#inoue takuya
redux-pain · 10 months
chapter 12: Crimson Hill
[NOTE: The most important thing that goes missing in the localization is that when Takuya talks about going home, he's not talking about his house, but the "hometown" that's been appearing in his and Sayuri's dreams.]
夕日に溶け込む人影が こちらに向かっている。 人影はうつむきながら 何事かつぶやいている 井上タクヤだった。
Someone is coming and looks downward talking to himself. It’s Takuya Inoue.
Atsuki, I can’t go home.
/A figure headed towards Atsuki, melting into the setting sun. It was Inoue Takuya. He was looking down and mumbling about something./
[TAKUYA:] Saijou... I... I can't go home.
帰りたくても帰れないんだ。 どうすればいい?
もう頭の中がぐちゃぐちゃに なって、わけがわからない……。
I want to but can’t!
My mind is a mess. What should I do?
[TAKUYA:] I want to, but I can't. What should I do?
My head is a mess. I don't know what's going on...
ここが現実なのか、それともまだ 夢の中なのかさえわからない。
ぼくは夢の中で、帰るべき場所と 仲間たちと出会った。
Is this all real? Or is this a dream?
I found everything I was looking for.
[TAKUYA:] I don't even know if this is reality or just another dream.
In my dreams, I found my friends and the place I'm supposed to go home to.
心休まる、ぼくがぼくで居れる場所。 色鮮やかな体験で、大切な記憶……。
今まで自分が生きてきた記憶なんて 薄っぺらい物と気づいた。
It was all very vivid and important.
My old life doesn’t seem important anymore.
[TAKUYA:] The place where my mind is at peace and I can be myself. It was so vivid and real. My most treasured memory...
I realized how cheap all my other memories in life have been.
眠っても眠れない。 このつらさ、君にわかる?
And now...
I try to sleep but can’t Do you understand?
[TAKUYA:] But... it's hopeless...
I try to sleep but I can't. Do you know how painful that is?
きっと何かしないとダメなんだ。 そうさそうに決まっている。
I have to do something. Yeah, I should.
I was dumped.
[TAKUYA:] I've gotta do something about it. Yeah. I know it.
I was abandoned...
なにもかもがウソの世界に ぼくは置いていかれたんだ!
タクヤの心に 激しい殺意の思念が 浮かび上がった。
They let me go in a world of darkness.
The strong murderous Shinen grows strong in his heart.
[TAKUYA:] They left me here in this fake world full of lies!
/A Thought full of murderous rage rose up in Takuya's mind./
帰れない Can’t Go Back Can't Go Home
愛しい場所を想う悲しい思念。 楽園から追放されたかのよう なつらく悲しげな気持ちと、 誰彼かまわず攻撃をしかける 怒りに満ちている。
A lonely Shinen. It’s filled with a sharp aggression and a deep lonliness.
An unhappy Thought preoccupied with a beloved place. Feelings of pain as though he's been exiled from Paradise are mingled with an anger ready to strike out at anyone and everyone.
あそこに戻れない なぜなんだ?
I can’t go back
Can’t go back there
I can't go home
Can't go back there
クソみたいな世界 ぶっ壊せばいい 西条笑っている
This world is crap Break it to pieces Saijo is laughing
This crappy world
Should be destroyed
Saijou's laughing at me
幻だから消えてしまえ! Making fun of me
You’re an illusion
Disappear, illusion!
He's making fun of me
You're the one who's the illusion
You're an illusion! So disappear!
偽物の世界 Fake World Fake World
自分を取り巻くミジメな環境 が偽物だと信じている。 真実の故郷のような場所がど こかにあり、そこが帰るべき 場所だと感じている。
Belief that the sorrowful world is fake.There’s a feeling that one can return home.
He believes that his miserable surroundings are fake. He feels there's a place out there that's like his real hometown, a place he has to return to.
薄汚れた世界 夢を見ているんだ
Never fooled again
This filthy world
I’m dreaming
That’s gotta be it
I'm not gonna be fooled again
This filthy world
I'm dreaming it
That's gotta be it
Like a nightmare
Gotta wake up
That beautiful world
That’s my home
This is a nightmare
Gotta wake up
That beautiful world
That's my hometown
[Can't Go Home + Fake World =]
破壊と創造 Destroy & Create Destruction and Creation
偽りの場所である現実を破壊 することで、故郷に戻れると 信じている。
A belief that with the destruction of the fake world one can return  home.
He believes that by destroying the false reality, he'll be able to return to his hometown.
They live in my dream
I’m being tested
I made it
Everyone lives in a dream world
I'm being tested
I created this
Where’s the trigger
Break the illusions
Break it all down
There's some kind of trigger
I've gotta destroy the illusions
Destroy them and they'll vanish
絶対そうだ 破壊破壊破壊
That’s gotta be it
That's gotta be it
恨み 怒り 殺意 我の苗床
Hate, Rage, Murder
Pain is part of Me
My power crumbles...
Malice Rage Bloodlust My seedbed
All with darkness in their hearts belong to me
My power to erode... crumbles away...
あの美しい夢を観た時は、 すごく幸せな気持ちになって、
I can’t... I...
When I saw the dream I was so happy.
[TAKUYA:] I... I'm no good...
I was so happy when I was having those beautiful dreams.
本当の自分を取り戻したような 気持ちになった。
だけどそこに戻れなくなった時、 ぼくの心は空っぽになったんだ。
I felt I could bring myself back.
But I can’t go back. My heart is empty.
[TAKUYA:] I felt like I could be my real self again.
But when I couldn't go back, my heart became empty.
現実と夢の世界が逆転して しまったんだ。
どっちが本物かわからなく なってしまったんだよ……。
The real and fake world have switched.
I can’t tell which is which.
[TAKUYA:] The real world and the dream world switched.
I lost the ability to tell which is which...
[NOTE: If you picked FIX, the scene ends here. I've had to use some awkward phrasing to make these preceding sentences fit both versions of the scene in English. If I could choose, I'd put some of them in present tense for the version where you don't defeat his Silent.]
それほど満ち足りた経験 だったってことさ。
The experience was overwhelming,
but now I feel better.
[TAKUYA:] That's how fulfilling it was.
But I think I feel a little better now.
西条と話していたら、 なんか不思議と楽になったよ。
When I talk to you Atsuki, I feel better.
See you at school.
[TAKUYA:] For some weird reason I feel better when I talk to you, Saijou.
Okay, see you next week at school.
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smittenskitten · 2 years
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I know .. that I am .. a terrible person. A coward who couldn't face the truth head-on. I fled back to my hometown without telling you the truth. I only thought about myself. And I'm really pathetic for doing so.
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piscesdragon8 · 2 months
Code Lyoko and Digimon Frontier theme song mashup. The pictures in the first half are from the CD audio dramas. The pictures in the second half are from the Blu-ray box covers. I'm unsure if it was intentional or not, but notice the symbolism?
Adventure 01: summer blue sky in the afternoon.
Adventure 02: sunset after the kids finish their work in the Digital World or reflect on things.
Tamers: a lot of night time secret operations and sneaking out after dark.
Frontier: dawn of entering new territory and possibilities.
MUSIC CREDIT: https://youtu.be/KAkQ2NW-VXE?si=27GXmpVINRqUQdyh
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moviesandmania · 2 months
HOT SPRING SHARK ATTACK Japanese comedy monster movie - preview
Hot Spring Shark Attack is a 2024 Japanese comedy horror film about visitors to Atsumi City being killed by a shark. Also known as Onsen Shark and the grammatically incorrect Hotspring Sharkattack for some reason. Written and directed by Morihito Inoue. The movie stars Shoichiro Akaboshi, Takuya Fujimura, Kiyobumi Kaneko, Koichi Makigami, Masaki Naito and Saki Mizumi. Plot: There have been cases…
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symptom3000 · 2 years
ポチョムキン "80BARZ" (2022)
director: TAKUYA INOUE
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laniemae · 4 months
Milgram archives pt 48: Crew fanart
Takuya Yamanaka
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Mana Inoue
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Also just found this out but the illustrator for the Milgram novel manga adaptation has a Danbooru page and had made fanart for Milgram!
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takuto-katayama · 3 months
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帝国喫茶『さよならより遠いどこかへ』MV アニメーションパート
帝国喫茶「さよならより遠いどこかへ」Music Video https://youtu.be/SqeLx48FSb0?si=ADh4NnSEH1u5gAPf
Director : Ao Inoue Animator : Takuto Katayama Cinematographer : Yuta Mushiaki Assistant Camera : Atsunori Nakata Lighting Director : Takahide Sakai Lighting Assistant : Sayumi Tsuji Colorist : Yuma Izuka Stylist : Hiroaki Iriyama Hair & Makeup : Yosuke Akizuki Production Assistant : Takuya Namba, Yugo Suzuki Production Manager : Ayaka Ito Producer : Mitsuaki Matsunaga Production : Cauch inc.
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armoricaroyalty · 16 days
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The first mention of the Yokoyama clan was in an account of the disastrous rice harvest of 1121 CE, a year when widespread flooding led to mass starvation in the Komorebigan lowlands. Wakiya Yokoyama, a regional administrator and tax collector, was executed for his small role in a plot to conceal the full extent of the flood damage from imperial agents. His disgrace did not prevent his nephew, a mathematician and poet, from ascending the ranks of the imperial bureaucracy. From that singular toehold in officialdom, the Yokoyama clan had flourished, enduring for generations as minor functionaries and loyal retainers, recurring bit players in the grand opera of imperial history. Takuya Yokoyama had intended to tread the path established by his forefathers: eleven years of schooling in the imperial academy, thirty years of civil service, a long retirement in which to enjoy his grandchildren. His daughter, Hakane, little Mary, had other plans. Hard-headed and independent from birth, she had been floundering and rebellious throughout her school years, sullen and willful on her wedding day, and irrepressibly scandalous thereafter. In a few short decades, she had come very close to completing the project that had been begun by conspiratorial Wakiya centuries earlier. Her selfishness, her imperiousness, her proclivity toward half-truths and extreme measures had very nearly ruined the family name and mired the entire clan in a state of permanent and irreversible disgrace. She was his only child. And god help him, he loved her anyway.
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Transcript below the cut.
Mary's parents' house
TAKUYA | ...so, is it an official appearance? You'll be attending the premiere with the Crown Princess as her acknowledged girlfriend? MARY | Uh...sort of? MARY | Rosalind is attending because of her work on the documentary, not as a representative of the crown. So it's not an official appearance, just another opportunity to generate positive press for us as a couple. TAKUYA | Oh. I see. MARY | ...do you think it's a misstep? Too much, too son? TAKUYA | [ sighs ] No, it's not that. MARY | Then what? TAKUYA | It's not my place to ask, but...have been honest with her? About your past? MARY | [ annoyed ] I have. She knows all about my marriage. TAKUYA | Does she know about your...your relationship with Miss Inoue? MARY | ... TAKUYA | [ sighs ] Hakane, you must tell her. TAKUYA | [ offscreen ] There can be no secrets between you. You've weathered one media storm, but marrying her will bring even more scrutiny. Anything you keep from her will be found out and used against you. TAKUYA | If you love her- MARY | I do. You know I do. TAKUYA | -you must tell her everything. Hold nothing back. MARY | I want to be honest with her, but...how can I? I'm not proud of who I used to be. I don't want her to see me that way. TAKUYA | She knows who you are. And that matters more than who you were. MARY | [ forcing a smile ] I hope you're right, dad. TAKUYA | You make me proud, Hakane. You always have. MARY | [ softly ] Thanks, Dad.
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pardi-real · 6 months
I really love these kinda "If characters from __ series went to karaoke" videos
But especially Akuneko since the cast are mostly rising stars (except the Villa butlers' cracked VAs). Man, that Lamli & Ammon's song is super good like wth
Songs on the list:
6️⃣ Totemo sutekina rokugatsu deshita - Haruki Ishiya (Bastien) Source: song by Eight ft. Hatsune Miku
💊 Overdose - Kazuki Ura (Nac) Source: song by natori
♥️ Gimme Your Love - Shogo Sakata (Fennesz) Source: Remote ☆ Host
🏖️ Natsu no dilemma - Eguchi Takuya (Hanamaru) Source: A3!
🌸 Hanabira mau yoru ni - Yuuki Inoue (Lamli), Tomohito Takatsuka (Ammon), + Shuta Morishima Source: STATION IDOL LATCH!
🥞 Tameiki Kafeteria - Atsushi Tamaru (Berrien) Source: Glico x Tsukipro
🎻 Kanade - Yoshitaka Yamaya (Lato) Source: Ishuukan friends/one week friends anime
💫 Hoshi to eien - Tomohito Takatsuka (Ammon) Source: original song
♨️ Crimson Soul - Shinichiro Kamio (Boschi) Source: Ensemble Stars!
🕺RANCHiKi - Hinata Tadokoro (Miyaji) + Shun Horie, Toshiyuki Toyonaga Source: Fabulous Night
☂️ Hikari tatsu ame - Soma Saito (Yuhan) Source: original song
🌌 Kaji shou sou chronicle - Kazuki Furuta (Flure) + Takao Mitsutomi, Shuta Morishima Source: Dance and Music for KAMI (kamigami keshin)
🚶Daimei no nai kyou - Taito Ban (Haures) Source: song by HIRAIDAI
🍾 Party o tomenaide - Ryuichi Kijima (Lucas) Source: Hypnosis Mic
🧑‍🎤 Still… - Ryota Suzuki (Lono) Source: CARNELIAN BLOOD
🧑‍💼 Romeo - Nobunaga Shimazaki (Teddy) + Koki Uchiyama Source: HoneyWorks
That kamigami keshin, featuring teniwoha, R sound design, etc?? Illust by Akiakane??? That's so cool man. I feel so disoriented with so many music multi media projects I've never heard before in this list :| (Remote ☆ Host, STATION IDOL LATCH!, Fabulous Night, CARNELIAN BLOOD, kamigami keshin)
Btw let me know if you find any mistakes here thanks.
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saiiboat · 2 months
All Photos from the Burimyu Cast Page 🩷
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Everything is under the cut to not clog up the dash!
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⿊崎⼀護 / 木原瑠生, Kurosaki Ichigo played by Kihara Rui
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井上織姫 / 佐當友莉亜, Orihime Inoue played by Yuria Sato
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茶渡泰⻁ / チャンヘ, Sado Yasutora played by Chanhe
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⽯⽥⾬⻯ / 佐藤永典, Uryuu Ishida played by Satou Hisanori
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平⼦真⼦ / 山﨑晶吾, Hirako Shinji played by Shogo Yamazaki
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浦原喜助 / 根本正勝, Urahara Kisuke played by Nemoto Masakazu
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朽⽊ルキア / 田野優花, Kuchiki Rukia played by Tano Yūka
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朽木白哉 / 山本一慶, Kuchiki Byakuya played by Yamamoto Ikkei
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阿散井恋次 / 宇野結也, Abarai Renji played by Uno Yuya
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日番谷冬獅郎 / 松岡拳紀介, Hitsugaya Tōshirō played by Kennosuke Matsuoka
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松本乱菊 / 美麗, Matsumoto Rangiku played by Birei
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更木剣八 / 岡本悠紀, Zaraki Kenpachi played by Yuki Okamoto
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斑目一角 / 川﨑優作, Madarame Ikkaku played by Yusaku Kawasaki
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藍染惣右介 / 井澤勇貴, Aisen Sōsuke played by Yuki Izawa
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市丸ギン / 秋沢健太朗, Ichimaru Gin played by Kentaro Akisawa
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東仙 要 / 藤田浩太朗, Tōsen Kaname played by Fujita Kōtarō
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ウルキオラ・シファー / 百名ヒロキ, Ulquiorra Cifer played by Hyakuna Hiroki
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グリムジョー・ジャガージャック / 植原卓也, Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez played by Uehara Takuya
note: names in romaji prioritize however the actors write it in portfolios and social media! Also wasn't able to find anything about 美麗 / Birei with a cursory search so if anyone knows her socials please let me know!!
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Gas on the run – ALMA spots the shadow of a molecular outflow from a quasar when the Universe was less than one billion years old
Theoretical predictions have been confirmed with the discovery of an outflow of molecular gas from a quasar when the Universe was less than a billion years old.
A quasar is a compact region powered by a supermassive black hole located in the center of a massive galaxy. They are extremely luminous, with a point-like appearance similar to stars, and are extremely distant from Earth. Owing to their distance and brightness, they provide a peek into conditions of the early Universe, when it was less than 1 billion years old.
A team of researchers led by Assistant Professor Dragan Salak at Hokkaido University, Assistant Professor Takuya Hashimoto at the University of Tsukuba, and Professor Akio Inoue at Waseda University, has discovered the first evidence of suppression of star formation driven by an outflow of molecular gas in a quasar-host galaxy in the early Universe. Their findings, based on observations they made using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), in Chile, were published in The Astrophysical Journal.
Molecular gas is vital to the formation of stars. As the primary fuel of star formation, the ubiquity and high concentrations of molecular gas within a galaxy would lead to a vast number of stars being formed. By ejecting this gas into intergalactic space faster than it could be consumed by star formation, molecular outflows effectively suppress the formation of stars in galaxies that host quasars.
“Theoretical work suggests that molecular gas outflows play an important role in the formation and evolution of galaxies from an early age, because they can regulate star formation,” Salak explains. “Quasars are especially energetic sources, so we expected that they may be able to generate powerful outflows.”
The quasar the researchers observed, J2054-0005, has a very high redshift—it and the Earth are apparently moving away from each other very fast. “J2054-0005 is one of the brightest quasars in the distant Universe, so we decided to target this object as an excellent candidate to study powerful outflows,” Hashimoto says. The researchers used ALMA to observe the outflow of molecular gas from the quasar. As the only telescope in the world that has the sensitivity and frequency coverage to detect molecular gas outflows in the early Universe, ALMA was key to this study.
Speaking about the method used in the study, Salak comments: “The outflowing molecular (OH) gas was discovered in absorption. This means we did not observe microwave radiation coming directly from the OH molecules; instead, we observed the radiation coming from the bright quasar—and absorption means that OH molecules happened to absorb a part of the radiation from the quasar. So, it was like revealing the presence of a gas by seeing the ‘shadow’ it cast in front of the light source.”
The findings from this study are the first strong evidence that powerful molecular gas outflows from quasar-host galaxies exist and impact galaxy evolution at the early cosmic age. “Molecular gas is a very important constituent of galaxies because it is the fuel for star formation,” Salak concludes. “Our findings show that quasars are capable of suppressing star formation in their host galaxies by ejecting molecular gas into intergalactic space.”
The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), an international astronomy facility, is a partnership of the European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere (ESO), the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Institutes of Natural Sciences (NINS) of Japan in cooperation with the Republic of Chile. ALMA is funded by ESO on behalf of its Member States, by NSF in cooperation with the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) and the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) in Taiwan and by NINS in cooperation with the Academia Sinica (AS) in Taiwan and the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI).
ALMA construction and operations are led by ESO on behalf of its Member States; by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO), managed by Associated Universities, Inc. (AUI), on behalf of North America; and by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) on behalf of East Asia. The Joint ALMA Observatory (JAO) provides the unified leadership and management of the construction, commissioning and operation of ALMA.
TOP IMAGE....Artist’s impression of an outflow of molecular gas from the quasar J2054-0005 (Credit: ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO)) Credit ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO)
LOWER IMAGE....The molecular gas outflow from the quasar includes hydroxyl (OH) (top). Due to the motion of the molecular gas toward the observer, the OH peak in the absorption spectrum (bottom, dashed blue line) appears at a shorter wavelength (solid blue line), a phenomenon known as the Doppler effect. (Illustration: ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO) modified from Dragan Salak, et al. The Astrophysical Journal. February 1, 2024) Credit ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO) modified from Dragan Salak, et al. The Astrophysical Journal. February 1, 2024
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redux-pain · 2 years
chapter 10: Nurse’s Office
NOTE: You can only choose two scenes in this round.
「だから、それはないと  思うけどな……」
誰も居ない保健室で、 井上タクヤが独り言を 呟きながらたたずんでいた。
アツキが入ってきた事に 気づいたタクヤは、 笑みを浮かべながら 近づいてきた。
”No, I really don’t think so......”
In the empty Nurse Office, Takuya Inoue was standing around talking to himself.
Takuya notices Atsuki enter the room, and smiles as he walks over toward him.
[TAKUYA, off screen:] "No, I really don't think so..."
/Inoue Takuya was standing in the empty nurse's office, muttering to himself.
When he noticed that Atsuki had come in, he walked up to him with a smile on his face./
でもちょっと色が薄い気が するんだけど、君はしない?
Nice weather today, huh?
But don’t you think the sky’s a little bland?
[TAKUYA:] Nice weather today, huh?
But don't you think the color of the sky is kind of bland?
>Yeah, it is
>What’re you talking about?
>Yeah, it is bland
>What're you talking about?
{OPTION 1: 確かに色が薄い | Yeah, it is | Yeah, it is bland
だろ? 薄いんだよね。
なんでもそうさ。現実にある ものはみな薄味だよね……。
It is bland, isn’t it?
Like the real world. Every thing in it is so bland...
[TAKUYA:] Right? It's so bland.
Just like everything else. Everything in the real world is so bland...
---- ぼくは思うんだ。 現実世界って影みたいなもの。
I think the real world is just like a shadow.
A shadow on the ground.
[TAKUYA:] Here's what I think. "Reality" is like a shadow.
The same thing as a shadow that's cast on the ground.
---- 真実の世界の一面だけを 切り���ったものにすぎないんだ。
It’s just a small part of the true world.
So I think...
[TAKUYA:] It's nothing but a fragment that's been torn away from the actual true world.
So here's what I've been thinking...
---- もう影のことで悩んだり喜んだり するなんてやめようってね。
だって誰も自分の影のことで 悩んだりしないだろ?
Let’s stop being happy & sad over a shadow.
I mean, no one lets their shadow bother them, right?
Just like that.
[TAKUYA:] Why not stop letting a shadow make me happy or sad?
I mean, no one lets their own shadow bother them, right?
It's the same thing.
{OPTION 2: 何のこと? | What’re you talking about?
ああ、そうだね。 普通の人にはわからないかもね。
Oh yeah. I guess normal people might not get it.
Color is like a feeling.
[TAKUYA:] Oh, yeah. I guess normal people might not get it.
By "color" I'm more talking about the feeling I get.
---- まあ、ピンってこない人には、 絶対わからないと思う。
Well, if you don’t get it, you probably never will.
Sorry, forget about it.
[TAKUYA:] Well, if you have to ask, you'll never know.
Sorry, forget it.
----- だけど残念だったな~。
この発見をホノカ先生と ゆっくり話したかったんだけどね。
But how unfortunate...
I wanted to discuss this discovery with Honoka.
[TAKUYA:] Too bad, though...
I wanted to talk my discovery through with Honoka-sensei.
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abyssalchronicles · 1 year
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Tales of Festival 2023's guest voice actor cast has been revealed! 
Tales of Festival 2023 will be held on June 10-11, 2023 at Yokohama Arena.
Day One Cast (June 10, Saturday)
Masaya Onosaka (Zelos Wilder - Tales of Symphonia) - MC
Katsuyuki Konoshi (Lloyd Irving - Tales of Symphonia)
Chihiro Suzuki (Luke fon Fabre - Tales of the Abyss)
Akiko Kimura (Ruca Milda - Tales of Innocence R)
Yuko Sasamoto (Iria Animi - Tales of Innocence R)
Kosuke Toriumi (Yuri Lowell - Tales of Vesperia)
Rika Morinaga (Rita Mordio - Tales of Vesperia)
Marina Inoue (Kohaku Hearts - Tales of Hearts R)
Masaya Matsukaze (Hisui Hearts - Tales of Hearts R)
Rina Satou (Velvet Crowe - Tales of Berseria)
Azumi Asakura (Laphicet - Tales of Berseria)
Natsuki Hanae (Ix Nieves/Ickx Neve - Tales of the Rays)
Takuya Satou (Alphen - Tales of Arise)
Shino Shimoji (Shionne - Tales of Arise)
Day Two Cast (June 11, Sunday)
Masaya Onosaka (Zelos Wilder - Tales of Symphonia) - MC
Ryoka Yuzuki (Reala - Tales of Destiny 2)
Toshihiko Seki (Loni Dunamis - Tales of Destiny 2)
Katsuyuki Konoshi (Lloyd Irving - Tales of Symphonia)
Ryo Hirohashi (Shirley Fennes - Tales of Legendia)
Ryoko Shiraishi (Jay - Tales of Legendia)
Masumi Asano (Chloe Valens - Tales of Legendia)
Chihiro Suzuki (Luke fon Fabre - Tales of the Abyss)
Yukana (Tear Grants - Tales of the Abyss)
Eiji Takemoto (Raven - Tales of Vesperia)
Takashi Kondo (Ludger Will Kresnik - Tales of Xillia 2)
Mariya Ise (Elle Mel Marta - Tales of Xillia 2)
Kohei Amasaki (Kanata Hjuger - Tales of Crestoria)
Yui Ishikawa (Misella - Tales of Crestoria)
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setsunasbabe · 3 months
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*•. a lot of them, i know .•*
my hero academia
setsulena (setsuna tokage x yelena)
denna (denki kaminari x nina)
shona (shoto todoroki x nina)
katsulena (katsuki bakugo x yelena)
kyolena (kyoka jirou x yelena)
yelejire (nejire hado x yelena)
attack on titan
mikalena (mikasa ackerman x yelena)
jeanlena (jean kirstein x yelena)
yelannie (annie leonhart x yelena)
erelena (eren jaeger x yelena)
sakulena (sakura haruno x yelena)
nejina (neji hyuga x nina)
jujutsu kaisen
megulena (megumi fushiguro x yelena)
sugulena (suguru geto x yelena)
yukina (yuki tsukumo x nina)
makinina (maki zenin x nina)
maiena (mai zenin x yelena)
cholena (choso x yelena)
yelehime (utahime iori x yelena)
bungo stray dogs
chuulena (chuuya nakahara x yelena)
siglena (sigma x yelena)
lucyna (lucy montgomery x nina)
michina (michizo tachihara x nina)
ranna (ranpo edogawa x nina)
yecchou (tecchou suehiro x yelena)
one piece
nana (nami x nina)
acelena (portgas d. ace x yelena)
hajilena (hajime iwaizumi x yelena)
keina (keiji akaashi x nina)
osana (osamu miya x nina)
kiyoolena (kiyoomi sakusa x yelena)
eitalena (eita semi x yelena)
kenna (kenma kozume x nina)
ninatooru (tooru oikawa x nina)
kiyona (kiyoko shimizu x nina)
wakanina (wakatoshi ushijima x nina)
demon slayer
tamana (tamayo x nina)
giyulena (giyuu tomioka x yelena)
inona (inosuke hashibara x nina)
genna (genya shinazugawa x nina)
shinona (shinobu kocho x nina)
tokyo revengers
takulena (takuya yamamoto x yelena)
takana (takashi mitsuya x nina)
seishulena (seishu inui x yelena)
senna (senju akashi x nina)
ninsuke (keisuke baji x nina)
manna (manjiro sano x nina)
yelefuyu (chifuyu matsuno x yelena)
rinna (rindou haitani x nina)
chainsaw man
akilena (aki hayakawa x yelena)
denlena (denji x yelena)
asalena (asa mitaka x yelena)
angelena (angel devil x yelena)
blue lock
renlena (rensuke kunigami x yelena)
megurunina (meguru bachira x nina)
reona (reo mikage x nina)
seilena (seishiro nagi x yelena)
ryulena (ryusei shidou x yelena)
rinlena (rin itoshi x yelena)
ninael (michael kaiser x nina)
yoilena (yoichi isagi x yelena)
shuna (shuto sendou x yelena)
ichina (ichigo kurosaki x nina)
runa (rukia kuchiki x nina)
uryel (uryuu ishida x yelena)
shinna (shinji hirako x nina)
ninahime (orihime inoue x nina)
soilena (soi fon x yelena)
ullena (ulquiorra schiffer x yelena)
hunter x hunter
chrollena (chrollo lucilfer x yelena)
machinina (machi komacine x nina)
pakulena (pakunoda x yelena)
shizuna (shizuku murasaki x nina)
kuralena (kurapika kurta x yelena)
feina (feitan portor x nina)
philena (phinks magcub x yelena)
seraph of the end
yuna (yuichiro hyakuya x nina)
mikana (mikaela hyakuya x nina)
ninya (shinya hiragi x nina)
yeleren (guren ichinose x yelena)
ninoa (shinoa hiragi x nina)
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moviesandmania · 4 months
HOT SPRING SHARK ATTACK Japanese comedy monster movie - preview
Hot Spring Shark Attack is a 2024 Japanese comedy horror film about visitors to Atsumi City being killed by a shark. Also known as Onsen Shark and the grammatically incorrect Hotspring Sharkattack for some reason. Written and directed by Morihito Inoue. The movie stars Shoichiro Akaboshi, Takuya Fujimura, Kiyobumi Kaneko, Koichi Makigami, Masaki Naito and Saki Mizumi. Plot: There have been cases…
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spatio-rift · 11 months
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