#indiana pagans
darkstagwitchcraft779 · 6 months
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Snowy morning
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So, so proud to be part of the incredible team bringing "The Secret of the Sunken Temple" by Rebecca Buchanan to bookstores! It's like Indiana Jones in a m/m romance hunting for a lost temple of Apollo, and I'm definitely biased but IT'S AMAZING. https://sigilhouseproductions.com/2022/10/23/the-secret-of-the-sunken-temple-now-available-for-pre-order/
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hiscrimsonangel · 1 year
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If you in the northern hemisphere…
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And if you are in the southern hemisphere…
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lunajay33 · 1 month
Summary: Going on a Hunt with Dean and Sam, your older brothers, you come across a case that triggers an old memory of fear, things go wrong and they need John to help bring you back from a horrified state
Pairing: Dean x lil sister, Sam x lil sister, John x daughter
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As a kid you were always interested in the supernatural, whenever you could you’d beg John to tell you his hunting stories or even informing you on creatures, the werewolves, vampires, spirits, they were all so intriguing until….he told you about pagan gods, for some reason they terrified you especially when one case he was working on the Pagan god took you as leverage sticking the fear of god into you, after John had been able to save you, you went into a kind of catatonic paranoid state, you freaked at every noise, didn’t speak for weeks and stayed locked in the motel rooms refusing to leave, after about a month John was able to help cokes you out of the shell you hide in and you were back to your normal self
Flash forward to Now
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You woke up to your cell phone ringing, you shot up in bed answering an unknown number
“Sweetheart is that you?” Your heart dropped
“Daddy? Are you okay are you hurt?” Your brothers woke from your panicked tone
“I’m fine but you need to listen, you’ve gotta stop following me, now take these names down I’ve got a job for you all”
“But……but I miss you”
“Is that dad give me the phone” Dean groaned from beside you but you waved him off
“I know I miss you kids but I can’t put you all in danger give the phone to Dean”
“Okay……..I love you dad”
“Love you too kid”
Dean got the names and you were off driving to Indiana for a new case, on the way there Sam and Dean got into it again about helping dad, parking in the side of the road
“We don’t have to follow his every rule we need to go to California” Sam groaned getting out of the car, you and Dean quick to follow
“Sammy please don’t do this just get back in the car” you said scared he was going to leave again
“I’ve gotta go help, this demon killed mom and killed Jess”
“Sam I swear I’ll leave your ass here” Dean said slamming the trunk
“Then go”
“No sam please stay, don’t leave again”
He didn’t say anything breaking your heart and Dean could tell, you were heart broken when Sam left the first time and when John went MIA it was even harder on you
“Come on kid, we got people to save” you were hesitant to go desperate for Sam to get back in the car but he was persistent on leaving so you got back in the Impala watching Sam disappear in the rear view mirror, feeling the tears brim wiping them away before they fell
“Don’t worry kid you always got me, I’m never going anywhere”
“Thanks Dean”
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Getting into the town you and Dean started asking around about the case, two missing people a guy and a girl but the town folk were dismissive and closed off, definitely hiding something
You got directions to where they last left off too coming to an orchard, it was old and gave you the chills
“Dean I don’t like the look of this place”
“Yeah me either, come on let’s look around” you sighed getting out and following him through the orchard until you came across a scarecrow
“Scariest scarecrow I’ve ever seen”
“You got that right” he says climbing up to inspect the thing
“He’s got the missing guys tattoo, think I know what we’re dealing with” he said looking at you with weary eyes as he climbed back down
“What? What is it?”
“Think it’s a Pagan god, they’re sacrifices” your heart dropped feeling instant chills and a wave of anxiety course through you
“Dean no…..you know I can’t….”
“Woah woah calm down, I know I remember, let’s get you outta here” he leads you out of the orchard back to his car
“We’ve got research to do, so we can get the hell outta here soon” he drove to a near by school that had history on pagan gods
“You stay here I won’t be long” he assured as he left
Pagan? Out of all the cases John could send you on it was the one thing that scared you the most
All of a sudden the door on your side of the car opened and the sheriff was there holding the butt end of a rifle towards you then everything went black
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You woke up in a dark place with a throbbing pain in your head, groaning you try to get up when you hear something near you
“Y/n is that you?”
“Dean oh thank god” you sigh making your way over to him listening to his voice, feeling his arms wrap around you
“What’s gonna happen to us?”
“I’m not gonna let anything happen to you” the doors above opened revealing the people you questioned in the town, the sheriff pointing a gun
They dragged you both out tying you to trees in the orchard
“I’m sorry but it’s for the greater good” the older lady says before they all left
“Oh god it’s happening all over again Dean, why would dad send us on this case?” You panicked as the sun got lower
“I’ll get us outta this”
“Let me think?” It was dark now and there was still no plan
There was footsteps behind you getting closer, you scream and cry trying to escape
“Dean? Y/n?” It was Sam he came back
“Oh thank god, Sammy get us out of here, watch out for the scarecrow too” sam starts to unchain you both
“What scarecrow?” You all turn to where the scarecrow is suppose to be hanging and it was gone, groans were right behind you quick to turn and it was the scarecrow coming your way, Dean took your hand as you all ran almost out of the orchard the the towns people surrounded you
“Just let us go” Sam pleaded
“We can’t he needs a sacrifice” he’s stopped when a scythe is driven through his heart given you and your brothers to run making it out of the orchard in time as screams were heard behind you
You collapsed by the side of the impala the adrenaline wearing off as the fear came crashing down consuming you triggering all the memories that you so desperately tried to forget, you woke in a new motel room obviously gone from that horrid town
“Hey sweetheart how’re you feeling?” Dean asked from your bedside you wanted to answer but that fear was still there, it felt like if you just curled up and locked yourself away they pagan gods couldn’t get to you so that’s exactly what you did
You turned away from Dean and didn’t speak, refusing any food, this went on for weeks, until eventually it was two months and you were wasting away, every day was filled with fear and Sam and Dean didn’t know what to do to help you, they tried everything, even while working on other cases they felt desperate like you were one case they couldn’t fix
“Love you gotta eat or get outside we can’t see you like this anymore it’s not healthy” Sammy said but still no response
“We need to call dad, he got her out of this last time, it’s our last choice here” you missed your dad dearly he was always sweet on you, you were his little girl and reminded him so much of Mary
You could hear them calling over and over again desperate for an answer when finally after the 6th time he must have answered Sam
“Dad I know you told us to not call but it’s bad”
“That case a few months back you sent us on it was a pagan god, they got y/n you know how she is with that stuff”
“Yeah she’s like before, but worse, she needs you dad”
He hung up the phone looking at you with a worried look, you felt embarrassed and like a burden, you tried really hard to get better but every time you closed your eyes you saw them
“He’s coming sweetheart, it’ll be okay” Dean said brushing your hair back soothing you a bit
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You were sleeping hearing faint voices around you, you opened your eyes to see Sam Dean and John talking in the entry way of the motel room, they noticed your movement and ceased all talk
John made his way over kneeling down by your bed so he was eye level with you
“Hey sweetie, heard you weren’t doing good” you shake your head side to side
“They can’t hurt you, your brothers would never let that happen”
“But……but I’m scared” your voice raspy from lose of use
“I know but you can’t do this to yourself, you’ve gotta be strong”
“I’m sorry” you say your lip trembling
“Not your fault, now come on let’s get you some fresh air”
After that your brothers were there easing you back into everything, eating, hunting and eventually you were back in business but you swore to never work on a pagan case again
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keeksandgigz · 6 months
hello i just got home from work n I'm thinking about festive eddie and witchy
Eddie wasn't able to fly into Hawkins for the holidays because of his work schedule, so he brought Hawkins to him.
It's your first Christmas Eve together and he's just locked up the store early to go pick Wayne up from the airport. It's the first time you and Wayne meet.
He's staying at Eddie's one bedroom apartment, your boyfriend taking the chance to sleep over at your house (like he hasn't been sleeping there for the past week anyway).
Anyways, he's taken the week off work where he could to show Wayne around SF, since the man has never left Indiana. Over Christmas lunch, Eddie meets your coven family, that is strangely made up of just women, but he doesn't think too much about it because they fawn over him and how handsome he is, and they keep uncle and nephew well fed.
Wayne think's you're lovely, maybe a bit too odd for him to understand, with your whimsical attitude and the way the energy seems to suddenly change when you're around, but he sees the way Eddie is completely smitten over you, the pile of presents for you he's hidden in his closet. The picture you took of the two of you together at the Palace of Fine Arts on his fridge.
Wayne has even brought you a little present.
"Didn't know what ya liked, so I gotcha some chocolates" he said, taking a See's Candies chocolate box from his suitcase. You blush at the gesture, at how the man has automatically considered you part of his little family. A vintage brown corduroy jacket materializes itself already packaged up on your bed, you didn't know he was going to get you a gift.
But he loves it, as much as he loves the trucker hat Eddie's got him. Silly trucker hats are his thing, Eddie's gotten him one every Christmas for the past five years.
The contender this year is a hat that says- women love me, fish fear me
You laugh about how stupid that sounds, but the real joke is that your aunt Hilda really has the hots for Wayne.
Eddie gets you a new tarot deck. He's actually been taking notes since you've started dating.
Dried jasmine flowers are hard to come by? He's gotten you four small bottles of it. You dropped a crystal? He's got it. You say you like poppyseed chai cookies? He's had his neighbor bake them for you.
The way he dotes on you and fulfills your every need makes you the luckiest girl on Earth. Wayne says so, too.
You don't celebrate Christmas the traditional way, but the pagan version of it, which still calls for a tree and wreaths and evergreen branches all over your apartment, which you spend Christmas Eve in, Circe nuzzling in Wayne's lap as soon as e sits on the couch. You make a Yule log and decorate cookies. Various mistletoe branches hang on your roof.
Even late into the night, after Eddie has dropped off Wayne at his apartment, you tell him about a pagan tradition of performing fertility rituals under the mistletoe. Lit only by the lights of your tree and a fireplace, you end up falling asleep naked on your pink brocade rug.
some tags lol: @strangerstilinski, @eddiesxangel, @reidsbtch, @chaoticharrington, @hideoutside, @monstxrteeth,@thornsnvultures, @strangerfreaks,@aphrogeneias, @chrrymunson, @onegirlmanytales,@m0llygunn , @angel-upon, @lavendermunson, @cowboylikemunson
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slavonicrhapsody · 9 months
I like to think that Rykard was a bit of an amateur archaeologist in a sense because he’s said to have discovered a bunch of really old artifacts from Mt. Gelmir’s serpent-worshipping civilization, such as the ancient magma hexes (that he engineered into glintstone sorceries) and the numerous serpent-themed weaponry that Tanith seems to be giving out like recusant party favors now. I feel like he got super into digging up this old stuff either as another opportunity to gain power or simply because he thought it was interesting or maybe both. but it’s funny to imagine him poking around the volcano looking for ancient pagan magic and weapons like he’s in his indiana jones era when his job is supposed to be rooting out heretics
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redlegumes · 7 months
Dec 3rd: Stolen Pine
Written for @steddieholidaydrabbles
prompt: Mutual Pining | AO3: link | wc: 946 | rating: G | cw: none | tags: idiots in love, 'pine' ing, Christmas tree without glasses, light theft
Summary: Spontaneous tree theft and decorating, paired with some pining.
They'd hauled in the tree. Eddie kept talking about how the evergreen part was the important bit and continued to explain Christmas's stolen nuances from paganism. Steve nodded and did his best to follow along. That was what he did lately, follow Eddie. Whether it started with a need to assure himself the guy was okay after their Upside Down torments, or if he'd honestly found Eddie intriguing from the get go, Steve couldn't say. 
It didn't really matter anyway. He was positive that his feelings weren't going away as he nodded along with Eddie's excited ramblings. He hadn't even hesitated to join Eddie that night without product in his hair, glasses on.
Steve's vision had started to degrade. He'd noticed after his first run in with a Demogorgon. Pretty soon he legally needed corrective lenses to drive. Vanity prevented him from letting anyone other than Robin know. She'd assured him, ‘a boy is allowed to have his secrets. Just not from his platonic soulmate.’ Kinda the same reasoning behind why she knew how utterly hopeless he'd become around Eddie. The type of lovesick that had him helping Eddie with his non-christ related, Christmas tree caper.
continues after the cut
Eddie already knew about Steve's vision after helping Steve through an awful migraine where he just couldn't stand to have the contacts in. Steve'd been so nervous but Eddie just teased him about commiting to an ’Indiana Jones’ look and they kinda just moved on.
Steve hadn't expected Eddie at all that night when he knocked on his door. He'd come late to ask for help stealing a tree off some wooded, government owned property. He took one look at Eddie's ridiculous smile and dancing deep eyes and threw on a parka to help.
Now they were attempting to get the damn thing in a stand in the white-walled, impersonal living room of the house the ‘’Department of Energy’ had provided Wayne Munson with. They managed with no small amount of grunting and sappy fingers. More than once Steve reminded himself not to stare too hard at Eddie through the pine branches. He even liked Eddie's frustrated faces, the downward curve of his lips, the wrinkling of his forehead. Jesus, I'm pathetic. 
When they finished he and Eddie stood back admiring their fresh cut theft.
“Wayne's at work for another two hours. Think we can get it done ourselves before he's back?”
“Do you have decorations?”
Eddie sheepishly twisted where he stood. “I picked up some lights, and yeah, there's a box of ornaments.”
Steve stilled, bowled over by the waves of ‘adorable’ pouring off of Eddie. “Uh yeah, I think we can manage.”
The box was one of the few items in a very small storage room Al Munson's name was on outside of town. Eddie had been contacted once as ‘next of kin' to make payments on the thing, and that's when he went to see it himself. Inside were his dad's ‘tools of the trade,’’ some suspicious looking luggage and duffels he recognized from a hair brained scheme or two. What a lame cache, he'd thought at the time. That was before he reached the cardboard boxes in the back. They were his mother's. Winter decorations and clothes that were never brought back out when the seasons changed after her death. 
It was one of those boxes he'd picked up and brought to the new place, dragging it out now for Steve. Steve stopped unraveling lights to examine the ornaments. “These look like heirlooms,” he said, carefully picking up a blue, blown glass sphere and turning it in his strong hands. 
Eddie loved the care and attention Steve directed at the one piece. The way a tendril of hair fell over his forehead; the consideration on his face. Steve was already in his ‘Clark Kent look’ when Eddie'd shown up to his place that night. Which made sense, it was late, but Eddie loved the glasses on Steve. He liked the superman analogy too. Steve was basically Eddie's superman anyway.
“They were my mother's,” Eddie said, touching the edge of a carved angel's wing inside.
Steve's mouth made a small ‘o’ shape and he carefully set the ornament back into the nestled layers of tissue paper. “They're beautiful Eds.”
They decorated together, and it was easy. Eddie was warmed just being near Steve but they seemed to naturally work well together, joking and spacing the lights and decorations just right. Steve got Eddie's radio out and they listened to crackly Christmas tunes as they went along.
They finished about thirty minutes or so before Wayne's anticipated return. The men stood back to admire their handy work. Steve took his glasses off.
“Prettier that way,” Eddie asked, breathier than he wanted to sound.
Steve chuckled. “Good both ways, but yeah. One of the only perks I guess? The lights all expand and blend a bit.”
Eddie stared at Steve taking in the tree. If the lights were as fuzzy as he'd said, Steve wouldn't notice Eddie's stare. Truth be told, Eddie always wanted to stare at Steve. The lights reflected in Steve's light brown eyes… Christ, he is so pretty. Eddie's fingers itched to twine themselves with Steve's. He was dying with every little kindness Steve showed him; dying to bite the bullet and confess. He wanted to know if his crush was one sided, but if things took a different turn... Telling Steve could ruin what they had, and then who would help him steal a Christmas tree at two am?
He could live with this for now, watching Steve lit by the glow of Christmas lights they hung together. 
“Thanks Stevie.”
“Anytime Eds.”
2023 RedLegumes Steddiemas 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 SteddieHolidayDrabbles 1 2 3 4 6 8 9 10
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runningw-thewolves · 4 months
Stray Kids X Fenrir Post (LONG POST)
(Cause why the Hell not?)
Today I found out that 1) someone made a Fenrir based tattoo sleeve design for Bang Chan and 2) not only has Bang Chan seen it, he has stated he might possibly get it. Now, I am a STAY, a Norse Pagan and a follower of Fenrir. I think you can figure out what my brain was doing processing all this.
(Also; THERE HAS BEEN HINTS TO NORSE MYTHOLOGY IN STRAY KIDS MUSIC VIDEOS!? STAY, do a wolf some assistance and pinpoint me to the videos and moments cause I NEED MY STRAY KIDS NORSE/VIKING CONTENT. Anyways...)
I am very Autistic when it comes to several of my favourite things coming together and creating a *chef's kiss* moment. This is no exception. It's why INK are my favourite band (metal, Emo and horror together? YES PLEASE) and now I have Stray Kids, Norse mythology AND LITERALLY MY FUCKING RELIGION? Holy fuck! *insert brain melt moment from Indiana Jones here*
So, I figured; let's talk about some of Stray Kids past works and Fenrir at the same time. Yep, a Stray Kids Fenrir themed playlist in the format of a Tumblr post by someone with Autism currently losing their damn mind.
Before we begin, let's get everyone acquainted who may be unfamiliar.
The Binding of Fenrir
'The Binding of Fenrir' is arguably the most famous tale involving Fenrir. Fenrir is the eldest child to Loki and Angrboda, his younger siblings being the Midgard Serpent, Jormungandr (who has beef with Thor, to keep it brief) and the future death Goddess, ruler and caretaker of the dead and arguably an important figure in Baldur's tragedy, Hel (or Hela).
Why was Odin interested in Fenrir? For one simple reason; he had been told a prophecy where a large and powerful wolf would kill him. I should point out this part of Odin and Fenrir's story is a very medieval trope of the paranoid king and his son destined to kill him. This case is no different; the downfall of the king is because of his own paranoia. Everything he does to try and prevent his downfall only solidifies it into existence. It's a common belief among many of us Heathens that Fenrir might have never considered going after Odin if Odin had just left Fenrir alone the whole time. Hell, there was the distinct possibility that Fenrir could've likely been an ally to Odin and the Aesir if it weren't for their fear and paranoia.
So, how does Fenrir get bound? Odin and a few others ride to the Iron Wood, the home of the Jotunn and Chieftess of the Chieftains of the Iron Wood, Angrboda, and forcefully take her children from her. Jormungandr strikes and either Odin or Thor (heavily debated) throws Jormungandr into the oceans of Midgard. Hel is immediately exiled from Asgard and sent to what is often dubbed 'Helheim'. Fenrir was kept in Asgard, primarily to keep an eye on him. He was scorned and mocked and treated with fear by the Gods, and no one dare approach him to feed him. Aside from one God; Tyr, the God of Justice. (Also a God of War himself but ssh.) Tyr befriended the young wolf and fed him.
Naturally, Fenrir grew. And very quickly. He soon domineered over the buildings of Asgard and the Gods grew paranoid of his strength and size. It was then decided for him to be bound. They tried on three separate occasions, telling Fenrir it was a game. The first time was some normal, ordinary chains. Fenrir broke those with a single movement of his paw. The second was a reinforced chain. These were a little tougher but they too were shattered. The Gods then got in contact with the Dwarves to create for them a special chain, named Gleipnir. This chain was presented to Fenrir, and its appearance - similar to that of a ribbon or thread - immediately made Fenrir suspicious. He only agreed to have himself bound if one person were to lose their hand should they go back on their word. Tyr was the one who offered (this is a HUGE deal, as Tyr is basically associated with business transactions, oaths and the likes. Loki even goes on to call this out in the poem 'Lokasenna' (Loki's Flyting)). Naturally, Fenrir is bound, he can't break free, Tyr loses an arm. Fenrir snaps at the laughing Gods' ankles and Odin shoves a sword through Fenrir's jaws. Fenrir will only be freed by the violent thrashing of his brother come Ragnarok, to which Fenrir will kill Odin. Some sources also say Fenrir eats the sun and moon, however this is a tricky subject as that act is often attested to two other wolves. There's plenty of theories but for this post, they are irrelevant.
Stray Kids Everywhere All Around The World
Stray Kids first became known by a survival TV show in late 2017. At the time, there was nine members. (For the sake of avoiding drama and cause the matter is done, I will be talking about Woojin but sticking to the facts. Everything from the drama was false (which I learned the hard way and am still trying to learn from); do not attempt to bring up the controversy in reblogs or replies or I will block you.) The members included (in order, starting with team leader then oldest to youngest); Bang Chan, Kim Woojin, Lee Minho, Seo Changbin, Hwang Hyunjin, Han Jisung, Lee Felix, Kim Seungmin, and Yang Jeongin. The group would debut in 2018 with the track "District 9". Upon debut, most of the members would continue using their names except for the following; Minho (would debut as Lee Know), Jisung (would debut as Han) and Jeongin (would debut as I.N.). Kim Woojin left the group in late 2019 around the time of the "Double Knot"/"Levanter" promotions. (Hence forth, Woojin is irrelevant. This is where we shall leave any mention of Woojin hence forth.
Stray Kids would go on to become a pretty big deal, even winning the competition TV show 'Kingdom' (let's not go over the whole MAMA bullshit, that would take a whole tray of paracetamol to get through), leading to the band being noticed by Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman. In the past year, several of the members have appeared or modeled for various designer brands (ignoring the politics of this for now; good on them for their success however).
Bang Chan and Fenrir's Connection
As was mentioned in the TikTok I linked earlier, Bang Chan is the member of the group who was a trainee for the longest amount of time. Chan had been training under JYP Entertainment for seven years by the time of the pre-debut TV show. Chan has mentioned several times in the past the anger and sadness he felt, connecting with other trainees only for them to leave (either from being fired, changing career paths or debuting before him - this was especially noted to be the case with groups TWICE and GOT7, where Chan is friends with members of the groups and even shared a dorm room with members of GOT7). It's not hard to imagine the amount of pressure Chan was under to debut on the survival show. Or the amount of pressure he put on himself and the rest of Stray Kids. This amount of pressure would rear its head when members Lee Know and Felix were eliminated (but would be brought back later and debut with the group). A clip from Felix's elimination gives a glimpse into how hard Chan was on himself.
I will not speculate Chan's thoughts or feelings, but if you dig into it, you can come to some conclusions quickly based on the surrounding context and what we know about Chan and Felix's friendship post-debut.
Fenrir is bound and thus cannot be free to show his true strength and power, held back by the Gods for fear of what or who he could be. In essence, some could argue that this is what made Fenrir stronger and the wolf we know today but that comes with the ridiculous amount of pain and torture the wolf felt. Sure, he became stronger, but at what cost? I would say this is the same question to consider when talking about Chan and Fenrir. Sure, Chan is a wise and strong leader now, but what was the cost? He's made it clear that at one point before debut (and other members have backed this up), he actively avoided connecting with people cause of how many friendships he watched crumble for one reason or another. There's even a clip from a livestream where Chan was noticeably angry with staff and you can see the visible fear and awkwardness from the other members. Again, will not speculate on what any of it could mean, but it does point to something Fenrir and Chan may also have in common. When they are angry, they are
However, it's also important to keep in mind the sort of things Fenrir teaches and encourages from a Norse Pagan/Heathen perspective, so...
Fenrir in Norse Spirituality
A common name attributed to Fenrir is "breaker of chains". When we're talking about what this means from a spiritual standpoint, it means to free yourself from your past, free yourself from expectations or demands of others that holds you down and to let go and live free. For many, this can meaning learning how to cope with mental illness and trauma, learning how to manage (not control) one's anger, how to fuel emotions into actions and remain within the present and not think about the past or the future.
I've also heard many people describe Fenrir as a special kind of 'military boot camp' strict. This is the best way I can describe it; imagine, if you will, that you are a house. Fenrir is the property surveyor (the person who checks houses for faults). Fenrir will go around and tell you everything that isn't sturdy, that has cracks or other faults. Not out of malice, but because if you don't fix this, all it takes is one bad day and your self-worth comes crashing to the ground. Fenrir will even go out of his way to test these parts of yourself, again not out of malice but to make sure you can withstand it. Going back to the house metaphor; imagine Fenrir pointed out your foundations were made with weak cement, so you redo the foundations. Fenrir isn't convinced until he can push into it or stand on it and find it can withstand the weight. (This doesn't go into how our emotions fluctuate daily, but hopefully you get what I'm trying to say.)
Fenrir is also oftentimes seen as an example of justified rage. The rage of youth being mocked by their elders for simply being young. The rage Black people feel when another officer shoots yet another unarmed Black person. The rage LGBTQIA+ people feel when one of their own is killed or assaulted for simply being in love or expressing who they are. The rage women feel when men try to take advantage of or gaslight them into accepting lower. The rage of Indigenous people watching as their lands get bombed, farmed, and in general colonized and ripped of all its worth until nothing remains.
With all these factors in mind, let's finally get to the meet of this. The Stray Kids songs one (like myself) can associate with Fenrir. I will include lyrics, and you're more than welcome to reply or reblog with songs I may have missed. So, without further ado; let's get cracking! (Please note I will be using OT8 songs primarily for this post, again to avoid drama or anyone dogpiling about the controversy.)
'Placebo' (3RACHA original; 2017, Stray Kids original; 2018, re-recorded; 2021.)
"The positive belief that will even heal my wounds Keep going, the Placebo that works on me Honestly, there’s no need to be negative Trust myself, throw away those extra thoughts"
'Placebo' is a song essentially about relying on yourself to get through your challenges, while acknowledging what is currently making you feel weak. The fear and worry about wondering if you will actually make it, but telling yourself you can despite your worries, being your own friends in your darkest moments. Felix's verse I think is almost entirely applicable to Fenrir (Felix even says "drop these rusty chains" - remember, Fenrir was first bound by chains before Gleipnir.)
"Miroh" (original; 2019, re-recorded; 2020)
"Poison, trap, toadstool you can set them up I'll survive in the end, whatever it takes I know your traps, you set them up And I stomp on them tougher There's only one answer, you just have to open it"
"Miroh" (Korean word for 'maze') is an EDM-style song about persevering through the challenges you face, head held high, trusting your instincts and knowing that one way or another you have prepared for this moment and you will make it out the other side. The chorus starts with a line explaining that the narrator (Stray Kids) decided to go into the city (the challenges) themselves and know what is coming, are ready for it and know they can make it through the trial. The song also uses various animal sound effects, including a tiger's roar in the chorus, a hawk's caw and a bird-filled jungle soundscape. (Fenrir is often reported to be associated with swamps and mountains, so the inclusion of wild animal noises fits perfectly here.)
'Red Lights' (2021)
"No matter how hard I try to escape, there's no answer Until I fall asleep in the sun, even deeper I really wanna know, yeah I've already lost control"
This song is performed by Bang Chan and Hyunjin, and according to Genius the song "about compulsion and confusion of ego and about obsession about doing something". One would think, with the sexy sound and concept of the track, it would imply something of a sexy nature. However, it can also be about anything that someone can grow obsessed with. Another person, a feeling, an action, a moment, etc. The line "Tell me you hate me" makes me think of Fenrir talking to Tyr. The music video for the track also heavily features Chan and Hyunjin in chains, so one could also argue the obsession to be the desire to escape from their chains.
"MANIAC" (2022)
"The real self has been released (Yup, yup) Barely holding on (Yup, yup) After blinking once, back Again, back to cosplaying as what society Defines normal to be pow"
'MANIAC' is a song with a visible influence from Mary Shelley's 'Frankenstein' as it explores one's individual uniqueness, the expectations of society (which can delve into toxic perfectionism/happiness, conformity etc) and how we as a people have hidden our inner 'maniac' to fit in with the world. Even when in Asgard, surrounded by the Aesir and Vanir, Fenrir was always gonna be Fenrir. Just by his mere nature, he was deemed an outcast for being a larger and stronger wolf than they had encountered before, something that within itself isn't a crime. Fenrir would likely always be looked down upon if he showed discomfort, anger or any sort of negative emotion. In this song, Stray Kids basically asks the listener to open up their true self, live their authentic selves and enjoy the life they've been given, essentially; "shed the chains society has forced upon you."
"BEWARE" (original; 2018, re-recorded; 2020)
"My current state, the way I talk, my actions I know I shouldn't be like this But everything goes the opposite way I want you to understand me I don't know what will happen Again today, I'm barking"
Remember when I talked about Fenrir and justifiable rage and I brought up youth being angry with elders being condescending with them? This song is my 'case and point'. Going back to what I mentioned in 'MANIAC', no matter what Fenrir did the Aesir were likely not going to view him in a positive light. Ask any person who has tried to get on the good side of someone who couldn't care for them and you'll often find descriptions of growing tire, frustration and rage. Sometimes, we are going to encounter this in life - whether it be a boss who treats us poorly, a colleague/acquaintance/friend gossiping or lying about us behind our back, a family member who has expectations for you that you can't reach no matter what you try etc. Fenrir is no stranger to this; he experienced it firsthand living amongst the Aesir. That rage one feels in these moments is a healthy rage, a voice, which you will find is either being encouraged by Fenrir or is Fenrir himself, screaming at you "This isn't right, I shouldn't be treated like this!"
"SCARS" (2021)
"I'll never cry because I know that it'll never change I'll stay standing and endure it in an unknown place There will be many times I'll almost fall, but Alone, I reach out my hand, alone, I stand back up"
Sometimes, when we face hurdles in our lives we will feel sadness, sorrow or despair. If there's one thing I want to end this made tangent about, it's this; you will face challenges and it's OK to not be happy about it. It's alright to cry, to scream and wail and sob, to shed tears, feel fear, embarrassment, etc. It's alright if you need to punch a pillow or cry yourself to sleep. Remember; Chan probably did the same. For seven years. Fenrir probably did too, stuck within his personal Hell. But if there's one thing you should take from both of them, it's that you are stronger than you think you are. You can survive, you will survive. You will see the light on the other side one day; all it requires is fighting through the pain, even if that means crying from the hurt. We don't leave this life unscathed; we all will die with countless scars, both physical and mental. Be kind to yourself, know you are worthy of being alive right now, and you have the strength to push onwards. Carry the strength of Fenrir - and the strength of Bang Chan and Stray Kids - with you and remember you aren't alone fighting against the chains you've found yourself bound in.
(TLDR; an Autistic Norse Pagan loses were mind when were discovers a Fenrir tattoo design for Chan, goes on a long Stray Kids and Fenrir rant.)
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humunanunga · 2 years
I did something completely unnecessary and looked up ages and timelines for dreamland/isekai protagonists and liminal spaces. What you do with the following information will be for you to deal with now. (Because I feverishly looked all of this up between the span of last night and this morning, despite math not being my strong suit, there is a chance I took a few wrong notes here and there. If you catch any I missed, I’ll edit the op.)
In late 2020, presumably mid-December after everyone’s birthdays passed, Eustace and Jill (the Final Battle) would be 87, Fran Bow would be 76, Milo (the Phantom Tollbooth) would be 69-72, Jesse Aarons (the Bridge to Terabithia) would be 52-60, Sarah Willians would be 50-55 (depending on when between 1980 and 1986 The Labyrinth is set in), cinema Bastian B. Bux would be 52 (book Bastian would be 46), the surviving Stranger Things cast would all be 37 years older, Sunny (OMORI) would be 40-44, Calvin (Calvin and Hobbes) would be 41, Helena Campbell (Mirrormask) would be 30-34, Misfortune R.H. would’ve been 27, Coraline would be 22-30, Madotsuki could’ve been anywhere between 26 and 45 if she survived, assuming this was set in the year of the release date, Max (the Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl) would be 25, and if the same assumption as for Yume Nikki applies, Ib would be 17 (quoting exact years in an abstract alternate dimension is not exactly reliable), making Garry presumably between 26 and 37.
Clara Silberhaus (the Nutcracker) was a senior by the time Alice fell into Wonderland.
Dorothy Gale was the same age as Digory and Polly (the Magician’s Nephew). They would have been in their twenties when Peter Pan and his shadow met Wendy, who would be in her mid-to-late twenties when Christopher Robin played in the Hundred-Acre Wood. Christopher would have been 24 when Fran Bow was taken to Ithersta. (And while it could be written off as an easter egg, a younger alternate Fran was friends with an alternate Alice. Being a younger alternate, they could have both been born later than in the timeline of the player’s Fran.)
Christopher Robin was 29 when Narnia was rebuilt from scratch, Wendy was in her mid-to-late 30′s, and Dorothy, Digory and Polly were ~69 (nice).
Milo (the Phantom Tollbooth) and Jesse Aarons are 9-20 years apart depending on when in the 70′s Jess and Leslie’s stories are supposed to take place.
The main events of Stranger Things mainly take place in Hawkins, Indiana, starting in 1983-- or 1979 if you count the first time a gate was opened even temporarily. Project Async’s known operations ran between the late 1980′s and late 1990′s, and is implicated by association with the Loma Prieta earthquake to be based in California. Their first prototype was run in May 1982, a year before the first sustained opening into the Upside-Down. The events of EverymanHYBRID concluded in 2010.
The City of Light and Land of Shadows, the Hundred-Acre Wood, the Lands Beyond, Neverland, Wonderland and the Looking Glass, the beldam (in the book wherein Coraline did not take place in Oregon) and much of Narnia’s invitations all made contact with our world (or at least one variation thereof) through England, especially London. Whether pagan practice was all that stood between Brits and an outbreak of dimensional rifts before the christianization of Europe remains unknown. If all these events happened in the same universe, well, maybe that just happened to be the arrival point of that escape route The Web was working on. I, of course, am entertained by the idea of Jon the Archivist becoming Jon the Hunger in this absolute crossover singularity I’ve just propositioned.
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lovekenney · 6 months
Christmas tag game!
It's Festivus for the rest of us so grab your Chanukah bush, your mistletoe, your pagan ritual or whatever brings you joy and come gather round the fire and celebrate your pocket friends.
thank you for tagging me @softmick !!
Favorite nickname you’ve ever been given: Lolalita/Lolita. (not the book - my name is acualy lola soo)
Where are you located? indiana.
What season is it where you are now? winter but its like in the 50s rn.
Favourite tradition this time of year: reading nightmare before Christmas on eve.
Favourite holiday food: boiled shrimp at my grandmas. (not a holiday food but i eat it at Christmas at her house every year.)
Mulled wine, eggnog or hot apple cider? my family just sucks when it comes to mulled wine, so cider.
Turkey, Ham or Nut Roast (Or Tofurkey?)? ham.
Would you rather spend the December holidays in: A cabin in the woods surrounded by snow, or a house on the beach with sun and sand? cabin in the woods if it has wifi.
Are you pro-snow or anti-snow? hoping for a white Christmas!
Have you ever built a snowman? ofc.
Skiing or Snowboarding? snowboarding.
Do you decorate for the holidays? yes!
Favourite holiday movie? A Christmas story.
Favourite holiday fanfic? don't have one.
If you were to star in a Hallmark movie, who would be your love interest? emma kenney. Where would it take place? downtown Chicago.
tagging: @m4ndysk4nkovich @keyh0use @bubblegumbarbie33 @zawmbyz @svetlanayevgenivna @hartigays @holymurdock @carlgallagerswife-deactivated20 @kate173 @bees-flowers @emmasmuse @astaraels @sugar-spice-everything-vice @fuckshitslover @callivich @takepartinmanythings @echosluvr and anyone else who sees this and wants to!!
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layce2015 · 1 year
Supernatural (Dean Winchester x Female!Reader)
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Sacrifices Must Be Made
Previous Chapter / Masterlist
"The scarecrow climbed off its cross?" Sam asked as Dean and I were talking to him through Dean's phone, which was on speakerphone, while we were sitting in a hotel. "Yeah, we're tellin’ ya. Burkittsville, Indiana. Fun Town." Dean said.
"It didn’t kill the couple, did it?" Sam asked. "No." Dean and I said in unison.
"So, something must be animating it. A spirit." Sam said, thinking. "No, it’s more than a spirit. It’s a god. A Pagan god, anyway." I replied.
"What makes you say that?" Sam asked. "The annual cycle of its killings? And the fact that the victims are always a man and a woman. Like some kind of fertility right." I said and Dean nods. "And you should see the locals. The way they treated this couple. Fattenin’ ‘em up like a Christmas turkey." Dean said.
"The last meal. Given to sacrificial victims." Sam said.
"Yeah, we're thinking a ritual sacrifice to appease some Pagan god." I replied.
"So, a god possesses the scarecrow..." Sam said. "And the scarecrow takes its sacrifice. And for another year, the crops won’t wilt, and disease won’t spread." Dean explains.
"Do you guys know which god you’re dealing with?" Sam asked. "No, not yet." I said.
"Well, both of you figure out what it is, you two can figure out a way to kill it." Sam said. "We know. We're actually on our way to a local community college. We’ve got an appointment with a professor. You know, since we don’t have our trusty sidekick geek boy to do all the research." Dean said and we hear Sam laugh.
"You know, if you’re hinting you need my help, just ask." Sam said and Dean looks over at me as I pat his shoulder a give him a you know what you have to do look. "I’m not hinting anything. Actually, uh—I want you to know….I mean, don’t think…." Dean stammers before Sam speaks over him. "Yeah. I’m sorry, too." He said and I smirked a bit.
"Sam. You were right. You gotta do your own thing. You gotta live your own life." Dean said as he looks over at me and I nod at him with a smile.
"Are you serious?" Sam asked.
"You’ve always known what you want. And you go after it. You stand up to Dad. And you always have. Hell, I wish I—anyway….I admire that about you. I’m proud of you, Sammy." Dean said and there was a moment of silence.
"I don’t even know what to say." Sam said. "Say you’ll take care of yourself." Dean said, sincerely.
"I will." Sam said.
"Call us when you find John." I said to Sam.
"OK. Bye, guys." Sam said in a sad voice and Dean hangs up the phone. "You sure about this, Dean?" I asked him. "Yeah..." he replied, softly, as he goes and gets ready for bed.
The next day, Dean and I make our way to the community college and we walk along with the professor. "It’s not every day I get a research question on Pagan ideology." He said to us. "Yeah, well, call it a hobby." Dean remarks.
"But you said you two were interested in local lore?" asked the Professor. "Mmhmm." Dean and I said. "I’m afraid Indiana isn’t really known for its Pagan worship." He said.
"Well, what if it was imported? You know, like the Pilgrims brought their religion over. Wasn’t a lot of this area settled by immigrants?" Dean asked him. "Well, yeah." said the Professor.
"Like that town near here, Burkittsville. Where are their ancestors from?" I asked him. "Uh, northern Europe, I believe, Scandinavia." He replied.
"What could you tell us about those Pagan gods?" Dean asked him. "Well, there are hundreds of Norse gods and goddesses." He said. "We're actually looking for one. Might live in an orchard." I said.
Later, in a classroom, the professor puts a large book down on a table and opens it. "Woods god, hm? Well, let’s see." He said as he leafs through some pages. On one page, I notice a picture of a scarecrow on a post surrounded by farmers in a field.
"Wait, wait, wait. What’s that one?" I asked him, pointing at the picture. "Oh, that’s not a woods god, per se." He said as Dean reads the book. "The V-Vanir?" Dean reads and the professor nods. "The Vanir were Norse gods of protection and prosperity, keeping the local settlements safe from harm. Some villages built effigies of the Vanir in their fields. Other villages practiced human sacrifice. One male, and one female." Dean reads then he points to the picture.
"Kind of looks like a scarecrow, huh?" He said. "I suppose." said the Professor as Dean continues to read. "This particular Vanir that’s energy sprung from the sacred tree?" 
"Well, Pagans believed all sorts of things were infused with magic." said the Professor. "So what would happen if the sacred tree was torched? You think it’d kill the god?" I asked him and the Professor laughs.
"Honey , these are just legends we’re discussing." He said. "Oh, of course. Yeah, you’re right." I said, feigning ignorance. "Listen, thank you very much." Dean said and we shake the professor’s hand. "Glad I could help." He said and Dean and I walk to the classroom door.
When Dean opens the door, he falls to the ground. "Dean!" I exclaimed just as I turned to the side. For a quick second, I saw the sheriff before he hits me on the face with the butt of his gun, knocking me out.
"(Y/n)! (Y/n)!" A voice said as I start to come back to consciences. I groan then look up and see that the voice belonged to Dean. "You know..." I muttered. "What?" Dean asked. "I should've gone with Sam." I said and I chuckle as he rolls his eyes. 
"Oh ha, ha." He grumbles as I sit up and run my hand over my face and he gets up and look around. I look around and I see that we were in some sort've cellar. "Hey! Help me with this!" Dean said as he points at a door. I get up and walk over to him and both of us start to shoulder charge the door as best as we could but no luck.
I look through the crack of the cellar doors and could see a lock and chain around the handle. "Well, of course." I grumbled as we backed away. Dean sighs as I asked. "What do we do?" 
"Well, we gotta find the tree." Dean said. "Yeah, but where could that tree be?" I asked him. "I don't know...maybe in that orchard where the scarecrow is?" He said and I nodded. "That would make sense. But now...how do we get out of here?" I asked.
At that moment, the cellar door opens and Stacy, Harley, the Sheriff were standing there. "It’s time." Stact said, making Dean and I look at each other, nervous.
Back at the Orchard, the elders ended up tying Dean and I to two adjacent trees. "How many people have you killed, Sheriff? How much blood is on your hands?" Dean asked the sheriff as he finishes tying me up. "We don’t kill them." He replied.
"No, but you sure cover up after. I mean, how many cars have you hidden, clothes have you buried?" I asked, angrily, and the sheriff walks away.
"You two don't understand. This town needs to be safe. The good of the many outweighs the good of the one." Stacy said and she and the others walk away. "I hope your apple pie is freakin’ worth it!" Dean yells at them as I let out a sigh.
"So, what’s the plan, hot shot?" I asked him. "I’m workin’ on it." He said as he thinks this over.
"You don’t have a plan, do you?" I asked him, hours later. "I’m workin’ on it." He said, slightly panicked. "Oh yeah, I can see the smoke seeping through your ears as we speak." I said. I hear him let out a sigh then asked. "Can you see?"
"Yeah...why?" I asked him. "Is he moving yet?" Dean asked, referring to the scarecrow. I look around but couldn't really see. "I can’t see." I said until I see a shadow moving near the trees. "Uh....Dean?" I said, nervously, as I see more movement.
But the shadow turned out to be Sam as he comes out from behind the trees. "Dean? (Y/n)?" He calls out and I let out a sigh. "Oh! Oh, I take everything back I said. I’m so happy to see you. Come on." Dean said as I nod. "Yeah, I'm so glad to see you as well, Sam." I said as Sam begins untying Dean from the tree.
"How’d you get here?" Dean asked. "I, uh—I stole a car." Sam said, sheepishly, and I smiled as Dean chuckles. "That’s our boy!" I exclaimed. "And keep an eye on that scarecrow. He could come alive any minute." Dean tells him as Sam unties me.
"What scarecrow?" Sam asked. Dean and I get up and see the scarecrow’s post is empty. This makes the ththe of us exchange a nervous look. 
Eventually, the three of us began to run along the field. "Alright, now, this sacred tree you’re talking about—" Sam said as he thinks over what we explained. "It’s the source of its power." Dean said.
"So let’s find it and burn it." Sam said. "Nah, in the morning. Let’s just shag ass before Leather Face catches up." Dean said as he three of us reach a clearing.
But waiting for us were, Harley, Stacy, the Sherriff and a few other townspeople. "This way." Dean shouts and we turn around but we were blocked in all directions. "It’ll be over quickly, I promise." Harley said as we look around at them.
"You have to let him take you. You have to—" Harley said when, all of a sudden, a sickle sticks out through Harley’s stomach. Stacy screams, then she gets captured by the scarecrow and the two are dragged away by the scarecrow. The rest of the townspeople run away in fright.
"Come on, let’s go." I shouted and we start running. We hear a noise and turn around, but the scarecrow and its victims have disappeared. 
By the time the sun rose we found the tree and started walking towards it with gasoline and a lighter. The tree was marked with Vince’s tattoo design. Sam goes to the tree and pours the gasoline on it while Dean picks up a long branch and lights it. He throws the burning branch onto the tree, and the three of us watch it go up in flames.
"What about the rest of the townspeople? Are they just gonna get away with it?" Sam asked as we walk back to Dean's car after the tree burned down. "Well, what’ll happen to the town will have to be punishment enough." Dean said then he turns to Sam. 
"So, can we drop you off somewhere?" He asked. "No, I think you guys are stuck with me." Sam replied as we stop at the car.
"What made you change your mind?" I asked him. "I didn’t. I still wanna find Dad. And you’re still a pain in the ass." Sam said as he looks over at Dean, who nods, while I chuckle. 
"But, Jess and Mom and Mrs. (L/N)—they’re gone. Dad is God knows where. You two and me. We’re all that’s left. So, if we’re gonna see this through, we’re gonna do it together." Sam said and I smirked as Dean pauses. "Hold me, Sam. That was beautiful." Dean said as be puts his hand on Sam’s shoulder, who hits it away. The three of us began to laugh.
"You should be kissing my ass, you two were dead meat, dude." Sam said to him. "Yeah, right. I had a plan, I’d have gotten out." Dean said and I laughed. "Right." I said and he looks over at me. "I didn't hear you coming up with anything." He said. "Because I can admit that I couldn't think of anything. Unlike you, Mr Ego." I said and the three of us smile then we climb into the car.
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brightlotusmoon · 5 months
"To celebrate Imbolc, some modern day pagans focus on celebrating Brigid. They do this by setting up an altar with the symbols of Brigid, like a corn husk doll, white flowers, a bowl of milk, and candles. If there is a group gathering, they might cast a circle, and recite a prayer to receive a blessing from Brigid."
Husband did bring me home a weighted Corn Husk Doll from Indiana.
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coinandcandle · 8 months
I'm curious, how many of you witches/pagans/spiritual folk are also in Indiana?
You don't have to comment if you don't want to, ofc.
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brookstonalmanac · 3 months
Holidays 3.20
Alien Abduction Day
American Diabetes Association Alert Day
Atheist Pride Day [also 6.20]
Bibliomania Day
Big Bird Day
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Day
Culture Day and Creative Intelligentsia Day (Tajikistan)
Dibber Day (French Republic)
Dogs in Yellow Day
Durham Day (UK)
Extraterrestrial Abductions Day 
Festival of Extraterrestrial Abductions
French Language Day (a.k.a. International Francophonie Day; UN)
Ghode Jatra (Horse Festival; Nepal)
Global Message Makes Me Happy & Healthy Day
Great British Spring Clean Day (UK)
Hufflepuff Pride Day
International Astrology Day
International Day of Happiness (UN)
International Francophonie Day
Kiss Your Fiancé Day
Lajos Kossuth Day (Hungary)
Legba Zaou (Haiti)
Li-Fraumeni Syndrome Awareness Day
Macaron Day NYC
Mesopotamian/Sumerian Grain Festival (Honoring Ashnan)
Minion Day (Japan)
Mister Rogers Day
National Arts Advocacy Day
National Backyard Bird Photography Day
National Cherry Blossom Festival begins (Washington DC)
National Day of Italian Universities Day (Italy)
National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
National Jump Out! Day
National Marketing Day
National Plagiocephaly & Torticollis Awareness Day
National Vanessa Day
National Westie Day
Oil Nationalization Day (Iran)
Pigeons Return to City-County Building (Ft. Wayne, Indiana)
P320 Day
Smile Rejuvenation Day
Very Hungary Caterpillar Day
Won't You Be My Neighbor? Day
Won’t You Wear a Sweater Day
World Behavior Analysis Day
World Day of Theater for Children and Young People
World Frog Day
World Head Injury Awareness Day
World NIDCAP Day
World Oral Health Day
World Rewinding Day
World Rights to Water Day
World Sparrow Day
Zipper Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Bock Beer Day (New York) [also 2nd Monday]
Crawfish Cravers Awareness Day
Macaron Day
National Ravioli Day
World Flour Day
3rd Wednesday in March
Engineer’s Day (Belgium; Netherlands) [3rd Wednesday]
Kick Butts Day [3rd Wednesday]
National Carry Out Day (a.k.a. Carry Out Wednesday) [3rd Wednesday]
National Dietician’s Day (Canada) [3rd Wednesday]
National SBDC Day [3rd Wednesday]
Small Business Development Day [3rd Wednesday]
Independence & Related Days
Blackland (a.k.a. Kingdom of Blackland; Declared; 2015) [unrecognized]
Conzorica (a.k.a. Federal Republics of Conzorica; Declared; 2014)
Kirkuk Liberation Day (Iraqi Kurdistan)
Otango Province Anniversary (New Zealand)
Qootärlænt (Declared; 2008) [unrecognized]
Rezaxia (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Tunisia (from France, 1956)
New Year’s Days
Baha’i New Year
Nowruz (New Year) [Day 1, Around Spring Equinox] (a.k.a. ... 
Bahá'í Naw-Rúz (Bahá'í)
Naruz (Afghan New Year)
Navruz (Tajikistan, Ukbekistan)
Norooz (Iran)
Novruz Bairam (a.k.a. Persian New Year; Azerbaijan)
Nowrūz (Persian, Gilaki, Kurdish, Zoroastrians; California)
Rosicrucian New Year
Festivals Beginning March 20, 2024
Jazz & Rhythms Festival (San Cristóbal de las Casas, Mexico) [thru 3.24]
Melbourne International Flower & Garden Show (Melbourne, Australia) [thru 3.24]
National Cherry Blossom Festival (Washington, DC) [thru 4.14]
Trans-Siberian Art Festival (Novosibirsk, Russia) [thru 4.7]
Feast Days
Alexandra (Christian; Saint)
Apple Magic Day (For Norse Goddess Idunn; Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Big Bird (Muppetism)
Blessed John of Parma (Christian; Saint)
Clement of Ireland (Christian; Saint)
Cuthbert of Lindisfarne (Christian; Saint) [maltsters]
Day Sacred to the Goddess Fortuna, the Morrigan, the Norns, the Three Fates, and the Three Mothers (Lakshmi, Parvati, and Sarasvati)
Edward Poynter (Artology)
Extraterrestrial Abductions Day (Pastafarian)
Feast of the Supreme Ritual (Thelema)
Festival For Driving Out All Evils (Inca)
Festival of Isis (Ancient Egypt)
George Caleb Bingham (Artology)
Henrik Ibsen (Writerism)
Herbert of Derwentwater (Christian; Saint)
John Lavery (Artology)
John of Nepomuk (Christian; Saint)
Józef Bilczewski (Christian; Saint)
María Josefa Sancho de Guerra (Christian; Saint)
Martin of Braga (Christian; Saint)
The Martyrs of Mar Saba (Christian; Martyrs)
Michele Carcano (Christian; Saint)
Philo of Alexandria (Positivist; Saint)
Photina and Her Companions (Christian; Martyrs)
Quinquatria, Day 2: Wrestling Day (Pagan)
Spring Harvest Festival (Ancient Egypt; Everyday Wicca)
Wulfram (Christian; Saint)
Xena Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Zagmuk (Festival celebrating the Resurrection of Marduk)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Prime Number Day: 79 [22 of 72]
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Very Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [17 of 60]
After Hours, by The Weekend (Album; 2020)
Armchair Apocrypha, by Andrew Bird (Album; 2007)
Avalanche is Better None or Snows You Old Man (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 33; 1960)
Back Off Boogaloo, recorded by Ringo Starr (Song; 1972)
Basic Instinct (Film; 1992)
Below Zero Heroes or I Only Have Ice for You (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 34; 1960)
The Book of Thoth (Egyptian Tarot), by Aleister Crowley (Tarot Book; 1944)
Bosko’s Easter Eggs (Happy Harmonies Cartoon; 1937)
Both Sides Now, by Joni Mitchell (Album; 2000)
Cannibal Capers (Disney Silly Symphony Cartoon; 1930)
The Cats Bah (WB LT Cartoon; 1954)
Dumb-Hounded (Droopy MGM Cartoon; 1943)
Duplicity (Film; 2009)
Fractured Friendship (Chilly Willy & Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1965)
Hollywood Shuffle (Film; 1987)
Hothouse, by Brian W. Aldiss (Novel; 1962)
I Do Not Want What I Haven’t Got, by Sinead O’Connor (Album; 1990)
I Love You, Man (Film; 2009)
The Impossible Possum, featuring Barney Bear (MGM Cartoon; 1954)
Insurgent (Film; 2015)
Knowing (Film; 2009)
Lady Chatterly’s Lover, by D.H. Lawrence (Novel; 1928)
Man of La Mancha (Broadway Musical; 1965)
Meet the Temptations, by The Temptations (Album; 1964)
Neptune Nonsense (Rainbow Parade Cartoon; 1936)
Newman Laugh-O-Grams (Disney Cartoon; 1921)
Noises Off (Film; 1992)
Off to China (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1936)
The Pink Panther (Film; 1964)
The Postman Always Rings Twice (Film; 1981)
The Romance of Betty Boop (Animated TV Film; 1985)
The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne (Novel; 1850)
Sham Battle Shenanigans (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1942)
Straight, No Chaser, by Thelonious Monk (Album; 1967)
Symphony Hour (Disney Cartoon; 1942)
Top Cat and the Beverly Hills Cats (Hanna-Barbera Animated TV Film; 1988)
Uncle Tom’s Cabin, by Harriet Beecher Stowe (Novel; 1857)
Wacky Quacky (Phantasies Cartoon; 1947)
What Price Fleadom (MGM Cartoon; 1948)
Wild Things (Film; 1998)
Ye Olde Songs, featuring Farmer Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1932)
Zen in the Art of Archery, by Eugen Herrigel (Philosophy Book; 1948)
Zombeavers (Film; 2015)
Today’s Name Days
Claudia, Wolfram (Austria)
Ivan, Nicet, Pavao (Croatia)
Světlana (Czech Republic)
Gordius (Denmark)
Malve, Malvi, Malviine (Estonia)
Aki, Jaakkima, Joakim, Jooa, Kim, Kimi (Finland)
Herbert, Printemps (France)
Claudia, Wolfram (Germany)
Claudia, Rodi, Rodianos (Greece)
Klaudia (Hungary)
Alessandra,, Claudia (Italy)
Irbe, Made, Magda, Magdalēna (Latvia)
Filomenas, Imgarda, Irma, Tautvilė, Žygimantas (Lithuania)
Joakim, Kim (Norway)
Aleksander, Aleksandra, Ambroży, Anatol, Bogusław, Cyriaka, Eufemia, Klaudia, Patrycjusz, Ruprecht, Wasyl, Wincenty (Poland)
Víťazoslav (Slovakia)
Alejandra, Daniel, Martín (Spain)
Joakim, Kim (Sweden)
Dillan, Dillion, Dillon, Drew, Dru, Dylan, Dylon (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 80 of 2024; 286 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 12 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Fearn (Alder) [Day 4 of 28]
Chinese: Month 2 (Ding-Mao), Day 11 (Guy-Wei)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 10 Adair II 5784
Islamic: 10 Ramadan 1445
J Cal: 20 Green; Sixday [20 of 30]
Julian: 7 March 2024
Moon: 82%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 24 Aristotle (3rd Month) [John the Evangelist]
Runic Half Month: Beore (Birch Tree) [Day 11 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 2 of 92)
Week: 3rd Week of March
Zodiac: Pisces (Day 31 of 31)
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fcb4 · 3 months
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My Dune 2 Remonstrance with slight spoilers:
1. It’s unnecessarily dark. The messiah/faith/necromancy is too pagan without a counterbalance. It’s very unTolkien in handling these profound human needs. Aganint a Christian apologetic it is thin on meaning and heavy on nihilism.
2. Casting of Florence Pugh, Christopher Walken and Anya Taylor-Joy was goofy and lazy pandering.
3. Way too much dialogue drag. If this was what was left after the editing, I can’t imagine a director’s cut.
4. Meaningless violence. The senseless murdering and cannibalism was juvenile. At least in the slaughterhouse it wasn’t gory just dehumanizing.
5. Frank Miller wants his chrome Valhalla and milky men back.
6. Guns kill swords. Indiana Jones established that forever in movie lore.
7. Worshippers are not mindless, irrational thinkers who are suckers for presupposition reality bending. Faith isn’t against the mind.
8. Sand dwelling worm riders hoping on intergalactic spaceships to do space battle was unbearable.
9. The worm riding through tornado force winds was a big ask to suspend physics.
10. His messiahs madness after slurping bug juice was unsatisfying as was the instadrop of poor desert flower.
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datcloudboi · 6 months
List of Video Games Turning 30 Years Old in 2024
Aggressors of Dark Kombat (what if Mortal Kombat was made by the KoF devs?)
Alone in the Dark 2
Art of Fighting 2
Beneath a Steel Sky (a highly influential point and click adventure game from the same team that would go on to make Broken Sword)
Blackthorne (a 2D platformer made by Blizzard)
Breath of Fire (the 1st one)
Bubsy 2
Bubsy in Fractured Furry Tales
Bust-a-Move (known as "Puzzle Bobble" in Japan)
Castlevania: Bloodlines
Contra: Hard Corps (the first game in the series to have multiple endings)
Cosmology of Kyoto
The Death and Return of Superman (a side scrolling beat 'em up made by Blizzard)
Demon's Crest
Donkey Kong (the Game boy version of the arcade original)
Donkey Kong Country
Doom II: Hell on Earth
Double Dragon V: The Shadow Falls (as opposed to a beat ‘em up like the other four games were, this one was a fighting game)
Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom
Dynamite Headdy
Earthworm Jim (with music from Tommy Tallarico. His mother is very proud.)
Ecco: The Tides of Time
The Elder Scrolls Arena (the very 1st one)
Final Fantasy VI
Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem (the 3rd one)
Ghoul Patrol (the sequel to "Zombies Ate My Neighbors")
The Horde (a hybrid action/strategy game made by Toys for Bob, who are known nowadays for making Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time)
Illusion of Gaia
Indiana Jones' Greatest Adventures
Killer Instinct
The King of Fighters '94
King's Quest VII: The Princeless Bride
Live a Live (the original version, which went unreleased in North America. We wouldn’t get this game until the HD-2D remake 28 years later)
Majin Tensei (a strategy spin-off of the greater Shin Megami Tensei franchise)
Marathon (one of the earliest games made by Bungie)
Mega Man 6
Mega Man Soccer
Mega Man V (on the Game Boy)
Mega Man X
Mortal Kombat II
The Need for Speed (the very 1st one)
Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures (as an empath, seeing Pac-Man in pain makes me feel sick)
Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure
Pocky & Rocky 2
Policenauts (a visual novel and one of the earlier works from Hideo Kojima)
Rise of the Robots (often considered one of the worst fighting games ever made)
Samurai Shodown II
Shadowrun (the Sega Genesis version)
Shaq Fu (also often considered one of the worst fighting games ever made)
Shin Megami Tensei II (which, to this day, has never been officially released outside of Japan)
Shin Megami Tensei If... (also never officially released outside of Japan)
Shining Force II
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (just in time for the third movie)
Spider-Man and Venom: Maximum Carnage
Star Wars: TIE Fighter
Streets of Rage 3
Super Adventure Island II
Super Metroid
Super Punch-Out!!
Super Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (this release saw the first playable appearances of T. Hawk, Fei Long, Dee Jay, and Cammy)
Super Street Fighter II Turbo (saw the series’ first secret character, Akuma)
System Shock (a remake came out very recently. It's quite good!)
Ultima VIII: Pagan
Warcraft: Orcs & Humans (the very 1st one)
Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3
X-COM: UFO Defense (the 1st game in the series)
Zoda's Revenge: StarTropics II (one of the last first-party releases for the NES)
Zool 2
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