wat-the-cur · 10 months
So, I made a new side blog, Chaps! Nothing much there, yet, but I’m hoping to change that, soon.
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sawvhs · 1 year
seriously doubt adam or lawrence had any close/trusted friends which just makes their relationship in the bathroom that much more weirdly emotionally charged. codependency bait to the max
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another-goblin · 6 months
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That's what happened, right? This is why he seemingly has nothing to do with all this shit show.
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ah0yh0y · 6 months
i find it so funny that before Poseidon destroy Odysseus and his crew he's like here's a life lesson
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vspin · 8 months
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For real though,
What do you guys think is going through his head at this moment???
Is he pleasantly surprised Tav is gonna let him drink their blood? Or?
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zvaigzdelasas · 8 months
Which do you think will collapse first, Israel or the United Stabes?
Israel without a doubt, much less stable material basis for statehood.
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flintmgr · 9 months
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i take art VERY SERIOUSLY.
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Oh yeah and in case it wasn't Painfully Obvious this is currently a Murder Drones focused blog but I also like Indigo Park, FNAF, Welcome Home, and of course The Amazing Digital Circus! I
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istherewifiinhell · 2 months
Trying to go thru the labourious process of adding ppls muisc things to utube playlist for ease of listening. Why was i not signed in [i know im logged in on gmail]... why where u reccomending me the beast wars live stream anyway.....
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patrasche-enjoyer · 1 year
AU where normal Otto and pride if Otto get swapped out, and now normal Subaru has to rehabilitate pride if Otto and normal Otto has to beat the shit out of pride if Subaru
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hi guys im not dead✌️ idk some sketches i did in a meantime, i didn't really have time to draw for the last half a month haha
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(this one i did in like 30 mins because of someone in discord server im in lmao. have never watched The Addams family btw)
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Au fait on a fait un meme en famille la semaine dernière je vous le pose là
Merci Manu pour tout ce que tu fais pour La Fronce
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moamidzyism · 5 months
guyss happy black history month!!!!
i wanted to do some maybe 3-5 text one shots with txt throughout the month with a black female reader but i wanted to do an interest check first
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fragilecapric0rnn · 3 months
ok maybe i do wanna start watching the wee woo show now
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adwox · 9 months
i dont really care for human AUs of mega man characters but a zerox-centric college AU is actually so funny to me
-X graduates at the top of his class is therefore able to shave one year off at college, so hes put in the sophomore year dorms and his roommate is zero
-zero only went to college cause his stupid dad WAS a professor at university, but he got shitcanned halfway through his first term cause wily publicly cursed zero out for not paying attention in class
-light ended up being wilys replacement, to which neither X nor zero knew about until one day during parents weekend they both arrive to their boys dorm room at the same time. and yes they are bitter exs just like in the real games
-zero is a trustfund baby i said what i said. he kind of does not gaf about college at all but he is a dedicated D1 athlete and does work on the campus coffee shop (its the only place he will actually end up doing his homework because he functions best in a loud environment)
-X is duel-majoring because light has subconsciously put a lot of pressure on him especially after his oldest sibling blues dropped out very early on. rock never went to college because seeing what blues went through kind of freaked him out. roll plans on attending one day but is currently working to save up money first and also she just kind of doesnt feel like it yet. X is the worlds first youngest sibling to have eldest daughter syndrome
-despite being in the same graduating class, zero is still technically older, so X looks up to him as an upperclassmen. zero does feel an obligation to show him the ropes so he does look after him for a good while during X's first semester but he soon realizes firsthand just how capable he is
(non-hard drug talk below)
-neither of them ironically share vices, since they both make the respective other anxious. X is a wake and bake kind of guy, zero is a Drinks black coffee an hour before midnight person
-X only recently tried coffee again because zero made him a lavender latte specifically for him. even tho it was decaf, X still felt like his heart was about to jump out of his throat which he felt SO bad about since he knew zero specifically made it for him. and this happened within the first week of the term so they hadnt known each other that well, so X was very very embarrassed knowing zero was just watching him shake like a little leaf. though zero found it all rather amusing
-zero never smoked before because bass was a chronic smoker and it kind of turned him off since they didnt really get along for a while (theyre on much better terms now, they soulbond over wily causing them grief these days). X offers to roll for zero on the very first weekend cause in his mind X is like: college sophomore, how to get on good terms? offer free weed. Unfortunately a few hits in zero is white-knuckling his kneecaps and doing everything in his power not to throw up. he learned the hard way then and there that he is too paranoid for that shit, and while X felt so incredibly guilty for a while, he did feel it let them both become closer faster since zero did need to let his guard down to let X take care of him that evening
(end drug talk)
-X goes to every game zero is in (i really like the idea of the sport zero plays being hockey but idk if theres D1 hockey teams in college Lol) despite knowing nothing about the sport rules
-X finds out vile is actually on the same sports team as zero which is SO awkward for him since they had VERY briefly dated before X realized just how incompatible they were. whenever vile puts two and two together about who X's roommate is, let it be known he will be scheming........
-X joins the improv club because he feels he struggles a lot with making decisions on the fly, but to his surprise hes very great at adapting to other people! zero, who kind of used to think it was a rather silly club, ends up sitting in on some of their performances and finds it quite endearing
-also the first bonding moment X and zero have is when zero notices X hang up a photo of rush on their corkboard and is like: "oh shit i like your dog. i have one too. (shows photo of treble) i mean technically hes my older brothers but hes the only one that cares to make that distinction." X responds immediately full of newfound excitement: "no way, i have an older brother too! well, two of them. and an older sister.... but since i was the last one to leave the house, i always felt like i was taking care of them whenever theyd come back." IMMEDIATE soul bonding over family dynamics ensue
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miss-floral-thief · 4 months
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