#instead of every two weeks or at least one time per month
ltwilliammowett · 17 hours
Lieutenant! Can you tell us about Cape Horn and why it was so dangerous?
Of course I would,
So let's get to the location:
Cape Horn is located at 55° 59′ south latitude and 67° 17′ west longitude. The headland is located on the rocky island of Isla Hornos (Horn Island, not to be confused with the Horn Islands in Micronesia, also discovered by Schoutens), which belongs to Chile, and is the southernmost point in the Tierra del Fuego archipelago. Like the southernmost 2,000 kilometres of South America, it lies in the cold Antarctic circumpolar current. Unlike South Africa, which is twenty degrees further north with the warm Agulhas Current, Tierra del Fuego is never reached by a warm Atlantic current (Brazil Current). Instead, the cold polar current (Falkland Current) reaches as far as the Río de la Plata in the southern summer and as far as southern Brazil in the winter, meaning that Cape Horn is under the influence of a large-scale subpolar current all year round.
The air temperature at Cape Horn is almost identical to the water temperature all year round - day and night - which is 8 °C in January and 5 °C in July. During the day, it rarely gets warmer than 12-13 °C. There are only occasional frosts in winter and it almost never snows, although it rains over 280 days a year.
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With few exceptions, the wind blows from the western half of the compass rose all year round; easterly winds are very rare. However, the wind force in the sea area around the Cape tends to be lower than in the neighbouring south-east Pacific and off the Chilean coast near the Strait of Magellan, for example, where there is always one wind force more and twice as much chance of storms. Nevertheless, the wind blows almost constantly in summer (January) with at least five Beaufort, but only once a month with more than seven Beaufort, and once a week to the west. In July, at least seven Beaufort and one storm per week are recorded every third day, while two storms per week can be expected to the west.
The Cape was rounded for the first time by an expedition of Dutch sailors Willem Cornelisz Schouten and Jakob Le Maire on 29 January 1616, sailing on behalf of the Australian Company, which was founded by Jakob Le Maire's father Isaac Le Maire together with other Hoorn businessmen after an internal dispute with the Dutch East India Company (VOC). As Dutch ships at the time were only allowed to use the Strait of Magellan if they belonged to the VOC, Isaac Le Maire was looking for a passage to the Pacific untouched by the rights of the VOC to trade with the East Indies Spice Islands.
The expedition's mission was to explore a new route to the ‘East Indies’.It was considered fulfilled when a passage opened up between Tierra del Fuego (in the language of the Spanish owner) and the hypothetical huge southern continent of Terra Australis.It was named Fretum le Maire (literally Le Maire Strait) in Latin in honour of the initiator and most important financier Isaac Le Maire, and the ‘peninsula’ to the east belonging to Terra Australis was given the name Staatenlandt in honour of the newly constituted Dutch parliament.The rededication in favour of the son Jakob Le Maire took place after his tragic death at the instigation of his father.The island character of Staatenlandt, which is only sixty kilometres long, could not be recognised, as even at sea you can rarely see further than about forty kilometres. Not being able to see the connection of the state island to the huge Terra Australis only proved that one could not see further than twenty nautical miles - and this was already known.
According to the published records of the ‘shipwrecked passenger’ Jacob le Maires (his expedition ship, the Hoorn, burnt up during cleaning work in Patagonia), he and Captain Schouten were of the opinion that Tierra del Fuego was a rugged, rocky but contiguous island, the supposed southern tip of which was named Capo Hoorn in Latin by Schouten, who was responsible for it, in honour of the second great financier, the council of the city of Hoorn.The Le Maire Strait, the short and easy passage between America and Terra Australis at Staateninsel or Staatenlandt, was the important discovery; Cape Horn was already a clear 180 kilometres into the Pacific. Isaac le Maire had the discovery of this passage, supported by a ‘silent’ Schouten, attributed to his son by court order, with the father as heir.However, the associated and desired exploitation rights of the strait were immediately expropriated and granted to the monopoly of the East India Company.The last lawsuits over this were lost in 1648.
With the realisation that even Staatenlandt was not connected to Terra Australis and that Cape Horn was the decisive landmark, neither the Strait of Magellan nor the Le Maire Strait could be permanently managed with customs duties. Due to the factually and historically incorrect, commercially motivated court judgement that Jacob le Maire found his way into the Pacific via the Le Maire Strait, the discovery of Cape Horn is attributed to him just as incorrectly and abbreviated. Usually, however, all discoveries made on such a voyage are attributed to the captain, as he decides which unknown waters his ship sails into, is responsible for them and also has to assess and interpret what he sees. However, Schouten did not insist on a public acknowledgement of his exploratory achievement, presumably due to an ‘agreement’ between him and Isaac le Maire. In addition, the published documentation of the voyage was undoubtedly written by the representative of the shipping company Jacob le Maire, so that the impression of a discovery by the travelling merchant was already being conveyed to contemporaries
But according to the German author Wolf-Ulrich Cropp, the Englishman Francis Drake was the first European to sail around the Cape 40 years earlier, in 1578, on his circumnavigation of the globe, after he had reached the Pacific through the Strait of Magellan and then travelled south-east for a few days in search of the missing escort ships. However, this discovery was declared a state secret by Queen Elizabeth I.
At the time, it was believed that the Pacific could only be reached from the Atlantic via the Spanish-controlled Strait of Magellan further north, and the British did not want other nations to know about the second route.Drake's first discovery was only claimed after 1618 for political and economic reasons and was quickly disproved by examining the records and voyage reports and by interviewing the surviving travellers.The English naming of the sea area Drake Passage was only given in 1769 by James Cook when he surveyed the coast and is presumably only an expression of general reverence for the greatest English naval hero to date.
In fact, Drake no longer had any escort ships in the Pacific that he could miss; he had already lost them in the Atlantic or in the Strait of Magellan.In the event of a separation, a rendezvous point 2500 kilometres to the north had been agreed with the remaining Elisabeth; a search for missing persons in the south was therefore not very promising. Instead, Drake sought shelter between the islands west of the Strait of Magellan in a supposed ‘50-day storm’ and had no interest in drifting further and further south-east, where he would inevitably be wrecked on the expected Terra Australis in the storm.In any case, he took his time to ‘conquer’ the inhospitable islands of the archipelago one by one.Furthermore, the navigational documents show that he never travelled further south than 55° south, which, in view of his otherwise perfect latitude measurements throughout the voyage, rules out the possibility that he came closer than about 300 km to Cape Horn.Under no circumstances was he south of the Cape, travelling through the Drake Strait and the Le Maire Strait or Falkland Strait to the Atlantic entrance of the Strait of Magellan, in order to make a statement about its passability.The ambitious Drake would have seized even the slightest opportunity to make and verify such a glorious discovery, as he was well aware of the economic, personal, political and military benefits.Similar legends were subsequently spread about the Spanish captains Francisco de Hoces (1526) and Gabriel de Castilla (1603). However, the sources and evidence for both are so sparse and uncertain that the best that can be surmised is that they both sailed past the entrances to the Strait of Magellan for different reasons and then wandered south of it for a short time. In the case of de Hoces, the legend led to the same conclusion as with Drake: the sea area south of Tierra del Fuego, the Drake Strait, is called Mar de Hoces in Spanish.
The rounding of the Cape was one of the most feared passages for ships, as evidenced by the founding of the Cape Horn Community. Commanding captains who conquered Cape Horn on a cargo ship without an auxiliary engine became honorary members of this international community.
Until the completion of the Panama Canal in 1914, sailing around the Cape was the slightly more favourable way to reach the west coast of South America from the Atlantic. The Strait of Magellan and the Beagle Channel, which had already been sailed through centuries earlier by ships of the Dutch East India Company and British exploration ships, also offered difficult weather and current conditions for sailing ships.
At Cape Horn, the passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific against the westerly wind drift was particularly dangerous and difficult. It required ships sailing in this direction to constantly cross in high seas, rain, cold, poor visibility and icebergs. The False Cape Horn caused additional navigational difficulties due to the risk of confusion. However, to this day there are still ships that round the cape, albeit with the help of engines and modern navigation. But that does not mean that it is any less dangerous.
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malkaviian · 2 years
thinking about how seba learned about the truth about his birthing, and im pretty sure it was golden himself who told him hes his father
#seba was probably on the phone with someone--- and golden overheard some of the convo by chance#where seba told them thats probably the last time hes going to try to get fox to like him and start a father-son relationship#to that point he started to visit fox less- maybe one time every two (or more) months#instead of every two weeks or at least one time per month#golden was already getting worried about seba suddenly stopping visiting; and hearing that was the last straw#if he stopped visiting fox that meant he couldnt see his son anymore#even if they barely interacted; he loved to see him#after the visit he told seba to come with him for a moment; since he had to check something 'suspicious'#which made him go '?????' bc what it is suspicious. he only brought lunch and has been doing it for a long time; also it was already checke#but it is the authority so he went with him to the check room; it was just convenient no one else was there#oh man you can imagine how excited and scared golden was. his heartbeat was so fast and didnt knew how to start#he stood silent for a moment until he said 'hm. how are you' and his voice cracked inmediately#seba was VERY confused. what the fuck is going on. the only thing he said was 'you okay?'#and while trying not to cry golden said 'i think you need to know something. im sorry' and told him the truth.#it was a lot to process so seba didnt really reacted in that moment. he was like 'uh. okay?' while golden constantly apologized#and begged him not to tell anyone. he didnt said anything and left#it wasnt until a few days later he realised what it truly meant; and did a mental recap#fox tried in the past to indirectly tell him about who his other father is; and the fact golden was always around when he visited?#it was like a slap in the face and it made him feel like absolute shit#i meant who wouldnt after realising your mere existence is illegal and there was at least a power imbalance in it#(it was consensual but he never talked to golden before that so he doesnt know how he truly is#+ hes sure fox sees him as the one who ruined his life since his pregnancy)#so.. yeah. it was difficult#oc talk#au talk
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ms-demeanor · 10 months
Hey also you know that post about getting better at cooking and handling meat and stuff?
Meat is really expensive and it goes bad pretty quickly.
If you're a new cook and you're trying to figure out how to pan-fry something so that it tastes good, might I recommend tofu?
I'm not saying "treat tofu like meat and try to replace all your favorite meat dishes with tofu" (though, I mean, if that sounds good - go for it), I'm saying "it's a lot easier to practice heating a pan and flipping objects in a pan for a meal and seasoning objects in a pan when the objects in the pan cost two dollars instead of ten dollars."
Tofu lasts a lot longer in the fridge than meat does, is easy to season, and you can easily learn how to pan-fry it into a tasty snack (or main course) and only requires a little extra prep. You can also pretend that the tofu is raw meat (the texture isn't dissimilar) and start practicing for things like how to take it out of a package or cut it on a sanitizable surface, etc.
My favorite way to cook tofu is to press extra firm tofu for at least half an hour (you can get a cheap tofu press for around ten dollars, or you can put it between two plates with some books on the top plate - this is that extra prep i was talking about - tofu cooks best if you press the excess water out), then slice a 14oz cake of it into 8 slices. I lay these flat and sprinkle cayenne pepper, mushroom powder, and smoked paprika on all of the slices, then I rub it in and flip the slices and season the other side the same way. I cook it in a frying pan with a thin layer of avocado or olive oil over medium heat, flipping every two minutes until the flat sides start to crisp up a little. Just before the last flip I add about a tablespoon of tamari sauce (you can use soy sauce, I've just got allergies) to the pan, sprinkling it over the tofu so that both sides get a little bit of sauce on them.
I have that with steamed vegetables and with jasmine rice (with two teaspoons of rice wine vinegar per 3 cups of dry rice and 4.5 cups of water). I also make a honey-siracha-mayo sauce that I dip the tofu in.
It's really good. And now I end up eating leftover rice and sauce with fried eggs for lunch at least two days a week and that's also really good.
This has become one of my go-to low spoon foods because it's so easy to make, it's filling, it tastes good to me, and it has become extremely easy for me to keep a stock of tofu in the fridge compared to the effort of keeping un-expired meat in the fridge.
I find that a 14oz pack of tofu feeds two adults for one meal, though I can stretch that to three meals if I'm the only one eating.
It makes a very cheap, filling, easy dinner that I can keep the ingredients around for without too much concern for food waste or anything going bad (the tofu that I get lasts about a month in the fridge and these days I just buy three packs every time I'm at aldi and cycle in new stock - it costs $1.50 per pack)
If you're interested in becoming a better cook, rather than worrying about actual high-risk products like raw chicken that can be seriously dangerous and also cost a fair amount, tofu has a pretty low barrier to entry while also being a good way to learn on a new ingredient that has some similar properties to raw meat.
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hannieehaee · 9 days
18+ / mdi
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content: loser!jungkook, sub!jungkook, softdom!reader, oral (m receiving), etc.
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
wc: 1632
a/n: i havent read the previous three parts in months so if theres any discrepancies pls forgive</3
in the time you'd known jungkook, you'd never actually been to his apartment.
he was at university on a scholarship, meaning that he didn't have to worry about paying for schooling or dorming. any money he earned from tutoring or any allowance received by his parents was all his to keep, meaning that his current residence was nicer than that of the average student.
despite being aware of all of this, you were still quite shocked the first time he brought you around.
unlike what you'd expected, jungkook's spacious studio apartment was not filled with nerdy figurines and stacks of comic books (god, that would've been adorable). instead, it replicated the appearance of the average bachelor pad. the furniture appeared of good quality, the bed was comfy, the decor clean, and even the cleanliness gave you a vibe of maturity and put-togetherness that you hadn't quite gotten from jungkook yet. at least not to this extent.
the most shocking thing, though? that was jungkook himself; his look and demeanor while lounging around his apartment.
he'd been growing his hair recently, something which you adored, though tonight had been the first time you'd ever seen him with it without the proper care you assumed went to it every morning. the messy curls laid at the sides, fluffy after a whole day of being worn and played with by the wind. accompanied by that, he donned some loose sweats and a simple tank top, two garments you'd never once seen on the boy. he tended to go for less casual outfits while in public, usually wearing buttoned up flannels or graphic tees.
unfortunately for you, his slight change in look had an instant effect on you. had anyone else seen him like this, you were sure they'd pursue him immediately. as of late, more and more girls were taking notice of him. since meeting you, his confidence had gone up and his way of presenting himself had evolved quite a bit. just a few more months and you were sure he'd become a heartthrob by all definition of the word.
"god, you're gorgeous," you practically whimpered as soon as he let you in, having taken a few moments to simply stare at him before pecking his lips as a greeting.
"oh, i- thanks. you're prettier," he mumbled back as he welcomed you in, "sorry it's a little messy."
he must've been kidding. the place was insanely tidy! you expected as much from jungkook, but it was still surprising to find a college-aged boy with cleanliness.
"it's perfect, baby. show me to your room?", you went straight into business.
with a sheepish smile, he led you to his room.
you had previously agreed that you'd be spending the night tonight. it was your first sleepover at his place, which had you both giddy at the thought. there was no special reason for it other than your sudden insistence for it about a week ago, claiming you wanted to see where a one jeon jungkook spent his nights away from you.
he was shy about it at first, as per usual, but agreed after a few smiles and kisses from you.
and so now you had the privilege of laying on his bed on a saturday night, clad in a pair of his boxers and an oversized shirt of his as you waited for him to do his skincare.
you had insisted on not packing an overnight bag, knowing jungkook would have anything you needed at his place — he was very well put together, after all.
smiling at him as soon as he entered the room, you extended your arms to motion him over to the bed, causing him to chuckle shyly as he stepped towards you. once he was at a close enough distance, you grabbed at his arms, pulling him to the bed and somehow managing to get him to lay down, climbing on him immediately after.
"hey, there, gorgeous," you flirted, hands on his shoulders and full weight sitting on his crotch area. it wouldn't take long until you found a tent under you.
"you don't have to try and fluster me every time you see me anymore, you know ..." he mumbled as he lost any ounce of control under you.
"where's the fun in that?", you smirked as your hands traced their way under his shirt, pulling it off him without a second thought, "god, how'd you get even more handsome?", you groaned as you took him in, so pretty below you with his long hair and his breathless state.
"i- i just- oh-,"
you gave him no chance to speak, choosing instead to quickly throw off your his own shirt and lower your lips down to his. the kiss was immediately heated. you could never really help yourself around jungkook, but fortunately, he liked that about you.
he'd gotten a bit less shy with time. his hands were more willing to explore your body nowadays, currently finding themselves on your waist as he pulled you closer to him.
you adored how much more comfortable he'd gotten around you, both sexually and not so. at times, he'd even initiate sex with you. these instances were a bit awkward for him, but you always liked to encourage him, letting him know through your enthusiasm how much you enjoyed it when he went after what he wanted.
however, you still had to keep him on his toes somehow.
like now.
"no touching, baby," you murmured between kisses, grabbing onto his hands and pinning them above his head as you leaned down onto him.
with a simple gulp, he nodded, lips shyly smooching so you'd kiss him again.
continuing your kiss, your hands went down to his torso, sneaking under the fabric and beginning to play with the skin there. your fingers traced the ridges of his abs, adoring how he shuddered against you but made no complaint. the silent effect of your actions only lasted up until your hands made their way north, eventually finding his nipples and tracing them teasingly.
the poor boy under you whimpered against your lips. his arms made some movement, but did not stray away from where you'd left them above his head, still pressed together as he attempted to follow your directions and not touch you.
your next move was to rid him of his clothes altogether, requiring to get off him for a few moments but immediately taking your rightful place straddling him on his bed once more.
"prettiest thing i've ever seen," you hummed as you looked down at him, leaning down to press kisses on every inch available.
"please ..." he mumbled when your lips first made contact with his chest, knowing their next destination.
ignoring him, you continued as before, letting your lips find their way to his nipple and twirling your tongue around it in a teasing manner. your barely there touch had him whining at the contact, wanting more from you.
you took pity on him, deciding to go all the way and suckling on the bud just how you knew he liked. except the poor boy could barely handle the pleasurable pain that came from it. he writhed under you as you alternated between pecs, filling his chest with love bites that'd flourish by the next morning.
the kisses made their way down his body, landing at his happy trail by the time you lowered yourself to your knees at the end of the bed. with a bite to your lip, you enjoyed the view of what was to be in your mouth in mere moments.
jungkook sat up, wanting to see what threat of pleasure approached him next. he groaned upon seeing how hungry you looked eyeing his hardness, but he remained a good boy by keeping his hands to his sides rather than reaching for you.
"a-ah, fuck," he groaned as soon as your lips made contact with his member, lightly closing in on his tip and suckling at it in a way that had his breath catching and eyes rolling back.
keeping your eyes on the trembling boy, you caught glimpse of his hands fisting harshly at the sheets, holding himself back from wrapping around your hair as he usually did. the thought made you smile around him. he was so so sweet and well mannered.
deciding to be just as nice, you engulfed as much of him as you could, practically deepthroating him. his reaction was immediate, whining and writhing above you while you had your fun with his cock.
"p-please, oh fuck, please," he pleaded for nothing in particular.
you weren't one to ever deny him of anything. every one of your actions was meant to aid him in his pleasure.
humming against him, you slobbered all over him, not minding the mess of your saliva and his cum slowly dripping down onto your chin as long as the pretty boy above you was losing himself because of you.
as per usual, his orgasm hit him pretty quick. as shy as he was, he was never too timid to let himself cum when he hit his limit. jungkook was one to appreciate the pretty girl giving him pleasure by demonstrating his immense appreciation.
it always got to you how loud he became while cumming, which was currently causing a mess in your panties. you decided to enjoy every drop of his orgasm before paying mind to that, though.
finally done torturing him by licking off any remnants off his dick, you climbed up his body and sat yourself on his lap with a smile, leaning in for a teasing tongue-filled kiss before humming in satisfaction against his breathless lips.
"did i tell you i love how you're growing out your hair?"
he gulped.
"you've, uh, you've mentioned."
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french-goodbye · 1 year
To Be Alone With You
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
Summary: Steve’s parents are never home, until they are. You learn to deal with it.
Warnings: Kissing; fingering; oral (m receiving). MINORS DNI, 18+.
Notes: This all started because I kept thinking about giving Steve head. That’s it, that was my motivation. Part of the same universe as In The Low Lamplight, but can be read as a stand alone. Also title from the Hozier song To Be Alone. MINORS DNI, 18+.
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Steve’s parents are not really nice people. It’s a fact of life, kinda like how the sky is blue or the trees are green, it’s something Steve himself has come to slowly accept over time and that he’s learned he’ll never be able to change.
One of the few good things about Steve’s parents, however, is how often they travel. Especially considering Steve’s dad is a husband who can’t be trusted not to cheat on his wife, Mrs. Harrington just accompanies him everywhere. Which basically leaves Steve with a huge house all to himself and no one to reinforce the “no sleeping over rule”.
The “no sleeping over” rule was established early on in your relationship with Steve, his dad dictating that you can’t sleep over at their house, ever. Apparently he’s afraid you’ll get pregnant as if you 1) aren’t on the pill; 2) can’t fuck his son literally anywhere else, any other time of the day. Alas, you both obey the rule - at least when Steve’s parents are around.
Despite the Harrington household rule, you have gotten pretty used to breaking it and regularly stay over at their house. Some of it has to do with how obsessed you are with your boyfriend, but also with how much Steve hated it, coming home to an empty house and cooking a meal for one, only to wake up to a silent house and do it all over again, until he met you. So now, instead of coming home to a ghost house, he comes home to find you sitting pretty on his couch as you wait for him or you in the kitchen badly singing along to the songs in the radio or you haunting his bedroom even when he isn’t there.
Sometimes though, out of sheer (bad) luck, his parents will come home to stay for a while, no trips in sight. They usually only stay in Hawkins for a week before they travel again, but this time it goes on for what seems like a long time. Forget about his parents’ nagging, Steve can handle that, has handled that his whole life, what Steve can’t handle is not being around you for that long.
Of course he’s seen you since his parents got home, you went on a movie date ast Saturday, you visited him at Family Video on Monday and the two of you even snuck in some alone time on Tuesday night near Lover’s Lake in his car. So it’s not that he misses you per se, it’s that he’s so used to being in your orbit that he just misses being around you. He misses the shared showers and the cooking together and the falling asleep together. He misses the domesticity of it, of knowing that even when he’s not home, you’re still in his space.
All that being said, he manages to get by just getting glimpses of you in the meantime. Sometimes he’ll give you a ride to and from work, or you’ll sneak to Family video so you can have lunch together and he cherishes these moment like a man starved, like he haven’t been waking up and falling asleep next to you every day and night,
He’s getting through it until he realizes it’s been a whole month since his parents got home and they have absolutely no plans of leaving. That’s when he gives up on trying to at least pretend to follow his dad’s stupid rules and sneaks you in through the back door after his parents go to sleep. He’ll sneak you outside again the next morning and pretend you’ve just arrived or something, it’s not like his parents are that attentive or concerned about what he does.
You’re both giggling like teenagers by the time you slip into his bedroom, unnoticed. He’s barely locked the door behind himself and you’re all over him, pushing him into bed and climbing on top of him to kiss him silly.
“God, I’ve missed you” he says when you finally pull away, his lips red and spit wet. You start pressing kisses to his neck, like a girl starved, your hand tugging his hair to tilt his head to the right to grant you more access.
“Missed you too” you mumble against the skin of his neck, pressing open mouthed kisses there and sucking a pretty little mark at the spot where his neck meets his shoulders, next to one of his many freckles.
Your hands start to wander then, letting go of his hair to sneak down his chest and lower and lower. You’re about to slip your hand into his sweatpants when he stops you, his hand tangling with yours midway there.
“Come on, Stevie. Do you not want this?” You pull away until you’re sitting up, still straddling his hips and watching his mussed hair and red lips, a familiar heat climbing up your stomach at the sight.
“It’s not that I don’t want it” he explains, making his hair more of a mess when he runs his fingers through it.
“Then what is it?”
“My parents are totally gonna hear us”
“Their room is on the other side of the house, there’s no way they can hear us”
“I don’t think you realize how loud you can be” you huff on top of him, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Are you serious? Why did you sneak me in then?”
“I told you… I missed my girl” he says softly, his sweetness chipping away at your annoyance over not getting laid. Just a little bit.
“You’re too sweet on me” you laugh happily, cradling his face in your hands. You lean down again and he pulls you closer by the waist to kiss you, kiss you, kiss you until you’re lost on the feeling of it again, his tongue in your mouth and his fingers in your hair and his half hard cock rubbing against you through your jeans. You’re moving before you can stop yourself, slowly grinding your hips against his when he stops you again, digging his fingers on your waist through the fabric of your top.
“I know, I know. I’m sorry” you drop your head dramatically against his chest, shaking slightly on top of him when he laughs underneath you and hides his face on your neck. You can feel the warmth on his cheeks as he hugs you tightly to his chest and you gently card your fingers through his hair.
“Fine” you sigh, gently pushing him away and getting up and away from him.
“Where are you going?” He asks with a frown as you start digging through his drawers until you find one of his t-shirts you can put on.
“I’m changing” you answer as you pull off your own top and jeans. His eyes travel the length of your torso to your legs, not being particularly subtle in his staring.
“Why are you so far away?” He whines in complaint, rubbing his hands across his face.
“Because you said you don’t wanna have sex with me?” You say like a question, throwing him a confused look over the collar of the shirt you’re pulling through your head.
“I didn’t say that”
You throw your balled up clothes onto the floor next to his dresser, instantly making a mess of his otherwise organized room. He can’t even be bothered to complain about it, missing even the mess you leave in room, as you crawl towards him and balance on top of his thighs again.
“You kinda did,” you interrupt him before he can argue. “But that’s okay. I’m a big girl, I’ll get over it”
“We could make out a little bit” he suggests, his hand creeping up your now bare thigh.
And that you do, until both your lips are swollen and his neck is bruised and his hard cock is pressing against the thin material of your now wet underwear.
“We should stop” you breathe out when he’s sucking your earlobe between his teeth, hands on ass and definitely coping a feel in the meantime.
“Why?” He asks, still not stopping.
“Because I really wanna fuck you and we can’t” you complain, not exactly pulling away, but just tugging on his hair to keep his mouth on your neck.
“Wanna fuck you too. Missed feeling this pussy around my cock” he groans against your neck, and you can feel yourself clench around nothing, wishing it was his cock instead.
“Okay, we’re done” you push on his chest until you’re sitting up again.
“We don’t have to stop” he complains, still gripping on your thighs to keep you on top of him.
You press a kiss to his cheek and he tries to chase after you to kiss your lips again. You push him away giggly and climb off of him, laying next to him and looking at his pretty face as he lays on his back, face turned to watch you.
“We do have to stop because you’re a tease and I have no self control”
“Fine, we’ll stop. But when my parents are gone again…”
“You’ll have me all to yourself, handsome” you assure him confidently. He presses a quick peck to your lips before you can complain again, pulling away smugly.
“It’s a deal”
“Now come on, I haven’t been sleeping well without you” you tell him, turning your back to him and tugging on his hand until his chest is pressed to your back. He tries to keep his hips away from yours, as if you weren’t literally straddling his lap seconds ago.
“You haven’t?” When you shake your head in reply, more concerned with wrapping his arm around waist, he continues. “Shit, I’m sorry, sweetheart. I wish you could stay here without having to sneak in like a teenager but-“
“Hey, I know. I don’t you to get in trouble because of me” you link his hand with yours and brings his knuckles to your lips.
“I really missed you” he says in a sweet and sticky voice, his face sinking in your hair.
“I missed you too”
“Goodnight, sweetheart”
“Goodnight, Stevie”
Despite the recent late nights reaching through empty cold sheets for your boyfriend who isn’t there, you can’t fall asleep. Steve’s hips are pressed against yours, his hard cock wedged between your bodies and you can feel he’s still awake too, his breathing still too quick behind you.
You take a deep breath and squirm a little as you try to get comfortable, his arms almost too tight around you. When you’re finally settled, you close your eyes and just will yourself to fall asleep, despite the uncomfortable wetness pooling in your underwear and your boyfriend’s hard cock on the curve of your ass.
Barely five minutes have passed when you feel Steve sigh loudly against the back of your neck.
You huff out a laugh, “what’s wrong?”
“I’m hard” he complains, adjusting behind you and accidentally making his cock drag through your ass and both of you sigh at the feeling.
“It’s your fault”
“How’s it my fault?”
“You were the one saying we should make out”
He huffs this time, pulling you closer to him.
“Not my fault you’re irresistible” he mumbles, hiding his face between your shoulder blades.
You can’t help but laugh again, despite the sigh of pleasure that escapes you and turn your head slightly to see his big brown eyes watching you over your shoulder.
“You’re horny, pretty boy?”
He leans over you, almost squishing you to the mattress to press his face to your neck, “don’t say it like that”.
You giggle and place your hand on top of his, moving your ass against his cock deliberately, all bad intentions. You feel his breath hitch in his throat and his fingertips dig on your hips to guide your movements.
“What did you say before? How I’m too loud?”
“You are” he mumbles against your neck, biting you there almost too hard and rutting against your ass.
“Doesn’t seem to bother you when you’re telling you love the sounds I make”
“I do love the sounds you make, just not when- fuck” he groans quietly against your ear when you hold tightly to his hair.
You keep moving your hips backwards, both of you trying your hardest to keep quiet. One of his arms wrap around your body, and the other start slipping underneath his borrowed t-shirt to move teasingly through your tummy, skimming the edge of your underwear.
“Steve…” you sigh when his hand hand starts creeping lower and lower to mess with the elastic band of your underwear.
“You gotta keep quiet, pretty girl. Can you do that for me?” He whispers near you ear, his lips barely leaving your skin as he speaks.
“Yes, just please touch me” you beg, clinging to the arm holding you and digging your nails there.
His hand finally slips through your mound and finds you, soaking wet and so, so warm, his cock twitching between your ass cheeks at finding you so ready for him. He slides his fingers through the wetness in your entrance spreading it all the way to your clit and you have to hide your face in the pillow under your head to keep from moaning too loud.
“Right there?” He asks unnecessarily, because he has fucked you enough times to know by heart the way you like it, just to tease you and feel you nod against him.
“Right there, baby. Keep going” you plead quietly, moving your hips to feel his cock behind you and his whole body surrounding yours.
He swirls his fingers around and you keen underneath him, sinking your nails on the arm of the hand touching you to get him to move faster. He keeps going, rubbing small circles in your clit in a dance you’re both so familiar it’s almost painful to imagine being away from it for so long. Suddenly he stops and you whine, he shushes you and dips his fingers lower until you they catch on your entrance. You moan against the pillow when he finally slips his finger inside and his hand leaves your waist to roughly grab the inside of your thigh and spread you open.
“Fuck, you feel so good” you mumble against the pillowcase, following the movement of his finger with your hips. “Missed your fingers”
He finally slips a second finger and you jut your spine, his cock digging between your ass cheeks.
“Gonna fuck you so good when we’re alone,” he murmurs somewhere around your ear, so quietly it’s almost like he’s talking to himself. “Gonna fill this pussy up the way she deserves, just the way you like it. You want that, baby?”
You nod dumbly, clenching around his fingers at his words. “Can I have another finger? I’ll be quiet, I promise”
He slips a third finger in and even if it’s not the same as his cock, you feel it stretching you open. It’s all you can think of as he fingers you, you imagine how his cock would be stretching you out in this position, how fucking full you’d feel, how he’d fill you up with his cum.
His thumb shifts to flick against your clit and that’s all you need to get there, hurling to your orgasm in a way only Steve’s ever been able to give to you. You release a particularly loud moan before you can stop yourself and Steve’s free hand’s there, quick to clamp over your mouth, his other hand still fucking you and rubbing your clit through your orgasm.
You moan loudly against his hand one more time, the sound distant and muffled before you gently touch his arm to signal him to stop. His hand slips from your underwear and from over your mouth and he fixes your panties for you as you calmly try to catch your breath, his cock still digging on your lower back.
“Oh my god” you pant, feeling a gust of air on your neck when he laughs. “You’re amazing, Steve Harrington. I can’t believe I still haven’t gotten used to that”
You turn in his arms to see his face, his wet hand digging on the knobs of your spine. He’s still laughing, almost smugly so.
“You wouldn’t say I’m amazing if you ever saw yourself cum”
You’re giggly as you slip off your underwear, now sticky and wet against you and climb on top of him. You pick up his hand and bring his still wet fingers to your mouth to suck on them, tasting yourself on his skin. His eyes darken almost instantly, watching you avidly as you suck it and pull away with a wet lewd sound.
He’s pulling you in before you can tease him or say anything, his hand cradling your face in his hands, his spit wet fingers on your cheek as he kisses you deeply, tasting you on his tongue. You pull away when you notice he’s getting too into it, his hips jerking underneath you, rippling off his t-shirt.
“Babe, we can’t fuck. They’ll-“
“Yeah, yeah…” you wave him off, now proceeding to get rid of his sweatpants and underwear all in one go, his cock bouncing up and hitting his belly button. You eye it sinfully, almost drooling in your desire to get your mouth on him. “We’re not fucking. I’m gonna go down on you and you’re gonna be quiet for me, is that okay with you?”
“You never let me go down on you” you complain with a whine, resting your hands on your own thighs.
“Because I always blow my load like a teenager when you blow me and it’s fucking embarrassing” he complains, gripping your hips and pulling you until you’re laying on top of him.
“Well, I think it’s hot” you pout, resting your hand on his cheek and giving him a lingering kiss. “Let me go down you,” you kiss him one more time, “please, handsome?”
“Fine” he sighs dramatically, like you’re ask him a huge favor.
“You know, a lot of guys would die for a girl who likes to blow them” You complain matter-of-factly, sliding down his body to straddle his thighs as his cock prods your stomach.
“Well, I like it a little too much” he answer shakily, as you press open mouthed kisses to his chest, his ribs, the spot above his bellybutton. His hands rest in your head, to pet your head lovingly and you manage to find it in you to forgive him.
“You look so hot like this” you comment against the skin of his hip, sucking a mark there and thumbing it gently. “Gonna make you feel so fucking good”
“Jesus, just… go slow okay? It’s been a while” he stammers, still petting your hair softly. You glance at him skeptically, raising your eyebrows.
“You’re telling me you didn’t jerk off once this whole time? We were literally on the phone the other day-”
“I didn’t say that…”
You snort and spit on your palm, getting it wet and watching the pre cum pooling at the slit of his cock. “You’re so full of shit��
“Hey-“ he cuts himself off with a groan when you lick the pearly liquid on his tip, one of your hands wrapping around the base to jerk him off slowly.
His fingers tighten their grip on your hair as you lick around around his tip and continue to move your hands around him, reaching his base and going all the way up again. Your free hand rubs against his upper thigh, occasionally scratching him lovingly.
You spit on it and lick along his length, following a vein back to his tip, trying to him as wet as you can, just the way he likes it.
“Fuck” he pants when you finally take him into your mouth, widening your lips so you can reach the middle of his cock as you work the rest of him with your hand. You gulp around him, breathing through your nose as you progressively take more of him, working your way up his cock so you can reach his base with your mouth.
You’re starting to get into the rhythm of it, the way his cock feels in your mouth and the slightly salty taste when he gently pulls a strand of your hair to catch your attention.
“H-hey, slow down or I’m gonna cum” he warns.
You pull away from his cock heaving, still stroking him in your hands slowly. “Isn’t that the point?”
“Wanna enjoy this” his hand finds your cheek, rubbing the skin with his thumb and you press a kiss to his palm. The gesture’s almost too soft for the moment, but it’s always been like this with him.
“Whatever you say, handsome” you agree, pressing a single kiss to his tip. Your hand still stroking him slowly as you lean down to press kisses to his thigh and suck another mark there.
You keep jerking him off as your free hand slides down to fondle his balls and you spit on them too, for good mesure. You finally suck one of this balls into your mouth, your hand still massaging the other one.
He groans loudly above you and you pull away with a muffled moan of your own, reluctantly pulling away.
“Remember what we talked about, handsome?” you remind him, stroking him torturously slow now. He nods absent-mindedly, eyes still focused on the movement of your hand. “You have to be quiet or I’ll stop”
“Baby, please don’t stop, please” he begs, his hand gripping your head to keep you close to him.
“Don’t be loud and I won’t” you promise.
“I promise, I promise”
You go back to sucking on his balls and his hand meets yours where it rests on his hip, squeezing your fingers tightly between his. He looks like a mess above you, hair sticking to all side from running his hands through it, cheeks red and his eyes so sharply focused on you it’d embarrass you if you hadn’t done this before.
You lick around his tip one more time, sinking your mouth to the middle of his cock and working the rest of him with your hand until you finally manage to reach the base of his cock, the trimmed hair surrounding the base tickling your face.
He releases a muffled groan above you and glance up to see he’s biting his fist. His eyes meet yours and his hand finally forces you to gag around his length, a moan of your own leaving your throat.
It doesn’t take long for him to come after that, between gasps and muffled moans and random babbling, he warns you he’s gonna come and you keep your mouth around him, gagging around him until you feel his cum shoot into your throat, salty and not particularly good but so Steve, you swallow it eagerly.
You keep your mouth around him until he’s too sensitive and pulling you away by the arm almost roughly. You let him and he guides you to lay on top of him, kissing you forcefully.
He tastes himself in your mouth and you both groan at the feeling. He keeps kissing, kissing, kissing you until you’re breathless and pliant on top of him and he’s all loose limbs underneath you.
“I’m never going that long without seeing you ever again” he pants, his fingers massaging your scalp where your head rests on his chest.
You huff a breathless laugh as you draw nonsense shapes on his skin, “no complaints from me.”
“Good, you’re totally staying over tomorrow night” he decides, still relaxed underneath you.
“We can try your shower,” you point at the closed door of the bathroom connected to his room. “They’ll definitely not gonna be able to hear over the running water”
He freezes beneath you for a second, and then he starts laughing. “Can’t believe we didn’t think of that until now”
“Add that to list” you mumble tiredly against his chest, finally slipping into the best sleep you’ve had in weeks.
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54625 · 4 months
You wake up from a very long and exhausting dream. It's late November, 2023. QSMP is alive and well, it seems. The server is full of life every single day, at least 15 separate people logging in per week. Mariana, Rubius, Felps, Lenay, German, Carre and Kameto all play often if not full time. Wilbur and Forever were never even part of the server, and Lullah was only added because the admins thought it would be funny to make Phil take care of two children instead of one. Cellbit's murdering fed workers arc is in full swing, perfectly incorporating the storylines of so many people like Bagi, Roier, Pac, and Foolish, tying them all together. Slimecicle's code corruption arc is building too, and it looks like the story will be having its climax soon. There are cultural events all the time still, and so many more that are planned for the future have already been announced. Fit and Pac are still in slow burn mode, and really hard selling it.
"What?" You say, lost. "What happened to purgatory, wasn't that in November?" You ask.
"What are you talking about? Do you mean the competitive QSMP adjacent series that happens every couple of months, involving tons of international creators, completely unrelated to QSMP lore, that QSMP creators can choose to take part in if they want to?" Says the community.
Well that's strange. Not quite how I remember it, you think. "What about the workers? Their mistreatment?" You worry.
"Mistreatment? Of workers?" The QSMP fans laugh, "most of the QSMP admins have come out on their public social media accounts that they're allowed to have about how fun it is to work for Quackity Studios; how easy the workload is, how reasonable the pay is, and how appreciated they feel! Communication between all admins, CCs, and management is apparently really streamlined, and they address all problems so efficiently! Did you know that recently they realised that they didn't have enough French speaking admins, and so immediately went and sought more to hire?"
"Okay..." You're more than a little confused, "what about the eggs?"
"The eggs? You mean the dragons?" You get a figurative nudge and a wink. "Did you really never see? It was big news and happened a couple of months back; the eggs all went missing for a short while - about a fortnight - but it was then revealed that they went away to find somewhere to hide so they could hatch! The players all went to find them and they had all hatched into little dragons (unique models and all) and it was quite emotional. Now there are no tasks and they can't die, and they aren't around all of the time, but they visit often!"
Huh, you think. Maybe it was all just a bad dream.
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whumptober · 30 days
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Please read this post before you send an ask!
July: Trope voting form released. Late August: Prompt list is released for at least four weeks of preparation time. Prompts cannot be posted earlier than August 25th because of Moderator obligations in real life. (But, you know, go ahead and start writing/drawing, and add the themes in later, if you want!) September: Do as much or as little on your works as you want. You can prepare everything in advance or let September go by with vibes and start working in October. It’s up to you. October 1st: Challenge begins! A storm of whump breaks upon us all! During this time, some posts will be reblogged to the whumptober archive blog. We open the yearly AO3 collection for posting (optional). November 1st: The challenge is officially over! Completionist form opens for those who want to be included in the hall-of-fame. Early November: We release completionist and participant badges, solicit feedback, and post a hall-of-fame list of completionists by the 10th.
Q: What counts as participation? Create or continue at least one work inspired by one of this year’s prompts. Q: What counts as completion? Creating work(s) inspired by at least one prompt from each day (or alts), for a total of 31 unique prompts. Q: Do I need to create 31 works? No. You can, if you want. Or you can create one work that you add to every day with a new prompt. Or several works that combine prompts. You can also update an existing work by adding new material with the current prompts. Q: Do I need to post my works somewhere to be a completionist or a participant? No. Q: How do you know I actually completed the challenge? We’ll take your word for it! Q: Do I have to finish my work(s) to be a completionist? No, you can post WIPs. And you’re not obligated to finish them in October, but if you want it to count towards being a completionist, you must have completed 31 prompts by the end of the month. So for example, if you’re writing a long fic and you fit 31 different prompts into the writing you did in October, it’s okay if that fic isn’t finished by the time October ends, you’ll still be a completionist. Q: Is co-writing/illustrating allowed? Yes, absolutely, and it would count towards being a completionist for both/all of you. Q: Is there a min/max limit on word count for written works? No. Q: Is there a min/max limit of quality for art? No. Q: Do I have to do something each day to be a completionist? No. You can skip days whenever you want, and as long as 31 daily prompts (or alts) are in your works done in October, you can be a completionist. For example, if you wrote a 1000-word ficlet that covers prompts in days 2, 3, and 17, you can check all three days off your list even though it’s only one work. Q: Is this challenge just for fics? No! Artworks, GIFsets, headcannons, rec lists, poetry, moodboards, or any other creative work is encouraged. Q: Can I combine Whumptober with other creation challenges? Absolutely, as long as the other challenges allow it too.
Q: How do the prompts work? There are FOUR prompts per day: a theme and three ideas. You can use one, two, three, or all four prompts for each day. If you don’t like any of the daily prompts, you can substitute one of the ALT prompts instead. Q: How strictly/literally should we interpret the prompts? As literally or as figuratively as you want. For example, if the theme is WATER, that could mean drowning, waterboarding, raining, swimming, take place underwater, be lost at sea, construct a metaphor about a character’s mood that changes like a flowing river, crying, or whatever else you can think of that fits that theme. Q: Can I combine prompts? Is there a limit on how many? No limit and combine as many as you’d like. If you create a work that checks off multiple prompts, that work will count for a fill of multiple prompts. You need to address 31 different prompts to be an official completionist, but you don’t have to produce 31 separate works.
Q: What’s whump? Hurting a character, whether that’s physically, emotionally, intellectually, psychologically, or any other way you can think of. Comfort afterwards is optional. Angst is emotional whump, so it counts. Q: How do I know if it’s whumpy enough? If your character is just mildly inconvenienced, it probably needs more whump. However, no participant has to prove whumpiness to the mods. Whatever you write is up to you. Q: What kind of characters can I create for? Anything. Generic “whumpee,” OC, PC, NPC, major characters, minor characters, or whatever you want. There are no limits. Q: Does it have to take place in a specific fandom? No, you can create works for your own worlds or for fandoms or for both. You can also create more generic or pan-fandom works. You can do cross-overs or use OCs, whatever you want. Q: Can I create AI-created works? No. We will not reblog or promote any works we know to be generative AI-created. Q: Is there anything we’re not allowed to write? As long as it contains whump and is based on our prompts, it’s fine. Please courtesy tag your works if you post them so people who follow the #whumptober2024 tag can filter according to their preferences. Q: What about sex, minor characters, and potentially disturbing content? You can create whatever works are legal in your country and post them accordingly. Please courtesy tag anything you think might be objectionable if you post to Tumblr so people who follow the #whumptober2024 tag can filter according to their preferences.
Q: Where can I post my work? Post where and how you want. You don’t even have to (cross)post it to Tumblr. Just keep in mind if it’s not on Tumblr we will not be able to add it to the blog archive. There is an AO3 archive for Whumptober 2024, as well as the parent collection for works completed outside of the event. Q: Can I start posting early? You can, but this is an October event and wouldn’t it be more fun with everyone doing it at the same time? We won’t be reblogging any work predating October 1st. Q: Can I post late? Yes. For the sake of our hardworking Post Fairies, only a day’s themes will be reblogged to @whumptober-archive each day of October. But you can post whenever. Some of us are still working on and posting Whumptober fics from years ago. Q: Do I have to use your tags? Only on Tumblr and only if you want us to reblog your work on @whumptober-archive. Q: How do I have my works reblogged to the archive? Properly tagged posts will be reblogged to @whumptober-archive. If you want the official archive blog to reblog you, post on Tumblr and tag correctly (see this FAQ link for more info on tagging). Please note not all posts will be reblogged each day. Q: Can we @ you? For questions and comments, of course. We’ll be getting a flood of notifications, so if you really want us to see something send an ask. Q: Can I cross post on other blogs? Yes, multiple platforms and blogs are perfectly acceptable, as long as they allow cross-posting (to us). You can also post different works to different accounts under different names, without posting them everywhere at once. If you post some works under your main and others under an alt blog, that’s fine for completionist purposes. Q: Can I upload/repost my Whumptober content to other social media platforms? Of course! We’ve created an AO3 Collection to archive any fics posted there, which can be found here. The blog is the official archive, so please respect the personal boundaries of any whumpers in your social circle (don’t out anyone as a participant who would prefer not to be outed).
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raythekiller · 4 months
I love the masky nsfw alphabet It riled up my imagination.. soo can i request for a hoodie one?? Thank youu
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Featuring: Hoodie/Brian
# Notes: its that time of the year again where i make 1 post and disappear for the next seven months <3 also DAYUM new post format?? (also also theres a new toby drawing on the way stay tuned)
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Surprisingly soft. Wants to hold you close and maybe take a shower together. Don't get things twisted though - it's so he can keep feeling your body against his instead of to comfort you. Call it possessiveness or an ego stroke, maybe.
Thighs man through and through. Thigh highs drive him up-the-wall insane. Will also just absentmindedly knead them if you're sitting next to him, especially if you're wearing shorts or a skirt/dress.
Oh he likes it messy. Just enjoys having his cum on you in general - backshots, face, dripping from you after he came inside, you name it.
None. He has no shame and is very open about what he likes.
Not as much as you might expect, given his demeanour. Don't get me wrong, it's still a lot, but he makes it seem like he worked as a pornstar for a few years with sheer cockiness.
If you ask him, he'll say "all of them". But if you put a gun to his head and tell him to choose, he'll settle for doggy. Just loves grabbing your hips and ass while he's pounding into you.
He doesn't exactly make jokes, but his teasing might be a bit funny at times. He doesn't mind making things more silly or lighthearted as long as you still cum at the end of it.
Usually clean-shaven, but he might get a bit lazy with it occasionally. Always at least well trimmed though.
Usually adapts to what you like best. If you just want to get your brains fucked out and keep romance out of it, he'll happily do it. If you like something more tender with lots of "I love you"s, he doesn't complain about it either.
A lot. This guy has crazy stamina (we'll talk about that later), I'd say maybe five times per week or so.
A lot but mainly: CORRUPTION!! I've said it before and I'll say it again he wants to bring the worst out of you. If you're a virgin, he wants go be your first. If you're not, he wants to see just how wild things can get when he pushes you a little.
Literally anywhere. He is a fan of semi-public sex, though. In the woods, living room of the manor when (you think) there's no one else home, in a busted alleyway, you name it.
Oh it's very easy to turn him on. Here's a huge one though: when you take iniciative. He's used to being the one starting shit. When YOU do it, though? When you make it clear you want him to wreck you? Fucking hot.
N - NO
Very short but obvious list: anything to do with piss, shit or vomit. Other than that, I think he's pretty open. Not even averse to being submissive every now and then.
HELL YEAH BABY! Giving, receiving, whatever, he doesn't care. His mouth isn't just good for talking shit — he knows how to use that tongue. When he's getting head, though? He looks so pretty — head thrown back, moaning and whimpering with a grin on his face. Might buck his hips into your mouth for giggles (and because you sound hot choking on him).
Again, he'll go for whatever gets you off. If you like it rough and fast, he's in. If you prefer slow and sensual, that's also hot.
Biggest quickie fan in the manor. He just can't help himself most of the time and he doesn't really try to, either. If his horny, you best bet he knows how to get you horny as well and things just go from there.
Loves experimenting and finding new ways to make you moan. Doesn't mind getting a bit freakier every now and then.
Jesus christ what are they feeding this man. Y'know when guys are like "I'm gonna fuck you all night long" and stop after two rounds max? This motherfucker is serious about it.
I don't think he'd go out of his way to buy them, but if you already have them you best believe he's using it to his advantage. Big fan of vibrators.
This guy is MEAN. He doesn't make you wait for too long before fucking you but just those few minutes feel like an eternity with the atrocities he's whispering in your ear.
LOUD. He moans, groans, whines, whimpers, you name it. Not ashamed to make some noise and LOVES if you're loud as well.
Likes having his hair pulled— WHO SAID THAT???
7.4 inches, cut. Not too thick, just the right girth.
Can't go like, a week without having sex or at least jacking off. Homeboy has a lot of steam he needs to let out.
Only god knows how he doesn't pass out immediately after. Chances are you'll fall asleep before him.
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Have a WIP of an SCP take on Gotham and their vigilantes :]
Unexplained Location UE-300027
Description: A large city on an island in South Jersey, which does not show up on any maps, nor does it appear to be able to be mapped outside of purchasing a map from inside the city. Several streets appear to have spatial anomalies, including but not limited to gravitational differences, temporal anomalies, disappearances, movement, and slight sentience. Other anomalies appear during the night as well. 
Date of Discovery: 3/23/1937
Location: New Jersey, USA
Security Protocol: Initially there was none, as the Foundation was initially too ill-equipped to set up a permanent residence within. Beginning in [Redacted] Outpost [Redacted] was set up and most bridges into the city have been cut off from the public. No less than four teams of security are to be at each entrance and the city’s airport monitored. 
Note: Extended time has also been noted to drive several operatives clinically insane. Every operative within Outpost [Redacted] is to be assigned no longer than two weeks per with at least one month away. 
Note: After the construction of Outpost [Redacted] another anomaly appeared, though during the day instead of the usual night of previous ones. 
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boba-beom · 1 year
·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ super shy | HUENINGKAI
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pairing: kai x gn!reader
genre: fluff, little suggestive, humour | oneshot
warnings: pictures are black hair kai but I mention current kai (blond kai), established relationship, attempts of flirting, kai’s attempt at a pick-up line lmao, flustered kai, bickering (affectionately), kai and reader trying to out-flirt each other, pet names (my love, sweetheart, baby ect.), kisses, a lot of physical affection, the first and many ‘I love you’ 🤭
summary: going through the transition of being in love with your best friend to actually being an official item has been a huge learning curve for the both of you. it’s been 7 months since that day and you adore him so much that you so happen to slip up the ‘L’ word.
wc: 1.4k
a/n: an incredibly late fic for kai’s birthday <3 after the bulacan concert it made me so grateful to have known a precious soul like him :’) he’s so endearing I think I’m a closeted ningdungie 🥹 I have so much love for him :(( I hope you guys enjoy reading!!
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the holding hands, lingering kisses and copious amounts of hugs have been the highlights of your relationship. however, the inside jokes, the deep talks and the genuine comfort you feel from each other is what made you two progress further to your full potential of being inseparable from one another.
“yn, what’re you doing today?” kai asks through the phone, his head tilting to a cute angle to which his unstyled, blond hair brushes over his eyes. his hair is getting so long now, you think to yourself.
“I’ve just been cleaning the flat, really. wanna come over? I miss you.” you say, folding one of your boyfriend’s hoodies that he left because of that one time you didn’t want him to leave, as per. his scent is still as strong from when he applied cologne on the neck of the clothing; hints of sweet fruits with a floral touch. he knew how much you loved it when you’d nuzzle into the crook of his neck while cuddling.
whenever your flatmate was away he’d offer to stay over until they came back, and recently he stayed for almost 3 weeks. you never want to waste a day when you’re together, and if you don’t have many plans you would go for a long walk, at least once a day, if not every other day.
“you miss me?” he giggles. he knows that even being together for three whole weeks isn't enough. “what do you want me to bring over?”
this was a habit of his. always having to bring something over at your place, whether it be his nintendo switch console which would lead to never-ending rounds of mario kart or food, but you only wanted one thing. you place down the folded hoodie and pull an exaggerated thinking face, arms crossed with your index finger to your chin.
“I think you should just bring yourself, I can never get enough of you.” you wink at him and watch his cheeks gradually ombre into pink hues from your statement.
“I’ll be there in fifteen!” he chimes, rushing to end the call and get ready. you giggle to yourself, he's so cute and it's just so endearing.
there have been times where you were indecisive about your relationship, but not because you didn’t know if you liked kai or not, but because if things don’t work out you just hoped that it wouldn’t be awkward. thankfully, the both of you had the same idea to confess to each other — thanks to taehyun and beomgyu’s hard work in trying to push you guys to do so. now, being in this situation you can finally say that you’re at a good place in life.
a specific knocking pattern on the door was something you’ve been anticipating since kai ended the call, knowing that he does his cute little rhythm. he told you before that he only has two knocking patterns; the standard five knocks in a row and his little pattern he has only for you.
as soon as you open the door you find him holding a bouquet of red tulips, his tall figure almost hovering above you as he has this boyish grin on his face.
“I got you these tulips, but I’m hoping our two lips can meet instead.” he presents the bouquet in one hand from behind his back. he opens his arms for you to jump up and wrap your arms over his shoulders while his wraps around your waist.
your foreheads lean against each other before you chuckle while maintaining eye contact, “baby, you’re so cute, you know.” you whisper before tilting your head to capture his lips in a sweet kiss. his lips lingered a little longer, pecking your lips a couple more times before pulling away.
“I’ve missed you too.” he gives you a gentle forehead kiss before letting you get back onto your feet.
grabbing ahold of his hand you lead him into the living room where you expect him to get comfy, but as you go into the kitchen to grab him a glass of grape juice from the fridge he follows you, wanting to do it himself. you being stubborn, you do it before him and he admits defeat.
you can feel his body heat radiate behind you as you stand by the countertop and he gives you a long back hug, resting his chin on your shoulder and feeling his soft exhales hitting the side of your neck.
“I could have done it myself. you know this is like my home too.” he tightens his arms around your waist, nuzzling into your neck until you feel the hairs standing.
“I know, but I wanna do it for you, baby.” his hold on you loosens, but he doesn’t let you go. just loose enough for you to turn around with his arms still around you until he decides to lean against the countertop, trapping you in the middle. you lean back a little to see his expression, he’s trying his best to not break into a grin as you watch the corners of his lips itching to turn upwards. the pink hues on the apples of his cheeks were still blooming.
“you drive me insane, yn.” he kisses your temple, before taking ahold of the glass of grape juice you had just poured out for him, watching him walk into the living room so nonchalantly and finding an anime movie to watch together.
you follow after him and sit close enough for your legs to hang over his lap. you love the physical affection. even as best friends back then, the both of you would always be mistaken as a couple from the way you two would have your hands lingering together with the urge to intertwine, linking arms, and even from sharing food or drinks.
kai was someone you were happy with your parents meeting. your dad had already started to treat him like his son-in-law after you heard that they would go out to eat together while you were at work.
it’s almost like he was an angel sent to you, with every one of your loved ones approving of him from the very beginning.
“oh, do I now?" you tease as you playfully stick out your tongue.
"oh always." he matches your sarcastic energy, and you both laugh together for a moment. his gesture was the opposite of his words.
he brings his gentle hand to cup your face with his thumb slowly rubbing your cheek back and forth. you swear you could feel your heart about to jump out of your chest, you were hoping if it did that kai would catch it regardless. the motion was so endearing that you hadn't realised that the both of you had been staring into each other's eyes. his eyes were so beautiful. holding all things lovely and genuine with a hint of playfulness as he scans your face, which was reciprocating the same.
you sigh into the warmth of his palm, "I love you, kai."
his thumb stops moving and his eyes widen ever so slightly, "yn, I-"
"oh my god, I didn't realise. it just... slipped." a bashful smile replaces the shocked expression you had for a fraction of a second.
"so, you don't love me?" kai raises a brow, putting his hand down back on his lap.
"no! oh god." panic courses through your veins as you find a way to save yourself in this situation. "of course I love you. I love you so much you don't understa—"
you didn't get to finish your sentence, yet kai has pressed his lips against yours. the familiar warmth igniting in your chest as he tilts his head and you following after. you've never kissed anyone like this before, the type that makes your chest heave from the lack of air. the type that makes your heart pound so much that it's all you hear in your ears. the type of kiss that feels just right, knowing you have found your person, and it's kai. it's always been kai.
pulling your lips away, he chases them once more for quick pecks as if you're his favourite baked good from the bakery. your foreheads rest against each others, watching his lips transition from a held back smile to a full grin and an airy giggle.
"don't be silly, my love." he starts. "of course I understand. and I love you so so much that words are not enough."
"do you think our two lips should meet again?" you rest your head on his shoulder, facing his neck. he shudders from your warm exhales against his skin.
"I know our two lips should meet again," he kisses your temple. "and again," then to your cheek. "and again." and a final kiss to your lips, reuniting them once more.
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taglist: @bb-eilish @ericyjun @luvsoobs @yeonyeonyeonjun @junniieesbby @kyrkitten @hyuntaena @day6andetcetera @dainsleif-when-playable @txt-yaomi @soobinsman @choiwrld @ahnneyong @prodsh00ky @wccycc @lizdevorak @fairybin @laylasbunbunny @acaiasahi @ttyunz @cha0thicpisces @fairybinie @vatterie @ja4hyvn @yunkiwii @aprilisque (send an ask to be part of the taglist, look here for reference)
© BOBA-BEOM ; all rights reserved. do not repost, copy, alter or translate in any way or platform.
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AITA for not wanting my friends to visit?
(English isn't my first language and this might be too long)
I (26 X) live in a different city from a bunch of friends who constantly travel here due to concerts and other massive events (think at least twice per year). I've always tried being welcoming in the past bc I too used to live in a much smaller city and wished I could attend concerts on a more regular basis, plus I've been friends with people in this group for more than 10 years, so I tend to be comfortable around them in almost any situation.
One friend (26M) from such group has recently moved in with me, and we've been roomates for almost half a year now, however I noticed the number of request to coming over and staying has exponentially increased since he moved in last year (think at least one person every two months and the number of days increasing to up to one week when previously they used to stay not more than four).
Normally, this wouldn't bother me considering that they are all common friends, but recenetly I've been going through a particular depressive episode where all I want to do is not being bothered by anyone in my own house (my roomate being the exception since I'm used to him being there) and I've been having trouble getting along with the more often visits. While adding the fact that since my friemd moved in, everyone just sort of stoped directly asking me if it was okay to stay and just asking the roomate instead and making him tell me.
I've expressed my fatigue to my roomate, along my dislike of not being considered as an essential part of the plan when other friends prepare their stay, I've been certainly feel used by them while also being aware that my depression fuels any negative feeling that crosses my way, but he and the others have reasurred me that it's just easier to bother him with such details since they know I'm not doing so well. I've agreed with their plans nonetheless thinking I could get better or just ignore them, but there's this big concert next month where a bunch of people are coming to stay for over a week and I'm just feeling overwheled thinking about it.
There is one particular case that troubles me the most as a guest, bc since other friends might just be a little draining, she (24F) and I used to be in some sort of "situationship" about a year ago that never really went anywhere and while we put some distance we did end up in relatively good terms. I've been told multiple times that I can't throw away this long friendship just because I caught feelings at some point and while I can act normal around her in public, there's just this terrible dreadful feeling of imagining her being back in my house as though nothing has happened.
The three of us (her, my roomate and I) used to be the closest from the group of friends and as such I've allowed him to invite her over (mind you, a completly diferent city) while I've been away, but can't stand the idea of her being there at the same time as me. My roomate has told both of us we ought to patch things down (so everything can be as before) but every instance we've tried to talk I've just been convinced I want her less and less inside my house.
This should be pretty obvious for me, but I've gotten to a point of avoiding my own house for weeks bc depression keeps telling me no one wants me there and I'm the problematic one while not wanting to upset my roomate (it is also his house afterall) or the other friends who keep making plans to visit, with my irritable mood and also being reminded that THEY have no problem with me and its okay if I need to take my space.
AITA if I'm considering completly shuting down all visits for a what's left of the year despite people having made plans since last year and (inderctly) telling me said plans with anticipation? I just don't know what else to do but changing most of these people plans when I'm feeling bad all the time around other people and not being able to properly express that in a way where everyone don't just think I'm a resentful toxic ex and that my problem is just with one person.
What are these acronyms?
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0m3g4skanohiforge · 29 days
Well folks, it's been a fair few Mask Mondays since my last post, I just... really haven't had updates to share. Between getting a near full-time job, daily life complications, and of course the 810 event launch, I haven't been able to spend much time developing new colours or making cool effects. Figured I'd take this opportunity for another update, regardless.
I've still got a fair few colours to work on, of which I keep cycling through every so often when I can, because seeing variant shades of the same colour and going "okay this time is gonna be perfect" only to keep getting it wrong gets... pretty tiring. At least the variety is there with how many I have to work on, at the cost of all of them taking that much longer.
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Lime is really close though! It's a tiny bit off, still, but close enough that my mom thinks I should count it. Maybe staring at these for so long is making me crazily picky 😄
Purple is... a pain in the ass, tbh. If I had a week of free time, I could get Dark Purple, Medium Lavender, and Lavender for sure, and still be no closer to Classic Purple. It's so different from the rest in how red it is but I haven't yet found a proper balance that doesn't overshoot it wildly.
Orange... y'all remember my Reddish-Orange update? Reddish-Orange is closer than Orange because I just can't seem to get this to saturate well enough while maintaining opacity, and again the camera seems to think both are far off.
Sand Blue and Medium Blue haven't been touched in a while, so I should probably get those going again once these batches for Etsy orders are done, but damn... I spent so much time on Sand Blue and just couldn't land it. Hopefully there's some info I got from the month and a half spent grinding out Silver that can finally get Sand Blue, at least. Medium currently feels closer to Light Azure, which is pretty but not the goal yet.
Not really sure what's been happening with teal, using my old resin it's the first colour I matched but with this new (arguably better) kind I'm either basically green or basically blue.
That all leaves Pearl Gold as the final colour in development. With the least progress currently, I'm hoping simply replacing the silver dyes with gold and whatnot will work for the otherwise same formula as silver, but I'll have to see if my pearling powder is too pale for that. In due time.
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Also, I got a second pressure pot! Should have it all set up by the weekend, which will then basically double my output. Twice as many pieces made per day, even if that's just two batches instead of one (with a theoretical max output of 6 batches if I can afford the time and actually keep on schedule). So excited to get this running, and finally see some smoother progress! This wouldn't have been possible without everyone's incredible support, and I hope to have more exciting news soon!
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furbygoblinxiv · 1 year
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Ok now to be annoying about a completely different flavor of Zelda: That cartoon from the 80s that has aged so poorly I take psychic damage every time I watch it (which has been multiple times (I have problems)). A few months ago when rewatching and being sick of the Link's personality from the show (his best feature is how funny the "Well excuuuuse me, princess" line is) I was like "I wish the quiet kid from the games/art was here instead" and accidentally thought too hard and made an au/rewrite of the cartoon lmao.
Anyways Zelda cartoon au where cryptid boy Link saves the post apocalyptic Hyrule of loz 1 and chills in the castle with cartoon Zelda to defend the triforce pieces that they have while trying to find the last piece before Ganon can find it, stumbling across the sleeping loz 2 Zelda along the way lol. Hijinks ensue as he teaches Zelda the brawns to back up her girlboss and he gets an adventure buddy because its dangerous to go alone and Zelda with her boomerang and crossbow goes hard. I think a monster of the week style plot works for the earlier Zelda games, but an overarching plot could coexist with that since that is kinda how games work lol.
As per usual here are a bunch of slapdash barely related sketches of my ideas with my expanded thoughts below bc I think it'd be fun to share:
I look at the official art of Link being a quiet determined little dude with a backpack of tools and wish that that was represented more. Like look at him! What a guy! Imagine giving a quiet puzzle solving 14 year old a sword, lethal magical weapons, and a wasteland to explore! I would love a show about that! In terms of other characters, swap out that annoying fairy character, put in a Navi clone, at least Navi didn't have a crush on Link🤮. Ganon can stay the same so long as he was always a demon pig and was never a Gerudo man because unlike Nintendo, I do not want to imply that the only prominent man of color in the series has only one big braincell thats just screaming "EVIL" on loop. But! Keep Zelda the same, I love her so much in the cartoon, she's obnoxious in a slay girlboss way, maximum vibes. By virtue of not having a paper thin plot, most other characters that were fine get fixed by proxy.
I think plot wise? It takes place a few years after the first game. Initially, Link saved the royal family and they started rebuilding that area of Hyrule, and Link traveled around to help people. One day, Ganon's minions start making attacks on the castle to steal the triforce pieces back to revive him fully, and a Zelda who greatly admires Links steps up to defend the place. Eventually, Zelda requests Link return to help defend the castle while they search for the mysterious hidden third triforce piece in order to combine the full thing and wish for peace in Hyrule. Link agrees and the hyjinks begin.
IIRC the og Link backstory was that he was the son of the hyrulean queen and the elf king or smth? In the manga? I didn't want him to be hylian royalty but I wanted to keep that cryptid vibe, hence why I have him related instead to the great fairy and the kokiri. He just leaves the forest/cave one day with literally nothing to go save Hyrule, what a chad. I think it'd be funny if people describe Zelda as feral due to how boisterous and headstrong she is, especially out on the field, but Link is the quiet version of wild that you don't notice at first. She is openly intelligent and snarky in comparison to "says 3 lines a day, bombs first and asks questions later, explore under every rock and bush" forest kid Link.
It would be fun though if "rushes into danger" Zelda resonated more with the triforce of power and "solves dungeon puzzles for funsies" Link with the triforce of wisdom, then they both resonated with the triforce of courage upon finding it. idk tho lol
I also think two different young Zeldas coexisting with each other after one awoke from a cursed slumber would be really funny. Like that's gotta be so awkward, especially if one has the fighter girlboss slay up to 11 and the other just woke up from a coma to her family gone and her kingdom destroyed and just kinda wants to read books and drink tea in peace. Imagine being the same age or older than your great (great?) aunt. Or imagine if the old lady Impa nursemaid to Zelda 1 Zelda was the young Impa nursemaid to the Zelda 2 Zelda. Wild.
If I wasn't incapable of remembering to finish writing wips I'd write that series lol. Alas, this is all I can pull for now.
I'd love to call this propaganda to go watch the show but maybe don't because its yikes. This is moreso propaganda for someone to make a Zelda cartoon show instead of the movie that I sense Nintendo is plotting to make. Also, if you've read this far, I should mention I also will probably be posting art from some of my actual long term Zelda aus beyond just expanding on the cartoon, though I may continue to do that if my train of thought continues on these tracks.
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emloveswriting · 2 months
Come and Catch Me
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Summary: Nura is a prolific serial killer escaping the FBI's grasp time after time leaving them desprate. What happens when she decides to get cocky and start messing with law enforcement, more specfically Spencer Reid?
Warnings: crime scenes, not much gore this chapter
Author's note: Hi guys this is my first time writing ever writing a fanfic. Hopefully you guys enjoy!
Word count: 1.0K
Chapter one
“Who is he?” Spencer asks with a sigh. He felt like he was repeating the same scenario over and over. He walked dozens of the exact same crime scenes. At this point he’s bored. He feels hopeless as he asks the detective the identity of their latest victim. “His name is Brandon Renk. He was a 45 year old bank teller in the bank two blocks away. He was walking home from work when he was shot once in the head. Forensics and CSI searched the whole scene and still are looking for any evidence but they found nothin’ so far,” the lead detective on the case states with a thick New York accent, reminding Spencer that they’re now in a completely different city with the same exact crime scenes. He was sick and tired of getting restless jet sleep as they flew from city to city, following this unsub across the US. “Don’t bother. You guys aren’t gonna find anything,” Derek adds before Prentiss joins him. “Let’s walk the scene?” she asks Derek, who responds with a “Shall we?” and they walk away, leaving Spencer alone. They’ve roleplayed at every single scene so far, eager to figure out more about this unsub, but it still hasn’t helped. But they’re desprate to find anything- literally anything that will lead them to her. They were all frusturated at the fact that after months of investigating, their profile had helped in no way to find this unsub.
Brandon was their unsub’s 30th victim, who the BAU had been tracking ever since her first couple of known victims were found in Virginia. Because she was officially deemed a serial offender and had gone to multiple cities, the BAU was asked to officially lead the investigation because they were the only ones with jurisdiction. Her M.O. was simple. She would drop a couple bodies per city, leave no evidence behind, then skip town and continue in the next city. The team was tired of always being ten steps behind. They were just following her blindly after all this time. From what they know she’s choosing these cities at random. They hadn’t seen their loved ones in weeks, instead spending their nights in shitty hotels and their mornings with stale coffee. Spencer couldn’t even count how many hours he stayed up in his hotel room, that he always shared with luke, trying to find a fragment, even a sliver of evidence that would point them in the right direction. But he found nothing. As expected. Luke would always beg him to at least try to get some sleep, although after a while he deemed it worthless to keep asking him.
“What’s wrong Spence?” Luke asks as he notices the tired expression on his face as he stands over the body motionless. “What’s the point of us even here? We walked how many crime scenes exactly like this one by now? 30? We’re never going to catch this unsub. This is worthless. I just want to go home” He says upset. Luke sighs. “I know, I’m exhausted too.” “I barely sleep and when I do I have these- these dreams,” Spencer chuckles dryly. “Huh? Dreams?” Luke asks confused. He knew Spencer didn’t sleept much, always falling asleep hours before him, but Spencer never told him about his dreams. He knew they didn’t have much time for small talk, but he was still worried about him. Spencer barely ate too, drinking sugar filled coffee every morning to try to cover the fact that he slept less than four hours the previous night. “I guess you could call them nightmares. Which statiscally makes sense based on how much we’ve- how much I’ve been absorbed in this case.” Luke hums in understanding. He knew how invested Spencer was in this case, he worked himself to exhuastion every day. Everyone noticed but whenever one of them confronted him about it he would become defensive. “Would you like to talk about it?” He asks gently, not wanting to provoke him. “I-” Spencer starts then is cut off by Emily calling them all back to the station to brief everyone on their next move.
The investigation started in their own backyard. They all now considered it a luxury to be able to be on a case and still be able to sleep in their own beds. Emily was pretty sure they were running out of money in the budget to have them at a different hotel in each city they went to. After three victims in DC, she started up again in Boston Then Maryland Then Detriot. Timeskip to ten cities later they had now ending up in the Big Apple. They’re all sleep deprived, overworked, and really really pissed off at how good she is at covering her tracks. How could one person escape from the FBI for six whole months? Clearly they had underestimated her and her ability to stay completely off their radar. She killed in broad daylight and escaped with zero witness and no DNA. Who’s to say that she only had thirty victims? Based on her streak, she probably decided to stop hiding her bodies so well because she got bored.
Their profile of her was a woman in her late twenties to mid-thirties with anti-social personality disorder. She also very clearly had psychopathic and sociopathic traits. It was clear through her kills that she lacked empathy and remorse for her vicitims. To be able to pull the trigger so easily, she first has to dehumanize her victims. She also was a narcicisst that enjoyed having all of law enforcement in the US looking for her. She was an injustice collector who was executing her victims based on the fact that they were all rapists, pedophiles, and abusers who were never convicted. She had somehow found this out and decided to become judge, jury, and executioner. Although she was a hassle trying to catch, Spencer couldn’t blame her for deciding to take matters into her own hands. The justice system very rarely delivered real justice. After months of chasing her, he was oddly starting to understand her.
This was her third victim here in NYC, meaning she most likely was going to switch cities soon. They were more focused on trying to find where she would go next then actually finding her. They realized a while ago they needed more then to just profile her. Spencer had focused on the geographical profile, but it was hard when she went all over the damn country with no apparent pattern. JJ walks in, handing him coffee. “Any luck?” she asks but isn’t very hopeful. Most of them gave up on finding her a while ago. “What do you think?” he asks with a huff. She puts up her hands in mock defense. “Worth a try I guess,” she sighs. “Why are we still even working this case?” He asks. “What do you mean?” “I’m just confused why the director is still having hope that we’ll find them. We don’t even know how they’re moving from city to city,” he rants. “We can’t just give up Spence. You think this unsub is just gonna ‘give up’ on killing? No they won’t. They’re on a mission. And they won’t stop till they complete it.” “What are they planning to do huh? Kill every pervert in the US? What exactly is their mission?” He asks with a hint of annoyance.
“That’s what we’re here to find out isn’t it?”
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desidarling123 · 4 months
linzolt wip
Lin hates going outside the law.
Okay, she amends to herself, that’s a lie. An obvious one, at that.
As much as she’s dedicated the last few years of her life to the preservation of justice and order -- she can admit justice moves slowly, sometimes. Too slowly.
Half a dozen men have turned up dead in the last two weeks under suspicious circumstances, and the leads that she so desperately needs to materialize have been hard to get, to say least. 
But every day that she waits around leaves the possibility of more death. More innocents at risk.
It’s an unacceptable outcome. In her eyes, anyways.
So it's not that she hates going outside the law, per se. It's just that she hates what it... entails at times. 
 Like this: breaking into a known gangster's apartment on a Friday night, wearing a vigilante’s mask and a tight black suit that is only slightly less practical than her police-outfitted metal armor. 
Not that she didn’t bring some metal along with her. She pats the two coiled metal cords at her hips, tools of her own design. 
If anyone saw her in this getup, well... she prefers not to linger on that thought. Her outfit has been useful in letting her slip in and out of the shadows across the rooftops of Republic City, but it’s also absurdly racy. The sheer scandal the headlines would generate would keep the press occupied for a month, at minimum.
So she’s cutting it close, perhaps, but it had to be that way.
If she’s lucky, her mark will be just shocked enough for her to pull the advantage.
So now she’s here. Waiting, on his bed, in this ridiculous outfit.
The man she’s looking for finally emerges from the bathroom. Lin doesn’t look up -- doesn’t need to -- but she registers the exact moment he drops his glass of whiskey in shock.
She stands up, then, a performance of exaggerated slowness. Keeps her voice low and forceful when she issues her warning:
“Don’t try to run.”
He does run -- of course he does -- and she knocks him down in a heartbeat. Gets her cables around his ankle and pulls.
Then she’s straddling him awkwardly on the ground, pinning him in place beneath her while her metal encases him tighter still.
And it’s only because of the angle that she sees the moment his golden eyes go wide in shock before he says:
She wants to smack him so badly for that. She settles for a short rebuttal, instead.
“Wow.” Zolt stops struggling, then, leans back on his elbows. 
He looks her up and down, and she can see the smirk spreading across his handsome, stupid face.
“Home invasion is a bit much for you, isn’t it?”
“First time for everything,” she says bluntly. She refuses to let herself be rattled by the likes of him.
“Well, if you needed an excuse to come straddle me in that outfit,” he rasps out, one arm snaking around her waist, “you need only have asked.”
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nobedofroses · 10 months
December 10th
pairing: Joel Miller x reader
warnings: fluff, v soft
words: 1.1k
a/n: this one was prompted by the lovely @terryboot (little reminder that holiday/winter blurb requests are open this month 👀) wherein you and Joel are domestic
more Joel, Full List
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In Jackson, there were very few chances for injury. Occasionally during patrols if people came across infected there could be injuries from the quick pursuit, from falling or pulling a muscle. No bites or scratches in a long time, luckily. And sometimes other jobs would cause minor injuries too: a burn while cooking, a bruise from an animal, etc. But mostly it was the kids getting little scrapes and bruises from playing, which was a comforting and happy thought, reminding all of you that had grown up before of what a childhood was supposed to be. 
Which was what made Joel so grumpy when he sprained his ankle and was laid up for at least two weeks, as per the medic’s orders. 
“It’s like I’m a fucking child,” he had complained when he was first told, making the medic laugh, a woman named Jackie that you had met before for help with a rash which had come from the goat milk’s soap. Apparently you were allergic. 
“Plenty of adults get sma— mild injuries as well,” Jackie replied, catching herself on the word, correctly guessing that Joel would not like the word, “small.” 
“Yeah? Do they get ‘em walking across the fucking sidewalk?” he muttered. 
“Maybe we’ll have to ask about putting out sand earlier this year,” you suggested. “Last year, things didn’t get this icy until around Christmas.” 
Joel had no reply to that, laying his head back on the pillows you had set up for him. You rolled your eyes fondly and shared a glance with Jackie. 
“I’ll leave you two to it, just remember the RICE method and you’ll be fine. I’ll be back in a week,” Jackie said and then you showed her out of the house. 
When you got back to the room, Joel was still laying back but his eyes were open and he was watching you. You went over to him and brushed his hair away from his eyes gently, “Do you want me to stay here while you’re healing?” 
“You don’t have to do that,” Joel said, and you were a little surprised it wasn’t an outright no. In the time that the two of you had been doing… whatever it was the two of you were doing, he had never come this close to admitting that he needed someone else’s help. 
You decided to push your luck a little, try to get him to admit that he did in fact want you to stay, “Well, you could just rely on Ellie’s help for everything, I guess.” 
Joel processed what that would mean, how much shit Ellie would give him for every little thing, and he shook his head once, saying in a quiet, slightly pleading, voice, “Stay.” 
Your chest grew warm at just the one word and you nodded, bending down to kiss his temple and tuck the blanket around him better. “Why don’t you take a nap? I’ll go get something for dinner. I’ll have it ready by the time Ellie’s home and you’re awake.” 
About two hours later, Ellie came banging into the kitchen through the back door and you intercepted her. 
“Joel’s asleep on the couch, hun, can you stay in here until dinner’s ready?” you asked, finishing up the ham, cheese, and lettuce sandwiches you were making. If you were cooking at home instead of eating at the cantina, you made simple fare so as to not waste electricity or fuel. 
“No he’s not, what are you hiding?” Ellie asked with a laugh, heading towards the living room. 
You caught her gently around the arm and shushed her, “He is, you can look if you want, but be quiet please.” 
Ellie tiptoed exaggeratedly, but you could see the curiosity on her face. She returned ten seconds later with a straight face, “What’s wrong?” 
“Oh, honey, nothing’s wrong,” you hurried to say, remembering that because of their history, the sight of Joel vulnerable must’ve been terrifying for her. “He sprained his ankle, so he just has to stay off of it and get rest.” 
“Sprained his ankle, huh?” Ellie asked, the grin on her face very close to evil. 
“C’mon, you can’t torture him. Well, not too much,” you amended when you saw the incredulous look on her face. “Besides, he sprained it when he was bringing me coffee this morning, so he was being sweet.” 
“Yeah, to you. I didn’t get any coffee,” Ellie pointed out, making it clear that him being sweet to you did not preclude him from any teasing on her end. “Anyway, I don’t know why you even go back to your place at night, you should just stay over. Not like I don’t know what you’re up to.” 
The tips of your ears grew hot as you turned from Ellie so she wouldn’t see your embarrassed face as you said, “If we’re too loud—” 
“No, I don’t hear you, thank fuck, I’m just not five years old. I know that you’re dating or whatever and I know what people do when they date or whatever.” 
You smiled at that, put at ease that if nothing else, you and Joel weren’t too loud when you had sex. “You know, if you ever want to talk about you dating or whatever, you can always talk to me. And then I can talk to him.” 
Ellie gave you a small smile and then grabbed a completed sandwich and an apple, mumbling, “Yeah, cool.” 
Happy with where this conversation ended up, you started to head into the living room to wake Joel when you remembered you hadn’t told her, “And actually, I’ll be staying here while Joel recuperates, so I hope you meant it when you said I should just stay here.” 
You heard Ellie’s little chuckle and quiet, “I did,” as you passed into the other room. Joel was awake on the couch, but looked freshly so, still blinking heavily, but he hummed when he saw you. 
“I take it the terror is back and— it’s time for dinner,” Joel mumbled, yawning halfway through. 
Smiling, you touched his cheek, rubbing your thumb over it gently and saying, “Yeah, but you can keep sleeping if you want to. Ellie and I can entertain ourselves.” 
“I don’t doubt that, but I doubt she can do so quietly enough for me to keep sleeping,” Joel said and you tilted your head in agreement. He grabbed your hand and pulled you to sit next to his hip on the edge of the couch, “You tell her you’re stayin’ for a while?” 
You nodded and tried to keep from smiling too wide, being too excited about her acceptance of you, “Yeah, she um, she seems kinda happy about it.” 
Joel’s mouth quirked up as he said, “Course she is. Anybody’d be happy to have you, sweetheart.” 
It was implied, not explicit, Joel’s sentiment, his own happiness at you staying at his place, playing some kind of house together with Ellie. But that’s all you needed, and this time you couldn’t help your grin.
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