#indie kids au
indiekidsau · 8 months
Next chapter is done and in the hands to my beta reader, but I have some news to share. It’s a bit of a spoiler, but at some point I plan on introducing Poppy Playtime characters to Indie Kids. I already have the lore planned out for it, but also an excuse to have these Happy Fellows make an appearance!
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That’s right the Smiling Critters are gonna be part of the main cast!
I’m keeping things under wraps because there’s TWO big storylines I wanna cover first before jumping in and adding the Smiling Critters/Poppy Playtime arc.
I hope you’re all excited!!!
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ahitfan5 · 8 months
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Indie kids AU
chapter 6 prince and Vanessa
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dreamnoteprincess · 1 year
Indie Kids One Year Event!
Hi guys so October 6th, I'll be doing something fun and special over on the @indiekidsau blog!
I plan on doing a QnA where you guys can ask questions about Indie Kids (from characters, to story stuff, etc.). Might throw in a few surprises here and there but that depends!
Hope to see you guys on October 6th and don't forget to follow the @indiekidsau blog for fanfic updates and whatnot!
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attyrocious · 10 months
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i was curating a band au playlist for each of them and the difference between kid/killer's and law's is hilarious
he likes metal now too
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the song is Conqueror by Pentakill btw
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sincerely-sofie · 8 months
Hey, y'all remember me saying I made a tiny TPiaG visual novel?
You can download it now from Itch.io here!
Have fun and enjoy my first official adventure into posting my games!
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snowdrop-wolf · 25 days
ok, so this is kinda important to me
so I'm thinking about setting up a Patron or GoFundMe for a good computer so I can pursue my dream of being an Indie game designer but I really don't have much to give in return except in a long time and I want to make it worth spending your money on
I'm doing a poll on my discord server as well
keep in mind you don't have to spend any money even if you vote yes
also ideas for what I can give in return are greatly appreciated
also also join my server if you want to help with the games
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lobotomytypebeat · 7 months
! Making a fan homestuck msfpa called KEYBOUND !
Keybound is a indie project by solely one person (me lmao...) This post is to share what i have already done so far, and what you all shall expect from this project!
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⇢ Otto everett is a kid passionate about adventures and mythological creatures, with a dream to be a fantasy hero and explore fantasy lands he has always dreamt about deep on his mind. Always looking for adventure he tends to put himself more onto trouble than…actually helping, but he tries.
Otto everett is a stubborn and determined kid, which could also be a HUGE pain in the ass sometimes. He has good intentions but sometimes doesnt have the easiest of times of voicing his good intentions.
Despite being very outgoing and a social butterfly…Otto is lonely, very lonely, as he lives isolated on the mansion and as he has been homeschooled by his father his entire life, the only connection to the outside he knows, its the woods and the rivers. Never really having contact with other kids and mostly running through the mansions halls and secret entrances, pretending to have great adventures slaying a dangerous beast.
Otto lives in a rustic mansion in the middle of the woods, with a huge observatory, huge walls, hell the mansion even having its own dinosaur fossil room. Otto is the son of Edric everett and Margaret Fields Edric everett is a renowed scientist in the science field and Margaret Fields is, one of the most renowed paleontologists that has stepped onto the scene and that has made great advancements. Unfortunately Margaret Fields had died in a nuclear breach right after Otto was born, killing her due to the explosion and overtime nuclear exposure. …though this is not exactly the case. Margaret did indeed die due to the nuclear breach…but while she was pregnant with Otto. The loss had brought immense grief to Edric, losing both his newborn son, and beloved wife. But due to the means of ectobiology, Edric recreated Otto with a exact copy of Margaret's DNA, making Otto essentialy…a clone of his mother. Otto has been raised as a fetus inside a incubator projected by his father.
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⇢ Dann harvey is a absolute mess who is loud and in general very sociable and friendly…despite his social battery running out way too fast which is kind of ironic since he will shrink up like a dried raisin.
Dann is actually allergic to most things…for example lettuce for a reason, but he will eat it ANYWAY and almost FUCKING DIE.
Dann oftenly gets himself into dangerous situations and falls way too much for his own good…and will still joke through all of it at the end of the day like its funny haha when he is at a ER with two broken legs and a spine snapped in half. Peak commedy.
Dann wears the most atrocious shirts known to man with the most horrible cheesiest catch phrases. For example " show me your bobbers and i will show you my pole " or simply " professional racist " with race cars on it. Or straight up cunty queen with unicorns and rainbows plastered all across it.
In general dann is a mess of a teenager who is way too obsessed with tetris and minecraft and mountain dew and doritos…and most definetly has been a ipad kid.
Dann is also asmathic…its shitty as fuck paired up with a shit ton more of allergies he has.
Dann now currently lives with his loving grandma as he had switched from various and various foster homes. His grandma is the sweetest person alive and he loves her very very much.
Despite being energetic and a very outgoing person, Dann is someone who gets really stuck on his own thoughts and tends to think very negatively about himself when he is left alone. And in general dann is a highly anxious person and someone who CANNOT SIT STILL FOR THE LIFE OF HIM. He feels the primal urge that he has to unleash the beast at any second possible or else he will combust into sparkles and rainbows.
Dann is also prone to producing BIOHAZARDS ON THE KITCHEN HE CANT COOK FOR SHIT.
Dann's hobbies dont extend only to being way too enthusiastic about minecraft or tetris, but yet about collecting LPS and pokemon cards. Despite not being able to SIT THE FUCK DOWN FOR ONE SECOND, he really does care about his friends. He'd jump in the fucking cadiilac and hug a cactus in the name of friendship.
He genuinely does his best to lift up the spirits of his friends and make them happy, including being loud as fuck with them, and screaming at the whole entire world with them.
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HARRIET BELLATRIX | her name in actuality is just Bell lmao, her momma wants her to sound fancy schmancy all of the time |
⇢ Harriet is a more closed off individual who finds enjoyment in small things and in general activities such as gardening and manual work. Her biggest passion being robotics.
Harriet is often underestimated by the way she dresses as well…its definetly not how kids in 2012 dress nowadays and she looks like she is going to a rainfaire. But harriet just dresses like that due to genuinely just enjoying herself and having a place on her heart for fashion, as she thinks she has to please anyone but herself.
Despite looking more closed off and serious, harriet is actually quite the enthusiastic individual who finds herself hyped up and energetic over interacting with friends and doing the things she enjoys.
Harriet may be a understanding person, but she has a huge sense of justice and a incredibly rebellious attitude, which causes her to have disagreements quite often, especially in situations of people not being treated equally or fairly as she will take issues onto her own hands and usually give people a piece of their mind without thinking twice. And one of her other main issues is her complex that she has to fix anything and everything, even if it seems absolutely impossible, her perfectionism also gets in the way most of the times as she thinks that if one specific thing goes wrong, it'll be an avalanche and everything will go downhill…while at the same time she cannot follow a schedule.
Harriet actually has bonds to royal family and lives in a huge castle on top of a mountain…that barely has any internet acess at all and its incredibly far away from town.
Harriet's mom lets say she is…..a conservative of royal values. Everything has to be on time, stat, ponctual and flawless etiquette…if the requirements arent met, lets say she wont hesitate to throw one of her own kids to the dungeons.
This may come as surprising to some, but harriet is absolutely obsessed with FURBIES, furbies being her absolute favorite thing in the planet. Harriet isnt exactly…a fan of etiquette or overcomplicated words and fancy schmancy terms. And in fact harriet does kind of have a southern accent and prefers to be more simple and open minded about things. She is quite the goof actually.
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⇢ Elin carvalho is a brazilian transgirl that lives on a rented apartment in São Paulo.
Elin is a chill person, who pretty much is joking most of the time, finding humor even in bad situations that might occur to her, and she just so happend to look like she is stoned all of the time, well, she isnt in fact stoned, but it looks like she is due to how chill she actually is to a concerning level actually.
Her humor happens to be incredibly broken, laughing even at a single loaf of bread falling to the floor, as well, she finds any situation pretty entertaining and humorous.
She spends inumerous hours spamming her friends with memes and copypastas on the internet, and trolling random kids in the most depraved and degenerate internet forums, with saterical copypastas or just annoying the hell out of them.
Piracy is her roman empire and she literally strives to take down the capitalistic government, every single game and computer program she has? pirated, everything is pirated, and she may had installed a virus or two by accident and still insists her PC is fine despite it visibly not doing so great and it may be on the edge of exploding.
Elin is constantly humorous due to only wanting to bring more of a positive vibe to negative situations…even though she may come off as insensitive or rude, its not her intentions, she only wishes to make her friends and loved ones feel happy and not loathe on their misery.
Elin is someone who is very aware and sensitive about her surroundings, she knows when someone is feeling bad or not, and will help them however she can, and will do everything to make their day at least a little bit better and a little bit more acceptable.
Despite her humorous and constantly joking nature, elin lives with a abusive, strict, transphobic religious fanatic mother, that has a big skepticism towards technology and the internet.
Elin has a passion for making her own pirated programs…and saterical trojans for the funny haha.
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》▪︎ Gravity The gravity aspect is for the rule breakers, not because of rebellion or the need to change things, but just for the complete fun of it, afterall, rules are meant to be broken. Though they may be rebellious by nature, nothing too extreme as they never go after to change the rules, they just want to have fun. The ones that are gravity bound are random and playful by nature. Not the " rawr means i love you in dinosaur " kind of quirky and random but rather " i brought a raccoon to school because i wanted it as a pet and gave everyone rabies " kind of random. Gravity bound people are completely reckless, impulsive, random and absolutely unhinged, but are incredibly fun people to be around and amazing friends.
Gravity is...self explanatory, gravity manipulation. Altering gravity on any planet at will, even travelling throuought different spaces and even dimensions relying heavily only in gravity. The abilities of gravity bond players is also, floating and flying, teleportation, walk on walls, water, and etc, any type of surface.
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》 ▪︎ Rift
The rift aspect in nature is more bold and cold, more observing of peoples surroundings and their own surroundings. Though one of their characteristics is that sometimes they may be too blinded by their own values and opinions. Rift bound people are creative and think outside the box a lot, oftenly finding ways out of situations no one really ever thought before. Other than the creativity one of their other main characteristics is the issue on expressing themselves through facial expressions, mostly relying on body gestures. In general people who are rift bound are very quiet and reserved and in general desire to be alone most of the time. Despite the lack of emotion those who are rift bound tend to be very emotional and sensitive, their facial expressions and tone never seem to match up with what they are feeling. Rift bound people tend to find themselves frustrated quite easily when they fail to do tasks, and mostly have trouble asking for help. They oftenly get easily irritated when things dont go their way, and they can be oftenly hypocritical. The abilities to those that are rift bond is opening portals, and tearing space and time to create wormholes for easy travel. those who are rift bond can use their portals to shoot laser beams out of them, and reflect attacks against opponents. Their other abilities may include, reality warping, flight, teleportation.
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》 ▪︎ Plague
Plague is the aspect of the damned and the sufferers. The aspect of plague comes with acceptance and learning that the world isnt a completely positive place, though they are accepting they wont entirely do good to you, but be rather pessimistic due to the things they have already seen in their lives, thinking its all going to go the same way, they arent healers, they arent perfect beings, they cant fix or help you, but will be there for you. Plague bound players have one of many characteristics in common: Being self destructive to themselves and potentially destructive to others. Though they truly have wisdom of their actions, some may be way too blinded by their own actions and the world around them might twist to a different narrative pretty easily as they are easily influenciable surprisingly. Plague bound players can be quite explosive and unpredictable, which makes them even the more destructive to themselves and potentially others. They arent the root of all evil of course, they arent notorious or bad, but can definetly be dangerous, we do not reinforce stereotypes here buddy.
The plague aspect is mainly damage focused. They are associated with destruction and decay. The plague aspect can infest a wide ratio area with destruction, causing the area to slowly become inhabitable by any living creature or foe. In healing classes such as saint or enchantress, they will not heal, but rather drain health from foes and enemies to heal themselves. They are uncapable of healing teammates, if trying to do so, they will further drain their health and also make them sick.
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》▪︎ Creation The creation aspect is to those who want to make a difference in the world they are in, even if their help is small or big. Creation bound players make differences in the world not by changing things or help fix whats already broken, but yet, create something new, build something that could improve peoples lives from the ground up. Creation bound players highly enjoy being near those they love, friends, family, and partners. They sure can be overprotective of their loved ones, but its only because around them, they grow very weary. Creation bound aspects have a tendency to not let go of the past despite starting a fresh start, as they may still hold a grudge or the past had scarred them badly, they will be hurt and still be hurt for a long time even after creating a new path for themselves, but in general, creatiom bound individuals are very strong people who had it really rough, and will continue to create a new fresh start to themselves and their loved ones from the ground up. They arent perfect and they accept that, and are willing on improving on their flaws, get better as a human being. In general creation bound people are very responsible of their own actions and will hold themselves accountable if they've done something wrong or damaging to others, and are willing to make it up for them in any way possible. Creation bound people are very closed off due to the hurt they've experienced before in life, and they may be skeptical of many things that may come their way.
The abilities of a creation bond player is obviously well...creation. They can create and perfectly replicate already living beings, and they can interact with the enviroment around them heavily, even creating new life on these enviroments. Though they are not only limited to creating life, but also giving life to inanimate objects and beings.
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》▪︎ Wrath The aspect of pure skepticism, negativity and unsureness, but yet the one of leardership and understanding. The aspect of wrath is to the ones who are frustrated and fed up with life, tired of everything, feeding off of their own anger, fear, skepiticism. The feeling they have to lash out at any circumstance for pure self defense and for their own sakez the feeling that not everything is perfect or ok and that something terrible will happen in any god damned moment and its just lurking around the corner, waiting to jump out of the shadows. Feelings of doubt and uncertainty surround these who are wrath bound, constantly. But its not as bad as it seems. Wrath bound people are compassionate of other peoples pains and feelings, and will be a great guide through the dark tunnel. Despite all their doubt and uncertainty, they make deep connections with others, they are kind all around these tough spiky edges. They are highly explosive and have a very short temper, they are impatient and can be pretty over posessive of their things, and overobsessive of things they like and are mostly negative abound their surroundings due to feeling the need to fight constantly and defend themselves at all costs, which makes them find themselves explaining every single action of theirs out of pure fear. But despite all of this, they are great leaders, though they may be rough most of the time.
The ones who are wrath bond can convert their own pure hatred and anger into strength, this also goes to other negative feelings, such as fear. Their attack rate, and strength gets stronger the angrier and frustrated they are. The ones who are wrath bond can cause multiple attacks and wounds in a short amount of time, like everything is in slow motion. Their screaming can deafen and temporarily paralyze enemies, though it also can affect their allies. The aspect of wrath can temporarily stunt the attack, defense, and buff of enemies, making them incredibly vulnerable. They can heal themselves by entering contact with blood, any kind of blood and posess superhuman strengh, with enhanced durability.
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》▪︎ Faith Faith is the aspect of the ones who are incredibly positive, to the ones who see the good in everything, though sometimes to a negative degree, to the point of toxic positivity and false hope. People who are faith bound have one characteristic in common, a immense savior complex, though it manifests in many different ways, in any way shape or form, they believe they are responsible for assisting other people, or in general that they are responsible for other peoples lives and their choices, especially if they are in a bad situation. Despite having good intentions, they can come off as controlling or bossy, when they believe something is a wrong or bad choice, and their savior complex oftenly gets on the way, even blinding themselves from the truth or even others.
The aspect of faith has the ability of telekinesis, illusion manipulation, telepathy, healing, and even in some cases, possession, flight, and calming enemies down, making them more vulnerable.
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》 ▪︎ Sight Sight and Waves walk side by side as a balance dynamic. Right off the bat...Sight is different from Waves, literally and metaphorically. Sight bond players are incredibly aware of their surroundings, which cause them to be heavily paranoid almost all of the time. They always have gut feelings and can be quite judgemental of others at first. They are way too aware, way too aware of other peoples feelings and their surroundings, its like a sensory overload as they are always aware of everything and they can feel that something will happen at any second and at any waking hour. Hell they are even self aware of their own behavior all of the time and wont sleep for days and countless hours thinking about their life choices and what they did. Their abilities may include, future foresight, retrocognition, psychometry, dermo-optical perception, precognition, enhanced superhuman hearing and sight, hypersensitivity to surroundings enhanced, enhanced agility and speed. They are able to see through illusions and hallucinations...as they are too self aware, they will not be fooled by them, but yet be further paranoid. Their powers give them so much sensory overload that they may simply just break down at random.
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》 ▪︎ Waves Chill laidback people who are mostly in their own world. They can blend in perfectly with the energy of others and be calm in severe situations, doing things with a calm mind and examining things carefully. Though due to how calm they are, they can be quite carefree and not be so aware of their surroundings or the feelings of others, afterall calm and chill doesnt exactly mean beinv aware of everything and anything and being thi divine god that always knows what to do. Once they learn the patterns they can flow and blend in, but at first they can be quite lost in a tricky situation, as wave bond people also tend to be quite clumsy and careless.
Their abilities include, hydrokinesis, water breathing, flight, walking on water, generating water, control the weather, boiling water or turning it into ice, enhanced agility while swimming.
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》 ▪︎ Determination (if i see undertale jokes im disowning yall)
The determination aspect walks side by side with rebellion. As afterall, to change a unfair situation and bring equality and peace, you need…a lot of determinatoon and strong willed individuals. They are charming individuals who are able to gain peoples trust easily.
Determination bond are strong willed individuals, with their main common traits are, very passionate about their interests, and having a strong bond to friends, family and romantic partners, and creating connections with people rather easily.
Though…determination bond people tend to be very naive and easily manipulated, and usually needs the help of an outside force to open up their eyes, since due to their naive nature, they are blind to peoples manipulation.
Determination bond players are in general, very good willed people…but they are just way too blind as most of the time, they believe everyone is good, but when their eyes are open and their mind is clear, they will do anything to fight off evil and protect their loved ones.
Determination bond players are basically stackers, stacking attack statuses and buff statuses when they are inflicted any damage, though oppositely from wrath, they use positivity and ambition to deal more damage. They are more of a defensive class, their main weapons being shields and creating large bubbles around them to defend themselves and other teammates. They can change the size of their own weapon to make them bigger or smaller. They have enhanced strength and in general senses.
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》 ▪︎Rebellion bond The rebellion bond aspect is…self explanatory.
People who dont abide by the rules, with the main goal to change what is unfair and give everyone equal chances, though sometimes being way too passionate about what they do and their motivations, they are good willed people.
Rebellion bond people tend to have trouble with communication, as their pursue for change isnt exactly the most stable. They may end up getting in disagreements or arguments with fellow teammates when they have opposing opinions. They have good intentions, of course, but their pursue for change and approach can be quite tricky…as they are more of the " i need to solve this now, this will be future me problem, im dealing with the consequences later. "
They are more of a strength and attack focused class, those who are rebellion bond have a enhanced awareness of where a enemies weak point is and will target that weak point, their attack is not enhanced, however now their attacks are sharper and have a better piercing proficiency. They posess limited telekinesis, being able to push enemies away or bring them closer at high speeds. They dont fly but yet they can float up in the air and not take fall damage. They can temporarily freeze enemies in place or simply paralyze them.
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》 ▪︎ Soul Those who are soul bound feel a inner connection with themselves and their true selves. The soul is irrational, impulsive, the definition of having hearts for brains. They are highly emotive and sensitive, though of course, its not a bad thing. Despite their emotions getting in the way of thinking rationally, they are truly good people. They dont have issues on expressing who they are, they stand out from the crowd, and are proud of it, they arent ashamed to be who they are inside. They have a deep connection with friends, family, and partners.
The powers of those who are soul bound are heavily focused on emotion. They can absorb the feelings of others to themselves, such as bad feelings, and etc. Their shadow acts as its own being if they even so desire, and they are also able of controlling the shadow of others. If overwhelmed, a protection barrier will be formed around them, that blocks all sound and any contact from the external world. Their tears have healing properties and relaxing properties, being able to heal the deepest of wounds and relaxing someone when they are the most overwhelmed. They also posess Pathokinesis, the power of projecting one's own emotions onto other people. They can create objects and other moveable beings out of their own shadow. and one of their other abilities is psychometry.
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》 ▪︎ Instinct
The instinct bound feel the need to put on a role or a different perspective of what they actually are. Not because they feel the need to hide, but because they feel that they can express themselves more by putting up a different mask and a different role. Instinct bound players are rational and think mostly with their brain, which drives them to not be the most sensitive of the bunch...not because of malice or bad will, but mostly because they are cold individuals that have trouble with expressions, expressing their feelings through voice tone or body language, and in general lack more empathy than usual and its not something that they can control. Though instinct bound tend to be a bit self absorvant, they arent a creature of seven heads, but they make mistakes, they are human afterall.
Their main abilities are strong telekinesis, xenoglossy, bilocation, astral projection at will and even summon an ally from astral projections, controlling their own reflections on mirrors and even the reflection of others, also being able to pull the reflections out of the mirrors.
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┆NULL BLOODS ╶ Null bloods are a odd type of trolls. Null bloods are a type of troll that can shift their own blood onto the blood of other trolls and adapt to their specific characteristics so they can blend themselves in society. Its like shapeshifting, but with blood if you will. Null bloods are a bloodcaste that have been exterminated by unknown causes, but most likely exterminated due to the potential of dethroning the rulers of alternia. Null bloods are artificially made trolls, by a olden forgotten technique, the troll alchemy. Made with the sole purpose as a bag of donating their own organs and blood transfusions, a walking sack of organ donations. Null bloods mostly have had no autonomy in the past as they were seen as nothing but helpers and offerings. The blood color of a null blood is completely grey, and it goes through a transumation alchemical process inside their bodies to match the exact blood of the nearest troll nearby. They cannot shift their blood onto a specific color in free will, they have to have another troll right next to them for that to occur. The components of a null blood in the alchemical process are different parts of multiple different animals, and other natural components, as also fresh blood from other trolls. Its almost the same process as creating a chimera.
┆How to spot a NULLBLOOD on its RAW FORM? ↪ Nullbloods on their true characteristics may include the following features. ↱ ADULT NULL BLOODS ᎒ Long limbs. Especifically and especially the arms and legs. Long and rooted unicorn like hurn purtruting on the middle of their forehead. Long ears, slim tail, spikes growing on their backs. Sharper features, long fangs and a strong carapace across their body. A lot of body hair and fur. Tall, incredibly tall, getting to an avarage of 9 feet tall.
____________________________ ↱ YOUNG NULL BLOODS ┋Lanky and tall, shorter horns. Carapace and fangs are as not as developed. They walk awkwardly due to their height. White spots all across their body, these grow out overtime as they grow up.
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------------------------------------------------ Rift ferrets
Rift ferrets are a subspecies in the grand variety of rift creatures. Rift ferrets being the most friendly and mischevious between the rift beasts, they mostly cause no harm unless you startle them. Rift ferrets generally are in groups and in colonies of more than 1000 ferrets. The colonies being multiple wormholes in the universe and space, and in general they inhabit milkyway and other galaxies. The rift ferret, is 65 cm in length, with a long tail that posesses a wisp-like effect. Their bodies emit a soft glow. This variant, the original variant, lives in society with other rift ferrets, and build their burrows in moons. Rift ferrets have the ability to float as a way to travel throuought space. This variant is known as " the original variant " as it is what rift ferrets looked like before adapting to the habitats of prospit or derse. This variant is not as common anymore, and is the verge of extinction as rift ferrets move their burrows to prospit or derse. The population of the original variant is scarse, now you may find only groups of about 5 or 10 of these willow-wy wisp fellas. Rift ferrets have mutated and changed as they started to inhabit the planets of prospit and derse. The habitat around them changing their physiology, behavior, and how they live.
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The prospit variant is more friendly and outgoing by nature. Highly curious about its surroundings and they tend to play with eachother a lot. Hunt in packs and share their prey. The hunting stragedy of a prospitian rift ferret is to use the stars that float on top of its ears to spread a colorful glitter-like substance that will attract fellow gravity mice and void beetles due to its bright light and mesmorizing movement on the air. Their appearance may decieve many…but they are highly mischevious and will play pranks on foreigners. Prospitian rift ferrets seem to have a undeniable love for tuna. If felt in danger, Prospitian rift ferrets will stack on top of eachother and make a tower to scare off any harm.
Prospitian rift ferrets seem to be larger than Dersite rift ferrets. Being 70 cm in length and the size of a lap dog, while Dersite rift ferrets are smaller, being 50 cm in length.
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The dersite variant of the rift ferret is a more closed off and reserved specimen, not really socializing even with the ones of its own kind, as they frequently also tend to fight eachother and get into conflicts quite easily. They arent quite fond of foreigners and will mostly hide away in their burrows, though they will certainly wait for a moment to strike down anyone who they view and percieve as a threat.
Dersite rift ferrets have developed extremely good night vision and nocturnal habits due to derse being a dark habitat, so they could better navigate around, but one of their major weaknesses being light, and is one of the reasons as they have never set foot in prospit as the light is too bright, even the light emanating from the bodies of prospitian rift ferrets are too much for them.
Dersite rift ferrets are lone hunters, and will actively fight others of their kind for prey and food. They arent exactly the most friendliest of creatures, but are certainly very loyal, depicting affection with truly trusted ones like purrbeasts do. Dersite rift ferrets have a mechanism on their backs that rises up spikes from the back of their spike out of their own skin, launching the spikes onto targets, the spikes contain poison and can cause fatigue, migraines, throwing up, bleeding from the eyes and ears as the venom is too strong. Their backs is also a very sensitive area to them, so watch out.
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What happend to prospit and derse?
The war between the two planets eventually lead to the destruction of both kingdoms and both civilizations. Prospitians and Dersites are now long gone as war had extended til' the modern days on the planet, and eventually led the monarchs and their society to their own demise. The obsession with the war and past happenings led these societies to their end.
the planets are now composed of multiple abandonned buildings and ruins. The golden city of prospit has multiple buildings knocked down or mostly only their structure intact, while its overrun by black plants with sharp spikes and white glittery moss, while the planet of derse is surrounded by white vines latching onto their buildings, and huge black flowers spread all across the city, white fungi with yellow sparkling substances on their stems would grow to large sizes and would make a entire root system across the planets. Both planets have the aesthetic of a post apocalyptic setting in a modern world. Strange plants have shown up on the planet, mostly invasive species, and life has taken its course as new life started to inhabit the planet. Rift ferrets have seen to be taken a liking of the inhabited planets…making it their new homes and slowly constructing a new society.
》New machines of this new version of SBURB
▪︎ Sacradia box ; The sacradia box is a huge machine which works like a vending machine. Deposit a certain amount of grist and a randomized item or prepunched card will pop right out! But watch out as the items get launched from the machine and not gently deposited onto your tiny grubby hands. Hell it may even take out some of your HP.
Keyquinox ; source to the creation of planets and worlds in this version of SBURB The keyquinox machine has the capability of generating a world key from a totem lathe or merge two keys to form a completely new generated land, the key of the formation of planets of this new universe as possibilities are endless.
Transporter ; The transporter is essentialy a portal where you put your key or a generated key from the " keyquinox " to generate and enter new worlds and planets. Inside the portal once you step in, is an empty void with a hub full of doors that stand on the void which you can unlock with the keys, opening doors to new realms or realms that you already once knew.
The clockwork: The clockwork is a cilindrical machine with a huge arc over it that is used to obtain a TOTEM. But go fast, as the first time you open the cilindrical machine, a timer will go by and the clock that stays right on top of the machine will start ticking loudly.
The workshop: Used to produce totem lathes with punched cards.
Alchemy table: Used for alchemization and creation of objects….but it looks…oddly different from what its supposed to be.
Pryntix 9000 : generic ass name for a machine that punches cards for you…its actually not something you place but yet its something small which you can carry around. It resembles a paper clipper which is sorta funny.
but what are the keys for anyway? how do they work? where do they come from? This will all be explained in this box of text! follow my lead as i will be your guide to the ultimate KEY WIKIPEDIA. The universal keys are a peculiar object, as there is no point of origin to these phenomenoms. But they came along with this new curious version of sburb. The keys seem to have bars and lines of universal undecipherable code that isnt from this world we currently know. The key seems to be highly aware of its user and holder…as its bars of code start changing and morphing based off of who the holder is as a person. Knowing their passions, aspirations, true desires and purpose. the keys are a granted PATHWAY to the creation of new planets and worlds on this new SBURB, based off of the code that resides inside the keys. A whole new world, new fauna, new locations, new flora, new biology and completely new lifeforms and enemies.
The KEYQUINOX is the machine responsible for the creation of these keys. But in order for the machine to work, a external influence has to activate the MAIN GATEWAY.
Main gateways are huge machines spread throughout the planet of skaia…the planet we are familiarized with and truly know. It is a external force that has existed before the SBURB beta has even launched. All key variants were created after the MAIN GATEWAYS were activated…except for one variant of key, the chaos star key, which is currently now in the posession of a holder. The current active gateway resides deep inside a subterranian temple, that can be acessed through a cave. The reason they are there? who the fuck knows, but they look old as fuck, almost ancient.
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[ Trolls over the years have developed and evolved, adapting new characteristics. ] Rustbloods and Bronzebloods Have Evolved in Many Different Ways, These Two Bloodcastes Have Developed Their Pupils To Be Shaped More Like The Pupils That Are Present On: Goats, Deer, Sheep, And Many More. Rustbloods and Bronzebloods Have Started To Develop More Fur On Their Backs, Arms, And Legs, Along With Hooves, Tuft Tails, Or Short Nubby Tails, Spot Markings, Rooted Horns, More Antlerlike Horns, And More Goatlike Ears. There Tends To Have A Variation Of The Furs That Form On The Trolls Body, For Example, Texture And Form. These Bloodcastes Now Experience Hoof, And Horn Overgrowth, And in Some Trolls, Even The Change of Horns Overtime, Just Like Deer do. If Horn Overgrowth Isnt Taken Care of, It Could Harm The Troll as in Some Cases, The Horn May Be Too Close To The Eyes, And Could Permanentely Damage The Trolls Vision as The Horn Would Pierce Through The Eyes. Unfortunetly, Over The Years, Both Rustbloods and Bronzebloods Could Experience A Disease Called " Internal Rotting Disease. " A Disease That Overtime Rots Their Brain, Killing Every Single Neuron And Braincell They Have Alive, Including Parasites Infesting Their Stomachs, Eating Everything The Troll Consumes And Eating Them From The Inside Out. The symptoms of " Internal rotting disease " May include: The death of the braincells, thirst, stomach burning, itching feeling from the inside, progressively losing the ability of speech, tiredness, fatigue, exhaustion, diarhea, vomiting, vomiting blood symptoms start only being present after a sweep has passed, and the host of the disease is mostly unaware of it and may spread it to other trolls in the area, though it only affects rustbloods and bronzebloods especifically. currently no cure is known for this deadly disease, and up to 100+ trolls suffer from it every sweep, causing the mortality rate for lower bloodcastes to go further up.
Goldbloods have envolved to have a extra set of arms, a moth-like or bee-like fuzz around their necks, bigger eyes and eyelashes, and their body patterns have developed to be more half and half, and a new mutation has emerged...conjoined troll twins. Two cocoons that have fused during formation, the phenomenom has emerging slowly through the years in alternia, the signs being more predominant. Most conjoined twins do not come out alive, as they are immediatly eleminated. Olive bloods have evolved to have more slit pupils, a set of more feline and canine teeth structure, their ears are now further above the head, coming in variations of: Perked ears, Bunny ears, Rat-like ears, Floppy ears, Long perked ears, Long flop ears, Canine flopped ears. They have started to develop longer tails and more fur across their bodies. More digitegrade legs, and body patterns that may include: Spots, Leopard patterns, stripes, sploches, gradients. another odd phenomenom that has been happening is olive bloods suddenly losing all control of their own actions...acting more like a beast than troll, losing all of the aspects that make them troll...the phenomenom is very similar to human lycanthropy.
Jade bloods have started to develop body patterns that imitate very specific shapes...like swirls and waves and jade green gradients on their forearm, hands, legs and feet. Jade bloods have started to develop more butterfly and fairylike wings, grow more in size, reaching up to 6 feet. Teal bloods have started to develop body patterns that resemble more scales, and they have a tedency to be darker than the rest of the body or have pigment. Their characteristics overall being more similar to lizards, especially visible on their tails, and how they now posess brilles instead of eyelids.
Cerulean bloods have started to develop body patterns that look like waves and resemble multiple eyes. Their grey skin tends to be in a darker tone and their body patterns always will have pigment no matter the circumstances. Cerulean bloods can now have eyes on their jugular, arms, hands, shoulders, and etc. Just like gold bloods, they can now posess more than one set of arms, and their tails now mostly resemble what a spider has on its back rear end. Cerulean bloods can now stick to walls easily and even walk on them. Indigo bloods, just like rustlboods, have developed more digitegrade legs and hooves for their feet. Their tail now resembles more like a horse, and their body patterns now resemble mostly how horse coat pattern looks like. Their body patterns also has way less pigment than other trolls, and they are more prone to having absolutely no pigment or melanin on their patterns especifically.
The body patterns of purple bloods seem to be randomized, and have a white and purple gradient on them instead of having a solid color. Now purple bloods also have a tendency of painting over their natural body patterns rainbow. Their ears have enlongated in size, along with their legs getting lankier and taller, and their tail getting bigger. Their tail mostly resembles a tuft tail. Their teeth are now chunkier, wider and longer in size.
Violet bloods and Fuchsia bloods almost have no differences. They have both developed more fishlike characteristics and are even more prone to have half of their body more fishlike. Their body patterns resemble more the patterns of orcas, sharks, clownfish, and many more fish species. Though now, fuchsia bloods seem to have been getting bigger, and developing more muscle mass than violet bloods.
Mutants still are weaker than the avarage troll, though they are highly resistant and immune to poison and other toxic materials. Mutants dont have a defined body pattern, but seems to posess more gradiants than usual. Short nubby tails along with the short nubby horns. Mutant bloods have a 100% rate of having leucism on their body patterns, though leucism can occur on trolls, mutants have a 100% percent rate of leucism. Their sclera remains yellow, but their eyes are now more of a slit, and are in more of a white pale purple or red color.
This is all i have for now folks! i will release extra content soon. reblogs appreciated! <3
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Okey same person who asked about thranduil baby daddy’s here.
By the way loved the explanation, makes sense. But I would love to hear more about Ingwe and his adopted relationship to thranduil.
Especially your opinion on how would have thranduil reacted seeing how ingwe turned out? in the sense that in valinor he was all “pease,art,music and the serving the valar”.
Also do you think if given the chance to return to middle earth after going to valinor, the we’s would have returned? And would they have brought their children with them?
I love hearing questions, so dw!
So, first things first: little reminder that everything i have to say is about my au, and is not always canon compliment.
So Ingwe actually calls Thranduil his ada. If you ever hear him talking about his Ada he means thranduil. And everytime someone tries to interfere and say “don’t you mean ingen?” After they started living in valinor (ingen and Alehalen(ingwe’s mom) went with the vanyar) ingwe point blank tells them no, they aren’t his parents.
It’s actually a point of tension, bc valinor elves don’t really understand the concept of adoption, just like they don’t really deal with divorce/remarrying/everything that happened between miriel and finwe. So a lot of elves don’t actually acknowledge that Ingwe has disowned Ingen and Alehalen. Including his younger sister Indis, who was born in valinor (yes, in this au indis is his sister) and his wife, who keeps insisting that he should mend his relationship with them.
And thranduil just treats him like he came from his body. Which isn’t difficult bc Ingwe and Lasgen could be twins tbh. Lasgen and Ingwe are genuinly close, btw, and will call each other “twin”. Thranduil is, however, ready to throw down with Ingen and Alehalen the moment he catches even the faintes whif of them treating him like shit. It was a lot of comforting a crying elfling way back when. Tbh, because custody arrangements and such didn’t really exist then, Ingwe actually just generally spent a lot of time with thranduil and his family, especially as he became older.
This actually what kind of kickstarted the bad blood between the two families. I mean, when ingen ding-dong-ditched thranduil, they were annoyed but moved on oretty quick (especially when they don’t think that loosing Ingen was any real lose) but the way ingen proceeded to treat his kids, and the way in which thranduil “stole” his sone from him really sparked the fire between the two families. Which is why ingwe doesn’t understand how Finwe, who is a Miriel simp, could possibly cheat on her with Indis, of all elves.
It’s complicated. And the drama started long before the Miriel/Finwe/Indis debacle was even thought up, though most elves don’t realize it/forgot.
So, idk if you know this, but i joke on here that Ingwe “started a cult” to deal with his emotions/gain power. Except then he lost control of the cult. To his parents. And sister. And wife. And to an extent his son. Yeah Ingwe’s just having a bad time. He also is very scared that after the thousands of years since he’s seen thranduil that thranduil no longer thinks of him as his son.
Dw, the moment thranduil is in valinor (through whatever means that may be) he pretty much immediately tracks down his long lost son and demands he comes for a family diner all while hugging the stuffing out of him. Thranduil genuinly wouldn’t care how Ingwe turned out as long as he’s happy and not an ass. Sadly, it’s sad vanya elf hours and ingwe’s been lowkey miserable for millenia and this 👌 close to snapping.
The thing about cuivienen elves, is that in general, i think, they deserve to have their own classification bc, by virtue of being the ones who discovered everything/created society/etc. they all have their wires crossed. And it’s not that they dislike peace, but most of them feel a bit stiffled in valinor. Furthermore, i feel like they feel at least a little disassociation with other vanya/teleri/noldor born elves bc cuivienen elves didn’t actually grow up in that culture, and a lot of those distinctions between elven ethnicities happened after they were kids. They feel a little lost, a little out of place at times.
I actually hc that none of the we’s were actually planning to stay in valinor or lead their people but somehow ended up in that role anways and they’re kinda pissed about it. They just wanted to explore, ok, they did not know it meant signing up to be king.
I feel like all of them want to return to middle earth, if they get the chance, but they also don’t want to abandon their people/families, nd they feel it would be unfair to ask it of their families, when a lot of them are clearly happy in valinor.
In short, in my au, the -we’s feel more or less trapped in their role.
Especially when they have to constantly behave civil, when they’re all a little unhinged. Ingwe’s actually pretty bloodthirsty when it comes down to it. It’s something he shares with Lasgen, Willow (other older sister from another mother) and indis. This drive to be ruthless and almost cruel when dealing with any type of opposition is something they inherited from Ingen, though none (bar indis) likes to acknowledge that that is where they get it from.
Also, just a thought:
Thranduil: *steps foot in valinor*
Ingwe, finwe, elwe, and olwe: finally, an adultier adult.
Might have gotten a bit side tracked, but i hope this answered at least most of your questions.
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beanghostprincess · 9 months
Remember that ASL + Uta Band AU I made not long ago? Yeah? Well, here you have a really short playlist about it (Yes, their band is obviously called Drums of Liberation. What did you all expect?)
I am making playlists for the other bands I have in mind because I got too into this AU. I'm not sure if I'll ever write something about this, but damn I have so many ideas already... You'll see... I even have a Google doc with it. And I finally finished making the story about how these four ended up making a band and everything!!
Btw, check out the amazing fanart @elsdreamworld made for this AU that I used for the cover of the playlist.
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the-lark-ascending69 · 5 months
Lab kid Robin who was thought to be dead by the lab at age 15 during an experiment gone wrong and was "discarded" and then found by the russians. They couldn't quite make their own supernatural kids but they might as well "recycle" this one. They had to compete with the other american kid somehow.
So they kinda brainwash her and send her to the school so she can get closer to the gang and try to kill El.
Accidentally getting adopted by Joyce Byers was not part of the plan but she's not complaining.
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indiekidsau · 11 months
Halloween Special- This is Halloween
Here it is! I’ve been wanting to write a HUGE Halloween Special for Indie Kids since I started this project! Now that I’ve introduced enough characters and we’ve gotten far enough in the story to have such a special chapter!
Also in case anyone was gonna ask, yes this chapter will take place between Chapter 21 and what was originally Chapter 22 (now Chapter 23).
Big thanks to @gigilefache and @mun-auroralore for being my beta readers!
Hope you enjoy and hope you all had a wonderful Halloween!
It was a chilly Halloween night, and the kids at the Indie School were getting their costumes ready before heading on over to Cooking Cat’s house for a Halloween Party.
At Cuphead and Mugman’s house, Miss Chalice was getting her costume ready, and she decided to go as a masked mystery hero. Or maybe she was a villain….
Her costume consisted of a blue and purple cape with a butterfly stitched on the front of the cape, and she wore a purple butterfly masquerade mask.
“Aha! Now the Masked Butterfly is ready to party!” Miss Chalice beamed. 
Since she got her invite to Mu’s party, the young chalice was excited to go as she’d never been invited to any parties, so she wanted to make this a night to remember. What better way to celebrate than by getting all dressed up for a Halloween party?
Though looking at her costume again, she felt something was missing. Maybe more glitter, a change of shoes… with a snap of her fingers she figured out what it was.
Miss Chalice went into her ghost form and laughed seeing her spectral costume. “Okay, now I’m the Phantom Butterfly!” Miss Chalice beamed.
Soon a knock was heard at the door. 
“Chalice! Are you ready yet?” Cuphead asked.
“Our costumes are ready!” Mugman yelled.
“Coming!” Miss Chalice called out. She opened the door and frowned seeing Cuphead and Mugman’s costumes.
Cuphead was dressed as a bottle of ketchup, while Mugman was dressed up as a bottle of mustard.
“What in the world are those costumes?” Miss Chalice asked.
“What will it be, Chalice?” Cuphead asked, “Mustard or ketchup?”
The cup bros started laughing, as Miss Chalice glared at them for being silly. They kept laughing, until Mugman saw that their friend wasn’t chuckling. 
Mugman nudged his brother to make him stop laughing, but he continued until Mugman gave him another nudge. This time, harder.
“Ow! Mugs!” Cuphead shouted.
Mugman pointed to Miss Chalice glaring at them, which made Cuphead let out a nervous chuckle, calming down.
“S-Sorry Chalice,” Cuphead said.
Miss Chalice giggled. “That’s alright. I figured you would wear something spooky for Halloween?” she asked.
“Well we did, originally,” Cuphead replied, “but I figured it would be fun to dress up silly for Halloween, too.”
“Well, as long as you're happy,” Miss Chalice said. “I’ve updated my costume to make it a little more spookier.”
“Doesn’t everyone know you're a ghost?” Mugman asked.
Miss Chalice nodded. “Plus I got a few tricks up my sleeves!” she sang.
“Oh no,” Cuphead and Mugman said at the same time.
“Relax fellas,” Miss Chalice reassured them, “I’m not gonna go too far. Just a few pranks here and there. No one will get hurt.”
Miss Chalice floated towards the front door and opened it, letting her friends leave before her.
“Let’s hope no one gets hurt,” Mugman whispered to his brother.
Cuphead just shrugged it off as the three made their way to the costume party.
As the trio walked along, a rustle in the bushes made Mugman flinch and slowly turn towards the bushes.
However, instead of a jumpscare, it was just Hat and Bow walking out as normal. Mugman was relieved to see it was just his friends.
For Halloween, Hat decided to dress as a cat criminal. Her costume consisted of a pair of purple cat ears, a face mask with cat whiskers and a mouth on it, a purple and yellow jacket, purple pants, and purple and white sneakers. She also carried a baseball bat.
Bow decided to go as a witch for Halloween. Her costume consisted of a black dress with a purple belt and collar. She wore striped purple socks, black boots, and a purple and black witch’s hat. 
“Oh, it’s just you girls,” Mugman sighed in relief.
Bow giggled. “Hi, Cup Bros and Chalice!” She beamed.
The cups waved at their friends.
“Let me guess: ketchup, mustard, and a phantom?” Hat Kid asked.
“Correct!” the three replied.
Hat and Bow giggled. “Well, you three wanna walk with us?” Hat Kid asked.
The cup trio nodded and joined Hat and Bow at the Halloween Party. As they walked- or floated in Miss Chalice’s case, Cuphead noticed that they were not with their teacher, Mr. Prince.
“Hey, didn’t you two say you're going with your teacher?” Cuphead asked.
“We were, but Mr. Prince said he’s gonna be busy for Halloween,” Hat Kid explained.
“He said something about a project he was working on,” Bow Kid added.
“Aww, that’s a shame,” Miss Chalice replied.
Hat Kid shrugged. “It’s not a big deal. I understand, he’s a teacher and didn’t want to party with us, kids.”
Cuphead thought about it and nodded, “You're right about that,” he added.
Hat Kid gave a soft chuckle, but quickly froze and stopped everyone. She sensed something was wrong.
“What’s wrong, Hat?” Bow Kid asked.
“Trouble is brewing,” Hat Kid replied. She looked around the area and smirked as she saw a red tail sticking out of a tall tree. She walked over to the tree with her arms crossed. “Nice try, Michael, you can come out now. No reason trying to scare us.”
“DAMN IT!” Michael yelled, appearing from behind the tree.
For Michael’s costume, he wore a dark blue pirate costume with an eye patch and a pair of fox ears and a tail.
Soon, Evan and Elizabeth came out from behind the tree dressed in their costumes.
Evan wore a black vest over a golden long-sleeved dress shirt, black pants, black dress shoes, a dark blue top hat, and a pair of golden bear ears.
Elizabeth wore a red princess dress, with red dress shoes, and had her hair tied in pigtails with green ribbons.
“I told you she’d find us,” Elizabeth said, giving Hat Kid a small glare.
Hat Kid replied with a smug smile.
“Yeah, but how did you know I was there?” Micahel asked.
“For starters, Halloween is a holiday where you scare as many kids as you can, and second, I can just sense you're around,” Hat Kid explained.
Michael felt weirded out that Hat Kid was able to sense him and his tricks from a mile away. Then again, Hat wasn’t a normal human, so it made sense. Still, it freaked him out that she was able to do this.
“Well, since you guys are here, wanna join us?” Miss Chalice asked.
Michael shrugged. “Why not?”
The Afton Siblings joined the crew as they continued their way to Mu’s house. As they walked, Michael noticed that Miss Chalice was in her ghost form.
“Uh, why are you in ghost mode?” Michael asked.
Miss Chalice leaned in and whispered, “I plan on doing some innocent tricks at the Halloween party.”
Michael’s eyes widened, as his interest piqued. A smirk formed on his face, getting an idea. “Do you need a partner for this?” he asked.
“Sorry, I always go solo,” Miss Chalice replied.
Michael groaned and rolled his eyes.
Soon, the group made it to Mu’s house and saw the party going on inside. Hat smiled and ran straight to Mu’s door and knocked on it.
Wasn’t long until Aubrey- dressed as a werewolf, came to the door. 
“You came!” she beamed.
“Yep!” Cuphead replied.
“Well, come on in and enjoy the party!” Aubrey beamed as she stepped aside to let the group in. 
The group went inside to see everyone having fun and dancing to some Halloween music. During the party, Mu- dressed as an assassin- smiled and excused herself from Timmy- dressed as a robot- to meet with her friends.
“Hey guys!” Mu beamed as she ran up to the group, giving Hat Kid a hug.
Hat Kid chuckled as she hugged her friend back.
“Glad you all made it!” Mu exclaimed.
“Yeah! Thanks for inviting us!” Bow exclaimed.
Hat, Bow, and Elizabeth ran off with Mu and joined Timmy to talk and have fun.
“Well, I’m gonna have my share of fun! See ya!” Miss Chalice beamed as she went invisible, only her costume is still visable.
Cuphead and Mugman looked at one another. Both knowing this plot wasn’t gonna end well, they decided to follow and keep an eye on Miss Chalice.
The brothers followed Miss Chalice to where Sunny, Monika, Boris, and Bendy were bobbing for apples. Sunny was dressed as a mummy, Monika was dressed as a bat, Bendy was a ghost, and Boris was dressed as a vampire. 
It was Boris’s turn and he was ready to grab an apple from the barrel. However, the apple kept on moving away from Boris. 
“Come on.” Boris paused as he tried to grab the apple. “Tricky little apples, aren’t ya?”
Bendy gasped for air as he grabbed two apples in his mouth. The demon picked up his costume and put it back on as he ate the apple.
Boris tried again, but the apple kept on moving on its own.
Cuphead and Mugman knew this was Miss Chalice’s doing. However, Cuphead had to hold in his laugh seeing the toon wolf trying to grab the apple. Mugman elbowed him to stop laughing.
Boris then dived into the barrel and grabbed the apple, causing a huge splash and getting the three wet.
“Boris!” Monika shouted.
“Got it!” Boris beamed. His ears dropped seeing the trio, dripping wet as they glared at the wolf.
Miss Chalice floated away and made herself visible, snickering as she pranked her first set of suckers. “One trick down, many more to go!” She made herself invisible again as she looked for more victims to scare.
As she looked around, Miss Chalice found another set of victims to prank. That being, Kel, Basil, and Alice talking near the food table.
Kel was dressed as a zombie basketball player, Basil was dressed as the Mad Hatter and Alice was dressed as Alice from Alice in Wonderland.
Miss Chalice hid behind the table as she grabbed a pack of Pop Rocks and poured it into the punch bowl.
Basil took notice of the bubbling punch and tapped Kel on the shoulder. 
“What’s wrong, Basil?” Kel asked.
“Uh… the punch is bubbling,” Basil replied.
Kel and Alice looked at the punch to see it fizzing. Kel took a cup and used the ladle to pour in some of the fizzy punch and drank it. His eyes widened as a big goofy smile appeared on his face.
“I knew it! Mu spiked the punch again!” Basil yelled.
“And it’s delicious!” Kel yelled as he got himself another cup of the fizzy punch. “YAHOO! Try some!”
Basil and Alice looked at each other and took a cup of the punch. The two took a sip and realized the punch was a lot sweeter than usual, almost like candy.
Alice’s eyes widened like Kel’s, while Basil didn’t feel anything. 
“This is amazing!” she cried.
“I know!” Kel yelled. He then looked at Mincy, dressed as a wolf, and went to hand her a cup of the candy punch, “Mincy! You have to try this!”
Basil sighed as Sunny and Monika walked over to him. “Do you guys sense something weird about Mu’s party this year?” Basil asked.
“Other than us getting wet, Alice going on a sugar rush, and Kel being… well Kel times ten, then no,” Monika replied.
Basil nodded, taking note of this situation. “Looks like we got a prankster on our hands.” 
The second he said that, Bendy walked by, his eyes gaze on the punch bowl.
Basil, Sunny, and Monika looked at the demon, then looked at each other then back at the demon.
Bendy poured himself a cup of punch, but the stares from the trio made him uncomfortable. 
“Look, if you guys wanted some, you could’ve just asked,” Bendy stated.
“Uh… Bendy, you probably shouldn’t drink that,” Basil warned.
Bendy then turned to Kel and Alice- who were being party animals on the dance floor. He remembered seeing the two drinking the punch, and wondered if this was the cause of it.
Ignoring the warning, the demon drank the punch- and his eyes widened at the taste.
“And he drank it,” Basil sighed.
“YAHOO!” Bendy cheered and whistled, before dashing off.
“Looks like it's just us three finding out who is doing this,” Basil said.
Quickly, Miss Chalice left underneath the table and decided to hide for a bit. She made herself visible and danced along to cover her tracks.
Miss Chalice turned to see Cuphead and Mugman glaring at her, to which she replied with a sheepish smile.
“Come on Chalice, take it easy on the pranks,” Mugman said.
“Yeah, but by the way, can I have what you put in the punch?” Cuphead asked.
“Cup!” Mugman yelled, turning to his brother.
“What? Just asking.”
“Guys, guys, relax!” Miss Chalice reassured her friends. “I promise I won’t go that far!”
Cuphead and Mugman gave her an unimpressed look as they pointed to Alice, Bendy, and Kel going sugar-crazy over the drink she made. Most of the kids had to step back with how wild they were acting.
Miss Chalice gave a nervous chuckle. “Guess that drink gave them a kick, after all.”
Seeing that her friends weren’t easing up, she sighed in defeat. “Alright, alright, no more pranks. Let’s just have some fun.”
Cuphead and Mugman smiled. “Perfect!” Mugman beamed. “Come on, let’s hit the dance floor!”
The cup siblings went off to dance with Miss Chalice following behind. What they didn’t notice was that Chalice crossed her fingers, as she had one last prank before the Halloween party ended.
Inside her cape, she had a bag of powder that- when mixed with liquid- can turn into foam. Miss Chalice looked around to find something that held liquids, and stumbled upon a fountain. A smirk grew on her face as she sneaked away from her friends and made her way to the fountain.
Miss Chalice looked around, hoping no one saw her as she ripped open the packet. She was ready to pour the powder in- 
-until she felt a hand on her shoulder. 
She let out a shriek and dropped the entire packet into the water.
“Gotcha!” Monika exclaimed. 
Soon, Basil and Sunny appeared, disappointed at what Chalice had done.
Miss Chalice gave a nervous chuckle. “Hi guys, what up?” she asked.
“What’s up? Uh… your pranks,” Basil replied.
Miss Chalice groaned as she rolled her eyes. “Come on you three. It’s Halloween, I was just having some fun!” she explained.
Seconds later, the whole fountain started pouring foam out of itself. 
Everyone screamed as they tried to escape the foam to keep it from messing with their costumes. 
Luckily, Sunny was near the off switch, and turned it off.
Everyone started to calm down, but the foam still lingered on the floor. They turned to Miss Chalice, who let out a sigh.
“Guess I went a little too far with this prank. Sorry guys,” Miss Chalice apologized. She released herself from Monika’s grasp. “If you want me to leave, I’ll do that.” 
The chalice was ready to leave- but felt a hand on her shoulder. 
She looked up to see it was Mu.
“Don’t leave yet,” Mu said. “You didn’t hurt anyone, plus this party was missing a few scares.”
“Really? You loved my pranks?” Miss Chalice asked.
Mu nodded in reply.
“Well, not really,” Alice groaned as she rubbed her head. The sugar rush she just had went down, which left her with a headache. 
However, Kel and Bendy came from behind Alice and were fine. “Though it was harmless enough.”
Miss Chalice smiled.
“Plus it was fun!” Bendy beamed. He then leaned in and whispered to Miss Chalice, “Uh, think you can give me tips on your pranks?”
“After the party.” Miss Chalice replied, whispering and giving a wink.
Soon, everyone continued to party and have fun, ignoring the foam on the ground. Sunny turned the fountain back on, and with how long the foam substance had been in the water, it dissolved, leaving little bubbles in the fountain.
“Well Cuphead, looks like Chalice’s pranks did some good for this party,” Mugman said.
“See bro, I told you not to worry,” Cuphead replied, putting his arm around his younger brother.
“You didn’t tell me not to worry, you were the one worried,” Mugman replied.
“Just don’t ruin the moment.”
Mugman sighed. “Alright.”
With that, it was a rockin 'Halloween Party!
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spinninglightning · 6 months
treech th type of guy to listen to one direction and clarity by zedd. n jst the early 2010s music in general. lamina though? definitely into 80s pop, madonna, cyndi lauper, pat benatar- the WORKS
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dreamnoteprincess · 2 years
Indie Kids has a Blog!
So after talking about my Indie Kids project for sometime now. I FINALLY made a tumblr blog for it!
Check out @indiekidsau to follow the story and ask questions to the cast! It won't be drawn, but just put into RP or I'd give the answers!
I got the prologue to the chapter done! It will be posted sometime this week!
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thinking about the found family but it’s a mess au, specifically overworked single dad grian and his absolute gremlin of a 5yo. like imagine he’s in college and he’s trying to get an assignment done so he can fucking graduate meanwhile purpled has set the couch on fire for the 4th time this week
Canon. This is so fucking canon. I adore this and now I know what the intro to Purpled will be.
This is perfect and it sums both of them up so well-
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creatorworldau · 2 years
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runawayxrabbits · 2 years
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Here’s an AU @thinking-outside-the-giftbox18​ and I came up with where Kissy is the adoptive Mother of the mini Huggies, and Hugs is their adoptive father, but he isn’t a good Dad. He’s still the narcissistic asshole you all know! He tries to make them “perfect”, and he’s a horrible husband to Kissy. One day, after a heated argument, Hugs made the mistake of saying, “It’s no wonder the kids are like they are, you’re their Mother.” Kissy snapped and killed him out of sight, so the oldest (Charlie) couldn’t see. After that, Huggy finally finds Kissy, they fall in love, and he’s a better Dad to the mini Huggies! Here’s a reference sheet for one of them! His name’s Charlie! I hope you like him! ^^
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