hazelandglasz · 1 year
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
I have !!!
When I received the box with my book
When I celebrated my birthday with my friends
Thanks for asking :)
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terpia · 2 months
Movie Vibes Poll
Thank you to @lairn for tagging me!
List five of your favorite movies and let your followers decide which vibes fit you best.
@whatevsbla @yikesola @insectbah (only if you want to!) and anyone else who would like to do this!
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aro-culture-is · 4 years
25, 28, 33, and 34 for aro asks please?
25. ideal date and/or ideal platonic date?
answered :)
28. what’s the most efficient way to befriend you? how would someone win you over platonically?
l’m not gonna lie, it boils down to talk to me. let me infodump. ask me questions. be respectful of my trauma stuff. don’t be a bigot. 
33. how long have you been identifying as arospec?
i think like 7 years?
34. your favorite ways to express platonic love? how do you show affection without seeming like you’re flirting?
if i tell you about things that i’m doing in my day or like, mess with you (puns, big Gay moods, weird questions), or just generally seem to gravitate around you, I definitely care for you. i don’t care about if i seem like i’m flirting too much at this point because i’ve been informed that i flirt regardless and honestly as long as it’s understood that i’m just like that i’m chill with it.
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phanbliss · 5 years
dear friends, did you know that our beloved @insectbah has recently had their birthday? 🎂
Ev is such a huge part of this community! so many of your favourite fics have been beta’d by Ev, and as someone that has benefitted from their amazing beta-reading skills many many times, i can promise you that there is no greater way to improve a wonderful story than to give it to a wonderful, wonderful editor. 
Ev works tirelessly on all the fics they beta, and thanks to their help, many stories see the light of day and are loved by us all. i know that without Ev, i likely wouldn’t have posted anything in much longer than i have, and they gave me so much more confidence in my writing.
they are so kind and so supportive to so many of us here. they’re also literally one of the sweetest people i’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. i count Ev among my closest friends and honestly, the amount of times i’ve been grateful for that day when they reached out to me to help me beta a fic is too high to count. <3
please reach out to them and show them some love on this special day, they deserve it so much. <3
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natigail · 4 years
I decided to answer you @insectbah in a post, instead of a comment, because tumblr is being a bully.
What quote(s) do you live by?
You are braver than you believe. You are stronger than you seem. You are smarter than you think (A.A. Milne).
There’s bravery in being soft. 
There’s strength in being kind.
You will grow. It just takes time.
If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely (Ronald Dahl).
I am everything I am despite this thing constantly holding me back (Daniel Howell).
Finished, not perfect.
No rain, no flowers.
The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all (Mulan).
Even if you can’t change the world, you can change individuals (Daniel Howell).
(And I don’t know if I would say I explicitly live by them but they pop up in my mind often enough and they capture the sentiment that I try to live my life with. It’s also an ever-growing and changing list)
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huphilpuffs · 5 years
15 or 28?
28. which one owns a pet that the other is absolutely terrified of?
Phil’s sitting at the breakfast bar when Dan gets home, hunched over something. A glass box, Dan realizes, from the transparent corners poking out past Phil’s shoulders. 
He hesitates at the top of the stairs. “What did you do?”
Phil looks over, smiling wide. “God us a pet,” he says. His voice is too high. 
Dan narrows his eyes. “What kind of pet?”
Phil shrugs. “Come and see.”
He swallows, lingering by the stairs for a moment longer. Phil’s toes are curled tight around the bar at the bottom of his stool, his shoulders draw up tight. There’s a box by his elbow that Dan recognizes. 
“Why do you have more crickets?”
Phil shrugs. “That’s what the pet store said to feed him.”
“What the fuck?”
He steps forward, finally, walking past the sofa and stopping right at the boundary where hardwood floor turns into kitchen tile. He can see more of the tank from here, the black edge and dirt piled up at the bottom. 
“I don’t trust you,” says Dan.
Phil turns, just his head. “You do,” he says, a hint of laughter in his voice. “We’re fish dads! I figured we could handle another pet. More Corgi prep.”
“Shibe,” says Dan automatically. And then, “Or whatever we can find up for adoption that we like.”
“Just come see,” says Phil. “You’ll like him.”
Dan sighs and drags himself the last few steps forward. He sees one long, hairy leg past Phil’s arm, and then another, and another, and— He jumps back. Phil reaches into the tank.
“Phil! What the actual fuck!”
The spider hits him right in the face, and lands on the floor with a quiet tap. Plastic.
“I fucking hate you,” says Dan, reaching down to swipe the spider off the floor. He tosses it at Phil’s head and watches it bounce off his shoulder. “No sweets for you for a month.”
Phil’s smile doesn’t fade. His tongue’s still poking out from between his teeth. “I got you!” 
Dan feels his own face soften into a smile, too, even as his heart keeps pounding.
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catboydan · 4 years
Buzzcut Season - Lorde 
2 fav lines (i couldn’t pick just the one, it’s one of my fav songs of all time so): 
And I’ll never go home again / place the call, feel it start / favorite friend / and nothing’s wrong when nothing’s true 
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Thank you for tagging me @insectbah​!
Rules: post a gif for your top 10 tv shows. No titles. Tag 10 people
Much like insectbah, I don’t really know what to pick, so this is gonna be a bit random.
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I’m sorry, tagging is real hard. Please do this if you want to!
Edit: Immediately after I posted this I saw gifs of another fav so
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intoapuddle · 5 years
G | ~800 words | 2009
excerpt: Phil smiles. He’s got no clue how to be vague when the feelings are so big in his chest.
based on a prompt from @insectbah for the phandomgives raffle: Phil talking to someone about Dan, early on in knowing each other
[read on ao3] or read here below the cut!
The living room doesn’t look the same without Dan in it.
The sofa is the same colour and shape as it was before, a piece of furniture that Phil doesn’t remember ever being different. The memories of being a child next to his brother, playfully arguing about whatever video game they were playing that week, are being replaced by long conversations followed by kisses Phil had with a guy he has known for less than a year.
As if seeing it through Dan’s vision, Phil’s house is somewhat estranged to him now.
It doesn’t take being alone to feel lonely anymore. Anya is a fun house guest. They do all the same things that Phil did with Dan.
With a few important exceptions.
But Phil is full of thoughts and feelings about a person that is currently out of reach. Msn and Skype and Twitter and Dailybooth are no match for being face to face or skin to skin.
Phil prefers skin to skin.
They’re watching a stupid reality show when one male contestant makes a disgusted face. His nose crinkles and his nostrils flare and his eyebrows pull exaggeratedly up on his forehead as his eyes widen.
Phil giggles. He misses Dan’s exaggerated reactions.
“What?” Anya asks sleepily from the other end of the sofa.
Phil’s heart races.
“Oh, nothing,” he says softly. “Just reminded me of a face Dan made.”
His mates don’t know much about Dan. They didn’t know he existed until he made his youtube video, and Phil sent it to every person in his email contacts list just to rack up the views. Now, their take on him is that he’s another youtube weirdo with a fringe and some similar interests to Phil.
Phil wouldn’t call them wrong, but he wouldn’t call them correct either.
“He was here this weekend, yeah?” Anya asks. “How’d you get on?”
Phil glances over at her. She has sat back up, blanket covering her legs, facing Phil. Phil matches her position on his spot on the sofa.
“Good, yeah,” Phil says.
He smiles. He’s got no clue how to be vague when the feelings are so big in his chest.
Anya smiles back.
“Yeah?” she asks. “Did you show him Manchester?”
Phil blushes.
“We mostly stayed in,” he admits. “I took him to Cloud 23, though. And we went on the wheel.”
Anya’s eyes widen.
“Cloud 23?”
One of Anya’s best traits is that she is non-judgemental. Her tone now isn’t judging, per se, but there’s some surprise that asks for answers Phil doesn’t feel fully ready to give.
“Yeah, have you been?” Phil asks. “It’s got an amazing view.”
Phil remembers the view, but he finds himself thinking back to the way Dan had looked as he gazed out the window more.
“No, I haven’t,” Anya says, and the surprised tone settles into some acceptance.
“Had to show him the best of Manchester,” Phil grins.
Anya grins back.
“You stayed here mostly, though,” she points out.
Phil squints at her, feigning bewilderment.
“You’re insulting my house?” he says in a mock-offended tone. “While visiting? Anya!”
Anya laughs. “I’m sorry for questioning its excellence, sir.”
Phil smiles victoriously. She throws a pillow at him that he catches and lunges back just as quickly.
“You had fun, then?” Anya asks.
They’ve caught their breaths, drowsily sinking back in their respective corners of the sofa.
It’s not nearly enough to call it that. Phil has never felt understood by another person like Dan somehow understands him. He didn’t even know that that was the case until Dan’s eyes were finally clear to him and free from the pixels of a bad connection. Phil hadn’t felt completely misunderstood before, but then he hadn’t had anything to compare it to.
Phil settles his cheek against the pillow and smiles.
“I had the most fun.”
He feels a foot against his leg then, a faint pressure that leaves quickly, a quiet reassurance.
There is so much more Phil could say about this weekend. About Dan. About his dimples, and his big hands, and the small noise he makes that means he is taking in every word Phil is saying. Phil surprises himself by how much he had to say then, and how little he has to say now.
There is still a lot to be surprised by, it seems. The world has opened up and changed colours. Phil doesn’t remember things being this vivid before.
He will tell Anya at some point. He will annoy her with details she doesn’t care about and with flustered giggling as soon as someone makes a face on the telly, apparently. For now Phil reels some of it in, keeps it in his heart.
What he shares with Dan remains only theirs for a little while longer. Phil wouldn’t have it any other way.
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normalamber · 5 years
😈  - When did I join the Phandom
I answered this, but basically I am baby! July 2019!
I love parallels, so I’m gonna have to go 1 and 10. But honestly, a comprehensive viewing of all of them in order (with the bloopers, when time allows) is the most satisfying thing in the world. Watching the two of them grow up and become more comfortable around each other, but still looking at each other with those big dumb heart eyes? Ugh. So powerful. I hate love them.
(dnp ask meme)
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alittledizzy · 5 years
Happy happy birthday anon!! idk if it helps but my closest friend in hs forgot my 18th so didn't say anything until the day after and another friend forgot my 21st until I hinted at it the next day (after over ten years of birthdays together). the apologies can be very satisfying though? I hope someone does something nice for you very soon because you deserve it
For 18 year old anon!!
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terpia · 4 years
insectbah skomentował(a) Twój post “Aaaaaaaaaah, the moth season has begun.”
I hate to be that person, but also: what did the giant moths look like? how big? they sound cool (to me)
@insectbah Well, they seemed giant by my European standards, where the average moth is about the size of a fingernail. To be completely honest, you would probably find them quite puny.
The smaller one was about as long as my upper thumb joint (please bear in mind that I have fairly small hands) and extremely thin, less than 5mm in width. It was also the usual uniform light grey of most moths around here.
The larger one was the length of half of my palm and of the thicc butt variety. While it was flying around, its wings looked off-white with some darker spots here and there. When it stopped moving, I saw that the wings were actually various shades of grey. The overall pattern on them gave the impression of particularly ashen and dry tree bark.
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quercussp · 4 years
trust that you know yourself better than anyone else does. sleep when you're tired. say thank you. write down the nice things people tell you or do for you so you can read through and remember how much you are admired, respected, appreciated, and loved <3
<3 <3 <3 that is so wholesome and so useful, thank you <3
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dvp95 · 5 years
city or countryside?
i grew up in a village of <2,000 and escaping to the Big City was a pipe dream of mine for a really long time. now that i'm older, though, and have lived in many different types of places, i think i prefer smaller cities to big ones!! public transit is a necessity for me lmao
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phanomeheart · 5 years
A, H, Q please?
A: What’s the first book you see with a red spine?
On Food and Cooking: The Science and Lore of the Kitchen.
h answered here (but war and peace is probably the longest book I’ve read depending on your definition of ‘read’ and ‘book’)
Q: What’s the first book you see with a yellow spine?
How to Cook Everything
(lol the cookbook shelf is closest in my sight line, but if I’m excluding cookbooks, yellow: One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish, and red: The Secret Commonwealth)
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natigail · 5 years
9 and 20?
9. Best month for you this year?
This was a tough year on many counts, so I think I enjoyed my January the most. It was a time before I was really worrying about thesis writing (which was originally due May/June and then I postponed to September/October) and it was a relatively chill month where I just remember feeling mostly content and without too much stress hanging overhead. However, I do also feel hopeful that December might turn out to be my best month of the year yet, since it’s started out pretty well and I feel like I am finally getting back on top after a really tough summer and autumn.
20. What’s something you learned this year?
Do not procrastinate important things to such a huge degree. You will end up bending over backwards to try to meet a deadline and your end result will carry marks from where it could have been better if you’d just started sooner. I’ve felt this before on a smaller scale but this year it really cemented for me. Even if starting something can feel like the hardest thing in the world, it’s so important to take those first initial steps. Even if they’re small as hell, it’s better than waiting to the very last second. Then you’ll at least be a little further into the race and have you will spend less time frantically sprinting while everything falls apart around you.
EDIT: I also wanted to mention that I’m learning Korean. I’ve obviously not “learned” it yet completely after only half a year but I’ve steadily improved and I’m really proud of myself for that. It’s been so cool to learn a new language from scratch.
Thank you for sending the numbers, my friend!
Send me end of the year asks
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