#inhumane society
dragoneyes618 · 9 months
Hangfire's actions throughout ATWQ are often referred to as his "treachery."
But calling it treachery (instead of something like villainy) implies that he was once on the side of Stain'd-By-The-Sea, and betrayed them.
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theoriquewitherseld · 2 years
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Inhumane Society logo
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brw · 2 days
I have to share this epiphany with the world. Pietro only started being properly robot racist after marrying Crystal. Before that he was occasionally weird but mostly fine with it, he even asks Vision to talk some sense into Wanda because he knows she had a crush on them. Yet he marries Crystal and goes to the turbo eugenics society and suddenly has a massive problem with it. I feel like a genius.
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ruthlesslistener · 1 year
I know that wyrms don't actually care that much but I do wonder if PK making himself bugsized is an anomaly among wyrms. I feel like he's just enough of a Strange Person to do that and I also feel like he made the decision when he was still Young And Stupid.
Tbf I feel like he had to have been an anomaly based on what Godseeker said when talking about his corpse. IIRC, she said something along the lines of how confused she was that he made himself small when the vast, magnificent form would have drawn much more attention. Godseeker, as I've said before, has a very flawed and biased perspective, but she does know enough about the link to worship and power for me to think she might be right with this one, in that PK's original wyrm form was much more adept at conquering and gathering prospective worshippers. Him casting that aside to take on a bug form and walk among them as their king is an anomaly that sticks out like a sore thumb among all the other, more distant gods of Hallownest, so I can only assume that he did it bc he was genuinely fascinated and charmed by them, which is further confirmed by the lengths he was willing to go to in order to save them vs use them as pawns/simply let them die like Unn and Radi. He def. got in over his head considering the fact that he canonically became a shut-in recluse, but the point is still there- dude's just weird.
I don't think this is a case of him being young and dumb either, PK is genuinely just a really fucking weird god. There's canon evidence of him bargaining with the Mosskin/Unn, Herrah, and the Mantis Lords as if he were their equal, even though he is a god who probably could have just enthralled and conquered them to do his bidding. He won his chunk of Hallownest by getting the moths to swap religion vs just brute force conquering, like Radi did. Dude's like that weird quiet kid in math class who does his level best to not be seen who you could probably kick over with zero effort, but somehow ends up being respected anyways bc he's a crazy good tutor if you can manage to corner and bribe him after class. W e i r d
(I also take her line about how abruptly his power vanished to be proof that his death was a suicide attempt, but tbf it was also very vague. Everything about him post-canon just screams 'I'm dying leave me alone' energy rather than him being fully done for, which makes sense given how terribly long it is for gods to truely die)
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ribbonpinky-art · 5 months
take a shot every time a youtuber makes a sudden jab at a fat person they shove on screen or just make a fat joke out of nowhere (*especially* if the topic had remotely NOTHING to do with bodies or whateverthefuk) to satisfy the inescapable fatphobia status quo
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brutalmasks · 2 months
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just-a-local-lunatic · 7 months
Sorry if I asked you before. So the passage of time that is the 616 universe has always been questionable. Almost as the older one gets the slower their time is. Still if 2 characters are the same age it can be assumed that they will both get older the same year (when that year happens, no one knows). Since it looks like from Kamala Khan's recent stories she is pretty much 18, being introduced 16. So Ahura Boltagon should also be close to 18, and as a Royal should look for a partner. Anyone you would pick? Myself, Treste.
While there isn't anyone specific I would pick, I have seen your posts on Ahura and Treste, and it is a very good ship! They're the same age and while they are of different Inhuman classes, they still run in the same circles, so it's likely they know each other! She's a great choice honestly! Also, since she isn't much of a character, you can practically do anything with her, which is great. I don't think she has a set superpower yet, but they could do something great with her. Do you know what her powers are? Or do you have any headcanons on what her powers are? And I love the idea of Ahura breaking out of his own class when he marries since I think he's pretty opposed to all the class issues Attilan has. I think you said it before, but Marvel would be really smart to start focusing on the second generation of Inhumans and their attempts to fix the issues in their society. I mean, I personally, would love to see what would happen if Ahura actually got to be focused on and became king of Attilan.
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marinsawakening · 2 years
Please stop ascribing all the world's evils to capitalism. Yes capitalism plays into them but bigotry, famine, hunger, poverty, greed, corruption, etc. existed long before capitalism and will exist long after it fades. Communist countries have had all these issues. I am an anti-capitalist bitch as much as the rest of you but pretending that its destruction will automatically bring forth utopia is shortsighted at best.
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dragoneyes618 · 11 months
Where and how did the Inhumane Society keep Lizzie captive?
The organization had four willing members and three unwilling members. The willing ones were Hangfire, Stew Mitchum, Nurse Dander, and Dr. Flammarion (it was never explained why the latter two allied with him). The unwilling ones were Sharon Haines, Sally Murphy, and Ellington Feint (and technically Kellar too, for a while).
But after WDYSHL, there were only two willing members - Hangfire and Stew. Nurse Dander, and Dr. Flammarion got arrested and sent to the city to stand trial (or so we're told. I don't suppose it was confirmed if they actually got there?). That leaves only Hangfire and STew, the latter of whom is a boy who can't be much older than thirteen, to imprison Lizzie.
Sharon and Sally obviously weren't helping to keep Lizzie captive, because the only reason they were helping Hangfire in the first place was because he was blackmailing them with Lizzie's safety.
And Hangfire and Stew were busy with Hangfire's plans throughout the series. They both make multiple appearances in SYBIS; clearly, they were not actively guarding Lizzie or whatever.
In WITNDFAON, Sally somehow rescues Lizzie, disguises her, and sneaks her onto the train. She believes that she'll never be free of Hangfire, that he'll likely kill her like he tried to, but she's determined to at least get Lizzie out safely. (Lizzie's acting skills were a lot better than hers, but I think that can be explained away to extreme nervousness and stress.)
But if Sharon knew where Lizzie was, why didn't she try to rescue her before, instead of being blackmailed by Hangfire?
She may only have found out recently, being somewhat affiliated with the Inhumane Society. Okay then. So she managed to rescue her - Hangfire was unaware that his hostage was gone.
But who was supposed to be holding her hostage? Every member of the Inhumane Society was on the train. Lizzie was not supposed to be on it.
Lizzie wasn't in Wade Academy, obviously, since Sharon and Kellar were there. She couldn't have been in the Colophon Clinic, at least not after it was all but destroyed.
Stain'd-By-The-Sea has any number of abandoned buildings, Lizzie could have been in one of those. But who was watching her to make sure she didn't escape? After all, Nurse Dander was with Ellington disguised as Cleo to make sure she didn't escape.
Did Hangfire just keep her drugged with laudanum and locked in a room somewhere without bothering to guard her? Under the influence of laudanum, she wouldn't be able to escape by herself; and, indeed, she didn't, until Sally found her.
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softpng · 4 months
now that we've normalized therapy let's talk about how social pathologies count for the majority of modern trauma that requires therapy and how actually needing to normalize therapy within a society is a symptom of that society being inherently inhumane and sick.
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happy father's day to black bolt ONLY. agon gorgon karnak dni
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solittles · 4 months
thinks about dave k's bad take on hickey n his potential personality disorder. gets upset again .
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kenonade · 6 months
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watch as i take a break from writing cultural analysis to write more cultural analysis
this has been festering in my mind for years and i will expel this demon even if it ends me
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saturdaysentiments · 1 year
Inhumane Invasion
Tampering with free will Builds up disdain Of rotten outcomes That could have Resulted in a More favorable outcome If only there Was a respectful Collaboration accepted by All All Rights Reserved ©️2023
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vulpinesaint · 1 year
the concept of being a loveless aro gets more appealing every day honestly. like yeah i'm all about love or whatever but when i say love i don't mean it like everyone else means it. it's its own separate thing because i Know what people mean when they say love and it's not what i feel. nd i will be honest with you i kind of hate saying "platonic love" cause it feels automatically sidelined from capital l Love (romantic) and like. having to specify it makes it lesser. fucking sick of having to call the people that i 'love' friends. cause we're NOT friends it's NOT friendship it's DIFFERENT. and yeah obvi obvi friendship is not a lesser thing but let's be honest people are going to perceive it that way. and i want words to express that and i'm sick of having to use the stupid catchall love cause no NOTHING is about love actually. i'll say that everything is about love but everything is about care. everything is about connection. everything is about the beauty that you find places. and that's not love. not the way that i feel that stuff. so. what if i... aha... didn't experience love...
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