#inquiring minds are me
coins-that-never-land · 9 months
Important query for y’all!
Obviously the best angst is followed by a happy ending, but:
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fuck it. Take This And Run
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respectthepetty · 6 months
Rose's Day of Asks
Top 5 "it's cannon to me" couples.
Have a great Day💜
No. NO! NOOOOOO!!!!!! I will not pick between my beloveds! No. I can't! I won't! I shan't! No! I have too many and all of them are special to me. NO! But I will give you something because this is a good ask!
Top 5 "It's Canon to Me" Couples of 2023
and as usual, I will finesse my way into more!
Let me begin with the couples who cannot be considered for various reasons:
ToddBlack - Not Me
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The reason they are being excluded isn't because they weren't in 2023. No! The reason they cannot be included is because THEY ARE CANON! Not just to me, but in the show. They. Are. Canon. They love each other in their warped way. They have fucked and will continue to fuck. And even on this day of marriage equality in Thailand, they still wouldn't get married because Black doesn't believe in the institution of marriage since the government is too involved in it and it's a capitalist tool used to push a heteronormative agenda, and Todd has a team of lawyers there to make sure Black gets everything he wants from Todd including the right to pull the plug on him, which he won't do BECAUSE THEY CAN'T KILL THE OTHER!
Guang Yan x Yi Yong - Oh No! Here Comes Trouble!
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It's canon. Once again, it's not just canon to me. It's canon in the show and if people don't want to believe it, they can argue with the ghosts, but the ghosts also know it's canon because they witnessed these two fall in love with each other, so those negative people will still lose! When Yi Yong fell, Guang Yan ran to Yi Yong like his entire world was being destroyed right in front of him, and as a future doctor, he was losing his shit trying to keep Yi Yong alive. Then he stood in front of Yi Yong's mom, god, and ghost grandpa and stated directly into the microphone without any hesitation that Yi Yong was his heart and he needed him to come back to him. And if I ever get a second season, I know they'll still be sleeping in that bed, together. They. Are. Canon.
Peach x Home - Peaceful Property
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This show hasn't been released yet, and the word on the streets is that it won't be a BL, but . . . it's canon to me. It's Tay and New. They are always down to kiss a homie. The pilot trailer was color coded, and although color coded boys don't have to be in love, they ARE in love. Therefore, they are canon. I don't make the rules.
Now for the actual list:
#5 - Saifah x Name - Dangerous Romance
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They knew each other in high school, and when they met again as adults, there was chemistry. Name should've shot Saifah. Name should've been harsher to Saifah, yet he was granting leniency to Saifah. Then Saifah wanted Name out of the business. He wanted him to be safer and happier. Even though that didn't happen, Saifah still showed up in that jail to let Name know he would be waiting for him, no matter how long it took.
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They are canon.
#4 - Oab x Guy - Bake Me Please
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They were best friends. They started a business together with their other (bitchass) friend who Oab was in love with. They hired another baker to help their (bitchass) friend and Guy developed feelings for him. But . . . they actually loved each other! This isn't me being delusional either! When the dust settled, Guy and Oab sat down at a bar in the final episode, and Guy made it clear that not only was he far removed from his previous crush on someone else, but that he was there for Oab to help him get over his broken heart, in any way Oab needed him *wink*
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They are canon.
#3 - Hyun Jae x Simeon - Jun & Jun
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Simeon is an experienced idol. Hyun Jae was his manager, but Hyun Jae quit with no notice to go take care of the main character. The conversation when Simeon confronted Hyun Jae after he found out was thick with tension, and I do mean the physical kind. Simeon schemed his way into seeing the main character years later, but I truly believe it was a guise so he could see Hyun Jae because everything he did was to draw more attention from Hyun Jae. After that first encounter, they argued in cars, on rooftops, in dressing rooms, and standing on city streets, and I fully believed they fucked in all those places too!
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They are canon.
#2 - Dome and Khatha - Midnight Museum
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Dome is a god. Khatha is immortal. And they traveled through time and space to be together. The show labeled them as "brothers" but I don't know if it's because Gun and Tor could have chemistry with a broomstick, but THEY WERE IN LOVE! What convinces me even more is that Dome wasn't actually Khatha's "brother" Chan but looked like him. Khatha even confronted Chan AND KILLED HIM so he could be with Dome. Khatha made a decision to kill what we had been told was the most important part of him just so Dome could be safe. Then he ran through time to find Dome in the middle of a war with bullets flying and bombs dropping all so he could save him again just like he had the first time they met, and if I ever get that second season (MIDNIGHT MUSEUM 2 WHEN?!), GMMTV better let Gun kiss another man who isn't Off.
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They are canon.
#1 - Yui x Soichiro - I Cannot Reach You
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These two were just chilling in the background of every scene. TOGETHER! On a school trip? Together. At a festival? Together. Looking at books in the library? TOGETHER! Even though we never saw them kiss, their taiyaki kissed, so that's good enough for me! They were color coded (pink x green), which I think is one of the best color-coded pairs to ever exist, and Yui was giving advice to the main couple to get their shit together, probably because he was already in a loving and long-term relationship with his boyfriend!
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They. Are. Canon.
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nero-neptune · 7 days
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“Have you been experiencing any unusual stress lately?” “A lot.”
NORTHERN EXPOSURE 3.15 “Democracy in America”
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zorosdimples · 1 year
i got a pedicure with my bf over the weekend and he sent me this text (while sitting directly next to me):
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this has me thinking… which of your faves would send you this text?
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visualtaehyun · 3 months
Quick pronounciation question that you might know the answer to - whenever I hear Mame's name in a video, it always sounds more like 'May' as opposed to the common English sight pronunciation of 'Mah-may.' I assume the sight reading is incorrect but is what I'm hearing a nickname or is the second m really soft?
Hi there anon ✨️
What you're correctly hearing in videos is her nickname May (ชื่อเล่น /cheuu len/ = lit. play name, same as Fort and Peat are their nicknames). You'll usually see her full name in the Love Sea opening and credits but she'd probably introduce herself by nickname+first name only so เมย์ อรวรรณ /meh aw-ra-wan/ May Orawan or, in her case as a writer, by her pen name MAME - which is pronounced exactly as you sight-read it /maa-meh/! Here's an old interview (timestamp should start you right at 0:25) where you can listen to her pronounce both as she introduces herself :)
Transcript: เมย์ค่ะ เจ้าของนามปากกา MAME ค่ะ /May kha, jao-khaawng naam-bpaak-gaa MAME kha/ = I'm May, owner of the pen name MAME.
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feelingtheaster99 · 10 months
Does anyone else think it’s fascinating how nicknames develop? Like sometimes a nickname is a logical shortening of a name, sometimes it’s a different part of their name, like a last name or a middle name, and sometimes it’s completely random, manifesting out of a series of twisting inside jokes and memories that is impossible to explain and you’re just like, “Oh yeah, that’s our friend, The Ball, don’t mind him.”
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ezdotjpg · 1 year
actually now that I am writing ch 2 I would like to poll the audience: how are we feeling abt the direction of the comic? did we enjoy ch1 overall? did the sections that were mostly dialogue ever feel like they dragged? inquiring minds would like to know
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Laughingstock Lives in My Head Rent Free because Of You (/pos)
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mickeys-malarkey · 18 days
I've seen a lotta people say that their screen readers can't read a lotta special characters; even ones that're just Latin letters in fancy fonts… So, I have a question for people who use those: can your screen reader read this Shavian alphabet pangram, or no…? 🤔
Note: apologies to non-screen reader users, it says I can't edit the poll block now that this is published, so I can't add a “see results” option for y'all. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I'll do that next time, if I don't use up all the slots like I usually do. 😅
End-of-poll update: okay, wow…! May've gotten a really tiny number of votes, but these results are still interesting! �� straight-up yes, ⅓ no? That's like, genuinely so cool that a majority could read it & do it well; I'm glad! 👏🏻
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daily-hanamura · 1 year
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plaquerat · 3 months
Tell me about your Copia. 👀
Ah Copia.... Sister Copia.... Mama Emeritus...... Cici, even.
under the cut bc it's long hehe
So obviously I am. A big proponent of trans woman Copia. Obvious if you look at her or listen to me talk about her for like 15 seconds.
She started transitioning before the Prequelle era, though she definitely didn't figure it out until adulthood. She's still front man (front woman?) though obviously she's a nun and instead of papa she's mother superior.
Straight woman so much but she can't get a date. Not for lack of people liking her she just. Fumbles. Constantly. She talks to Aether like he's an ex that she had a weird breakup with even though they never dated.
Grew up thinking she was orphaned but she kind of like.. always kind of had the vibe that she was related to those Emeritus guys. Very quiet as a child, not necessarily mute but she tended to chitter and talk more to vermin than actual people. Rats were her only friends growing up and she kind of still feels that way.
Has only summoned one ghoul successfully: a very young quintessence ghoul resembling a rat. Very quickly got attached and saw him as more of a son than anything and well... that's Phantom.
A few years after that she kind of had a relationship with a sister of sin that didn't work out (Copia turned out to not be into women, that sister turned out to not be into the whole satan thing). Things didn't end great and Copia never heard from her again. Months later, though, an infant is left at the Ministry on a cold winter night and that was Virgil, the result of the short-lived relationship.
Despite being super not great with people, she loves her kids a whole lot. Maybe it's from growing up so isolated and alone and not wanting that for them, maybe it's just all the love she holds in her heart. She's very proud of both of them now that they're adults (though sometimes she babies them a little too much)
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(said to me, as you're fucking me hard)
tell you what, if you can stay quiet until I cum, you can cum as much as you want all week.
if you can't, I get to turn your ass red.
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chilling-seavey · 3 months
These are just my major few ideas that I know will be multiple parts.
Although I'm desperate to finish my smaller wips first, I want to know what I should start planning for! Thought I'd ask you all what you'd like to read and, if my writing motivation agrees, maybe I'll start with whichever wins :)
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catsi · 1 year
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