#in the pharmaceutical industry
katchwreck · 2 years
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magnetothemagnificent · 7 months
What is it with this new framing by drug companies of gastrointestinal issues as "just girly things"???? Like. I spent last week with my grandparents which meant that live TV was on in the background at nearly all waking hours and the amount of commercials I've seen, from laxative companies to nutritional supplement companies framing chronic constipation, bloating, and other GI issues as just little things that happen when you're a woman. There was one commercial where this woman was like (paraphrased) "I get constipated a lot, like most women do". Also framing constipation as just making you feel 'heavy' and encouraging laxative and supplement use to feel 'lighter'. Chronic constipation isn't about feeling 'heavy'! It's got nothing to do with how you feel! It's often a symptom of an underlying GI disorder and not just a feeling oh my god.
Ladies. It is not a normal part of womanhood to be experiencing chronic GI issues. Talk to your doctor. Don't listen to these companies telling you to just treat yourself with OTC solutions and that your very real issues are just 'feeling heavy'. Oh my god. As someone who actually has these issues this is infuriating.
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autumn2may · 1 year
Johnson & Johnson is currently, like right this minute, trying to extend their patent on the TB drug bedaquiline, keeping it out of generic for another four years. TB killed about 30,000 people last week and is the world's deadliest infectious disease.
If this drug does not go generic now it could affect 6 million people in the next four years (the time it would take the "new" patent to run out). Out of those millions of people who get TB, but can't get bedaquiline, most of them will die. From a PREVENTABLE DISEASE.
Why is this happening? Money. But also, because TB is not an issue in countries like the US. We can afford its $1.50 a pill price. But if you live in a poor country, that's too much money to spend on something you need to take for up to four months.
J&J needs to let this drug go public and do its job in places that can't currently afford it. They need to help people, instead of trying to wring the last few drops of money out of one of their many products, at the cost of human lives. @sizzlingsandwichperfection-blog does a waaaay better job of explaining this than me. Check out the video and the video description for links and ways to help!
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rjzimmerman · 2 months
Horseshoe crabs get help by way of new drug standards. (NJ Spotlight News)
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Horseshoe Crabs gather at Pickering Beach in Dover, Del., June 11, 2023. In a ruling Monday, Aug. 7, the federal government is shutting down the harvest of horseshoe crabs in a national wildlife refuge during the spawning season to try to give the animal a chance to reproduce. Fishermen harvest horseshoe crabs so the animals can be used as bait and so their blood can be used to make medical products.
Excerpt from this story from NJ Spotlight News:
Protection of Delaware Bay’s horseshoe crabs took a step forward when a standards-setting group for the pharmaceutical industry moved away from its longtime endorsement of horseshoe crab blood in drug-testing.
The standards body approved the use of two synthetic chemicals for detecting toxins in medical products rather than a substance based on horseshoe crab blood, which is commonly used now.
Pharmaceutical companies are not required to switch to the new standards, but conservationists hope demand for horseshoe crabs will drop as a result of the change, improving survival prospects for the crabs and imperiled species that depend on them, notably the red knot shorebird.
“Synthetic alternatives offer a viable solution to get these ancient creatures out of the biomedical supply chain and keep them in their natural habitats,” said U.S. Rep. Frank Pallone, an advocate for the switch, who praised the policy change.
The United States Pharmacopeia said Friday that its expert microbiology committee approved a new chapter in a formulary that provides techniques for bacterial endotoxin testing of sterile medical products including vaccines using two reagents, rCR and rFC, that are not derived from animals.
At present, the industry mostly uses LAL, a substance derived from crab blood.
The guidance, which will become official in May 2025, “is intended to provide manufacturers with the information needed to use non-animal derived reagents,” according to a statement from the USP. The USP is a non-profit organization that establishes standards for pharmaceuticals and other products that are then used by regulators including the Food and Drug Administration.
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raininyourblackeyes · 3 months
Me if I was an ice dance coach to a new team: Okay so the first secret to your success is that the man must get pegged. No, don't question it, just trust me. Second secret is that I will be needing your entire families' life savings to arrange your scores. No, don't worry about actual skating, only amateurs do that.
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>falling asleep
>the usual parade of shitposts are going through my head in the incoherent three minutes before i actually fall asleep
>a pretty good meme idea surfaces
>”oh i should write that one down”
>opens notes app to the last opened note and starts writing
>falls asleep
>wakes up the next morning
>apparently i opened it to the same note i always do when I write random shit down and then never delete it
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jacksoldsideblog · 10 months
I'm curious — is there any unusual (as in, people would not expect this of them) jobs y'all can think of that would occupy the same narrative niche as the narrator's crash coordinator job? With the same level of abject, disturbingly accepted corruption and whatnot, the vibe of "in a just world you would be a good guy but instead you're much worse than most people can dream of"
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when I go in the pharma tag and it has the Audacity to be mostly full of spam about pharmaceutical companies instead of pictures of my favorite insane little "I Can't Decide" by Scissor Sisters-coded gay doctor
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whitelotusherald · 10 days
Just learned during work that Faramir and Boromir had a third brother who probably died of diabetes; let me introduce you...
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thoughtportal · 2 years
It's Not "ADHD Fakers" Taking All the Adderall 
Global capitalism’s endless push for efficiency has led to shortcuts all over the place. In order to maximize profits, pharma companies operate with just-enough workers to make just-enough supply, 1 which makes them extremely vulnerable to any sort of unexpected disruption, like say, a global pandemic, a war in Ukraine, a sharp increase in oil prices, or a rise in ADHD diagnoses.
Companies do not make extra drugs to prepare for these unforeseen problems because they could go to waste, and waste is the enemy of capital, but they will put out all kinds of other excuses to explain product shortages instead.
For example, Teva has been telling the media that their inability to manufacture enough Adderall was due to a “labor shortage”. In reality, the company has cut 14,000 jobs since 2017, most recently laying off 300 workers in August of 2022. They’ve been fighting thousands of opioid lawsuits and are set to pay out $4.25 billion in settlements over the next 13 years.
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meteortrails · 4 months
how did your finals go beloved. have u slept ♡
they went ok!!! wrote a 10 page paper (cannot stress enough. SINGLE SPACED. professor didn’t even read them I just know it) in like one 48 hour marathon but I also got A’s and B’s on all my exams and term papers (did not get A’s in all my classes tho bc. I do not do my fucking work. god bless) so I’ll take my wins where I can get them! and yes I have slept thank GOD I’ve been sleeping like 12 hours a night for the last week. its so nice cannot recommend it highly enough. how is your summer/double employment going so far!!
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I think a great example of how adults with ADHD are completely disregarded in society is how there are no commercials for ADHD medications (in the US there are tons of medication commercials). I'm not saying we should be pandered to by the pharmaceutical industry, I think drug commercials are terrible and should be illegal, but it's interesting how there's drug commercials for every medical condition that affects adults under the sun......except ADHD. Almost as if the fact that adults with ADHD exist is just..... forgotten.
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battleangel · 2 months
Chew. Harden. Lengthen. Satisfy.
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The tagline for Hims literal Hard Mints Chewables in an online ad that auto-played as I scrolled through a wiki article literally nauseated me & makes me fucking sick:
Chew. Harden. Lengthen. Satisfy. With confidence.
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Hims now makes and sells chewable hard mints for ED (erectile dysfunction) that come in “discreet” tins.
The ad for the Hims Hard Mints is absolutely sickening & dehumanizing.
I just saw an in-website ad for the Hims Hard Mints that auto played as I was scrolling.
I was actually rereading the script for the demiurge episode from Aeon Flux.
The dystopian society that Aeon Flux presented that I watched for the first time on MTV in 8th grade in 1995 has now become a distressing Orwellian reality.
Aeon Flux was deeply dark, mindfucky & deconstructive and included heavily sexual subplots where the main character, Aeon, clad in a skin-tight leather BDSM get up with an impossibly tiny & concave waist & ginormous boobs actually has sex with someone through a hole in her back.
Pretty dehumanizing & reductive portrayal of sex, right?
Just like the Hims Hard Mint ad.
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So, the active ingredient in Cialis & Levitra has now been put into a hard mint chewable in a “discreet” tin.
Just like everything else, absolutely no thoughts to what might be behind the ED — anxiety, stress, mind body disconnect, unprocessed emotions and/or trauma, listlessness, lethargy, numbness, emptiness inside, loneliness, aimlessness, mindlessness, constant distraction, being overworked by design in our capitalist corporatist economic system, toxins chemicals & additives in foods & beverages, depressive feelings, malaise, existentialist despair, feelings of self-doubt, abandonment, isolation, inadequacy, constant comparisons, constant competition, keeping up with the joneses, overemphasis on the mechanics of sex, reductionism where sex is reduced solely to harden fuck ejaculate, lack of esotericism, total disconnect of mind body soul heart constantly caused by capitalism which is endlessly rewarded by disordered inhabitants that are slaves to the corporatist machine, lack of philosophical inquiries, never having a thought, watching pornhub on cell phone since 10 creating toxic harmful unrealistic expectations for sex. . .
Treating men like dehumanized sex robots and machines.
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Chew. Harden. Lengthen. Perform. Satisfy. With Confidence.
Disgustingly sickeningly exploitative & reductive.
Reducing sex to nothing but moving body parts.
Why chewable? Why mint flavored?
Why in a tin?
Because then it seems like its not prescription medication - which it is, it has the same active ingredient as Cialis & Levitra - its just, pop an Altoid then go fuck her.
Just as mindless as everything else in our current 3 second attention span society.
Why not try to get to the root of what is causing the ED as 90%+ of physical & mental DIS-eases is literally your body mind being at dis ease and is caused by a mind body imbalance of some sort.
Why not look within instead of looking in a tin?
Why is the answer presented as a chewable Altoid?
Fun. Easy. Minty. Fresh. Discreet.
Why not reflection?
Why not meditation?
Why not examining ones own thought, minds, feelings & emotions?
Why not journalling?
Why not experimenting sexually and seeing if the ED is being caused by lack of interest in current sexual activities?
Why not explore your sexuality and sexual identity and see if boredom or malaise or lack of physical/sexual attraction may be at the root of the ED?
Why must everything be unthinking?
Just pop a minty chewable chew.
In a discreet tin. Nobody has to know.
The entire ad focuses on the man satisfying the woman by chewing, hardening, lengthening, satisfying, performing with confidence.
Imagine that that is an ad actually describing a thinking feeling human being.
Its fucking terrifying.
Its nauseatingly reductive.
Its dehumanizing as fuck.
Its reducing men to literally nothing more than their anatomical reproductive organs and functions.
What of love?
What of ecstasy?
What of spark?
What of connection?
What of chemistry?
What of instantaneous chemical reactions?
What of soul connections?
What of soulmates?
What of twinflames?
What of beauty?
What of eroticism?
What of sexual soulmates?
What of sweat-filled intensity?
What of anticipation & build up?
What of longing & desire?
What of fantasy?
What of daydreams?
What of seductive allure?
What of devouring moments?
What of soul orgasms?
What of tantric sex?
What of hands free orgasms?
What of mental g-spots?
What of sexual exploration?
What of kinks & fetishes?
What of sexual preferences?
What of sexual identity & sexual expression?
What of wet dreams?
What of sexual attraction to the self?
What of turn-ons?
What of turn-offs?
What of sexual likes & dislikes?
What of trying different things sexually?
What of mixing things up?
What of roleplaying?
What of sexual imaginings?
What of erotic fiction?
What of homemade porn?
What of boudoir photography?
What of making yourself a sexual object?
What of self-fetishization?
What of lingerie?
What of voyeurism & exhibitionism?
What of sex shows?
What of public sex?
What of sexual personas?
What of sexual muses?
What of sexual adventures & misadventures?
What of orgies and one night stands and random hookups?
What of taking a break from sex?
What of temporary celibacy?
What of too much of a good thing applying to sex?
What of determining preferred frequency of sex?
What of getting to know yourself sexually?
What of societal sexual scripts that demand certain things from men & women?
What of not fitting the societally ascribed sexual scripts for the gender you were assigned at birth?
What of the intersection between your extremely individual & personal gender as everyones gender identity & expression is different & how that intertwines with societal dictates for how men & women are supposed to interact sexually?
What of sexual dogma that demands that the outcome of sex be an orgasm for all genders?
What of non-penetrative sex like oral, manual & intercrural?
What of sex being treated like a hypercapitalist machinistic end game?
What of love & loneliness?
Just, Shut up. Chew. Harden. Lengthen. Perform. Satisfy. With confidence.
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memoriae-lectoris · 16 days
[…] newspaper reports suggest that Germany was already harvesting hair from its own population even before the war began. As early as 1937 there are reports of German initiatives to collect human hair for use in carpets and felt and for tar-papering roofs. In a press release issued shortly before a convention of hairdressers in Breslau (today Wrocław, in Poland) it was stated, ‘It is hoped that a well-organised collection by hairdressers will yield from 400,000 to 1,000,000 lb of hair annually.’ One year later a report in the New York Times stated, ‘Human hair, especially women’s, has proved very satisfactory for rugs and that branch of the Nationalist Socialist party devoted to the collection of junk is now collecting it also. Approximately 8 cents per pound is paid for it. Barber shops will be combed by party scrap squads to collect it.’
By 1942, when Europe was in the grip of war, human-hair cloth was also being produced in Hungary, Finland and occupied France. With import bans on wool from Australia, cotton from the US and silk from the Far East, natural fibres were in short supply and in Germany itself all wool was reserved for use by the military. This meant that civilian needs depended increasingly on new types of fibre such as ‘fibrane’, produced from wood pulp, and ‘piloita’, manufactured out of hair. ‘All types of human hair go into the composition of the cloth, which is pressed under steam and comes out uniformly gray,’ reads an article in the New York Times in February 1942.
The first factory making it opened in Condé-sur-Noireau, in Normandy. The cloth was much cheaper than wool or silk and was apparently used in ladies’ dresses, slippers, gloves and handbags. Interestingly there are also reports of experiments at the chemical institute of Hamburg University to extract ‘cystin’ from hair and to mix it with food for the treatment of patients suffering from malnutrition.
The later manufacture of L-cysteine on an industrial scale for food and pharmaceuticals no doubt owes its origins to experiments of this sort.
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reticent-fate · 4 months
i know nothing about biochemistry but i simply think it would be funny if i made a fake "medication fact sheet" for the digihrt comic
especially since i have lore regarding "HS Pharmaceuticals"
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soniez · 2 months
Choosing the Right Gastrointestinal Tract Drug – Factors to Consider
The gastrointestinal (GI) tract is a complex system responsible for digestion and absorption of nutrients.  Given its critical function, disorders affecting the GI tract can significantly impact overall health and quality of life.  Selecting the right medication to treat these conditions is essential for effective management and recovery.  Centurion HealthCare, a leading gastrointestinal tract drugs supplier in India, offers a range of high-quality medications designed to address various GI disorders.  In this article, we will explore the factors to consider when choosing the right gastrointestinal tract drug, and why Centurion HealthCare stands out in the best pharmaceutical industry in India.
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Understanding Gastrointestinal Tract Disorders
GI tract disorders encompass a wide range of conditions affecting different parts of the digestive system, including the esophagus, stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas, and gallbladder.  Common GI disorders include:
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
Peptic Ulcer Disease
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
Each condition requires specific treatment strategies and medications to manage symptoms, promote healing, and prevent complications.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Gastrointestinal Tract Drug
Choosing the right drug for treating GI disorders involves multiple factors, including the specific condition, the patient’s medical history, and potential side effects.  Here are key considerations:
1.   Accurate Diagnosis
An accurate diagnosis is the first step in selecting the appropriate medication.  Physicians use various diagnostic tools such as endoscopy, colonoscopy, imaging studies, and laboratory tests to identify the specific GI disorder.  Understanding the underlying cause and severity of the condition is crucial for effective treatment.
2.   Mechanism of Action
Different gastrointestinal tract drugs work through various mechanisms to achieve therapeutic effects.  Understanding how a drug works helps in selecting the most suitable option.  Common mechanisms include:
Antacids:  Neutralize stomach acid, providing quick relief from heartburn and indigestion.
Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs):  Reduce the production of stomach acid, effective in treating GERD and peptic ulcers.
H2 Receptor Antagonists:  Decrease acid production by blocking histamine receptors in the stomach lining.
Prokinetics:  Enhance gut motility, useful in conditions like gastroparesis.
Antispasmodics:  Relieve intestinal cramps and spasms, often used in IBS treatment.
Anti-inflammatory Drugs:  Reduce inflammation in the GI tract, essential for managing IBD.
3.   Efficacy and Safety
The efficacy and safety profile of a drug are critical factors in the decision-making process.  Clinical trials and real-world studies provide valuable information on a drug’s effectiveness and potential side effects.  Physicians must weigh the benefits against the risks to ensure the chosen medication offers the best possible outcome for the patient.
4.   Patient-Specific Factors
Each patient is unique, and various individual factors can influence drug selection.  These include:
Age:  Certain drugs may be more suitable for children, adults, or the elderly.
Medical History:  Pre-existing conditions, such as kidney or liver disease, can affect drug metabolism and tolerance.
Allergies:  Patients with known drug allergies must avoid medications that could trigger adverse reactions.
Concurrent Medications:  Drug interactions can impact efficacy and safety, requiring careful consideration of all medications the patient is currently taking.
5.   Route of Administration
The route of administration can affect the drug’s efficacy and patient compliance.  Common routes for GI drugs include:
Oral:  Tablets, capsules, and liquids are convenient for most patients.
Intravenous:  Used in severe cases or when oral administration is not feasible.
Topical:  Suppositories and enemas are used for localized treatment in the lower GI tract.
6.   Cost and Availability
Cost can be a significant factor, especially for long-term treatments.  Generic versions of drugs often offer the same efficacy as brand-name medications at a lower cost.  Availability of the drug in the local market is also crucial to ensure uninterrupted treatment.
Centurion HealthCare:  Leading the Way in GI Tract Drug Supply
Centurion HealthCare has established itself as a premier gastrointestinal tract drugs supplier in India, renowned for its commitment to quality, innovation, and patient care.  Here’s why Centurion HealthCare is a trusted name in the best pharmaceutical industry in India:
1.   Comprehensive Product Range
Centurion HealthCare offers a wide range of gastrointestinal tract drugs, catering to various GI disorders.  Their product portfolio includes antacids, PPIs, H2 receptor antagonists, prokinetics, antispasmodics, and anti-inflammatory medications, ensuring comprehensive treatment options for healthcare providers.
2.   Quality Assurance
Quality is at the heart of Centurion HealthCare’s operations.  The company adheres to stringent quality control measures, from raw material sourcing to final product testing, ensuring that every medication meets international standards for safety and efficacy.
3.   Research and Development
Centurion HealthCare invests heavily in research and development to stay at the forefront of pharmaceutical innovation.  Their R&D team continuously works on developing new formulations and improving existing products to address emerging healthcare needs.
4.   Patient-Centric Approach
Understanding that each patient is unique, Centurion HealthCare adopts a patient-centric approach in drug development and supply.  Their medications are designed to provide maximum therapeutic benefit with minimal side effects, enhancing patient outcomes and quality of life.
5.   Global Reach
As a leading gastrointestinal tract drugs supplier, Centurion HealthCare has a robust distribution network that ensures their products are available not only across India but also in international markets.  Their commitment to excellence has earned them a reputation as a reliable partner for healthcare providers worldwide.
6.   Affordability
Centurion HealthCare is dedicated to making high-quality medications accessible to all.  Their cost-effective solutions, including generic versions of popular GI drugs, help reduce the financial burden on patients while maintaining high standards of care.
Choosing the right gastrointestinal tract drug involves careful consideration of various factors, including accurate diagnosis, mechanism of action, efficacy, safety, patient-specific factors, route of administration, and cost.  Centurion HealthCare, as a leading gastrointestinal tract drugs supplier in India, excels in providing high-quality, effective medications that cater to the diverse needs of patients with GI disorders.
With a commitment to quality, innovation, and patient-centric care, Centurion HealthCare stands out in the best pharmaceutical industry in India.  Their comprehensive product range, stringent quality assurance, advanced R&D, global reach, and affordability make them a trusted partner for healthcare providers seeking reliable solutions for GI tract disorders.
By choosing Centurion HealthCare, you can be confident in the quality and efficacy of the medications you are prescribing or consuming, ensuring the best possible outcomes for gastrointestinal health.
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