#inko is afo au
hatsunevita · 3 months
dfo theory is so funny to me especially when it’s combined with InkoMight au cuz just imagine inko having dated only two men in her life and it’s the world’s greatest hero and the world’s most powerful villain
mitsuki: Why did it take you so long to find a new man?
inko: I have sort of high standards.
mitsuki: Oh? How high?
inko: Well, you see…
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pocketramblr · 6 months
Tomura: Did you fuck my dad, Sensei???
so like do you think AfO was thinking 'oh yeah ive seen this trope, my future evil successor will be soooo mad that i knew his dad carnally and i can use that to... control him better'(i guess???)
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churchgrimchan · 1 month
Fish Wife au
Drew fanart for a funny spin off au ive been brainstorming with makeshift moth on their au Fins and Fishtanks where instead of kidnapping Izuku Hisashi kidnaps both him and Inko.
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habken · 3 months
Lil secret just for you but I absolutely see the vision. I actually wrote a fic a while back where Inko and Rei were soulmates, but Endeavor forced them to be apart.
It was a little on the sad side, but Izuku got to meet Rei years later after his mom dies and:
“She was so lovely and sweet," Rei tells him as Izuku sobs. “We wrote to each other all the time when we were younger. She would draw beautiful, swirling patterns all over, anywhere she could reach. Sometimes exposed, but often times in places only I could see. Inko cared deeply for those around her. I knew from the start that she would have been an amazing mother. I'm so sorry she never got to raise you. She would have loved you, and everything you've turned out to be.”
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candlecoo · 2 years
This has been on my mind for a bit. Does Lets Rewind Izuku ever meets/runs into his mom? like in a grocery store or at a school event? Would he be able to stay composed like with 1-A? And what about inko's reaction? Will she think he might be some sort of relative to her missing husband?
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Mikumo isn't able to completely keep himself composed but doesn't cause a scene.
as for Inko she does remember Hisashi mentioning a younger brother that he had a falling out with and assumes she stumbled upon him.
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kitsunefyuu · 9 months
If afo and inko were in love, what would their relationship be like?
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Well with all this new backstory information I have quite a few ideas on how their relationship work. Warning, while I definitely write them as loving and stuff doesn't mean there aren't some red flags.
How their relationship would be like in love:
All for One is a petty person who desperate for love and validation using any means to get it while also willing to spoil his 'gift' if likes them. Inko is a loving and strong willed person who do anything for their loved ones.
Basically they work well. As All for One is startled that Inko is just actually nice and seems to just like him. It ain't at all like the insane worship of his followers and he LATCHES onto that. So he kind of orchestrates opportunities for them to keep meeting. But tries to act subtle despite trying to throw gifts at her.
Inko of course thinks it's kind of hilarious and sweet that he's trying so hard. So basically she agrees to date him and let me tell you AFO has NO IDEA how dating works. He just kind of there eating dinner with no idea what to do- Cue Inko just deciding to talk and slowly getting him to talk about stuff and talk about herself.
All for One is intrigued since he doesn't really get many chances to just 'talk' about stuff that isn't a transaction. He knows people but he isn't usually part of said people. And he ends up talking about his brother and how threw himself into his work still wishing him back.
Basically first date goes great and Inko learns a lot. Though AFO avoids the whole 'murdered' said brother accidentally or that he was being evil or is still evil.
Basic dating between them is AFO basically spoiling the ever loving crap out of Inko with material things. While Inko gets him talking about his emotional needs and desires as well as helping him learn more about her. AFO learns he likes learning about people when it not about what they can get but just because wants to talk.
AFO has very much murdered or wanted to murder potential threats to Inko in the background as well as anyone that dared to try and 'steal' her. Look man he's still AFO and if there anything you know, he ain't keen on sharing. Though he makes sure they aren't so close to Inko she worry or something, he ain't that stupid. He doesn't need her running away so if they are too close, he must endure... Inko pretty good at getting him to not worry over it tho.
AFO actually considered retiring super villainy when they become engaged. As unlike with followers and people that owe him she not afraid of him. Also she seems to just genuinely like his company despite him being 'off' as many say. Who would have thought having a healthy normal relationship and being in love can be so enjoyable? If only he read more romance novels/manga.
BTW he did start reading those in his attempt to woo so you get sudden random romantic gestures from him. He even learned to cook as learned girls like that and he wants to impress her. Inko gushes at having a husband that does so much for her. He feels like a god damn great provider so like a peacock showing off his tail feathers.
People swear it seems like he got more handsome while dating Inko. AFO didn't even realize it but he made himself look more handsome purposefully. Obtaining better grooming habits, maybe some quirks and also he just smiles more genuinely with her. He still ruthless as hell as a villain but now he working even harder to impress her not just look good for his cult.
One time AFO nearly revealed he had more then one quirk because of a rat. He screamed when saw one and was about to legit about to air canon it- He got lucky because Inko just captures it in a bucket. Assuming he was scared and now about to just bring the whole place down. AFO learned he needs to be more careful.
I got even more but we be here forever so ask for more if wish to hear more of me ranting about Inko X AFO~!
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ilentari · 5 months
That one crack AU where AFO is secretly a huge All Might fanboy.
Based off the recent manga chapters where AFO constantly brings up All Might. Thinks about All Might. Compares other heroes to All Might. Fanboy behaviour 👏👏
Snippet under the read more.
All For One gasped as he made it in time to see All Might barreling down a hall toward the large vault door at the end. He’d come as fast as he could when he’d heard All Might had found his most secret location. He felt panic as All Might drew back an arm to deliver a punch that would smash through the door.
“WAIT!” All For One yelled, running to catch up. That vault held his most important things! He couldn’t let All Might get in there!
All Might paid him no attention. He broke the door right off its hinges with vengeance, stepping into the vault with his hands on his hips just as All For One made it to the no-longer-existing door.
“Fear not!” All Might announced. “I am here to rescue—” He cut off as the dim vault lights finally flickered on, revealing the vault’s contents.
There was a long moment of stunned silence, in which All For One felt colour begin to rise on his cheeks. Especially as All Might turned around and stared at him incredulously.
“What is this?” the hero asked, voice strangled as he gestured to the vault.
The vault. Which was basically a fan shrine to All Might himself.
The entire room was filled with All Might merchandise: posters, clothing, figurines, toys, stuffies, mugs, and other such paraphernalia. Some of it was limited edition and collector’s items, while some was common merch. But there was so much of it that it was practically an eyesore.
All For One felt his blush deepen. This was the worst! He really wished he’d been able to keep his collection at home, but Inko had insisted on clearing out the spare room to make it into a nursery for their unborn baby.
“I-It’s—It’s, uh…” All For One shifted awkwardly. He was hyper-aware of All Might’s piercing blue gaze on him, and had to work to contain the boyish glee at having the undivided attention of his idol. “It’s a, um. For my son.”
All Might’s brows furrowed. “…You have a son?”
Well. All For One didn’t actually know their baby’s gender yet, but Inko insisted it was going to be a boy. “Yeah,” he lied.
All Might’s face hardened, and he stomped towards All For One menacingly. “Where have you trapped the boy? Are you keeping him in a different vault? Was this a trick vault to prevent me from rescuing him?!”
All For One’s heart fluttered with excitement as his idol—the only hero who’d ever been able to match up to him—got into his personal space. “Wha—? I wouldn’t put my son in a vault! My wife would kill me!” he blurted out.
All Might’s jaw went slack. “You’re married?!”
Oops! He’d revealed more than he meant to.
“No,” he quickly lied again.
All Might backed him up against the wall, slamming his fist next to All For One’s head. The concrete cracked behind him.
All For One had to bite his lip to prevent himself from asking for All Might’s autograph.
“Don’t play games with me, All For One,” All Might growled.
All For One pushed down a squeal of excitement. All Might was so cool! How intimidating! No one else had ever been able to make him feel this way!
“I’m confiscating all of that merchandise for police investigation.”
The statement was like cold water poured over his head. All For One gasped. “No! You can’t!”
All Might snorted derisively and glanced back at the vault.
All For One’s hackles rose as he sensed a threat to his precious collection. “Don’t you touch my stuff!” he shrieked.
All Might’s eyes widened. “Your—?”
He didn’t get to finish his sentence as All For One went on the attack, fanboy instincts haywire to protect his hero merch.
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fdblaize · 2 years
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alrighty time for another kamino's ward (by @tunafishprincess) tomfoolery now featuring mommy and daddy midoriya. this was supposed to be ya boi deku but this moment was ultimately so stucky to me so. yeah. also deku's already Going Thru It™ both in the manga and anime *breathes in totally normal*
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elfecassepied · 2 months
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I'm in my self indulgent art ear. Here is a MHA x The Umbrella Academy AU I never finished. Izuku is n°7 obviously, the poor quirkless sibling. They're all fucked up freaks with PTSD and bad coping mechanisms that love/hate each other your Honor.
PS: Michikage is human!Dark Shadow, she's Fumikage's twin sister.
Maybe I will continu it one day, but for now here some info dump I had about them:
-N°1, Icehot, "Shoto" ; quirk: temperature manipulation ; after a mission's accident he was save from a certain death by making him a cyborg, technically still working for the Shigaraki Company even if he's no longer in the Academy, studies the wild life of Antarctica
-N°2, Mindfreak, "Hitoshi" ; quirk: brainwashing via a vocal activation, often use the sentence "I heard saying" as a crutch to help him focusing his power ; was one of the first to leave the Academy, become a policeman to continue helping people, deliberately turns a blind eye to his sister's illegal activities
-N°3, Phantom Thief, "Neito" ; quirk: coping other quirks, later learn how to completely "download" someone's quirk ; was believed dead for 10 years after he disappeared during a mission, accidentally downloaded a space and time teleportation's quirk and got stuck into an apocalyptic future for 40 years, worked as a timetraveler hitman for the Commission for 17 years afterwards, learn to control the teleportation's quirk to go back to his family and save the world but messed up and his body return to 13 years old though his mind is still the one of an old man
-N°4, Earphone Jack, "Kyouka" ; quirk: soundwaves' manipulation ; one of the last to leave the Academy, tried to be a policewoman with Hitoshi for a while but got fired because she used her powers to hurt the guilties, became a vigilant with the occasional help of her brother or her ex-partner at the police station, Ochaco Uraraka
-N°5, Dark Shadow, "Michikage" ; quirk: transformation into a demonic shadow creature, she struggles to control herself in this form and often referred to it as an other person ; regarded dead after she was unable to return to her human form at the end of a mission and melted into shadows, still part conscious even if unable to get back to her true form, can sometimes manifest to her twin brother
-N°6, Tsukuyomi, "Fumikage" ; quirk: can create and control shadow monsters and do some short distances teleportation via the shadows, persists in referring to the shadows as another dimension and the shadow monsters as individual entities hard to control ; the first one to leave the Academy, developed a fear of his own powers and of the shadow dimension after the loss of his twin, sleep through day and live at night to avoid "falling into the shadows", caffeine and energy to drinks' addiction, sometimes can catch a grasp of Michikage but thinks he's hallucinating due to his sleep deprivation
-N°7, [classified], "Izuku" ; quirk: [classified], none ; used to train like his siblings with Father at a young age, stopped at 5 years old and was declared quirkless, can't remember what happened during these trainings, feeling outcasted by his family though was the last to leave the Academy after seeing what happened to Shoto, became a mathematics professor at university, got non officially disowned after writing and publishing the book My not so Heroic Academia
And oh yeah Regibitch is Musan Shigaraki (All for one), their mom is a robot version of Inko Midoriya and they have a multi-task butler who never show his face, his name is Kurogiri.
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riahlynn101 · 9 months
Dad December - Day Thirteen (exchanging original prompt): "I'm Not a Fan of Pain."
Summary: AFO reminiscing about his son’s birth
Trigger warnings: AFO being himself, and mentions of pregnancy and labor.
Also heavily inspired by this post, and a few other ones related to AFO naming Izuku.
word count: 582
All for One’s son was born on a humid day in the middle of July.
Doctor Garaki was on call for the entirety of Inko’s pregnancy. Even though the man claimed many times he was not certified enough to deliver the baby (or do prenatal check ups for that matter), but All for One, Hisashi , couldn’t bring himself to trust any other doctor. So, in spite of the doctor’s protests, he was the one that oversaw the labor and delivery. 
If he remembers correctly, Inko had been in the middle of folding clothes when her water broke. What followed was a blur of his wife hunting him down in another part of the house, comforting her, freaking out himself once he realized what had happened, and then hurrying Inko to the nearest hospital. 
In his haste, Hisashi almost forgot to phone the doctor. 
Inko had been scared, and Hisashi wished he could say he wasn’t. But it was one of the few times in his life that All for One was terrified. 
He did all the research he could on childbirth to help quell his worries, but it only served to make Hisashi even more anxious. 
Not that his wife needed to know that. He stayed by her side, allowing her to squeeze his hand (and by god, did that woman squeeze his hand). She joked about not being a fan of pain, before screaming so loud the nearby nurse covered her ears. In response, Hisashi whispered little encouragements into her sweaty hair, and offered Inko little sips of water whenever she needed it. 
And then, as soon as it had started, their son was born. 
A healthy baby boy.
A little on the small side, but the doctor reassured them that it was nothing to worry about.
All for One waited impatiently for his son to be handed over, hovering over the nurses’ shoulders as they cleaned and bundled the baby in a blanket. His old friend must have sensed his patience wearing thin, because he roughly shoved them aside to grab the infant.
He remembers even all these years later, how it felt holding his son in his arms for the very first time. How tiny he had been nestled in the crook of Hisashi’s arm. 
Two big green eyes blinking up at him. 
It’s poetic that the very first person his son ever saw was him. 
Not that Hisashi would have it any other way. 
It was fate.
All for One named his son (with his wife’s permission of course, though it’s not like she ever had a say in the matter. He loves her, but there are certain things that he refuses to budge on), just like he named Yoichi. A mark to signify that his son is his. 
His brother had been his first gift. A constant companion in the dim, chaotic, and quite frankly terrifying world they lived in.  The name “Yoichi” suited his sickly little brother like a glove. 
And his son was a gift as well. An unexpected one, but a gift all the same (how was Hisashi supposed to know that the minor healing quirk he picked up ten months ago would lead to his and Inko’s little miracle being born months later?) But Hisashi wanted a bigger stake in the boy’s name. 
It took him longer than he would have liked, but Hisashi found a name that matched one of the kanjis in his own name and fit his son perfectly. 
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shih-coulda-had-it · 2 years
AFO and Sorahiko co-parenting Izuku is one of those things I didn’t even knew i needed in my life. Sadly Inko not being in the mix dumps my mood.
In an unrelated matter: Have you ever heard about the Ménage à Trois?
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tbh that's why I prefer giving them Toshinori as their rebellious son, because it's what they deserve <3 (even if it's not what Toshinori deserves sdkkd)
(take two on @redoaktreehill's kitsune afo design!)
and yes i've heard of the OG term for threesomes.
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vaguelyaperson · 2 years
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Lineart for a scene in Chapter 3 of the fic I'm currently writing.
It's a bnha Outlander au that's technically not a faithful Outlander au - mostly cause it's fantasy world instead of time travel. Look. I was just musing over Bakugou as Jaime Fraser (they're both so stubborn and temperamental oml) and Midoriya as the ever empathetic, intelligent, equally stubborn Claire. Aaaaand then everything devolved from there.
Basic premise is that Midoriya is all Jim Hawkins, coming into manhood and looking for a good father figure. Will it be dadmight? Dad for one? Read and find out~
[ID: Simple drawing of Midoriya Izuku in fantasy au outfit, standing outside a jarred castle door. He's holding a pouch, is covered in scratches, and has a look of confused, hurt surprise. From within the doorway, an unshown person is saying "I know. And he's the spitting image of her, too."]
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 1 year
 “Why was my wife hit with a Quirk that increased her anxiety and OCD while making her…” Hisashi hesitated. He didn’t want to say that it made her abusive. He hated the idea of Inko being that. 
 But there wasn’t any other word choice other than that one to really explain what she did. The ignoring of Izuku’s injuries. Her hyper focus on Izuku being best friends with Katsuki like her and Mitsuki when the blonde boy hurt their son. Her angry downplaying of his dreams. All were abusive signs.
 “I don’t know.” The doctor said. “But we are working on reversing the effects. Your wife is strong willed sir, to have beaten off the Quirk enough to seek help willingly. More so since it’s been years since she was hit.”
 “The Illusive Man,” Liara said as soon as Hisashi entered her room. He paused, Garrus and Tali both mimicking him. 
 “Already knew what I was thinking? He asked rhetorically.
 “Indeed. The Illusive Man had arranged for your wife to be hit. He was working with someone about it. I’m still hacking those files. It’s a remarkable system,” Liara admitted. 
 “Need a hand?” Tali asked. Liara nodded and the Quarian moved to help. Hisashi and Garrus waited quietly until the two had a breakthrough
 “I’m seeing reference to a One for All and an All for One,” Liara mentioned as she scanned her data.
 “Ditto. I’m also seeing something about transference.” Tali said.
 “All for One? The Boogeyman?” Hisashi asked.
 “The what?” Garrus asked.
 “He’s… well not a myth. I thought he was dead though. He apparently was around during the rise of Quirks, able to steal Quirks from people and then either use them or give them away. It was said he played at being a benevolent man but in reality had ideals that he alone should decide who could have a Quirk, and he took his role seriously. Most info on him is black ops.” Hisashi said. “I really thought he was dead. Trails went dead… shit. Fifteen or so years ago.”
 “When Cerberus broke away from the Alliance.” Liara said grimly. “He’s still alive. Wounded badly now though, at the hands of a One for All? Apparently a Quirk that he made for his sickly brother in order to convince him to follow his rule. It didn’t work and it turns out that his brother had a Quirk that interacted with the other. It’s impossible to take One for All by force and it can be passed down by choice.” 
 “I found mentions of a deal. Izuku is Quirkless which… is rare in Japan?” Tali asked Hisashi.
 “It is. Asian people are ninety-nine percent more likely to have Quirks then not.” He said. 
 “The deal was to… break your son. To make him a malleable puppet.” Liara said grimly. Hisashi felt the burn of his throat. Shit. “The idea would be to present him as a useful inheritor of One for All, but then offer him a hand from the underworld. The idea being that a form left Quirkless boy would identify more with the people beaten down by society and would be swayed to their side.”
 “He’d get One for All and pass it to All for One.” Hisashi finished the idea. “They didn’t account for Inko being mentally stronger then they thought or Izuku being more stubborn then me.”
 “No one is more stubborn then you.”
 “Trust me. He is.”
 “Here,” Commander Shepard passed Toshinori a file. The number one Japanese hero blinked and took it. “It’s about a certain… problem you dealt with.”
 From tone alone Toshinori should have figured it out. As it was, he still didn’t feel prepared to open the papers to find an analysis on All for One. Or the information on him working with Cerberus. Or… any of it really.
 “He was after my son as a way to try and con One for All out of you,” Shepard said simply. “I’m friends with an information broker who adores Izuku. She helped put that together.” 
 “Shit.” Toshinori flicked through the file, his missing stomach aching as he realized something. “He’s alive.”
 “He is.”
 “I’m injured.” 
“Well you have us.” Shepard grinned, a small amount of smoke pouring from his lips. “He touched my baby. I’ll make him bleed.”
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candlecoo · 2 years
Reverse afo au
Can we see what Inko looks like?
Since Afo in canon already looks ✨great✨, so what does she look like?👀
I'm so excited!🌟🌟🌟
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she's cute but so evil.
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This is a continuation of my last post.
Izuku is hungry.
No, he isn't hungry, he's starving.
Ever since he's been taken underground into the underworld, Izuku hadn't drunk or eaten anything. His mind was permanently stuck on the warnings his mother had given him about the dangers of the food of the underworld.
If he had eaten or drunk anything from the underworld, he would be a permanent resident there.
Knowing this, Izuku closed himself off from anything related to food or drinks. Distracting himself from anything else, the young God forcibly bit his lip whenever he was offered any sustenance. Shoving it away with the same old excuse that he wasn't hungry and that he’ll eat later.
Much later...
He’d eat the dry skin on his lips, the broken nails he’d bite off, and even his robes to keep himself from giving in. He went as far as swallowing the bile at the back of his throat to quench his thirst.
Izuku was starving, craving any kind of nourishment to please his unnerving appetite.
It was driving him mad and the God that had kidnapped him took advantage of that.
All for One would always present food and drinks wherever Izuku would go. Always close to Izuku’s reach, he would eat and drink to his heart’s content to pursue the young God to join him. Yet, the young God would turn away and occupy himself with something else entirely.
But inside his stomach would shake with agony as he clenched his robes so hard that his knuckles turned white.
“You’re killing yourself over something so small and insignificant.”
Izuku turned, his grip on his robes tightening.
“My mother is neither small nor insignificant! She is more of a God than you’ll ever be!”
All for One chuckled, eating another grape from his plate with a smile. Izuku persisted nonetheless, his hunger combating his anger.
“You’ll be sorry when she’ll realizes what you’ve done! She’ll break down the doors of the underworld itself just to get me back!“
All for One laughs, taking another grape into his mouth, his face turning smug.
“Izuku, I would love to see how your mother would go out of her way to get you into her arms again. Knowing her myself, I would see how much of a tantrum she would have made by now. Last I heard, that woman has plagued the world into an eternal cold, not one plant is safe from her wrath.”
Izuku huffed, feeling himself stand tall as the God before him come close. He braced himself to show how brave he was despite how painful his eyes stung to release his tears.
“My mother is an all-powerful Goddess, she will see that you suffer because of your recklessness.”
A large hand then caressed Izuku’s hair, shocking the young God as he then noticed how close the God had come up to him. He did not see rage cross the older God’s facial features, instead, he sees a sense of amusement.
“If your mother does plan to come down into my realm, then so be it, but she’ll have to understand the trouble I went to have you in my grasp.”
The plate was given to Izuku who grabbed onto it without thinking twice. Despite how his stomach screamed to have Izuku eat the remaining food, he ignored it. Opting to watch the God before he walks away, leaving him once more alone, in a room he's been stuck in for days on end.
The plate of food, once again, was thrown off amongst the others. The fallen food is still as pure and clean as they were since they were given to Izuku after all this time. Once again, his stomach screams at him to give in as he forces himself to walk away from it all.
Izuku cannot die but the more his stomach continued to churn from within he felt as if he could.
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