#info dumb
0-that-one-artist-0 · 2 months
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Fallout 4 oc info dump.
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frc-ambaradan · 5 months
A long time ago in a... well... galaxy full of ducks and mice
Hello there!
How should we celebrate Star Wars Day? Uhm... what about a ride along some italian Disney "parodies" of Star Wars? And I use quotation marks 'cause, it'll probably surprise you but, as of today, there is no real Disney parody of Star Wars.
There are, though, many stories that draw inspiration from some elements of Lucas' saga, starting from "Topolino e la spada di ghiaccio" (1984) amazing fantasy saga by Massimo de Vita that has nothing to do with Star Wars but gives us the first Disney character whose design's been heavily inspired by Darth Vader: the evil Prince of Mists!
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The nefarious Prince of Mists from "Topolino e la spada di ghiaccio".
Scattered throughout the years there are many other stories inspired by Star Wars from Silvia Ziche's Topokolossal (1997):
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Mickey Skyrunner weilds his legendary catalytic baguette as he faces off Pietro Galactus.
up to "Paperoga eroe dello spazio" (2013) a splendid, touching story by Roberto Gagnor and Claudio Sciarrone that culminates in one of the best plot twists ever on Topolino's pages (this story is the dream of any Galactic Empire fan ❤️).
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Easy, Gorgius "heir" to Behlpost's throne... who do you think you are? Luke Skywalker? (Spoiler: you're not).
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You may call it Behlpost, but that's Naboo royal palace for sure... with imperial guards as it seems 😁 (or are they forerunners of Operation Cinder sentinels? 🤔).
The only story (well, saga actually) that comes the most close to a real parody is Giorgio Pezzin's "Topolino e i signori della Galassia" (1991) which draws heavily inspiration from Star Wars expecially in the second episode.
The main character of this story is Goofy, who finds out to have inherited special powers from some old relative. Powers that make him the only one able to help the Galactic Confederation in their struggles against robots named "the Metals" led by general Titanio who seeks to eradicate every biological life form from the galaxy.
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Jeez, Titanio's soldiers may be robots but their aim is as bad as Stormtroopers'... 🤣🤣
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That's definitely the Battle of Hoth.
I know for sure there are also Star Wars inspired stories starring Josè Carioca out there, and McGreals' "May the farce be with you" (2005), but, unfortunately, I never had the chance to read them 'cause they've never been published in Italy.
But today's biggest obstacle to a Star Wars parody is Disney's auto-censorship. Yes, 'cause there's a strict rule at Disney that forbids authors to write parodies of other Disney franchises... so any parody of Star Wars (and Marvel) it's a very loud no-no. Sad :'(
We do know, though, that there are at least three finished legit parodies that never saw the light of day. One by Francesco Artibani that was supposed to be published on Topolino and two made-in-Egmont drawn by Cavazzano and Freccero.
Of the latter we can appreciate a beautiful illustration and a single page thanks to Freccero sharing them online a few years ago:
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Alas, unless Disney change their internal directives (and there's no way it's gonna happen anytime soon) we'll never get the chance to see these or any other Star Wars inspired story in the near future.
But we can sure appreciate the older ones and if you wanna indulge yourself in something different today... these are the stories you're looking for ;)
May the Force be with you!
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blumin-reblogs · 3 months
I'm honestly a great person to info dump to, cause I will actively listen and ask questions, but I almost never remember the conversation afterward, so we can do it again forever and ever, my friend <3
And when I do remember something, I get even more excited to hear what you'll say next!
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angel-adventgarde · 1 month
oversimplified lore rundown of my interests
Episode 1: POSTAL
Tw: Suicide, Politics, and mass shootings.
(feel free to correct me !!)
So POSTAL (there's so much to talk about) Is a game based off the postal office shootings, They're would be very many shootings at postal offices and police told the detectives they went postal. The first game (POSTAL and later POSTAL REDUX) is about an guy who went postal from him getting evicted from his apartment, He believes that the world was overridden by an hate plague that the air force was emitting and dropping, And believes he's the only one who isn't infected. So he goes around killing people. Until he's killed everyone in the little city named Paradise in Arizona. He kills himself with the last words "I regret Nothing!"
The second game (POSTAL 2) Follows another dude who has to do errands for his bitch wife. And the whole game is just him dropping off shit and being a loyal person of Jesus (not really the last part) he is still a murderer in this part but unlike the former game there is a option for you to be a pacifist.At the end of the game. The dude kills himself with the last words "I regret nothing"
The DLC for postal 2 (Postal: Apocalypse Weekend) This dude actually survives his gun to the head. Waking up in the hospital with a very severe headache, Postal Dude, Goes on and does more chores for his wife.
(It's important to mention that Postal Levels are named after weekdays, And in Apocalypse Weekend, He Woke up on a Sunday)
The other expansion pack for POSTAL 2 (Paradise Lost) is about 11 years after the events of Apocalypse Weekend. The Postal Dude has found out that his home city has become a nuclear war after waking up from a nuclear coma
The third game. (POSTAL 3 which the company actually disowned, Is considered a non canonical spinoff) Follows right after the events of the former game. In which the postal dude leaves Paradise. And wakes up in a new town called Catharsis after running out of gas and he must find a way to escape this hellish town like before.
The ACTUAL third game (Lore wise) (POSTAL: No regerts) is actually quite similar to Postal 3 except the extra aspect that the postal dude is homeless. And instead of donning his usual trenchcoat, He wears a purple bathrobe (He's like... Cannoncally 50 in this game)
The Movie (POSTAL) is a movie directed by Uwe Boll and the postal Dude is played by Zach Ward. The plot is very similar to POSTAL 2's but the main antagonist is...Get ready for this Osama Bin Laden this movie is very very gruesome
Honourable mentions
Shptor- Russian expansion of POSTAL 2 called Corkscrew Rules postal Doe- Female counterpart of the dude introduced in POOSTALLL ROYALE
Java dude- Came in the very old mobile game of postal. The only dude who doesn't don sunglasses
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m00sher · 1 month
Pal world info dump: the Ryne Syndicate
This is just a rant about pal world since I wasn’t sure where else to do it. This is mostly just my ideas and speculations on what’s really going with the lore. If you have any ideas feel free to comment them since I’d love to see if anyone else has thoughts on the lore of pal world.
I want to start with the factions since they have the most lore and I can’t really talk about any faction without talking the main character of each one, the leader. Zoe lost both of her parents in ways that aren’t fully clear and her first journal isn’t super clear on it either. “My father disappeared a long time ago, and I’ve never seen my mother’s face.” I don’t have any guesses on what happened to her mom, but she does mention her father being their last boss. I have a feeling it has something to do with the towers we see around the map. I think that when any one of the tower bosses goes into their tower, they are stuck forever, or at least until they die. There aren’t too many times when the tower bosses mention how they feel about being in their tower but Zoe is probably the best we got to seeing what it’s like. In her final entry, she talks about how she doesn’t understand why she’s defending the tower or why she’s even there. It’s apparently just a tradition to pass it down through their family to keep some great power at bay. What is this power? No one knows yet. I feel like it has something to do with the giant tree in the far north side of the islands.
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Not a lot is exactly known about the tree and it’s only ever acknowledged once in one of the castaway’s journals. I think it will help answer a lot of questions since at the start of the game it says “the towers are the key, the tree holds the truth.” This is what I want answered the most. What really is the truth? I’ll save that for another rant. For now, back to Zoe. She’s been around the syndicate her whole life. That’s how she got Grizzbolt after they escaped together then eventually came back only to be attacked by the syndicate. She also doesn’t seem to know too much about the Free Pal Alliance. She mentioned talking about it to one of the grunts but they only told her their rivalry has lasted for years that it’s too late to make amends. Even with that, she doesn’t say any more or try to learn more. Then there’s a large time skip to her final entries. She only talks about how she doesn’t understand why she’s protecting the tower and she wants to see the outside world after seeing so many outsiders drift onto the island.
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Free her
It would also be super interesting to see if the outside world in palworld is the same as ours. I kinda think so since the castaway mentioned cats, sheep, and birds in his fifth entry. I’m not sure if that’s a stretch but it’s all the evidence I got for it so idk.
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citrusvortex · 2 months
Anyone wanna hear me just lore/info dump about my Steven universe au :3?
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thenerdy-artist · 2 months
Dusk and Dawn ramblings: karai
So remember how I yap about mutagen? Yeah I’m doing the some with karai
For context: dusk and dawn is a tmnt fan it that I created, if you want more info about it then go to the masterpost on my pin post
I might do this for other stuff for dusk and dawn but idk. Also sorry if this sounds unorganized, that’s bc it is, this is me talking about karai and all the stuff and want bc it being kinda important to her lore and stuff :P
Karai/Miwa is characterized similar to Silver from Sonic the Hedgehog, when your first introduced to Karai, she’s really serious, but after her redemption arc, she’s a lot more silly (that’s why more of my art of her is her acting sily even tho she tried to kill the turtles lol)
When Karai first got introduced, she’s was already kinda suspicious of Shedder due to her meeting Shinigam and later dating her. When she still worked for Shedder Miwa would say she was going on solo mission but it was just an excuse to hang out with Shinigam, she ended up doing the same thing for the turtles for awhile.
She’s was also experimented on just like her other siblings, Shedder and Stockman decided to give her some Black Mamba dna with the mutagen to see what would happened. She doesn’t remember this bc she was 1-2 at the time and the side effects of the mutagen.
For some ideas/concepts for her, I llike the idea that miwa didn’t have an name till the explosion and Shedder had to adopt her. Idk probably gonna make that canon.
But yeah that’s all! I just wanted to talk about karai bc I have a lot of ideas for her but I haven’t really mentioned on here, I’m probably gonna do this for more dusk and dawn stuff in the future but idk lol
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All (most) the swap au characters & who they're swapped with (Some have more than one role, I'm so sorry)
Tanjiro -> Nezuko (& vice versa, obviously) (Tanj doesn't always need or wear his muzzle, & can also talk just fine. He just wears it for fun)
Yuzuki -> Kawa/Mitsuri (Same age in canon, so she isn't getting Yuzuki's outfit. Fuck you, Masao)
Akari -> Rengoku (Same age as Rengoku, so aged up by a year)
Douma -> Shinobu (Basically a rule for swap aus LMAO) (Ice hashira, with his BDA forms being his breathing style forms)
Akaza, or Hakuji in this case -> Giyuu (Destruction hashira)
Michikatsu -> Zakiko/Gyomei (Moon hashira, taking from Zakiko in this au, but added his own little twists to it to resemble stone breathing on some forms)
Daki, or Ume -> Tengen (But acts like her canon self) (Ribbon breathing, with all her BDA forms & her belt acting like her breathing style. Fighting style is a mix of canon Daki & Mitsuri's fighting style)
Hantengu -> Sanemi (His main emotions are Zohakuten & Sekido, BTW) (Electricity hashira, due to Sekido being a main of his)
Nakime -> Obanai (Music hashira)
Gyokko, or Managi -> Muichiro (But acts nothing like Mui XDDD) (Ocean hashira, with his BDA forms acting as breathing style forms)
Gyutaro -> Tengen (He & Ume share the Tengen role like how they share upper six) (Poison hashira)
Muzan -> Kagaya (Still has the curse, but can see & move around relatively fine. Let's just say he's a stubborn dude who isn't going down that easily XD)
Rei (Muzan's wife from season one) -> Amane (Purely because she is way too underrated & needs more love)
Genya -> Kaigaku (Cuz again, if there's a demand for Kaigaku, I'll add him. Besides, swap aus of Kaigaku are alot better than the real thing, I'm sorry--)
Most of the background characters are basically the same, like Yoriichi & Uta, Urokodaki, Sabito & Makomo, & things like that
& yes, I know who I put for Mitsuri & Obanai. But, there's no ships!!
I highly doubt there was a demand for this, but I touched on a few swap au things, so i might as well go all out
Designs coming..........eventually ≡(▔﹏▔)≡
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xokaythebunnyig · 3 days
I wish to tell the world (tumblr) about my countryhumans AU that's been rotting me from the inside out for atleast a week straight at this point, that I've jam packed full of random things and it all makes sense.
Its uh, it's got things... like... countries...
Basic premise is that's it's an alternate history AU, where the Soviet union didn't take part in history, they didn't help during world war 2, there was no cold war, and there was no Communist influence. This part made me crazy, cuz I needed to figure out how the hell that would end up. So, ww2 lasts for 10 more years, crazy shit happens. Figuring out what happened to the proxy wars was probably the silliest, because for the most part Germany was under American uhhh what's the word- occupation? Yea- and for the most part, Korea, China, Vietnam, theres probably more that I'm forgetting, its late plz leave me alone-
That's all time saying, if you wanna know more, ya gotta ask cuz isuck at information stuff, please forgive me.... anyway, it's pretty cool I think....
Off to my abyss! Good bye!
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katacutekitty · 28 days
Info dump for the confused soul! 👇🏻
-about me & my art.
Hello! I'm Katarina! A chaotic artist with a few missing diagnosies.. most important is dyslexia, so sorry for the grammar crimes i'm about to commit.
As you have probably seen on my page, I have no consistent art style, I wildly swirl between semi realism and a more cartoonish one, to something truly weird I have not shown you yet.
That's beacuse my hand has a life of it's own, as I like to say. it get's bored fast, drawing the same thing. (Its definitely inexperience, and lack of knowledge and raging untreated ADHD). Drawing what you feel and not the same characters over and over again will do that to you.
I'm 25 ! I'm goth (music based)
And I have 2 cats - the most important fact.
Nugget and Bean.
bisexual (demi sexual)
gender identity is just as chaotic as my art style lets not get into that, (fine with any pronouns) she/her is fine.
have a long time Partner I have been with for 10 years.
I have a quite small social battery but don't feel shy about asking questions! Or chatting with me ! I will reply when I can ❤️.
please forgive me for using thumblr wrong, I will learn in due time, any advice is greatly appreciated tho.
Also thank you for all the shares of my art and weird little stories ⭐
It means the world to me.
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d-o-l-l-f-a-c-e · 1 month
× ―――――――― × ★
・gender: girl!
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・hobbies﹒dance, baking, crocheting
・likes • stars, music, strawberry shortcake, pink, creepy dolls, bones!
・dislikes . rude people, loud noises, being touched!
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• sexuality : bi!
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notaluckypup · 1 year
Let me help you edge puppy, it must be so hard to do all on your own! I know you can’t help absently grinding into your poor little hand, it’s just natural that your body wants to take you over that edge, but wouldn’t it feel so much better if you waited just a little bit longer? I’m sure you could try to cum next time if you’re good for me🤭
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nite-puff · 8 months
ummm….. so. the mondoblr server made a joke, and i liked it a little too much.
the kiyotaka ishimaru iceberg!!
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of course, i wasn’t the only one who worked on this. big thanks to @pompadorbz @chinchillasinunison @mini-mecha-cowboy @cryzono and @ecogirl2759 for all the help, whether it be contributing entries or finding sources!! we had a ton of fun putting this together, and i hope you guys like it!
reblogs are greatly appreciated because all of these lovely people (and i) put a lot of work into this!! they deserve it!!
(under the cut will be a link to the document with all the entries and some links to sources for most of them. HUGE thanks to eco for popping the absolute fuck off and finding all these links for us!!! (and thanks to mark and @panicuriprince for helping us out towards the end!))
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spitinsideme · 5 months
Deoon fagata smoke long big cigarrete n demon rponi smoke s blunt bui chikes and need bck pet to hwlp.
the girls are getting high !! demon ragatha made demon pomni eat the blunt
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bluuscreen · 7 months
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screenshot redraw <3
here’s the original :p
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May I reblog one of your art pieces?
I am referring to "the rainy day" piece.
Reblogs are more than appreciated :)
Reposts on the contrary, are forbidden and I can't say it enough to stop doing it xD
But reblogs have never been problematic!
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