#inaccurate centipedes
cervidaecorpse · 1 year
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Have some silly friends.
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mossy-crow-king · 2 years
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Love how empty this guys eyes are lmao
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Uppermoon trio + Muzan x female reader watching a horror movie headcanons? ;)
Muzan + Upper Moon Trio (separately) x Fem! Reader Watching Horror Movies
Modern AU (they're still demons and reader is a female human!)
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It's hard finding a movie for Muzan to genuinely watch. He's so nitpicky about them. What's the point of watching fake gore if he can just go outside, kill someone, and create his own horror movie?
Muzan glares at the screen if the gore is inaccurate or there's too much blood (or too little). Why lie? Where's the real stuff? 
Muzan probably likes torture gore movies but still wants plot. 
Muzan likes Silent Hill (2006), the Saw series, Silence of the lambs (1991), Truth or Dare (2018). He likes all the gore and the plot makes up for the inaccuracy of the gore (he likes Truth or Dare simply because the idea of controlling human's minds and bodies are amusing to him)
It's hard to make Muzan sit down and watch a movie with you since he'd rather do other things instead such as work, but once in a blue moon you can convince him. 
Muzan rarely ever cuddles you when watching movies, but if he notices you're scared, he'd pull you close by your waist so you're hugging his side. He acts like it isn't a big deal, but it obviously is considering Muzan's dislike for humans and their weakness. He doesn't bother trying to tease you about your fear, you're already scared and you both know this, and scary movies are supposed to ignite that sort of fear (he also might be engrossed in the movie you put on, but he'll never let you know that satisfaction). 
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Douma loves gory movies. 
Douma talks to the TV like it can hear him. Will tell the characters to calmly run, makes remarks about them being too slow or how the killer is catching up (he might be fantasizing about being the one chasing them). 
Douma laughs at every joke in the script like it's the funniest joke he's ever heard. He even laughs when background characters laugh (that's how you know he's a fake one). 
Douma likes obscure movies such as the Circle (2015), Last Shift (2014), the Final Destinations, and Wolf Creek (2005). Probably likes Human Centipede (2009) and laughs at the grossest scenes.
Douma forces you to keep your eyes open, like physically holds them open.
Douma laughs at your fear, he finds amusement in it. It's real genuine fear compared to the fake acting on TV. 
Douma will only comfort you if you cry or if you walk out on the movie to get away from him. He'll apologize profusely (mainly because he doesn't want to sleep alone on the couch). 
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Kokushibo doesn't care much for them. He prefers thrillers or mysteries instead.
Kokukshibo is genuinely a little bit freaked out of Scream (1996) because of the guessing who is the killer element, along with the technology of phones (he's traditional, refuses to use anything except letters or email). It was a fight to get him to use router phones. 
Kokushibo likes storytelling movies, or movies with multiple protagonists, or movies where you guess the killer.
Kokushibo likes movies such as Trick ‘R Treat (2007), the Tales from the Crypt series (1989), Stephen King's 1922 (from 2017), Psycho (1960). Nothing too graphic. Gore does not equal horror in his book. He watched M3gan (2022) and was uncomfortable of the advanced technology. 
Kokushibo will reassure you if you're scared. He'll tell you that the movie is fake and will turn the movie off if that's what you want, he'd rather read or do something else instead. If you want to continue watching the movie, he'll give you a blanket so you can hide your face when you get scared, or hide it in his chest, he doesn't mind that either. He finds it comforting that you turn to him when you're scared.
Akaza is someone who yells at the TV. He'll be one to yell "Run lady run!" whenever the victim trips. Akaza understands final girls cannot punch a hole through their stomaches like how he can, so he just screams at them.
Akaza loves watching movies involving final girls such as the classic 80's and 90's movies with the most final girls. He likes seeing the women kick evil men's asses because the killer had the audacity to prey on someone they believed were weak. 
Akaza likes the first Halloween (1978). He walks you home so you don't get stalked like Laurie Strode did. He also likes the Nightmare on Elm Street series (and watches you when you sleep to make sure Freddy Krueger isn't getting you). He likes Joy Ride 1 (2001) and Joy Ride 2 (2008) [though, he likes the second one way better], and Unfriended: Dark Web (2017). Unfriended made him genuinely uncomfortable because of the invisible paranormal force killing the victims off. How can you fight if you can't see it?
Akaza notices the second you show discomfort or fear, he asks if you want to have the movie turned off. If you don't, he'll put his arm around your shoulder and pull you close to him. He likes when you hide your face in his shoulder or chest, he likes that you turn to him to protect you (because he obviously will). 
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        I apologize sincerely for the huge delay! I had little time to write due to work so the only time I had to write was when I was supposed to be sleeping or relaxing, but I finally got this done! Better late than never!
         Want more Muzan content? Check out the Muzan masterlist!
        Want more Kokushibo content? Check out the Kokushibo masterlist!
        Want more Douma content? Check out the Douma
        Want more Akaza content? Check out the Akaza masterlist!
        At the moment my requests are temporarily closed, I'm working on other requests (that are months old...), but once I finally clear those up, I'll be accepting more requests!
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progenycursed · 3 months
Here’s a short story of a thought I kept rotating in my head while trying to fall asleep the last two days. This took place early in Hallownests’ history. But not to long after PK cast off his shell.
It was the early hours of the morning as the baker walked to work. The streets were unusually barren this morning. They were never crowded at this time, but there was always at least a few people. And the lumfly lanterns were dimer than he remembered. The little creatures all crowding to one side of their container.
He ran through the list of everything he was going to make that morning. The stonework of the street was uneven. With the few people in the street he should make less rolls for the day. Some of the buildings leaned to one side. Bad foundations.
He shook his head with a groan, his antenna twitching. Where we all these thoughts coming from? They never came this fast or jumped around this much. He didn’t even care about architecture. Maybe he wasn’t getting enough sleep, or maybe there was something in the water. Whatever it was, it needed to stop making his mind go so fast in all directions at once. It was giving him a headache.
The building next to him ended, leading to a small courtyard that was unusually bright. He quickly shielded his eyes. The sting of his night-vision being obliterated hurt. The lumflys must have been agitated about something. What would cause such behavior? He picked up his pace to leave the place the light faster. Then ran right into another person.
He stumbled around them. “My apologizes!” He glanced back, to see them just standing there. Rigid. Eyes wide, starring at something in the courtyard. For the first time in his life, curiosity won out over caution. His hand dropped a fraction.
And he immediately regretted it.
He had heard stories about The Pale Wyrm his whole life. Describing everything from its powers and deeds to temperament and previous size. Descriptions of its appearance and what it was like to stand before it varied wildly. Now he knew why. And God(the irony) how he wished he didn’t.
The Pale Wyrm stood(lay?) in the courtyard, facing another bug. His mind spun helplessly as it tried to make sense of the Higher Beings’ form. A long tail stretched out behind its body. No. That wasn’t right. There was no differentiation between the tail and body. The ‘body’ was just the part that was upright while the rest coiled behind it on the ground. The spinning wheels of his mind finally hit ground. It looked like a centipede reared back to attack.
But even that was inaccurate. Instead of the smooth segmented body covered in shell like every bug had, each segment overlapped the next. Sliding past and over the next like a broken shell sliding over a bloodied body. But there was no blood, no guts leaking out, no jagged pieces falling off or stuck in the wound. The body was broken but there was no damage.
And the segments. Where a centipedes had a countable number, it had hundreds. Hundreds of broken shell pieces sliding over each other. An unbreaking series of rings nested inside within themselves. Held together by an unseen force.
His whole body shuddered. What horror could survive such a broken shell? How was there not blood everywhere? How could it be perfect, but so very broken.
He didn’t want to see anymore, but he couldn’t tear his eyes away. Some insatiable curiosity demanded he continue. Pressing out from some deep part of his mind and squirming its way into every thought. Bringing all of them to his attention at once, but still focused on the Higher Being.
Spotting the malformed legs, he nearly lost his breakfast. Each broken shell piece was tipped with tens of tiny, razor sharp legs that dug into the ground, clawed into the air. It was like a nightmare creature. A monster with two many twisted, deformed legs. A broken body that could still move. He didn’t want to see it move.
The warped legs grew in size and malformations as they approached the head. Hanging off the ends of the broken shell pieces. Twisting around the body in nonsensical ways. Growing long, gangly, and segmented. Ending in-
“Great Wyr-“ he bit down on his mandibles. He dare not call out to his God. He did not want it turning its attention towards him.
As the legs approached the head, they slowly mutated into arms. Many, many arms. They lay limp or twisted against the body. Joints bent backwards, fingers twisting around each other. He clenched his hands, just to remind himself that his weren’t broken.
Then the broken shell abruptly ended, exposing a thinner, soft(?) flesh underneath. Ending just as quickly as it came to what he could only assume was the head of his God. But it didn’t have mandibles, antenna, or even a face. Eyes wrapped around the head, starring out in all directions with a piercing white glow. The shell was jagged and rough, small pieces of it sticking out at regular intervals. At the top, there was no smooth shell or antenna, but a ring of giant spikes made from the shell itself.
His eyes darted all over. Taking in the body horror that lay in his humble little town. Only for him to realize another terrifying aspect of the Higher Being.
It wasn’t move. At all. The eyes starred out unblinking, the malformed forest of twisted arms were unnaturally still, the broken mutated shell as unmoving as stone. It- it wasn’t even breathing. It was dead still, yet radiated life.
Every cell in his body was telling him to run, but his brain would not let him. A sickening combination of combating motives. In some distant part of his brain, he knew he was in pain. But he couldn’t focus on his body. It felt numb and distant and unimportant.
And somehow, the bug standing in front of that eldritch horror, looking right at it, only looked irritated. They were the parent explaining something to the child that just happened to be a god. He couldn’t hear what she was saying. She simply gestured around. Pointing to the ground, the walls, then motioned towards the surprising amount of people staring at them from the edges of the courtyard.
Before he could deduce the meaning, a piercing whisper cut into his mind.
“Would this be more ideal?”
He flinched, his hands shooting to his ears instinctually. His eyes never dropping from the Higher Being, to afraid to loose site of it for even a second. The other bug, her face only twisted into a grimace before shaking her head.
“Better. But still needs work. In a place with less people around,” she yelled. Her own head must have still been ringing as well, having to yell to even hear herself.
The Higher Being didn’t move, but he could tell something changed. It was looking at him, at everyone around it. The pressure in his mind surged against his skull. But he couldn’t move. He could only stand there. Frozen in place as a being so many times his greater just looked in his general direction. Every thought he ever had racing through his mind at once.
“Very well,”
the earth shook. Dust falling from the wall he hid behind. Something, somewhere crashed to the ground.
But the Higher Being was still motionless. An anchor in reality, unbothered by something so trivial as movement.
Then suddenly it all changed in an instant. The arms twisting, the broken shell contorting. The Higher Being bent over backwards, its head splitting open like a flower. Revealing a pit filled with teeth, that sliced through rock and earth as it dove into the ground. Arms, claws and fingers, bending in all the wrong ways as they flowed into the ground. The broken segments writhed around as it slowly followed. Thousands of tiny legs clawing at the ground and air, tearing up the earth. A giant mass of blades within blades adorning the end of the slithering mass sunk into the hole. Churning the earth as it shook and disappeared. The hole closing behind it.
His mind was so convinced the site should have had a deafening cacophony of snapping shell and breaking bones that he could still hear the phantom sounds.
The pressure in his brain slowly faded away with the rumbling. Thoughts quieting down to their normal level again. Bodily awareness slowly coming back to him.
His eyes stung, spots dancing at the edges of his vision. He was starring at the glowing God’s visage the entire time. He couldn’t even remember if he blinked. The taste of blood tainted his mouth from where he had been biting into his mandibles.
Everyone around the cleaning were coming to their sense too. Each with a different look painted across their faces. Awe, horror, confusion, or just staring off into the far distance. Unmoving aside from their heavy breathing.
His mind felt numb, his body shook. That was his god. The Higher Being that kept them safe, granted them thought and independence. Allowed them to live in this land without even asking for worship.
He went to church. He red the stories. He was as grateful as any other bug in Hallownest that their god was a benevolent one. But he NEVER wanted to lay eyes on The Pale Wyrm again. Never wanted the feeling of his mind expanding past what it was every other day.
Sounds of movement snapped him out of his stupor. It was the bug who had spoken to the God face to horrifying-face without batting an eye. Somehow now walking away, still only looking mildly irritated.
“H-how?” He stammered out as she got close.
Without so much as stopping she casually answered, “Stubbornness and spite.”
“So he stops knocking things off shelves every time he speaks!” She yelled as she walked out of the courtyard.
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fivetrench · 5 months
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Hello I have an idea (centipede fursuit)
Trying to figure out how to anthropomorphize a centipede was harder than I thought it would be. I was originally just going to have the mouthparts be the mandibles and maxillary palps, with the forcipules being the hands/claws, but it didn’t feel centipede enough to me?? So I removed the palps and instead went with the forcipules being on the head WHICH I KNOW IS INACCURATE BECAUSE THEY’RE A MODIFIED PAIR OF LEGS BUT PLEASE FORGIVE ME 💔💔
Anyways I think this design is okay, something about it feels kinda off (not sure what, maybe it’s too simple?) so I might come back to it later but it’s alright for now :3
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zenubi-scribbles · 2 years
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On Jan. 2nd, she made a random post asking for skelepede cuddles. I made this on the same night, but it’s very rough and inaccurate to centipede anatomy, so didn’t want to post it publicly. Sadly, I deleted the original art file, so I can’t easily fix it up. Some artists friends still wanted me to post it, so I finally caved. Anytime you crave Centipede!Sans, just msg me! It may not be a timely manner like this one, but I would do it.
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a-gory-pantomime · 2 months
the title human centipede is inaccurate. that's a human millipede at best
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the-graves-family · 4 months
Father sounds upset, maybe. He’s not very good at telling.
But he knows Father has a reason to be upset, so it makes sense that the man would be upset.
Said his name a second time, more forcefully. It means Adam has been staring down at his desk for too long, and he should look up and acknowledge his father. Time passes too quickly when he’s thinking. People get upset.
He turns his chair around, both feet on the seat, holding his legs close to his chest, and glances up at Victor with wide eyes. Father had relented on demanding eye contact from him a few years ago, but he still likes being acknowledged by at least a look. Facial expressions are hard to read, and Victor Graves is notorious for not really having any.
“Did you set one of your projects free in the house?” The ‘again’ is silent.
Adam ponders the question, taking it apart and turning it in his head. He picks at the fabric of his jeans as he does, before shaking his head. Bigger Bug is not a project, it is completed. And it had not been set free so much as Adam had not noticed it had left his workshop.
There is a moment of silence, where Father is probably pondering if it’s worth it arguing with him over inaccurate questions, before he clearly decides that no, probably not. The man sighs heavily.
“Why is it in the pantry scaring the staff, Adam?”
That is a question that makes him blink when he realizes he doesn't know. The pantry is not dark, and Bigger Bug is supposed to seek out dark places. It also isn’t supposed to seek any sort of food. Adam is not very good at programming. Maybe he did something wrong. That bothers him.
“I don’t know, Father,” he admits, and his father’s face does something he still can’t identify, even after all these years. There’s a few more seconds of silence before Adam decides he can be a little more forthcoming. He doesn’t want to upset Father, after all. “I only noticed it was gone after breakfast.”
Victor sighs, but at least they’re getting somewhere.
“Why didn’t you say anything? You know people are uncomfortable with it.”
It’s true. Adam knows that. Even if he doesn’t understand why.
He has no answer for that. He knows he should have gone looking for it, and yet he hadn’t. Finally sitting properly and hanging his head, he apologizes.
“I’m sorry, Father.”
It’s not unfair that he has to apologize, because his creations are his responsibility. Victor had never been unfair.
A few seconds of silence go by before Victor is sighing.
“Go get it before someone gets hurt. We’ll get you a better lock for this place.”
That makes Adam want to argue, and he can feel it building up in his chest. Bigger Bug isn’t dangerous, he’s made sure of it. It’s not his fault people can’t control themselves around—
“Adam. Now.”
Oh. He must have made a face. He hadn’t meant it as a sign of disrespect, but Father must have taken it that way. For all that he is an adult, Adam still lives under his roof and off his wealth, so he must, at the very least, be respectful.
“Yes, Father.”
Adam gets up, looking at the floor. Not out of shame or embarrassment. He just doesn’t like looking at people when he knows they are looking at him. He can sense Father following after him, and that makes him relax a little, because he doesn’t like leaving people alone in his workshop. It’s his.
Being stared at makes him uncomfortable, and he’s sure the servants are doing just that as they walk through the house. Logically, it makes sense: Adam rarely leaves his workshop, and Victor rarely leaves his office. And also there is a medium-sized mechanical centipede crawling around and that is most definitely on him. Still. Uncomfortable.
At least his brothers aren’t around. They would tease him. And that hurts.
Bigger Bug is still in the pantry, and Uncle is sitting with a panicked-looking chef. It makes Adam feel a little bad, because he really hadn’t meant to scare anyone like that. It just keeps happening.
Adam is not strong enough to carry Bigger Bug. But that’s okay. He tugs on one of its many antennae and it turns towards him. Something must be wrong with the programming after all, because all of its eyes are closed. He’ll need to fix that. For now, he just holds onto the antennae he tugged so it can follow him back to its home.
Outside the pantry, Father is still there. It makes Adam hesitate, because usually this would be the end of Father’s involvement. He’s a busy man, doesn’t have much time for unimportant things like this. It makes him worry he’s about to get into actual trouble.
He doesn’t feel the tension in the air, but he knows it’s probably there, because he’s been told that the room is always awkward when he’s in it.
Or maybe it’s just that he hasn’t spent all that much time with his father and doesn’t know how to behave with him.
“Aren’t you going to stay for lunch, Adam dear?” Uncle is very good at defusing tension, especially when it comes to his older brother. It’s like he got all the social skills Victor lacked. “You shouldn’t skip so many meals.”
“I didn’t know it was lunch time already,” Adam admits, looking over at the countertop in front of his uncle, fingers fidgeting with the antenna. “And I have to take Bigger Bug back to my workshop.”
Someone stifles a chuckle, and he’s not sure why, and that uncertainty makes him feel small.
He misses the way Uncle pointedly glares at Father during the silence afterwards, and only relents when the man actually catches on and speaks up.
“I… suppose it can stay.”
That’s not right, Father never lets any of his creations into the house willingly. Not unfairly so. Sometimes they were dangerous, or unfinished. Or explosive. Although Bigger Bug is none of that. It’s supposed to be a friend.
So Adam looks up with wide, surprised eyes, a hint of joy in his otherwise usually expressionless face. Victor is looking at him like… Adam doesn’t know. He’s never seen that face before.
“But just until after lunch. And then you’re to take it immediately back.”
And Adam smiles, and he misses how it leaves most of the room breathless.
“Thank you, Father, I will.”
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
heck i really just want to say how much i love the sibling dynamic of pebbles to moon, he’s like the independent kid who dislikes being nagged and cringes at affection, also doesnt show if he’a grateful for something easily because *pride* and gets embarrassed easily lol, yet if there’s somebody else that’s worse he straight up hides behind the said person(moon) he just pushed off of and ultimately cares for her in a more secluded way anyway. The vibe may be bits inaccurate but it’s how it felt after reading the comic of innocence high hipping pebbles and other arts
YEAH ITS LIKE the main idea i have of what's going on is that he was very forced to have everything spinning around Moon. he exists to help Her, his place has Her culture instead of developing its own (that makes him as a culture nerd disappointed and annoyed), he was set up to choose Her as his mentor, they share certain supplies, in my thing he is even Identified under her acronym n tag on the map
so he feels nasty as hell about that. he wants to get away, prove that he's more than just a complex supportive organ and a fool Moon needs to lead, so when it comes to Big Defining things he pushes her away
but the thing is that Moon is *nice.* she geniunely loves him. and when someone geniunely loves you it's kind of hard to stay mad at them 24/7- after all! even though she doesn't really approve of Suns in the position of a mentor, she never tried complaining about Pebs' decision to take Them as his mentor (even though maybe she should have)!! he has his own free will to act on and she respects that unlike the Ancients
so what he does is that!!! if it's something he can argue benefits more Him, if he can hide behind that, he will silently love her back. like asking her about the history she has seen for the sake of broadening his reference pool in research (a tiny little silent "i want to listen to you talk for a bit, let's spend some time together?"), challenging her to race at who gets simulations and such done faster ("we get to laugh as we run at the hip with each other in the only way we really can- i think that sounds quite nice. would you be up for it?")... if it helps putting him higher, he's doing it. but he also kind of comes off as a prideful selfish asshole as a result. plus what u said- i really like that he'd hate bein nagged at and open physical affection. this man is a handshake kind of kid. suit constantly on, kind of boy. arms behind the back, lookin fly n serious kind of man
but Yeah then there's these moments where when he doesn't really wanna deal with smth or is legit uncomfortable/scared and he hides behind Moon because he subconsciously knows she will have his back and protect him as long as he's hiding no matter what's happening (except maybe against large centipedes she hates those. that's when She hides behind Him). it's that silent sibling™ understanding
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onerabong · 2 years
Dark Matter rambles pt.2 (spoiler alert)
I’ve decided to start a new post cuz the old one was getting too long.
First of all, OH MY GOD
I had to calm myself down for a long time before writing this otherwise it would’ve just been a jumble of exclamations.
There is a LOT I wanna talk about in this chapter but I’ll narrow it down to three things- the battle, Einaros and GERYU.
Before we go in I wanna mention Boros’ dream. So his prophetic dreams are still coming to him, except with this one he was conscious. Well not conscious, but he could walk around, he had control over his body. I wonder what the difference was. With Exodia, a dream he’s had for so long warning(?) him of an attack, all he could do was experience what the dream gave him. It was vague, the only distinct thing being the environment around him, the dream only getting clearer as the real event approached. The two previous dreams he’s had was a prophecy of what will happen, something that will happen; there was nothing he could do about it. But with this one nothing seems to be happening, at least not yet. No signs of danger, no signs of anything really, only notable thing being the waterfall. Is it telling Boros of a place he’ll find himself in in the future? Probably. Is something important gonna happen there? Also probably. Maybe it’s another place with a clue? The place he’ll meet Geryu? No idea.
I used the term ‘warning’ above but that seems inaccurate. Warning implies that he could have done something to stop it. With Exodia maybe he could’ve persuaded the others to leave, but that seems unlikely. With the Maelstrom too, Proxima had the idea to stop the ship herself, even without Boros’ input. So his dreams are just showing him what will happen.. but now that he’s certain that it’s showing him the future, he’s determined to be prepared, he’s anticipating it. Is the new dream a result of this change? That he’s more prepared? Maybe, maybe not. But doubtless he’s had more control over it, even if it was only with his body. And he will be looking out for this place, anticipating it. That itself is a huge improvement compared to before, in my opinion.
(Also why was the Cyborg so cold when Boros mentioned his dreams?? His words sympathetic, but his tone cold- what does this mean? Does it have something to do with the voices?? This guy’s just wrapped up in mysteries!!)
Now onto the battle. AAAAAAAAA
Well the first thing I wanna mention is the centipede. Yes, it cracked me up to see that the monster was nothing other than a centipede, an acknowledgement to OPM’s love for those things no doubt😂
Speaking of OPM, it’s with this fight things are getting more and more like a.. shonen manga(??) seeing the main character getting stronger with every fight to be specific. Which is what OPM’s all about. So to see Boros doing that, to see this fic showing hints of what it will inevitably happen- it makes my heart race is what it does, to put it lightly.
And the way he fights, the way he defeated the creature; it wasn’t complicated, he just punched through it, but even in that simple fight we could see that he was being smart, strategic. The creature was so much bigger than him, so he waits for it to grab him first, bringing himself closer to what is most likely the creature’s vital spot; its head. And when it’s confirmed that he can do damage to it, he uses his enemy’s fight stance to give the final blow.
Two things- the copying of Iryo’s fighting style, and his energy output.
We are briefly shown Boros analyzing Iryo’s fighting style in the previous chapters. So to see him use it for himself, and victoriously at that, is SO exciting. How many of the Xar can replicate the exact moves of an enemy in a fight he’s had no control over? Not many I presume. Is it his desperation to keep his friends safe that has him learning so much from his traumatic experience? Probably. And this is rewarded with his complete calm during the fight, resulting him being able to control his stellar core, to push through his previous limits.. (limits huh)
And I can’t not mention the color of his energy turning blue, even if only briefly, to match what we’ll be seeing in OPM..
Also I love the little details like the sand crystalizing from his heat, and the shockwaves of each punch; it makes the fight so much more real.
All in all I think this fight was an excellent way to show how much Boros has learned and grown, and what his current capabilities are.. which is apparently what Einaros thinks of as well.. he is impressed.. But more on that in the next post.
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wonda-fhr · 10 months
for the character design asks: two questions you really want to answer for the Kingsley siblings! <3
The last one from the "oc asks: character design edition" :) Thank you very much for the option to choose freely. 😘
armor: What kind of armor does your OC wear? Is it well kept? Bonus: where does it come from? Is there a story behind it? - For Lia and David
Camouflage's armor is not very impressive, but it is exactly what he wants it to be, a camouflage. It consists of a gray-white-black pattern with varying degrees of sharpness, making it incredibly difficult for the eye to make out the actual shape. The helmet is matted to avoid unwanted reflections. The focus is on agility and speed. There is no particular story behind it other than the desire to remain undetected.
Lia's armor looks creepy. The basic armor resembles a modern knight's armor with a surface that looks like liquid silver. A large artificial centipede (scolopendra) with movable mechanical legs is installed on the armors surface. The scolopender starts in the foot area, wraps around the armor and ends with the head at armor's left wrist, where the nanovores are locked and can be released from the claws. Most of the orange legs are just for show, moving slightly and distract the opponent. In easily accessible places, the they function as a weapon belt. Disguised as legs, various blades and pistols are stored there.
All the unloved creatures always fascinates Lia, especially the genus scolopendra. She sees similarities between herself and the multi-legged poisonous creatures. Tough loners who can hit unexpectedly hard, who seem to carry an inner rage directed at everyone. Who everyone is afraid of and would rather keep their distance than make the effort to get to know them better. Who lovingly and caringly take care of their loved ones and protect them from all dangers. And last but not least, the often bright orange legs as a warning to anyone not to get too close.
Usually it's just stories running through my head, but for the LD-Kingsley AU it's an image that stays with me. Reckoning standing on a high rooftop, illuminated by two spotlights, and Camouflage hiding almost invisibly in her shadow. The two of them make a great team.
canvas: Does your OC have any scars, piercings, tattoos, or other markings? Do they display or cover them up at all? For Lia
I have never explained Lia's scars in detail for fhr. She has 5 parallel scars, the first from her forehead to her eye, the rest parallel down her front body. These are not caused by HB, they are handmade. Her second escape almost failed as she was captured by a four man team. Led by the handler who was often her commander and whom she had already disgraced during her first escape. An ambitious, arrogant man who couldn't tolerate mistakes. He had a habit of crossing out failed or inaccurate paragraphs in his reports with 5 parallel lines. He did this kind of error correction on the spot when he found Lia. She was only able to escape because she managed to simulate unconsciousness before her injuries forced her to. So she had a small moment of inattention that she was able to take advantage of. During the escape she treated her wounds sparingly, they became infected, the stitches came loose and she needed medical help. Which she got from a small town doctor with a gun to his head. He treated the wounds, but could not prevent the deep scars from forming.
stillness: How does your OC act while still? Are they fidgety? Do they have any common gestures or tics? Does their clothing affect how they hold themselves while at rest? - For David David's activity when he's still depends on the situation. He is often nervous and anxious, in which case he has a habit of holding onto his coffee mug, whether full or empty, without putting it down. If he doesn't have a mug at hand, he closes his arms around himself in a self-hug. Hidden by a jacket, his nails dig deeper and deeper into his flanks. Another reason to always wear a jacket.
In moments when he feels safe but begins to get bored of waiting or whatever, his fingers begin to play piano inconspicuously. It is not uncommon for his foot to tap out a beat that only he can hear.
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cocrante · 1 year
I love trashy books.
If you were to ask me about my favorite genre I'm well aware I wouldn't be taken seriously, but I adore anything that's comical, hilarious and downright absurd.
I spent many, truly many years, immersed in classical literature. I know Dante's Divine Comedy by heart, I've written essays on Jane Austen, sir Arthur Conan Doyle has a refined sense of aesthetics in his writing, especially when it comes to using stream of consciousness, which I found not necessarily sleep-inducing. I've adored Leopardi's letters, and Manzoni is still my favorite. If you were to ask me for an analysis of all classical and contemporary writers I could easily put together a twenty-page essay because that's what I studied in high school and continue to explore at university (though I'm avoiding the literature exam like the plague lol)
So booktok fanatics, rest assured, I've read all your beloved classics, and some I liked more than others. But in a life filled with serious novels, the absence of seriousness in a story is what I madly crave. How marvelous it is to read those descriptions brimming with inaccuracies, human bodies assuming aspects even Da Vinci wouldn't dream of. Men with abs that extend down to their feet, no longer human but rightfully belonging in the category of tracheate arthropods (centipedes, and Kafka would approve lol), meticulous descriptions of genital sounds audible through bedroom walls, characters who, though asleep like Sleeping Beauty, can still caress their partner's head.
Pure, insane, audacious, inaccurate poetry.
And I love it all.
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bungobble-my-balls · 5 months
OK here we go, the brief Grell x Yosano concept.
Keep in mind I haven't read black butler in YEARS, so some of this might be inaccurate to canon. I'm getting back into it though, so I'll probably update stuff on these two with more canon accuracy later on.
- it's 2012 (bsd present time) and Grell is currently being stationed in Japan, Yokohama. As a punishment because she recently broke some sort of rule in England.
- The list of names Grell was given keeps changing where it shouldn't. People who should be dead are suddenly being removed from the list before she can get to them. This is pissing Grell off cause it's interfering with her work. It also looks bad on her if she keeps missing people before she can judge them, or if there's a reaper trying to outdo her, or even if this reaper judges people wrong and she gets the blame for it.
- She finally finds the cause behind the vanishing names when she spots Yosano in an alley, healing and helping the next person Grell was meant to judge.
- Yosano had already called an ambulance and is just waiting with this injured/drug overdosed man in an alley. Sometimes she goes out into the streets at night to help people, and right now she really wants to go home and have a drink after the night she's had.
- Then Grell shows up and confronts her, having seen Yosano use her ability and realising she's behind it.
- Yosano was not aware of the existence of Grim Repears before, so at first she doesn't believe this woman to be a grim repear but just some really weird ability user with an active imagination. She's also WAY too tired right now to even start thinking about that.
- the two end up in a stand off, Yosano not in the mood to be patient, but also wanting to protect HER patient. The two end up starting a fight, and when Yosano pulls out her chainsaw it pisses of Grell even more because that's HER thing.
- eventually the ambulance gets there, and Grell has to avoid being seen by them (if I remember right Grim Reapers had to avoid being seen by humans most of the time). Yosano quickly helps the paramedics get the man in the ambulance, and realising that whoever this is, is avoiding being seen by the ambulance, she gets in too and lies about being his fiance. She's too tired to deal with a fight right now.
- The two end up confronting eachother again after this. Yosano is more energised so they have a proper fight. Grell briefly ends up thinking that Yosano looks cool while they're fighting and immediately berates herself for it because she does NOT want to give this copycat, job stealer any praise.
- yes the get married later. And they're the type to have a human Centipede wedding.
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noneboyleftclown · 1 year
‘What’s this guys problem?’ and other questions you may have after seeing my AO3:
This is an introduction post welcome to my introduction post. My name is Elias, and I am a writer on ao3 you may have seen torturing Jon in gruesome ways that make you say, ‘Hey! What!’ (direct quote from Bound In Silk, Stained With Copper comment) Or, ‘You good, man?’ (Direct from a friend who I forced to proof read Suicide Watch)
I am 22 years old and I’ve been writing for… Around 10 years I suppose. I’ve been an author on ao3 since it practically came out, but I’ve had many accounts. Most of which I was very popular on, but I would rather not disclose which those were or what I wrote.
I’m gay, and trans! That’s just a little fun fact about me. Probably explains my obsession with body horror. I love horror movies as well, it’s practically the only genre I watch to be honest. My favorites are Reanimator, The Human Centipede, Annihilation, and Funny Games. Once again, explains the body horror fascination.
I’ve enjoyed TMA for over a year or so now after my boyfriend introduced it to me a few years back, but I never really enjoyed podcasts until I listened to it for the first time.
A lot of people say this on TMA tumblr so, I suppose I’d be Lonely aligned. People automatically assume The Flesh due to my writing and I wouldn’t say that’s inaccurate, I think I’d be Lonely, Flesh, and Eye aligned because every TMA listener is technically eye aligned.
Anyway, if any of you ever have questions, just ask. If you want a specific story, I don’t mind writing it. I won’t write anything too crazy, like nsfw involving the basic criteria of things like, you know, minors or animals. Obviously. I will write NSFW, though, if it interests me. Otherwise, Im pretty much down for any prompts.
Thanks for reading through, if you did!
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ataraxystar · 6 years
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I drew Cenon! An OC from @legendofbuga one of my longest running friends ever. She is a Centipede gorl 
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martinlomax · 3 years
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[ID: A redraw of The Human Centipede 2 movie poster. It is grayscale and lineless.
The first image naked woman with short black hair is stretching her arms with gritted teeth and closed eyes. She seems relaxed. There are multiple hands coming out of her body, some of them grabbing her, some of them stretching out like they’re trying to escape. The bottom half of her body is a centipede.
The second image is the same image, but with a black background with white-ish scribbles. End ID]
100% medically inaccurate
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