#infect your friends and loved ones
redheadedfailgirl · 3 months
Infect Your Friends and Loved Ones is fucked up because it makes me feel genuinely seen in a way that genuinely unable to stop reading and ache because I know there's so very little media that understands what it feels like to be a trans woman like this. How lonely, hopeless, and damaged it all makes you. And that makes it hurt all the more because I know once the story's over, I have to go back to the real world where I'm forced to live as a verifiable freak. And that makes me understand the story even more. Because I think deep down I really just want to live in a world where everyone has to choose their own gender too.
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Infect Your Friends and Loved Ones by Torrey Peters
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In the future, everyone will be trans. So says Lexi. She's a charismatic trans woman furious with the way she sees her trans friends treated by society and resentful of the girl who spurned her love. Now, Lexi has a plan to wreak her vengeance: a future in which no one can produce hormones and everyone must make the same choice that she made-what body best fits your gender?
Mod opinion: I haven't read this short story yet, but I really want to. Plus I love the cover. Update: Finally got around to it. It's fun. Transgender apocalypse ❤️
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manic-pixie-dick-girl · 11 months
Infect Your Friends and Loved Ones by Torrey Peters just changed my goddamn life at 1am on a Thursday night. A quick little novella that uses a post-apocalyptic setting to explore how transfems relate to the world and each other. We're all fucked up messes because that's what the world made us, and we hurt each other but we still need each other. Because we are the only ones that can or will truly take care of each other.
It takes like an hour max to read. If you're transfem you should read it ASAP. If you're not then you still should.
T4T forever.
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catboxghost · 10 months
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this has been replaying in my head for days
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semper-legens · 7 months
161. Infect Your Friends and Loved Ones, by Torrey Peters
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Owned: No, library Page count: 75 My summary: Hormones have stopped existing. A virus ran straight through the population, forcing everyone to choose their genders. And one trans girl knows about why. Surviving in the dystopian future, getting by in the normal present - we dig deep into why this happened, and who caused it. My rating: 5/5 My commentary:
Finally, something I can unequivocally gush about. I've spoken a couple of times about my love for Torrey Peters' Detransition Baby, a masterpiece of a novel which shows a complicated side of an experience of trans womanhood, including detransition and the idea of trans motherhood, both literal and figurative. This is an earlier work by Peters, a novella in a vaguely dystopian style, short but sweet and detailing the aftermath of an apocalypse where hormones have stopped existing and everyone needs to choose their gender, not just trans people. It's a really interesting and complicated work, even for its short length, and has one of the most perfect conclusions to a novella that I've read in a while. I'd thoroughly recommend it if you can get your hands on it.
One of the things I found the most interesting about this novella is the framing of it. We're never really settled in one time or place, switching between the dystopian future and the before-times past to show exactly what happened and what the aftermath would be. This all culminates in the title event - our unnamed protagonist, injected with a virus that would get rid of people's hormones, is trying to get home and not infect anyone, but when she is harassed on the street she decides to deliberately cough in the man's face, infecting him and spreading the virus to the whole world. The story to that point almost serves as a justification for that one action. She infects everyone, but who in that moment can deny her right to get back at a world that sees her as nothing but trash, nothing but disposable? Despite the fact that she spends most of the story having things done to her rather than actively doing anything, it's in this final moment that she takes her agency and makes a conscious choice to bring the world to its knees for all that's been done to her, and it's a really powerful moment! I love this novella, I think it's a masterclass in short fiction writing, and I'm so glad I was persuaded into reading it.
Next up, a different type of dystopia, as all the meat runs out…so we resort to a terrible solution.
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euchreiade · 2 years
The ending of Infect Your Friends And Loved Ones is one of the best endings to any piece of media I have ever seen.
Why the fuck would anyone want the world to end? The world where you are a one woman farce and tragedy? The world where everyone feels entitled to imagine and touch and see your body? The world that gives you a free drink as thanks for being its spectacle?
Would you infect the world to live with your plight?
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gloop898 · 1 year
2023 Media Thread - Part 43
Infect Your Friends And Loved Ones
I don’t think I can form coherent enough thoughts about this. I try thinking about it and I’m just hit with a flood of emotion, an internal swelling of trauma, my own and others. A burning, furious rage. Weary and quiet sadness. It was affecting, in so many ways. I wonder if it could be so to someone who wasn’t trans, or even wasn’t transfem. It didn’t make me cry, but as I laid in bed thinking of myself afterwards, I did.
“How do they think they can do this? How would they like it? I’m so tired of this shit. I want them to know how I suffer. I want them to suffer.”
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snek-snacc · 18 days
Reverse conversion therapy where I take every single Kalvin Garrah/Blair White-esque self-hating trans person and force them to read "Infect Your Friends and Loved Ones" by Torrey Peters over and over and over again until they get with the fucking program
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theophanii · 3 months
Infect Your Friends and Loved Ones is incredible writing but it also just fucking nails it. The frustration, the love, the ideal, the struggle. I want to make them pick their gender, I want them to fucking think about what they're saying to me about the other girls.
I fell in love with a girl but I don't think she fell in love me with. We spent so much time together and I kept thinking of things that I wanted to do with her. And she frustrates me and I hate her sometimes but it's still swirling in a stew of love.
"It’s a promise. You just promise to love trans girls above all else. The idea—although maybe not the practice—is that a girl could be your worst enemy, the girl you wouldn’t piss on to put out a fire, but if she’s trans, you’re gonna offer her your bed, you’re gonna share your last hormone shot."
There are many girls who I have fallen in love with or grown to despise that this would be true for. I don't think I can divorce myself from it.
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iavenjqasdf · 11 months
required reading
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lambdalibrary · 1 year
Infect Your Friends and Loved Ones
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Content Warnings
transmisogyny, abuse, alcoholism, putting self harm here just to be safe honestly
Download it here. There's no audio version yet from what I can tell.
This short novella covers the events pre and post outbreak of a virus that causes people to stop producing any kind of sex hormones like estrogen or testosterone from the perspective of its patient zero.
I loved this just so much I thought it was really smart and honest and I always need more trans apocalypse/horror stories. If you liked Manhunt by Gretchen Felker-Martin I would definitely recommend this as a companion piece to it. They're both drawing on similar themes of inter community violence and connnection, the need for hormones for both cis and trans people, the construction of gender, and survival for trans women in both the real world and in fiction.
The worst thing I can say is that I wish so much this wasn't a novella and was a full fledged novel. I wanted to spend more time with these characters and the way the virus changed the world and the way we all construct gender. What was there was great but I just wanted more, especially more of what the first chapter brought to the table. The exploration of how even in a world where no one naturally produces hormones, people still have ideas of what being cis and being trans means in a way that's also tied up in classism and transmisogyny. Estrogen gets rationed out for cis women to increase the birth rates, and cis men over inject testosterone to preform masculinity in even more drastic ways. People who can't afford pure hormones take riskier methods that create an underclass of trans women still because our cultural ideas of gender are so ingrained with transmisogyny even in a world where there are no "natural" genders.
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s0lar-ch3ri · 5 months
RAHH HELLO OKAY (you dont have to post/ use this ask as a way to show your art (if you create it) btw, in fact it would probably be better formatting wise if you didnt dfghdffhgdf /nf)
i would recommend reading this the whole way through... i dont know if im gonna structure this well at all
my favourite scene is either the albatrio lying in a circle in the gardens OR gill and chip sitting in silence (madly blushing) and looking at the sea in the cove just after gill gives chip the necklace lmaoo
but out of those two its the second 100%
the cove itself is like a hole/ cave in the side of a cliff. its open to the ocean and they are both sitting at the edge of this open area, their feet wouldnt be in the water bc theres like a meter and a half gap between the floor of the cove and the sea
gills corals are a little glow-y, same as chips necklace and they are either looking at the sea or like looking forward but at each other with their eyes OR theyre like properly insanely blushing and theyre both facing like away from eachother (god this probably makes no sense)
neither of them are wearing crowns but gill is wearing a lot (not too much though ykyk keep it classy) of pearl jewellery and has pearlescent accents on his clothes, his hair is down and pretty long. he has the same sort of clothes he wares under is armour on, but its more regal/ rich looking???
chip has shoulder length wavy hair and its a bit puffy and all over the place (bc he fell over fhdkfhsdk L ) he has some kind of coat type thing? like a waistcoat but not quite...? idk how to describe it. he also has the necklace on and one of those prince/pirate type shirts with the big poofy sleeves and he has a braid w/ gold beads in.
the cave probably would have some kind of turquoise-y lighting if you want to do anything with that!!
please ask me if you want something cleared up/ more info bc im so sleepy and this probably makes no sense...
thid ask has haunted me for the longest time NOT because i didnt work on it but because i kept forgetting to post it. it is time.
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teleomancer · 7 months
#so it's Infect Your Friends And Loved Ones with the bit about 'everyone around here knows about you'#even if it's positive- the world pays so much more fucking attention to my life for being trans and it makes me.. shiver?#coffee clerk fumbled every facet of taking my order and the apology landed super duper sideways#'oh sorry! it's just that it's my first time helping *you* is all- just seen you around a lot before. you know.' yeah? know what exactly?#how's that supposed to make me feel? every month they hire someone new and we get to do the same tiring song and dance#another young-20s clerk that will not stop trying to make small talk w/me beats ones that only glare yeah- this isn't pain just frustration#and like YES it's better than the cashier that beats the shit out of my beers on purpose or crumples receipts to hand them to me#or the audible 'see- told you he's a man' commentary when he can see stubble behind a mask on days that can't bother me to shave#like the pharmacists at this supermarket make me well aware that nobody else gets their E here. the store knows the local tranny. great.#genpop cannot reliably be fucking Normal Abt Transfems to the point that it makes me wanna thank the rare coworker that just like.#doesn't treat me like anyone different or special or a threat or a curiosity or an object or a shot to gain social capital for being nice?#getting told by young-20s cis girls that calling me dude didn't mean anything b/c they're 'y'know! *also* [limp wrist mime] *girlypop!*'#hits closer to home than getting called a slur to my face because the latter asshole doesn't pretend to be my friend and just.#skips straight to making me a paper doll in their head of what it means to be me and shaped like me and dressed like me and it's.. slimy.#'everyone around here knows about you.'
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I haven't talked to a friend in a few months but I want to, so I just texted a picture of my dog in hopes that that will start a conversation. Cuz I miss her but don't know how to start conversations.
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euchreiade · 2 years
God, some people have no idea how to read books, huh.
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trans-stew · 2 months
a problem with by trans for trans fiction is that it's generally really good and I connect with the stories and characters but I can't really talk about or recommend them to cis people (aka everyone I know irl) because...... the books will talk about messy tranny stuff or be very blunt about common egg experiences that seem weird or suspicious to people who aren't trans and it's like..... the cis won't get it or just shouldn't know about some of this but it sucks because I want to talk about the stories but can't just drop "I'm reading a book about trans women who hunt and eat men's balls" or "so then the scene changes to the force fem basement" in the cishet group chat discord without getting very concerned looks
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