personality. You did as well. But, it was just that he always wanted to hug you or pat your shoulder. He liked physical touch, while you. On the other hand, absolutely hated it.
So, when it was just you two. When he was patting your shoulder, you blurted out. "I don't like you touching me." So, of course. Gaz was taken aback and instantly took back his hand and swung his hand to his side. "Oh, sorry." He looked embarrassed when you blurted it out.
"I.. I have trauma, from when I was a child. I don't hate you, it's just.." You trailed off. "Oh. I'm, uh. Sorry. I didn't know." Not many people knew, only a handful of people actually knew why.
"I don't... I don't really mind it, when you tell me.. It's just.. I need to be told when you touch me." Gaz's mouth formed an O. "Oh, yeah no that's fine. I get where you're coming from, it's fine pal." Gaz laughed.
"Thanks." Was all you said before you went to hug him. Gaz let out a surprised noise. He took a moment before laughing and wrapping his arms around you, smiling into your hair.
He really was a happy little furball.
Alejandro Vargas:
Alejandro was oblivious to your trauma. He always had an arm around your shoulder. He didn't know. You always curled into yourself when he slung his arm over your shoulders. You didn't like him doing that. You wanted to tell him that. But how would he react? Would he care? Would he stop? You didn't know. You wanted to know. But, did you?
One day you followed Alejandro. Followed him into an empty room. You had to tell him. Otherwise this would go on for ages. Until you tell him. It's now or never. You needed to tell him.
"Hey.. Uhm, Alejandro. I need to tell you something..." It was sudden, yes. But you couldn't help it. "Hm?" Alejandro hummed out in response.
"Uhm, I'd.. So, you know how you, uhm. Sling your arm around my shoulders?" Better to say it now than later. "Ay, I do."
"I'd rather you, to.. uh.. Not.. do that?- Like, I mean if it's fine with you. I mean, if you say no, I-" Alejandro cut you off. "Sure! I don't mind, do you mind telling me why thought?" Well that was awfully easy.
"Uhm, my childhood wasn't.. really the best.." Alejandro nodded. "Alright then, I'll stop. You don't need to tell me anything else. I don't mind." Quick and easy, alright then.
"Thanks, Alejandro." You say as you go to hug him. All he did was chuckle in response and wrap his arms around you. "On one condition." Oh lord. This most likely won't go very well...
You hesitated and slowly nodded. "You tell me whenever someone gets too close to you or touch you without your permission, deal?" That was unexpected.. "Yeah, deal... Thanks Alejandro.." You say as you bury you face into his shirt smiling to yourself, happy that things went smoothly.
Valeria Garza:
Valeria didn't do phsyical touch. She just didn't. But she did notice how you would flinch away from someone when they got too close or tried to touch you. She never said anything though. If you didn't tell her she just assumed you would deal with it yourself. Plus, she could just be misunderstanding things. Although, Valeria rarely misunderstood things. Ah, but oh well. If you didn't tell her then it's not necessarily her problem.
When you had knocked on her door during one afternoon, she was quite busy. So, when you heard a muffled 'Come in!' from the other side of the door. You opened the wooden door. Valeria looked up from her stack of papers and up to you. Dropping her pencil, she looks up to you. Expecting you to start the conversation first. "Uhm, Valeria. Someone has been, uhm..." You hesitate. Valeria sighs and rubs her temples. "Hurry up and finish you sentence. You're wasting my time." She responds irritated.
"Uh, someone has been.. Touching me, and I don't really.. Like to be touched, uhm." Oh god. This is not going well. "And why don't you like being touched?" Valeria pushed.
"Uhm, my childhood wasn't.... good.." You looked towards the floor, a bit embarrassed. "Name?" Valeria blurts out.
You look up back to her with a questioning look, slighty tilting your head. "Their name. The person who has been bothering you?" Oh, that makes sense. "Uhm, I don't know their name, but they were outside your room.. Uhm, three days ago?" You had no idea, all you knew was that you didn't want them near you again.
"Alright, I'll get to it." She says as she stands up. "Stay in here while I go handle some... business." With that, she leaves. Closing the door and leaving you alone with your thoughts.
For the next couple of weeks, you never saw them. Your guessing they're never seeing you again ever as well.
Whenever you and Valeria were together she always was paying attention to you. Especially when you're around others. When some person touched you on your shoulder, lets just say... You never noticed them hanging around anymore.
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firstkanaphans · 4 months
i have this habit of reading ao3 before i sleep or i just won't get sleep (yeah i am a teenager with effed up sleep habits)
and i realised that there are not enough sickfics in the firstkhao fandom 😭😭 like there are a few under akkaye but nothing under sandray (i don't remember if there is anything under alangaipa cause there is probably nothing)
so obviously i have a request to my fav writer which is PLEASE GIVE ME SICKFICS DJDNDNNSJDND
the absolute tenderness of looking after your lover, trying to shield them from it all and them just clinging on to you... I WILL CRY
i would love to read any sickfic from you, be it any fk couple. hope you dont mind this request <3
Anon, I really hope you're still around to read this because I know it's been ages since you requested it, but look! I wrote you a SandRay sick!fic. I hope you enjoy 💕 Word Count: 2227
Ray was sick. Or, well, he had been. 
For days he had been fighting off a bad case of the flu and although he had a tendency to become extra stubborn when he was ill, Sand took care of him without argument. He cooked Ray delicious homemade soup, washed the sweat from his body so that he wouldn’t get a chill, and made sure he never missed a dose of his medicine.
At the height of his illness, Ray had found Sand’s unwavering attention annoying since all he wanted to do was sleep, but now, as the fever started to abate, he realized just how lucky he had been. It didn’t seem fair that all of that attention had been wasted when Ray wasn’t alert enough to appreciate it. So even though he was feeling better, he pretended that he wasn’t.
He was sitting in bed propped up on a mountain of pillows when Sand walked into the room that night with his evening meds. Ray gave him a wobbly smile and then immediately dissolved into a coughing fit that was only half for show.
Sand frowned, setting the glass of water and pills he was carrying down onto Ray’s bedside table before climbing onto the mattress with him, his hand raised to feel Ray’s forehead. Ray just watched him, wide-eyed and innocent. He knew his cheeks were flushed, but it wasn’t from fever. He had spent the past couple minutes pinching them hard enough to color his skin. He wanted it to look convincing.
“You’re not feeling any better?” Sand asked, dropping his hand back to his side. “You look better. Whenever I touched you before, you would just yell and swat me away.”
“I feel a little better,” Ray allowed, blinking at his boyfriend owlishly.
“Well, if you’re not feeling a lot better by tomorrow, we may need to go back to the doctor. I’m worried about you.”
“There’s no need to worry,” Ray said, pulling on Sand’s arm so that he was forced to sit down on the bed next to him. “I’m fine!”
If this had been a normal day, Sand probably would have rolled his eyes, but because Ray was sick, he didn’t. He just wrapped his arm around Ray’s shoulders and held him tight. Although Ray liked their usual teasing banter, he liked this too. He liked being spoiled. He liked that Sand had been staying home to take care of him instead of running off to a bunch of different jobs he didn’t need. He liked how his illness sanded down Sand’s rough edges. He liked that at their essence, this was what they were: soft and in love. “Do we have any more ice cream?”
Sand dutifully brought Ray a bowl of ice cream and they spent the night cuddling in bed watching movies. Ray knew it was destined to be his last night of sick leave; in the morning, he would be forced to make a miraculous recovery. But, he had to admit, it was time.
Ray woke up with the sun only to find that Sand was still asleep next to him, which was odd. Sand was an early riser. Figuring he was simply exhausted from the days spent taking care of Ray, Ray leaned in to kiss him on the forehead only to find that he was burning up. 
Ray pulled back in alarm, quickly replacing his lips with his hand, but the result was no better. Sand was sweltering hot to the touch. Too hot. Right? Ray wasn’t sure. He had never had to diagnose anyone before.
“Sand?” he said, shaking his boyfriend frantically. Sand would know what to do. Sand always did. “Sand, wake up. I think you’re sick!”
Sand very clearly did not want to wake up. He rolled away from Ray, buried his head underneath the covers, and started coughing. “Just bring me some medicine,” he said, his voice muffled. “I’ll be fine.”
Ray hopped out of bed immediately, determined to get the medicine for him as fast as possible, but it was only as he was standing alone in the middle of the room that he realized he had no idea where the medicine was kept. They had moved into this apartment together only a few weeks before. It would have been sooner, but Sand took some convincing because the apartment was technically way out of his budget.
In the end, Ray had worn him down, but Sand had adamantly refused to spend the extra money on movers, so they had done everything themselves. Or, well, Sand had. Ray had thanked him with copious amounts of blowjobs. It had seemed like a good system at the time, but now he had no idea where anything was.
He wandered into the bathroom and began looking through cabinets, figuring that was the most likely place for medicine to be, and eventually he found a couple bottles that looked familiar. They were empty.
Ray ran back into the bedroom, waving the bottles around frantically. “Sand, I think we’re out. What do I do now? Sand?” Sand was apparently too delirious to answer him. He wasn’t yet asleep, but his only response to Ray’s voice was a pained groan. Ray stared down at the bottles in his hand hoping that if he wished hard enough, they would simply refill themselves. But of course they didn’t.
It was then that Ray remembered Sand offering him a handful of pills the night before that Ray had only pretended to take since he was only pretending to be sick. He rushed over to his bedside table and pulled the pills out of his drawer.
“Sand, here,” he said excitedly, coming around to his side of the bed with a glass of water. “You need to take these.”
With some gentle coaxing, he was eventually able to get Sand to sit up and take the pills, but he looked horrible and collapsed back down onto the mattress immediately. Ray just stared at him helplessly, trying to figure out what in the world he was supposed to do next.
He thought about calling Sand’s mom or his own dad or, hell, Mew—literally anyone who might be able to help—but his pride stopped him from actually picking up the phone. Sand had taken care of him for nearly a week without any help at all. Surely, Ray could do the same. 
He took a deep breath and forced himself to think. The first thing he needed to do was buy more medicine.
“Sand? Sand?” he asked, shaking his boyfriend’s limp body. He had planned to ask whether Sand would be okay alone for a few minutes while he ran to the store, but Sand didn’t respond. He was fast asleep. In the end, Ray decided to go. He changed clothes, made sure Sand’s phone and a glass of water were easily within his reach, and then promised he would be back in fifteen minutes. As he stepped out their front door, he couldn’t help but think Sand would probably be better off alone than in his inept care.
Ray realized his first mistake within minutes: he had not taken a picture of the meds he needed to replace. When he reached the pharmacy right around the corner from their apartment, he was immediately overwhelmed by the options and he had no clue what Sand needed. He tried googling it only to become overwhelmed again, but in the end, a nice older lady helped him pick out a couple things she thought would be useful and Ray threw a few extras into his basket as well. Just in case.
When he returned home, Sand hadn’t moved, but he was shivering and covered in sweat, so Ray grabbed a washcloth and a basin of water and did his best to clean him. It wasn’t as easy as Sand made it look. His motions were clumsy and he felt sure that if Sand were conscious enough to know what was happening, he would have laughed at his efforts.
After that, Ray bundled Sand back into bed and headed into the kitchen to make soup for the first time in his life. On the night Ray had first fallen ill, Sand had made him a pot of soup that tasted so good he had devoured it within a day. It was Sand’s mom’s recipe and she claimed it had healing powers. Ray didn’t doubt it. Sand told him his mom’s soup was the one bright spot of getting sick. That it almost made the whole thing worth it. So Ray knew he needed to make it for Sand, too.
He had texted Sand’s mom and picked up the ingredients while he was out, but now that he was staring at them spread out over the counter, he felt less confident about his ability to recreate the recipe. There was nothing he could do about that now. He sighed and got started chopping the vegetables. Badly. Sand did most of the cooking in their house. Ray was starting to realize that Sand did most of everything.
Hours later, the finished soup was simmering on the stove and Ray smelled like a Thai restaurant. He quickly hopped in the shower, washing off the last vestiges of his own illness and the evidence of his poor cooking, and then headed back to the bedroom where Sand was still asleep. He held his hand out to feel Sand's forehead and although his body temperature felt more normal than before, he was still shivering. 
Ray didn’t know what else to do so, feeling helpless, he simply laid by his boyfriend’s side and wrapped his arms around him, praying that the worst of it would soon go away. Was this what it had felt like for Sand to watch him be sick over the past week? Had Ray only prolonged that pain by pretending he wasn’t well? 
The shivering stopped. They both fell asleep.
Ray was awoken some time later by Sand moving in his arms. He sat up immediately, ready to run and fetch whatever Sand needed to feel better, but when Sand finally opened his eyes, he no longer looked pained. Just tired. 
“Are you okay?” Ray asked, reaching for Sand’s face as if searching for an injury he already knew didn’t exist. “What do you need? Medicine? Water? Food? I made soup!”
Ray was cursing himself for not setting alarms for Sand’s medicine the way Sand had done for him when Sand gave him a weak smile. “You made soup?” he teased and that, at least, told Ray the medicine was working.
“I did!” Ray insisted.
“Well then some soup might be nice.”
So Ray hopped out of bed and prepared a bowl of soup for Sand. When he returned to the bedroom, he found Sand already sitting propped up on a couple pillows, taking better care of himself than Ray had taken of him.
“You look better,” he said.
“I feel better,” Sand agreed.
“I’m sorry I got you sick.”
Sand shrugged. “It was bound to happen. Now about this soup…”
Ray refused to pass Sand the bowl, scared he might drop it, but he dutifully scooped a spoonful of Tom Yum out and offered it to him. Sand sniffed it hesitantly before taking a bite.
The soup had barely touched his tongue before his whole face scrunched up in distaste. He quickly tried to school his features, but it was too late. Such an extreme reaction was hard to miss.
“What’s wrong?” Ray asked, trying a bite himself. All he could taste was salt. He made the same face Sand had and suddenly, he felt like he was going to cry.
“Oh, don't cry,” Sand said, taking the bowl from him, setting it down on the bedside table, and then pulling him into a hug. Even though Ray was no longer sick and certainly didn’t deserve the comfort, he let himself be held anyway.
“I’m so sorry,” he said, his voice thick with unshed tears. “I’m such a crappy boyfriend. You took such good care of me for a whole week and I can’t even make you a pot of soup without fucking it up. I haven’t even been sick these past couple days. I’ve just been pretending so you would pay more attention to me!”
“Oh, baby. I know.”
That was enough to stop Ray’s tears. “You do?”
“Of course I do. You’re not a very good liar. But look, it’s fine. It’s the thought that counts,” he said, running his fingers through Ray’s hair. Surprisingly, that was all it took to calm him down.
“I’ll get better,” Ray promised, leaning his head on Sand’s shoulder. “And I’ll order you more soup from that place you like.”
“You’re doing fine,” Sand soothed. “Just stay here with me. That’s all I need. You’re all I need.”
Ray laid with his head on Sand’s chest and listened to the steady beat of his heart. “I love you,” he said because that was the one thing he knew he could provide. He had more than enough love to give.
Sand smiled and kissed the top of his head. “I love you too.”
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monstersandmaw · 1 month
Happy Mermay! To start things off, here is Chapter Eight of Laces for a Lady.
For those who may have missed this over on Tumblr, it is a polyamorous (m/m/f) romance set in 18th-century Cornwall, at the height of the era of smugglers and excise men. It features twenty-five year old Eleanor 'Nel' Bywater, who travels alone from Sussex to Cornwall to take up the position of 'companion' to a young widow at Heath Top House, situated just outside the fishing village of Polgarrack.
There Nel meets Edmund Nancarrow, the reserved and dark-eyed tailor's assistant, and Locryn Trevethan, a wild, grizzled, older man who keeps to himself on the outskirts of even Polgarrack society. She finds herself falling in love with the rugged coastline and its fierce and hardy people, and is quickly drawn to both Ned and Locryn, who seem equally taken with her wild spirit and quick smile.
You can catch up with the story on Tumblr here, and this post will go public here on Patreon next week. Part One (sfw), Part Two (sfw), Part Three (sfw), (bonus Locryn & Ned chapter post Chpt3, sfw), Part Four (sfw), Part Five (sfw), Part Six (sfw), Part Seven (sfw)
I highly recommend listening to this ambient soundtrack on YouTube from Poldark while you read this, if combining music with reading is your thing... :). I always play this when I'm working on this story.
Contents: a wild, winter storm stirs up frightening memories for Winnie, Nel learns a little about the folklore of the region from old Aggie, Blackthorn the mare is her usual wilful self, Edmund reveals a bit about his past and how he came by his injury, and Nel comes upon something on the shore on her way home that sends her tumbling from Blackthorn's saddle... Wordcount: 5615
(long) preview:
The dreams started up again with startling clarity after her visit from Edmund, and Nel began to question her sanity.
Sometimes she lay tangled on mounds of silken sand or a bed of soft kelp while something silver brushed against her outer thigh, and other times she lay deep beneath the waves, able to breathe in the dream, and found herself coiled around and around by the thick muscle of a creature’s tail. Always though, it remained at the periphery of her mind; just out of reach of the grasping fingers of perception.
Sometimes Nel was lifted up by strong, rough hands that reminded her of Locryn’s when he’d spun her around in the country dance, but these hands ended in black claws and the skin was a dark, greenish brown, and as they breached the surface of the waves together and sent water sparkling up in a shattered spray, something in her would shatter too, and she would wake gasping and dewy-damp with sweat and desire.
She wondered if perhaps exercise would tire her out to the point where she no longer dreamed, and so whenever Winnie had no immediate need of her, Nel took to walking around the estates and riding Blackthorn relentlessly up and down the roads both inland and along the coast for the remainder of a rather blustery October.
The weather in November turned out to be such a mix that Nel and Winnie couldn’t make any sort of plans from one day to the next. Some days, when Winnie was caught up with running the business of the mine or writing to the Board, the weather was lamentably clear and fresh, while on days when they’d hoped to ride together or walk into Polgarrack for some exercise, the heavens unleashed torrents of rain from morning to night.
One night, when it had been blowing constantly in off the sea in ugly squalls that had kept all but the hardiest or most desperate at their hearths, a terrible crash was heard above the racket of the storm. It woke everyone in the house and rattled the windowpanes and Nel heard Winnie’s scream of terror from three rooms away.
She jolted out of bed and flew into the corridor in only her night shift. She navigated her way by touch and memory alone and fumbled her way to Winnie’s room to find her sitting up in bed and shaking all over.
“Winnie,” she called, having to keep her voice loud above the storm outside even as she rushed to the bed and took up her friend’s hands. They were ice cold and trembling.
“The tunnel,” Winnie breathed, wild-eyed and unseeing. “James…”
“Hush, it was the storm outside,” Nel said, sitting down and turning her face with slightly callused fingers to Winnie’s delicate jawline so that she was looking directly at Nel, though there was hardly enough light in the room to make out the pinpricks of reflection in her wild eyes. “And that crash was probably the big beech tree near the gate coming down, or a branch or two of it at least. You know how beech trees drop their limbs in high wind.”
Winnie sat shaking with the blankets pooled around her hips. For a long time she didn’t speak, though she seemed a little more present than she had a few minutes before.
Nel rose and crossed to the window, knowing that Winnie’s room overlooked the entrance to the house, but although she peered out into the night, she couldn’t make anything out. “We’ll have to see in the morning,” she said, but she heard shouts from outside and the whinnying of horses. “It’s being taken care of though, don’t worry.”
“I should… I should go down…” Winnie murmured and there came the sound of blankets shuffling.
Nel shook her head and crossed back to her. “I’ll go. You stay here and I’ll see what’s happening. If you’re needed, I’ll fetch you, I promise.”
“Thank you, Nel,” she croaked, and she drew her knees up under her chin. “Take my dressing gown or you’ll scandalise the staff in just your shift,” she added, and at that Nel barked a laugh of relief that was almost as loud as the tree falling outside.
She shot Winnie a look over her shoulder at the door and unhooked the robe. “Don’t you think they’ll be more scandalised that I was in your bedroom at this hour to have such swift access to it?” she said, and slipped it on. She left the room without waiting for an answer, but she could hear Winnie chuckling behind her still, and relaxed.
Below in the entrance hall, she spotted Winnie’s father-in-law speaking by lantern light to Joe, the head groom, and both men twitched around when they saw her coming down the stairs like a ghost.
“Miss Bywater, really, this doesn’t concern you,” Lord Edgar Penrose scowled, eyeing his daughter in law’s dressing gown pointedly. “You should return to your room.”
“Forgive me. Winnie was concerned and wanted to make sure nothing serious was wrong and that no one was hurt. Joe, I trust the tree didn’t come down on the barn?” It was bold of her indeed to address the man in Lord Edgar’s employ instead of the lord himself, but she had little time for that kind of nonsense, and she’d struck up a good rapport with Joe in all the weeks she’d been taking Blackthorn out.
“No, Miss Nel,” he said, ducking his head and lowering his eyes respectfully to the puddle accumulating on the chequered marble floor around his muddy boots. “Missed it by a whisker, though the roof’s taken a bit of damage from the wind. Once it blows through, we can fix that no problem. Tree’ll take some work to shift though. We’ll have to borrow a couple of the bigger horses from Mister Angove’s farm. Blackthorn’s not up to moving that lot by herself.”
“Even the stubbornness of that mare has its bounds, I suppose,” Nel smirked, and she found it answered in a poorly-hidden snort of agreement from Joe. “Well, thank you. Winnie will be relieved to know that no one was injured, and that the horses are safe too. Goodnight, gentlemen,” she said, and left them to it.
Winnie sagged as she blew out the breath she seemed to have been holding since Nel had left the room, and she deflated into the pillows behind her with a tiny whimper of relief. “You must think me such a wallflower,” she groaned. “I used to be so much bolder… with James around.”
Nel hung up the dressing gown on the back of the door and crossed to Winnie’s bed while her friend shuffled over without a word and drew back the warm covers for her. Nel brushed off her bare feet before slipping in, and lay curled on her side while Winnie did the same on the other pillows, facing her.
“I think you’re still very brave and bold, Winnie,” she said. “You run the Penrose Workings with the Board, and oversee the management of the mine every bit as well as James did, and you’re doing it while still grieving for him.”
In the near-complete darkness of Winnie’s room, she heard a sniffle and felt the movement as Winnie dabbed at her eyes with the sleeve of her night shift. After a long pause, Winnie exhaled shakily and fumbled for Nel’s hands, and when she found them, she gripped her fingers hard and kissed her knuckles. “I’m so glad you came to live here, Nel. I’m so glad I have you now, to call my very dear friend.”
Read the whole thing right now over on Patreon, and get access to my upcoming, Patreon-exclusive story for Mermay, which will feature (as voted for by patrons) a deep sea merman and a gender neutral reader. You'll also get access to my entire backlog of Patreon-only stories, plus you can join our chilled out Discord server, and you'll be able to read all future free stories a week early!
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