#in which she's best and where her flaws lie
howtodrawyourdragon · 2 years
Wondering if Astrid's character is actually bad. Or if people see her, the female love interest, in a relationship with the main male character, see her girly and emotional side on top of the badass warrior side, see her get in trouble and be saved by her main male character boyfriend (completely disregard that he needs just as much saving and that she does a lot of that saving) and then call her character bad.
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Misogyny in the fandom: let's talk about it
Not gonna lie, the level of interalized or even just blatant misogyny in this fandom is really disheartening sometimes. There is already VERY few female characters in the book, even fewer with speaking roles, and yet I see all of them being hated on in some way. People hate on Cherry for standing up for herself when Dally was harrasing her, and for not seeing Johnny in the hospital, which bullshit to begin with but also, you can't tell me that if the roles were reversed and Cherry sat down behind Dallas and starting talking about how stupid and classless greaser boys are, and Dally threw a coke at her, that the fandom wouldn't love him all the more for it. People hold her to this impossible golden standard, expecting her to literally be perfect instead of a conflicted and grieving teenage girl, when they embrace the flaws and give a lot more grace to much more violent and 'bad' male characters. It's a very 'boys will be boys' and 'girls mature fatser so they should know better' double standard that I really can't stand. Marcia gets a level of the same treatment, with people occasionally calling her vapid or shallow when the book makes it clear she and Two-bit actually really hit it off, and the number she gave him being fake was only Two and Ponyboy's speculation. But I digress. Moving on.
Misogyny and classism intersect when it comes to the few female greaser characters we get a little insight on. So many people LOATHE both Sandy and Sylvia because they're cheaters, but honestly, how is cheating worse than stealing? (And don't pretend they steal because they need to survive Ponyboy makes a point of claiming Two-bit doesn't really need or want half the stuff he shoplifts) How is it worse than jumping little kids? How is it worse than sexually harassing girls? How is it worse than the plethora of immoral or illegal activities the greaser guys partake in? If we're being 100% honest, it isn't. "But-but Sandy cheated on Soda, who really loved her". Yeah, she did. That was shitty of her, I'm not defending that, but she was also a sixteen year old girl in a tough situation she was trying to navigate the best she could. She could have lied and told Soda it was his and trapped him in a marriage raising a kid he definitely couldn't afford if she wanted to- but she didn't. Hell, she told him the truth and he was still ready to do that and she wouldn't let him. I don't think those are the actions of a completely terrible person, I think they're the actions of a scared kid who did some shitty things, but is trying her best and trying to do better. At the VERY least they're the actions of a multifaceted character who deserves the same level of grace and insight afforded to the male characters. (If anyone wants to read more of my thoughts on Sandy and her narrative importance, I have a post here). There's also something to be said about the poor 'greasy' girls facing harsher vitriol than the soc girls, and while part of it is because of Ponyboy's biased narration, it's clear to see that readers very much took his views at face value. Soc girls are 'good girls' and have to be perfect to deserve credit from the fans, but greasy girls are 'trashy' so it's ok for them to be judged and shit on. Spoiler alert: it isn't.
Sylvia is similar to Sandy in that her cheating and 'loose' behaviour earn her a lot of hate, which again, I'm not defending her cheating, but we need to give her the same analysis and benefit of the doubt given to Dally. Dally is NOT a good person. Ponyboy says this and makes it clear plenty of times. He's a hurt character, so we can explien why he is the way he is, but he isn't a GOOD character. he values loyalty, so he never cheated on Sylvia, but it's clear based on how he treats Cherry and casual comments he makes that he doesn't really respect women. I can't imagine Sylvia's experience dating him was one where she felt very adored. Again, not an excuse for cheating, but I can understand WHY she'd try and take back power within a dynamic and a society where she never had any, and I don't want to vilify her for that. She's also a poor woman growing up in the sixties- the book makes it clear life is hard enough for poor guys griowing up at that time, but it was probably equally if not more hard for poor women. I think, like the gang, she does what she had to to survive. If you can understand why the gang does bad things, and still be humans who can be considered good, you can extend the same understanding to Sylvia (and Sandy.) I think people need to also keep in mind that everything we know ABOUT Sylvia (and the rest of the female characters) we know from Ponyboy, a fourteen year old boy who's narration is INCREDIBLY biased and who doesn't have the full details of any of the relationships in the gang. Ponyboy sees Sylvia and Sandy as these terrible, loose women who have hurt people he cares about, so a lot of the fandom does too, but it doesn't change the fact that by doing so you're accepting and embracing Ponyboy's internalized misogyny and making it your own.
Anyway, I don't think I'm articulating this as well as i want to, and i spoke a bit more about this in this reply to one of the posts on the confessions page, but yeah, I just wish people could accept that fact that if they bend over backward to find ways to defend or explain immoral actions from male characters, but refuse to even attempt to do the same for female characters, they've probably internalized a bit of misogyny they should maybe work on.
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just-jordie-things · 6 months
as usual @delzinrowe has my brain rotting at an exceptional rate
so let's talk about gojo and how he cannot drive
for the record, if gojo satoru wanted to drive, he could pick it up at anytime. he's gojo satoru after all, there's nothing he can't do, he's a god among humans.
but a god doesn't really need to learn how to drive.
as a youngster he always had people there to do that for him. at the mere snap of his fingers he had a ride to the candy shop. he likes to think he wasn't that much of a brat... but if his sweet tooth was particularly achey that day he might've gotten a bit of an attitude.
and as an adult, driving just wasn't a skill he deemed worthy of picking up. he could teleport anywhere he pleased without breaking a sweat. why waste his time with traffic and a stuffy car? besides, he loved to show off, and teleportation was just one of his many tricks.
so if you asked him, gojo satoru would tell you that he didn't need to learn to drive, he had much faster ways to get around.
that was, until (y/n) was giving him her address and the time of evening at which would be the best time to pick her up for their date, and satoru finds himself so blinded in his moment of gooey infatuation, that he agrees to her terms without thinking twice. it's not until she's walked back towards her classroom that his best friend and fellow colleague spawns next to him and points out his fatal flaw.
"and how exactly do you plan to pick her up, romeo?" geto suguru half purrs half sneers out the little comment, and it's obvious that gojo freezes up in that moment.
"suguru, can i borrow your c-"
"absolutely not"
and that's how he finds himself in this position. staring at the brand new sleek black car in his driveway with his hands on his hips and the shiny new keys to match clutched in his hand. he's been staring it down for a good ten minutes now, much to his kids' annoyance and impatience.
"well are you gonna drive it or not?" the spiky haired boy next to him huffs.
"don't rush me, brat" gojo huffs back with the same level of childish frustration.
"i'm sure you'll do fine," the boy's sweetheart of a sister counterpart chirps up. "you have a license, don't you? it'll be like riding a bicycle"
gojo's face twists into a sour wince, and now megumi and tsumiki are both staring up at him with wide apprehensive eyes.
"you don't have a license?" megumi barks out before his guardian could dish out some half-assed lie. "isn't it illegal to drive without-!?"
a large hand is slapped over the boy's mouth before he could finish berating the man, and gojo's baring his teeth in that grin that the kids know means he's up to bullshit.
"nonsense!" the white haired sorcerer practically cheers. "of course i have a license! i'm a phenomenal driver. i'm a phenomenal everything,"
megumi and tsumiki share a side eye that suggests they believe otherwise. gojo rolls his eyes and finally struts over to the driver's side door. those kids always believed the worst in him.
without another word, he plops in, sticks the key in the ignition, and tries not to startle as the car purrs to life and all the lights come flickering on.
he realizes in this moment that he's never even sat in the driver's seat of a real car.
but he's driven go karts with suguru and shoko many times, in high school- and even just last week when he begged them to.
the car groans at him when he tries to force a shift into reverse. it groans again when his foot taps the gas before settling on the break, and finally he' can move the's putting the car in reverse.
with a grin he glances out the window where the fushiguro siblings are still standing at the edge of the lawn, watching the whole ordeal with silent concern. he gives them a thumbs up before tapping the gas again.
his head is jerked forward as the car speeds backwards faster than expected, the needle on the speedometer flying towards the 10 before shooting back down when he slams on the left pedal again. it screeches to a halt before it could even enter the road, surely leaving a short streak of black on the otherwise clean driveway.
gojo winces, and dares a peek out the window. he's not surprised to find his kids with their hands clamped over their mouths. he gives them another, more sheepish, thumbs up.
well, maybe this was a bad idea, he starts to wonder as he checks the street behind him. there was little to no traffic right now, which made for the perfect time for a driver with only five minutes of a youtube tutorial for knowledge on the rules of the road to enter the roadway. and besides, nothing was going to keep him from going on this date.
so he puts the car in park before rolling down the window and leaning out to holler at the kids.
"keep the door locked and call uncle suguru if there's an emergency!"
"okay! have fun!" tsumiki's ever so present optimism is in full bloom as she smiles and waves at her guardian.
"he's not our uncle" megumi mutters with a roll of his eyes.
they stand on the lawn and watch as gojo slowly backs out of the driveway, hitting the brake every two seconds and jolting the car the whole way out. he's crooked in the street, and it takes him a second longer than the average driver to put it in drive and get going. even then, the kids stand and watch a few minutes longer as gojo intermittently taps the brake and gas, rolling forward only a few feet a minute.
"do you think he's gonna get arrested?" tsumiki asks her brother once he's turned off their street, still on his tap and go method.
"who knows," megumi replies. "but he's definitely losing the car"
"yeah, definitely"
by the time gojo actually pulls up to (y/n's) address- the car crooked in your empty driveway, he's certain that he's mastered driving with the past ten minutes of experience, and surely she'll be impressed.
obviously, he misses the way she tilts her head at his parking job, but she quickly shakes it off as she joins him in the car, too eager for their first proper date to question the angle of his car in her driveway.
he has to gush over how pretty she'd done herself up for the night for a good five minutes before they get moving, and that's when his true colors begin to shine.
forgetting that he wasn't properly pulled into the drive, he backs over the curb after a rush of gassing and braking in reverse. (y/n) may have delayed in buckling her seatbelt, but she's just as soon scrambling to grab the belt and snap it into place, clutching onto it as discreetly as possible.
when he sends a proud grin her way, she can't help but force a gentle smile back at him. he might still be tapping the brake an unnecessary amount of times as he cruises down the road, but she doesn't have it in her to question his ability- or lack thereof.
however, at the end of the night when he drops her off and they solidify their plans for a second date, she insists that she picks him up next time <3
a/n: he's literally just a girl !!! xoxo ~ jordie
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starlost97 · 1 year
— sundress.
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summary: It’s the first time you wore your favorite sundress after having the baby, and you got too insecure to leave the room and go to the picnic with Buck and your little girl. But your fiancé made sure to tell you how beautiful you are.
tags: fluff, insecurities, reader had a baby, Maddie is the reader's best friend, f!reader.
characters: Evan Buckley, Maddie Buckley.
warnings: insecurities, mentions of body change.
a/n: my first ever evan buckley work! hope u like it <3
word count: 719.
requested?: no!
< also posted on archive of our own >
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It was a sunny day outside, and your plans to have a picnic with your family were confirmed when you saw the bright blue sky outside your window.
The picnic was going to be on the park that you and Buck had your first date in. It was also the park where you guys met, the place where you told him you were pregnant and the one where he proposed to you. So it was a very special place for the both of you.
It was the first time you and your little family left the house for that kind of activity. Usually, it was very hard for you and Buck to have some time together, since you two had opposite schedules: him as a firefighter, you as a 911 dispatcher.
But after you got a little bit of your old body back, you wanted to try your favorite dress. And this was the perfect occasion.
You carefully picked up your dress from your closet. It was white with blue flowers, and it stopped above your knees. It had a slit and an off shoulder neckline. It showed your curves perfectly, and everytime you wore it, Buck couldn’t stop looking at you. He never could, but it was very special when you also felt good about yourself.
You put it on, feeling the soft cloth on your skin. You felt extremely comfortable on your own skin for a little bit.
But then, you looked at yourself in the mirror.
You couldn’t see your waist anymore, not like you used to. Your arms were a little chubbier, and your smile started fading away as you found more and more "flaws" on your body and face.
Before you could take it off, the bedroom’s door opened.
“Babe?” He called, entering the room. He stopped walking when he put his eyes on you.
His mouth was half-opened, and his eyes traveled through your body. His cheeks started getting red, and a smile formed in his face.
“You look…”
“I know, I know, I was about to change.” You said, starting to open the zipper.
“No, no! You look amazing, babe. I feel like I fell in love with you all over again.” He said, grabbing your waist and caressing it.
“You don’t need to lie to me just because we’re engaged, babe.” You said, holding his face with your hands.
“I’m not lying!” He answered, grabbing your hands. “You just had a baby, my love. You are going too hard on yourself. It’s not even justifiable, because you look incredibly sexy as always, okay?” He said, making you laugh.
“Are you being serious, Buck?”
“Look, if you don’t believe me, let’s call Maddie. Act like you just bought this dress and want her opinion on it, okay? She’ll be honest.”
Before you could answer, Buck grabbed your phone and facetimed his sister, who picked up after three beeps.
“Hi, honey! How are you?”
“Hi, Maddie! Can you help me with something?”
“Sure! What do you need?”
“Does this dress look good?” You asked as you put your phone on your pillow, stepping back so she could see it better.
“Oh, honey, it looks so good! You look so pretty!” She said, smiling genuinely. “It suits you perfectly! I love it!”
“Yes! Yes, I promise.”
“Ok, thank you!” You said, ending the call. Buck was looking at you, leaning against the doorframe and smiling proudly.
“What did I tell you?” He said, walking to you and grabbing your waist again.
“Thank you, babe.” You said, putting your arms around his neck.
Buck smiled and started kissing you slowly, caressing your waist. He only broke the kiss to start distributing them around your face, which made you giggle.
His eyes started to shine as he heard the sound of your laugh. He suddenly pulled you up and started spinning you in the air, only to carefully throw you on the mattress and begin kissing you again.
“We need to go, babe!” You said in between kisses, making him pout.
“Do we really need to?”
“I'm just kidding, my love. Let's go.” He said, giving you one last kiss before pulling you up. “But when we get home, you'll be all mine.”
“Promise?” You asked while putting your hands on his shoulders.
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blueskittlesart · 1 year
can we talk about how rauru is literally like. just zelda’s dad. like in that one scene where zelda looks like she’s gravely contemplating turning into a dragon and then rauru goes “i believe the answer lies in more research and understanding your power!” and she looks at him with such shock and awe. zelda’s adventures in the past are literally like her life but with a better dad. the queen promises her to help her figure out her power but dies before they can figure out a way how to use that power to safely save everyone. zelda desperately wants to help everyone and is clearly feeling the pressure of it all and the king is the one to tell her “hey i understand how hard you’re trying and how much you want to save everyone and we’re thankful for what you’re doing”. rauru actually acknowledges zelda’s dedication and the importance of research and technology, he is kind to her and never blames her for any of the bad things happening. he also never pushes zelda to make sacrifices and is the one sacrificing himself in the end - in botw, all the champions and zelda have to choose to make sacrifices to save the kingdom, but in totk rauru doesn’t ask that of any of the sages, instead recognizing his own responsibility as king and basically dying to save his kingdom. he’s literally zelda’s better dad.
same anon as the one raving about rauru also the differences between how the two kings treat link. they’re both tutorial figures but the way they guide is SO different. pretty much the first thing rhoam does is lie and pretend to be a random old man, being quite annoying as he sends link to do a bunch of challenges for a paraglider. the framing is so fundamentally different, rauru freely offers the information he has to link upfront, he apologises for the body modification, acknowledging link’s potential distress. rhoam basically keeps link on the plateau arbitrarily, presenting giving items and teaching link about things as challenges for link to overcome. rauru on the other hand aids link as best he can, tells him what he needs to do from the beginning (tells him to open the door which is pretty much the last thing he’ll need to do in the tutorial, telling him about the ultimate goal from the beginning), proposes solutions when it doesn’t work out (directs him to the shrines as a way to help him gain the strength he needs, as opposed to making him complete challenges to get a paraglider that in the moment seems like literally arbitrary conditions). rhoam telling link how much responsibility and pressure he has on him all of a sudden and how much he needs to do vs rauru telling link that it was wonderful to meet him and zelda’s accounts of him were all true. like. the framing. the difference in character. the deterioration of knowledge within hyrule falls parallel to the deterioration of its king’s kindness and virtue.
the differences between rauru and roham are crazy to me because one of them was so fundamentally good and one was so fundamentally flawed and yet. neither of them were able to save their kingdom. no matter how good a king of hyrule is, no matter what he gets right or wrong, he is still doomed to die. rhoam tried to sacrifice his daughter to keep hyrule alive. rauru did everything in his power to make sure she DIDNT have to be sacrificed. and in the end the outcome was the same. but the KINGS were not the same, and that difference in framing you mentioned i think is fundamentally a difference in legacy. rhoams legacy is to forever be the king who sacrificed children to save himself and died anyway. rhoam died a loser through and through, a king atop a throne of nothing but failure. i think that’s partially why he appears as an old man at first, because he KNOWS what being the king of hyrule means and he’s EMBARRASSED that his legacy is what it is. but rauru. in complete contrast, rauru was so GOOD. rauru died with his sages and his DAUGHTER alive to see another day. rauru ENSURED they’d live no matter what. he wouldn’t LET them sacrifice themselves for him. rauru put everyone else before himself. he didn’t expect or even tolerate self-sacrifice and yet when the time came he sacrificed HIMSELF selflessly despite knowing that it wouldn’t even WORK. rauru’s legacy is something to be proud of. he’s open to link because he has nothing TO hide. no regrets or stupid decisions. and he is remembered so much more favorably because of it.
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jerryterry · 1 year
There was one inevitable downside (/upside for Tumblr Drama fans?) to all of these poll tournaments coming to Tumblr, and that's "fandom polls being run by people with a massive bias/opinion that they can't help from plastering all over the posts". Like, there's this one New Vegas poll currently running where the OP has a seething hatred for Cass, among others - badmouthing characters in their poll posts, getting into ranting arguments about it. It's inconsequential and funny, and situations like this are a dime a dozen on this site, but seeing this made me want to take a look at this one a lil closer. Because it brushes into something small I've always found interesting about New Vegas: the rumor of homosexuality in the Legion, as well as a wider factor about the writing of companions in general (Under a read-more for length).
OP literally says "If you tell her you're a gay man, she calls you a nazi", so lets take a look at the line they cite for this:
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There's multiple points where characters joke about the Legion having similar prominent homosexuality to the actual Romans (which was notable enough that there's straight-up a "Homosexuality in ancient Rome" Wikipedia page). For example:
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- Veronica
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- Major Knight
What's interesting is that the one character who talks about his direct experience with this subject, Jimmy (a former Legion slave), actually says something that contradicts that last quote:
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This opens up the likely possibility that it's NCR propaganda - a homophobic lie to emasculate the enemy. Even if maybe it IS something common in the Legion, it's something frowned upon and is at best a rampant open secret. Either case makes Major Knight's quote provably false.
Regardless, it's a wide non-Legion belief that homosexuality is common and accepted in the Legion. If the source of that rumor IS cooked-up homophobic propaganda, it's interesting that it hasn't worked on the only characters who talk about it. All three of those quotes not only have no ill will toward the idea (Cass immediately states it's not an issue AND notes how common it is behind closed doors), but two of them are mentioned in a context of longing: Veronica's quote is immediately followed by her being angry that only men are allowed to be gay, wishing the same for lesbians. Major Knight's quote is in the context of him having to hide his homosexuality at work -- which sadly makes it clear that the propaganda was likely more effective in general than on the one straight character who mentions it.
I'd say it's funny that OP has a hatred of Cass for being homophobic despite being one of the few characters in-game who makes an explicit statement of not having a problem with homosexuality (I for one would've loved to see Boone - the biggest NCR bootlicker around - make his stance clear on the matter). But admittedly it IS tactless and clumsy to make a backhanded comparison of gayness to the Legion (that statement's obvious expository purpose aside). They also read "there's a lot more of that in the Mojave" to mean "ew, it's not this bad where I come from!", but Major Knight makes it clear that where she comes from is actually MORE supportive. As well as another comment she makes about having slept with women while drunk, which OP construes as likening homosexuality to a drunken mistake.
Like, relax. Yes, "I have no problem with it" isn't the most heartfelt statement of support. But the most Cass' words betray about her is ignorance. I think it's clear she's well-meaning but ignorant, and for the most part intentionally written that way. Most of the companions have intentional personality flaws - Cass is crass, tactless, and stubborn. Arcade is an idealist to a fault (in the game's opinion). Boone is blinded by loyalty to a flawed system despite enacting the worst parts of it. Veronica talks like every line was written by Joss Whedon. The others' flaws are a little more external, but ALL of the companions are intended to be flawed and have pros and cons (while not entirely equal), and all are still intended to be well-meaning people despite this.
It reflects a realism in the nuance of human beings. In general, the writing often tends to rely on this "no black or white, ALWAYS nuance" approach to an almost frustrating degree - like I WISH you could get a better ending for the Followers in a "did everything right" Yes Man ending, even though I know the phrase "did everything right" itself goes against the core philosophy of NV. The poll thing was intended as more of a jumping-off point to talk about some stuff in New Vegas I find interesting rather than a response to that post, but honestly - I know Tumblr has a bit of a problem with seeing nuance, but have a little faith in the writers, will you?
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Oh. They... think the game itself pushes the idea that "all fascists are gay"??? How can you be a fan of this game yet have such a low opinion of its writing? Such a lack of critical understanding? This person says "According to my academically trained eye..." and then goes on a series of reaches that critically misunderstand the text in a really unfavorable way, just because they were (understandably) offended by a clumsy offhand statement a character makes and immediately clarifies. And they chose to run a poll despite their open hatred for some of the characters involved (they also seem to hate Boone, for obviously more understandable reasons). Interesting choice.
What's funnier is that OP's open disdain for this character makes it more likely for Cass to win the poll on account of spite votes. Cass would've absolutely been buried by Arcade and Veronica in any other scenario.
Anyway, here's a YouTube comment I found while grabbing these quotes that I found funny:
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[Transcripts of screenshotted quotes are available in the alt text]
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catgirl-catboy · 21 days
Not sure if you're interested, but if I can give my perspective on Kokichi's treatment as a certified actual compulsive liar, you're absolutely correct that the other characters are deeply hypocritical in how his lying is treated in comparison to others and that beyond being kind of annoying and kind of an asshole he really didn't do anything that bad up until chapter 4, but in my experience the way he's treated is very true to life and honestly hits me personally very hard because I relate. When people realize someone lies often even about mostly small and petty shit, it changes how they treat you and everything you say that they don't like is often written off as a lie, you being a known liar becomes the easiest excuse in the world to treat you poorly and gives people a convenient justification for disliking you. Himiko lying about her magic isn't treated the same because it's one thing she lies about (I'd argue for the sake of not breaking the illusion and ruining the wonder) and while they do get annoyed with her about it, mainly in chapter 2 where her refusal to be honest is actively being a hindrance to the investigation, it doesn't change their overall attitude toward her because it's still just the one thing and they kind of know how to work around it. As for Shuichi, I honestly am not sure how many members of the cast even really notice that Shuichi lies as often as he does, and even those who do probably find it easier to excuse because they can recognize that he's doing it to reach the truth, Kaito and Maki in particular find it easier to both excuse and play along with simply because they trust Shuichi's judgment. As far as Kokichi is concerned, they don't trust that he's lying for any good reason because they don't know why he's lying at all, because he does it constantly about both important and meaningless things which makes it easier to just assume that he's at best unreliable and at worst a threat. It is a flaw and it is hypothetical, but it's also eerily similar to how I was treated by my peers as a teen.
Anyway sorry for the rant I just have a lot of feeling and thoughts about Kokichi because he actually was the first time I saw a compulsive/pathological/whatever liar in fiction that wasn't treated by the narrative as just pure evil without any nuance or grey area, or some kind of high school mean girl (looking at you Miraculous Ladybug), and that had a really strong effect on me and allowed me to actually confront and cope with that part of myself.
Oh, I am VERY interested.
May just be the autism, but what lies the Danganronpa characters do and don't seem to care about seems entirely dependent on their pre-existing biases.
Sure, Kokichi lies about enjoying bugs during the meet and greet. But Kaede and Shuichi do the exact same thing in Gonta's intro, and its completely brushed off!
Considering how truth vs lies/fiction is one of v3's main themes, it feels like Kodaka is shooting his message in the foot.
As a whole, one of my major gripes with the franchise is that it has a serious problem with protagonist centered morality, and those problems are named Syo and Kaito.
I would argue that a lot of Kokichi's lies also play into his persona, and that he always has to "perform" in a sense due to his talent, if that makes sense. Himiko's skill as a performer wouldn't be questioned because of who she is offstage, but Kokichi's absolutely would. Then again, there's a lot of skepticism about Kokichi's talent in canon and in the fandom itself, so that could explain it.
People are weird. Danganronpa characters are even weirder.
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doe-eyed-fool · 2 months
Fear Of The Known
Lucifer x Fem!Angel!Reader
|Chapter Eleven|
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The hotel was restored, practically better than before. Y/n stayed to help out where she was needed, and shared the pride of a job well done along with the others. Charlie seemed happier than before, marveling at the new look of her hotel.
She thanked everyone over and over for their hard work. And of course, she thanked Y/n for saving her during the battle. As much as Y/n told her she didn’t mind, Charlie just could help but express her gratitude.
She really was a nice person. Her friends weren’t too bad either. Flawed, sure. But who isn’t? A part of her was going to miss them. But there was no doubt that she would miss Lucifer the most.
Before she left, she asked if Lucifer could talk in private, which he agreed to.
“So…I guess this is goodbye.” Y/n starts, already feel her heart breaking. “It was so nice to see you again Lucifer. I’m…I’m really going to miss you.” She says, voice breaking.
Lucifer’s expression fell. “Yeah. I’m going to miss you too…” Lucifer, with arms outstretched, started to move towards her, but hesitated. Y/n met him half way and pulled him into a tight hug.
Lucifer wrapped his arms around her, feeling the tremble in her shoulders. He shut his eyes tightly, taking in this moment as much as he could. After a while, the two parted.
Y/n wiped away a tear, and forced a smile. “Take care of yourself. Ok?”
Lucifer nods. “I’ll try my best.”
Y/n stared at him for a second before turning away and reaching her arms out. She exhaled, and within seconds, the portal back to Heaven opened up.
Y/n looked back to Lucifer, and she waved her hand with a small smile. Lucifer waved his as well, trying his best to return the grin.
Y/n turned back and walked through the portal. She could hear it close behind her as she stepped further into her home. She wasn’t here even a minute, and already she was longing to be with Lucifer again.
Deep down, she wanted so badly to go back. She wanted to go back and stay with Lucifer, never to leave him again. She would be in Hell, but at least she would be in Hell with him.
Y/n was alerted by the sound of knocking. She looked ahead, at her front door. It sounded urgent. Y/n hurried to the door and opened it.
It was Michael, and he looked very distraught. Before Y/n could get a word out, Michael pulled her close to him in an embrace. “There you are! Where have you been!?” He pulls back slightly to look at her.
“I was looking everywhere for you! I felt horrible after our last talk, and I came here to try and make things right, but you weren’t here! You weren’t anywhere!” He goes on. “I didn’t think you’d just disappear like that! I was worried sick!”
“Micheal.” Y/n holds his hands. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you worry like that. I just…” She trailed off. “Needed some time alone.”
Michael sighed heavily. “Oh, Y/n. I’m so sorry. I never meant to upset you.” Y/n was reminded of their last talk. She was upset. She still is. But not with Michael.
She shook her head. “It’s alright. You didn’t upset me, Michael. The decision that was made, upset me.”
Michael felt guilty, but he pushed it back as he asked his next question. “Where were you? I looked in every possible place, and you weren’t there. It’s like you vanished into thin air.”
Y/n froze, she had to say something. She hated to lie, but if she were to tell him the truth. Where she had been, what she was doing, who she had been with…
It would not end well...
“I went to Earth for a while.” She finally said. “No humans saw me, I promise. Like I said, I just needed some time alone.”
Michael sighed. “Y/n.”
“I know. You wanted to be there with me. But I told you, I can take care of myself.” Y/n tried to reassure him. When in reality, she couldn’t be further off. She nearly got herself killed just hours ago.
But Michael didn’t have to know that. He didn’t have to know about any of it, and neither did anyone else. Y/n knew she could never breath a word about what she had done to anyone.
However, telling from how angry Lute was…Y/n might not be able to keep this secret for much longer.
“I’ll make sure you know when I do it next time.” Said Y/n.
“Good. I’d hate for something bad happen to you because I wasn't there. Seriously, Y/n, you nearly gave me a heart attack.”
“Angels can’t have heart attacks.” Y/n teases. Michael raised an eyebrow, clearly unamused. “Ok, ok.” Y/n giggles. “Sorry. Message received.” Michael sighed and pulled her into a hug again.
"Lute reported back. Adam is dead."
Y/n waited for more, but Michael remained silent. Which confused Y/n. Wouldn't Lute tell everyone that she was there in Hell? Not only that, but defending Lucifer and his daughter.
"I-I know." Y/n murmurs. She decided not to say much more after that. "What will happen now?"
"Well, for starters, this news can not reach the civilians of Heaven." Michael began. "If they knew that Lucifer killed him, it would only spark panic. So, for now, no one can know about his demise."
Y/n was tempted to tell Michael that it wasn't Lucifer who killed him, but instead, a tiny demon who only wielded a simple blade. However that would lead to questions Y/n could not answer, unless she wanted to land herself into deep trouble.
Y/n pulled away. "Do you really wish for these exterminations to continue, even after what's happened?"
"Y/n, I don't wish for it to happen. It is out of my control." Michael tries. "But we do have to think of Heaven's safety, and the safety of the people who inhabit it. Especially now that Lucifer is involved." Michael's brows furrowed.
"He's been uninterested before. But now I suppose after his daughter's life was at risk, he would step in. Stronger forces will be needed to assure another loss like Adam is prevented."
"I still don't believe this is the right course of action." Y/n tells him. She knew it was out of her control. She was there to speak of the future, but the decisions made to alter or allow the future to pass, was not hers to make.
There were many people above her, and if she could not convince one of them, she would never convince all of them.
And she has yet to speak to God. If she could only talk to him for just a minute. Maybe she can get him to change his mind. Then finally all of this bloodshed will come to an end.
And the future that leads to war, will never exist.
"Like I said, it's out of my control." Said Michael.
"And you are certain I can not speak to God?" Y/n asks. "It will be tough." Michael shakes his head. "Especially after what happened to Adam."
Y/n sighs. "Then, I suppose there is nothing I can do but wait."
But the future would not wait, Y/n knew that better than anyone. She couldn't allow herself to do nothing while war grew closer and closer with every passing day.
There had to be something she could do. And she would not rest until she finds out what.
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Y/n stood in her living room, staring at the wall as her heart thumped wildly in her chest. Her stomach twisted with anxiety and no matter how many times she wiped her hands, her palms were still moist with sweat.
She exhaled shakily as she considered what she was about to do.
Y/n looked into the future, but not for an important or dangerous event. Instead, she looked for when the person she needed to see most would be completely alone. Where they'd be, how long they'd be alone, how much time she'd have to speak to them.
This evening, God would finally have some alone time to think about recent events. It was the chance Y/n needed. And thankfully, she'd have more than enough time to speak to him.
An uneven exhale left Y/n, the twisting feeling intensifying.
However, she would be intruding and risk irritating God with her questioning. But the future was steadily moving onward, war was upon Heaven and Hell. Y/n could not be swayed by upsetting someone, even if it was God.
Y/n raises her arms, and outstretches them in front of her. It was now or never.
The portal swirled to life, Y/n braced herself as she walked through. And just like that, she was inside of God's throne room. The air was thick with silence, as Y/n stared across the room. God had his back turned to her as he faced the window that looked down upon his kingdom.
Y/n opened her mouth to let herself be known, but God spoke first.
"I had a feeling you'd come here." Y/n tensed at the sound of his voice. His tone was unreadable, calm and clear, and yet she could not tell what emotion lay within his voice. "Even when others tried to keep you away."
Y/n clenched her fists tightly. "Your heavenly grace...I've had a vision of the future. One very grim, one that could alter life for Heaven and Hell as we know it." She says firmly. "I do apologize for intruding. But I could not wait any longer."
God, still not facing her, motions his hand for her to continue.
"I see war in our future."
"War? Do tell, what causes this war you speak of?" Asked God.
Y/n sighs. "I'm sure you know Adam was killed during the recent extermination. Lucifer's daughter defended herself and her friends with angelic weaponry, provided by Carmilla Carmine, one of Hell's Overlords. You would have called for an attack on Carmilla in attempts to cease production of angelic weapons. The attack is...successful and Carmilla will be killed. The other Overlords will see that as a threat, and will fight back. Eventually, it will become an all out war."
"I see...Do you know whether Heaven or Hell will be victorious?"
"I...I do not." Y/n mutters. "Do not lie to me, Y/n." God said firmly. Y/n looks downward, closing her eyes and waiting a few moments. What she saw nearly took her breath away.
"Heaven..." Y/n says shakily.
But there was so much bloodshed. Unnecessary bloodshed. So many angels were killed along with demons. Even some civilians were caught up in the middle. How was that a victory?
God hums.
"B-But! There will be deaths will be from both sides! We will loose so many of our angels! Civilians lives will be at risk! And Michael...he..." Y/n felt as if her chest would break open upon saying that last part. The idea that Michael will be killed...it made her sick to think about.
"Please!" Y/n clasps her hands together. "I beg of you, do not allow this future to come true! There must be another way!"
God finally turned to face her, she could still not tell what or how he was feeling. "I will not risk anymore death, than there already has been. Adam's death will spark panic throughout Heaven. I will not have another important figure die next to cause more fear. And I will most certainly not have my own son's life taken away..." God's voice broke slightly. But he inhaled, calming himself.
"But, how do you suppose we should deal with demons using our own weapons against us?"
"I-I assumed they started making them because of the exterminations. To defend themselves..." Y/n answers. "I am in no position to tell you what to do, but, if we call the exterminations off, maybe they will feel less threatened."
"And if there is an uprising?"
"I will let you know." Y/n answers. "But for now, there will be no uprising."
God stares at her for a moment before turning around to face the window once again. "Then so be it." Y/n felt a wave of relief wash over her. "There will be no more exterminations. However, if those demons decide to get bold...I will do everything in my power to keep my kingdom and my people safe."
This was a start. The future of war has now been altered. The exterminations are over and done with.
Heaven was safe once more.
Y/n nods. "Understood."
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lover-of-mine · 5 months
I so agree with everything you said. The difference of reactions when you didn't ship their previous relationship vs when you don't ship B/T is very telling (same with the fact that when some people talked about a cheating storyline, the reactions were always "it would be bad for Buck to do this to Tommy" but apparently it would have been okay if Eddie did this to a woman?? okay lmao)
What I don't understand is how people say that it's Buck's most developed LI/relationship. Like? We don't know that much about him. People have created (themselves and via the actor's cameos) lots of headcanons but that doesn't mean that they are canon.
To me, he really still feels like a love interest device for now. Like with the scene of the kiss in the last episode, they could have include some mentions of another date, whether past or a future one, but they didn't. The kiss was just there to be able to have Buck come out to the rest of the family, but it didn't bring anything more about B/T (we don't know if they saw each other since the coffee date/if it was their second kiss or if there was already more).
Literally. Like, look, I will say one thing, if buddie had hooked up at that bachelor party only one person would be cheating and that's Eddie. Buck and Tommy did not have a we're exclusive talk. They actually had a we can figure things out as we go talk. Personally, I don't think that counts as an we are together conversation, but that's my opinion. But either way no one seemed to care about the Eddie side of it. Eddie who is literally in a relationship serious enough he asked her to move in with him the episode before. But sure, that doesn't count because they hate Edy and forget Marisol exists (I do too, but I spent the whole time saying we shouldn't make the bisexual dude help his best friend cheat because I did not forget Eddie would be cheating and that would be bad no matter what). And to say T is the most developed love interest is a straight up lie. Taylor had a whole season as Buck's friend before they got together. She had a personality, flaws, qualities, she even got her very own tragic background episode. Say what you want about anything, and yes they sucked as a couple, but bucktaylor was developed. On screen. To a point where if the show actually wanted to, which they clearly didn't because they used the s4 Taylor development to stir her away from Buck instead of closer, they could've made bucktaylor work, they just had to make her as intense about Buck as she is with the job, and they could've been a very interesting golden retriever boyfriend/black cat girlfriend dynamic (good god I can't believe this fandom is making me defend fucking bucktaylor). Buck and T had one scene alone before they were kissing. Tommy has no established personality. Pretty much everything about him besides the begins episodes part of him (that dont paint him in the best light) we learned second hand. Through interviews. It's not even things that are being said to the audience in the show. I'm pretty sure the only things we learned from the show are the way he's a pilot, he was in the army, he likes wrestling, cars, and basketball. I could be wrong, fandom annoyed me so much I blackout every time I see him at this point. But he's not developed? He's just a guy? Don't get me wrong, he could be developed. There is space for it. But right now, he is there to serve as a device for Buck to find his bisexuality and that's it. They kissed twice. They went on half a date T left in the middle of. They went out for coffee and decided to figure things out as they went. He was at the hospital after the wedding to work as a way for Buck to come out without making him go around telling everyone. He exists around Buck. And that's it. Personally I don't see the endgame material people keep seeing. I don't see the development either. And anyone can headcanon anything, really go off, have fun with your ship, but people seriously need to stop acting like what Lou is saying in cameos counts as canon. Being in the fandom right now is exhausting because people just decided things about T and BT that are not backed by canon and they get real aggressive if you don't agree. I seriously am dying to see what's gonna happen if canon goes against the idealized version of him fanon created. I don't know if it's gonna happen but by god will I be entertained by it if it does.
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anaslair · 8 months
Hiii, I wanted to give the match ups a try cause why not. I go by she/her and prefer to be matched with a male character, I’m also underaged. Oh and I’d prefer to be a demigod, personally I think I’d be the daughter of Hestia or maybeee Hephaestus or Apollo, idrk 😭. Anywaysss, about me. I loveee music/art/film, really anything creative, like I have a deep appreciation for them and artists. I actually used to go to a performing arts school. I also love nature and appreciate that as well. Like, I love going on hikes when I can and even just looking at the beauty of the nature wherever I am. I’m not really much of a sports person, like I love playing but I wouldn’t do anything professionally. I do martial arts though, which is definitely a biggg passion of mine. As a person, although it doesn’t necessarily feel like it to me, sometimes I’m pretty sure I’m fairly outgoing, at least more than other people I know. But I’m also the type of person to really open up and become more social and talkative the more you get to know me. Oh and final thing, I think I’m pretty books smart but not very streets smart, if you know what I mean. 😀 Anywayssss thanks for reading all of this if you did, it’d be really cool to hear back from you!! 🫶🫶
So, it’s not that well known, but Hestia is actually one of the virgin godesses of Olympus (like Artemis and Athena). But!!! We COULD pretend she has kids like Athena does 👀 ✨just because she wants to✨
Like, Athena’s kids come from her mind… maybe Hestia’s could come from her heart? Like figuratively maybe? She’s the goddess of hearth & home so it could kind of make sense? Pls bear with me this will go rlly well with who I’m matching you with so let’s just go with it 🤓
Also the nature thing UGHHH, I always had this head cannon that Percy became a bit of a nature activist after witnessing Pan’s death 😩😩😩 Anyway let’s get to it, I really hope you like this 🫶
Tysm for requesting!!! Have a great day <3
I match you with…
Percy Jackson!!
The requester is a minor and so is Percy at this stage of the books!!
After the second titan war ended, Percy started to value some things way more than he did before it all went down
Not to say he was an ungrateful person, far from it. Percy really did have a heart of gold and often put his loved ones above his own personal needs. Loyalty was his fatal flaw after all
But there was just some things he felt he didn’t pay much attention to before the war, like Hestia for example. The goddess practically lived on camp grounds and he barely even acknowledged her before she saved him when he needed it the most, reminding him what was most important when everything was falling apart during the war
Or Pan. the god of the wild had practically died in front of him, telling him and his friends that the future of nature, of the world they lived in was actually in their hands. Everyone had to do their part for it to survive
He had to pay them back somehow, honor them
So that’s why he was THRILLED when the first Hestia kid arrived on camp after he made the gods promise they would claim all of their kids and send them to camp Half Blood, where all of the gods would have cabins for their descendants
This was his chance to pay back Hestia for her help!! So he promptly asked Chiron to mentor the new girl and teach her what she needed to know about self defense and sword fighting, since she was practically his age and had to survive until now with the mortals without proper training
In fact, how did you manage to do that anyway?
He didn’t really know, but he felt he was the best man for the job. His sword fighting skills were unmatched, only bested by Luke’s
So, not gonna lie. He was kind of waiting to show off his skills on your first lesson and help you with whatever you needed
He told you he would first show you some hand to hand combat moves before y’all could move on to sword fighting, to which you shrugged it out, being cool with it
Too cool even, you seemed super comfortable with it 🧐
“Okay. First, I’ll come at you slowly and you can try and stop the blow however you feel is right. This will be kind of a warm up to start things off. But don’t worry, I won’t actually hurt you, if you feel uncomfortable in any way, please let me know okay?” He said, smiling kindly at you while taking an offensive stance
You nodded, waiting for him to start
He slowly swung at you, being careful to not scare you out
Imagine how completely and utterly bamboozled he was when he found himself lying on the ground, the arm he swung at you now twisted and pressed on to his back, just enough to keep him on the ground
He was like 🧍‍♂️
And you were like 😄 so what’s next?
Bro what the fuck
That was honestly so impressive that when you offered a hand to help him get back to his feet, his cheeks where slightly flushed
He cleaned his throat, fixing his camp Half Blood necklace back into place
“Okay so I guess you’ve got that part covered” He said, giving you his signature sarcastic smirk
You let out a small laugh in response, explaining to him that you actually loved martial arts and that stuff came easy to you
He was completely fascinated, asking you to help him better his hand to hand combat skills after you guys finished
That was the start of a kind of chaotic friendship between the two of you. You helped him better himself in your area while he gave you sword fighting lessons
You weren’t really a fan of it but Percy was so talented and so patient while teaching you that you were winning sparring duels in no time
Y’all were a power duo in capture the flag for sure. You knocked people out and Percy wouldn’t let anyone get even slightly near you with riptide
You knew some strategies in theory from some books you had read and Percy knew how to put them into action
You quickly developed a strong bond, getting closer and closer to each other every day
You always ranted to him about art in general, he didn’t really understand most of the things you told him but he always listened attentively, even memorizing some of your favorite artists to get you stuff related to them when he went home for the school year
You often hanged out by the lake, you absolutely loved how it looked when the sun hit it just right, with the trees reflected on it
One time, Percy took you to the bottom of it, putting an air bubble around you both so you could see how beautiful it was underwater
Your eyes shone bright at the view, but you frowned as soon as you saw a couple of plastic wrappers at the bottom
You asked Percy to lower the bubble so you could collect them and properly throw them out at the surface
That made Percy stare at you with such intensity and admiration that you wondered just what the hell you had done to get him looking at you like that
You avoided his eyes, ears tinted red
It was no secret that you had developed feelings for him, he was so sweet and kind
You wondered if he felt the same
Suddenly, his warm hand met yours as he slowly interlaced your fingers together
You looked at him, eyes wide
The smile on his face made his intentions pretty clear
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arnault · 5 days
i had a train of thought about saint seiros and catholic canonization and ended up yapping about how rhea's sainthood isn't a symbol of her divinity but is an allegory of her humanity instead.
sainthood in the catholic church is the recognition of people who performed miracles, did acts of goodwill, etc. in the name of god. these individuals are then canonized by the church who acknowledge their good deeds and are now considered as holy people, the closest we—original sin bearers, according to them—get to divinity i guess and a lot of canonized saints were people who weren't the best nor the ones you'd expect to be saint.
in fe3h, of course we know the church was not exactly what we thought it was and such rules might or might not be in the seiros doctrines. seiros is a self declared saint lol yes, it was a ruse but it made me think and compare that situation to catholic canonizations.
rhea was born a divine being, a child of the goddess. she doesn't need to be elevated to sainthood, she IS divine. you don't need to sanctify what is pure from the very beginning. that's like calling an angel a saint or something and implying that a divine entity had been a sinner/impure and is only holy because of canonization which i think, from a religious fanatic pov, is an insult. anyways seiros, however, is called a saint... which i'd like to think implies the opposite of the catholic church's meaning of sainthood.
rhea/seiros' sainthood is a symbol of her humanity.
of her being flawed, her imperfections. everything that happened after zanado was her, a divine being, becoming human. her vengeance, righteous fury, her grief and most of all, her kindness despite all that's happened are what makes her human.
honestly don't know where i'm going with this but i guess you could look at the tragedy being her rebirth? from "holy" to human. her humanity began the second she lost her mother. it spiraled her grief and drove her to vengeance—her war with nemesis and his 10 elites. and then, there's her church. what started out as damage control and a self-preservation driven lie turned into something genuine that allowed her to learn to love the people that killed her own.
her continued service to the people (albeit morally questionable at times i have to admit) is, to me, her continued acceptance of her humanity–whether conscious, not, or figuratively. as opposed to indech and macuil yeeting out of human affairs the moment the war was over, a refusal of their "humanity" and choosing "divinity" instead.
ok, that's all. my point is rhea's humanity is what makes her holy. her ability to be kind after all that she went through is what makes her a saint and that makes me insane sometimes because can you imagine losing your people and you're the only one that knows, surrounded by the mirror image of the people that took your own?? anyways, talking to empty chairs: thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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musicalmoritz · 2 months
I love fics that let Aoinene be messy
I know the general attitude towards this ship is “wow cute lesbians, good for them” but it makes me so happy when people actually address the conflict of their dynamic. Aoi wants to open up to Nene but Nene is too consumed by her own problems to notice. She makes Aoi feel invisible, and as a result Aoi keeps her at a distance. They both lie to each other to the point that neither of them really know who the other is. Nene forgives Aoi way too easily for her actions during the Grim Reaper arc because in her eyes, her best friend can do no wrong. Aoi can be very passive-aggressive to Nene sometimes, leading me to believe she harbors a lot of bitterness towards her. These are elements that make the ship more interesting, their conflict gives them more substance than just being the fluffy side ship to Terukane. Speaking of which, it strikes me as odd that the ships involving men are praised for their toxicity whereas the wlw ships either have their problems entirely erased or are hated for not being perfect
This is why most of my Aoinene fics (especially the longer ones) involve miscommunication and arguments. I like seeing them struggle before they get to be happy, putting in a mutual effort to work out their problems. I like fluff twice as much as the next person, but angst with wlw ships just hits different for me. It’s sweet that a lot of fics have Aoi viewing Nene as the solution to all her problems but hear me out…what if she’s not? What if Aoi starts out being more in love with the idea of Nene as her savior, and then has to come to terms with the fact that Nene makes her feel just as lonely as everyone else does? But she still loves her, so she’s stuck on whether to confront Nene about these problems or keep it all inside. And poor Nene knows something is off but she can’t for the life of her figure out what it is and she’s too scared of change to bring it up. It’s not overwhelming amounts of toxicity but they’d have to actually talk shit out before riding off into the sunset together
I personally believe Aoi to be BPD coded in canon and that is how I write her in all my fics, so the concept of Aoinene (and AoiAoi) as an FP dynamic is also interesting to me. Nene is the one person Aoi can stand and those feelings become so strong that they’re almost unbearable. She starts splitting with her when she realizes Nene has been lying, she grows to hate her at times but she still bases so much of her self-worth on what Nene thinks and she’s terrified of losing her. This is another area they need to communicate in but because Aoi is allergic to admitting her true feelings, it’s more-so something Nene has to pick up on herself. She can be a little dense but when she truly loves someone she lets them know it so I like to have her give Aoi the reassurance she needs
This post is a bit self-indulgent and everyone is free to write them however they want but idk, I’d love to see more fics that let them have problems. Especially ones where Aoi finally opens up to Nene and they properly talk out the Grim Reaper arc. And also more fics where they’re both allowed to be flawed!! Let Nene be selfish and let Aoi be bitter!! This kinda goes for every TBHK character because I LOVE fics that explore their flaws without getting ooc. I want to see them be the worst while still being sympathetic
My main point here is that Aoinene is just as deserving of conflict and angsty plots as every tbhk ship and that’s something I’d like to see more of with them. Toxic yuri enjoyers…you know what to do
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hyperfixationstati0n · 8 months
I used to love to imagine that if he was in a relationship with a Capitol girly he wouldn't have been so reckless cuz he'd have something to lose right?
But now imagine the ANGSTTT
Sejanus having to chose between expressing himself freely and defying the Capitol like he used to because daddy's money can only get you so far and he's terrified that capitol!reader will pay the price of his actions, him constantly battling in his head between what he knows is right and what will keep her safe?
And then sej slowly starting to resent her bc he feel like the more he abandons what he truly believes in for the sake of making sure nothing happens to her, the more the Capitol has a grip on him and basically won?
But he can't just break up with her and stop caring about her bc no one's more in love than that guys is and she's most of the time the reason why he hasn't gotten insane in the Capitol (yet)
There's just this constant battle in his head and!!
Coryo is the little devil on his shoulder, trying to convince him the reader makes him weak, he'll never be able to change things if she holds him back, the whole love is a weakness stuff blablabla
While reader tries her best to be supportive but can't help being upset/a little mad when he act so impulsive and rebellious bc SHE LOVES HIM AND IS SCARED TO LOSE HIM
So having the two closest people in his life "messing" with his head like that is just making sejanus go straight up INSANE
oh this? this if fucking evil but also so genius?? i also def want to write something for this (but maybe a little longer than what i’ve been writing so idk when that’ll happen)
but i so agree. like Coryo is their biggest hater (just because he’s a narcissist and salty) and Sej has to battle with either losing the love of his life or his only friend.
And the resentment is definitely there for him, but for both of them. Because I think Coryo would end up getting into his head more and he would resent reader more and more so he kind of listens to him, which leads him to kind of act out more and gets im in trouble like how he did and left to be a peacekeeper in canon??)
But obviously the love for reader doesn’t just disappear so he misses her like hell, regretting his actions and just wishing he could go back and make it right. And he tries to write letters to her but maybe she doesn’t respond, or she writes and he doesn’t respond out of guilt?? And it drives him crazy not to have her.
So now he’s just kinda alone because he realizes he can’t have both Coryo and reader at the same time, but he doesn’t know where he wants his loyalties to lie anymore. He either sacrifices his self expression and his best friend so he can keep reader and her safety, or he sacrifices the person he loves to maintain a friendship he’s starting to see flaws in even if it grants him more freedom. Both situations he’ll end up miserable in.
i dont know if im just babbling or if this was even coherent but im obsessed with this !!
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ficsinhistory · 1 year
Okay, can we talk about how Miles Morales and Gwen Stacy are the same person with different fonts? (And how does their conflit enrich the narrative?)
What makes them different is their circumstances. And the movie explores this very well.
Gwen doesn't have a mother and, therefore, the influence of greater emotional stability while Miles has (which makes his life much easier), remembering Rio, often counterbalances Jeff's tought love.
Her captain and father pursues her in cold blood, blaming Spiden-woman for the traumatic event (Peter's death) while Miles' father forgives her before any plea for repentance (Aaron's death). Gwen's New York hates her while Miles loves him. Miles' fear when talking about being a hero is Gwen's harsh reality, in which her father doesn't seem to love her, as pointed a friking gun at her head! Gwen is alone in her civilian life (with no friends or family present) while Miles has a community.
Miles and Gwen are alike, and that's what's most devastating. Because Gwen is just Miles with no support system.
And this is what makes them have different views on ATSV despite being "equal where it counts", fueling the conflict we saw. Gwen do a terrible thing hidding the fact that Miles' dad would die. But she also doesn't have a choice.
She isn't sincere and open and hopeful because she can't afford to be like that, and Miles would also do the same in her position if the roles were reversed, because what keeps Miles from losing himself is the support system he has. This help guide him for good ways.
Because Miles is capable of being as morally gray than Gwen was. How I know that?
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Because Prowler! Miles exist.
The film shows the two as the foil, leading to that explosive finale. That after all, as Gwen messed up, lied, and try stop him, Miles finds himself stuck with a bitter version of him and that himself is who can stop him for saving his father . That Miles' lack of a support system and good circumstances (already illustrated in Gwen ) is taken to an extreme in his version of Earth-42.
I like to think that what this movie and the next one say is: you do things your way and you decide how your life is going to be, but your circumstances also affect it. They do not dictate, but affect. As it is in these dark hours that you hold on to what is right, or move to make things right.
Including I think this will be a big factor that will contribute to Miles for giving Gwen.
She made a mistake and owes a lot of apologies, yes. But wouldn't Miles do the same? Wouldn't he lie, mess things up in the name of keeping his life together minimally when he had no choice? Especially having a world where, when everything came crashing down, he effectively became an unrecognizable version of himself to protect what mattered to him?
And Gwen didn't try make amends? Giving up everything you know just to make things right? Change things? Assembling a team just to find and save him? Just like Miles always tries to do right and be the best version of him?
Gwen's arc, their fight the entire movie, and the final scene on Earth-42 all convey an important truth to Miles' own arc: how hard it is to be morally good and right all the time when everything around you is falling apart.
Because everyone is subject to circumstances. And then yes, you decide how you will act.
Miles Morales is just like Gwen Stacy and just as flawed, we just did't see how much yet.
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moseslikellamas · 3 months
♱𖣂 Redfork Menace ♱𖣂 pt.3
Benjicot Blackwood x Bracken!OC
Summary - Shanda has made her preparations as good as can be, now she ventures back out into the ceaseless storm to find and bait the Blackwood heir into a trap.
Warnings - fem!reader, suspense, mentions of violence, adult language, liberties taken with weapon mechanics.
Word count - 2.5k
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I’ve returned briefly!! Unfortunately even on this day of independence, I have work agony. So enjoy this wild cliffhanger. Ive altered a map of the riverlands taken from https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Red_Fork just to give an idea of where the conflict is taking place. I took the book descriptions into account when placing the castles. The green area outlined is the borderlands. I also didn’t have time to edit sry.
Martyn stood in front of Shanda, frowning. “I don’t think it’s a good plan.” He said finally.
“Duh, Martyn. We don’t have time for a good plan.” She rolled her eyes.
But her brother held firm. “Sorry, I meant it’s not even a passable plan.”
She pitched herself back on her bed groaning. They’d been at it for hours and every plan seemed flawed.
“You can’t let him get his hands on you again.” Martyns' gaze was hard. “I mean it, Shan. They don’t call him bloody ben for nothing.” The latest reports on the heir of Raventree insisted he could crush a man's head with his hands like a melon.
Shanda got up and began to pace, feeling like the frantic wind beating against her window. It was desperate to get in, and her to get out.
“I told you, I didn’t know it was him. And how could I? Once I realized who he was, I exclusively used evasive maneuvers. He caught me by surprise, that won’t happen again. Trust me.”
No one was more bitter about being caught than she was. Even if he had been a random guard, it was an insult that he’d ever gotten close enough to touch her. Shanda prided herself on her ability to slip through life mostly unseen. She put on the show well enough when required but she lived in the moments between walls. With the rush of her heart heavy in her head while she garnered the most precious resource, secrets. It was the only thing she had a real and true patience for. She could lie in wait for days unaffected, ready at a moment's notice. That is, given its worth her time. Plenty of people knew a profusion of particulars, the problem came in deciding which particulars mattered. Currently, and for so many years it's hard to keep count honestly, it’s been Blackwood information. Nasty business is secret dealing though unfortunately and she would always prefer hearing it firsthand.
“Take the bow, set up a snare in the copse, and for the love of the seven don’t let him sneak up on you.”
Martyn had taken up residence on her bed, lounging without a care as he prepared her to sneak into “neutral” territory.
According to the latest edict passed down from Riverrun, a league was to separate the two lands. The borderlands was more or less two and a half leagues. Because of this there was still continued, heated debate over the real border of the two lands. The copse was smack in the middle of the two opposing sides. It was as truly neutral as it could between the two houses. And considering she’d just rolled around in a mud fight last night, it wasn’t exactly being recognized as such.
“You’re quick enough to evade him but you suck at hunting.” Now laying upside down, Martyn was fiddling with the tassel attached to the bed hanging. “I don’t know the borderlands like you, so I can’t think up a misdirection for you but that’s your best shot at snaring him.”
The current plan included some iteration of her being seen, a subsequent chase and ideally, a Blackwood trussed up. They didn’t have a good backup plan though so in the event that failed she’d book it home or find a good hiding spot to wait it out. And there were so many ways it could go wrong. Martyn had bribed another guard to switch shifts with him, in case she got stuck out longer than expected. The mainest objective of tonight was to find and bring the dagger she’d borrowed home or else the armory was going to start asking question they couldn’t answer. Not truthfully or without a raging argument anyway.
“Use your anonymity to your advantage, sow dissent around the other houses. They’ll be fine combing everyone in the riverlands.”
Shanda wasn’t listening to her brothers well meant advice anymore though. She’d reached the stage of anticipation where her brain was moving too quickly for conversation. She was too busy mapping out the planned course of action. She didn’t want to get anywhere near the guards, but with the bow she wouldn’t have to.
“I’ve got to go. I’ll be late as it is. Remember if you get stuck out there, the story is -“
“I went to the Redfork before dawn, I passed you and said something about the mourning ceremony. Everyone will be uncomfortable enough to leave it at that. I remember.”
The river cut through the borderlands but it was finicky. Sometimes high enough to require a bridge passing but that meant locating a bridge. That was too time consuming, Shanda planned to take a pole to vault over it instead. She couldn’t even remember passing the river on her flight home last night, she must’ve taken the bridge though as it was pouring rain. The sky had yet to let up in its continued assault. Though it wasn’t as suffocating as it had been, it was constant. For hours it had been consistently falling, a relentless pattering that seemed to morph into a dull droning inside her head. It was a quiet roar eroding what was left of her sanity.
Shanda strapped the bow to her back and pulled her hood up. This time she’d taken pains to cover herself more effectively. Her hair was bound up and hidden, covered by a piece of black fabric pinned in place. She wanted to cover her face as well but with the rain that was an impossibility. She had settled instead on smearing her face with a handful of mud. It would help hide her features if nothing else. She elected to wear the ruined cloak. Having hastily sewn the slash back up, it sat a bit awkwardly with the missing fabric but she knew it would be soaked and clinging to her soon anyway. Tied around her waist was the rope she needed to set the snare, it was thin and she had heaps of it. She wouldn’t run out of materials tonight.
Gazing around her room she only just now realized Martyn had departed. She crossed to the window and gazed out at the sky, black clouds continued to roll in obscuring any moonlight. She turned her attention to the guard tower, where a glint of steel signaled she was clear to leave. Crossing her room quickly, she slipped out the door and down the hall. The only sound was the distant rush of rain and the crackle of torch flames as she snuck down the stairs, past the main hall guards and into the kitchens. A sack of fat trimmings sat on the floor waiting for her and she scooped it up before storing it in her bag. The riverlands were always full of wolves. Day or night, rain or shine, the riverlands had a wolf problem. And Shanda hoped to use that to her advantage if everything went to shit. What better way to throw off the all mighty warrior than have a wolf attack him?
Once outside she didn’t breathe until she was safely outside of the keep walls and in the tall grass again. She stopped and ripped up several wild onions, and stuffed them inside her bag to hopefully hide the smell of meat until she wanted it to be smelled. She was already soaked when the first strike of lightning hit. It was close enough she could smell it and feel the heat of it on her skin. Unphased she began smearing her face in mud, covering both hands as well. Then she got to work.
The walk this time was spent carefully surveying the land around her. Hiding up a tree or in a fox den was out of the question. She couldn’t risk anywhere that might trap her, instead she considered the way the land moved. Which areas had slopes or holes. Where the mud was softest and which weeds were tangled together. This portion of the borderlands would be her last stand and before she continued on, she set what would be the last trap of the night. If they chased her this far it meant things had gone astronomically wrong. She pulled the heavy claw trap out and carefully pulled the metal sides apart before setting it in the shallow hollow. Then she spent a while weaving strands of grass together to conceal the trap. It would snap an ankle pretty cleanly with the spikes sawed down.
Crouched in the grass she made a mental note of where she placed the trap and sent a prayer to the warrior that she didn’t fall into it herself. Then she set off towards the small collection of trees on her side of the Redfork. The first snare she set was at the opening of the trees. This was the weakest point in her mind. The odds that she remembered exactly where to exit were slim to none. But it didn’t hurt to have something near the boundary between grass and trees. From there she spent more than an hour setting various snares around her side of the river before crossing and placing just a few on the other side. If this dispute became known she didn’t want to give the Blackwoods much ammo to accuse them of starting it. She could justify a few snares. Since technically this was neutral land, there was no reason she couldn’t place as many as she liked.
At last came the part she’d been waiting for. She walked slowly through the last of the trees. Crouched low and silent, she pulled the bow off of her back and notched an arrow. She crept forward for a while, keeping only to the right. She wanted to confront the heir something terrible but it was most important she not return to the same post twice. If she visited more than four posts without seeing him, she’d hang it up and try again later. But she didn’t think that would be an issue. If he’d been telling the truth last night, they were already looking for her right now. It shouldn’t have but it made her feel light and giddy to imagine a score of idiot Blackwood guards confused and aggravated, searching for her. She shook the jitters out of her hands and took a deep breath, pulling the bow taunt as she approached the first post of the night.
Still concealed within the trees she couldn’t hear the guards' conversation over the pounding rain. The wind was low and not doing anything for her now. She could see three of them, posted under a hastily erected canopy that was doing little to keep them dry. She scanned their faces briefly, making sure to keep an eye on her surroundings while she did. She wasn’t likely to be the only one making plans to obtain information. She pushed down her rising excitement once she confirmed Benjicot was not among these guards. Releasing the tension on her bow she walked on.
It wasn’t until the very last post she checked that she found him. Of course, she thought ruefully. They would want her as far out as they could conceivably believe to lure her. It didn’t matter to her, she could play along. And she knew they were playing once she spotted him. The fourth post was a crumbling ruin which immediately made her wary. A physical structure provided cover and ample opportunity to hide resources. It made the post more unpredictable and easy to defend. She didn’t want him to defend, she wanted him to run.
As she worked her eyes up the crumbling ruin her sense of forbidding rose, bow pulled taunt she aimed up and up scouting for guards. There were none until she reached the top of a half broken stone wall and found the Blackwood heir staring right at her.
It all happened very quickly then, she loosened the first arrow, striking just beside him and he jumped off of the stone wall. It shocked her so much she nearly slipped in the mud as she began to run backwards, sending several more arrows at him. The wall had been several feet high and he hadn’t even paused when he touched the ground.
“Holy Mother. Agh.” She muttered under her breath watching him rapidly approach her position.
He was fast. Much faster than she was anticipating and he’d been waiting for her the asshole. She slung the bow back over her shoulder and took off in a dead sprint. There were no taunts thrown this time, just the sound of her sure breath as she vaulted over turned logs and gnarled roots. She was mid way over a recently down tree when he tackled her from behind. He was moving so quickly when he hit her that they both soared over the tree, tumbling to the ground together.
The struggle on the ground was aggressive, as they wrestled sliding in the forest undergrowth. She was lucky he hadn’t landed on top of her and she was able to slide her legs out from under him before he could make a grab for her. She quickly stood using her hands and knees but a hand wrapped around her ankle jerking her down. Clawing forward she kicked her free foot back at him striking his shoulder before he locked that leg down as well. Grunting she twisted around and socked him in the eye as hard as she could. His hold was tenuous in the rain but loosened further when a laugh burst out of him at the punch.
She was up and running in an instant. She felt like a blur as she led him up to the river. She vaulted over it without even trying to trigger a trap on his side. He was fucking quick and she didn’t want to give me an opportunity to down her again. Having the pole gave her the head start advantage she needed to get in position. When she saw him come barreling through the trees it didn’t take her long to lead him into the first snare. The rope pulled taut around his foot, sending him sprawling as it snapped.
She would’ve groaned at the sight if she weren’t panting hard, sliding through the mud working to find the next trap. The problem with running in the dark in a torrential downpour is it's incredibly difficult to see, and in that it becomes impossible to identify where you’ve been. So when the next snare triggered and she tripped it was a hard fall. She knew how to undo the snares and had just gotten it off as Benjicot slammed into her.
“Son of a - ah!”
This time he’d yanked the bow off of her back immediately slamming her head onto the ground, water and mud rushing up to choke her. Before yanking her arms back behind her, shoulders drawn back from the force, while his knees pinned the back of her legs down. The cold metal of her own knife pressed against her neck, with rain running in rivulets down it into her cloak.
“Caught you.”
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bethanydelleman · 1 year
Northanger Abbey Readthrough, Ch 3
The master of the ceremonies, Mr. King, who introduces Henry Tilney and Catherine Morland is one of the two real people mentioned as characters in Austen's novels (the other being Humphrey Repton in Mansfield Park, a real famous landscaper). Mr. King was retired by the time of publication.
I love Henry's description:
He seemed to be about four or five and twenty, was rather tall, had a pleasing countenance, a very intelligent and lively eye, and, if not quite handsome, was very near it. His address was good, and Catherine felt herself in high luck.
Ah, he is well matched with "almost pretty" Catherine Morland.
Henry Tilney is a lot like a male Elizabeth Bennet, "there was an archness and pleasantry in his manner" and "there was a mixture of sweetness and archness in her manner" (Pride & Prejudice, Ch 10) sound very similar. We also have the descriptions of their eyes being intelligent.
Now because I believe in Henry Tilney Supremacy, let me point out that Henry went to a ball where he didn't know anyone and instead of making everyone else uncomfortable (DARCY!) or just not going and doing his business (Knightley), he uses of the Master of Ceremonies to get a partner and then is just delightful. Darcy begins with insulting Elizabeth and Henry begins by being utterly charming. Just the best guy.
He starts with a hilarious bit, and while Catherine isn't sure if she's allowed to laugh, she's clearly enjoying herself. Then Tilney offers two opposing things for her to write in her journal:
Friday, went to the Lower Rooms; wore my sprigged muslin robe with blue trimmings—plain black shoes—appeared to much advantage; but was strangely harassed by a queer, half-witted man, who would make me dance with him, and distressed me by his nonsense.
I danced with a very agreeable young man, introduced by Mr. King; had a great deal of conversation with him—seems a most extraordinary genius—hope I may know more of him. That, madam, is what I wish you to say.
Clearly the second passage is what Catherine would actually write, though maybe not that Tilney was an extraordinary genius. She is having a very good time.
Then they discuss if women or men write better letters. Catherine is unsure that women are superior, and after some gentle teasing Henry basically agrees and says this lovely progressive opinion:
"I should no more lay it down as a general rule that women write better letters than men, than that they sing better duets, or draw better landscapes. In every power, of which taste is the foundation, excellence is pretty fairly divided between the sexes."
And then we get to Henry's most famous attribute, he understands muslins!
Catherine is a bit confused by Henry's behaviour, but she does like it (and him). However, we again have some Elizabeth Bennet vibes with this observation, "Mr. Tilney was polite enough to seem interested in what she said; and she kept him on the subject of muslins till the dancing recommenced. Catherine feared, as she listened to their discourse, that he indulged himself a little too much with the foibles of others"
There are many who think Catherine is too unintelligent to be paired with Henry Tilney, but he clearly has more respect for her than Mrs. Allen, who we are told has, "a trifling turn of mind". She is catching more of his jokes than her chaperone.
She has detected a flaw in Mr. Tilney! (This will apparently be very much forgotten later). Catherine also tells something of a lie, but then is immediately honest about it:
Catherine coloured, and said, “I was not thinking of anything.” “That is artful and deep, to be sure; but I had rather be told at once that you will not tell me.” “Well then, I will not.”
The narrator then points out that it is very bad for a heroine to think fondly of a man before he is known to love her. This is a reference to a ridiculous letter in The Rambler, where it is written: That a young lady should be in love, and the love of the young gentleman undeclared, is an heterodoxy which prudence, and even policy, must not allow. It's pretty nuts, read the whole thing if you are curious.
And we see proof of Mr. Allen's sensibleness, he quickly inquire into Mr. Tilney and finds him to be from a good family and a clergyman. Catherine is being well cared for!
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