#inej is of course knife wife
rat---king · 2 years
Finished episode one and both Nina and Inej continue to not only the best but also my beloveds
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Father! Kaz Brekker x gn! Reader - One for the barrel
A/n: Once again, do not read the request if you don't want the fic to be spoiled! Also I used my Oc's from my Claws fic, you don't have to read it (it's not connected lol) but it does introduce the characters well!
Request (by anon): Could you do another father Kaz x child reader where they are the 3rd and forgotten child. Maybe the reader sneaks out a lot cause of teen rebellious years in hopes of Kaz noticing them (maybe inej is out with one kid again and Kaz has the second kid for the crow club). In reality Kaz knows the reader sneaks out and always stays up to ensure they are home safe.
Maybe angst of someone following the reader home (your choice as to whether reader knows or oblivious) and Kaz hears the two footsteps and Kaz sorts it in his own way. Fluff at the end of course
sorry for it being so long 😂 I loved Claws so much and it fit the characters so well.
Warning: death, killing, swearing, gangs, I think that's it? You have been warned!
The three P's:
[Pronouns used: you/your] [Pov: 2nd person] [Pairing: (parental) kaz x reader, (parental) inej x reader, (platonic) sister oc x reader, (platonic) brother oc x reader]
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Kaz knew his children like he knew money.
Jordie is a business man through and through, he was always interested in taking over the Crow Club since he was a little boy. Numbers came to him like the flick of hat, and although it took time, Jordie had always been destined for the Crow Club. Then there is Allea, who's acrobatic tricks neared the perfection of her mother's, and when she was born she was wailing like the sea. Kaz knew that Allea's feet would almost always want a rocking platform underneath her feet.
Then there's you.
You weren't like your brother and sister, in Kaz's eyes you weren't the best at the books, nor Inej's acrobatic moves. That did not mean you were terrible, you were probably better than most people could ever hope to be, you just weren't what they expected you to be.
Maybe Kaz should have known that would've happened, you were the unexpected child originally as he and Inej did not want more children, you just didn't fit. Although you continued to surprise him everyday, and Kaz absolutely adored you for it.
He always wished you could see it, Kaz might've not been the best at showing his feeling but for the first time he wished you could have seen how proud he was of you for surprising him.
He's just disappointed with how you're surprising him this time.
You were sneaking out every night, without telling anyone where you were going nor why, and as far as Kaz was concerned it was an idiotic violation of your own safety.
But he never said a thing, he could sense how you felt, how lost you've been for a while and he knew you were just trying to find your way. So instead of telling you off, every night he would stay up and pray to his Wife's saints as you go off into the night. He would've tried to follow you but you seemed to disappear without a trace, and the fact that he couldn't hear your footsteps made it nearly impossible. It was a unique talent that your siblings did not possess, it made him think of your mother. Though like how he could sense Inej's presence he could sense yours.
Therefore when he heard footsteps instead of just sensing your presence he knew something was entirely wrong.
You were walking back from the Slat without a smile or any emotion at all on your face.
You were being followed, of course you were aware of the idiot Razor Gull attempting to stalk you.
You were nearly to your house when you decided it was time to act, you were bored with this "spy" technique.
Abruptly, completely out of no where you flicked out a knife and threw it with exact precision at the Razor Gull's stomach.
They cried out in pain and clawed at their stomach, before deciding they should probably try to defend themself and pulled out a knife of their own dagger.
"They're coming Y/n Brekker-" They started.
"Actually," You smirked. "It's Y/n Ghafa-Brekker."
Quickly, you pulled out a sliver gun with a crow on the barrel and shot the opposing gang member in the head.
That'll ought to teach the assholes to mind their own goddamn business.
"Y/n?" A shocked, gruff voice came from behind you.
You turned around to see your dad, Kaz Brekker himself standing before you with a shocked and furious face.
Kaz was certainly a mess, he was pacing the house while giving you a lecture.
"You can't be apart of the Dregs! Inej and I have extensively kept you guys away from the barrel." He growled while running an hand through his hair. "How the hell did you manage to just do exactly that!" He yelled.
You rolled your eyes as you fiddled with the handcuffs that were around your one wrist and the other clasped around the chair you are currently sitting on. Your dad had handcuffed you to the chair in a panic so you won't "run away."
"I'm actually the leader of the Dregs." You shrugged indifferently and stood up as the handcuffs dropped to the floor.
Apparently you also had your father's lock picking skills as well, Kaz was wondering how much you truly were like him and Inej. You did certainly remind him of the two of them when they were younger.
"And what did you expect dad?" You giggle a bit.
"One child for the land, one for the ocean, now one for the barrel."
Kaz sighs and dragged his hands over his face.
"Your mother's going to fucking kill me!"
Words 776
Grishaverse taglist: @kaqua @rika90 @thefandomplace @musical-theatre-obsessed-dumbass @gallysonegoodlung @navs-bhat @sumsebien @dontjudgeabookbythecover @brekker-zenik @alohastitch0626 @brekkers-desigirl @emmsamultifan06
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keirabisexual · 1 year
Thanks yo the lovely @atlantidea for tagging me
rules: list 5 favourite shows (in no particular order) and answer questions accordingly.
1. Bridgerton/queen Charlotte
2. Shadow and bone
3. Sanditon
4. Outlander
5. Ginny and Georgia
who is your favorite character in 2?
Inej my angel and knife wife
who is your least favorite character in 1?
Kathani Bridgerton (neé Sharma) she's incredible and amazing and was able to snag the best husband
what's your favorite episode of 4?
Season 1 episode 7 when Claire and Jamie first fall in love 😍
what is your favorite season of 5?
Season 2 though I need to finish it. Also I heard that the show fixed their problems from s1. Finally a show that listens to fans
what's your favorite relationship in 3?
Surprisingly not a romance but it's charlotte and Georgiana
who is your anti relationship in 2?
Any male non canon ship. We already have a beautiful mlm ship so I'd rather that than shipping Mal or Kaz with a villain
how long have you watched 1?
The day after Christmas 2020
how did you become interested in 3?
I saw the gifs here and was intrigued
who is your favorite actor in 4?
Sam Hueghan my love
which show do you prefer: 1, 2 or 5?
1 of course hence my url and icon
which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3?
1 I still have to see Sanditon s3
if you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
All the absuers romanov style
how would you kill off your favorite character in 5?
I wouldn't be able too. Though the person I wouldn't mind offing isn't a favorite. But I'd get rid of them so Georgia can be with Joe 😁
would a 3/4 crossover work?
No two different times in history
pair two characters in 1 that would make an unlikely, but strangely okay couple
Daphne and George? They'd be cute and she would definitely support his mental health. Also he wants to have children.
overall, which show has the better cast, 3 or 5?
5 I care about more of the cast in outlander I only care about Sam and Cat
I tag @literaetures @jonathxnbaileys @prettybridgertons @kdlavs @barbiexken
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bookishbunnies · 2 years
Omg Inej. Damn. She was literally right in front of them. Looking right at her. Damn that's my knife wife 😍😍
Also awwh, I love Jesper. He saw how badly Kaz was doing and he was so there for him. With his usual flair of course 😂
Omg, okay people I wasn't expecting to see for some reason: Dreesen
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every single Taylor Swift song is about Kanej you can’t do anything to change my mind
I Knew You Were Trouble is also a Helnik song but from Matthias’s pov
imagine Matthias 6 feet tall and super strong Helvar singing I KNEW YOU WERE TROUBLE WHEN YOU WALKED IIIIIIIIIIN from the top of his lungs. you’re very welcome.
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He Hasn't Lost His Girl After All
pairing: kaz brekker x reader
genre: fluff
a/n: part two to he lost his girl
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It’s been five years since she’s been back. A lot has changed since she left when she was eighteen. She took a deep breath that led to a coughing fit. The air quality was not one of the things she missed. After Y/N left Ketterdam she went out to the countryside, moving in with her older brother, wife and two kids.
When she got there it was a drastic difference from what she was used to. But now it being five years later she thought she would pay a visit to the town that made her the girl she is now. Walking off the boat she looked around and smiled, she reached for the hand of the child next to her. When she told her brother she was going back for a little while his youngest wanted to go with her. Y/N was completely shocked when they said yes. She didn’t know any parents who would let their child go to Ketterdam at the age of seven… She assumed it was the fact that she lived there before and knew how to handle herself.
“Aunty Y/N, what are we gonna see first?” Alyssa bounced on the balls of her feet while holding her aunt’s hand. Y/N smiled down at her and started walking towards the main street, “Well, what would you like to see first?” Alyssa looked around, eyes wide in awe as she thought about all the stories she’s heard from her aunt. “Your friends. I wanna meet Jesper and Inej! Oh! And Nina! She sounds so funny!”
Y/N felt a slight pinch in her heart. She didn’t even know if her friends were still here… But it wouldn’t hurt to check. “Okay, Aly. First stop the Crow Club!” The little girl jumped and pointed down the wrong street, “To the Crow Club!”
Y/N laughed and turned her in the right direction, “This way, babe.” “To the Crow Club!”
They walked down the alleyways Y/N always walked down when she was younger, which she realised it probably would have been better to just walk down the main street with Alyssa… She wasn’t used to having a kid to care for while in Ketterdam. She was used to running free and wild. Walking down the alleyway now compared to when she was younger surprised her. She can see all the dangers lurking in the shadows, when before the streets of Ketterdam was her playground. She placed her hand on Alyssa’s shoulder and held her close to her side, her mind quickly locating where she placed her knife - just in case.
As they reached the Crow Club Y/N started to slow down. “Aunt Y/N/N? What’s wrong? Don’t you wanna see your friends?” She looked down into the pair of bright green eyes and put on a bright smile, “Of course I am! It’s just-”
“Then let’s go!” Alyssa grabbed her hand and pulled her to the doors. Taking a deep breath she pushed them open and looked inside. Nothing’s changed. She smiled softly as a ton of memories rushed into her mind. Alyssa let go of Y/N’s hand and ran to the bar, climbing onto one of the stools. “Is this where Jesper and you would share funny stories?!”
A few heads turned in her direction but were ignored. Y/N walked to her and smiled, “Yep! These seats exactly.” She turned to call the bartender, “One glass of water and…” She turned to see Alyssa crossing her arms over her chest and shaking her head as a mother would, “Okay, make that two glasses of water please.”
Alyssa huffed, “Aunty Y/N/N… Daddy said you weren’t allowed to drink while with me.” Y/N smirked, “And I thought you were sleeping when we had that conversation, little missy.” They both laughed, “Okay, that’s one secret I don’t mind keeping from your dad.”
Once they got their waters a voice called from behind them, “Y/N? Y/N L/N?” Both girls turned to see who was talking to them. Once the Zemini boy came into view Alyssa hopped off her stool, “Who are you? And why do you know my aunt’s name?”
Y/N tried to stifle her laugh with her hand before reaching for her niece, “Love… That’s Jesper.” The seven year old turned back around with wide eyes, “You? You’re the Jesper?!” She ran to him and hugged his legs. He laughed, confused, and patted her head softly. Y/N stood up and made her way to give him a hug, “Hey Jes. How have you been?”
He hugged her back, “Hi, Love. It’s been all dark and gloomy without our little ball of sunshine.” She laughed while trying to get Alyssa to let go of his legs. “Aly, please let go. I’ll introduce you properly now, I promise.” She instantly let go and clung to her aunt instead. They both turned to Jesper, “Jes, this is my niece Alyssa. She’s a huge fan of your’s.”
Alyssa looked at him and smiled. Her eyes widened when she saw his revolvers on his belt, “Are those your magic guns…?” She whispered in awe. Jesper laughed loudly, “Yes they are, little one. Magic is exactly what they are. Thank you, Y/N.”
She winked at him then looked around, “Where is everyone else?” Jesper looked around, confused, “Oh! Right, they went out… I don’t remember where.” She chuckled, “Okay. Well, we should probably book a room somewhere in town. We’ll see you later!” Jesper walked after the pair and stopped them, “Your room is still at the Slat. He didn’t let us touch it since you’ve been gone. I’m sure he won’t mind you staying there again. Plus, it would be like old times!”
She laughed, “Let’s hope it’s not like old times. I have a child with me now. Keep things kid-friendly please.” He smirked and shook his head fondly, “So, what do you say? You’ll stay at the Slat?” Alyssa, who was leaning her head on her aunt’s shoulder, perked up, “The Slat?! Can we, can we, can we?! Pleeeease!” Y/N chuckled and nodded, “Okay, okay. We can stay there…”
“Great! I’ll walk you two over.” Y/N put Alyssa down so she could follow Jesper, copying his every move. Y/N chuckled watching her niece but her mind soon became clouded with thoughts of him. It’s been five years… A lot can change in five years. What if he wasn’t happy to see her? What if he didn’t want them staying at the Slat? What if he didn’t even say a word to her? Well, at least that’s not the worst thing that can happen. Alyssa! Y/N never told her about him. She didn’t even know her aunt had a boyfriend. What if she found out? What if she got mad at her for not telling her all about him? What if- “And here we are! Welcome back home, Y/N/N.”
She shook her head and walked through the door and smiled at the familiarity of it all. “Aunty, is this where you were before you came home to us?” She nodded at the little girl, “Yeah, this is where I stayed for practically all of my teen years.” Alyssa looked around in awe, “I wanna see your room!” Y/N picked up the little girl and ran up the stairs, holding her body close.
She walked them to a door and took a deep breath before twisting the knob open. She placed Alyssa down. Jesper was right when he said nothing has been changed. She walked in and looked around her teenage room. A sudden small sneeze came from behind her, “You should probably dust this place…” Y/N chuckled, “I’ll get on that.”
All day had passed and they were finally leaving the room after getting it spotless. Both girls walked down the stairs carrying a few cleaning supplies when they heard laughter coming from the kitchen. Alyssa looked up at her aunt, “Can I go and see who that is?” Y/N smiled, “Let’s put all of this away first, okay?”
They walked to the closet in the hallway and put everything away before making their way to the kitchen. Walking in Y/N finally saw her friends again. “Oh my Saints! Y/N!” Nina was the first to jump up and give her a huge hug. Y/N laughed and hugged her back, “Hey Nina!”
“What are you doing back?” Nina slowly let go of her and smiled as Y/N pointed to the little girl standing behind her. “I wanted to come back for a little while and Alyssa here wanted to tag along.”
Y/N bent down to the little girl’s level, “Aly, this is Nina. Nina, this is my niece.” Alyssa smiled so big Y/N though her face might split in half.
“You’re Nina?! I love you so much! Aunty Y/N has told me so much about you! And Inej!” She looked around the room and spotted another girl sitting at the table and ran towards her, “You must be Inej! ‘Cause you are the only other girl, plus you have long black hair. Hi! I’m Alyssa! Aunty Y/N has told me so much about you too! I think it’s cool how you know how to fight really well and can throw knives!” She swung her arm through the air as if she just threw a knife at the wall. Jesper laughed, as they all looked wide eyed at her with amused smiles.
She continued around the room naming everyone and completely fangirling over them and sharing with them all the things Y/N has told her. And finally she stood in front of Kaz looking up into the pair of black coffee eyes. “And you… I don’t know your name. Aunt Y/N/N must have not told me about you…” She pulled a thinking face, then her eyes lit up, ��Oh! You must be Kaz, Aunty’s ex-boyfriend! Did you know that you hurt her really bad? That’s why I’m not gonna talk to you.”
Y/N’s face went pale as she heard these words. “Aly, babe? How did you know about that…?” Alyssa turned around and smiled shlyly, “Well… I might’ve been up past my bedtime and heard you talking with mommy… I’m sorry…” Y/N took a deep breath and smiled down at her, “Just promise me, no more eavesdropping. Okay?” Alyssa nodded slowly.
Y/N felt him looking at her but she looked everywhere else but him. Nina stood up, “Okay! Girl time! Finally! Let’s go!” She pulled Inej up and grabbed Y/N’s arm.
Jesper called after them, “I’ll watch the little one!” Alyssa jumped into his arms and nodded, smiling.
After about three hours of laughing, venting, crying and just catching up the girls decided it was time to go to sleep. Y/N walked back down to the kitchen looking for Alyssa, but right before she walked around the corner she heard her talking.
“I just wanna know whyyy.” A deep sigh was heard, “She deserved better. I couldn’t give her the life she deserved. So in order to give her that… I had to let her go… But there hasn’t been a single day that passed by without me thinking of her. I miss her every day, but she’s happy now. She lives a nice life with you and your family, little one. I’m sure I did the right thing, even if it ripped my heart out to do so.”
“No no no. You got it all wrong. That’s not how the story’s supposed to end. You messed up, I get it. But you are supposed to get her back. You are Prince Charming and Aunty Y/N is the princess. You’re supposed to win her heart back in a daring sword fight. Ooh! Or slay a dragon for her! That would be so cool… Plus, I know she misses you too. I know mommy and daddy told me not to eavesdrop, but I hear her talking to mommy all the time… She really misses you too.”
Y/N put her hand over her mouth to muffle her sob as she wipped the few tears that fell from her eyes. Maybe she hadn’t lost him completely… She really thought when he didn’t say anything at that moment, she lost him forever. But thanks to her seven year old niece she has a chance.
“Well, thank you for the relationship advice, little one.”
“You’re welcome! Aunty tells me I’m a twenty year old stuck in a seven year old’s body sometimes” Alyssa giggled and for the first time in a long time Y/N heard his laugh. It was quiet, but it was there. She smiled to herself and quickly pulled herself together. Walking into the kitchen she saw Alyssa sitting in front of Kaz on the table.
When Alyssa saw Y/N she jumped off the table and ran into her arms hugging her tightly. Kaz smiled slightly at the two of them. Y/N nodded at him and started walking out.
“Um- Y/N?”
She smiled to herself before turning around. “Yes, Kaz?”
Kaz cleared his throat, “Um… I wanted to ask if you- um, if you wanted to- uh, catch up tomorrow? Maybe walk around town…? If you want to.” She bit her lip to hide her smile as she nodded softly, “Yeah… I would like that. See you tomorrow then.” She turned back around and smiled widely.
Unseen to her Alyssa mouthed ‘Told you so’ to Kaz as they walked out. He chuckled and shook his head fondly. He walked up to his own room and smiled. He still has a shot.
Maybe he hasn’t lost his girl after all. 
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starstruckwillows · 2 years
kaz brekker x reader
'cause ur kaz is so good<3 what if y/n is his wife, this takes place years and years later, but their still running the crow club and the dregs. and they are a power couple. like she's a total boss and they're a good looking couple and they know it, haha. kinda just moments with this kind of pairing??
♡ equal - k.b ♡
bahjaydywkso i love this idea sm <3 thank u 😭
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starstruckwillows 🂱
pairing; kaz brekker x reader
category; other
summary; you and kaz are a power couple. 'nuff said.
content/warnings; canon level violence, brief mention of blood, SIX OF CROWS/CROOKED KINGDOM SPOILERS
other; fem!reader, i choose to ignore ********'s death (you know who i mean (': lol)
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kaz brekker was all tailored edges, high cheekbones, rough speech, hard face.
you were his other half, a match, a balance, an equal.
sometimes, rivals of the dregs would make the ridiculous assumption that you were his weak link. if they could get their hands on you, kaz brekker would be powerless and easy for the picking.
there were two seperate occasions of your kidnap (one of them merely an attempted kidnap) before they realised this was not the way to take him down.
the first caught you off guard - you weren't expecting it, you'd let your sheild drop for all of four seconds to open the door to the slat when you were conked over the head and dragged away.
"your husband will suffer the losses he gave us." the man had growled, slamming your door shut.
locked in a tiny little cinder cell, you were frustrated to see almost no means of escape.
while you plotted within your walls, kaz was tearing through the city outside. the gang had assumed he'd be devastated and shaken and easy to target.
if anything, he was more hard working, more determined, and more willing to shed blood than ever. in hindsight, they noticed just how wrong they'd been.
of course the hindsight came seconds before their death, so it wasn't much help. kaz had finally found where you were held, storming in with jesper blowing steam off his gun behind, and wylan packing away the demo kit he'd used to blow up the entrance.
he'd considered writing to inej as well, but she had only just started her recent voyage in hunting slave traders, and nina and matthias were on a honeymoon somewhere, so he figured he could manage.
apparently, so could you, because when they arrived at your prison, shooting down everyone in the way with no sense of subtley, the door was swinging open and you were nowhere to be seen.
until you called out, "oh, hey guys."
craning their heads up, they saw you, clinging to the rafters in the roof, knife in hand, prepared to drop on the next guard routined to feed you.
kaz couldn't stop the smile spreading.
the second time a group of men, muscly bruisers, decided to attack you and use you as bait, you were ready.
the problem with bruisers is that they are rarely stealthy, and that meant the entire half mile they followed you for, you were completely aware of their presence.
you could've turned and killed them there and then, but better to let them grow cocky.
when you turned a sharp corner, instead of continuing down the twisting alley, you ducked into an alcove.
the group passed, at a sprint, concerned with your sudden disappearance. but one backtracked, cocking his head as he registered you in the shadows.
he was on the ground bleeding out before he got his mouth open to warn the others, who had already turned the corner.
sheating your knife and switching to a gun, you leaped at the wall, pushing yourself up on top of it once you had a half decent grip, traversing the rest of the backalley system from above.
you smiled as you caught sight of the sea - inej would be proud.
chasing the three, you caught up to them just before they burst out onto the main street. two were down before they even spotted you standing a few meters abovehead.
the third turned, moving just in time to dodge your bullet and mounting a bin to launch himself up after you.
until kaz, seemingly melting out from the shadows though you knew he'd just swiftly turned the corner, thumped the back of his head with his cane.
you grinned, giving him a thumbs up.
he shook his head in bemusement, helping you down with a gloved hand.
it was a long and exciting evening of throwing out cheaters at the crow club, and watching wylan keep jesper away from the gambling tables with surprising success.
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@anordinarymuse @mrs-brekker15
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s&b just got renewed for season 2!!!! 🥺🥺🥺
it could probably not be an ice court heist for soc characters, maybe something else entirely but here are a few dialogues I NEEED IN THE SHOW:
“When everyone knows you’re a monster, you needn’t waste time doing every monstrous thing.”
“We’ll be kings and queens, Inej. Kings and queens.”
“Please, my darling Inej, treasure of my heart, won’t you do me the honour of acquiring me a new hat?”
“When have I ever done something for nothing, Nina?”
“Since when is Jesper punctual?”
“My Wraith would counsel mercy. But thanks to you, she’s not here to plead your case.”
“Pretty sure most of us don’t have ‘stalwart’ or ‘true’ checked off on our résumés.”
“I’ve broken into banks, warehouses, mansions, museums, vaults, a rare book library, and once the bedchamber of a visiting Kaelish diplomat whose wife had a passion for emeralds. But I’ve never had a cannon shot at me.”
“Others have tried. Somehow I keep coming back from the dead.”
“I like it when men beg,” she said. “But this isn’t the time for it.”
“How will you have me?” she repeated. “Fully clothed, gloves on, your head turned away so our lips can never touch?”
“I will have you without armour, Kaz Brekker. Or I will not have you at all.”
“I’m a business man,” he’d told her. “No more, no less.” “You’re a thief, Kaz.” “Isn’t that what I just said?”
“I protect my investments.” Investments. “I’m glad I’m bleeding all over your shirt.” “I’ll put it on your tab.” Now she remembered. He owed her an apology. “Say you’re sorry.” “For what?” “Just say it.”
“No, you just have really ugly feet.” “Ugly feet that got you on this roof.”
“Kaz,” Jesper said. “This whole ‘shoot me’ thing is starting to concern me.”
“If you’re spouting depressing Suli wisdom, then you must be feeling better.”
“Facts are for the unimaginative,” Jesper said with a dismissive wave.
“We really need to get him more suitable friends.”
“Maybe I liked your stupid face.”
“You wouldn’t know a good time if it sidled up to you and stuck a lollipop in your mouth.”
“It’s a symbol, Helvar. If your god is so delicate, maybe you should get a new one. Let’s get out of here.”
“I’m a very valuable investment.” Nina’s jaw dropped. “Tell me he didn’t say that.” “Of course he did. Well, not the valuable part.” “Idiot.”
“He doesn’t approve of anything about you. But when you laugh, he perks up like a tulip in fresh water.” Nina snorted. “Matthias the tulip.” “The big, brooding, yellow tulip.”
“I can hear the change in Kaz’s breathing when he looks at you.” “You… you can?” “It catches every time, like he’s never seen you before.”
“It was a calculated risk.” “It was cross- your- fingers- and- hope- for- the- best. Believe me, I know the difference.”
“I loved your laugh, Nina. And your fierce warrior’s heart. I might have loved you, too.”
“You don’t smell like roses any more,” he said, then wanted to kick himself. He shouldn’t be noticing her scent.
“Jer molle pe oonet. Enel mörd je nej afva trohem verretn.” I have been made to protect you. Only in death will I be kept from this oath.
Kaz leaned back. “What’s the easiest way to steal a man’s wallet?” “Knife to the throat?” asked Inej. “Gun to the back?” said Jesper. “Poison in his cup?” suggested Nina. “You’re all horrible,” said Matthias.
“I don’t like any of this,” said Nina. Kaz raised a brow. “Well, at least you and Helvar found something to agree on.”
“Scheming face,” Inej murmured. Jesper nodded. “Definitely.” She was going to miss that look.
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kallypsowrites · 4 years
Top 10 Grishaverse Characters
Well, now that I’ve officially read the Shadow and Bone trilogy (and the six of Crows duology but I did that a while ago) I can rank my faves. And I’m gonna. If you disagree with my opinion, you are wrong :)
10. Tamar
While I wouldn’t say her character got a lot of development over the course of the novels, she stands out as just a really cool character. She fights with axes. She’s loyal. She’s dangerous. And most importantly--she is gay :) Apparently she gets more page time in the Nikolai duology which I’ll eventually read as well she should. I hope we get more of her relationship as well. But if I’m being honest, she’s on this list because I’m bisexual.
9. Zoya
I have an issue where I spitefully like the mean girl characters when I can tell the author doesn’t want me to like them. And eventually Leigh came around on Zoya (I hear she also features in the Nikolai duology) and gave her a lot of good moments. She’s sassy, she’s badass, she is hot. These are all of the reasons I need.
8. Jesper
My bisexual disaster gunslinger son :) He’s charming and a sharp shooter. He’s funny. He is never in complete control of his life, which is relatable. I also love him and Wylan (who is not on this list but I still love him). I also like that he’s allowed to make mistakes and then atone for them.
7. Genya
I love a pretty girl who is allowed to be a good person as well. And she is. Genya is sassy, smart and wonderful all around. She is also so tragic and I always get attached to characters who go through hardship. But damn, her confrontation with the king? Literally one of the best scenes. She is a queen and deserves the entire world.
6. Nina
She’s charismatic, she’s clever, she uses her powers in an interesting way. She takes no shit from Matthias and I love an enemies to lovers couple where the woman takes no shit. She’s also beautiful AND curvy (very annoyed that the show casting doesn’t reflect this), and so rarely is the beautiful one in fiction allowed to be that. She’s just a very unique character and stands out from the crowd. I love her to pieces.
5. Nikolai
I love me some confident, charismatic, borderline cocky characters. But I especially love them when they are self aware and their charisma is mostly a show they are putting on. Beneath his social graces, Nikolai has a good heart. he’s honest, he cares about the people, he’s very, very smart. He’s really everything I love in a character and I look forward to more of him in his duology.
4. Alina
A lot of people say Alina is a boring main character. I do not fuck with those people. Alina is strong despite struggling with her power and her health. She’s persistent. She speaks her mind. She’s funny. And for much of the books she has an arc that I love for female characters--growing into power and taking charge. This is kind of yanked away from her at the end, but I don’t blame her for that. I also like that she wants power while at the same time remaining a good person, despite what anyone might suggest. I love her to pieces.
3. Kaz
My edgy son. I love his aesthetic. His gloves. His cane. His style. His ability to make a grand image. His smarts. He’s the most dramatic son of a bitch in Ketterdam but he’s got good reason. The exploration of his trauma was very well done and I hope it is captured in the show. And I’m a sucker for characters who PRETEND not to care about their crew but they DO and they would DIE for them. That’s just the best trope in the world.
2. The Darkling
Yeah, I’m problematic, but the Darkling is everything I like in a villain--calm and meticulous even when doing terrible things. Confident and charming. Extremely intelligent. And he has fun shadow powers. Every time he appears in the books, I’m having a great time. And yeah, I love his dynamic with Alina. The way they play off each other elevates them both in my list. I also love that as many terrible things as he does, he has his soft moments that make him complicated right until the very end. I personally would have explored some different aspects of his character more (and I will) but I still love what we got of him.
1. Inej
*Chanting* Knife wife, knife wife, knife wife, knife wife. Listen. I just love Inej. I love fighting women of course. But I also love silent but deadly women. I love women who blend with the shadows and defy expectations. I love women who have a strong exterior but so much vulnerability and pain beneath. Inej has a lot of layers and as bad ass as she is, she is never cold. She is warm and she cares so much and she is so fierce and beautiful. I went back and forth on the placement of a lot of these characters, but I knew Inej would be at the top. I’m so excited to see her on screen.
Anyway, that’s my completely correct and inarguable opinion. Hope everyone enjoyed :) Tell me your faves as well! I’m curious to know.
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burningember0802 · 3 years
Someone Like Me
summary : first, once again, i suck at summaries. Kaz meets a friend of Nina’s that he didn’t know about who is more like him than anyone else he’s ever met and that scares him more than he’d like.
It's a relaxing evening at the slat, or at least as much as it can be in Ketterdam. All the crows were sitting around a table talking and having a great night, even Kaz. He won't show it but he enjoys nights like this more than he'd like to admit. Nina and Jesper were laughing and talking about who knows what while Matthais sat with a loving smile on his face, Wylan and Inej sat talking about his newest tests, and Kaz sat just listening and watching, enjoying the time with his friends; his family. "Oh, Kaz! My friend is supposed to stop by tonight and drop off some things I asked her for so don't be surprised if we get a knock soon." Nina mentions. "You have friends?" He sarcastically said. "For a matter of fact, I do. She's amazing, I think you should meet her. She'd be a great addition to the crows. She's a fabrickator, both a Durast and an Alkemi. She is also the smartest person I've ever met, and the best fighter too. I've watched her and Matthais spar and she took him down in seconds easily. She's insanely good, Kaz. She'd be a great asset to the team. I think you'd like her too, she has similar interests among other stuff." She explains. Kaz thought for a moment before responding. "We'll see if I agree with you once I meet her." Nina thanks him with a smile and goes back to her conversation.
Kaz wasn't sure how he felt about the thought of bringing someone else onto the team. It was another person who could betray him, another person he could get attached to, another weakness. Not just anyone can join the crows, they had to earn it.
About half an hour later there was a knock at the slat door. Nina excitedly hopped up to get it. "It's her!" The heartrender almost squealed. The door opened to a girl, probably about 5'6 who has (H/L), (H/C) hair. She was gorgeous with a button nose that supported her thin-rimmed glasses, full lips, striking (E/C) eyes, and a curvy figure. She was wearing a tight green turtle neck, black pants, boots, and carrying a satchel on her shoulder. Kaz swears he almost felt himself stop breathing. The feeling he got when he saw her, despite not knowing her, scared him in a way he didn't like. He decided to push it down and continue on with the night.
Nina invited the girl inside with a smile that was returned by her. The girls walked back to the table where the rest of the group sat. "Y/N, the crows, the crows, Y/N." She introduced them all. Multiple greetings were heard around the table from everyone except Kaz of course. Y/N shyly waved with a soft smile. "I brought those things you asked about," Y/N said quickly changing the subject. She opened her bag and pulled out 3 boxes and set them on the table. She opened the first one which held a seemingly normal knife. "Here's the knife you asked about with the poison injection abilities. There are three vials in the box and there's one in the handle already. It injects a few drops upon impact, it’s potent so it will kill someone with just a few drops." Y/N said showing how to open the handle and where the vial was. She proceeded to open the next box that was full of bullets. "These are the bullets that explode upon impact you asked about." She said before setting them back down. You could see Inej eyeing up the knife and Jesper doing the same to the bullets. She finally opened the last box which revealed 7 sets of earpieces. "These are the earpieces, they have microphones in them to communicate from long distances." She almost mumbled, obviously nervous around all the people. Kaz had been watching the girl in shock the whole time she spoke. Nina didn't lie, she was insanely talented and would be a good asset.
"You're the best Y/N!" Nina exclaimed, making a quick movement to go to hug the girl. She quickly stopped when Y/N flinched slightly. No one else besides Y/N, Nina, and Kaz had realized it with everyone else too busy looking at the new gear. "Shit, fuck I'm sorry Y/N it was a mistake." Nina started apologizing profusely. "Nina, it's fine. Mistakes happen. I'm just a freak anyway." She said quietly. Kaz felt his heart clench at that. She was like him, she was anything but a freak though. "Anyway, I should probably get going." She said, staring at her feet. "You should stay for a while, meet everyone." Nina tried to convince her. Y/N was obviously apprehensive. "You should stay," Kaz said before he could stop himself. Both Nina and Y/N turned towards him quickly. Nina had a shocked look on her face, surprised that Dirtyhands would ever suggest that he wanted someone to stay. She thought for a second and smiled slightly and nodded.
The girl sat down at the last empty chair at the table, which happened to be next to Kaz. She immediately pulled into herself out of habit, bringing on her knees to her chest and wrapping her arms around it, making herself as small as possible. Jesper and Inej immediately started asking questions about their new tools to which Y/N answered gladly. Kaz watched them contently, especially Y/N. She looked really happy talking about what she loved. Soon the conversations turned away from solely her after the crows had their fill of integrating. "Kaz, Y/N is the most knowledgeable person I've met about books, you guys have that in common," Nina mentions. Y/N glances at him with a soft smile. Everything about her made Kaz's fight or flight kick in. She was weirdly comforting but at the same time kicked on every instinct he had. He felt the need to run but also never move again. "What's your favorite genre of books?" Y/N asked the boy. Kaz missed having someone to talk to about interests like this, the rest of the crows weren't into things like this. Trying to make him comfortable she answers first. "I tend to read realistic fiction or fantasy." Kaz studied her face constantly looking for any signs that she wasn't genuine. "I like fantasy or mystery books." He answers. She gets a huge smile. He liked that, she had a genuine smile, that's rare in the barrel. Her smile was slightly lopsided and full of joy. "Mysteries are the best, I'm always on the edge of my seat. Sometimes I feel like I can't put the book down even when I have stuff to get done." She laughs. Kaz almost felt himself smirk. "Those are the best ones." He answers genuinely. "I just finished this amazing book, it's about the story of Achilles but from the point of view of Patroclus. It's called the song of Achilles and it's amazing." She says with a smile. "I'll have to borrow it sometime." He says. At that moment the two of them weren't even paying attention to the crows around them anymore, so they didn't see the knowing look from Nina.
The group all continued to talk and have a good time. Everyone liked Y/N a lot. Nina was accurate in her description of her. She was super smart and sweet. At one point they were talking about combat strategies and she was asked "What's the quickest way to win a fight?" by Jesper. Matthias let out a loud snort at that question, knowing the brunette's skills. "Are we talking immobilizing or killing? Those are two different answers." She says with a smirk. The girl had come out of her shell within the past hour and had grown more comfortable around the group. "Both?" Jesper said, confused. "For immobilization, the quickest way is to slice their Achilles tendon on the back of their ankle, if you do that they're not moving. Also, you always go for the eyes, nose, and groin, and if you use the bottom of the palm of your hand you can shatter someone's nose since that's the strongest part of your hand. Besides the Achilles tendon, the other easiest way if you know how to do it is there's a nerve on the side of your neck that if you squeeze right, knocks them out. Then if the purpose is killing you go for the neck, wrist, or thigh because that's where your main arteries are." She said matter of factly. Kaz almost laughed at how the girl said it.
That was the start of it all. Shortly after this first meeting Y/N started coming around more and more and everyone loved her, including Kaz. Kaz had started having more than friendly feelings towards her a couple months after meeting. The crows were eventually able to convince her to join so she was now living at the slat, making Kaz’s life a living hell. He felt like his heart was beating out of his chest constantly, and he knew that Nina knew this too with her heartrender skills. Nina was constantly giving him knowing looks and all he did was glare back at her. Kaz was drawn to her like no one else.
The two of them had become close over the last year, closer than most. They would often sit and talk for hours, a lot of times about books or anything else that came to their minds. Y/N was often like lightning in a bottle, constantly moving and going a million miles an hour. She seemed hyper and impulsive on the outside but Kaz knew she was very strategic and methodical. She was insanely smart, which she often used to her advantage to beat Kaz in chess to his dismay. Both parties had developed feelings for each other but both were too scared to tell the other because they’re idiots but the universe was going to find a way to get them together.
The heist the crows had tonight was insanely important. The group was supposed to go to a merchant party because while the merchant and everyone else was distracted they were going to steal a necklace that was held in the wife’s vanity room. The necklace was worth an insane amount of money so the crows took the task right away.
The only problem with the heist was that Y/N and Kaz had to be the two who had to fake being a couple at the party to keep the merchant distracted so the others could get the necklace. “We have to do what?” Y/N exclaimed when she found out her role. She felt her chest clench at the thought of being around that many people. “I need Inej on the roofs, Jesper on the ground as backup, Wylan as a waiter ready to cause a distraction if need be, and Nina and Mattaius getting the necklace so we’re the only two left.” Kaz grumbles, obviously not happy about the situation either. Both of them sucked it up for the money.
The night of the heist Y/N was the last to be ready since she had to wear a dress and makeup. She stepped down the stairs to where the crows were waiting. As soon as she stepped into the room there were joking whistles and screams from all the crows except Kaz. Kaz stood there in shock, his breath taken away. Emma was wearing a black dress with stars on it, a simple pair of black heels, several pieces of silver moon and star jewelry and finally topping it off with a few moon and star hair pins pinning back some of her hair. She looked gorgeous.
As they got closer and closer to the party both Y/N and Kaz became increasingly more nervous. “We don’t have to touch.” She says breaking the silence between them as they were dragging behind the group. “We have to and we both know it. If we don’t touch like a couple they’ll become suspicious. I know neither of us like touch but we’ll have to deal with it.” Kaz quickly responds, his voice rigid. She just nodded, not wanting to make this night worse.
Everyone got in their positions as soon as they made it to the house, leaving Kaz and Y/N near the entrance. Kaz hesitantly grabs her hand; he was shocked when he did. He didn’t panic as much as he thought. Kaz’s aversion was worse than Y/N’s for sure since hers was mainly quick movements and things related to abuse but Kaz’s was any kind of touch. All he felt was Jordie when he touched anyone, the stench of the air, the cold water around him, the stiff body he was clenching on to. He didn’t immediately drown touching her though, he felt the waters come up but they stopped, going no further.
As the two of them continued through the night the touches became easier and more frequent, it almost felt...real. Both of them deep inside wished it was. They wished the other loved them back. The two of them got many compliments throughout the night on how cute they were and questions about how they met among other things. The way Kaz would wrap his arm around her waist made her heart stop, the way Y/N put her hand on his shoulder and smiled at him did the same to Kaz.
Once Nina and Mattaius got the necklace everyone made their way back to the slat. Everyone was happy and ready to celebrate a successful heist except for Kaz and Y/N. They had a tension that wouldn’t go away. Both knew they’d have to talk about it or it’d ruin further heists but neither wanted to make the first move. So once they got to the slat both of them lingered at the door after everyone else. “Can-” “We should-” they both went to say at the same time. They couldn’t help but laugh at how in tune they were. “We need to talk about things.” Y/N says. “I know.” Kaz says, anxiety in his voice. “I like you Kaz.” the girl states plainly, shocking the bastard of the barrel. He couldn’t say the words he wanted to but he had to say something. “Yes.” was all he could manage out. It would sound stupid to anyone else but to Y/N and Kaz they both knew what that meant. “I can never touch you like you might want though.” He says anxiously. “Kaz, I have just as much of an issue with touch as you. Physical affection isn’t something I need in a relationship. If we really want to, we can work on our aversions together.” She answers with a comforting smile. Kaz nods,knowing she's right. “So together?” Kaz questions, trying to confirm that she is his and he is hers. She nods with a smile.
That was the start of it all. The start of the King and Queen of Ketterdam, taking it over together.
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Six of Crows AU where Inej gets Kaz a pet turtle. that’s it that’s the post.
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