fandom-age · 6 years
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text overlaid atop the dragon age logo that reads “@inquisitorsmabari writes such vivid and wonderful OCs that I wish I could befriend all of them in real life! She’s done such an excellent job with them!”
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pinayelf · 6 years
inquisitorsmabari replied to your post “Catch me posting a thread about Cullen’s nips on Twitter at December...”
Cullen nip party on twitter @ December 18th! You heard it here folks!
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allisondraste · 6 years
Writing meme: #10 please!
Thank you for the ask, my friend!!  This has been a popular one! It’s a good thing that I love writing dialogue, and have pleasantly surprised myself a handful of times.  I have some Dorian for this one, though it’s more a “block” rather than a line: “Hey now, careful with the literature,” a man quipped from around a nearby bookcase.  Footsteps, and Dorian revealed himself to her, an amused smile under his mustache as he leaned against the wall. “Also, remind me to never do whatever it is that book has done to earn your ire.”
“Sorry,” she said pinching the bridge of her nose in a vain attempt to relieve the pressure behind her eyes. “I was just–.”
“No need to explain.  I have thrown more than a few of these glorified pieces of garbage myself.”  He picked up the book on the floor. “It is simply a waste to not throw them over the balcony and aim for Solas.”
“Are you serious?” An embarrassing snort escaped her.
“Well, it was an accident the first time.” Dorian winked an opened the book she had been reading. “Ah! Sister Petrine and Chantry politics.  How could you possibly be upset by such a positively cheerful read?” He rolled his eyes and tossed the book over his shoulder.
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bitchesofostwick · 6 years
Your reputation is of someone who calls someone a meme queen when they are, in fact, the reigning queen of memes. I know this. You have a whole collection waiting to be used for your fic. It's the truth.
yeah you know I’m not gonna sit here and deny this as if I don’t have an entire tag devoted to memes about my fic okay
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shannaraisles · 6 years
Happy birthday!!! I hope you had a fantastic day!!
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Thank you, sweetheart! It has not been as awful as I was expecting, and I am uncomfortably full of yummy food! xxx
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You have a reputation for having very pretty and lovely writing! And also for wanting to smooch the fictional boyz
listen I’m thirsty and you guys welcome the thirst so I’m all about it every day
thank you 😊
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ironbullsmissingeye · 6 years
inquisitorsmabari replied to your post “If the character is older and has a beard I love them”
we been knew
No you didn’t.
This is brand new information.
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Hello! Thanks for the chat this morning! How about soft or calm for any of your wips?
Of course! Any time, it was a good chat, as always
From the next chapter of Just Like Heaven:
When Rylen stepped beside her, he held his arm out, and she slipped her hand into the crook of his arm with a smile. They made their way inside, Abby mostly watching the floor so that she didn’t trip in her high heels, taking deep breaths in an attempt to calm the tight feeling in her chest.
She couldn’t quite place where the anxiety was coming from, but the combination of Rylen’s nearness and her intense awareness of it coupled with the crowd they were about to face seemed the likeliest culprits.
And then an instance of “softly” from Your Arms Feel Like Home:
Abby laughed softly and shook her head. “After what happened with John they understood my need for a change of scenery. I’m just not sure Kirkwall is what they had in mind.”
Dorian chuckled and shook his head. “No, I’m sure it wasn’t,” he agreed. “Do they know about the trouble you’ve been stirring up?”
“I - haven’t spoken to them in a while,” she confessed, then cleared her throat and took another sip of her drink, avoiding his gaze.
“And is that because of work, or the divorce?” he prompted.
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obsidiancorner · 6 years
TMI Tuesday: What's your OCs favourite way to while away an evening? Do they like to read, or do art, or have some cuddle time with their favourite? Etc.
Hey there! Thank you for the ask! I love talking about my girls. I haven’t decided yet if I will actually write their stories or if I will turn them into a manga-style type of comic but regardless of what happens with them, I love to gush about them. =D
Origins era Sky would be hanging out around the campfire swapping stories with Oghren, Zevran, Alistair, and Leliana... or hanging out at Morrigan’s fire picking her brain about the magic she has learned as an apostate (because I’ve never explored whether apostate magic is canonically the same or different as a Circle mage’s magic but I headcanon that it is different).
Awakenings/pre-Inquisition era Sky has grown up as a military woman and commander. She would be found pouring over new intel, studying maps, and writing correspondence. Always working because there is always something to be done. Occasionally Nate joins her and they have a (semi)romantic evening looking at the maps together or discussing political bullshit since he is largely responsible for teaching her how to actually be an Arlessa and how to function within the court. 
By the time Inquisition rolls around she is dealing with the fake Calling, her Wardens disappearing, and other such things that she keeps her nose to the grindstone. 
Haven- Sky is often found with Bull and the Chargers or Varric at their respective tents on the rare chance she takes a breather when there are no advancements being made. Otherwise, she’s in her house writing letters to contacts (some having yet to be named for surprise value), looking at the map in the war room, or talking with Leliana and Josephine. 
Skyhold- Shit has gone down in so many ways and certain issues have gotten heavier while others have faded away so she hangs out with the tavern crowd or snuggles up with Dorian in his little library alcove and they both read silently with each other. 
In the field- she is always all work all the time. 
Marie, though... Marie is far more introverted out of self-perceived social awkwardness. She’s a really charismatic character but feels like she is awkward as hell. Up until someone breaks her out of her shell, she tends to just sit and read up on the fine details of Dragon Age Thedas that History forgot. After she comes out of her shell, she begins to break free of that and begins enjoying each of her companions in their own special way. 
Thanks again for sending in this ask!
Ask box is open for TMI Tuesday and anon is on, if anyone wants to send anything in. 
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What about: Scout Jim in places he shouldn't be e.g. stuck under Cullens desk when him and the inquisitor walk in smooching?
Winter at Skyhold was a miserable affair; the winds, which were always chilly and nipping, despite the time of year, being that they were, in fact, situated atop a mountain, became bitingly cold, and tore right through all but the best of cloaks. The battlements, which were usually some relief against the wind, became covered with snow instead, which was whipped around by the winds, even when no more was falling from the sky. It piled up in corners and along walls, limiting the paths on which the scouts could run, for underneath piles of snow were usually slick patches of ice.
Scout Jim, polite as he was, always tried to step out of the way when someone else was making their way around the ramparts, but that meant that sometimes he had to stumble through piles of snow in his haste to deliver reports to the advisors, and letters to the soldiers. As a result, he was more likely to discover patches of ice beneath the snow than others, and accordingly, took more spills than others.
It hardly helped, of course, that the snow tended to pile up especially alongside the towers that were dotted along the ramparts, seeing as they provided great barriers against which the wind could hurl great gusts of snow.
It was in this particular combination of circumstances—snow piled against Commander Cullen’s tower, and Scout Jim’s overabundance of manners—that the scout finally made a proper mess of things.
While the door guards—who were usually outside Commander Cullen’s office, but on days such as this one, were allowed to stand inside—were switching at the end of their shift, Jim leapt to one side, determined not to be a bother for either of them. But one booted foot came down in the snow, and found a patch of ice that had either newly formed, or gone previously unnoticed, and skidded out from underneath him. 
With a yelp, the scout fell backwards, arms flying and nearly hitting one of the door guards in the face, just missing the lip of the nearest crenel to catch himself. Jim landed on top of his messenger bag, which burst open upon the frigid stone, sending all the letters he was meant to be delivering spilling out onto the rampart. Some of the lighter letters were picked up by the wind and blown back towards Commander Cullen’s tower, thankfully remaining upon the rampart or making it into the Commander’s office, rather than blowing away, outside the walls of Skyhold. 
“Maker...” Jim gasped, pushing himself up, and wincing as he rubbed his rear end, which throbbed as he lifted himself off of his bag.
“Here, let me help you,” the door guard who had just begun her shift sighed, crouching down and beginning to pick up the letters with a not unkind smile.
“Thank you,” Jim hastened to join her, crawling to snatch the letters which had fallen closest to him, chuckling weakly. “I’m sorry. I really ought to be more careful...”
The guard merely shrugged, brushing the snow off of a larger envelope with her glove, before handing Jim a stack of letters, and straightening up beside Cullen’s still-open door. “Don’t worry about it. They should really do something about all this snow. I can understand why it’s not their first priority, though.”
The scout nodded in agreement, sighing as he accepted the letters, giving the woman a grateful smile before looking into Commander Cullen’s office, and the smile slipped away. Many of the letters had been blown that way, and Jim tucked the ones he and the guard had gathered from the rampart into his bag once more before hastening into the office, holding the door open for the guard to join him before he finally closed it, with some difficulty, against the whipping winds outside.
As he stepped away from the door, the door guard stepped up to take his place, peering out of the small window set into the heavy wood, and Jim sighed as he got down onto the floor and began to gather up the rest of the spilled letters.
Edric sniggered from his position at the northern door, folding his arms over his chest as he watched the scout crawl around the office. “Graceful as a greased nug, as usual, aren’t you?”
Jim studiously ignored the door guard, Most of the letters had fanned out along Commander Cullen’s floor, and they were simple enough to gather up, even if Jim’s knees had begun to ache by the time he managed to retrieve them all and slip them back into his overfilled mail bag. But there were some that were less simple to retrieve.
Several of the letters, for example, had blown beneath Cullen’s bookshelf, and the scout had to take his gloves off in order to reach beneath the sturdy shelf to retrieve them. Edric made a snide remark about Jim’s position on the ground, but the door guard who had helped Jim pick up the letters outside told him to shut up, and he did. 
A few more had gotten stuck beneath one legs of the Commander’s desk, which, oddly enough, had a thin piece of wood wedged beneath it. Jim worked carefully to wiggle the letters out from underneath the wood, being certain not to tear the envelopes in any way.
It wasn’t until Jim had crawled deep beneath Commander Cullen’s desk to check for the last of the letters that he felt the tug at the back of his uniform, which prevented him from reaching for the last envelope, tucked beneath Cullen’s drawers. Confused, the scout reached back, feeling along his uniform for the snag, when he froze, hearing the telltale creak of a door, and the footsteps as the three door guards snapped to attention.
“All of you are dismissed,” Commander Cullen’s voice announced, and Jim shivered as a gust of cold air accompanied the Commander into his office.
“But ser—” the guard who had helped Jim with the letters began to protest, but Cullen cut her off sharply.
“That’s an order, Blasse,” Cullen started, only to be interrupted in turn by a new voice.
“You won’t be needed. Please, take the day, relax. You’ve all earned it,” the Inquisitor’s voice intoned gently, a sharp contrast to the Commander’s obvious impatience. “Commander Cullen and I have a lot of strategy to discuss. We won’t be going anywhere, but we don’t want to be disturbed, either. We’ll simply lock the doors.”
The guards murmured their assent, and Jim felt his blood turn to ice in his veins as one by one, they departed, and he heard Cullen’s heavy strides as the Commander moved about the room to lock each of the doors. Jim reached up, struggling to feel the place where his uniform had caught on the desk, but found that it was somewhere close to his shoulder blades, leaving him helpless to remove himself from out beneath the desk.
Jim opened his mouth to admit that he was stuck beneath Commander Cullen’s desk, something he would no doubt be teased mercilessly about in the barracks later, when Cullen spoke up, and the scout was jerked to the side as he felt the whole desk move.
“Alone, at last,” the Commander growled, his booted feet appearing just in front of the heavy wooden desk, at the same time as the Inquisitor’s feet vanished from the same spot, lifted up until they were out of Jim’s sight.
The scout paled as he realized Cullen had pressed the Inquisitor up against the desk, then lifted her, placing her on top of it. His throat closed up, and he struggled against the snag at his back with renewed effort, terrified at the prospect of being here if things progressed any further, yet unable to make so much as a sound to announce his presence.
The sounds of kissing filled the room, and Jim’s head shot up, slamming into the top of the desk, and causing the scout to gasp in pain, reaching up to cradle the sore spot.
“Maker’s breath, what-?” Cullen murmured, and the Inquisitor whined in protest, causing Jim’s cheeks to darken at the lewd sound.
It was only a moment, before Commander Cullen’s boots had moved around the desk, and the man’s face came into sight, his expression morphing from confusion to surprise at the sight of the scout.
“What... Jim?” Cullen asked, astonished, and the Commander knelt down, reaching under the desk to hit him, or—
Jim flinched away, expecting a blow, or at least a tight grip on his ear to pull him out from beneath the desk, but instead, he felt the tension in his uniform disappear, as Cullen unhooked his tunic from the wood, and withdrew his hand.
When the scout glanced up, Cullen wore a concerned frown, holding his hands in his lap as he shifted back away from the desk, giving Jim space to move out from underneath it. “Did... Did you think I would hurt you?” the Commander asked.
“N-No!” Jim hastily lied, snatching up the last letter as he heard a pair of lighter footsteps move around the desk, and the Inquisitor’s face joined Commander Cullen’s.
“What are you doing down there?” she asked, a puzzled smile tugging at the corner of her lips, as the Inquisitor held out a hand. “Come on out, won’t you? I won’t bite. I’ll make no promises for Cullen, however.”
Jim smiled despite himself, accepting the Inquisitor’s hand and crawling out from beneath the desk, hoisting himself to his feet with more assistance from the Inquisitor than he would like to admit, due in no small part to his stiff knees. Even Cullen chuckled, reaching up to rub at the back of his neck as he, too, regained his feet, standing off to the side of his desk, and looking anywhere but at the scout.
“I-I’m so sorry,” Jim stammered as he ducked his head, looking down at the letter still in his hand. “I slipped outside, and all the letters fell out, and they blew in here, and I was just trying to pick them up when you—”
“When we barged in and ordered the room cleared,” The Inquisitor finished for him, tilting her head to the side as a kind smile graced her lips. “And you were stuck. It’s alright. These things happen,” She shrugged, shifting to lean against Cullen’s side, causing the Commander to jump before he rested an arm over her shoulders, not having expected it.
“Right,” Cullen cleared his throat, resting a hand on the sword hilt at his belt, something Jim had noticed he did often when he felt uncertain. “No harm done. You said you slipped outside? Be sure to visit the infirmary before you deliver all those,” the Commander frowned, nodding to Jim’s messenger bag. “I’ll have to see about clearing the snow from the ramparts. It’s about time that got taken care of.”
Jim’s mind ground to a halt, overwhelmed by the thought that Commander Cullen wanted him checked up on before he returned to his duties, and that he would see the ramparts cleared of snow, just because of him. “You don’t have to—” he began to protest, only to be cut off by the Commander.
“No, but I will anyway,” he insisted, glaring down at Jim intently. “I can’t have my best runner being put out of commission by the weather.”
The scout’s cheeks flushed, and he opened his mouth to say something, only to close it again abruptly, as a swell of pride suffused his form. “I... yes, Commander,” he murmured, bowing as he stepped back away from the desk. “I’ll just be... I’m sorry for intruding, I... sorry,”
The Inquisitor merely smiled, shaking her head fondly as she rested a hand against Commander Cullen’s chest. “Stop apologizing, scout. Run along to the infirmary, now. Just do us a favor, and hold onto any reports for Cullen until tomorrow, won’t you?” She requested, and Jim nodded mutely, causing her smile to grow.
Jim backed up to the door he had come in from as Cullen turned to the Inquisitor, the Commander’s expression growing warm as he looked at her, and the scout swallowed thickly, turning and slipping out through the door to make his way to the infirmary, ignoring the way his heart ached in his chest.
They weren’t really; and like, I understand that, but also, I could not morally write Scout Jim stuck under Cullen’s desk while he and the Inquisitor fucked on top of it. And I KNOW that wasn’t the prompt, but that’s where my mind went, and I couldn’t hurt Jim like that. Also, that’s just a terribly awkward situation for everyone involved. So there’ll be a part 2 to this drabble! Not continuing, not even related, I just got inspired twice! Look out for the next part :D Probably tomorrow. This was a lot of words for today.
Thank you, @inquisitorsmabari, for asking!!! I love writing about Scout Jim. I hope you (and others) enjoy reading about him!
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effelants · 6 years
*hugs you real tight* Would you please send this to the first 10 people in your dash? Make sure someone gets a hug today and stay safe! 💛❤️💜 Have a nice day!! 💖
Ahhhh, you sweetheart! Right back at you, my dear.
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pinayelf · 6 years
a-shakespearean-in-paris replied to your post “Idk man, I’ve been on Tumblr since I was in 8th grade. I’m 24 now....”
This is me. I don’t know where else to go for fandoms. When inquisition came out I was on here all the time checking out da art, even though I didn’t have a blog of my own. So this website disappearing would be devastating. Where else would I go to connect with other fandom people? A03 is amazing but it doesn’t allow for networking like tumblr
Yep! AO3 is great but it’s hard to reply and really interact with people. I mean granted it’s kinda hard on here too, but you still have the options to do it.
inquisitorsmabari replied to your post “Idk man, I’ve been on Tumblr since I was in 8th grade. I’m 24 now....”
i don't really know if anywhere else can offer the same experience. I'm enjoying twitter to some extent but not for the same reasons. And Pillowfort still needs time to develop so I'm a bit lost too :/
Twitter is very different! It’s easier for interaction but it’s also not the same, and posting full content on there is just not like how you would post it blog-style. And yeah, Pillowfort will take some time to take off so it’s not there yet :/ Very devastating
ocean-in-my-rebel-soul replied to your post “Idk man, I’ve been on Tumblr since I was in 8th grade. I’m 24 now....”
Well, if you do move to something else, let me know! I enjoy your content and want to continue to follow you, if possible.
Unless this site really does come crumbling down (god forbid) I won’t be going anywhere! 
I made a Twitter: cullenvhenan 
And I also have DeviantArt and AO3: both EllieCee
This blue hellscape can’t get rid of me that easy ;-; 
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pookydraws · 7 years
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Amelie and Cullen For @inquisitorsmabari One of 1200 followers giveaway art 1 to go. Please look forward to it. ;)
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eldritchbeauty · 7 years
Music Tag
Put your music on shuffle and write the first 10 songs that come on, then tag 10 people to do the same.
@lonaru​ tagged me in this forever ago, sorry for taking so long to get to it! I tend to switch between playlists, so I’ll use the entirety of my phone’s music.
Unbreakable Heart- Three Days Grace
Ready For It- Taylor Swift
No Surprise- Daughtry
Love?- Nothing More
The Times They are a Changin- Blackmore’s Night
Lost in Despair- Ensiferum
O Come, O Come Emmanuel- Pentatonix
Fuck Away the Pain- Divide the Day
Take to the Sky- Van Canto
Pressure- Paramore
My music is sort of all over the place, but this is just a taste of what I have! I think I’ll tag...
@princessbatteringram, @effelants, @weirdpine, @thejetblackcrow, @keeperlefae, @firjii, @machatnoir, @valkyrieraisingcain, @softalistair, and @inquisitorsmabari
Feel free to do this if I didn’t tag you!
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shannaraisles · 6 years
💭 (and also get well soon!)
Thank you! I’m dosed up to the eyeballs, I should start improving soon. :)
Poppy is ever so slightly envious of Amelie. She always seems to be so calm and in control of herself. I want to be like that.
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obsidiancorner · 6 years
Happy Wednesday!! How about: trust. Good luck with the wip!
I do not have ‘trust’ unfortunately. :( You can try again if it isn’t too late for you, though. 
Thank you and happy Wednesday to you as well. I’m honestly really looking forward to this story and can’t wait to see it play out. 
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