aesthetic-is-life · 3 days
Omegaverse Wordbulding
OmegaVerse facts that just make sense (in my head)
It's impossible to determinate the second gender until the presentation
Presentation happens in the first teens years (so like middle school, so 12-13 years old) but the first actual heat/rut is a couple of years later (so like 16-17 years old)
Beta doesn't have presentation
For male omegas and female alphas presentation is longer and more painful. In my head it can't be overwise becouse litteraly your organs suffer a drastic change and have to make space in a already taken spot in the body.
In younger generations is socially accepted that alpha can and like to nest too.
Female betas has periods each month, for an week (avagere)
Omegas (both female and males) has the menstruation after the heat ONLY if they aren't pregnant. (it's a optimal way to know it)
Omega's heat and alpha's rut last 3-5 days
In sport, the division is still made by the first gender.
Omega's pregnancies, expecially with the other parent is an alpha are rarely of a single pup. The norm is twins, and the expection, but still seen (like twins in "reality") is triplet (3 pups)
Beta aren't sensible to scents and smells like Omegas and Alphas
Male omegas don't produce milk
Female alphas can lactate if their bond mate is pregnant (they have to be bond for a hormonal response that activet the milk production)
Heat and rut don't trasform the person in a honry, complitely out of control thing. An alpha and an omega can stay together during these days without any sexual intercurse.
Sure they are more horny than usual, but they doesn't lose reason other it and it's manageble.
it's more about comfornt, felling loved and not alone
for omega is also feeling safe
for alpha making someone safe
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voidanie · 1 year
Sebastian as a not so confident dom
I had this headcanon for a while, i’ve seen a lot of people talking about how he would be possessive in bed and when in public with his S/O, like, well... my english is not so good to describe this, but i think i made myself clear. What about his first times?
I think that before having any sexual intercurses he would be the same, like how we see him on game (he can’t trick me, he ain’t even kissed a person yet)
So what happens when years later a really dominant MC comes around and between their usual flirty banter they get tired and says something like “don’t be too cocky, Sebastian, i can make you look like a flustered first year if i wanted to” and obviously Sebastian answers with some taunting like “go ahead, i’m sure you can’t”
I like to think that as fast as he sees some skin he gets so flustered that he has to drop all of his acting.
Maybe later on their relationship Sebastian learns from them and really becomes that dominant person we all think he is as an adult.
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tokachithewarrior2 · 16 days
Pros and cons of dating your oc's?
Well this a rare one, I'll try to give the Best! BUT put is In the environment!
This is Will be The once
"-" pros
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- Tokachi is a very much trusty person, she Will be more the welcome to hear you out no Matter how heavy or hard to speak out she's here to help
- She has a good hands on baking tradicional japanese goods especially on making her own matcha tea power
- Being a fire warrior It has its advantage of allowing you to do a few things that are possibly suitable for her partner.
- She is a Big hugging and I mean A BIG LONG HUGGER PERSONA! She like Big! Small! Short, tall, Thick, thin people She Will Squish them!
- She will introduce you to many of her fights, don't worry if she gets hurt at least she knows that you are by herside
- she like been Kiss! But thhe back of her neck is one of her The most sensitive, She will scream in surprise and you dare 7^7
- She likes to have new experiences very well, She doesn't want to be left behind in anything and will let her partner introduce her into there tastes too.
- Tokachi is a bit close of her Much stronger sexuality or attractions, However, feeling that it matters a lot to both of them, she doesn't care if it fails.
° She will end up burning a few things and she doesn't know how to control her emotions. On the intercurse might also be happen
° A little picky about trying things
° Sometimes you get stuck on arguments that she Will keep on going
° She Takes a bit personal the jokes that sometimes she doesn't sees funny
° She is a matcha drinker, so don't get suprise when she bring matcha tea on her
- This angel lady is a good Transportation method to get you to places on time! I hope you're not afraid of heights so she'll probably help you get over that fear
- Lucíel is a warmer then every hugs, She might have arms but she Will use her wings to make You feel more Comfortable for cold weather, How can't You Say no to those wings!
- She is a mamá bear Even with her partner, like a her heart Will show off to become a Shield to protect you,
- She loves sculptures especially those that are creative! The most beautiful to the most risqué!
- Good cooking like a 6/10 but if you try to tease her by eating or messing on her work, she will put You on timeout (With you stuck to the wall with one of her wings)
- She has her down falls and she might need the time to get to trust You, since she got her heart broken Before, so please be patient with her
- Give some times Kisses in the cheek or nose, those are get favorite spots!
° She shads alot of feathers and I mean A LOT!! Even If she use them with You, she will be having be a Disaster of apologies but making such a mess of yourself
° A bit annoying in certain serious situations
° Let's see if it takes time to get to certain places or if it is difficult for You
° Lucíel's wings might pop out of now were when she sneeze so TAKE COVER!
- Trying to date a rock lady?? You might be blind or You like hard woman
- Terri is fan of boxing, Motorcycles, and Extreme sports
- Sometimes she may invite you to watch her Other world fight, however she also worries that if one of her attacks hits you
- Wait for terri to show you her powers if You are going with her, She Will make every trick with her fingers or sometimes tease you
- 4 words: Friday Night Hot sake, A sake lover that Will never got enough
- Bar and hot Spring are some of her Main date places that she might want to visit with her partner sometimes
° She doesn't care if You don't like Children, that a no for her, her Children came with the pack(meaning her)
° Might need to keep an eye on her if Terri Will get drunk
° Doesn't like the topic about war, She will do her best to change the subject even if you want to talk to her.
° She Hates Burnt Chilli
° She doesn't like very conceited people.
- Salacia is a sea enthusiast Even she gets excited about the few times she gets to see marine animals.
- If you arrive at her house you will immediately notice that she has a large fish tank on one side of the bed(clown fish and with anemones)
- Salacia Sometimes may bring you gifts, from a pearl to a starfish. Sometimes she shows affection through gifts
- She is no longer fully expressive with her words to say that she loves you.But by holding your hand, hugging you and placing her head on your shoulder Is a sign that you are winning her heart
- She is a walking library of Greek mythology. Sometimes if you have a doubt about a God, she will explain much more than you expected.
° She's a Big Crying woman So make sure there are plenty of tissues
° If you have fights with her she will cry because she is not good at confrontations.
° She has a big fear of needles and will need you by her side when she goes to the doctor.
° She dislikes closed-minded people
° If you hurt one of her friends, she will drown you.
- The Queen of souls You have to be an unfortunate soul to get to meet her in her queen form.
- She is careful, calm, keeps her mind calm but also has a habit of playing with you.
- Don't be surprised that she's already a big woman, she really is BIG!
- try to hold You breath when you want to hug her, Depending on your size you may drown.
- On rare occasions she will not be there but she will send you messages at certain times
- If she has the essence of rosemary it means that she was dealing with souls
- Sometimes her hair moves like a cloud, Sometimes she might ask you for help to accommodate me a little in a bun.
- Shayo He/she can give you some extra love as if you were her Husband/wife
- She like to be Switch spoon!
° If you don't want to date her because she has daughters, then you are welcome to leave her site
° Sometimes Shayo tend to see the life time or due of certain people
° She doesn't want to show you a world where she keeps her souls, She doesn't want to scare you
° When you agrue with her she can raise her voice to the point that she can break windows
° If you're only dating her because she's a villain.. She will immediately know your intentions
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I think that's the most I could do, but I hope you liked the way I wrote all my characters!
(Si tal vez falte unos cuantos pero tal vez continúe haciéndole updates)
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skinwalker14 · 16 days
They haven't in muslim countries they are punished severely and the death sentence is honestly for both but the person gets to decide if they want to kill the person if not they just get punished with those ways and the married one if more because in Islam he is not allowed to do anything sexual intercurse without her consent
A judge in Saudi Arabia has ordered a victim of gang rape to receive 200 lashes - more than double her original sentence for being alone with a man who was not a relative - after she appealed against the lenient sentences given to the men who attacked her. He also jailed her for six months. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjU4Kzdq7aIAxVb6ckDHbogC94QFnoECBoQAw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theguardian.com%2Fworld%2F2007%2Fnov%2F17%2Fsaudiarabia.international%23%3A~%3Atext%3DA%2520judge%2520in%2520Saudi%2520Arabia%2Cjailed%2520her%2520for%2520six%2520months.&usg=AOvVaw2QYbYUM4bZIy4jQ10myETT&opi=89978449
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seokka0o · 1 year
I'm having a little dark fantasy moment today so, bear with me okay? This is going to be a good one.
Here's the scenario: shanbin and the reader are taking their time around each other, like, a step at a time right? The reader just thinks he has some caveat about his body or just is a little slow with the sex topic, but things go well between the two, he's an amazing boyfriend and that's undeniable. But then they get to the intimacy moment, and to make him more comfortable, you ask if the lights can be out, a little sad that you couldn't see his face, but his comfort would always come first.
The strange fact is, the reader doesn't remember much about the thing itself, you remember the kisses, the pleasure, the hot feelings... But not any detail of anything, just waking up in hanbins arms and clean, with your pajamas on and everything. You even question yourself if it really happens.
This occurs for the next few intercurses, and you strange it a bit, but just ignores since, well, you feel really satisfied and hanbin is happy, how can it be something wrong? That's until you hear a weird conversation between hanbin and Hao, something with "You are still drugging them?"
This news are devastating to you, how can your sweet and loving boyfriend be drugging you? Obviously you run into him asking what he think he is doing... And then you just have a mumbling and crying mess in front of you.
Hanbin is inconsolable, the saddest you have ever seen in your life, saying that he is sorry that he is a monster like this, that he just thought if you didn't remember you would just forget, and it just became more confuse with each word. You calm him down, and tell that you just want to understand him, and then he breaks the news, he has tentacles.
That's it, tentacles and zb1, I wrote all of this to come to this conclusion.
Alert: Monster Fuck
It's uncontrollable, Hanbin needs to have his tentacles on you, releasing so many pheromones at first was an unconscious act, but the way you desperately rubbed yourself against his tentacles made him surprised, the pleasure it brought, and after a while an insatiable libido, you say nothing but "please Bin...I need more" you are pushed to your limit, pulled back, tears flowing and Hanbin using each of his tentacles to stimulate your already so sensitive body . Let's say you were somewhat relieved, the idealization of them being just a monster was something that made you question "can-can we do it again? But with the lights on?" And then you're wide open, the natural liquid oozing from the tentacles, the subtle scent rising to your nostrils, you slowly getting drunk, riding over hanbin, the extensions holding you, touching your body, in and out, your eyes rolling back. you finally understand that wasn't just a dream, you are completely losing your mind, while hanbin watches your doom under the light, the most beautiful sight he could have.
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sentinelmania · 1 year
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Blair’s punching fist motion to indicate sexual intercurse. 
That’s a classic, rather crude male gesture for sex, the pushing fist standing for the pushing penis. Men use it between themselves, not when kids and women folk is around. -  It’s a bit surprising they got away for it on TV, because it’s a more obscene gesture, not for the polite society. 
Jim’s senses and sex is a topic, that is looked in a bit on the show, but only indicates things.   :-)
There are few Men-Talk scenes in TS. The US TV doesn’t allow much swearing, crude or obscene language or sexual stuff.
(unlike my country, where they would cut out the violence, but leave the swearing and nudes)
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nekomarusstuff · 3 years
Humans are the succubus of the universe
allow me to elaborate:
170045 A.R.                                                                                                  Galaxy of the free (new name of our galaxy they change it)                            Inytl sistem                                                                                              Rokilidia “the planet of a thousand citys”
Two Rokilianss walk down the busy streets of their home planet after a long day in the office looking for a good time to relieve some of the stress and to kickstart an unforgettable weekend. 
Komult: where the hell are we going? 
Muxarath: you know it’s a special night so I made some plans for the birthday boy 
Komult: *crosing two of his arms* what did you do?
Muxarath: *grining* nothing
Komult: you always have been the worst liar of all time cmon spit it out
Muxarath: we’re going bowling 
Komult:  no we’re not, cmon it’s getting late also where are we actually?
Komult:  I never seen this part of the city before
Muxarath: ok ok were going for dinner
Komult:*clearly annoyed* where are we going?
Muxarath: >:)
Komult: >:/
                                          //awkard silence//
Muxarath: what cant a guy take his best friend to the most salvage strip clup on this side of the rings!!
Komult: you what?! 
welcome to Delights 
the neon like sign greats the two of them as they arrive at their destination, an underground strip club decorated with bright pink and yellow lights, were different species from all across the galaxy and beyond join together to get wasted out of their f@cking minds and enjoy the perverted display of bodies in front of them.
Komult:*clearly blushing* w-why did you brought me here?
Muxarath:what dont tell me that you dont like it cause you’re clearly pulsating in excitement
//(pulsating: Rokilian slang, means to be horny or ready for intercurse)//
Komult:s-shut UP YOU IMBECILE!!” just about when komult was about to yell more at his idiotic friend a waiter caughts Komult’s eye.                                        A human dressed in a erotic attire walks directly to them 
 //still in process be patient¯\(°_o)/¯//
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This is probably weird, but I recently got into IronStrange and I was going through your tumblr from oldest to newest when I saw a post about people arguing if Stephen was straight. Which??? I’m pretty sure I read something that gave me the impression he is pansexual in the comics.
Ok, so I don’t know why but I’m seeing this right now and I’m on mobile so I don’t know how many pictures I’ll be able to provide. Also I’m only just recently catching up with the comics and right now I only read a couple of recent black widow issues and the first numbers of Invincible Iron-Man so all the info you’ll find in this post are from posts I’ve seen around tumblr. Now, lucky I have an eidetic memory which means that I can sort of recreate what those posts said, but I’m not the best expert in the matter anyways.
There is an issue dated back around late 80s (?) in which a character from Greenwich Village asked Stephen if he was gay. He literally laughs it off which, of course, might cancel the option out because of reasons, though we are speaking about a relatevely old issue and his reaction could go accordingly with “it was the mentality of the times”.
Most of the panels which could be find see him having sexual intercurses with women, BUT the only canonical relationship he has in the comics is with Clea whose not actually a “real” human. For this reason I’m keen to think that she presents as female but doesn’t really have a gender as we intend it (she’s related to Dormammu and I’m sure just like the movies while he has a “mortal” form, that’s not his real body). Also I think that with his position as Sorcerer Supreme he found himself face-to-face with other entities which do not identify in any gender. On a side note, a couple of years ago Marvel released a series of variant covers (I guess) of like “sexy-summer superheroes” in which Stephen has tentacles around his bathing pants. And, I mean... I think it has never been said, but we can sort of confirm that in the comics, Stephen is canonically pansexual.
In the movies, the things is not so much addressed. The only canonical relationship he has is with Christine which can mean nothing or everything and people are pretty much headcanoning him however they want to. Personally I headcanon him being sapiosexual with a strong preference toward women, but again, it’s merely an headcanon of someone who tends to project a little too much on him (especially about the sapiosexual part).
As canon goes, though, I’ll stick with the things we know, aka the comics, so yeah, you are right and I’d say safely that he is pansexual. (I’m separating comics and movies mostly because we already saw - with Tony - how these details could differ considering that comics confirmed bi-Tony)
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bangastrology · 5 years
I'm a capricorn mars and I've been complimented from my first kiss, for my ability, passion, rawness and my use of tongue (I have my own tongue technology 😂) and my "lover/fwb" is a scorpio mars and it's a passionate hungry kisser and is turned on very fast, so yes, it's a little step for a consuming passionate encounter. Confirmed both marses. Btw cancer mars tend to be kinky and likes to be kinky in public places without being noticed, same for capricorn/scorpio
hahaha thank you for the feedback i feel relieved that it resonated with you hahaha....i actually can picture capricorn and scorpio being into public intercurses...however for what you said about mars in cancer i have to disagree for the simple fact that i was looking only at the sign mars was in...and especially this water sign is a very private and traditional one so they wouldn’t even think about risk it in public places....but of course it could be as also as you said depending of the house mars is located in....
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cave-of-chaos · 2 years
youve heard of intercourse now get ready for… intercurse! its just a curse. thats it.
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Intercurse - EP from Veneraxiom
Blasphemous trio from L.A.
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plutoswrath · 5 years
Hello💛🌼 what do you think someone would be like sexually if they have: pisces sun in the 8th house Pluto conjunct mars in the cusp of the 5th house Venus in aries trine pluto and mars Thank I in advance💜😍😚
Sexuality could be taken as serious and important, feeling not afraid of it but having the urge to understand ones own sexuality deeply. Intimacy is important and when trusting the partner would do most things (anything) for them and with them, sexual intercurse bounds them and their partner together. Pisces sun in the 8th could make someone obsessive as well though (obsessive and not noticing or not doing anything against it) and when living out the negative side compensating with sexual intercourse or using it as a coping mechanism (which can heavily happen here with that placement solely but the other aspects seem to balance it out well).
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lovemusictac2 · 6 years
I got the operation of carcinoma uteri the day before yesterday. I was lucky because it’s “1A-1″ stage- it means very beginning.  Now I’m recovering bit by bit. (accutually, there was non rational symptoms at all)
So I whoud like tell all girls, that if you have sex experience,  you should take   examination every year or at least every couple of years. Because this cancer    might be infected by sexual intercurse.
This sort of cancer can be cured if its discovered early enough.
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im-stuck-in-a-limbo · 7 years
do you gush during intercurse? Sorry for my bad english
This is not a porn blog
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Homestuck High - Chapter 8
Homestuck high Chapter 8: Solluxs Lair, a homestuck fanfic | FanFiction
im rely happy with al of thw reviws im getin from people an evryoen giving me support! im 1000000 percent serius about this story!
and im sory about sum of da wierd spelings i gt a virud n itz mesed up mi comp :c so sum ov it locks wired?
~This is almost unreadable
~What even is this paragraph
Rose was seating sadly on the bed with the carcasses of fracktured bones and devil chi;ldren surronded at her feet with the blood of angleic innosence on her fingertips.
~Oh. Ok
Sollux hath taken her away from her friendships and had carved her into a crimsen spicked room with mutalated woman hanging from the cielings by their ovulation systems and with the baba fetuses in there eye sockets.
~What the shit
She new that if she wasn't plesurabl enough for Solux she would join them in there patehtic orginic mooonlight tango sway dancings.
~This is fucking terrifying
She dreamed of a dream that bleed into the feers of presipece and her eyed sangof a tail of forgetten masurcation.
~What the hell is forgotten masurcation?
"Rose" Sollex repairended as his cracked yellow and crusted fingernaels
~I know the author is just saying this because it makes him sound gross and evil but trolls actually do have yellow fingernails
claws at her underbelly with a loving delite "I can sence the baba's souL!"
~No thank you
The misphoniac creyd and excreeted loudly weith a voice that belowed songs from the hearth of a love she lost "No! YOu are a fat nerd geek with wired glasses
~Wired glasses
that feasts on the fetuses of gothic childs sent frm haven to punish your instigationed soul! I CAN;T HAV SIX WITH A TROLL LIKE YOU!"
~RIP Sollux x Rose
he probebly had fifteen girths any way.
~I've seen some weird fanart of Sollux with two bone bulges
~You kidnapped her why are you surprised that she doesn't want to fuck you
he hisses and his vemnom spat a cross the walls and turnwed the bodys of the mutalated victems in to hydrocloric acid and it leathered down and burnt throught the skull made floors.
He flew flew backwards to the corner of his cieling and gloared at her with the fire of heathed passeon you can fdind in french lullabys.
"I lust johnatan NOT YOU!"
~His name's John not Jonathan
she eviscerated softly wilst she cries the velvit tears odf the mennopauses that climacate from the ruens of the reched pedimeants of life. "HE IS CUMMING FOR ME"
~Not sure if typo or not
"No Rosa..." Sollux abatemented and he toke of his glasses to reveal the eyes of a worm lordess who crathed the fleash of the billium rectations of lacing china silk and his sockets were emptyed with aluminiem tissues made from the pancreus of god,
~Jesus Christ
~I'm still not sure why they were on a mountain
Rose started to crey the tears of raen that fals on venus only no raen ever gos their becuz theres no warter but they were filed with the love of volcanic explshions and exploitees.
~So she's crying lava? Ouch
Her tears made ouddles on the floor as she run form the room and Sloluz laughed liekt the evil man he was and cascadared down so that the voilcanic water eruoted from her eyes went over his cloths and set them on fire but did not kil him becauze he's not flamabil.
~Actually, none of the trolls ever come in contact with fire so... ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED
Soon he would watter his sweat rose with the piss of a 1000 dragoons beter then she watered herself (AN: LYK PHOTOSINFURSIS.)
She preeched out her creys liek a jesus gospil book only it wasnt a book byut a song so shut up.
Nepita came from the rapprochement of Neptune and flys through the windpw
~What the hell
smelling like the rottan corpses of a hundread falcons who eat the spit of neckbeerds and cry form the rapped childs of acquiescene and luggaged toward the willting flower.
~You know, like usual
She had bought froth the antediluvian waters of neptunia to heel her soul befor it was selled to the obsolote devil in dersey.
~Derse isn't hell
"Eat the water" she beleagured and rose eat it up.
~How do you eat water?
"You must fight the power" neptuina crotheled in dissamence her wiskers food from ASDA peace whistled in lite harmeny wen her eyes fested upon rose's week body.
~I honestly can't figure out what this sentence is supposed to say
her tonge rise forth from the grond to pluck out a needel thred that she plunged in to her skin so she to could dancing in the abanaxed magnatic heet of the sun with her pussy and handled it to Rose
~What the hell
"Use et as le lockpic."
~No thank you
"if you continu with this you well break you're mind." the fluoresent crows cawudeled in lustful desier as they pluked the maggots from there inermost sacral areas to fed rose.
~Stop no this is bad
"i must fight for john and our baby and for HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION!" rose molested the
~I almost forgot they were still in high school. Yeah, good luck with that child
"Very Well" Nepeta "I will make arrangments."
Rose slept uneasy that night.
that's da end of chupter 8! plz review wat wil nepeta plan wats goin 2 hapen 2 tarvos now karkat again revoo n find out!
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sevenineleven · 8 years
The first night of marriage according to the Sunnah
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. All Praise is to Allah.
The first wedding night should be a special moment for newlyweds. It should be romantic and intimate. The wedding is a special thing and the night of the wedding must be special too. It is the night where two people embark upon life in a whole new world with its own unique qualities and experiences. The bride and groom may have lived in different worlds before that night and have now come to the state of getting closer to each other and to sharing the same life.
The couple is able for the first time to enjoy what was always before forbidden to them. This new permissibility applies only to each other. For the husband, this person is his wife, his life-partner, the woman who is going to be the mother of his children.
Marriage in Islam is the arrangement for sexual urges within the circle of a religious ritual and is intended to reflect the purest qualities of human love. Of course, this pure and clean unity will need spiritual and bodily unity as well within the bridal chamber and sexual interaction between the husband and his wife should always be done privately. Intercurse should be performed away from others’ observation, including one’s children who live in the same house. The Prophet, Shalallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, also prohibited men and women from talking to others about the details of what happens in their bedrooms. One is only allowed to reveal what is necessary when there are good reasons, such as medical issues.
There are some etiquette rules according to Sunnah about how to perform marital duties:
– The Prophet, Shalallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, recommended the husband to be kind to his bride and to comfort her by offering her something to drink when they meet the first time after the wedding. Narrated Imam Ahmad from the hadith of Asmaa bint Yazeed ibn al-Sakin who said: I prepared and beautified Aishah for the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W). Then he came and I called him to see her in all her beauty. He came and sat next to her. He was brought a large cup that contained milk. He drank and then handed it to her. She lowered her head and was shy. Asmaa then said: I rebuked her and told her to take it from the hand of the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W). She took it and drank some.”
– The husband should place his hand upon his wife’s head and offer a supplication for her. The Prophet, Shalallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, recommended the couple to start every intercourse by saying: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim (In the Name of Allah), and by praying to Allah (making a Du`a’) to protect them from Shatan, and to protect the child from Satan if a child comes from that intercourse. (Narrated by: Bukhari). The Prophet, Shalallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, said, “If any one of you marries a woman or buys a servant, he should take her by the forelock, mention Allah’s name [saying, ‘In the Name of Allah’] and pray blessings by saying, ‘O Allah, I ask you for her good and the good of what you have dispositioned her toward and I seek refuge from her evil and the evil you have dispositioned her toward.’” ( Bukhari in Khalaq Afaal al-Ibaad, pg. 22).
He should place his hand upon the front part of her head at the time when he first starts to approach her or after that. He should mention the name of Allah Almighty and then pray for blessings, and then say the supplication that was taught to us by the Prophet (SAW): “O Allah! I ask of you the good of her and the good of what you have placed in her nature, and I seek refuge with you from the bad in her and the bad that you have placed in her nature.” [ Sunan Abî Dâwûd (2160) Sunan Ibn Mâjah (1918)Mustadrak al-Hâkim (2811) and Sunan al-Bayhaqî (7/148)].
– The groom and the bride are also recommended to pray two Raka`ats together when they meet on the first day of Marriage . It was narrated that Abu Sa‘eed, the freed slave of Abu Usayd, said: I got married when I was a slave, and I invited some of the Companions of the Prophet (S.A.W), among whom were Ibn Mas‘ood, Abu Dharr and Hudhayfah. … And they taught me and said: When your wife enters upon you, pray two rak‘ahs, then ask Allah, may He be exalted, for the good of what has entered upon you and seek refuge with Him from its evil, then go ahead and approach your wife. Narrated by Ibn Abi Shaybah in al-Musannaf (3/401) and ‘Abd al-Razzzaaq in al-Musannaf(6/191). Shaykh al-Albaani (may Allah have mercy on him) said: Its isnaad to Abu Sa‘eed is saheeh.
After perform wudhu and pray two raka’at sunnah prayer and then recite the following du’a:
اَللّهُمَّ ارْزُقْنِىْ اِلْفَهَا وَ وُدَّهَا وَ رِضَاهَابىِْ وَ اَرْضِنِىْ بِهَا وَ اَجْمَعْ بَيْنَنَا بِاَحْسَنِ اِجْتِمَاعٍ وَ اَنَسِ اِيْتِلاَفٍ فَاِنَّكَ تُحِبُّ الْحَلاَلَ وَ تُكْرِهُ الْحَرَامَ. Allahummar zuqni ilfahaa wa wuddaha wa rizaaha bi; warz”ini biha, wa-ajma’ baynana bi ah’sane ijtimaa’in wa anasi i-tilafin; fa innaka tuh’ibbul h’alaala wa tukrihul h’araam.
O Allah! Bless me with her affection, love and her acceptance of me; and make me pleased with her, and bring us together in the best form of a union and in absolute harmony; surely You like lawful things and dislike unlawful things.
May Allah SWT always guide us on the straight Path. Allah SWT knows the Best.
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