#industry speculation.
communistkenobi · 2 years
something I don’t see people bring up a lot when talking about worldbuilding, especially when you’re creating cities, is wind. prevailing winds in many places in the northern hemisphere blow from west -> east, and because industrial production tended to take place in the centre of cities, workers would live downwind of factories while the wealthier classes would live on the other side, away from air pollutants, which is why a lot of cities have a poor east-end and a rich west-end, a spatial configuration that persists in many places that are now post-industrial
and in general the built environment has a durability to it that persists far past the historical moments that produce those configurations. this means that the stated aims of a city via a vis city planning are frequently at odds with the physical layout of the city itself. so if you want to create a city that feels like it has a long history to it, working through its earlier stages of production can help with decisions you make about its layout, and also allow for weird spatial contradictions in a city that has to constantly fight against its own physical history
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bedrockfactory · 7 months
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Industrial light ⚙
An experiment I made to see if I haven't forgotten how to make illustrations in my style.
Also it represents tovoxran cities' vibe and aesthetic (idk if it's cringe to use that word or not), basically steel beams, gears, metal scaffoldings and pipes everywhere. Just industrialism and utility.
The drawing itself is showing a heat generator in one of underground tovoxran cities on Tillturn (their homeworld). In the past they used to build their cities around active volcanoes or lava lakes for heat, because the whole cave system is cold, covered in ice and snow. Now they can build everywhere, as their technology allows that.
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absolutebl · 5 months
Hi ABL! Can I be what I'm assuming is the 80th person to ask for your analysis about the move of Prem and Boun to GMMTV? Particularly, any thoughts on:
Why did the move happen and does it mean anything that they moved together?
What might this mean for new series with them as a pair and the potential to break up their pairing?
Are there any GMMTV talents that you'd love to see Boun or Prem paired with?
Thanks in advance for any insights!
BounPrem move to GMMTV
AKA Thai BL industry speculation, my favorite game!!
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I am actually cautiously optimistic about this.
They're an ideal pair for GMMTV to get. Especially if GMMTV continues optioning Japanese IP. These two are beautifully suited to A LOT of yaoi. Just imagine them in a Thai version of Takumi-kun? !
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Rise up Broccoli Nation... let's talk kabedons!
Why did the move happened?
From BounPrem's perspective:
I think they've been pretty underserved by their current home and that home is pushing them towards pulps (I refuse to talk about Even Sun and I found Between Us pretty darn disappointing too.) If they want higher quality narratives and content, GMMTV is a better home for them.
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Also it will handle their brand better for sponsorship and longevity. I was shocked not to see them on more stuff in Bangkok. Most sponsor gigs and major promos and billboards and such were GMMTV pairs and... ZeeNunew
Right now there are good indication for pairs who WANT to stick together (even while aging up) that GMMTV can handle it - because of what they've done with OffGun and TayNew recently.
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It's clear that GMMTV will throw a good pair at decent content (or at least popular stuff) pretty regularly. With GMMTV, BounPrem stand an even better chance at landing a prestige piece, since they have an established fan base.
From the pair's perspective, this is a good career move.
Now, from GMMTV's perspective, let's talk...
Does it mean anything that they moved together?
Yes, it most likely means GMMTV signed them as a BL pair. Some of GMMTV's other hot properties like EarttMix, OffGun, and TayNew clearly want to do (and have done) more than just BL for GMMTV. Even "second levels" like JimmySea are being split for het dramas. It means they lose their BL talent for a good potion of filming season, while they film some other property.
If GMMTV can sign a high value pair that's happy to stay doing BL regularly, that will work very well for them.
ALSO they've add a hot property pair into their stable that's on the EarthMix (highly commercial) level AND willing to do high heat. I think this is key. GMMTV has shown they want to move into sexier stuff (NC-GMMTV?) with things like Moonlight Chicken and Only Friends. VERY few of their existing pairs are willing to go there, and can do it as well as, BounPrem. These 2 do lust and thirst in a way that most GMMTV pairs can't (they are just too brotherly with each other).
I think this is a sign GMMTV want's to enter the after dark market, and move international markets too. (The higher heat stuff tends to be particularly popular outside of Thailand.)
Also, I think it's pretty clear some of GMMTV's hoped for heavy hitters last year (like PerthChimon) aren't working out for them, so it makes sense to onboard a solid bankable pair whole cloth at this juncture.
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I said a while ago I thought GMMTV would make a play for ZeeNunew. I didn't have BounPrem on the list as a backup option, but these pairs are kinda similar, and fill the same niche.
Anyway, smart move all 'round, IMHO.
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What might this mean for new series with them as a pair and the potential to break up their pairing?
I think the pairing is now less likely to break up than ever.
I think they've possibly been tempted to sign BY a prestige new series carrot. We could get something historical with them in it. Or, like I said, something Japanese IP. Probably higher heat than GMMTV has given us in a full BL.
Eyes Target the Finder thoughtfully. (It was VERY popular when I was over there.)
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Are there any GMMTV talents that you'd love to see Boun or Prem paired with?
Like I said, I think GMMTV's objective in signing them would actually be the opposite - NOT to split the pair.
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But if you just want me to speculate for fun (and piss stadn off), I'm always happy to do so.
First is great with anyone, so First with either... or both. First is like the MSG of GMMTV, always improves the taste of any dish.
It might be fun to see Jimmy paired with Prem. But in all honestly I really want a Jimmy + Khaotung thing to happen.
I think Mix has some BDE too, so I think he should play the seme for a change, why not him and Prem?
As for Boun, I think he's a little more dependent on the pairing. It's hard for me to imagine him with someone else. Lemme think. Someone with a very soft screen presence, maybe? How about Gun?
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Heh he, now I'm just winding ya'll up.
Let me have my foibles.
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beeb-oob · 9 months
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"Do you feel safe now?"
i feel the burnout gnawing at my ankles so i'm trying something different to scare it off
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Since I am posting about celebrity drama. Let's do some critical thinking here. I know a lot of people on this website aren't great at it, but let's try.
Guz Khan has been a vocal supporter of Palestine for many many years. He was vocal in his support of Palestine long before he was hired onto Our Flag Means Death. Taika Waititi was brought onboard as an executive producer on Our Flag Means Death before any of the casting had occurred, which means Waititi could have known about Khan's politics and sabotaged his casting, but he did not do that and Khan got the role. Ivan was the character on the crew with the least amount of lines in season 1 and he was on Blackbeard's crew, not Stede's. In season 2 they effectively replaced him with Archie played by Madeleine Sami, who is a New Zealand actor who doesn't have the international TV recognition that Guz Khan has. With all this data, which do we think is more likely:
A) Waititi personally fired Khan because he's a Zionist leveraging his power
B) when OFMD got it's budget cut they had to make some choices about which high payed actors in minor roles they wanted to keep, so they booked Bremner for 4 eps, Faxon for 3 eps, and did not ask Khan back, found ways to write all three of them off, and then brought on Sami for a cheaper contract than they would have gotten from Khan in order to maintain a believably sized pirate crew and keep the ensemble comedy aspects so many people loved from the first season
Like yes Taika Waititi signed a letter to Biden calling for release Israeli hostages from Hamas, the wording of which blamed Hamas for all the violence, and he's liked Gal Gadot's pro Israel insta posts but can we please not make up conspiracies about it. It's starting to sound a hair antisemitic, especially considering that no one is speaking on Con O'Neill (who, unlike Waititi, is not Jewish) also signaling that he's a zionist. he posted pro Israel stuff on his Twitter multiple times just while the Twitter algorithm was showing me his tweets, (from April 2022 until he deactivated for tweeting about a Columbians doing coke later that year).
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yannig · 4 months
I think there is definitely something going on with themes of godhood and creation.
The title implies the acknowledgment that there is a story happening, and that the way it ends is a important stake. This is reinforced by the several instances of typewrite/keyboard/notes/book pages.
I'm fully partial to the idea that Damon is straight out of Anawin's imagination which makes Anawin his creator, his god.
And of course there is the "'i'm not a demon" tattoo, and what if Damon thinks of himself as a god instead of a demon, who can kill whoever he wants not because he's bad (a demon) but because that's what a god is, all-powerful over its people. And he makes art with the people he kills because art is creation and creation is art and creation and destruction are just two sides of the same coin.
Then there is name meanings.
"Anawin (or Anawim)" in Hebrew designates "the poor of God", the humble, the ones who are bowed down and only have God in their heart. The wiki article mostly says that the concept is fucking complicated, but that it refers to the idea that only the poor/humble ones (Anawin) can welcome God.
(Also Anawin is a plural. I know people have been talking about multiple jeff, but what about multiple barcode?)
"Damon" can come from the Grec "damao" which means "to tame". Or from the Latin "daemonium" meaning "guardian spirit" or "God".
Only Anawin can welcome Damon.
There is absolutely no way this is a coincidence.
This show is going to be great AGKDFHJDHLG
Ok, i'm back. Let's try to make something a bit more elaborate with this.
So. Who is whose god here exactly?
I love the idea of Damon as some sort of God/Genie/Immortal entity that Anawin calls/awakes/resurrects/frees/is a vessel for. It's most likely an accident on Anawin's part, maybe it's not even something he's done, maybe just him existing is enough for Damon. And Damon needs this human to be here/exist/be present in this plan of reality, and he loves him for it in the all-encompassing way a god loves. Which might very well involve leaving him corpses as gifts just like Kim left corps for Chay.
And maybe Anawin created him with his story, or maybe Damon already existed and found a vessel in a character or story Anawin wrote, or maybe Anawin built his story around a pre-existing legend and woke up an old divinity.
But even if Damon isn't an Entity, Anawin is the reason he exists, the little one, the humble human who gives him shape - because what is a god without believers or a character without a creator?
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theirloveisgross · 2 months
hello, and welcome to another episode of jules projecting her aromanticism on zayn's music.
this time we're gonna look at some of the lyrics on dreamin.
i been dreamin' feeling this way, i been needing something else, i know what it is when i see it, can't hold on anymore to these feelings
you know? oh, but it gets better.
with no senses, ain't no sentence making sense of us
idk how to explain this, but it makes sense to me. it's like- mmm, i'll let zaynie continue.
did i mention life's intention never steered me the right way
*screaming* you know?! because life really just tells us a romantic relationship is the end goal, and you might end up believing it. and him especially in an industry where nearly EVERYTHING revolves about romantic love? yeah.
now my favorite part...
say i've been falling in love, and in the morning then i feel nothing again
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! this was the line that made me stop in my tracks and really listen to the whole song in that context, and oh boi. then i feel nothing again!!!
please don't let me forget falling in love, it's all good, and in the morning then you call me again. don't call me again. don't call me again. when you're faded, no need to call me again.
this is so... like, listen, maybe you had a good and fun night and it was great, but then in the morning it's like "nope, i really do not vibe with this", because it's that whole fucking confusion of "well, i should be feeling all this big romantic feelings but they're gone already, lol", because you don't know, and nobody in your life knows that platonic relationships can also have sex and be fun without the romantic part. i feel like this song it's like... the before you find out about aromanticism or coming to terms with no desire for a romantic relationship.
this is all rambling, it's my interpretation, and my projection, obviously. i just needed to have my screaming somewhat coherent somewhere.
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Sorry guys, rant incoming. I considered deleting this but I put too much effort in.
"girlboss" "girl dinner" "girl math" "boy math" "gen z are making fun of us for wearing x" "here's how to dress like gen z:" "girlies" "girl's night" "boy's night" "me and the boys" "90s kid"
"I don't feel like an adult" "I'm 34 and I can tell you, I still don't feel like an adult either." "My parents seemed like real adults when they were my age." "I still feel like a teenager."
Maybe you'd feel more like an adult if you started calling yourself one. Maybe you'd feel more like an adult if you stopped trying to dress like a teenager. Maybe you should move your bed out from the wall and get a wallet. Maybe find a calendar app that works for you.
You are an adult. Even if you live with your parents. Even if you do part-time shift work at minimum wage. Even if you haven't graduated college. Even if you are single. These are adult things to do. Because you are doing them. And you are an adult. Start treating yourself like an adult. Fake it 'till you make it if you have to.
In other, writing-related, news:
That trend on TikTok of 20-40 something women authors (and writers yet to be published) promoting their books like,
"Omg! I can't believe I've sold X number of copies!! I never thought I would!" "Ahhhh imagine publishing your book and all your dreams come true and now you get to meet famous authors and work with big names in the industry!!" "Would you read a book where [proceeds to list a bunch of oversaturated tropes that tell me nothing about the actual plot]?"
It reeks of infantilization. If you didn't believe anyone would want to read your book, why should I? You made it on the NYT bestseller list! Stop acting like a mega-fan who got to meet a celebrity. You are their peer! "Would you read a book--" What if I wouldn't? Why does it matter to you what I think of your book? And for the love of god stop hiding behind tropes you know are already popular. "Here is my book: This is what it is about." Have some goddamn confidence.
It is fine to mention in passing "this idea was really far-fetched so I didn't know if it would appeal" or "I was struggling with self-esteem when I wrote this". It's fine to fan a little bit. It's fine to discuss the tropes in your book. But why are you building your brand as an author off of your inferiority complex? You are using your poor self-esteem as a marketing tactic to seem "humble" and "relatable" but it's coming across as unprofessional and desperate for reassurance. You are an adult. You are competent. The more you act like it the more you will believe it.
And of course, I haven't seen a man promote his book this way...
On another note, do any of the 20-40 something women writers who do "write with me" videos on TikTok actually enjoy writing or are they just doing it for the aesthetic?
They all have gorgeous minimalism writing spaces full of white and pink and a macbook beneath a window. Their makeup is done and they are conventionally pretty to start with. But their entire video is just them talking about how little progress they made, how many pages they deleted, how often they got distracted, how frustrated they are. And like, yeah. We all have those days. But what about the good lines you can't wait to share? The days when the words just flow? The cool stuff you learned while researching? Why don't you ever make videos about that?
Is this some other attempt to seem "relatable" by only talking about the "bad" side of writing? Because again, it's coming across as lacking confidence at best and, at worst, that you don't actually know how to write. And that is not the brand you want as an author.
Again, its always women. Why must women market their self-esteem issues in order to sell their art? Why must we be perpetually awestruck children (girlies, book girls) in over our heads?
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mollysunder · 11 months
Why Did Jinx Make Fishbones Look Like Finn?
You know, as much as Fishbones works as a touching homage to Silco, with its clever inclusion of Silco's visual motifs like his scarred eye and aquatic apex predator imagery. Fishbones also works as a subtle dunk on Finn.
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Compared to the original canon, Arcane's Fishbones is more personalized to Jinx's history. So while Fishbones now captures a lot of Silco's style, Fishbones also gets a golden jaw, and only one person has that kind of prosthetic, Finn.
But then you'd have to wonder what makes Finn so special to include on this masterclass weapon that was Jinx's ultimate gift to Silco. These two chembarons couldn't be more different in style and motivation. They wouldn't be in the same room if they both didn't explicitly need something from the other. That's when I realized that in a technical level, Jinx and Finn serve the same purpose for Silco.
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Jinx is a well known and feared agent for Silco that makes weapons and dishes out violence, she's practically a one woman army. While Finn's gang, the Slickjaws, operate as hired guns and weaponsmakers. Finn was probably so ready to undermine Jinx in the eyes of the other chembarons and Silco himself because she made Finn less relevant to Silco.
Finn could still be an important chembaron as his gang ran an lucrative industry in Zaun, but Silco never had to be completely dependent on Finn in his Shimmer operation because he had Jinx. And for a businessman like Finn, Jinx was practically working for free! So it's not like he could buy her out, or outright kill the boss's daughter. One, dumb move, and two, low chance for success.
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This all begs the question, how deep did the rivalry and resentment run? Was it one-sided? Probably not, because Jinx isn't an idiot and knows when people don't like her. Jinx probably never killed Finn, one, because I'd doubt he ever talked about her the way he did to her face. Two, because she wouldn't outright disrupt an important business relationship for Silco, at least not until recently. But with Fishbones, that all changes, it's the pinnacle of her talents that far surpasses what others like him could do. Fishbones is not just an act of love and dedication, but a power statement against anyone who challenges her position. For Finn and the Slickjaws in general, she can easily replace them with whatever she chooses to make.
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Alternate theory: Hell, maybe Silco had Jinx train under the Slickjaws, possibly in an apprenticeship like how Renni's son worked in Silco's factory. Renni's son was probably sent to study the alchemy of Shimmer production, he wore a mask like the original chemist in the Cannery did. And when Jinx proved to be incredibly talented in weapons-crafting and fighting, Silco likely made sure she stayed by his side. Finn could have resented that he lost out on a great asset that turned into competition.
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pianokantzart · 8 months
Im so bad i had no idea mario had such a high pitched voice until playing superstar saga. Is this how he normally sounds? The old nintendo commercials made it seem like it wasnt so high
Yep, sounds about right to me! Charle's Martinet's performance can sound a liiiittle teeny tiny bit different depending on the direction he's given, though it's never enough to be distracting. In Superstar Saga I'd say he sounds just about the same as he did in Super Mario Sunshine...
While in the Super Mario Galaxy series he's less high pitched (though, again, not by much)
Maybe it's the same deal with the old Nintendo commercials? Different director, different project, slightly different vocal performance.
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sniperct · 13 days
okay but listen we know that Pharazon's son is supposed to have a bad fate now. Plus he doesn't exist in the source material.
Sauron will come to Numenor and push them into the whole morgoth sacrifice thing, like that's a big thing he does, he drags them down and Pharazon and the King's Men willingly go along with it.
I'm calling a abraham/isaac thing where Sauron convinces Pharazon he needs to sacrifice his own son to prove his devotion to Morgoth and his willingness to pursue any means necessary. That final nudge, that point of no return for both Pharazon and Numenor as a whole.
And after that, they sail on the undying lands.
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bedrockfactory · 3 months
What's the tovoxran(?) society like, is it comparable to how it is or was anywhere on earth?
Thanks for asking! Sorry for extremely late response too, I needed some time to think about it.
I think Tovoxran society can be comparable to that of humans to a certain extend. Here are some facts about it, the first ones can be about their overall civilization tho:
- First of all, the term "Tovoxrans " is pretty much how humans and a few other species call them. The original name of their species (and how they call themselves) is "Tharr". This is totally not a trial to change their name
- Mainly before they invented technology for space travel and colonization of other planets, they lived in large, densely populated cities built around volcanoes. Later, their technology allowed them to build gigantic heat generators instead of having to settle around volcanoes.
- Due to their economy (and kind of their whole civilization too) being heavily industry-based, their cities and pretty much their whole planet is extremely polluted. Their planet's nature has always been the last thing they cared about, hence their civilization' expanding has forced various animal species to retreat from their natural habitats.
- They were forced to enter the space stage for various reasons, the main ones being massive overpopulation and a shortage of resources on their home planet.
- They have a council-based government, which was supposed to rule the whole Empire, but in practice, their management is limited to their home planet and a few closest colonies. The vast majority of the Empire's territory is ruled by corporations and industrialists.
Bonus illustration of a Tharr factory
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  Now some facts more regarding their society:
- Underage Tharr (I'm now going to be calling them like this I hope it's not a big problem) is raised by one parent, usually of the same gender as them (son is raised by his father and a daughter is raised by her mother). There can be exceptions, for example when the parent of the same gender as the kid has died or can't take care of a child from another reason.
- They are a gregarious species and tend to stick together. A Tharr leading a completely solitary life is a rare sight.
- Their society and way of thinking is extremely ultilitarian, hence they tend to avoid to produce or use things that aren't that much necessary for their lives. It also means that for example, there aren't multiple brands producing bottled water or things like this. Water is water after all.
- Majority of their population inhabits mining colonies on various planets belonging to the Empire.
- Tharr society is still very stratified and divided to 3 main classes. 1st class are the most educated and important individuals, including industrialists, exceptionally important scientists and diplomats. 2nd class are mostly Tharr with more common jobs and service proffesions. Main occupation for the 3rd class with only basic education is usually a soldier or a "workforce" like an industrial worker, like a miner, factory or refinery worker (don't forget that Tharr supply many other Empires with raw and refined materials so it's kinda necessary). Also the class doesn't necessarily define the respect an individual receives, it's more like a division in terms of living conditions. In most cases 2nd class and 3rd class are very similar.
- Individuals getting the least respect from others are definitely the ones unemployed from choice. They are considered lazy and unnecessary by others.
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waitmyturtles · 1 year
I shared a gif of this video earlier today, where Perth Nakhun from KinnPorsche was talking about gay marriage not being legal in Thailand, but -- I just took the time to watch the entire video, and it’s a GEM. (And he’s DARLING.) He answers great questions about shipping culture/ghost ships, the behind-the-scenes production process of a BL, how being cast in a BL might have affected an actor years ago versus now, and much more.
(@miscellar -- I think you’d really enjoy this one.) (Maybe even @absolutebl, too.)
I referred to Perth’s pink milk video when I was watching SOTUS a few months ago, and I hope he continues to do these English-language explainers, because he REALLY gets into Thai culture in a way that’s very easy to digest for us international fans. I think this is a must-watch for fans who want to be reflective of our experience watching dramas, and understanding what we’re watching between the lines of fiction and the real lives of these guys. 
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paynomind-iamnotreal · 6 months
save me wings of fire architecture
save me wings of fire props
save me wings of fire transportation
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nevermoorsource · 1 year
Silverborn Release Dates
Australia: August 28th, 2024
US: September 10th, 2024
UK: September 12th, 2024
The specifics could change but these dates have been around since May, so it seems that Silverborn is indeed delayed to 2024. There’s been no announcement from Jess as of yet, but she's also been on a social media hiatus since the delay.
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wreckedhoney · 1 month
to go off on that, i see and Get the appeal to of adding, idk, modern mindsets and acceptance to stories where the setting definitely didn't or still doesn't/wouldn't have it, but if done so much that it starts getting taken for granted, we very much do lose something from storytelling.
there was still a huge lack of awareness even in places like nyc that bisexuality was A Thing, that there's a word for it and that it exists, as semi-recent as the 90's. in the mid 2010's, the concepts of ace and poly were just starting to branch out to a wider sphere. there was one interview about brokeback mountain (early 2000's) i think where one of the cast or crew said about these characters who navigated the 50's thru the 80's of that particular region that they might not even really know what "gay" is.
all this to say that it's worth it to remember and acknowledge the differences in separate places and times. even now, a queer story that takes place in one modern location isn't going to be the same if set in another place, or with a different community, even if it's the same era. sometimes i see headcanons for characters where all of today's orientations and id's are assigned but they're from a story where these characters would, like with brokeback, may barely know what "gay" is, never mind if through our lenses today, that's what it looks like they are. a lot of them are not using the same mindsets or labels or perspectives, are not going to id themselves the way today's audiences might be inclined to, and some important parts of storytelling are lost if this aspect is disregarded entirely or even too much.
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