#instead (monday) 'hey i have thursday off so i can actually stay up wednesday night wanna hang out'
silverandebony · 1 year
do i go to the small hang out event (two of the people are midly irritating, it was planned Literally Monday, i'd have to leave the house, i'll feel bad if i don't,) or do i stay the fuck home and do gw2 raids with my guild (fun, also some annoying people but i can ignore/mute them, enjoyable, useful, haven't talked to one of the people for a bit,)
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tricksforclicks · 1 year
Campground story? 👀
Okay, so my campground ended up being one of those small limited amenities campgrounds where you pick a spot, fill out your little card, put in your cash and drop it in the box. Absolutely beautiful with hiking trails going off of in and a creak running through the middle. I was going to get photos for abirddogmoment because it seems like their jam but well...
I had arrived Tuesday and there was a campsite 4 that had some bags that looked like they might have held people's stuff so I set up in campsite 8 right next to it.
Now, I've been camping out of my car ever since Streak got spooked, chewed a hole out of the tent and I had to track black dogs through a completely dark jellystone park at mightnight (0/10. Do Not Recommend). So instead of setting up tents, I set up my expen right behind my car in the little driveway area so it was visible - the people who arrived Wednesday had no problems seeing it and they grabbed other campsites.
Thursday comes along, and I spend the evening hanging out more with @cryptidcanines. I ended up back at the campground in the dark at around 930pm, pull up to what had been my campsite #8 and there was a strange car there as well as a tent.
Now I'm tired and just want to sleep, so I say screw it, and go into campsite 4 with the bags - No one had shown up since Tuesday so i guessed that the bags were just trash since there was no actual garbage bins and you had to take your trash out.
I feed the dogs, then walk over and fill out another slip with a note that "Hey, i'm the person who was in campsite 8, but i'm now in campsite 4 because campsite 8 got filled." Then I go over to campsite 8 trying to find my expen. It was folded up, against some trees with some of their stuff in front. So I just walk in and take it.
Campsite 8 folks from their tent ask what is going on, and I tell them that I was just getting my expen that I had left there because this was my campsite that they took. They said "Sorry. It was empty when we got here".
Empty. While my shit was Still. In. The. Site.
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But whatever. I go back and sleep and in the morning when I leave, I pull out and set up the expen super big so no one can park at all in the area without seeing it.
Go to UpDif day 2 and make a joke of it to all my friends there because at that point it was still just a silly little annoyance. Thankfully also get multiple offers of where I can go if it happens again when I get back (I ended up just staying with the judges at the field in their parking lot)
I drive back to the campground at the end and of course there is a Strange Car and a Strange Tent in my campsite. I pull up and ask them where the expen is and they say that there was nothing there when they arrived.
The folks across from the site had also been there since Tuesday and were out, so I go up and ask them if they saw what happened to my expen the little fence thing that I set out for the dogs.
According to them, the Georgia state rangers had come by to collect the trash on their apparently weekly check. They saw the expen and assumed it belonged to the folks at campsite 8 since they had dogs too and went to talk to them, then came back and took it with the rest of the trash.
Yes. Campsite 8. The same campsite I had told the night before that the expen was being used to save my campsite. May you always have 3 grains of gravel stuck in your sock.
I tried calling the rangers office who was in charge of the campground but they were only open monday to friday, so I stayed overnight and went to their office monday morning. The lady at the helpdesk was super sympathetic and tried to help, but had to talk to the higherups. The lady she asked had zero interest in doing anything to help at all and claimed that it must have been thrown out and that she couldn't contact anyone to see where it was gone (undertones of GTFO). Really hope that someone at that office just took it home - it was a good expen and deserves to be used even if it's not by me.
I did end up with an extra super large dog dish though. I stopped at a rest area in Tennessee and was exing the dogs and stretching their legs with a good game of tuggies and the security guard came by and offered me it. Apparently someone left it there and I looked like a dog person, so I could have it. It is going to be my new disc washing bowl.
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thedaredevilsgirl · 3 years
Dear Teacher - Part 2
warnings: teacher and student relationship (The reader is between 19 and 25 years old and please don't get involved with your teachers) angst,fluff, smut (fingering, unprotected sex -Please use a condom- dirty talk)
Word count: 3342 (surely the most I have ever written)
N/A: Hey, many people were asking, so I brought you part two of dear teacher, I hope you like it.I am creating a taglist, message me if you want to be added 💖💖
Part 1
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When Tom woke up on Saturday morning he was disappointed to realize that you were no longer there, for a moment he thought that maybe it had all been a dream or just his imagination playing with him, but something inside him knew that no, that the incident had really happened.
"Incident" was how Tom was referring to the whole of Friday night. It had been a bad idea, he knew, meeting you at that bar, inviting you to sit with him, kissing you, taking you to his apartment, and everything that happened after that. He knew it was wrong, but he couldn't help it.
 Tom was nervous. It was the first time he had seen her since Friday and he still didn't know how to handle it.
You walked into the auditorium that morning and it seemed that fate loved to play with you as the two of your gazes met almost instantly, he swallows dryly and you blush before quickly looking away and running to your seat at the back of the room.
 "Good morning everyone" He says starting his class, everyone in the room answers him quickly.
 "Good morning Mr. Holland" Cindy, one of your students, says cheerfully "Looks like you had a great weekend" she points to a small purple spot on your neck, all the students start laughing as soon as she notices it. You sink into your chair, wanting to hide, mortified with embarrassment, remembering very well that you made that mark on Tom who was blushing in front of everyone's eyes.
"Anyway" he huffs loudly taking the students' attention back to class "I've corrected your Brontë sisters' papers, I'm happy to say that we got very good grades, but only one got a top grade, I'll give it back to you Wednesday" he says before continuing his lesson. 
The class passes slowly, like torture for both of them, they just wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible. They needed to talk about what they had done, but they were more than happy not to do that today.
"That's all for today, remember to turn in your next paper on Monday and get ready for the debate next month, see you all on Wednesday" he says to everyone as his class ends. Slowly the room starts to empty, but you can't get out as a hand grabs your wrist making you turn to see who it was.
"Y/N" Mike, the boy who had missed your date on Friday was standing there holding your hand "I just wanted to apologize again for not coming on Friday, I didn't mean to ruin your weekend kitten" he apologizes.
"It's okay, really, you didn't ruin my weekend" you answer politely.
"If you want" he says getting closer to you "We can reschedule, I promise I won't cancel this time" he gives you a conquering smile.
Tom settles back in his chair, moving his hands nervously across his lap. He didn't want to hear your conversation, but as soon as he heard no names being called he started to pay attention, he had no right to be jealous, you weren't his girl, but he hoped you wouldn't accept it, you deserved much better than that boy in front of you.
"Mike, I'm sorry, but I can't accept it" You say, trying to be polite and pulling away from him a little.
"Just a date kitten" Tom rolls his eyes from where he was sitting, did he not understand what no was?
"We better just be friends" you dismiss yourself before leaving the room.
"Girls" the idiot says before leaving the room.
Thomas only saw you once that day, talking to your friends in the hallways.
He felt your gaze on him, which made his heart beat faster, and when he returned your gaze you looked away, blushing at having been caught in the act.
As he lay in his bed that night, the memories came back, he was beginning to hate it. Avoidance and being avoided, the two of them should talk about what happened instead of pretending not to and acting like children.
You were pacing back and forth in the hallway, debating with yourself, trying to decide whether or not to go into that office.
This morning, as Tom walked around the room handing out corrected papers to his students, he left his paper on your desk whispering a congratulations before moving on to the next student. You saw the top grade written on the first page and a little yellow post-it note placed there saying "Meet me in my office at 18:00, please".
It was still 17:50, you could still get away from there and that conversation, but you didn't want to, as nervous as you were you knew what you needed to do. You knock on the door and open it just as you hear a "come in" coming from inside.
"You came" he says getting up from his chair and gives you a shy smile.
"You asked..."
"I didn't think you would actually come."
"I think we really should talk Mr. Holland" you says nervously looking down at her own feet so she doesn't have to face him.
"Mister Holland?" He asks "I thought i asked to call me Tom"
"I can't do that"
"I understand" His voice, there was something different in it, hurt perhaps.
A silence fills the room for a few minutes before he begins to speak.
"I'm sorry about Friday."
"Why are you apologizing?" You asks without understanding.
"I just...thought you..." He sighs walking over to stand in front of your desk, only a few steps away from you.
"I don't regret what we did" You speak as soon as you realize where your speech was going.
"No?" He finally looks directly at you.
"No, my God, I loved every part of that night" a small smile appears on his lips which fades soon after as you continue to speak "But that doesn't mean it wasn't wrong, we shouldn't have let it get to that point".
"I know it wasn't, I know...it was so wrong"
For some reason it was painful to be in that room without being able to touch him again.
"I really wish I wasn't your teacher" he walks towards you "To have met you at another time, maybe then I could have had you to myself, take you out without fear of anyone seeing us, hold your hand, kiss you" His hand caresses your face and you close your eyes leaning in to feel his touch more "I wanted so much Y/N, I wanted to make you my girl...I really like you"
"Thomas, I like you too..." You sigh, your heart aching with every word spoken "But sometimes liking isn't enough for two people to stay together."
"I know, and that's the part that hurts the most" He forehead rests against yours, both of you with your eyes closed, in-between sloshed breaths that were already mingling, Tom felt a tear run down his cheek, your mouths so close "Y/N..."
"Tom man, we are late, your brothers will kill us if we are late again" Someone says opening the door suddenly just as you and he are about to kiss. The two of you quickly walk away panting for breath trying to recover from the moment, Tom quickly wipes the tear from his face. A tall blond man that you had seen other times in the halls together with Tom looks at you not understanding anything.
"Am I interrupting something?" the blond man asks suspiciously.
"No" the two of you answer quickly.
"Harrison, this is my student, Y/N" Tom introduces the two of you, perhaps as a way to change the subject "Y/N, this is Harrison Osterfield, professor in the physics department and my best friend".
"It is a pleasure to meet you Miss Y/N" He extends his hand to greet her " I have heard Tom compliment you several times, always saying that you are the best student in your class".
"My pleasure Mr. Osterfield" you shake his hand "I think he is just exaggerating a lot, anyway, I better go, I don't want to get in the way anymore, bye" you take your things and leave the room leaving the two men alone there.
"Wait a moment" He say to Harrison before coming after you.
He holds your wrist and makes you look at him, honestly he almost didn't care anymore that the two of you were standing in the middle of the empty university hallway.
"Y/N please" he says.
"Please what?" you say hurt "Do you want me to stay here? To fight for a passion that is doomed to fail? Something that could end my life at this university or end your career?
"Don't talk like that, we can make it work" he says hurt.
"I wish I was brave enough to try, I swear I do" you let go of his hand "But I'm not, it was just one night stand sex and as much as I like you I know that the sooner we get over it and move on the better, for both of us" you turn and walk away, leaving Tom standing there alone in the hallway with his hurt.
Your heart was still hurting. Last night you collapsed on your knees as soon as you got to your dorm room and let the tears finally fall, you were lucky you didn't have a roommate so you could cry all day long without having to answer questions about why you were so bad. And you cried until your eyes hurt, screamed against your pillow until your throat burned, let the sadness leave your body until you finally gave in to tiredness and went to sleep.
Tom was no better off than you, he spent the whole dinner with your family quiet while everyone else at the table talked, he wished so much that he wasn't in love with you, he wished it really had only been one-night stands, maybe then he wouldn't feel like he could die at any moment if he didn't have you by his side.
In different places, but sharing the same pain.
Tom looked across the room at you, his eyes red and his expression sad, it looked like you had been crying all night, and you really had, he wanted to go over there and hug you and tell you that everything would be okay, but he couldn't.
If they had thought Monday's class had been torture, this was something worse. Tom gave his class trying to avoid looking in your direction, while you couldn't pay attention to anything that was being said, you just wanted to go back to your room and cry some more. It was the last class of the day so you ran to your room as soon as it was over.
Tom was tapping his pen frantically on his desk, he should have been correcting his students' work but his mind was elsewhere and his head hurt like it was going to explode at any moment.
"Okay, what the fuck is going on?" Harrison asks, he was with Tom in his office and was starting to get irritated with his best friend.
"What?" Tom asks waking up from his thoughts.
"Tom you've been acting weird all fucking week, you spent the entire Wednesday dinner quiet a thing you don't often do."
"I don't know what you are talking about" he pretends to be paying attention to the papers in front of him.
"Does it have anything to do with that girl who was here?" he asks curious, Tom doesn't answer which only confirms Harrison's thoughts "Oh my god, it has everything to do with her doesn't it?".
"I really don't want to talk about it"
"You like her, that's why you're all emotional, because you can't be with her" Harrison speaks and Tom wonders when did his best friend get so good at unraveling his feelings.
"I had sex with her on Friday" Tom admits at once, his friend had already figured out pretty much everything so there was no reason to keep secrets anymore.
"WHY DID YOU NOT TELL ME THAT?" he practically shouts.
"Can you keep it down please, you're acting like a teenager, we passed that stage a long time ago and I don't want the whole campus to find out."
"I'm not the one acting like a teenager, you are, getting all angry and quiet over something that can easily be resolved" Harrison rolls his eyes as he states the obvious.
"She doesn't want me Harrison, she likes me, but she doesn't want me, she's scared and I can't judge her because I am too, this could destroy my teaching career and end her reputation here"
"Tom, isn't she one of the students graduating this year?" Harrison asked even though he already knew the answer.
"Dude, she's graduating in less than 5 months and you're telling me that the two of you can't keep this relationship a secret for 5 months?"
"I..." Tom hadn't stopped to think about it.
"I'm sure you two can make it work."
"What if she's not willing to try?"
"You should at least try, Holland, go out there and fight for your girl" He encourages his friend.
"I think you are right, I will do it".
"Of course I'm right" He smiles smugly "Anyway, I don't want to have to put up with your sadness any longer" He says laughing.
It was almost midnight when you hear someone knocking on your dormitory door, you get out of bed and go to open the door.
"Thomas what are you doing here?" You ask as you see him standing outside, he walks into your dorm still without giving any explanation, you close the door and turn to see him "What kind of idiotic idea is this to come to my dorm, someone could see you here, how would we explain this?" You ask in an agitated manner.
Tom doesn't answer at first, he just looks at you, the baggy sweatshirt too big for your body, the hair tied back with a few strands falling in front of your face and the glasses on the end of your nose, and he can't resist. He walks toward you and kisses you, holding your face between his hands, his hands against your chest as you respond to his kiss, his heart beating hard in his chest and the sense of relief that he is kissing you again after what seems like the longest week of his life.
"I'm sorry" he says pulling away "I didn't come to do this, I just wanted to talk and..."
"It's okay" he fixes his glasses on his face.
"Y/N, I really like you, this is so stupid, I just... I want to try this, it's only five months until you graduate, we can make it...
"Tom" you try to interrupt him but he keeps talking non-stop.
"...to do this, I'm sure it wouldn't be easy at first and it's not the kind of relationship that's ideal or the relationship that someone like you deserves..."
"Tom" calls him again.
"But I'm willing to try, for you, for us, I want to try..." You kiss him again making him stop talking.
"I'm willing to try Tom" you say between kisses and he smiles "For us"
"I didn't think you would accept, I was already preparing myself for a no" you both laugh.
He sits down on your bed and pulls you to sit on his lap with each leg on one side of your body, he takes the glasses off your face and places them on your desk before kissing you.
"Damn, I missed that" he sighs between the kiss.
"It's literally only been a week" you say smiling.
"Really? It's felt like forever" he kisses you more intensely this time, his hands gripping your hips tightly making you move over his lap, the kisses slide down your face to your neck, you throw your head back.
"Tom" you say his name as a plea, his hands slide up your thigh squeezing you firmly.
"What do you want princess?" He asks with his head in the curve of your neck before leaving a small bite in that region.
"You, Thomas, I need you" you slowly roll over in his lap feeling his already hard length under you "please".
He smiles smugly at your response. Your sweatshirt is removed leaving you in just your panties and Tom lays you down on your bed placing his body on top of yours .
"This has been the most torturous week of my life" he removes the rest of his clothes and throws them on the floor "I couldn't get you out of my mind" he leaves a kiss on her neck exactly where he had "I thought about how I wanted to feel you again" the kisses descend to the top of her breasts and one of his hands grab her thigh wrapping her leg around his waist while the other goes down to her intimacy pulling her panties apart just enough for two fingers to touch them "That pussy is so wet, all this for me honey? "
"Yes, all for you Tom" he smiles at her answer before penetrating her with his fingers causing a quiet moan to come from her lips.
"Good girl."
"Your girl" you sigh ecstatic with pleasure.
"Fuck" Tom kisses you again, your words making him even harder than he already was "Say that again " he thrusts his fingers inside you reaching that wonderful spot inside you.
"My girl."
He had barely started and you were already so close, but he doesn't let you get there, teases you to the edge before stopping and doing it all over again.
"Please stop teasing me, I'm so close" you beg.
"No princess, I want you to cum around my dick" He says pulling his fingers out of you and removing your panties before turning you both over on the bed making you stand on top, he sits against the headboard as you rest your hands on his shoulders "now ride me like the good girl I know you are".
You sit on his member feeling him fill you completely, you both moan the moment you are finally together, standing still for a moment to get used to his size. Moving slowly until you finally get into a rhythm.
"So so good" he moans, his hand gripping her throat the way he remembered he had made her go crazy last time "So beautiful riding my dick" his other hand leaves a slap on her ass making her moan his name out loud as she throws her head, back rolling over in his lap .
"Tom I'm so close" you say as he gives you a push with his hips making his cock hit your G-spot, his hand making circular motions against your clit this time.
"Come to me then baby" he says and with a few more movements you are enjoying his wrist making you come next, your head falls on his shoulder and he spreads kisses down your neck as you recover from your recent orgasm.
You were wearing your shirt now, your head lying on his chest as he stroked your hair.
"You'll still be here when I wake up, right?
"Well this is my dorm so I can't leave" you say as a joke.
"I'm serious Y/N" he says laughing.
"Yeah, I'm not going anywhere" you smile fondly returning to lie on his chest closing your eyes almost falling asleep with his affection.
"Good, I don't want you to leave, I want you forever" he kisses the top of your head before falling asleep with you in his arms, no goodbyes this time.
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janekfan · 3 years
As ever, Jon’s timing was impeccable.
Impeccably awful.
Barely a month into his new “promotion” and already he could feel a toll. If he was completely honest with himself he hadn’t expected quite this level of work despite not being a stranger to long hours. To put it bluntly, the archives were a mess. Gertrude hadn’t left any clues as to how filing was done and it all seemed so haphazard he had to wonder if it wasn’t on purpose. He was up to his elbows in files he’d found in a water stained cardboard box when Tim sauntered up, looking down his nose at the papers in disgust. Jon wished he would help and didn’t know how to ask for it with their relationship as strained as it currently was. Tim had silently allied with Sasha when Elias made the announcement and they were all navigating the current situation gingerly. Jon didn’t blame him. She needed support. The statements and recordings and organization could wait until they were ready.
“Hey there, boss. Was wondering if you wanted to come out with us tonight.”
Oh, of course. It was Friday, wasn’t it.
Jon looked around his office, strewn with papers and post-its and worse off than it was this morning. Guilt welled up in him like blood from a wound. Tim was losing his already limited patience with him.
“Uh, yes, that would be nice. It has been a while.” He leaned back and wiped his dusty hands off on his trousers adding to the light streaks already there.
“Yeah, I’ll say. Too important to hang out with us now, ey Jon? Now that you’re a corporate bigwig?”
“I am not!” Tim held his hands up in supplication.
“Just kidding, yeah?” It didn’t sound like it was just anything; certainly not the jokes Tim used to tell. This just felt cruel, probably because Tim thought it was the truth. Jon could admit he was prickly and difficult and knew he never won over many. If he lost Tim and Sasha over this he didn’t know what he would do. “Usual place.”
That exchange happened hours ago and Jon didn’t feel well. He couldn’t go out like this, pulse pounding, head throbbing, vision swimming. He’d have to cancel. But he’d canceled at the last minute on them so many times before and he could tell their patience was wearing thin. How was he supposed to choose between his new job and his old friends? Why couldn’t he just be normal for once?
Why did Tim choose now to forget this sometimes happened?
Any moment they’d be by to collect him and Jon was so dizzy he wasn’t altogether sure if he could stand. He hadn’t felt like this since Uni when he and Georgie spent many a late night studying for exams. He’d crashed shortly after, struck down with some illness or another, and barely remembered more than a glimpse of her face staring down at him with concern. Surely they would understand?
“Ready, boss?” Casual with his jacket over one shoulder, Tim leaned into the office, scowling when he laid eyes on him, exasperated. “Really, Jon?”
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” Tim scoffed. “S’sorry. I know it’s rude, I’m just. Tired.” That was a part of it anyway.
“You know, Jon, you say you still want to be friends and then never hang out with us.”
“I know, I’m--”
“You’ve cancelled so many times at this point I don’t know if it’s even worth inviting you.” Jon’s heart nearly stopped, a painful lurch that all but choked him.
“...Please.” Bare more than a whisper, Tim raised an eyebrow in question.
“P’please keep inviting me.” If Jon wasn’t so sure he’d pass out upon standing he’d be springing to his feet. “I, I, I’m there. Next Friday, bells on, I swear.”
“And tonight?” Cold sweat slipped down his spine. But if he rested this weekend, took it easy next week, maybe asked them for a bit more help-- “Sure, boss.”
The weekend came and went and Jon tried every trick in the small volume of self-care tips he actually paid attention to. He wanted to show them what they meant to him, even Martin, new and bungling as he was. If they were to be a team, he needed to get to know him. And besides, Sash and Tim enjoyed his company. Had been inviting him out the whole while. Unfortunately, Jon was still exhausted from not sleeping well for bad dreams and restlessness, not eating enough because anxiety turned his stomach. But he’d made a promise and he vowed to make good on it.
Monday saw a fresh pile of work stacked neatly in the center of his desk blotter, old assignments shoved off to the side and a note in Elias’ neat scrawl informing him that this was the priority. Jon spent the next hour putting together the things he’d been in the process of collating and jotting down a list of instructions that even Martin could follow before dragging it out to where his assistants were working.
“Hullo, Jon.” Bright and cheery, Martin chirped a greeting and Jon forced a small smile.
“Morning.” Tim and Sasha nodded back, expectant looks on their faces. “I, um. Well, Elias brought in some more documents for me to take a look at.”
“Promotion came with some extra obligations, did it?” Tim laughed, elbowing Sasha good naturedly.
“Yes, I suppose it, it did.” Jon shifted nervously, anticipating the answer even before he’d asked. “I was hoping you would be able to help me with these ones?” He lifted the stack and Tim made a show of whistling.
“Wow, I mean. I would, boss, but I’m in the middle of this other thing you gave me last week.”
“Oh. I was. Well I was rather hoping you’d have wrapped that up by now.” The room began to tunnel and Jon staggered just a step even though he was standing still. He hadn’t been able to use his cane and handle this veritable mountain.
“You and me both.”
“Jon?” Martin’s worry was more embarrassing than anything else and he forced himself to focus despite the trembling in his hands. “I can take some of them.” But the messy heap on the corner of his desk in danger of toppling hardly seemed smaller than it had the week before. It wouldn’t do to add even more to what the other man couldn’t seem to handle but...
“Th’thank you for the offer.” He selected a few slim folders and handed them off and somehow the work in his arms became heavier.
“No problem!” Martin was beaming so he must have done something right and it sparked a bit of warmth in him. “I’ll make an exchange for another, soon as I finish this up.”
Tuesday went much the same, though Jon’s insomnia and sore joints forced him out of bed and he decided to use the gift of time to come in early to get a bigger start on the old mess so he had more time for the new mess and while Martin was slow it helped to have someone else tackling it with him. He suspected that Tim and Sasha were making a statement in their being shiftless and Jon couldn’t find it in himself to address it instead hoping that once he proved himself they could move past it. Using the stairs proved foolish as Jon nearly took a header from vertigo and he thanked the stars he was early and alone so he could sit down and wait for the episode to pass. Lord, he hurt. Joints on fire, white-hot fire pokers of pressure needling his hips. He hung his head when tears of frustration began to fall.
Wednesday found Jon buried alive and struggling. He had to stay late in order to finish out the day and by the time he made it home he could barely stand, falling into bed and waking the next morning still dressed in his wingtips and work clothes. Marginally better for the rest, Jon used the boon to plow through the rest of Elias’ assignment, skipping lunch he knew he wouldn’t eat anyway to finish.
“Oh, Tim!” He called out his door as he passed, relieved that he wasn’t ignored. “When you have a moment could you take these up to Rosie?”
“Sure thing, boss.”
Jon pushed away the disappointment when the end of day came, his assistants left, and the box still sat on the corner of his desk.
No bother, Tim probably forgot and Jon searched the stacks for the department’s hand truck with its one sticky wheel and found it loaded up with more of Gertrude’s chaos. He didn’t have much choice than to shove at it unceremoniously until it toppled over, papers fluttering out of their folders and under shelves. He’d just have to deal with it later. What’s one more thing? When he tugged, his shoulder very nearly came loose and his yelp of pain was swallowed up in the dark and the dust. Noone around to hear him anyway.
More tears.
He was a mess.
He went along more carefully, cursing the squeak of the blasted wheel, cursing Tim for his forgetfulness, cursing Elias for letting him even steal the job from Sasha to begin with. Cursing time itself because he wanted to go home and it was already an hour past.
“Rosie, I’m so glad I caught you.” She was just starting to collect her bag. “Can I leave this for Elias to collect when he gets in?”
“Of course, Jon!” She helped him lift it to her desk and disguised his taking a rest with interest in her writing a note of explanation.
“Thank you, you really are a lifesaver.” Jon chuffed a weak and humourless laugh. “I don’t know what I would have done.”
“Of course, dear. Just take that along with you so I don’t have to hear about it from the night staff.” The dolly. Yes. It would have to go back down with him wouldn’t it?
Thursday Jon could barely lift his arms. The debacle from the day before had taken whatever they had left and he was scared that at any moment, his arm would drop from its socket. That happened sometimes. So far, no doctor had figured out why.
“Ready for tomorrow?” Tim jolted him out of staring at his pen cup and the surprise set his heart to racing. Jon didn’t know how many minutes he’d lost.
“Ah, uh.” Absently, he rubbed at his chest, willing the battering tempo to slow before it shook him apart.
“Boss.” It sounded too much like a warning and felt too much like his last chance to prove he had what it took to be their friend.
“I’m not backing out!” Quick to cover up his fumble. “Don’t forget to collect me.”
“Never!” Jon couldn’t help but hope he did.
It was a short walk to their usual pub and Jon pushed himself to keep up, breaking out in cold sweat as the nausea from his laboring heart rocked his stomach. He couldn’t wait to sit down. They were regulars enough that the first round appeared before them as if by magic. Jon sank into the conversation around him, sipping from his pint, wishing it was water, and interjecting when he felt up to it. Martin kept staring at him. Jon didn’t have the energy to pretend.
“Oh come on, boss! Our company can’t be that boring!” Tim was three drinks in and clapped Jon hard enough on the shoulder to rattle his bones. Jon bit his tongue so hard he tasted iron.
“Ah, no, just a long week.” His voice was papery as a wasp nest, thin and drawn. “Looking forward to a lie in.”
“Aren’t we all?” Tim drained his glass and Jon looked down at the worn scratched surface of the table to hide his irrational irritability with the statement. He didn’t corner the market on sleeping in. The others deserved a restful weekend just as much as he did.
“I’m surprised you managed to make it through Elias’ busy work.” Sasha murmured, selecting a chip and using it as a means for sauce delivery.
“Martin helped a great deal.”
“That’s kind of you to say, Jon, but we know who worked his way through the majority.” They exchanged a warm smile.
“Yes, well. Any you did, I didn’t have to. It was very much appreciated.” Martin was bright red and Jon’s cheeks were warm, from alcohol or otherwise, and Tim’s cawing laughter rang bright as a bell over the cacophony around them.
“You’ve broken him, Jon!” They caroused well into the evening until Martin mercifully faked a yawn and explained he had an early morning. Jon almost hugged him and if it weren’t for the state of his shoddy joints he may well have. Holding up a very drunk and very affectionate Tim, Sasha nodded to him.
“This was lovely.” Her grin beamed. “We’ll have to do this again.”
Jon dreaded it.
That month they dragged Jon out to the shops for lunch a few times each week. Catching dinner after work became a regular occurance. Sasha hosted a movie night one weekend. Friday nights at the pub continued.
Jon wasn’t sure which was worse; the exhaustion or the steadily increasing pain, but it felt worth it when the frosty attitude began to thaw. They were still friends. That’s what counted even though the littlest tasks had become huge when faced with choosing which ones to do at the cost of himself. He knew better and still he was overspending, going into the red just to collect more and more debt with no way to catch up other than lose his friends. Something was going to break. Jon hoped it wouldn’t be him.
Groggy, slow, Jon came to with his cheek mashed into the statement he’d been skimming. Something was...wrong. His heart. Racing, pounding against his breastbone, trying to hammer its way to freedom or jump straight out his throat. He blinked hard, trying to bring anything into focus and failing. The first attempt to stand had him face down on the desk again, the next he took in steps.
Sit up. Let the room stop moving.
Breathe. In. Out. Count them.
Ignore the agonized beating. Ignore the fear that came with it.
Stand. Slow. Wait. Patient.
Let the world fall still.
Jon didn’t bother picking up his bag. His phone, wallet, keys, all in his trouser pockets.
“Sorry all. I. I think.” He paused, gulping for air, swallowing none. “Need to go, go home.” If what made it out of him were even close to words he’d consider himself lucky. His tongue was thick and clumsy in his mouth, tripping up the syllables fighting their way past the rabbit-quick hammering,
“What’s wrong?” Sasha was at his elbow, Tim halfway out of his seat.
“Not feeling well.”
“You sure you can get home, boss?” Nodding absently Jon made his way carefully to the lift before Martin could offer to call him a cab or something equally ridiculous.
Muscle memory got him back to his flat and it wasn’t until he collapsed into bed that he remembered it was Friday and he’d again ducked out on drinks again. Tears collected on his lashes, slipping down his temples when his trembling got the better of them. They. This. All his hard work and he’d undone it. Before the encroaching black overtook him he fumbled with his phone, tapping out an apology to the group chat and barely managing to hit send.
He slipped in and out. Lucid one moment, hallucinating the next, burning away to nothing and ending up on the floor more than once after passing out attempting to, to…didn’t matter. There wasn’t enough in him to attempt it again, opting to lay flat on his back in the sweat soaked sheets trying not to move for the pain. For a wild, hysterical moment Jon was sure he would die here, alone, phone just out of reach, melting in wretched heat and so uncomfortably hot it was difficult to remember a time when he wasn’t.
Jon hurt.
Everything was darkness and agony. Each tremor an earthquake threatening to tear him apart. He was trapped in treacle, done up in bits of twine, strung together with razor wire and unable to move. It was a familiar voice that clawed its way down to him. Lifted him up, low and soft, a stone tumbling down a mountain and catching Jon up in the landslide. He thought he answered, made some attempt at a response, drawn out of him like water from a well. Hurting and disoriented Jon drifted. Consciousness slipping in and out through his fingers like the surf, breath like coals banked beneath his ribs. Jon’s body wouldn’t cooperate as it should and time seemed to skip from one moment to the next between long bouts of nothing.
A heavy palm, cool and comforting, came to rest over his forehead and Tim materialized out of nowhere, startling Jon enough that he keened when each joint shrieked and protested at his moving.
“Sh, sh, shh.” Tim. That’s right...he wasn’t sure it was true, but he was wiping down his over sensitive skin with a damp flannel to quell the coals for a handful of moments.
“When you didn’t come in yesterday or this morning, we figured we should check on you.” So many words. Too many to parse more than a few but the flood came anyway, streaking into his greasy hair because he’d been sure no one would come and Tim kept applying the cold compress; wrung, applied, repeated, and Jon sobbed with the simple relief of it, tears cool against the incandescence of his skin.
“Are you...l’leaving?” He winced at the raw scrape of his voice against his vocal cords. “Been. You’been s’so angry with m’me.” Tim’s face fell and Jon wanted to apologize. It was the illness, that’s all, lowering his defenses and simmering his many insecurities just below a fractured awareness that refused to keep them in where they belonged. Instead his breath hitched and he choked on a whimper of defeat. “Tri’tried so hard ‘nd still. M’sorry.”
“It’s alright.” So unbelievably soft. Jon thought he’d ruined this long ago and the tears came somehow faster. “I think we need to call an ambulance, bud.”
“No...nonono…” Jon didn’t want to be poked and prodded by strangers and stuck full of needles alone in a cold sterile room. Even in his ragged state Jon could see Tim was torn. “Pl’please.”
“Okay, okay,” he soothed, gentling him with a touch. “But if you can’t keep this down we have to go.” Medicine. Lucozade. Fed to him mouthful by mouthful in the intervals he was awake.
Quiet sounds he recognized, Martin. Sasha. Hushed. Martin tipped the next sip into him and Jon wasn’t aware of much, but he was aware enough to know he was disgusting after having slept and sweated in the same bedclothes for days. Martin wouldn’t hear of it and Jon didn’t know where to put all the feelings and he was so tired of crying and couldn’t seem to stop.
Sasha, they told him, has gone out for supplies and they asked if he’d like help getting out of his uncomfortable trousers and button down, now missing several buttons no doubt from his restlessness. Jon didn’t trust his voice, only nodded, trying and failing to sit up, losing consciousness entirely when one of them levered him up with an arm behind his shoulders. Tim was explaining it to Martin when he came around, peering up at them through fluttering lashes.
“S’al’...” Clumsy, the words wouldn’t come to him.
Together, they shift his limbs, passing him back and forth between, one moment resting against Martin’s chest, another tucked into the hollow where Tim’s shoulder and neck meet. He should be helping but he can barely stay with them, just concentrating on the pulse currently beneath his ear to ground him. Carefully, as though he is some precious thing, they rid him of the awful, disagreeable stickiness and their low murmuring seems such an intimate thing. He isn’t worth it. This. And then soft, clean clothes, well worn and familiar and when Jon surfaces again he’s with Tim on the sofa, bundled up and more comfortable than he’d been in months.
Martin is changing his sheets.
“I’m sorry, Jon.” He didn’t know what for and shook his head, or tried anyway. “Made you think you had to push yourself like that. Ignored how exhausted you were and guilt tripped you into not telling us ‘no’.” Lord, so many words, Jon dizzied himself trying to catch them, hold them, decipher them. “You should be able to trust us, and I.” A suspicious sniff. “I’m sorry.” Jon relaxed into him with a hum he hoped conveyed something.
“I think I remembered which meds he tolerated best.” Sasha elbowed her way into the flat, face lighting up when she saw he was awake. Kind of. “Jon! Thank god. You were in such a bad way.” Whispery and rushed, the same feeling in it as with Tim. “Let's get you dosed up and back to bed, okay?”
It was late evening judging by the window. The reading lamp was on. Martin sat beside him with a book he couldn’t recognize by cover alone.
“Mah’in..?” So it hadn’t all been a hallucination after all.
“There you are.”
“Miss’d work.” He nodded, uncapping a bottle of sports drink and holding it to his chapped lips. Jon drank what he could.
“Not important right now, yeah?”
“Gave us a scare.” Easy, like it was nothing in the world to do it, Martin laid the back of his fingers against his neck, against his throat. “That’s a relief. Tim called us in a panic.” By way of explanation. “But I think you’re past the worst of it now.”
“Don’, don’ remember.”
“Probably for the best. We’ve decided, if you’re alright with the arrangement, that one of us should stay with you.” That sounded okay even if normally Jon would fight it tooth and nail. He did remember being alone and scared. “Tim and Sash are talking. I get the feeling we missed something very important.”
“Mm.” Jon tried to sit up and swooned, came around with a pillow behind his back.
“Dunno if I’ll get used to that any time soon though, I’ll be honest.”
“Happens sometimes. Th’that’s why…” Martin picked up the thread.
“You cancelled on us. I understand. And I hope, I hope you know you can always tell me, us, I hope, when you need to. There’s no shame in it. I’ll admit, I’m upset with Tim.” He fussed with the quilts, smoothing out imaginary creases. “He knew this was something to look out for and he didn’t tell me.”
“No, it’s--”
“Nothing to be embarrassed about.” Martin spoke with conviction. “Ever. I don’t want you to, to push yourself like this for a blasted game night. We can do other things as a department. Things that don’t jeopardize your health like this again.”
“Martin’s right.” Sasha sat at his feet, draping a hand over his ankle, and Tim stood at the foot of the bed. He looked proper chastised, eyes rimmed in red and swollen from crying.
“I’m so sorry, Jon. So sorry. I should never--I was angry and frustrated and used it to. To hurt you. Make you think we’d stop being friends over a stupid night out. Not like I lifted a hand to help you! When I knew you wouldn’t ask a second time!”
“It’s not!” Tim was a staunch friend. The type who got to know you so well and sometimes aimed too precisely at your soft parts. He didn’t need another telling off. Exhaustion lapping at his limbs, Jon curled his fingers in poor imitation of a come hither gesture. Willingly, Tim allowed himself to be pulled along by it, slotting himself beside Jon on the mattress to hide his own tears in his chest. Graceless, Jon managed to tug a hand over the back of his head, tangling fingers in Tim's hair, surrounded by friends and not alone.
“Will be, then.”
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leafs-lover · 4 years
I wish you were here
A/N: This was requested. I thought about making this a fluff piece, but had a change of heart and re-wrote half of it. I just have a thing for Freddie, and not going to apologize for it ;)
Also I am really bad at coming up with titles
Summary: After a stressful couple of weeks apart Fred surprises you.
Warnings: Smut, swearing, NSFW
“Hey babe” you mumble into the phone. You look to your clock on your bedside table 4:17 is illuminated on the screen.
“Hey how’s it going?” he asks as you rub your eyes open.
“Good, just lying in bed” you say yawning.
“You sound tired” he says through the phone.
“Yeah most people are at 4am” you joke.
“Oh shoot. I’m sorry babe I didn’t even realize. Why did you answer?”
“We have been pretty busy, haven’t had much time to chat” you explain.
Fred returned to Denmark almost 8 weeks ago and you weren’t able to go with him due to the pandemic. You don’t have enough vacation days left; you would only have a couple days in Denmark.
You had only started dating in January, and when the NHL paused in March Fred tried to return to Denmark but the borders had closed prior to the pause. When Auston offered for Fred to quarantine in Arizona, Fred asked your thoughts on it.
If he stayed you would have to quarantine together otherwise you wouldn’t get to see him at all. That would have meant after only being together for 7 weeks you would temporarily move into his condo, and spend every second together for who knew how long. Neither of you really wanted to do that, it would be a lot of pressure on a new relationship so he opted to go to Arizona.
You hadn’t talked about labels, and didn’t know what to expect. While he was gone Fred would facetime with you once or twice a week, and you exchanged texts almost daily. He constantly complained about Auston’s terrible taste in TV shows, you complained about your roommate’s terrible attempt at baking.
You didn’t anticipate being in contact with Fred that much, but he always carved time to talk with you, he even sent you flowers a couple times and ordered you dinner from your favourite restaurant. Neither of you thought it would be almost 3 months before Fred would return to Canada.
But when he finally did, you were the first person he saw. You had just over 3 weeks together before he had to enter the bubble, and you spent much of that time together. It was so nice to have Fred back, cuddled up on the couch relaxing with him. When you finally saw him you melted into his touch, and your relationship felt like it had been catapulted forward instead of back even with the time apart.
When he went into the bubble, you didn’t expect to see him again until September, you wanted to see him but you hoped it would be three months, but it ended up being less than three weeks. He carried so much of the strain of that loss on himself, and you tried to tell him it was a team effort. The weight isn’t his alone, but the media and a lot of the fans had a different opinion. Everyone was calling for him to be traded, if the disappointing end to the season wasn’t enough that didn’t help.
He spent a couple weeks back in Toronto, but you could tell he was defeated and needed to get out. He needed to get away from the media, the rumours and spend time relaxing with his family. Fred tried to fight you on it, he wanted to stay and spend time with you. Obviously you did too, but you knew he needed this.
When he left the NHL had hoped on a December start to the season, meaning Fred would be coming back in October or early November. But as the date for the season got pushed so did his return date. You had some late nights at work, and with the time change it made it hard to talk all the time, so when you had the opportunity you took it. Leading you to this 4am phone call on a Saturday morning.
“Go back to bed skat, we can talk later” Fred says into the phone.
“No Freddie, we barely talked this week. Now that I have you on the phone I don’t want to hang up” you whine causing Fred to laugh.
“Okay, but if you get too tired Kære let me know. I don’t have any plans today so we can talk later.”
”I’m just going to make some coffee” you say getting out of bed and heading to your kitchen. ”I only planned on getting some groceries later so I can take a nap later if i want.” You start scooping the beans into the coffee maker, opting for a large pot due to the time.
”Wish I was there for your nap” Fred says to you.
”Mmm same. You are perfect for napping with” you respond.
”Oh yeah, why’s that?”
”Because you are perfect for cuddling with. I just fit perfectly in your arms, and you are like a pillow and a blanket in one.”
Fred laughs into the phone “you just use me for my body eh?”
“Well can you blame me?” you joke walking back to your bed with your mug in hand. “No I don’t actually, I mean it’s definitely nice –“
“Nice? My body is nice? That’s what you use to describe a haircut” he jokes.
“Obviously it’s much better than nice. I just meant it’s nice that you have that body, but I wouldn’t care if you didn’t. That’s not why I’m with you though.”
“Obviously not if you just think it’s nice” he mumbles jokingly. “How was your week?”
“It was so long, I had to stay late almost every night, and there was 3 nights I didn’t leave until after 9. My boss actually wanted me to work today but I had to say no. I felt like I was getting sick from lack of sleep, so it’s nice to have the weekend off.”
“You work so hard you deserve the time off” he says to you.
“Yeah, I have a couple vacation days left, maybe I’ll take a long weekend or something.”
“Yeah you should do that, don’t want to get run down working so much” Fred replies.
“But what would I do? I wouldn’t have enough days to fly to another province. And parts of Ontario are shutting down” you explain.
“Have a staycation, I’m sure a couple days doing nothing would be nice” he replies.
“Yeah I guess” you say.
“So how are my plants doing, kill them yet?”
“Nope, they are still alive, but I should get over there today to water them” you respond.
“When you say alive, do you mean alive and thriving or clinging to life?”
“Uhh, somewhere in the middle” you say causing Fred to laugh.
You continue to talk for another hour; you curl up in your bed wrapped tightly under your duvet. You can feel your eyes getting heavy, but you try to stay awake to talk to him. You are unsuccessful and end up dozing off.
When you return to work on Monday you talked to your boss who approved for you to take Friday and Monday off work, giving you a four day weekend. You are excited for your days off, but you have to get to end of day Thursday. Your week is filled with multiple zoom calls and long days, you are actually surprised your boss is okay with you taking time off.
When Wednesday comes you are completely drained. You had multiple meetings, angry clients and have to finish a project before you take off for the weekend. You were so busy you didn’t even notice you hadn’t had lunch until it was almost 3.
It’s almost 9pm when you walk through your door with some papers and dinner in hand when you hear your phone ring. Your apartment is dark and empty, your roommate away at her parents. You drop everything on your table, answering your phone as you head to your room to change.
“Hello?” you say not even looking at the caller-id, turning on your bedside lamp.
“Hi min kære, how are you?”
“Hey Freddie” you put him on speaker phone to change out of your work clothes. “I’m good, got home not too long ago.”
“Another late day eh?” he asks.
“Yeah I was trying to get my project done before my holidays tomorrow” you explain.
“Finish it?” he asks as you move to the kitchen to start eating dinner.
“Almost, should only take a couple hours tomorrow.” You look to your stove and see the time 9:09 illuminated on the screen. “Fred why are you calling so late; it’s like 3am there.”
“We haven’t talked since the weekend, and you haven’t sent many texts the past couple days” he says lightly.
“Yeah, I’m sorry. I’ve just been so busy with work. I’ve been having late days and have basically gone straight to bed. I also didn’t want to call you so late, I know you had a golfing trip one day” you begin to explain.
“Oh I know babe, you don’t have to explain. I just thought you could use a pick me up” Fred says to you.
“Honestly I would love one. My week has been brutal and it’s only Wednesday. Can’t wait for tomorrow” you say sitting at your table. You didn’t realize how stressed you had been until you sat down and thought about the week. The angry clients and long hours have really taken a toll on you. Stopping to think about things brings a lump to your throat, as you feel your eyes begin to well up.
“(Y/N) you there?” you hear through the phone. You zoned out trying to not cry, you thought you could wait until you got off the phone with Fred to break down. You were wrong, and now you are trying to stifle your tears so Fred doesn’t hear you, but are unsuccessful.
“Skat, what’s wrong?” he asks hearing your quiet sobs through the phone.
“I don’t know” you cry into the phone. “I don’t think I realized how stressed I am, and tired. Just everything. It’s a lot.”
You move to your bed and crawl under your duvet, wrapping yourself tightly into a cocoon. Fred stays on the other end; he doesn’t say anything for a while, letting you cry in silence. After a couple minutes your eyes begin to get heavy, as your sobs have stopped.
“I wish you were here” you say lightly.
“Me too kære” he says. He stays on the line while you lay in bed, not hanging up until he hears your soft breaths through the phone.        
“You should go” your boss says poking her head in your office at 3pm. “Start your weekend a couple hours earlier” she says smiling at you.
“You sure? I don’t want –“
“(Y/N) this place won’t fall apart without you, enjoy your time off.” With that your boss walks away, you shut down your computer and grab your jacket. You reach to grab your phone and see the blinking light. You unlock it to a text from Freddie.
F: Don’t forget to water my plants
Y/N: I watered them Monday…
F: That’s 3 days, you trying to kill them? ;)
You laugh at his message. Instead of responding you decide to go to his condo and send him a picture of you watering his plants. You jump in your car and head to his place. You park in the underground lot and make your way to the elevator. You walk down his hall and unlock his door when you hear music playing in the kitchen.
You don’t remember even listening to music when you were last here. Did someone break in? But who breaks in and plays music? You set your bag down and look around not noticing that anything missing or broken.  You walk through the living room and hear clattering in the kitchen and panic sets in someone is in here.
If you weren’t so panicked you would have noticed the bag in the living room, and the pair of shoes by the front door. You hear footsteps in the kitchen and turn around to run and hide when you feel hands on your hips.
They spin you around and pull you in tight to their chest and wrap their arms around your back. You go to push yourself off the person when you smell the familiar cologne.
“You’re off early” he mumbles kissing your head.
“Fred?” you whisper in disbelief, looking up at the person in front of you.
Your eyes meet his golden brown eyes, and red hair. You bring your hands up and stroke his beard “what are you doing here?”
Instead of answering you he smiles and kisses you. Your hand tangles into his hair when he pulls back slightly “I missed you” he mumbles against your lips.
“I missed you too” you say smiling. Without warning you jump, Fred catches you and carries you into the kitchen setting you on the counter.
“Can’t believe you’re here” you say pulling him to you for a kiss.
“I know, I didn’t know when I was going to come back but after last night I knew I had to come see you. Hearing you cry broke my heart, but the worst part was not being able to do anything about it.” He brushes a piece of your hair behind you ear “I booked a flight right after you fell asleep.”
He leans in to place a soft kiss on your lips, you snake your hands into his hair, stroking his beard on the way. You pull him closer, locking him in for a passionate kiss. You don’t want to ever be apart from him again, and you groan slightly when Fred pulls away from you.
“I wasn’t expecting you for a little bit longer. I wanted to have dinner ready when you got here to try and salvage the life from my plants” Fred jokes looking over at his wilting plant on his table.
You laugh “yeah sorry about that. I was doing a good job at it, then work got crazy and I didn’t get over here as often as I’d like” you explain to him.
Fred kisses your neck “its fine, I didn’t expect them to be alive” he mumbles.
“Rude” you say turning your neck to allow him more access as he peppers kisses. Fred laughs before walking away from you. He walks over to the cupboard and pulls out two wine glasses and pours you each a glass.
He walks back and hands you a glass, he puts his other hand beside you on the counter.
“When did you get in?” you ask.
“About 2 hours ago” he replies kissing your cheek. “8 weeks is too long to be away from you.” You take a sip from your wine and turn your neck to allow him more access.
Fred runs a hand up your thigh, giving it a light squeeze. “We’ve gone longer than that Fred” you whisper.
“Yeah because the border was closed” he whispers kissing your collarbone.
“Wait it’s still closed, how did you get in?” you ask pulling away to look at him.
“I have a Visa to play on the Leafs, it allowed me back in. Should have come back sooner” he mumbles kissing down your neck again. His hands lift your legs; he places his hands under them pulling you closer to him.
“Why didn’t you?” you ask running your hand up and down his biceps as Fred sucks on your neck.
“I’m a stupid man” he mumbles his hands stroking up and down your thighs, nipping on your neck. You moan lightly, placing your wine glass on the counter. Fred moves his hands to the back of your thigh and hoists you up. You wrap your legs around his waist as he carries you down the hall to his bedroom.
He kicks his bedroom door open and reaches to the wall to turn on the light. He gently places you on the bed, his mouth attaches to yours as he hovers over top of you. Your hands gently rake through his beard, as his tongue swirls in your mouth. His hand slides up your shirt gently, his thumb pressing circles onto the skin of your stomach.
Fred grabs the hem of your shirt and pulls it over your head; he sits up on his knees and removes your pants from you leaving you in your underwear.
“This is nice” Fred says taking in your matching red set, his finger lightly grazes the fabric.
“It’s new” you respond “thought of you when I bought it.”
Fred grins, stroking a finger over your clothed core. He quirks an eyebrow at you when he feels the wetness that has accumulated “it’s been a while” you say smiling at him.
“Let me fix that” he says pulling your underwear down your legs. He lies on his stomach, hooking your legs over his shoulders. He stares into your glistening pussy for a minute; his beard rubs against your thighs his breath makes you quiver.
He finally attaches his tongue to you, licking up your juices. You moan at the contact, his tongue is still dancing outside your folds. He groans at the taste of you, before he pushes his tongue inside you. You throw your head back into the pillow as his tongue slips inside your walls.
He brings his hand up to your clit and begins to press circles into it, as his tongue slowly licks the inside of your walls. Your hands slide down to his shoulder and you squeeze them firmly as he keeps fucking his tongue in and out of you.
“Freddie” you moan as his tongue continues to press deep inside you.
You grip his shoulder and attempt to pull him up to you. You feel Fred chuckle against you, but he doesn’t stop, pressing his thumb harder into your clit.
“Babe” you groan pulling harder on his shirt “I need you.”
Fred pulls back slightly staring at you with eyes dark from lust “you have me smuk” he chuckles. He attaches his lips to your clit and sucks on it, a fuck falls from your lips. Your legs begin to squirm slightly at the feeling.
“Fred…Fred…Fuck…I” you can’t form a coherent thought as he slips two fingers inside you, sucking on your sensitive bud.
His fingers begin to pump in and out of you as he pulls his mouth from you and begins sucking on your hip. He alternates between sucking and biting on your hip. Your hip arches off the bed as he continues to pump his fingers inside you.
“This what you want babe” he asks bringing his other hand to your bra, massaging your breast.
You bring a hand down to his wrist and clamp it. He stops moving his wrist and looks into your eyes.
“I need you Fred, I can’t wait” you say panting. Fred grins and slips his fingers out of you, and quickly pulls his shirt over his head. You reach up and grip his neck pulling him down to you. You lock lips with him, your hand slides up and down his firm bicep. Fred slides a hand under your back and unclasps your bra, freeing your breasts.
His firm shirtless body is pressed against you; you can feel his erection straining through the fabric of his clothes. You palm over his pants lightly before sliding your hand around to his back. His mouth leaves you and slides down to your breast and begins sucking on it, he brings a hand up and starts rolling your other nipple through his fingers, pinching it slightly. Your hands slide down his back and reach his sweat pants; you begin to push them down his large thighs.
Fred pulls away and pushes his pants and boxers down his legs and onto the floor. He falls on top of you and returns his mouth to yours; you roll and push him onto his back. You straddle him and begin grinding against his hard cock, desperate to have him inside you.
You hear Fred mumble in Danish as you continue to rock your hips against him. You fall forward kissing Fred, his hand tangles into your hair locking you in a passionate kiss. You reach over to the side table and pull a condom out.
You pull back and tear the foil, sliding it onto his hard member. You give him a few strokes before you rise up and line him up with your entrance. Fred brings his hands to your hips; you slowly start to drop down on him.
“Fuck” you mumble at the feeling of Fred inside of you, your hand goes onto his abs and you brace yourself. Fred is longer than any man you have been with, you had started to get used to his size but then he left to go to Denmark. You know Fred will hit areas nobody has ever hit before, but you just need to adjust.
“You okay smuk?” Fred asks looking up at you.
You keep dropping yourself down on him “yeah” you whine “just been a bit.”
He chuckles pulling your head down to his. You moan at the change of angle before Fred kisses you lightly.
“Don’t worry, take your time. I’m going to get you used to it soon” he smirks kissing you.
You haven’t taken all of him but you rise up and drop down on him. You moan into the kiss, Fred’s hand holding you to him, his other hand rests on your hip. You pull away from the kiss, Fred sucks on your bottom lip as you rise up and drop back down. Fred bottoms out in you, your ass hits against his thighs as you thrust on him.
“Ahh” you moan feeling him hit the deep spot inside you. Fred is still under you allowing you time to set the pace and get comfortable with him. You continue slowly thrusting on him, pushing yourself up. Your hand returns to his abs as you increase the pace.
Fred snaps his hips and pushes in you, as you drop onto him. His hands are on your hip, gripping you tightly as he helps guide you, keeping the slow pace. Your head falls back as you thrust on him; Fred slowly increases the pace under you.
You push into his stomach as your pace increases, rocking your hips against him. You bounce on top of Fred, his cock sliding in and out of you with ease. He brings a hand up to your breast, cupping it as you ride him. He rolls your nipple through his fingers, as your nails dig into his firm stomach muscles. Your hand slides down his treasure line, pressing hard into his groin as you feel your high approaching.
“You gonna cum baby?” Fred asks noticing you are chasing your high. He squeezes your breast hard, pinching your nipple in the process. You hum in response unable to form words. Fred releases your breast and slides his hand down to your clit to press circles into it.
“Yeah, cum on me baby. I want to feel you, feel you’re cum drip down me” he says pressing harder into your sensitive bud. His hips snap and the pace is fast, you are a mess on top of him. Sweat is dripping down Fred’s stomach; you can feel it under your hand.
“Fuck Fred” you scream out, your orgasm is close. With every thrust Fred his your g-spot, your skin flapping has filled the room, followed by occasional curse words. You notice Fred becoming erratic under you as you continue bouncing on him.
Your orgasm crashes over you, the most intense one you have had in a while. You clench around him, your walls tighten, and you feel it in your stomach. Your eyes roll back into your head as Fred continues to thrust inside of you. Your juices dripping down his cock.
He strains to keep going, allowing you to finish your orgasm. As you finally come around you feel Fred still under you. You collapse onto his chest, his arms wrap around you. You lie on him, both your breaths slowly return to normal.
A couple minutes later Fred rolls to be on top of you, he kisses you briefly before heading to the bathroom to dispose of the condom. He pulls on his boxers and throws a t-shirt to you. You smile and pull it over your head; Fred climbs into bed and pulls you into his arms.
“I was going to make you dinner, but I think I’m too tired now” Fred jokes, stroking up and down your arm. “You okay with ordering in?”
You look up and into his golden brown eyes “sounds perfect” you respond. Fred leans down and kisses you, wrapping you tightly into his arms.
“So you should spend your long weekend here with me” Fred mumbles against your lips.
You smile and stroke his beard “I don’t plan on leaving; I want to spend as much time with you as possible. When are you heading back to Denmark?” you ask lightly, not really wanting to know the answer.
“I’m not” Fred replies. You look directly into his eyes “not unless you come with me” he says lightly kissing you again.   
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whosaskingwrites · 4 years
The Sound Of Love (Tsukishima x Reader)
A/N: Um I don't like this one as much as the others but I did my best. It honestly took forever cause I didn't want to write it and I had no idea what song to use but I eventually decided so here we are.
Date: Saturday November 7th, 2020
Details: 5.3 pages 2,000 words
Theme: Musicalia- The victim will hear a song constantly playing in their head until it drives them insane. The person of affection will only hear the music when they are around the victim.
Angst Masterlist
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Clair De Lune
A simple, beautiful piano melody that had been repeating in my head for weeks. There was never a reprieve from the beautifully haunting melody. My mind followed the sound like a moth to a flame and deteriorated the closer it got to the music.
No amount of holding my hands over my ears stopped it. It had become a part of me like the backround music in a video game or movie. However this wasn't a video game or a movie this was real. Every day was the same never a rest I couldn't even sleep some nights.
This was my last week at Karasuno before I was put in the hospital. My mind was too far gone to stay out I couldn't really hear anything anymore to distracted by the music and of course I hummed it on occasion. Everyone in my classes knew I had it...Musicalia but they didn't know who caused it.
I walked to class with a sigh Yamaguchi was following and as we walked I heard a gentle piano melody that got louder. I spotted a familiar H/c haired girl fast walking past me like she'd done since I pushed her away. Yamaguchi followed my eyesight and the music faded the further away she got "you should apologize you know. This week is her last at Karasuno," I blinked 'her last week?' I thought "Shut up Yamaguchi," I said keeping my emotions off my face "Sorry Tsukki," I continued watching the S/c skinned female rush off down the hall.
I was walking up to the roof ready to reject another girl. Why they felt the need to confess to me of all people id never understand. As I rounded the corner someone ran into me and with a short shriek they fell. I was about to say something when I noticed who it was...Y/n she looked paler than I remembered and eye bags were prevalent on her face. I heard the piano again it was louder than ever.
"Do you need to listen to music that loud?" I asked though it was harsher than intended. Her eyes widened and I held back a frown as I saw she was afraid. "S-sorry," she stood up quickly and ran off down the hall the music fading the further she got and I watched 'why was she afraid of me?' My eyes caught something on the floor which I turned to. Picking it up I realized it was a simple gold bracelet with a dinosaur charm on it.
"This is...," It was the bracelet id given her three years ago on her birthday. It was still in perfect condition looking like it did on the day I'd given it to her and it caused a small smile to pull at my lips as I pocketed the familiar bracelet.
Everytime I spotted the e/c eyed female in the hallway and approached her she would turn and run the music following her. Nobody ever seemed bothered by the piano it was almost like they didn't hear it and Y/n was never wearing headphones when it was playing. "Does she ever stop listening to that song?" I mumbled to myself as she ran away yet again.
"What song?" Yamaguchi asked next to me I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked at him. "What do you mean what song? That damn piano music she's always listening to it's annoying," I said and Yamaguchi’s eyes widened "Tsukki...She's not listening to any music...," He stated.
I blinked as I processed what that meant "No ive heard it-," Yamaguchi cut me off before I could continue he had a sad look in his eyes and as he spoke I realized why. "She's got Musicalia Tsukki...," He whispered as he looked at me. "She...She what?" I asked. "She's got Musicalia and if you can hear it that means...," my own eyes widened as I realized what he was implying. "Oh...,"
Cornering someone who was avoiding you was much more difficult than you'd think. Everytime I ended up even in the same room as her she ran before I could even get near her. "Yamaguchi," I stated causing him to jump. "Yeah?" He nervously asked. "Can you convince Y/n to meet you on the roof?" I asked. He didn't ask any questions he just nodded mumbling a quiet yeah as the teacher walked in the room.
I stood on the roof looking out towards the gym. I heard footsteps come around the corner and stop before they slowly started backing away. "Can you stop running? I need to talk to you," I said. The footsteps stopped and I turned around. Y/n stood a few feet away nervously shuffling on her feet.
"When were you gonna tell me?" I asked and she sighed "Preferably never," She answered and I furrowed my eyebrows. "Never? This could kill you!" I took a step toward her while she took one back "So what?" She spit bitterly rasing her head up to glare. "So what? So everything!" I shouted.
"So everything? You dont even fucking like me! You made that pretty clear last year!" She yelled back. She was referencing an argument that I barely remembered and that she hadn't forgotten. "Do you even know what its like to have your heart crushed in seconds!?" She screamed. "You still should have told me you have Musicalia!" I glared back. 
She just gave me a bitter smile "I suppose my dear this was how it was meant to be," she stretched her arms out as she spoke and tears dripped down her face at a slow pace. "You dying isn't how it's supposed to be!" She only shook her head in response. I stuck my hand in my pocket and pulled out the bracelet. "Here...just take this back," I said holding it out. She walked forward and I heard that gentle and haunting music get louder.
She stopped closing my hand around the bracelet and leaning up to press a kiss against my cheek. "Keep it I won't have a use for it much longer," she mumbled before turning and walking off. "Y/n!" She stopped but didn't turn around and I continued speaking. "I love you," she sighed and turned her head. The sunset cast her in an ethereal glow and sparkled off the remaining tears on her face.
She gave a sad, watery smile in response. "No you don't Tsukki. If you did...You would have come back to me a lot sooner," she turned and left I knew she was right but god it hurt to hear her say that. My hand was still tightly closed around the bracelet the metal uncomfortably warm against my skin as she walked away from me.
She avoided me even more. I never saw her but I heard the music following around on occasion. After yesterday I had looked for the melody finally hearing it long enough to search for it. The results had told me the song was Clair De Lune I should have known. It was Y/n's favorite song though I doubted she liked it now.
I had tried to find her when I heard the music but even if I followed it I never found her. I was walking toward my locker keeping an ear out for that melody. As I opened the locker a f/c envelope fell out as I picked it up I noticed it was sealed with a gold wax stamp. Flipping it over my name was written on the front in flowing cursive. I put it away in my bag before heading to practice.
I flipped the envelope around in my hand staring at it before sighing. I pulled open the envelope and slipped the contents out. The first was a photo of me, Y/n, and Yamaguchi we were standing in the park in the photo. Y/n and Yamaguchi had their arms over eachothers shoulders while I stood in the background glaring towards the camera.
The other thing was a letter that I was hesitant to flip open. I knew the letter was from Y/n but I for the first time felt afraid on what she had to say. Sighing I opened the letter ready to read it.
Dear Kei,
It's been awhile hasn't it? Though That's what happens after fights. You give each other time to calm down and then you come back. Only this time...There is no coming back. You already know I have Musicalia and I'm sure you know I love you. It's weird to write that to someone you know doesn't love you.
Don't lie either. You don't love me the way I love you. You may think you do but if you had we would have been friends again by now. But you were perfectly content with not having me in your life so I know you'll be fine when I'm actually gone.
That's the issue isn't it? I'll be gone soon really, truly...gone. I'm not afraid knowing my death is approaching im...content and at peace with it. My death won't be glorious. I'm not going out with a bang. Or any final inspirational words. I'll go quietly in my sleep hopefully. Sleep however is hard when there's music constantly playing on loop in your head.
When I'm gone Kei...Will you visit me? Tell me about your day or the volleyball team! Yamaguchi told me about the team you should go easier on them. You should also learn from them you know? Anyways if you ever can't make it to me...Play Clair De Lune and I'll go to you! I'll listen to you talk at your place instead of you coming to mine!
I'm sure you know by now that this is my goodbye letter. Don't act so suprised of course I want to say goodbye to you. You're important to me you should know that. I've written this for awhile but I wanted it to be a good final goodbye since its immortalized forever in a letter. If you share this with anyone I'll kill you by the way. Even in death I still have a reputation. Anyway...
Goodbye Kei
I love you
—Y/n L/n
A month had passed since she said goodbye I moved forward even though it hurt to not see her around school. It almost felt like she moved but that imagine was ruined whenever I visited her grave. "Hey Tsukki I didn't know you liked dinosaurs!" I sighed in irritation my eyes flicking towards Kuroo who was pointing at my wrist.
"Wow that's cool!" Bokuto joined in and my eyes drifted to the golden bracelet around my wrist. "It's not mine," I stated drinking my water. "Whos is it?" Akaashi asked and I sighed again. "My friend Y/n’s...She's gone now and I'd rather not talk about it," I said standing up and heading back to the net. None of them said anything more about it and I was grateful for that.
Later that night I closed my eyes and played the song that I had grown very familiar with. It was quiet except for the soft melody playing through my headphones. While my eyes were closed I felt the familiar pressure on my body like someone was laying on my chest. If I listened through my headphones close enough I could almost hear her soft voice humming the song. 
I knew in my brain it was impossible but for now I let my heart believe that it was her. I talked quietly about anything and everything that came to mind. The team was sleeping so I knew I could talk freely most of them slept like they were in a coma. I sighed as I reached the end of my story before I spoke once more.
"I miss you Y/n,"
TAGLIST: @wonhomarshmallow
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vintagedolan · 4 years
forgetful (egd)
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it’s not like Ethan to forget things, so there’s no way he forgot your birthday... right?
word count: 4.2k
requested by: anon (thank you beeb!) 
warnings/tags: sad!ethan, forgetting of a birthday, panic attack, mentions of sean, angst (but it’s resolved cause im a weak fluffy bitch oops)
feel free to send in requests! i’ll write most things! hope you enjoy :)
This was one elaborate plan, you’d give him that. And he was hiding everything so well that you were ridiculously impressed. You went along with it, not wanting him to think that you were suspicious of anything.
“You all packed?” You asked, pouting a bit as he zipped up his bag and stood it up on its wheels. 
“Yep. It’s just for a few days, I’ll be back on Thursday. Need some family time with Mom,” he reassured you. 
Thursday. Your birthday. 
You never really made a big deal out of birthdays but after you had gotten Ethan two new custom longboards for his, he had promised you an epic celebration for your big day. And he hadn’t let you in on the secret at all. It took all your self control not to pry and ask questions as you followed him out to the car where Grayson was waiting. Was he even going to Jersey? Or was this all some big ploy? You wouldn’t put it past him. Either way, you knew you weren’t going to see him for a few days, which pulled at your heart strings a bit.
“Okay, well fly safe, and let me know when you all get there,” you wrapped your arms around his torso, squeezing tight. He nuzzled into your hair for a moment, squeezing you even tighter than he usually did. Between the way he was talking and that, you could tell something was definitely going on. 
“I will. I love you,” he said, leaning down to kiss you goodbye. It was quicker than usual. It only convinced you more.
“Love you too,” you smiled at him, letting go and moving to hug Grayson goodbye. You waved until they were out of sight before going inside, with a million thoughts of what he could be up to running through your head. 
He text you a quick made it safe about 6 hours later, right on time for a landing in New Jersey. You sent back some hearts and a response. 
Have fun hanging with your mom, I know you’ve missed her. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. I love you! It was a subtle way of trying to assure him that he didn’t need to be talking to you when he should be visiting with his family. 
He sent back a I will baby, I love you too and you left it at that. 
The next day went by fairly slow for a Monday. You piddled around the house, getting some work done and generally just relaxing. Ethan FaceTimed you around noon, and was acting even weirder than before. Something was definitely up, and you couldn’t help but get a little bit excited. He must be planning something big if he was this nervous about it. 
Tuesday was even weirder. He sent you a good morning text, but you didn’t hear from him again until that evening, and when he called you could tell that he was exhausted and wasn’t much in the mood for talking. It puzzled you some, but worried you more than anything. 
“Are you okay baby? You seem a bit off,” you asked.
“Yeah, I’m just tired. I need to go to bed. I love you.”
“I love you too, get some rest.” 
By Wednesday, you were actually starting to get concerned. You considered texting Grayson - if Ethan was actually upset about something, his brother would probably tell you. But you felt bad at the idea of going behind Ethan’s back so you waited. 
It was 9pm your time, which was midnight back in Jersey, when he finally facetimed you. He was in a bit higher spirits, which made you smile. His day was much more interesting than yours had been, so you listened to him talk about anything and everything, just content to hear his voice. When he finally got through all the events, he asked all about yours. There wasn’t much to tell, but you walked him through.
“I’m sure tomorrow will be more eventful,” you teased, rolling your eyes a bit.
“Yeah, about that. Cam is coming to surprise mom tomorrow, and Gray and I are gonna stay an extra day so we can see her. It’s been ages since we’ve all been home,” he explained. You balked. Was he kidding? You watched him closely, trying to see if he was joking or not. You noticed that he was fidgeting a little bit, one of his nervous habits. Something else was up. 
It clicked for you then - he was probably setting up the surprise, wanting you to think that he wasn’t even going to be in the state. Sneaky.
“Okay, that’s fine,” you responded, secretly looking around the screen to see if you could spot a camera. He would be filming this for sure if there was a video, and you didn’t want to ruin it.
“I was wondering if you could do me a favor tomorrow though. Louis Vuitton is getting a shipment of new stuff in for me and Gray, and we’re supposed to pick specific stuff by Saturday, do you think you could go get it and bring it home so we have more time to decide once we get back?” 
There it was. 
The weird get-you-to-a-certain-place excuse that was customary with any Ethan surprise. You breathed out a sigh - for a second there you really thought that he had forgotten. This was one of his less creative ideas, but you rolled with it anyways. 
“Yeah, I can get it. What time am I supposed to go?”
“Whenever is fine! Thank you baby,” he offered you a soft smile.
Weird. Usually he would be specific on a time. Oh well. He definitely just needed you out of the house so he could set up whatever it was. 
“You’re welcome. Isn’t it like 1am there now? You should be asleep,” you reminded him.
“Yeah, we’ve gotta get Cam pretty early in the morning so you’re probably right. Well, I love you, I’ll check on you tomorrow. Goodnight!”
“I love you too, goodnight baby.”
It was hard to sleep that night. Your mind was racing with a million different things, trying to think of what he would be planning. He was probably on a plane already. You woke up throughout the night, convinced you were hearing him sneaking in. But eventually you fell asleep with no dreams.
And when you woke up the next morning around 9am the house was empty and quiet. You didn’t feel any older, and to be honest it didn’t feel much different from your past few birthdays - you usually spent them alone. You walked around the house cautiously, peeking around corners to see if someone was there to jump out and surprise you. No one showed, so you simply went to the kitchen and made yourself a quick breakfast. 
Once that was done, you went back to Ethan’s bathroom and started getting ready. It had been awhile since you’d done a full face of makeup, and you put on one of your favorite outfits as well just to make you feel nice.
As you were putting your shoes on, you felt your phone buzz. 
Morning baby! what’re you up to? was the text from Ethan that came across your screen. 
morning! I’m headed to louis to get your alls clothes
You felt the butterflies starting to mount as you headed out to the car. Who knew what was gonna be there when you got back. Deciding to make the most of it, you stopped by your favorite coffee shop and got a drink on your way to the store. The workers were nice as always, even helping you to get all the garment bags into your car before waving as you drove off. 
The excitement mounted with each minute that passed on the way home. You were practically bouncing by the time you got to the driveway, opening the gate and pulling in. Nothing looked different - of course, he would have hidden the cars somewhere. 
You gathered all the garment bags, holding them high above you so they didn’t drag the ground, hoping you wouldn’t drop them if someone jumped out. 
Opening the door slowly, you braced yourself.
And nothing. 
Nothing happened. 
You kept walking, placing the bags down over the couch. 
“Hello?” You said, listening to the echo. There was no response. And then it hit you like a ton of bricks. 
No one was here. 
No one was coming.
You’d been forgotten. 
The tears came quickly, hot and angry down your cheeks. It took a moment for you to realize that you were actually embarrassed. You’d made up a whole scenario in your head that your boyfriend was planning some major surprise for you, when in reality he was actually across the country with no idea what day it even was. It stung much more than you thought it would. 
And so, you sat on the floor and cried, leaving tear stains on your outfit and throwing a full on pity party. You felt stupid, and childish, and unloved all at the same time. A tiny sliver of hope remained, but when you got a snapchat from Grayson of them in the car with Cam, it faded too. 
After about an hour you managed to get yourself up off the floor, going through the motions. You hung the boys clothes up in their closets, cleaned up your makeup; it was still your birthday. You were going to try to have a good day if you could. So you went back out to the grocery and bought yourself a cake. A whole ass cake in your favorite flavor, and you had the bakers write “happy birthday to me” on top of it in white icing. 
As you drove back to the house, your sadness started to turn into anger. You didn’t deserve this shit. You deserved to be celebrated on the one fucking day of the year that was about you. And you were happy that Ethan was getting to see his sister - you really were. If he had told you about it and been apologetic that he couldn’t be there for your birthday, you would have understood. But it was so very obvious that he’d completely forgotten, and that was what bothered you the most out of anything. 
When your phone rang with a facetime from him, you knew better than to answer it. You would say something that you really, really regretted. You let it ring through as you pulled in the driveway, carrying your cake inside and sitting it on the counter. Your phone rang again, and you ignored it. 
He seemed to give up, and sent you a text instead.
Hey baby, we ended up needing to get a flight tonight so I should be home around 11 or so your time. didn’t want you to get scared if you heard me. can’t wait to see you, I missed you!
You closed your phone. You didn’t trust yourself to not be an asshole. You knew that as soon as Ethan realized what was going on he was going to feel absolutely terrible. So you didn’t want to be a complete asshole. But... that didn’t mean you couldn’t be a little bit petty. 
So you decided to stay up until he got home. And by stay up, that meant waiting in the kitchen for him with your cake on the counter so he could realize exactly what had happened. Petty. But justified. 
The wait was long, but worth it when you finally heard them coming down the driveway. You started eating the cake, making sure to just get the corners because you wanted the words to stay visible.
The door clicked open and shut, and you heard the rustling of the boys coming in.
“Tell Y/N I said hey if she’s up, I’m going the fuck to sleep,” you heard Grayson explain, not even coming into the kitchen.
Good. You didn’t want him in the middle of all this anyways. 
Ethan almost passed you on his way to his room, but you caught his eye. His entire face lit up when he saw you, and you felt your resolve to be petty crack a little. He was so damn cute, it was hard to stay mad at him. 
“Baby you didn’t need to stay up! I figured you’d gone to sleep early since you didn’t answer earlier,” he grinned, coming over to you. 
“I’m awake.” Your tone stopped him in his tracks - he was on his way to kiss you, no doubt. You were even surprised at how mad you sounded. It wasn’t like you to pick a fight. 
“I can see that. Are you okay?” He was more cautious now, looking around to see if he could figure out what was happening. You gave him a minute before you took another bite of cake to give him a clue.
He looked down at the icing, and you watched him mouth the words as he read it. 
“Did you buy a clearance cake or something? What’s going on? I’m confused.”
“I can wait until you figure it out.” 
You watched the gears turn in his head. When he looked up from the pastry, his eyes were wide. 
“What’s today’s date?” He asked, his voice meek.
“I’ll give you one guess,” you murmured, taking another bite.
“Oh no. Oh no no no no,” he said, hands coming up to his hair. He held his head for a moment, and you noticed that his chest was rising and falling too fast. He stumbled a bit, reaching back to catch himself on the counter. His hand slipped slightly - was he sweating?
You pieced it together immediately. 
Panic attack.
Any anger, any pettiness you had flew out the window. You dropped your fork, running over to him and grabbing his hand. 
“C’mon, come with me Ethan it’s okay,” you said, guiding him as quickly as you could to the room you shared. They always resolved quicker if he was in his most comforting place, so when you got him in the room you immediately guided him to sit on the bed. 
You knelt in front of him, holding his hands in yours. 
“Breathe in while I squeeze, out when I let go, okay? Just like we always do, and it’ll stop. I’m right here,” you reassured him, squeezing his hands. To your relief he was able to take a deep breath in with you, but he exhaled immediately, panic still overriding. 
“You’re. You’re gonna - leave.” He was gasping through the words.
“Ethan I’m right here. I’m right here, I’m not leaving, no matter what. Just breathe baby, just breathe.” 
It took almost 15 minutes to get him fully calmed down, and you only knew it was over when he opened up his arms for you. You climbed onto his lap, no hesitation, wrapping your arms around him. 
It didn’t matter how angry you were - nothing was worse than seeing the man you loved in pain. You couldn’t stand it. 
“I am actually the biggest piece of shit to walk the face of the earth,” he mumbled into your shoulder a few moments later. You shook your head, pressing a kiss to his hair. 
“No you aren’t, I’m -”
“If you apologize, I swear to god,” he cut you off and you fell silent as he sat up and looked at you. “Please, please do not try to make me feel better right now.”
“Then what am I supposed to do?” You asked honestly. You felt guilty that your pettiness had caused him to panic so quickly. 
“Yell at me, scream at me, be fucking pissed off that I literally forgot the most important day of the fucking year,” he said, exasperated. 
“I’m not gonna do that.” You couldn’t do that was the correct answer. “Besides, I already had my fun. With the cake.” 
Ethan looked like he was going to explode.
“So I forget that today is your birthday. Not only do I not have a whole party and surprise for you, but I don’t even say happy birthday. And you spend the entire day alone, while I’m just fucking around on the other side of the country.”
“You were with your family, that’s not fucking around.” 
“While I’m just fucking around on the other side of the United States-” he repeated. “And your revenge on me was to buy yourself a cake...”
“And be petty about it,” you shrugged. He looked at you in disbelief. And honestly, you were surprised at yourself too. You’d been so hurt and mad earlier, but all that anger had left you somehow. Something about being with Ethan put you at peace, even in the most unsettling of situations.
“That wasn’t even being petty! What do you even mean!? How are you not screaming at me right now!?” He practically yelled. 
“I mean yeah, I was sad, but I pretty much hurt my own feelings.”
His face was actually red with frustration.
“Please explain what ridiculous way you’ve convinced yourself of that.”
You hesitated.
“It’s gonna make you sad.” 
He didn’t say anything, and you sighed, knowing he was gonna make you tell him. You looked down, toying with the hem of his shirt as you explained.
“Well, I thought it was kinda weird that you were going home so close to my birthday, so I kinda convinced myself that maybe you were surprising me or something. Like pretending to be gone, but actually you were gonna be here. And you seemed off while you were home, so I thought maybe you were just planning stuff, or maybe you were nervous about pulling it off. And I thought you asked me to go to Louis to get the clothes so you had time to set stuff up. But then when I got back I realized you were still in Jersey. So really it was only bad because I thought something was happening.”
“I am a piece of shit,” he repeated after a moment. 
“What was going on in Jersey that had you acting so weird?” You poised, trying to change the subject. He was going to continue beating himself up over forgetting, and there wasn’t much you could do to stop him, but you were genuinely curious as to what had been going on. You knew him well enough that you were sure that it was something - you’d just assumed wrong when guessing it was about you. 
His arms tightened around you slightly, pulling you to his chest while his cheek rested on your shoulder. Sometimes, he found it easier to talk about things when he wasn’t looking right at you. 
“It was Mom and Dad’s anniversary last week. It’s always really hard for her, and Grayson and I wanted to go see her to make sure she was alright, but we couldn’t get out there on the actual day. But we went to his grave on Tuesday, and I realized I hadn’t been back out there since the funeral. It stirred up a lot of emotions for everybody, but it was really nice being home with my family, even just for a little while. We facetimed with Cam while we were there, and she got upset too and wanted to see everybody so we got her a flight to come up for the day.”
You took a minute to process everything, and then you leaned back so that you could look at Ethan.
“Baby why didn’t you tell me? If I’d known all that I would have told you to stay longer.”
“I just... I didn’t want it to be a big deal. It shouldn’t be a big deal.” 
“Yes it should. Your family is the most important thing to you, it always has been and it always will be. That comes before anything,” you reassured him. “If your mom was having a hard time, you did the right thing by going to see her when you could.”
“My dad always handled everything so well. Always had a million things going on at once and never dropped anything. And I can’t even remember two fucking things.” His voice was getting rougher, and you could tell his throat was tight. You put a hand behind his neck, running your fingers through the hairs at the nape of it.
“I just wish I could be more like him. I always fuck everything up.” 
“You don’t Ethan. You’re more like your dad than you’ll ever know, he raised you to be an amazing man. I see parts of him in you everyday.” 
And for some reason those words broke him down, and he began to sob. You hadn’t seen him cry like that in a while, but when you had, no words could comfort him. So you just held him tightly and let him cry his way through it, running your fingers along his back gently and occasionally pressing a kiss to his temple. 
When he had finally cried himself out he just melted into your shoulder and let you hold him for a while. It was a few more minutes before he spoke.
“This must be a wonderful birthday for you. Your asshole boyfriend forgets about it, then comes home and spends the last hour of it in a panic attack and then bawling like a baby over his dead dad. I sure do know how to bring the party huh.” 
You leaned back to meet his eyes, and he had been so monotone through the whole thing that you couldn’t help but laugh. Your giggle caused him to start to crack, and before you knew it you were both cackling so hard you were crying.
“We’re quite the duo,” you teased, taking his face in your hands and wiping his tears away.
“I really am so sorry baby. I feel terrible.” 
“It’s alright Ethan. You had a reason, and to be honest it was kinda fun being petty for a minute. I don’t get to do it often,” you said. He was already forgiven. To your surprise, instead of arguing, he took your wrist in his hand, turning it to look at the time on your watch. 
“It’s still your birthday. Can I give you your present?”
“You got me a present?” You perked up.
“Of course I did, I’m not that shitty.”
“Gimme,” you smiled, holding out your hands. He smiled at that, putting his hands on your hips and lifting you off his lap. You watched him as he went to his closet, reaching behind one of his shoe boxes to pull out a small blue wrapped box, followed by an envelope. You made a grabby hand at it, making him chuckle as he handed them over.
“Which one should I open first?” 
“You’re the birthday girl, you decide,” he grinned.
You opted for the envelope, pulling it open and looking inside. There were a few pieces of paper, but you chose the one with Ethan’s handwriting on it first. In his messy scrawl you read:
plus a shopping spree for anything you want to take with us :) 
“Take with us? Where are we going?!” You exclaimed.
“Open the rest of it,” he urged. 
You reached in and found two plane tickets to Maui. 
“Holy shit! We’re going to Hawaii!?” 
“We leave in two weeks. I figured it was about time we went there by ourselves. I got us a nice little villa to stay at, and we’re gonna go clothes shopping for whatever you want. Though, I do request you pick out many, many bikinis.”
You smacked his chest before you kissed him.
“This is too much. Way too much.”
“Not possible. Here, open this one. It’s not as exciting, but I think you’ll still like it.” He passed you the box and ripped off the paper. What else could he have possibly gotten you?
When you pulled open the box, you gasped. It was a beautiful ring, with a raw black crystal on it that had a tiny blue stone nestled in it. It was obviously hand crafted, and it was just your style.
“Ethan this is beautiful,” you said, picking it up and admiring it. “What kind of crystal is this?”
“It’s black tourmaline, and the little stone is zircon, which is my birthstone. Black tourmaline is for protection, so it’s my promise to you that I’m always going to keep you safe.” He took the ring from your hand and slid it onto your finger. 
“I love you,” was the only response you could form as you crawled forward and settled yourself back in his lap. You kissed him hard, trying to say what you wanted without the words. No one had ever gotten you a gift so meaningful. He kissed you back, responding to each move you made, reciprocating as you lead, hands wandering. 
He took you by surprise when he stood up, hands moving to your ass as he lifted you and carried you towards the door.
“Where are we going?” In all honesty, you didn’t care. 
“I’m declaring it birthday week, and we’re celebrating every day. So we’re starting day two with cake.”
“I have sad news.”
His feet stopped and he looked at you, quirking an eyebrow.
“It’s not dairy free.”
He gasped a bit in mock hurt, but it turned into a smile that you kissed off his lips a moment later.
“Well then, I’ll just watch you eat cake and think of all the ways I’m going to spoil you until your next birthday to make up for this one.”
“Sounds like a plan to me.” 
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missmonsters2 · 5 years
Songs For You
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Requester: @thatgirlwholikesgirls 💘
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader/OFC
Prompt: “I’m in love with you.”/“Are you finally confessing to me? Because I feel the same way.” 
Note: The dream scenario haHA. Thanks for sending this in 💘
Warnings: heart palpitations.
Translation: Пойдем со мной, Ванда. Нам нужно поговорить - Come with me, Wanda. We need to talk.
Genre: Fluff
Count: 4627
It only takes 12 songs for you to fall in love with Wanda.
Of course, it's over the course of one year, but nonetheless, she becomes every song to you.
It starts on December 31, New Year's Eve. You're really on the cusp of New Year's as it's 11:45 PM.
You're stuck at the university, getting all the reports done on a tight deadline. You let your colleagues who are teaching the same course as you go on the count that they all have a family to celebrate with, and all that's waiting at home for you is your cat.
And not to diss your cat, but he doesn't even know what New Years is.
You call it a night, leaving just a couple more reports for when the holidays are over. It isn't until you're leaving your office that you see someone standing there and nearly have a fucking heart attack.
"WHAT THE FUC–" You nearly scream, ready to throw your bag at the person and call 911.
"WAIT, WAIT, WAIT—Pietro let me in!" The person exclaims while holding their hands out in front of them to both calm you down and also shield themselves if you did throw your bag at them.
You pause momentarily when you hear his name because Pietro is the professor for Business Entrepreneurship.
You're pretty good friends with him. He would say you're kind of too quiet and a smidge prickly, but he was lighthearted with you. He jokes around all the time that the two of you are bound to start dating, and you're just playing the long game. He's relatively pretty harmless in his advances. He likes to joke and laugh, and you find that's easy to be around. 
The girl standing there stands straight, clearing her throat when she realizes you're not going to attack her.
She says your name and asks if you're her.
"Yeah, that's me…" You nod, unsure.
And then she bursts into song. 
You're mortified that she's singing Fireworks by Katy Perry while you can see fireworks being shot in the sky in the distance as it hits midnight.
When she finishes, she smiles tentatively at you.
"Happy New Year's," she hands you a card.
"…Thanks," You say dumbly, 
"Happy New Year's to you too…?"
"Wanda," she introduces herself and then gives you an awkward wave before leaving.
You're not sure what the hell just happened, but you look down at the card and open it.
Happy New Year's! - Pietro
You roll your eyes and send him a text as you leave the building, the girl was long gone.
You: Next time, maybe warn me because that girl almost went to jail because of you.
Pietro: Surprises are more fun!
The next time you're at work, you punch Pietro in the arm while he laughs.
You tell him how that girl was very close to getting a concussion and going to jail.
But he just laughs out, "It wouldn't be her first time."
Then you find out that is his twin sister.
The incident is long forgotten with school getting busy, and the students are buzzing around for the reading week break before their midterms.
It isn't until Valentine's day when you're sitting out in the university park on the grass, enjoying the sun and slight breeze that Wanda shows up again.
Only now it's even worse because there are many students out here as well studying.
She's standing in front of you, in a cupid's costume you would say is a little inappropriate, but fuck, she's got excellent legs.
"Please don't," you whisper in horror, but Wanda merely smiles apologetically because she can see Pietro standing in the far distance for this performance.
And then she's belting out Stereo Hearts by Gym Class Heroes, and honestly, you can't even control your face to stop the grimace that comes.
But you admit, you're impressed by Wanda's rapping.
You try not to flush red as every student in the vicinity has their eye on you. 
When Wanda finishes, she's about you hand you a card when you grasp her hand and pull her down until she's eye level with you.
"Is this going to be a regular occurrence?" You ask her, the smell of cinnamon and oranges invading your senses pleasantly.
Wanda smirks, and you're not sure if anyone should look that good smirking.
"Well, perhaps you should ask my brother as he's got 10 more songs lined up for you," Her eyes travel past you, and you turn to see what she's looking at.
Pietro is standing in the distance, waving his arms enthusiastically, and you sigh.
You turn back and see Wanda's big, green eyes staring back at you, and you're not sure if it's because you're not in a panicked state that you notice her accent a lot more.
You find it interesting as Pietro has started to lose his, but his sister's accent was still strong (and sexy).
You take the card in her hand, and let go of her hand as you realized you're still holding it.
"I'm assuming the next one is St. Patrick's Day?" You softly quirk your lip up.
Wanda merely smiles, giving you an answer without saying anything. 
"Right," you tap the grass with the card twice, and Wanda gets up with a small wave to you and her brother before leaving campus. 
You turn back to Pietro, who is giving you a goofy smile, and you shake your head at him.
March comes quicker than you'd like. It's been pretty hectic with papers and projects due, you hardly have time to think about the impending song-o-gram.
You do try to tell Pietro to stop and maybe save money, but he boasts about how he has a family discount. 
Then you begin to wonder why Wanda has such an odd job in the first place.
Also, how does she know where you'll be?
Does Pietro just share your location with Wanda?
You do debate hiding from Wanda so she can't sing. Although you have no qualms in admitting her voice is beautiful, the songs Pietro picks are just not resonating with you.
But it's St. Patrick's Day, and you're planning to let your students go early so they can go have their fun after their latest project. 
"Okay," you turn to your class with a smile, "I suppose you can all--"
There's a knock on the door. 
Your brows furrow as one of your students opens the door.
And there she is again.
In all her green glory (and a cute leprechaun hat).
The students all turn their heads to look at you.
And you know it looks strange.
Your students groan as they want to stay and watch the debacle because it's well known now how you've been getting song-o-grams.
Luckily, no one knows who the sender is. 
Your students shuffle out the door, some give lingering looks to Wanda.
When it's finally just the two of you in the room, you lean against your desk with your arm crossed.
"Do you always put this much effort into your song requests?" You look again with her black tights with fishnet tights over those and a little green dress.
"It definitely costs extra, and my brother aims to please," Wanda adjusts her hat. 
You chuckle because Pietro is an overachiever.
"Alright," you sit fully on your desk, "want to make a side deal with me?"
Wanda looks at you curiously.
"Can we skip the song?" You plead.
"You don't like my singing?" Wanda pouts, and you immediately panic.
"No!" You exclaim, but huff when you see Wanda giving you a teasing smile. 
"I just," you breathe, "the singing brings a lot of attention. Not entirely what I'm comfortable with being new to the school."
Wanda nods.
"Well," she smiles, "I'm open to negotiations in place of a song."
"What can we barter?"
"I won't say no to coffee," Wanda says, and you laugh.
"Coffee I can do. Any particular place you like?" You get off the desk. 
"I like the coffee shop across the university," Wanda opens the door, and the two of you exit together.
You kind of like the fact that Wanda is unbothered about the fact that people stare at her.
Buying Wanda coffee is a pleasant affair. Instead of suffering through a song, you get to know her instead. 
Apparently, the song-o-gram gig is just a part-time day job as at night, Wanda actually owns a bar near the university. 
"I mean, you clearly don't need to do this, so why?" You ask her.
"Keeps me busy during the day," Wanda shrugs.
You have a fleeting thought on how to tell Wanda other ways she can keep herself busy, but she seems to enjoy herself, so you keep strolling along. 
"You have to admit, though," you grin as you stop and turn toward's her, "This is way better than singing, isn't it?"
"You're starting to sound like a music hater," she grins back.
"Not at all, but I will pass on...what did you say it was again Pietro picked?"
"Buy U A Drank by T-Pain," Wanda smirks, and you sigh, smiling back at her.
"Yeah, back to my point, I'll pass."
The coffee outing ends with Wanda giving you another card, but you're left with the sound of her laughter stuck in your head.
Coffee becomes a regular thing for you, and not just on the days Wanda is sent to sing to you.
You find yourself bumping into her often at 2 PM on Mondays and Wednesdays, and 10 AM on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
The arrangement works out better than anything. Instead of songs, Wanda tells you stories about song-o-grams that she has to do. Many of them being way weirder than her showing up at midnight in your empty office on New Year's.
Still, she will let you know what song she was supposed to sing and laughs when you crinkle your nose.
The next time Wanda comes in with a Canadian flag costume and patriotically sings Baby by Justin Bieber.
"What does that even have to do with Canada day?" You grumble.
"He's Canadian," Wanda shrugs.
You're barely half-listening as you text Pietro.
You: Bieber...really?
Pietro: We're all Beliebers, don't lie.
"What happened to our arrangement?" You lick your lips.
"Pietro wanted video proof I sang you a Bieber song," Wanda waves her phone lightly in her hand to show you.
You sigh, "You owe me coffee for subjecting me to that." 
"Hey, just doing my job, but I will still so kindly buy you coffee," Wanda smiles as the two of you make your way to the coffee shop.
You notice a lot of people giving Wanda weird looks, but in their defense, she's wearing a Canadian flag.
You take off your blazer and place it around her shoulders. She pauses, holding the blazer as she looks at you. 
"Maybe waving the Canadian flag around when it's almost July 4th isn't such a great idea," you quirk your lip at her, causing her to slowly smile back.
You see Wanda sooner than you think you would because now it's July 4th, and Wanda has come to drag you out to the beach.
"It'll be a fun party with food. You need food," Wanda tries to bribe you. School's been out for a while, but you got your next semester lined up already, so you've been focusing on making lesson plans and what projects and assignments there will be. 
You just want to finish it as soon as possible, so you don't have to worry about it later, and if the result of that is that you can spend more time with Wanda, you weren't complaining. 
So, somehow you made it to the beach in your zombie induced haze. You'll give it to Wanda that the sun does feel nice along with the mist from the ocean.
You see, Pietro in the distance playing frisbee with his friends that you've yet to meet. The smell of barbeque hits your nose, and you can't even stop the growl that comes out of your stomach.
"Shut up," you say to Wanda when you catch her smirk. 
Wanda's got your beachwear ready somehow (you don't even want to know how she knew your chest size), but you still opt to keep your dress shirt on, unbuttoned, and all.
You get introduced to Clint, Natasha, Steve, Bruce, Thor, Tony, Pepper, god the list went on, you can't even keep track.
At least not with your brain feeling like mush.
You inhale the burgers Steve grilled, getting a little bit of everything on your plate, a little more than you would typically eat, but you notice that Wanda has a habit of taking food off your plate.
"Want to go in the water?" Wanda asks as she slides next to you on the towel under the umbrella.
"Can I take a 30-minute nap?" You sleepily ask, but you're already lying on your back, someone's sunhat on your face.
You're not sure if you're already asleep, and dreaming, but you feel a feather-light brush through your hair.
"We can do whatever you want," you hear, a melody that travels through your dreams.
True to your word, you do wake up roughly 30-minutes later and find that Wanda is still sitting beside you book in hand.
The slight movement draws her attention.
"Awake?" She turns back to her book to finish the page.
You make a noise that barely sounds human. 
"What are you reading?" You rasp.
"I was reading The Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe," Wanda slides a receipt slip in as a bookmark before she closes it. She hands you some water, which you gratefully take as you sit up.
The cold liquid rejuvenates your throat, and you feel a little more awake. 
"Classic, I loved that book," you grin as you throw the water bottle to the side. 
You look around to see Pietro and his friends playing volleyball, and you stretch, looking back to Wanda to see she's smiling lightly at you.
"So?" You start to get up, holding your hand out to her, "Want to go play in the water?"
You grimace a little because you sound like a 5-year-old asking your crush to go play with you, but Wanda just laughs and grabs your hand.
Wanda is an excellent swimmer, and she's mischievous as hell because she'll splash water at you, and also swim underneath to grab your leg and scare you. 
The day passing by incredibly fast, the evening coming with another round of barbeque and roasted marshmallows over a bonfire.
"Wanda," you call as you're sitting next to her. 
She seems like she's really focused,
"Hm?" She hums.
"Your marshmallow is burning and on fire," you say, looking at her treat that has become a black crisp.
You're sure if she peels off the layer, it'll be fine, but...
Wanda sighs, throwing the treat in the garbage.
"Marshmallows suck, they aren't even that good anyway..." she mumbles, and you can't help but chuckle.
You hand over your roasting stick with a perfectly roasted marshmallow on it, a little dark chocolate drizzled on it.
"They're delicious, and you know it," you tease, beginning to roast another one.
Honestly, it doesn't even occur to you that you're roasting double the marshmallows and only eating a third of it. 
But this whole day, it never even crossed your mind that you hate sharing food, and you've been doing that all day with Wanda.
After that, everyone settles on their own blanket, you sharing with Wanda on one side, and Pietro on the other as you wait for the fireworks.
"No song today?" You turn to Pietro with a smirk, "That's disappointing."
He laughs as he shakes his head, "A little eager for my love songs, huh? Well, don't worry. There's actually something planned."
You whip your head back around to Wanda, who's whistling. 
"What's the song?" You demand the two of them.
"A classic, baby!" Pietro hoots. "Firework by Katy Perry!"
Your brows furrow.
"Pietro, you already did that one in January,"  you recall.
Pietro squints before groaning as he looks over you to his sister.
"Wanda! Why didn't you tell me?" He accuses her as she shrugs.
"That costs extra," she merely says, and you can't help but laugh.
"Well, I paid for a goddamn song, so sing something else!" Pietro huffs, while Wanda smirks at him.
"She's not even going to hear it over the fireworks, Pietro," Wanda points out.
"Sing louder than the fireworks, duh," Pietro says like it's the most obvious thing in the world. 
Wanda rolls her eyes but doesn't say anything as the fireworks show begins.
"Any requests?" Wanda says in her your ear, her breath causing you to shiver.
You turn your head, your lips are shockingly close to hers. "Why don't you sing something you'd think I'd enjoy?"
Wanda smiles because over the time she's gotten to know you, she knows exactly your taste, even your guilty pleasure songs.
And with everyone too busy watching the firework show, Wanda leans closer, her breath on the shell of your ear.
"🎶It's a beautiful night, we're looking for something dumb to do. Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you. Is it the look in your eyes, or is it this dancing juice. Who cares baby, I think I wanna marry you 🎶"
You think something has changed since Independence Day.
Looking has turned to gazing.
Walking side by side has turned into brushing pinkies.
Hanging out during the day has turned to hanging out at night at Wanda's bar as well.
And no longer singing Pietro's songs has turned to Wanda singing songs she thinks you'd enjoy.
It's a wonderful end of Friday at 2AM, the bar has closed as you walk out with Wanda. It was Karaoke night, so Wanda's leaving with an ukulele, still strumming tunes on it as you walk her home.
"I forgot I owe you a song today," Wanda tunes the ukulele as you reach her place. The two of you take a seat on the steps of her door, huddling close to keep from the autumn breeze.
"Wait, what was the song supposed to be?" You ask with a smile.
"Sucker by the Jonas Brothers," she answers as she finishes her tuning.
You hum. It wasn't an awful choice, and you would listen to it if it came on the radio. 
Wanda turns to you, her lips in that smirk that seems to make your heart skip a beat involuntarily. 
She's strumming on the ukulele, and you recognize the tune to be Kiss Me by The Sixpence None The Richer.
It's something you can't explain. Your stomach is doing flips like it belongs in the acrobatics, and Wanda is looking at you while she sings it.
Her eyes are soft, and you think she's getting closer only to realize it's you leaning in.
And when the song comes to an end, and Wanda isn't backing away, you lean all the way over, capturing her lips in a soft kiss.
Her lips are warm and taste a little like rum from the bar, but God, she tastes wonderful.
She tastes like the best love song there is, a song that doesn't exist yet but has certainly made it to your heart.
And when you pull back, Wanda smiles.
“I’m in love with you,” you breathe.
"Are you finally confessing to me?" Wanda puts her arm around the back of your neck to pull you in for another kiss, “Because I feel the same way.”
Do you ever think about how when you have a crush on someone, the world just seems a little brighter, the songs on the radio sound a little sweeter, even your coffee taste a little better?
Even though school has started again, you've been flying on cloud 9 with the amount of time you've spent with Wanda. 
Kissing has become one of your favorite pastimes. 
Even the way Wanda moans when you kiss her throat sounds like a song. 
It's Halloween, and everything has been progressing perfectly.
"We should tell, Pietro, we can't put it off anymore," you tell Wanda as you help her zip up her costume.
There's a party being hosted at Tony's, and you're getting just a little tired of sneaking around.
Well, you were also really reluctant to tell Pietro you've fallen for his twin sister, but it's not like feelings can be controlled.
Wanda sighs, "I know. We'll find a time to tell him."
You leave it at that because you know Wanda is more stressed about it than anyone, feeling like she's betrayed him.
You have to admit, Tony throws a party like no one else. The entire house is decked out Halloween themed style.
There's even a cauldron that has mist coming out of it. 
It's incredibly crowded, but you spot Pietro and his group of friends in the kitchen doing shots together.
"Ah, you made it!" Pietro shouts as he pulls you in for a hug, lifting you off the ground and spinning around. 
"You drunk?" You ask him with a laugh and brow raised.
"Oh, it's going to take a hell of a lot more than this to get me drunk. This isn't even real vodka," he says, and Tony huffs.
"You idiots drank all the real vodka before the party started," Tony is in some kind of red and yellow metal suit for a costume.
"I even have a song prepared for you today," Pietro grins, and you laugh.
"No days off for your sister, huh? You're a real slave driver," you tease, and he laughs.
"Don't pity her too hard, I'm singing it too," Pietro says proudly with his chest puffed.
"No," you whisper in shock, but Pietro just laughs while Wanda sighs.
True to his words, there's a stage set up in the main room, lights starting as someone comes up to introduce the group.
"Is it a good song, at least?" You ask Wanda, who looks unhappy, she has to go up there.
"Depends," Wanda shifts from one heel to another as she gets ready to go up on stage, "Do you like 2009 Lady Gaga?"
You don't even get a chance to say,  "Oh No," as Wanda is already on the stage.
Pietro points at you in the crowd, mouthing, "For you," with a wink, as you shake your head.
The music comes on, and you recognize it as Monster by Lady Gaga.
You're definitely not sure if this is a song siblings should sing together, although it's not as bad with backup dancers there as well.
When the song finishes, you merely shake your head, clapping along with everyone else.
"You're an absolute dumbass," you tell Pietro, who just laughs.
The rest of the night goes on with drinking, games, and dancing.
There are people apple bobbing, and there's candy everywhere.
It isn't until Wanda is pulling you upstairs, pulling you into the washroom as she shuts the door, that she wraps her arm around you.
"Overwhelming, isn't it?" She asks, and you love that she just knows.
You're leaning against the sink, body humming with Wanda's lip pressed against your collarbone.
You can hear the music thumping through the washroom walls and door, and you can't help but tap the beat against Wanda's spine.
"🎶Here we go again," Wanda huskily sings as she brushes her lips against your skin, trailing upwards until she's at your lips, "I kinda wanna be more than friends, so take it easy on me, I'm afraid you're never satisfied 🎶"
She never gets to finish the song as your leap your head forward, kissing her roughly as you grab onto her hips to pull her closer to you, your leg between her thighs.
"What the hell!" 
The voice interrupts the two of you as you see Pietro has stumbled in, looking shocked, and a little red in the face.
"What's going on here?" He looks between the two of you as you separate, the guilt seeping into the two of you.
Of all the ways you wanted Pietro to find out, this was not one of them. 
"So...I'm kind of in love with and dating your sister," you tell Pietro since there's really no other way to break the news to him now. 
"Are you serious?" Pietro says, and you feel awful because this is the most serious you've ever seen him.
He looks at Wanda.
"Are you telling me that I've been spending money and paying my sister to serenade you for me, but you fell in love with her?" He's glaring at his sister, and she frowns.
"Пойдем со мной, Ванда. Нам нужно поговорить," Pietro says in Russian that you can't understand.
Wanda sighs, nodding, but she turns to you first, squeezing your hand.
"I'll be back, meet me downstairs," she tells you. You want to protest because it wasn't just Wanda that hurt Pietro, but you hold your tongue.
You pass by Pietro, staring at him a second longer before you make it out and back downstairs. It's a little too hard to be in the mood to dance while you're waiting for Wanda.
It's probably a good half hour before Wanda comes back. She doesn't look distraught, so it must've been okay. 
You look at her questioningly, but she merely nods and smiles.
At the end of the night, Wanda has way too many drinks, and you're holding her up as you wait for a cab.
You half turn to see who's there when you see Pietro.
"Hey," you say softly. 
You see him staring at Wanda, and you tilt your head.
"We cool?" You ask.
It takes an extra second for Pietro to respond, but he eventually nods.
"I'm a little wounded. I was pretty convinced we were going to be like a 1985 romance movie, but yeah, we're cool. I'm totally getting Wanda to refund me, though," he smiles.
"Stingy," you snicker. 
And when he's got that goofy smile on his face, you know it's all going to be okay.
The rest of the year passes by with a blur. You happily tell Wanda and Pietro that you got a permanent role with the university, and get one last song-o-gram from them.
After that, Wanda quits the part-time job of singing songs to people and gets a part-time job at the coffee shop that the two of you like.
"I need to keep busy," Wanda tells you when you question why she needs another part-time job after the song-o-gram.
"It's either that, or I'll sit in on your lectures," she gives you a sly smirk.
And you're tempted for a moment.
It's December 31st, 11:59 PM, and the two of you are sitting in your office, and it feels like the first time you met Wanda.
"Sing me a song?" You ask her as she sits in your lap.
"Hm," she hums, "Maybe I should sing you Fireworks by Katy Perry again. You'd like that, wouldn't you?"
She's teasing, but you can't help but smile.
"If you're singing it, any song in the world is wonderful."
Wanda looks at you for a moment, licking her lips. 
"Hm," she hums, "I got a different song in mind."
You tilt your head, but Wanda swoops down, biting on your earlobe, eliciting the exact response she wanted from you.
"🎶'Cause I'm having night visions of you and me on the edge of my bed...🎶" she sings in your ear, and your eyes flutter shut.
Truly, Wanda can sing anything as long as they're songs for you.
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prettyboongi · 4 years
7 Days of Hobi’s Forehead Kisses
Reader x Jung Hoseok (duh!)
Word Count: 1,157
Genre: Fluff, just pure fluff
[A/N: When I got this request, I was really happy because I freaking love Hoseok (♡´౪`♡) Despite the namesake of this very blog, Hobi is my ultimate bias and I plan to write more stories on him. What I was worried about when writing this was the fluff part. I feel like I don’t have a clear grasp on any of the genre and fluff especially. So if this turns out to be terrible, I’m so sorry ( ̄ー ̄;Also I like the idea of turning this into a series, like “7 Days” of whatever cute thing you do with any of the guys. We’ll see.]
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You woke up first thing in the morning, hearing Hoseok getting ready for work. It was something you were used to waking up to daily so you just stayed in bed and tried falling back to sleep. It was only until you felt the warm lips placed upon your forehead when you decided to wake up and greet your husband. 
“Morning,” you said sweetly. 
“Good morning, baby,” he says, “About to head to work. See you when I get home. Love you.” 
As he heads out the bedroom door, you call out, “Love you too. Have a good day!”
During the late evening you were glued to your laptop, trying finishing up some work before turning in for the night. Your eyebrows furrowed and your body was tense as you ferociously typed away. But the feeling of Hoseok kissing your forehead helped relax you a bit. 
You looked up from your laptop screen and smiled at the man in front of you. “Hey there.” 
Hoseok takes your hand and gently caressed the knuckles. “Come on, you’ve done enough work. Let’s go to bed.” 
You wanted to protest and finish your work assignment but he gave you a look that made it difficult to refuse him. 
Closing your laptop, you say “Okay” and you let Hoseok lead you to the bedroom.
Being the not-so-morning person that you were, you weren’t always able to get up with Hoseok as he gets ready for work. And you always felt guilt about that since he’d be left to making quick breakfasts before rushing off to work. He works so hard, he at least deserves a nice breakfast to keep his energy up for the rest of the morning. 
That’s why that morning you woke up quite early to make him a proper breakfast: blueberry pancakes with two over easy eggs, 3 bacon slices and a grapefruit half on the side. 
“Aww, honey you didn’t have to do this,” Hoseok says as he sees a delicious arrangement on the table. 
“You’ve been working so hard lately, I just wanted to show how much I appreciate you,” you said proudly. 
Hoseok just looks at you with a sincere smile and gives a tender kiss on your brow. 
“Hey, honey?,” Hoseok calls for you as he tries to find you. It was almost the typical time you both went to bed and he hasn’t seen you get ready as usual. He soon finds you snoozing on the sofa. 
Hoseok crouches in front of you and shakes you gently. “Come on, Y/N. Wake up. But you wouldn’t budge no matter how hard he shook you. He then knew a sure fire way to wake you up. 
He leans forward and places his lips on your forehead, leaving it there until you start to stir. 
“Mmmmm” you moaned while sitting up, “I’ll have to take naps more often if you’re gonna wake me up like that.” 
Hoseok chuckles and extends his hand to you, “Time for bed, dummy.”
“Hobi, we’ve planned this for weeks already,” you whined to your husband. 
You and Hoseok had plans to have dinner at a super exclusive restaurant, the kind of restaurant where you’d have to make reservations months in advance. You were really looking forward to this date night but now it had to be cancelled. 
Hoseok looks at you apologetically. “I’m really sorry, honey. This dinner party with the boss was completely last minute and really important, so I have no choice but to go. You know you can come with me as well, right?” 
You gave him an angry glare. “Hoseok, why would I want to go to some stupid work dinner party instead of a romantic dinner date that was previously planned?” 
He could feel the bitterness in your tone, which made him feel even worse. ��I’m sorry, Y/N. I promise I will make it up to you. Before leaving, he gives you a quick peck on the forehead before rushing out. 
It was the middle of a lazy weekend afternoon. You were reading a book in the living room when Hoseok walked into the room. 
“Hello, my angel,” he says cheerfully but you pretend to not notice him, keeping your focus on your book. 
“Still giving me the silent treatment, eh? Well, I bet you’ll change your mind once you see the gift I’ve gotten you.” While your interest was piqued, you continued to ignore him. Hoseok then slides you a baby blue box with a matching ribbon tied around it. It takes a few more minutes of Hoseok staring at you with puppy dog eyes before you gave in and opened the pretty box. 
“Oh my god,” you gasped as you looked at the box’s contents. Hoseok has gotten you a bottle of your favorite perfume. After running out of your last bottle, you've been meaning to buy another but it’s sold out for awhile. “How did you get your hand on this?” 
“Oh I have my ways,” he says with a mischievous smile on his face. “Do you forgive me now?” 
“Hmmmm, maybe,” you said, trying to keep a stern look on your face. 
He surprises you again but with a forehead kiss this time, making it hard for you to keep a straight face. 
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
Wanting to enjoy the last hours on the weekend, you and Hoseok thought it would be a fun idea to watch the sunset together. With a wine bottle and a few glasses at hand, the two of you head towards the back porch and marvel at the vivid colors the evening sky created. 
As the sky changed from bright orange to bluish purple, you and Hoseok talked about so many things. How work was going from them, news from family and friends, serious issues going on in the world and everything in between. 
“Its strange how life never fails to be absolutely hectic?” He says before taking a sip from his wine glass. 
“Yeah,” you began, “At least we have together to deal with life’s craziness. Life would be so dull without you in my life.” 
When you feel him scoot closer to you on the porch steps, you turn head towards him, seeing him focused on you. Despite the nighttime beginning to fall, you can still see the intensity of Hoseok's deep brown eyes. 
"What?," you chuckled, not being able to read his facial expression. 
A faint smile appears on his lips. "I love you," he softly says to you, before leaning over. He cups your face and kisses you on your forehead. You loved that he knows that was your favorite part to be kissed, even more than your actual lips most of the time. You close your eyes as you feel his lips linger for awhile. 
After breaking the kiss, you look into his eyes and whisper, "I love you, too."
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Can’t Sleep
Details: Tony Stark is an expert at all-nighters and bad self-care, this time it isn’t him staying up, it’s his daughter
Waking up, I got one of my first solid nights of sleep in awhile. I didn’t wake up during the night, no nightmares, and I actually went to sleep at a semi-reasonable hour. Dad knocks on my door, “Five o’clock, baby Avenger has to go to school”.
I stop at Starbucks and grab mine and Peter’s orders. It’s been one of our traditions since we started dating. It reminds us to appreciate the little things and it’s grounding because balancing school and Avengers is hard work. We are also teenagers and need coffee.
As soon, as school is over, I drive back to the Tower. Peter had Academic Decathlon so he had to stay at school, but normally he comes home with me and then eventually we go on patrol. One of my favorite authors just released the last book in the trilogy and I needed to read that book.
I’m halfway through my book on Monday night when Peter calls. I answer and smile when I hear his voice, “Hey babe, just wanted to check-in. You weren’t on patrol and you didn’t answer your phone. I’m not being clingy, I just wanted to make sure you weren’t kidnapped again.”
I sigh, “Yeah Peter, I’m good. That book I was telling you about came out today, so I’m only halfway through it”.
Peter raises his eyebrows, “You just got that book after school. That book’s eight hundred pages! You finished four hundred pages in six hours!”
I shrug, “It’s not that hard. I’ve had a lot of practice”.
Peter says, “Babe, I don’t get how you can read so fast. Your books are my legos. But try to get some sleep tonight”.
I just finished the book when Dad walks in, “Time to get ready for hormone-filled education”.
I blink surprised and look at the clock, “Oh, ok. Thanks, Dad!”
Before leaving, I drink a cup of black coffee and drive to school. Peter is waiting at my locker when I get there. He spins me around kissing me and then MJ interrupts, “Get a room losers”.
We both break away smiling. Peter looks at me and notices I look pretty tired. He frowns and asks, “When did you go to bed, you look pretty tired?”
I shrug, “I don’t know I wasn’t looking at the clock, but I finished the book” 
“Which means you probably didn’t sleep”.
He’s still looking at me, so I turn and get my books from my locker. We head to class. During lunch, I make sure to grab another cup of coffee. Finally, the last bell rings, and Peter and I head back to the Tower. 
At the end of the day, Peter offers to drive us back to the Tower, normally I drive, but he looks worried and I really don’t want to talk about it so I let Peter drive. I realized I’m definitely more tired than I thought. I started nodding off and before I realized it we’re back at the Tower. Peter probably would’ve let me sleep, but Sam and Bucky ran through getting ready for a mission. That thankfully woke me up.
We both go to the common room and finish our homework. Just as we start putting our books in our backpacks, Steve walks in, “Hey guys, dinner’s in twenty”
I smile, “Thanks Steve”
He walks away, presumably to tell the others. He prefers to tell us face to face, instead of just having F.R.I.D.A.Y. to tell us. After dinner, Peter and I go on patrol. Dad feels better when we go together and it’s more fun that way. 
When we’re down, he heads home and I finish my homework and then head down to my lab and get started on my nanotech suit. Dad offered to just build it for me or let me copy the schematics, but I said I wanted to do it on my own. He asked me to finish it for the mission this weekend, so I knew I had to get it done. After a few hours, I’ve made significant progress, but the numbers and lines are starting to blur together. Knowing I should probably get some sleep, I decide to get the drink version of sleep: coffee. I grab a couple of cups of coffee and head back down. I’m almost finished with the nanotech suit and it’s 5 A.M, Wednesday morning. I’m on the last and probably the easiest step, but I can’t decide what I want the nanotech suit to shift into. Uncle Bruce walks up to me and ruffles my hair. “What if you put the suit into a necklace, so you can hide it easily and it won’t get in the way”.
“Good idea. Thanks!”
Bruce looks at me closely,” Are you having trouble sleeping?”
My heart skips a beat, “No, why?” I look at the clock and realize I’ve been awake for more than forty-eight hours.
Dad walks in, “Hey kiddo,” he looks up at me and pauses, scrunching his eyes, before saying, “You look tired. What’s up?”
“Nothing, I’m fine just a lot of schoolwork that’s all. We have a lot of tests, school ends in two months”.
Bruce still looks skeptical, but thankfully Mom calls out from the door to the lab, “Did someone forget to tell me that you have the day off or are you guys going to let Y/N get to school? Tony, you have a meeting you’ve been avoiding in fifteen minutes,” she gives him a stern look, “Don’t miss it. I’m on my way to a meeting”
Her heels click as she walks away. Taking that chance, I slip around them and head to school. I decided to skip breakfast since my stomach is not feeling too great. During lunch, I grab another cup of coffee and blink away the blurriness in my vision. M.J. notices, “What’s up with the coffee, loser? You look terrible.”
Peter turns around at that, “Yeah Y/N, you normally don’t drink coffee, just frappuccinos on Monday or hot chocolate”.
“Guys, just stop pushing, I’m fine. I can drink coffee if I want and I don’t need anyone’s permission”.
“Babe, you can do whatever you want, but I’m just worried about you”.
I sigh, “I get it, I’m just tired. I’m sorry for snapping at you”.
During physics, my second to last class of the day, I closed my eyes, for a second, and then my head slid down, and I jolted awake. Peter noticed and rubbed my shoulders, “Y/N, you alright?”
“Peter, I’m fine, just leave it alone” I snapped.
He looked hurt and I felt bad, but he kept pushing.
After school, we walk back to the Tower. Even though it’s pretty warm out, I’m cold, so I put one of my favorite hoodies on. Normally I drive, but I figured Dad would kill me if I crashed my car. Besides I was fine, I just didn’t feel up for driving. Once the elevator starts going up, I stumble into Peter and he catches me looking worried. I push off him and head to the kitchen where I grab a cup of coffee. I don’t see Peter, but I figured he probably went to his room to grab some stuff. After draining one cup, I pour myself another. Looking at the clock, I see I’m at 60 hours without sleep. I look around for Peter, but I don’t see him, so I decided to go to my lab before we start homework.
I start trying to transform the nanotech into a simple A-shaped necklace, but for some reason nothing makes sense. I reach for the coffee at my side when I see Dad grab the coffee from me before I can get it. Dad? When did he get here? I turn around quickly, but before I can say anything, my vision starts fading and I fall. I wake up a few seconds later. Confused, I realize I’m in someone’s arms. I smell motor oil and fancy cologne. I start trying to move around, but Dad’s voice stops me, “Kiddo, calm down. I got you. Hold on we’re almost there”.
I feel a soft bed underneath me and I open my eyes and see Dad’s face, his brown eyes crinkled in worry next to me. I try and sit up, but I get really dizzy and Dad pushes me back down. “Easy kiddo, stop moving. We’re going to talk later, but just relax and get some sleep”.
I start to protest, but he shushes me and runs his hands through my hair. Maybe it’s the sixty hours without sleep or his fingers through my hair, but I’m finally able to go to sleep. The last thing I hear is, “S.A.T.U.R.D.A.Y., put Y/N’s room to Do Not Disturb”
When I wake up the light is streaming through the closed curtains and for the first time in a while, I’m not exhausted. Tired, but not exhausted. I start to get up, but before I can get out of bed Mom walks in, her orange hair down for once, “Y/N, I’m glad to see you awake, but don’t even think about getting out of that bed,” she shakes her head, a worried frown covering her face, “You and Tony need to learn how to take care of yourself. If not for yourselves, then for the people around you.”
I look down at the bed, guilt coursing through me as she pulls over a chair and sits next to my bed, “I’m sorry Mom, I didn’t mean to worry you or Dad.” I sit up suddenly and blink at the black dots floating through my vision, “What about Peter?”
Dad walks in at that moment carrying a cup of tea, “Easy kiddo, the kid’s fine. I sent him home after he told me you weren’t sleeping. I told him you would text him when you woke up”.
“He talked to you?” I frown thinking, “Oh when we walked into the Tower yesterday. I thought he went to his room...”
Tony smirks, “Kiddo, that was Wednesday, today’s Thursday, around one o’clock” his face shifts into a frown as he pulls over another chair next to Pepper, “Y/N, you went more than sixty hours without sleeping. What happened? Drink your tea, it’ll help”
“Wait, it’s Thursday! I need to catch up on homework. I can’t get behind and then I have to get ready for the mission Saturday, the first briefing’s tonight”.
“Y/N, drink your tea, you need it. First, Pep emailed the school, you’re sick and not going to school today or tomorrow. Live with it. You need to rest. You can finish your homework this weekend. Underoos, can you help you. Second, you’re not going on the mission--”
“What? That’s so unfair,” I protest.
Dad continues without stopping,”--till you get some sleep. I get you inherited my amazing sleeping abilities,” Mom rolls her eyes, “but if you need help sleeping, ask. Take some sleeping meds”.
I interrupt before he can continue, “You guys are overreacting! I wasn’t tired, I didn’t need to sleep. Dad used to do it all the time. Besides, Peter’s just overreacting, that’s the only reason you found out!”
“Just because I used to do it, doesn’t mean it’s a great lifestyle choice. Bruce and I looked at your suit’s and StarkWatch’s stats. Your caffeine levels were way too high if you’re not tired then why drink coffee. You don’t even like it! Your blood sugar levels were low because you didn’t eat because you probably felt like shit. Look, I get one night. Everyone pulls an all-nighter every now and then. It’s healthy,” Pepper makes a noise of disapproval, “but after the first night, you didn’t talk to us or take your sleeping meds”.
“Fine” I grumble drinking my tea.
Mom starts, “So you’re going to eat something, rest for the rest of today and tomorrow. Then, you can finish your homework this weekend. Monday you can start patrolling again. I already locked down your suit until then, so you can try as much as you want, but it’s not going to work,” I groan at that part, “For the next two weeks, we’re going to enforce a midnight curfew and you have to take your sleeping medicine”. 
“Two weeks!” I complain.
“Midnight, that’s going to suck for you” Dad laughs.
“If your Dad makes fun of you too much, I’ll make him do it too,” Pepper smiles.
My stomach growls and Dad takes that as a signal to pick me up. I protest, but he says, “I don’t want any complaints. I’m not doing this for you. I don’t want any of my furniture dented if you pass out again”.
After I eat lunch, Mom and Dad allow Peter to come over. When he walks in, he smiles, but drops it quickly, “I know you said you were fine and I know you’re a strong, independent, beautiful woman, but I could tell you weren’t sleeping and I just wanted--”
I cut off his rambling with a kiss, “Peter, I know you were looking out for me and I’m sorry for being so mean. If anything you should be mad at me”.
Peter shakes his head, “Baby, I’m not mad at you. Come on, let’s watch a movie”.
We cuddle on the couch and put on Rise of Skywalker, our favorite Star Wars movie. Before the movie starts, Peter slips off his blue hoodie and puts it in on me. I turn around surprised and Peter shrugs, “You’re always cold when you don’t sleep”. I smile knowing I have the perfect boyfriend.
At dinner, most of the Avengers are at the briefing, but Peter and Dad stayed to keep me company. Mom invited Thor to dinner since he just finished a meeting with the United Nations.
“Lady Stark, did your father tell the story of the eve after the Battle of New York?”
I sit up straighter, “No what story? I thought I knew most of them”.
“Your father was able to forgo sleep for--”
Dad quickly interrupts, “That’s enough Thor! We need some mystery and not to inspire her. Actually kiddo, I’ll make a deal. If you sleep on time for two weeks, you get the story”.
“Fine,” I grumble.
After dinner, Peter and I finish another movie before I yawn. Without missing a beat Mom says, “Bedtime for you”
“But Mom, it’s not even midnight!” I argue, but another yawn goes through me and I know I lost the argument. Peter picks me up and brings me to my room. He kisses me gently before setting me on the bed. Dad walks in and hands me a white pill and a glass of water. I swallow the pill and Dad says goodnight and leaves with a warning to keep the door open.
“That was embarrassing,” I mumble and get under the covers.
Peter starts massaging my shoulders, “What was?” I can hear the frown in his voice.
“I don’t like taking the pills because everyone else can go without them. It makes me weak to need the pills to do something everyone can do normally. So I try to prove I don’t need them. I know I have a hard time sleeping without them, so I just keep busy so I can be productive at least”.
Peter turns me over so I look him in the eyes, “Y/N, you’re strong because you overcome obstacles that people normally don’t have to face, just to get through the day. The pills are there to help you. All of us are here to help you if you need it. Everyone needs sleep. I love you, all of you, the good and the bad”.
“I love you, Peter,” with the help of Peter, I am able to sleep.
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adenei · 4 years
Next Steps - Chapter 4
It was Wednesday, and Hermione was working away in her office as she’d done the past few days. She’d gone to see her boss, Mr. Roberts, on Monday morning, and filled out the paperwork to take the time off, which had been immediately approved. He’d promised her no new cases until Hermione returned, and insisted she deserved some time off after all the great work she’d done in a few short months for the department.
Hermione was putting the finishing touches on the second case, which would leave Thursday and Friday to accomplish the last one. Ron was picking her up in ten minutes so they could go grab takeaway before returning home for the night to start packing. Hermione signed, sealed and handed the second completed case to Elizabeth, the office secretary who got up to bring it to Mr. Roberts’ office. 
As she’d gone back to her office to start packing up to go, there was a knock on her door. “Hey, Hermione, did you see this new case?” Steven was standing in the doorway. He was on the shorter side, and had soft facial features with hazel eyes and light brown hair. 
Hermione looked up to see him holding a new case file. “Er, no, I hadn’t. Why?”
“Oh, your office box was empty, so I assumed you’d already taken it.” he looked at her oddly. 
“No, I don’t have anything new. Maybe it’s just for you this time?” Hermione suggested, knowing full well why she hadn’t received anything.
“But that doesn’t make any sense,” he said. “We’re always assigned the same cases because we’re on the same team,” he frowned as he looked at her. “Would you mind staying a little later tonight to help me look over this?” Hermione noticed he’d shut the door halfway instead of leaving it open like he normally did, and an odd look came across his face for the briefest of moments. 
“I’m sorry, Steven, but I actually need to get going. I’ve got plans tonight.” Hermione said as she shifted uncomfortably. She wasn’t sure if it was the odd tension in the room or if she was feeling things because of the conversation she and Ron had the other night. 
“But we almost always stay late on Wednesdays. Is everything alright? You’ve been keeping to yourself a lot this week. You and Ron haven’t, er..”
“I’m fine,” Hermione said shortly. “I’ve only been trying to focus on my caseload this week to get ahead. I’m taking a holiday next week.” 
“A holiday?” Steven asked as he stepped closer. Hermione noticed his facial expression change, and she clutched her wand tightly in her hand. 
“Yes, Ron and I are going away for a week. We haven’t had much time together since I’ve started working, and we’ve never been on holiday before. I’m quite excited for it,” Hermione attempted to change her demeanor to one of excitement so he wouldn’t catch on to her nervousness.
“But you can’t go, we’ve got too much going on with the current cases, plus this new one seems like we’re going to need to put in several extra hours.”
“I’m sorry, Steven, but I’m caught up on everything. Have you checked to see who exactly the new one is assigned to?” Hermione said.
“What do you mean?” he asked her.
“At the top of the first page, there are always names of who the case is assigned to.” Steven looked down to check at Hermione’s words, and she was able to get a brief glimpse that revealed that it was in fact only his name on the packet.
“Well, this can’t be right. I’ll go see Roberts in the morning and correct it. Come on,  Hermione, you can’t go,” was he really trying to guilt her? “What do you see in him anyways? Sure, his job is fancy and he’s a war hero and Harry Potter’s best friend, but it can’t be all it’s cracked up to be, can it?”
“I’m not following you, Steven. Ron and Harry are my best friends, and have been since I was eleven. Plus, I’m not sure if you’ve forgotten, but I’m also considered one of those war heroes as well...I really need to get going, so if you’ll excuse me,” Hermione said. She was done with this conversation. What was he trying to get at? She made her way to move around her desk and towards the door, but he blocked her and backed her up to the front side of her desk. “Move out of my way,” she said to him.
“You need someone with a safer, more reliable job. Like me,” he said leaning in closer.
“You need to back off of me right now,” Hermione warned.
“Come on, Hermione, don’t deny this. “You never hesitate to stay late or work through lunches to spend time with me.”
“That’s not it at all! You always seem so lonely and I feel badly,” Hermione defended. She was preparing to hex him now.
He laughed darkly, “Of course that’s not it! You like my company better than his, just admit it-”
“Hermione? Are you ready to go? Elizabeth wasn’t at the front desk so I- What the fuck do you think you’re doing,” Ron growled. Steven whirled around in time to get Ron’s fist right in his face. 
“OW! What was that for?” Steven rounded on him. 
“You know bloody well what that was for. Stay away from my girlfriend, you wanker.” Ron warned.
“For all you know she wanted me that close,” Steven said, holding the side of his face.
“You know perfectly well I didn’t. Now, get out of my office!” Hermione said sternly, though her voice was shaking a bit. 
Steven scampered off without looking back. “Are you alright, Hermione? He didn’t do anything, did he?” He went over and hugged her tightly.
“No. I was just about to hex him, though. You were right, Ron, he was trying to come onto me.”
“I knew there was something off about him,” Ron said quietly. “I don’t like that I’m right, though.”
“He got really odd when I told him I was taking a holiday. Said I shouldn’t go and he was better suited for me. He didn’t like when I said I wouldn’t stay late, and was all out of sorts when he found out he was assigned to a case that I wasn’t.” Hermione shook her head. She turned back to her desk and saw the final report she needed to finish and decided to put it in her bag and bring it home with her. The other two had already been delivered, so there was no way he could sabotage those. Not that she thought he would, but going through a war, she could never be too careful even now.
“Ready to get out of here?” Ron asked.
Hermione nodded. “I was thinking Chinese takeaway for dinner.”
“That sounds perfect to me. Then we can get everything packed and ready to go?”
“Yes, I’ve done some research on what the weather’s like this time of year! But you still haven’t told me what you’ve got planned. Only that we do have an itinerary, so I’ve no idea what to pack.”
“Don’t worry, love, I’ll help you. But the itinerary is top secret, so you’ll just have to trust me,” he flashed her a lopsided grin.
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armywriter2605 · 5 years
Theirs - OT7 x Reader
Genre: Mafia AU! BTS; Angst; Fluff; Smut (not yet); OT7 x Reader
Warnings: Cursing; Mature Content ; Mentions of abuse and bullying; more to be added throughout the series
Words: 3k +
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
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The first time meeting them was when you were in middle school. It had been a normal day. You woke up and had breakfast together with your mom and dad, attended school and then walked back home. You always took the same path, the street where the arcade was located. When your parents gave you your small allowance, you would stop by and spend it all in the arcade. Sometimes you went there with your friends, yet most times, you were there alone. You enjoyed playing alone, there was no shame in that plus you had met a couple of people who also enjoyed spending alone time there. You were 13 when you first saw the group of 7 boys, laughing loudly, eating and having fun in there. Some were older than you, but you were almost sure the youngest of the group was just as the same age as you. It was the first time you had seen them and since you walked through that street every day, it was most likely that it was their first time there too. It was completely mesmerizing how free they looked. It was like they owned the place and didn’t care that others were there. They were playing your favorite game, the game you asked your parents money for just to play it today, yet you had always been a bit shy so asking them to perhaps let you play was out of question. So, you waited.
Just as many as the girls in there, you had noticed how good looking all of them were. They were all very interesting in their own different ways. Since you didn’t have anything else to do and you refused to play any other game, you decided to take in their appearance and also how different each of them acted. It wasn’t until one of them caught you staring that you looked at the ground, fidgeting with your hands. You were nervous that maybe he had noticed how long you had actually stood against the wall staring at them. You decided you should leave and maybe comeback tomorrow, yet when you looked up again, it was already too late. All of them had their eyes on you, and one of them, was making their way towards you. You didn’t know what to do, so you stood still until the boy stopped right in front of you.
“Hello! My name is Taehyung. My friend noticed how you were staring, do you perhaps wanna play? You can play with us if you want!” He sounded so excited and happy that it was almost impossible to say no.
You were scared your own voice would somehow betray you, so you shyly nodded at him. Before you could even think, he held your hand and dragged you to where all of them were standing. You were nervous and you were sure that was very visible because when you both stopped next to them, the one you assumed was the oldest of them gave Taehyung a smack on the back of his head.
“Let her go, Tae. Look at how nervous you made her.” The tall boy then turned to you and smiled. It was then you realized how beautiful his features were. “Hey. I’m SeokJin, but you can call me Jin. And you are?”
“I-I’m Y/N.”
“Y/N. That’s a very pretty name. Yoongi here noticed you were staring and assumed you wanted to play. Judging by Tae’s face, he was right.”
You smiled at him and nodded your head, this time slightly more confident. “Yeah. This is my favorite game, but I didn’t want to disturb any of you. I can come back tomorrow.”
“No no. We should all play together, right boys?”
They all nodded their heads and some of them took their time to say yes, all of them with their eyes on you. “See. No need for you to leave. So, I’m Jin as said earlier. The one who noticed you first is Yoongi, that’s Hoseok, Jimin, Namjoon, Jungkook and you already met Tae.”
And before you even knew, you were all playing and having fun. The day went by super-fast and as much as you wanted to stay and play more games with them, you had to leave and go home. You had already sent a text to your mom, saying you would come a little bit later since you were with friends, yet it was already dark outside, and your parents didn’t like when you were out too late.
“I have to leave. My parents don’t like when I’m out till later than 8.”
They all stopped what they were doing and looked at you before looking at each other. “Let us follow you home? It’s already dark.” Hoseok said with a smile on his face while some nodded, their eyes shone in hopes of you agreeing.
“Sure! It’s only a 10-minute walk from here though.”
“Then we shall walk slowly so we get to spend more time together!” Hoseok laughed and got up while you giggled and got up from your seat as well, following the boys.
Your days went by just like that. You went to school and when it was done, they would meet you by the gates and spend every afternoon with you before you had to head home. That went on for 3 years until you started into high school. By that time Tae and Jimin attended the high school you told them you were attending and Jungkook would be starting there with you that same year. You were very thankful for everything each of them did for you. Throughout those years, you 8 became even closer than you were. Unfortunately, all of your other friends had distanced themselves from you even though you tried to keep contact, they always gave you stupid excuses.
Although, in high school, you started noticing something was slightly off with your best friends. You didn’t know much of their families, yet you noticed that somehow, they always had the finest pieces of clothing, the newest phones and always gave you stupid expensive presents. You knew none of them worked because all of you hanged out every single day. They even kept you company during your work hours at the small bakery close to your house. You had asked them before if they worked or if they did something. You wondered how they could afford all those things and especially the apartment they all lived in. You were there a lot of times, and you knew it couldn’t be cheap at all to own such a place. Still, each time, they told you not to worry and that they could just afford it. Besides that, you felt like they told you everything and did everything they could to keep you happy and safe. You knew they did.
Flashback ON to 6 months ago:
It was finally Thursday, and May’s weather had been incredible. Today wasn’t windy at all like it had been the past days and the sun was out once again so you had decided to wear one of the beautiful tops Taehyung had given you as a present just a couple months ago. He was the most fashionista one out of all of the boys and he loved giving you beautiful pieces of clothing you could wear whenever you wanted. You knew that what he bought for you wasn’t cheap so you rarely wore it to school, but since the boys and you would be going to the movies later that night, you wanted to look extra pretty, even though they always said you looked pretty no matter what.
Jungkook hadn’t been to school for the past week. He told you he hadn’t been feeling very well which you didn’t believe at all, yet still wanted to hang out with you today. Instead of him following you to school, one of the other boys had been following you to and from school, and you didn’t mind it especially with how your classmates had been treating you lately. It started on Monday in second period when the girls started noticing that during the pause Jungkook hadn’t come to find you like he always did. You could hear them throwing comments about you, giggling at you and sometimes even pointing at you. You tried to give it a blind eye, yet it was hard. You had grown used to having one of the boys with you at almost all of the time, that not having them now was just weird. Monday went by like that and so did Tuesday. Wednesday came and that’s when boys together with the girls started to directly throw comments at you.
“Don’t tell me he finally left you, Y/N? Are you all alone again?”
“If you need someone better then don’t hesitate on coming to us. We’ll give you exactly what he has been giving you.”
“I knew he would leave you when he got bored of your stupid ass. He’s finally free for someone much better than trash.”
Ignoring it was hard, although you decided it was better to just not reply at all. After school, while you gathered your books and everything you needed to study, you were surrounded by a group of girls. They laughed at you, threw cruel comments and even shoved you to the ground. You weren’t exactly strong, yet the things they said hurt you more than anything. You had always been afraid that someday the boys would leave you. You couldn’t give them presents as often as they gave you, you were younger than all of them. You didn’t feel like you were special while all of them looked like princes that just came out of a movie. You were scared the girls were right. What if Jungkook hadn’t been to school just to avoid you? What if tomorrow would be the last time you all hanged out and then they would just avoid you completely?
Jimin was the one picking you up from school that day and he had noticed how down you looked. He wasn’t sure why, but he had seen girls who giggled when passing by both of you and how tightly you held your backpack. As if if the backpack fell on the ground, it would break into million pieces. He hadn’t said anything to you, but once you had gone home after work and he reached their apartment he had called all the boys for a group meeting.
“I don’t think Y/N has it okay in school without you, Kook.”
The youngest was confused as to why his hyung would say that. He had made sure people wouldn’t mess with you at all. All his classmates and people from other classes knew how protective he was of you.
“What you mean, Hyung? Why would you assume that?”
The other boys were also very curious as to why Jimin would say that. They thought if you weren’t okay you would inform them of so.
“When I picked her up today, some girls from her school passed by us and almost laughed at her. I noticed how she reacted and she looked almost scared of them. I really didn’t like it. Hyung, did you notice something yesterday?”
Namjoon started thinking to when he picked you up yesterday. No one had stood out like that; if someone had he would’ve noticed immediately.
“I don’t really think anyone gave off that sort of vibe, but she seemed more…down? I just thought it was school related stuff. I even asked her about it, and she said she was okay.”
All of the boys looked at each other in silence. They didn’t like the sound of someone making their baby, their girl sad.
“Let’s all pick her up tomorrow then. If something is off, then one of us will surely notice it. Plus, we’re all hanging out tomorrow, so she won’t even question it.” Seokjin said as he got up to finish up their dinner. “One of you call her and talk a bit to her to see how she is doing.”
Taehyung clapped his hands together before he took his phone out of his pocket. “I’ll call her!” He yelled as he got up and ran to his room. All of the other 5 boys mumbled or let out annoyed sighs, as they wanted to be the ones making sure their princess was okay.
That night you talked to Taehyung for about an hour before you went to shower and study a bit before bed. You didn’t sleep much that night, yet when you woke up you were excited that you would be hanging out with all of the boys. Usually one or two of them were busy with something and never told you what it was, but today all of them were coming. That was your motivation for going to school that Thursday. As expected, the girls kept going with their stupid words, but what happened later was what scarred you.
It was the end of the day and you were ready to head to the gates, but one of the nicest girls in your class and probably the entire grade, Jieun, had asked you to help her since it was her day to clean after classes. You weren’t sure as to why she asked you, but you knew she was paired up with one of the guys who didn’t do anything, so you to stay and help her for a bit. The guys could surely wait for 10 minutes. So, you stayed behind and helped her clean the classroom, yet after 5 minutes you heard the door opening and a couple of girls and guys walking in. You didn’t know what was happening until you heard Jieun apologize to you and run out of the classroom, locking the door afterwards. That was when you realized that everything was just a set-up.  
By the gates the boys were getting very impatient and worried. Jungkook kept saying that you were just a bit late and that you would be there any second, yet once his eyes landed on Jieun running away from your block, he knew something was off. He stepped up and stopped in front of her, forcing her to stop her running. He didn’t want to come off as rude, so he smiled at her even though his eyes told a whole different story.
“Hey Jieun. Have you seen my Y/N? Is she still in her classroom?”
With that Jieun let out a couple of tears roll down her cheeks as she looked down at the ground. “I’m so sorry, Jungkook. But they forced me. I didn’t have a choice. They said they would stop messing with me if I helped them!” Jieun sobbed yet didn’t have time to even look up because the 7 boys were already running towards your classroom. Jungkook was the fastest of them and since he knew the way very well, he was the first to reach the classroom just to find the door locked. Eventually all the boys arrived, and it didn’t took long until the door busted open, your cries only aggravating them to use brute force on the door between them and you. Your classmates were certain that the door wouldn’t break that easily, especially since they believed it was only Jungkook on the other side. When the door finally caved in and the lock broke, all of them rushed inside only to find you in the worst state they had ever seen you before.
You were on the ground with tears down your cheeks while a small half circle of students surrounded you. You were drenched in water while your classmates laughed. They also noticed how one of the girls had her hand on your hair, holding you up. The entire scene ticked all of the boys off, yet Yoongi was the first to react. He grabbed the wrist of the girl that held your hair and started squeezing harder each second until she let you go.
“Fucking bitch. Who do you all think you are to be doing this to our Y/N, huh? Want me to the same to all of your fucking sorry selves? Touch her again and I’ll kill each and single one of you before you can even call for help, understood?!” By then, you were in Seokjin’s arms while Taehyung wrapped his jacket around you. As the two took you out of there being followed by Jimin and Hoseok, Jungkook stared at your classmates. If looks could kill, they would all be 10 feet under the ground by now.
“You better apologize to her tomorrow or God help you all, we’ll come for you.” Jungkook took a step closer to them, yet Namjoon held him back by his arm, stopping him from stepping closer to them.
“Jungkook, don’t. Yoongi hyung, let the girl go.” Namjoon’s voice no longer held the sweet that usually held. His voice was now cold and distant. The other two knew it was best to listen to their friend, so they did as told, both leaving the classroom right after.
“You heard them. You all better respect her from now on. If not, we’ll know. If you didn’t like this small scene now, you won’t like what we’ll do to each one of you if we even get the idea that you pulled another stunt like this.” Namjoon’s voice was calm yet deadly. As he grabbed your things that were on the ground, he made sure his jacket was opened wide enough for the gun in his waistband to be visible to all of them.
Flashback OFF
Ever since then no one had bothered you, not even when Jungkook wasn’t there. School went by well after that incident, yet Jungkook never let you out of his sight while you two were in school. If you wanted to go to the bathroom, he would wait outside and make sure no one else walked in while you were there. When you had gym, he skipped his class to keep an eye on you and others around you, especially the boys. You knew he just wanted to keep you safe, and you appreciated it, but sometimes you felt like he scared people off. You felt like all of the boys did.
Now both of you had finally graduated and were off to do whatever you wanted. You were happy you also had worked while you studied because now you had saved up enough money to move out of your parents’ house. You hadn’t mentioned this to any of the boys, yet you were thinking that today was a good day to do so.
(I know the time says 4PM but just imagine it’s like 7am. Thank yooouuu^^)
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You were happy they supported you and wanted to help, yet you should’ve asked them again what they did for a living, you should’ve told them you were too scared to lose them. You should’ve been sure about your own feelings before you moved in. 
Things would only be getting harder from now on. 
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meganshinsou-tm · 5 years
Sugarcoated. (m)
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↳ chapter seven: quitting time
❧ genre: pro-hero hitoshi, adoptive siblings, happy ending
❧ chapter warnings: sexual/physical assault, mild blood, physical altercation
[multi-chap masterlist] [previous chapter - next chapter]
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"Good morning beautiful, here I got you some breakfast!"
Jumping into Hitoshi's vehicle you smiled and took the small bag he handed to you. Looking inside you squealed upon seeing a bacon, egg and cheese bagel and let your head fall back to the headrest as a dramatic "yum" left your mouth.
The hero chuckled and ordered you put the seat-belt on and took off into traffic after you did. It was now Wednesday and for the past two days the man had drove you to and from work, he didn't stay your entire shift like he wanted because you so eagerly begged him not to, instead he compromised to show up only two hours before your shifts ended. You helped closed and it was usually just you, one other coworker and your boss at the end of the night.
Hitoshi would sit in his corner with his laptop and do some work away from the agency since he was taking this time off to supervise you basically. On Monday you tried to tell Lee that Thursday would be your last day at the establishment but he for once was occupied with work issues. Tuesday you tried again, always failing because an issue would pop up, you'd get caught up with a customer or he would be out of the office. Today though you planned on telling him no matter what, even if it meant marching into his office yourself, a place you've never been in because honestly you were too scared that something wrong would happen.
"So when I drop you off today, I'll come up and help you start packing some of your things so we can start getting them moved over and not have to tackle it all on Friday. Sound good?"
You looked over, mouth full of food and nodded. Hitoshi shook his head and smiled as he braked for a stop light, he placed an elbow on the console and told you to come closer. You hesitated but did so, swallowing your food harshly as you leaned over. He grabbed your chin and pulled your cheek to him, his breathing fanned your skin and you gripped the bagel in your hands. 
You felt the tip of his tongue glide extremely close to the corner of your mouth. Your hands completely obliterating the food in your grasp now, squeezing it to bits, egg and bagel falling apart in your lap as your eyes widened and you breathed in through your nose sharply.
"There, you had a little bit of egg on your face. It's gone now!" He smirked and released you, sitting back in his seat and pressing the gas as the light turned green.
A violent chill crawled down your spine and you wiped where he licked with a growl, glaring at the smug hero who was so pleased with himself.
"What are you, a fucking dog?"
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You sighed and sat back on your feet after being on your knees behind the counter and cleaning up a mess of coffee grounds that were spilled all over the floor. It was only a few minutes until closing time and Hitoshi still hadn't showed up, before your head could start thinking the worst the phone in your apron started to ring. Looking at the ID you sighed and answered it.
"I'm sorry sweetness, I've been stuck on a mission for the past few hours and just got off. I'm heading that way right now. Are you okay?"
"Yeah hero, I'm fine. Just about to start closing up now."
"Have you told your boss yet?"
"Kind of but I don't think he took me seriously?"
"Okay well, don't push it anymore till I get there, I'll try and talk to him. I don't want you bringing up the issue when I'm not around, just to make sure he stays in his own fucking lane."
You laughed and fidgeted with your skirt agreeing with him. He let you know he'd only be maybe ten minutes and you both said goodbye. With a groan you rose to your feet and gathered the dust pan you had swept all the grounds into and dumped it into the trash can and went about your closing duties.
"Hey (Y/N), Mr. Lee needs to see you in his office. I'll take over from here until you get done."
You looked up to see your coworker walking into the main floor and nodded. As you both met in the middle you asked her to notify Shinsou of where you were in case he showed up before you were done. With a smile she agreed and you made your way to the back room and to the door you dreaded to enter. Standing before it you wiped your clammy hands on your apron and took a deep breathe, raising a trembling fist up to the door you knocked lightly.
"Come in (Y/N)."
Before opening the door you looked to the ones that separated the main room from the back and said a silent prayer that things would go over smoothly and your hero would be there soon. 
You stepped into the room, making sure to leave the door wide open and took a seat before the boss's desk. He finished typing away on his laptop and pushed it aside and turned to face you. A genuine smile crossed his face and you returned him a half smile.
"I'm sorry I've been so tied up all week and haven't been able to give you my full attention. You've been trying to tell me something?"
"Uh – yes sir I have, it's actually really important and now urgent," you replied softly but seriously and picked at your finger nails.
"Well what is it again?"
"Tomorrow will be my last day here Mr. Lee, I found another job. Like you said, I've been trying to tell you all week and I really hate that I'm just now being able to bring it up to you, only a day before but it couldn't be helped."
Your boss didn't reply right away, he leaned back and crossed his arms behind his head. His eyes wondered over you as he chewed on the inside of his cheek and let out an aggravated sounding hum and you looked at him apologetically.
"Well I can't say that I'm happy to hear this, you are one of my best workers and you seem to bring in a lot of the business we have, not to mention you are one of my favorites."
"Well I'm sure you'll find someone else who is just as good, maybe even better."
"Maybe. May I ask where you're going? This is kind of sudden," he asked leaning forward onto the desk.
"It's nothing special, just a nanny job. I'll be getting free room and board along with getting paid so I kind of jumped at the opportunity since I'm struggling at the moment."
"Well all you have to do is come to me (Y/N), I'm sure I could help you out, maybe loan you some money."
You swallowed harshly and protested while shaking your head, your heart beat a little faster as anxiety started to settle in. Your phone pinged and you immediately took it out of your apron, excusing yourself briefly to check the message.
➥ Toshi: Almost there, once again I'm sorry for being late, I'll make it up to you with food, sound good halfling? :)
You smiled and calmed down, knowing that any minute Hitoshi would be arriving. Mr. Lee cleared his throat, obviously not liking how he was being ignored.
"I'm sorry Mr. Lee. That's all I really needed to tell you, unless you need something else I should really be going and helping close up." 
You rose from your seat and curtsied for some reason. The man behind the desk rose with you and nodded. Before you turned to walk for the door he stopped you with a question.
"Where is that hero at? I haven't seen him since he dropped you off. Doesn't he usually show up before now?"
"Uh – actually," you swallowed harshly not sure of what to say, you were honestly a terrible liar and the nervousness you felt at the moment wouldn't help to shield that.
Mr. Lee walked around the desk and closer to you. Your blood started to run cold while you took steps closer to the door, but his steps were bigger and faster. Now we was face to face with you, his dark eyes staring down and paralyzing you from moving another inch.
"I don't really appreciate how he just hangs around here lately."
"Mr. Lee, I really need to –"
"Shut up, I'm talking. He chauffeur's you to and from here doesn't he, what is he to you huh?"
You looked at him not answering, he quirked a brow and nudged your cheek with his knuckle and tilting his head as if telling you to speak.
"Oh am I allowed to talk now," you retorted, an attitude suddenly sparking in you.
"He's only treating you so well because he wants one thing kitten. At first he had to pay for your attention, and now your just throwing it in his face like some little slut. Has he fucked you already?" 
The man was slowly backing you up against a wall, when you tried to sidestep his strong arm trapped your head and his foot kicked the door, slamming it shut.
"First off, you have no right talking to me like that, I don't care who you think you are. Second, my personal life is none of your goddamn business. This conversation is getting extremely inappropriate and I'm feeling uncomfortable. Now, kindly step the fuck off and let me out!"
The mans eyes got even darker, almost onyx like. His hand gripped your chin as he smacked your head back against the wall. You hissed, gritting your teeth and glared at him. Your hand moved to grab your phone but his free one stopped you before reaching it and pinned your wrist to the wall as he had done before. He licked his teeth and smirked, leaning closer his nose ran down your jawline and his teeth nipped at your skin. You started to tremble with fear and didn't make a move.
"You're not leaving just yet kitten. Since I've been given such short notice of your departure, I'll be shorthanded until I can fill your position and your absence is going to cost me money since those other bitches don't look half as good as you do."
"Is that supposed to fucking flatter me? I can't help it that this is a shitty place to begin with, that's your fucking problem, not mine!" You hissed.
He chuckled and squeezed your chin and wrist even tighter and stared you in the eyes. "Oh but it is, normally two weeks notice is preferred so things like that can be avoided. So how about we work out an agreement, since you only shake your cute little ass for paying customers, you shake it for me in lieu of the money I'll lose as repayment."
"You're delusional. I said to fuck off!"
"I guess I'll just have to persuade you then!"
It all happened so quickly, one second your feet left the floor and the next your back and head was slammed against a hard surface. Groaning and rubbing the back of your head you looked around to see your boss now hovering over as you were laid on his desk. Your skirt had flown up in the commotion revealing what was underneath, quickly your hand flew to lower it and cover yourself but he quickly pinned your hands above your head.
"Get off of me you sick fuck!"
A massive hand found its way around your throat, gripping harshly and slightly cutting off your airway. "I told you that mouth was going to get you in trouble one day. Now just relax kitten, you'll feel good, I promise!"
Your free hand desperately clawed at his wrist and you felt tears streaming down your face as he released your other wrist, that free hand now running up and down your sides before roughly groping your breast. 
A surprised squeal rolled in your throat and he groaned, pulling you up by the throat he placed a sloppy and rough kiss to your lips. Your teeth gnashed against each other and you fought to keep your lips sealed tight, pushing against his chest. He seemed to enjoy your fighting back as he chuckled and started to kiss further down your jaw and neck, your fingers clawed at him desperately trying to push his face away.
"Please, Hitoshi ..." you cried out looking away and hoping the hero was around to hear.
Lee's fingers were suddenly in your mouth, making you grunt and go silent.
"Oh no kitten, you say my name!" He growled as his hand on your breast squeezed again.
Hot tears were flowing and your chest heaved. You were absolutely powerless under this man, he was too strong but he didn't have power over your voice. You shook you head and remained silent, only breathing harshly around his fingers and sniffling. Your hands gripped at his wrist holding him back from entering his fingers any further down your mouth.
"Don't worry, I know how to get it pouring from that pretty little mouth."
His hand trekked from your breast and down your side, towards your inner thigh where he popped the garter belt on your stockings. You shook your head and pleaded a muffled 'no' as the hand kept trailing closer and closer between your thighs, his fingertips barely brushing against your core. Out of pure fear you bit down harshly on his fingers, you could hear the crunch of a bone and flesh tearing in your ears. A loud yell was heard and the fingers were removed, as quickly as they disappeared a firm and harsh slap flew across your face. 
The pain was unbearable, your entire right side stung and went numb. Your hands flew up and were met with a warm liquid. Looking at your fingertips you saw blood, your stomach started to lurch and your heartbeat quickened. Loud yells and crashes were escalating but being muffled as you quickly slipped away into a darkness.
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"Fuck! (Y/N), snap out of it. Wake – uh, yeah there you go. There's those pretty eyes!"
Slowly your eyes fluttered open, a bright light stinging them until it was blocked out by a tuft of purple hair. You went to move and winced at a pain ringing through your head.
"No, no, no. Don't move, just take it easy." Hitoshi cooed and lightly cupped your left cheek.
"Tosh, I want to go home. Please –" tears streamed down your face and you hid it in his chest trying to quiet your sobs, "Please just take me home."
Hitoshi could feel his heart breaking piece by piece, he clutched you to his chest, a hand rubbing your back as he buried his face in your mangled hair, letting his own tears fall into it and releasing a sweet scent. He'd never forgive himself for this day, for not being there in time. If it took the rest of his life he'd give his blood, sweat and tears to make it up to you.
"Of course sweetheart, we're going home."
A few minutes later you laid in the backseat of the jeep, red and blue lights flashed from outside of the windows. Police wanted to question you but Hitoshi refused to let them, he didn't want you to be pestered or bothered and just wanted to get you home as soon as possible. Before leaving though, the hero had to answer questions himself since he practically beat Lee to a bloody pulp. Leaning against the door of his vehicle he groaned and ran a hand through his hair and turned to look inside the window to check on you.
"I told you, I walked in to see him over her, she was crying and her face was bleeding, her clothes were all disheveled. It doesn't take a fucking genius to figure out what was happening! He's assaulted her before, last time it was just bruises around her wrists."
"Why didn't she report him then, if she felt in danger then why would she come back?" The officer questioned scratching the back of his neck.
Hitoshi was baffled by what he was hearing, "Are you seriously trying to blame her right now? Look, you know what, let's settle this the easy way, where is he?"
"Mr. Shinsou I'm not sure that's a good idea."
"I'm not gonna touch the piece of shit again, I just want to ask him a question."
The officer made a face, realizing what the hero was getting at. He waved Hitoshi over and they walked towards the patrol car that the man in question was contained in. Opening the door he was slumped back against the seat, his face swollen and bloody from the amount of hits Hitoshi had landed. His dark eyes met purple ones and he smirked.
"Lee, I'm gonna need you to answer Mr. Shinsou's question."
"Why the fuck would I do that?" The beaten man tried to choke out.
"What's you favorite ice cream?" Hitoshi suddenly blurted out.
Your boss looked at him with a quirked brow and confused look, "The fuck kind of – ngh."
Just like that, the mans eyes went blank and he shut up, Hitoshi smirked as he had the bastard under control of his quirk. "Now, tell the officer what your intentions were with (Y/N)."
"I was going to have sex with her."
Hitoshi grit his teeth, his grip tightening around the car door. His blood boiled and he wanted to rampage on the disgusting man before him. "Now I want you to answer one more question, did she at any point say 'no' or 'stop'?"
With that Hitoshi released the man and turned on his heels, leaving behind the police officer. 
"There, your job is done. I'll be checking in to make sure that piece of shit is dealt with correctly."
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Hitoshi pulled up outside of his home, with a sigh he parked the vehicle and killed the engine. His ears could hear you breathing, slow and deep, and he looked back to see you cuddled up in the blanket the police officer gave him to cover your body. Your hair fell in your face, your lips parted as you breathed in and out, sleeping peacefully. The hero turned to face the steering wheel again, he crossed his arms leaning on it and quietly held back his cries. The image he saw when busting through that office door was forever burned into his head.
When he finally arrived to the café, Shinsou saw your coworker outside of the front door smoking a cigarette. He asked her where you were and once she told him he sprinted inside and through all the doors. He could hear your muffled cries, making his heart stop as he struggled to open the door, it was locked. He rammed his shoulder into it, getting it to budge just a little. Then he heard something that sounded like a slap and your yelp shortly after. The hero saw red and used all his force to bust open the door, upon stumbling in he saw Lee hovered over you. The skirt of your dress exposing everything, his hand gripping your thigh so tightly it would leave bruises. And your face, covered in tears and blood from a cut the split across your cheek. Without thinking Hitoshi attacked your assailant and it went downhill from there.
Taking a deep breath again Hitoshi finally got out of the vehicle. He opened the door to the backseat and stood there looking at you. Unsure of it was okay to even touch you, he slowly placed a hand on your foot, not wanting to touch your thigh or any other place that might seem inappropriate. He shook it gently while calling out your name. 
A gust of cold wind blew inside the jeep and made you shiver, your eyes slowly fluttered open as you could hear Hitoshi calling out your name and your body being shaken. Cuddling up more into the blanket you hunched over to see the purple haired hero standing at the end of the seat.
"We're home (Y/N), are you okay with me carrying you?"
You nodded and sat up, wincing as your body and face hurt. Shinsou reached out a hand and told you to be slow and easy and try not to push yourself. You scooted to the end of the seat and wrapped your arms around the heroes neck and your legs around his waist. He was planning on carrying you a different way but this was fine too. Grabbing the blanket he shroud it around you, wrapped an arm around your back and one under the thigh that wasn't bruised. He closed the door shut with his hip, locked it and proceeded to walk to his front door.
"Where are we?" Your tired and groggy voice asked as your chin rested on his shoulder, eyes wondering your surroundings.
"We're at my place. It was closer than yours, I hope that's okay."
"Yeah that's fine, the heat in my place went out the other day anyway so at least I'll be warm tonight."
Hitoshi shook his head and let out an aggravated sigh as he fished out his house key from his pocket. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"
You softly chuckled and nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck while he unlocked the door and opened it. 
"You didn't ask."
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imagine-riverdale · 5 years
Sober-Sweet Pea Imagine
Katelyn “Kate” McBride was born and raised on the Southside of Riverdale in Sunnyside Trailer park. She grew up next to the Jones family and was good friends with Jughead until he ultimately ended up going to the Northside for school. Which is when she began hanging out with Toni Topaz, Fangs Fogarty, and Sweet Pea. The four of them later becoming Southside Serpents.
Katelyn McBride normally spent her Friday nights sat in the Whyte Wyrm with her friends, the four of them hanging out, but ever since Jughead Jones started going to Southside High, Toni began spending all her time with him. So that left Katelyn to spend time with Fangs and Sweet Pea alone, well until Sweet Pea started seeing a newer Serpent, Olivia Stanley. Olivia was pretty, and Katelyn liked her as a person, but as someone dating the boy she was in love with? She hated her. Since Sweet Pea and Olivia began dating, Katelyn and Fangs were spending more nights at the Wyrm alone, without Sweet Pea, or Toni. Toni was only ever there when she had a shift, which was mostly Saturdays, Tuesday, and Wednesday. While Katelyn work the bar shift Sunday, Monday, and Wednesday nights.
It had been a few days since Katelyn had last talked to Toni, or even Sweet Pea. She wasn’t surprised when she walked into the Wyrm and saw Toni behind the bar, but she was surprised to see Jughead sitting at the bar. Kate said nothing to Toni as she walked behind the bar and filled a glass of whiskey for Birdie who was sitting at the end.
“Not going to even say hi?” Toni asked after a few minutes. Katelyn looked at Toni.
“Oh, didn’t know we were speaking again?”
“We never stopped?” Toni asked glancing at Jughead.
“Hmm, really? Seems as if we did.” Katelyn shrugged, just as Sweet Pea came in with Olivia on his arm, the two heading straight to the pool table where he began teaching her how to play.
“When did that happen?” Nodding towards the pool table Toni looked at Katelyn questioningly.
“If you’d have been around you’d know.” Katelyn moved to the other end of the bar as Fangs sat down by Jughead.
“About a week ago.” He stated. “Same time you and Jones started hanging out.”
“How’s Kate with it?” She knew her friend had feelings for Sweet Pea, hell they all knew, except for Sweet Pea.
“Honestly? She’s putting up a front that she’s fine, which isn’t hard seeing as he’s blowing her off too.”
“What do you mean by too?” Toni asked setting a beer in front of Fangs as Jughead said goodbye and left.
“You both missed movie night, Friday night at the Wyrm, her birthday Saturday. She spent all day waiting for you or Sweet Pea to come over, she refused to go anywhere just in case you’d call. I spent Saturday night with her, when I left, I heard her crying.” Fangs glanced down the bar where Katelyn had plastered a fake smile while talking to Olivia before handing her two beers. “Sweet Pea didn’t show up Sunday like he has for the past year she’s been working here.”
“I got busy.” Toni stated looking down at her friend, she hadn’t realized she was missing so much.
“Yeah, we all get busy, but we don’t push our friends away.” Fangs stated. “And Sweet Pea.” Fangs glanced at his friend who was smiling at Olivia. “He hasn’t even tried calling us, have you talked to him?” Fangs turned to Toni who shook her head. “You’re both pushing her, us, away.” Fangs got off the stool and went down to Katelyn’s side of the bar, causing a genuine smile to come to her face. Toni felt terrible for missing all those things with her friends, but she had been so caught up in helping Jughead that she hadn’t even realized what she was doing, and she had a feeling Sweet Pea hadn’t realized it either. So, when Sweet Pea came to get another beer Toni talked to him.
“So, you and Olivia, huh?” She asked as Sweet Pea nodded.
“Yeah. You and Jones?”
“No, no, just friends.” She stated. “Fangs talked to me earlier.”
“Okay? Fangs talks to everyone.” Sweet Pea joked grabbing his beer and turning.
“We missed movie night, and Kate’s birthday.” Toni said causing Sweet Pea to stop and look at her.
“No Kate’s birthday isn’t until the third.” He stated.
“It’s the seventh SP.” Toni stated. “We both missed movie night, and Friday night at the Wyrm, you didn’t show up Sunday either.” Sweet Pea moved back towards the bar. “The only way we can make it up to her is by showing up to movie night tomorrow.” Sweet Pea sighed.
“I’ll try but Olivia and I have plans.” Sweet Pea walked away from the bar, thinking about all the things he missed.
After school Thursday, Fangs and Kate went and bought all the things they wanted and needed for movie night, neither of them expecting to find Toni waiting on Kate’s doorstep upon arriving there.
“What are you doing here?” Kate asked hopping off her bike and moving up towards the trailer.
“Came to apologize for being a crappy friend.” Toni held up a bag of twizzlers and a bag of salt and vinegar chips, Fangs and Kate’s favorite.
“I guess you’re forgiven.” The three entered the trailer, Katelyn’s mom had left for work as she did every Thursday. The three sat in the living room having their moving night, Toni waiting for Sweet Pea’s arrival, which never came. The three all ended up falling asleep around the living room.
Katelyn didn’t seek out Sweet Pea, nor did he attempt to talk to her, so Katelyn assumed that meant their friendship was over, and she was dealing with it in her own way. It wasn’t until almost a month later did she actually talk to Sweet Pea again, it was after the merge of the two schools. It was a Tuesday and she had decided to visit Toni at the Wyrm. The two sat chatting for awhile before Sweet Pea came in and took a seat next to Katelyn.
“You want a beer Pea?” Toni asked as Sweet Pea nodded. Toni handed him his beer while Katelyn stayed silent. “Where’s Olivia?”
“No clue, broke up with her, she’s fucking nuts.” He stated taking a drink of his beer and glancing at Katelyn waiting for a comment. “Don’t have anything to say?”
“I have nothing to say to you.” Katelyn looked at Sweet Pea who’s face fell.
“Don’t be like that.”
“I’m too sober for this.” Toni produced another beer for Katelyn. “Thanks T.”
“So, you’re not talking to me now?” He asked following Katelyn as she left her stool and went over to a booth, waiting for Fangs to show up.
“As I recall, you stopped talking to me first.” She stated as Sweet Pea sat down across from her.
“I didn’t mean to.” He stated.
“But you did, even after Toni talked to you about it. Yeah, I know Toni told you, yeah I know Fangs talked to you.”
“I’m sorry Kate, really. Can’t we just go back to how things were?” He asked as Katelyn scoffed before taking a drink of her beer.
“Go back to how things were? Do you realize how much you missed?” She asked. “Countless movie night, Friday nights here, Sunday afternoons here, my birthday, the camping trip we planned for months, which I ended up going on alone with Fangs.” Katelyn stopped talking and took a breath. “You stopped talking to me for over a month Sweet Pea.” She said looking at her hands. “I spent a month trying to figure out what I did to make you hate me, to make you not want to even speak to me when you were still talking to Toni and Fangs. We were supposed to go to that drive in over in Greendale for my birthday, Fangs had the tickets, but I refused to leave without you and Toni, we tried calling, but you guys didn’t answer. We didn’t end up going, instead we stayed home, Fangs left, and I cried myself to sleep thinking my best friends hated me.” Katelyn felt the tears welling in her eyes, so she stopped talking and took a drink of her beer before continuing. “So no, we can’t go back to how things were. You can’t ignore someone, make them feel worthless and expect them to pretend it didn’t happen.” Katelyn finished off her beer, stood up and headed towards the door when Fangs entered.
“Hey, you leaving?” He asked stopping her. Katelyn glanced back at Sweet Pea before looking back at Fangs.
“Yeah. I’m not in the mood to party tonight, sorry Fangs.” Katelyn left quickly and made her way back to her home where her mom, Joanne was sitting on the couch. Katelyn’s mother muted the TV once she noticed the look on Katelyn’s face.
“You okay?”
“How do you stop being in love with someone?” She asked softly.
“Oh baby.” Joanne put her arm over Katelyn’s shoulder and pulled her into. “I don’t have that answer for you.” She told her. “But I can tell you, you’re not always going to feel this way. I don’t know what happened, but you need to talk to Sweet Pea.”
“I said nothing about Sweet Pea.” Katelyn sat up quickly, pulling away from her mother.
“Honey, I gave birth to you. I’ve watched you grow up. I’ve seen the way you’ve look at him, the way you’ve been looking at him since you were ten. You’re in love with him.” Her mother said softly. “It’ll work out, give it time.” Katelyn nodded before the tears started streaming down his face.
“He stopped talking to me for a month mom, what did I do? What did I do wrong to make him hate me?” Katelyn fell into her mothers’ arms and cried for hours before falling asleep on the couch.
When Katelyn met up with Toni in town the next day, Toni immediately saw the tear stained puffy cheeks of Katelyn’s.
“You good?” Toni asked as the two walked towards the old vintage clothing store.
“I’ve been better.” Katelyn said softly. “Can I admit something to you?” She asked pausing on the sidewalk, glancing around at everyone out shopping.
“I’m in love with Sweet Pea. I know you and Fangs figured it out, but I needed to say it out loud because maybe it’ll help me not love him.” Katelyn ran a hand through her hair as she leaned against the side of a building. “He doesn’t love me, does he? Forget it, don’t answer that.” Katelyn walked into the clothing store and beginning to pull things from the racks.
“Kate.” Toni touched her arm, stopping her from pulling more things off the racks.
“He loves you.” Toni stated. “He’s loved you since the third grade. He should be at his place, go talk to him.” Katelyn stood there a minute before hugging Toni and running out of the store and to her car, driving quickly to Sweet Pea’s trailer where she seen his and Fangs’ bikes.
“Go home Fangs.” Sweet Pea said once Katelyn entered, she immediately walked over to him.
“So, I hear you love me.” She stated, at those words Fangs stood up and walked out.
“Yep.” Sweet Pea nodded standing in front of Kate. “Heard you love me too.” Sweet Pea stated with a grin.
I’m sorry the ending is crap, I’ve run out of inspiration. I’ve started University, so it’s been a rough week. Thanks for reading!
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mca-attack21 · 5 years
Riverdale: Deadly Definitions 9
AN: Hello guys! Sorry for the delay, I was working on a couple different angles for this story. Anyways, I hope you enjoy! Comment if you would like to be tagged in future parts like @l4life did.  Part 1    Part 2    Part 3    Part 4   Part 5   Part 6    Part 7   Part 8
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Sunday morning was eventful to say the least. Being that it was the morning after you got out of the hospital, you were incredibly sore. You were also pretty sure that you had missed taking your medicine, which was great. Your boyfriend was no where to be found, and your phone was across the room. So you decided that you were going to get up, move around, take your meds, and use the bathroom, and rescue your phone. Sounds easy enough right?
Wrong.To be honest you both wished Archie was there and were glad that he wasn’t.  You breathed in sharply as you turned to get out of bed. You struggled through with tears rolling down your face and finally made it to your feet. You had never been in this much pain in your life. But it was fine. You were fine. Everything was fine. 
You made it to the bathroom and took your pills plus a dose of mouthwash. You then returned to the room, accidentally bumping your shoulder on the door and letting out a string of curses. The tears returned against your will and you knew you looked like a mess. Of course, that was when Archie decided to come jogging up the stairs.
“What are you doing out of bed?” he asked before entering the room to see the mess that was you, “Y/n what happened? Are you okay?” 
The whole situation made you even more upset which contributed to actual ugly crying, which hurt your ribs, and thus made you cry more with intermittent “Ow’s”. 
“Y/n, you need to calm down. Breath. It’s okay. Just focus on my voice. You are okay. I’m right here. Come on let’s get you back in bed. You’re okay. Breath. Just calm down. It’s alright.” Archie soothed as he carefully led you back to his bed.
It took you a minute to regain your composure. You were embarrassed that Archie witnessed your little meltdown. “I’m sorry” you said as you laid back.
“You have nothing to be sorry for.” he replied and you looked away, “I’m serious Y/n. I know this sucks, but we’ll get through it. You’ve always been here for me, and now it’s my turn to be there for you. You just have to talk to me.” 
“I know, I’m fine now, I promise.” you answer.
“What happened anyway? I went downstairs to get you breakfast and I came back and oof” he smiled.
“Well, you see I woke up which was mistake number 1. I then realized that I hadn’t woken up earlier to take my medicine which was very overdue. Plus I had to go to the bathroom. Looking in the bathroom mirror was mistake number 3. And then your door assaulted me. And then I saw you, at which point I learned that crying with fractured ribs is very painful and should be avoided at all costs.” you explained.
“Wow. Okay, what can I do for you now? Do you want some breakfast?” he asked.
“That sounds great. Can you see if Betty can come over?” you ask.
“I’ll call her and make you some pancakes,” he went to his desk and retrieved your phone, “call me if you need anything else.” he added and kissed your forehead.
Luckily Betty was able to come over. You had her brush and braid your hair and do your make-up. She also helped you into clean and comfy clothes. This way you would look and feel like less of a zombie. She helped you back into bed and the two of you talked about the baby shower that was happening that afternoon. 
It wasn’t long before Archie returned with your pancakes. He thanked Betty for stopping by and walked her out. When he returned he was happy to see that you were in much better spirits than you were earlier that morning. 
“So, what are your plans today?” you asked.
“Well there is this girl that I kinda like, and I was planning to hang out with her” he joked.
“You don’t have to stay here all day. You could go to Polly’s baby shower.” you replied.
“You think I would willingly choose to go to a baby shower instead of hanging out with my girlfriend?” 
“You do have a point” 
“Besides, I have a door to punish.” he laughed taking your plate and setting it down before crawling into bed beside you with his laptop. The two of you then proceeded to watch Netflix for the majority of the day. After dinner you talked him into pulling out his guitar and the two of you worked on his music. 
Meanwhile Jughead, Betty, and Veronica were busy with Polly’s baby shower which was nothing but family drama. Alice showed up and asked Polly to move back in, at which point Polly revealed that Mr. Cooper had tried to have her have an abortion. The Blossom’s then showed up and asked Polly to move into Thornhill. The real kicker? After the party she chose the Blossoms. 
This had both of the Coopers upset. Alice kicked Hal out of the house. He retaliated by kicking her out of the Register. Betty couldn’t believe that her sister abandoned her. She felt like her family was falling apart and that there was nothing she could do about it. Jughead was trying to keep up her spirits through it all. 
Jughead’s dad stopped by to talk to Mr. Andrews. He asked him if he would consider letting legitimate serpents come and start working the Drive-In project. After all, the serpents needed work and would be able to handle trouble if the thugs decided to come back. Having no other options, Mr. Andrews graciously agreed saying they could start tomorrow.
Monday morning Archie woke you up as he was getting ready for school. He didn’t want to leave you alone, but you reassured him that you would be fine. After all, his dad was going to come home for lunch and school would be out at 3:30 at which point Betty was coming over. He made you promise to call him if anything went wrong, and then reluctantly left. 
It honestly wasn’t that bad. You slept most of the day and Archie had made sure everything you needed was within arms reach. His dad came home and made you macaroni and cheese for lunch. The two of you talked for a little while before he went back to work. And then Betty came over to drop off your homework and hang out for a bit before Archie got done with practice. When he did come home, he went straight up to see how you were doing.
“Hey Archie, how was your day?” you asked. 
“It was good. Actually, I have something to ask you”  he replied.
“Cheryl asked me if I would accompany her to the Blossom maple tapping ceremony as her date tomorrow. She gave me a whole speech on how I am the only decent guy in Riverdale after I defended her to sheriff Keller. And then later her mom offered to put in a word with the director of the Brandenburg Music Academy if I went. And I originally told Cherly no, but then I told her mom that I would talk to you about it. So here I am talking…” 
“Archie-” you started.
“It’s just that doing that summer program would be so big for me. It would help me get college recognition and a chance to learn from professionals. Plus it’s only one time. And I could check in on Polly which would be good for Betty” he continued.
“Archie, can I finish?” you laughed, seeing how worked up he was. 
“Yeah, I’m sorry.” he admitted.
“I think you should go, it’s good to make connections. And I trust you.”
“Are you sure your okay with it? This isn’t some girl tactic where you tell me to do it and then use it against me for the rest of my life?” he joked.  
“Yes I’m sure, go tap some maple trees. Be there for Cheryl, even though she may act like the devil incarnate, she is going through a lot right now and could use a friend.” 
“You amaze me” he replied as he kissed you, “you are the most understanding and kindhearted person I have ever met”. 
So the next day after school Archie skipped practice and went to the Blossom residence. Cheryl greeted him and walked him through the schedule for the evening. They walked together and presented a united front. He offered her words of encouragement as she was being criticized by the other board members. After doing the ceremonial tree tapping Archie was getting ready to leave but was stopped by Mr. Blossom.
“Archie, I wanted to thank you again for being my daughter’s escort tonight.”
“No problem sir. Thanks again for putting in a word for me at Brandenburg.”
“I have to admit I was surprised to see you here. Your dad and I don’t always see eye to eye, but you and Cheryl are great together. The board likes to see stability. I think this is just the beginning of a great relationship between you and our family.” 
“Thanks, I’m glad I could help”.
“Speaking of helping, there is a banquet Thursday that I would like you to attend with Cheryl. It is a very big deal for the board. I’ll have my tailor fit you for a suit tomorrow and you can pick it up Wednesday.”
“I’m honored sir, but I don’t know if I can commit to that” Archie tried.
“Of course you can, it would mean the world to Cheryl. Besides, I have invited her Uncle. The one who is on the board at Brandenburg. I was thinking you could play something and talk to him yourself.” Clifford persisted.
“Well, I guess...”
“Okay great, be here tomorrow right after practice.”
Archie was so slightly nervous to tell you that he agreed to another ‘date’ with Cheryl. He just hoped that you would be as cool with it as you were the first time.  
“Hey, you survived a whole evening with the Blossom clan” you smiled as he arrived home. 
“Yeah, I did. If you think Cheryl is evil you should meet her family”
“Well, if you play your cards right you will never have to see them again.” 
“Actually there is something I have to tell you,”
“What’s up?”
“Cheryl’s dad asked if I would go to this Banquet on Thursday and I kinda agreed. It’s completely harmless and I might even get to play for a guy from Brandenburg.” 
“Oh” you replied as your face dropped. 
“I mean I can cancel if it’s a big deal,” he added. 
“No, it’s fine. It’s a great opportunity for you. And like I said last night, I trust you Archie.” 
The next day was equally as boring. The only difference is that it was Veronica who stopped by after school. You had her help you to get out of your clothes so you could take a shower. Afterwards she did your hair and put concealer over the bruises on your face. You were feeling much better and even ventured downstairs to the living room. 
The two of you were talking about how she had to give a disposition and the fact that it was becoming harder and harder for her to have blind faith in her father. Especially since she found out that he had something to do with the Muggs family losing their house. She was frustrated that her mother wouldn’t tell her more about it. The worst part was that her dad threatened to incriminate her mom if she chose not to cooperate. 
You were offering her advice when the doorbell rang. Veronica went to answer it and Cheryl came in with a guitar.
“Sorry not sorry to bother you, but is Archikins here by any chance?” she asked.
“No, he hasn’t come home yet. Practice must be running late.” you answered glancing at the time.
“Oh, he must be at his fitting. My dad’s tailor is making him a suit for tomorrow's banquet. You know Y/n I’m glad that you are okay that Archie and I are so close. Lesser girls would be jealous of the intimate bond we share or at least feel threatened by my draw. I mean my family can offer so much.” she said cattily.
“Careful Cheryl.” Veronica warned.
“It’s okay V, I trust my boyfriend. Anything else Cheryl?” 
“I’m just going to drop the guitar off. I bought it for Archie as a thank you for last night. He was quite the gentleman. It’s top of the line. Tell Archie that he should test it out and see if it suites him. There are plenty of others to choose from.” She added as she set the case down. 
“Okay, thank you Cheryl.” you smile.
“See you at school Veronica. Y/n I hope you recover quickly. Ta-ta!” she said as she exited the house. 
“Dude, she is trying to steal your boyfriend. How are you so calm right now?” Veronica asked.
“I trust Archie. Plus we both know that Cheryl is mostly talk.”  you answer. 
“Okay, well I have to get going, but Betty is next door if you need anything and Archie should be here soon.” Veronica said and came over to give you a small but comforting hug.
It wasn’t long before Archie got home and found you snoozing on the couch. Unfortunately that didn’t last long at all as he received a phone call from Cheryl and the ringing woke you up. He went in the kitchen and took the call, which was Cheryl telling him about the guitar, and returned to the living room. 
“Hey babe, have a nice nap?” he asked.
“Yeah. Cheryl stopped by earlier and dropped off a guitar as a gift for last night. She wants you to let her know if you like it. If not, she will be more than happy to exchange it.”
“I know, she told me. They want me to play it at the banquet on Thursday.” he said as he got it out of the case. You could see how excited he was. 
“It’s a nice guitar.” you compliment.
“Yeah, and get this. Clifford Blossom even agreed to hire my Dad’s company for a couple of construction projects.”
“That’s great Archie” you said. And you meant it. You were glad that he was getting so many opportunities. It just made you feel bad because you knew that you would never be able to offer him the kind of life Cheryl could. With the Blossoms he would want for nothing. It would never be like that with the two of you.
“Hey, I’m worn out, I think I’m going to go to bed” you added standing up to begin the long journey upstairs. 
“Are you sure?” 
“Yeah, I’ve had a long day”
“Okay, well I’ll be up in a bit.” He said as he started strumming on his new guitar.
The next day went incredibly slow. You decided to go outside and sit in the yard and may or may not have got stuck. You were relieved when you saw Jughead walking up. 
“This doesn’t look like a bed” he joked. 
“And you don’t look responsible enough to be a babysitter, yet here we are.” you return, “On a more serious note, I may be stuck and could really use a hand”  
“Okay, but only because you are damsel in distress and we Jones men are nothing if not chivalrous.” he replied as he helped you off the ground earning a whimper from you.
“So, how’s Bughead doing?” you ask as the two of you make it inside. 
“I refuse to acknowledge that with a response. Instead I will counter with, how are you holding up?”
“Physically I’m doing a lot better. I feel like I’m not even missing anything at school. Except for you know, the fact Cheryl Blossom is trying to buy my boyfriend.” 
“Yeah I don’t even know where to start with that one, Cheryl is a vulture.” 
“It’s fine, I trust Archie. But still, she has some nerve.” you replied, “How is your dad doing?”
“He’s a lot better. He sobered up and I came home yesterday to a clean house. He said that after he pays the bills off he is going to call my mom and get her and Jellybean back.”
“That’s great Jughead” you smiled.
The two of you continued to catch up until it was time for him to meet up with Betty. At which point you decided that it was time to continue watching Netflix. 
Archie was both nervous and out of place at the banquet. Even though he had the suit that was custom tailored for him for this event, he felt like he was under dressed. He also was second guessing his selection of songs. He wished that he would have had more time to practice. Especially since so much was riding on this. 
He walked Cheryl around as she introduced him to her family members. The two of them sat by each other and enjoyed the fancy dinner. Afterwards, she asked him to dance and he obliged. It was a little while later when Clifford pulled him aside and asked if he was ready to take the stage. Archie decided that it was now or never. Clifford introduced him saying this is “Archie Andrews, with a song he’s dedicating to my daughter Cheryl.” He sang one of the songs that the two of you wrote and they loved it. Clifford than introduced him to Cheryl’s uncle who all but promised a spot at the summer camp.
After that Cheryl led him away from the party and into a private opening. 
“Thank you for this Archie” she said as she pulled him into a hug.
“It’s no problem Cheryl, you know I’m here for you.” he answered.
“Seriously though, that song was beautiful, and the way you stood up for me back there” she added before pulling him in for a passionate kiss. It took him a moment to realize what was happening before he pulled away.
“What are you doing?” he asked backing away.
“My lipstick is maple red by the way. In case you were wondering why it tasted so sweet.” she seduced.
Archie had enough and walked away. He was going to grab his phone and then leave. On his way out he heard the Blossom’s say that they were responsible for Hiram Lodge’s arrest. He had almost made it to his car when Cheryl intercepted him. 
“It’s supposed to be Cinderella who bolts from the ball, not prince charming silly” she calls.
“I can’t do this right now Cheryl, I’m leaving.”
“If you leave right now, the radiant sun that is the Blossom family will cease to shine down on you and yours. And everything we’ve given you including the Brandenburg program disappears. Are you sure you want to give that up? Are you sure you want to do that to your dad?”
“I’m sorry Cheryl, I can’t do this anymore. Goodbye.” he said before leaving to his car. What Archie didn’t know was that walking away from Cheryl was not that easy. She had a plan just in case he did something like this. 
You were watching tv with Archie’s dad when you got the text from Cheryl. “He’s a good kisser xoxo” Attached came a video of the two of them kissing. You were shocked to say the least. 
Archie’s Dad noticed your change in demeanor and asked you about it. You shrugged it off and told him you were going to go spend the night at Veronica’s for a change of scenery. He offered to drive you which you accepted. He went upstairs to grab your meds and then helped you out to the truck. At that point you were doing good to keep it together. You text Veronica to let her know that you were coming.
“You know for someone who is supposed to be on bed-rest, you don’t seem to stay in bed” Mr. Andrews joked.
“Yeah. It gets boring.” you reply.
“Do you want me to bring you lunch tomorrow at the Pembrook?” he asked.
“No, I’ll be fine.” you answered.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah I’m just tired, but Veronica text me to come over. Duty calls.”
“Okay, so should I expect you back tomorrow?” he asked as he pulled up to the entrance.
“I don’t know yet, I might stay here.” you answered as you got out, “Thanks for the ride.” 
Veronica was waiting at the door for you. She was always happy to have you over, but she was confused since last time she checked you were supposed to be on bed-rest with minimal exertion. “Hey girl, what’s up?” she asked as she let you in. When she saw your face she knew that something wasn’t right. “Y/n what’s wrong?” she asked.
You handed her your phone with the video playing. “Please tell me that the guy kissing Cheryl isn’t Archie.”
“That bitch.” she answered as she watched the video.
“She won. She can give Archie everything he has ever wanted and more.” you said as your eyes started to tear up. 
“Oh Y/n, it’s okay, come on let’s get you upstairs and comfortable. And then I will break out the cookie dough ice cream.”
Archie went straight up to his room. He was going to tell you that Cheryl kissed him and that it didn’t mean anything. That he was done being her date and he was done with the Blossoms in general. He was going to get into the music program based off of merit or not at all. He was going to tell you that he loved you and that he was sorry that he had ever chose Cheryl over you. 
The only problem was that you were not there. He went back down stairs to see if he had maybe missed you sleeping on the couch. He then checked both the downstairs and upstairs bathrooms. He called out for you and then decided to call your phone. But there was no response. He was relieved when he heard the door open downstairs assuming you and his dad had went out. 
He jogged down the stairs and was disappointed to see only his dad. “Hey do you know where Y/n is?” he asked
“Yeah, I just dropped her off at Veronica’s, she said she was going to stay there for a night or two.” Mr. Andrews answered starting to piece everything together. 
“Okay, did she say why?” Archie questioned.
“No, but she did seem kinda upset. Did something happen?” 
“No. Yes. Kinda. I just have to talk to her, I’ll be back in a bit.” Archie said as he went for the door.
“Hey son” his dad called after him.
“Yeah dad?” 
“You might want to wipe the lipstick off your face” 
Archie’s eyes went big. He pulled his phone out and went to selfie mode only to notice the smeared cherry red lipstick still staining his lips. He wiped it off and headed to Veronica’s. The fact that you hadn’t picked up his calls or answered his texts was not a good sign. 
When he arrived he was forced to leave his name with the doorman as it was after hours. Smithers relayed the message to Veronica that Archie was here to see you. Considering that you had just fallen asleep and had already said you didn’t want to see him, she decided to handle this herself.
She met him in the lobby. “Hey Ronnie, I need to see Y/n it’s important” Archie tried.
“As important as Cheryl’s lips?” she asked and Archie realized just how bad this was.
“How did you know?” he asked.
“Cheryl sent Y/n quite the video. I have to say I expected better from you Archie.”
“You don’t understand Veronica, it isn’t what it looks like” 
“You don’t get to say that. There is video evidence that it is exactly what it looks like”
“It was a set up, I didn’t know she was going to kiss me. And the video doesn’t show me pulling away or leaving right afterwards. You have to believe me Veronica I would never do that to Y/n. Please let me see her” he pleaded.
“I’m sorry Archie, not tonight. She came here so she wouldn’t have to see you. Besides she is asleep. And you know that she isn’t supposed to be getting worked up right now.” 
“Okay, well tell her that I stopped by. And that I want to see her to explain. And that I love her” he said defeated. 
“I will. And Archie? I am rooting for the two of you.” she smiled as she headed back upstairs. She believed him. After all, she had witnessed first hand how manipulative Cheryl could be. She just hoped that the two of you would be able to work it out. 
As Archie left that night he wasn’t focused on his anger at Cheryl. Instead, his heart went out to you. He couldn’t believe that he had allowed this to happen. He wanted more than anything to apologize to you and to hold you in his arms. He was scared that you would believe Cheryl and that this would be the breaking point for the two of you. 
He had no choice but to wait until the next day to find out.
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ladylillianrose · 4 years
You’ve Got SPRQS a Max Richman/Zoey Clarke Fanfiction
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A/N: OMG you guys are all so amazing for all your comments! I'm so appreciative of you all for reading this and supporting me! And the moment you have all been waiting for, it's time for Red and Billy's date!
As always thank you to aubreyrichman for her edits and feedback!
They still belong to Austin Winsberg, but for now I will continue to borrow them!
The song is "Friday I'm In Love" by The Cure (Listen to it here https://youtu.be/ucX9hVCQT_U)
Summary: It's finally time for Red and Billy to meet....
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
Chapter 7
Zoey woke up Friday morning surprisingly calm. Today was the day she was going to meet Billy, and she wasn't nervous, in fact, she was excited.
She even brought coffee and doughnuts for the whole team; she was in that good of a mood. 
"What gives with the good mood, Boss Lady?" Tobin asked as he worked on his third doughnut of the morning. 
"Nothing, I'm just having a really good week," she said grinning.
Tobin shrugged his shoulders and grabbed another doughnut as he walked away.
"Oh, before I forget I need to leave a little early today. I've got a ….thing," Max explained awkwardly.
"Oh sure, not a problem. It's not like things are busy," Zoey smiled at him. "Does it have to do with your secret project that you still haven't told me anything about?"
Max blushed, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "In a way it does. I promise after tonight I'll tell you all about my project."
"I'll hold you to that," Zoey grinned.
She tried hard to focus on work all day, but it was impossible to. She found herself listening again to the songs that Billy had played for her. After making their date plans, he had sent her another song, one that was quickly becoming her favorite.
I don't care if Monday's blue
Tuesday's grey and Wednesday too
Thursday, I don't care about you
It's Friday, I'm in love
Monday you can fall apart
Tuesday, Wednesday break my heart
Oh, Thursday doesn't even start
It's Friday, I'm in love
Saturday, wait
And Sunday always comes too late
But Friday, never hesitate
I don't care if Monday's black
Tuesday, Wednesday, heart attack
Thursday, never looking back
It's Friday, I'm in love
Monday you can hold your head
Tuesday, Wednesday, stay in bed
Or Thursday watch the walls instead
It's Friday, I'm in love
Saturday, wait
And Sunday always comes too late
But Friday, never hesitate
Dressed up to the eyes
It's a wonderful surprise
To see your shoes and your spirits rise
Throw out your frown
And just smile at the sound
Sleek as a shriek, spinning 'round and 'round
Always take a big bite
It's such a gorgeous sight
To see you eat in the middle of the night
You can never get enough
Enough of this stuff
It's Friday, I'm in love
I don't care if Monday's blue
Tuesday's grey and Wednesday too
Thursday, I don't care about you
It's Friday, I'm in love
Monday you can fall apart
Tuesday, Wednesday, break my heart
Thursday doesn't even start
It's Friday, I'm in love
Do-do, do-do, do-do, do
Do-do, do-do, do-do, do
(Oh, oh, whoa, whoa)
It was adorable how excited he was about their date. Zoey couldn't help but hum along to the song as she thought about meeting him.
She felt a hand on her shoulder and jumped, turning to see it was Max.
She hit pause on the recording and pulled off her headphones.
"Were you just humming ‘Friday I'm In Love’?" Max asked, giving her an odd look.
Zoey shrugged, "I don't know what it’s called. It was something I heard earlier at the doughnut shop and it just sort of got stuck in my head," she lied.
Max nodded slowly, still looking at her as though he was trying to figure something out. "Anyway, I'm heading out. But we're still on for taking Peter to his playdate, tomorrow right?"
Zoey smiled, "Yeah. Want to meet at David and Emily's around noon?"
"Sure. It's a date, a playdate that is," he winked at her.
Zoey chuckled and rolled her eyes, "Will you get out of here!"
Max grinned and headed to the elevators. 
"Hey Mo, what brings you here?" Zoey heard him ask.
She sprinted over to the elevators in an effort to keep Mo from revealing anything. 
"Hey, Max-a-licious. I'm just here to see Zoey," Mo smiled at him.
"With a garment bag, shoes, and a makeup kit?" Max asked skeptically. 
"Well, it's because…" Mo began.
"It's because Mo is taking me out tonight!" Zoey butted in, breathing heavily.
Max raised his eyebrows at her, "Right…"
Mo sent Zoey an exasperated look. "She's right, I've been dying to drag her out for a night on the town! She finally agreed, and I'm here to make sure she looks her best!"
"Ahh. Well, have fun you two. Try and stay out of trouble," Max smiled as he got in the elevator.
"With me, never?" Mo laughed.
Zoey took a deep breath as soon as the elevator doors closed.
Mo shook his head, "Come on we've got work to do."
After what felt like hours, but was really only forty minutes, Mo had worked his magic and made Zoey date ready. Her makeup was simple, a slightly heavier eye than normal, and medium red lips. Mo helped her into her red flower dress, so she didn't mess up her hair or makeup. She slid into her black wedges and looked in the mirror. She grinned at Mo, "What do you think?"
The door to the bathroom opened and in came Tobin. He let out a whistle, "Wow Boss Lady, you sure clean up nice. Got a hot date? Oooo is that why you brought us doughnuts?!"
Zoey blinked, "Umm yes, as a matter of fact, I do have a date."
"Nice!" Tobin gave her a high five. He glanced at Mo, "Props for the styling. It compliments her natural look but is still date-worthy."
Mo grinned, "A man with an eye for style, I approve."
"By the way, Joan was looking for you, Z-Dog," Tobin said. "I'll go tell her you'll be right there."
"Thanks, Tobin," Zoey said, helping Mo to gather everything up.
"No problem. Whoever the lucky guy is, you're gonna knock his socks off," he said grinning as he walked out the door. 
Joan was waiting in the lobby when Zoey and Mo finally emerged. 
"Come on, you don't want to be late!" Joan said grabbing her arm and dragging her to the elevators.
"Umm Mo, Joan. Joan, Mo," Zoey awkwardly introduced them.
Mo smiled at Joan, "So are you here to make sure this guy isn't an axe murderer, or because you're dying to know what this guy looks like?"
"Both? But mostly the latter," Joan responded.
Mo laughed, "Oh, we're gonna get along just fine."
They made it to Golden Gate Grind in record time. They still had a minute before the arranged time and Zoey's nerves were beginning to kick in.
"This was stupid. I'm going to go home; I can't do this!" She paced back and forth, frantically gesturing at herself.
"What was I thinking? Oh, sure we've only talked for a few days, let's meet up! Yeah, that doesn't make you sound desperate or crazy, Zoey."
"No that doesn't, but pacing around talking to yourself certainly does," Mo interrupted Zoey's rambling.
Joan nodded, "Look, just take a deep breath."
Zoey breathed in loudly. "Okay, not that deep."
She leaned against the wall with her eyes closed.
"Look, how about I peek in and see if I can spot him? That way if he looks like a crazy person we can just leave," Joan offered.
Zoey looked at her, "That's actually not a bad idea."
Joan nodded and turned to the window. "So, what am I looking for? How are you supposed to know it's him?"
Zoey mumbled something.
"What? I didn't catch that."
"He said he would have a Code Red Mountain Dew since it's my favorite…." Zoey blushed.
Joan and Mo caught one another's eyes and burst into laughter. 
"Only you Zo-Zo, only you," Mo said shaking his head and wiping away tears of laughter.
"Can we please focus," Zoey huffed.
"Sorry, sorry," Joan collected herself. "Ooo okay, I see the Code Red. I can't really see him too well, someone is in the way. He appears to be wearing a nice grey blazer over a very dark purple shirt. So, he at least can dress himself, always a plus."
Zoey nodded, not really listening after Joan had said that she spotted him. He was here, she couldn't back out now.
"Oh, okay the other person is leaving and he looks…." She trailed off. 
"He looks what? Old? Crazy? Like a mime?" Zoey prompted.
Joan turned to look at her. "Well, you know how Max looks?"
"Max? My best friend Max? Of course, I know how he looks."
"Well, he sort of has a similar look to Max," Joan explained.
"What do you mean, similar look to Max?"
"Well, Max is attractive…"
"Yes, Max is attractive, but he's also my best friend, so I haven't thought of him like that,” Zoey lied. “Besides why would you even bring him up at a time like this? " 
"Well, you might want to start thinking about him like that….because your mystery guy is Max."
Zoey's mouth dropped open and she quickly moved to Joan's side to look through the window. Sure enough, Max was sitting there waiting with a bottle of Mountain Dew Code Red on the table. 
"What? How? Wha?" She mumbled.
Zoey felt her palms sweating as she tried to follow what was happening. Billy, who she had spent all week flirting with and starting to fall for, was Max. Max, her best friend who she was in love with, was her mystery piano player...Her eyes widened as she realized that meant that Max was the one responsible for her feverish dreams as of late. 
Mo came up behind her and grinned as he spotted Max. "Well, what are you waiting for? Go get your man!"
Zoey shook her head. "He's expecting Red, and I'm not her, at least not in the way that Max is hoping. I'll just be a disappointment."
"Straight people," Mo muttered. "So what, you're going to let that poor boy sit there all night? Just tell him the truth, it could work out better than you think."
"No, of course, I won't let him just sit there. I'll figure something out," Zoey took a calming breath and headed to the cafe door.
"I appreciate you guys coming with me, but I think we know Max is perfectly safe. I'll let you know how things go later." She opened the door and walked inside. 
"I have no intention of missing this, do you?" Mo asked Joan.
"Considering I've been working with someone to arrange this whole situation, even a sale at Chanel couldn't get me away!" Joan responded.
Mo looked at Joan, impressed, "I'm going to need details about this...later though."
The pair turned their eyes back to the window to watch.
Zoey entered the cafe, looking everywhere but in Max's direction at first. She walked up to the counter and ordered a latte. She took her drink and walked in Max's direction.
"Max? Is that you?"
Max looked up startled and quickly stood up.
"Oh hey, Zoey...uh I thought you were having a night out with Mo," he said nervously.
"Oh well, something came up with Eddie, so Mo had to leave. And I figured since I was all dolled up, I might as well treat myself to a coffee."
Max nodded, his eyes glancing at the door as it opened, and a couple came in.
"Are you meeting somebody?" Zoey asked, hoping she didn't sound as nervous as she felt.
"Umm yeah, someone is supposed to meet me here" Max admitted.
"Oh, well I'll just go sit over there and leave you alone, then," Zoey said pointing to the other side of the cafe.
"No! I mean, you can sit right here at the table next to me. It would be nice to have someone to talk to while I wait for her."
Zoey raised her eyebrows and took a seat, as Max sat back down and began nervously playing with the bottle of soda.
"Her? Max, is this a date?" Zoey asked innocently, fully knowing the answer.
Max blushed, "Well, sort of? I think? I want it to be."
Zoey looked at him in confusion, "So, it's not a date? How long have you been seeing this girl?"
"Well...see that's the thing….I haven't actually met her….that's what this whole thing is, the first meeting." Max explained, embarrassed.
"Well, then how did you find her?"
"You know that dating app SPRQS? I sort of signed up for it, and then I messaged this girl. And we just connected you know? So, we messaged back and forth and decided that we wanted to meet."
Zoey sat there quietly, unsure of how to respond. She wanted to tell him she really did. Just come right out and say, ‘Here I am, CodeRedLeader at your service. By the way, your fingers have been haunting my sleep with their talents!’ 
But Max was interested in Red, not Zoey. Zoey would be a disappointment. No, better to not tell him.
"So, when is the mystery girl supposed to be here?" She asked. 
Max glanced at his watch, "She was supposed to be here 10 minutes ago. Must have gotten held up with work or something."
"Hmmm," Zoey responded. "So, what does this have to do with your secret project?" She decided to steer the conversation to a safer topic.
"Well, I've been sending her recordings of songs I play on the piano," Max grinned.
"Oh wow, Max, that's awesome!" Her heart fluttered as she realized that the recordings that she listened to constantly were the work of the man in front of her. She groaned internally, just when she thought she couldn't be more attracted to him.
She glanced at his hands as he explained how it had gotten him back into playing music, how helpful and relaxing it had been for him. He started telling her the different songs he had recorded for her, and how he had more planned for the future.
"Am I boring you?" Max asked, taking in her dazed expression.
"No, I...like seeing this side of you"* she said, glancing at his lips.
"Oh, cool. Anyway, it’s been such a great opportunity…" he trailed off as the cafe door opened again, and an older woman walked in.
Zoey looked as well, "So if you've never met her, then how are you supposed to know who she is?"
Max smiled, "Because I promised I'd have her favorite drink waiting for her."
Zoey's eyes reluctantly darted to the Mountain Dew bottle. "That's her favorite drink?" 
"So she claims," Max chuckled. 
"Well, she certainly sounds….unique?" Zoey responded.
Max couldn't help the soppy smile that appeared on his face, "She's great. I feel like I know her so well already."
"You have no idea," Zoey muttered as she took another sip of her drink.
"Actually, she reminds me a little of you," he said.
Zoey nearly choked on her drink, "Me?" She managed to squeak out.
"Well, she's a Star Wars fan, like you, she's smart and funny, and we just click, sort of like how we always have."
Zoey felt herself blushing, unable to respond.
The door opened again and a man in a top hat and cape came in.
Zoey raised her eyebrows, "You sure that's not her?"
Max chuckled, "Pretty sure." He glanced at his watch again, it was almost half an hour after when they were supposed to meet.
"I'm just going to send her a message, to see where she is," Max said.
Zoey nodded, using his distraction to shove her SPRQ Watch into her purse.
Max sent his message, before returning his attention to her.
"Zo, is everything okay with you?" He asked.
"What? Of course, it is, why would you ask?" She answered nervously. 
"You've just been a little weirder than normal the past week. I just wanted to make sure that nothing was going on that you needed to talk about."
Zoey felt her breath catch, why did he have to be so painfully perfect?  Reign it in Zo, he's asking as a concerned friend. He's literally here waiting to meet someone for a date….granted the someone is you, but he doesn't know that! And if he did, he would be disappointed. 
Zoey cleared her throat, "No, nothing. I've been having some sleep issues lately, but other than that I'm good."
"Sleep issues? Like weird dreams?" Max asked, concerned.
"No, not weird per se...just different…"
"Anything I can do to help?" 
"Umm, no, no. Mo recommended some tea to try, so I'm gonna do that and see if it helps," she replied.
"Okay. Well, you know I'm here for you if you need anything," he squeezed her hand reassuringly.
Zoey fiddled with her coffee cup to distract herself from the tingles his touch had sent through her body.
The cafe door opened once again and a family with small children came in smiling.
Max frowned and glanced at his watch.
"Did she respond?" Zoey asked quietly.
Max shook his head, "I don’t think she's coming…" he muttered sadly.
Zoey felt her heartache for him. Should she tell him the truth? No, better to let this play out. Red could slowly disappear, and they can put this whole thing behind them.
"What do you say we get out of here?" She said, standing.
Max looked up at her sadly, "And go where?"
"We could go get dinner? I don’t know about you, but I'm starving since Tobin ate all the doughnuts this morning!"
Max shook his head, "Does that mean you forgot to eat lunch again?"
Zoey gave him her best innocent look, "I had a cup of coffee, does that count?"
Max sighed as he looked at his best friend. "Zoey, what am I going to do with you?"
"Well, right now you're going to take me to get food," she looped her arm through his.
Max bumped against the table causing the soda bottle to wobble. 
"Here, you want it?" He offered it to Zoey.
"I'll try it if you will," she said, opening the bottle and handing it to him.
Max took a sip and handed it back to her, his expression unreadable. Zoey took a drink and her whole face crumpled as she exclaimed "Blegh!" sticking her tongue out in disgust.
Max chuckled at her reaction. "It really is terrible, isn't it?"
Zoey nodded, "Well, that seals the deal. Any girl who stands you up and claims to love that drink must be insane." She placed the nearly full bottle into her purse to get rid of later.
Max smiled softly at her and pulled her into a hug. "Thanks, Zo," he whispered. 
She sighed, enjoying the feel of his body against hers She could smell his aftershave, woodsy, masculine, and something uniquely Max.
"Now, come on, let's go get some food. We can take it back to your place and I can visit with Ollie," Zoey said, pulling him to the door.
Max nodded, "That sounds like just the kind of evening I could use. How's pizza sound?"
"Pizza sounds great. Ooo, make sure to get some garlic knots!"
Max chuckled, "What kind of monster would I be if I forgot the garlic knots!"
The couple walked towards the restaurant, oblivious to the pair watching them.
"Do you think she told him the truth?" Joan asked Mo.
Mo shook his head, "She's in deep denial that Max feels anything but friendship for her."
Joan sighed and rolled her eyes, "Were there ever any two more completely oblivious people?"
Tobin walked over to join them, "So, I take it the meeting didn't work?"
"No, it didn't. But, now Zoey knows that PianoMan is Max," Joan explained.
"But Max doesn't know who she is?"
Joan and Mo shook their heads. "He thinks he got stood up."
"Harsh. Well, it looks like things are up to Zo-dog for now. So, we'll lay low and keep an eye on them, see if they need any nudges in the right direction." 
"So, how exactly did the two of you plan this?" Mo asked, gesturing between them. 
"Oh, that was easy," Tobin replied. "The amount of chemistry between those two is ridiculous, but they're both so worried about "ruining" their friendship if they tell the other. So, we created a fake dating app just for the two of them." Mo raised his eyebrows at that information. Creating an app took time and resources. 
"Joan and I created some random fake accounts so we could send them some messages that they would never be interested in. That way it seems real. Then Joan signed Zoey up for it and I annoyed Max until he agreed to sign up. The rest was all up to them." Tobin high-fived Joan as he finished his explanation 
"I don't know if I'm more impressed or terrified by the two of you," Mo admitted.
Tobin looked at Joan and shrugged his shoulders, "Both?"
"You've got a good start, but you underestimate how stubborn Zoey can be. Come on, let's go back to my place and we'll brainstorm" Mo said, gesturing for the other two to follow him.
"I've got a few ideas up my sleeve myself," the unlikely trio headed into the night to plan their next move.
*Quote from Episode 1x12
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