#in the short sleeved uniform that would not be fun
The Butterfly Effect
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Chapter 2
Hey everyone! I’m glad that you liked that first chapter! I’ve tried to add everyone who asked on my last post to my taglist, if you are interested in being added comment below, and let me know if it works or not. The updates will be pretty random depending on my work schedule but I’ll try to get them out once they’re written as I’m having fun writing again!
I hope you guys enjoy!
Trigger warnings: power imbalance, manipulation, Mean Aemond (like mean mean), and blackmailing (he threatens her job)
Dividers are from @firefly-graphics (all of their work is amazingggggg)
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You spent the rest of that night tossing and turning in your small bed remembering what had happened. Gods you were so stupid. You never did know when to stop talking when your anger got the better of you.
At least the family was more preoccupied with Aemond’s outburst which caused a scene so soon after the death of Vaemond Velaryon.
As the sunrise peeked through the curtains you dreaded leaving your bed, but followed the lead of your roommates and started to prepare for the day. You found yourself falling into the easy routine that you had established since starting at the Red Keep.
After a long stretch you hastily made your bed, tightly tucking the sheets into the frame before tending to your hair. It had been awhile since you had worn your hair down as it was considered improper for a servant so you had found multiple braided updos that fit your hair. With each twist of your hair you mentally took stock of what the day would bring as if it were a checklist. Hair and cap done? Check. Uniform on? Check. Apron pressed and clean? Check.
When you were satisfied with your appearance, you and your roommates: Daelia and Wendelyn made the short walk to the Red Keep together. Although you enjoyed their presence you wouldn’t exactly call the two girls your friends. Daelia was prone to petty gossip and would alway have a rumor to spread whenever you talked to her. Wendelyn; however, was the opposite. She detested idle chatter and kept mostly to herself when at home. You supposed you were somewhere in between the two.
“I heard that Princess Rhaenyra only wedded Daemon because he impregnated her before their wedding.” Daelia whispered into your ear as the three of you entered the Keep and headed towards the kitchens.
“Did you hear it from Mushroom?” You asked dryly, referring to the fool that ran around court with wildly fabricated stories.
“Well-“ Daelia stuttered. “He is close to the Princess-“
You groaned heavily as she spoke. “Daelia what you speak of could get you killed. And besides Mushroom isn’t exactly a trustworthy source. We’ve talked about this.”
Wendelyn nodded sagely as you spoke but added nothing to the conversation.
“You stupid girl.” You heard some hiss in front of you as you crossed the doorway into the kitchen.
“I’m sorry what?” You asked in disbelief as Naerys stormed over to you.
“She does not look happy.” Wendelyn said softly before patting you back supportively and walking away.
Daelia said nothing before finding the cracked stones very interesting and walking over to check them out.
“You had one job. One duty. To pour the royal family’s wine and not bring attention to yourself.” Naerys grabbed you tightly by your arm and dragged you out of the kitchen.
“But I did!” You said defensively.
“Not well enough apparently.” Naerys shook her head, obviously irritated with you. “Prince Aemond requested you by name to attend to him.”
You froze at her words and felt your face pale.
“Whatever insult you did or offense you committed, apologize. Profusely.” She gripped you tight enough that you felt her fingers through your long sleeves.
“I- I didn’t mean to say… it just came out…” You felt your hands grow clammy as Naerys looked at you deeply.
“Well ensure that no other insults come out.” She slowly released you. “Prince Aemond is currently training with Ser Cole but requested that a bath be ready upon his return. Now go. Perhaps he will tire of you soon enough.”
You nodded quickly, trying not to show your nerves. Out of all of the Targaryens to upset Aemond was not the best choice and you should have known better than to provoke him. You remembered reading about the atrocities he would commit against House Strong all because they shared the same blood as Rhaenyra’s children. Perhaps you could put aside your pride for once and grovel if need be. You bit your lip as you found yourself walking to the laundry rooms to fetch fresh linens and towels.
The smell of soap invaded your senses while you grabbed what was needed. It was impossible to guess his motivations for seeking you out, but you tried to anyway. Maybe he just wanted to humiliate you more for daring to smile at his sister and nephew dancing. But how did he learn your name? Naerys said he knew your name.
The way to his chambers was similar to the one to the dining room as they were in the same wing of the Keep. You struggled to hold the smooth sheets and blankets as you attempted to open the door. The handle clicked slightly as the door swung open revealing an empty room. He must still be training with Cole.
Prince Aemond’s chambers were about what you would expect for a prince. The furniture was opulent with a large four posted bed in the middle of the spacious room. You had never been in a room that belonged to the royal family before so you found yourself gawking at the private balcony and golden detailing that decorated the walls.
Looking around the room you noticed another entrance to what must be the bathroom that you slowly walked towards. Better to get this over with quickly. Perhaps you might not even run into Aemond at all.
His washroom was much smaller than the rest of the rooms, only containing a large brass tub in the middle of the room and some cabinets near the doors that had a woodsy smell.
You were fortunate that others had brought in large buckets of water that already filled the tub. All you needed to do to prepare was light the fire underneath to warm the cold water.
Humming slightly, you opened the nearby cabinet and rummaged around looking for the flint and steel. You missed music. Real music that you knew and grew up with.
“I’ve never heard that song.” A deep voice spoke behind you, causing you to jump and slam your hand into the drawer.
“Fuck!” You grabbed your throbbing hand and shook it slightly as you turned to see Aemond in the doorway. His long hair was slightly tussled, probably from sparring with Criston Cole.
“You really are an impudent little thing aren’t you?” He quirked his good eye’s brow as he sauntered over. “You are supposed to acknowledge me with a nod of your head when I enter.”
He was standing too close to you as he spoke with a smug smile as you hurriedly did as he said. “My apologies, my prince.” You whispered softly. Remember what Naerys said. Put aside your pride and get him to forget you.
He hummed slightly, deep in thought before stepping back slightly. “Well? Get on with it.” He waved his hand over the tub impatiently.
“Of course, my prince.” You mumbled out kneeling next to the tub and striking the two metals together. You were surprised as you got it on your first try with your shaking hands. If they were from anger or fear you couldn’t tell.
The man said nothing as you stood up and gathered the needed linens to remake his bed, only watching you with that smug smirk as you focused on your task. You roughly grabbed the sheets from his bed and practically ripped them off of the bed before remaking it harshly and trying not to pay attention to his sharp gaze.
“You are not from Westeros.” He said simply from behind you.
You felt sweat drip from your temples from his statement. “I am not, your grace.” You agreed as you finished smoothing out the top blanket. One more task done and the faster you worked the faster you could leave.
“You’re not from Essos or Dorne either.” His voice sounded closer than before and you heard his shoes thump across the floor as he walked. “Your accent is from somewhere I have never heard of before. I could not place it last night and cannot even now.”
Your mouth was dry as you scrambled to think of a response. “I am from somewhere very small, my prince. It’s no wonder you haven’t heard of our accent before.” Just be agreeable and perhaps he’ll forget last night.
He hummed again thoughtfully as you checked on the water before adding the oils that looked like they were used the most. “Everything you need for your bath should be prepared, your grace.” You nodded your head to him as he passed you back into the small washroom and peered at your work with a discerning eye. “Will that be all for now?” You added at the last second remembering the protocol that you were taught before being assigned to the kitchens.
Aemond reached behind his head and quickly pulled off a small tie that kept his hair in his signature style, letting it fall freely. “Hmmm. Nothing else to add? No more clever quips?”
You blushed at his words. “What happened last night was a mistake, your grace. I’m truly sorry that-“
“I will require your help in undressing and bathing.” He said as he threw the hair tie to the floor without a care in the world.
“I- that’s not… I really shouldn’t…” You stammered out feeling your face turn from a light pink to fire truck red.
“What you should do is obey your prince.” Aemond cocked his head at you and held his hands out expectantly. “Although I suppose you could always find some other way to make some coin, perhaps on the Street of Silk.”
You felt your lungs start to expand rapidly as he brushed the side of your arm softly. “My brother tends to frequent those streets but perhaps with you there I might have to make a habit of it as well. ” You couldn’t move as his hand started trailing under your apron. “I do think my mother would be very interested to hear what you said about her favorite son.”
“Please…” You begged weakly, fighting the urge to slap him across the face. “I can’t afford to lose this job.” Your voice creaked as his caress turned into a sharp grope on your ass.
“Then we’re in agreement. You’re here to serve, so serve.”
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catullansparrowlet · 1 year
The thought of entering a freezer again is paralysing.
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bi-writes · 8 months
again and again | the mandalorian
he comes when i call. every single time.
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type: one-shot pairing: the mandalorian x afab!fem!reader word count: 4.3k (quick work while i try and finish the 10k+ monster in my drafts) warnings: mature language and content, mature written sexual content, 🔞⚠️ (warnings under the cut) summary: the mandalorian is not very nice when he's jealous. but he can be nice to you. complete masterlist
concept art chosen: "envy" (2007), "jealousy" (1895)
detailed warnings: 18+ smut, size kink (reader is described as smaller than the mandalorian, able to be moved by him easily), possessive!mandalorian, soft!dom!mandalorian -> read at your own discretion
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You had been here before.
Not this cantina, exactly. Not this planet. But you had been here before, in an outfit this small, in a room much too loud, feeling the glare of eyes you didn’t even know the fucking color of.
You were not quiet about your presence here. If you were being honest with yourself, you left a messy trail to your whereabouts in hopes a certain bounty hunter would follow your breadcrumbs. You had a feeling he would not be able to resist. You had a feeling that he would get a whiff of you, and not be able to stop himself from getting a peek, a glance, a taste of even just a strand of your hair or a trace of your footprint in that big, shiny helmet of his.
You smoothed out the front of your skirt as you shuffled your way to the bar. You had to elbow a few organics out of the way, but you finally had the droid in your sight, and you banged your palm against the bar counter for a refill.
If you were being even more honest with yourself, you would admit you dressed up just for him. You were in a bright red two-piece, a short mini skirt with a matching long-sleeve top made of shiny, geometric leather. Your midriff was on display, leaving little to the imagination, and you paired it with matching leather boots and an exposed thigh holster with your favorite blaster strapped to it. You wanted to put your hair up, but you had a feeling the style would only get in your way tonight.
Besides. He liked it when you had your hair down.
You hopped onto a barstool as the droid poured you your refill. You sat up straight, putting the straw to your lips and sucking it down almost entirely, letting the sugary alcohol seep into you and warm you from the inside out. You swung your feet and giggled to yourself, loving the feeling of his attention. It sent a lick of adrenaline shooting down your spine. Your toes curled, and your nipples hardened under your top, and you hadn’t even laid eyes on him yet.
“Need another?”
A warm voice motioned for the droid to give you another generous pour, and you smiled brightly at the unsuspecting human taking up space on your right side. He was wearing a uniform of sorts, dark and pressed, and he had a dazzling smile. Pearly white teeth, curly locks, and a sweet, innocent face. He was adorable. Too bad you didn’t care much for adorable.
“Oh, I’ll take whatever you’ll give me,” you laughed, nodding as he put a few credits down for you. After another fruity refill, you were finding yourself being pulled off your seat, soft hands gripping your bare waist as he tried to coax you onto the dancefloor. Your flirtatious banter was less than subtle; you knew he had so many gadgets adorned in that helmet, and if he was going to hide in the shadows away from your eyes, then you would give him a reason to come out.
Those fingers around your waist stiffened suddenly. Instead of a warm touch guiding you to move, you felt the change your stranger’s demeanor. His palms went clammy, and he went rigid at your side. You licked your lips, your eyes shutting for just a moment as you smelled that familiar edge—blaster residue, leather, iron and something dark and tangy and his.
“Come to ruin my fun?” You asked over your shoulder. You couldn’t see well in the dark of the cantina, but the Mandalorian was a ghostly, towering figure, nonetheless. He caged you into the bar, and you realized then that one of his hands was occupied—his blaster aimed right at the boy’s middle. “Maker, you just can’t help yourself!”
You stepped in front of the blaster, the point of it pressed into your bare stomach, and his helmet tipped down just enough. You would described the stiffness of his movements as unamused. He drew the blaster back immediately, away from you, but the damage had been done. The boy behind you fled before you could blink, and you huffed out an angry sigh, glaring up at the Mandalorian. You opened your mouth to say something, but he holstered his blaster, and with that same hand, he gripped your waist tight, yanking you forward until your middle pressed against his. Your bare stomach pressed against his utility belt, soft breasts squished up against that cool beskar. You fought the chill that ran through you, letting your eyelids flutter a bit as you fell into that comfortable headspace that could only be had right here, with him, in his arms. You lit up inside, fighting a grin.
Yes, yes, yes—
“You’re taunting me,” the Mandalorian growled finally. The edge in his voice should have scared you, but it enticed you instead. Lit a fire under your feet. The Mandalorian was nothing short of the being you craved the most, and every time you set eyes on him, you were reminded how much of an effect he had on you. He was all-consuming, and you were a bunny in a trap.
“Bite me,” you snapped, but a smile broke out on your face, nonetheless. You tilted your head to the side, standing up on your toes. Even in your heels, you craned to be level with him. You tucked your fingers into his belt, pulling him that much closer. “No, really…bite me.”
You let out a light giggle of surprise when the hand on your waist slid down to grasp you under your thigh tight, the gloves doing nothing to cool the heat of his touch. One of his hands reached to smooth over the handle of your blaster, a pretty little silver gift that he had given you some time ago. The sight of it strapped on your person didn’t go unnoticed; he was rather excited with the view, if the warmth against your thigh had anything to say about it.
“Maker, you missed me, didn’t you?” You cooed softly, leaning forward to kiss the beskar of his pauldron. The tone of your voice was almost pitiful, a childish reassurance that sent a pang of annoyance straight through him. “It’s okay…” You put your hand over his on your thigh, dragging it up until it slipped under your skirt, guiding him to touch you. “I missed you, too, baby.” You closed your eyes, kissing now just under the jaw of his helmet. “I knew I could get you here by leaving something along the way for you…wearing something pretty and shiny just like you…” You mewled softly as he kneaded the flesh of your ass in one large hand. “…getting boys to buy me drinks…”
Bunny in a trap, bunny in a trap—
“You’re coming with me,” he said simply. It wasn’t a question, it was a demand. An order. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pouting just a little.
“Don’t be mad,” you whined. “Or jealous. If you think for one second that I have eyes for anyone else, you’re blind.” Your fingers rubbed gently along the nape of his neck. He wore too many layers for you to feel those soft curls you adored pulling on. “If you weren’t such a stubborn piece of work, maybe you’d let me call you my boyfriend—”
A disgruntled sound left him, and his grip on you tightened. You met his visor for just a moment before realizing if you wanted any conversation of substance, you needed to get him alone, in private. You liked playing games, but the Mandalorian seemed as if he wasn’t in the mood. Most times he found you this way, he let hands wander just a tad longer so he could take pleasure in breaking their noses.
You took his free hand in yours, turning and guiding him out of the cantina. The crowd parted for you immediately, patrons not wanting to bump into the armor accidently. When you were outside in the quiet, you moved to the alleyway, covered in privacy by tall walls and dark light.
“I-I don’t know why you get so mad at me—” You started, tucking yourself into his side. He was hard to cuddle against with the rigid layers, but you wanted to be close to him. “You always get so jealous, but at the slightest whiff of commitment, you run the other way…” You looked up at him, right into the visor, hoping to find his eyes. “I miss you when you go,” you whispered. “I miss you all the time. I know what you do is dangerous, but Din—” His head tilted sharply at the use of his name, “—I miss you, and I know you miss me, too.”
You stood up on your toes and cupped the cheeks of his helmet in your hands, kissing the space where you thought his lips might be. You smiled, eyes glossy with sadness, and you sighed with relief when you felt two gloved hands slip up your short skirt again and squeeze your ass firmly, possessively. You adored having his undivided attention, adored being at the center of it. Seeing only yourself in the reflection of his helmet brought more peace to you than he could ever know. The Mandalorian was always so cool and calm and collected, and you loved that he lost complete sense of it around you.
“Say you missed me, Din,” you murmured. “Say you were jealous tonight and that you missed me.”
The smile on your face never left. The Mandalorian thought you could not look more precious than right now, waiting eagerly for him to murmur in your ear the praise you so deserved.
“I was jealous,” the Mandalorian admitted, slipping one gloved hand between your thighs and guiding those fingers against the seam of the lace there. You swallowed a bit, knowing that he would be able to feel how wet you’ve been for the last hour. “I was jealous, and I missed you.”
You broke out into a bigger smile, giggling with delight and moving to take his hands out from under your skirt to hold, but he held tight. He chuckled darkly, shaking his head slightly.
“No…” He manhandled you, turning you around and pressing you up against the alley wall chest-first and caging you in with the broadness of his figure. It happened so fast, and your heartbeat echoed in your ears as you tried to keep up with him. “I’m taking what I deserve, right here, right now.”
You hummed softly, your body turning liquid in his grasp. There was no place safer, no place more tranquil and perfect, than in his arms. It didn’t matter to you that you were out in the open, that anyone could walk by and see you. The Mandalorian would never let anything happen to you. You were safe, always. You feared nothing except for losing him, perhaps.
“You’re such a good girl,” he muttered in your ear. His modulated voice was honey in your ears. You leaned back against him, your ass pressing against the front of him eagerly. “Always letting me have what I want, no matter where we are, huh?”
You nodded, reaching up and wrapping an arm around his neck, the other hand bracing yourself against the wall. “I’m safe with you, Din,” you whispered. “Always have been, always will be. Not afraid of anything when I’m with you.” You reached down and slid your skirt up until it was bunched around your hips. “And I’m yours, whether you want to admit it or not—” You moved your hips at an angle, the hardness of him now pressed against your ass, and he stiffened, his grip on your middle bruising. “Yours to do whatever you want with…whenever you want.”
The Mandalorian grit his teeth under the helmet. It was infuriating how much of an effect you had over him, and he couldn’t even punish you for it because you were being so good. You were saying all of the right things, talking sweetness into his bones, making him feel that hot, scorching satisfaction of his claim over you and everything you were. There was no need to convince you that you were his, there was no need to remind you; in fact, it was you that was begging for him to do the one thing he had refused all this time—to simply acknowledge you.
You were so pliant. Doe-eyed and soft, gentle and easy, so small and moldable. The Mandalorian felt a warmth in his chest every time he towered over you. He was big and bad and rough around all of the edges, but nothing ever seemed to cut you. His touch only warmed you from the inside out, only had you gasping and making such pretty noises.
“Just…promise me one thing,” you said over your shoulder, meeting the visor with your eyes. He said nothing, but he smoothed a hand over your waist and squeezed you there to encourage you to continue. “Tell me I’m yours, Din—” You rested the back of your head against his shoulder, closing your eyes. He brought that hand up to wrap around your throat, but his touch was more soothing than anything. “Please,” you begged softly. “I need to hear you say it.”
The Mandalorian sighed deeply, his other hand moving to unzip his flight suit.
“If you want to know why I don’t want you to call me your kriffing boyfriend—” he spat, shaking his head, and you gasped as you felt his cock hard and leaking against your back, “—you should know it’s because that title is insulting.” You whimpered as he gripped the lace of your panties and pulled, ripping it apart easily. The delicate fabric was no match for those hands, and you squirmed under his grasp. The show of strength was enough to send another wave of need through you, wetting the place between your thighs even more. With no panties to soak, you could already feel yourself dripping slowly. “I’m not your boyfriend. I’m not your lover.” You moaned loudly as he notched himself at your entrance, hissing as he felt you immediately drenching him with your arousal. You were so wet, it was almost pathetic, but this was your Mandalorian, and by the chuckle that left him, you knew there was only satisfaction and need in the air, no room for embarrassment.
“I am yours, and you are mine—” His voice was muffled by your cry when he pushed into you, meeting little resistance as he pressed his hips into you until there was no space between you. You were tight, but so, so slick, sucking him in and squeezing him as another rush of slickness coated him. He groaned lowly as he felt you, realizing now just how much he had missed being so close to you, inside of you, intertwined and all around you. He hoisted you up in his arms, easily maneuvering you until you were right where he wanted you, full and squirming and drunk on the feeling of him. “—I could devour you here, and I would still be hungry, do you understand that?”
His voice in it of itself was enough to send you into another wave of pleasure. Deep, crackling static enveloping the roughness and neediness that he spoke of. It wasn’t a secret between the two of you the amount of times he had brought you over the edge with just his words, talking in your ear as your shaking fingers abused the soft, wet center of yourself.
My sweet girl. My perfect girl. Pretty, pretty girl, all mine, all mine, all mine to look at, all mine to touch, all mine to eat—
You moaned softly, clawing at him from behind as you tried to gain any kind of stability, but the Mandalorian was using you how he pleased, not giving you any sort of control. All you could do was cry and whimper and beg for more as he used the wall for leverage, fucking up into you. You managed to grab onto his forearms, digging into the clothed flesh there, feeling the pulse of him.
“What you mean to me…” He let out sharp groans, savoring the soft cries from you as he watched you take him so well. Your legs were shaking, your toes barely touching the ground as you tried to be coherent enough to say something back, but you were rendered speechless. There were tears forming at the corners of your eyes, the piercing feeling of the Mandalorian filling you and taking over you and consuming you almost too much to bear. He was so big in so many ways. Big enough to hold you, big enough to crush you in his arms, big enough to split you in two and put you right back together with those skilled, deadly hands of his, big enough to fuck a mark into your cunt so well that you would never ever forget that he had been there. “…mean more to me than anything in this world…wanna tie you up and stow you away all for me…wanna hide you from anyone and everyone—wanna have you every minute of every day and keep you full of me—” You squeezed him hard at the very thought, “—oh, you like that, yeah? Like that thought? Like the thought of me right here, all the time?”
Fuck, he was rambling. The Mandalorian was never a man of many words. You had seen him have conversations with just a nod and shake of his head, with just that steel glare alone, but whenever he was buried inside of you, he could never stop. Sputtering, grunting, spitting—maybe this was how he grounded himself, maybe this was how he kept himself just sane enough to not completely lose his self-control while he was inside of you.
Right here, all the time—mine, mine, mine—
You nodded, your jaw loosening and falling open in a silent cry as he snapped his hips quicker. His unwavering thrusts hit you deep, and he squeezed your throat gently before lowering them to your hips, spreading you open to give him more room to take you. There was something still soft about the way the Mandalorian fucked you. It was filthy this way, out in the open where someone could catch you, but his towering figure hid you from display. He held you tight, crowding you in his warmth. He was always possessive, but never cruel, and your pleasure came before his. You thought you couldn’t be anymore wet, but one gloved hand slipped up the front of your skirt, cupping your mound to give you the heel of his glove to grind against, your clit throbbing against the leather.
Oh, fucking—Maker—more, more more—
“Din—” Did other words even exist? Why couldn’t you form a coherent sentence? The only phrase you could muster was his name. Had his cock really dwindled you down to something so simple, so pathetic? The sounds between you were flushing you with embarrassment almost. So sticky, so wet, your thighs were glistening with sweat and your sweetness, and you nearly cried when you noticed one of his gloved hands smear his fingertips with that pretty creaminess and slip just under the lip of his helmet—
Yes, yes, yes—taste me—
“I’m gonna take you away,” he babbled. He was talking, just talking to fill the space, talking to keep himself from moaning too loud or cumming too fast, “Gonna take you away from here, keep you with me, yeah?”
He cursed under his breath, his hand finding its place spreading you open better, and his tongue was warm with the tang of you. It was enough to have him canting your hips just that much more, the tip of him prodding at the softest parts of your walls.
Soft, tight—she’s so cute, look at her, nothing there but me, all me, can’t think of anything except for how good she takes it.
“Yes, Din, please—!” You begged, your hands gripping his forearms harder and nails digging in hard to hold yourself steady. “Please, please, please—wanna be with you, please…”
“Shhhh…it’s gonna be alright,” he muttered. “I’m not gonna tease you today, don’t worry…gonna give you what you need, yeah?”
You nodded, gripping onto him tighter and grinding down against his hand, feeling the dull ache in your belly become sharp and buzzing and hot. Sex with the Mandalorian was always messy, but you were soaking your bodies, the wet squelch echoing in the alley and giving the Mandalorian an audible reminder of just how cockdrunk and dizzy and absolutely crazy you were for him. If you could eat him alive, you figured you just might.
“Know you’re close, yeah?” He panted. “Give it to me. You’re mine. Need you to show me.”
You swallowed hard, shutting your eyes tight. He dropped one arm to grip your leg, hiking it up to angle himself deeper, kissing your cervix and hitting a soft spot that had your tears falling quickly down your face. He was so good at this, too good at this, hitting it again, again, again—Din—right there—please—! Sheer, rippling, hot pleasure trickled down your spine, feeling so hot that your blood ran in your ears and your legs gave out underneath you. Like always, the Mandalorian caught you, holding you up so he could pound you through your orgasm. You could hear the thick wet of your release smearing between you, reaching up to grip the back of his neck and force him close.
“Inside me, Din,” you whimpered. “Need to feel you…”
He’s so warm, he’s so big, he’s mine, I want more—
“I know, I got you—”
You relaxed when you felt him, frantic thrusts and deep grinds as his cock pulsed and emptied and branded you so tenderly. You mewled happily, nuzzling back into him. His arms wrapped tightly around your middle, holding you close, and you hummed softly. The coming down was always sweet with the Mandalorian. The way he would press you to him, no space for air between your bodies. If the Mandalorian could fuse you to his beskar, you figured he would. You would let him, if only it meant he would take whatever he needed from you always.
“Wish we could stay like this forever,” you mumbled in a daze. Your mind was still fuzzy, your vision trying to straighten itself out as it basked in the rush of sweetness and calm and utter pleasure that seeped into your very bones. He brushed your sweaty hair back and off your shoulder, letting his heartbeat steady as he held you. The Mandalorian was the only thing holding you up straight, but you knew he would not drop you. “Were you serious, Din? About taking me away?”
He pulled out of you slowly, soothing you with gentle fingers through your hair as you winced a bit. You could feel the warmth of him slowly making its way down your thighs, a familiar, aching feeling that you wished could stay.
“Yes,” he murmured. “My ship is in the landing bay. I have more than enough room for you.”
The Mandalorian carefully moved your skirt back into place, slipping the cowl out from his chest plate and draping it over your shoulders. Something fluttery and nice settled in your belly at the gesture, and you were grateful that his hands didn’t leave you, still settled against your bare midriff and squeezing there absentmindedly.
“Why now?” You asked gently. “Every…every other time I’ve asked, you…you’ve refused.” You sniffled a bit, and he brought a hand up to wipe your tears. Tender, sweet, apologetic. “You never let me come with you before. You…you always…you always leave. Why is this time different?”
The Mandalorian tucked your head into his chest, smoothing a hand down your back.
“I guess I just can’t be away from you anymore,” he said simply. He took your hand in his, but you realized quickly that you had to hold onto his arm for support as you followed him towards the landing bay. You smiled up at him as you walked.
“So…does this mean I can call you my boyfriend?” You joked, biting your lip cheekily. He reached down and gripped your ass tight, squeezing it harshly for good measure.
“No,” he clarified, but you could hear the amusement in his voice. You picked up your pace when you saw his ship in the distance. You had been on his ship before. You had enjoyed many nights there, tangled up in warm sheets and small spaces. You planned to take full advantage of your new privileges in it. Before you could make it inside, the Mandalorian tugged on your hand gently, bringing you to face him. You smiled up at him, and he kept a hand busy adjusting the fabric around your shoulders.
“I just need you to know that you didn’t have to tease me this way for me to come get you,” the Mandalorian said lowly. “I know I hadn’t given you any reason to believe that I care for you more than…” Your eyes lowered a bit, a little sheepish, but the Mandalorian cleared his throat. He put his fingers under your chin and lifted your gaze back to him. You couldn’t explain the feeling, but you knew you had his eyes on yours. “I would’ve come for you. All you had to do was ask.”
You stood up on your toes, leaning forward until you could put your forehead to his. You closed your eyes to savor the kiss, and he followed easily.
“But did you like it?” You asked playfully, holding back a laugh. You felt the tips of his fingers playing with the hem of your tiny skirt, and he let out a low hum.
Teasing, little girl.
“Yeah…I liked it.”
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reversedumbrella · 2 months
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teruki week 2024: happy birthday teruki
image description:
[ID: a five page comic for teruki week day 7: birthday. the first 3 pages happen inside a clothing shop's dressing room, where teru is trying multiple outfits while out of view mob comments on them. the first two outfits were inspired by teruki week day 1: fire/electricity. on the first fit, teru wears a top with a flame on it and fluffy long sleeves colored orange and yellow. his pants have five sections, each with flame designs. one red, one orange, one green, one blue and one purple. teru is wearing flipflops. mob comments "colorful." on the second fit, teru wears a green long sleeve shirt, a vest made out of fake lightning bolts, pants made out red, blue and black electric cables and boots. mob comments "zappy."
mob sits on a benchon the dressing room, right by him his flip phone is ringing. mob says "those look really good. anything else, Hanazawa". out of viwe teru replies "PLENTY! and with this years birthday money I might be able to take it all home!"
the second two outfits were inspired by teruki week day 2: school/festival. on the first fit teru is wearing a torn version of his school uniform. he smiles while rocking his head back and forth. mob comments "rock n' roll". on the second fit teru wears viana do Castelo's typical women clothing, nowadays just worn for an anual parade. red cloth on his head, large golden earings and necklaces. red shawl over a white shirl. large red apron over a black skirt. white socks and black shoes. mob comments "wow."
the third two outfits were inspired by teruki week day 3: star/copy. on the first fit teru wears a sparkly five point star around his head, star sunglasses, a pink top, jeans with two big sparkly stars over each knee and a lot of small stars all over, pink high heels. he wears bracelets similar to his head apparatus. mob comments "shinny." on the second fit there are two teru's each wearing outfits only differing in color, with only the shorts being the same. a top over a t-shirt over a long-sleeve shirt. shorts over leggings and sneakers. mob comments "maybe the shorts on the left…"
mob is sitting on the dressing room bench. his phone is either still ringing or ringing again. up to interpretation.
the fourth two outfits were inspired by teruki week day 4: official art/omake. the first fit comes from official art. purple and blue cap, green jacket over a white shirt with a lemon pattern. red shorts over greyscale camouflage leggings. green and yellow sneakers. none of these colors go well together. mob comments "fun." on the second fit teru is wearing a beach outfit. shirtless with blue beach shorts and green sandals. he has colorful necklaces and bracelets. with his right he's grabbing abucket with a shovel inside. on his head he's balancing a beach ball wearing heart sunglasses. mob comments "careful"
the fifth two outfits were inspired by teruki week day 5: hair/trauma. in the first fit teru is wearing a crazy wig that covers his upperbody and arms. it has four ponytails and is covered in braids. it also gives him a large moustache. he's wearing red leggings and green shoes. mob comments "hairy". the second fit is a brocolli and boots. both meet at his calves. his arms are free but his hands have smaller brocolli over them. this is the only fit mob doesn't comment on.
mob is sitting on the bench when teruki grabs him while saying "C'MON". mob replies "huh?!" and teru answers "you didn't really though i was buying just for me?!"
the last outfit was inspired by teruki week day 6: protagonist/rival. mob is the one wearing it. mob's outfit is a clash of colors and patterns. sweater with a star design around the neck. the neck is red, the star is orange and the rest of the sweater is yellow ith green stripes and dots. pink bell bottoms with bright pink stars. teru is showering mob in compliments. he drowns himself in dread thinking "i should have known kageyama-kun would have looked amazing regardless of what he wears. those clothes are too bold even for me but he dawns the clothes i picked with such ease. i have lost again. he is my rival even in fashion sense. there is no way i could have ever won against him…"
the next two apges are the aftermath of the shopping spree. mob and teru laugh and walk with multiple bags, teru carrying two and mob carrying the rest on his arms. happy, teru looks up and then at mob. he says "thank you for getting some time to spend on my birthday with me. i know you have a busy life". mob blushes and turns away saying " no problem. i like spending time with you…" mob phone rings again. teru points at it and says: "there goes your phone again". mob makes all his left arm bag levitate and uses it to open the phone. mob clarifies "just master reigen. there'sa complicated client . he keeps texting in case i need to go there" out of view teru comments "it's nice he calls in advance" to wich mob throws a side-eye. mob looks surprised at his phone, grabs teru and screams "we have to go!!" mob and teru run with the bags floating around them. teru goes up the satirs to reigen's office. out of view mob says "prepare for anything!" teru grabs the door handle and opens the door. inside reigen, serizawa, tome, ritsu and the awakening lab kids scream "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" reigen is holding a cake with 15 candles. end ID]
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headcanonsandmore · 3 months
This has been on my mind for a while but I know I'm not the only Whovian who hates the outfits Tegan and Nyssa were lumbered with in season 20 onwards. Most of the remit for them seems to have been "show as much skin as possible so the dads watching can leer at the actors" (they both, along with Peri, got the brunt of these awful costumes).
So, to rectify that (and inspired by @timelordian-disaster-126 's awesome artwork), here are some suggestions for outfit ideas for Tegan and Nyssa that I think would be fun.
Nyssa would probably like dungarees, so a pair of linen or corduroy dungarees are a good idea. Paired with a polka-dot or funky patterned shirt. Bonus points if Nyssa starts adding scientific instruments into the pockets. A pair of sturdy boots (either with a stack heel or no heel) would complement it nicely, plus a long raincoat (think Ms Frizzle by way of the Thirteenth Doctor).
Tegan's season 20 outfit is hated by all of us (Janet Fielding especially) so literally anything would be better. In which case, I think practicality is the best bet for our favourite Australian so a pair of jeans, t-shirt (preferably a plain colour like white or light blue but could be purple to reference the flight attendant uniform) and a plaid shirt (maybe red or a dark blue). It is Important that the plaid shirt be rolled up to the elbows. A leather jacket to complete the outfit but (if cold) could be switched out with a thick woodsman jacket. For footwear, either a pair of sturdy trainers or a good pair of Doc Martins.
Nyssa wearing a roll-neck jumper with a pair of black dungarees (sort-of a reference to her jumpsuit in season 19, but with more of a individual spin on it). Perhaps accesorised with a necklace or some pens stuck into the dungaree front pockets.
If Tegan wants more of a femme-inspired look, perhaps a long skirt with a blue-and-white striped t-shirt (either long or short sleeved). She can also wear a pair of leggings underneath, combined with some nice tennis shoes in a complimenting colour.
Nyssa in a shirt, trousers and waistcoat would be fun, perhaps accesorised with a pocket-watch on a chain. Perhaps with a boater-hat (maybe she found Romana's old one whilst rooting in the TARDIS wardrobe?). She can have a neck-tie (either done up or loosened) or go without, depending on the situation.
Dunno if it's practical for Tegan to wear a tuxedo, but maybe some sort of shirt, trousers and jacket combo. It would work well with her shorter hair in season 20, as well.
Those are my ideas, but what do you all think? Please let me know what ideas you have. :)
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I'll come pick it up after pt.7
John Egan X Female! Reader
Sumarry: Their first night alone in London. Bucky is eager for more than just dancing...
Waring: +18/ smut/ p in v/ oral sex (female reciving)/ unprotected sex (wrap it up kids!)/ Swearing/ alcohol/ historical inaccuracies/ use of sir/ use of y/n/ fingering/
Word count: 2.5k
A/n: First time writing smut, please give me feedback. Love y'all :)
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Egan was driving his Jeep; his nurse was beside him. He was driving with one hand; the other was on the nurse’s thigh. ‘’I still can’t believe that you got Buck to testify for me’’ she laughed, looking at her pilot. ‘’My darling needed a break, and I couldn’t resist the opportunity to have you for all alone with me. No mission, no injured soldiers, just the two of us’’ he said, gently tapping her thigh as a sign of excitement. She laughed and kissed his cheek.
When they arrived in London, Egan looked for a hotel to get checked in. Like a gentleman, he took the luggage, they went up to their room and start to unpack. Bucky was excited for this weekend, he was in a room, alone with no possible interruption. When unpacking her things, Y/n took out a piece of lingerie. She didn’t own any, so it’s probably one of the nurses that put it there. She saw a piece of paper with something written on it.
Dear Y/n don’t hate me, I thought it might be a good idea to give you this. Bucky sure will like it. Have fun, Daisy.
‘’Damn you, Daisy’’ she muttered. The lingerie was beautiful, it was a baby blue one piece, it was really short and would clearly show her butt. It had pink lace at the bra piece of it. It was also in satin, it was beautiful, and she was sure Bucky would like it. She put it in one of the drawers before Bucky would see it. She’d had packed dress and all her things except her nurses’ uniforms. ‘’What do you want to do tonight, darling?’’ he asked. ‘’Go out, drink, dance, have fun’’ she said, laying down on the bed. He laid on top of her. ‘’Have fun, uh?’’ he kissed her, they haven’t made love yet. This week, they were both busy, a few stolen kisses here and there, but she was ready, she wanted him.
She finished getting ready for tonight, she was wearing a black blouse, short sleeves and a forest green skirt. She didn’t want to put on a dress, and she definitely didn’t want to put on heels. She put on black flat shoes, they were beautiful, it showed the top of her foot, but not too much, it had a strap at the top, to make sure her the shoe didn’t flew off her foot. Her hair was down, and she had put on the lipstick that Bucky was so crazy about. Her plan was clear, drink, to get confidence, flirt with Bucky and finally, have sex with him. When she got out of the bathroom, Bucky couldn’t believe his eyes, she was beautiful. She was always beautiful. She put on the lipstick to tease him, she knew it, and he knew it. ‘’Beautiful, like always, darling’’ he complimented her. She was blushing, Bucky was in his uniform, that was all he had. But he looked good, like always. She went closer to him and fixed his collar. ‘’You are very handsome’’ she kissed him. When he went to kiss her back, she stopped him with a finger on his lips. ‘’You’ll ruin my lipstick, Bucky’’ she teased. Before he could answer, she added another finger on his lips. ‘’I’ll kiss you later, maybe I’ll even mark you up, like you wanted me too’’ she flirted. ‘’Why not now?’’ he asked trying to kiss her, she pushed him back on the bed. ‘’Later, Bucky, I want to dance with you, and I want a glass a whiskey’’ she laughed. He smiled and got up the bed. ‘’Whiskey, uh?’’ ‘’Told you, Major, I’m full of surprises, and I don’t have to work tomorrow’’ she smiled.
They didn’t know how much they both drank, but it was enough to boost their confidence. They were dancing together, mostly kissing, but still. Y/n was teasing him, her hips were glued to his and she moved them to a slow rhythm in her head. The main objective was to tease him, and it worked. His hands were all over her body, touching her, teasing her. He was breathing in her ear, he discovered this week, that this sport was sensitive for her, so he decided to use it. ‘’Still not convinced to let me ruin that lipstick?’’ he said, with his dark husky voice. ‘’You’re starting to convince me’’ she purred. ‘’Let’s get out of here, darling’’ he said as she nodded. The walk back to the hotel was kind of a blur for the both of them, the important thing was they made it back to their hotel room.
The second the door was closed, Bucky kissed Y/n, it was a passionate kiss, filled with desire and attraction. She was against the door as he was kissing her, he was like a men starved. ‘’C’mon, darling, jump’’ he said, between kissed. She did as she was told, jumping as his hands were on her butt. He walked to the bed, were he gently, laid her on it. He started to take his shirt off, but she sat at the edge of the bed. He was standing in front of her. She started to help him with his buttons, she was faster than him, after all, sometimes she had to open the shirts of men without any scissors. He threw his shirt somewhere in the room. ‘’Let me help you, darling’’ he said, starting to unbutton her shirt. To his big surprise, she wasn’t wearing a bra. ‘’You’re n-not wearing anything underneath, are you?’’ he was flustered, he had been with women, but never one like her. ‘’I’m on vacation, I don’t wear a bra when I’m on vacation’’ she teased him. ‘’Get back, darling’’ she moved back on the bed, to let him have space. He almost crawled to her; he was starved. He had her for himself, and he wasn’t going to let anything ruined the moment. He started to unbutton her skirt and she wiggled her way out of it. ‘’You’re breathtaking’’ he said, admiring her body. She was only in her panties in front of him, normally she would’ve been intimidated, but she trusted him. She looked at him, impatient for him. She needed him. ‘’Come here, Major’’ she said, he kissed her, again, with passion. It was raw, it was what they needed.
To Bucky’s surprise, she took control, she switched the position, so she was on top. On his lap, she felt him getting hard underneath her, it gave her confidence, she was making him hard. She kissed his neck, finding a sweet spot that she sucked a little. Leaving her mark on the men. Her lips felt hot on his skin, but he liked it, he was almost moaning. She started to move her hips, to create friction between the two, friction they desperately needed. ‘’H-hold on, darling, let me get these off’’ he stuttered. Bucky was starstruck, he was usually the one in control, the fact that they were both competitive and want the control was to be certainly interesting. He quickly took his pants off before returning under the nurse. She trailed her hands on his body, his chest and his muscular stomach. She watched as his body was reacting to her touch, when she got close to his boxers, he took her writs in his hands. ‘’Not yet, let me feel good, darling’’ he groaned. He switched the position; she was now on the bed. He went on top of her, to kiss her, he started with her lips, then moved down, kissing each part of her body. He kept placing wet kisses on her body until he reached her lower stomach. Where he placed a gentle kiss, each part of his body was begging him to go faster, to take her right now, but he wanted to take his time. The sleepless night he spent thinking about this moment, he was going to take his time and savour each and every second of it. ‘’Bucky’’ she moaned his name. He looked at her from between her legs, making sure she was okay. ‘’You okay?’’ he breathed out. His hot breath between her thighs makes her buck her hips in impatience. ‘’Yes’’ she breathed out, but it sounded like a moan. ‘’I just want you’’ she admitted. Her honesty turned him on even more. He took her panties off, revealing her fully to him. ’’I haven’t touch you yet, and you’re soaking wet’’ he felt proud, but now, he needed to taste her. The second his tongue was on her, she moaned, she wasn’t a virgin, but it was the first time a man properly took care of her. ‘’Shit, major, you sure know what you doing, ah’’ she moaned as her hands found his curls, pulling them gently. His eyes found hers, she was a goddess, she was beautiful, her legs spread for him. Her hips bucked against his mouth, he decided to enter a finger in her. She was so wet; it was easy for him to enter. Her back arched and another moan was coming from her mouth. ‘’Can you handle it, sweetheart’’ he teased her. She could feel him smirk, he was teasing her, and he was enjoying it. She didn’t answer, he added another finger as he was licking her clit. ‘’I didn’t hear you; can you handle it?’’ The words couldn’t form in her brain. ‘’Use your words, darling’’ she moaned again. He felt her walls clenched around his fingers. ‘’Yes’’ she managed to breath out. ‘’Yes, sir’’ he ordered. Oh, she was going to make him regret being this bossy, but not now, she was enjoying this too much. ‘’Yes, sir’’ she gasped as a not in her stomach was about to burst. Bucky was holding her hips down; they were bucking too much. Then when he moaned against her, she saw stars. The not in her stomach exploded as she moaned his name. ‘’Jesus, Bucky,’’ she moaned.
He took his fingers out and brought them to his lips, he was tasting her. Y/n had never saw anything like that before, she was excited, she was wet, and she needed him. ‘’You taste so fucking good’’ he growled. He looked at her, her face was red, her hair was a mess, she looked perfect. Like an angel coming down form heaven, just for him. ‘’What do you want, darling?’’ he asked as he kissed her again. ‘’I want to touch you, please let me touch you, sir’’ she whimpered. ‘’I’m afraid if you do that, darling, I’m not gonna last long, and I want to be inside of you, is that okay, sweetheart?’’ he said and she nodded, getting rid of his boxers. His length sprung free, Y/n was nervous, he was bigger than the other men she’d been with. When he saw the way she was looking at him, Bucky could’ve faint. She licked her lips, she was nervous, but again, she trusted him. ‘’Lay down, darling.’’ Bucky came on top of her, supporting himself with his arms, his muscles were so big, she’d never seen such a handsome man, he was perfect. She kissed him, she needed to kiss him to help with her impatience. He moaned in her mouth when he felt her grind her hips. She was looking to get some friction. She could taste herself on his tongue. ‘’Are you ready, Y/n’’ her name on his lips sounded so good. ‘’Yes, sir, I’m ready major’’ she said. Her brain couldn’t make a clear sentence, she needed him. He positioned himself at her entrance. ‘’This might hurt.’’ He warned her. ‘’I’ve done it before, it was a while ago, but I’m not a virgin, major’’ she said.
He kissed her as he sunk down into her. He went fully in, not wanting to torture her, but mostly himself. He wasn’t going to last long. He waited a little bit, to let her adjust to his size. ‘’Oh lord, you’re so big’’ she cried. ‘’Darling, you’re too sweet for my ego’’ he joked. She laughed and was able to relax a little bit more. She gave him a nod, indicating him that he could move. When he did, he had to think about something to distract him, he was about to come, already, but he had a reputation to maintain. ‘’Tell me about your grandmother.’’ He grunted. ‘’Right now?’’ she was confused. ‘’Yup, because you feel so fucking good, shit so where did your grandma lived?’’ He stopped his movements, not wanting to risk coming too fast. Y/n chuckled. ‘’You sure you can handle it, major?’’ she teased. Something in Bucky’s eyes changed, she had woken the beast up. She smirked, proud of herself. When he had calmed down a little, Bucky started to move again. He rolled his hips so he could be deeper inside of her. She threw her head back as she moaned something that sounded like his name. She kissed the sweet spot on his neck, making him roll his eyes. He quickened his pace when he felt her clench around him. One of her hands came down to her pussy, she began to touch her clit. ‘’N-no one would b-believe me if I told them h-how dirty you are’’ he breathed out. He kissed her again, they were breathless. Her thigh was shaking. ‘’That’s it, come for me, darling, come on’’ he praised her. That’s what she needed for her orgasm to crash down on her. Her climax triggered his and they came together, saying the other’s name as they did. He collapsed on top of her, her hands finding his hair to play with his curls. ‘’That was- ‘’ ‘’amazing’’ she finished his sentence. He chuckled. They were both catching their breath and recovering from what they just did. He was the fastest to recover, he took his length out of her and put his boxers back on. ‘’Just stay there, I’ll go get a tissue’’ he said, going into the bathroom.
Her brain was slowly starting to work again, her throat was dry, she needed a drink. Before she could move, Bucky came out of the bathroom with a tissue. ‘’I’m gonna clean you up, darling’’ he said before kneeling in front of her. He took the time to clean her, she’d never had this type of intimacy before, she could get used to it. When she was all cleaned, Bucky took a new pair of panties from her drawer, but before closing it, he saw a piece of lingerie. Like a 12-year-old, he was grinning and chuckling. ‘’Darling, what’s this?’’ he held it up while laughing. She put her hands in her face to hide her blush. ‘’That’s Daisy’s idea. I didn’t even know she put it there.’’ She laughed. He put it back in the drawer, still smiling. ‘’You gonna wear it for me?’’ he teased. She clicked her tongue in her teeth and took her new panties from his hands. ‘’Maybe’’ she laughed. They both smiled at each other before she got up, even if she wasn’t sure if her legs were gonna be able to support her. She put her panties on, before almost falling. Bucky held her, grinning. ‘’I got you, darling’’ he said, proud of himself for making her like this. ‘’Do we have anything to drink?’’ she asked. He looked at the bottle of alcohol he had brought with him, and then looked at her again. ‘’Maybe water, my head is going to hurt so much tomorrow’’ she said. He went to get her a glass of water and came back, sitting on the bed. She drank the liquid and laid in the bed. He laid next to her, opening his arm for her to cuddle with him. Her hand was now resting on his chest. ‘’Thank you, for everything’’ she said. ‘’For the orgasms?’’ he teased. She snorted and rolled her eyes. ‘’Yes, but mainly, thank you for getting me that weekend pass, I needed it’’ she said. ‘’That’s why I pleaded with the Corporal’’ he said. He kissed the top of her head as she was slowly falling asleep, him too.
Part 8⬇️
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izels-writing · 5 months
r. lupin — flirting
Pairing: remus lupin x fem!reader
Summary: in which y/n flirts every chance she gets and remus can’t help but secretly love it
Warnings: suggestive language (it’s a fluff fic tho!), pregnancy (?, just toward the end)
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was y/n good at flirting? yes and no. she was horrible at flirting with other people, absolutely horrible. but there was one person that she were somehow amazing at flirting with.
remus lupin.
she wasn't sure why. she figured it was the shyness or the fact that he only really spoke to lily evans or his best friends james potter, sirius black, and peter pettigrew. other people he tended to cut conversations short or he pretended to have to go. he never seemed to fancy being around other people.
that's what made her so interested in him. how couldn't she be?
"come on, y/n! we'll be late!" y/f/n called out, pulling y/n out of the common room and rushing down the corridor. y/n huffed and followed quickly behind her rushed friend.
finally arriving in potions, y/f/n took their seat next to their boyfriend/girlfriend/partner, leaving her to wander over to your usual seat. one she had next to a certain nerdy, quiet yet witty boy. most of the time in potions, she could hear him mutter some smart comment under his breath, making her giggle and earn herself a detention. though he usually muttered a quiet apology and focused on the potion instead of trying to get her out of the detention, she never took offense and shrugged it off. always.
the bell rang, and like clockwork, four boys burst inside. one had black, unruly hair and rectangular glasses. another was handsome with black, long hair and stormy grey eyes. the shortest one was giggling, fixing his uniform on his stubby body. the last, y/n's personal favorite, was a tall and lanky boy who had more scars than bare skin and slightly toned arms.
there were many things no one noticed about remus, things that y/n did. he always wore baggy clothes, but when he brought his sleeves up he had toned and slight muscle to his arms, or how when he stretch his shirt would ride up just enough for her to see the muscle that had likely built up over the years.
"take a seat boys, class is just about the begin..." slughorn sighed, like he did almost every day.
"no problem sluggy." james potter, the quidditch jock of the group, grinned, making his way to sit next to lily evans, his (to her misfortune as she proclaimed falsely) potions partner.
"say, did you do something to your hair today?" sirius asked in fake curiosity, earning a stern nod over to his seat from slughorn. both he and peter walked over to their seats, along with remus, who quickly sat next to y/n.
"hey handsome." y/n winked, smiling teasingly at him. remus gave a small smile back, used to this kind of behavior from her.
"hi y/n." he replied quietly, getting out some of the essentials for today's lesson, which had been written by slughorn on the blackboard.
"today, my bright students, we'll be brewing the draught of peace. a potion you should all be familiar with. it'll take up most of the class time, and afterward, i want you to test them on each other. but only a small dosage, as too much and brewed wrongly can result in a very long and irreversible sleep. the recipe for this commonly used potion is on page 342 of your textbooks. you may begin."
y/n took quick notice to how slughorn sat down at his desk and lied his head down. while she wasn't always observant, it was a little clear that their professor was recovering from a strong hangover.
"don't you just love it when our teacher tasks us with O.W.L potions because he can't handle his liquor." y/n mumbled, turning your page to the one slughorn had mentioned.
"oh definitely...it's right next to when james and sirius drink on a school night." remus replied sarcastically.
she chuckled, "sounds fun."
"very. especially when i wake up to one of them vomiting in the bathroom." remus grinned, walking off to retrieve some ingredients.
y/n watched him grab the things, fighting the urge to think of any flirtatious comments. instead, she placed her cauldron on the table and started reading the instructions.
when he finally returned, they both started on the potion.
"okay, now add the powdered unicorn horn. the right amount, y/n, i would rather not be put in a irreversible sleep because of your antics." remus remarked, watching y/n carefully as she measured out the ingredient.
"gee, you sure have a way with words for such a big..." she glanced down flirtatiously, "mouth. don't worry remus, i can handle such a large task. though i'm sure that's not the only large thing i can handle-"
"y/n!" remus gasped quietly.
y/n acted nonchalant and added the horn, looking over for the next ingredient. stir until red.
"alright now stir." y/n said, nodding at the cauldron. remus nodded and started stiring, making her smirk and watch him. he fought his blush hard under her gaze, but he couldn't help it.
y/n felt giddy every time she could make him blush. it felt accomplishing for some reason.
"am i making you nervous, mr. prefect?" she asked, leaning against the desk with a smirk.
"no, just not used to being stared at creepily." remus retorted, stiring still.
"oh i highly doubt that, such a handsome face and an even better smile, i doubt you don't get stared at." y/n replied. remus rolled his eyes, making her frown momentarily, but nonetheless she regained her confidence as soon as his lip twitched upward.
after the two them finished their potion and tested it, and helped mediate a argument between lily and james, class quickly came to an end. the bell rang and slughorn shot up, bringing all of the attention to himself.
"good work today! for homework i want you all to write a small essay on the draught of peace potion and its history, which will be due on friday. have a wonderful night and i'll see you all tomorrow." slughorn said, walking out quickly.
y/n groaned and started shoving her things back into her bag. she wasn't very good at researching, mainly because she always seemed to get distracted on anything else. and there was also the fact that she hated essays in general.
remus looked over at the girl, wondering why exactly she had been groaning. under her breath, he could hear her mumbling about being rubbish at research and essays. he contemplated his next decision for a moment. should he ask her to study? though he didn't admit to it, he quite enjoyed the girls company at times. but did he really want to deal with your obvious flirting for minutes or maybe even hours?
his mind immediately answered yes, even if every time she flirted he struggled to refrain from kissing her right then and there to shut her up. lovingly of course.
"hey, do you want to study with me for this essay?" he asked, making y/n look up quickly. she smiled widely and nodded.
"of course, i'd love to." she replied.
"alright—um, just meet me in the library thursday at three?" he suggested awkwardly. y/n grinned.
"alright, i look forward to our date," she winked and walked off, swinging her bag over her shoulder. remus watched her as she did, smiling subtly at how she'd subconsciously fix her hair or how she'd laugh at whatever y/f/n had just said.
"did you, moonikens, just land yourself a date with someone who has so painfully obvious been into you for some time now?" a teasing voice behind him ask. remus rolled his eyes.
"it's not a date, pads, i'm just helping her study." remus replied, swinging his bag over his shoulder while the pair waited for james and peter.
"well, i can tell you that my study dates don't usually end in just studying," sirius said, nudging remus.
"he means they end in blowjobs." james said bluntly. remus scrunched up his nose, "well, i gathered that much."
"merlin, let's just please get to the kitchens..." peter mumbled.
the date had come faster than expected, much faster. so much so, that y/n almost forgot about it. she had so much piled onto herself, with homework assignments.
"y/n, don't you have that date or something?" y/f/n asked, shutting their book and looking up at their friend.
y/n nodded and looked at the clock.
2:55 p.m. it read.
she gasped and shot up, throwing her things inside her bag. bidding a quick goodbye, she ran out of her common room and started toward the stairs.
"watch it!"
y/n could care less how many people she bumped into, she didn't want to be late. lupin likely wouldn't wait for her if she was. once she reached the library, she stumbled through, ignoring madam pinces glare, and ran toward a dirty-blonde haired boy.
throwing herself in the seat in front of him, she took deep breaths, panting quietly.
his watch rang and remus smirked, turning his arm so that she could see it.
3:00 p.m.
"right on time, l/n," he grinned.
"aw, are we back to last name basis again?" y/n mumbled, pouting playfully.
remus rolled his eyes and took out his own materials for their potions essay, making her do the same.
"okay, we could start by using our text books to find the basic information. you don't seem to open yours much," remus said teasingly.
y/n grinned, "why would i, when i have someone so much better to look at in potions?" remus quickly caught on and flushed a light pink, rolling his eyes.
"anyway, we can finish this essay in about an hour and a half i say, sound good?" remus asked, looking up at y/n.
"sounds great, handsome," y/n replied nonchalantly. unbeknownst to her, remus felt a little jittery every time she called him that.
as the hour and a half passed, y/n was surprisingly the first to finish her essay. remus wrote his last sentence as y/n began to fidget in her seat and toss her muggle stress ball into the air and caught it.
"okay! i am done!" remus grinned, quietly shutting his text books and putting away his essay.
"cool, and it's only 4:30," you smirked.
remus leaned back in his chair. "y'know, you didn't have to wait up for me...you'd could've gone..."
y/n shrugged and grinned slyly, "i know, but i wanted to. besides, now that we're both done, we can hang out!"
"no, look," remus shook his head, "i'm a bore and you'd immediately want to leave,"
y/n raised her eyebrow. "sounds like a challenge, what do you got?"
remus chuckled and shrugged. "okay...want to go to the kitchens and make tea and then read?"
y/n thought for a moment. she wasn't one to stay still very well, that much was obviously since she was a young girl. however, doing this with remus didn't sound all too unappealing.
she leaned closer. "can you read to me?"
remus flushed as she grinned at her suggestion, and although it wasn't technically, it felt inherently intimate. she clearly didn't see it this way, so he couldn't either. he smiled warmly at her and nodded.
"yeah, i'll read to you." he smiled.
remus's voice was low and calming, and for some reason, felt like music in her ears. y/n laid her head on his lap, looking up at him as he read from the book. he had begun stroking her hair, making this situation even more relaxing.
she sat up for a moment, taking a sip of her tea, handing remus his cup as he asked for it. he paused his reading and smiled at her.
"you sure you're not bored yet?" he asked.
y/n shook her head. "of course not! i'm getting really into the story. mr. darcy is an ass, isn't he?" she took another sip of the tea.
remus nodded and chuckled. "he gets better, i promise."
"he better," y/n said, making a face, "elizabeth needs something better than that,"
"yes, she does," remus agreed. "if anything, you remind me of her,"
y/n grinned and raised an eyebrow teasingly. "do i? does that make you my mr. darcy?"
remus rolled his eyes playfully, pulling her to lay back down on his lap. "you wish...now, let me finish the chapter."
"as you wish, mr. lupin," y/n teased, remus' actions eliciting a laugh from her.
and for a moment as remus read and as y/n listened, y/n wasn't going out of her way to flirt obnoxiously with the boy and remus wasn't going out of his way to reject or wave off her attempts. instead, she listened to his silky voice and entered a relaxing mindset as she closed her eyes. meanwhile, remus glanced down at the girl every so often and couldn't help the ever growing smile on his face.
remus lupin closed the book he held quietly, looking down at y/n who's eyes snapped open.
"was that really the end?" she frowned.
"well, there's a sequel, but i figured we should start it tomorrow," remus suggested. "we have that appointment early tomorrow,"
"but! but—it's not even that important? what're they gonna tell me? that the baby is growing hands? thanks, i would hope so!" y/n protested, sitting up with a struggle at the growing stomach she currently had. she wasn't too far along, but that didn't make it any easier to manage.
"these appointments are important, remember what lily told you?" remus lectured. "i promise we can start the sequel tomorrow..."
y/n frowned, pouting. "you're no fun."
remus placed a hand on her stomach, feeling a light kick, making y/n grin slightly. "one of us has to be the bad parent,"
"we both agreed it would be me," y/n reminded.
"we'll see when he's born, mrs. lupin," remus grinned.
y/n smiled warmly. "i suppose we will, mr. lupin."
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spindrifters · 4 months
I've been doing battle with my internet all day to get this up for Lynxmas. I would not be bested!! I refused and I persevered!! So a very happy birthday from me and the rowdy 11 year olds to our favorite barwench humble forest cat @lynxindisguise!!
There’s a peculiar shuffle to sharing one’s room, a frenzy of activity when it comes to four boys squashed into a rather small circular dorm that puts Remus—not only used to the solitude of his own little cottage bedroom, but raised without so much as a single other child his own age for at least ten miles in each direction—decidedly on edge.
It’s a continuation of the chaos from the welcoming feast, where the newly-sorted Gryffindor boys had quickly found their stride and accompanying role in the ecosystem. James and Sirius, no longer competing over who could eat more chicken thighs but still loudly trying to one-up each other’s boasts about feats of accidental magic. Peter, scrabbling to get a word in while his eyes gleamed with excitement each time one of them noticed. And Remus, the impulse to join in the fun warring with Dad’s gentle word of warning before he climbed on the train earlier in the day—can’t be too careful, lad.
He pushes that to the side, focusing instead on finding his plush grindylow Raccoon at the bottom of his trunk. It’s a poor replacement for Jeff, the very real grindylow who lives at the bottom of his garden pond and who he already misses something fierce—and he is not going to let the other boys see that he brought a stuffed animal with him to school, thank you very much—but still. It helps to know that Raccoon’s there. It helps to know he'll have at least one friend at school.
Because Peter’s nice, but he and James are already friends from growing up, and Sirius and James… Well, he supposes they mean well, but with their shining black shoes and posh accents and the way they barrel loud and bright through a conversation like nothing in the world could touch them, Remus can’t help but be intimidated. For Merlin’s sake, Sirius has silver monogrammed cufflinks on the sleeves of his school uniform. Even if Remus does manage the courage to ever string more than two words together in front of his new dormmates, he can’t imagine they’d ever want to be friends with someone like him.
There’s a flash then, followed by a bang, and Remus becomes briefly distracted by a whirling firework escaping from James’s trunk. There’s laughter at that, a slight salve to his fluttering, nervous gut when the other boy winks at him from behind square-frame glasses, but then James turns back to say something to Sirius instead and stops. He gapes.
“Why are you wearing a dress?”
“It’s not a dress,” Sirius sniffs, looking affronted at the very idea. “It’s a nightshirt.”
Well, whatever it is Sirius has changed into while the rest of them weren’t paying attention, it certainly looks like a dress. It’s white, and ankle-length, and buttoned all the way up to just beneath his chin. Also, it’s frilly. Very frilly. If anything, it looks like something out of Ma’s old and battered copy of A Christmas Carol, like he should really have a long nightcap and candleholder to go with it.
Remus can’t help it. He snorts.
Sirius snaps his gaze over, steel grey eyes boring holes into him, and Remus wants to melt into the floor beneath his feet. “Well, what do you wear to sleep, then, if it’s so funny?” he snaps.
“Not my gran’s nightie,” Remus replies, feeling he ought to be congratulated, actually, on such a witty remark. Only Sirius’s eyes flash at that, and immediately his jaw clamps jaw shut.
But then James is cackling, and Sirius seems to take in his new dormmates for the first time since they all began changing for bed. James, in a vest and Quidditch shorts. Peter, in a matching set of broomstick-patterned pyjamas. Remus, in a pair of joggers and the oversized green jumper that still smells like Dad. A red flush creeps up Sirius’s pale cheeks. “Oh.”
It occurs to Remus then, that this wasn’t at all what he wanted, either. He didn’t want to make Sirius feel bad about it. He hadn’t wanted to embarrass him.
So it’s a poor offering, maybe, but he finds himself digging out another jumper—orange, this time, but a nice soft one, and not too oversized or nubby—and says, “D’you want to borrow it?”
A moment passes, then two, and then Sirius is smiling wide. “Cheers, Lupin,” he says, a shine in his eyes of something Remus doesn’t quite know how to place.
In future days he’ll come to understand that that look is the surefire sign of Sirius about to do something that’s not the done thing—not by pureblood standards, anyway, whatever the hell those are. All he knows right now is that Sirius isn’t yelling at him—or worse, ignoring him—and then James is throwing an extra pair of Quidditch shorts at Sirius’s face and saying no one wants to see his skivvies, and then Peter is breaking out a massive bag of Bertie Bott’s to share, and maybe it turns out that Remus can have friends, actually, after all.
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yanderecrazysie · 3 months
Hi, I know this is a really weird request, but I can't get the idea of headcanons Izuku, Katsuki, Shoto and Kirishima with s/o heroic exchange students from Russia out of my head. I think it would be really fun, but if you don't like it I'll just ignore it
And thanks, your blog always makes my mood better
I don’t know a lot about Russia, so this could be seen as really from any country. And I’m so glad my blog makes your mood better!! That makes me happy to hear! 
WARNINGS: yandere themes
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Midoriya Izuku
Izuku takes tons of notes on your country, blown away by all of the knowledge you bring.
He does some research of his own on Russia so that you both can talk about it. He especially is interested in the language, since he wants to learn it so he can speak with you with no one else understanding.
He wants to use his research to make you take an interest in him and to make you happy.
He wants it to become something that only you two can talk about. He wants to be the only one who you think understands you!
He also takes notes on you- everything he notices about you and everything you do.
He refuses to let you see his notes, since some of them get a lot creepier than you think.
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Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou gets frustrated when you speak Russian because he can’t understand you and he really wants to know what you’re saying.
He doesn’t mean to get rude when he asks you to “just speak Japanese”, but he needs to be kept in the loop.
He would get furious if you did this after he kidnapped you and you’d definitely be punished.
He does think it’s cute how you happily talk about your culture and traditions, and definitely enjoys listening to you go on and on about Russia.
He would buy you something that reminds you of home and just shrug nonchalantly like, “I saw it and it was cheap” (it wasn’t).
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Todoroki Shoto
Shoto likes to buy you Russian-themed trinkets that he finds. 
His family’s rich, so he can order all sorts of things online and spoil you with them.
He only has surface-level knowledge of Russia, but he researches it more once he meets you.
He tries to learn Russian, but he trips over the words and pronunciation too much to say much more than a clumsy greeting.
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Kirishima Eijirou
Kirishima is not great at memorization or research, so everything he knows about Russia comes from you directly.
He thinks it’s really cool that you’re so used to Russian coldness that you wear the short-sleeved uniform even when it’s chilly out. (He thinks it makes you look tough)
Kirishima generally thinks of Russians as tough and tall, so he kind of expects you to live up to that. If you don’t, that’s okay, but it’ll surprise him.
He likes hearing you talk about your country, but he’s not very imaginative and can’t picture anything different than what he’s used to.
He’d be glad to show you around Japan, though! Hand-in-hand, like a date…
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krenenbaker · 6 months
Rook Ballet Headcanons!
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Now that we know Rook has CANONICALLY started taking ballet lessons, these are some thoughts I have as to some of his possible preferences with it! While I know that he's still learning the basics, if he were to continue further, he would probably get quite good!
He already has some of the necessary core and upper-body strength for ballet, and I'm sure that the cardio aspect wouldn't be a huge challenge for him, either. However, he stated in his Platinum Jacket vignette that he has struggled some with balance and ankle stability, so for the most part, he would be primarily working to strengthen his leg muscles - specifically those of the hip, thigh, and ankle - and increasing overall flexibility. With that work, in combination with the poise and grace he already has in his movements, he could become a fantastic danseur!
Now, for his preferences...
To begin, his uniform: I see Rook as likely preferring tights rather than shorts, and a leotard rather than a shirt. He'd also likely choose a cap or short sleeve over a tank, at least for the most part. and he seems as if he'd be quite drawn to a zip-front (or high-neck) leotard.
He'd also prefer grey canvas ballet slippers, grey tights, and a white leotard, though there's a chance he'd wear black slippers and tights instead.
For reference, Rook's preferred dancewear would be somewhat like this:
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or perhaps this:
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He'd also need to tie his hair back, of course, as he does for P.E., Beanfest, etc. (It would be wise for him to pin back the loose strands, too... though chances are, he wouldn't do that, except for recitals.)
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Now, for the steps, I've added in some video examples, in case you aren't familiar with ballet terminology.
I'll begin with what Rook may struggle with, at least at first. Based on his main problem areas (ankle stability and balance), any sort of step which involves being en relevé ("on rise" on ones' toes) would be somewhat difficult, as well as some centre work. Grand pliés and développés in the centre would likely be hard for him when he first begins, until he has toned the proper muscles. And for a similar reason, he may struggle with turns, especially fouettés, pirouettes, and chaînés. Rook may dislike chaînés especially, as even with proper spotting technique, they can be quite disorienting.
However, he'd LOVE things like cabrioles, Italian pas de chat (in this video, alternating with glissés), saut de Basque, jeté en tournant, tour jeté, and similar steps. They each have a certain... sensation about them; when performed, these steps give a feeling of almost soaring through the air. He'd find them to be beautiful, and powerful to both perform and watch.
Rook would also adore the fluidity of pas de valse / balancé, and have a lot of fun with exercises which feature them!
he'd also love dancing any sort of pas de deux, even if he didn't have much chance to do it. being able to feel the interplay and balance between him and his partner, and build that sense of trust would be fantastically beautiful to him, possibly even more than watching a pas de deux.
There are likely a number of other steps and various variations (perhaps the Coppélia Act I Franz variation, for example?) which Rook would find to be enjoyable during his time taking ballet. And - should he continue with dance - Rook may just find another form of art he falls in love with!
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prince-kallisto · 5 months
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I’ve had this project for a while, but I finally finished it today! \(//∇//)\ This was meant to be a Neige LeBlanche redesign, but I strayed a bit from his original more than I intended. I have my thought process and concept art below the cut as usual! ^_^
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Anyway, his design was a hard one to tackle. Haha, to be honest, I still don’t feel like he’s more beautiful than Vil! But with this, I wanted to take a lot of inspiration from classic shoujo anime and manga, where the eyes were sparkly and the hair was flowing and curled. My main three sources of inspiration were Candy Candy, Princess Knight, and of course Rose of Versailles.
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Neige Leblache felt tough to design because I knew he had to stay very cute and young-looking, but how do you exactly make that sort of design “rival” Vil Schoenheit, while also not making him look like Epel?In my first passes, I emphasized a lot of the cuteness and femininity. But the more I pushed forward, the more I began to doubt the look. Again, the designs didn’t feel very “Twisted Wonderland” enough. He needed a more recognizable design and hairstyle.
I settled on a short hime cut, since Disney’s Snow White is very iconic for her short hair silhouette. I really liked Neige’s sailor hat, so I kept that to emphasize the youthful look he’s going for. I changed the color of his hat to blue, because I wasn’t a fan of how his OG hat blended into with his dark hair.
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Then I had a lightbulb moment. I wanted to combine the looks of Snow White and Prince Florian. It would keep Neige’s cute looks, while also giving him a “boy-ish” and princely charm, the sort of charm that gives him a classic fairytale Prince look. Neige is also surprisingly tall, so I decided to emphasize his legs and waist.
To tie in the sailor look, I gave him a red bow, and also redesigned RSA’s coat and magestone because I don’t like drawing the details haha! I gave him brown boots as a reference to Snow White’s servant clothing in the beginning of the film, and also I think Neige still lives with the dwarves in a cottage? Idk I thought it was cute haha. Pomefiore’s dorm uniforms also has a Japanese theme to it, with the uniforms resembles kimonos. I wanted the same thing with Neige’s long lacy sleeves and his hair pin. The flowers on his sheer shoulder part of his sleeve and the hair pin is a reference to the flowers on Snow White’s grave. The iridescent pearls were just to be extra haha, and to try to keep his oversized jacket in place. The lace shapes were meant to be in the shape of apple seeds as well.
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But I think the most noticeable change was Neige’s complexion. But going back to his face, I wanted his eyes to be sparkly and striking, sort of like if Epel if Epel had more confidence in his cute charm. I also gave Neige a red lip and red eyeshadow/liner, just to bring out these features more. At first, my Neige redesign was very pale, like Lilia levels of pale 😭 But I wanted to give him a bit of a tan just because haha. I think I wanted to give Neige more of a visual contrast to Vil alongside their personality contrast.
But I’m bad with watercolors, so there were noticeable streaks when I painted his skin. The more I went over it to fix it, the darker Neige got…eventually, I just embraced it and gave Neige a naturally brown skin tone haha... I personally like how it looks, but I acknowledge my redesign strayed a lot from the OG Neige. Perhaps he could just be a TWST-ed Snow White instead of being Neige himself. I really like Neige surprisingly, so I had a lot of fun with this. To me, he’s really cute and I’m happy with how turned out despite the huge struggle I had with painting him and his clothes overall \(//∇//)\
Edit: I was scrambling to post this because I was busy that day haha, but now that I have more time to collect my thoughts, I want to elaborate on what I mean by a “recognizable design.” Neige is a character with so far very little screen time, as he’s not part of the main cast. However, Chenya, who arguably had even less screen time than him in the main game (excluding GloMas), became very popular, no doubt because of his design as the Cheshire Cat. Of course, you have to account for personality as well. Neige is often considered too “goody goody” for a TWST boy, cause even though Chenya is at RSA, he still has a mischievous streak. But I think what brings Neige down even more is his design. There’s nothing automatically striking about him. He’s very cute, and I love his accessories. But as someone to rival Vil, Neige isn’t particularly more handsome or cute than the other boys in the cast. It’s partially why I personally like the darker skin tone I gave him. Since TWST doesn’t have a lot of darker skinned or even tanned boys, I feel like it could’ve helped Neige be a bit more recognizable. This is just my opinion, but I wasn’t a huge fan of how pointed the ends of Neige’s hair was either. Snow White has a very soft design, especially when considering the era she came from. I thought a soft shapes and doe-like design for Neige would’ve made the contrast between him and Vil stand out more. As some of the reblogged tags pointed out, Vil has a mature appeal, and Neige’s is much more “innocent.” I thought Book 6 would have a bit more commentary on the nature of celebrity industry, because I thought it was fascinating how Neige didn’t seem taken aback from Rook’s stalker-ish behavior? It made me wonder if he’s used to it, especially since his character was meant to have a cuter and innocent appeal, compared to Vil who seems unapproachable. ANYWAY this ramble went on longer than I intended, it probably deserves its own post to talk even more 😭 I just really like Neige, I think he’s underrated but admittedly TWST didn’t exactly give him his chance to shine, especially in EN when his song was cut.
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sucker-for-yanderes · 5 months
Secret Admirer Pt. 2
Yan!Izuku x Reader
Contains: Stalking, hidden cameras in reader's home, unhealthy obsession and other yandere behavior, masturbation.
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The green haired boy let out a light, disturbing chuckle as he now had full access to a certain someone's house. Due to all the secret cameras he had hidden to the spare keys he made himself. He could easily slip in and out whenever he pleased. He could take her whenever he pleased. After all, with his super human quirk, it'd be a piece of cake. This girl was quirkless after all so it's not like she could defend herself even against a person who had a lowly type quirk. But where was the fun in taking her so soon? No, Izuku liked playing the waiting game. There was something about the stalking and watching from afar that he loved. He liked the thrill of the waiting game. To be able to observe her so closely yet not getting caught or even suspected once! Man, he was a natural at this. He sighed lovingly as he watched her get ready for work. She put on the same uniform that they had met in. 
Izuku first laid eyes on her at a coffee shop he visited frequently. She was the new employee they had hired. This was her first job. How did he know? The questions she asked and the way she operated and not to mention her inadequate social skills. Anyone could tell she was a newbie. In fact, she had spilled coffee on his pants. That was the first time they'd actually conversed besides her taking his order. She frantically apologized and began wiping the hot liquid off of his pants causing the two of them to blush. She apologized again and offered to give him some spare clean pants they had laying neatly folded in the back room. He turned down the offer as he saw there was no use crying over spilled coffee. It was from that interaction that the two of them began talking more and more everyday. And it was from there that an obsession grew. It started off small, Izuku not even noticing it. But he subconsciously began doing things out of the ordinary such as spilling things on "accident" or ordering a large meal and then offering (Name) to sit down and eat it with him. He would even watch her up at the register, cleaning, and making drinks. His eyes observed her well sculpted face, down to her firm breasts, to her curvy build. He even found her legs to be appealing for some odd reason and her small hands as well. He took notice to the little details about her and it only made him admire her more. He adored seeing her in that uniform. The light tan jeans that fit her legs so comfortably. Her black, short sleeved shirt fit her so snug. A short, brown apron with the coffee shop brand logo on it hugged her waist perfectly. Not to mention the uniform accented her breasts, thighs, and ass all in one sitting. Izuku had never seen anyone look so cute and even sexy in a coffee shop uniform before. Never. But that wasn't the only thing he cared about. No. He cared about so much more. Her voice, her kindness to others, her enthusiasm, determination, patience, and the way she could light up the room when she walked in. Izuku was so intrigued by this girl. You could find a girl with a good body anywhere, but to have a good personality combined with that was rare. Izuku was so intrigued by this girl that it didn't take him long to find out where she lived. She even lived close by his apartment. How convenient~
Now, in present day, it was after work that he managed to slip into her house without being detected. Izuku thanked the gods who gave him such stealth. Whatever room she was in, he was watching from another. His heart raced. Oh, how he loved the thrill. The risk of getting caught. It was a wild high. But the thing he truly loved was being close to his crush. The one he admired most. The one who occupied his heart. Izuku couldn't help but bend down to the ground and bring his hands to his now red face. He was internally fanboying over that girl again. He couldn't wait for the day he would be able to call her his. The day she would moan his name over and over again. The day she would say " I do." It was all so exciting to Izuku. But he maintained his composure for now. There was a time and place for his fanboying and fantasizing. 
Izuku was now standing in the bathroom. The hot steam from the shower filled the room as mist formed on the mirror. Izuku began blushing madly as he was standing not even four feet away from the girl of his dreams! It was easy for him to slip in undetected as she liked to listen to her casual tunes whilst in the shower. Izuku could only imagine what lay on the other side of the curtains. They were in the same room. One clothed and one naked. Only to be separated by a curtain. (Name) was focused on cleaning herself until she shivered due to a sudden chill. Izuku had left the door slightly cracked. However, she found it not to be a big deal as she was getting out soon anyways and didn't want to get out of the shower, close the door, then get back in. Absolutely clueless. Focused on her own tasks at hand because that's the kind of person she is. Focused on herself in order to keep improving and moving forward. Yes, that's right. Keep on doing what you're doing. Minding your own business as the boy so close to you watches. Nothing kept secret. 
(Name) twisted the knob in her shower causing the water to turn off. Izuku swiftly stepped out of the room into somewhere he wouldn't be detected. She opens the curtains and dries herself off, turning the bathroom fan on to dry off the moist room. The girl then continued with her nightly routine, all while Izuku watched. However, he was respectful to turn away when she was completely nude as he wanted to save that for himself one day. The day he would see her fully naked would be the day he would take her, not just watch her. And he couldn't exactly take her right now, it would screw things up. Izuku concludes the night while watching his precious girl sleep from the window. The gods seemingly blessed him again providing a tree with the perfect, supportive branch to watch her from. Izuku watched her sleep for hours and hours before he had to go home. However, that's okay. The micro cameras he set up in her room would allow him to watch her in the comfort of his home while she was comfortable in hers. And there, he would continue his fun. 
Midoriya was so smart to have done that. He pat himself on the back for it. Yes, he absolutely loved watching you up close and personal, but he couldn't all the time. He looked at the tapes often. Her sleeping in bed was enough to turn him on. As usual, he pleased himself to her. Fantasizing. What her naked body would look like pressed up against his. What her mouth would look like around his long, thick meat. What his cum all over her face would look like. She would look so adorable. This was the only thing that kept Izuku restrained. It gave him a sense of self control. But make no mistake, he was definitely planning on how to make (Name) his forever. He wanted (Name). He coveted her so bad. Izuku wanted to own her. Own everything about her. Her body, her psyche, her soul, her very entire essence, and most importantly, her heart. She would be his entirely.
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thebetawolfgirl · 6 months
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Her Mr Chalamet
Pairing: Timmy x Reader
Warnings: Smut, Timmy’s attempt at being Dom, more Smut. Role play.
A/N: Timmy and I are on this particular journey together. Also I can’t speak French to save myself so you can blame Google Translate if anything is wrong!
Her Mr Chalamet
Y/n and Timmy were sitting on the sofa just relaxing with the radio playing in the background, Timmy was asking about y/n’s school life.
She went to a private boarding school for girls and Timmy was suddenly fascinated.
‘Did you wear a school uniform too?’ He asks quietly playing with her hair.
She smirked and nodded. ‘Yes, the full thing; plaid skirt, crisp white button up and black tie with the school’s emblem on it with a sweater, or a cardigan. Depending on the weather because it was in New England, so.’
She felt him squirm underneath her and she smiled as he cleared his throat.
‘And were you a good girl?’
She leaned up and whispered in his ear ‘No. I was very very bad. I was always being told to sit on the naughty step.’
He gulped as she felt his pants tightening underneath her and ground her hips down on him making him hiss.
‘You need to find that uniform!’
She smiled turning to face him and rested her chin on his chest looking at his now black eyes, ‘Is that an order, Sir?’
‘YES!’ He choked out before grabbing her crushing his mouth against hers.
Now here she was rooting through her storage boxes in the attic looking for her old school uniform while Timmy was at a meeting with his business partner.
She eventually found the skirt and tried it on. It still fit around her hips, but now it was halfway up her thighs, it was so short now. She hadn’t worn it the final week of school at 19, she smiled knowing Timmy would be drooling over the shortness of the skirt.
She rummaged through the box and found her shirt, she decided to cut off the sleeves so it wouldn’t cut into her arms but she didn’t touch anything else, knowing the shirt would be very tight across her breasts, she was looking for her tie when she came across Timmy’s school tie and smirked grabbing it instead.
She was about to text him but decided to call him instead and tapped his name and listened to the dial tone, he picked up on the third ring.
‘Baby? What’s wrong?’
‘No no everything is fine baby, I just wanted to let you know I found that box of ‘documents’ you asked me to look for?’
She heard him curse and spill something on the other side and smirked. ‘File marked T was missing but I found another file that will be adequate for our research.’
‘Tha-that’s really good y/n. We shall start that research tonight.’ He stammered over the phone and she smiled ‘Ok have fun with your meeting, love you.’
She hung up smirking knowing it would drive him crazy wondering what she had in replacement for her school tie.
What the hell was he going to come home too, Timmy wondered sitting in his office with his business partner his knee jiggling nervously. She couldn’t find her school tie, so what was the replacement? He tried to think of what else was in that attic, he had some old keepsakes from his own childhood stored up there.
The meeting finished earlier than Timmy expected and he practically flew out of the office and jumped into his car and went off for home, he drove into the driveway and jogged up the front steps and threw the front door open remembering to lock the door and even put the chain on.
‘Y/n? Y/n?’ He called her name walking through the house until he reached his office on the second floor. He pushed the door open slowly walking in, and found her sitting on his desk her legs crossed.
The skirt she wore was tiny, and he meant tiny. He couldn’t imagine how short it was when she last wore it at school, and the shirt was very tight across her breasts and she left some of the buttons undone, but around her neck,
‘Oh holy fuck!’ She was wearing HIS school tie around her neck.
She smiled watching him and whispered his name in a sultry voice.
‘Mr Chalamet, Sir. I’m ready for my first lesson.’
He walked over to her and wrapped his hand around her throat, and nudged her thighs apart with his knee standing between them.
‘First lesson, repeat after me: Je Suis à vous. Now say it in English.’
‘I. Am. Yours.’ She repeated his words never taking her eyes off his.
He gripped her thighs and dragged her towards him as she grabbed his shirt to steady herself gasping.
‘Who do you belong too?’ He asks telling her to speak French as he leaned down to kiss her neck.
‘Je t’appartiens.’ She stammered and it earned her a spank on her hip and she squealed ‘Timmy!’
Another slap across her thigh ‘Do you call all your teachers by first name?’
‘No, Sir!’ She gasps out as he undoes his belt and jeans and pulls her off the desk pushing her forward on the desk again and realised she was wearing no panties underneath her skirt and groaned ‘Breaking school rules for uniform regulation Miss y/l/n?’
He brought his hand down on her left cheek earning another shriek from her. He looked over her shoulder to see her biting her lip trying not to smirk ‘Something funny Miss y/n?’
She let out a breath ‘I didn’t wear panties for you Sir! Only for you.’
He grit his teeth and pushed his fingers inside her tightness making her whimper, moving her hips against his fingers ‘What do you want? Tell me what you want!’
She stammered as he shoved three of his fingers inside her and she gripped the edge of the desk.
‘Tell me. Say what you want!’
‘I want your dick inside of me!’
He growled and grabbed her hips in a bruising grip and slammed into her making her scream his name and began to rut his hips into hers.
He leaned over her and pulled her shirt down from the collar and bit down on her shoulder hard making her moan and throw her head back against his shoulder, she wrapped her arm around his neck gripping his hair and turned to kiss him hard.
He kissed back ramming into her from behind before turning her head to the side and removed HIS tie from her shirt and tied it around her wrists tightly before pulling out making her whine.
He turned her over before gripping her jaw and forcing his tongue into her mouth, kissing her hard. He ripped her shirt open breaking the buttons off, he pushed her back onto the desk before kneeling in front of her and began licking her pussy making her gasp, he gripped her thighs smirking and continued eating her.
‘Your punishment for disobeying the uniform regulations is you can’t cum until I say so.’
He head a guttural growl and knew if she wasn’t currently tied up with his tie she would be ripping him apart and making this HIS punishment. He would pay for it later when their little game was finished, he continued to devour her lapping up her wetness, sucking and pushing his tongue in teasingly. He was getting harder himself just listening to her groans and her whimpers as he ate her out, he heard her whispering his name like a prayer and knew this was her way of getting back at him without actually doing anything.
He could feel his cock leaking precum and had enough of this torture, he stood up crawling on to the desk on top of her and gripped her thighs holding them open ‘Fuck this. Just come for me!’
He rammed into her hard and deep and relished in her screams washing over him and collapsed on top of her continuing to rut into her knocking everything off his desk in the process, he untied her and entwined his fingers with hers as she shoved her other hand into his hair before pulling him up and crushing her lips against his in a hungry kiss.
He pushed her further up the desk with the force of his thrusts and ripped her blouse off her shoulders tearing the fabric to shreds as he felt himself approaching his release, he moved his head and clamped his lips around her nipple and sucked and bit down so they could come together and heard her shriek and felt her squeeze his dick making him come with her.
He buried his face in her neck and nibbled her skin shaking in her arms in the aftermath.
He felt his body completely melt under her touch as she swept her fingers through his damp hair and out of his face and whimpered.
‘You did great baby, you made a very good teacher and disciplinarian.’ He revelled in the praise and sighed nuzzling her neck.
‘No more teacher for me though. I prefer being the one getting coddled.’
She smiled and removed his soaked through shirt, tossing it and let him pick her up over to the sofa and laying on top of her again which made her chuckle.
‘I’ve spoiled you too much. You’re such a baby.’
‘I’m your baby. I belong to you!’
He mumbled against her neck nibbling on her skin making her smile.
He reached up and pecked her lips while kicking off his jeans and shorts onto the floor as she deepens the kiss, holding him against her, he pulled her on top of him and lay underneath her kissing her slowly.
She lifted her hips and sank down on him again making his breathing to become laboured and run his hands up and down her waist.
‘Fuck you’re a Goddess!’ She smiled and began to ride him rocking her hips against his before she leaned down to capture his lips in a deep kiss. He ran his hands up her back digging his fingers into her shoulders panting against her lips, she moved her lips down his jawline and bit and nipped his neck earning a whimper from him as she began to ride him harder into the cushions of the sofa slamming her hips down against his hearing him groan against her neck.
She sat up bringing him with her and saw his pupils blown jet black and kissed his lips gently in contrast to her hips slamming down on his before shoving him back down and riding him hard and wrapped her hand around his throat seeing his eyes widen.
‘Come baby!’ As she told him she felt him explode inside her his eyes rolling back into his head making her come after him and fell onto his chest gasping against his neck as she was still feeling his ropes shooting inside her.
She lifted her knees up on either side of his waist while sliding her hand underneath his back and pulled his hips up against hers feeling his nails dig deep into her skin as his cum went deeper into her and lay her head on his shoulder looking at him as he slowly came down from his post orgasm high.
She always loved how his orgasms lasted longer than hers, and how it took him longer to recover from them afterwards.
He moved his head tiredly and nuzzled his nose against hers before burying his face against her neck and sucked on the skin at her collarbone as she stroked his hair.
‘Sleep my sweet Mr Chalamet.’ She whispered against his ear as he sighed leaving his mark on her and wrapped his arms around her waist after making sure she was against the cushions while he lay on the edge of the sofa cocooning her.
She wrapped the throw over them and slid her arm around his waist before falling asleep.
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lokisgoodgirl · 2 years
Relax, Darling: Clandestine F*cks [Avenger!Loki x Fem.Reader] 18+
Part of the Clandestine F*cks Collection [Link] A link to my regular Masterlist is HERE Summary: (15) Loki limbers up those long fingers for a mischievous visit. (w/c 2.5k) Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI. Language. Smut. Public sex. Threat of discovery. Secret relationship. Vaginal fingering. Language.
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“Did you have fun last night?” you said brightly, as Wanda slammed her locker. She was off. You could cut the tension with a knife. You were suddenly very aware that you probably still smelled of sex. How many times had Loki made you come underneath his tongue last night? Beneath his fingers? Around his cock? You had showered this morning, but considering he had taken you in there too... “It was fine, I guess” she replied sharply, pulling her white robe over her shoulders. You tied the sash of your own tighter as she spun towards you, arms folded. You took a deep breath, the words you had wanted to say to her so many times on the tip of your tongue. “Wanda I have something to tell y-” A soft knock came at the other side of the changing room door. “We’re ready for you, ladies.”
Wanda rolled her eyes, striding towards the exit. You followed her, just catching the flash of her red hair disappear behind the dividing wall of the temporary spa. Stark had changed the open locker rooms into a massage parlour, a thank you for all the fuss of the Expo. Tall dividers on wheels separated two booths, side by side in the tiled room as relaxing music played. You heard a creak as Wanda manoeuvred herself onto her massage table, a deep groan and mumbled words in her native tongue escaping her as she discovered the heated padding. You sighed, climbing onto the empty table in front of you. She was probably hungover. After this you would grab a coffee and finally tell her. Just come out with it. I’m fucking Loki Laufeyson. Oh, and I’m also madly in love with him. A moan fluttered from your lips as you melted into the most comfortable massage table in the world, warmth beneath the cushioning soaking through your sex-ached muscles. You could get used to this; you thought as you pulled the sheet around your hips. Murmurs between Wanda and her masseur floated through the divider. The best therapists in the city, Stark had said. You felt your eyelids growing heavy, the lack of sleep catching up with you.
A finger traced your shoulder. “Madam…” the voice whispered, as you grunted in feeble acknowledgement.
“...how do you like it? Soft, or firm?” Your eyes flew open, fixed on the floor through the headrest of the table. It couldn’t be. Cautiously you raised your head, awkwardly looking behind you to see Loki standing dressed in a perfectly crisp white uniform, a name-badge superfluously fixed to his chest. His long hair was tied back, he meant business...whatever this was. Your eyebrows shot up in alarm, a silent what are you doing here mouthed as he smiled broadly. “Don’t worry darling, to anyone else seeing or hearing me – I am simply ‘Augustine’, sent here to work my magic on your body.” He wriggled his fingers. “My powers work within the tower again...” he murmured, lowering his hands to slide up your naked spine. “What about-?” you hissed, as he pressed a finger quickly to his lips. “To clarify, my true form and voice are concealed. You, however, are not affected by my current illusion, so I advise caution with your overtures of surprise my love.” He smirked knowingly as you rolled your eyes. Loki would deal with the problems raised during his evaluation later. For now, as the real Augustine busied himself happily massaging a cushion in the supply closet, he intended to have some fun. “I can assure you darling, you will have no complaints.” he purred, “now lie forward, and relax.” You took a last look at his firm torso snugly wrapped in the masseur tunic, enjoying the flex of his taunt arm muscles exposed by the short sleeves. The crisp material clung to his toned hips, skimming over those perfect thighs; the bulge in his trousers outlined sinfully against the unforgiving white fabric. A knowing smile was curling at the corner of his lips, dimples flashing as he waited for you to comply. You snuggled your face back into the table opening, letting your arms hang off the side. You had learned over the months spent with Loki that sometimes, you just had to go with it. “Perfect, Madam.” Loki said soothingly, gently feeling the muscles of your back. The sound of oil being rubbed between his hands slicked the air, the scent of lavender filling your nostrils. You groaned softly as he began to work his palms across your skin, his long fingers finding every inch of aching flesh that needed his touch. Pressure points you didn’t know existed relented under the work of his hands, soft clicks peppering the air as your body yielded to his masterful pressure.
The sides of his palms trailed a firm line up your spine, sparking every needy pocket of neglected muscle with searing pleasure. “Mmmmm…” you moaned softly through closed lips, feeling his fingers brush lovingly across the back of your exposed neck. Loki being an expert on finding every kink and knot across your body shouldn’t have been a surprise, considering it was likely he that put them there. He caressed each inch of your skin with finesse, firmly squeezing and sliding across your limbs with his powerful grip. His thumbs travelled down the backs of your calf, ending in a tight press at the juncture of your ankle. You groaned against the table, hearing him chuckle behind you as the soothing music played on. After what felt like hours, Loki’s touch disappeared as his shoes came into view beneath your head. “Are you feeling suitably untangled, darling?” he leant to whisper in your ear, his warm breath skimming across your cheek. “Mmhmm...but, I think you missed a bit” you mumbled, wary of the voices conversing sporadically on the other side of the thin divider. “Did I?” Loki purred coyly, massaging the back of your neck with one large hand. “Oh dear.” His dexterous fingers slid down either side of your back, tracing the waves of your ribcage as your breaths staggered against the light touch. “Say when…” he whispered. You were on fire. His fingertips grazed your lower back, teasing the sheet that covered your ass down as your breath hitched. They cupped the underside of your hipbones lightly, as you involuntarily raised your pelvis off the table below. “When.” you gasped quietly, cursing your neediness. It wasn’t your fault your lover was the most irresistible being in all the known universe. What was a girl to do? Loki’s low chuckle from behind made your muscles clench, the curve of your ass tightening as he gently patted the skin with a soft slap. “Relax, Madam” he said, the professional overture of his sultry voice making you scream internally. The thought of Wanda a few meters away receiving her own treatment flashed in your mind, her masseur working his own brand of magic. You could hear him checking in with her as she grunted a semi-conscious reply, too engrossed in the bliss of the moment to form words.
Instinctually your legs widened on the bed, closing your eyes. Something about not being able to see him, not being able to move freely; made every muscle in your body fizz like hot oil. 'You, however, are not affected by my current illusion, so I advise caution with your overtures of surprise.' You groaned inwardly, remembering his words. His teasing was voracious, his enjoyment testing the limits of your sensory capacities, endless. This was taking your necessary kink for quiet pleasures to a whole new level. Loki’s fingers toyed between your legs, finding your ready pussy soaking with arousal. “Love…” he murmured approvingly, “did you truly miss me that much in the hours we've been apart?” You sighed as he slipped one finger easily inside you. You knew his palm faced the ceiling by the way the base of it pressed against the curve of your upper thighs. You squeezed your eyes shut, fighting a moan as he slid another finger into your wet pussy to join the first. “Relax, darling” he rumbled soothingly, sliding his fingers fluidly back and forth. You gasped as they slipped outside your core, deftly riding through your lips and over your swollen clit in a sizzling symphony before returning to the warm heat of your cunt. You turned your head from the table opening, pressing your forehead against the padding to the side. Fuuuck, Loki, you wanted to cry; the strangled words flaming within your throat. That was one way for Wanda to find out. Your desperate fingers gripped the bars beneath the folding bed as he worked you with finesse, taunting you with his own moans of arousal, concealed by his magic. “Darling you’re so wet. To think my cock was inside this precious warmth not two hours ago…” Your grip on the bars beneath you tightened, every word from his lips only heard by your ears driving you closer to the forbidden brink. "Do you like when I take care of you, darling? Knowing that your god is on hand to provide all the relief you require? To sate all of your needs and desires...gods you're so wet, love." A judder from your hips pressed you back against his horizontal hand as he chuckled, feeling your walls clench. “Not so fast” he murmured, slowly curling his fingers as you groaned loudly. “That’s a particularly sensitive knot, I see…” Loki said pointedly. You could only assume it sounded like the allusive Augustine to those in earshot. Your toes pointed sharply as he began to massage your clit. The sticky wetness from your slick pussy clung to his wide fingertip, making every slip of his digit pure ecstasy. Loki's free hand began to firmly rub your ass, pushing the soft flesh upward as he rocked your hips gently. "Relax, darling...good girl, yes...mmm, let daddy tame you."
You felt another moan rising in your throat, biting down on the padding of the table in an attempt to silence it. The climax in your belly building at an alarming rate under the pulse of his finger, the dirty whispers hanging in the air, unbearable. You clenched again under the pressure as Loki’s breathy pants heightened, feeling how close you were to release. “Let go for me, darling” he whispered, “I can feel you tightening, let go…” At the whisper of his words, your forehead creased in desperation. A silent scream thundered through your body, escaping your lips as a low sigh against the table. Your shaking orgasm rolled, the strange angle making you brace down, trapping his fingers between your tightened legs. Loki purred sweet praises above you, rubbing the small of your back as your thighs quivered around his wrist. The enforced silence was a familiar friend, the resulting rush of climactic adrenaline overloading your senses as white noise flushed your brain. Your arm flapped to the side, caught by his hand before squeezing him tightly. You knew your nails would leave marks, a lingering thought as you rode bliss through its final throes. You flipped your hair to the side as Loki lowered to your level and sucked his fingers between his lips with a wink. “The benefits of a more tailored service, darling. Wouldn’t you agree?” he murmured, watching with amusement as you smiled dreamily. His hand squeezed your shoulder, trailing the naked skin. A flicker of concern traced his brow, like a memory of a forgotten place. A ghost. “Darling there’s something I need to discuss with you, but not here...” he traced your jawline, his thumb brushing your lips, “however you cannot tell Wanda about us. Not yet.” His eyes flickered up to the divider, shadows of movement from the other side indicating your best friend’s treatment was at an end. “Promise me.” he whispered, the tone of his voice sending shivers through your naked body. You nodded, noting the relief in his eyes with increasing wariness as he lowered his gaze with a thoughtful sigh. This wasn’t like him. Loki leant forward, placing a lingering kiss on your lips. You grasped to pull him closer, but he stood, shaking his head. “It’s time, darling. I’ll see you this afternoon at the briefing.”
You pouted, watching him slip out the door dressed in his little white uniform; making a note to ask him to keep it on hand for another occasion. Stretching your arms to the side, you heard a shuffle cross the floor. You propped your hands under your chin just in time to see a satisfied Wanda pop her head around the divider. “Feeling better?” you smiled, enjoying the blissful look on her face. Her masseur slipped behind you with a curt nod. “Take your time, ladies” he said before exiting quietly, leaving the two of you alone with only the plinking rainforest sounds for company. Wanda passed you a glass of water, perching at the end of your bed. “I’ll feel even better once you tell me exactly how long you’ve been banging Laufeyson…” she said sweetly, making you spit your water across the floor. “I--” you stuttered, remembering Loki’s words. But it was too late, and really...whatever his concern was, it couldn’t be that bad. You sighed. “I’m so sorry Wanda, I wanted to tell you I just…” You trailed off, looking at her face twisted in disapproval. Her usually trusting eyes laced with suspicion before she finally slapped the table beneath her palm. “I knew you were getting some” she muttered, “I just knew it”. She leant forward and smacked your butt, making you giggle. “I’m still pissed at you” she said huffily, a reluctant smile playing at her lips, “but you can make it up to me by telling me everything. You can start with that ‘cookie dough’ comment last weekend which now I am gagging to know more about you absolute slut…” You both burst out laughing, the sound ringing around the tiled room. “How did you know?” you managed to say between breaths as she wiped a tear of mirth from her eye. “Oh, seeing you halfway to fucking backstage last night was a pretty big clue” she shrugged, seeing your eyes widen. “Hey, I was looking for you!” she exclaimed dramatically, pre-empting your disapproval. There was a pause. You felt like a weight had been lifted, breathing deeply as you relished the moment of clarity. Wanda spoke first. “So how long have you been lying to me?” she asked, her lips tugging in a smile. You sat up, pulling the sheet around your chest. “Four months” you said, shame coursing through you as she narrowed her eyes. A low hum came from her as she considered your words, repeating them slowly as she extended your anxiety with purpose. “Well…it seems you have a lot of filthy details to catch me up on” she smiled coyly, grasping both your hands in hers. “Does anyone else know?”
You shook your head shyly as she squealed with excitement, bouncing on the massage table. “This is so exciting, Y/N... you have no idea. Everyone is going to lose their minds.” Your eyes widened as you gripped her hands tighter. “No one can know, Wanda. Not yet. Before, it was me...I, was afraid it would change things. But now...Loki...I don’t know, I need to speak to him. Something’s just happened and I-” Wanda frowned; the disappointment evident in her face giving way to suspicion as she pursed her lips to the side. “Wait, something’s happened? When?” You smiled, the confusion spreading on your friend’s face a reminder of all the titbits from the last four months she was yet to hear. It was going to blow her mind. “It’s a long story” you giggled, “but you’ll hear all of it, I promise. Well, most of it. But no one else can know. Promise me.” She rolled her eyes before pulling you towards her in a tight hug. The smell of lavender filled your nostrils, the sheen of oil covering your skin making the embrace feel closer. Deeper. “I love you, Y/N. You and Laufeyson's secret is safe with me, but no more secrets between us, OK?” “No more secrets, Wanda” you murmured gratefully against her hair.
- Tags @lokischambermaid @lokiprompts @trickster-maiden @peaches1958 @123forgottherest @muddyorbs @lady-rose-moon @mochie85 @michelleleewise @ficitve-sl0th @lokisasgardianvampirequeen @wheredafandomat @ladylovesloki @lokikissesmyforehead @animnerd @vbecker10 @holymultiplefandomsbatman @lokisninerealms @thedistractedagglomeration @ravenwings73 @evelyn-kingsley @dustychinchilla74 @mcufan72 @ozymdias @five-miles-over @handsaroundmyneck @simplyholl @toozmanykids @filthyhiddles @anonymousfiction211 @gracecaldwellx @lonesomegrace @mistress-ofmagic @peacefulpianist @maple-seed @fictional-hooman @chantsdemarins @cakesandtom @mad4marvelloki @gigglingtigger @skymoonandstardust @imalovernotahater @yelkmelk @thomase1 @kats72 @sititran @xorpsbane @loki-laufeyson-1054 @mochie85 @ijuststareatstuffhereok89
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this-is-fox-speaking · 3 months
my own attempt at “redesigning” some hazbin characters
(extra notes: i decided that everyone wears red for the most part because that’s the uniform color for the hotel. that’s part of why i didn’t change certain things like husk’s or vaggie’s clothing colors. - i’m 17 with the only character design knowledge being my own personal ocs, so of course, take my criticisms with a grain of salt! - everything is a bit poorly edited in terms of recoloring because i did this on ibispaint for fun.)
here are all the (re)designs together. under the cut is more info about my thought process and side by sides.
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1. Husk
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- The only things I changed were his pupils, the colors, and his tail tip stripes.
- I used his pilot colors because I realized they have a much warmer feel to them instead of the final design which made him look all greyed out and dead. Good for an old man, I suppose, but not good for when the inner wing is colored almost the same way as his fur, his pants, etc. Having these colors so dead makes him blend into himself too well, but changing the inner wings did a lot, I think.
- Gave him heavier lines under his eyes like eye bags, to replace the heavy fading eye bags that were in his pilot design.
- Got rid of the hearts next to his eyebrows. It felt like a bit much.
- In terms of his actual design other than the colors, I’m not mad about it! I actually adore the new pants and such. It was just the colors I had an issue with.
2. Angel Dust
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- God, he’s so ugly to me.
- He looks a lot like his pilot design, but for good reason. I realized that the pilot design also had more warm colors and not bright neon pink, so I used those colors instead. I really just.. changed all the colors.
- I hate his fucking gloves. I hate them a lot. So I replaced them with his usual short gloves, but gave them back the little white tips in the show design just to be fair. I have no idea why they decided to make the lower pair of gloves white, as it just looks like they aren’t wearing any gloves at all, alongside them having no pattern like the top gloves. It’s the weirdest design choice in the entirety of this design, to me.
- I made his extra eyes actually look like extra eyes instead of teeny tiny dots.
- Gave him his tit fluff back. Like, why’d they get rid of that? It’s apart of him, bro…
- Gave him pupils, cause he looks better with them than without them. I even gave him two different ones, just for fun!
3. Vaggie
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- Like Husk, I don’t actually hate Vaggie’s design. It’s the only one I have zero complaints about, actually. But I decided to mix in some of her pilot colors and traits to give her some sort of soft look, to mix in the loving girlfriend Charlie knows but also the ex-exorcist that she still is.
- I recolored her stockings, her choker, her (arm things?), and made her bow rounder, to try and tie in the idea that she’s wearing a uniform but also still wearing these softer things to be more comfortable. Again, just attempting to make her look less aggressive.
- Gave her an eyepatch so the X over her eye would make a bit more sense, design wise. Because we don’t see any form of scarring under there, I don’t think? I could be wrong. Would also explain how everyone else notices the X.
- I don’t know what the light pink middle was about, so I changed it to black.
- Recolored her sleeve frills to be white and gave her the same white frills on the bottom of her skirt. Honestly, I just thought it looked nicer.
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fireworkss-exe · 1 year
notes + little details i liked!
There were broken roller coaster tracks hanging from the ceiling
The pictures/videos were projected on a giant "crystal ball" above the proscenium
The uniforms had a maple leaf crest with a cross inside
Virgil crawled around before the show started/during the show
Constance had her pre-Uranium Suite speech scrawled on her hand
Ocean and Constance had friendship bracelets, and Constance had a candy necklace
Noel kept trying to steal attention from Ocean during Uranium Suite
The kids explored the warehouse for a bit before Karnak talked to them
Ocean made the evil eye sign at Virgil
Noel was germophobic- kept using his sleeves to cover his hands whenever he touched anything in the warehouse
Virgil took out the prizes when Karnak listed them
Noel had the cutest teal nail polish
Mischa had a tattoo of Talia's name
Noel clapped after Jane's catchphrase
During Ocean's slideshow, it showed she had dreads as a kid (she's white)
Ocean pointed at Noel when she said "left-wing"
Noel tried to volunteer when Karnak dismissed Ocean
Ocean used pom-poms in WTWN
Noel had a Starbucks cup he kept drinking from
Noel flipped Ocean off when she made the comment about him being not fun to be around
Noel indicated Mischa during the "i wanted a man who would drive me to drink" line
Virgil helped dress Noel in his costume (the costume was just his regular uniform shirt and vest with black shorts, fishnets, the wig, and a green feather scarf
Noel's actor kept making direct eye contact with me
Mischa slapped Noel's ass after Noel's Lament
Ocean and Mischa had a staredown and Mischa chickened out
Noel breakdanced during TSIA
Ocean twerked on Noel during TSIA
When Talia came on screen, it was just Noel in a wig
At the end of Talia, everyone except Jane hugged Mischa
Mischa and Noel held hands a lot
The SABM costume was a metallic cowl + gloves
The way Noel moved in TBOJD made it seem like he broke his neck on the Cyclone
The rest of the choir held umbrellas with christmas lights during TBOJD
After TNBS, Noel and Mischa stood together on one of the balconies
Noel immediately got drunk after one sip of vodka
Karnak shook his head at Constance when she admitted how she lost her virginity
In IJAR, Noel wore the cat ears from SABM, Ocean wore Mischa's hat, Ricky wore Noel's Monique scarf, Constance wore Ricky's SABM cowl, and Mischa held Ocean's pom-poms
At the very end, Jane returned as Penny- she changed her makeup to look natural and wore a red-blonde wig instead of a black one
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