#ink answers them ask
I teleported bread.
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sketchingstars03 · 8 months
aghfdsfd sry about the infodumping but i havr to get tgis out of my head hc that ink has a kind of a fixation on naming?? him naming his brush ,the doodlesphere and giving people nicknames kinda?? something something about his abandoned AU not havign a name... something about his last words being not watnting to b forgotten. wanting to be someone.. somethin about names n identity sjhjgf also uhm i just learned that it's actually like. confirmed that he's the one who put all those buckets in the doodlesphere. and also ink doesn't consider himself a Sans bc of his lack of a universe. uh mirror room. apparently its implied that the reason he doesnt liek that room is bc. Ink couldnt tell that they're the original or just one of the many reflections/imposters. since he's the only Ink who doesnt have a soul and doesnt remember jack shit ab his past.(kinda outdated but makes sense. that room was made official around that time where the fact that ink not having a soul is considered vry niche info iirc? somewhere around early 2017)
no Anon you’re onto something with the naming thing.
I think it’s fascinating that Ink, should this be true (which it seems very plausible to me), extends this need to be someone, to have an identity, to others. In a similar way to how they might subconsciously extend that feeling of no universe deserving to be left behind, in that both stem from themself, yet he can’t help but fulfil that desire through other people. Really shines a light on the side of Ink that “isn’t completely selfish”, to put it in words I remember from one post by Comyet.
I always had a feeling, like a headcanon, that Ink would feel separated from his Sans identity, or, well it would probably be more like a role or title to him, rather than a name or someone he is. They left “Sans” behind with _____tale (something he doesn’t even remember). Though, it’s interesting that he still carries over some sans-like traits, like puns/pranks (though more frequent and intense pranks than a regular Sans would pull), and the creation of their own personal Gaster Blaster companion and forming bones out of ink. And there was the sans-like sweater in their old design (something I like to think they still hold on to, even if he doesn’t wear it anymore)
I should check Comyet’s blog to see that lmao guess it probably wasn’t purely just a hc after all.
THE PART ABOUT THE MIRROR ROOM IS FASCINATING THOUGH! Now that you mention it I think I remember a post like that, again looks like I need another trip through the Inkechos tag 😅. But still!! I wonder how Ink would feel about the mirror room now, if his dislike was based around how all the other “hims” had souls and he didn’t, now that that’s changed and it’s actually the Inks with souls who are the outliers (shout out to FTFO!Ink). Would they take joy in the fact that they’re not alone? Or would it still feel, weird and uncomfortable somehow? Perhaps serving as another reminder of his emptiness deep down, and so they still avoid it even though the circumstances in the fandom have changed. I know that whenever I RP my version of Ink meeting other variants, he’s always very interested to see new versions of himself, so maybe it would just be like that! Who knows! Well, Comyet does, but I’m not her 😅.
Either way thank you so much for this thought-provoking ask, Anon! I’m always happy to discuss my favourite chaotic-neutral-artist-skeleton guy like this!
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triglycercule · 2 months
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small leisurely moments like these mean more than expected
ok hi triglycergang. it's AUGUST?!?!?! ugh,,,, anyways here's my like once a month art piece because i am a slow ass artist. the mtt are supposed to be chatting at a park during sunset!!! also new au just dropped
you wonder why killer dust and horror are wearing those DISGUSTING outfits??? you wonder where killer's soul is??? well it's all gone in this au which is called uhhh.
jk fashion au... wooooo!!
first things first to know: this au is NOT my idea. it was originally someone on twitter's idea to dress sans aus up in nanchatte seifuku but i think their account got deleted/banned. and i cant find the account because it was a japanese account and probably has some random username. so just remember that this isn't my idea but i guess my own twist on it. i really wish i could find the og creator,,,,
second thing to know: what the fuck nanchatte seifuku/jk (just kidding) fashion even is. here's the link to read for yourself: https://aesthetics.fandom.com/wiki/Nanchatte_Seifuku. yeah that's jk fashion. i really loved this au when i found it originally because i myself dress up in jk and also i just really love soft fluffy things like this. this au isn't gonna be angsty or particularly elaborate or anything i just wanted cute things and women in my murder time trio. also this isn't gyaru btw
third thing: uhh my inspirations for this??? well my main one that i really wanna focus on is that feeling of happy sentimental melancholy. you know like after you finish a really fun day hanging out with your friends and youre on the drive home and look back at how fun the day was? that's what i wanna encapsulate :3 also i think that the day to day school life is really cute and sweet and i wanna make more designs for the other aus so my trio can have more people to hang out with
well uhhh i think that's it?? mayhaps i shall begin drafting up other designs for the other aus. i wanna make little mini comics for this too like 4koma because i love those short yet sweet comics!!! should i tag this? i think i should tag this perchance. also extra mtt notes/full designs below became i love these three they're my daughters
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#tricule art#jk fashion au#i wonder how many lesbians i can fit into one au before it gets to be too much#i can't believe this is actually real LMAO. i really just slapped uniforms onto the mtt and called it a day#ok but fr this au is gonna help me figure out how to publish swapinverse so haha. i get fun and learning#this au is just a bunch of projection from me onto the sans aus. i make them hang out because i have nobody else to irl#UHHH i doubt people are gonna wanna draw this au themselves but if you want to.... go ahead..... i dont mind.......!!!!!#also i doubt people are gonna send asks but.... if they do..... 𝓱𝓮𝓱....i'll answer alright#i have ideas for other designs teehee. ink design idea. cross design idea. epic idea. nightmare dream idea. soon the entire utmv will be jk#i think the first 4koma is gonna be mtt debating doors vs wheels. because i think they should#and then another 4koma about them sharing lunches and i'll do some cultural research there#and then another 4koma about killer's several cancellations#4koma about horror's personality switch up when alone#i just have so many ideas and love for this cute au#if people draw this/ask about it i think i will genuinely blow up#if people are weird with them i think i will drown myself. they are MINORS in HIGH SCHOOL. everyone has shorts under neath their skirts /sr#sorry for the human limbs fellas i couldn't be bothered to draw full skeleton bodies. just pretend theyre full skeletons#i really pushed myself with this one. i think???? idk this felt easier than it shouldve been#killer sans#dust sans#horror sans#murder time trio#bad sans gang#bad sanses#utmv#undertale au#sans au#undertale multiverse#utmv au#undertale
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coolingrosa · 4 months
Not in roseverse related but do you think canon Ink already faced some kind of ableism in canon? He's stated as not being very well liked due to his social 'ineptness' and lacks friends as a result. That's something i've always thought about tbh
Probably! Which is something that aligns with canon Undertale too, tbh. Monsters are a very accepting race, but even in the games, they ostracize/baby characters who are very autistic coded. Main example being Papyrus. I don’t even think this was Toby being ableist too, bc he makes sure to show how smart and caring Papyrus is, and how he’s not as innocent as people make him out to be. However, both Undyne and Sans lie to Papyrus to keep him from knowing the darker truths of their world. Sans makes sense since he’s being a protective older brother. But Undyne? She cares for him, yes, but she meets him once and sees his autistic traits and instantly stresses he’ll get himself hurt. I don’t think this is her underestimating him, as she says he’s VERY capable. However, she also says that his kindness and lack of understanding of evil is what she’s worried about, which does align with how people tend to baby autistic people for believing the good in others and missing obvious signs of evil (which we see in the genocide run with Papyrus feeling awkward but still trying even tho the human stomps all over his puzzles)
In the grand scheme of the Multiverse, I think monsterkinds’ treatment towards those who are autistic or neurodivergent is very similar to how the human race treats it. However, not with hatred but more so sharing that genuine confusion on why the person acts the way they do. Not exactly judgement, but confusion and worry. It’s clear Papyrus isn’t hated. Just very left out as the other people have a hard time being around him, but still talk anout him kindly, as we see with the Bunny Innkeeper.
Ink is VERY likely to face a lot of ableism, especially in a society so heavily revolved around Souls. Hell, I even hc that baby monsters, no matter the kind, all form in the soul of a Host monster and then are extracted with magic. I think even Asriel was born this way. Magic is everything to them, and so are souls. The torment Flowey faced is a great example of the self hatred (honesty ur soul being different is a great example of mental health disorders possibly being a thing) that people may have towards themselves if their soul is a bit different- let alone missing. Ink having no soul in itself would bring discomfort to those talking to him, and added with his very autistic traits, I do think he’d be very ostracized.
It’s why I always hated the Ink and Dream fight (it’s SO out of canon for both of them and ruins their characters and puts all the blame on Ink when he did nothing wrong and god I could ramble about it for ages) bc it’s just Ink getting screamed at and then abandoned for sticking to his ideals and being his authentic self. I don’t think Dream would EVER do that, especially if Dream knew how Ink acted, and it feels like a character blaming an autistic coded character for showing autistic traits. Makes me very uncomfortable
I mean, even the fandom treats him horribly. They label him a horrible person bc his emotions are “artificial” when that’s just not the case. If he has no vials, he turns into a husk and basically becomes an unmoving corpse. His vials ARE his soul. Which makes his emotions real. Him choosing which emotions to feel, however, is just an example of his autism and him heavily suppressing his other emotions and dissociating.
Everything about him screams autistic, and people would definitely be uncomfortable around that as I see canon ink on support level 2 but with no support there for him. He’s on his own, and therefore messes up a lot accidentally but it’s also not his fault. He has no support given nor is surrounded by people who truly get him besides his fathers and brothers. (Which are canon btw. Ink has two brothers who he’s stated to very much care about)
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nightmareevara · 3 months
How to avoid people you don't want to deal with?
Let your intrusive thoughts about them win
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toffeebrew · 5 months
I've been staring at ink's FÀQ for a bit. it got me wondering. I've got so many questions about this guy (from serious to silly)
how "fake" are his emotions? Are emotions really "fake" if they're things he really feels. Sure it's temporary, but if he feels it in that moment is it fake? seems to impact his ability to care for others somewhat so it must not be completely"real" . Are his emotions just permanently slightly duller than someone with a soul? Can he even CARE about not caring? How long does it take to wear off? Hours? Days? Weeks? Months?
(more yapping under the cut)
Do his emotions dull as they wear off? or does he just know when he'll "run out" of emotion intuitively? Does he get a like initial emotion high when he first drinks one? How does he try to balance them? Does he measure it??? like he takes out a scale and does it by ounces or something? Does he drink all of his belt all at once at the same time?? Like he puts all his vials in one hand and just chugs them? Does he drink the entire thing all at once? Or just a bit of a vial?? Leaving a bit of it left for later?
What do they taste like to him? Are they yummy? Do they smell like anything? Just paint probably but what type? Like does it smell more like oil paint, acrylic or watercolor (they all smell different i swear)? Could he theoretically use it like normal paint? Like if someone was feeling silly could they paint with his vials?
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grape-souffle · 6 months
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Cookies? Maybe tea or hot chocolate too ^^
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soaked-ghost · 4 months
You know. I have a human Ink design that im brainstorming about and one fun fact about them. He's biologically female but i don't think Ink would consider himself trans tbh...
Due to his backstory, Ink most likely wouldn't have any assigned gender so he really was never a *girl* you know (the term 'afab' would not be a relatable term to him) ? So he wouldn't really transition to anything and thus making him 'not technically' trans due to that fact. But Ink also has a very different view on the world and is himself very distant from society and it's 'rules' and classifications. But i could see him identifying as such so people could understand him better and not bug him for their identity (that's actually canon! Ink uses the 'aroace' term so people can understand his romantic aproach better, but he sees himself as more complex than 'simple' labels. I actually think Ink hates labels lol)
it's a little funny that u say that ink on his own is very distant from social rules.
because ink is a monster, and monster culture itself has no gender roles or any 'rules', is waaaay more open than human culture, and is completely different from how humans perceive gender and self expression.
And it would make sense that ink was shaped and 'raised' by monsters and their views first before he adventured more out there and got to learn about humans.
Ink by monster standers can still be considered trans if he transitioned from genderless to male or female (like some certain ghosts), and I like to think he's a transmasc nonbinary!
I do completely agree that he doesn't like labels, I said this before but I think even 'nonbinary' doesn't 100% describe him, just that it's the label he would choose if he really had to pick one
idk who would bug ink about his relationship with love or for being aroace tho. undertale as a whole, has no problems with homophobia or transphobia or any of the sorts, and I think even humans in undertale don't have these problems because it's just not the focus
the focus is on the characters and how they deal with their problems and self exploration, and I think we should more focus on how ink deals himself with lacking love/empathy, being aroace and figuring himself out in a world 'shaped by love' instead on how he might deal with people bothering him about his identity lol
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unknowntalesbymiles · 7 months
you said OC asks ?
ok, let's go then.
• Soulneed, why are you such a mother[funk]er ? leave the cow guy alone >:(
• MTP, how do you feel about the MTP Sphere ? Do you have any regret, some things you would have changed if you could, or everything is perfect in the better world ever ? *gives you a full coffee pot*
• How are you Beetle ? I hope my little Nix doesn't do too many foolery !
That's all for me for the moment ^^
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"Me? I think my Sphere is becoming better each day and after all, I had enough confidence to start this blog again. About changing stuff, if my characters weren't convinced I'm either a manipulator crackhead or a god-like creature... that'd be great."
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midnightfire830 · 1 year
Hey SunnyCup (Cuphead as Sundrop) want a hug
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Don’t mind him. He means well! I promise!
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( @gbslament )
[Now go kiss your bf gb]
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fairy-verse · 11 months
Random questions!
1. What would happen if a season fairy were to fall in love and have a child with a non-season fairy?
2. Since season fairies were initially born from the hopes and dreams of the Firstborn, do they have an innate desire to serve them or is it something they learn from their environment?
3. Is there a specific hierarchy/special roles among the fairies, or is it just the Firstborn and the season fairies?
4. How big is each season fairy colony? Do the Firstborn have close bonds with their fairies, or is it more of a ruler/subject relationship?
It has happened before (Cross’s father, XGaster, was half winter fairy, half monster fairy) and only a few minor inconveniences happened back then. Firstly, the faerling in question might be more season fairy, or more monster fairy, but would in both cases have something from both parents either way. They might wish to live among the monster fairies, or they may wish to stay with the season fairies. They will be accepted into the community they desire to stay with, but cannot later change their mind, lest they wish to be pushed away. Why this happens is uncertain, but anyway, this isn’t something that happens often.
XGaster stayed within Error’s Mountain Halls once he was old enough to make that choice, but later began to feel isolated and lonely due to the differences that made him struggle with relating to other pure-born winter fairies. His troubles made him rather harsh with Cross who desperately needed his emotional support after his mother passed away, and this situation caused a major rift to form between them. xGaster still cares for his faerling, Cross is all he has left after his beloved mate perished, but he doesn’t know how to reconnect with him, and he’s gone to deal with his own projects by the caverns of the most north parts of Error’s Mountains, so neither he nor Cross truly sees each other anymore; unless they actively seek each other out (which is rarely).
All season fairies have an innate desire to serve their respective Firstborn. This desire doesn’t truly set in until said faerling begins to grow of age, but they all will eventually feel it within themselves. Hybrids may feel a strong pull towards the Firstborn that represents the season they most relate to, but some (like Killer) may also just pick and choose as they like. If they serve at least one Firstborn, then that urge within them will be sated. Hybrids that are part Monster Fairy may be born without this innate desire.
The Firstborn is essentially the god/guardian/king/queen/mother/father of their respective season fairies, but any fairy that becomes their mate will immediately grow above a common season fairy, though there isn’t a particular name for them. They’d just be recognised as fairies of importance. Other than that, there would be specific fairies that might be labelled as guards/knights due to their strength and a heightened ability to protect other fairies from the Big Folk, and they’d be highly regarded as well. While some would view them as frightening (Horror), most will agree that these fairies are ideal mates due to how they will produce strong faerlings (Cross didn’t know how many admirers he had before he met Dream), and because of this, they are often seen as a higher rank than a common season fairy.
So, to conclude, it would go something like this: Firstborn A Firstborn’s mate Guards/Knights Common season fairy
The season fairies are somewhat scattered around the Firstborn’s domain, though you’d find most of them clustered around wherever their Firstborn has permanently settled down. Many winter fairies live in the grand mountain hall beneath the tunnel that leads to Error’s nest atop his tallest mountain peak. Summer fairies live nearby to Dream’s nest, which is within the giant willow tree settled on the tiny island in the lake of his valley. Nightmare’s underground nest stretches far out beneath his lands, and there are many entrances scattered around; usually next to roots by giant trees, and most of his fairies live down there with him, though a few will live in the trees up above, too. The spring fairies have no set colony anywhere because Ink has too many nests and he keeps making more; he often gives them away to his subjects since he couldn’t possibly have need of that many for his own tiny self (he thinks he has many, he’s not sure, at least his fairies say he does, so it must be true).
And as to bonds with the season fairies…
Nightmare might be seen as Queen more often than not, but many of his fairies also call him mother due to his nurturing nature. He has a close bond with them all, and he grieves every time one of them dies.
Dream is viewed as a guardian by most of his fairies, and they worship him for the light and warmth that he brings them. He is close to his subjects, but that is mostly what they are to him, his subjects. Still, he cares for them and wouldn’t wish for any of them to be hurt.
Error is seen as a deity by his fairies. They tread carefully when they know that he’s agitated, yet they worship him and bestow their admiration upon him whenever he graces them with his presence. Error isn’t the one who set this kind of relationship into place, but it is the one that developed due to his private nature. He’s not that close to his winter fairies, but he, too, cares for them and wishes to keep them safe.
Ink is nicknamed “father” by many of his spring fairies, but this doesn’t necessarily come from a very close bond to them, but mostly because he’s fathered so many of them. He’s playful and enjoys scheming and flying with his fairies, but he’s not very close to any of them.
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This question is for Felix. Felix have you found any strange creatures or entity's here?
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Extra thing with the janitors:
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sleepy-moss09 · 4 months
why do you ship Bendy and Cartoon Cat? just curious btw
well one day i was like "y'know what would be so funny? what if Bendy and Cartoon Cat were gay"
and now they're imbedded in my brain like parasitic worms
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guzhufuren · 2 months
hello! i dont know who that is but there are overalls involved so here you are x
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ALLUREMENT NO.2 Juti Jumroenketpratipe
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multicolour-ink · 6 months
🐚 and 🍄 for the Ao3 asks.
Writers Truth & Dare Ask Game
🐚 ⇢ do you like or dislike surprises?
I would need to have some awareness. A surprise party or a bar of chocolate is considered a good surprise.
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Well since the icon is a mushroom I'm going to pick the Mario x Peach pairing 👀
Mario is very attentive to Peach. Like, very attentive. When they get lovey and intimate Mario always puts her first. Always wants to make her feel good because she deserves all the loving he can give her. He does learn to ease up and remember to let Peach take care of him every now and then, but he is foremost a dominant partner.
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