#infinite ot7
maplecornia · 10 months
chapter 76
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infinite stars masterlist | BTS masterlist | masterlist | playlist
𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔡 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱: 2K
𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤: bts x female!reader
𝔤𝔢𝔫𝔯𝔢: romance | slice of life | fluff | angst | idol au
𝔰𝔲𝔪𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔶: they found themselves in a fabrication of something so infinite, so beautiful, it could only belong in the stars
𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰: cliffhangers | angst | fluff | slight mentions of self hatred | depression | mental health illness | self harm | occurs in the year 2024 | set in a timeline where BTS went to the military together | slight language | mentions of rape | childhood trauma | multiple forms of abuse | mentions of blood and injuries | toxic relationships | mentions of alcohol and drugs | r*pe | assault | graphic depictions of all the above
taglist [OPEN]: @jaeyunverse | @fangirl125reader | @kookiebbyxx | @taradevonne | @rae-bear | @mangminnie | @plxlekoo (not taggable) | @cana | @eridanuswave | @MISSSEOULITE (not taggable) | @kodzuskook | @bingyuu (not taggable) | @soobmint | @hyunjxnxee | @gongiz | @uno7 (not taggable) | @yesv01 | @myork | @eunbinism | @kpopppy
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All of our lives we search for something. 
Something to fill the void, something to give our life meaning. 
Staring at each other from across the stage, Yen wonders if this is what she's been searching for. If he is her safe haven, her shelter from the storm, the bane of her existence. When she is near him, it’s not so hard to believe that she’ll be okay. That the wasteland isn’t as barren as she was led to believe and if she allowed herself to hold on to him, if only for a moment; the darkness would stop closing in. 
Is that what it feels like to fall in love? To want to give up your everything to another and pray they would be willing to give it back? 
Yen has been so terrified of the feeling, so terrified of breaking from the fall, that she had forgotten just how much it can turn your world upside down the moment someone manages to become a part of your world. And there he stands, his heart open and ready to accept her, if only she would let him in. 
Is it such a naive thought to think they were made for each other?
They have been hurt for too long, they have been wandering lost for so long, that at some point, they had begun to forget what it was they needed. They had begun to forget how it felt to lean on someone else, to allow them to shield them from the storm that had once cost them their happiness. Perhaps they felt they no longer deserved it, perhaps their darkness had been born of their own weakness and volition, but perhaps that is true of all of us when we begin to feel as though we are not enough. Perhaps that is the cost we pay for the fragile yet beautiful notion that is our humanity. 
And yet, despite the pain and the cost, they may well be the luckiest ones. 
For they were able to find each other. 
Amidst the chaos, amidst all of the people and all the noise, somehow the two who were the most lost found each other. And once they did, they held on tight to that string tying their hearts together. They followed it to the other, leaning on the other so that they wouldn’t have to feel that numbing cold anymore. For if they were together, the world outside was less loud and unforgiving, and that was enough for them. 
Was it fate?
Was it destiny? 
Yen doesn't know if she believes that. Even if he is her destiny, and they were connected by some invisible string, she can't find it within herself to believe that is the reason why her heart calls to him. It was always his, but it was not because someone told her it was so, it was because she chose to give it to him. 
She chose him, just as he chose her. 
As the music begins, the crowd, the fear, the pressure, none of it seems to matter, because he is there to catch her if she falls. Just as he's always been, just as he promised to be, just as he will continue to do for the rest of their lives.
If she chooses it. 
As they dance, Taehyung finds himself enraptured in her. In the way her eyes sparkle each time they draw close, as her world paints itself around them in iridescent colors, as she pours her heart into the performance just as she had done once before. And this time, instead of losing herself in her mind, she is lost in his eyes. 
The flowers bloom around them, the stars sparkle hot on their skin, and as they hold each other in their arms, they begin to fly. As though their worlds had collided in their own beautiful symphony just as their hearts had completed the other before they had even realized what that would mean. 
They pull each other close, losing themselves in the other as though this was their form of heroine. Addicted to the feeling so much so that if they were to break away now, their entire world would shatter. They drink in the other’s passion, rely on the other’s touch on their skin, for by now they know that if either were to falter, the other would be there to pick them up where they had fallen. They have become connected beyond just words, their very souls pressing together, merging and intertwining until they are one and complete. And for the first time, they finally feel whole. As though this was the missing piece they had needed all this time. Up until now, they had been so close, and yet so far, so much so that now that they have finally crossed that threshold, they cannot bear to fathom the thought of moving forward without the other near. Their bodies are on fire, each touch ablaze on their skin as they draw closer and closer with every shared breath. It is both sweet and painful, a strange feeling that only grows stronger with the beats of their hearts entwined. It alights their senses, catches them falling deeper and deeper into the exhilaration, their want, their desire. 
It's just like that day in the practice room, but something is different. It’s as though they had broken down a barrier that had kept them apart until this moment, and now that they can finally touch with nothing holding them back, it’s as though they refuse to let the other go. What was once a fantasy has become real, and they want to be sure to drink up every bit of this reality before it passes them by. 
They lose themselves in the other, the music manipulating their movements, but never their eyes as they stay locked on the other, the dance growing deeper and deeper by the second as they find themselves drawn closer and closer to the other with every beat and every step. If the crowd cheers for them, they do not know. If the spectators cast curses their way, they are unaware. They drink in each other's taste on their breath, relishing in the fire that ignites each time their skin brushes the other. Their hearts beat in time with each other, their desire only growing with the acceleration of adrenaline running deep in their veins. 
As they perform, they wear their heart on their sleeve, almost akin to stripping naked for the world to see. It is the key to every performer, an act they must perfect in order to enrapture an audience with their voice, their movements. It is a dangerous game, for if you allow too much of yourself in a performance, if you let the emotions seep in more than they are wanted; the entire world would be able to see your heart's truest intentions. When the act is no longer an act and has broiled down to the raw emotions beneath. 
And though Yen adorns a mask, and should be no one more than a backup dancer to anyone who looks on, Jennie knows this is the one that Taehyung was talking about. Perhaps everyone else can fool themselves into thinking the pair are just incredibly good at their job, but she knows him. She's seen that same look in his eyes before, she's felt the same way Yen feels at this moment right now. 
After all, it was the way she had once felt when she was loved by him. 
Jungkook can feel it too. 
Watching once more from the sidelines, the sickening feeling of despair grows in his gut as he sees the way you look at him. How your eyes devour him without you even having to say a single word. Though he wants to look away, he finds that he cannot, for the world which the two of you have created has grown so potent and beautiful that it has him, and the world enraptured within it. 
And just as he notices it, Bang Sihyuk senses the danger.
The consequences this attraction could have if it were to grow. How it could ruin Yen's future, how it could foil the plans he has for you. As he looks Jiwon's way, he can sense the same fear. He wonders if this will be worth the risk. Or if this complication will only cause the ruin of everything he had fought so hard to build. 
But to the pair on the stage, none of that seems to matter anymore. 
Taehyung has found his reason. 
He's been searching for her for so long, desperate to find the answer behind the call in his heart, desperate to name the innate desire to be hers for all of his days. He looks at her with a tenderness that not many would be lucky enough to experience in their lifetime, and yet he would gladly give to her for a multitude of his. If it takes days, months, or years, he would still be waiting for her, always ready for the day when she finally allows him in. That is how deep his love for her runs, that is how willingly he has given himself up to her. 
The purest form of love imaginable, where the only wish one could have is the other's happiness. 
And she knows this. 
And as the song reaches its climax and she falls willingly into his ready arms, she has already given him the key to her heart. Perhaps it had always been his to keep, and all she really needed was for him to ask. She thought if she had kept it hidden, if she had protected it behind a facade of strength and resiliency, maybe she would be able to be okay. Perhaps then no one would ever have a chance to hurt her again. 
But when she met him, that all changed. He saw through every facade, broke down every barrier, just so he could be near her. He fought just for a chance to be chosen, when she had already done so before he was given a chance to ask. 
As she looks into his eyes, she wants nothing more than him by her side. She finds that she’s no longer afraid, not like she used to be. She’s willing to let him in, she’s willing to make a world with him by her side. She wants to show him every part of herself, the good and the bad, destiny and fate be damned. She doesn’t care if she’s being naive to believe in this fantasy. She doesn’t care if their end will tear her apart beyond any repair. For in this moment, she knows that as long as he’s beside her, she’d be willing to brave any storm. 
After all, she chose him.
Just as he chose her. 
And as the final notes of the song play, Taehyung removes the mask from her face, his eyes lidded with desire and an incessant craving only she can fulfill. Yen looks at him, her fingers tangling themselves in the tendrils of his hair, her body drawing closer and closer to his as though it were being pulled by an invisible string. She places her hand against his heart just as he did moments before, and whispers three words that could tear everything apart. 
"I love you." 
His heartbeat wild beneath her fingertips, he pulls her so close till they are mere inches apart, pressing his forehead against hers and staring at her with dark eyes. Eyes that ask a question, a question that she willingly answers as she closes the space between them, her lips finding his in a startling connection a second before the lights go down, and the world uproars into chaos. 
Perhaps she still hasn’t found her reason.
Maybe she never knew it to begin with.
But in his arms, she finds that her reason begins and ends with him. 
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When she left, she wasn’t looking for a savior.
When he met her, he was desperate to be saved.
Was it fate?
Was it a coincidence?
Sometimes there's no way of knowing. Sometimes, two people find each other when they need the other most. And sometimes you find yourself thrown into a fabrication of their dreams, of something so beautiful, so infinite…
That it can only belong in the stars. 
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author's note here
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cheeseceli · 5 days
When they have a crush
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Pairing: ot7 BTS × Gn!reader (individually)
Genre: headcanon, fluff
Request: types of dumb or random things bts members will do while they are crushing on someone and wants their attention?
Warnings: mentions of food at jin's
A/n: I feel like I'm getting better at making the layout of these posts :)
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‌This man ain't even trying to bring out his boyfriend material
‌He's going for the husband material
‌Cooks for you quite a lot
‌Always bringing you some lunch or just a few baked goodies (and never allowing the boys to eat it beforehand)
‌Runs errands with you because he "has nothing better to do" when in reality he's just desperate to be with you for a while
‌He even has "cleaning dates" with you😭
‌I see him to be a huge fan of domesticity ngl
‌So if there's anything he can do to bring out this side in your relationship, even if you're only on the friendship stage yet, you can bet that's what he's gonna do
‌And he 100% expects your friends to make the "you seem like an old married couple" jokes because !!
‌That's precisely his goal!!
‌Once he gets to know your family, he even wants your family to be expecting the day you'll both start to date
‌Jin is just the definition of husband material and he knows it, that's how he tries to make you look at him
‌Stick to the end and hear me out
‌I know how that sounds but I promise you it makes sense😭
‌Yoongi is the typa guy to be effortlessly (and questionably) funny
‌Like that one time the staff said "whoever has the ball wins" and he replied with "then we are all winners"
‌However !
‌He keeps on doing those jokes like he'd always do
‌But now he unconsciously looks at your direction
‌Would you laugh? Would you find it weird? Did you even pay attention?
‌If, after developing this crush of him, he notices that you actually laugh at his jokes
‌You can be sure he'll do them a lot
‌But it's so subtle you don't even notice he's doing it to make you laugh/have your attention
‌However, he does pay attention to you quite a lot so he can always be the first one to notice your smile growing
‌Endless excuses to see you
‌He will purposely "forget" his things at your place just so he can go back there (and forget some more things)
‌It's an infinite cycle
‌Sometimes he will accidentally leave his sweatshirts with you
‌And then he'll be like "could you give it back to me? We can go to that restaurant I was telling you about and then you can give it to me"
‌But then he will tell you that the night is cold so it's okay if you want to wear his sweatshirt while you're both out
‌And then he also forgets to take it back
‌Wow who would ever imagine this could happen
‌So now you both need to see each other again because he really wants that sweatshirt
‌Bro is still trying to grow the courage to properly ask you out
‌So even if you do catch up on his small antics, please engage on it
‌He just needs a little bit of impulse 😭
‌Whenever he wants your attention, he starts to talk
‌And with that I mean he TALKS
‌Won't shut up for a second
‌And he won't even make sense, bro is talking about the dumbest and more random things you could ever imagine
‌ "I wouldn't want to live in mars, it sounds depressing. Neptune sounds cool though, don't you think?"
‌Like?? How do you want me to answer to that hun😭
‌But it's kinda sweet because he becomes a professional yapper to gain your attention, but once he gets it he let's you do all the talking
‌He didn't really want to talk, he just wanted you to be there with him
‌So you can talk all you want, he will pay attention to every single word with a little smile on his face
‌Deadass stares at you
‌Not in a creepy way tho, just in a "please look at me I really want your attention right now"
‌And will keep on staring at you until you give in
‌Heavy on physical touch as well
‌At this stage of your relationship, everything is friendly of course
‌Because he is scared of letting you know he's in love with you💀 even if that's pretty much the whole point
‌He still craves a lot of your touch
‌Hugs all the time, holds and plays with your hand, the same goes to your hair...
‌Sometimes you can't even go somewhere without him following you like a shadow
‌Trust me, if he wants your attention he will find a way to have it
‌He will ask for it
‌Like, literally
‌I see him as a very straightforward person so he'll just be like "y/n pay attention to me"
‌Multiple times, until you actually do stop whatever you were doing and look at him
‌And his reaction will be like 😄
‌I see him doing this slightly more subtly when he's trying to get your attention from someone else
‌If he feels you're talking to Jin, for example, for a very long while now, he won't hesitate on sitting next to you
‌And kinda throwing himself on top of you
‌lmao scratch what I said, that's not subtle at all
‌But at least he doesn't say what he wants from you out loud ig
‌You think this man is competitive?
‌That's because you haven't seen him trying to impress you
‌Are you watching the dance practice? You can bet that Jungkook is giving 3 times his all
‌Are you watching the recording? Bro becomes Mariah Carey in two seconds
‌The boys' biggest fear is when they are playing basketball or something like that and you're watching it
‌They KNOW they are going to lose
‌It can be a 6×1, nothing is stopping him from impressing you like that
‌But if you're the one playing against him? He's probably gonna win the match no matter what, but he's going to be extremely soft at least!
‌Please do compliment him on how he was, he needs to know it was worth it😭
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Masterlist | you'll probably like: when you're rejected by your crush
Thank you for reading <3
Taglist (open!): @yuyubeans
Credits for images 1 , 2 and 3
Dividers by @k1ssyoursister
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arafilez · 2 months
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ー☆ㅤㅤ [ bts ot7 x reader ] ㅤ੭𓂃 ㅤangst, hurt, comfort 𓏧 reaction when you realise your crush has a partner ㅤ warnings crying smoking drinking trashing ㅤ﹢ㅤ0.2k / mem wc ㅤ𓏧 ㅤ req
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੭ㅤ𝅄ㅤ ꒰ KIM SEOKJIN ꒱
The clock strikes nine as you drown yourself in the work at the office. There is nothing more to be done and you are just loitering around but you don’t feel like going home. Not just yet. Images fresh from the small family gathering of your co-worker is still engraved in your mind.
Your co-worker. Your crush.
Since you were new, you should have known he was just being nice when he assisted you in your work for the past few months. Should have never fallen, like a teenager with a stupid, insecure heart. But seeing your co-worker’s partner just made it all the more clear. You are so engrossed in your thoughts you don’t hear the door opening.
“Y/n? What are you still doing here?” you jump at the voice and look across to a confused Seokjin standing there. Seokjin is your friend, joining the company almost at the same time as you, and you both were supervised by your crush.
A hand around your shoulder surprises you and before you can say anything, Jin’s musky deodorant hits your nose and you are in his embrace. The tears flow free and hiccups interlude but he lets you cry, hold tightening at the sound of your choked sobs. “It will be okay,” he whispers, a loose promise, but it comforts you nonetheless.
You have me, he wants to say but keeps quiet as your tears dampen his shirt and wrench his heart. You need time and he is willing to wait for you, always.
੭ㅤ𝅄ㅤ ꒰ MIN YOONGI ꒱
“Enough,” Yoongi scolds you as he snatches away the glass of wine, making you whine and reach for his hands. Your head hurts, limbs hurts, heart hurts and everything just hurts too much to care. Whoever said drinking can’t solve issues must have been out of their minds because it can. At least for a while.
He watches you stumble towards him from the couch of his studio and he quickly moves catching you right in time before your legs give up. Sympathy crosses his face as he watches your tear-stained cheeks and red eyes which give an intense proof of how long you were crying.
Frankly, he was quite surprised when your drunk self could make it to his studio without any obstacles. “How long have you been drinking?” he murmurs, to himself mostly, but you let out a quiet groan at his words. Your mind has registered itself into a haze, a repeat telecast of your crush with the partner looping infinite times.
Why were you so stupid to fall for your co-worker? Why couldn’t you just believe he wasn’t leading you on and you were just tripping on his sweet words and innocent escapes?
Yoongi pulls you up, breath hitching as your arms cradle his neck, your faint perfume hitting his senses making him realise how deeply he has engraved you in his thoughts. He brushes them off and strokes one finger down your cheeks tenderly.
“You will have a pounding headache tomorrow,” he tells you, barely being able to hear his own words over the pounding of his heart. He can treat you better, so much better and love you like it’s worth it. But maybe he has to wait for that a while.
੭ㅤ𝅄ㅤ ꒰ JUNG HOSEOK ꒱
The cup makes a shattering sound as you throw it to the floor, resonating in the empty house and your emptier soul. It would be termed as dramatic given how you were behaving right now but you were basically led on by your crush, bought gifts, been flirted with just to throw your feelings down a cliff.
You should have known really there was a spouse down the line, the wandering eyes should have been your first sign. The empty promises, and false resolutions were just to kill you slowly. It never became serious, and just when you thought it would, the real colours emerged. The partner came onto the scene.
“Keep the plate down,” your roommate’s voice reaches your ears and you look up to see him stand at the door, a solemn look and a steel curtain on his eyes as he downs your state. You keep it down, hands trembling and sobs racking through your body as soon as it reaches the table.
In quick strides, Hoseok closes the gap between you two saying, “We are here, people who love you, who want you.” “They are not,” you choke on half of your sentence as you cry and he slightly traces his fingers down your clothed back trying to calm you. “They are,” he whispers and his hold tightens, “I am.”
“I should have taken your advice,” you sniffle making him shush you as he holds you against the kitchen counter, heart beating too loudly for him to like, but it’s you. And he would like anything for you!
੭ㅤ𝅄ㅤ ꒰ KIM NAMJOON ꒱
“And then I got to know there is a partner,” you explain to Namjoon who hums lightly. You look at him with tired eyes feeling the emptiness grow in your body. You are not sad, you don’t want to cry. You are just empty.
Namjoon hands you a glass of water which you gladly accept and sip on lightly as he says, “Well it is just one instance, and there are plenty of other fishes in the sea. And besides, don’t get disheartened, someone out there is the one you are waiting for.” You nod lightly knowing your friend is actually great at giving advice when it comes to anything.
“How did I not see a single sign, like they were literally so big and neon coloured if visualised,” you chuckle dryly and Namjoon walks towards you holding you lightly against his standing form. “Sometimes you miss stuff when you are in love,” he says and you snort. Love! Right, that is exactly what there was.
“I feel so stupid,” you whisper, face pressed against his t-shirt as he traces the back of your neck to soothe you and says, “You shouldn’t. You can’t control your feelings can you?” You shake your head lightly to a “no” and keep quiet loving his embrace and words. He lets the comfortable silence stay, maybe loving it a bit too much with you in his arms. But not now, you need time and he is willing to give it all.
੭ㅤ𝅄ㅤ ꒰ PARK JIMIN ꒱
A whiff of smoke releases from your nose as you lean against the balcony watching the city lights twinkle. A blare of a car horn reaches your ears amidst the chaos in your mind and at the same time the doorbell rings. You balance the cigarette on your lips and open the door to see your neighbour standing.
“Jimin, come on in,” you reply and he shrugs, hands in pockets and hair slicked back as you two walk towards the balcony again. You know why he is here, at least you assume it’s for the incident.
“Heard about the morning news,” he starts and you chuckle, “Yeah, hilarious. I ask my neighbour out and turns out the partner can come from behind.” He laughs loudly making you roll your eyes as he keeps laughing until you glare which finally stops him.
“Well, at least your other neighbour is totally hot and absolutely available,” he says, a hint of sincerity and hope glimmering in his eyes which goes away in one blink and is replaced by a joking stance. You snort saying, “Have some shame, Park Jimin, at least wait a day.” He shrugs pulling the cigarette from your lips and putting it down and asks, “Are you really okay though?”
“Here I thought we would indirectly kiss when you put that on your lips,” you joke, a pregnant pause follows and you continue, “I will be, don’t worry.” He nods and adds softly, “I am there for you, always. And I can listen well.”
“I know,” you smile a little, maybe out of reassurance or maybe out of the sincerity in his eyes and for the first time that day you don’t feel so alone.
Taehyung is blatantly surprised when he opens the door to your tear-stained face and swollen cheeks. You honestly don’t care as you push past him, inviting yourself in your best friend’s couch and lying down. He closes the door softly before walking over and looking at your state again.
“Do I want to know?” he jokes and you kick a throw pillow which doesn’t even reach his chest as he catches it easily and sits down. “Has a partner!” you say and he furrows his eyebrows in confusion before realisation strikes him and he says a quiet, “Oh.”
“Yeah oh! Be in love and get your heart broken is my ritual at this point,” you whine and he sits down beside you shrugging and says “Well, technically you should have understood when-“
“I don’t wanna hear your technicalities, Kim,” you snap and he raises his hand in defeat before sighing and saying, “Come here.” You happily invite yourself into his embrace and cry quietly. The tears dampen his pants but he pays no attention to that as you mumble incoherently about your crush and his heart wrenches with every single sob escaping from you.
As he holds you in his arms he wishes at least one day you will be able to see him like he sees you, and you will know how your ritual may have a solution right away.
“Fuck your crush,” Jungkook screams and you reply with an equally loud, “Yeah,” before taking the shots from your respective glasses. The bartender pours another one into your glasses which you drunkenly clink and drink, giggling like kids and drink again.
“I told you, you never listen, there was something wrong, I told you,” he repeatedly slurs and you groan putting your head on his shoulders and say, “Well, a fiancée was never in my Bingo Card.” Maybe it’s the drink that finally gets your head but you swear you heard Jungkook whisper, “Thank goodness for the fiancée,” under his breath.
“What?” you register, pushing yourself off his shoulders and looking at him incredulously and he shrugs making you think maybe you did hear wrong. “Your crush is a stupid piece of shit, there are many more people who can treat you better,” he says and you smile lightly, loving the low light in the bar not reflecting the red hue on his face.
“Like me,” he mumbles but is thankful when you don’t catch it but instead go for another shot, his eyes longing for one chance. Any chance. With you.
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ー☆ㅤㅤ [ ara's notes ] ㅤ੭𓂃 ㅤit might not be full comfort but i hope you like it, i have missed writing bts omg. ㅤ𓏧ㅤ libraryㅤ bts shelfㅤ navi
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੭ 𝅄ㅤ ꒰ TAGLIST ꒱ ㅤ⏤ㅤ @weird-bookworm ㅤ𓏧ㅤ fill this or comment or ask to be added
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ㅤㅤ(ㅤㅤ© arafilez on tumblrㅤㅤ)
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sugarwithtea · 1 year
namaste bangtan | ot7 collab
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Namaste, The tannies are on a tour. Where you ask? India. A country they have never visited, but when we dive deep in the world of fiction, they are exploring the country with a sweet tooth for love and history. It's not a concert tour, if you were skeptical. It's one which will lead them to know the colors of diversity, colors of spicy street food and colors of a country with millions of adventures.
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➳ A desi BTS fanfic collaboration hosted by @sugarwithtea , @btsstan12 (ao3) and @apotatomashedbybts
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Title : Obbanti Author : @btsstan12 (ao3) Pairing : Author!Seokjin x Photographer!Reader (f) Summary : Broken. That is what Jin felt when he decided to travel to India. His only reason to travel was to mend his broken heart, and that he did, when he met you. With tender gaze and pretty smile you mended his heart, but only later did he realize that his mended heart hurt more than his broken one. He had travelled to forget the memories of one but returned with the memories of another and just like that he had another incomplete story. Rating/Genre : pg-15, strangers to lovers, fluff, angst Location : Karnataka
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Title : Dui Pakhi (Two Birds) Author : @apotatomashedbybts Pairing : Idol!Yoongi x Reader (f) Summary : Since the beginning of time there has been two different energies - finite and infinite, masculine and feminine, inner world and outer world - existing in duality but unified by love. In Rabindranath Thakur's words - "Only in love are unity and duality not in conflict." Just as the unpredictable spring rolled in, love brought another two opposite energies together - freed and caged, Yoongi and you. Mutual attraction stemming from admiration for each other's craft pulled you two closer and Yoongi found himself in India, walking with you, matching his steps with yours and soaking himself in colours of the outside as well as inside. But what if that particular gravity is not enough against the unrestrained love you both have for your own worlds? What if your wings are too weak to hold each other? Rating/Genre : 18+, strangers to lovers, fluff, angst, eventual smut, travel au, idol au Location : Shantiniketan, Bolpur / West Bengal
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Title : Teri Hasee Ka Noor Author : @moonleeai Pairing : Hoseok x Reader (f) Summary : Hoseok takes best friend duties seriously and makes it his mission to cure your winter blues. He intends well by surprising you with a tropical vacation but it starts off colder than anticipated. Hoseok fixes his mistake in time for the hot weather to stir something in both of you. Rating/Genre : 18+, friends to lovers, fluff, angst, smut, travel au Location : Kashmir and Goa
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Title : The Pink City Author : @sugarwithtea Pairing : Author!Namjoon x Guide!Reader (f) Summary : The colour of love? There's a lot of debate on it. But when I ask you what love is, do you see hues of red? A splash of colours, golden, red and white — ones which represent love, peace and happiness? What happens when you mix the colour of love, red, and the colour of peace, white? You get pink. Namjoon is in the pink city of India, and even though he doesn't search for love, he stumbles upon it when he meets you, his guide for his months long stay. Will he be painted pink? Or will he go back colourless? Rating/Genre : 18+, strangers to lovers, fluff, angst, smut, travel au Location : Jaipur / Rajasthan
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Title : The Homeliest Home Author : @tangy-tangerine Pairing : Idol!Jimin x Reader (f) Summary : You have never been good at building, so establishing a home far from home was weighing down heavily on your impulsive dream of moving away. Just when the air of the new city begins throttling the joys of your life, you choose to give in for a week; a week of the luxury life that brings that glow on the elites of Pune. What you would have never expected was bumping into a group of bulky men and from in between them, a soft, gorgeous smile and dreamy eyes meeting yours. What better time to meet your favourite idol than when you need him the most Rating/Genre : 16+, strangers to lovers, fluff, angst, slice of life, travel au, idol au Location : Pune / Maharashtra
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Title : Family Ties Author : @blog-name-idk Pairing : Artist!Taehyung x American-born Indian!Reader Summary : Your boyfriend Taehyung is everything you've ever wanted in a partner. Kind, sweet, funny, attentive – the two of you fit together like puzzle pieces. Except, well, he's not Indian, and your very traditional grandmother does not approve. Rating/Genre : 18+, fluff, angst, established relationship Location : -
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Title : The World Is A Garden Author : @madbutgloriouspond Pairing : Student!Jungkook x Florist!Reader Summary : Tired of working to live, you embark on that over seas that younger you was always day dreaming of. With a new attitude in a new country, you meet a boy bright like sunshine. Will something blossom between you? Rating/Genre : 18+, fluff, mild angst, strangers to lovers Location : Gangtok / Sikkim
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➳ no official taglist, please follow the authors or their personal taglists to be updated. ➳ all rights reserved by the respective authors. ➳ please show love to all the authors, thank you.
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keeperoftinyarmy · 4 months
I think jikook are featured a lot for a couple of reasons the first being that jimin and jungkook just naturally spend the most time together. Even when they aren't the primary focus we'll get background shots of those two doing something which is probably the second reason they aren't just sitting next to each other on their phones they're interacting doing something interesting and fun. One of the last ot7 award shows before Jin enlisted they were playing the hand slapping game backstage while waiting infinitely more usable then any of them sitting on their phones or having a conversation that can't be released so if jikook spend a lot of time together and their relationship naturally includes having fun then they're gonna be fun to watch and you need fun when your DVD is 8 hours long. Third tkkrs full of shit and in the world of celebrity good press/ bad press > no press. Enough people like them separately and together that they benefit from the screen time and it's better fo capitalize off what already exists than to try and ignore it and make a whole new thing and the people who hate it also won't shut up about it which as we all know is a goldmine
I am so glad you chimed in. Thank you for bringing up good press/bad press… even the hateful keep them trending
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heybaetae · 2 days
kelli! it's so nice to see you back on the dash 🤍 i hope you've been doing better, and had a good day today overall!
since you asked for some chitty chats, this is moreso a thought i've been having since the excitement of seokjin coming back and the new ot7 pics coming out... i've grown out of the huge fandom aspect of things (i didn't even know festa included a live show or a new song released by jungkook 😭) — but knowing they are all okay, looking healthy and smiling... it really makes me feel like they were once my best friend where we knew everything about each other and did everything together — but then life got in the way? we lost contact for a while, priorities shifted, and now we are living different lives ... but there is still so much love, so much respect, so much awe.
it oddly hurts, moving on like this. i felt something similar years ago when i gave away a signed poster towards an auction at my university — it was for a great cause, the army i gave it to was endlessly grateful, and it made me so happy that i could pass along something that would mean the world to them infinitely more than me. it felt like i also gave away a huge part of myself but not in an empty-thinking way... but in a there-is-now-room-for-more-in-life...
i don't know what this message really entails haha! just thoughts about growing up, moving on, but still feeling like i have one foot in the past and looking back in a fear of... potential regret? and it's not like my world will shatter or anything, but these boys made me so, so happy at one point in my life. if anything, now that i type these thoughts out, i almost want to thank them for guiding me to that said feeling of happiness — and to believe that i can continue to find it in other aspects of life... oh 🥺
ah what a sweet sentiment, anon! thanks for sharing. i think if people were more open minded instead of judgemental and dictative of other fans' personal journeys with bts, we'd all be in a much healthier place as a fandom. it feels icky (read: cult-like) seeing people try to tell each other how their loyalty to bts matters more than anything and that nobody is allowed to gradually grow out of a fandom space for their own reasons or it makes you a bad person. i think that's why a lot of "ex-army" have such a bitter taste in their mouths and it's sometimes hard to call it unfounded depending on their situation or experience. i hope you're doing well and am glad you still feel warmth towards them despite your distance from them and the fandom. your feelings match mine towards my previous fandom, so i totally get the bittersweet emotions that come with being out of the loop and feeling lighter, but still kinda regretful it happened. i'm pretty sure they just want you to be happy no matter how long you were with them in the first place. :)
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kflixnet · 2 years
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KFLIXNET is happy to present the compiled list of our recommendations sent in by you guys for our anniversary special event; shout-out!
Compiled below is each fic sent in by our members and fellow writers.  Thank you to everyone for being with KFLIXNET, and to everyone who shared the works they loved writing!
Check out the amazing works sent in below the cut!
corpsehands | @bikerjongho
↳ wooyoung | 4.4k | fantasy + adventure + supernatural
minors dni | unorthodox | @yoongimingyu
↳ ot7 | series | smut + fluff + angst
infinite stars | @maplecornia
↳ ot7 | series | fluff + angst
minors dni | countermelody | @bonvoyagenoona
↳ yoongi | series | fluff + angst + humor + smut
secret admirers | @renhaissance
↳ 02z | series | fluff + humour
hi, i'm jaeyun | @alohajun
↳ jake | 0.7k | fluff
21:43 | @hoonfever
↳ sunghoon | 0.2k | fluff
in my dreams | @yyunari
↳ sunghoon | 1.2k | fluff + angst
mail! | @prettywon
↳ sunghoon | smau | fluff + angst + crack + slowburn
carnations | @sunoksunny
↳ sunoo | 1.3k | angst + fluff
my vampire boyfriend | @intotheneozone
↳ jungwon | 12.6k | fluff + angst
one day at a time | @twilightau
↳ jungwon | 3.5k | angst
silent touches | @svhnflwr
↳ johnny | 0.4k | fluff + slice of life
for the record | @lebrookestore
↳ taeyong | 51.4k | fluff + angst + slowburn + romance + comedy
unexpected but sweet | @meiideryz
↳ ten | 1k | fluff
the boy on the train | @ohmytyong
↳ mark | 1.6k | fluff
the mistery of the lost wallet | @nanaflwers
↳ jaemin | 1.4k | fluff + humour + romance
minors dni | as always | @luvno
↳ jisung | 2k | smut
present | @tranquilpetrichor
↳ keeho | 0.8k | angst + comfort
pay off | @sxcret-garden
↳ keeho | 5.4k | fluff + slowburn
pocket money | @ethereal-engene
↳ seungcheol | 1.7k | fluff + humour + slice of life
a waltz of meteors and stars | @svt1117
↳ minghao | 4.7k | angst + fluff
gold and silver | @decembermoonskz
↳ chan | series | angst + fluff + fantasy + mystery
when we twisted shadows back into stars | @skazoo
↳ minho | 15.3k | fluff + angst + crack + sci-fi
love potion | @pufflix
↳ changbin | 4.9k | fluff + humour
happier | @crispy-chan
↳ jisung | 20k | fluff + angst + hurt-comfort + romance + drama
painting faith | @starlighthan
↳ seungmin | 6.5k | fluff + angst + sci-fi
safe place | @pockyandme
↳ sunwoo | 3.4k | fluff
sunrise | @astrozuya
↳ yeonjun | 0.6k | fluff
dreams come true | @day6andetcetera
↳ soobin | 17.2k | fluff + angst + crack
my comfort is you | @stardustsunny
↳ beomgyu | 0.6k | fluff
blurry lines | @pr0dbeomgyu
↳ taehyun | smau | fluff + angst + crack
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btschooseafic · 1 year
AO3 Recs
infinitely the most important by alli_oops
ot7, polyam, jungkook centric, a/b/o dynamics, canon compliantish, polyam, miscommunication
jungkook is feeling down about being a beta
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muselin · 1 year
Muse's ultimate, top-tier, legacy-level fic recs (2022)
A love letter to the hardworking, inspiring kpop smut writers
As per the title, this is a little list of my most favourite tumblr fics of all time that I discovered in 2022. The 100 out of 10s, the crown jewels of smut royalty, the fics that I have yelled, gasped, gaped and drooled over and could name in my sleep as my most favourite of all time. The infinitely re-readable and rebloggable fics that you can never pry from my shriveled up little fingers even after I've turned to dust. The kind of fics that you read and years later they're still with you, you keep looking for them in the dusty corners of the Internet or save somewhere so you can re-read them.
Wonwoo x reader x Mingyu: "Getting Closer" Part 1 and Part 2 by @milfgyuu
Wonwoo x reader x Mingyu: "Anteric" by @smileysuh
Vernon x reader: "Hit" by @smileysuh
Stray Kids
Minho x reader x Changbin: "Company" by @btssmutgalore a.k.a @ballelino
Hyunjin x reader x Chan: the entire "Take Care" series by @multifandomfantasies
Minho x reader feat. ATEEZ Seonghwa: Make a Lil' Room by @bangchanswolfpelt
OT7 x reader gangbang: Our Angel by @yuta-senpai
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Happy Thirteenversary Infinite.
Glad to see ot6. Hope one fine day will be ot7.
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lilprincegoo · 10 months
infinitely the most important by alli_oops
Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Beta Jeon Jungkook, Canon Compliant, Angst with a Happy Ending, Everyone is whipped for Jungkook, Pack Dynamics, Scenting, Cuddles, Insecure Jeon Jungkook, Miscommunication, what we have hereis a failure to communicate, Panic Attacks, Anxiety Attacks
15.6k words
rating: T
According to society, betas were the less desired subgender, the ones left to the side and discarded because they just weren't as good as alphas or omegas. After some time thinking, Jungkook is starting to think that society may be right. _____ Or, beta Jungkook needs reassurance from his pack that he's just as good as anyone else, no matter his subgender.
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maplecornia · 10 months
chapter 75
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infinite stars masterlist | BTS masterlist | masterlist | playlist
𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔡 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱: 3.3K
𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤: bts x female!reader
𝔤𝔢𝔫𝔯𝔢: romance | slice of life | fluff | angst
𝔰𝔲𝔪𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔶: if you were my destiny, then I'd be willing to believe in anything.
𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰: cliffhangers | angst | fluff | slight mentions of self hatred | depression | mental health illness | self harm | occurs in the year 2024 | set in a timeline where BTS went to the military together | slight language | mentions of rape | childhood trauma | multiple forms of abuse | mentions of blood and injuries | toxic relationships | mentions of alcohol and drugs | r*pe | assault | graphic depictions of all the above
taglist [OPEN]: @jaeyunverse | @fangirl125reader | @kookiebbyxx | @taradevonne | @rae-bear | @mangminnie | @plxlekoo (not taggable) | @cana | @eridanuswave | @MISSSEOULITE (not taggable) | @kodzuskook | @bingyuu (not taggable) | @soobmint | @hyunjxnxee | @gongiz | @uno7 (not taggable) | @yesv01 | @myork | @eunbinism | @kpopppy
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You were six years old the first time you ever stood on a stage. 
You had been stuffed into a tight elastic outfit made entirely of spandex, your legs covered by the sheer fabric of your tights. Your hair had been sprayed with an array of multiple different chemicals so much so that it was hard for you to breathe comfortably. Your face was heavy with makeup that itched your skin and urged you to rub it off the moment it was applied, your shoes a few inches too wide. You were uncomfortable, anxious, and perturbed. Everything was so crowded and noisy, and all you wanted was to get out of the suffocating environment and back to the safety of your mother's arms. 
But as soon as you stood on that stage, everything changed.
It was as though a flame had sparked deep within your tiny chest, and the world had turned into a paradise of your own creation. The spotlight was hot on your skin, but the crowd was dazzling and bright as you began to dance amongst the stars. 
It was a small crowd, and your performance was far from perfect. Your dressing room was dark and dingy, and could barely fit five girls at a time. Your costume smelled of cheap detergent and your makeup was peeling off from the sweat that gathered in the heat of the spotlight. 
And yet, at that moment, nothing else could have been more beautiful.
For that one singular second where you were able to perform, took up an infinite number of seconds afterward, where you began to move towards your dream. 
Dancing tenaciously for hours upon hours until your muscles could no longer sustain you. Singing until your throat grew hoarse and tired. Skipping out on meals and sleep if that meant you would have more time to train to work towards a fantasy that seemed so far out of your reach. Day after day. Night after night. All so that you could make your way back to that stage. 
And you were good at what you did. 
The crowds loved you at every talent show, you were praised after every pageant and recital, told you were talented at every choral function and competition. 
But it wasn't enough.
No matter how hard you worked, how many times you auditioned, or how many sleepless nights you wasted away in the practice room, it was never enough. 
You were never enough. 
Their praise became bitter, the joy began to die out, and soon enough the stage had become a distant dream of yours, one that you had to let go. 
But if you were honest, it never really left.
In your fantasy, the crowd's cheers became a part of your symphony, begging to hear more, to see more, to never let it end. With every being you reached with your voice, a new world blossomed, one that you were able to inspire and watch grow just as you had once before. With each beat you grew closer to the sky, and in each note you found another star to decorate the abyss you found before you. Your heart longed to make those dreams into a reality, and soon you realized that though you had tried to forget, as time passed, your desire had only grown. 
You needed the stage almost as much as you needed the very air to breathe. 
Now, you should be happy. 
You're so close, your dream is only mere moments away, and if you looked deep inside yourself you can find that your inner child is beaming. Her feet already dancing in excitement at the sight of the stage pristine and welcoming before you, the crowd outside chanting and roaring in anticipation. She whispers to you that this is the moment, this is what you've worked so hard for, the dream is so close and that stage is the key to unlocking it. 
You should be happy. 
So why does it feel like chains are beginning to tighten around your wrists? Why does your heart feel heavy?  
It makes you wonder, is it all worth it? 
Will you still want it after it's their turn to tear you apart?
"You're going to do great." 
You start a bit at the sound of Hoseok's voice right beside you and roll your eyes as he chuckles at your reaction. As he looks at you, you can't help but notice he looks so calm, almost at home in this environment. You can tell that he was born to be on the stage, that it is when he is the happiest. 
It's almost humbling to think that soon, you will be able to stand beside him, and perform on the same stage he once did, the same crowd that once cheered for him, cheering for you in his place. 
“You know this by heart." Though you smile his way, Hoseok can feel the nerves that tightly bind you in anxiety, the look in your eyes somewhat dark and distant. "If Taehyung falters, all you have to do is lead him and he’ll follow you. He’s a great performer.” 
Your current condition cannot help but worry him as he looks deep into your eyes, trying his best to unlock whatever hidden secrets you keep safely away inside. And though he tries to reassure you, he recognizes that this is not like all the times before. He doesn't know you like he thought he did, he wonders if he ever really knew you at all. 
But maybe, it is not him that you need. 
Maybe it's always been someone else.  
And as you look away, he wonders if that is who you search for each time you're lost in the unforgiving waste of your mind. He wonders if he is the water you seek, the air that you breathe, the oasis amidst an otherwise painful abyss. And though, at this moment, Hoseok may smile, he does not know why his heart is heavy, nor why he has begun to feel afraid. So when he places his finger beneath your chin, turning your face so that it only looks at him, he wonders if his fear was simply that one day you may fade away. 
As though you were a mirage only meant to momentarily ease his aching heart. 
In his eyes, you find comfort and pride. They are full of a million different words he wishes he could say but was never able to. So he says them all now, through the look in his eyes, the warmth of his finger beneath your chin, the smile he wears exuberantly; his heart on the line. 
When he speaks, his words are simple and sincere just as he has always been and will continue to be. Constant and steady, an unwavering breeze in an otherwise stormy sea. 
"He won't let you down." 
And as he looks at you, you can tell that he's not talking about the stage or the performance. He is talking about your feelings, your true desire now that you have found the one thing…the one person, who was able to complete your new world.
The realization setting in, your eyes widen, and you shake your head; quick to deny what he already undoubtedly knows. 
"Hobi, I--"
"Just don't worry, okay?" You're silenced by his words, something in the way he smiles making you wonder why he seems so sad. And though you long to reach out and erase it, you can’t help but feel it would only make it worse, make it harder for him to let go. "Even if you don’t believe, everyone else does. You were made for this Yen, I can see it in your eyes even now.” 
His hands reach for yours and when you squeeze them tightly, tears build up in the back of your throat, as you realize he's been looking out for you all this time. Even now, he's trying to reassure you that everything will be okay. Begging you to trust him, to trust them to take care of everything. 
He knows that the time when you will have to stand on your own is coming, but he also knows that time is not now. So until he has to say goodbye to you forever, he will be the ground you stand on, the support you need to fly. 
“From the very beginning, I’ve been betting on you.”
Although you've never asked for it, you've always had it. 
You wonder if there will ever be words enough to express how thankful you are, and perhaps that question will never be answered, but at least you can rest easy knowing that when you wrap your arms around Hoseok, he knows all you could have possibly hoped to say. It surprises him at first, but he returns it gladly, his arms warm and safe. He smells like home and healing, and you find yourself wanting to grasp onto every piece of him before you have to let him go. 
“Thank you.”
Across the room, Taehyung watches as the two of you part. He sees the smile on Jhope's face and the tears that still sparkle in your eyes. Seeing the ease with which the two of you hold the other, the way you look so perfect together, makes him wonder if there was ever any room for him in your world. 
Hoseok glances at him and can see the doubt clear on Taehyung's face. An unsteadiness that he had never worn before, not even with the most serious of his romances. He can tell that the way he feels this time is something deeper, something different, something that he won't let slip away so easily. 
At the thought, Hoseok can't help but smile. For how could two people so clearly made for the other find themselves so close, and yet so far away? 
You will be okay. 
As Jhope picks your hand up and presses his lips against your skin, he knows this fact to be true. Almost as true as the fact that you never needed him, not really. Even before they knew you, you had stood strong enough on your own. And yet, as he looks up at your wide eyes, he can't help but feel as though you had saved each other. 
In more ways than one. 
The stage darkens to prepare for his performance and he pulls away, giving you one last look at his gorgeous smile before running back to the stage. 
All he can really hope now is that you find the one your heart calls. 
And that he answers it with the love and care that you deserve. 
When the spotlight warms his face, and the cheers nearly overwhelm the backtrack, you are left speechless at how beautiful he is. How even alone, he fills the stage, and the entire stadium with his persona, his light. It's dazzling, and you can't help but wonder if one day you'll be given the chance to shine as bright. 
"Will I be enough?"
"You already are."
At his voice beside you jump, clamping your hands across your lips as though they had betrayed you. Taehyung smiles as you chastise yourself, his heart blooming as it had millions of times before, only this time he is able to put a name to the feeling. As you look up at him with those eyes, he knows he cannot wait a second longer, and perhaps he had waited for too long already. Perhaps the two of you had been so lost within your fantasy that you had forgotten reality was created to tear you apart. 
But what is reality, what is fate, if it was not meant to be defied?
Taehyung's hand wraps around yours, and though it catches you off guard, it does not feel out of place. After all, he has held your hand countless times before, and if you were truly honest, you wish he would hold it for countless more. 
Is that foolish? 
He pulls you to the side of the stage, behind a couple of curtains where he can speak to you privately. A secret space where the two of you can coexist in the world you had already begun to create together without anyone else coming in to destroy it. 
At first, the urgency startles you. The way he’s looking into your eyes driving a strange type of fear into your heart. He's looked at you many times before, but this time it's different, almost clouded. You don't want to try and pick it apart, for what if once you do, it is not something you want to see? 
And what if it is? 
What if it is everything you've ever wanted?
Somehow that thought is scarier than the first. 
"Tae, what are you--"
"I love you." 
The phrase shakes you to the core, and you wonder if you misheard him. 
But then you see his sincerity. 
Is this real?
His eyes are full of a mixture of emotions, too many to name and too many to count, but all of them mix together to create a galaxy of stars.
Stars that were created because of you. 
“I know I’m selfish and I know that being with me would only hurt you, believe me, I know, but I..." They shine bright as he looks at you, and you wonder if this is what it means to be someone's entire world. He's always been yours, but you hadn't realized till now just how much of a mark you had made, you had never dreamed it to be possible. "Ever since the first moment I met you, I couldn’t get you out of my head.”
"Taehyung..." You whisper his name, finding that it is the only thing you can say, your heart beating too fast and too loud for you to make much sense of anything else other than the fact that he loves you. 
Taehyung looks at you, and he wonders if it's okay to hope that you could possibly feel the same way he does. He wonders if one day you will trust him enough to give him the key to your heart, as his already lies welcome at your feet. 
“I've never believed in destiny before until I met you."
The dark is no longer so dark, the colors are no longer dull, and the world begins to sing its own song in your soul. When he looks at you, you feel complete. The notes to your melody have been found, and he chases away every fear and doubt with one look your way.
"Things just never made sense before, you know? Every coincidence, every moment we spent together, it was as though some string was drawing us closer and closer together. As though we were meant to meet, as though we were made for each other, and the only thing that was stopping us before was…distance."
Taehyung wonders how there was ever a time when he could survive without you near. He wonders how he was able to be okay without you in his life. The thought scares him. If this is how it feels to love you, he can't help but wonder how it would feel if he were to ever lose you. 
"I don’t want the distance anymore. I want you beside me, I want to be with you all the time, I want to hold your hand, I want to touch your heart, I want to keep you close…” 
He takes your hands gingerly into his own, before raising them and kissing them softly. His eyelashes brush against your skin, but his lips are soft and warm, his eyes tentative and filled to the brim with hope as he looks at you.
“Now that we’ve met, I want everything, but most of all…"
You never thought anyone could be perfect, and you know that he is far from it, but when he looks at you that way, when he holds you safely within your arms, you cannot help but think he is perfect for you. That the two of you were made to find each other just as he said. The missing piece you had been searching for but never thought you would find. 
"I want to be yours.” 
He found you. 
Or perhaps you found each other.
When times were most dark, and you were suffocating from the pain, you reached out and felt him wrap his arms around you. You found that you needed him, but you never would have guessed he needed you just as badly. That your heart was made for him as much as his was already bleeding for yours. That he had given you the key to it before you even dared to ask, and had begun making your mark on his world just as he had been slowly walking into yours. 
I don't want the distance anymore.
“With you here, everything makes sense."
Is it okay to feel this joy? Is it okay for you to just give in? To lay your key at his mercy and open your heart to be hurt again? 
For him...would all that pain be worth it?
"It’s like you filled a hole that I didn’t realize I had been missing. Without you, I’m lost…and I don’t want to be lost anymore." Taehyung takes your hand and presses it against his chest, so you can feel what he feels. Marking your touch on his heart and baring his soul before you as his beats fast and wild beneath your fingertips. "So maybe destiny doesn’t exist, and maybe fate isn’t real, but if my destiny is you, then I would be ready to believe anything.” 
Yes, you're scared. Everything could fall apart just because you fell in love with him. Your dreams could be tattered, your future could crumble at his feet, all because you wanted to be his. You saw what happened when your mother ventured too far into their world, how quickly she was torn apart because she dared to feel. Every reason tells you that the risk is not worth it. 
Is there reason enough to stay away?
Your heart beats only for him. Your breath is his to take as he pleases. Your skin itches for his touch each time he is near. You no longer want to admire him from a distance. You don't want to continue to be stagnant where he is always close but never close enough. You don't want to feel incomplete. 
Your world already belongs to him.
Is it too much to give in?
“You don't have to answer now, but I’ll wait for you, no matter how long it takes." 
Before you can say anything, you hear the staff calling for you as your turn to perform draws near. Only then does Taehyung pull away from you, the space between you once more broken. You want to say something, anything, to let him know that he's already embedded himself deep into your heart; but you find that fear holds you back. 
You want so badly to let him in, but what if you get hurt again?
Would you ever be able to recover? 
Perhaps he sensed your doubt, perhaps he caught the despair in your eyes at the thought of letting you go, or perhaps he merely wanted to hold you one last time. Regardless of the reason, he reaches forward, taking your cheeks into his careful touch, and pressing his lips against your forehead in an intimate gesture that sends your heart racing. 
"If it’s too hard, then I’ll let you go." He whispers against your skin, and you find yourself leaning into him, your hands resting against his chest as he pulls you close. "I just had to let you know, at least once before it was too late.” 
With that, he pulls away, releasing you with a smile. He turns from your hiding space and follows the staff who rush him to the opposite side of the stage, while you stay where he left you, frozen. You are faintly aware of staff members taking you by the arm and doing some finishing touches to your outfit as they prepare you for your entrance on the sidelines, but it is a minor fact. For when you meet his eyes across the stage nothing else seems to matter anymore. He smiles at you, the galaxy hidden in his irises so clear, even from so far away. 
Could it be possible? 
Could the moon find a way to love the sun?
Or is this an eclipse that will soon pass?
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chapter 76 here
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theangryjikooker · 1 year
Hey, TAJ!
How have you been?
I know the past several months have been crazy in all spaces (might be crazier now, if I'm being honest, and I'm talking about everyone), but I'm glad you're back to sharing your thoughts.
Have you had the chance to listen to Face and D-Day? May I know your thoughts about them?
Also, are you anticipating the release of JK's album? I'm wondering what kind of direction he's decided on.
I've been feeling that the timing for the release of the members' albums to be very tight, though, I understand that they have a timeline.
Thank you!
Hi! Everything is great with me, I can’t complain (outside of the Internet anyway lol). Hope all is the same for you. :)
So, disclaimer, my feelings are based on my musical preferences. I just know some people are going to take this personally because they’ve made it their mission that music is not a subjective art form at all.
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For some background, my listening pattern tends to be that I loop things for an indeterminate amount of time upon initial release. Eventually, I no longer have the interest to loop things and start getting selective about tracks I really like and shove them into my shuffled BTS playlist. If I really love something, I also add it to my like tracks, which is more extensive and spans different genres. I often switch between my specific and liked playlists because my listening style makes it very easy to get bored.
“Just change it,” one might say.
If I could, I would, but I also don’t want to. I’ve been like this since I was a kid. It’s also very rare that I listen to whole albums and like every single song. I cannot stress this enough, though I can confirm that this has been achieved by several OT7 albums. Prior to these, however, I was raised on classical vinyl records, and I don’t quite count them as “albums” in the way we understand them today. Make of that what you will.
Anyway, point being, my listening style and ultimately how I organize songs after the initial novelty has worn off is definitely a reflection of my long-term interest.
And I should hope that many of you are adult enough to understand that not liking everything an artist puts out does not make someone any less of a fan. Purists are not invited in this house; if you have an issue with it, go to someone who’ll pander to you.
All this said, I’ve listened to both albums.
When FACE and D-Day were released, both followed the aforementioned pattern. I agreed with the sentiment that FACE didn’t sound like your typical Kpop genre. Jimin has always defied expectations in that regard. Visually and conceptually, FACE was excellent, but knowing what Jimin is capable of, I was also expecting something a bit more, musically. I’m not saying the album was bad, but it was different. I think, for that reason, I’ve mostly been undecided, even though I did add the majority of the album to my BTS playlist. Except for “Letter”—shipping aside, it’s very beautiful. It’s a shame it wasn’t released as a stand-alone because I probably would have given it near infinite plays, and it would’ve found a spot in my liked playlist as well.
If I were to take anything away from this, it’s that I’m more interested in what his sophomore album will look and sound like, now that he has a taste of the process and has the experience.
D-Day is a very strong album, but keep in mind that Yoongi (like the hyung line) has a lot of experience under his belt. That’s natural. But for a while, with the exception of “Daechwita” and “People” off D-2, I had a hard time connecting to the tracks released under Agust D. FOR SHAME, I know. It wasn’t until D-Day that I was able to listen to D-2 and the self-titled album with a different mindset, which also affected my renewed appreciation for them. D-Day, however, is the superior installment of the trilogy. Maybe it’s cheating, but I think it also helped immensely that I was given free passes for the Agust D tour, which I hadn’t anticipated on attending. But free is free, what can I say. There’s a reason why music and live performances are crucial to an artist and their art. Sometime ago, a lot of people here assumed Yoongi was my bias, despite how rarely I talked about him. He wasn’t, and over time I gradually accepted that I didn’t really have one. Now? I can say that statement probably resonates with me a lot more these days.
And of course I’m interested in what Jungkook’s cooking up. I maintain that his voice is appealing to big western production, so I’m thinking we might see something that fits that particular palate? But the thing with Jungkook is that he’s been exploring sound and allegedly having a hand in the instrumentals, which only serves to expand his range, so my previous assumptions on his album might already be outdated.
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yukiakaren · 2 years
Kpop title track ranking: INFINITE
In this series I’ll be ranking kpop groups/soloists title tracks based on my taste.
So, YouTube led me to Infinite after a while and I decided why not bring one of my older ultimate groups to the front line! I absolutely love Infinite to bits even today after them not being active in years already. Their music just is so so good and they were such a hilarious bunch together. I’m always happy to get my Infinite crumbs on Instagram when the guys post some pictures of them supporting each others works and stuff. But okay let’s stop this loving ramble and get on to the listing!
Note: Infinite’s singles are confusing, so I’ll just count them as title tracks as they seem to have been promoting them.
Destiny - Destiny, my ultimate love. I don’t remember this for sure but I think this was the first Infinite song I heard and probably also the first one I started liking. And it just hasn’t ever stopped being captivating to me. The attitude in it is just something I can’t find in anywhere else. I just love Destiny and it just has to be the one I call my number 1.
Back - Was I blessed to have this as my first Infinite comeback after starting to love them? Oh boy I was. Is it even legal for a song to be this good? Pulling all my heartstrings with no mercy. Just so incredible song.
Paradise - Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. I just love Paradise. All of it. Lyrics. Instrumentals. Vocals. Raps. Choreography (and this is a lot coming from someone who doesn’t really retain much memories of dances). Just all of it.
Last Romeo - Another one of my absolute loves. Probably has something to do with the MV having Woohyun as the main lead for the acting. But that aside, the song is just incredible and it just sounds great even now that years have gone by.  
Bad - This was such a different style for them. But I was and still am all up for it. One thing: I rarely have specific parts or lines in songs that I like above all else but in this song there are two! This L’s part and in some of the live versions this Woohyun’s ad-lib he did continuing the note, it just so so good. Also I absolutely love them, mostly Woohyun, singing that “Bad bad bet a bad bad girl” part in some end of the year performances. 
The Chaser - I feel like a lot of people would put this as their favorite Infinite song. And I mean I can’t blame them for that. It is just so catchy and so flawlessly good. I had such a blast listening to it for this list now and it did go a bit higher than if I had done the list without listening to the songs first. And I had to put this version of the MV here because I want to mention how much I love the intro Infinitize, it’s just sooooo good!
The Eye - What can I say, just a gorgeous song. It’s just bittersweet that this ended up being the last OT7 song. Also, for some reason I ended up absolutely adoring the Japanese version of this song as well. Not anything new with Infinite in general as I’ve liked multiple of their older b-sides in both languages but it being a newer title track I was a little surprised.
Be Mine - I’m so glad that Be Mine exists. Without it Infinite would have been way shorter lived group than the Infinite we now know. And it is soooo catchy! Kpop classic for a reason!
Come Back Again - What a debut! This song is from 2010 and I’m still get so hyped when I hear it. It hasn’t aged terribly like undoubtedly some other song from that era (or I’m just incredibly biased here and I can’t see through it at all xD). 
Man In Love - The MV though! I love it, it’s so adorable! And surely this is my favorite of the cutesy songs.
BTD - The album this one is in was my first Infinite album that I got, so it gives it a little extra boost I have to admit but I try to stay somehow logical with this xD It still is a really cool song. And the scorpion dance still today is cool to me xD
Tell Me -  Bittersweet part 2 here, being the first song with six of them. It’s great like one would expect from Infinite but it has gotten less listens with me than the ones above, so I feel like the placement is quite fair.
Clock - And the last Infinite title track, hopefully only for now and some day there being a new song coming our way (this little Inspirit can hope, right?). The song missing Sunggyu’s voice is obviously a downside to it but then again on the positive side I feel like Sungyeol and Sungjong got more time to shine than before so that’s great.
Nothing’s Over - Okay the trend is clear: the cutesy Infinite is definitely going to be keeping the bottom end of this list. For me the cutesy stuff is more for watching the MV’s than actively listening to the songs xD Nothing wrong with Nothing’s Over either and if I’d be in the mood for it, sure, but I’m more rarely in the mood for this, I guess.
She’s Back - Well just compared to all of the other songs in this list this falls a bit short for me. It’s cute and I have listened to this one quite a bit too throughout the years but it has never been my top favorites from them. But that’s just me. If you are feeling like listening to something cute, give it a listen!
No kidding I love Infinite’s discography so so much (and not just the title tracks). Putting these songs in any order is just ridiculously hard and just plain stupid. They are all great and they all have aged well, so if you haven’t please do check their songs out! On that note, I would like to add a couple of recommendations for their Japanese songs and b-sides. Of the original Japanese songs DNA is so cool and Just Another Lonely Night is one of my favorite songs from Infinite overall! Of the Korean b-sides, I would like to mention 1/3 (and check also the concert version of this, it’s so fun!), rock-style song I Hate and Moonlight, which also happens to have one of those rare specific favorite parts for me, being Sungyeol’s chorus part.
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misswoozi · 2 years
My friend and I were talking about how we wanted a BP comeback and now i see its happening in August i like to think we manifested this
Can you and your friend manifest an OT7 WayV comeback for me lmao
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moon-bling-gyu · 2 years
woohyun directly mentioned hoya on ttmmg. ill gladly accept these infinite ot7 crumbs 🥹
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