#intuition preference
Comment Marie, 38 ans, a développé ses Dons de guérisseuse grâce à son intuition
Dans le vaste monde de la guérison spirituelle, il existe des histoires fascinantes de personnes qui ont développé des compétences extraordinaires. Laissez-moi vous raconter l’histoire de Marie, une femme de 38 ans, devenue guérisseuse grâce à l’écoute attentive de son intuition et à des formations en ligne. Dans cet article, nous plongerons dans le voyage inspirant de Marie, en mettant en…
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gertritude-art · 1 year
apologies if this has been asked before but what do you do to give your drawings that pixel-y look? it's neat
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germiyahu · 6 months
If someone derails your conversation about Israel to be about Israel's treatment of this or that group, Mizrachim, Beta Israel, etc. you may just want to consider their motivations, and do a little digging into the kinds of subjects they normally talk about on their own blogs.
If someone who has staunchly antizionist views, like I'm talking thinly veiled genocidal fantasies about destroying Israel and reveling in the chaos that would bring, and having no concern for the future of 7 millions Jews, their concerns about Medinat Yisrael's treatment of minority groups are not valid.
This is Concern Trolling.
If someone is derailing you to accuse Israel, through accusing you, of sterilizing Ethiopian women, stealing Mizrachi babies and having them raised by "white" parents, trying to destroy Yiddish, all these alleged violent assimilationist policies that Israel employs against fellow Jews?
A non Jew barging into your space and bringing up intra-community issues and grievances is a red flag. Do not fall for the sealioning trap. Do not turn out your pockets. Do not fall for the concern trolling.
Because what is their solution to these problems? To eliminate Israel as a state? And what about these minority groups within Israeli society then? Their answer is the same as their answer for the Ashkenazim: who cares? They largely imagine all Israeli Jews can simply move to the United States or France or something. The fact that over 95% of Israelis cannot just go to the countries of their parents or grandparents is of no concern to them.
That's why it's concern trolling. They're trolling you by pretending to be concerned, and baiting you into discussing an intra-community issue because they think that'll be the argument that finally gets you to disavow Israel. Because now you'll have no choice but to agree Israel is irredeemably problematic, because now it affects other Jews. So they are exhibiting a kind of bitterly envious brand of antisemitism. They think that all Jews believe in Jewish supremacy. They're quite mad about it. This is an aspect of the Chosen People canard.
But the main reason concern trolling is bad is because they don't care about these groups they bring up. They're not defending them, they're not championing their rights. They're trying to distract you and make you look like a hypocrite. When they cheer for Hamas raping and pillaging and spraying bullets into Israelis, they don't care if it happens to Beta Israel women who've supposedly been mass sterilized against their will. They cheer all the same. So much for their legitimate concerns that Israel is antisemitic in of itself I guess?
If the solution to a problem faced by a minority group within a country is "destroy their country which they also believe has saved them from ethnic cleansing and mass death, and figure out the rest later," you're not an ally to that group; stop pretending you are!
This is tied into pinkwashing, but from a sort of opposite approach. If any societal progress that Israel makes for minority groups is a psyop and a marketing ploy to cover up Palestinian Genocide, the concern trolling is antizionists holding Israel hostage to any societal progress it has not made. But they never intend on letting Israel improve these relationships. Israel is too nice to gay Jews, and not nice enough to African Jews. The only course of action therefore, is to let Hamas butcher them alongside straight Jews and "European" Jews.
So if you see someone trying to engage in this game, ignore them! Your time is worth so much more, and the vulnerable minority groups of Jews (both in Israel and the Diaspora) are much safer with Jews who discriminate against them than goyim who tout social justice rhetoric but want to see them dead. Plus, so many Jews are already doing the work, learning and listening, and trying to improve. This enrages the concern trolls like nothing else.
Call out Israel's bigotries, but you know, maybe don't trust the people who aren't affected by those bigotries invading your space and demanding your allyship to groups of people they'd be content seeing die en masse. Like "Israel is actually antisemitic against this vulnerable group of Jews!" and "All Israelis are settlers, none are truly civilians, and any form of violence against settlers is justified" are two stances that do not mesh very well...
Because at the very least, they're separating good Jews from bad Jews again, just based on what they perceive intra-Jewish oppression to be like. And they expect these good Jews to cheer and happily live as dhimmis in the absolute chaos that is a 100% inevitable Hamas-Fatah civil war and total societal collapse... and spit on the graves of their kinsmen.
And at worst, the concern trolls won't bother distinguishing these vulnerable Jews from their alleged oppressors anyway, and happily watch as they all flee with the clothes on their backs or get gunned down or enslaved by Hamas "Resistance" Fighters.
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lokh · 10 months
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my first attempt at krita and. it turns out i cant draw felines from memory
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notaplaceofhonour · 3 months
I would like to kill Studio Ghibli pronunciation discourse. The Japanese name of the studio is スタジオジブリ or “Sutajio Jiburi”, pronounced with a “j” sound. It’s named after an Italian airplane, the ghibli, pronounced with a hard “g” sound; this is the name used in English: “Studio Ghibli”.
You aren’t “pronouncing it wrong” by saying Ghibli with a hard G any more than you’re pronouncing it wrong by saying “studio” instead of “sutajio”, nor are you “pronouncing it wrong” by saying Ghibli with a soft g/j sound: words change pronunciation as they pass from one language to another because the native speakers use the sounds that make sense to them. Ghibli changed to jiburi (despite being more accurately transliterated as ギブリ or “giburi”) when it passed from Italian to Japanese just like قبلي or “qibliyy” changed to ghibli when it passed from Arabic to Italian; there’s no reason the pronunciation wouldn’t change passing from either Italian or Japanese to English as well to fit what makes sense to us.
Just use what makes sense to you.
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stayatsam · 1 year
elden ring has smashed any expectations i could have for modern open world games like. i struggled trying to play breath of the wild again because nothing about it hit the same as ER
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fumiko-matsubara · 2 years
Sensing vs Intuition: Explaining the stark differences in Chiba and Hayami's sniping methods using MBTI
I'm back at it again with another essay :D
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To put it simply, these two cognitive functions basically determine how each person chooses to absorb and process information. And for Chiba and Hayami, out of all the countless differences that they have, this is by far their biggest.
Sensing is when a person heavily relies on their five senses to absorb as much information about their surroundings as they can. They are extremely observant, sensitive, and they tend to have a wide field of vision, noticing details around them that a lot of people tend to miss. They rely on solid facts and prefer to live in the moment, rather than anticipating the unseen future.
Chiba is a strong sensing type. He has superior spatial awareness, which he uses to accurately determine the distance between point A and point B based from what he could see. He uses his sense of touch to determine the direction and strength of the wind blowing, while taking the light weight of the BB pellets into account.
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Hence, he was able to easily take out Kataoka during the 3E civil war even though she was hidden from view and was over 300 feet away. This makes his long distance sniping terrifying, as he almost never misses.
Intuition, on the contrary, is when a person see patterns everywhere and uses that to speculate (guess) what was going to happen next. They can easily make instant decisions because they tend to jump into conclusions immediately after connecting bits of information together.
And because they've been doing this for most of their lives that it comes naturally to them, they're pretty good at guessing what was to come, or at least they feel good about making that guess... even if they have a track record of being wrong.
Hayami is an intuitive type. It might not be most suitable for a sniper to perceive information that way, but it's her superior kinetic vision that makes her pattern recognition ability extremely reliable when it comes to hitting moving targets or hitting targets while in an unstable position, at a near perfect timing.
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Basically, Hayami's entire thing is:
"It doesn't have to be extremely accurate like Chiba's. As long as I can shoot and hit at any given moment, it's should be good enough."
A little bit to the left, a little up here, around there, and etc. ー unlike Chiba who takes his sweet time making a bunch of detailed calculations in his head so he could accurately shoot, Hayami doesn't think much about these details. She only estimates where she thinks her bullet will hit and just shoots from there. If it hits, then that's that. If it doesn't, she can just find another opportunity to try again.
Like I said, not really a fitting method for a sniper. Her lack of range and accuracy has been pointed out by people. But it's her "shoot and go" method that allows her to move freely in a specific battlefield like the 3E civil war.
And that covers it!
I could honestly talk more about how Chiba and Hayami's Sensing vs Intuition way of absorbing information isn't just exclusive to their contrasting sniping method, but also extends to their daily lives, how they interact with people, and how they face their problems.
To put it simply, Chiba is a realist while Hayami is a visionary. But this one is a topic I could talk about in another time.
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just a small update bc i havent been here in a while !! FATHER !! I AM IN LOVE !! and i have,, written,, love letter,, do you think people still like love letters ??
Ooooh, romantic! Good fer you, kiddo!! :]
But take good care o' yerself an' focus on you first, alright?
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shittywriterbrain · 5 months
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clamorybus · 8 months
man, have you guys ever heard of hades? that shit's hard
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I updated a couple of my emulators and they both have controller support now! Huzzah!
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blujayonthewing · 1 year
while it is most commonly taught-- and indeed, for most spellcasters, easiest-- to cast spells by strongly visualizing the desired outcome, melliwyk has always found it much easier to picture The Weave itself, her hands twisting into its threads to directly manipulate its effects upon the material plane and direct the magic from its source. consequently many of her somatic gestures are evocative of twisting, grasping, or breaking strings, her fingers splaying through the air as if through a complex cat's cradle
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thinnytinnymini · 1 year
Went to see my therapist last wednesday, I mentioned I'd been restricting and binging, and she said "I know you don't have an eating disorder, but my ED patients find Intuitive Eating(the book) very helpful" and it's like. Thanks for the motivation to try harder in order to count, Cheryl.
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theveil-and-thepath · 2 years
Is anyone up for a quick yes/no exchange reading?
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ante--meridiem · 2 years
One of the times when I miss [redacted] most is when I have a lot of general thoughts about ethics and philosophy that are too potentially personal and/or hot-button to want to talk about on tumblr or irl, but completely in line with the kind of thing I know they would get, and it's just "if I could talk to you we would be having such an interesting conversation right now but I can't so instead I'm composing tumblr posts in my head".
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normanbased · 2 years
After much deliberation, I’ve decided in my heart of hearts that there is no way in fresh HELL that Tony Perkins was a top
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