#inhalers and epi pens
bellamer · 1 year
Becky Prim could have ended differently if Ello carried an epi pen for Becky like a real best friend
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tj-crochets · 1 year
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Just went to a local craft fair thing and saw the most overwhelmingly cool wall of crochet I’ve ever seen in person. Look at this stuff!! So many things!!! And this is less than 1/4 of what was there
The lady who crocheted all this said she’s not very tech savvy but recently started an Etsy, and I can attest (from seeing it in person) that her stitch tension and construction are excellent, so if you’re looking for any crocheted plushies or keychains, check it out!
She has some of those really cool Crafty Intentions pattern dragons for sale, if you’ve ever wanted a one of a kind dragon friend. They aren’t on her Etsy but were in her booth so if you’re interested you can probably send her a message on Etsy and ask?
This is not a sponsored post, I just think it’s really cool and that y’all might appreciate some handmade fandom plushies
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roseband · 8 months
ticket secured, flights/hotels/train (for second part of vacation lol) booked for my mom and i, OUTFIT WITH POCKETS picked, freebies done, gifts for the boys (which are just the same as what i'm giving as freebies) done, and banner art done
which means i'm like........ just excited now!!!
(well other than the thought of getting a ukulele home on two planes lol)
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frogeyedape · 2 years
What in the absolute fuck
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acourtofquestions · 3 months
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Me: trying to prepare myself for the emotional warfare of EoS Part 2.
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@zcmbierabbit​ asked:  “Don’t eat all your candy at once!" -- From Dad Will, for kiddo of your choice! :)
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“C-Cause it might make me super itchy, r-right papa?”
Evan forgets about his allergy sometimes, but he does remember how last Halloween he had to go to the ER cause he ate a Reese's peanut butter cup. He only remembered it because Mike was strangely nice and gave him a king’s sized candy bar the next day.
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Chapter 3 of No Fun in Fungus!
Leo chokes and wheezes on the yellow cloud that infiltrates his lungs. There’s a dull ache in his plastron. It could be from his old injuries, but he was well aware of a possible other cause for the sensation.
Leo would experience most attacks after getting upper respiratory infections, which he had a lot when he was younger.
It was nothing compared to what Donnie went through though.
His immune system sucked and the cold sewer with polluted water did not help his case in the slightest.
More infections meant he needed an inhaler more times than Leo did.
He never asked Splinter how he got one that first time, but he always remembers the bloody bandage around his hand.
He also remembers the birthday he asked for his supply packs.
Dad sewed it together for him.
The contents of the pack changed a lot over the years, but there were three things that never did.
A pack of dinosaur bandaids for Mikey.
Raph’s epi pen.
Their inhaler.
Despite it being years since Donnie’s last attack, that inhaler was never going to missing.
Leo takes it out immediately. Donnie was right next to him before those things came, he couldn’t be far.
“Wretched little pest….”
The voice chills him down to his core.
It’s typically believed that there are several fs when it comes to reacting to fear.
The two most well known are fight or flight.
However, there’s also freeze and fawn.
Fawn would be when Mikey tells Raph he’s the best oldest brother in the world as he hides a broken teddy bear mug behind his back.
Freeze is when you spend an entire flight in an escape pod having a panic attack and can’t even move when you get back because you just left your brother to die.
How ironic is it that someone who can never stop talking can’t say a word when he’s truly terrified?
The face man, curled up in a ball like a pathetic-
Leo covers his ears.
Where were those thoughts coming from?
Were they even thoughts?
It sounded like someone was saying it directly to him.
He feels the immediate need to curl up, not move and hope that it makes it all go away.
Seeing the glowing red eye through the thick particles in the air only makes that feeling worse.
What is happening? How could he be here?
The clanging of metal on the ground in front of him seems to give him an a answer.
He doesn’t want to look at the item in front of him.
The ninpo created weapon he left in the prison dimension.
It should have stayed there, because if it’s here, then it let him come here too.
The laughter he hears nearly makes his heart stop.
“You thought you could escape me?”
Leo can’t stop the fearful tears pricking at his eyes, quietly mumbling no repeatedly.
“You allowed me to come back. As thanks, I’ll kill you last.”
Leo hates how the words he wants to say die in his throat.
“You can watch as I slaughter your siblings, as you took away mine!”
He can hear the sounds of metallic footsteps coming towards him.
Leo can almost see his life flashing before his eyes. It makes him wonder how this response to fear came about.
Why wasn’t he like Donnie who made those escape pods?
Why didn’t he use his skills like Mikey?
Why didn’t he fight like-…….
That’s it.
If something truly scary was happening, it was Raph who protected him.
He could freeze up and Raph would be there to shield him from literally anything that would come his way.
Even if it was something impossible like giant freaking aliens with razor sharp tentacles.
Even if he hadn’t given him a good reason to want to protect him that day.
He was right next to him too before the spores came out.
Where was he now?
Leo wanted his big brother.
He screams out his name in fear as the mech that carries the main Kraang finally stands in front of him.
Just like that, Raph appears too.
Leo realizes he’s brought him right into danger and tries to warm him.
Raph kneels down and smiles at him widely.
“What’s the matter, Leo? Raph’s here, it’ll be okay.”
“D-Don’t you see him?”
“Everything is fine, Leo. I promise.”
Leo relaxes for a split second until blood splashes on his face.
Raph had been impaled where he almost had been before.
Leo’s throat begins to hurt, is he screaming again?
He can’t tell.
His face goes to the floor, body curling around himself and the inhaler still in his grip somehow.
The screaming from him is in fact happening, others could hear it even if he couldn’t.
Especially the real Raph.
After the spores had been sprayed and he couldn’t see his brothers, he thought he heard them further away.
He had no clue that the hallucinations could be auditory as well.
After rushing to where they might have been, the sounds got worse.
Donnie, Mikey, Leo, all begging for his help.
No matter where he went he couldn’t reach them.
“Guys! Where are you!?”
Raph whips his head around.
“Leo?“ He swears he can hear Leo again.
“Listen to me. When I get to the other side, you close that door.”
Raph feels his stomach drop, bringing up his arm to confirm what the hallucinations are making him see and hear.
On his wrist is the device he couldn’t bring himself to wear ever again.
The one that let him hear Leo making a decision he never should have made.
The one that let him hear what that monster was doing to him.
He starts rushing back to the direction he previously left, hoping his brothers hadn’t moved.
The rushing becomes more urgent when he hears Leo scream his name.
He’s moving so fast he nearly trips over his own feet several times.
When he finally sees Leo, everything in front of him turns into a hell scape.
Leo is in front of him, bloodied, bruised, cracks on his plastron and shell, and looking absolutely terrified.
The Krang mech is standing over him.
Raph can’t be sure at all that this how it was in the prison dimension, maybe this was accurate or maybe it’s just how he imagined it was.
Just like he never mentioned what he saw, Leo always redirected what it was like in those moments before Mikey was able to save him.
All he knew is what he and everyone else heard.
Raph knows this is all fake, something to mess with his head.
That doesn’t make his guilt go away in the slightest.
He wasn’t there to stop him, protect him.
When Splinter made Leo leader Raph wasn’t upset or mad because he got replaced, he seriously could not care less who led who in terms of responsibility.
He was worried that it meant Leo would take the brunt of the hits, be the shield when that was supposed to be what Raph does.
Raph is huge, that’s obvious.
None of his brothers can ever tell how small they are to him. Not just in size, but….how can you forget that you used to hug them close because they were scared of the dark?
They run out of your arms and when that’s when you realize that there’s so many things way scarier than the dark.
You want to scoop them back up so they don’t run too far to keep close.
Leo had managed to go so far away.
The Krang mech hits Leo across the face, splattering blood on the floor.
He hears Leo scream bloody murderer, screams he wished never would come from any member of his family.
Raph feels something snap in his brain that is usually reserved just for his savage modes.
He powers up, creating a larger version of himself to clap its arms together. This forces the spores in the air to disburse and clears the area.
He then stares down the fake Krang and stomps it.
The hallucination loses its hold. When he lifts the foot back up there’s just the pole that Donnie gave Leo under it.
Leo flinches, slowly but shakily lifting up his head.
“N-No….not again….please….” He nearly whispers.
Raph reaches out to see if he was real.
Leo tears up heavily.
Raph can see the utter terror on his face.
“Let him go. Stop….stop doing this. He doesn’t deserve it! Why can’t you leave him alone….!?” Leo shouts hoarsely, his throat already rough.
Raph quickly stops with his other form, but
Leo suddenly stands up and grabs at his arms before he can say anything.
“Get off him! How dare you use his body for this!? Again!? Haven’t you done enough to him!? To me!?”
“Listen to me, it’s not real! Those spores are making us hallucinate.”
Leo’s eyes widen.
“It’s….fake….? I….I didn’t bring him back here? You’re….you’re not….?”
“I’m the real deal, I promise.”
Leo feels the adrenaline that kept him standing give out along with his legs.
Ralph keeps him steady, moving to pick him up.
“N-No….just….let me use your arm, please.”
“You’re not in good shape Leo…..I heard you screaming.”
Leo breathes shakily.
“I want to know I can still make myself move.”
Raph isn’t entirely sure he gets it, but there was no way he was going to deny him what he seemed to need because of that.
He nods and puts Leo’s arm around his own since his shoulder would be too up high to help.
“We need to find Donnie and Mikey.”
“Maybe you can explain everything as we walk….I am so lost right now.”
“Not anymore, Leo.”
Leo smiles faintly.
“I’m going to let that corny thing pass since I think we could both use that right now.”
Raph smiles back and walks with him.
When the spores had first erupted around them, Donnie felt his hand get grabbed.
He knew who it was by the texture of the hand right away.
Of course the size is another indicator, but Donnie focused a lot on how things feel.
Raph’s hand is rougher than everyone else’s, both because he often uses his fists and the fact he lifts weights which causes calluses.
Leo’s hand is the softest because of his use of gloves during their fights, and the incredibly long list of skin care products he owns.
Mikey’s hand usually has something else on it, chalk dust, or finger paint, or, one time, peanut butter, which made Donnie gag.
That’s the hand that pulled him away.
They moved fairly fast.
“Ugh, this smells like when we found that cheese dad was hoarding so it could age. Be careful Mikey, we could start hallucinating at any moment.” Donnie warns.
“Maybe if you could do more than spend your time on dumb inventions we wouldn’t be in this mess.”
Donnie rips his hand out of his grip.
“You’re not-!….Am I trying to say something to a hallucination? Great, now I’m a cliché.”
Saying that other part out loud was also pointless, he knows.
He was basically talking to himself right now.
Those stupid invasive mushrooms were trying to turn baseless thoughts into tangible visions.
What he doesn’t understand is how and why it happened this way.
If it followed the pattern of what Mikey and Raph saw, he would see something he’s supposedly scared of relating to the Krang.
However, feeling and hearing shouldn’t have been part of it.
Had it been that case, what he did to help Raph wouldn’t have worked.
Was it the amount of spores? Was there a certain set of rules he wasn’t aware of?
He missed some variable, this is exactly why he hates when he’s missing data.
Donnie turns around to try to get back to where he was taken from.
“I can’t believe you chose those jerks over me.”
He’s taken aback by the new voice but tries to remind himself that it means nothing.
“It’s always about what you want. She makes fun of me and you join up with her just for a jacket? Do I really man less to you than a jacket…..?”
“That is not how I feel! She knows that!”
“Maybe…..maybe Donnie thinks we’re too dumb to be his brothers. He wishes we were like him.”
What? Mikey again?
“Are you kidding? I bet he wishes he was an only child. Donnie never cares about what we’re doing, he just waits to talk about what he’s doing.”
No, Raph wouldn’t say that!
He turns, only to see Leo right in front of him.
“Stop it! I know you’re not real!”
“Thanks for the advice, Donnie.”
“I didn’t give you any!”
“Sure you did. Back when Ghost Bear showed up. “Leo, sacrifice yourself? Buy us some time?” Does that ring any bells?”
Donnie freezes.
“I-It was a joke.”
“How about when I was supposed to protect you because I sell the least amount of toys?”
“Obviously another joke!”
“No, Donnie. It pushed me to do what had to be done. I’ll do it as many times as I need to.”
Donnie grits his teeth.
“No! You won’t! I’ll stop you!”
“Stop me? How? With another gift disguised as a way to tell me you hate me?”
“It was a real gift! I thought it would help!”
The shock collar suddenly appears on Leo.
“It’s a real pain in the neck, Dontron.”
It shocks him, making him writhe and scream in pain.
Donnie can’t help but scream as well.
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For the headcanons thing (that you posted 6 months ago - sorry)
Winn Schott
If you’ve already done him (which is highly likely) give me another character you haven’t done and please tag me in the Winn one :)
I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT THIS LMFAOOO thank you for reminding me that's so embarrassing
anyways, I'd had Winn and Lena requested but Kara is my second fav blorbo after Winn so I did her too <33
also, this is going off the premise that both Winn and Kara are autistic, it's canon because I said so I have lists you can fight me on this
Realistic: Winn is notably the only analyst (in the main cortex at least) that wears dress clothes instead of uniform. At the beginning he really did try to stand the uniform, but he ended up convincing J'onn to let him off because he just couldn't deal with the feeling of it on his skin.
Hilarious: Being the only human member of the Legion of Superheroes, Winn got asked A LOT about human culture. A blatant lie that originally stemmed from being asked the same ten questions a billion times, snowballed into a complicated lore about humanology and Gods and belief systems (because he was too embarrassed to admit to the original lie) and he ended up being the accidental cause of organised religion in the 31st century.
tldr: Winn Schott manages to shitpost his way through space and time
Also, he's asthmatic as fuck. He has to carry an inhaler in his bag and he hates it.
Awful: He hates the smell of teakwood and tobacco because it reminds him so viscerally of an abusive foster home that it genuinely makes him physically anxious and nauseous.
Unrealistic: He's actually really good at handling spicy food. He's even out-performed Alex a handful of times.
Realistic: Lena actually really hates chess. She hates how everything needs to be calculated properly, how everything needs to be thought out exactly, and it just reminds her too much of how she was brought up.
Hilarious: She has a peanut allergy. Similar to Winn, she has to carry an epi-pen in her bag. This is not public knowledge, of course, because that would probably bring her quarterly assassination attempts up to weekly.
Awful: Lena can only fall asleep with a nightlight- she isn't really sure why, all she knows is that her bed feels less like frigid, murky water when it's on.
Unrealistic: She doesn't know how to cook or how to drive. Her whole life she's had people cook for her and drive her places, so she never had to learn how to. She'd like to one day, though.
Realistic: Kara LOVES dinosaurs. She didn't have birds on Krypton, which implies either all the dinosaurs were wiped out, or there never were any in the first place, and she was immediately enthralled and fascinated by them when she first learned about them.
Hilarious: She's dyslexic. She relies on Grammarly like it's lifeblood.
Awful: She's insanely afraid of thunderstorms. It takes everything in her not to have a flashback or a panic attack or a meltdown, and she will point blank refuse to patrol if it's storming.
Unrealistic: After Red Daughter was killed, Kara's heat vision stayed permanently purple, and her eyes were purple too for a very long time afterwards.
maybe that first ones a bit of projection, i fucking love dinosaurs
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cannabiscomrade · 1 year
great allergy post btw!!
I think its easy to say good allergies aren’t that bad because they’re avoidable and the symptoms aren’t really chronic in the same sense that typical disabilities are. But my god the social effects! Having to bring your own food everywhere and be mindful about traveling and plane rides constantly is really draining after a while, especially with very common allergens like gluten or meat or egg. Like it’s crazy to me that most people can just eat whatever (like random food trucks in particular because damn I wish) because I’ve never gotten to do that
also the comorbidities! asthma alone accounts for a long term impact of allergen exposure.
people do not care to understand the severity of anaphylaxis and I've even been in first aid trainings where all they did was pass the Epi-Pen trainer around. a certain popular public charter [R.E.D.A.C.T.E.D] doesn't even mandate allergy certification through the first aid/cpr provider they choose. (a majority of first aid/cpr courses I've taken are phenomenal with allergy training fwiw)
ANYWAYS here are the signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis and what to do if you or someone is experiencing them!
If you or someone you know is experiencing anaphylaxis, call emergency services immediately. Do not delay care. If you're unsure, call anyways. Symptoms can be rapid or within 2 hours of exposure.
Do not delay care after administering epinephrine (Epi-Pen, Adrenaclick, Auvi-Q, etc), it is only temporary, hospital care is necessary.
Do not assume that someone with an allergy has an epinephrine injector, especially in places where you have to pay for healthcare.
If someone goes unresponsive and is not breathing during an allergic reaction, start CPR (adult | child+infant) immediately.
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Image description: an infographic from the Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Connection Team titled "SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF ANAPHYLAXIS"
Anaphylaxis (an-a-fi-LAK-sis) is a serious allergic reaction that comes on quickly and has the potential to become life-threatening. The most common anaphylactic reactions are to foods, venom, medications, and latex. Anaphylaxis signs and symptoms that may occur alone or in any combination after exposure to an allergen include:
MOUTH: itching, tingling, swelling of the lips/tongue/palate (roof of the mouth)
THROAT: hoarseness, tightening of throat, difficulty swallowing, hacking cough, stridor (a loud, high-pitched sound when breathing in)
LUNGS: shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, chest pain, tightness
GUT: abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
CNS/BRAIN: anxiety, panic, sense of doom
EYES/NOSE: runny nose, stuffy nose, sneezing, watery red eyes, itchy eyes, swollen eyes SKIN: hives or other rash, redness/flushing, itching, swelling
CIRCULATION/HEART: chest pain, low blood pressure, weak pulse, shock, pale blue color, dizziness or fainting, lethargy (lack of energy)
Symptoms involving the throat, lungs, and circulation/heart are marked with asterisks, indicating immediate and potential life-threatening symptoms.
Consult with a board-certified allergist for an accurate diagnosis and management plan.
Although the majority of individuals experiencing anaphylaxis have skin symptoms, some of the most severe cases have no rash, hives, swelling
EPINEPHRINE is the first-line of treatment for anaphylaxis Antihistamines, inhalers, & other treatments should only be used as secondary treatment. Always carry two epinephrine auto-injectors at all times.
When you, or someone you know, begin to experience symptoms, CALL 9-1-1 IMMEDIATELY!
FAACT Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Connection Team
AWARENESS • ADVOCACY • EDUCATION www.FoodAllergyAwareness.org
(513) 342-1293 Fax (513) 342-1239
P.O. Box 511 West Chester, OH 45071 [email protected]
[end ID]
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Allergy incident in physics lecture left 0 dead, 0 injured, as there were 5 inhalers, 20-ish packs of various allergy pills, and 2 epi-pens present in the classroom
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atinylittlepain · 2 years
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Rad Times at the Roller Rink - A Steve Harrington Story
Steve Harrington x f!punk!reader/f!oc
Steve's feeling like he's losing his touch with the ladies. He meets someone new, and her piercings make him weak in the knees. Maybe he's still got it.
warnings | 18+ but really no warnings, just fluffy exposition
a/n | this follows directly from the events of my Robin Buckley fic, so I recommend reading that first as this might not make much sense without it. I think I'll probably continue this little roller rink AU for both Steve and Robin :)
Steve is not having a good night. Hell, he’s not really having a good week. Max has been prodding him around the roller rink for the last thirty minutes, and the two times he’s fallen flat on his ass, she’s skated circles around him, laughing at his flailing attempts to get back up. He thinks to himself that this must be some sort of karmic retribution for all the bullying he did in highschool. 
He was supposed to be going out with Gina Hemshaw tonight, but she had canceled last minute, and that plus the rejection from the new girl at Family Video earlier in the week isn’t doing much for his ego. He supposes that’s why he got wrangled into chaperoning his little band of dipshits for the night, a distraction from the seeming reality that Steve was losing his touch with the ladies. 
After his third fall of the night, Steve decides he’s had enough, leaving Max to torment some other poor soul while he wobbles off to a bench to get these damn wheels off his feet. As he’s unlacing his skates, Robin’s scraggly converse come into view. She’s a wheezing wonder as she motions to his fanny pack. The kids had given him endless grief for the little bag he slung around his hips, but how the hell else was he supposed to keep track of two inhalers (Robin’s and Dustin’s), car keys, an epi-pen (Mike’s), and a wad of presumptuous band-aids? 
He passes her her inhaler (an “R” sharpied on the side to tell the two apart) and she’s quick to calm her gasping breaths down.
“You. are. Never. Going. To. Believe. This!” She thrusts her forearm right under Steve’s nose, barely catching a glimpse of the scribbled numbers.
“Holy shit, who?” Robin’s got a smug grin as she tells him it’s the new girl, the one that came into Family Video earlier, the very same one who had rejected him. Steve high fives his friend, doing his best to look excited for her, but on the inside, he’s a swirl of relief and horror.
Relief that now there was a very good reason for her rejection of him, namely that he was a him. Horror that he had asked her out in the first place. Sure, Steve could be clueless, but he had genuinely thought she was flirting with him. How could he not tell she wasn’t interested? Damn Harrington, you really are losing it.
Robin snaps him out of his thoughts, waving her hand in his face, “earth to Dingus. Come in Dingus, you alright?”
“Hmm? Oh, yeah. That’s awesome, Robs. Hey, I need some fresh air, will you tell the kids I’m out by the car?” She sighs, “yeah, no problem. You sure you’re ok?” He finishes lacing his own shoes back up, standing, “yeah, just have a headache.”
Robin seems to buy that answer, flittering off to get a soda and find the kids. Steve returns his skates and heads out to the parking lot, leaning up against the driver’s side of his car, letting his head tip back. He sighs and the exhale turns more into a groan. 
“You ok?” 
“Jesus christ!” Steve’s startled straight out of his skin, he whips around to see where the question came from.
“Not quite, just me. Sounds like you’re having a rough night.” He swallows hard, seeing that it’s a girl who scared the living daylights out of him, and Steve has to do a double take when she steps a little closer to him. He does his best not to let his eyes linger too long on her fishnet-clad legs, wandering up to a short tartan skirt that’s adorned with a dangling chain belt. He assumes she’s wearing a band tee, but he can’t be sure because he doesn’t recognize the name and the shirt is also cropped and chopped like crazy, neckline stretched and sliced so it hangs off her one shoulder. A denim vest to top it off, with safety pins clipped through the button holes and a few sewn-on patches mottling the sides. 
“Hey, buddy. You good?” Steve blinks hard a few times, finally focusing on her face. 
“Um, yeah. Sorry, just ready to go home I guess.” He can’t stop looking at the piercing in her nose, a thin metal cuff wrapping under her left nostril. She’s also got a hoop in the corner of her one eyebrow. Steve’s never seen anything like it. Certainly not in Hawkins. 
She kicks the toe of her Doc Martens into the ground, sidling up next to him to lean back against his car.
“Is the roller rink not really your scene?” Steve snorts, glancing over at her, “I feel like I should be asking you that.” She laughs, throwing her head back and Steve swears he sees something glinting on her tongue. Suddenly his throat feels very dry.
“Nah, definitely not. I’m just here to pick up my sister.”
“Do you always get this dressed up to pick up your sister?” Steve regrets it the moment it’s left his mouth. What the hell was he thinking? She however just laughs again, and yeah, her tongue is definitely pierced.
“I’m on my way home from a concert. Told my folks I’d grab her on the way back. So what about you? What’s brought you to this lovely roller rink parking lot?”
“My kids–”
“You have kids. Either you started way too early or you have a serious skincare regime.” Steve laughs hard at that.
“No, no. They’re not my kids, well they’re–”
“Steve! I need my inhaler!” Ah, Dustin Henderson, always a master of timing.
The young teen comes barreling up to Steve, not giving him a second to react before he’s grabbing at the fannypack still slung around his front. Steve swats at his hands.
“Jesus, man! Just, patience, alright? Back off. Here, take it.” He passes the inhaler to Dustin who promptly takes two succinct puffs.
“Thanks, you’re gonna skate some more, right? Max said you fell on your ass a bunch but you can’t get better if you don’t practice.” Steve could strangle the kid, honestly. Before he can say anything more though, Dustin’s attention is drawn to his female companion.
“Woah. Your face.”
“Henderson!” Steve is mortified. She however is cackling.
“Cool huh, kid?” Dustin nods his head frantically.
“Those had to have hurt. How bad did they hurt?” She shrugs, “eh, these two weren’t so bad. This one however,” she briefly flashes her tongue to them, showing off a metal ball right in the middle, “yeah, that one made my eyes water.” 
“Holy shit. So cool. Wait, why are you talking to Steve then?” Steve huffs, grabbing Dustin by the shoulders and spinning him back towards the rink entrance.
“Alright, that’s enough, Henderson. Go skate some more, yeah? Tell the others to come out when you’re all done.” He pats him hard on his back, more of a light shove really, and for once, Dustin seems to get the hint, shuffling back into the rink with a few mutters under his breath. 
He turns back to her, rubbing the back of his neck. She quirks her eyebrow at him, metal glinting with the movement.
“One of yours, I presume.” He sighs, mumbling, “yeah, something like that.” He tries to discreetly unclip the fanny pack from his waist, tossing it into the open window of his car. 
“Well, Steve. Since I know your name I should probably formally introduce myself,” She extends her hand out to him, telling him her name as they shake. He feels like a dope for thinking that he likes how her hand fits with his.
“I feel like I would’ve remembered seeing you around. Are you new to Hawkins?” She nods, explaining that her family just moved here this past week. A lot of folks moving here all of a sudden. She tells him that she’s just living with her parents for the summer, having graduated from college in the spring. She’ll be moving into an apartment in the fall, starting as the Hawkins Middle School music teacher. Steve does his best to not look shocked at the idea of her working with kids, but she catches his raised eyebrows and grins.
“What, you think these piercings aren’t removable?” He stutters, “No! I just– Well, I um– You–”
“I’m just messing with you man. But yeah, it’s not that hard to tone it down, you know? Just gotta go like half-punk, or maybe a quarter punk in this town.” He swallows his embarrassment, nodding.
“Well, if you’re here to stay, whatever fraction of punk you are, maybe I’ll see you around. I work at the Family Video in town.”
“Oh yeah, my sister went in there the other day, said there was a really chatty dude working, tried to ask her out.” She huffs out a laugh, shaking her head. Steve blanches at her words. Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit.
Just then, someone calls her name and sure enough, it’s the girl from Family Video, the one who rejected Steve and scribbled her phone number on Robin’s arm, walking out of the rink. For a moment, Steve ponders the desire to be struck by lightning, or even to spontaneously combust. Anything to get him out of this interaction.
“Hey sis, good concert?” Family video girl sidles up next to her, throwing her arm around her shoulder.
“Eh, not much of a scene here in the sticks.” She scrunches her nose, pushing off of Steve’s car to walk them both over to her station wagon. Her sister glances at Steve, eyes widening in recognition.
“Hey, I know you! Steve, right?” Steve wants to say “no, wrong guy, sorry” but all he can do is sheepishly nod. He thinks to himself, great, she’ll want nothing to do with me after her sister tells her I was the creep who hit on her.
Before Family Video girl can talk, cool girl chimes in, “Steve here has been keeping me company while you stayed later than you said you would. It’s five past midnight, duck. I said 11:30.” So-called “duck” looks between her sister and Steve, seeming to decide something. She mutters a slanted “sorry” before huffing over to the passenger side and slipping into the car. Steve turns his attention back to her, raising his eyebrows.
“Yours, I presume?” She laughs, nodding, before shooting him a crooked smile.
“Something like that.” She tilts her head at him, “maybe it’s the feet fumes wafting from the rink driving me to madness, but would you wanna keep each other company again some time?” Steve’s heart kicks, he smiles.
“Yeah, I’d really like that.” “You got a pen? Can I give you my number?”
Steve pats his pockets, panicking for a moment when he comes up empty. And then, like a strike of lightning, he remembers the fanny pack.
He mumbles, “give me one sec” as he gracelessly shoves his torso through his car’s open window, fishing around for his pack. Mercifully, there is a pen amidst the first aid detritus in the little bag. Thank god for fanny packs. He wiggles back out of the window, cheeks flushed. She’s smirking at him.
“Quite the show you just put on, Steve.” He flushes a little harder as she takes the pen from his hand and grasps his wrist, tugging up his sweatshirt sleeve and scrawling her number on his forearm. He’s never found forearms to be a particularly erotic part of the body, but suddenly, watching her black-polished nails wrap around his wrist, he’s reconsidering that stance.
She hands him back the pen, sending him one more crooked grin.
“Call me, yeah?” He smiles, “Yeah, I will.”
He rests his chin in his hands on the hood of his car, watching her get into her station wagon, sending him a little salute. Her sister also looks at Steve, and shoots him an ‘ok’ symbol with her hand. His stomach drops, but he decides to interpret that as meaning she’s not going to tell her sister about their first encounter, at least he prays that that’s what it means. 
As he watches their station wagon pull out of the parking lot, he hears Robin calling his name, turning to see the brigade coming towards him and his car. The kids all pile into the back and Robin takes shotgun, immediately turning towards Steve in a flurry of activity.
“So I did talk to phone number girl a little more. We shared a cherry cola, isn’t that rad?” Steve quirks his face at Robin using the word “rad,” but lets her continue. 
“And, I assured her that you’re not a pervert, just a very hopeless guy who isn’t good with social cues and she said it was all good which is great because that means we can all hang out and it won’t be awkward because of your painful attempts at flirting and she said she has a sister who’s also been striking out in the dating department so maybe we could set you two up and maybe one day we’d even be in-laws, oh my god, that’d be perfect we’d actually be family and she’s so cool, did I tell you that already? She said–”
Just then, Robin glances at Steve’s forearm, shirt sleeve still rucked up.
“Hey! Look, we both lucked out tonight, dingus! Who’d you pick up in the parking lot? You know, I get that you’re desperate, but honestly, Steve? That’s a new low even for you, hitting on people in the parking lot of the roller rink. You’re better than that, and honestly as your friend I think that–”
“Hey, Robs. I think there’s more tootsie pops in my pack. It’s on the floor by your feet.” Her eyes light up and she’s already forgotten the word vomit tirade she was on, digging around in Steve’s fanny pack for a sucker. He knows her too well. She obviously hadn’t taken the time to compare hers and Steve’s temporary tattoos, because if she did she would’ve found that Steve had the exact same numbers scrawled up his arm that she did, a shared landline between the two new sisters in town. Steve figures to himself that that’s on a need to know basis, and right now, there’s no need to get Robin worked up again when she’s already got another tootsie pop in her cheek.
When he gets home that night after dropping everyone off, he stops in front of his bathroom mirror. He knows it’s silly, but for a moment he wonders how he’d look with a nose ring.
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garussy · 2 years
So many more things from my mystreet rewrite
Nicole didn’t have eyebrows for three years because of her explosions
Nicole was obsessed with explosions growing up and had the police and bomb squad sent to her house because of the suspicious stuff she was buying online for her explosions
Dante got his crush on her while they were partners in science and she blew up the science lab
She couldn’t stop smiling afterwards even while talking to the principal
Lucinda loves Harry Potter as a kid but when she grew up and JK Rowling ruined it Lucinda decided to start an anti JK Rowling club in high school
The club evolved to a cult when she was an adult
Dante was on the fencing team
Nana started a competitive baking club
It got aggressive really fast
She has a scar above her hip from the time her and this girl got into a fist fight over cheesecake and somehow a knife got involved
Aaron joined the club and he had to get Blaze’s help to pull her off of the girl
Zenix was actually really smart but never applied himself
Laurance picked up sewing tips from Cadenza
He can’t make an actual dress but he can stitch up holes
Zane helped Nana with her homework in college once so she gave him a kiss on the cheek as a thank you
Zane panicked and had an asthma attack
Nana carries several epi-pens and a spare inhaler for Zane
Garroth baby talks every animal he sees including Lucinda’s tarantula
Blaze, Dottie, Rylan, and Daniel are in a poly relationship
Everyone believed Michi and Nana were related for the longest time and neither of them bothered to deny it
Garroth told Vylad he was adopted because he doesn’t look like either of their parents and all three brothers believed it well into adulthood
Laurance cried when he first saw Garroth’s house because Laurance grew up in foster homes before him and Cadenza were adopted and he wasn’t used to big fancy houses
He went silent and sat on the couch when Garroth mentioned their vacation houses
He is still in shock to this day seeing everything the Ro’Meave’s own
Aphmau and Travis have a 5 minute long hand shake that they do everytime they see eachother
It’s gotten to the point that everyone pretends it’s not happening
Katelyn has a collection of bird whistles
She took Travis bird watching for their first date and he loved it
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not-an-evil-overlord · 5 months
"What do you mean you haven't checked your smoke alarm in years?" (I love you)
"Are you crazy keep your epi pen with you" (I love you)
"Are you sure you don't need to see a Dr?" (I love you)
"If your phone isn't making calls reliably you should get that checked" (I love you)
"What do you mean you lost your inhaler" (I love you)
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rikki-roses · 7 months
Fluffy February Day 12: Discipline
Set during KOTFE
I spelled anaphylactic right the first try, go me lol
Soft TW for mention of health issues
The smell from the fancy cheese platter that Senya had managed to import (smuggled) from Zakuul hit Setra's nose two feet outside of Odessen's cantina, and she was forced to immediately turn away.
Her throat was already starting to itch.
Setra had exactly one allergy: dairy. It didn't matter what animal or which planet it came from, anything with dairy triggered the allergy. When she was younger, she could eat small amounts as long as she took allergy pills right before, which later turned into a bite or two followed by an epi-pen as the bites tried to send her into anaphylactic shock. Now days, she couldn't even taste any; the smell and proximity alone were enough to cause a reaction, with consumption being an almost-guaranteed death sentence even with said epi-pens.
Which was a problem when cheese was her absolute favorite food in the Galaxy, the stinkier the better. It took every ounce of discipline and Jedi training for her to walk away from the cantina and the tantalizing cheese platter, giving passerby a polite smile.
And so, she found herself wandering back to the Force Enclave, one of the only ones not attending the party that the platter had been smuggled ordered for. Setra didn't blame anyone; she wasn't sure how many people even knew she was allergic to dairy. It was unreasonable to expect the entire base to avoid dairy just for her, especially when Setra did have alternatives for most dairy products, minus the more exotic cheeses.
It was just as well; she got a bout of vertigo as she walked through the entrance to the Enclave, barely catching herself as she sat down hard. Paws, bless the nexu, immediately jumped into Work Mode and settled down behind Setra, giving her something to lean against as the room spun around her. Setra was suddenly glad she was alone; she still got embarrassed and awkward every time someone witnessed it, even those closest to her. Especially those closest to her.
After several minutes the vertigo settled just enough for Setra to shakily stand up and wobble over to a cushion placed against one of the wall; she sighed gratefully as she slid down the wall onto the cushion. She crossed her legs and got comfortable, Paws laying down close to her with his head on her lap. She closed her eyes as the room started to spin violently again.
It was Lana who finally found her, a plate of dairy-free cheeses in hand as sympathy treat, guilty expression on her face. She sat down next to Setra and proffered the plate of food, which Setra took with an appreciative smile. She promptly started to eat them.
"How do they taste? They're among the cheeses that Senya was able to bring from Zakuul."
"Like sadness."
It didn't stop Setra from nearly inhaling them - cheese was cheese, and she wasn't going to be picky, even if fake cheese wasn't as good as the real thing. Lana chuckled as she watched.
"Good thing that isn't stopping you. I'll make sure those are set aside for you and our other lactose intolerant staff, then."
"Appreciate it."
"That being said, Senya will probably seek you out later to apologize; she wasn't aware of your allergy, it was sheer luck that the dairy-free cheeses were included. She also didn't know the platter would keep you out of the cantina completely."
Setra shrugged as she put down the plate in her lap, letting Paws lick the crumbs. "Why? I didn't exactly tell her. I don't want people tiptoeing around just to cater to me. when I'm the only one with an allergy this severe."
"Yes, but it's generally bad optics if one of our leaders no-shows a base-wide party because her allergies weren't considered; the cheeses could have been placed elsewhere, or saved for after you left the party. That being said, I do appreciate your discipline."
Setra humphed in response, and the two sat in companionable silence.
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demonangelgirl134 · 8 months
Noctas Tiger and Cheep Ferret
Tumblr media
This is Noctas and Cheep, the armless technician and handless medic
Noctas is a male to female trans tiger who lost both of her arms and eye in a car accident who works as Rusty's assistant in technological progress, and Cheep is a female to male trans ferret who lost both of his hands to cancer who works as the spy team's medic (and is slightly on the autistic side)
They don't let their lack of hands stop them from succeeding. They both have advanced prothstetic limbs with built-in functions, kinda like a swiss army knife, except Noctas's arms have built-in hardware tools and weapons like guns and blades while Cheep's hands have built-in medical tools, first aid supplies, spare inhalers for Mango, and epi pens in case someone has an allergic reaction (which is likely to happen a lot with the members with health issues)
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invisibleraven · 2 years
"I'm sorry I made you worry." for whatever rarepair you're vibing today?
Out of the three of them, Alex is the worrier. He blames it on his anxiety, his mind coming up with every terrible end result and possibility. Sometimes it's a good thing, keeping them from eating dodgy street dogs or signing up for the label that only wants their song rights but not them. Other times Luke and Reggie roll their eyes at him, with a yes mom, and go about riding the rickety roller coaster at Venice Beach or busking outside the clubs on the strip.
Okay, Alex knows he's overly cautious. His brain in convinced of only bad happening, and then it starts to spiral. The meds had helped, but now that he's out from under his parent's roof, and unfortunately, no longer covered by their insurance, anxiety medication is a little outside his price range. Luke offered to steal them, but it's a bit harder to swipe a prescription than it is a bottle of cold syrup like they did when Reggie caught a cold a few months back.
Right now their money has to go towards food, and rent on their shitty little studio apartment slash rehearsal space. Plus if they need prescriptions filled, he'd rather make sure Reggie's Epi-Pen is up to date or Luke's inhaler is still valid over something to calm his racing thoughts. He can usually pace the anxiety out, having a good long walk to quiet his brain.
Until one day, head down, he didn't see where he was going.
And the car came out of nowhere.
When he woke up, he was sore everywhere, and could see his left leg was in a cast, right up to his thigh. He doubted he was going to be drumming again any time soon. He glanced around the room and found Luke and Reggie on either side of him, blowing out breaths of relief at his conscious state.
"Thank goodness you're awake," Luke said.
"Was real touch and go there for awhile bud," Reggie added. "We were terrified."
"I'm sorry that I made you worry," Alex rasped out, his voice rough and croaky after the accident.
"Yeah, it's usually the other way around," Luke joked.
"I rather you be the one who worries about us honestly," Reggie chimed in.
"Speaking of worrying...should I worry about how we're affording my stay here?" Alex asked.
"That's one thing you don't need to worry about babe," Luke replied.
"We always take care of each other, no matter the cost," Reggie assured him. "We got you."
"But-" Alex started to protest, but his boyfriends leaned in, kept silencing him with kisses, and he eventually relented to letting the worries melt away, just this once.
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