ragazzoarcano · 2 years
“L'amore più bello è quello che risveglia l'anima, e che ci fa desiderare di arrivare più in alto; è quello che incendia il nostro cuore e porta la pace nella nostra mente.”
— Nicholas Sparks, libro Le pagine della nostra vita.
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aryiae · 2 years
Abbiamo sguardi altamente infiammabili*
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PRIMA PAGINA Corriere Della Sera di Oggi mercoledì, 11 settembre 2024
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lovecocoa-blog · 10 days
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Error y geno pertenecen a loverofpiggies
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daffy-rimi · 6 months
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cxjng · 1 year
starter privado (1/3) para : @blairest .
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' harina, huevos, polvo de hornear, mantequilla ' lee la receta que le ha entregado la mayor con atención, para así no arruinar nada. ' ¿de verdad se necesitan tantas cosas para hacer galletas? es demasiado complicado, mejor vamos al comedor a conseguir unas y decimos que nosotros las horneamos. '
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 4 months
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"ASKS FOR STATEMENT ON KINGSTON BLAZE," North Bay Nugget. May 18, 1934. Page 8. --- Ottawa, May 18. - (By Canadian Press) - A statement on the fire at Portsmouth Penitentiary, Kingston, was requested from the government in the House of Commons today by P. F. Casgrain (Lib., Charlevoix-Saguenay).
In the absence of the Minister of Justice (Mr. Guthrie) he would not wish to say more than that there had been an outbreak of fire at the penitentiary with considerable damage to property, no prisoners had escaped, the fire had been extinguished and the buildings destroyed or damaged would be rebuilt, replied the Prime Minister.
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enmnoticias · 4 months
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LLRD №.007.1-2024: Policía captura presunto antisocial acusado de incendiar sucursal bancaria en San Pedro de Macorís
Manténgase informado, de los hechos noticiosos más importantes, acaecidos en las últimas horas, en la República Dominicana y el resto del mundo. También puedes Ayudarnos económicamente, con la adquisición de nuestros libros digitales Prepagos. 6 de enero de 2024 Agentes policiales, adscritos a la División de Investigación (DICRIM), lograron capturar a un presunto antisocial luego de haber haber…
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feelingcomplet · 10 months
Nunca me diga o que fazer quando se trata de protege-la. Eu vou matar qualquer um que tentar te machucar. Vou incendiar está cidade se isso significar mantê-la segura.
( Devious )
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adribosch-fan · 10 months
Pedro Sánchez ha conseguido "incendiar España y amotinar al pueblo contra él"
El PSOE firma el fin de la democracia y presenta su ley para comprar los votos que permitan a Sánchez seguir en el poder. Pilar Díez El Mundo “Sánchez borra el 1-O de la Historia para que Puigdemont regrese libre”. ¿Lo sabe Page o está escondido debajo de la cama? Qué bochorno de hombre. “La proposición de Ley de Amnistía registrada por el Grupo Socialista en el Congreso constituye el mayor…
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pirapopnoticias · 1 year
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kittyit · 23 days
"The suffragettes are instructive. Their tactic of choice was property destruction. Decades of patient pressure on the Parliament to give women the vote had yielded nothing, and so in 1903, under the slogan 'Deeds not words, the Women's Social and Political Union was founded. Five years later, two WSPU members undertook the first militant action: breaking windowpanes in the prime minister's residence. One of them told the police she would bring a bomb the next time. Fed up with their own fruitless deputations to Parliament, the suffragettes soon specialised in 'the argument of the broken pane', sending hundreds of well-dressed women down streets to smash every window they passed. In the most concentrated volley, in March 1912, Emmeline Pankhurst and her crews brought much of central London to a standstill by shattering the fronts of jewellers, silversmiths, Hamleys toy shop and dozens of other businesses. They also torched letterboxes around the capital. Shocked Londoners saw pillars filled with paperthrowing up flames, the work of some activist having thrown in a parcel soaked in kerosene and a lit match.
Militancy was at the core of suffragette identity: 'To be militant in some form, or other, is a moral obligation, Pankhurst lectured. 'It is a duty which every woman will owe her own conscience and self-respect, to women who are less fortunate than she is herself, and to all who are to come after her.' The latest full-body portrait of the movement, Diane Atkinson's Rise Up, Women!, gives an encyclopedic listing of militant actions: suffragettes forcing the prime minister out of his car and dousing him with pepper, hurling a stone at the fanlight above Winston Churchill's door, setting upon statues and paintings with hammers and axes, planting bombs on sites along the routes of royal visits, fighting policemen with staves, charging against hostile politicians with dogwhips, breaking the windows in prison cells. Such deeds went hand in hand with mass mobilisation. The suffragettes put up mammoth rallies, ran their own presses, went on hunger strikes: deploying the gamut of non-violent and militant action.
After the hope of attaining the vote by constitutional means was dashed once more in early 1913, the movement switched gears. In a systematic campaign of arson, the suffragettes set fire to or blew up villas, tea pavilions, boathouses, hotels, haystacks, churches, post offices, aque-ducts, theatres and a liberal range of other targets aroundthe country. Over the course of a year and a half, the WSPU claimed responsibility for 337 such attacks. Few culprits were apprehended. Not a single life was lost; only empty buildings were set ablaze. The suffragettes took great pains to avoid injuring people. But they considered the situation urgent enough to justify incendiarism - votes for women, Pankhurst explained, were of such pressing importance that we had to discredit the Government and Parliament in the eyes of the world; we had to spoil English sports, hurt businesses, destroy valuable property, demor-alise the world of society, shame the churches, upset the whole orderly conduct of life. Some attacks probably went unclaimed. One historian suspects that the suffragettes were behind one of the most spectacular blazes of the period: a fire in a Tyneside coal wharf, in which the facilities for loading coal were completely gutted. They did, however, claim responsibility for the burning of motor cars and a steam yacht."
- How to Blow Up a Pipeline, pg 40-42
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caostalgia · 9 months
Quisiera poder incendiar cada uno de mis sentimientos y ya no volver a sentir algo.
Estoy harto de ellos.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"GIBSON FACES ARSON CHARGE," Hamilton Spectator. October 4, 1933. Page 7. ---- Arraigned as Result of Ancaster Fires ---- Hearing Adjourned at the Crown's Request ---- Held in custody on a charge of arson arising out of the series of fires in the farmhouse occupied by John Prowse, beyond the village of Ancaster, early last week, Lorne Gibson, hired man, will be tried before Magistrate Vance in county police court next Wednesday afternoon. The accused was arraigned before his worship this afternoon, but on request of the crown, which was not prepared to go on with the case, a week's remand was granted.
It will be recalled that from 2 o'clock on Monday afternoon until 6.30 the same evening, nine out-breaks, all having the earmarks of incendiarism, were discovered in a disused part of the large frame house. The fire department of Ancaster made three trips to the scene of the blazes but each time found nothing to detain it.
Before noon on Tuesday, the tenth fire was discovered shortly after Gibson visited the house to obtain a supply of baskets for use in the orchard. A neighbor had been on the property in the absence of Mr. Prowse, and the actual fire was discovered by the occupant's half-brother, while the neighbor left the scene for a brief period.
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flan-tasma · 5 months
hey!! I saw that you write for lyney (I love your lyney fics btw- they're so scrumptious) and I was wondering if you could write sub!top lyney who gives dom gn! reader oral, and then is made to fuck reader and overstimulates himself because they told him to :0 If you can thank you so much! have a nice day :3
(also sub!top is basically someone who isn't in control but does the fucking if you were confused- sorry if im not describing it well)
💖~ Thank you for making this request! I won't deny that I love the idea of sub!Lyney 👀
Warning: NSFW, breath play, creampie, GN!Reader | English is not my native language, so if I have made any mistakes in the translation, I am open to corrections | Content in spanish and english!
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Lyney se ha acostumbrado a perseguir tu satisfacción antes que la suya, principalmente porque no le gusta ser egoísta contigo en ningún aspecto. Te cuida mucho antes, durante y después del sexo, tratando de que siempre estés tan a gusto y feliz como él. Se enrosca a tu alrededor, te limpia y desborda su devoción como si fuera lo único capaz de sentir.
Por eso, cuando se puede permitir ser cuidado, no es capaz de negarte nada. Ni siquiera si se trata de ponerse un collar y follarte tan fuerte como le permitan sus caderas.
Tiras del cuero contra su cuello, él siente que su respiración terminará por incendiar sus órganos enteros cuando tu humedad lo chupa y lo exprime hasta dejarlo casi ciego por la lujuria. Su rostro patético solo puede demostrar su estado mental, vacío, solo enfocado en lo bien que te sientes cuando su polla te martilla y es abrazado por tu carne. Lyney no es alguien que disfrute ser vocal, pues le gusta mantener las cosas discretas, llamándote en susurros mientras se obliga a llenarte con sus múltiples cargas, pero esto es nuevo. Tan nuevo que la máscara de confianza del mago ha caído muy lejos de su rostro, solo siendo capaz de jadear y sollozar con tu nombre y súplicas.
No sabe cuántas veces se ha corrido en lo que va de la noche, tampoco puede enumerarlas ahora, solo sabe que la extraña sensación pegajosa que sentía en el punto donde tus muslos y los suyos se conectaban era tan irreal que quería perseguir más. La toalla debajo de ti se encontraba empapada, la cama también era una pista de la escena del crimen que estaban cometiendo, pero no pudo pensar en que debía cambiar las sábanas y limpiar el colchón, sino que se permitió soltar más lágrimas que caían por sus mejillas hasta tu propio rostro.
Su boca estaba manchada, rastros de labial y el delicioso líquido que lo obligaste a tragar minutos antes se mezclaban con la saliva que caía por su lengua. Era una buena imagen, fascinante, como Lyney perseguía el placer sin detenerse, sus manos estaban agarrando con fuerza el marco de la cama que para este punto ya había dejado varias marcas en la pared.
“No puedo…” Lloró buscando tu mirada con sus ojos aguados, incapaz de demostrar algo más que unas nuevas ganas de llenar tu interior con su semen. “¡Por favor, por favor!”
Pero Lyney es tan obediente contigo. Es tan lindo cuando jadeos contra su oído y tiras más fuerte de la correa que lo deja sin aire momentáneamente, suspirando su lujuria y golpeando contra ti con más urgencia. Ya había cerrado los ojos, perdido en la sensación deliciosa y pegajosa de los lubricantes mezclados con su semen y saliva.
“Me voy a desmayar, amour.” Traga saliva cuando siente la picazón en la punta de su polla que lo obliga a arañar tu muslo y acercarse más. El ruido de la piel sudorosa chocar se pierde entre sus maullidos y llantos. Su semilla se dispara lo que profundo que puede dentro de ti, que lo aceptas con gusto y le besas las mejillas mientras limpias sus lágrimas. Ha sido un buen chico, tan dulce y sensible que tiembla entre tus piernas y se detiene para por fin respirar algo de aire fresco y no el aliento cálido del que se ha vuelto adicto.
Pero no tiene mucho tiempo para descansar, pues vuelves a apretar el collar y lo haces encorvarse, tembloroso, para besarlo en sus labios devastados. Y Lyney entiende que aún no han terminado, y vuelve a follarte más a través de su semen que gotea y baja por tus labios y lo embelesa más contra tus suaves paredes que lo aprietan nuevamente.
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Lyney has taken to pursuing your satisfaction before his own, mainly because he doesn't like to be selfish with you in any way. He takes great care of you before, during, and after sex, trying to ensure that you are always as comfortable and happy as he is. He curls around you, cleans you, and overflows with his devotion as if it were the only thing capable of feeling.
Therefore, when he can allow himself to be cared for, he is not able to deny you anything. Not even if it means putting on a collar and fucking you as hard as his hips will allow.
You pull the leather against his neck; he feels that his breath will end up setting his entire organs on fire when your wetness sucks and squeezes him until he is almost blind with lust. His pathetic face can only demonstrate his mental state: empty, only focused on how good you feel when his cock hammers you and is embraced by your flesh. Lyney isn't one to enjoy being vocal, as he likes to keep things discreet, calling out to you in whispers as he forces himself to fill you with his multiple loads, but this is new. So new that the magician's mask of confidence has fallen far from his face, only being able to gasp and sob at your name and pleas.
He doesn't know how many times he's come so far this night, nor can he list them now, he just knows that the strange sticky feeling he felt at the point where your thighs and his were connected was so unreal that he wanted to chase more. The towel under you was soaked, and the bed was also a clue to the crime scene you were committing, but he couldn't think about changing the sheets and cleaning the mattress; instead, he allowed himself to let out more tears that fell down from his cheeks to your own face.
His mouth was stained, traces of lipstick and the delicious liquid you had forced him to swallow minutes before mixing with the saliva that ran down his tongue. It was a good image, fascinating, how Lyney pursued pleasure without stopping, his hands were tightly gripping the frame of the bed, which by this point had already left several marks on the wall.
“I can't…” He cried, searching your gaze with his watery eyes, unable to show anything more than a new desire to fill your insides with his cum. "Please please!"
But Lyney is so obedient to you. He's so cute when you gasp against his ear and tug harder on the leash that it leaves him breathless momentarily, sighing at his lust and pounding into you with more urgency. He had already closed his eyes, lost in the delicious, sticky sensation of the lubricants mixed with his cum and saliva.
“I'm going to faint, amour.” He swallows when he feels the itch at the tip of his cock that forces him to scratch your thigh and get closer. The noise of sweaty skin colliding is lost between his mewls and cries. His seed shoots as deep as it can into you, who accept it with pleasure and kiss his cheeks while you wipe away his tears. He's been a good boy, so sweet and sensitive that he trembles between your legs and stops to finally breathe some fresh air and not the hot breath he's become addicted to.
But he doesn't have much time to rest, as you tighten his grip on his collar again and make him bend over, trembling, to kiss his ravaged lips. And Lyney understands that you're not done yet, and he goes back to fucking you more through his cum dripping down your lips and enthralling him more against your soft walls that squeeze him again.
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