#interfaith gifts
customcreatures · 2 years
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Second batch of cozy acorn houses are here! Available in a selection of single, multi, or non denominational home decor. Each interior is unique.
Available for purchase here. Ships quickly
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terracegallery · 1 year
There is HOPE...
There is always hope. A peaceful flight of white doves in a soothing blue sky spelling the words to encourage. Faith, hope and love for everyone! GET IT HERE!
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In general, I think it's currently really important for progressive Christians to be very loud about being both progressive and deeply religious Christians, and for everyone else fighting for progressive values to be supportive of them doing just that. I know that's like, idk, counter-intuitive or cringe or whatever, but seriously folks, the alternative is that progressive Christians have to be quiet about their faith to be accepted within broader secular and interfaith progressive advocacy, which means that the regressive asshole Christians (a) sound that much louder and (b) dominate the USian religious landscape all the more. That's a problem, for all of us.
We need people pushing back within the faith as well as outside of it, because that destroys any edifice that this is about Christianity and religious freedom.
You can be a devout Christian and also:
Openly, proudly, and without being forced to remain celibate or otherwise limit your full expression of self, identify as LGBTQ+ or be a supportive ally.
Advocate for full reproductive autonomy and comprehensive sex education.
Love and support people of other religious groups, non-religious people and/or atheists, by choosing to believe that a truly loving God would not pursue anything less than universal salvation.
Stand against evangelism and proselytizing as they have thus far been interpreted and used, because there are ways to interpret the Great Commission that don't promote colonialism and cultural genocide.
A steward of the earth, protecting God's beautiful creation and lovingly tending to it as the unique and incredible gift that it is.
A believer in science, rationalism, and human progress as part of God's divine plan for humanity.
A believer in history and someone who understands that the Bible can be both divinely given and open to interpretation (no really)(if you're confused, please talk to a knowledgeable traditional Jew)
An ally to Jews, who stands against supercessionism and antisemitism in the church.
And in before regressive Christians come shouting at me that (1) what do I know, I'm a Jew and (2) no lol you can't because of ___ reason:
My source is that I've personally met and talked to Christians of great faith and integrity - people who embody the closest forms of kindness I've seen to what Jesus himself advocated - who are each of these things.
It is 100% possible; you just choose to believe otherwise.
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openapocalypse · 1 year
Jonathan Ferguson (@OpenApocalypse) / Twitter
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oakappleday · 2 years
“While Christmas is, of course, a Christian celebration,” the king said, “the power of light overcoming darkness is celebrated across the boundaries of faith and belief.” He thanked “churches, synagogues, mosques, temples and gurdwaras” — where Sikhs worship — for their good works “at this time of great anxiety and hardship.”
The king’s nod to other religious faiths reflected a longstanding interest during his decades as heir to the throne.
...The new king’s more inclusive style is perhaps the most distinctive feature of his fledgling monarchy, [Vernon Bogdanor, a professor of government at King’s College London and an authority on the constitutional monarchy] said, one that he argued would equip the king to “represent the whole country in a way which no politician can during a period of turbulence and political instability.”
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maguneedsalife · 10 months
ok my turn to do a bad hanukkah merch post bc i went looking for some decorations the other day and was reminded why i've never bought any
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this is a perfectly inoffensive door decoration except that it still has the silhouette of a wreath so it's obvious what it's trying to replace
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why does this banner look like an early aughts email signature. challah isn't even part of the holiday. 0/10 and you picked the most boring font possible
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you know what, sure. fine. as far as branded hanukkah products go you could do worse. the pineapple candles are a cute nod to the fact that you cant have fire underwater. still don't know how the griddle works at the krusty krab
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more examples of hanukkah stuff being grafted onto xmas decorations. who starts a sentence with "we wish you" without their brain immediately filling in "a merry christmas". whoever you are i envy you
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this is a "hanukkah tree topper", wires got crossed somewhere but i can think of interfaith families who'd enjoy this
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I don't even know where to start. this monstrosity looks like that tweet about reiwa kamen rider transformation sequences except the tweet knew how to spell
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I don't think you tried at all
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Had to dig surprisingly far before I found one that was blatantly antisemitic but the ideal number of antisemitic hanukkah decorations there should be is 0
and speaking of antisemitic hanukkah decorations, the winner for the absolute worst decoration that came up in my search was this:
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oh yeah sure, perfect hanukkah gift. picture of the romans stealing our shit
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hanukkahbingo · 1 year
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Panfandom Hanukkah Bingo
WHAT: A fanworks bingo celebrating Jewish (and Jew-ish) characters across any and all fandoms. Write fanfiction and/or create graphics (moodboards, edits, vids, whatever you like) to fill prompts on this overall bingo card. During the 8 nights of Hanukkah, submit your fills to the AO3 collection and/or post them on Tumblr to be reblogged and added to the Bingo Masterpost.
WHO: Any and all characters who are Jewish or Jew-ish. Canonically Jewish characters (like the Baudelaire orphans), characters who are* Jewish but it’s not explicitly stated (like Bucky Barnes), characters who you like to headcanon as Jews (like Tina Belcher), characters who are Space Jew-ish or otherwise Scifi Jew-ish (like Leia Organa)… all are welcome. Interfaith, multicultural, patrilineal, and convert stories are all welcome! MESSIANIC HEADCANONS AND/OR MESSIANIC STORIES ARE NOT WELCOME.
WHEN: Start creating whenever you want, but the AO3 collection will be open from December 7-15 to accept works for this year’s bingo. Masterposts on Tumblr will be posted each night (like… Hanukkah gifts for fandom, get it?)
WHERE: Tumblr (tag @hanukkahbingo and #hanukkahbingo) | AO3 | Discord – All works must be posted on either Tumblr or AO3 to be included in the Masterposts. Discord is for discussion, betas, cheerleading, etc!
WHY: Jewish characters and Jewish fans are often overlooked or erased during the Winter Holiday Season in favor of “Secret Santa” exchanges, Christmas-themed fics, and the idea that ~Hanukkah is Jewish Christmas~ (which spoiler for all fics in this bingo: it’s not). This panfandom Bingo challenge is to celebrate Hanukkah on its own terms and give Jewish characters and fans a place to breathe. :)
And I’m tagging @fandomevents @stuckybingo @buckybarnesbingo @tikkunolamorgtfo @progressivejudaism @damereyconnection @starspangledbigbang @starwarsblr @gffa @elizabethminkel @bettsfic @hellotailor @copperbadge @vaspider @reachmouse – if you see this and you love a Jewish or Jew-ish character (or a Jewish fan!) please reblog so that we can get a good selection of fandoms and fanworks… Jewish fans deserve love this time of year especially, and this seems like the least I could do to help spread some of that love.
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Only goyim seem to try to invalidate my Jewishness.
And it's like they think they're doing me a favor. Like "sure you say you're one of THEM but don't worry we can tell"
I live in a semi-rural part of the south. With my synagogue being well into an hour away and having to cross state lines. There is not a Jewish community in the town I live. Wearing my Magen David I've heard people whispering wondering what an Israli is doing in rural America rather than guess Jewish people exist.
It's not hard to tell I'm a convert from the way I talk. My life is very interfaith because so are the people in it. My kind of adoptive family gifted me a gorgeous mezuzah necklace. And when I don't work Sundays sometimes I'll go to church with them to hear my bonus father figure preach. I still participate in my own family's christmas celebrations because to us it's always been secular. I may have a few more reservations about singing songs that speak of Jesus as divine. In the same direction one of best friends who is Christian and who's father preaches when I can't get to synagogue always makes sure I have someone to share the Purim story with. The same friend celebrated Chanukah with me and learned how to make Latkes.
And with all the issues that come with "looking Jewish" despite the fact there is no real way to look Jewish. My name isn't Jewish enough for goyim. Why is my hair blonde? Why isn't my nose bigger? Why are my eyes light? Why don't I fit the antisemitic character in their head? How can I be ethnically German and Jewish at the same time? Man oh man I must really be confused and hate myself.
"OH so you're just Jew....ISH"
Then when I explain how within our community we don't differentiate the convert. A Jew is a Jew is a Jew is a JEW. I explain the story of all our souls accepting Torah at Sinai. How I love my community and for once in my life I felt at home somewhere. And I get looked at like I'm crazy.
Maybe I'm lucky but I have yet to experience any type of differentiation within my community. I've been taken in lovingly and met with open arms. But it's always so crazy to me how I've never had my fellow Jew try to take away my Jewishness. If anything they constantly reaffirm it. I've never been mocked or ridiculed or less valued.
Goyim on the other hand will ask me questions on Torah. Especially Christians on the topic of mitzvot. Acting with superiority "Oh why would you follow that stupid law? We don't, don't you feel stupid choosing to miss out?" Its like an 'gotcha' moment but only for them.
I just wonder if you claim to love G-d why do you see tasks for them as hardship? I suppose it's a cultural difference. We see our laws as blessings and other see them as obligations. I don't live in a society where the religion and culture I've been adopted into is the default. There is an active decision made in being Jewish every single day of my life. But for them they get to be the default. No question goes into what they practice because that's just 'what you do'
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gay-jewish-bucky · 1 year
When Steve and Bucky move into the home they built together—located on large plot of land outside of New York City, only a short drive away from their Reform synagogue, a community which is incredibly welcoming to interfaith families—Bucky's family gifts them two cookbooks to guide them in the learning stages of running a household, as is tradition for the Barnes clan.
The first cookbook was Bucky's Ma's. An old, well-loved copy of the 1915 edition of The Settlement Cookbook. The book contains many familiar recipes from his childhood, and it is filled with a lifetime of annotations from his Ma, his Pa himself, and his sisters.
The second cookbook is the 1991, completely revised and updated edition of that cookbook, The New Settlement Cookbook, containing a much larger number of Jewish recipes as more and more were added throughout the years. It's a like-new copy, so Bucky and Steve can fill it with their own notes and recipe modifications, just like Winnie, and then pass the cookbook down to their children as an heirloom when they're older.
Learn more about The Settlement Cookbook and its (still-relevant) impact on Jewish-American immigrant culture
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omgthatdress · 2 years
Oh my god I hate Mattel so much.
They took the American Girl brand and gave it a lobotomy.
I was going to make a very very very very bad joke about one of the 90s girls getting an eating disorder after watching Britney Spears, BUT DECIDED AGAINST IT because eating disorders are something you don’t joke about, BUT. HERE’S THE THING.
Here’s the thing. Being a tween-to-teen-age girl in the late 90s early 2000s was BULLSHIT. You had 16-year-old Britney Spears singing “Hit me baby one more time” in her Lolita schoolgirl miniskirt and crop top showing off her perfectly flat abs, and then you went to school and had abstinence-only sex ed mandated by the evangelical right wing who gave out purity rings and told you that only sluts had sex before marriage. And then there was the issue of being a fat girl trying to find jeans that met her school’s dress code the days of low-rise jeans and belly button rings.
I ended up adoring Linkin Park because their music gave voice to the rage that I had inside of me because of all that. I wore men’s pants from Hot Topic not only because I thought they were cool, but they actually fucking fit and they covered my ass crack. I wore black because I didn’t fit in to the ultra-skinny, ultra cool kid Abercrombie aesthetic. And THAT is what growing up in the 90s and coming of age in the 2000s was like.
“Nicki Hoffman is a nine going on ten year old girl living in Seattle, Washington just before the year 2000 (the turn of the millennium). She is six minutes older than her fraternal twin sister, Isabel, but one inch shorter. Nicki prefers grunge, ska music, rock, alternative, and skating; she is the "grunge" to Isabel's glitter. She does not like eating raw fish and sushi; her father teases that they can's spell "finicky" without Nicki. She likes sour candy--the more sour, the better. She's known to be shy, to the point Isabel points this out; she initially doesn't have other friends than Isabel. She's very anxious about the Y2K problem and the risks and worries that have been circulating, so Isabel and her create a list to take her mind off her worries of things to do before New Year's.Her favorite color is purple, her favorite animal is a dog (she adopts her puppy, Blossom, as a Hanukkah gift), her favorite band is No Doubt, and her favorite show is The Powerpuff Girls (her favorite character being Blossom). She likes to snack on Wild Berry Pop tarts. She does not like her middle name, Pearl.The family is interfaith and celebrates both Hanukkah and Christmas. “
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It’s a sterilized and dumbed-down version of growing up in the 90s, one where they only real problem facing girls is the y2k bug. It’s about the aesthetic but not the experience. Honestly the girls of today deserve to see that their moms had it difficult, too, and that the pressure to grow up incredibly quickly and be beautiful and flawless and instantly become a woman is nothing new, now it’s just on TikTok instead of MTV.
It’s the trap of nostalgia. Just because you were younger and not as aware of the issues going on in the world doesn’t mean the world was better.
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What does it mean that you're a catholic presbyterian? What are your views on Church authority and predestination?
I like to imagine myself as a tree with Irish Catholic roots, a Presbyterian/Protestant trunk, and agnostic/ecumenical/interfaith-reaching branches.
I need all parts to be whole. All parts rely on Divine warmth, water, breath for life. All parts depend on a rich soil of scripture, story, and the wisdom of those who've come before me for nourishment and grounding.
The roots:
I was baptized and raised Roman Catholic. My family (and a large number of families in the area I grew up) has a proud history of Irish Catholicism in particular. My childhood church was Catholic, and I was passionate about participating in that community's life all through grade school.
Some of my earliest religion-related memories are of reading Saints' stories, establishing relationships with those who most spoke to me. Mother Mary has had my heart as far back as my memories go.
As I discovered my queerness in college and gradually realized the need to seek fully welcoming community, I did not leave behind those things I held most dear from Catholic spirituality.
Over the years, my connection to the Roman Catholic Church as an institution has fractured more and more; last May it splintered entirely. But I refuse to let Rome have a monopoly on Catholic faith, or on Mary and the Saints.
...Especially because Mary and the Saints were my greatest spiritual supports in college: with delighted wonder, I came to recognize how very queer my closest Saints were! They helped me embrace my queerness as a holy gift; I carried them with me into a little PC(USA) church that my then-girlfriend, now-wife found near our college campus.
The trunk:
The Presbyterian Church (USA) denomination holds me up in sturdy community: this is the denomination I'm currently "officially" part of — got my Masters of Divinity at a PCUSA seminary, got married in a PCUSA church, am on this denomination's ordination path.
This doesn't mean I think the PCUSA is the best religion or even the best form of mainline Protestantism. They all have their strengths and their flaws. But the PCUSA was the one that first came into my path, and I'm currently satisfied with my decision to commit myself to it — so long as it continues to make plenty of room for my Catholic roots and ecumenical branches.
The branches:
Though Louisville Seminary is a Presbyterian institution, when I attended from 2016-2019 at least 40% of my classmates and some of the staff there belonged to other denominations (or in a few cases, aren't Christian at all).
The opportunity to learn alongside folks from a variety of traditions was invaluable to my continued spiritual growth. I learned so much from them! I grew into my sense that all individuals and faith communities have something to teach us the Divine and about what it means to be human in relationship to Divinity and to Creation.
Then there's the agnostic part of the "branches":
Over the years I've also experienced more and more seasons where I'm just not sure that the Trinity, the Incarnation and Resurrection, and all that Christian-specific stuff is "real." But whether or not it is, I choose to remain committed to this path I'm on — with openness to fresh insights — because I do draw spiritual nourishment here. I do believe that the story of the Trinity and the Incarnation can guide us into living for Goodness, Justice, abundant life for all beings.
...Basically, I don't know whether it's all "true," but I do believe it holds powerful Truth; I remain committed to the Story.
(Also the bible has been my main special interest since i was like 6 so it's one of the main lenses through which i view the world so i'm stuck here for better or worse lfadfjalfjdalk;j! )
I believe it's imperative for Christians living in Christian supremacist cultures to practice humility above all else — to accept the fact that we don't have all the answers, that we're not the Most Right, that we don't enjoy unique favor with God. For me, identifying as agnostic reminds me that I don't know everything about God by any means, and may actually know very little at all. It reminds me to remain humble, open, and curious.
The fruit:
My hope is that this little tree that is me yields good fruit. I don't care if I have all the right answers, so long as I'm glorifying the Divine in some small way; easing suffering in some small way; bringing joy into this world in some small way. That's what matters to me.
I imagine the above implies my views on Church authority. If it doesn't, well, I'll just say I'm kind of an anarchist about church as much as anything else! The Church should never have come to wield as much power as it has. And whatever the "role" of the Church is in the Divine Story, I remember learning somewhere in seminary that the ultimate future of Church is to dissolve — that when we've experienced the full in-breaking of God's Kin-dom, there will be no more need for Church.
Not all Presbyterians hold to predestination — and for most I know who do, it's not really a central part of their faith life.
But sure, you could say I believe in predestination: I believe we are all predestined for participation in God's Kin-dom! :)
Further reading:
My tag of LGBTA patron Saints <3
My first podcast ep explores some of my spiritual journey
My queer and Catholic tag
Some other semi-related tags — good fruit tag; religious pluralism tag; evangelism tag; church hurt tag
My PCUSA tag, which includes a post with some old class notes about predestination
OH ALSO there's a podcast called "Called to Be Multiple" that interviews folks who draw from multiple faith sources. Cool stuff!
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stardust-sunset · 9 months
Do you have any headcanons for Kyle as a dad?
Yes!! (this is kinda for the whole broflovski family mb)
As soon as he found out his wife was pregnant, he did everything he could to read up on it.
He was in his late twenties when it happened. He wanted to be out of college and have a stable income before having a kid
He cried when he found out-
Hes normally not that emotional and it’s kinda hard to make him cry, but any of the kid’s firsts, prepare for lots of crying
He’s the kind of dad to want to take as many pictures with them as possible. He can be very sentimental at times, even if he’s not one to admit it
He thinks gender reveal parties are lame but if his wife wanted to do one he’s not gonna say no
He would want it to be a surprise though
Omg Sheila would knit sweaters for the baby, she’s so happy to be a grandma!!
Because Kyle doesn’t want to know the gender she usually knits purple clothes as to not give the gender away
Gerald is really supportive as well!
Gerald would so take the kid(s) on aquarium outings
Gerald is not as much of a pushover as Sheila when it comes to the gift shop tho lol
(back to kyle-) He doesn’t have a preference. He just wants to be a good and loving father.
I feel like he would want three kids? He wouldn’t want only one but he doesn’t want a football geam, y’know?
Hes very insistent on doing almost everything while his wife is pregnant and even for the first few months after the baby
Once his wife’s water breaks, he absolutely speeds to the hospital. Kyley-B almost made a few appearances on the road 🫢
As soon as he sees the baby he bursts into tears
Especially when the baby grabs onto his hand
If it’s a boy the middle name will likely be Stanley (Crediting the anon form my last Kyle headcanons post who gave this headcanon, so if that anon wants to come forward so i can give actual credits that would be great! If not know you’re appreciated anon <3)
If its a girl the middle name would be Sheila (mamas boyyyy)
If he’s in an interfaith relationship he allows the kids to pick which religion they wanna follow when they feel ready
He enjoys bonding with the kids and telling them about their Jewish heritage
His favorite thing is playing dreidel with his kids, though he lets them win (he’s not a fan of gelt)
He likes singing to his kids sometimes even if he is not very good at it
Hes like his mama. Hes nurturing, he’s living, but god ALMIGHTY is he overprotective
He just wants to do what he thinks is right for the kids
He gives them a lot of freedom though. He doesn’t want them to feel confined or anything
He’s goes to every one of his kids events and wouldn’t miss their birthdays for the world
He’s not very harsh with punishments. Usually the punishments are taking away a toy or an electronic but he doesn’t do anything violent
He doesn’t even yell that much. He lectures though
His kids will sometimes just give him their phones as soon as he gets home from work so they don’t have to sit for an hour long lecture
Ike loves being an uncle. Though he plays with Kyle sometimes and pretends to “kick the baby” a lot
Overall very supportive and loving dad, 10/10
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rosetyler42 · 1 month
Asking different questions to people because I'm bored. Day 5.
How do your vampires react to religious symbols? (Especially from "Hotel Transylvania")
Ah, here's one that they never really go into in the films!
For me, the Drac fam is largely Jewish aside from Ericka and VH. so in general, they CAN be around at least SOME religious stuff without much trouble. I've already drawn Simon in a star of david onesie, for example, and the family has an appropriately monstery menorah. I've also talked about Rosh Hashana in art and the twins have hebrew names in addition to their secular ones. Chocolate Frog hunts would make a great monstery passover thing. Now, Holy water might still effect them, but a cross probably wouldn't if they could be around a Star of David. Plus, if they reacted badly to alot of Christian religious symbols, bringing Simon and Lucy up as interfaith would get ALOT harder, and there may also be possible antisemitic implications there too if they were effected by 1 and not then other. It might be individual and depend on the religion and their relationship to it? Who knows? Considering how many cultures have vampires and how long they live, there's probably vampires of all religious stripes! I'm SURE there's gotta be Christian monsters there somewhere. They have Christmas/Holiday HT promos. I do think they can get burned by silver, but it's like having a severe nickel allergy rather than the holiness of it. Or fairies with iron.
HOWEVER, they still probably dislike the EVERYWHERENESS of Christianity and the assumption that EVERYONE celebrates it in one form or another. Also the "My religion is right and everyone who doesn't fit in is evil and not only can, but SHOULD be destroyed." idea. That they're SO evil and corrupt even god hates them, basically. The using religion to hate on others, the forced conformity. And after seeing Ericka's high pressure upbringing and the guilt and hero complex she carries around...I doubt that would raise their opinion too much. They wouldn't HATE the religion of course, but I could definitely see there being some critiques of the culture. For example, while I do see them doing Christmas, I can't really see Drericka doing Santa Claus with Ericka's high pressure upbringing and Drac not liking the judgy black-and-white morality of it. And neither would like lying to the kids without a reason for it. There are other ways to give wonder and get children to behave than making kids think they have to DESERVE love and gifts. (Now, they might let Jack Skellington do "Sandy Claws" because they know he likes it and they like HIS version more than the real one.) I do think they'd like things like egg hunts for Easter, Halloween, Valentines Day, things like that. But they'd also have Jewish Holidays like Hannukah, Passover, Purim, Rosh Hashana, etc.
Disclaimer: I myself am Protestant, Methodist, and not super duper observant. So my views may be different than others.
But yeah, I feel like HT vamps can be around at least SOME religious stuff and the idea they CAN'T is a racist misconception. But particularly in the case of Christianity, there may be some conflict there for other reasons.
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consolecadet · 9 months
I'm feeling slightly less seething Christmas hatred than usual this year. I've reached a point where, though I still strongly dislike a lot of things about Christmas, I can separate out the different bits and not let the ones I hate make me cranky about the ones I like.
Like. . .I despise Christmas music, "ugly sweaters", the Salvation Army, jingly little bells, eggnog, candy canes, big hunks of ham, Christmas media, the crushing expectation that you must put on the cheerful rictus of The Christmas Spirit, elves (Santa can stay but only if he's gay), most Christian conceptions of religious entities, people's assumptions that you have a pleasant and uncomplicated relationship with your family of origin, the planet-burning American culture of consumption, proselytization, those new LED string lights that make your front lawn look like a gamer lair, etc, etc, etc.
But I do like peppermint bark, the smell of balsam fir, cheese plates, a short visit to my parents' nice house where trans people outnumber cis people 2:1 and I can always get into my car and drive away, knowing my sister will cherish any lesbian-themed objects I give her, incandescent string lights, neatly wrapping presents with nice paper and double-sided tape, and I guess Die Hard.
My local Buy Nothing group means I no longer have nearly as much of a guilt spiral about receiving gifts I dislike. I believe I've finally gotten my father to stop giving me novelty socks and awful plasticky novelty band-aids. (Actually, maybe I'm giving myself too much credit. I just realized the store where he bought his most irritating gifts closed permanently in 2020.) I also just don't take it as personally when people give me something that betrays a major misapprehension of who I am. It's not like I make it easy for people to know me, especially my parents.
I think part of what's making this time of year less psychologically harrowing is that 1) I got to do Christmas and Hanukkah with KC and without my parents last year, and thus reject within our apartment everything I hated while keeping the menorah and peppermint bark and 2) I spent some time this year trying to practice Judaism in ways my dad was not interested in sharing with me when I was growing up, and figured out what I did/didn't like or value about certain aspects of Jewish religious practice.
It seems very obvious that if I can give up on learning Hebrew because it's upsetting and difficult for me and have a seder with gluten-free matzo that doesn't halachically qualify as Real Matzo, I can absolutely also banish the concept of Christ and all renditions of Silent Night from my home while enjoying smelling a tree in there.
It's extremely common to be a child of an agnostic interfaith couple who did not give you a connection to any kind of faith community and left you with lots of baggage about it. I don't have to wait to fix my feelings about that before I can participate in any holiday or religious practice, and probably HAVE to try participating with a modicum of vulnerability if I want to change anything. Also none of these things materially affect Israel's genocidal behavior unless I, like, buy my parents SodaStream canisters for Christmas.
It probably also helps that I left the job where my boss expected extreme enthusiasm at all times and took any doubt or questions as personal affronts. I read The Promise of Happiness and no longer feel like affect alienation is a personal failing on my part. I feel far less bitter, resentful, and hateful about Christmas if I don't let people pressure me to be (or perform being) sweet, cheerful, and loving about it.
Fuck the Elf on the Shelf though. That's just weird.
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isabellehemlock · 2 years
Hi everyone,
In honor of my TOG fic “Their souls were knit together (and he loved him as himself)” reaching 10k (thank you readers!!) I wanted to compile my (80+) resource links I used during the plotting stage and throughout the fic - divided by category as best as I could manage.
In case you’d like additional resources, please check out @actualmermaid historical resource upload here, and/or the The Old Guard Character Resource Hub.  Here’s a list of books as well:
Genoa & the Genoese 958-1528 ( x )
The Crusade Indulgence: Spiritual Rewards and the Theology of the Crusades, c. 1095-1216 ( x ) - a post with excerpts linked below
Housing the Stranger in the Mediterranean World: Lodging, Trade, and Travel in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages ( x ) 
The rest under the cut in case you’d like to avoid potential spoilers (nothing descriptive) 
For Genoa
San Siro ( x )
San Lorenzo ( x ) & St. John the Baptist ( x )
The Mahdia Campaign of 1087 ( x )
Nicolò as a Genovese crossbowman ( x ) ( x )
For Mahdia
Yusuf’s potential backstory with Mahdia ( x ) ( x ) and the Zirid dynasty ( x ) 
And his family’s intergenerational trauma in relation to the Battle of Haydaran in 1052 ( x )
For the Crusades
Some other ways a non noble Nicolò might have found himself in the Crusades ( x ) ( x ) ( x )
General timeline of the first crusade ( x ) 
The Siege of Antioch ( x ) ( x ) ( x ) ( x ) ( x ) 
The Siege of Jerusalem ( x ) ( x ) ( x ) ( x ) 
Visual maps of the city of Jerusalem and surrounding area ( x ) and general climate ( x )
For Constantinople
Daily life in the city ( x ) ( x ) ( x )
Procession of the Theotokos icon ( x ) 
Maps of the city from that time ( x ) ( x ) 
Their apartment and general housing ( x ) 
Little Hagia Sophia ( x )
Church of Sts Sergius and Bacchus ( x ) - and why that would have been meaningful to Nicolò ( x ) as the setting for their Adelphopoiesis ( x ) & here are the Byzantine instructions for it ( x ) 
For Islamic spiritual practices
Barzakh ( x ) & Jinn ( x ) (both referred to in a blink and you’d miss it sort of way)
Qur’an scroll ( x ) - technically a 19th century copy, but was using it as a visual reference
Islamic calendar for that year ( x ) & the significance of Yusuf’s first death of rajab ( x ) 
The verse Yusuf reflects on when he internally refers to Nicolò as his dearest ( x ) 
The verse Nicolò inscribed on Yusuf’s wedding present ( x ) 
For Catholic spiritual practices
Lay Orders (what used to be called Third Order) for Nicolò to be an oblate ( x )
Eleusa icon (a gift he received from Brother Gabriel) ( x ) - here’s a 12th century version ( x )
The cross necklace gift Nicolò received before leaving Genoa ( x ) 
Excerpts from the book linked above about how indulgences played a part in the Crusades ( x )
Lenten practices in the middle ages ( x ) 
Some Bible verses Nicolò reflects on during his love confession ( x ) ( x ) 
For some interfaith dialogue moments
The Canticle of Zechariah in the Liturgy of Hours ( x ) & Verse 95 for corresponding references to the dawn ( x )
Why Zechariah is important in both faiths ( x ) 
Encouragement for open dialogue and friendliness ( x ) the rights of Non-Muslims as laid out in the Constitution of Medina ( x ) and protection via the Testament of Muhammed ( x ) though there are some doubts to the authenticity 
Lent & Ramadan similarities ( x ) ( x ) 
Interfaith marriage rights between Christians and Muslims from Muhammed ( x ) 
For some other historical context 
Context for same sex attraction in the middle ages ( x ) ( x ) ( x ) ( x ) ( x ) ( x )
Some LGTB+ historical figures and Saints Nicolò might have been aware of ( x ) ( x )
Brother Gabriel from chapter two was based on Marina the Monk ( x ) 
Wiki about illiterate popes ( x )
11th-12th century trade maps ( x ) 
Tunisian Arabic ( x ) 
The Great Schism of 1054 ( x ) 
The Seljuk Empire ( x ) 
The Byzantine-Venetian treaty of 1082 ( x )
A poem by Abu Nawas that Yusuf reflects on before the love confession ( x ) 
For the Biblical references and significance to Nicolò of Gortyn/Crete ( x ) and some visual references ( x )
Why Chandax as a honeymoon site would have been comfortable for them both ( x ) & ruled by the Byzantine Empire at the time of their visit ( x ) 
The book Yusuf gave to Nicolò as a wedding present ( x ) & some context ( x )
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thekimspoblog · 2 months
Fantasy of the Day is inspired by a fanfiction I read a while ago, but I can't remember the author.
The Riverton Unitarian Interfaith Church threw a baby shower for Kim; it's something they would do for any member of the fellowship. The fact is Kim doesn't really like the congregation. Her friendship with the other women is superficial at best, and after that crap some of them pulled during the wedding, she doesn't trust them.
On top of this, she's just uncomfortable being the center of attention.
But if she really doesn't like it, she can leave, and she won't, because she wants access to the organization's resources. She doesn't hate any of these people as individuals; she just pities them for being so easily conned. And their passions as a mob were something she simply couldn't fathom.
They kept referring to she and Jimmy as "Abraham and Sarah", and that was... worrying... But it's best not to look a gift horse in the mouth; smile and open the presents.
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