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governmentjobsworld · 2 years
இந்திய விண்வெளி ஆராய்ச்சி நிறுவனத்தின் பின் வரும் பணிகள் நிரப்புவதற்கான அறிவிப்பு வெளியாகியுள்ளன
இந்திய விண்வெளி ஆராய்ச்சி நிறுவனத்தின் பின் வரும் பணிகள் நிரப்புவதற்கான அறிவிப்பு வெளியாகியுள்ளன #govtjobs #upsc #ssc #currentaffairs #gk #ssccgl #ias #jobs #governmentjobs
இந்திய விண்வெளி ஆராய்ச்சி நிறுவனத்தின் பின் வரும் Assistant (Rajbhasha) பணிகள் நிரப்புவதற்கான அறிவிப்பு வெளியாகியுள்ளன. மத்திய அரசு இந்த அதிகாரப்பூர்வ அறிவிப்பினை  வெளியிட்டுள்ளது. இந்திய விண்வெளி ஆராய்ச்சி நிறுவனத்தின் பணிக்கு விண்ணப்பிக்க ஆர்வமுள்ளவர்கள் 08/12/2022 முதல் 28/12/2022க்குல் என்ற இனையத்தில் மூலமாக ஆன்லைன் மூலமாக விண்ணப்பிக்கவும். இப்பணிக்கு விண்ணப்பிக்கும் நபர்கள் விண்ணப்பிக்கும்…
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 Can The Sun Rays Creation Process Depend On Saturn Motion?
Paper Question
Can The Sun Rays Creation Process Depend On Saturn Motion?
The question tells us (If Saturn Is Not Found In The Solar System The Sun Rays Can Not Be Created)- If This is a fact- That proves we understand wrongly (completely) how the sun rays is created!
The question refuses directly The Sun Nuclear Fusion Theory – and tells us – The Sun Rays Is Produced by another Method – and
This another method depends on Saturn motion perfectly and without Saturn motion this method can NOT work and No Sun Rays Can Be Produced
The question answer can be summarized in 3 points
(Point No. 1) The Refutation Of The Sun Nuclear Fusion Theory
(Point No. 2) The Planet Motion Reason And Design
(Point No. 3) Saturn Effect On The Solar System Motion
Let's discuss these points in following…
(Point No. 1) The Refutation Of The Sun Nuclear Fusion Theory
There Are 7 Facts Refute The Sun Nuclear Fusion Theory…
Planet Motion Produces Energy
The gravitational waves are produced by the planets motions energies and NOT by the sun gravitational field (Moreover the sun does Not create a gravitational field)
The Gravitational Waves Can Move By Speed Of Light (C= 300000 km/s)
The Sun Rays Is Created By The Gravitational Waves Motions
The Sun Rays Creation Process Depends on A Relative Motion
The Sun Corona Temperature Is (5 million Kelvin) and the sun surface is 5800 Kelvin because the energy is NOT produced by The Sun Nuclear Fusion.
The Sun Data Depends On The Planets Data 
Let's summarize these facts in following
(Fact No. 1) Planet Motion Produces Energy
Any moving body produces energy (1/2 mv^2), the planet motion produces energy also, but where's the planet motion energy?
The planet doesn't store the energy in its body because it would raise this planet temperature and no planet temperature is raised by its motion- logically where can the planet motion energy be stored? In the space in waves form-
Means- the planet motion energy creates waves in the space
The space is similar to the sea of water, and the planet is similar to a fish swims through the sea of water- as we know- the fish moves by hitting the water by its body and by this action waves are created in the water- also we conclude the water moves by a velocity equal the fish velocity because of the reaction force-
Similar to that, the planet motion energy creates waves in the space- these waves are similar to the water waves, they move far from their planet and can be reflected- also we conclude the space waves move by a velocity equal the planet velocity-
Also–because the planets revolve around the sun in one direction- the planets motions energies waves move toward Pluto perpendicular on the revolution direction.
In Pluto orbit these waves are unified into one unified wave moves by the planets velocities total (9 planets velocities total is 176 km/s)
Pluto reflected this unified wave toward Venus and this wave revolves around the sun through the Earth moon orbit- because- all planets motion energy is stored finally in the moon orbit-
 And because the wave revolves around the sun through the moon orbit- the moon velocity is added to the total (the moon velocity = the Earth velocity) – by that
The velocities total be (176 +29.8 = 205.8 km/s)
The Planets Motions Energies Are Unified Together And Produce One Unified Wave Revolves Around The Sun Through The Earth Moon Orbit And This Unified Wave Moves By A Velocity 205.8 km/s.
(Fact No. 2) The Gravitational Waves Are Produced By The Planets Motions Energies And Not By The Sun Gravitational Field (Moreover The Sun Does Not Create A Gravitational Field)
I claim the space waves which I have described are the gravitational waves, the scientists called them wrongly supposing that these waves are produced by the sun gravitational field but this is NOT True – on the contrary- these waves are produced by the planets motions energies.
The previous analysis proves clearly that, the planet motion must create waves in the space- by that- I have a reason to claim that (the gravitational waves are produced by the planets motions energies)- and also the sun doesn't create a gravitational field – let's prove that in following to cause a confidence in my conclusion
The Sun Doesn't Produce A Gravitation Field  
The Sun Rotation Period is (25.4 days at equator) and (34.4 days at pole), that proves the sun has NO massive gravity (even it has no gravity equal any planet gravity otherwise it would rotate in one period of time)
No planet moves by the sun gravity (Newton Is Wrong).
The planet moves by its creation force- means-  the planet creation and motion should be done by the same one force because if two forces have effects on the same one planet, this planet would be broken
Mass gravity Can Not Cause any Motion- (Newton is wrong)– let's explain that -Mass gravity is a bond between 2 masses – the Earth and the moon are bond together by the mass gravity- They are similar to a lorry and its trailer– If a force causes the Earth to move the moon will move with the Earth– this is the effect of the mass gravity but the mass gravity can't cause any motion! Why? Suppose the moon moves by the Earth mass gravity- The moon motion produces energy (1/2mv^2)- and– From what source this motion energy will be provided? From the mass itself! means- If the Earth causes the moon to move that necessitates to decrease the Earth and moon masses by the motion energy– it's wrong definition for the mass gravity - the mass gravity creates a bond between two masses- and if a force causes the Earth to move the moon will move with the Earth, in this case, this force will provide the motion energy for the Earth and the moon– but No Motion can be done by the mass gravity.
(Fact No. 3) The Gravitational Waves Move By Speed Of Light (C= 300000 km/s)
This fact I provide by a direct proof – in following –
This Is Extraordinary: Gravity Can Create Light, All on Its Own
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsnHYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"&HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"&HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"ei=83
This new article states the gravitational waves can move by high velocity motion and can produce a light beam. 
Notice –
I Claim The Sun Rays Is Created By This Method (The Gravitational Waves Motions) And Not By The Sun Nuclear Fusion
But- I have proved, the gravitational waves are produced by the planets motions energies- how can the gravitational waves move by speed of light if they are produced by the planets motions energies? And If the gravitational waves move by speed of light how they can produce a light beam?
The fact is that
The planets motions use different rates of time- for that – the planets motions energies are produced based on different rates of time and the motion by speed of light is done by using different rates of time – let's explain how the unified wave (205.8 km/s) moves by speed of light relative to the sun point of space
W agreed that
There's one unified wave revolves around the sun through the Earth moon orbit and this wave moves by velocity 205.8 km/s relative to the sun point of space
This is A Relative Motion between two players (the unified wave) and (the sun point of space)
The two players use different rates of time which is
(one second of the sun clock = 1461 seconds of the unified wave clock)
The unified wave (205.8 km/s) moves in 1461 seconds a distance = 300000 km/s
But the sun clock moves only (one second) during these (1461 seconds of the unified wave clock) –means-
The distance 300000 km is passed in (one second) of the sun clock- by that
The different velocity between the unified wave and the sun motions is 300000 km/s = speed of light (C)
This analysis asks a new question (How Can The Planets Motions Use Different Rates Of Time?) this question is answered in Point (No. 2* the planet motion reason)
But there's one more question we left behind- let's remember it  
If the gravitational waves move by speed of light (300000 km/s) how can these waves produce a light beam? Let's answer in the following fact No. (4*)
(Fact No. 4) The Sun Rays Is Created By The Gravitational Waves Motions
The gravitational waves move by speed of light (C=300000 km/s) relative to the sun point of space- this idea is proved by the article states (the gravitational waves move by speed of light) BUT
How Can This Motion Produce A Light Beam?  The energy is reflected in the solar system, and the energy reflection causes to square the velocities, for that, the speed of light (C=300000 km/s) be squared (C^2) by the energy reflection- and the value (C^2) is the source of energy can produce the light beam
The reflection of energy and its effects are proved strongly in my paper   
The sun rays creation process provides three new features which are
The Gravitational Waves Move By Speed Of Light (C)
The Energy Reflection Squares The Velocities (C^2)
The Sun Rays Is Produced From (C^2) That Means The Sun Rays Is Produced By  A Relative Motion
(Fact No. 5) The Sun Rays Creation Process Depends on A Relative Motion
There are three basic critics against The Sun Nuclear Fusion Theory-
(First Critic) The Source Of Energy- while the solar system is so rich in the motion energy- the nuclear fusion theory invented strange source of energy to produce the sun rays and left the stored motion energy without using- logically- the energy can NOT be stored forever and should be used- The sun rays is the very good outlet for the stored energy- means- the sun rays should be produced from the planets motions energies which are stored in the space in waves form (the gravitational waves)       
(Second Critic) The Sun Rays Production Method- The sun rays are produced by the relative motion- means- the used technical method is the relative motion- the motion produces a relative motion with different velocity = speed of light (C= 300000 km/s) and by the reflection of energy this velocity be squared (C^2) and the sun rays is produced from this value (C^2)
The important thing here is (The Relative Motion) why? because this relative motion is found between two players (the unified wave motion 205.8 km/s) and (the sun point of space motion 1 km/s) – the light production process depends on the different velocity between the two motions (C=300000 km/s)- means- if this different velocity is decreased (NO Light Beam Can Be Created)
So the method needs the different velocity to be (C= speed of light =300000 km/s) and that necessitates the unified wave velocity to be (205.8 km/s) and the sun point of space to be (1 km/s) BUT there's NO any other point in the space moves by this velocity (1 km/s)- only – the sun point of space moves by 1 km/s – later I prove that 
Means- the different velocity (C=speed of light =300000 km/s) can be produced only between the unified wave motion (205.8 km/s) and the sun point of space
That tells- the light can be produced only on the sun point of space because this is the only one point in the space moves by velocity 1 km/s –
for that reason- the sun point of space is defined geometrically!
What does that mean (The Sun Point Is Defined Geometrically)?
The designer used many mathematical calculations and geometrical rules to define the sun position in the sky and the sun creation data- let's give one example
(The sun diameter / the moon diameter) = (Earth orbital distance/ Earth moon dist)
The previous equation enables us to see the sun disc = the moon disc and that causes the total solar eclipse to be occurred- but– why the diameters rate = the distances rate? 
Because the designer made all mathematical calculations to guarantee the velocity of the sun point of space to be only (1 km/s) and Never be faster
Let's see more data behind the total solar eclipse
4900 mkm (Jupiter orbital circumference) = 1.39 mkm (the sun diameter) x 3475 km =12104 km x 406000 km = 12756 km x 384000 km = 6792 km x 2 x 363000 km
3475 km      = the moon diameter                 12104 km    = Venus diameter
12756 km    = The Earth diameter                6792 km      = Mars diameter
 363000 km, 384000 km and 406000 km are the distances between the Earth and its moon in perigee, orbital distance and apogee radiuses respectively
We see how the data is designed geometrically accurately- why the data is created by this accurate system? because the designer aimed by all means to make the velocity of the sun point of space to be 1 km/s and never moves by any faster velocity
We remember (Neptune diameter is 49528 km because Neptune velocity is 5.4 km/s) this fact is proved by my planet diameter equation-
Here also- the sun diameter is defined geometrically in proportionality with many planets to guarantee the velocity of the sun point of space be only (1 km/s)
This argument is so powerful against the nuclear fusion theory, because
The Sun Data Proves The Sun Rays Is Produced By (A Relative Motion) and not by nuclear fusion- the designer had a necessity to create these proportionalities between the sun position and data on one side with the planets data on the other side- the required task was (to create a system guarantee the velocity of the sun point of space to be 1 km/s and never moves by faster velocity) – this is the cornerstone in the sun rays creation process because the rays is created by A Relative Motion- based on different velocity = 300000 km/s
This velocity is the method by which the sun rays is created and If This Velocity Is Decreased No Light Beam Can Be Produced.
The sun circumference =4.37 million km and the sun rotation period at equator is 25.4 days – if we calculate the velocity of this motion (4.37 million km /25.4 days) the velocity be = 2 km /sec
This is a strong proof for my theory- and we note that- the machine uses the velocity 1 km/s and the sun velocity (2 km/s) forced the machine to make (double for all values) means- for example- the sun rays is created not by (90000 million km) but created by (180000 million km) as I explain later- means – this change in velocity from (1 km/s) to (2 km/s) has great effect on the data but the machine can still produce the light beam- shortly- the sun rays is created by this relative motion with different velocity = C= speed of light = 300000 km/s
(Third Critic)
The sun corona temperature is (5 million Kelvin) but the sun surface is 5800 Kelvin
This data proves strongly my theory – where
The sun rays is NOT produced by the sun nuclear fusion – means – the energy is NOT produced from the sun body – BUT
The energy is produced by the planets motions energies and for that the corona has energy more than the sun body- because the energy comes from out of the sun into the sun- shortly- the energy out of the sun is greater than the energy inside the sun because the sun does NOT produce this energy- this energy is produced by the planets motions energies.
(Fact No. 6) The Sun Corona Temperature Is (5 million Kelvin) and the sun surface is 5800 Kelvin because the energy is NOT produced by The Sun Nuclear Fusion.
This fact is told just before – the sun corona temperature is a strong proof supports my theory tells (the sun rays is created by the planets motions energies total and not by the nuclear fusion)
(Fact No. 7) The Sun Data Depends On The Planets Data 
As We Have Seen In The Total Solar Eclipse Data, the sun data is in proportionality with the planets data proves the sun rays is created by the planets motions energies- But – not only this data
The sun all data is created depending on the planets data – let's see one more example
243/224.7= 29.53/27.3 = 27.3/25.4 = 1.0725
243 and 224.7 days Venus rotation and orbital periods respectively
29.53 and 27.3 days The moon day and rotation periods respectively
25.4 days = the sun rotation period at equator
The data shows clear harmony as if the sun data very similar to the planets data
(Point No. 2) The Planet Motion Reason And Design
A- The Solar System Creation Theory
The solar system is created from one energy- this energy is provided by one light beam its velocity is 1.16 million km per second
From this energy the space is created firstly and the light energy is consumed in the space creation and the rest energy is found in One Wave moves by speed of light (C=300000 km/s) – from this one wave the planets are created-
The creation is done in 2 stages
(First stage The Space Creation)
The original light beam (its velocity 1.16 million km per second) creates the planets orbits before any planet creation, starting from Mercury to Pluto, because of the orbits creation, the light energy is consumed and its velocity be 300000 km/s
We understand this is one light beam- its velocity was 1.16 million km per second and after the space creation this light velocity be 300000 km/s
(Second stage The Planets Creation)
The planets are created from this one wave moves by speed of light (C=300000 km/s)
There are strong proves prove a coherence of light is done between the light 1.16 million km per second and the light 300000 km/s- let's see this idea deeply
The original light beam its speed (1.16 million km per second) started its motion from Mercury orbit to Pluto orbit (Mercury orbit is the light motion origin point) – and this light beam created all orbits before any planet creation- and the light lost its energy in the space creation and the rest energy is one light beam move by the known speed of light is (C=300000 km/s)
The other light beam is the rest energy- it moves by the known speed of light (C=300000 km/s) and it moves in the reflected direction from Pluto toward Venus and Mercury-
Now –there's a coherence of light between these two light beams- the coherence is proved BUT we should ask (how can this coherence be occurred)? Because the original light (1.16 million km/s) is consumed and its energy is used already and the rest energy be this light its speed is (300000 km/s) - HOW can the light (1.16 million km/s) meet the light (300000 km/s)??
Imagine we have (116 dollars) and we spent all money except (30 dollars)- how can this (30 dollars) meet the original money (116 dollars)??
Let's try to answer
Suppose the light beam (300000 km/s) moves in the reflected direction (in the space) and also (in the time) – that can enable the light (300000 km/s) to move into its past and meet the original one (1.16 million km/s) in the past and the coherence can be done there in the past- and we see the coherence results and effects on the solar system-
Means – the light (300000 km/s) moves into its past and found the original light (1.16 million km/s) in the past and the coherence could be done there in the past
Please note- this analysis tells us the light can move on the time axis means can move into the future and into the past- but the matter can Not do that- I explain the reason in my paper (No. I-6)
Shortly- we have a proof for the motion on the time axis and we can create the time machine by this method and the light will be our tool which can move into the past to get pictures and data from the past to us-  
Let's see how the planets are created
B- The Solar Planets Creation
We know- The solar system is one wave moves by speed of light (C=300000 km/s)
Through the space- (till now NO any planet is created)  
Now -The Solar System needs To Create A Stationary Point Its velocity Zero relative to the moving wave its velocity is 300000 km/s
This is the basic information in the solar system design-
The solar system needs to create a stationary point relative to the wave motion- by that – two velocities will be found which are (v1= the wave velocity 300000 km/s) and (v2= Zero= the stationary point relative to the wave motion)–these two velocities produce a relative motion with different velocity 300000 km/s–
Notice – the stationary point velocity is 1 km/s (= Zero approximately)
Notice– The solar system is one wave moves by speed of light (C=300000 km/s), or the solar system is carried on light beam moves by speed of light (C=300000 km/s),
Everything in the solar system is carried on this one light beam motion- and nothing is static- No stationary point can be found here-
This is similar to ships are found on the sea- nothing is stopped- all ships move and can't stop- because the motion is done forcedly by the sea waves.
The stationary point will be similar to the whirlpool (vortex) found on the sea page- 
We see the whirlpool doesn't move with the sea waves- for that the whirlpool can be considered as a stationary point relative to the sea waves.  
The solar system needs to create the stationary point
Now – let's try to create this stationary point in following
The solar system uses two procedures to do that,  
The first procedure
The wave its velocity 300000 km/s revolves around a point in space (any point in space), the revolution motion creates 2 equal velocities on both sides of the revolution- the two velocities are equal in value and opposite in direction- their total be equal Zero-means- the revolution motion creates One Stationary Point in the center of the revolution. 
The second procedure
The previous idea is correct- but –the velocity 300000 km/s is a huge one and to decrease it to Zero velocity this is a complex process– for that- the wave (300000 km/s) created small waves with low velocities to use them as steps to decrease the velocity to Zero- the small waves are The Planets- (The planet is a small wave moves by low velocity relative to the mother wave its velocity 300000 km/s) 
Why Are These Small Waves Required?
Because the velocity 300000 km/s is decreased to Zero by using these small waves and their low velocities- the low velocities are used as steps to decrease the wave velocity (300000 km/s) to be (Zero)- this process decreases the velocity gradually from 300000 km/s to Zero depending on these small waves velocities (the planets velocities)  
Means- the planets are created for this process to decrease the wave velocity from 300000 km/s to Zero- and The Planet Is A Small Wave Moves By Low Velocity  
Shortly – the solar system has one complete system of velocities, Starting from Zero to 300000 km/s where the planets velocities are the steps between the two velocities –
Please note clearly this idea- because-
The solar system has one motor for all motions which is the wave motion by speed of light (300000 km/s) No any other motor is found in the solar system
The planets are similar to carriages in one train but the train engine is the light motion by that the only motor under all motions in the solar system is the wave motion (speed of light 300000 km/s)
So, we have to ask- how can any planet move by a velocity Less than (300000 km/s)?
Because – The Planets Use Different Rates Of Time-
The rates of time is created based on the velocities rates –
For example-
Mercury velocity =1.6 Earth velocity, for that, one hour of Mercury clock= 1.6 hours of the Earth clock and by that Mercury and the Earth move equal distances in equal periods of time. 
This is very important fact because – the light moves carrying all planets with it- Now the light moves (one motion) and passes (one distance) in (one period of time)
All planets will move (this same motion) and pass (this same distance) in (this same period of time)- but
We need different velocities for the planets to work as steps to decrease the velocity (300000 km/s) to Zero (Stationary point)- means- it's essential to have (different velocities) and that causes the using of the rates of time inevitable and essential method to enable the solar system to do its motion.
C- The Rate Of Time Use
The Rate Of Time Effect
The rate of time controls the moving energy rate-
For example (One Hour Of Mercury Clock = 24 Hours Of Pluto Clock)
What does that mean?
It means, Pluto motion energy (for 24 hours) can be used by Mercury in (one hour)
Here - the solar system is similar to a river of water moves from a point to another and the rate of time defines the amount of the transported water (energy)
In more details
The energy is transported among the planets and the amount of energy is defined by the rates of time- because- the energy transportation necessitates to transport the motion among the planets and the motion transportation caused to transport the rates of time among the planets-
The Rate Of Time Use
We agreed that, the solar system has one motor only which is the wave moves by speed of light (C=300000 km/s)- means- no velocity can be less than speed of light unless it depends on a rate of time –
Means- all planets velocities are created based on rates of time- that causes the rates of time to be used in all motions in the solar system  
Let's remember,
Planet motion energy creates waves in the space- we remember the accurate vision- we observed one swimming fish, the fish hits the water by its tail and swims, that creates a wave in the sea and this wave moves by the fish velocity because of the reaction-
Similar to that, Mercury (47.4 km/s) moves and its motion energy waves are created and these waves move by Mercury velocity (47.4 km/s) –BUT- Mercury velocity is created based on a rate of time- that causes the waves motions use rates of time-   
I try to show how the gravitational waves motions depend on rates of time
For more clear vision
We have to consider that the solar system has one motor only and this motor is the wave moves by speed of light (C=300000 km/s) for that any motion in the solar system with velocity less than speed of light (must depend on rates of time)  
The rates of time = the velocities rate –
Let's remember out example
Mercury velocity =1.6 Earth velocity by that (One second of Mercury clock = 1.6 seconds of the Earth clock)– by this rate of time Mercury and the Earth move equal distances in equal periods of time -
We understand the reason- where
The planets are geometrical points on the same one light beam- and this light beam moves carrying all planets with it- and
The light moves one motion, passes one distance in one period of time, for that, all planets move this same motion, pass this same distance in this same period of time
The Solar Planets Basic Rates Of Time
Let's remember the basic rates of time
(one hour of Mercury clock = 24 hours of any planet clock) and
(one hour of Mercury clock = 576 hours of Saturn clock)
That causes
(one hour of any planet clock = 24 hours of Saturn clock)
This rate of time is defined by Mercury motion effect And
The major rate of time between the planet and light motion is
(one second of light clock = one solar day of the planet clock)
This rate is a complex one because there are 2 velocities of the light (as I proved) 
The original velocity 1.16 million km per second and the known velocity 300000 km/s
(one second of light 1.16 mkm/s   = one solar day of the planet clock) and
(one second of light 300000 km/s = one solar day of the planet clock)
That causes the rate of time (1=24) to be so necessary to create the harmony between the planets and light motions- for that this rate (1=24) is used by Mercury motion 
The rate of time is defined basically by the planets velocities as explained before – for example - Mercury velocity = 1.6 the Earth velocity- means – one hour of Mercury clock = 1.6 hours of the Earth clock
But the solar system energy is reflected three times in the solar system, and each reflection causes to square the velocity, by that, the rate of time (v1/v2) be growing to be (v1/v2)^3
That explains why the planets orbital periods rate = (their velocities rate)^3
Also all other planets data is worked as rates of time-
D- The Unified Wave Moves By Speed Of Light
Let's remember out equation
300000 km = 7.1 x (205.8)^2 where
7.1 is Lorentz length contraction effect for velocity 297000 km/s (= 0.99 C)
205.8 km/s = the 9 planets velocities total (176 km/s) + the Earth moon velocity
(The moon velocity =29.8 km/s = the Earth velocity because they revolve together)
Why does the data use the squared value (205.8)^2?
We know the answer- but - Let's remember it
The planets are geometrical points on the same light beam and move with its motion- for that- the planets velocities rates creates rates of time– for example-  Mercury velocity = 1.6 the Earth velocity- that means – one hour of Mercury clock = 1.6 hours of the Earth clock- as I have explained before 
Now- the velocity (205.8 km/s) move relative to the stationary point its velocity Zero (The Sun) and creates a rate of time (1 second = 205.8 seconds) –
(One Second Of The Unified Wave Clock = 205.8 Seconds Of The Sun Clock)
But – the energy is reflected in the solar system (I proved in the paper),
The energy reflection reflects the players – means
(one second of the Sun clock = 205.8 seconds of the unified wave clock)
means (one second of the sun clock = 205.8 seconds of any planet clock) –
Now during one second of the sun clock, the wave clock needs 205.8 seconds while the wave moves by a velocity 205.8 km/s- means –
During one second of the sun clock, the wave moves 42253 km = 300000 km /7.1
By that the velocity is 42253 km/s which is equivalent to the speed of light
The velocity 42253 km/s is equivalent to the speed of light 300000 km/s because of the length contraction effect rate (7.1) – because
The reflection of energy causes to reflect the geometrical effects and the rate 7.1 which caused (length contraction) will cause (length increasing)
The length contraction and increasing both effects are produced by the same one motion but the reflection of energy causes to reflect the geometrical effects.
E- Planet Velocity Analysis
My 5th equation (v1v2=322)- the planets velocities prove it–let's see that in following  
322 = 47.4 km/s (Mercury velocities)  x 6.8 km/s  (Uranus velocities)                    
322 = 35 km/s  (Venus velocity) x 4.7 km/s (Pluto velocity) x 2             
322 = 29.8 km/s (the Earth velocity) x 5.4 km/s (Neptune velocities) x 2      
322 = 24.1 km/s (Mars velocity) x 13.1 km/s (Jupiter velocity)               
322 = (17.9 km/s)^2 (Ceres velocity) (Max error 2%)
The previous data tells the planets velocities are defined by two features
(1st Feature)
The planets velocities are complementary one another –means - each planet velocity is complementary with another planet – means– The planets velocities are defined in pairs and not in single planets. 
(Notice, the inner planets orbital inclinations are defined by the rule (v1/v2), for example, Mercury orbital inclination 7 deg = Mercury velocity 47.4/ Uranus velocity 6.8- that proves the effect of the rule (v1v2=322) on the planet motion)
(2nd Feature)
Why the constant is 322 because
1160000 seconds = 322 hours – means- there's a light velocity = 1.16 million km /s and this light moves for one second passes 1160000 km but we see this distance as a period (1160000 seconds =322 hours)- and - the planets velocities are defined based on this velocity 1.16 million km /s
Ceres velocity tells the idea - Ceres is used as the origin point - as a result the outer planets be complementary with the inner planets – for that the rule (v1v2=322) controls the planets velocities.
The planets velocities are created based on one design- Ceres velocity is used as the origin point for this design
Mercury (47.4 km/s) moves during 6.8 hours a distance             = 1160000 km 
Uranus (6.8 km/s) moves during 47.4 hours a distance               = 1160000 km 
Mars (24.1 km/s) moves during 13.1 hours a distance                = 1160000 km 
Jupiter (13.1 km/s) moves during 24.1 hours a distance             = 1160000 km 
(error 2%) - And
Earth (29.8 km/s) moves during 2 x 5.4 hours a distance             = 1160000 km 
Neptune (5.4 km/s) moves during 2 x 29.8 hours a distance        = 1160000 km 
Venus (35 km/s) moves during 2 x 4.7 hours a distance             = 1160000 km 
Pluto (4.7 km/s) moves during 2 x 35 hours a distance               = 1160000 km 
(error 2%)
Notice - Saturn (9.7 km/s) moves during 33.2 hours a distance = 1160000 km 
(between 33.2 and Venus velocity 35 km/s the error 5%) 
The planets velocities definition depend on the speed of light 300000 km/s
As we have seen before in the equation
300000 km = 7.1 x (205.8)^2
Here we see the planets velocities are defined based on two velocities which are – the speed 1.16 million km per second and the light speed 300000 km/s- that's one proof among many others which prove the coherence of light is done between the light 1.16 million km per second and the light 300000 km/s
Why is it necessary to review the planet velocity analysis here? 
Because the planet velocity analysis proves the sun is created after all planets creation and motion -Let's see that in the next point
F- The Sun Is Created After All Planets Creation And Motion (Proves)
We analyzed the planet velocity definition before, let's remember its basic feature  
We remember the rule (v1v2=322) (my 5th equation)– let's prove it
322 = 47.4 km/s (Mercury velocities)  x 6.8 km/s  (Uranus velocities)                    
322 = 35 km/s  (Venus velocity) x 4.7 km/s (Pluto velocity) x 2             
322 = 29.8 km/s (the Earth velocity) x 5.4 km/s (Neptune velocities) x 2      
322 = 24.1 km/s (Mars velocity) x 13.1 km/s (Jupiter velocity)               
322 = (17.9 km/s)^2 (Ceres velocity) (Max error 2%)
The data tells
The Planets Velocities Are Defined Based On One Design
The planets are added in pairs in the solar group- means- No single planet can be added to the solar group
Now we have to ask
Can We Add A New Planet To The Solar Group?
Let's answer in following
I add a new planet after Pluto
I suppose the new planet orbital distance to be =7000 million km
This new planet velocity will be 4.3 km/s (We can define it by kepler law)
Now we need the complementary planet because of the rule (v1v2 =322)
(322 =4.3 x 75), means, the complementary planet velocity is 75 km/s   
Where can we find a planet its velocity 75 km/s? this planet must be in the distance between the Sun and Mercury –
This planet orbital distance should be 23.2 million km
(57.9/23.2) = (75/47.4)^2  where
(57.9 million km = Mercury Orbital Distance) and (47.4 km/s) Mercury velocity
Shortly –
It's hard to add any planet in the distance between Mercury and the Sun- means- we can't add any new planet to the solar group because of the Sun existence.
How Could The Found Planets Be Added To The Solar System?
The Sun is created after all planets creation and motion- means – after all planets be in their orbits the Sun is created- In details-The planets were created in their orbits and revolve around a point of space, before the sun creation, and later the sun is created in this point of space around which the planets revolve
Because - technically-  the Sun existence prevents to add any new planet to the solar system and also the Sun existence prevents any planet to change its orbit
(For example- Mars original orbit was between Mercury and Venus and Mars had migrated to its current orbit before the Sun creation And Mars couldn't return to its original orbit because of the Sun existence ) (Mars Migration is proved in the paper) 
This analysis is another proof for my theory tells (The Sun Rays Is Created By The Planets Motions Energies And Nut By The Sun Nuclear Fusion)
The sun rays can NOT be created without the solar planets because the sun rays are created from the planets motions energies – logically the planets are found and moving before the sun creation-
(Point No. 3) Saturn Motion Effect On The Solar System Motion
Let's remember our question
Can The Sun Rays Creation Process Depend On Saturn Motion?
The question tells us (If Saturn Is Not Found In The Solar System The Sun Rays Can Not Be Created)- Let's ask (what's Saturn role in the solar system motion?)
The main rates of time are
(one hour of Mercury clock = 24 hours of any planet clock = 576 h of Saturn clock)
That causes (one hour of any planet clock = 24 h of Saturn clock)
This rate of time is changed slightly by the velocities effect to produce the nest rate
205.8 km/s = 9.7 km/s (Saturn velocity) x 21.4 second
205.8 km/s = the planets velocities total
The data tells
(one hour of any planet clock = 21.4 h of Saturn clock)
And Saturn created its rotation period (10.7 h) based on this rate (21.4 = 2 x 10.7 h)
The data shows- Saturn has the smallest rate of time in the solar system and by that Saturn moves more than any other planet- in fact
In the same period - Saturn moves a distance = all planets motions distances total 
Shortly -the Sun rays is created by the planets motions energies BUT Saturn motion alone provides (50%) of all this energy – that makes Saturn the most important planet in the solar system -and because of that- Saturn motion provides the greatest rate of time in the solar system and based on this rate of time the sun rays is created
The Sun rays creation depends directly on Saturn motion because Saturn provides (50%) of all provided energy for the sun rays and because Saturn motion creates the rate of time based on which the energy can be stored to produce the sun rays
Saturn is the motor behind the sun rays creation process – I analyze Saturn data in details in point no. (3) of the paper because Saturn data proves that – the planets motions causes to create the sun rays clearly
The Paper hypotheses
The paper provides 4 hypotheses with their explanations and proves – let's provide them in following
Hypothesis No. (1)
The space is created from one energy and this energy is provided by a light beam moves by a speed 1.16 million km per second – the speed is registered in the created space proves the speed is a fact.
Hypothesis No. (2)
The Gravitational Waves Are Produced By The Planets Motions Energies And Not By The Sun Gravitational Field– Moreover- The Sun Does NOT Produce A Gravitational Field And It Has No Massive Gravity- 
Hypothesis No. (3)
Mars original orbit was between Mercury and Venus and Pluto was The Mercury Moon (Pluto size was equal Mercury size) But these two planets had migrated from their original orbits as a result for a collision- the planets migration caused a risk for the solar system geometrical design- Uranus and Jupiter the Two planets worked to repair the solar system design– that caused Jupiter orbit to be the main orbit in the solar system design- Jupiter orbit proves the speed 1.16 million km per second is a fact.   
Hypothesis No. (4)
The Sun Is a phenomenon created by the planets motions
The sun rays is created from the gravitational waves motions energies and the gravitational waves are produced by the planets motions energies-
Based on that 
The Sun Is A Phenomenon Created By The Planets Motions
The Sun Is NOT Doing Nuclear Fusion To Produce Its Rays- instead- The Planets Motions Energies Total Is Used To Produce The Sun Rays
The Sun Is Created After All Planets Creation And Motion –
The Planets Are Created And Moving In Their Orbits Around A Point Of Space Before The Sun Creation- And The Sun Is Created On This Point Of Space around which the planets revolve –
No Planet moves by The Sun Gravity (Newton is Wrong) –
The Sun Doesn't Produce A Gravitational Field (Einstein Is Wrong)
The Sun Is A Phenomenon Created By The Planets Motions– means-The Sun creation and death depends on a cycle – means – after this current sun death another sun will be created for the solar system.
The Hypotheses Explanation
The abstract provides the hypotheses explanation and the paper provides their proves and discussions- In following the hypotheses will be explained in details 
The creatures and all matters on the Earth are created from the sun light energy and the sun light speed is 300000 km/s, because of that, the creature realization is limited to the speed 300000 km/s and can't realize the original speed (1.16 million km per second) that means the speed 300000 km/s is a limit for the creatures realization and not for the universe design.   
Hypothesis No. (1)
The space is created from an energy and this energy is provided by a light beam moves by a speed 1.16 million km per second – the speed is registered in the created space which proves the speed is a fact
The Hypothesis Explanation
I- The Space Is Created By One Light Beam Energy- And This Light Beam Speed Is 1.16 million km per second
I-1 Preface (the main idea)
I-2 The Space Creation Method (the distances are one network)
I-3 Light Coherence between light (1.16 million km /s) and light (300000 km/s)
I-4 The Matter definition (based on my planet diameter equation)
I-5 The Planets Creation
I-6 Can The Time Machine Be A Fact?
The Hypothesis Proves
I-7 The Proves Logic Analysis
I-8 Planet Velocity Is A Function In A Speed = (1.16 million km /s)
I-9 Planets Orbits Are Defined By A Motion Its Speed = (1.16 million km /s)
I-10 Jupiter distances are defined by a motion by a speed = (1.16 million km /s)
I-11 The Solar System Geometrical Design Proves The Hypothesis
I-12 The Solar System Distances Analysis Prove The Hypothesis
I-13 Deep Analysis For The Planets Orbits
1-14 Light defines each planet orbital period
I-15 Can Planet Diameter Be Used As A Period Of Time
I-16 Mercury Orbit Analysis
I-17 The Planets Data Is Created By The Light Motion Directly
I-18 Light Defines Each Planet Rotation Period
I-1 Preface (The Main Idea)
The solar system (planets and distances) is created from one energy and this energy is provided by one light beam and this light beam moves by speed (1.16 million km/s)
The space is created before the planets creation-
Let's write the whole story in following
The light beam (1.16 million km per second) started its motion from Mercury orbit moves toward Pluto orbit– by that– we consider Mercury orbit is the origin point-
Now- we should notice- No planet is created yet- the motion from Mercury orbit to Pluto orbit defines the motion direction- and No planet is created before this motion end nor during this motion- the planets will be created after this motion is finished means when the light 1.16 million km per second reaches to Pluto (orbit)- after this event – the planets will be created –as I will explain later  
The light (1.16 million km per second) creates the distances by its motion- means- the light moves from Mercury point to Venus point– the distance from Mercury to Venus was not found and is created only by the light motion through it for first time- means – before the light motion this distance was NOT found- It's found after the light moves through this distance for first time-    
This is similar to the blood motion through the arteries, the blood creates these arteries and the blood moves through these arteries, but the blood created these arteries with its first motion and that needed energy- but – after the arteries creation the blood move through them without any energy is required- means- the first motion is the most important one because by it the arteries are created
Shortly- The space is created from the energy of this light beam its speed 1.16 million km per second – NOW- after the Space creation- the light beam energy is decreased because of the energy consumption in the space creation process- and the rest energy is one light beam its speed is (C=300000 km/s =the light known speed) – But - We understand that- it's the same one light beam- its speed was 1.16 million km /s before the space creation- and the light created the space and that caused to consume the light energy and that caused to decrease the light speed to be 300000 km/s
Shortly- the light beam started its motion from Mercury (orbit) with speed 1.16 million km /s and reaches to Pluto (orbit) with a speed 300000 km/s because of the energy consumption in the space creation process  
Let's give example to explain this idea
Imagine we create A Sea Of Water- we use energy to create this sea of water- now we have some energy and we use this energy to create this sea of water- BUT- our energy is NOT spent completely But there's a small part still rest with us – this small part of energy is used to create one wave moves through this sea and this wave speed is 300000 km/s (I suppose the space is similar to the sea of water)
Now – the rest energy is found in one light beam its speed 300000 km/s and this light beam is found NOW in Pluto Orbit – and this light beam will be reflected from Pluto orbit toward the inner planets– means- the rest energy will move in the reflected direction to the original light motion direction.
This idea will be explained in details in the next point- shortly
The light beam (300000 km/s) will be reflected from Pluto toward the inner planets
AND  the light 300000 km/s will meet the original light beam (1.16 million km per second) in the origin point (in fact – beside the origin point) and there's a coherence of light is done between the light beam (300000 km/s) and the light beam (1.16 million km per second) – this coherence of light is proved strongly- we have to ask (how can that be possible while the light beam 1.16 million km /s is consumed and the new light beam 300000 km/s is the rest energy? how this light beam (300000 km/s) can meet the original one (1.16 million km per second)? in points no. (I-3) and no.(I-6) I answer this question.
Notice (1) I suppose the rest energy is a light beam its speed is (C=300000 km/s) but this idea is for simplicity- the rest energy can be in any wave form its speed (C=300000 km/s) – no necessity to be in visible light beam form
It's simply energy moves by the known speed of light (C=300000 km/s)
Notice (2)
All Planets Orbits Are Defined Before Any Planet Creation-
The light used the distance from the sun to Pluto as one area and create one geometrical design for this area before any planet creation 
Notice (3)
The planets are created from the rest energy its speed (300000 km/s) – means- the space is created by the light 1.16 million km per second and the energy is consumed in the space creation and the rest energy is one light beam its speed 300000 km/s (or one wave moves by the known speed of light C=300000 km/s) – the solar planets are created from this one wave its speed 300000 km/s and that means all planets orbit are created and defined before any planet creation
Notice (4)
The Sun Is Created After All Planets Creations And Motions
The sun is a phenomenon created by the planets motions energies total
The sun doesn't produce a gravitational field and doesn't have massive gravity
Logically – No planet moves by the sun gravity
(The Planet Moves With The Energy From Which The Planet Is Created – Newton is wrong- later we discuss the proves)
Notice (5)
The child (fetus) inside his mother is created by the blood motion- the blood motion creates arteries for this child and through these arteries the blood moves also but the arteries themselves are created by this same blood motion- Similar to that- the distances are created by the light motion energy and the light moves through these distances also but originally these distances themselves are created by the light motion energy-  means the distances creation is done with the first time of the light motion through them - that required energy- but after the distances are created no more energy is required- the light (or planet) can pass simply through these distances
I-2 The Space Creation Method (the distances are one network)
778.6 = 1.16 x 671
721    = 1.16 x 621
629    = 1.16 x 543
543    = 1.16 x 468
5906  = 1.16 x 5127
These numbers are distances in (million km)
778.6, 721, 671, 629, 551 are Jupiter distances to the sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars respectively- 5906 and 5127 Pluto distances to the sun and Jupiter respectively     
468 = 936 /2 where (940 million km = the Earth orbital circumference)
The previous data tells us how the light beam motion creates the distances-
Simply the light uses a distance as (a period of time) and travels through this period another distance- that can be understood clearly from Jupiter distances- let's look deeply as possible
The light beam (1.16 million km per second) uses the period 629 seconds to pass a new distance = 729 million km (Mercury Jupiter distance is 721 million km error 1%) – where 629 million km = Jupiter Earth distance
The light beam (1.16 million km per second) uses the period 671 seconds to pas a new distance =778.6 million km (Jupiter orbital distance) 
where 671 million km = Jupiter Venus distance
by this method the light creates the distances based on each other- and that makes all distances to be created depends on one another and that makes all distances in the solar system to be One Network where all distances are created based on the same One Geometrical Design
The data shows the creation method- and we understand that- the distance 551 million km (Jupiter Mars Distance) is created firstly and the light (1.16 mkm/s) used this distance as a period of time (551 sec) and the light travels during this period a distance =(639 million km where 629 million km is Jupiter Earth distance error 1.5%) and then the light uses the new distance (629 mkm) as a period of time (629 sec) and the light travels during this period a distance = (729 million km – where 721 million km = Mercury Jupiter distance – error 1%)
The data shows the method clearly and we understand the light original motion started from Mercury orbit to Pluto orbit because the distances are created based on one another in that direction of motion as explained clearly
New data NO. (1)
2723 sec x 2 x 300000 km/s = 1622 million km – where
2723 million km = Uranus Earth Distance
1622 million km = Uranus Neptune Distance
The data shows- the light beam its speed (C=300000 km/s) is in proportionality also with the created distances but this proportionally is found in Reflected Direction
Logically, The light can NOT move from Uranus to Neptune and after that the light returns to move from Uranus to the Earth- it's simply reflected direction  
The distances are NOT created by the motion of this light beam (300000 km/s) – but the distances are created by the motion of the original light beam (1.16 million km per second) but the proportionality between the distances with the light (300000 km/s) is found because there's a proportionality between the original one (1.16 million km per second) and this light beam (300000 km/s) – AND 
Because the light (300000 km/s) moves in the reflected direction of the original light beam (1.16 million km per second) that causes the proportionality between the distances and the light (300000 km/s) be in a reflected form
New data NO. (2)
2094 sec x 300000 km/s = 629 million km
2094 million km = Uranus Jupiter distance
629 million km   = Earth Jupiter distance
The light (300000 km/s) moves in reflected direction- for that- the distance 2094 million km is used as a period of time to pass a new distance (629 mkm)
The data proves the idea clearly
Notice (1)
The proportionality between the light (1.16 million km/s) and the light (300000km/s) will be discussed in point no. (I-3)
Notice (2)
In Point (**) I prove the gravitational waves are produced by the planets motions energies- and I prove that – the planets motions energies move toward Pluto and this energy is reflected from Pluto toward Venus- this fact is proved by powerful data and proves- for that – I don't explain in details the light motion trajectory from Pluto toward the inner planets because this motion trajectory is studied in details in the hypothesis No. (2) of this discussion- understandable that- the planets motions energy trajectory is the same trajectory the light moves through it – means this trajectory is studied in details and powerful proves in point no. (**)
Notice (3)
Jupiter Distances Analysis shows that Jupiter orbit is the central orbit for the light (1.16 million km per second) based on which all planets orbits are defined.
But – this is not the first creation case –
The light (1.16 million km per second) created the planets orbits based on each other starting from Mercury orbit moves toward Pluto orbit – this is the fist creation case – and this fact is proved strongly in point no. (I-9*)
Mars had migrated from its original orbit (Mars original orbit was between Mercury and Venus) and Pluto had migrated also (Pluto Was The Mercury Moon revolves around Mercury and Pluto size was equal Mercury size)
The planets migration caused a serious risk for the solar system geometrical design- Uranus was the first planet tried to repair the solar system geometrical design and to save it- by that
Uranus created a vertical effect on Jupiter orbit to fix Jupiter in its orbit and prevent it to migrate with the migrant planets- and based on Jupiter orbit the other planets orbits are modified – that supported the solar system original design and saved it which causes to protect the geometrical design from the destruction.  
As a result
That causes Jupiter orbit to be the most important orbit in the solar system- the paper third hypothesis explains the planets migration and Jupiter orbit analysis is done with the solar system design analysis (I-11*)
I-3 Light Coherence between light (1.16 million km /s) and light (300000 km/s)
The Coherence Of Light
The previous explanation told us that we have 2 light beams-
The original light beam its speed (1.16 million km per second) and it started its motion from Mercury orbit to Pluto orbit (where Mercury orbit is the light motion origin point) – and this light beam created all distances in the solar system and lost its energy in the space creation process and the rest energy is one light beam its speed is (C=300000 km/s)
The other light beam is the rest energy- its speed is (C=300000 km/s) and it moves in a reflected direction from Pluto toward Venus and Mercury-
Now – we have a coherence of light between these two light beams- the coherence is proved by powerful proves BUT firstly we have to ask (how can this coherence be occurred)? Because the original light (1.16 million km/s) is consumed and its energy is used already and the rest energy is this light its speed is (300000 km/s) - HOW can the light (1.16 million km/s) meet the light (300000 km/s)??
Imagine we have (116 dollars) and we spent all money except (30 dollars)- how can this (30 dollars) meet the original money (116 dollars)??
Let's write the answer
Suppose the light beam (300000 km/s) moves in the reflected direction (in the space) and also (in the time) – that can enable the light (300000 km/s) to meet the original one (1.16 million km/s) in the past and the coherence will be done there in the past- and we see the coherence results and effects on the solar system -
Means – the light (300000 km/s) moves into the past and found the original light (1.16 million km/s) in the past
Notice No. (1)
The original light beam (1.16 million km/s) can NOT move toward the future to meet the light (300000 km/s) because in the future the original light beam (1.16 million km/s) is NOT found –by that – the coherence can't be occurred in the future - But – the light (300000 km/s) can move into the past because this light beam (300000 km/s) was found in the past because it's a part of the original light beam (1.16 million km/s)
Notice no. (2)
I prove the coherence is done by powerful proves- that tells- this idea is a fact–means- there's a strong proof tells (in fact the light beam 300000 km/s moved into the past) and if we can use this feature practically we can get photos from the past events and by that we can have photos from the catastrophe which killed the dinosaurs and know much better about what had happened really in that time - This can be a real machine of time – the light motion into the past is a strong method to perform this invention. 
Notice no. (3)
Why Can NOT We Move Into The Past As We Move Into The Future?
This question is answered in point no. (**)
The Light Coherence Proves
First Proof
The planets order is typical to the interference of Young –
In the double slits experiment, Young Interference is consisted of bright fringes and dark fringes - If we consider planet diameter is equivalent to bright fringe – we will see that- the planets order is typically to Young interference because
Jupiter (the greatest fringe) is in the middle and the fringes width is decreased gradually on both sides – typically to the planets order
Notice / I have proved that (Mars original orbit was between Mercury and Venus) if we restore Mars to its original orbit the order will be typical to the Young Interference
(I prove this fact in point no. **)
Second Proof
The planets velocities are defined based on the speed (1.16 million km per second) and the planets velocities analysis shows the speed (300000 km/s) is the planets motions limit- means- the planets velocities are defined based on both velocities (1.16 million km per second) and (300000 km/s) I prove this fact in point No. (**)  
Third Proof
The light coherence defines the solar day period (24 hours) which is the solar system design cornerstone 
(1.16 /0.3) x 2π = 24.3
By this equation the space and time are created- the equation tells–the space is created in curves (2π) and the time is created in units each unit is (24 hours) 
Please note – the solar system geometrical design depends on the light motion in a solar day (24 hours = 86400 seconds) 
The light (1.16 million km per second) moves in a solar day (86400 seconds) a distance  = 100733 million km (= the planets orbital circumferences total)
Fourth Proof
The planets data prove there's a speed (1.16 million km per second) found in the solar system but the sun light beam moves by speed (300000 km/s) that tells the two speeds are facts and found in the solar system and the coherence between them is a logical result
The hypothesis proves discuss many powerful proves for this fact-
Notice- the coherence of light is a very important fact because it tells the light (300000 km/s) moved into the past and by that gives us a proof for the motion on the time axis- for that – many powerful proves support this fact.
I-4 The Matter definition (Based On My Planet Diameter Equation)
Let's remember my planet diameter equation
Planet Diameter Equation (v1/v2)= (s/r)= I
v = Planet Velocity                                                          
r = Planet Diameter
s= Planet Rotation Periods Number In Its Orbital Period
I= Planet Orbital Inclination        (example, 1.8 degrees be produced as a rate 1.8)
v2, s, r and I are belonged to one planet and v1 is belonged to another planet
The planet (v1) is defined by test the minimum error 
Earth Equation uses Neptune velocity
Mars Equation uses Pluto velocity
Jupiter Equation uses the Earth moon velocity
Saturn Equation uses Mars velocity
Uranus Equation uses Neptune velocity (As Earth)
Neptune Equation uses Saturn velocity
Pluto Equation uses the Earth moon velocity (As Jupiter)
(The Equation works from The Earth To Pluto) (the discussion explains the reason)
Neptune Equation (89143 /49528) = 9.7/ 5.4 =1.8         
89143          = Neptune rotation periods number in Neptune orbital period
49528 km    = Neptune diameter
9.7 km/s      = Saturn velocity
5.4 km/s      = Neptune velocity
59800 days = Neptune orbital period (and Neptune rotation period =16.1 hours)
1.8 degrees = Neptune Orbital Inclination
(the equation is proved and discussed in details in point no. **)
Can We Define The Matter Nature Based On My Planet Diameter Equation?
The equation tells, the matter is created based on its motion! means Neptune diameter is 49528 km because Neptune velocity is 5.4 km/s!!
That tells the motion with velocity 5.4 km/s is defined before Neptune diameter is created! Can we understand such definition for the matter nature? let's try
The Matter Nature
The space and matter are created from the same original energy and they move with this original energy motion- BUT the matter has a distinguish picture and different velocity from the space picture and velocity (notice- The Gravitational Waves Prove That The Space Has A Motion)  
If we suppose the space is similar to the sea of water, the matter be similar to a whirlpool or a vortex found on the sea page- means- the matter is a geometrical design has a distinguish picture from the space- as the whirlpool, it's created from the sea water but it has a distinguish picture from the sea waves picture
The whirlpool is carried by the waves motion- and- the matter is carried by its original energy and moves with it- No Mass gravity is required for the matter motion- means- the matter is MOVABLE by nature.
The whirlpool dimensions are defined by the water motion - for example- we have a whirlpool its diameter is (2 meters)- this diameter is defined by the sea water motion features (velocity, pressure and other motion features) by that- the water motion analysis explains how the whirlpool dimensions are created
Also- the whirlpool is created but the creation requirements are needed every day- means- even if this whirlpool is found since years it can be changed immediately if the water motion features are changed- means- the whirlpool creation process is NOT a historical one.
Also- the matter is similar to a creature muscle, the muscle is found based on the blood motion and without this motion the muscle can be changed or removed.
The Original Energy Was Found In Motion By Itself (As Moving Light Beam)
From This Moving Energy The Planet Matter Is Created
The Created matter dimensions are defined by the features of this original energy motion (means the planet creation data is defined by the energy motion features)
After the planet creation- The Planet Moves With This Original Energy – means- the created planet moves a motion depending on the motion of this original energy because the planet moves with this original energy motion- and – the planet moves by this original energy motion (No mass gravity is required to cause the matter motion)
The planet creation data is in full harmony with its motion features- this fact is produced logically because the planet data is defined by the original energy motion features.
This explanation tells (Neptune diameter is 49528 km because Neptune velocity is 5.4 km/s)
Example For Explanation
We agreed that the space is similar to the sea of water and the planet (matter) is similar to a whirlpool found on the sea page-  this picture explains the idea clearly- because
We see the whirlpool doesn't move by the sea water waves velocity but by another velocity and that shows a distinguish in form and motion between the whirlpool (the planet) and the sea waves (the space)- BUT- the whirlpool dimensions are defined based on the sea water motion features- and if the motion features are changed the whirlpool dimensions will be changed also- also the whirlpool moves by the sea water motion even with a different velocity relative to the sea waves velocity but the whirlpool motion still is  caused by the sea water motion- based on this picture we can say (because the water motion velocity is 80 km/h that causes this whirlpool diameter to be 2 meters "for example') – this is perfectly our sentence – let's remember it     
(because Neptune velocity is 5.4 km/s that causes Neptune diameter to be 49528 km)
This idea is proved by my planet diameter equation (my fourth equation) (point No.**)  
Now The velocity is a motion in (A Defined Direction)
Means– the matter is created because it depends on a motion in a defined direction- as we have seen- Neptune diameter is 49528 km because Neptune velocity is 5.4 km/s but this velocity is a motion in defined direction- and that tells Neptune creation depends on a motion in the direction of the (x axis positive "+x ") (for example)
That tells, if this motion moves in (x axis negative "-x ") that will cause Neptune diameter to be changed or perished
Means- the matter creation needs a motion in A Defined Direction
Now let's ask our question
Why Can't The matter (creature) Moves Toward Its Past?
Because the matter depends on a motion in one defined direction- that causes the matter moves into (the future) always and can't move into (the past) let's discuss this question more deeply in point no (I-6)
No Planet Moves By The Sun Gravity (Newton is wrong) – logically because- the planet moves by its creation force- means- the planet creation and motion should be done by one force only (one energy only) because if two forces have effects on the same one planet- this planet will be broken- this fact is proved strongly with the gravitational waves source discussion (Point no.**)  
I-5 The Planets Creation
I summarize the main idea in following and the idea proves and discussions are found in point no. (**)
We know, the solar system is created from energy of one light beam its speed is 1.16 million km per second- and – the light created the space (the planets orbits) firstly and the energy is consumed in the space creation- and for that- the rest energy is found in one light beam its speed is 300000 km/s - And
From this light beam 300000 km/s the solar planets are created
before the solar planets creation
The solar system was one light beam (or one wave moves by speed of light (300000 km/s)- by that – the solar system is One Wave moves by speed of light (300000 km/s)
The Solar System needs To Create A Stationary Point Its velocity Zero relative to the moving one wave (300000 km/s)
This is the basic information in the solar system design-
The solar system needs to create a stationary point relative to the wave motion- by that – two velocities will be found which are (v1= the wave its speed 300000 km/s) and (v2= Zero= the stationary point velocity relative to the wave motion)–these two velocities produce a relative motion with different velocity 300000 km/s– this relative motion is the solar system design cornerstone.
Shortly – the solar system needs to create A Stationary Point 
Notice– The solar system is carried by the light beam motion, NO stationary point can be found here – it's similar to a ship on the sea water- Nothing can stop- because the motion is done forcedly by the sea water –
The stationary point will be similar to the whirlpool (vortex) on the sea page-  BUT
The solar system needs to create this stationary point - Now – let's try to create this stationary point in following - The solar system uses two procedures to do that,  
The first procedure
The wave its velocity 300000 km/s revolves around a point in space (any point in space), the revolution motion creates 2 equal velocities on both sides of the revolution- the two velocities are equal in value and opposite in direction- their total be equal Zero-means- the revolution motion creates A Stationary Point in the center of the revolution. 
The second procedure
The previous idea is correct- but –the velocity 300000 km/s is a huge one and to decrease it to Zero velocity this is a complex process– for that- the wave (300000 km/s) created small waves with low velocities to use them as steps to decrease the velocity to Zero- the small waves are The Planets- (The planet is a small wave moves by low velocity relative to the original wave its velocity 300000 km/s) 
Why Are These Small Waves Required?
Because the velocity 300000 km/s is decreased to Zero by using these small waves and their low velocities- the low velocities are used as steps to decrease the unified wave velocity (300000 km/s) to be (Zero)- this process decreases the velocity gradually from 300000 km/s to Zero depending on these small waves velocities (the planets velocities)  
Means- the planets are created for this process to decrease the wave velocity from 300000 km/s to Zero- and The Planet Is A Small Wave Moves By Low Velocity 
Shortly – the solar system has one complete system of velocities, Starting from Zero to 300000 km/s where the planets velocities are the steps between the two velocities – let's prove that here
300000 km = 7.1 x (205.8)^2 where
7.1 is Lorentz length contraction effect for speed 297000 km/s (99% of speed of light)
205.8 km/s = the 9 planets velocities total (176 km/s) + the Earth moon velocity
(The moon velocity =29.8 km/s = the Earth velocity because they revolve together)
Why does the data use the squared value (205.8)^2?
We know the answer- but - Let's remember it
The planets are geometrical points on the same light beam and move with its motion- for that- the planets velocities rates creates rates of time– for example-  Mercury velocity = 1.6 the Earth velocity- that means – one hour of Mercury clock = 1.6 hours of the Earth clock- Why??
Because Mercury and the Earth are carried by the same one light beam- the light moves one motion and passes one distance in one period of time- by that Mercury and the Earth have to move this same motion and to pass this same distance in this same period of time- but the two planets velocities are different- for that- the planets use different rates of time based on their velocities rates and by that the planets move equal distances in the same period of time –
Now- the velocity (205.8 km/s) moves relative to the stationary point (Zero) and creates a rate of time (1 second = 205.8 seconds) –
(one second of the unified wave clock = 205.8 seconds of the stationary point clock)
But – the energy is reflected in the solar system (I prove that in point no.**),
The energy reflection reflects the players – means
(one second of the stationary point clock = 205.8 seconds of the unified wave clock)
The stationary point will be THE SUN – by that
(one second of the sun clock = 205.8 seconds of the unified wave clock) – means
(one second of the sun clock = 205.8 seconds of any planet clock) –
Now during one second of the sun clock, the wave clock needs 205.8 seconds while the wave moves by a velocity 205.8 km/s- means –
During one second of the sun clock, the wave moves 42253 km = 300000 km /7.1
That creates the different velocity 300000 km/s between the sun motion and the wave motion-
Notice 1
The wave (205.8 km/s) moves during 1461 seconds a distance = 300000 km, and we know the Earth cycle (1461 days = 365 +365 +365 +366)
That tells, the speed of light (300000 km/s) is performed by the rate of time and that causes to create the Earth cycle-    
Notice 2
Planet velocity is created by the rate of time- means- if no rate of time can be used – No planet velocity can be created – instead- all motions will be only by speed of light (300000 km/s)- the planet can create a small velocity because it can use rate of time
We realize that clearly because
The planets motions depend on the light motion- by that – the motion is done by One Motor only which moves by speed of light (300000 km/s), the planets can only move by speed of light or create a rate of time for their smaller velocities - No more options are provided.  
Notice 3
We understand that, the planets are geometrical points on the same light beam, means
The planets are similar to carriages in one train and the light motion is the train engine  means the planets are carried on the light beam and move with this light motion
I-6 Can The Time Machine Be A Fact?
To answer this question we need to review basics facts we have studied – let's do that in following
The solar system is created from one energy and this energy is provided by one light beam
The light moves simply and freely in any direction (for space) and (for time)- means- the light can move into the future (as matter does) or into the past (which the matter can Not do)
We know, the solar system is created from one light beam, and this light moves by a speed (1.16 million km per second) - And
We know, the light (1.16 million km per second) created the planets orbits firstly before any planet creation and the energy is consumed in the space creation and because of the energy consumption the light speed is decreased from  (1.16 million km per second) to the known speed of light 300000 km/s – also
We know, the light (1.16 million km per second) started its motion from Mercury orbit moves toward Pluto- that means- the light (1.16 million km per second) started from Mercury orbit with speed (1.16 million km per second) and the light created all planets orbits till Pluto orbit- before any planet creation- and by that- the light lost its energy and the light beam in Pluto orbit reduced its speed to be 300000 km/s as a result for the energy consumption in the space creation process
Also we know the energy is reflected from Pluto toward Venus (the inner planets)
By that the light beam (300000 km/s) moves in the reflected direction to the original light beam (its speed 1.16 million km per second) 
And – we know-
The light beam (300000 km/s) reaches to the original point (Mercury Orbit) from which the light (1.16 million km per second)  started its motion 
And we know that
A coherence of light is done between the original light beam (1.16 million km per second) and the light beam (300000 km/s)
BUT  we don't know how such coherence can be occurred? Let's analyze that deeply in following
The produced light beam (300000 km/s) moves in (the reflected direction) to the direction of the original light beam (1.16 million km per second) (In Space)  and reaches to Mercury orbit (the origin point)
But– logically – the produced light beam (300000 km/s) can NOT find the original light beam (1.16 million km per second) there because the original light beam is consumed already in the space creation process and the rest energy is this produced light beam (300000 km/s) – based on that –
How Can This Coherence Be Occurred? Means-
How can the produced light beam (300000 km/s) meet the original light beam (1.16 million km per second)?  The answer is
The produced light beam (300000 km/s) moves (in the reflected direction) to the motion direction of the original light beam (1.16 million km per second) (In Space) and (In Time) Means- the produced light beam moves into (Its Own Past) and in the past this produced light beam (300000 km/s) was (A Part of the original light beam 1.16 million km per second) and because of that the produced light beam (300000 km/s) can meet the original light beam (1.16 million km per second),
The two light beams create a coherence (in the past) and we see the results of this coherence in our present time-
The idea is very important because – the coherence of the two light beams (1.16 mkm/s and 0.3 mkm/s) is proved strongly and with powerful proves and any explanation for this coherence will prove that the produced light beam (300000 km/s) must move Into The Past to enable this coherence occurrence- and that tells clearly- the travel through the time is possible and fact
Can the matter moves into its past as the light does? NO
Why?? Because
We know the light can move simply in any direction (+ x, + y, + z, + t) by that the light can move into the future and can move into the past BUT
The matter creation depends on A Motion In A Defined Direction-
let's remember this idea
Neptune diameter =49528 km because Neptune velocity is 5.4 km/s
(This Fact Is Proved By My Planet Diameter Equation)
Now, Neptune velocity is a motion in a defined direction
(for example a motion in +x direction)
The energy moves in this direction (+x direction) and because of this motion Neptune matter is created and Neptune diameter is defined- now if the energy moves in (opposite direction "–x direction") that will change Neptune diameter or cause to perish its matter at all
Means- as long as – Neptune is found- that means – the energy moves in one direction (and not two directions) – for that Neptune can move into the future but can NOT move into the past.    
The matter can not move into the past but the light can do that-
Means- we have the time machine already- we need to know how to send the light into the past and by that we can have photos from the past events- and this will be The Time Machine
The Hypothesis Proves
I-7 The Proves Logic Analysis
I-8 Planet Velocity Is A Function In A Speed = (1.16 million km /s)
I-9 Planets Orbits Are Defined By A Motion Its Speed = (1.16 million km /s)
I-10 Jupiter distances are defined by a motion by a speed = (1.16 million km /s)
I-11 The Solar System Geometrical Design Proves The Hypothesis
I-12 The Solar System Distances Analysis Prove The Hypothesis
I-13 Deep Analysis For The Planets Orbits
1-14 Light defines each planet orbital period
I-15 Can Planet Diameter Be Used As A Period Of Time?
I-16 Mercury Orbit Analysis
I-17 The Planets Data Is Created By The Light Motion Directly
I-18 Light Defines Each Planet Rotation Period
I-7 The Proves Logic Analysis
Why can we prove that, a light beam its speed 1.16 million km per second is found in the solar system? also, the theory tells this light beam energy is consumed and the rest energy is found in one light beam its speed 300000 km/s (the known speed of light), if this light energy is consumed, how can we prove its existence?
There are two major reasons, which are
The Planets Orbits Are Created Before Any Planet Creation- And These Orbits Are Created Based On One Motion- And This One Motion Is Done By A Speed 1.16 Million Km Per Second.
The Planets Matters Are Created Based On Their Orbits – means- the planet is similar to a tree and the orbit is similar to a ground and the tree is planted in the ground-
after the planet creation, the planet can migrate from its original orbit to any other orbit - as Mars and Pluto did and that will not cause to destroy the planet. 
the planet matter and data is created based on this planet orbit- the orbit is defined before any planet creation and based on the orbit the planet matter and data is created (we remember- the space is similar to the sea of water and the planet matter is similar to a whirlpool found on this sea page- that tells the whirlpool is created based on its place in the sea of water)
Shortly- The Planet Matter Is Created Depends On This Planet Orbit
The speed 1.16 million km per second is registered in the planets orbits because the orbits are created from the energy of the light beam (1.16 million km per second), and the planet matter is created from this planet orbit (energy)
The light beam (1.16 million km per second) is the source of energy for (everything) in the solar system-
All orbits are defined by its energy, all matters are created by its energy, and all motions are done by its motion-
Can we prove this light beam is a fact? YES we can
The analysis for any data or any motion will discover this light beam because it's the source of energy for everything
the light beam (1.16 million km per second) is The Source Energy of the solar system
The mother of all children can be discovered by analysis these children data  
Can the solar system design uses a rate 1.16 and I can't understand that but wrongly consider this rate (1.16) as a speed of light 1.16 million km per second?
NO- this can't be possible – Because
The light beam (1.16 million km per second) behaves typically to the known light beam (300000 km/s) – as we will see in the data discussion
I-8 Planet Velocity Is A Function In A Speed = (1.16 million km /s)
My 5th equation (v1v2=322)- the planets velocities prove it–let's see that in following  
322 = 47.4 km/s (Mercury velocities)  x 6.8 km/s  (Uranus velocities)                    
322 = 35 km/s  (Venus velocity) x 4.7 km/s (Pluto velocity) x 2             
322 = 29.8 km/s (the Earth velocity) x 5.4 km/s (Neptune velocities) x 2      
322 = 24.1 km/s (Mars velocity) x 13.1 km/s (Jupiter velocity)               
322 = (17.9 km/s)^2 (Ceres velocity) (Max error 2%)
The previous data tells the planets velocities are defined by three features
(1st Feature)
The planets velocities are complementary one another –means - each planet velocity is complementary with another planet velocity– means– The planets velocities are defined in pairs and not in single planets. 
(Notice, the inner planets orbital inclinations are defined by the rule (v1/v2), for example, Mercury orbital inclination 7 deg = Mercury velocity 47.4/ Uranus velocity 6.8 that proves the effect of the rule (v1v2=322) on the planet motion)
Ceres velocity tells the idea - Ceres is used as the main point - as a result the outer planets be complementary with the inner planets – for that the rule (v1v2=322) controls the planets velocities- that means- The planets velocities are created based on One Design- Ceres velocity is used as the main point for this design
(2nd Feature)
Why the constant is 322? because 1160000 seconds = 322 hours – means- there's speed of light = 1.16 million km /s - Shortly
Mercury (47.4 km/s) moves during 6.8 hours a distance             = 1160000 km 
Uranus (6.8 km/s) moves during 47.4 hours a distance               = 1160000 km  And
Venus (35 km/s) moves during 2 x 4.7 hours a distance             = 1160000 km 
Pluto (4.7 km/s) moves during 2 x 35 hours a distance               = 1160000 km 
Earth (29.8 km/s) moves during 2 x 5.4 hours a distance             = 1160000 km 
Neptune (5.4 km/s) moves during 2 x 29.8 hours a distance        = 1160000 km  And
Mars (24.1 km/s) moves during 13.1 hours a distance                = 1160000 km 
Jupiter (13.1 km/s) moves during 24.1 hours a distance             = 1160000 km  And
(Notice - Saturn (9.7 km/s) moves during 33.2 hours a distance = 1160000 km  - (between 33.2 and Venus velocity 35 km/s the error 5%)) (Data Max error 2%)
The Data Proves, The Planets Velocities Are Functions In The Speed 1.16 Million Km Per Second. That proves the speed (1.16 million km per second) is A Fact
(notice the planets velocities are complementary one another also based on the known speed of light 300000 km/s, the paper provides this data) 
(3rd Feature)
The planets velocities limit depend on the known speed of light 300000 km/s
Let's explain that in following
The 9 planets velocities total is 176 km/s (I add the Earth moon velocity 29.8 km/s)
The 10 planets velocities total is 205.8 km/s
300000 km = 7.1 x (205.8)^2
The speed 297000 km/s (99% speed of light) causes Lorentz length contraction effect with the rate 7.1
The velocity (205.8 km/s) moves during 205.8 seconds a distance 42253 km
Where 300000 = 7.1 x 42253 km BUT 42253 = (205.8)^2
The squared value (205.8)^2 is found because of the used rate of time
We have studied this equation in point (I-5**) -the data shows, the planets velocities are defined as parts of a complete system of velocities starts from (Zero = stationary point) and reaches to the speed of light 300000 km/s and between these two values the planets velocities are defined to support this same system- that tells- the planets velocities are defined with limit to the speed of light (300000 km/s) - The data proves the speed (1.16 million km per second) is a fact -and also the data proves the coherence is done between the light (1.16 million km per second) and the light (300000 km/s)
Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292
Physics Department-  Physics & Mathematics  Faculty 
Peoples' Friendship university of Russia – Moscow   (2010-2013)
Curriculum Vitae                  https://www.academia.edu/s/b88b0ecb7c
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seosanskritiias · 2 months
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spacenutspod · 4 months
Embark on a celestial journey with today's episode of Astronomy Daily - The Podcast, where your host, Anna, guides you through the latest cosmic updates. We'll start with South Korea's ambitious plans to land on Mars by 2045 and the launch of their first space agency, CASA. Then we'll delve into India's latest achievement in space technology as Agnikul Cosmos successfully launches the country's second privately built rocket. But that's not all. We'll also bring you some significant updates from the Japanese space agency JAXA concerning their Akatsuki Venus probe, as well as a groundbreaking mission by China's Chang'e-6 to the far side of the moon. And to cap it all off, we'll explore a recent discovery by the James Webb Space Telescope that has identified the most distant known galaxy, along with news about Boeing's Starliner capsule gearing up for its first-ever astronaut mission. 00:00) Astronomy Daily brings you the latest news in astronomy and space exploration 01:04) South Korea has announced ambitious plans to land on Mars by 2045 04:27) JAXA has lost contact with its Akatsuki spacecraft studying Venus climate 07:08) Scientists using the James Webb Space Telescope have identified the most distant known galaxy For an astronomical experience, visit our website at astronomydaily.io for the latest news, sign up for our free newsletter, and check out exclusive sponsor deals. Connect with us on X (@AstroDailyPod) for engaging discussions with fellow space aficionados. This is Anna, reminding you to keep your gaze fixed on the heavens. Until our next stellar episode, let the cosmos ignite your curiosity and wonder. Clear skies and cosmic discoveries to all! Support: https://www.bitesz.com/show/astronomy-daily-the-podcast/support/ www.bitesz.com Sponsors www.bitesz.com/nordpass https://www.bitesz.com/show/astronomy-daily-the-podcast/sponsors/
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mindblowingscience · 1 year
India is gearing up for its first-ever mission to study the sun, expected to launch in early September. The observatory, called Aditya-L1 ("Aditya" means "sun" in Sanskrit), has arrived at its launch site on the island of Sriharikota, on India's east coast.  The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), India's national space agency operating this mission, shared the first pictures of the spacecraft on X (formerly known as Twitter) on Aug. 13. While the sun has been studied for a long time, scientists are still puzzled by how its outermost atmospheric layer, known as the corona, gets so hot — about 1.8 million degrees Fahrenheit (1 million degrees Celsius) hotter than the sun's surface. Researchers know little about what exactly unfolds on the sun before it unleashes solar flares and huge plasma clouds called coronal mass ejections (CMEs) into space — and at times toward Earth — and how CMEs accelerate to tremendous speeds close to the sun's disk. Scientists are hoping the Aditya-L1 observatory will provide some clues into these decades-long mysteries.
Continue Reading.
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apricitystudies · 2 years
what i read in dec. 2022:
(previous editions) bold = favourite
class, race, & labour
the philippines’ dangerous dependence on the exploitation of its people
the blackstone rebellion: how one country took on the world’s biggest commercial landlord (denmark)
reliance on hi-tech solutions to climate crisis perpetuates racism
china’s army of retirees seek return to work as economic toll on their families mounts
how professionalism is used as a tool for racism
gender, sexuality, & intersectionality
reclaiming dignity, reasserting agency: female labour migration in indonesia
for transgender students, a safe space in university halls is ‘great comfort’ — but not a given (singapore)
you should have been listening to octavia butler this whole time
how to be a slut
politics & current affairs
peru lawmakers propose bill to strip indigenous people of protections
the night raids (usa/afghanistan)
how a massacre of nearly 300 in syria was revealed
the cartel, the journalist and the gangland killings that rocked the netherlands
hundreds of members of extremist group oath keepers worked for us department of homeland security
japan's militarisation gets a boost from ukraine war despite pacifist constitution
history, culture, & media
barbara johns: the us' forgotten civil rights hero
‘i’m afraid one day it’s going to go’: saving singapore’s old buildings one photograph at a time
drugs killed 8 friends, one by one, in a tragedy seen across the us
seventy-five years after indian partition, who owns the narrative?
aristocrat inc.
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fatehbaz · 5 months
Hal Langfur's Adrift on an Inland Sea: Misinformation and the Limits of Empire in the Brazilian Backlands sheds valuable light on spaces and processes in the history of colonial Brazil that have been overlooked and understudied, namely those taking place in internal frontier zones - the sertões, or backlands, between and beyond the enclaves governed by Portuguese rule, unstable and unincorporated spaces [...]. Langfur argues that [...] Lisbon made increasingly assertive efforts to survey and establish control over isolated zones after 1750 but that these failed such that the Portuguese imperial state found itself “adrift on an inland sea.” [...]
[T]he axis on which this enterprise fails is information. People made up the infrastructures of communication and data transmission that the Portuguese Empire endeavored to construct and deploy in order to render its domains governable and ever more profitable, but these people had purposes of their own.
The probing tentacles of imperial intelligence gathering met instead with the confusion of rumors, distortions, inflated claims, conflicting reports, disputed facts, and fantasies. [...]
[Langfur] bring[s] into the conversation [...] accounts of several forays between 1750 and 1820 into the backlands of Minas Gerais [...]. These took place against the exhaustion of the mineral deposits that had fueled the gold rush decades earlier in Minas Gerais and the crown’s relentless pursuit of new deposits that could keep up the flow of alluvial wealth. While these projects foundered, ultimately, new forms of extraction in the form of slave-based export agriculture (coffee) would take their place. [...] [T]he first expedition was led by an ambitious merchant named Inácio Correia Pamplona in the late 1760s who commissioned a scribe to record a diary and compose poems praising his attempts to find gold and subdue Indians and thus extend the empire’s territorial dominion. While Pamplona’s actual accomplishments fell short of the Herculean feats described [...], he was able to cash in his narrative for favors and privileges that made him one of the largest landholders in the captaincy. [...]
The third [expedition] involved José Vieira Couto, a crown-appointed mineralogist, who was appointed to use his scientific expertise to investigate reports of diamond strikes in Western Minas Gerais, particularly of a famed free Black prospector known as Isidoro de Amorim Pereira [...]. The hoped-for diamonds never materialized but Couto [...] deployed a discourse of scientific rigor in an attempt to recast his mission and produce knowledge that would allow the crown to absorb and exploit the territory. [...] Wied established himself as an authority with unrivaled knowledge of Botocudo peoples for an international reading public; his accounts [...] presented the Botocuda as exotic primitives, incommensurable with “civilized society,” [...].
If these expeditions [...] did not accomplish what the colonial state intended, this was, Langfur argues, a result of the capacity of diverse inland actors to divert, co-opt, and deceive authorities. [...] [Langfur's study] turns on an emphasis of the unacknowledged agency of a variety of marginalized peoples who acted as knowledge brokers: indigenous communities, both enslaved and free Afro-Brazilians, itinerant poor, and others deemed vagabonds and criminals: “the Indigeneous inhabitants separating the colony’s burgeoning capital from its mining heartland retained considerable say over the crown’s ability to impose its sovereign dominion. They largely determined what could be known, what remained a mystery, what could be accomplished, and what was beyond reach in this strategic mountainous expanse” (p. 150).
These frontier informants generated an “informational alchemy,” a mix of fantasy, fabrication, concealment, and contradictory reports [...].
How much information does an empire really require to run? Aren’t fantasies and lies always part of its infrastructures? Is all misinformation of a kind, or what specific misinformation carries with it not only the limits but also failures of empire? Put differently: How to judge the value and distribution of information versus that of representation in the running of an empire? What does the category of information itself conceal? [...] [A] horizon of intelligibility [...] is ultimately given by the Portuguese colonial state, so that the work of the information brokers is both possibly overstated and yet curiously limited, measured always in the terms set out by colonizing projects. [...] [I]n what ways [...] [do] such limits continue to bleed through once absorbed into the fabric of writing, determining the very grid of intelligibility?
All text above by: Adriana Johnson. "Review of Langfur, Hal. Adrift on an Inland Sea: Misinformation and the Limits of Empire in the Brazilian Backlands". H-Environment, H-Net Reviews. February 2024. Published by H-Net online at: h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=59701. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me. Presented here for commentary, teaching, criticism purposes.]
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dailyanarchistposts · 1 month
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India witnessed the rise of two large protest movements in last 2 years which saw millions taking to streets against the oppressive laws passed by the government. These were the Anti-CAA protests against the discriminative Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), and the farmers protests against the 3 pro-corporate farm laws. During the Anti-CAA protests, the loudest voices of dissent have been the women, from housewives to grandmothers, lawyers to students, women across India have been at the forefront of this struggle. This female-driven political awakening has been most jubilantly epitomized by the sit-in protest at Shaheen Bagh, drawing a cross-generational, largely female crowd never seen in India before [1]. Then came the farmer protests, where millions of farmers took to streets to fight the anti-farmer legislation that was passed in the Indian parliament and to highlight the issues of agrarian crisis which has been growing in India for the last few decades. In these protests, there is an unprecedented solidarity being displayed in the daily rallies that draw out thousands of people all over Indian cities. There are no visible leaders calling out to people to protest in one mode or another, yet the country has found a way to speak truth to power [2].
The Shaheen Bagh protest was led mostly by Muslim women, in response to the passage of the discriminative and unconstitutional CAA passed by Parliament of India and the police attack on students of Jamia Millia Islamia University. Protesters agitated not only against the citizenship issues of the CAA, National Register of Citizens (NRC) and National Population Register (NPR), but also against economic crisis, rising inequality, police brutality, unemployment, poverty and for women’s safety. The protesters also supported farmer unions, unions opposing the government’s anti-labour policies and protested against attacks on academic institutions. The protest started with 10–15 local women, mostly hijab wearing Muslim housewives, but within days drew crowds of up to a hundred thousand, making it one of the longest sit-in protests of this magnitude in modern India. The Shaheen Bagh protest also inspired similar style protests across the country, such as those in Gaya, Kolkata, Prayagraj, Mumbai, Chennai and Bengaluru. The protesters at Shaheen Bagh, since 14 December 2019, continued their sit-in protest in New Delhi using non-violent resistance for 101 days until 24 March 2020 when it ended due to COVID-19 pandemic outbreak.
Most of the women who came to Shaheen Bagh protest were first-time protesters, mostly homemakers, who were standing up to the government [3]. This was the first time they came out on a national issue which cut across religious lines. Some came with their newborns and children and some were grandparents. The women were center of protests and men supported them from the sidelines. They were creative and strategic. They governed their worlds quietly from the background and knew when a crisis needed them to cross invisible boundaries and step into the foreground. They emerged into the public space to collectively confront a looming crisis [2]. Armed with thick blankets, warm cups of tea and songs of resistance, these women have braved one of the coldest winters Delhi faced in the last 118 years [4]. These women were drivers of this protest, joining in irrespective of caste and religion, taking turns to sit-in at the site. They broke down the historically prevailing gender binary of patriarchy and took control. They also destroyed the popular imagination claiming Muslim women as powerless and lacking agency.
Shaheen Bagh in many ways typifies the protest movement that erupted across India as it was leaderless. No political party or organization could claim to be leading the protest. Instead, it was fueled primarily by these women who were residents of working-class neighborhoods of Shaheen Bagh. Since it was a leaderless protest, it could not be terminated by a few prominent organizers [5]. When they tried to “called off” the protest citing interference of political parties and security threats, the women of Shaheen Bagh rejected it and decided to continue the protests. The movement had no formal organizers and thrived on a roving group of volunteers and the local women’s tenacity alone. The lack of leaders also confused the police who are clueless on whom to approach to make these women vacate the site.
The protesters were supported and coordinated by a diverse group of more than hundred volunteers, including local residents, students and professionals. These volunteers organized themselves around different tasks such as setting up makeshift stages, shelters and bedding; providing food, water, medicine, and access to toilet facilities; installing CCTV cameras, bringing in electric heaters, outside speakers and collecting donations [6]. Donations includes mattresses, an assortment of tables that form the foundation of the stage and endless cups of steaming tea that provide warmth on cold winter days. Local residents formed informal groups which coordinated security, speakers, songs, and cultural programs that happened on these makeshift stages. People distributed tea, snacks, biryani, sweets and other eatables at the protest site. Some donated wood logs to keep the protesters warm. Collection drives for blankets and other essentials were organized through social media. A health camp was also set up beside the camped protesters which provided medicines for them. Doctors and nurses along with medical students from different medical institutes and hospitals voluntarily joined for the purpose [7]. A group of Sikh farmers from Punjab came and set up a langer (free community kitchen) in the area.
The space was decorated with art and installations [8]. Stairways leading to the closed shops in the vicinity of the protest circle were transformed into a public library and art centre by student volunteers from Jamia along with the young children of Shaheen Bagh. Protest art became the voice of resistance and dissent during the event, and the area was covered in murals, graffiti, posters and banners [9]. A reading area called “Read for Revolution” had been set up with hundreds of crowd-sourced books as well as writing materials [10]. A nearby bus stop was converted into the Fatima Sheikh-Savitribai Phule library, which provided material on the country’s constitution, revolution, racism, fascism, oppression and various social issues [11]. Public reading spaces were created for the cause of dissent and to amplify the idea of education amongst the protesters of Shaheen Bagh. Since a majority of women of Shaheen Bagh have stepped out of their homes for the first time, this was an attempt to bring these women closer so that they read and facilitate the social change they exemplify. Besides young children, senior citizens, working people, domestic workers and many from Shaheen Bagh and nearby areas were occupying the area, choosing books or picking up colors and chart paper, while some also come to donate their old books and stationery.
लड़ो पढ़ाई करने को, पढ़ो समाज बदलने को (Fight To Read, Read To Change)
The children who were present alongside parents also participated in the protest. Most of these children would visit school in the morning before joining their parents at the protest site, which became an art space for many children [12]. They would express their thoughts and join in the protest through storytelling, poetry, puppetry, singing and painting. Student volunteers engaged the local children in reading, painting and singing, and held informal reading lessons.
Speeches, lectures, rap and shayari poetry readings were held every day [13]. Activists, artists and social workers came and gave talks on various issues faced by Muslims, Dalits, Adivasis, the disabled, LGBTQ people, and all those who are oppressed. The stage is democratic and hosts poets and professors, housewives and elders, civil society groups and civic leaders, actors and celebrities and of course students – from Jamia, JNU to the local government schools. A large number of women participate in open-mics to express their thoughts, many speaking in public for the first time. The protestors read the Preamble of the Constitution which reminds them of their rights of Liberty, Equality and Justice. If the Shaheen Bagh stage had a bias, it is towards women and those, from academia and elsewhere, who can educate them not just on CAA-NRC-NPR, but also the freedom struggle, Ambedkar, Gandhi and the ideas that animate the preamble to the constitution [13]. The chants of “inquilab zindabad (long live the revolution!)”and “save the Constitution” filled the site. At night people would watch films and documentaries which were screened on the site, about refugee crisis, anti-fascist struggles and revolution. Musical and cultural events were also conducted in solidarity with anti-CAA protests. This occupy protest provided an example of how to create a community without government support by voluntary association and mutual aid, make decisions in a democratic way where everyone takes part and decentralize power by having no organizers or leaders who control everything. These elements of anarchist organizing is also visible in the farmers’ protest.
Small and marginal farmers with less than two hectares of land account for 86.2% of all farmers in India, but own just 47.3% of the crop area. A total of 2,96,438 farmers have committed suicide in India from 1995–2015 [14]. 28 people dependent on farming die by suicide in India every day [15]. India is already facing a huge agrarian crisis and the 3 new laws have opened up door for corporatization of agriculture by dismantling the Minimum Support Price (MSP) leaving the farmers at the mercy of the big capitalist businesses.
The farmers protest began with farmers unions holding local protests against the farmer bills mostly in Punjab. After two months of protests, farmers from Punjab and Haryana began a movement named Dilli Chalo (Go to Delhi), in which tens of thousands of farmers marched towards the nation’s capital [16]. The Indian government used police to attack the protesters using water cannons, batons, and tear gas to stop them from entering Delhi. On 26 November 2020, the largest general strike in the world with over 250 million people, took place in support of the farmers [17]. A crowd of 200,000 to 300,000 farmers converged at various border points on the way to Delhi. As protest, farmers blocked the highways surrounding Delhi by sitting on the roads [18]. Transport unions representing 14 million truck drivers also came out in support of the farmers. The farmers have told the Supreme court of India that they won’t listen to courts if asked to back off. They organized a tractor rally with over 200,000 tractors on the Republic day and stormed the historic Red Fort [19]. The government barricaded the capital roads with cemented nails and trenches to stop farmers and electricity, Internet, and water supply were cut off from the protest sites.
Scores of langars, i.e. free community kitchens have been set up by farmer’s organizations and NGOs to meet the food needs of the hundreds of thousands of farmers in the farmers-camps that have sprung up on the borders of Delhi [20]. The farmers came fully equipped to prepare mass meals in these community kitchens with supplies coming from their villages daily. Tractors and trucks with sacks of vegetables and flour as well as cans of oil and milk arrive daily from villages and towns where pooling resources for community meals is a way of life. These langars work round the clock and provide free food without distinction of caste, class, or religion. Supporters of the farm protest often bring almonds, apples, sweets, and packaged water. They even supplied a machine that rolls out a thousand “rotis” every hour. Social media is used to collect blankets and other essentials for these protests who are braving the harsh winter. Many protestors camp on the roadside in the cold Delhi winter and spending nights curled up in tractor trailers. Volunteers have set up solar-powered mobile charging points, laundry stalls with washing machines, medical stalls for medicines, arranged doctors and nurses, dental camps and brought foot massage chairs for elderly protesters [21].
A makeshift school has been set up at the camp, called “Sanjhi Sathh” (a common place) to recreate a village tradition of holding discussions on important issues. Children from underprivileged families who are unable to attend school due to financial issues and the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic come to this tent. It has library, which displays biographies of Indian freedom fighter Bhagat Singh, revolutionary Che Guevara, and other books of various genres and newspapers in English, Hindi and Punjabi languages. Dozens of posters with slogans written on them cover every inch of the tarpaulin tents [22]. Farmers also installed CCTV cameras to keep a watch on the protest site and keep a record of what is happening and counter any narrative to discredit their protest. Farmers protest also saw participation of women coming out to protest in large numbers. Women farmers and agricultural workers were riding tractors from their villages and rallying to the protest sites, unfazed by the gruesome winter.
Just like Shaheen Bagh protest, this is a decentralized leaderless protest by hundreds of farmer unions. Even though the negotiations with the government are being attended by representatives of 32 farmer unions, they act as spoke persons who present the collective demand of all farmers. Whenever Government introduces a new proposal, the representatives come back to the unions where they sit together, discuss, debate and decide the future course of action together in a democratic way. Farmers are conducting Kisan Mahapanchayats (public meetings) which are attended by hundreds of thousands of people in villages around Delhi, UP, Punjab, Rajasthan and Haryana to discuss strategies and ways to put pressure on the government. It was this decentralization that made the protest robust and overcome the condemnation around violence during Republic day Truck Rally. Even though many farm union leaders called for ending the protest, the farmers remained steadfast in their decision to not go back till the laws were repelled.
The sites of the two protests mentioned above can be compared to the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) that was set up in Capitol Hill neighborhood of Seattle, Washington by Black Lives Matter (BLM) protesters during the aftermath of the murder of George Floyd by Police [23]. CHAZ was a nascent commune, built through mutual aid where no police was allowed and almost everything was free.
CHAZ, Shaheen Bagh and Farmers’ protests were occupation protests where the protestors set up a community themselves and created an autonomous zone. If one was against racism and police brutality, others were against religious discrimination and agrarian crisis. The protests were mostly self-organized and without an official leadership. The sites were filled with protest art, paintings, film screenings and musical performances [24]. Just like the mutual aid cooperative in CHAZ, free food, water, snacks and other supplies were provided to everyone. Areas were set up for assemblies and to facilitate discourse [25].
CHAZ was a leaderless zone, where the occupants favored consensus decision-making in the form of a general assembly, with daily meetings and discussion [26]. They slept in tents, cars and surrounding buildings, relying on donations from local store owners and activists. They collected donations for the homeless and created community gardens [27]. Medical stations were established to provide basic health care.
Anarchism tries to create institutions of a new society “within the shell of the old,” to expose, subvert, and undermine structures of domination but always, while doing so, proceeding in a democratic fashion, a manner which itself demonstrates those structures are unnecessary [28]. Anarchists observe what people are already doing in their communities, and then tries to tease out the hidden symbolic, moral, or pragmatic logic that underlie their actions and tries to make sense of it in ways that they are not themselves completely aware of. They look at those who are creating viable alternatives, try to figure out what might be the larger implications of what they are already doing, and then offer those ideas back, not as prescriptions, but as contributions [28]. They understand that people are already forming self-organized communities when the state has failed them and we can learn a lot about direct action and mutual aid from these communities.
Direct democratic decision making, decentralization of power, solidarity, mutual aid and voluntary association are the core principles of anarchist organizing. Anarchists employ direct action, disrupting and protesting against unjust hierarchy, and self-managing their lives through the creation of counter-institutions such as communes and non-hierarchical collectives. Decision-making is handled in an anti-authoritarian way, with everyone having equal say in each decision. They participate in all discussions in order to build a rough consensus among members of the group without the need of a leader or a leading group. Anarchists organize themselves to occupy and reclaim public spaces where art, poetry and music are blended to display the anarchist ideals. Squatting is a way to regain public space from the capitalist market or an authoritarian state and also being an example of direct action. We can find elements of these in all these protests and that is the reason for their robustness and success. It bursts the myth that you need a centralized chain of command with small group of leaders on top who decide the strategies and a very large group of followers who blindly obey those decisions for the sustenance and success of large scale organizing. All these protests were leaderless protests where people themselves decided and came to a consensus on the course of action to be followed in a democratic way. When people decide to take decisions themselves and coordinate with each other in small communities by providing aid to each other, it creates the strongest form of democracy and solidarity.
The fact that these protests happened, with so many people collectively organizing and cooperating, for such a long duration, shows us that we can self-organize and create communities without external institutions and it can be civilized and more democratic than the autocratic bureaucracy and authoritarian governments which concentrate all power and oppress people. These protests were driven by mostly by uneducated women, poor farmers and people from other marginalized communities, who showed that they can create communities which are more moral and egalitarian, than those that exist in hierarchical societies with the affluent and highly educated. They showed that people who are oppressed and underprivileged can organize themselves into communities of mutual aid and direct democracy which eliminates a need for coercive hierarchical systems of governance which exist only to exploit them.
What these occupy protests show us is that we can form communities and collectively organize various forms of democratic decision making simultaneously providing everyone their basic needs. There protests show us models of community organizing in large scales comprising hundreds of thousands of people. Even though they are not perfect we can learn the ideas these protests emulate – of solidarity, mutual aid, direct democracy, decentralization of power and try to recreate these in our lives and communities.
H. E. Petersen and S. Azizur Rahman, “‘Modi is afraid’: women take lead in India’s citizenship protests,” The Guardian, 21 January 2020.
N. Badwar, “Speaking truth to power, in Shaheen Bagh and beyond,” Livemint, 17 January 2020.
B. Kuchay, “Shaheen Bagh protesters pledge to fight, seek rollback of CAA law,” Al Jazeera, 15 January 2020.
“Shaheen Bagh: The women occupying Delhi street against citizenship law — ‘I don’t want to die proving I am Indian’,” BBC, 4 January 2020.
K. Sarfaraz, “Shaheen Bagh protest organiser calls it off, can’t get people to vacate,” The Hindustan Times, 2 January 2020.
“The volunteers of Shaheen Bagh,” The Telegraph (Culcutta), 24 December 2019.
“Behind Shaheen Bagh’s Women, An Army of Students, Doctors & Locals,” The Quint, 14 January 2020.
R. Venkataramakrishnan, “The Art of Resistance: Ringing in the new year with CAA protesters at Delhi’s Shaheen Bagh,” Scroll.in, 6 January 2020.
A. Bakshi, “Portraits of resilience: the new year in Shaheen Bagh,” 2 January 2020.
J. Thakur, “Shaheen Bagh Kids and Jamia Students Make Space for Art, Reading and Revolution,” The Citizen, 11 January 2020.
F. Ameen, “The Library at Shaheen Bagh,” The Telegraph (Culcutta), 20 January 2020.
A. Purkait, “In Shaheen Bagh, Children Paint Their Protest while Mothers Hold Dharna,” Makers India, 22 January 2020.
S. Chakrabarti, “Shaheen Bagh Heralds a New Year With Songs of Azaadi,” The Wire, 31 December 2019.
P. Sainath, “Maharashtra crosses 60,000 farm suicides,” People’s Archive of Rural India (PARI), 21 July 2014.
R. Sengupta, “Every day, 28 people dependent on farming die by suicide in India,” Down to Earth, 3 September 2020.
“Dilli Chalo | Farmers’ protest enters fifth day,” The Hindu, 30 November 2020.
S. Joy, “At least 25 crore workers participated in general strike; some states saw complete shutdown: Trade unions,” Deccan Herald, 26 November 2020.
“Farmers’ Protest Highlights: Protesting farmers refuse to budge, say ‘demands are non-negotiable,” The Indian Express, 1 December 2020.
G. Bhatia, “Tractors to Delhi,” Reuters, 29 January 2021.
“Langar Tradition Plays Out in Farmers Protest, Students Use Social Media To Organise Essentials,” India Today, 2 December 2020.
J. Sinha, “Protest site draws ‘Sewa’ – medicine stalls, laundry service, temple & library come up,” Indian Express, 11 December 2020.
B. Kuchay, “A school for the underprivileged at Indian farmers’ protest site,” AlJazeera, 24 January 2021.
D. Silva and M. Moschella, “Seattle protesters set up ‘autonomous zone’ after police evacuate precinct,” NBC News, 11 June 2020.
C. Burns, “The Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone Renames, Expands, and Adds Film Programming,” The Stranger, 10 June 2020.
H. Allam, “‘Remember Who We’re Fighting For’: The Uneasy Existence Of Seattle’s Protest Camp,” NPR, 18 June 2020.
K. Burns, “Seattle’s newly police-free neighborhood, explained,” Vox, 16 June 2020.
h. Weinberger, “In Seattle’s CHAZ, a community garden takes root | Crosscut,” Crosscut, 15 June 2020.
D. Graeber, Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology, 2004.
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Embracing a Holistic Approach: The Multifaceted Activities of Shree Krishnayan Gaurakshashala
In the heart of India, Shree Krishnayan Gaurakshashala stands as a beacon of compassion and sustainability, embodying a deep commitment to the well-being of cows, community, and the environment. Through a series of dedicated initiatives, the gaushala has transformed into a multifaceted hub where spiritual, agricultural, and humanitarian efforts converge to create a positive impact on society. Here’s a closer look at the diverse activities undertaken by this remarkable institution.
Cow Protection: A Sanctuary of Hope
Home to over 21,000 stray and destitute Desi Indian cows and bulls, Shree Krishnayan Gaurakshashala provides a sanctuary where these revered creatures receive a second chance at life. Rescued through various channels, including police, government agencies, NGOs, and farmers, these gauvansh are sheltered, nourished, and cared for with utmost dedication. The gaushala’s in-house medical facility, staffed by experienced veterinarians, ensures that each cow receives timely and comprehensive healthcare, fostering their well-being and longevity.
Shelter and Nourishment: Building a Safe Haven
The gaushala boasts expansive shelters, meticulously designed to accommodate the growing number of protected cows. These shelters provide a comfortable and dignified living environment, reflecting the institution’s commitment to creating a holy and safe space for gauvansh. Nourishment is another cornerstone of care at the gaushala, where a balanced diet of dry fodder, green fodder, grains, mustard cake, and jaggery is carefully prepared and served twice daily. This holistic approach to feeding ensures that the cows remain healthy, strong, and vibrant.
Medical Care: Ensuring Health and Well-Being
Around-the-clock medical care is a priority at Shree Krishnayan Gaurakshashala. With a fully equipped medical facility on-site, the gaushala is prepared to handle any health concerns that may arise. From routine check-ups to emergency care, the dedicated team of veterinarians and support staff work tirelessly to maintain the health and well-being of the gauvansh. Ample stocks of medicines and vaccinations are maintained to prevent and treat illnesses, ensuring that each cow receives the best possible care.
Breeding and Training: Promoting Indigenous Cows
The gaushala is actively involved in research and breeding programs aimed at enhancing the genetic traits of indigenous cows. By focusing on disease resistance, adaptability, and milk production, the institution seeks to create a sustainable ecosystem where farmers are encouraged to keep Desi cows. Additionally, vocational training programs are offered to farmers, educating them on the importance of organic farming and the benefits of desi cows and bulls. These initiatives aim to preserve cultural heritage and promote sustainable agricultural practices.
Renewable Energy and Organic Farming: Pioneering Sustainability
Shree Krishnayan Gaurakshashala is a model of sustainability, harnessing renewable energy through biogas plants and solar power systems. The gaushala’s BIO CNG plant, powered by ONGC, converts 25,000 kg of cow dung daily into CNG gas and manure, contributing to a cleaner environment and the production of organic fertilizers. The institution also promotes organic farming, encouraging pesticide-free crops and eco-friendly practices, with a mission to convert surrounding villages into organic lands.
Humanitarian Efforts: Serving Communities in Need
Beyond its work with cows, Shree Krishnayan Gaurakshashala extends its compassion to human communities, especially during times of calamity. From providing relief during floods in Madhya Pradesh and Uttarakhand to distributing food during the COVID-19 pandemic, the gaushala’s humanitarian efforts have touched countless lives. The institution regularly sends truckloads of supplies to remote regions and runs food camps, ensuring that those in need receive essential nourishment and support.
Spiritual and Cultural Initiatives: Nurturing the Soul
The gaushala is also a center for spiritual and cultural enrichment. The magnificent yagya mandap, situated on the serene banks of the Ganga, hosts various sacred rituals, including Yagyas, Pujas, and Japas. These spiritual endeavors are conducted by accomplished Vedic Brahmins, creating an atmosphere of divine grace and positive energy. The institution’s yoga center, in collaboration with Jhanvi Yoga Dhyan Sevashram Trust, offers yoga, meditation, and Ayurvedic treatments, promoting holistic well-being and spiritual growth.
Shree Krishnayan Gaurakshashala is more than just a shelter for cows; it is a sanctuary where compassion, sustainability, and spirituality intersect. Through its diverse activities, the gaushala not only protects and nurtures Desi cows but also uplifts communities, promotes environmental stewardship, and fosters spiritual growth. It is a shining example of how dedicated efforts can create a ripple effect of positive change, benefiting both the present and future generations.
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governmentjobsworld · 2 years
இந்திய விண்வெளி ஆராய்ச்சி மையத்தில் பணியிடங்கள் வெளியாகியுள்ளன..!
இந்திய விண்வெளி ஆராய்ச்சி மையத்தில் பணியிடங்கள் வெளியாகியுள்ளன..! #govtjobs #upsc #ssc #currentaffairs #gk #ssccgl #ias #jobs #governmentjobs
இந்திய விண்வெளி ஆராய்ச்சி நிறுவனத்தின் பின் வரும் பணிகள் நிரப்புவதற்கான அறிவிப்பு வெளியாகியுள்ளன. மத்திய அரசு இந்த அதிகாரப்பூர்வ அறிவிப்பினை  வெளியிட்டுள்ளது. இந்திய விண்வெளி ஆராய்ச்சி நிறுவனத்தின் பணிக்கு விண்ணப்பிக்க ஆர்வமுள்ளவர்கள் 29/11/2022 முதல் 19/12/2022க்குல் என்ற இனையத்தில் மூலமாக ஆன்லைன் மூலமாக விண்ணப்பிக்கவும். இப்பணிக்கு விண்ணப்பிக்கும் நபர்கள் விண்ணப்பிக்கும் முன்பு கீழ்க்கண்ட…
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adventure-showdown · 10 months
What is your favourite Doctor Who story?
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synopses and propaganda under the cut
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
In 2367, the Indian Space Agency is on high alert as an unidentified spaceship hurtles towards the Earth. The Eleventh Doctor assembles a team to investigate, including the legendary Queen Nefertiti, a big game hunter named Riddell, Amy, Rory... and Rory's father, Brian. Materialising aboard the mystery ship, they're surprised to find it populated by dinosaurs. With time running out before the ship is blasted out of the sky, the Doctor must confront a vicious criminal named Solomon, as the lives of his companions and the dinosaurs hang in the balance...
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
The God Complex
The Eleventh Doctor, Amy, and Rory investigate a hotel of horror where repeat business is low but the body count is high, where a mighty monster stalks the corridors and the rooms hold visions of angels, apes, and creepy clowns. Who — or what — has brought them to this place? Can the Doctor solve the mystery before the residents check out in grisly style?
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catty-words · 5 months
not to make every couple in the valentine's episode relate back to daxton (ben and aneesa) but this dialogue of trent's -
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- feels like an obvious reflection, especially since it's a would-be breakup coming on the back of daxton's actual breakup. unlike devi & paxton, who were both looking for outside sources (i.e. the test) to confirm their compatibility and then ultimately fail as a couple, eleanor and trent are both aware that something feels off, yet approach the conflict with an entirely compatible theatricality. and being on the same page this way allows trent the space to be vulnerable and speak a truth that devi's also been struggling with: maintaining a relationship with someone who has had more practice than you can be intimidating.
yet, while devi lets that pressure force her deeper and deeper inside her own head, trent lets his go by sharing it with his partner.
when you consider all three relationship arcs for the episode - devi/paxton, ben/aneesa, and eleanor/trent - it interests me most that trent and aneesa get their moments of clarity and catharsis with the truth while devi is stuck watching her relationship crumble around her with very little agency.
as a lover of devi's season one arc, of course, i find it very telling that this reminder sits helpfully in the middle of the daxton downward spiral -
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devi viewing paxton as a heal-all for her insecurities is doomed from the start because being with him does not fundamentally change who she is, and the fact that no one played along with her new identity as paxton hall-yoshida's rightful match - not shira, zoe, and carley, not eric with his gossip blog, not haley the helpful troll - in fact made her insecurities worse. the scrutiny only intensified her self-consciousness.
i do mourn daxton's right to a full season arc, but des honestly is such a natural and compelling follow-up to all this. he is completely unattached to sherman oaks high's social hierarchy, which gives devi the space to actually feel cool as someone's girlfriend, and he's indian, which gives her the chance to engage with an aspect of her identity that she mostly ignores.
basically - and i'm sure some of you can say it with me by now - season three is good because it's primarily about devi's identity and agency again.
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jacobwren · 11 months
“This is a way of thinking about the past in which space and time echo each other, and it is by no means particular to the Bandanese. Indeed, this form of thought may well have found its fullest elaboration on the other side of the planet, among the Indigenous peoples of North America, whose spiritual lives and understanding of history were always tied to specific landscapes. In the words of the great Native American thinker Vine Deloria Jr., a shared feature of Indigenous North American spiritual traditions is that they all “have a sacred center at a particular place, be it a river, a mountain, a plateau, valley, or other natural feature... Regardless of what subsequently happens to the people, the sacred lands remain as permanent fixtures in their cultural or religious understanding.” Developing this argument, Deloria contrasts modes of thought that take their orientation from terrestrial spaces with those that privilege time. For the latter, the crucial question in relation to any event is “when did it happen?” For the former, it is “where did it happen?” The first question shapes the possible answers in a determinate way, locating the event within a particular historical period. The second question shapes the possible answers in a completely different way, because it accords a degree of agency to the landscape itself, and all that lies within it, including the entire range of nonhuman beings. The result, in Deloria’s words, is that “the [Indian] tribes confront and interact with a particular land along with its life forms. The task or role of the tribal religions is to relate the community of people to each and every facet of creation as they have experienced it.” For many Indigenous groups, landscapes remain as vividly alive today as they ever were. “For Indian men and women,” writes the anthropologist Peter Basso, of the Western Apache of Arizona, “the past lies embedded in features of the earth—in canyons and lakes, mountains and arroyos, rocks and vacant fields—which together endow their lands with multiple forms of significance that reach into their lives and shape the ways they think.” Stories about the past, built around familiar landmarks, inform every aspect of Apache life. Through these stories features of the landscape speak to people just as loudly as the human voices that historians bring to life from documentary sources.”  ― Amitav Ghosh, The Nutmeg's Curse: Parables for a Planet in Crisis
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usafphantom2 · 7 months
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India approves development of the 5ª generation 'AMCA' fighter
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 03/07/2024 - 20:03in Military
In a significant move, the Indian Cabinet Security Committee approved the fifth-generation Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA) poaching project to be executed by the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO).
With an estimated cost of approximately US$ 2 billion, the project will be carried out by the Aeronautical Development Agency of the Defense Research and Development Organization. The goal is to develop poaching and its associated technologies in collaboration with several public and private sector entities. The plan includes the construction of approximately five prototypes within a period of about five years.
According to sources, the project will involve the production of the prototype by industry players, including the public sector company Hindustan Aeronautics Limited.
As CCS Chaired by PM Modi Clears India Stealth Fighter Jet Program. The total Program cost would be Rs 15,000 Cr & total 5 Prototype will be built in 5 Years with first Proto Roll out in 3 Year
All the Tech required for it already built & devloped.
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— Vivek Singh (@VivekSi85847001) March 7, 2024
The government has actively sought the development of national technologies in the defense sector.
The Ministry of Defense predicts that the fifth-generation aircraft project will create numerous employment opportunities and may result in substantial commercial contracts worth millions of dollars for Indian companies. This initiative is expected to generate large-scale employment opportunities.
Under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Indian Air Force has significantly strengthened its support for Indian fighter aircraft projects. This is evidenced by the government's acquisition of more than 200 light combat aircraft and the approval of engines for the LCA Mark-2 project.
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The introduction of the AMCA into operational functions is expected to begin after 2030. The two initial squads are planned to be equipped with GE-414 engines, while discussions are underway for the co-development of more powerful engines for the subsequent squads.
India is expected to introduce more than 200 of these advanced fifth-generation fighters, which will also contribute to the country's ability to develop future generations of jet fighters in the domestic market.
Source: ANI
Tags: Military AviationHAL - Hindustan Aeronautics LimitedHAL AMCA - Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft/Advanced Medium Combat AircraftIAF - Indian Air Force/Air Force of India
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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mindblowingscience · 1 year
The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Is making progress on its rover for a joint mission with India to the south pole of the moon. JAXA and the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) agreed to the cooperative project back in 2019. ISRO, which recently made India the fourth country to soft-land on the moon, will build the mission's lander, while JAXA will be responsible for the launch and a lunar rover. The mission is slated to launch no earlier than 2025 on Japan's new H3 rocket, according to JAXA. The agency is meanwhile in the basic design phase of the rover with teams running tests in sand designed to simulate lunar regolith, the fine dust that covers the moon's surface. The tests will verify that the vehicle can perform its key science objectives on the moon.
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beardedmrbean · 1 month
Eight police officers in Kenya have been suspended on suspicion of helping a suspected serial killer escape from custody, police have said.
In July police said Collins Jumaisi Khalusha had confessed to the murders of 42 women, including his wife, since 2022.
Mr Khalusha's lawyer denied the claim, saying his client had been tortured to confess.
He had been held at a police station since being arrested in July, but on Tuesday police said that Mr Khalusha and 12 others escaped after being "aided by insiders".
An incident report from the station says police discovered the detainees were missing at 05:00 local time (03:00 GMT) when officers were serving breakfast.
The 13 individuals escaped by cutting through a wire mesh roof and scaling a perimeter wall, the report added.
The 12 individuals who fled alongside Mr Khalusha were Eritrean nationals detained for entering the country illegally, police said.
Eight officers on duty at the time have been suspended, while investigations continued, police added.
Mr Khalusha, 33, was detained following the discovery of nine mutilated bodies at an abandoned quarry in the capital, Nairobi.
The victims were aged between 18 and 30 and were all killed in the same way, according to the police.
Their murders sparked shock and outrage. Many questioned how officers failed to detect that bodies were being left in a quarry around 100m (109 yards) from a police station.
They also wondered how 42 people could be murdered in the space of two years without police noticing - and how, after not suspecting anything for so long, officers made an arrest in less than three days after the bodies were discovered in the quarry.
Kenya's police watchdog also expressed some scepticism. The Independent Police Oversight Authority launched an investigation to establish whether the police themselves were linked to the killings, following “widespread allegations of police involvement in unlawful arrests [and] abductions”.
It has not yet released its findings.
Police in Kenya have been accused of scores of human rights abuses in the past - and the force is currently under investigation over deaths and abductions following recent anti-government protests.
At the time of Mr Khalusha's arrest, Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) chief Mohamed Amin said: "It is crystallising that we are dealing with a serial killer, a psychopathic serial killer who has no respect for human life, who has no respect and dignity."
Mr Khalusha's lawyer, John Maina Ndegwa, told the BBC in July: "He says he was strangled to confess. You could tell he was in distress, terrified and in anguish."
The suspect appeared in a court in Nairobi on Friday, when the magistrate ordered him to be held for a further 30 days so that police could complete their investigations, news agency AFP reported.
The discovery of the dismembered bodies came as the country was still shaken from the so-called Shakahola forest massacre, where more than 400 bodies were found in mass graves near the Indian Ocean coast.
Cult leader Paul Mackenzie had allegedly encouraged his followers to starve themselves in order to "go see Jesus".
He has pleaded not guilty to manslaughter.
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