#innocent or guilty
uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Fat people deserve mobility aids, too. No matter if it's connected to their fatness or not, because having a mobility issue that is connected to one's fatness won't change that they're still fat and still have the issue at hand. Fat people don't deserve to "tough it out" because fatness should be this divine punishment doled out to those who "deserve" it. Fat disabled people deserve to have the peace of mind that they can exist in whatever way is most comfortable and accessible to them
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doctorsiren · 7 months
little idea for the mini au of Phoenix prosecutor
what if von karma somehow found out that Phoenix and Miles were friends when they were children (maybe hearing him talk about a certain Phoenix when he was a child or whatever) and upon knowing that Phoenix was going to be a prosecutor he decided to take him in as a student to have a replacement for what Edgeworth was going to be and at the same time have someone who was close to him at one point to tease him about leaving his path and his teachings when becoming a defense lawyer or something like that idk
I just want to give ideas because I like the au a lot jaja salu2
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I want you to know that I was literally thinking the exact same thing…and then while I was in the middle of drawing this, @wrathofthestars said in the reblog tags basically the exact same thing BUT they also mentioned the bit about Phoenix writing Edgeworth all those letters WHICH WAS WILD BECAUSE I HAD ALREADY DRAWN THAT PAGE BEFORE THEY SAID THAT
Anyways great minds think alike
Instead of Manfred manipulating Phoenix the way he manipulated Miles (i.e. being awful, psychologically abusive, etc.), he goes the opposite route and manipulates Phoenix in a similar way to how Dahlia (and later in typical canon, how Kristoph Gavin) manipulated Phoenix (i.e. praise, attention, etc.). It’s the fastest way to get control of Phoenix and get him to trust Manfred.
Also I hate drawing this toad man 😭😭😭
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samcoving · 3 months
I seriously hate Cole. Why you questioning people that have no business being questioned??
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nothing0fnothing · 1 year
"Innocent until proven guilty."
Yeah bro. I agree.
So when 5 different accusers and 20 different colleagues all agree he's a rapist guess what? That's proven to me that he's guilty.
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froginamoodboard · 3 months
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Princess of gender dysphoria AU moodboard, by @beluvbug
Requested by: me, i am so feral about this au, go check it out
x x x x x x x x x
(art also by beluvbug please go look at his blog please pleasplease)
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rosencatholic · 26 days
Some Harry Potter fans excuse Tom Riddle and love and defend him but draw the line at Severus Snape? Yeah okay.
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knight-of-aether · 23 days
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@crazylittlejester the brainrot strikes again - I took one look at your meme post, immediately thought "Hyrule Warriors siblings", blacked out, and woke up to find that my artblock had been miraculously cured. Thank you for inadvertently causing that, and I hope this brings you some joy!
(I'd love to see what version of the meme you were imagining, if you ever decide to draw it, btw - your art is fire :)
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one-in-lemillion · 8 months
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Kotoko has officially surpassed Muu’s guilty percentage LMAO
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dorkycreature-89 · 2 months
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for the love of the unholy, can you people WAIT before making conclusions?????
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rius-cave · 5 months
Unfortunately for Lucifer’s self restraint, one of Eden Adam’s favorite games was play-tackling/wrestling
Despite his angelic strength he winds up underneath Adam quite a few times (which I’m sure wasn’t an intentional choice at all /s)
And despite the fact that Adam KNOWS Lucifer is an almost all powerful being for some reason he’s always surprised when Lucifer ends up on top of him, pinning him to the floor
AUUGGHHB I love Eden Adam being a little mischievously playful!! He's innocent, but he's still kind of a shit (endearingly) so he'd play pranks and annoy people on purpose LOL
HEHEHE, of course Lucifer could overpower him easily, but he lets him "beat him" most of the time because it just makes his blood rush and his heart pump HEHEEHEE
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allgremlinart · 2 years
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hey. hey. Bruce gives little kids toys. he gives them dolls. he has dolls on hand for kids. hey. I’m fucked up. 
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adinelleggreeo · 2 months
I'm honestly surprised that Gaiman isn't being talked about as much on here.
No, actually I'm not. He's on here isn't he? So he probably has a fan mob here as well.
I'm not on Twitter, so I have no idea what's happening there. I found out through a random video popping up on my YouTube.
I'm not surprised tbh. Wasn't he a male feminist? An oxymoron if I ever heard one. A man that truly supports women won't put a label on it, because it's called 'being a decent human being'.
This has me side eyeing other well known/popular white male authors 👀 👀👀👀👀
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shaxza · 11 months
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becomingvecna · 4 months
"innocent until proven guilty" is not, and has never been about discrediting the alleged victim and blindly siding with the alleged offender.
innocent until proven guilty is looking at evidence and listening to both sides instead of going with the "the first person who makes the claim is always correct and innocent and therefore the alleged offender should be thrown in jail without any investigation witch hunt" mindset.
innocent until proven guilty is listening to the alleged victim and taking them seriously, while at the same time listening to the alleged offender and looking at evidence to see if said alleged offender actually did what they allegedly did or not.
cancel culture and "believe whoever makes the claim first without looking at any evidence" are the definition of witch hunt, and witch hunt has been going on for ages, and it never actually brings justice to the victims.
an alleged offender can turn out to be the victim in some cases, just like how an alleged victim can be an actual victim in other cases. and that's the point of innocent until proven guilty; listen to both sides and look at evidence before making any judgments.
and I'm saying this as a survivor of abuse, please don't blindly believe "whoever makes the claim first", but please also take the person who first makes the claim seriously by listening to both sides and looking at evidence.
"blindly believing whoever makes the claim first and treating the alleged offender as if they are actually guilty without listening to both sides or looking at evidence first" harms actual victims, whether or not they're the first to make the claim.
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satsuha · 1 month
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wait how could i forget... literally drew tmhk AA au bc it wouldn't stop eating at my brain
i didn't think it through too much but the way the games really emphasize the defense's mindset of "always believing in your client" vs many of the prosecutors' methods of always aiming for a guilty verdict... i can see tmhk thriving in those respective roles
i think it's also nice that they both have information-gathering path actions but both coerce and bribe are pretty shady in this context LOL
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mikeru6 · 4 months
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