#inspiration xfactor
xfactor7aurora · 3 months
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My beautiful wife....
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Uhm did you guys know namor is the beaubier twins dad this is canon and true and you cannot change it. Also hi casual rora
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Idc if pride month is over.... They're still special or smthn
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Anywho.. more giant sized X men au purely bc it's stupid fluff... Laura is hyoerfixated on sonic btw idk if you knew it's real and true
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Who's baby is that... Idk.... Who knows.... Uhm... Anyway
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Honest to god it pains me knowing that I spent so much time on this but if y'all didn't know Walter (aka sasquatch aka roras ex) has an ex wife and grown son by the time he's in alpha flight. Which is. upsetting! But anyway drew him and Vanessa and their child bc I think it's weird that we never got it.. idk! Fuck you Walter
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Anyway thanks bye... Sorry for the art dump xoxoxo
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twopoppies · 2 years
If someone told me that we will get Harry singing You're Still The One, I Will Survive, Man I Feel Like A Woman, and Hopelessly Devoted To You ALL IN THE SAME YEAR I would not belive them yet here we are. Like-
Never would I have thought SEVEN YEARS since we last saw them together, that 2022 would be one of the larriest years on record.
Hopelessly devoted to Lou
Harry dresses as Danny Zuko for Harryween, just a few days after Louis reminds us, once again, that he played Danny Zuko in a high school production.
Harry flies a rainbow flag with not one, but three Louis cross-eyed smiley faces.
Harry flies a rainbow flag with a huge Louis cross-eyed smiley face
The peace ring returns and Harry is smug about it.
Harry flies a rainbow flag with Only The Brave on it (after doing a double take and noticing it)
Harry sings Still The One at Coachella (more details on why this is a big deal here)
Harry sang I Will Survive at Coachella (369 weeks after he last sang it on stage)
Harry randomly uses an origami fortune teller as a symbol for his song Love Of My Life. It shows the colors red and black (strongly associated with Louis these days) and blue and green (Larry colors). Louis’ album, Faith in The Future, is set to release November 11th. National origami day.
Harry quotes a song from Leonard Cohen’s album, Anthem, which has the larriest cover art ever.
Louis’ music plays at Harry’s venues before the show
The fish on the Pleasing merch at Coachella have blue eyes/thin upper lip or green eyes/full lips
Harry referenced the poet Richard Lax in his You Are Home promo. Lax has collections of poems with titles like "Love Had a Compass", "The Green Island," "The Blue Boat”, and "Circus of the Sun."
Harry doodles H L on his sneakers while on “vacation” with his beard.
You Are Home coordinates match up to a lot of Louis and Larry locations
Harry seen at Louis’ LA show (more here and here)
Harry has a blue and green moment
The You Are Home website tweets a Ralph Waldo Emerson quote about people destined to meet, 12 years to the day after Harry and Louis’ xfactor auditions.
And just in case you think Harry is the only one obsessed with Larry (like rads do):
Louis mentions Harry being at his show
Louis acknowledges a rainbow flag with a huge picture of the Larry hug on it.
Louis wears a “blue bird” colored shirt
Louis adds I Will Survive to his post show playlist the day before H performs that song at Coachella.
Louis plays Lego House as his exit song twice. The first time the day Harry’s House was announced and Harry’s first Coachella performance (where H also performed Still The One). Then Lego House again on the day Harry’s House was released and Harry performed his ONO in NY.
Louis’ merch colors match Harry’s merch colors
Louis wears Harry’s House colors the day of Harry’s House release
Louis changes his Twitter header to a photo with the Larry hug in the background.
Louis makes a point of going out for sushi right after Harry’s House drops, despite rolling his eyes in the past about the trendiness of sushi.
Despite his theme being red/black/white, Louis changes the arena lights to blue and green and he does it again and again and again and again
Louis acknowledges a larrie in a rainbow TPWK t shirt
Louis acknowledges a fan holding a poster of Harry with a rainbow flag (more confirmation here and here)
Louis acknowledged a fan holding a Sing Walls if Larry is Real sign ( more info here and here).
Louis winks at a fan holding Larry dolls (while singing the “come so far from Princess Park line)
Louis give a thumbs up to a fan holding two photos of him and Harry and points to himself while singing Too Young
Louis’ venue plays Sunflower Vol 6, Kiwi, and Sweet Creature before the show.
Louis acknowledges a fan’s I Can’t Change Tattoo
Louis adds Don’t Stop Believing and Halo to his preshow playlist
Louis acknowledges that Prada released a collection with Larry-inspired tattoos by joining a Prada Twitter space the day of the launch.
Louis uses green lights during OTB for the first time, the night Harry launches the You Are Home campaign. Not just for a moment, but during the whole song
I’m sure this isn’t everything they did this year, but it’s a lot. And some of it may be coincidence or a reach, but all of it? I really doubt it.
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sippinggossip · 18 days
info anon here, I'm back to answer about Marta xxx
I just want to clarify before I say anything that what I'm about to write is based on rumors that were going around at the time and my own judgement of the situation. There aren't many facts since Marta has never discussed the topic publicly and Måneskin have only given a vague explanation on the reasons behind the rift.
As someone who was a fan at the time, the first time I heard rumors about them not getting along was during Sanremo 2021. At the time, I didn't believe there was any truth to them because they've always seemed extremely close to her, their relationship seemed to transcend the manager/ artist dynamic and be more similar to family...to understand what I mean, the summer before sanremo for example Damiano had posted a story for her birthday in which he was calling her mom. Vic would also regularly post photos with her and would often say in interviews and vlogs that Marta was like their mom. She even had a group chat with their actual parents for the first year of the band. So to my 2021 self, it seemed inconceivable that that relationship could ever fall apart.
But, in hindsight, not only I've come to believe that those rumors were true but also that, looking back, the issues probably started earlier.
Vent'anni, which was the first single from Teatro d'ira, wasn't really successful on the Italian charts, not for Måneskin's standards at least (even for their pre Eurovision standards). It didn't make it into the top 10 despite being their big come back single after 2 years of not releasing any new music (besides a collab with Francesca Michielin where they were the feautured artist and it didn't make any noise, it's kinda obvious maneskin only went for it because they shared a manager with her). For reference, every Italian single from "Il ballo della vita" had made it into the top 5 of the same chart.
I think their label wasn't pleased by this development. Keep in mind that a lot of money had been invested in maneskin even back then. The label had paid for them to go live in London for about half a year to get inspiration for Teatro d'ira which is something that doesn't really happen often in Italy for artists, let alone artists that at the time were barely 20 years old and had had roughly 2 years of professional career (and that's including the Xfactor) and only one really successful album.
Marta wasn't really on board with them making a pure rock album (we know that for sure because they've talked about it too on interviews they did post-breakup) and, again, it's easy to criticize her for that when you don't know the musical reality in Italy. Rock doesn't sell here and maneskin weren't established enough yet for someone to feel confident that the risk they were taking was going to pay off. And after Vent'anni failed to reach the heights of the commercial success the rest of their singles had had, it indeed seemed the risk wasn't paying off.
So she discouraged them from participating in Sanremo with Zitti e Buoni (something maneskin have also confirmed in interviews). Again, obviously a misjudgement on her part in hindsight. But that's the key word: in hindsight. If you asked anyone before Sanremo started that year if maneskin had any chance to win with that kind of song, they'd all tell you no. No one was predicting they'd even reach the top 10. And they've said too that they participated with zero expectations since never before a song like Zitti e Buoni had won.
After they did win though and Marta was proved wrong on the matter, the glass was broken because it seemed that especially Damiano didn't respect her anymore, he thought that since his take on this one thing had been right and hers had been wrong, that meant he had the ultimate insight into well, everything.
And that was when he stopped listening to her about how he was supposed to handle his image in general.
It's important to know that Marta has a very specific policy about all her artists' personal lives: she doesn't believe in them being public. She doesn't want the gossip to overshadow their work. So, for years, Damiano had to keep his relationship with Giorgia a secret.
Of course, if you just paid a little attention you'd know she was his girlfriend, they were posting the same cats, they were going out normally. But there weren't any Instagram posts, paparazzi pics, he wouldn't talk about his personal life on interviews and when anyone asked about his relationship status he'd give vague answers. That was the case with the rest of the members too, he just seemed the most discontent with it after a while. Also, in his defense, the press in Italy didn't care much about the personal lives of the other 3 so he was the only one who had to deal with constant questions and rumors.
So, the week before Eurovision Damiano, out of the blue, posted an old photo of him and Giorgia on Instagram with the caption "after 4 years, we can finally say it no?" which a lot of fans interpreted as a dig towards Marta. That move was the exact opposite of everything Marta believed in because suddenly every article about maneskin days before the most important competition of their career, was about Damiano and Giorgia. And, well, 2 weeks later Marta was fired and Damiano is the only one who unfollowed her on Instagram.
So, in my opinion, it was a combination of things that led to her being fired. I think Feraguzzo offered må more creative freedom but also freedom regarding their personal lives and the choice to each handle it the way the saw fit without any interference. Marta was a bit bossy in many topics, for example there weren't any friends or girlfriends travelling around with them on tour, she wanted them to be focused without any distractions, so their friends would only attend the Rome shows and that was it. Probably as they grew up and weren't teenagers anymore they started to feel suffocated by her limitations.
Also before anyone comes for me, I'm not blaming her being fired exclusively on Damiano. It's just my impression that the others, while they did have some issues with her too, would've been willing to try and work them out while Damiano wasn't, he had reached his limit and wanted her gone. And the others stuck with him because ofc for the band and for them on a personal level, Damiano was more important than Marta.
Welcome back!
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sunshineandlyrics · 2 years
I saw "LouisTom" aka 'All Of Those Voices' this evening. Just a mix of thoughts which contain some SPOILERS ..
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I haven't been to the movie theatre for about 2 years. The last movie I saw was either Parasite or Mulan live action. Only Louis could entice me back to sit in a public room surrounded by strangers for over an hour.
I really loved the behind the scenes in the studio, Louis talking about music and sharing FITF with his band, and all the interactions with his team. Lottie's comments shows how much she admires and loves Louis. The more you hear about Louis, the more you admire him.
The parts when Louis was talking about his Mum, and around Louis performing Just Hold On on the Xfactor were really hard for me. And Grandpa bless his heart.
Theo Hutchcraft really looks like a cool Vampire.
Oli is a gem. The most understanding friend and goofball mate anyone could ever want. I get why Louis has Oli with him all the time.
Mark Tomlinson quoted Louis saying something of an epiphany while during his Grease days (which reminded me of the Vanessa Hudgens' Austin Butler/Elvis epiphany).
One of my favourite moments was of Louis with his team on the yacht. The beautiful visuals, the chill, seeing some of the food, the band sharing their thoughts about Louis.
I heard Oli and Chris Frewin talking full sentences for the first time, and Oli's voice is not as I imagined and I understood him easier than I do Louis.
Louis has had to overcome his emotions and outside obstacles over his entire career. The documentary shows us the bumpy ride, from getting picked on Xfactor but dismissed and feeling insignificant, then overcoming that by contributing with his songwriting. He was shattered by the break, feeling lost on his career path, the family tragedies, then it's years to make his debut album, only for his tour to be hit by Covid, then tour starts again and his career is eventually on a roll. We already know the history but it's seen with some new insights. His Mum truly raised a man of good character.
The teary eyes didn't make me emotional for a few reasons and didn't make me change my mind because I've been here from the start of this stunt. Louis could've spent so much time between 2016-now (like during XFactor Judges), and especially during the lockdown with the kid but he didn't. Not even the dangerous Californian bushfires inspired Louis to visit the kid, and his team was like no comment on an article.
The scenes with the kid were cute but a bit awkward, and it raised more questions for me. Like why is Oli ALWAYS with them? Why didn't his family travel to America to see him more often if they miss him? Why does he hardly visit the UK, and only for the last 2 Christmases and the only clue of it was via the same pic we saw already posted by one of the sisters? Why is there a lack of unseens of Louis or his family with the kid from between 2016-2021? And the only baby pics were the ones taken in 2016 and already overused in the tabloids.
And my Dude, if 'it gets harder to leave the kid every time' and you get teary eyed talking about it, you should've gotten a lawyer to get full custody, or at least 50/50 years ago. Why does Louis need to travel 20 hours each time to LA for such little time with his own child? Also why none of his American family were with him backstage after the LA concert, just this other kid friend and a guardian (and remember the 'grandparents' and 'uncle' were there but sat separately from him, and potentially had to buy their own tickets to the concert).
It's funny hearing Louis being called both Lou-ee and Lew-is (Doncaster v non Doncaster people).
Given the amount of time I saw Oli and Louis spend with the kid and how they both interacted with him, it would not surprise me if it was later revealed that Oli was the Dad. That would explain why Oli hasn't spend more time in America with him, how the child hardly visits his family in the UK, why he hasn't hired a lawyer for better custody arrangements, because remember people, Oli's only on a PA's salary. And what the hell was that place Louis and Oli were supposedly staying at with the kid. Total opposite of the infinity pool house.
And after I heard Charlie talk twice about the filming having been organic, natural, not set up, etc and watching the 2 sections of the stunt in the docu, it just felt the opposite. Charlie was definitely trolling when he said that. And honestly for me, if these sections with the kid weren't in the film, it would not have been missed because Louis' own grandparents, siblings and childhood friends confirmed to us Louis' love for family and his personal journey. It defiantly felt like filming the kid was an afterthought, rather than preplanned or in the vision Louis or Charlie had in 2019.
Sadly no new insights about either broken arm incidents, no Louis hair and skincare discussions with Krystle, no fashion discussions with Helen, and no Clifford.
They celebrated Steve's birthday too hard in Iceland. His band is funny especially Matt. Mark Gillespie was seen backstage at Louis' LA show.
Familiar frequent flyer 'fans' were interviewed.
Louis loves his Louies, and his whole team appreciate us too.
There was only English subtitles for us. No local language because it was probably not worth translating for a limited screening that could only be used in 1 country.
I left feeling exhausted and heavy hearted seeing his journey, and very proud of Louis for how he kept going to where he is now, and how he has stayed a sweet person, and happy seeing he is surrounded by good people now. It's clear that Louis is loved and respected by those closest to him. As a One Direction fan and Louie, I enjoyed and appreciated this documentary.
This documentary is about a journey, and not a blockbuster, exposé film.
Now I feel so super ready for the tour to start because seeing Louis in concert again makes me miss those loud and fun times.
And remember, Louis is only getting started ...
(22 March 2023)
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8.19.24 Monday
1:26 am
Still,have windblow...
Done,streaming in Tagged....Ely was there, he is just a good friend to me,these days... I was somehow surprise that he is still awake...
Played about "Sandra" and talked about Sandra here in our village...
I still like my cousin-white, I wanna get him from her...
Garret is just an inspiration.... I don't like anyone here...
5:12 am
Still,have windblow...
I wanna leave Cavite... Did Mitch give me those and these "simple battery"?
I'm not sure if Uncle DD's gang has a key to our kitchen... Hmmm...
I feel bitter here...Why,there are other people who are controlling my life? I'm not a child anymore,they are hurting me but I don't have money coz I need to get a job again...
I mean why those people will control my life? Who are they?
I wanna get my cousin-white... This is something real... Garret will always be an inspiration.
Why, a particular that is undergraduate or perhaps a professional or just a college graduate but I don't even know them, why they will control me???
17 years they took away my life... I'm not happy being this way, I'm not a desparate housewife here like what I said on my stream, I'm just a bummer....
I don't like a man who will control my life that I don't like him!
I feel so ugly and fat and aging without a future... I feel self-pity.... I lost my youth,angela... I feel self-pity...
I wanna see Mitch again coz I feel that I need to know something...
I'm a Biology graduate but they smashed me unfairly... I lost my x-factor... I lost my chances in life... I lost my travel... I lost my money and losing my beauty! I feel bad... Not my ideal life...
5:37 am
Still,have windblow...
About Ely he is just really a FRIEND.... He is backing me up and I still have creditz on him around 4k pesoses. I just made a deal but we are just FRIENDS.
Wendell is making an issues about me and Ely the thing that I don't like. Wendell is the owner of the drug store and I think head leader of Tau Gamma here in our village....
But I want Ely to be real on our relationship as friends... I mean but will not interfere on some of my personal choice in life... It doesn't mean I have credits on him,he has the right to control my life? No, it is not right if he will control my life at my back....
11:09 am
Still,have windblow..
Nana is watching "Richard Gomez's" home cooking show... I love their "Palibhasa Lalaki".... It is about a middle-class family turned into the down side of life but they are still eager to go back as middle-class... A family and comedy sitcom...
We are now on that situation that "Palibhasa Lalaki"!!!
We have a village mate here named Sandra and this song is sentimental... I thought Sandra commited a suicide but no! It was just a symbolism of that she cut her wrist accidentally and the glass slipped from her hand, meaning that she divirginized someone, she simply cheated on her husband...
She died for awhile but the relationship became different or it can be they go on separate ways...
It's like having a "Perfect Storm"as well coz she tried holding to her dear life,something like that...
1:31 pm
Still,have windblow...
I feel boring now... I'm self-pitying I can't get new upper good friends... Or I can't gain new friends. I can't see old friends...
I wanna get a bf that I want or I will cry... I don't like anyone here... I feel super ugly and fat and aging for nothing... I wanna get a nose perfection hoping to be my bf to be like my cousin white will be supportive but vanities will in time..
I have complex now, I'm not fixing at all... I feel easily jealous on people that I don't like...
I wanna get a breast implant for me to be able to steal my cousin white or Garret....
Film Cooper is cute he has a super big boobs gf...Guys like big boobs or barbie kind.
I miss having xfactor and having attention with my rightful friends!
3:58 pm
Still,have windblow...
Uncle DD and Aunt Karen are here again...
10:04 pm
Still,have windblow...
I feel bitterish... I have no self-fulfillment and I can't get a bf that I want, someone who can assist me... I'm having a hard time to get a job these days, I sense that there are group of people who are following and controlling my life not to have a personal progress..
I feel old,ugly and fat... I really wanna do nose perfection and I wanna travel... I've beed trapped for 17 years...
10:21 pm
Still,have windblow...
Hmm... John was weeping/ wailing while sleeping... I caressed and kissed him and I said Mommy's here don't cry...It happened every now and then...I wonder what is he dreaming when he is crying while sleeping.
I want a Barbie bf look... My cousin white or Garret my inspiration...
0 notes
somethingboutafic · 8 months
Canon Fics (under 20k)
I'm Sorry, My Policeman by LilyBlue28 (NR) word count: 1,239 Louis sees My Policeman for the first time at the screening with Harry, and it hits him right in the heart.
Just A Little Bit Of A Secret Love Song by LilyBlue28 (NR) word count: 1,472 One-shot inspired by Just a Little Bit of Your Heart and Secret Love Song pt. 2. What story would they tell, if you put them together?
Promise :) by LilyBlue28 (NR) Word Count: 1,609 How I sometimes fear the band ended...
Let Me Show you by orphan_account (M) Word Count: 2,076 Super sweet and hormone filled one shot where Louis have never touched Harry sexually and Harry is worried.
My Weakness I Feel I Must Finally Show by ashavahishta (G) word count: 2,218 Sometimes Harry just needs a little help dealing.
Maybe One Day You'll Call Me (And We'll Be Lucky Again) by LilyBlue28 (NR) word count: 2,513 Louis calls Harry and tells him it's been him All Along, and even Harry's phone has missed his call.
just want to make love to you by beautlouis (E) word count: 3,746 the aftermath of the xfactor performance where harry went wild
Give It To Me (I'm Worth It) by sweaterpawstyles (E) word count: 3,812 Louis can't resist Harry in the red shorts that he wore during the James Corden skit. Featuring locker room sex.
Can We Pretend (honestly reality bores me) by SadaVeniren (E) word count: 4,218 Harry comes and supports Louis at his Scala concert
and it's peaceful in the deep by sarcasticfluentry (E) word count: 4,845 Louis tries out nipple clamps on Harry for the first time.
I Want the World to Know by SadaVeniren (E) word count: 5,603 They had lunch at The Ivy at one thirty and that… that was a big deal. It was probably going to be one of the most important lunches he ever attended.
head in a flurry by leslou (E) word count: 5,630 The one where Harry slips into Louis’ dressing room for some fun and (kind of) gets rejected, Louis finds out Harry has a Daddy kink, and fucks him. HARD. Lots of orgasms.
little black dress (it's all right) by istajmaal (E) word count: 8,129 harry is a girl sometimes. louis loves her all the time.
Many The Miles by ashavahishta (G) word count: 8,339 Louis would be embarrassed by how his voice goes all low and husky, but it’s no secret between the two of them that he likes to leave marks. They both do; bites and bruises, slow kisses sucked into one another’s skin as a visible reminder of their time together.
I'm Gonna Love You (Until You Hate Me) by sweaterpawstyles (E) word count: 8,825 Louis wears glasses and Harry doesn't like to be teased.
I Can't Hear You by kikikryslee (E) word count: 9,088 The one where Harry is self-conscious about his body because it's not the 'typical omega body' and Louis shows him why he loves that.
no one's gonna know by jishler (E) word count: 9,116 Harry and Louis go to a party.
Beneath the Suits by orphan_account (E) word count: 10,300 Harry and Louis had a bit of a ritual when it came to award shows. And that ritual didn’t lend itself very well to after parties or being around other people in general. Nope. They were much better off alone where they could have their own private celebration. So what happened after the AMAs then when Niall and Liam head to an after party and Harry and Louis were nowhere to be found? Well, obviously we can't be sure, but it was probably something along the lines of...
intoxicated when i'm with you by HazHas4Nips (E) word count: 11,630 Louis, Harry, and Zayn get high on their tour bus during the X Factor Tour.
Could you love me anyway by SadaVeniren (E) word count: 13,444 Dear Mistress Lorin: I’ve been reading your blog for a couple weeks now and was hoping you’d give me some advice for something that happened with me and my boyfriend. I’m really worried that I hurt him. aka Harry and Louis begin playing ping pong during the X-Factor Tour. It quickly gets out of hand.
Just Let Me by HelloAmHere (E) word count: 14,714 The party was going well. So well, Niall had already sworn undying love to one multi-tiered chocolate cake, two friendly corgi-poodle mixes, Zayn’s hair, and the entire population of Los Angeles. So well, Zayn had only laughed and ruffled Niall’s hair and not even twitched towards a cigarette. So well, nearly everyone had spilled far past the boundaries of the night’s original plans, extracting bottles of vodka from the cabinets and losing a lot of clothes. Harry had proclaimed that he was finally going to throw a small and very grownup dinner party and of course here they were three hours later, fifty people half-naked in the pool. Soon to be full-naked, if Louis had to guess. Everybody in LA loved a heated pool. Everybody loved Harry.
turn you on, make you radiate by ballsdeepinjesus (E) word count: 15,052 A self-indulgent snapshot of hl’s sex lives over the course of 10+ years.
i'll take you home by istajmaal (E) word count: 18,498 louis pushes harry to her limits, and harry pushes back.
To Be the Friction in Your Jeans by orphan_account (E) word count: 19,541 Harry is an exhibitionist. He gets up to shenanigans. This is a fill for this prompt at the kink meme: Harry really, really likes to be watched. When they're all lounging around watching TV he'll start kissing Louis and he'll take it as far as he can until Louis makes him stop because the other boys are in the room or drags him away to finish in private. He'll do it wherever - at home, on the bus, in the car, backstage in the dressing room. The boys maybe kind of secretly wish Louis would stop stopping Harry, and maybe one night when they're drunk he does. Except. It got really, really out of control.
0 notes
winderlylandchime · 1 year
2/3 ‘THEYRE TEACHING HER HOW TO GIVE BLOW JOBS? *starts doing the exercises with his mouth that Em is doing* I AM BEGGING FOR MIKE TO WALK IN NOW!’ ‘Oh Benny is stressed. Wait. Who’s paul?’ ‘BRIAN AND JUSTIN WORKING TOGETHER!! I want more of that! Go make him do another poster or something, that way you can get back together! Justin why are you standing so far away? Sit on his la-EXACTLY STAND CLOSER! ARE THEY GONNA KISS? LOOK AT THEM SMILING! Fucking hell Mike, they were gonna probably kiss and here you go cockblocking again. *pauses on Brian after Justin leaves* oh Brian! My sweet sweet pretty boy. You are so fucking in love and for some reason YOU DONT WANNA SAY IT?! Why is that huh? THAT *flaps his hand at Brian* is a look only a person who is heartbroken and in love can achieve!’ He is once again using Shazam and making his playlist. *flaps his hand at Mikey and Brian getting high* ‘what do I have to do to get something like that with Brian and Justin? Why can’t they lay around and eat and just hang? (mikey mentions paul) ohhh that’s who paul is..was..(i tell him Ben actually did mention paul and who he was)…well in my defense, i don’t usually pay attention when Ben talks’ And Debbie and Carl scene is up: ‘why is he not hugging her? Dude, you just had sex! You gotta cuddle! Provide some safety or something. *his jaw actually dropped* Oh so THAT is how they will piss me off. She did practice! whatever? Whatever?! OH YOU LITTLE SHIT! Who the fuck says that? Even IF SHE GAVE FREE BLOWJOBS TO GO AT THE DINER, YOU CANT JUST SAY THAT TO A PERSON! That’s fucked up bro. That is very very fucked up! Burn his house down debbie! YEAH! GET OUT! AND STAY THE HELL OUT!’ And then he immediately smiled because ‘BRI BRI AND JUSTIN! Plus a bonus? I know damn well it’s because he knows Justin needs money. Who’s Ian? WHAT IS HE DOING HERE?! Oh, Justin for sure is inspired by someone he loves which is why there is a painting of THEM HAVING SEX HANGING ON YOUR WALL!! He’s skipping class? Oh jealousy is a bitch and he is the president of that club. Brian don’t worry, i will personally make sure that he gets run over by a stampede of zebras. Or something’ ‘now why did Lindsay giggle like a school girl with a crush? Usually she’s all “be mature!! Dirty sex talk is weird’ the Ben steroid scene is up ‘so his whole thing is Buddha, working out and cooking.. does he ever do anything fun because this is like asmr for me, im about to fall asleep. Why is he buying vitamins from some random dude? Someone tell him about fruit and veggies’ ‘ohhh i like that coat on Emmett! A nice substitute for the fuck em all coat! OH FUCK YOU CARL. Ohhh that lady also has the coa-oh nevermind i see what they did here’ ‘is that what his friends think is a party? Justin? My boy. You know a party. This ain’t it. They are all so boring, Ben would fit right in. That *waves at Justin* is the look of a person who would rather french kiss a homeless guy than stay at this “party” for another second. YES HE IS AN ARTIST! HA! BRIAN WOULDVE APPRECIATED THAT COMMENT! And he would for sure add to it! But noooo Ethan here is acting like he’s never heard of the word cock.’ ‘OHHHHHH HE MADE AN ACTUAL CARNIVAL! Oh those two are gonna have a stroke seeing this. THAT MAN HAS GOLF BALLS COMING OUT OF HIS ASS *looks at me in shock* is that a real thing? Because if so? XFACTOR! *ethan is back on screen* OH FOR FUCKS SAKE! What did i do to deserve this torture? Oh his friends for sure have a groupchat without him in it. Justin nobody blames you for being tired, this would put an insomniac to sleep! Yes, leave him! Finally a smart decision’ ‘Now why is Carl back on my tv? No you cannot come i- DEBBIE. I SAID NO! HE ASKED LESBIANS FOR A TUTORIAL? Okay maybe there’s some hope for him..BUT DUDE CUDDLE AFTERWARDS!’ ‘Oh fuck you Mel! Fuck you all the way too hell. Not the kind of person you want as the father of YOUR child? And what’s Gus? Chopped liver? FUCK YOU. I am very upset because i like cool chicks in suits but i fear that she is not my cup of tea’
They teach her to give blow jobs... yep. And yes, Carl should cuddle afterwards. And not shame her!
I am so excited for your brother's reaction to Ben's steroid use!
Fandom collection to pay to have Ethan run over by a stampede of zebras. FOR BROTHER ANON!
That coat scene is so amazing. I love that your brother complimented the coat (RIP fuck them all coat) and then they pan to the sex worker wearing it.
Ben would fit right in at Ethan's party. OMG. If only Michael didn't (rightfully) hate Ethan... I would die for a fic where Ben and Ethan meet and hang out. It would cure my insomnia.
His friends for sure have a group chat without him in it. WOW. That is such a specific but clear insult. I'm stealing it.
Not the kind of person you want as the father of YOUR child? And what’s Gus? Chopped liver? FUCK YOU. I am very upset because i like cool chicks in suits but i fear that she is not my cup of tea
I'm just ending on that note because it is everything.
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Marimel May: "Words aren't enough to express my gratitude and joy. First of all, I would like to thank our Lord God for giving me strength and guidance in everything that I do. All glory be unto You, God. To my parents, thank you for providing all my needs. Thank you for your unending love and support. You'll always be my inspiration."
✔️Founding Chairman:
-Madam Annie S. Refrea
-Direk Marki Cruz Delos Santos
-Sir Raymond Lee and his team
-Denever Magallanes Aguipo
-Winston Cordero
✔️Pasarela Trainer:
-Kim Riddle Marco
✔️Hair and Make-up Artist:
-Wella Pascual
✔️Hair & Nails Care:
-Ren-ren's Beauty Zen
✔️Facial Care:
-Sponsored XFactor
✔️Eyelash Care:
-Browz and Beyond, Silver Brows and Lashes
✔️Health & Fitness:
-EastCoast Gym Tanauan
-Clint Kenneth Miranda and Carlo Segura
✔️Assistant Photographer:
-Christine Joy Pamin
Mrs. Face of Tourism Philippines-Tanauan,Leyte
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svt17 · 7 years
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170924 // Lee “Woozi” Jihoon “ Logo Short Pants ” ₩ 38,500 ( 34 USD ) MIX
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Twilight here, 50 shades of grey there, but noone that talk about the REAL fanfiction fenomena:
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And all the other three serie that followed it, more the four season spin-off, and the followup concerts and tournée.
Everyone not Italian, i know you are confused. But keep up with me. This is fun and also if you are interested about fandom mixed with capitalism you probably want to know more.
But you will probably need an explanation. And a whole essay.
Long time ago, in the dreadful year of 1985, an anime started airing in Italy:
Kiss me Licia.
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You all probably know it with the international title “Love me knight” (Ai shite Naito), or the title was adapted with in your country.
It aired on Italia 1, the channel Berlusconi (yes, THAT Berlusconi) had recently bought, only in the 1993, and that would become the main channel of his media company Mediaset, part of his holding Fininvest.
It was a success. Everyone watched it. Kiss me Licia mania. And, when the episodes finished, everyone craved more, cause an ending without a wedding and with the male love interest away in the USA while the girl wait for him at home?
So mediaset went to Japan to ask if please they could release, FAST, a second season of the anime, cause they needed it, people NEEDED it, the population CRAVED more. Just to discover there was no second season programmed. The story was finished, and the anime was not that big of a hit in Japan, so it made no sense.
Now. I would have loved to be in the room were all of this happened, to know who was the first to think of the idea and how they convinced whoever necessary to have the rights. Did they bought it? Did they promised political favour? No idea. But history tell, somehow, Mediaset obtained the right to do a LIVE ACTION, FOLLOW UP, SERIE.
So Love me Licia was born.
The serie have no plot. The writing was probably done in 10 minutes before shooting. Nothing happened, no drama, no problem between the characters, only honey and molassa. If you think fluff post canon fanfiction are boring, you have never watched this. The actors were mostly dubbers the studio worked with, people probably taken from the street, and Cristina d’Avena, the singer of every children cartoon italian version opening, who was given the role of the protagonist. The names of the characters of course stayed the same of the italian dub adaptation.
Here an image to parallel the anime characters and the live action characters:
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Yes, i know. Better than some netflix remake. Still.
Also, i assure you in italy we actually have surname, the serie probably just thought it would have been too much work and never told us about them.
Actors usually didn’t even red the script, and used to speak whatever, since they would have been dubbed anyway after, by the same dubbers of the anime.
I have no idea why they hated the cat at the point to choose that specific cat as an actor, but still he was a better actor and character than lot of others one. Here you can find some gif about his best quotes. Apparently in the original anime he did not actually talk, it was something added in the dub that than stayed in the live action.
The Beehive, a rock group in the original manga, now were more like a neomelodic group, thanks to all the new original songs wrote just for the show.
This is the more rocky one. I just love how Mirko (the blonde and red one) dance, and i also have an unheatly love for the guitarist.
This one is just for their so fake playing and cause Satomi actor had no motivation to sway his ass that way but HE DID. And we love him for this.
The disc with all the songs from the serie become platinum disc with more than 400k copies sold, and the band actually reunited in 2011 for an all sold out tournée.
It was one of the first italian serie to heavely advertise products into the episode, without even searching to hide it. One whole episode is dedicated to the children having to do back to school shopping, and they show and describe all the things were in that moment possible to shop. Mostly mediaset connected goods of course, but also other big sponsor partecipated in it.
They even advertised other mediaset programs, even with the Bee-Hive (the rock group of the serie) going to TV Sorrisi e Canzoni.
Cause yes, as written before, the original anime was set in Tokio. But the live action was set in Italy, and no, they never explain how and why this come to be. As their excuse, the anime adaptations of the time tended to cancel every reference of the real place were the anime is set and adapt it to the country were is aired (ahahah, impossible to think of it happening now, right? RIGHT?!?).
And it didn’t stop there. Not only they had the gaining of the ad placement, but there were also all the serie merchandising. There were card albums, cd, tapes, vynils, everything.
As told before, Berlusconi had only recently bought the television channel, and was in the way to make it a profitable television channel, as it had already done with Canale Cinque. This was one of the way the team tried, and it functioned. It was the next step of using cartoon to advertise products, as was done with Carosello, and the system was then adapted to plenty of other programs. It was not of course only this, even if it is fun to think, but it was part of this, and surely the most evident one. The quantity of ads would later become a symbol of the channel, and a meme.
Since all of this was clearly functioning, Fininvest also opened channels in other countries (“La cinq” in French, “Tele 5″ in Germany and “telecinco” in Spain), were they aired the same anime, with the same type of adaptations. In case you were wondering why these countries have a similar old anime culture.
There are different rumors about how the making of all these channels were made thanks to the recicling of mafia money, but, also thanks to Switzerland banks status, no proof ever appeared.
But is well known the succes of this television created new laws about media in Italy, thanks also to the old friendship between Berlusconi and Craxi, at the time at the government.
And is also know Berlusconi was a well know man, but being the face of a television (and a football team the same year) helped with him influencing politic and officially entering in it.
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(Do not take this too seriously, the meme is fun but the live action serie was only a small part of all of this XD).
So, just to make it clear, an ANIME made so much success in Italy that a private television channel, in the 80's, decided to buy the right to do a LIVE ACTION SEQUEL, possibly with not so clean money, and made a shittone of money from it. And also it kinda helped to create a government. Kinda.
And after all of this, what stayed culturally of this serie?
The memes, of course.
Here the most iconic scene, the one and only, the fettine panate, nightmare of Italians, there are edit songs about this:
HERE with Eng sub (i SEARCHED AND TRIED AND INSULTED to embed it, but apparently you cannot embed tumblr videos on tumblr. I love this site).
And after all of this, still a better live action than Netflix Death Note.
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mojoworlddotcom · 2 years
Ok so. Shatterstar introduction for the hypothetical x-force cartoon. The episode opens on mojoworld, during a cadre alliance meeting. The meeting is about sending shatterstar to earth for the xmens help, for which he has volunteered for. There is an open portal next to him, which can only send one person through before closing, for plot purposes. The leader(s) of the cadre alliance is there, giving a little speech or something before star goes to earth. So as for the leader thing, there are 3 ways that could be went with that. 1) the leader is good and genuinely wants star to come back with the xmen. 2) like in xforce annual 1, the leader doesnt expect star to come back at all and is only doing this to give hope to the rebels. 3) personally, thing is the one that i think is the one that i wont go with, but that the leader is a plant that mojo put there to keep tabs on the cadre. Anyway, mojo and his army (sans spiral) bursts into the meeting room and starts killing people. Shatterstar is fighting and gets knocked into the portal, which closes behind him. He gets knocked around in the portal and passes out. He gets deposited on the floor of the x-mansion's danger room in 1991 on earth. The danger room starts up and robots attack him or whatever. And from there it plays out how it does in issue 100 of the new mutants. James and cable beat him up a bit and he tells of how he was sent to earth to find the xmen but he'll join in exchange for them helping out with the mojo problem. Which they never actually get around to.
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janiedean · 3 years
anyway i forgot to say last week that i did watch eternals on release day like the clown i am and while this time i’m of the opinion that the bad reviews are extremely sus (i mean…… idg why THIS would be the one mcu not certified fresh when it was actually way better than the average of the last like five years of mcu i saw) and i’ll have thoughts later even if the ending was….. let’s say i’d have about changed 90% of it
i would just like to ABSOLUTELY LAUGH MY ASS OFF at the knowledge that kit harington is gonna have the time of his life harvesting mcu paychecks and being in more movies than ppl who hated his acting on got would like and i am all for it
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rictorscales · 3 years
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- what do i do? warsan shire, war poem
@boomboombaby @wolfsbanesrahne @wreckhavoks @mistressxfmagnetism
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7.13.24 Saturday
2:27 am
Still,have windblow...
Done,streaming in Tagged...I still wanna leave Cavite but I know I can't... I didn't sing today coz I feel lazy... I just wanna stream to exist...
I still feel bad,I wanna get a bf or I wanna get a love life... Can I get my cousin-white back?
Garret is an inspiration,can he exist like the BG of Ashes???
Ash is some kind of a trophy, if she can be with me here... A mission to do in life....
I feel sad being alone here,I mean I wanna love life... I want those people...
I feel bullshit!!! I'm worrying so much... I wanna travel and buy Starbucks everyday...
11:09 am
Still,have windblow...
Still, the same...I'm worrying so much everyday coz I need money and I don't like being trap by someone that is not in my mind...Like what I said I want a love life that I know that I can be happy...
How can I get my cousin-white ? Or can Garret exist in reality? Or can Ashes take my words seriously...
But a good thing, I have a j.o ( job offer ) already that I wanna progress on my own...
Is Mitch somewhere,out there? Guilty or not guilty??? As well as some other friends...
11:32 pm
Still,have windblow...
People can all glow on a different ways...
This is beyond Brady's Bunch... It is simply interesting for me.... They are glowing in the dark skies... The girl here is really a demonic icon but really glowing.
Check their video's content, they became famous on many countries already....
It is just really interesting to watch angels coz the girl is really demonic... Watch here they are already negotiating...
With her older brother... The girl has a demonic soul, a devil is inside her.
Younger sister aura is like a bitch (potah)or no longer decent but with maturity... The older brother said "give me wings" coz he was being persuaded by the younger sister...
In here I think,they did the "head" in the end....
11:45 am
Still, I have windblow...
What I had have with my cousin-white is purely love... It is just "purely love" like with Garret and Ashes...
2:22 pm
Still, have windblow...
I feel bitterish... I feel so ugly and fat and old just for nothing... I feel envious on peopoe who got the fame and earn big...
I feel irritated for being smashed down and trapped for nothing since 2007...
I wanna buy Starbucks everyday. I wanna get nose perfection and botox.
I'm happy that I have a j.o. but I need money to pay my loans....
I feel irritated I can't get a love life... I feel offended... I can't get a life... I wanna get my cousin-white...But it is blurry...
Garret and Ash are like BG's, are they for real?
I'm losing xfactor and I know it is gone already... At least lemme work and have my job... I wanted to travel.
I'm self-pitying...
2:48 pm
Still,have windblow...
I have headache and eye pain... I need to find my astigmatism eyeglasses. Or this is super stress...
2:55 pm
I need to buy new eyeglasses for my astigmatism... No joke, I'm having headache and eye pain.
For screen protector...
I feel super stress,thinking of money and I wanna buy Starbucks and vanities... I feel ugly!
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6:46 pm
Still,have windblow...
It is weird! I have headache and eye pressure pain...
Will Garret take me? I'm becoming so emotinal these days, most specially seeing Garret's latest vlog...
I know I love my cousin-white coz he is a sure thing, a blood related....But I'm really panicking... I'm aging...
If Garret will appear then it is God's blessing on me... Probably...I was thinking of my own plan and movement then I feel lazy... Probably coz I have headache and eye pain.
I like Ash if she will exist but perhaps Ash and BG are the same???
These may sound riddle but this is the truth....
I feel panicky, worrying and hurting...
11:12 pm
Still,have windblow...
Still, have headache and the pain in my eyes lessen coz I took pain meds. I still need to rest my eyes for tonight until tomorrow,meaning no youtube or no live...
I still wanna leave Cavite but I know I can't... My time is lost and I feel bitterish... I really feel ugly,fat and old for nothing...
This is not my ideal life...I'm still thinking of money and my joh will start in a lil while...
On other angle Uncle DD and Aunt Karen are not here again...
11:32 pm
Still,have windblow...
Thank God I still have eyedrops here for my fatigue, inflammation, itching eyes even gritty sensation ( dry eyes ),prevention of eye diseases and restoring visual functions. I'm resting and on treatment until tomorrow... Goodnight angels...
I still feel bitterish and self-pitying... Thinking of money and future...
My left body is aching... Oh! GOD AND ANGELS, extend my life please... Not my ideal life to die and please it is unfair to die without starting a life....
Not my ideal life here....
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madly-odd · 3 years
You’ll See Simon Cry In These Moving Talent Show Moments
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ishipmutualrespect · 3 years
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It was at the Xfactor in 2010 when Harry was asked by Louis:
“What is the most loving and caring thing you would ever do for a girl?”
He answered:
“I think I would write them a song”
And 9 years later Harry wrote Falling:
“I’m well aware I write too many songs about you”
I write - as in I wrote and I still write - too many songs about you. I write many songs about only one person and this is the most loving and caring thing that I could do for someone.
There are so many songs that he wrote about a significant other during all these years and these songs all speak about a person who is home to him.
And we’re about to listen to a whole new album with songs about this same person who inspired Harry to write songs that showed how much love you can feel for someone.
How would he be able to write lyrics like “I think I might give up everything just ask me to” if he wasn’t in love? How would he know these feelings if he wasn’t with the same person for years in a long term relationship? As usual the image portrayed of him doesn’t match up.
He’s in love since he was 16 and it shows
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