#inhaler edit
alicentshair · 6 months
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Emily Rudd as NAMI
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saltpepperbeard · 9 months
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giggling kicking my legs twirling my hair blushing etc etc [x]
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hyunpic · 16 days
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240523 🫧 update
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top: kenpachiro satsuma falls on the set of godzilla vs biollante, requiring the crew to help
middle: satsuma slips and falls on the set of godzilla vs spacegodzilla
bottom: satsuma collapses from CO2 inhalation on the set of godzilla vs destoroyah
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cherriijade · 2 years
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lets go brainrot!!! lets go!!
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fereldanwench · 1 year
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i'm so normal right now
⚠️ do not reupload or edit my shots without my permission ⚠️
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dr2-hell · 1 year
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wistfulwatcher · 21 hours
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Criminal Minds: Evolution, 17.02 Contagion | Criminal Minds, 5.02 Haunted
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ichigokeks · 2 years
Eyes full of want
Their first kiss was already perfect. It was a concious action, initiated by Mo who finally took up the courage to show his feelings. That was huge in itself, especially considering he hugged He Tian earlier - which was his spontaneous, fear-driven reaction to seeing He Tian almost die. The kiss was a decision Mo made im a safe environment, it was not a reaction, it was not in return for something. He did it because he wanted to express his feelings for He Tian.
He is bad at expressing his feelings - both are. But Mo has much more difficulty than He Tian. For him to allow himself to show emotions, to be vulnerable and let He Tian in like this, shows how much he trusts and loves He Tian. Mo has never looked at He Tian like this before. He wants He Tian but he never thought he could have him, he never thought he was allowed to have him, he never even wanted to accept his feelings for He Tian in the first place. We know how much He Tian wanted this, how long he waited but Mo had suppressed all of his want for He Tian. Their second kiss is more or less initiated by He Tian and it is consensual and wanted by Mo. Before, Mo would only allow him a short moment of vulnerability before pushing He Tian away again but not this time.
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Harry Styles Love On Tour EU & UK 2023
sound ON!
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Harry brings Love On Tour to Europe and the UK for a second time during the summer of 2023!
A massive stadium tour comprising of 31 shows over the span of two and a half months, starting in Denmark in May and ending in Italy in July! This is the final leg of Love On Tour, after Harry and the Love Band spent the last 2 years touring the globe to bring Fine Line and Harry's House to fans!
Wet Leg will support Harry throughout the summer of Love On Tour, with Inhaler joining in Ireland!
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greghatecrimes · 8 months
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oh comfort characters we’re really in it now
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skyward-floored · 8 months
Whumptober Day 14: Water inhalation, “Just hold on”
This was originally a three sentence fic I did a few months ago, this is the extended version XD Kudos to you if you remember it!
Read on ao3
Warnings: the title stuff, some peril, not too much specifically. Slightly uncertain ending, but it could easily turn out fine.
Why couldn’t walking through portals ever be easy? Twilight sighed to himself, looking at his surroundings.
He and Sky had landed on a tiny rock in the middle of what looked like an ocean, rough waves battering their single spot of land. It was cold too, and windy, and to add to it, a thick, wet drizzle was falling on their heads.
Overall, a rather miserable place.
Sky stood next to him and was toeing the edge of the rock as he looked around, brows lowered as he surveyed their situation. A larger wave suddenly crashed up against the sides of their tiny rock, and Twilight stepped back, wiping rain and sea spray off of his face.
“Well this is a pleasant spot,” Sky said dryly, holding his sailcloth above his head. “You think this is the sailor’s world?”
“It doesn’t seem quite right,” Twilight replied as he squinted at the horizon. Cold rain hindered his vision, but he could still see reasonably far. “He rarely gets weather like this, and it’s not really warm enough to be his... and besides, I think I see the mainland that way.”
Sky turned to look, and Twilight pointed at the dark line in the distance, barely visible through the cold drizzle falling on their heads.
“...I’ll take your word for it,” Sky said as he raised a hand up to shield his eyes. “I don’t suppose you think a ship will come along and rescue us then?”
A large wave crashed into the rock at his words, and he and Twilight both stepped back as the water rushed onto the stone and swirled around their boots.
“...Not before the tide comes in,” Twilight replied grimly, beginning to fish around in his pack for his Zora armor. “I think we’re going to have to swim for it.”
Sky looked out at the choppy water. “I was afraid you’d say that.”
Twilight quickly shucked off his normal tunic and slid on the Zora gear, fastening the hat and the covering over his mouth that allowed him to breathe underwater. By the time he was finished the water was repeatedly washing over his feet, and he looked over at Sky, watching him thoughtfully rub what looked like a bright blue scale on a necklace.
“...You don’t have any swimming gear?” Twilight asked, and Sky shrugged.
“Not exactly. This helps me swim a bit faster and hold my breath longer though. It’ll be plenty to get me to land.”
Twilight frowned. “Will you be warm enough?”
His own Zora armor was great in cold waters, the scales and mostly skin-tight clothes working together to keep the wearer warm. It wasn’t enough in truly glacial temperatures, but would be plenty warm enough for this swim.
Sky’s dragon scale though...
Sky gave him a smile, and tucked his sailcloth into his pouch. “I guess we’ll find out.”
Twilight frowned, but nodded, and once Sky had finished securing the gear he wanted safe, they both jumped into the choppy seas.
Both were strong swimmers, even without their swimming gear, but it was a challenge to stay on course in the waves that tossed them up and down, and the rain that got in their faces. Waves kept washing over Twilight’s face, and it made it even more difficult to see where he was going.
He frequently checked on Sky swimming beside him, his head bobbing up and down out of the water. The Skyloftian seemed like he was doing fine though, and when he caught Twilight looking, shot him a smile.
“Nice weather we’re having, huh?” he asked over the crash of the waves, and Twilight snorted, shaking his head.
“Yeah, maybe if you’re a duck.”
Sky’s face scrunched up in confusion. “...What’s a duck?”
Twilight let out a breathless chuckle, starting to feel a bit winded from talking and fighting the waves at the same time. “A water bird. It’s... you know what, I’ll explain later.”
Sky nodded, and they continued on through the water, the land in the distance slowly growing larger as they swam.
The more time that went by though, the more Twilight started to worry about their pace. He hadn’t accounted for the fact that they would have to fight against the waves the entire time, and was starting to wonder if they would have enough energy to get to shore. He was getting tired, and they weren’t even halfway at his guess.
Well if we really have to, we can both breathe underwater, he thought with a frown, looking over at Sky. For a little while at least. We may end up having to walk the last bit there.
Sky was beginning to slow down as well, and Twilight watched as he spluttered, a wave getting him in the mouth. Twilight swam a bit closer to see if he was okay, and paused in surprise at how pale he looked.
“Sky?” he asked worriedly, and the knight looked over at him as they crested a wave.
“I’m good,” Sky assured, giving him a smile. It was smaller than his others had been though, and his voice seemed strained.
And while Twilight couldn’t tell very easily because of how the waves were rocking them both, he almost thought Sky might be shivering a bit.
“Sky, how cold are you?” he asked suddenly, and Sky blinked at him.
“I don’t know, chilly? Moving is k-keeping me pretty warm, but the water is cold... Why?”
Twilight swallowed, and turned back towards the shore. “Just checking. If... if you get too cold, tell me, alright?”
Sky blinked slowly. “Yeah, sure.”
They kept swimming, Twilight staying closer to Sky’s side than before. He himself was feeling a little chilly, but Sky must be freezing in his soaked clothes, even with the constant swimming they were doing.
He looked over at him again, and realized Sky had fallen behind, his movements slower and expression pinched. Damp hair hung in his face from ocean water and rain alike, and as he swiped it out of the way, Twilight could see his lips were beginning to turn blue.
Twilight quickly moved back to his side, and could see him visibly shivering now, his swimming strokes paused as he rubbed his arms.
“Sky?” he asked.
“I can make it,” Sky murmured, barely moving out of the way of a wave. “Just... just need a quick break. Can we just... float for a minute?”
Twilight bit his lip. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea. This water is really cold, the sooner we get out the better.”
The sooner you get out the better.
Sky closed his eyes, but he reopened them and nodded, then resumed his swimming.
Twilight followed after, keeping Sky right at his side. His strokes were so slow they were barely moving against the waves, his teeth chattering, and Twilight soon put Sky’s arm over his shoulder so he could pull him along. Sky barely fought him, and soon gave up, letting Twilight mostly support him as they swam.
“Come on Sky, we’re almost there,” Twilight breathed, looking at the land that was slowly gaining more and more details. “Almost there.”
Sky hummed something in response, but the words seemed to rejuvenate him a little, and he attempted to actually swim more. Twilight felt himself start to shiver as they went along, and Sky’s lips turned more and more blue the longer they were in the water.
Maybe we should’ve waited to see if the weather cleared, he thought a little dazedly, thinking back to their tiny rock. We’d still be cold, but at least we wouldn’t be in the water...
Sky abruptly slipped out of his hold and sank below the waves.
“Sky!” Twilight gasped, and immediately ducked underwater, ignoring his burning muscles and swimming frantically for where Sky was quickly sinking. The water wasn’t as rough down here, and Twilight was able to move much easier, making him soon catch up to Sky.
The Skyloftian’s eyes were half-lidded as Twilight grabbed him, and he only weakly kicked his legs as Twilight dragged him to the surface, muscles screaming in protest.
He surfaced with an involuntary breath, and held Sky up, the other boy shivering violently in his arms as he coughed up the water he’d inhaled.
“Sky, hold on please,” Twilight breathed, clutching at him so he wouldn’t sink again. “Just hold on. We’re almost there.”
Sky managed only a shivering cough.
Twilight swam firmly towards land now, ignoring his muscles begging for a break, and the little voice in his head that was more convinced than ever that they couldn’t make it.
We can. We can make it.
Twilight winced as another wave of cold water went over his head, immensely grateful for his Zora armor. He was rapidly growing colder and tired, but he was warmer than poor Sky, and the flippers were helping him go much faster than he would be otherwise.
He just wished Sky had some armor too.
“Hold on Sky,” Twilight shivered out, again, feeling him only weakly try to help them along. “Hold on.”
Sky didn’t reply.
Twilight’s world narrowed to only holding up Sky, and to not stop moving, no matter how big the waves were that pushed him, no matter how exhausted he felt. He knew if he stopped now it would be almost impossible to get himself moving again, and so he kept going.
Time began to blur, Twilight uncertain of how long he’d been going. An hour? Two?
Had they been swimming all day?
It felt like it.
A larger wave nearly tore Sky out of his arms, and Twilight gripped him tighter, unable to stop it from pushing them harshly forward. They tumbled around a little, and Twilight struggled to keep them both up, kicking his legs despite how exhausted they felt.
Then his foot brushed something solid.
Twilight blinked, and when it happened again, he looked around and realized they were right on the shore, a small beach only a few yards away.
Sky began coughing, his head having gone under again, and Twilight tugged him up, letting the waves push them forward. They were moving with them now, and all Twilight had to do was occasionally adjust their course, and hold on to Sky.
Who was so exhausted and cold he kept forgetting to hold his breath whenever his head dipped under.
Twilight gritted his teeth and heaved Sky further out of the water, paddling determinedly forward. They were almost there, he just had to make it.
Hold on hold on hold on...
Twilight’s feet finally hit solid ground, and he nearly collapsed, falling onto the pebbly beach. Sky slumped down next to him, still faintly shivering, and Twilight allowed himself only a few moments of rest before he crawled over and shook Sky.
“Hey, Sky,” he said, and Sky let out a weak cough, water trickling from his blue lips.
“H-h-here?” Sky croaked, and Twilight nodded, tiredly scanning the small beach for somewhere they could get out of the rain.
There were some larger rocks farther up that looked like they’d provide some shelter, and Twilight exhaled, then forced himself up, slinging Sky’s arm around his shoulder again.
“Yeah. We made it. C’mon.”
Twilight forced his tired legs to start marching, pulling Sky along with him. Sky was barely holding up his own weight, shivering and stumbling, but Twilight steered him up the small hill, and into what looked like the driest cave.
And once he was sure it was safe, Twilight lowered Sky to the ground, and then fell down next to him.
Twilight spent a moment just breathing, and listening to Sky breathe as well, though his were thick and croaking. He didn’t think Sky had inhaled much water, but then again...
“Sky? You okay?” he asked, and Sky hummed, his eyes closed.
Twilight frowned, and reached into his pouch with fumbling fingers, taking out his lantern. He quickly lit it and set it as close as possible to them both, the light and warmth making him feel a little calmer. He had enough oil to last a while— hopefully it would be enough to warm them both up.
Then he turned to Sky, and tapped him on the arm.
“Come on Sky, we’ve got to get warm,” Twilight said with a shiver, and Sky looked at him blearily. “You can wear one of my tunics, but you need to get out of your wet things.”
“‘M not that cold,” Sky protested in a mumble, but he didn’t argue when Twilight began to help him pull off his soaking tunic, and settle him into Twilight’s own.
It took some doing, but they both eventually got themselves into dry clothes, and Sky’s head fell onto Twilight’s shoulder, an exhausted cough escaping him. Twilight looked over at him, his face still pale, skin cold to the touch, and he moved his wolf pelt so it was more over both of their shoulders.
“Thanks,” Sky said tiredly, and Twilight nodded, pressing himself a little tighter against his side.
“No problem. We’ve got to warm up somehow, right?” he said with a tired smile.
“Meant for th’ swimming,” Sky continued, coughing again as he shook his head. “Wouldn’t have made it... ‘f you weren’t there. Sorry... couldn’t swim myself.”
“It’s alright,” Twilight replied softly. “Don’t worry about it.”
Sky hummed quietly in response, and it was quiet between the two for a while.
The rain increased outside their shelter, pattering against the rocks around them, the sound making Twilight feel drowsy. He was utterly exhausted, but he knew he should stay awake. Sky was still coughing on and off, and his skin had barely warmed at all, which meant it was important that he not sleep.
As he had the thought, Sky’s head slipped a little further down on his shoulder, and Twilight looked over at him, frowning at the sleepy look on his face.
“Don’t sleep yet, you’re too cold,” Twilight warned him, and Sky’s eyes slipped closed as he hummed in acknowledgment. “Hey, Sky I mean it, we were in that water way too long, don’t sleep yet.”
“‘Kay, ‘kay...” Sky grumbled, opening his eyes.
His eyes still drooped though, and Twilight gave him a light shake, meeting his eyes.
“Here, I haven’t told you about ducks yet, right?” he asked, and Sky’s face twitched into a light smile. “You have to stay awake for that, Sky.”
“You said they were birds?” Sky murmured, and Twilight nodded, leaning his head back against the rock wall.
“Yeah. I don’t see them too often, but Wild has a lot in his era. They come in a bunch of colors, and swim across the top of the water in groups, and they make this funny noise...”
Twilight spent a long time telling Sky about the birds, prompting a response from him when he went quiet for a particularly long stretch. Both of their voices grew fainter the longer Twilight talked, and soon enough he couldn’t think of anything else to say.
Soon neither of them could fight their exhaustion any longer, and Sky slumped next to him, Twilight’s own eyes slipping closed, despite how hard he fought to keep them open.
They’d held on as long as they could.
And as Twilight drifted off, all he could do was hope it had been long enough.
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innerxsanctum · 5 months
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Pet Shop Boys perform ‘It’s A Sin’ from new ‘Dreamworld’ Copenhagen live movie
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ghost-of-you · 11 months
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bippity-boppity-whump · 9 months
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Robert James-Collier in The Inheritance
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tokruta · 10 months
sorry i was just thinking about ✨them✨
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