#indoor pet fences
thehmn · 10 months
Does it seem weird that people treat cats like they’re wild animals to anyone else? And by that I don’t mean people expect cats to survive on their own in the wild. I mean people act like pet cats who have owners are wild animals that the owners aren’t responsible for. And I’m not talking about cat owners specifically. A lot of people who doesn’t have any pets at all act like cats are wild animals (which might be why so many people treat them like wild animals that can be hurt with no consequences)
I never thought about that until a few years ago when someone in the town Facebook group asked who owned a cat that kept jumping in through his windows. It was summer so he couldn’t keep his windows closed (we don’t use air conditioning in this country) and he had a terrible allergy to cats so it was legit dangerous for him to have a cat running around his house.
People started offering solutions like “buy this spray that deters cats” and “you can buy this rolling thing for the top of your fence” but his response was “Okay but why am I expected to spend all this money to keep someone’s pet out? Who owns this cat!?” When he didn’t get an answer he eventually got a friend to pick the cat up when it was in his house and he drove it to a shelter, and informed the Facebook group which shelter. Suddenly the owner responded, angry that he’d do such a thing! Getting the cat back would cost money! But the guy was like where the fuck were you when I asked who the cat belonged to!? I was trying to avoid this!
I was honestly surprised by how many people were on the side of the cat’s owner. Another cat owner on our street isn’t responsible enough to keep her cat indoors but responsible enough to at least buy stuff for other people if her cats bother them. She practically have a small stach of cat deterrent spray she hands out to the neighbors who doesn’t want cats in their garden.
The whole thing really made me realize how strange it is that cats are the only pets where we expect other people to spend their money on building fences to keep them out instead of the owners trying to keep them in, as if they were wild animals with no owner to look after them.
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What do you do if you see an animal/human safety issue while at a zoo?
A few days ago, I witnessed a lioness find a long piece of rusty wire a guest had shoved into a gap in the fencing… and before I could grab it from the public side, she pulled it through and began chewing on it! I knew how to find someone to address the problem, and she’s fine (they recalled the lions indoors and found where she had dropped it) but it made me realize it’s something not everyone would know as much about.
So, if you’re at a zoological facility and see a safety issue - dropped objects in a habitat, animals eating or playing with something they shouldn’t, people climbing fences or trying to pet animals - here’s how you report it:
Check if there’s staff in sight. Look for actual staff. Volunteers generally won’t be able to anything other than run to find someone who is staff.
If you’re with a group, have someone stay to watch if it’s something like an object falling in, while another person goes to alert staff. It’ll be important for them to know if it got swallowed or where it rolled in the exhibit.
Find someone with a radio! The fastest way to get information around the zoo is for staff to alert each other on the radio system. Keepers should all have radios. Education staff may or may not. Security will. Generally concessions people or ride operators don’t. Guest services, gift shops, and info stands might. I generally look for people who aren’t busy - and just ask “hey do you have a radio there’s a safety issue at X exhibit.” IMO this is the one time I personally think it’s okay to interrupt keepers while they’re working (as long as they’re not actively engaged with an animal for training or handling).
If you can’t find anyone, pull up the zoo website or Google maps listing on your phone and call the number. Whoever answers should be able to pass the information on as appropriate. Sometimes you get stuck in a phone tree - I normally just try pressing zero.
Once the message has been communicated I normally stick around (unless it’s an active emergency like someone in an exhibit) so I can tell responding staff what I saw and any details they need to know, like the color of a dropped water bottle.
In general, it is always way better for you to interrupt someone’s work or cut a line to alert staff to a safety issue than for an animal or person to get hurt. Some zoos have signs posted on grounds with a number to call if you notice a safety issue - it’s a great idea and I’d love to see all facilities do it!
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cupcakeshakesnake · 1 year
are you serious about believing that cats shouldn't be let outside?
why? like don't get me with that "oh they'll kill animals" well yeah, maybe they will. it's their natural instincts, and allowing them outside promotes a range of natural behaviours. so isn't it cruel to prevent that? and if you believe they shouldn't be allowed to go outside, isn't it cruel to choose to keep them inside instead of just *not having a cat?*
also for that arguement the rspb says " there is no scientific proof that predation by cats in gardens is having any impact on bird populations UK wide." while you may not be from the UK, the UK isn't a place where domestic cats are native either!
I wonder if you are American as so many Americans seem to have this weird opinion - is it very common to believe solely in indoor cats where you live? /gen q. it's very common to have cats that go outdoors here in the UK, and the concept of outdoor cats doesn't exist - if someone mentioned an outdoor cat I'd think of a cat that never went inside, like idk a barn cat. a website I found said 90% of cats in the uk can go outdoors but based on what I'm seeing on your feed and Tumblr it's very different for you?
Yes, I'm serious.
I suppose it's also a natural instinct of coyotes (US), foxes (UK) and hawks to kill cats, so isn't it cruel to prevent that? Cats may have natural instincts but they are not part of nature. They're not part of your local ecosystem, you brought it there. Do you only care about your cat fulfilling its 'natural instincts' and nothing else?
Let's say you have, oh I dunno, the Xenomorph from Alien. Let's say you love it a lot. Are you gonna set it free on the neighborhood because its natural instinct is to kill?
If you believe children shouldn't stick their fingers in the wall socket even if they want to, shouldn't you just not have children?
And yes there is plenty of scientific proof. Cats are not native ANYWHERE. If your cat just stays in a fenced garden or maybe a catio, it's fine, but studies found that cats' kill counts are so high because even 'freeroaming' cats roam less than their wild counterparts (i.e. jungle cats) and thus kill in a more concentrated area. They also kill for fun and not just to eat. Cats have contributed to the extinction of 63 species of birds, mammals, and reptiles in the wild, I'm directly quoting an article here.
Very weird of you to push the American button just because I disagree with you, I am in fact South Korean, and oh believe me outdoor cats are barely a thing here. Cats here are either firmly indoors or stray, save for very rare cases. Most cat owners (and people in general) live in the city and if they let their cats out, a variety of things could happen - such as their cats eating trash and getting sick, being hit by a car, or being killed (or worse, captured and tortured) by ill-meaning people (which has very well happened before).
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+ Edit) Let's talk cruelty. What is more cruel, a cat being bored out of its skin, or the cat being flattened by a car, or countless small animals being torn apart and left to die? All of which is preventable with a few extra steps from the cat owner.
In my opinion, having cats (or any other pet) is a lot like raising children. Of course their needs should be paid attention to, but they themselves don't always know the best way to go about fulfilling those needs and it's your responsibility to keep them safe and happy at the same time. You can't let them do whatever they like all the time. AND, you are responsible for what your pets/children do.
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homeofhousechickens · 7 months
"It's hatching season!
My rescued fighting rooster is there to help! He's rescued from Hawaii and has helped me keep quail and baby chickens warm for two years! Never has hurt anyone. 🥰😍 He's also an indoor rooster due to severe leg and keel trauma. He doesn't wear a diaper at night. He has his own bed. Lol
I raise chickens and quail as pets so they're raised in doors. :)
*how I got him! I used to live in Hawaii and cock fighting is really bad there.. I saw him with what appeared to be his intestines hanging out. I jumped a fence, grabbed him, jumped back over and ran before anyone could see me. Lol. I run a rescue for roosters out of Hawaii with a lot of other rehabbers. After a ton of medical care and flying him to Illinois.. Here he is, helping me raise quail and chickens as pets. :)"
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Via Matilda Bilodeau
Just goes to show that ex fighting roosters even with trauma can make wonderful pets. This handsome boy isn't an outlier it actually isnt uncommon for ex fighters be gentle household companions as long as they aren't housed with other roosters!
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officialabortive · 2 years
Wolf hybrid! Bakugou x reader
A/n: in this bakugou can shift from wolf to human. But his human form still has wolf ears, tail, and claws
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For the most part, your life remained relatively simple. Calm. Living in a log cabin surrounded by a plethora of trees. An army of tall oaks, sturdy maples, the occasional ever green, and endless flora of other sorts. The quaint log house had a fairly sized garden behind it surrounded by hand crafted wood fencing. Beside the garden sat a chicken coop that housed your four chickens. You'd even painted the coop to look like an actual house and had a realistic little chimney on top. There was no practical need for such a fantacy chicken coop, but it had been a fun activity for you to occupy yourself with in earlier days.
It's about a mile and a half walk to the nearest town, so home remains secluded from any other human life. But you weren't exactly lonely, plenty of animals were friendly and tended to approach you. Some even as bold to let you pet them a little after a while of getting comfortable with you.
You spent most of your time hand sewing clothes to be sold on your weekly trip over to the town market. There's really no need to sell items and earn money, and you knew that. Rarely ever did you find yourself needing to purchase something. The necessities for survival were all provided by mother nature herself, outside in the wilderness. Your garden gave food, and a nearby waterfall held clean water.
Days remained good and peaceful until strange occurrences started appearing left and right.
You'd been going about your usual morning, sipping your tea as you watched a cardinal perched just beyond your window. Still yawning and blinking away the last remnants of sleep. Slowly taking the last sips of your drink and putting away the mug it was in, you slipped on the pair of worn out shoes beside the door. Opening the door, you're instantly hit with the gentle early morning breeze, loving the smell of fresh air.
A large copper basin nudged against the side of your cabin. It reached all the way up to your waist and was just a bit less than half way full of water. You accidentally splashed a wave of liquid onto your night shirt while scooping some water into your watering can. Not that it really matters.
You opened the garden gate, watering can in hand, eyes widening at the poor condition of all your crops. Corn stalks were broken, berry bushes crushed and disheveled, herbs trampled on. The garden you worked so hard on, put so mutch effort into perfecting. Ruined. You still watered the plants with crossed fingers in hope of their revival. But harvested whatever was past the point of no return.
The state of the garden wasn't even the problem. Well, it was part of the problem. What really concerned you was, what kind of horrific creature could have done this sort of damage? You had no knowledge of something like that in the area. This had to be dangerous... wait
The chickens! Were they alright!?
You bolted toward the coop, needing reassurance that no harm had come to them. Lifting that hatch to their enclosure, you see one, two, three... three?
'Shit. Where the hell is the fourth?'
There were no indications of a predator attack. The chicken coop was perfectly in tact, not a scratch. But there were white chicken feathers strewn about, nestled between blades of grass. It appeared as if wings were frantically flapped in a frantic struggle. But how did it even get out in the first place? And why was it struggling so mutch that it lost so many feathers?
Still distraught, you delicately lift an egg from one of the nests. Now having enough eggs for a new cookie recipe you have been wanting to test out. Carrying it along with an armful of harvested crops back indoors.
You use one foot to gently kick the door closed behind you while being sure not to slam it, and use the floor to heel off your shoes. The crops get dropped onto your dark oak table with the egg gingerly set in its place.
The sun was now setting, low in the sky and barely visible above the line of tall trees. Your hands guiding the cotton fabric of your night shirt down over your torso. Goosebumps began to raise along your arm, the frigid night air approaching more as the warmth of the sun left. You rubbed your hands together so the friction would warm then, but to no avail. So instead you closed the distance between you and the luminous glow atop your nightstand, using the heat of a candle's flame.
Sliding yourself under the heavy quilt on the bed, your head rests against a soft pillow and now you can't help but wonder. Wonder about what's currently lurking behind the forest's trees. What exactly is out there at this moment?
The more you thought, the more you felt the heaviness of fear sinking into your mind. It's probably best not to think about it for now.
The next morning went just as the previous did. You slowly sipped your hot tea, slipped on your shoes, stepped outside, grabbed your watering can, but you stoped as you walked toward the water basin to fill it. You heard what sounded like the hatch to the chicken coop slaming closed.
You stalked around the side of the log cabin to see what was going on. Upon turning the corner you let out a loud gasp, eyes landing on the largest wolf you have ever seen. It was trying to use it's snout to open the hatch, but only got it open by a few inches before it fell back shut.
The wolf snapped it's head around, bright crimson eyes glued onto your figure with a burning stare. It growled lowly, entire body now facing yours. While this was no time to be getting distracted, you couldn't help but notice the wolf's unusual ash blond color, this was undeniably a stunning creature.
You were quickly snapped out of your thoughts when the growling got louder. Noticing that the wolf was now running directly at you, your first reaction was to throw the watering can in your hand. Luckily your aim happened to be on point, and slammed the speeding wolf directly in it's head. An audible thud could be heard at the moment of impact.
You hadn't seen anything after you trusted your makeshift weapon through the air. Immediately turning on your heel to make a dash to the front door. But before you could make it, you were harshly pushed to the ground from behind. Your cheek pressed to the grass as your were held down by large... hands?
You're forcefully flipped over, your back now to the dirt as you take heaving panicked breaths. Your eyes frantically flicking from place to place until they land on a face painted with anger. Another wave of fear ran through your spine at the sight, causing you to squirm in an attempt to escape the firm grasp holding you hostage. But your efforts were in vein as it ended in claws burying themselves into your supple skin. Your blood ran cold when a rumbling growl let you know it was best not to fight. So you finally give in, looking up at the beast.
But there was no beast to be seen, only a boy. A boy with the same fluffy ash blond hair and bright, practically glowing, crimson eyes that you had just seen on a wolf moments ago. Blood oozed from a bruising gash on his forhead. Ine drop fell and landed right under your eye, making you turn your head away to the side with a wince. In this position, your neck was left on full didplay.
What you didn't know was that to a wolf, bearing your neck was a clear act of submission. This might have been your saving grace. The mysterious boy huffed and released you from his vice grip, moving to sit on the grass.
You wipe the stray droplet of blood from your cheek, and only now did you see the fuzzy wolf ears atop the blonde's head along with a slightly swishing tail behind him.
"Who- who are you?"
"I'm Katsuki bakugou. Who the fuck are you?"
"Uh... I'm (y/n)"
"Ugh whatever"
Whatever? He was the one that asked for your name! You respond and he just says 'whatever'?! What was that about?!
Deciding this isn't worth your time, you lift yourself to your feet, brushing off the dirt from your clothing to go back inside. But you hear footsteps in your wake.
Was he following you?
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ohbo-ohno · 1 year
They try to give her more outside time after Simon's blunder, loosen her leash just a bit so she can wander a little farther than the fence's original boundaries, but she's adamant on staying indoors. Reader is terrified it's a trick and they can't force her to go outside because that'll exacerbate her distrust of them.
But let's say one day they finally manage to get her to come outside without the collar on (but with supervision, they can catch her themselves if she runs) but she's still extremely cautious, sticking close to the doorway into their home. She's not wearing the collar, but she can still feel the phantom weight of it and the pain it caused, and Simon and Johnny can tell what she's thinking because they see her absently rubbing at the empty spot on her neck with shaking fingers.
Somehow, they manage to coax her into kicking around a football/soccer ball with them, getting her relaxed and spending time with her, delighting in the growing smile on her face, seeing her happy and not scared- but then one of them accidentally kicks it a little passed the fence's boundaries and she goes to get it, but realizes just as she passes the fence that she's further than she should be and that if she was wearing the collar, she would have been shocked.
It doesn't even register to her to make a run for it, she's just petrified that she'll still somehow get shocked or punished, and without even thinking, she runs back to Simon and Johnny, crying and shaking as she burrows herself in their arms that she didn't mean to go past the fence, that she wouldn't ever leave them.
And Simon and Johnny are conflicted. On one hand, they're happy she came back to them herself, but on the other hand, they're afraid the shock collar scarred their poor little pet. But they'll focus on the good for now, and reassure her that she's alright and they understand, that Johnny just kicked the ball a little too hard, she was okay and they were proud of her for coming back to them.
From that point on, they ease up on her restrictions. She's still cautious of them and their rules, and it's a slow process, but she begins to trust. But they still don't want to lose their pet. So despite not using the shock collar anymore, they microchip her while she's sleeping, so that even if she does manage to escape or leave them, they'll always find their precious little pet no matter where she is.
- 🥍 Hi, lacrosse anon if no one has it! I also sent those three other shock collar asks plus the malicious compliance one 👋😊
shock collar asks: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
you are soooo big brained lacrosse ily
after the first time you were shocked, you stayed glued to their sides when you went out. a good sign for them - you trusted them to keep you safe, knew being good meant being close. post-accidental shock you don't stay near them, you stay as close to the house as possible. this is not good. especially if they maybe forced her out with it still on once or twice before realizing how genuine her panic was and resigned themselves to taking it off for her. she'd be so scared and untrusting :(
looove the rest of the ask too. i could also see her freezing there because she realized she passed the perimeter, staring back at them with huge terrified eyes and just going still as her brain waits for a shock. cries in place and waits to collapse. johnny and simon have to grab her hands, coax her back to the house and maybe even carry her if her legs stop working :( still praising her for not running, saying she's such a good girl for waiting for them to come get her
and like you said, they're extremely conflicted. they hate that you're so terrified of the pain, but... it is good that you have such a negative reaction to leaving. they just need to make you trust them again, need you to understand that as long as you're with them they'll let you know what is or isn't ok
also you through the microchip in there at the end and i almost missed it!!! rubbing the back of her neck and confused why she's so sore, them just brushing her hands off and saying she must've slept wrong :/
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hometoursandotherstuff · 11 months
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Welcome to the fully renovated 1947 Stone Home in El Paso, Texas. It's very large, has lots of stone decor, and is very unique. Property also includes a full guesthouse. 6bds, 6ba, $1,058,680 (very specific price).
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This home is large. Enter into a sitting area with a modernized fireplace and feature wall.
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It actually has 2 fireplaces. A traditional one and a hacienda style one.
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It's hard to say if was renovated to make it open concept, but by the looks of the cutouts in the walls, I would say it was.
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The dining room has a large framed window and also received a tall ceiling with windows.
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Through the dining room is a family room with a bar.
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Then a very large kitchen with dark gray cabinetry.
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The primary bedroom is spacious and has a door to a private patio.
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Very unusual en-suite has stone with the walls, tile, glass block and a cabinet coming thru.
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The sunroom has a tropical feel with an indoor koi pond.
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And, we've come full circle thru the sunroom to the family room, and back to the kitchen.
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There's a beautiful game room.
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One of the baths has brick and a glass block shower.
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Little office with a cute tile fireplace.
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This smaller room is the home of a pet reptile.
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It looks like the bedrooms aren't being used anymore, so maybe that's why they're selling the house.
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This looks like the guesthouse and kitchen.
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The pool and gardens are beautiful.
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The home is gated and a fence surrounds the .46 acre property.
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Paver driveway with a circular garden.
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Looks like the property is right across from a park.
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askgildaseniors · 3 months
Welcome to Wolf Wisdom! In this episode, host Matthew dives deep into the world of dog technology with a special focus on the revolutionary Halo GPS Dog Collar. Joined by Justin Butz from Halo Collar, we explore why this advanced collar is a game changer for pet owners.
👀 Topics Covered: ✅What sets the Halo GPS Dog Collar apart from other dog collars ✅How the collar's feedback system guides your dog home with features like the dog whistle ✅Customizable features to fit your pet's needs, including hidden features and pet card tracking ✅Real user experiences and feedback from the dog park ✅Indoor and outdoor applications of the Halo Collar and Halo Collar Beacon ✅Dog protection and dog training insights with the Halo Collar
🐶 Special Mentions: ✅Best GPS Dog Collar options and why the Halo Collar stands out ✅How the GPS dog fence and dog tracker functionalities work ✅Protect your dog with the Halo Collar Fence and GPS dog collar fence ✅Specific use cases for different breeds like Labradors and Golden Retrievers ✅Training your puppy with the Halo Collar’s advanced features
🔔 Don't miss out! If you're considering a GPS dog collar or a GPS fence dog collar, the Halo Collar might be the perfect fit for your furry friend. Click the link below for more information and check out user reviews on the Halo Collar 3.
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redux-iterum · 8 months
A Canine Eulogy
We put down my dog, Geno, today.
Textwall of sentiment under the cut.
Shortly, he was ill, and steadily growing worse every day at a rapid decline of a week before his death. He'd have brief moments of cheeriness, then go back to being listless, sluggish and unhappy. The vet made it clear a few days ago that there was very little chance of saving him and that his quality of life (the most dreaded phrase in a pet owner's dictionary) was poor, and only getting poorer. We made the decision to end his suffering before it got so severe he couldn't climb up the stairs into my house, or have accidents indoors, or starve himself to death (as he was starting to). It didn't feel good, not remotely, but it had to be done.
I haven't talked about Geno on this blog, so I figure the best way to pay my respects is to tell you all how great of a dog he was. Probably a bit late to introduce him, but whatever.
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Geno (nicknames including Bean, Stinky Bean/Gene, Eyebrows Boy, Old Man and Geno Bon Benostein) was a dog that we never figured out the breed of. Many people, charmed by his pleasant, permanent puppyface that was always so happy to see them, would ask me his breed, and my answer was "He's got big eyebrows, that's all I know". That generally got a laugh, which was nice.
We attained Geno when he was about half a year old in a move. My pops runs a moving company, and we get all sorts of things from moves that people don't want to take with them to the new house across the state. I don't think a single piece of furniture in my house isn't secondhand, that's how much we get.
Geno in particular was our first longterm pet from a move. The lowdown is that the customers were divorcing and were viciously arguing over every single item and animal in the house. The wife threatened to take Geno to the pound, and immediately Pops offered to adopt him. I found this out when he picked me up from a sleepover in middle school and had a second dog with him, along with our first. It was quite a delightful surprise.
Our first dog was less than obedient and more than indifferent to humans, loving to destroy stuff and escape constantly. Geno, on the other hand, was only concerned about staying within eyesight of his owners, to the point of sitting on a windowsill as well as he could and staring at us through the glass until we let him in (at the time Pops was not eager to have dogs in the house). We never needed to chain him up or fence him in - he was entirely devoted to us from jump and got as close as he could at all times.
The first dog eventually died, and Geno was the sole pup of the house. He thrived in that, and he made a point to prove himself to be an excellent dog. He never had an accident in the house for many years (until age got to him), preferring to potty in the bushes or brush so that we didn't have to worry about stepping in it or even cleaning it up. He never barked or ran away or growled at visitors, nor did he knock over trash cans or even so much as get fleas during the summer. The only things we struggled with were his great hatred of other dogs and aggressive fear of wheels. The wheel thing was a little more embarrassing, because he'd bark at some poor bastard in a wheelchair who was just trying to mind his own business. Like, great, thanks, Geno. Now we look like assholes.
Geno went on many, many trips across the country with us, especially to Yellowstone, which is a yearly voyage pops and I go on. He was a treat to travel with - he just wanted to rest his head between the front seats and look at us adoringly. He went to beaches, where he didn't enjoy the coast and instead stuck with us by inches, and on moves, where customers and their new neighbors would fawn over him and he got to be the Super Special Puppy Dog, which he loved. He went more places than most people I know, and certainly ate more pizza than any other dog in the United States while we were in hotels. Maybe not healthy for him, but man did he love his 'za, and he'd stare at us with his big ol' cow eyes. How could we say no?
This dog was a major part of my life - he was around for half of it, from middle school to adulthood. I don't think I can ever get another dog that would be nearly as wonderful as him, and I don't know that I want to. I think he raised the standard too high and made every dog I take care of (I housesit for a living) somehow not as good as him, no matter how well-mannered they are. I expect that to be that way for a very long time.
His collar, I decided, will stay in my car, hooked around the rearview mirror. That way, he gets to travel with me no matter where I go. He always did thoroughly enjoy a car ride.
Moonshine will miss him greatly. She was infatuated with him no matter how much he tried to make her go away. He gave up towards the end and started being nice to her, at least. I'm just glad I've got pictures of them interacting and her demanding his affections. Those are precious memories above precious memories.
The vet techs mourned with us as we said goodbye, calling him "one of the good ones". I think that's a pretty high compliment.
I hope he's happy, wherever he is.
You were a good boy, Geno.
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huntersmoon1 · 6 months
If the boys adopted pets.
•Xavier would have a cat that followed him home and refused to leave.
•Rafayel,well he already has a fish named Reddie (sp) so maybe,a bird of some kind or a dog.
(Edit) or some kind of sea creature.
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•Zayne would have a dog,an abandoned great big gentle giant Great Dane or Great Dane mix that wanders into the hospital and starts to comfort kids.
-And she kinda becomes the hospital mascot after they realize she’s harmless and get her checked out and get her all her shots.
-And she sorta chooses Zayne as her owner (they say dogs choose their owners as much as cats do.).
-And whenever he has an ice attack whenever his evol starts to take over she gives him a neck hug wherever she can reach,his stomach if he’s sitting in his desk chair or his leg if he’s standing up.
-And even if that’s not happening she’ll often rest her head in his lap when he’s sitting at his desk. (This man needs love.)
Ok because of this⬇️ he would have a cat and one dog maybe.
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•Caleb a dog and a cat duo.
•Thomas a cat.(Rafayel never visits his house after he gets the cat even though she’s a sweet heart and is loving as a dog.) Maybe a dog too, a female Irish Wolfhound Great Dane mix (AKA Irish Dane or Wolfhound Dane) complete with big paws and long lanky legs she doesn’t know what to do with.
-He learned that she can jump a fence with ease and even climb over one if she really really wants to get out when someone tried to break into his house while she was outside and he was away.
-Most of the time she’s pretty calm,quiet,obedient,and well behaved but does have her hyper or excited moments.
-She’s pretty protective of him too.
-She’s his cuddle baby though.
-She does have a bit separation anxiety though,she doesn’t like it when he leaves for the day but is pretty chill while he’s gone cuz she knows when to expect him to come home.
-But as soon as he has his suitcase open on the bed ready to pack she sitting in it like she’s either saying “don’t go” or “me too!” or “take me with you!”.
-If it’s an over night trip or heaven forbid a week long trip god help the house sitter/dog sitter cuz big baby will cry so much,especially at night when she normally cuddles with Thomas aka daddy in his bed.
-Thomas puts a blanket he used for the last week in her crate since it has his scent on it and it makes it a little easier on her and she cries a little less.
-But when he comes home he better be prepared to be attacked with love in a way an only a dog that’s a big puppy could.
-Whenever he comes home after a long day especially if he had to deal with Rafayel,you can usually find him cuddling with his dog and his cat on the couch or the bed or heck even the floor.
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I just like this breed. It’s one of my favorites.
•Greyson a fish.
•Sylus a cat or some kind of bird. He has Mephisto but he’s stated Mephisto hates being called a pet.
-Seriously I don’t know why he doesn’t have a pet cat he obviously loves cats and cats are pretty independent if he doesn’t feed it then it’ll go hunting if it’s let outside,assuming it was either a stray or feral cat first or it’s a half indoor cat half outdoor cat.
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i-m-snek · 1 year
Hi! I hope this hasn't been asked before, I just wanted to know your opinion on having both cats and snakes as pets in the same house, how can they be managed? I can't have pets where I live right now but in a few years I'll get a bigger place and I plan on taking my cat (she lives with my parents now) with me. Would it be possible to get a snake too? Thank you and I love your blog so much!
Hey there! So while everyone who has cats and reptiles does it differently, here is how I do it. :) Most of the reptiles are in a separate room that Pharoh (my cat) isn't allowed into, with the door always shut. The reptiles that aren't in a separate room have a small fence that's around the bottom of their enclosures, plus bumpy cat 'spikes' (they don't hurt his paws, they just separate his paw pads if he stands on them which is uncomfortable for cats) on top of the enclosures to keep him off of them. Pharoh eats kibble as a free feed (indoor formula with no filler), however if I want to take reptiles out he has a separate room that is his, where I feed him his canned food/raw food mixture. He -only- gets his special food when shut in his room, so he sees it as a positive thing and not me locking him away. He has access to a litter box and water as well while in his room, and has plenty of toys and a scratching post as well. He gets very excited to go in his room, when I start making his food he meows at me and follows me in there, doesn't complain when I close the door and he doesn't meow through the door either :) I chose a room where there is also a window so he can look outside. Basically making it a room where he is comfortable, he also hides in there if there are strangers in the house so I know he's comfortable in that room. He doesn't come out until I'm done handling reptiles and I let him out. He's very good about it :) Of course every house and every cat is different, so this may not work for others as well as it has for me.
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zstargalaxy · 9 months
can you do seashell(palace pets) reader?
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Octavinielle x Seashell MC
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Your hoofs galloped across the hallways of NRC with speeds that caught the attantion of the passing students that look shock at the purple blurr that had pass by them with some students, including some of their dorm leaders, chasing after it.
The last thing you knew was that you had gone through the stained glass window of your home to Ariel and then you were teleported to this dark and unknown place.
Of course, once the staff and dorm leaders of each NRC dorm realized a stray pony has been spotted at the halls of the school, they didnt hesitate to try to capture you.
The chase that you gave them was pretty...
Short in a way...
You were pretty clumsy at your hooves despite being on land for some time after Ariel had help you with her father's assistance.
"It's like you have four left hooves" some of your pony friends at Whisker Haven would tease softly.
They aint wrong in a way. Afterall, you were born at the sea with fins at first and have a taste of longing for the experience of those of land-born ponies.
Now, you have a brand new experience.
Now having a brand new friends.
Now having another home.
Now in Twisted Wonderland where, although seemingly familiar, is unknown to you.
Currently, it has been a month since that faithful day of your chase with the staff and students where you had, unsurprisingly, tripped and been captured.
You were soon put in the school's own horse stables for the meantime as they try to (or not) find you a more suitable place to be put at.
The place aint half bad itself.
Although you would live without the tall looming horses...
And the red-haired boy's stern steel gaze...
As well as the green-haired boy's loud shouting.
Nonetheless, the Equestrian Club, who are assigned to the stables as their club headquarters, have treated you fairly good with some water and food given atleast three or two times a day.
But still...you wanted to go home.
So, one day, after a month and a half stay at the stables, you escaped.
Though your escape wasnt...flawless.
You didnt jump high enough over the fences, in which it had broke abit and cause a scene.
So here we are again, with a chase.
Although, what you didnt expect to happen, was that you had bump into a "bright opportunity".
Well...if you can even call Floyd Leech as a bright opportunity.
Floyd look down at he's foot when he felt something nudge (or for your case, collided) onto him at the halls.
He wanted to skip out he's shift at the Monstro Lounge. He was already bored just by just being there for an hour, so he decided to go look for something more interesting.
Well, more like, something more interesting has bump into him.
And you were scared out of your wits.
It all happen so fast back then.
Floyd carrying the threshing you to the Octavinielle's own resturant, being spooked by him and he's twin, being force to serve some food and drinks to some customers and then being stared down...
It was all too much...
And dont get me started on those spilled drinks.
You were there for the whole day, hooves shaking in fear of what they will do to you.
Until it finally felt comfortable.
When Floyd decided to take you to the dorm's indoor pool.
To say that he was shock was an understatement.
There you were, a clumsy (sea)horse, swimming naturally around the pool like it was normal. Heck, you were even letting out joyful noises at the feeling of the familiar environment of water.
It felt amazing!
Even Jade and Azul were amazed at the spectacle.
Although they werent impress by their clothes being wet by Floyd, who wanted to join you in the fun.
Soon afterwards, it became a routine for the OctaTrio to look after you whenever you want to use the indoor pool, ONLY if you will help in the Monstro Lounge in return.
The deal was....intimidating to you but agreed nonetheless.
And the results werent....bad at all.
You gotten better in serving the plates and juices over time, and had draw in a crowd after they heard about you in the lounge.
That had encourage Azul to let you stay.
Speaking of Azul, you didnt have much relationship with him...
He kinda remind you of a sea witch that you were told by Sebastian to you and Treasure.
So you try to stir clear from him.
How about the Leech Twins? Comepare to Azul, your relationship with them was much better.
It took some time for you to adjust to them but it was worth it.
Floyd quickly became your swimming partner at the pool, chasing eachother as you even cheat a few times by jumping off the pool and ran off to the halls with Floyd unexpextedly jumping onto the tile floor in he's eel merman form.
Jade would usually be the one responsible in keeping you in shape. Maintaining your mane, hooves, feeding, giving you the food to serve, some exercise.
Infact, he even let you join him in he's club activities in the mountains where he tells you all about the Twisted Wonderland, he's home, Azul, his twin and the plants you two have past by.
He would even let you try some mushrooms that he had picked and cooked!
Never again...
Nonetheless, the changes has been good. You still wanted to go home but...you will enjoy your time here with Octavinielle. It became your third home.
With Ariel's palace being the first and Whisker Haven as second, of course.
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objecthusbandry · 7 months
keeping objects as pets #4: fruits!
hi there! in this series, i’ll be going over basic descriptions of commonly-kept object species (and some rare ones too!), facts about them, why you might want one as a pet, their basic needs and necessities provided you want to house one, and things you should NEVER do. for the fourth post in this series, we'll be going over fruits, berries, melons, gourds and similar species!
as with the plants they mimic, these creatures are wildly diverse and come in all sorts of shapes, sizes and colors. their limbs are furless and leathery, with tough skin. each hand has five fingers with opposable thumbs and each foot has four toes. they don't have claws. they're adapted to be primarily arboreal, living high in trees in the wild; they rarely leave forests and don't feel comfortable without leaf cover. their teeth are flat for grinding plant matter, and aren't known to bite (fortunately for the anons i keep getting).
facts about fruits
just like with their objects, the terminology for these can be... confusing, to say the least. tomatoes are fruits, by the way! they live off of plants in the wild, always near sources of water, such as ponds, lakes or streams. they tend to stick with other members of the same object species, but finding a bushel of varying fruits together isn't unheard of. they're a very physically active species, typically - they love to run and play whenever they're not sleeping, which they do a lot. these guys LOVE to sleep - when they're not climbing or playing, they're almost always curled up for a nap.
why as a pet?
fruits are absolutely amazing to watch! their high levels of activity make it a delight to see them in action. they're intelligent and happy-go-lucky most of the time*, which makes them great for people who are just as active as they are. they're great for organic weed control, too, since they can just eat them. unfortunately, they can contract most diseases that plants can, which can cause sickness and death if not treated properly. always get your objects vaccinated!
basic needs + do’s and dont’s
fortunately for people who don't like insects, these are strictly herbivorous animals and they need a steady diet of vegetables and lots, i mean LOTS of water. they HAVE to have an available water source at all times or they will dehydrate! they also need a lot of sunlight, which is why i only recommend them as an outdoor pet.
these objects need a lot of outdoor space. they will not be content to be indoor pets. since they're natural climbers, you'll need a large fenced-in area with an enclosed top to prevent them from leaving. for indoors, fruits can and will climb anything that they can, so you should be careful to move any fragile objects that they could potentially knock over. their preferred places to sleep are in enclosed pet beds, so make sure to have one handy!
this species group is unfortunately prone to depression when their needs aren't met. we aren't fully sure what causes this, but it's important to note for anyone who is considering one of these as a pet.
that’s all! hopefully this helps educate anyone who is considering this species!
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wilderun · 1 month
hi there! Genuine question, and I’m very sorry if I in any way come across as rude or insulting. I stumbled upon your blog while falling down a major rabbit hole on wolfdogs, and, well, everything I’ve seen so far, and the few prior conceptions I had, go pretty strongly in the other direction than the way you seem to be doing things? From a standpoint of breeding and ethics and low versus med versus high content, mainly. I’m interested to hear your experience and perspective- how do you take care of your dogs? Why do you work with high content specific dogs? Is your kennel primarily for breeding purposes? How much land do you have for your pack? How did you get started with this work? I’ve tried scrolling your blog to see if you’ve talked about it before, but the tumblr search is of course failing me. I’m sorry again if this is coming off rude. I really just want to hear your take, and how you found yourself doing this, and why you do it the way you do. It’s fascinating to me, and really cool, and I’m especially curious because this doesn’t seem at all like how I’d conceptualized it!
Man I had a whole long reply written up to this and then tumblr crashed 😭 I will condense it into a shorter summary for my own sanity lol
I do things very different from most wolfdog owners/breeders who look at them as exotic pets to be a “pasture ornament” in an enclosure, yes! I have owned high contents and low contents and worked with everything in between and I approach them as primitive type dogs with a higher intensity level in certain behaviors and have had a lot of success with that approach for raising puppies, breeding, fostering, and taking on adult rescues.
I’ve had the most success with my wolfdogs from certain lines that have been selected for tractable and gentle nature. Lots of people go and buy the cheap zoo stock high content wolfdogs bred for exhibits at facilities and they’re just not going to be anything like the ones selectively bred for companionship in private ownership, in my experience.
My breeding program is focused on my lower contents that I produce from crossing well bred highs to well bred dogs. I will continue with the next generation by crossing those up to HC/down to dog to build enough diversity from those 20-25% and 70-75% animals to cross bred-by animals together and develop a 40-60% line. So I don’t actually focus on high contents for the most part. I like the versatility of a nice well bred low/lower mid range animal but I wasn’t impressed with the existing lines in that % range due to poor breeding practices and poor quality dog in the mix so started from scratch for my own. I am not primarily a breeding kennel, I’m a private owner who spends my days working with my dogs and has a litter here and there when I want something to keep back for myself :)
I have a fenced yard that my dogs play in with supervision, and floored/roofed kennel runs for if I’m going to be gone all day. I work nights and they prefer to be indoors during that time so they’re kenneled in the house overnight.
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deadmomjokes · 1 year
Getting this started early this year.
A little PSA for animal owners in places where fireworks are a known occurrence:
Keep your animals indoors during fireworks evenings. I don’t care how well behaved or well adjusted or “chill” your pet is. I don’t care if your fence is escape proof or they’ve never been bothered by it before.
I worked at an animal shelter and in the days around firework holidays we were full to bursting, and it was always the “chill” ones who “never did anything like this before.” Unfortunately, we also heard the same story from the local emergency vets.
Repeated loud explosions and lights and colors in the sky can make even the best-behaved animal lose their mind; they have no framework to process it, and no way to understand what's happening or why or when it's going to stop, or whether it's going to hurt them etc. And even if they were fine with it in past years, formulations for fireworks can change, and maybe this is the year that the pitch is just right (or just wrong), or two go off at the same time and something about it pushes the wrong buttons and suddenly there goes Scruffy over the fence you swore Houdini himself couldn’t escape.
Set them (and you) up for success and safety this fireworks season.
Keep them home, and put them inside. Don’t let them out during fireworks hours. Get all the potty trips in before the sun starts going down.
Make sure they have their collar with tags on, just in case they slip out while someone is coming home or leaving for work.
Cover windows. I saw more than one dog with head injuries from charging at the window during fireworks shows.
Set up a safe zone for them. Offer treats and favorite toys, and consider white noise or soft music to help drown out the sounds. Make it a puppy/kitty spa night with things they enjoy to help counteract the stress of The Unknowable Horrors going on outside.
If you know your animal is reactive to sounds like thunder, loud engines, or gunshots, they will most likely react to fireworks too. Deploy anti-anxiety measures like calming sprays, a Thundershirt, and/or a blanket-covered kennel (if kennel trained).
Also, general tips for making sure your pet gets back to you if they get lost at any time:
If your pet is microchipped, call the company now and make sure your current, correct contact info is registered to the chip. Chips don’t do squat if it doesn’t link back to your information. I can’t tell you how many times we had a microchip show up on the scan, but the people never registered it because they didn’t know that was something they had to do. Check in at least once a year to make sure you’re still in the system!
If you don’t already know where your local animal control takes strays, find out now. (You especially don’t want the added stress of having to find out on or around a holiday while you’re frantically searching the neighborhood and making posters.)
On that note, have your local animal control’s nonemergency number written down or in your contacts somewhere. As soon as you lose a pet, contact them and let them know. Sometimes they will be willing to bring the animal back to your home instead of taking it to the shelter/pound, which could save you the fees.
Keep your animal’s current vaccination and registration tags on their collar at all times. In most places, you will get fined if your pet is found outside your property without them. Some places even have it down as a misdemeanor.
Controversial take: keep their collars on them, even at home. I know a lot of pets prefer to be “naked,” and sometimes it’s annoying to hear the jingling. But pets can be sneaky when they want to make a break for it, and the annoyance is totally worth it if it helps get them back to you, and/or avoids a citation.
Slightly less controversial take: If someone is pet-sitting for you, make sure they keep the collar and tags on at all times no matter what, no excuses. Most home escapes happen on someone else’s watch. Don’t get cited for the sitter’s slip up. Make sure they know it’s a non-negotiable.
Special notice for cat owners: Don’t freak out if your cat doesn’t show up at the shelter right away. Dogs are generally bigger and more noticeable; people report and catch them quicker than cats, because cats are really, really good at hiding and getting away from ‘predators’ (aka, strangers with a catch bag). They have amazing survival instincts, which tell them to hunker down first rather than wander in a panic. They will find a safe place and wait for quite a while, venturing out only to look for food and water. It’s normal for a lost dog to turn up at the shelter within a few days of being lost, but a cat can sometimes take weeks to come out of hiding. If Fluffy isn’t at the pound 2-3 days after you lost her, don’t panic and give up. Keep looking! At least once a week so you don’t miss her! We had a guy come check in every week for a little over 3 months, and actually found his cat. It was found less than a mile and a half from his home, within 3 blocks of where it had escaped from his car. Obviously this isn’t the norm, but it can happen, so please don’t give up hope after just a day or two.
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Isn’t this a creative architectural design in Vancouver, BC, Canada? Interesting elements. The fence looks like an indoor pet gate I have, too. 
That’s it, I’m architecture shaming group post
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