groupieaesthetic · 2 months
Os rapazes tendo um crush em você, enquanto trabalham juntos.
Atenção: Como ainda não conheço muitos trabalhos deles, vou usar A Sociedade da Neve como fundo para a história.
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Enzo: A primeira vez que te viu, foi ensaiando com o Pipe. Ele jura que nunca viu alguém atuar tão bem assim. Ver alguém se entregar tanto ao papel.
Depois que vocês terminam seus ensaios ele vai bem de mansinho falar com você. Percebe que tava com calor e oferece a xuxinha de cabelo pra você prender o seu. Pergunta a quanto tempo você atua.
Pra fechar com chave de ouro, no final do dia quando vocês estão gravando a sua primeira cena, recebe uma notificação no seu Instagram.
Enzo havia começado a te seguir.
Tirou uma foto sua e mandou para você com a legenda:
Esteban: Vocês se viram apenas no final do dia de gravações. Você tava sentada no chão em uma chamada de vídeo com alguns amigos.
O idioma diferente mais não impossível de se entender, e as risadas gostosas que você dava chamaram a atenção dele.
Você estava em uma camarim conjunto. Assim que viu Esteban entrando e sentando no sofá a sua frente começou a se despedir do seus amigos.
"Desculpa te atrapalhar viu" Ele disse sorrindo envergonhado
"Ta tudo bem. Se eu não desligasse, eles iam ficar falando até amanhã"
Vocês se olharam e sorriram.
Pronto. Apaixonou.
Esteban foi até Enzo e Matías perguntar se eles sabiam algo sobre você. Sabiam o básico. Idade, que é brasileira, instagram e afins.
No próximo dia ele andava tal qual criança perdida no mercado procurando pela mãe. Mas quem ele queria, era você!
Te encontrou se arrumando no camarim. As maquiadoras riam com você contando sobre sua festa de 6 aninhos do Mickey Mouse, que acabou com seu tio bêbado dormindo antes do parabéns de tanto beber Kaiser.
Assim que elas saíram, ele entrou e se sentou na cadeira ao lado com a desculpa que também precisava se arrumar.
"Sabe, a gente bem que podia sair um dia pra você me ensinar português né?"
Esteban ficou mais que feliz quando você respondeu um tímido 'claro' e deu um beijo na bochecha dele, saindo logo em seguida.
Matías: Foi no ensaio fotográfico para anunciar o elenco que seus olhos se cruzaram pela primeira vez.
Você estava entre Kuku e Agustin tirando algumas fotos.
"Quem é ela?" Perguntou para Francisco sem nem tirar os olhos de você
" (seu nome) "
Matías repetia seu nome na mente.
Você sorria e ele acompanhava. Pronto, o coração dele foi domado por você.
Se passaram dois dias e vocês teriam uma gravação feita a noite.
O frio tomava conta do local. Você tremia e se encolhia em sua cadeira, torcendo para que o diretor te liberasse logo.
"Aqui, ouvi você falar pro Enzo que não gosta de café, peguei um chocolate quente"
Olhou para o lado e viu Matías caracterizado segurando um copinho com chocolate quente nas mãos.
"E aproveita. Porque logo começa a dieta" Ele sorriu e você acompanhou.
Ela me acha engraçado...
Matías pulava contente intermente.
Assim que foi chamado para gravar depositou um beijo em sua testa e saiu.
Simon: Estava escondida no camarim chorando.
Que se foda se alguém te chamasse de anti-profissional. Como não chorar quando você está entre os atores que interpretam uma história tão bonita e emocionante?
Se olhou no espelho e tentou arrumar o pequeno estrago, que a pequena quantidade de rimel causou.
"Ta tudo bem?" Simon perguntou entrando tímido no camarim
"Ta sim. Só que li de novo a cena da primeira noite, e meu Deus..."
Ele não sabia explicar porque, mas te ver assim tão sentida, com os olhinhos brilhando pelas lágrimas e o narizinho vermelho, causavam uma dor no peito dele.
"Vem aqui"
Te abraçou ainda de pé e você sentada na cadeira (que por sorte era alta, não deixa o abraço estranho).
Fez carinho na sua cabeça. De verdade, Símon não entendia porque, mas queria ficar ali no teu abraço o resto do dia.
Falou algumas coisas que te fizeram sorrir e isso iluminou a alma dele.
"Melhor nena?" Fez um rápido aceno com a cabeça e agradeceu ele.
Pelo resto do dia era Simon te olhando. Certificando que você estava feliz.
Quando faziam alguma pausa para descansar, ele ia puxar papo com você.
Se algum dos rapazes conversava contigo, ele tentava escutar o assunto e torcia para que alguém o chamasse pra fazer parte do assunto.
Quase no final do dia, quando você ainda estava no set e ele já havia indo embora, recebeu uma notificação no seu WhatsApp.
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taurussoulastrology · 4 months
Asteroid Juno Info and thru signs and houses
Juno's rulerships are connected to Libra and Scorpio. Juno rules over relationships, marriage, and sex. She's a higher octave of Venus energy. She's also an indicator of women's cycles and, on an occult level, rules over spiritual use of sexual energy, particularly within a marriage commitment. Juno describes the need for a deeply committed and just relationship, including the range of suffering and neurotic complexes that arise when the relationship is denied or frustrated. Juno depicts the issue of sexual infidelity as well as the oppression and force that are often used to maintain it. She represents the humility, shame, anger, and revenge that erupts when the slighted partner finally retaliates. Juno is the significator for the jealousy and resentment that emerges when a partner does not feel adequately acknowledged for the sacrifices the native has made. Juno describes the ways in which we face the issues of compatability, receptivity to others, mutual sharing, trust, jealousy, possessiveness, and power struggles. Juno stands up for women's rights. She is a symbol for the powerless, like abused women and children, disabled, minorities, rape, and incest. Juno is also associated with the atmosphere.
Thru the signs, she describes 12 styles of relating and meeting our intimacy needs. Thru the houses, Juno shows where we are most likely to experience the need to relate and in what area of life experience we will encounter or most important relationship lessons. Juno's aspects to the planets describe how the relatedness function may be integrated with other parts of our personality. Harmonious aspects point to an easy blending while hard aspects signify potential conflicts between the relating urge and other psychic requirements of the individual. Juno's sign and house position in your chart also describes qualities that we seek in our ideal mate.
Juno thru the signs:
♈️Aries: natives need independence and freedom in relationships. Outbursts of temper and anger are the release mechanisms for the frustrate need for autonomy. The suppression of identity needs can rise to illnesses such as migraine headaches. Attraction to a domineering and assertive individual is possible when one projects one's power onto the partner.
♉️Taurus: These natives need stability and groundedness in their relationships. Their partner must be dependable, reliable, and excuse the sensual contact of being there. Nagging, complaining about money, and excessive need to possess tangible assets can result from fears of abandonment, financial impoverishment, and physical insecurity. People might either experience these traits or attract partners who express the agitator.
♊️Gemini: The native indicates the need to have verbal stimulation and exchange in a relationship. The capacity to discuss day-to-day plans and having a variety of activities in which to participate together are essential ingredients. A lack of daily communication can lead to nervous tension, intermental agitation of imagined dialogues, or continual verbal monologues. There can exist the desire for more than one mate and an ability to handle multiple relationships.
♋️Cancer: These natives desire emotional closeness and nurturing from their relationship. Sharing food as a ritual and a strong emphasis on home life are essential. Moodiness, withdrawal, clinging, and dependent behavior arise when these emotional needs are not secured.
♌️Leo: These natives need admiration and excitement in their relationship. The Romantic rights of courtship need to continue into the marriage, and the person must take pride in the partner. Being taken for granted, rejected, or ignored can produce egocentric, selfish behavior and inappropriate means of gaining attention.
♍️Virgo: These natives desire to achieve perfection in the relationship. A willingness of the partner to engage in analyzing day-to-day functioning and adjusting daily habit patterns contributes to the sense of a working relationship. These individuals may become overly critical, finding, and compulsive when their partner is unwilling to make these adjustments.
♎️Libra: These natives need to feel as equal and require a fair give and take in their relationship. Consultation from their partner on decision-making and respect and approval for their ideas are required. When equality needs or is not met, these individuals can become uncooperative, excessively competitive, or even engage in direct combat.
♏️Scorpio: These natives crave emotional and sexual intensity and intimate bonding with their partner. There can exist the tendency to attempt to control their partner or to desire exclusive attention from them. Jealousy, manipulation, and territoriality or sexual withdrawal reactions to the thwarting or denial of these needs.
♐️Sagittarius: These natives require intellectual stimulation with their partner. Consensus on a belief system or a mutually shared vision of the future is required. Rigid insistence on one's own beliefs, religious fanaticism, or inflated expectations of the future can result when a unifying vision is not shared.
♑️Capricorn: These natives seek depth and the assurance of long-term commitment in their relationship, and therefore, they need the security of traditional and legally sanctioned forms. These individuals may attempt to control their partners and demand obedience or withdrawal emotionally if their need for respect and stability is threatened.
♒️Aquarius: These natives require the freedom to be an individual and have a life apart from the relationship. These individuals need to have the opportunity to experiment with new relationship forms such as an open marriage or role reversals. When the Juno and Aquarius partners are denied their freedom, they may engage in noncommittal, unreliable, or erratic behavior.
♓️Pisces: These natives desire to realize their highest ideals through their relationship. Complete faith, commitment, and reverence toward their partner are what give meaning and value. Disillusionment, withdrawal, escapism into fantasy and self deception, martyrdom, and victimization result when these idealistic expectations are not met.
Juno thru the Houses:
1h - the first house correlates personal identity with being a partner to someone else. Relationship is self-expression, and this individual may feel more secure to be themselves when they have the support of a partner. This individual must learn the lessons of how to initiate relationship encounters, how to approach others, and how to get along with them. The most important relationship interactions will occur and how one presents oneself to others.
2h- second house implies that value is placed on the financial and material security derived from their relationship. Mutual dependency in providing for each other's needs is an important factor in incompatibility. This person's most important relationship interactions will occur in the area of attachments and possessions.
3h - the third house suggests that intellectual and verbal communication are required for the fulfillment of relationship needs. The partner often serves as a catalyst for one's own self understanding. The most important relationship interactions will occur in the area of daily communication and networking with others.
4h - the fourth house represents the need for a secure relationship of the foundation for the rest of life's activities. This can be an idealized version of me as nurture. One who provides home, food, comfort, and support. The most important relationship interactions will occur in the area of one's personal, private domain, or with the family.
5h- 5th house indicates that the relationship can be used to inspire and support one's personal creativity. Children often contribute to the sense of creative fulfillment. Thus, the major focus of the partnership can often Center unparenting. The most important relationship interactions will occur with one's children, lovers, or creative endeavors.
6h- six house natives desire to be able to work efficiently and constructively with their partner and may feel that a large part of their relationship function consists of keeping the day-to-day details of life in order. The most important relationship interactions will occur with employers and coworkers and one's job or with health or service related issues.
7h- seventh house natives Place primary emphasis on the value of marital, business, or other intimate partnerships. The need to cooperate with others informs lifelong primary relationships because a major focuses throughout the lifetime. The most important relationship interactions will occur in one-to-one encounters with others.
8h- 8th house natives thrive on the intensity of emotional Peak experiences in their relationship. Partners often put each other through continual changes and transformations. The most important relationship interactions will concern mutual finances and possessions, as well as the issues of trust, power, and sexuality.
9h- 9th house natives seek meaning and truth through their relationships. There needs to exist a mutual respect for each other's mind. Oftentimes, a person marries his or her teacher or Vision quest. The most important relationship interactions will occur in the area of ideals, philosophical concepts, or foreign contacts.
10h- 10th house natives can signify the person who marries his or her career. In addition, one's relationship may be on public display or provide a role model for other people to emulate. Partnership may come the means for gaining social status. The most important relationship interactions occur through one's profession or career.
11h- 11th house individuals need friendship and acceptance from their partner. One's relationship unit needs to be able to extend into friends and group associations, extended family forms, social and political activism, and group marriage. There is a visionary dimension represented by Juno in the 11th that revolutionizes old relationship forms. The most important relationship interactions will occur with friends and social associates.
12h- 12th house natives are significant in the karma aspect of relationships. Often, the Partnerships one magnetizes has a Destin quality to them. There may seem to be no visible reason for the union, but underlying the surface is an emotional power that one can not deny. The visible relationship is only the tip of an iceberg whose antecendent causes go back into past lifetimes. Yet, it is these unconscious aspects that surface and dominate the relationship interplay. Sometimes, the partner may be disabled or ill, so that one needs to selflessly serve and make amends to them. In other cases, the partner may be a victim, and one must learn to release them and let them evolve into their own. Juno in the 12th house individuals may experience loss, denial, or death of their partner. On a spiritual level, partnership is connected to a desire to merge with the infinite. Where mysticism, dreams, ideals, and yearnings are shared, this placement can signify an ecstatic union.
Aspects to follow in another post...
#Juno #Houses #zodiacsign #Astrology #AstrologyCommunity #astrologyobservations
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imagek · 6 months
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iPad Snap Case - Intermention Subglacially, Artsy blowy, gradient, blur and many dots white smoke, lavender and white texture
Abstract designs challenge traditional notions of representation, inviting viewers to appreciate art in a more imaginative and non-literal manner. Abstract designs are artistic compositions that prioritize the use of shapes, lines, colors, and forms divorced from their representational or real-world references. Abstract art is a diverse and innovative artistic movement that prioritizes non-representational and non-figurative forms. Art allows you to explore and express their creativity beyond the constraints of depicting recognizable objects or scenes.
Intermention Subglacially, iPad Snap Case.
Order available in @Redbubble
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personal-reporter · 1 year
Festa della Birra e di San Patrizio 2023 a Grazzano Visconti
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L’associazione Tipico Eventi propone la sesta Edizione della Festa della Birra e di San Patrizio nel pittoresco borgo di Grazzano Visconti, frazione di Vigolzone, in provincia di Piacenza,  il 18 e 19 marzo. Questo evento unisce l'atmosfera della Festa della Birra con il giorno di San Patrizio, celebrando la migliore birra artigianale italiana e internazionale e i partecipanti saranno immersi in una cornice suggestiva e folkloristica, circondati da addobbi a tema e gadget divertenti. Ci saranno molte gamme di birra artigianale, delizioso street food per soddisfare ogni palato, bancarelle di prodotti artigianali e spettacoli di artisti di strada sabato e domenica dalle 14  alle 18. Inoltre, ci saranno due concerti dal vivo, con I Cani della Biscia sabato sera alle 20.30 e Deja Vu  domenica sera alle 18.30. La prima volta in cui viene nominato il paese di Grazzano Visconti, situato a metà strada tra Milano e Piacenza, risale all’anno Mille, in una serie di documenti riguardanti alcune donazioni di terre al Monastero di San Savino di Piacenza. Nel 1414 l’Imperatore Sigismondo concesse a Bernardo Anguissola i castelli della Riva, Montesanto e Grazzano. Il privilegio non ebbe effetto fino a quando nel 1438 non fu confermato dal duca di Milano Filippo Maria Visconti assieme a un diritto di regalie che ne permise l’indipendenza dal Comune di Piacenza. Dopo una serie di controversie, nel 1459, il feudo venne affidato dal duca Francesco Sforza a Giovanni Anguissola e alla sua sposa Margherita Pallavicino. Nel 1576 il castello, con le sue terre e tutti i diritti feudali e giurisdizione, venne ceduto ai cugini Teodosio e Alessandro Anguissola, che già possedevano il feudo di Vigolzone. Verso il 1870 la morte di Filippo Anguissola lasciò tutti i beni di famiglia nelle mani della madre Francesca Visconti, che in seguito cedette tutto al nipote Guido Visconti Ma fu il figlio di Guido, Giuseppe, a concepire il progetto di edificare un complesso edilizio in stile quattrocentesco, assieme all’architetto Alfredo Campanini, con cui in soli due anni trasformò in realtà il suo sogno. Il castello, allora dotato di tre torri rotonde e una quadrata, divenne un edificio sviluppato su tre piani, con richiami gotici e varie merlature, mentre il fronte principale venne sormontato da un ingresso ad arco acuto con uno stemma in pietra con le insegne viscontee. Le aree che costituiscono il parco sono sviluppate secondo il modello del giardino all’italiana, con un viale che divide lo spazio in due prati decorati con viali e statue allegoriche, oltre a prati naturali, fontane barocche e un labirinto con all’ingresso due sfingi, mentre sul fondo troviamo un belvedere che si apre sulla campagna. Il borgo fu intermente rimesso a nuovo dal conte Giuseppe, che ne progettò personalmente l’impianto architettonico e la collocazione dei vari edifici. Tutti i muri merlati, cosi come le fontanelle e le varie decorazioni sono cosi ben integrate nel tessuto urbano da far dimenticare che tutto questo risale solo agli inizi del Novecento. Uno dei primi edifici del borgo a essere completato fu l’Albergo del Biscione, noto per la sua insegna in ferro battuto creata dal fabbro di una delle prime officine locali. Seguirono la palazzina dell’Istituzione, le botteghe artigiane, l’edificio delle “Regie poste e telegrafi” e la chiesetta in stile gotico, al punto che già nel 1915 il centro aveva l’attuale topografia. Negli anni successivi sarebbe stata completata la piazza del Biscione con una torre merlata, assieme a una fontana, con un pozzo in cotto e marmo rosa, e il Palazzo Podestarile sopra la palazzina dell’Istituzione. Dal 1946 il borgo fu curato dei figli di Giuseppe, Luigi e Anna Visconti con il marito Adolfo Caracciolo, e in seguito dai nipoti fino a oggi. Read the full article
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hardworknation · 6 years
The Future by Nekz Beats Instrumental EP inspired by Interstellar movie soundtrack by Hans Zimmer Download MP3: https://ift.tt/2HGD2fS
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kayhusky · 4 years
Time to get overly stressed about editing a song for an animatic again.
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twopoppies · 3 years
I have some question regarding writing. I really, really love your fics and I think you are an excellent writer.
I am trying to write myself but as of yet lack the confidence to post any of my writing to my AO3, I guess I’m doing it out of sheer enjoyment.
Question one: how do you keep interest in your own story? I find myself really excited when I start to write a story but after a while, I lose interest and half-ass the last part.
Two: Do you think all fics need to include smut? I tend to not read smutty fics but I can see that most do. Do you think that is an important popular aspect?
Three: How much thought and effort do you give into the characters? Aspects like narration (omniscient, first person, third person and so on), Intermental influence or reader response?
I am curious to know your thoughts!
Hi darling. Thank you... that’s such a wonderful compliment. And I’m so glad to hear you’re writing. Writing for your own enjoyment is a fantastic reason to be doing it. Hmmmm. I’m not sure I have any earth shattering advice for you, though. But I’ll try.
1. I tend to “lose interest” when it gets hard. That is, for me, writing scenes is fairly easy, but writing the outline, getting characters from A to B, resolving plot holes... that stuff is a little more difficult and I get frustrated. And TBH, writing the ending of a story is the most difficult aspect IMO. Partly because I’m anxious to be done so I can put the story out into the world, partly because I’m nervous that I haven’t achieved the goal of giving the reader a satisfying ending. So, I guess it’s less of being bored with my story, and more being frustrated by the difficulty to make it as good as I imagine it can be. I think having a really good writing partner/beta is what helps me most. I usually write with @indiaalphawhiskey and she puts up with my whining and complaining. But most of all, she doesn’t let me half-ass it. She pushes me to get past the difficulties and my own negative self-talk. She’s encouraging and enthusiastic in the way I need it, and a stubborn hard ass when I need it. 😆
2. No, absolutely all fics don’t need to include smut. There are fics I adore that have very minimal or no smut at all. If you don’t enjoy writing it, don’t do it. But if you’re not doing it just because you think it’s difficult, perhaps push yourself to try harder because there are times when smut really adds a wonderful dimension to a fic. There are things you can learn about a character through a sex scene that would be difficult to get across in other ways. There are fics I’ve read where the lack of smut really feels like the author was just avoiding doing the work, or where they let their own embarrassment get in the way of what the story needed. And remember that not every smut scene needs to be explicit. It can be subtle and still be satisfying to the reader and still enhance your plot.
3. As for this, the only part of this I really consider consciously is whose POV I want to tell the story from. I don’t think I’m skilled enough yet to write in any other way than third person limited. But also, most people in this fandom seem most comfortable reading that set up. There are some authors here who write unreliable narrator or first person really well. But I don’t feel comfortable there right now. I think trying to write a particular scene from multiple POVs can give you an idea of how you write best, how a particular story would best be told, or what aspects of your writing you want to strengthen.
I hope there’s something useful in there. Good luck with your writing. Keep plugging away... I think having an intention to challenge yourself each time you write can only make you a better writer! ❤️
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yandereplumblossom · 4 years
7-8-9/25 Good reads challenge.
The Falconer series
I'm doing a general review for this one, I made an individual review for the Falconer, the first book on the series.
Overal the serie is a lot better than what I expected when I started reading it. Kam and Kieran are formidable characters with such a beautiful relationship. Catherine, Gavin and Daniel are quite sidelined on the third book, yet their intermentions are welcome. I enjoy Catherine a lot overall. Another character that I personally loved is Aithinne, who is both funny, crazy and bad ass. Derrick and his love for dresses and honey will always have a place in my heart :)
I find myself quite sad the series is over and wish there was some extra chapter on the last book.
Overall the story moved to themes I don't enjoy reading, yet I enjoyed the ride anyways.
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volcanows · 4 years
i hate people who talk about intermentent fasting just get a tapeworm
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dawnlovesham · 4 years
Yesterday I finished Katana Maidens.
It's very similar to Release The Spyce, but it's less pacing and that is honestly the problem I had with it. I had to watch it intermentally because I was disappointed that it was dragging too much. Kanami and Hiyori are just like Momo and Yuki except that Hiyori sometimes channels out her inner Vigne (same seiyuu) with that chocolate mint running gag.
One thing that Katana Maidens and Release The Spyce shares that they both have Shizuka Ito and Risa Taneda; their characters are in the same union (Shizuka is Kurara, the leader of Moryo and Risa is Theresia, one of her subordinates, and in Katana Maidens they are the late mothers of Kanami and Hiyori). Another one is that both have a character who is an ex-member to gives support to their respective teams (Release The Spyce has Katrina Toby, a former Tsukikage spy, and Katana Maidens has Rui Onda, a former Toji)
Kaoru is a lot like Gabriel (from Gabriel Dropout), they even sound alike even though they don't share the same seiyuu.
Sayaka is voiced by Hina Kino, (Fuwa in Star Twinkle Precure and Hanako Honda in Asobi Asobase), and she's basically an introverted version of Hanako.
Ellen is my favorite among them and I like how her mom has the same seiyuu as Satania's mom (Ryoka Yuzuki).
Next anime I'm watching soon will be Asteroid In Love.
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aboyandhisstarship · 5 years
Part 1 of the live fic write extravaganza
(Written on mobile)
It's dumb but lets do it, the Makki parking lot (kings brough AU)
Max arrived at lot C and leaned against the wall of the small welcome center. The building was quiet as the staff were in place but no vistors had arrived yet. A little ways away from him sat one of his workers he supposed. She was new this being her first summer and had only worked main lot or lot A he thought with an eyeroll.
A few minutes passed before a white van with the Sleepy peaks park logo pulled up. Inside sat the opening outterlot supervisor grinning from ear to ear.
He got out of his Van with a smile as his nametag read "David,shift supervisor"
David waved saying "hey Max are you ready for a fun day today at the happiest place on earth?"
Max rolled his eyes saying "did disney finally buy this place like everywhere else?"
David shook his head "now Max that kind of talk is not appreciated Espeically when we have someone new with you today."
The girl walked over hearing the convo turn to her "uhh hi?" Her name tag read Nikki.
David smiled harder "ah your both here great climb into the van and i can take you out to Kings brough!"
The drive over took maybe five minutes as David and Max made small talk.
Eventually they arrived at Kings brough. It was a small park and panic area right on the edge of the sleepy peak parks (refered to by many as just the parks) land that they own.
Inside was a creek that ran to the neighboring town. A geizbo with BBQ that are almost always locked as people need to reserve and pay for them in advance...beyond that was a small playground and a splash pad that workss intermentally at best. Facing the road was a booth it was large enough for two people to lie in comfortably and was equipped with chairs and jug of water and a computer for sales...but was not equipped with the most important thing on a hot july day....there was no AC
David unlocked the booth door pulling it open and handing Max a sign and some pylons. Max went to work deploying the sign so it was facing the road displaying the words "10 dollars to park all day" (real prices here people)
David handed Nikki the green float bag, the float bag is has 300 dollars in both american and candian currency (this is set in my home town...which is on the boarder with the US) so if someone rolls up with a hundered as there first sale they wont be in a bad way.
Max put the pylons out by the exitbecuse the exit gate arm deasnt cover the entire exit. And returned as David finished writing the somthing on there comp sheet. Which is used if someone is passing under the arm but is not paying for one reason or another. He quickly wrote his name under the opening supervisor column. Before climbing into the van.
He waved at the two saying "Gwen is closing tonight so she will see you later...and as always if you need me call me!"
And with that he pulled away.
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good songs for daydreams
battle scenes:
Machines - Crown the Empire // Are You Afraid of the Dark - Figure // Battle Cry - Imagine Dragons // Drown - Crown the Empire // Throne - Crown the Empire // Paradise Lost - Delta Heavy // Event Horizon - Delta Heavy // Point of No Return - Starset // The Angel's Among Demons - Inturmental Core // Become a Legend - Inturmental Core // A Slight Dilema - Fuzion // Serpent of Old - Seven Lions // After Dark - Seven Lions // Paradox - Seven Lions
emotional battle scenes/ emotionally intense scenes:
Ghost - Delta Heavy // Satisfy - Nero // City of Dreams - Delta Heavy // Radioactive - Imagine Dragons // This is War - Thirty Seconds to Mars // Warriors - Imagine Dragons // Live Like Legends - Ruelle // Eyes Open - Taylor Swift // Leave My Body - Florence and the Machine // Kings and Queens - Thirty Seconds to Mars // Satellites - Sleeping With Sirens // The Fighter - Gym Class Heroes // Heros - Zadye Wolf // Rise Up - Zayde Wolf // The Equivilence of Two Worlds - Intermental Core // Angel - Arkasia // Invisible Bridge - Arkasia // Pandemonium - Arkasia // Sunshine - John Murphy (Nave Remix) //Shes The One - Arkasia // The Awakening - Arkasia // Mortals - Warriyo & Laura Brehm
just emotional intense scenes:
Elastic Heart - Sia // Open Your Eyes - Snow Patrol // How Far We've Come - Matchbox Twenty // Hall of Fame - The Script // I Wont Let You Go - Snow Patrol // Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol // C'mon - Panic! At The Disco feat. Fun // Smile - Mikki Ekko // Chandalier - Sia // Lead The Fight On - She is We // Sleepwalking - Illenium // Fractures - Illenium // Saving Light - Gareth Emery (Standerwick Remix) // Angel - Arkasia // Invisible Bridge - Arkasia // Pandemonium - Arkasia //Shes The One - Arkasia // The Awakening - Arkasia // Dead V - Nightcall // Hymn - Nightcall // Stay Where You Are - Phrenix // Sunshine - John Murphy (Nave Remix) // Wherever You Are - Ferry Corsten
sweet (romantic/friendship) emotion scenes:
Say - John Mayer // How Far We've Come - Matchbox Twenty // I Wont Let You Go - Snow Patrol // So Far Away - Mary Lambert // I'll Be - Edwin McCain // The Call - Regina Spektor // Ocean Eyes - Billie Ellish (Astronomy Remix) // State of Grace - Taylor Swift // Twisted Love - ATB // Esctacy - ATB // We Wont Be Alone - Feint & Laura Brehm // Worlds Apart - Seven Lions
sad intense scenes/ sad battle scenes:
The Light Behind Your Eyes - My Chemical Romance // Nothing Left to Say - Imagine Dragons // Bleeding Out - Imagine Dragons // Battle Scars - Lupe Fiasco // Breathe Me - Sia // To Build A Home - The Cinematic Orchestra // Skyscraper - Demi Lovato // Rush Over Me - Seven Lions & Said the Sky
intense happy/ inspirational scenes:
Lucid Dream - Owl City // Its Not My Fault I'm Happy - Passion Pit // Young Volcanos - Fall Out Boy // Born - MitiS // Eternity - Ferry Corsten // Venera - Ferry Corsten // Kids - Kyle & Micheal (Kapka Remix) // Make Me Worse - Kings of The City ( Muzzy Remix) // Phosphor - Feint // Tidal Wave - Sub Focus // Waiting for Winter - Gabriel & Dresden
happy yet sad songs (kinda nostalgic?):
Bullet Train - Stephan Swarts // Gazer - Tyler Clark & Veela // After Dark - Mr Kitty // Escatcy - ATB // Faded - Alan Walker (Ranji Remix) // Neglect - Mr Kitty // On The Bus Mall - The Decemberists // Glow - Mr Kitty // Habits - Mr Kitty // Kept - Crystal Castles // Drift Away - Ramses B & Veela // As The Rush Comes - Gabriel and Dresden // Dreaming - Ramses B // Speed of Soul - Ghost Rider // We Are the People - Ghost Rider // The Journey - Feint & Veela // Timebomb - Feint & Veela // Vagrant - Feint & Veela
everyday doing scenes:
Butterfly - Ranji // Happy Idiot - TV on the Radio // litterally anything by Lane 8 ( Little Voices, Daya, Little by Little, Divina, etc ) // Strobe - Deadmau5 // White Walls - Gabriel & Dresden
badass scenes (kinda dark?):
Rescue Me - Dekku // You Should See Me In A Crown - Billie Ellish // Copycat - Billie Ellish // Castle - Halsey // Control - Halsey // Gasoline - Halsey // Serpent of Old - Seven Lions
Listen to at least one of these, I dare you ;) you will never be the same.
Please add more if you'd like :)
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hardworknation · 6 years
The Future by Nekz Beats Instrumental EP inspired by Interstellar movie soundtrack by Hans Zimmer Download MP3: https://ift.tt/2HGD2fS
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trans-itorio · 5 years
Disforia 2:42 a.m 18/JUN/2017
em contaste 
que transita
e não 
garante fixação
ser humano
que não para
e sente
vontade de 
voar pra sempre
   |  L. Leão
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rmolid · 4 years
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stampuscollection · 4 years
Tumblr media
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