#injured! hawks
herd-reject-arts · 1 year
So I'm leaving work and something darts in front of me, maybe 10ft away, too fast for me to see what it is. Peek around the tree blocking my path and I see this
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Just like... a whole ass hawk. Dude's gotta be about 1.5ft tall. Massive fucking bird. And it's just staring me straight in my soul like this, even as I try to move ahead. It didn't budge. And there's only this path back to my car unless I want to walk on a busy highway. So I have the option of Death By Raptor or Death By Truck.
So I walk in the poison ivy filled patch off the sidewalk. Guy still isn't moving. Still staring me directly in the eyes. And I do this thing when animals are behaving strangely where I'll talk to them, so I'm just like, "Hey, man. I don't know you. You don't know me. This feels really threatening. I'm just trying to get to my car, dude. Can I get some space please? You're a big fucking bird. I see those claws. You could kill me right now, but I'd appreciate if you didn't, ok?"
It didn't move until I was about 2ft away. Again: I'm as far from it as I can be without walking into the street. It clearly wasn't going to budge. I walk past, thing flies up (silent, btw. Scary) and lands on a brick wall a little further ahead
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Anyway. Weird guy. Nearly shit my pants when I noticed a bird big enough to carry off a fully grown cat was just... there, staring me in the face, unwilling to move away from me, a human, something it should see as a threat. I watched behind me the whole rest of the way to my car, just in case this bird decided to help me shed this mortal coil. 10/10 experience. Super cool guy.
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stxrrydreamss · 1 year
They find out you were in a car accident.
Part 1, Part 2
Authors note: This took me a few days to write, so I hope you all enjoy! I even made the gifs myself :)
•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙*˚⁺‧.˚ *•̩̩͙ ✩. •̩̩͙*˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙*˚⁺‧. ˚ *•̩̩͙ ✩.
The night was enveloped in darkness as I navigated my way back home. The rain hammered against my car window, growing in intensity and size, until it obscured my vision completely. I hit the brakes, but my car lost traction and began to hydroplane. Frantically, I pumped the brakes and steered in the opposite direction, hoping to regain control. Suddenly, a black SUV, blinded by the heavy rain, collided with the back of my car, pushing it into the path of an oncoming vehicle. As the impact sent my car into a terrifying spin, I braced for the impending collision. The world turned upside down as my car flipped, and I slipped into unconsciousness upon impact.
Shouta had just finished his shift when he got a call to respond to a three-car accident nearby. He quickly accepted the job and hurried over to the scene. About ten minutes earlier, he had heard the crash, muffled by the rain, but it had still sounded terrible. He never expected to find your car among the vehicles involved. The SUV had pulled over farther down the street, its front end completely wrecked. The red sedan, which had collided with your car, was in even worse shape - its front end was completely gone, and the sides were scraped from flipping over and sliding.
The drivers of both vehicles sustained minimal injuries in the accident. However, you were still trapped in the wreckage of your car, and there was no update on your condition. The road was littered with debris from your vehicle, and the extent of the damage was evident. The roof, front, and back ends of your car were severely caved in from the collision with both a sedan and an SUV. Onlookers could see the shock on the face of a bystander who struggled to contain his emotions as he witnessed the emergency responders working tirelessly in the pouring rain to assist the accident victims.
He was struggling to keep his emotions in check, but he knew he had to remain focused on his responsibilities. After gathering information from the paramedics, he learned that the collision occurred when a black SUV hydroplaned and collided with their car. The driver of the red sedan, who was under the influence and speeding, also failed to avoid the crash. Upon hearing about the red sedan, Shouta's anger flared, but his priority was ensuring your well-being. Leaving the police and paramedics to handle the investigation and care for those involved, Shouta hurried toward your location.
Upon finally laying eyes on the wreckage of your car up close, Shouta swore he stopped breathing. The interior of the car was in disarray, with airbags deployed and debris scattered across the seats. He could even see your blood splattered across the airbags and the interior of the car. The door had been forcefully opened with a tool, and the grimace on his face reflected his distress at the scene. The ambulance had whisked you away not long ago, leaving him in a state of panic. The uncertainty of whether you were alive or not had his mind reeling. All rational thought escaped him as he stood fixated on the scene of the crash. Would they take a deceased person to the hospital? The sound of an officer calling out broke him from his thoughts, and he refocused to exchange information and resolve the situation as quickly as possible, eager to hurry to the hospital.
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Keigo had finally made it home after a grueling shift. He stood outside, shaking the water from his wings before stepping into the cozy space the two of you shared. Keigo cast his gaze around the house, searching for any sign of your presence, but found that you hadn't returned yet. Despite the concern that crept into his mind, he reassured himself that you were likely just delayed by the traffic compounded by the pouring rain outside.
Keigo let out a tired yawn as he extended his arms in a long, satisfying stretch before making his way to the bedroom. With a sense of relief, he placed his headset and glasses on the dresser next to his bed, then selected a comfortable set of clothes and made his way to the bathroom. After turning on the shower, he peeled off his damp uniform and jacket, feeling the chill of the room against his skin. Stepping into the shower, the contrast of the warm water against his cold skin sent a shiver down his spine, causing his feathers to puff up. As the warmth enveloped him, Keigo couldn't help but relish the sensation, taking a moment to soothe the sore parts of his body before finally proceeding to lather up and wash away the day's exhaustion.
Keigo reached for the bottle of shampoo as the sound of his ringing phone filled the air. He made a note to check it afterward and continued with his hair washing routine. As he rinsed the shampoo out of his hair, the phone rang once more, but he chose to ignore it and focus on his shower. Finally done, he reached for a towel after stepping out.
As Keigo finishes showering and begins to dry himself off, he grabs a fresh towel and uses it to gently pat his hair dry. He then picks up his phone from the bathroom and heads back to the bedroom. Keigo unlocks his phone and listens to a voicemail left by someone who had called him earlier. Placing the phone on speaker, he sets it down on the bed and continues to dry off before changing into his sleepwear.
The moment Keigo heard the words "Yuriko Harusa calling from the hospital regarding your fiancé (Y/n) (L/n)" he felt a jolt of panic surge through him. His heart raced as he listened further, his mind unable to process the news. After hearing that (Y/n) had been in a car accident and was currently undergoing surgery, Keigo's sense of urgency was overwhelming. He ended the call abruptly, his movements becoming frenzied as he snatched his keys from the nightstand and sprinted out to his car, his mind racing with worry and fear.
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Dabi sat quietly in the shelter of your screened-in back patio, patiently awaiting your return. Draped in the throw blanket you had thoughtfully left on the swinging chair, he watched the rain cascading down and listened to the soothing sound of the water flowing from the gutters. As he glanced at his phone, a frown creased his brow. The time displayed on the screen stood out starkly: 10:42 P.M. His cyan eyes darkened with disappointment. It would have been much better if you had arrived an hour earlier.
What might have occurred to you? Were you captured by a villain? Or did a hero intervene and bring you in for interrogation? The foremost question on the villain’s mind was your well-being. With that, he rises from the rocking chair on the veranda, neatly folds the blanket before returning it to its place on the seat, and then pulls his hood up as he steps out of the enclosure and into the pouring rain.
Dabi trudged down the street, his expression twisted in anger as the relentless rain drenched him. After walking for what felt like an eternity, he rounded a corner and abruptly halted, ducking behind the nearest building. The flashing lights of a police car had caught him off guard. Peering cautiously around the corner, his heart sank as he spotted a tow truck hauling away your car. The vehicle dangled precariously above the ground, destined to join two other mangled cars on the truck's lift.
Dabi was taken aback as his eyes widened in shock, feeling a sudden surge of emotions that made him queasy. It was clear that you were not okay, and he regretted not ignoring his initial instincts and waiting outside the building where you worked. The thought of being in the car at that moment made him shudder at the realization that things could have been much worse.
After re-evaluating the situation, it's clear that having him present could have jeopardized your relationship and led to legal consequences for both of you. He evidently prioritized your well-being over his own, evidenced by his willingness to see you injured rather than facing a possible prison sentence due to his reckless actions. As his quirk was triggered by intense emotions of anger, worry, and despair, the burn of Dabi's skin hinted at the depth of his distress. However, the most important thing now is your well-being. Although you were roughed up, the important thing is that you're safe and will be home soon.
As one of the officers patrolled the area, he suddenly heard a strange hissing sound. Intrigued, he turned his head and headed towards the source of the noise. In the dim light, he caught a glimpse of a dark figure vanishing around the corner of a nearby building. Alarmed, he quickly drew his pistol and hurried after the mysterious figure. Rounding the corner, he found himself face to face with an empty, silent street. Perplexed, he scanned the area, trying to make sense of what he had seen. As he lowered his weapon, he noticed a solitary droplet of blood staining the concrete, slowly being washed away.
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Bakugo was dealing with a group of powerful villains, one of whom had the ability to control vehicles. Two of the villains had already been captured, leaving only the remaining foe to deal with. As Bakugo prepared to blind the villain with a powerful blast to assist Izuku in capturing him, he suddenly heard a screeching sound followed by a loud crashing noise.
Exclaiming in frustration, he let out a strong shout as he successfully blinded the enemy, creating an opening for Izuku to swiftly employ black whip and restrain the adversary.
Amidst his struggle with the villains, he shouted, 'Can someone check on the civilians!' and swiftly called for reinforcements to take the villains into custody. He also requested ambulances to provide aid to the injured.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm on it," he yelled as he darted towards the direction of the crashes. He quickly made his way to a black SUV and checked on the family inside to make sure they were okay. After that, he rushed over to the man in the red sedan. The man seemed dazed but appeared to be alright, although there was a possibility of a concussion. Katsuki was taken aback to see your car in the midst of the wreckage.
"Baby! Hey!" He shouts at the top of his lungs while dashing as swiftly as possible towards the car. It had overturned, and you were dangling upside down in your seat, unconscious. He rapidly evaluates the scene before touching his headset to inform Izuku of the situation. "Three cars were involved in the accident. There's a black SUV with an apparently unharmed family, a red sedan with a man who may have a concussion, and (Y/n) is unconscious amidst the wreckage of her vehicle," he conveys urgently.
"Is she okay?" Izuku's concerned voice came through the speaker.
Katsuki's voice crackled through his headset, filled with anger and concern. "She better be okay. Otherwise, I will handle that villain myself," he growled. The thought of that damn villain escaping justice and reappearing filled him with fury. The mere possibility of encountering the villain again made him shudder with a violent resolve.
Izuku assured, "I'll take care of everything once these villains are apprehended and removed. You should accompany her to the hospital."
"Hey, come on, baby!" Katsuki cries out as he reaches through the shattered glass to unlock the door and gently unbuckle your seatbelt, catching you in the process. You were cold, and he could see the shock on your face. "Shit," he mutters as he quickly carries you beneath the awning of a building. With urgency, he gently places you down on your back and immediately checks for a pulse. A sense of panic sets in when he realizes that you didn't have one.
“Fuck! Fuck!” Katsuki's voice reverberates through the headset, his eyes brimming with tears, but he fights to keep them from falling. "She doesn't have a pulse!" His urgent cry pierces the air, mingling with the distant wail of police sirens against the backdrop of pouring rain. Without hesitation, he swiftly begins CPR, his every movement charged with a sense of desperate determination.
Katsuki's hands are firmly pressed against your chest as he starts administering chest compressions, then leans over to breathe into your mouth, repeating the sequence with urgency. "Come on. Come on!" He shouts while vigorously compressing your chest once more, then swiftly switches to exhaling air into your mouth again. His heart pounded in his chest with overwhelming fear. The thought of losing you was unbearable. It felt unjust that you were in this situation. The idea of losing you was inconceivable. If only he had been faster, he could have prevented this. Katsuki couldn't keep track of how long he had been repeating the same actions or when his pleas and tears had started. It was all a hazy blur. The ambulance whisked you away, and Izuku had to physically pull him away from you. He struggled against Izuku's restraining black whip as he desperately attempted to reach you. The memory of that moment was blurry as he sat in the living room of Kirishima's house.
Kirishima was seated with his legs apart and his hands clasped between his knees, leaning forward attentively as he observed Katsuki. Sitting next to Kirishima was Izuku, who also had his legs spread and was holding his head in exasperation with both hands. Katsuki sat across from them on the couch, seemingly catatonic, with his narrow, dark eyes fixated on the floor. Izuku had brought Katsuki over to Kirishima's house in an attempt to help him calm down and defuse the tense situation.
Kirishima had hastily welcomed them into his home and handed the two boys towels to dry off. Izuku quickly dried himself, while Katsuki disregarded the towel and flopped down on the couch, unmoving. His mind was consumed with thoughts of when you would return and be held in his arms once more.
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elevenenthusiast · 2 months
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inquisimer · 21 days
"you people have done enough to her" o(<
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theartofloss · 1 year
If you clear the tunnel before meeting with Talanah, she gets injured in the fight against the Shellsnapper and has to rest in Camp Nowhere - only after Aloy insists she takes some time to heal up, of course (not sure Varl or Zo would be amused)
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aurantia-ignis · 4 months
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Part II of the NaesaLeanne family plotbunnies!
Niakanor (affectionately called Kanor) has a love for nature, art, music and books. Unlike his sister Leila, he dislikes fisticuffs, something that the other raven children mock him for incessantly. A quiet, obedient child, Kanor often worries that he's a disgrace to his raven blood, not being ruthless or feisty or spirited enough. Leanne always tells him that he doesn't have to be anything but himself, but, knowing that the herons can read hearts, he unconsciously fears that his mother's words are more reassurance than truth.
The colour scheme of his design comes from the ravens, but I also added a few little nods to heron patterns.
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vigilskeep · 9 months
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i want to make a hawke for this hawke family bc i need to see the nose profiles so bad
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daisychainsandbowties · 11 months
started a new dnd campaign tonight. put the players in a hole in the ground at the start and it took them 30 minutes to climb out. 😌😌 success
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izmaddieyt · 3 days
Anybody got any tips or info on how i can keep a common night hawk alive till 9 in the morning?
We found it while driveing close to home on the road near the side flopping around on the ground, one of its wings were out so im not sure if its broken but its still warm and its not stiff and its eyes are still shiny so its not blind i think, its head is floppy some so i dont know if its neck is broken, theres alot of cats in the area but there were none near it at all so i dont think cats got to it, i think its full grown its got all its feathers and such, all places to take it are closed until 9am for me, and its currently 10pm, and the only open place said take it to them in the morning when we called? I dont know if its dying or just hurt but its still quiet, i can find a heating pad to keep it warm and such, but i dont know how hurt it is or if it'll make it, i know if the cats even pick it up that could kill it, but acording to neighbors that came out to see what it was they saw a bird like it or that could have been it flying around the area for awhile so it may be his one but i know they dive alot to catch prey and thats what there known for so im not sure if it did dive and didnt go up fast enough and maybe hit the ground, im not sure if anythings broken all i know is nobody can take it till the morning at 9 since theres no 24h places near me:(
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neonfretra · 6 months
vomits blood into the corner . wheeee heres how 13 fwds - 5 dmen hockey can get ANOTHER spin ^_^
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worldofhurt · 1 year
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Shadow of the Hawk (1976).
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calamitydarcy · 3 months
i still love my raptor-related scars. i think they're cool as hell
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kiribread · 1 year
implied bnha 399 spoilers
idk what blonde people have done to horikoshi but his blonde characters are paying the price 💀😭
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ohmeadows · 1 year
do you ever have a fic idea that like. got away from you? that you never wrote but you still think about it now and again?
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eebie · 1 year
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sadlynotthevoid · 1 year
Do you know that Danny Phantom fic where some Agents of the GIW help Danny and turns out that not all the GIW was bad, just some of them? And then the good Agents sort of adopt Danny and help him with ghost stuff and human stuff?
Well, I want a bnha version of it pleeease.
Just some branch of the HPSC finding out some of the dark stuff that other part does and planning their ruin (AKA getting them fired and in jail), cue a big internal fight between both sides and a third (not really) secret side that isn't supporting anyone, just waiting to see the winner.
And when I say fight, I mean that it started like a "we're playing human chess and plotting each other's end" but at some point someone throwed a punch and then it developed into a big fight, except half of them have pretty standard office jobs and the other half are bodyguards, quirk/body trainers, and people with strong fighting skills. So a part of them is in a pro-hero level battle, and the other is having a highschool level food fight.
The new president of the HPSC ends being this lady that was stepping on the old president at the end of the fight and was rising her arm with a fork in her hand.
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