#in the photo they are all ruffled because they were having a bath together <3
Hey! You got an insta acc? Easier to save posts there and collect them
Nope, sorry! We are only on tumblr at the moment!
The only Instagram account that we have is @ che.cocche, the one where we post the adventure a of our chickens and other animals. Not very Good Omens themed unless you count our pigeons, who we affectionately started to call Aziraphale and Crowley ahah
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suchathrilltobeagirl · 5 months
From my FIRST book (!), Night and Day ...
My First Date with a guy - Part Two
It was a Friday and I spent the best part of an afternoon getting ready! I can fully appreciate why it takes women such a long time to get ready; there is so much to do!
The bath is where a lot of this took place, with me wanting to remove all traces of hair from my legs, armpits and face and redo my 'bikini line', just in case! I also wanted to smell good, so I was using perfumed body scrubs, soaps, shampoo and conditioner. After my bath, I had a cup of coffee in my bathrobe, contemplating what I needed to do next. Nails!
I spent the best part of an hour manicuring my fingernails and toenails, applying nail varnish (guys, you need to understand how tricky this is and how long it takes for that 'polished' look!). Once my nails were done, it was time to start thinking wardrobe; what to wear on the outside, what to wear on the inside (undies!), accessories, shoes. I have to tell you that my wardrobe is full of lovely clothes; dresses, skirts, jackets, tops, blouses. This was no easy task!
Harry had requested I wear a lovely embossed gold dress that he had seen me wear in some of my photos but this dress is so short and, not knowing how far I would have to walk from the car to his office, in the interests of public decency, I decided to take the gold dress with me but wear another outfit for the journey down and into his office. I decided to wear a lovely blue 'sparkly' dress which has a matching bolero jacket. Still quite a short dress but not as short as the gold one Harry wanted me to wear! The dress itself is short and has spaghetti straps which defined my choice of underwear (to include strapless bra), tights (dress too short for stockings or hold ups!) and shoes (black high heeled open-toed sandals).
Stepping into that outfit was so exciting for me; I was going to be with a man! He would see me in this outfit, I would need to do my best girly walk in 3-inch heels, keep my knees together or legs crossed, act as a woman; hopefully he would like what he saw and we would be able to interact as man and woman. This was the most amazing thought!
I applied my make up ever so carefully, I wanted to look perfect for Harry; his first impression of me had to be 'wow'! Finally, I put my wig on and spent the best part of half an hour standing and sitting in front of the mirror; looking at me from all sides, to make sure I had created the illusion of my being a woman for Harry. After four hours of preening, I was ready . . . I now had to walk to my car, get in and drive off without being noticed by my neighbours!
Standing outside my house, locking my door, I felt the cold wind blowing up my skirt and between my legs. I felt my skirt 'ruffle' in the breeze. I shivered. I shivered because I was cold, because I was scared and because I was so excited! So what if someone saw me? I was and looked every inch a woman! I walked to my car, got in and started the most amazing drive of my life.
I forgot to mention that, as I walked to my car, one of my neighbour's security lights came on! It was like a floodlight and I froze not knowing whether to head back to the safety of my house or get in my car. Unless I made it to the car, I wouldn't be with a guy that night and that was the decider!
I got in my car, started the engine and pulled out of my driveway. To this day, I don't know if any of my neighbours spotted me but, as I say, to all intents and purposes I was a girl and they may have thought nothing of it if they had? It’s funny, I was actually hoping someone would spot me, I almost wanted to be caught as then my story would be OUT to all of my neighbours and I could be more open with them, like sunbathing in the garden with my bikini on, you know the drill!
Anyway, back to the date. I had driven many times while fully dressed but never on a motorway (aka freeway) . I figured I would be all right because no one looks at anyone while they are driving; no one takes any interest in other drivers, do they? Even if that is true, if there's anything you can almost count on while driving on a motorway, it's traffic congestion. I was OK while driving along, overtaking people, switching lanes, etc. but when I had to stop in the middle lane with people in cars literally a few feet away from me on either side, I was terrified! I daren't look to my right or to my left. Even the guy in front was looking in his rear view mirror! Here I was, fully made up, with flowing locks; I wondered what he thought of what he saw. Again, like most of us girls-born-boys, I lacked confidence in the amount of time I had taken with my makeup, I wasn't sure my hair looked right. But of course it did. People around me clearly thought I was a girl and this did wonders for my confidence!
As I came off the motorway and approached the town where Harry lived, I realized that I didn't really know where I was going. My SatNav had me heading right into town. Harry had mentioned a car park not far from his office. I was thinking 'how far is not far’? Harry worked in the centre of town, how far was I going to have to walk from my car to his office? There would be people about, could I cope with that? I was panicking! On the outskirts of town, I parked for a moment to check my hair and makeup (so difficult in those visor mirrors!). I then continued my journey until the lady on my SatNav announced that I had reached my destination.
Katie xxx
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doodlebloo · 3 years
Hello everybody I'm thinking abt Michael_B again so you all get to be subject to my thoughts (all /rp)
Ranboo loves to dress Michael up in like little sweater vests and collared shirts and such, like not outfits that are uncomfortable just little stylish ones cause he thinks it's cute; Tubbo also thinks it's cute but he is Not putting in the effort of wrestling a toddler into the clothes so Ranboo will dress Michael in a very nice outfit then leave for the Arctic then come back 3 days later to Michael in a stained oversized t-shirt and two different socks (he looks happy though so that's all that matters)
Michael can't drown in water but also can't drown in lava (though fire does hurt him somehow?) so temperature is weird for him. He likes REALLY hot baths (bc y'know Nether Child) but Michael will literally sit in the bath till the water is like cold begging for five more minutes to play w all the bubbles and/or his toys
(When Michael becomes old enough to understand the concept of fertilized vs unfertilized eggs they do explain it so they can be allowed to eat eggs around him without him freaking out thinking they're eating a chick, Michael is a bit upset that his two beloved hens did not have a baby Together but he is cheered up by the photos of Ranboo with torn clothes and fucked up hair and an angry rooster behind him)
Michael gets so excited every time his chickens lay an egg and eventually Michael is able to communicate that the reason he's so excited is bc he wants them to have a chick, but both his chickens are hens & Ranboo and Tubbo both feel so bad... so they end up picking a weekend where Tubbo takes Michael to stay w Tommy while Ranboo finds a rooster, and it's a very cartoonish Ranboo vs A Rooster struggle to get it in the same room as Michael's hens like Ranboo gets beaten up by this bird several times In A Row but it does end up working and neither of them have ever seen Michael as happy as he is when he screams for them to come look at the new baby bird in his room
If Michael isn't a shapeshifter I think he dyes his hair at a fairly young age. Ranboo just comes home one night and Tubbo has Michael sat on the counter w tinfoil on his now red hair and Ranboo is like ok... I left for. An hour but ok. And six year old Michael is sooo excited bc the red will make him look so cool but also kind of like his chickens but also kind of like Uncle Tommy! And Ranboo is like ... You know what that's great. You look awesome. & He doesn't even chew Tubbo out abt it later bc Michael is just so happy abt it and so excited to get to choose his very own hair color!
Ranboo LOVES reading to Michael like so much, he always gives 110% and like does all these voices and adds in jokes that only Tubbo who is half dozed off on his shoulder will get. And Michael loves it a lot too, he laughs at the voices and interrupts with his own nonsense jokes and reacts in an overdramatic way even though he knows the ending. As Michael ages and outgrows the children's books Ranboo starts making stories up, and sometimes Tubbo will join too and they'll just roleplay back and forth to build a story. Michael is around eight when Tommy decides he can tell a better fuckin' story than Ranboo, surely, and starts weaving some adventure tale about two best friends and a couple of music discs, and how badass and cool they both were. (It's the first story Michael has heard in a long time where neither are the hero and neither are the sidekick.)
I think Michael is a weird mix of low maintenance and spoiled, like it feels like he's very polite and doesn't ask for a ton and is super laid back but also I reckon he needs a fairly consistent stream of attention (combination of being abandoned at a young age and being around other ppl who need attention.) Which yeah could be a problem at times, but mostly Tubbo will just ruffle his hair and call him Clingy and drop what he's doing to spend a few hours with him (Because maybe Tubbo eventually revels in the fact that he has Time, that no one is going anywhere or starting any wars or getting themselves killed; that his building project can wait a few hours while he touches up Michael's roots and they watch Michael's favorite movie)
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A full, entire list of headcanons for a day with:
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1. ☼ waking up with him ☼6am-8am
i don’t know about y’all, but i like to headcanon that todoroki’s morning face is absolutely adorable 🥺
he doesn’t wake up like mr. perfect whenever you see him, but since it’s so early in the morning, his cheeks are just- so- squishyyyy
he looks like a fricken baby with the softest expressions ever
he stares at you and grins, still lying down and stretching his arms out
todoroki doesn’t look at his phone first thing in the morning, or even go to wash his face once he wakes up
the very first thing he does when he wakes up is to gently wrap his arms around your still body, as he kisses your scalp and holds you in the quiet of the morning
he likes to stare at your face, so calm and just so… at peace
he caresses his hand on your cheek before kissing your nose 🥺🥺
he wakes you up in such a gentle way that it’s just not even funny omfg-
i like to imagine that he opens up the curtains for gentle light first, and opens up the window for a cool wave of air
he takes your hand, “good morning, princess.”
“‘morning, my prince, but can we have like,, five more minutes-”
“i already know five minutes is the same thing as ten minutes for you. we should get up while we can.”
“alright, fine, but good morning to you too,”
his hair is ruffled in this ADORABLE WAY that makes my heART SIMPLY COMBUST
for breakfast, i LiKE tO tHiNK tHaT hE TakEs BaCon AnD sLapS iT oN hiMsELf-
i’m only like,, half-kidding, but uGH PLEASE GIVE HIM SOME SOBA AND LET HIM DO THE REST
man’s got everything handled, don’t worry ‘bout it 😌😌
for morning training, it starts as early as 7 in the morning
it’s nothing too intense, more of just him doing yoga
he literally looks like a fricken stick trying to bend and he’s just so awkward and flustured like ????
or either, man’s is SLAYING IT and hitting that tree pose, absolutely nailing the downward dog and killing it with the cobra
you laugh at him as he smiles, and expect him to do the,, lil,, lingering touches if y’all know what i mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
you had to buy multiple yoga mats because he ended up singeing them all on accident when he got flustered
and yes, his left side sets on fire when he’s flustered, and that is just the softest thing
2. ☏ [2/5] going to online school with him ☏ 8am-12pm, 2pm-4pm
todoroki makes sure that you focus, which is kinda a problem if you’re like me
…and you just don’t focus-
dw though, because if you ever zone out, man’s will be sure to be prepared because he can and will force you into getting focused again
he promises you a kith whenever you finish a class 🥺🥺❤️
“i love you, but i really don’t want to do this today.”
(honestly, i would like to headcanon that you probably do online school with rolling chairs, so you’re probably gonna be spinning whenever you get bored)
“and i love you, but here we are, my love. the day will be over before you know it,” he brings out the softest smile ever before cupping your face and pecking your nose
since todoroki has online class as well, he sits next to you to be able to hold your hand off-camera beCAUSE YAS
if you two ever get caught, his left side literally lights tf up
you thought man’s would be cool and collected the whole time, but NOPE HE’S JUST AS FLUSTURED AS YOU BABY
but you put it aside and say you were just petting your cat
todoroki also most definitely has some sort of fancy candle or a spray or whatever that he uses to stay focused
once or twice, he’ll most definitely spray way too much, so in one instance you had to go outside
in the backyard
and do your homework there as the wind blew all of your printed papers away
but anyways-
todoroki is on the top of his game to make sure that yOU STAY HYDRATED
he smiles at you whenever he sees that you’re stuck, and the way his eyebrows furrow in such a cute way just fricken asdfghjklkmnbvcxzaqwertyujhgcwjvhhviu
if you ever get burnt out, he plants a kiss on your forehead and holds you until you have to go to your next class, and gets you a wet towel to just feel better and *sparkles* fresher
oh and FIGHT ME, he most definitely opens up the doors and uses natural light rather than turning the lights on
if you ever feel frustrated or just feel too overhwhelmed, he takes your hand and asks you to breathe with him before pulling you into a hug
he would be such a good companion for online school, please keep him 🥺
3. ♨ lunch + study sessions with todoroki ♨ 12-1pm
hear me out, todoroki literally makes the best soba in the world
expect him to use his quirk and make it colder bc no one wants warm soba
especially todoroki 😠😠❤️❤️
while you’re taking a nap or you’re trying to catch up on your homework, man’s is making absolute magic in the kitchen
when he calls you into the kitchen to eat, everything is set in such an aesthetically pleasing way
“todo, you made this?”
he’ll grin and say quietly, “no, my love. someone attacked and came in and made this and left through the window.”
he’s such a dork sometimes we love that
you also take a lot of photos before you eat, and the way your eyes light up fills him with so much happiness
“how does it taste?”
“you’re making me sound like i’m on master chef or something, one second, i’m still taking the photo!”
but when you do eat it, every time, even when you might not like it– you compliment him
and he literally acts like a child in that time and i think that’s ADORABLE
as for the study sessions, he makes sure that you actually focus instead of wasting the hour you guys have together
and even if you don’t want to, he drags your butt from where you were procrastinating
“it’s out of love.”
“out of love? babe i was having such a nice nap, are you kidding me?”
todoroki just grins as he opens up the windows for ventilation to study
i like to headcanon that he honestly probably listens to classical music when he studies
he despises jazz
i should literally make a list of headcanons for class 1a and their music taste-
he sends you little texts whenever he sees you get bored and go on your phone
4. ☼ ☽ [4/5] showers with todoroki + cuddling ☾☼5-8pm
you had a long day at work, and you were just getting things ready and preparing to go to bed
tired and exhausted, your body trudged towards into the bath for a much needed shower
you rubbed your eyes, drained and exhausted as your eyes locked with todoroki’s
…wait, todoroki’s?
“ah! i’m so sorry, i didn’t mean to, just-”
he peeks his head through the shower door, “no, i don’t mind it. care to join me?”
“i- wha?”
but come on, how could you reject something like this? you stepped into the shower before goin’ like “JEEZ WHY’S IT SO COLD????”
todoroki just stares at you, insanely confused, “…what do you mean?”
“you should at least raise the temperature a little, if that’s okay with you?”
being honest, todoroki genuinely forgot that cold showers weren’t a universal thing– it was only then that he realized, since the tea kettle incident, he’d almost by-default take cold showers
but he’d honestly do anything for you, so he raises the temperature as he holds you, his skin soft and the shower finally beginning to steam up a bit
todoroki uses the best shampoo smell in the entire world
just imagine the best scent in the entire world, but at first, you could only find a hint of it, and you thought that what you could smell was all you had
but then WABAM, one day an entire jackpot just shows up with everything
that’s what it feels like showering with todoroki
honestly, the man’s there whenever you need him
definitely loves to play with your hair in the shower, his hands are somehow so soft as he kisses your scalp
but shoto tries his best not to take too many peeks, and if he does he apologizes lmao
OH OH and he most definitely uses your lotion on one instance, so this one time when you saw him come out of the shower you’re just like,, “is that,, my lotion?”
he just stares and nods. “yeah.”
you laugh as you cup his face in your hands, “it smells good, i like it. but keep in mind i have to pay for that-”
he probably says it’s fine and uses endeavor’s credit card
even when you’re in the shower though and he sees your body for the first time, he flushes like crazy
what is this feeling??
he might see your stretch marks, he might see your scars, your acne, whatever it is you’re insecure about, but he gingerly and just so carefully kisses them all
“you’re… beautiful.”
for cuddling, he probably does the same thing– he holds your hand, and if he notices your scars, he kisses them and pulls you in closer to his chest
please kiss his scar btw, he might be kind of sensitive about it, but it definitely makes him feel less insecure about it
he might be honestly going on his phone and looking through the news, or he might be looking at cooking videos ngl-
*cough cough soba*
he caresses your cheek, expect him to not know how to act at first
but then he decides to try making the first move and spoons you
you make him so insanely happy
5. dating todoroki would include…
hate to break it to y’all’s, but man’s takes an eternity to ask you out
he probably went to the bakusquad for love advice
the poor bby is so confused, and at first, he’s convinced he has a disease
“i think… i’m allergic to y/n.”
(he’s still with the bakusquad,) “what do you mean?” denki honestly be tapping his pencil as he stares at todoroki
“whenever i go near them– i end up feeling weird, i suppose. i get nervous. i don’t know why though. i feel oddly giddy when i talk to them. should i get it checked out?”
at this point, mina and denki’s efforts to hide in laughs are in vain
when they actually burst out, they end up laughing so hard that they get tears in their eyes
todoroki is so confused, “???????”
sero def joins in with the drama, “i-” he stops to snort, “todoroki, have you ever heard of a crush?”
todoroki stands, dumbfounded for a solid minute before his ENTIRE left side just starts toasting
“i… i do like y/n. i like y/n. i like y/n. i like y/n.”
POOR BABY GOES CRAZY and repeats that statement for a solid minute yet again
he’s very confused and flustered at the same time
todoroki honestly tries asking the entire class what to do for his date, and everyone is saying something completely different:
“a movie theatre, kero.”
“an at-home dinner, maybe? you can save money-”
“study dates are very important.”
“✨ take her to the disco ✨“
“go to the amusement park!”
“maybe you two can just have a walk around town?”
“go to a strip clu-”
at the end of the day, todoroki’s left more confused than he ever was before, so he just decides to go for it all on his own
after a few more hours of contemplating his date and life choices, he decides how to ask you and where to take you
once he musters the courage, he asks you to meet him after class
you’re lowkey confused, but definitely giddy to be able to meet your crush again
at first, todoroki had this entire speech planned, but the moment he saw you, he stopped and forgot all of his words
“uh, do you want to eat food?”
took a while for you to realize what he was implying, and the way he was flushing and looking at the floor was just so soft and you nodded–
“you mean– go on a date?”
todoroki, still very much hiding his face, nods
“haha, i’d love to! where should we go?”
it takes him a while to compose himself again as he stares at you,
“would the ice skating rink be okay?”
so that day, that’s just what you did :DD
at first, todoroki’s kind of scared to hold your hand in case he ends up getting too caught up in himself
but eventually, you let him know that you don’t really mind as you head over to the rink
Elsa Todoroki for 2021™
man’s is a NATURAL
he be gliding everywhere, and you can see him for a split second, smiling as he skates around so fricken gracefully and i think that’s adorable
todoroki laughs into your ear as he pulls you in to help you balance
you two were skating normally, until you were suprised in the back of the rink as you fell over
“are you okay?”
“yeah, i’m good, don’t worry about it-!”
he pulls you up, his hands firm against yours
for a split second, you make eye contact for a few seconds too long
he finds himself lost in them, as he tightens the grip on your hands, your body still leaning against his arms as if you were in mid-salsa dance
he gazes into your eyes, before thinking: “this is the person. this is the person that i want to spend my whole life, an entire life with– they’re so strong, caring, kind… and there’s so much more to them than i thought.”
…before pressing his lips onto yours, and suddenly, everything stops
your mind is empty and blank, when you realize:
shoto todoroki is kissing you
and you were kissing him back.
you almost forget that breathing is a thing before you realize that you were nearly out of breath as todoroki pulled away before kissing you again, his hands cupping your face as you pulled closer against his chest
when you finish, you see that parts of his jacket were smoking after the kiss
literally smoking
“that was… that was… wow.”
todoroki laughs, “wow was right, a word i’d use.”
you’re about to talk again, when you hear screaming and cheering in the background
“LET’S!! GO!! Y/N!! AND!! TODO!! ROKI!!”
and yas– the entire bakusquad, willingly or unwillingly followed you there
even if it was a lot, todoroki’s happier than ever as he kisses you again
and all you could say?
that day the best day of your life.
thank you for making it this far, love!! this will be a continued series with bakugo + izuku coming up next, stay tuned :) to join my taglist for the next few characters, click here ^^ 
taglist: @cherry-cake-pies​, @xuxisushi-1​
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sweeethinny · 3 years
Hi, Sweet! Ooh, thank you so much for sending me a prompt, I'm working on it! If you could please write "Just close your eyes. I will still be here when you open them again" for any ship, my only request is that it's in some kind of AU. I love your AUs!
Sorry for the delay Mah, hope you like this Jily Muggle AU <3
Ps: for those who don't know, Valentine's Day is celebrated on the 12th of June in Brazil, and in June we have what we call the 'June Party', where it's time to exalt Brazilian folklore, and - for those who are Catholics - is the month of June Saints, the saints who baptized Jesus.
This month, there are parties where people go dressed as hillbillies, there is a lot of food, depending on the party, drinks, a lot of dancing, and it is for many the best time of year.
Couples tend to go matching, always wearing plaid clothes, with lace, ruffles and patches, and usually women braid their hair, paint their cheeks pink and men - for those who don't - paint a fake beard on their faces. They also wear a straw hat, and everything is very colorful.
A typical outfit for you, you understand more or less how it is <3 - HERE and HERE
I hope you all like it, I always like to insert a little of my culture in the fanfics <3
read bellow the cut <3
"Just close your eyes. I will still be here when you open them again" He said, kneeling in front of her.
"Unfortunately," she said, but there was a smile on her face, a smile that James thought was adorable, and it matched her sun-rosy cheeks and the flaming strands of hair that fell over her face.
“I'll pretend to believe you.” He smiled, grimacing when she threw up again, what now felt like just water. "I'll never let you drink again."
"I never want to drink again," Lily laid her head on the toilet seat, her eyes almost closed and stared at James as if she was unable to focus her vision but was trying. The noise from the backyard party was still loud, but inside, the two of them on the bathroom floor, the silence was comforting.
"Famous last words." He shrugged, wanting to laugh but feeling sorry for her, who looked like she wanted to throw up some more. "Evans, you better pull yourself together, or I'll have to take you to the hospital, and I think it's the last place you want to go." James raised his eyebrows, wanting her to remember exactly where they were.
The idea at first was good; a weekend among friends at James' grandparents' farm, abusing every last drop of trust his parents had in him and Sirius. They promised they'd take care of the house, and it was going to be quiet, but now, when he looks out the window and sees Remus jumping off the roof into the pool, and Peter upside down trying to drink beer, he thinks things have lost a bit the control.
As long as nobody ended up in the hospital and nothing was broken, everything was perfect.
The nearest hospital was over two hours away, and none of them had the ability to drive for so long on a dirt road that it took a lot of concentration not to end up with a mired or overturned car.
"I'll be fine." She settled on the floor, leaning her back against the cool wall behind her and closing her eyes. It took James a lot of concentration to keep his eyes off her perfectly sculpted breasts, gorgeous in that black bikini. Her tanned skin made it difficult.
"Can you get up?" James asked, no longer able to stand being in such a small space with Lily so close to him, even though she had been vomiting less than a minute ago. She nodded and accepted his hand when he reached out.
James helped her wash her face and the back of her neck, trying not to think too much about how hot her skin was and how the scent of sunscreen and Lily blended together perfectly.
"Are you better, Evans?" Sirius appeared just as they walked out of the bathroom, cheeks rosy from the sun and alcohol, hair pulled back in a bun and bathing trunks falling over his hips. He had a smirk on his face, which James thought was the drinking's fault, but when Hestia walked out of the room Sirius had just left, her hair messier than before and her bikini smoothing, James understood what was happened. ‘Or do we need to call for help for you?'
"I'm great, Black." Lily tossed her hair back, as if she wanted to prove her point to him. “Dressing problems, Hess?” The girl was almost to the back door, ready to go unnoticed, but she stopped as soon as she heard her name.
Her cheeks caught fire, but her smile didn't waver.
"Yes, the knot was too tight." Hestia shrugged, pointing to the knot in her tanned back. "Sirius was helping me." James chuckled, noticing when Sirius nodded, trying to look as innocent as possible.
"I'm sure he helped." Lily looked at Sirius, then at Hestia, finally walking towards the door, her ass looking like the hottest thing in the world.
"Careful not to drool, Prongs." Sirius slapped the back of his head, looking like he wanted to wake him up from the perverted dream he was having, his drunken brain imagining everything he could do if Lily stopped looking at him just as a friend.
“You're imagining things, you idiot.” He defended himself, following the three of them outside.
The day was sunny, and even with a little wind, there was a mass of hot air that made them sweaty even when they were standing still. Everyone was sporting a tan/redness from their carelessness, and tomorrow probably wouldn't be so kind to them, but James knew that no one here was caring about tomorrow and the possible side effects of spending too much time in the sun.
It was Sirius who had come up with the idea, after looking tired of hearing complaints from Peter and Hestia about how hot it was and how they wanted to go swimming somewhere. James had blamed him for just organizing this because it was a reason for him to see Hestia in bikinis, because this wasn't the first summer Peter had complained about the heat, but it was the first that the girls had joined their group.
They had met in college, Lily was in the lab with Peter, and Marlene was in the same class as James, and when Remus asked Hestia to have lunch with them, somehow they had all become friends.
It was a unlikely group, James admitted that, but having Marlene, Lily and Hestia around always seemed to make their group much more alive and complete somehow, even though James had never thought they needed more members.
As he sat down on the lounge chair next to Lily, James wondered what she would do if he tried to flirt with her; would she repay or would she push him away and their group would break up? He'd seen how a little shocked she looked when he'd taken off his shirt, but maybe it was the tattoos that had caused it to her.
"I always thought you were too much of a mama's boy for that," she'd said, pointing to his chest, where a constellation was drawn.
Maybe that was just the shock, but James liked to think there was something else, and before she wanted to throw up her guts, he was thinking that Lily was returning the flirting start they were having, sitting by the pool while James gave her his seductive smile.
"Feeling better?" James looked over at her, lying on the lounger with her sunglasses on and her belly white with sunscreen.
"Yes now." Lily sighed. "Sorry I made you see me in that situation."
"Nothing." James shrugged. "I've gotten a lot worse, don't worry…" He took a deep breath, gathering his chest boldly and thanking that his mind was a little clouded by the beer. "Lily, are you going with anyone to Liz's party?"
Liz was a girl who studied with James, they were classmates in the Philosophy class, she was a Brazilian exchange student, and had said that she would have a party to celebrate Valentine's Day on the same date that was celebrated in Brazil, and that it was a party with the themed 'june party', which implied that they dressed in checkered clothes, or round and lace-filled dresses. She had also said that they should go as couples, but for singles, there would be something like a kissing chain or something, James hadn't quite understood.
From the photos she had shown, it looked interesting, and any opportunity to ask Lily out, James was taking it.
"I hadn't thought to go, until now." She turned her head toward him, and James cursed her sunglasses, preventing him from seeing those beautiful green eyes. ‘Are you asking me on a date?
"Could be if you want," He smiled, hoping it was seductive enough.
"Are you asking me on a date after you saw me throw up?" This time Lily lifted her glasses, and her green eyes glared at him, her eyebrow raised and an adorable little smile on her lips.
"I said I've been worse." James bit his cheek, a little anxiously. 'Then? Do you want to be my partner? I can wear a dress if you like, I look really cute in lace.” He winked, just to make her laugh—and she did.
"I want," Lily put her glasses back on, and lay back down. 'Just because I want to see you wearing lace and ruffles… I promise to be a good gentleman and court you.' It was he who laughed now, thinking it was alcohol that made him feel silly like that, laughing at anything she said and with all those butterflies in the stomach.
"Fine, can't wait." He grinned from ear to ear, he would probably have his face torn open if he continued like this, but he was too happy to care.
He was going on a date with Lily Evans.
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goldenworldsabound · 4 years
Welcome Back
Golden returns to Galar to visit Kabu. This is her second time ever in Galar, and she and Kabu have been dating long distance for several months now. Some softness and fluff on their first day back together after many months apart.
Content warning: food. Word count: 3186
Finally, finally Golden was done with Customs. She was thoroughly exhausted from the long flight (which she hadn't been able to sleep on, because she never slept on a plane, unfortunately). Her backpack was starting to feel like a lead weight. And her suitcase felt like more of a pain that it ever had before. And she was tired of stale, cold airport air.
But at the end of all of this, Kabu would be there to greet her. That thought alone kept her going, even as the line for Customs had moved interminably slow and she felt her eyelids beginning to droop.
She passed through the last security checkpoint and the crowd began to disperse. Golden looked eagerly for Kabu, feeling her heart rate beginning to increase as she searched for him. She stood on tiptoes, looking around for him, finally feeling awake again at the prospect of seeing him. But where...?
"Hey." Kabu's voice from behind her made her spin around, a huge smile on her face. She must have walked past him, she thought for a moment, before she lost all of her train of thought as she met his gaze.
"Kabu!" Golden yelled, letting go of her suitcase to practically tackle Kabu with a hug. He laughed, hugging her back as best he could with her backpack still on. She pressed herself to him, unwilling to let go, face buried in his neck.
"It's good to see you, Golden." Kabu said, stroking her hair with one hand. "I missed you."
"I missed you, too." Golden replied, squeezing him tighter in response. Finally, she pulled back, still unable to stop smiling. Even Kabu, who tended to keep a stoic face, had a wide smile he couldn't hide. She was thrilled she could bring such a beautiful smile to his wonderful face. Fuck, she'd missed him so much.
They stood there a moment, staring into each others' eyes. Her gaze wandered to his lips, and suddenly the airport seemed to fade away. Should she...kiss him? She wanted to kiss him. But they had never...she swallowed, finally looking away, putting a hand on her suitcase, blushing.
She didn't realize it, but Kabu had been having similar thoughts. How badly he wanted to kiss her, after not seeing her for months. But he restrained himself. He didn't want to push her boundaries, didn't want to pressure her into anything. Despite his desire, he held back.
"Let me get that. You must be exhausted." Kabu said, putting his hand on top of Golden's on her suitcase handle.
"Oh, thank you...I am exhausted." Golden admitted, stretching her arms over her head for a moment.
"Your backpack too." He held out his other hand expectantly. She handed it over, thanking him again as he waved her off. With the backpack on, Kabu offered Golden his arm. With a giggle, she took his arm, blushing faintly. "It's just a 30 minute train ride back into Motostoke, and a short walk, and then you can rest."
"It's a much nicer trip with you here." Golden admitted, leaning her head on his shoulder for a brief moment. Her stomach growled suddenly.
"Oh, should we grab something before we get on the train?" Kabu asked with a serious expression.
"N-no, that's fine! I'd rather get back to Motostoke first." Golden protested.
"If you're sure." Kabu added. "I have some leftovers at home, if you don't mind day old champon."
"I don't think I've ever had your cooking before." Golden admitted, smiling slyly.
"I admit, I wouldn't have chosen to introduce it to you as leftovers." Kabu replied wryly. "I hope you find it to your taste despite this."
"I have no doubt!"
At first, Golden was talking animatedly with Kabu as they rode the train. But slowly, she became quieter, clearly fatigued from her travels. Her head was nodding a bit, brushing against Kabu's shoulder with the motion of the train.
"You should just rest." Kabu said softly, wrapping his arm around her shoulders as she trailed off in the middle of yet another sentence.
"But...I haven't seen you in...in like more than 6 months..." Golden objected, despite laying her head on his shoulder more decisively, snuggling up against him.
"There's time." He squeezed her shoulder reassuringly.
"I...suppose..." Golden's eyes closed, and it wasn't much longer before she drifted to sleep. Kabu couldn't help but stare at her, noticing all the details he hadn't fully appreciated. Her long lashes curving over her cheeks, the way her hair fell in messy waves over her shoulders, the pink on her round cheeks, her small hands folded in her lap. She was beautiful in so many ways. Seeing her in person made it all the more obvious to him how absolutely smitten he was with her.
And how badly he had missed her.
He was content to enjoy this moment as the train raced along the sunset into Motostoke.
Golden marveled as they entered Kabu's home. It was on the top floor of one of the taller buildings, and it took up the entire floor. No neighbors for Kabu. The first thing she noticed was how minimalist it was. The walls and floor were predominantly whites and shades of blue-grey. There was a white brick fireplace with a television on the wall above it, and some furniture in dark, natural wood shades. It looked well taken care of, but old, and the style didn't seem to fit Galar. Perhaps it was brought over from Hoenn. There was a grey blue couch and loveseat in front of the fireplace, a patterned red rug on the floor in front of them. There were just a few things hanging on the walls. A large, Hoenn style fan, and some photos of Kabu and his Poke'mon, as well as what she assumed was his family back in Hoenn.
Most striking was that one of the walls was almost entirely a glass window. Even having only just entered the room, she could see that the view would be gorgeous. The last rays of the sun were shining through it, bathing the room in soft yellow light.
The kitchen and the living room seemed to share an open space, the carpet giving way to tile. The kitchen was sleek and modern, a contrast to the wooden end tables and other furniture that decorated the living room. An island counter aided in defining when the space changed from living room to kitchen. Golden also noticed 3 doors that led to other rooms, but she didn't have a chance to see where they went before Kabu drew her attention.
"I wasn't sure what you'd prefer," He started, looking away from her gaze for a moment, brushing a hand through his hair. "So I made up the guest bed. But you can also sleep in my room, with me, of course." His cheeks flushed. "No pressure, it's up to you."
Golden felt herself blush in response to the question. "Your room." She mumbled. Despite this exciting development and the awkwardness, she was still overwhelmed by her exhaustion, unable to spare the energy to be properly flustered.
Kabu nodded. "Great. In that case, why don't you unpack a little and get changed into your pajamas while I heat up the champon? You look like you might keel over at any moment." He teased.
"I'm...I'm totally awake." Golden grumbled, forcing her eyes fully open to pout at him. He was right, of course. But it was still so early, and she didn't want to waste any of the precious time she had with him.
He ruffled her hair with his hand, laughing a little. "Of course you are." He motioned for her to follow him, pushing open one of the doors. "This is my bedroom. You're welcome to unpack wherever, though I imagine you'll leave most of the unpacking for tomorrow, at this rate." He squeezed her shoulder gently. "I'll go work on that champon, you come out when you're ready."
Golden nodded her assent, and Kabu left, heading for the kitchen and closing the door behind him. She took a moment, looking around the room. A king sized bed, from the looks of things, a door that she assumed led to a bathroom, what looked like a closet door, a large black dresser...
Right, she could take a closer look later. For now...what the hell was she gonna change into...usually, she just slept in her panties. Just the thought of that turned her face crimson. Right, yeah, she'd packed some short shorts and some oversized t-shirts. After some digging around in her suitcase, she changed.
...of course, even this was making Golden's face warm. Sure, she'd dressed like this while they'd video chatted on numerous occasions, but in person...it felt immensely more intimate. She pressed her hands over her face, feeling the heat on her cheeks. Alright, deep breaths...and no doubt Kabu would find this look very cute, too...
She peeked out of the bedroom, pushing the door open tentatively, Her other hand reflexively rubbed at her eyes. She really was exhausted. Would she even make it through dinner?
"Oh, just in time!" Kabu called from the kitchen at the sound of the door opening. Centiskorch skittered up to her happily, while she could see Ninetales staring at her from the edge of the kitchen. Arcanine was absent, which surprised her. She pet the bug happily, cooing to it, noticing that Kabu hadn't yet turned around. With Centiskorch following at her side, she wandered shyly over to the dining table that was adjacent to the kitchen, holding the bottom of her shirt with both hands.
Having finished ladling out champon into two bowls, he grabbed them both and turned to walk to the table. For a moment Golden thought he was going to drop them as he noticed her. He cleared his throat awkwardly, cheeks as red as hers were, before carefully walking to the table and setting the bowls down.
"Um, please, have a seat." Kabu mumbled, as he did so himself. Golden sat across from him, shyly staring down into her bowl.
She picked up her spoon tentatively. It wasn't that she was worried about how she'd like the food or anything remotely like that. It was just that she felt so damn shy, which was really not helped by the fact that she could still feel Kabu's eyes on her. Surely he was wondering why she wasn't eating.
That wouldn't last long. Shy or not, she was hungry. Really hungry. And this smelled amazing. She started with the broth, sipping at the hot liquid. Her eyes lit up immediately.
"This is fantastic." Golden grabbed her chopsticks immediately, feeling herself salivating from the small taste she'd had. "You made this?!" She met his gaze, shyness gone at having tasted his delicious cooking.
Kabu laughed gently. "Yes, I did. I'm often making large batches of it. It's hearty, and easy for me to make."
"It's amazing." And just like that, Golden felt awake again, shoveling food into her face with enthusiasm.
"I'm glad you think so." Kabu replied with another laugh. He watched her eat for a moment, barely touching his own food. "I..." Kabu cleared his throat again. "I've seen you wear more or less that exact outfit, on video chat, so many times...but seeing you like that in person nearly gave me a heart attack." He admitted, blushing a bit.
Golden looked up in surprise at his words, a few noodles hanging out of her mouth. Blushing, she quickly slurped them up.
"I-in a good way or...no, heart attacks aren't good-" Golden found her travel-exhausted brain was ill equipped to handle his compliment at the moment.
"In a good way, Golden. You're very cute..." Kabu murmured, before finally picking up his own chopsticks and putting food in his mouth so he could avoid saying more.
"O-oh!" Golden blushed again. "Thank you..." She mumbled back, also opting to take the route of putting a large piece of meat in her mouth to avoid speaking. It was quiet for a bit, aside from their sounds of eating. As her stomach filled up, Golden found she was growing sleepy again. This time, it felt far heavier than it had earlier. She jolted upright, narrowly avoiding dunking her face into her bowl.
"I think it's time you got to sleep." Kabu observed, smiling almost smugly.
"You're clearly, right, but..." She pouted, leaving her eyes closed. "I don't wanna. I wanna spend time with you..."
Kabu got to his feet, picking up both of their bowls, which were more or less empty. "How about a compromise." He suggested, as he walked back to the kitchen to rinse them off.
Golden cracked an eye open and looked at him with a brow raised. "Yes?"
"I will get changed and get in bed with you. That way, you can spend time with me until the moment you fall asleep. Deal?" He slid the dishes into the dishwasher, closing it before turning to look at her, expression looking altogether too serious for such a light negotiation.
"Mm...I accept." Golden decided after pretending to debate the issue. That brought a smile to Kabu's face.
"Very good." Coming to stand next to her again, he offered his arm as he had at the airport. She took his arm, getting to her feet with a loud yawn.
"Don't say anything." She mumbled, sticking her tongue out at him.
He raised his brows, but walked her over to his room nonetheless. Once there, he pulled back the covers on his bed, revealing a neatly folded set of red flannel pajamas, which he picked up.
"I'll be right back. Don't fall asleep while I'm gone." Kabu teased, enjoying the way she flushed and stammered at the remark.
"Hurry up then, geez!" She crossed her arms as he disappeared into the bathroom to change.
Before long, Golden found herself in bed snuggled up against Kabu. She had insisted on leaving the light on (she knew she'd pass out immediately if left in the dark for more than 5 seconds). Kabu was sitting up with his back against the headboard, and Golden was resting her head on his chest, her arm draped across him. Kabu's arm was wrapped around her shoulder. She was comfortable, despite how shy she felt. There hadn't been much time to be physically affectionate before she'd left. It had all felt so fast. But now, she was here, listening to his heartbeat in his chest...
Well, not for much longer. She could no longer keep her eyes open, and she was only barely aware of Kabu's thumb rubbing gently against her shoulder. But it was a losing battle. Despite the early hour in Galar, a mere 7 pm, she fell into a deep sleep not long after getting into bed.
Kabu smiled down at her as she finally gave in to sleep, her breathing shifting. He hesitated a moment, before pressing a loving kiss to the top of her head. He would be more than content to lie here reading a book with her nestled against him until he too fell to sleep's sweet embrace.
Golden woke up at an ungodly hour. The room was still dark. Kabu was snoring quietly. She tried to go back to sleep - but it was impossible. That was jetlag for you. She checked her watch, squinting as it's digital screen lit up her face. 4 am. Wow. Amazing. Well, she certainly didn't want to wake Kabu...
She looked around the room as her eyes adjusted. Centiskorch was easily visible on Kabu's other side. While it's flames were much reduced as it slept, they still glowed a faint yellow orange. It was curled up against Kabu's back. 
Golden turned her attention to Ninetales, who slept at the foot of the bed. She was startled to see that Ninetales was staring at her. It wasn't an unfriendly stare, but it wasn't exactly friendly either. The Poke'mon was clearly appraising her, with a hint of curiosity in it's eyes. She imagined she had been too tired yesterday to notice this behavior. Ninetales had always appeared standoffish to her, since the moment she'd met Kabu, but it had never seemed to pay her much attention. Perhaps things were different now that she and Kabu were...closer. Now that she was here, invading the cherished space Kabu shared with his beloved teammates. Surely it would be an adjustment for them.
It was an adjustment for her. They were sharing a bed, yet they hadn't even kissed! But there was no way she would have stayed in a guest bedroom...not when they had just precious little time together. She'd been too tired the night before to do much other than be honest about the fact that she wanted to be in his bed with him, when he presented the choice. She may have blushed, but she hadn't had the energy to be flustered. Now she could feel her cheeks burning as she watched his peaceful expression as he slept, his chest rising and falling.
She wondered absent-mindedly how often Kabu brought people back here. Who was the last partner he'd had? Had Ninetales behaved the same way back then? Was she one in a long line of partners? Was it something Ninetales had been through before?
Golden sighed quietly to herself. There was little point in thinking about this. But Ninetales seemed...uncertain, to her. That made it likely that it wasn't a regular occurrence, at least. Slowly, careful not to disturb Kabu, she got out of bed. She could feel Ninetales' eyes following her as she made her way out of the bedroom, leaving the door cracked as she left.
She breathed out a sigh of relief. It was nice to not feel the fox staring her down anymore. That was definitely judgement in Ninetales' gaze. Well, perhaps she'd make a nice cup of tea for herself. If she could find the tea. And the mugs. She didn't think Kabu would mind if she did that. If he did mind, she'd just have to apologize and find a way to make up for it. But, somehow she figured he'd be more bothered that he wasn't awake to make it for her...
With a mug in hand (it had a cute chibified Torchic on it), she waited for water to boil. When did Kabu normally wake up? She furrowed her brow, doing the mental math. By the time he was online he'd already done his morning workout, so that would be...she squeezed her eyes shut. 6 am. Alright. She looked at her watch. It was 4:30 am now. Okay. He'd be up in an hour and a half. That was reasonable.
She poured herself some tea and sat down on the couch. Well, she was sure there was some catching up she could do while she waited. She'd been traveling all day yesterday, after all. Hopefully Kabu wouldn't be too bothered that she'd gotten up without him...
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willsimpforanyone · 4 years
Ho Ho Ho I got an idea! Because I like causing John stress, how about him as a single father with FIVE kids 😈 all ranging from 16 - 2 (however the other parent left is up to you!) just causing john stress is a nice thing to see
wow that’s a lotta kids for one guy! okay, let’s see how much we can make johnnyboi suffer...
2- Carla (doesn’t know what a pronoun is, but she/her)
5- James (he/him, older twin)
5- Jane (she/her, younger twin)
12- Dixie (she/her, Dixie is a new name)
16- Avery (they/he, preferably they)
(me? reusing names? yes, bc i’m lazy. also, this is a modern au so Dixie is a trans girl and Avery is nonbinary bc i wanna write them like that)
tw; implied death of a parent
“Dad! Carla threw her breakfast all over me!” Dixie’s voice rang out. John sighed to himself, and hurried to the kitchen to see his oldest daughter covered in porridge with a giggling toddler waving a spoon around in the air.
He lifted Carla out her baby chair and onto his hip. “Sorry Dixie darlin’, go get changed and throw that shirt in the bathroom, I’ll wash it once everyone’s at school.” Dixie rushed past him, kissing him on the cheek. He called after her. “There’s a cute dress in the pile of laundry on your bed if you wanna change completely!”
With Dixie gone, John surveyed the chaos that had been breakfast time. The twins, James and Jane, had left their plates with half eaten toast, Carla’s food had also attacked the table and he realised that his eldest child clearly hadn’t eaten yet. Making his way into the room he shared with Carla, he put her down on his bed and gave her a toy to amuse her for a minute.
“Avery? Honey you need to eat something please!” He called out. A muffled response came from their room that they shared with Dixie. Leaving Carla, John knocked on Avery’s door and got a hesitant ’come in’. “Everything okay?”
Avery was hugging their chest over a loose t-shirt and was kind of hunched over. “Um, yeah, I’m fine, I just... I don’t know where my binder is...” Avery mumbled. John swept the room, then briefly left to check the bathroom.
“Got it!” He yelled, and Avery came running, face relieved. They grabbed the garment gratefully.
“Thanks Dad,” and they ran back into their room to get dressed. John yelled a reminder of breakfast after them, and returned to Carla in his room. He found James and Jane arguing over a pink tutu, and John wasn’t sure he knew where it had come from. 
The chiffon material was almost tearing, so John quickly apprehended the skirt from the twins. “James, Jane, you aren’t dancing today, are you? You can both go get something else please.” His announcement was met with an obedient silence as they left to go get actual clothes. He chucked the skirt into the corner and picked up Carla, who miraculously managed to not get any breakfast on her clothes. “Good girl, thank you for not making me have to change you,” he smiled, kissing her head.
A sigh left his lips. “If only your mother were here, hm? We could share the five of you...” he glanced at the clock. “...and maybe you wouldn’t all be almost late for school! Avery! Have you eaten?”
He heard Avery from the kitchen, and poked his head out the door. Avery had both the twins sat down and finishing their toast, and was packing their bags for school, their own bag already by the door. Dixie came out her’s and Avery’s room in a blue dress with her bag over her shoulder.
John smiled and pulled her in for a hug. “You look gorgeous, Dix. Everything ready to go?” She nodded happily, and held out her arms to take the two year old from her father’s arms.
Avery yelled for Dixie to come get her lunch, and Dixie made her way to the kitchen, balancing Carla on her hip. John took a deep breath, a single moment to himself. The photo of his wife, the children’s mother, caught his eye from its spot on the wall. “They’re doin’ great, Mary. Really. Avery’s getting a new binder soon, Dixie is caring less about what people at her school say about her being trans. The assholes are better now that they know she’s related to Avery, they’re ready to kill anyone who hurts their siblings. James and Jane are doing well at school, five-times-tables are somehow still fun after being sung twenty times in the bath. Carla is still my little airhead-”
A call of “Dad!” drew him from his thoughts, and he saw James running at him with shoes in his hands. “Dad, can you help me?”
“Magic word?”
John knelt down and tied his son’s shoelaces. “All done,” he said. “Everyone ready to go?” He looked up from the floor to see Avery with their siblings all ready for school standing by the door. John grinned and walked over, ruffling Avery’s hair. “Thank god someone’s got their life together.”
Avery rolled their eyes but smiled, and pointed everyone’s attention to the picture John was looking at earlier. “Everyone say bye to Mom!”
A chorus of ‘goodbye’ and ‘see ya later mom’ echoed through the apartment, Dixie handed Carla back to John, and the motley crew made their way through the doorway.
Carla leaned over John’s shoulder, and very faintly, he heard her say, “Bye-bye momma.” A soft smile rested on his lips as he kissed her cheek.
“That’s right sweetheart. Bye-bye momma.”
i really hope you liked that! i don’t know if he suffered, but five kids is a LOT of people to get under control. thank you so much for requesting! <3
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marshmallowgoop · 5 years
Sushio’s latest Kill la Kill fanart got me thinking.
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[Image description: A sketch. Ryuko walks briskly, her hands in the pockets of her jacket. She smiles at Senketsu beside her, who appears to be very happy.]
See, Senketsu... doesn’t exactly get a ton of stuff like this. Kill la Kill animator doujin and Twitter accounts won’t include much content featuring him.
And that’s totally fine, of course! These are drawings the staff do for fun, and I completely understand if drawing Senketsu ain’t as fun as drawing human characters.
But I actually got the Kill la Kill Starter Book recently, which was originally sold at Comiket 84 and then included as a purchase bonus on Aniplex+:
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[Image description: The cover of the Kill la Kill Starter Book. It's an illustration of Ryuko Matoi and Senketsu by Hiroyuki Imaishi. Ryuko stands, smiling, wearing an untransformed Senketsu and holding her Scissor Blade.]
And flipping through the book, I was reminded that while Senketsu may not get a lot of animator fanart, he does get some good official art.
Now, I dunno how "official" the Starter Book really is. (I mean, it was sold at Comiket originally, so maybe it’s more in the “animator fanart” category, but at the same time, it is also a product kind of featured on the official Kill la Kill site, and, like, the SSSS. Gridman Starter Book was sold on Trigger’s online shop....)
But if you do consider the starter book to be official merchandise, then Sachiko Yajima's piece is not only my favorite in the collection but one of my favorite pieces of official Kill la Kill art, period.
The image is very simple; it's an illustration of Ryuko holding her bag behind her, smiling down at Senketsu. It’s nothing elaborate, but its sweetness means the world to me. With Kill la Kill’s fast pace, we rarely get those quiet moments where these two are just happy together.
And there’s more good stuff where that came from! Here are some more of my favorite pieces of official/semi-official Kill la Kill artwork that feature Senketsu!
1. Hug
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[Image source]
[Image description: Ryuko hugs Senketsu, naked, smiling. He looks up at her, his mouth around her arms. Sparkles surround them, implying that they're Synchronizing through the hug.]
First, the final Blu-ray/DVD cover, by Sushio (sushio_)! So sweet. This is what Kill la Kill ultimately wants you to take away from it. 
The recently released Promare Blu-ray/DVD cover gave me flashbacks:
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Two characters and a representation of their synchronized way of fighting together. My heart.
2. Waving Goodbye
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[Image source]
[Image description: Three characters are pictured. On the top, Senketsu waves goodbye. Below them, Ryuko smiles in Senketsu-Kisaragi and waves goodbye, winking. At the bottom, Guts sleeps with a big snot bubble coming out of his nose.]
Then, also from the final Kill la Kill volume, the adorable side art by Mago (magodesu)! Ryuko and Senketsu happy in Senketsu-Kisaragi, and Senketsu waving goodbye? My heart. Again.
I love Ryuko's winking. Her hand covers Senketsu's right eye, she's closing her left... the symmetry....
3. Date
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[Image sources: 1, 2, 3, 4]
[Image descriptions: The first image depicts Ryuko in a yellow bikini, smiling as she holds Senketsu’s sleeves. The second image is of a figure designed after this image. The third and fourth images are cards made from this image, called “Swimsuit Ryuko” and “Senketsu’s Date with Ryuko.”]
And of course, I can't talk about favorite official Senketsu art without mentioning Akira Amemiya's "Senketsu's Date with Ryuko"! An illustration, two cards, a figure... this is one image they really want you to see. Kill la Kill is actually adorable.
4. Don’t Look...
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[Image source]
[Image description: A double-sided dakimakura, with one side featuring Ryuko in Synchronized Senketsu and the other side featuring Satsuki in Overridden Junketsu. Ryuko looks bashful and tries to cover Senketsu's eye. Satsuki looks angry and ready to attack with her sword, Bakuzan.]
Next up, I don't think I'd call this a "fave" exactly; it breaks my heart. But I appreciate (?) that Senketsu is acknowledged in the semi-official dakimakura.
Ryuko and Senketsu were drawn by Shota Iwasaki (tarou2), and Satsuki and Junketsu were drawn by Mai Yoneyama (yonema).
5. Shocked
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[Image source]
[Image description: Official Kill la Kill breast mousepads. There is one for Ryuko in Synchronized Senketsu and one for Satsuki in Overridden Junketsu. Both girls have their arms up. Ryuko looks bashful. Satsuki looks angry. Senketsu is shocked.]
On the same note, I could say similar things about these official mousepads found on Trigger's Kill la Kill site. Why is it that fanservice products pay more attention to Senketsu's character than a lot of discussion on the show? I cry. 
6. Bath Time
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[Image source]
[Image description: A figure. The description on the site reads, “This figure captures the Kill La Kill protagonist at an awkward time, as she's just getting out of a hot spring. Water drips down her body, and the only thing keeping her from being totally exposed is a tiny, soaked towel. While she looks shamed and demure, she still has a chance to take it out on you with severe prejudice. Her trusty Scissor Blade is just mere feet behind her, and Senketsu, her sentient uniform, is grasping onto her thigh, ready to help her suit up and unleash all her power towards any peeping toms foolish enough to sneak a peek.”]
And I’ve already talked up a storm about the bath figures, but to keep it short, let’s just say that I’m glad Senketsu is included because he wants to cover Ryuko and prevent any creeps from peeping on her. And also Synchronize with her so they can take out the creeps together. He is drinking all the Respect Women Juice.
7. Stickers!
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[Image source]
[Image description: Ryuko and Senketsu stickers sold in Trigger's online shop. There's a sticker of Ryuko in her tracksuit wearing scarf!Senketsu. There's a sticker of Ryuko in untransformed Senketsu. There's a sticker of Senketsu posing and a sticker of Ryuko posing. There's also a plain sticker of Senketsu looking forward.]
But on the more adorable side, these stickers by Sushio! The artwork is from SUSHIO CLUB LOVE LOVE KLKL, which has tons of cute Kill la Kill content. Of all the stickers from the book sold in Trigger's shop, these are the only ones sold out....
8. Dressing Up
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[Image description: Senketsu has become a red dress, and his eye and eyepatch are integrated into a ruffled design. Ryuko wears two red bracelets on her left wrist, red lipstick, and brown boots. She has her jacket slung over her shoulder, and her hair is styled with a clip.]
Another Sushio piece, Ryuko and Senketsu being fancy together! The art was done for an Aniplex display at AnimeJapan in 2014 and is also included in SUSHIO THE IDOL. 
See that extra bit of red in Ryuko's hair? It implies they Synced to make that dress!
9. Bikini!Senketsu
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[Image description: A sketch. Ryuko wears bikini!Senketsu and sandals.]
I also totally headcanon that Senketsu can transform into other outfits, and the official manga adaptation with art by Ryo Akizuki (akizuki072) includes a snippet of Ryuko in bikini!Senketsu in the third volume! The full image (above) was posted on Twitter.
10. Nendoroid Love
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[Image description: Chaos. Aikuro sits at a table and has a huge glass of wine. Next to him, Tsumugu cleans... something? Shiro scowls at Houka, who has perhaps taken Mako's laptop, as its adorned with a bunny image. Mako opens a fridge; a chicken comes out. Satsuki has her arms around a horde of Nendos of her, Ryuko, and Mako. Nonon and Uzu are scowling in the back. Ryuko smiles at her Nendo.]
This next one is more minor, but Sushio's art for this Kill la Kill Radio CD just gets to me. Ryuko's admiring her Nendoroid... which features her and Senketsu. She's like, "We look so good together, don't we, Sen?" 
 Idk, I think it's cute....
11. Into the Stars
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[Image description: My photo of the “ambiguous” and “Sirius” album art. Both are star themed. For the “ambiguous” art, Ryuko smiles in Synchronized Senketsu, up in the stars. Below her, Satsuki, Soroi, and the Elite Four (with Mako on Ira's shoulders, looking up in awe) watch. For “Sirius,” Ryuko and Senketsu shoot up towards the stars. The Mankanshoku family try to run after them, their arms outstretched, but can't keep up.]
And on the topic of CD art, the "ambiguous" and "Sirius" album art by Sushio are adorable! My photo isn't great, but I get so emotional at Ryuko and Senketsu flying up into the stars together. Nobody can keep up with them. They are on a whole 'nother level. So precious.
12. OT3
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[Image description: Ryuko, Senketsu, and Mako hold each other, posing for the camera.]
For this next one, a WonderGOO purchase bonus for the Kill la Kill game drawn by Kengo Saito (kengo1212), I know Senketsu is often ignored. But I was so happy to see him acknowledged and posing for a photo with his loved ones. So cute. I bought this bonus!
13. I Don’t Think He’s Her Dad...
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[Image description: A poster of Ryuko transforming with Senketsu. She is naked, her eyes shut as strands of Senketsu's fabric wrap around her.]
For another poster, by Sushio (thank you for confirming, @dont-lose-your-edge​!), I wouldn't say Senketsu is characterized exactly, but I think it's one of the most sensual pieces of official Kill la Kill art. It really makes the “Senketsu is/is like Ryuko’s dad” reading very implausible to me....
14. Best Box
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[Image description: An image of the All the Anime Collector's box. The right side has the Kill la Kill logo, the left side has art of Ryuko and Satsuki looking at each other, and the spine has Ryuko hugging Senketsu. The three volumes that All the Anime sold the series in can be placed inside the box.]
I don't have much else, but since I love that final volume cover art so much, I have to say that I so appreciate All the Anime for placing it on the spine of their collector's box. 
That is what Kill la Kill is all about, y'all. Not fighting. Not fanservice. Shirt friendship.
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RIP Vine
1. Do you ever wonder what other people think of your survey answers? I really enjoy reading what the previous person wrote, and it never dawned on me that other people read mine when they copy and paste these. Hello, whoever you are! *waves*
2. Are there any survey-takers that you simply do not like because of their answers? Hahahah no
3. Has anyone ever said anything in response to a survey question that offended you? I’m offended no one has said anything in response to my surveys ;P lol
4. Which of the following sounds more appealing at the present moment : a bag of chips, a handful of cookies, a slice of pie / cake, or some crackers? Any particular kind? I ate too many cheesy ruffles earlier, those are my weakness. I could go for some cookies, CHOCOLATE CHIP OMG i love chocolate
5. How many pets have you had in your household at one time? When I was growing up there was Max, Simon, and Frankie: dog, cat, fish
6. Do you know anyone that works for a cable company? Not that I’m aware of
7. What was the last thing you heard / read / saw that made you want to face-palm? An episode of Friends
8. Have you ever watched the show Raising Hope? If yes, what did you think of it? I thought the premise was clever in the first episode but it lost me real quick. It was nice to see Tig though
9. Name one person on Xanga that you would be interested to be friends with. Or, if you are uncomfortable doing so, is there even anyone on Xanga that you find interesting & that you think you could be friends with? I don’t know anyone, I get all these from badsurveyshit. She seems nice, I think I’d like being friends with her
10. Is it cold enough to comfortably wear pants where you are, without getting too warm? Sure
11. What do you / does your family pay for rent? Do you think that your home is worth that amount? It’s just short of 2000 for a 3 bed 1 bath. The house wasn’t put together very well but it’s nice to not be living with my parents.
12. Are your walls pretty sound-proof or is it easy to hear other people talking even if they’re several rooms away from you? Ughh my room is not soundproofed at all. >.> Wood floors throughout carry the sound too. I can hear people talk in their bedrooms if they aren’t using hushed tones. Oh god, they must know I’ve watched an entire season of Friends today..
13. Have you ever had family portraits done? Is this something you are fond of doing, or do you dread it? We did some family photos in 2007, also had head shots done in 2008. I’m fond of it.
14. When was the last time you had oatmeal, if ever? Do you use milk or water in it? OOOOOOOO I introduced my boyfriend to Dinosaur oatmeal last week!! There are dinosaur eggs in the dry oatmeal, then pouring hot water will “hatch” the eggs to reveal little candy dinosaurs!! It’s the best!!
15. Do you have anything on your bedroom door? Have you ever? I almost always have something on my bedroom doors. In most recent years it’s been “The Little Mermaid” poster from the playroom at my grandma’s house. These days I’m keeping a clean polished look for the door - we’ll see how long this lasts. My Uncle did a custom build of the door, as we were converting the back room into a bedroom and the doorway is not a standard size.
16. Have you ever worked hard on something, only to have someone ruin it [whether literally or figuratively]? HAHAHAHAH IT’S CALLED LIFE
17. Does taking medication make you nervous? Is it something you avoid as much as possible? Depends on the side affects really. I try not to become reliant on medication but I take it when I need to.
18. Do you ever learn new words [or even “remember” old words] that you become addicted to saying & repeat them in almost every sentence? Nah, I’m not like that
19. Who do you know that suffers from bad dandruff, if anyone? What an odd question? no?
20. Do you think that after the age of 90 you should stop caring so much about what you intake & just eat / drink whatever you want because you might as well since you’d be on the verge of death anyhow? Be good to yourself, whatever than means for you.
21. Are the bottoms of your feet dirty? Yes
22. What do you do with your gum after you are done chewing it? Use it for arts and crafts
23. Do you know someone that [unintentionally] types in caps a lot & then afterward apologizes for it? Do you watch what you are typing to ensure that you don’t make mistakes like that, or do you tend to stare down at the keyboard as you type? Hahahaha I know people that intentionally type in caps with no apologies. I usually watch for mistakes, but half the time I don’t care.
24. Are you at all interested in the lives of celebrities? Why do you think people care so much about the lives of people that they don’t even know? I’m not too concerned. Though, I do have an emotional attachment to Hilary Duff cause I loooved her when I was a kid. I’m also interested in Brendon Urie. He’s a defining musical influence and I’d love to know more about him. I don’t want to stalk him at his favorite fast food restaurants, but rather learn how he interprets his life into his music.
25. What is a site that you go to when you need a good laugh? YouTube. Vines. Repeat
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zukadiary · 7 years
Asami Hikaru 10th Anniversary Dance Live Tour 「will」~ 2017
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A full write-up for posterity, since I'm never sure I’ll see these things again. It’s gonna be a lot...
10 years out of Takarazuka. Visually I think she’s aged backwards since then, and the girl can still turn out a dance medley without sweating more than a sheer glistening veil of fairy dew that might in fact just be her aura. I’ve watched her Takarazuka career many times over, I’ve seen her in celebratory OG productions, I’ve heard her talk and reminisce with her fellow graduates... but I’ve missed the vast majority of this past 10 years, most of which has been lost to the videoless void. Seeing an homage to that, and participating in the celebration of the career that she’s built as she’s become her fully realized self, was distinctly different and so lovely.
It was also the most intimate performance I’ve seen her in, both in the production of it and the atmosphere around it. At first it felt a bit too short and simple, but the more time I spent bathing in her glow the more deeply I fell in love with it. She had four shows in Tokyo, two in Osaka, and one in Sendai. The fan club organized everything, which, having seen the production quality, is kind of a marvel... and as a result we got the best seats every time, in already small theaters. From more than one of my seven different vantage points I could hear her breathe, see wisps of feather drift off one of her costumes, appreciate the scene-by-scene variations in her flawless lip color. Our staff made custom tickets adorned with gorgeous freshly-shot photos. Flowers were allowed and encouraged (!!) and we teamed up to get big ones with our names on plaques (cursing myself for not thinking to take up a collection from her overseas base). She sang the songs that meant the most to her and danced the scenes she knew meant the most to us. The rotating guests all adored her and expressed as much, each in their own way. I felt like I could see every minute element, every second of work that went into tenderly crafting this show, and every tiny detail was filled with love. The only time I ever felt a more direct exchange of love was when she physically held my hands and looked me in the eyes.
Act 1
Every number in the show is drawn from her OG career. There were four dancers to Asami Live’s two, which is interesting considering Umegei backed the latter and this was self-produced. One was from Asami Live and the other three—two women and a man—were great. Beautiful dynamic dancers that complemented her perfectly when she was onstage glued everything together when she wasn’t. They set the mood and she walks out from the left, wearing a feminine take on a tailcoat: black tuxedo pants, a sleeveless white shirt and bowtie, and a glitter-trimmed sleeveless little vest with a swath of flowing white chiffon in place of the tails (here, she actually graced twitter with her presence while wearing it). She dances a career medley that’s listed in the program as “medley,” so, from memory:
My favorite song from DNA Sharaku (which had beautiful music if nothing else), with Komu, to my delight, singing Naoto Inti Raymi’s part in her range instead of her part which is not in her range
Something I didn’t recognize... but it was whimsical. She takes out a giant rubber ear and pretends to listen very closely to all of us while the dancers smell her and blow her kisses (I don’t know...)
Shakalaka Baby from Bombay Dreams, which I cried over missing even though she had barely any scenes because she bedazzled her very visible belly button. No belly button this time, but definitely some moves I’d longed to see come out of Komu’s body
Me and my Baby blending into Hot Honey Rag. On the last night she got overexcited and mouthed AND MEEEEEEE very dramatically at us before sort of catching herself, as there was not supposed to be any singing at that moment
One Night Only from Dreamgirls (I think this showed up in her first and only OG dinner show). The sharp finale, when the glisten kicks in.
She saunters toward the right wing and trades her fake girly tailcoat for a real one (although still tailored close to her tiny body). How creepy is it that I love moments like this? She’s on stage... it’s not like this process is meant to be completely hidden... but on the days when I could clearly see her change her jacket and sip water from my seat, I got little shivers of anticipation (the smoky red lighting and dark little teasers of a tango beginning to trickle out of the band area probably had something to do with it too). The announcement of four male and zero OG guests made me resign myself to a show firmly rooted outside her Takarazuka life, so I expected no references to it... but here she is doing Jealousy of all things in full kuroenbi with one of the male dancers, wholly and flawlessly in otokoyaku mode. Thinking about it now, it seems natural that in a show so full of love she’d include a nod to her idol Ooura Mizuki, and Dancin’ Crazy was post-taidan... one of my favorite bits of Komu interview, a rare moment in which she actually lets us glimpse her feelings, is on the bonus track of the Dancin’ Crazy DVD. Komu, who did not want to retire despite the frightening degree to which she’d wasted away, says having the opportunity to dance in a show with Natsume, and particularly watching her during the kuroenbi, made her feel for the first time that she was blessed to leave exactly when she did. So here we have Jealousy, and as I never tire of the sight of Komu in a tailcoat, I’ll take it more than gladly. 
The remaining 3 dancers collect her and entertain us with the silliest song from Omohide Poro Poro while she changes into a voluminous feathered coat for Kiss of the Spider Woman, which she sang in HER VOICE, bless. UGH, her sustained low notes still shake me through and through, they’re so rich and full and powerful and her. I wish she’d do that show again, I’d love to see her in it. When the song ends she loses the feathers and reveals a red lace and ruffle dress cinched with a black leather corset before jumping into Gimme Love, also from Kiss of the Spider Woman. This was definitely one of my favorite numbers, for the choreography, the continued use of Komu voice, and the diva faces she made while belting “Let’s make looooooove” in said voice. The final number of this costume change is a leggy dance to Habanera with fans and chairs and fishnets. Komu twitter has been grumbling this week that the upcoming Carmen production went to Ohana, and while Carmen is not my favorite story I have to agree I would not be opposed to seeing Komu do more of that. 
After an impressive interlude the four dancers become black angels and draw Komu magnetically out to an instrumental Yami ga Hirogaru. The lighting was so cool here... she’s glowing in a white dressing gown and everything else is dark blue and misty. The Elisabeth bit was a little disappointing at first; my heart leapt at the first few notes, but before I could even finish thinking “is she gonna sing it??” the song evolved into something else. She ended up doing a very low-key interpretive dance to an instrumental Watashi Dake ni. It seemed like nothing to me at first; I wanted her to sing it or actually dance, but the more times I saw it the more I realized she was just emoting, and that was the point, and she was killing it. The only ACTUAL disappointment of the show was the Roman Holiday bit that followed; it was nearly identical to the one in Asami Live, AND she’s doing actual Roman Holiday again in a month. As beautiful and packed as this show is, it’s also short... and I selfishly wanted every moment to be precious and new to me. 
To close Act 1, she sings the theme song from her post-taidan recital Primary Colors, which is perfect in this spot; it’s nostalgic but its message is future-facing, and it’s uplifting but in a way that kind of makes your heart ache. She wore the white dress that was under her Elisabeth gown with a twirly watercolor skirt, and she radiated palpable happiness and gratitude. I tried to beam happiness and gratitude back at her. After intermission she let out another rare bit of her feelings, telling us that when she started rehearsing the song she cried so hard she couldn’t finish it, remembering how confusing and scary it was to be thrust from Takarazuka into the real world, and thinking about how grateful she is for the life she’s been able to lead since then. Guh </3
Act 2
She comes out in a stunning approximation of the dress she wore in the promo images (easier to move in but still glittering, beaded, and backless) and sings Kare Koso Kiseki from Cyrano before giving her little above-mentioned speech and introducing the guest of the moment. They were Spi, her 15 years younger boyfriend from DNA Sharaku; Irei Kanata, the first to play Rudolf to her Elisabeth; Ishii Kazutaka, with whom she starred in Kiss of the Spider Woman and Amakakeru Kaze Ni; and Ishikawa Zen, Franz to her Elisabeth. They each had a talk with Komu, a duet, and then a solo while she changed. I wasn’t stoked about this segment going in, but every guest was thoroughly enjoyable, and it was fascinating to see her change from guest to guest. Who talked about what is jumbled in my brain at this point, and my comprehension level plummets when I’m faced with high-speed man speech, but here are the highlights I remember from each:
Guested twice. He was the only one I’d actually seen perform with her, and I was kind of taken aback by how good their chemistry was at the time. He’s younger than me, half American, and a bit of a weirdo... but endearing in a completely inexplicable way. He showed up to the first talk EXTREMELY RELAXED and Komu had to get into full mom mode.
Komu’s first impression was that she didn’t think they could get along; he was quiet, gruff, and terse and wouldn’t greet anyone properly. He was also the only one of the Edo-period characters who showed up to rehearsal without a kimono—because it “hadn’t arrived from Amazon yet” (Komu said that in a hilarious dudebro voice, drag him girl). But once they got to know each other it seems they got on extremely well.
After failing to drum up interesting conversation the first time around (intentionally... he was unintentionally hilarious), he pulled it together for his second appearance and asked her proper questions. Spi gets bonus points for making her talk about NY. She BEAMED when it came up and went off in giddy reminiscence. Hearing her talk about NY with the level of joy in her voice that I feel when I see her makes me SO GODDAMN HAPPY. 
They sang their duet from DNA Sharaku... it was nice, but that song was not made with her in mind.
Spi gets a second round of bonus points for swallowing his bro schtick for a second and saying something so heartfelt and beautiful about Komu I cried: when he was trying to decide what to choose for his solo, he wanted to make sure he went with something that really expressed love—to honor Komu properly—because how could a person be so utterly beautiful unless it comes from a place of deep deep love? ;A;
Spi gets a third round of bonus points for choosing to sing Seasons of Love in English, leaving me wibbling at him with big wet eyes and feeling like I was in on a secret. 
Irei Kanata:
Guested twice. He’s also quite a bit younger than her (but not younger than me), and QUITE taken with himself. He was confident and cocky, which was annoying on a primal level but kind of fun in practice because he wasn’t afraid to say anything to her. He also hugged her a lot...
His Tokyo appearance featured Let’s Drag Koike-sensei Part 1. One time he lectured Kanata for 40 minutes and at the end of it he had no idea what his feedback even was. 
In Sendai they talked a lot... and weirdly a lot about Urai Kenji who was the double-cast Rudolf at the time. Komu, as a self-described “person who constantly wants to consume delicious things,” often insisted on taking the two of them out to eat. 
Komu said that Elisabeth was about the time she started to feel like she might actually be a lady after all. Kanata said she came across as thoroughly ladylike when they met, except for when she’d boss the younger boys around.
They sang Boku wa Mama no Kagami Dakara with impressive emotion considering the silliness of their chatter. When they finished the first time, Kanata whined “Mamaaaa” to lighten the mood and Komu doubled over laughing on stage with a full on raspberry spit. 
Probably my favorite exchange was Kanata exclaiming (in slight frustration) something like “why is everyone here so damn classy, it’s throwing me off!” and Komu replying something along the lines of “these are MY flawless ladyfans you’re dealing with!”
Ishii Kazutaka:
Guested once. This was a complete 180 from mama Komu trying to keep her boys in check... Ishii Kazutaka is a very charming grown-ass man and they loooooove each other. This dude wishes her happy birthday on twitter even though she doesn’t have a twitter and won’t see it. Komu was kind of in awe of him, but also a bit flirtatious, definitely making a visible effort to put forth her best self... and he was so adoring and deeply respectful of her. I barely remember what they talked about, other than reminiscing about the roles they had together and how much they’d like to do them again. 
They sang a duet from Amakakeru Kaze Ni which I didn’t get to see, but all my fan acquaintances kind of lost it... apparently it was a good one. Komu forgot the lyrics partway through... but even the way she apologized to him and the way he responded was absurdly sweet and adoring. 
Speaking of sweet tweets, after his appearance he wrote, “Komu-chan is an expert dancer and constantly seeking out greater depth in her acting. She’s also a pure, unadorned natural airhead (haha). She’s a lady I just can’t help but love.”
Seriously, their energy is something. If they got married tomorrow I’d be like “yeah ok.”
Ishikawa Zen:
Guested twice in the same day in Osaka. WHAT A SWEET KIND LOVELY MAN! I could listen to him talk all day, he’s one of those people who walks around in a contagious cloud of gentle positivity.
They’ve only performed together once, but apparently he and Komu’s older sister (who has worked in some capacity related to the theater business since before Komu entered music school, I had no idea!) were classmates, so they’ve spent a lot of time together at group gatherings unrelated to work. 
Lots of reminiscing about Elisabeth, featuring Let’s Drag Koike-sensei Part 2: one time he had Zen practice minute variations in his standing posture for two hours while Komu waited on them (she did an adorable impatient bounce in illustration). This particular drag sesh went on for a good 10 minutes. 
Komu described herself as hideous during rehearsal. I don’t believe you, Komu.
Zen had watched the previous Takarazuka versions of Elisabeth to soak in as many viewpoints as possible in preparation for his role. So when he met Komu his first thought was “Oh, Rudolf is here!”
NY came up again. Zen said he saw and loved her Roxie. Me too, man. 
Favorite story: one day while Komu was waiting in the wings concentrating heavily and gearing herself up to go out for an intense scene, Zen walked by and yelled a line from Susano-o at her.
They sang Yoru no Boat, and gaaawwwwddd. They got so deep into it they both cried. Zen just has incredible emotive power in his face. His eyes were visibly watering when the song finished, and Komu took one look at him and went WEEEEEEEEEH. The second time she didn’t quite burst into tears, but she said that every time they sang that song during Elisabeth she wanted so badly to apologize to him. 
After each guest’s solo, the dance team does a scene from La La Land before Komu comes out for her final number, which is a gorgeous flowing barefoot dance to an original song that the music arranger Mori Toshio composed for her. Her dress is mint and white chiffon with crystals and no sleeves or back... so you can see her amazing boneless arms and beautiful back muscles, and the rest is like water flowing around her. I know I’m beyond hopeless off the deep end fan trash, but I swear I saw her whole career in it and felt all her thanks in it. I LOVE THIS WOMAN SO MUCH IT HURTS.
If anyone made it this far I’m... slightly concerned, but have some pictures from the show’s twitter
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edoughty2876-blog · 7 years
The Fact Concerning Layettes
Recently, I went to a baby shower for a young friend of mine that is anticipating her very first child. A lot of the participants were university good friends of ours, and almost no person in the space has had a youngster yet. Needless to say, some of the gifts took some discussing. For numerous young mommies, some needs could come as a surprise. As a matter of fact many could not know exactly what the phrase "infant layette" indicates. For those, and for those who simply feel like a list would certainly make them feel a lot more ready, here are the fundamental things that a pregnant mother as well as daddy ought to have awaiting the new bundle of happiness.It is important to have between four and 6 of all of your child's fundamental everyday needs. Points like underwears, sleeping gowns, onesies, footsie jammies, receiving blankets, hooded towels, socks, clean cloths, and also daily clothing will be crucial, because your washing requirements are mosting likely to multiply tremendously. You do not want to be captured in the center of a load of washing with a child who has simply spit up his or her lunch on her last tidy tee shirt.A going residence outfit is of excellent relevance, because it is the very first time a lot of relatives and pals will see your child. Not just will there be great deals of photos, however there is a lot of nostalgia attached to this specific product. Other specific items to carry hand in the new child's nursery are a crib with flexible setups that can change to satisfy the needs of your expanding (and ever the a lot more clever) child. You will, for the baby's bed linens require a crib or bassinette with at least two to four baby crib or bassinette sheets, a baby crib bumper, and also two to three baby crib coverings. You might wish to take into consideration including a dirt ruffle and also some water resistant pads for the crib. These are not necessary in the beginning, yet you will need them later on. A playpen for bringing the brand-new member of the family along to friend's homes, family gatherings, or even just to the park or in another space of your home is a convenience that is wonderful for keeping just a bit of me time in those very early months. real estate charleston south carolina While with child clothes, you must stock up on dimensions 3 to 6 months (in case the infant is bigger compared to the ordinary newborn, or expands instead rapidly), you intend to contend the very least one huge box of newborn sized baby diapers on hand when the child gets back. You might want to stockpile in the event of a sale, however you don't want to purchase too many, in case the baby is as well large for them.You likewise wish to keep some other basics in mind for changing/bathing. Two to three bottles of child hair shampoo will certainly obtain you off to a great begin, together with a bottle of infant oil, a bottle of baby cream, talcum powder (corn starch is a great bulk alternative), and one tube of zinc oxide for diaper breakout. Even if you are nursing, you intend to have 6-12 containers with nipple areas and collars (and some added nipple areas accessible if you are not nursing). These are the outright essentials. It might seem like a great deal, but being prepared with these requirements will certainly make your shift into parenting a lot easier.
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