ka-go-me · 2 years
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                                                       Aʅʅ Fαƚԋҽɾ
【★】~ Pixiv-    TALUB               ID- 89287920
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cheesomaru · 4 years
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LISTEN, I’m just saying....if Inupapa looked at me this way and told me to stay just the way I am I’d simp for him too...Like goddamn...MY HEART....
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thegoombs · 4 years
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“Umebachi”- Plum Blossom
My full artwork featured in @SesshomaruZine's fanzine, Birthright, a project featuring work from over 25 artists focusing on the character Sesshomaru from Inuyasha.  
Pre-orders are available until February 28th, with proceeds going to the Humane Society of Naples. Link in comments!
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officialinuyasha · 5 years
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Happy Mother's Day everyone!
- 犬夜叉 Inu-Yasha -
© 1996-2019 Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan ● Yomiuri TV ● SUNRISE ● ShoPro ● NTV ● Toho ● Yomiuri-TV Enterprise
Page - facebook.com/OfficialInuYashaPage
Our Group - Facebook.com/groups/OfficialInuYashaGroup
My YouTube - YouTube.com/OfficialInuYasha
dA - TheHanyouInuYasha
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raquel-taisho · 6 years
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Traditional: Inu no Taisho
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torai-san · 7 years
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I’ve decided to share my artworks more online, so that’s why I want to start with my most favorite pairing from Inu Yasha <3  I don't know why, but I love these couple for many years now. Even though they are side characters and already dead, but I can't help myself :'D I wanted to show a lovely memory, where the love is clearly visible. My favorites are their facial expressions :3 I need to get better in drawing weapons, that's why I'm not that happy with Tessaiga, but well...:') Hope, you like it! ^_^
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Inutaishou isn't old.
Sorry, I didn't see this to way late. Compared to Thomas he is though but that's it. I do also personally perceive him as far older than his wives or sons. Thank you for being observant though!
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repost-this-image · 4 years
About Sesshoumaru’s Actions
Because the Drama over S1E15 ranges from Sesshoumaru stans being all “Omg, I can’t believe he married Rin!  Their father/daughter-like relationship was so good and pure!!” (???) to Sesshoumaru-haters being all “See?  He’s EVIL and he wanted his daughters to DIE!!,” I re-watched the entire trainwreck that was YashaHime S1E15 to make sure I knew what was going on, and I took screenshots so that I have Receipts, dang it.
(More after the cut)
“18 Years Ago,” Hisui is still a baby.  Kaede is babysitting with him on her back.  This makes him about 5 years old when Moroha and the twins are born.
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Furthermore, since this story takes place a year after Kagome’s return to the feudal era, and Hisui was born on the day she returned, we can conclude that Hisui is about a year old.  This makes sense; a year-old baby would be able to walk, but wouldn’t have the energy to get very far, so it’d be much easier to just wear him, especially if you’re pushing 60 and don’t have the energy to keep stopping a toddler from getting into everything all the time.  (I mention this because we can see Rin in S1E1, and while she no longer looks like a little kid, she’s also maybe 12, and that is supported by what we see here.)
Riku has lent his Rainbow Pearl to the blacksmith to make a new Black Pearl for InuYasha, for his own reasons, I’m sure.  Our boy gets a new Black Pearl, and his mom’s old rouge, which Kagome holds onto for safe-keeping.  We then get a reminder of events from early eps of InuYasha, for the benefit of new fans.
InuYasha stores the new pearl in his eye, because while he doesn’t want to admit it, it does actually hold sentimental value for him.
2.  4 years later--Twins are born
Kagome meets Riku for the first time.  Riku tells her about the Grim Comet, and how InuTaishou and Kirinmaru broke the meteorite that fell from the comet last time.  He tells her that the next time this happens will be in a week, and that Kirinmaru hates both humans and half-demons, so it would be better for InuYasha and Sesshoumaru to destroy the thing.
Then, Zero, one of Kirinmaru’s servants, shows up.  She knows that Sesshoumaru’s new babies are half-demons, and teasingly warns him that he should hide his daughters before Kirinmaru awakens.
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Zero tells Sesshoumaru about the Grim Comet, then comments that because InuTaishou humiliated her long ago, she does still want the whole family dead.
Then we see the only moment of maternal happiness Rin gets in her life before the shit hits the fan.
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Without a word of explanation, Sesshoumaru shows up and grabs the twins.
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Look carefully at Sesshoumaru’s response.
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He wants to make sure the twins are strong.
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Kagome asks the obvious question, and Sesshoumaru does not answer.  But Rin indicates that she has a pretty good idea of what’s up: Sesshoumaru is going to hide the twins.
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Jaken gives Kagome information on when and where InuYasha should go to help destroy the comet fragment, implying that Sesshoumaru ordered him to do so in this manner, in order to save face.  (Because asking InuYasha for help outright would be seen as weakness by other demons.)
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Then you have this exchange:
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Jaken is saying here that he has been charged with ensuring the twins’ safety, so that Rin can at least worry a little less.
Zero sends the head of the Ka Demon Clan to kill the twins, because she has 2 Rainbow Pearls and Zero doesn’t, so clearly this is the easiest way to get the job done.
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Sesshoumaru cuts off her hands and takes the Pearls that were in them.  He then identifies them as being Zero’s tears.
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Now, this is the part that I think people are misconstruing.  Where does Sesshoumaru set the newborns?  At the foot of the Goshinboku.  As the brother-in-law of the girl who transcended time, he knows damn well what the tree does.
He knows that the girls won’t be alone, because Jaken tells him so outright.
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Jaken then makes a barrier around the woods that only he and Sesshoumaru can cross.  This is important.  Nobody can sense the twins anymore.  Nobody can sense the Pearls right now, either, because they are with Sesshoumaru, inside the barrier.
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This is when Sesshoumaru gives Towa and Setsuna the pearls.  While they are all inside the barrier, and nobody can sense any youki from within.  He doesn’t want Zero to get the Pearls, and the safest place for them is, in fact, where the twins are: inside Jaken’s barrier.  Giving the Pearls to the children has the added effect of granting them more power, which will help to keep them safe in future.
Meanwhile, Zero has figured out what Sesshoumaru has done with the twins. It’s possible that she thinks that Sesshoumaru has the Pearls himself still, but she definitely knows that the twins are still alive.
InuYasha, Kagome, and Sesshoumaru all arrive at Sesshi’s mother’s house at the appointed time and the comet fragment is destroyed by the two brothers.
Meanwhile, Zero awakens Kirinmaru, specifically to tell him about the new half-demons that were just born.  “At this rate, Sesshoumaru will be plunged into disaster and fall to ruin,” she says, as if that weren’t exactly what she wants to happen.
Then comes the prophecy.
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A half-demon is gonna kill Kirinmaru someday.  Specifically one who can “surpass time,” as Kagome did.
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If Zero knows about this prophecy, it is very possible that Sesshoumaru knows as well, as he is pretty high up the Western demon hierarchy.
...And guess who walks through the door right after Zero’s little warning.  It’s Sesshoumaru himself.  Sesshoumaru finds out that Kirinmaru intends to kill his half-brother (and presumably also the twins, but he’s protected them for now).
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He tricks Kirinmaru and Zero into thinking that he’s going to help them kill InuYasha.
Next, we see InuYasha and Kagome with baby Moroha.  Sesshoumaru and Kirinmaru are approaching.  Kagome gives Moroha and Izuyai’s rouge to Hachi the tanuki.  As she does, one of Kagome’s tears strikes the rouge, which is where the Red Pearl comes from.
Sesshoumaru knows that InuYasha is not a match for Kirinmaru and immediately withdraws the Black Pearl, sending Kagome and InuYasha to the border between the worlds of the living and the dead, where they cannot be harmed.
Jaken points out that InuYasha’s special abilities may be necessary in the future, and this way he cannot interfere in anything else until he is needed.
Riku witnesses all this, and realizes that his plan, whatever it was, has thus far gone off without a hitch.
Hachi brings Moroha to the Wolf Demon Clan, to be raised by them.
3. 4 more years have passed, and it’s Forest Fire time.
Zero finally manages to find the twins’ exact location via Dream Gazing, and orders Homura to burn the forest down.  “That’s fine by you, isn’t it, Sesshoumaru?”
Sesshoumaru nods because a) he’s confident that it won’t kill his daughters, and/or b) he doesn’t want to give away their position by saying no. Either way, the idea that he wants his daughters to die is not supported by the rest of the episode.  Sesshoumaru is a shitty parent, but not one who’s willing to see his daughters die.
Zero isn’t counting on the twins having the Pearls, and certainly isn’t expecting for Towa to transcend time, the very thing she was worried about, and thus survive.  Meanwhile, we know Setsuna survives because we’ve seen other episodes.
And here, the story ends, and with it the episode.
We’re left with the following:
1. The YashaHime trio was separated from their family for their own protection.
2.  Towa is destined to kill Kirinmaru someday.
3.  Rin either entered the Goshinboku during the fire, or immediately afterward.
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kalcia · 3 years
Can you do another drawing of Kirinmaru and Inutaishou kissing?
I'm sorry! Kiss requests have been closed for a while and I'm just trying to catch up with all the sketches I need to do! But feel free to commission me if you'd like one! ^^
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ari-rina · 7 years
Pegasus 😜😜😜
Oh that’s a difficult one! Thank you :D
Do fictional characters count? Do I then get one person per fictional world? That’d be awesome :D
Here are the fist fandoms that come to my mind:
Ygo: Atem of course. In his own body pleaseandthankyouverymuch
Vampire Diaries: Katherine Pierce. Just because I can.
Detective Conan: Shuichi cuz dat poor boy Shinichi needs someone to help him with the BO
Inuyasha: InuTaishou because that’d be funny as hell.
Zelda BOTW: Urbosa because she’s awesome
Harry Potter: Fred because George shouldn’t be without his brother.
Real Life: I’m gonna save this one for when I need this. As of now I am lucky enough to say that I’ve never lost an important person in my life. Bringing back an artist or someone famous seems like a waste for me.
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ka-go-me · 2 years
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                                    🄸🄵 🄸🅃 🅆🄰🅂🄽'🅃 🅁🄰🄸🄽🄸🄽🄶
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officialinuyasha · 6 years
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Inu no Vember 8th
Story written by Jaken, Hiroyuki
The greatest demon Nue
(A story of how InuYasha’s parents met [3])
[Inu no Taisho happened to go to Heian-kyo (now Kyoto)and to be attracted by a lady’s scent and beauty and became sick and suffered. Myoga sent two poems to the lady, following the then custom and no reply came to them. Finally Inu no Taisho wrote a poem after suffering for three days and sent it to her. Then her reply came.]
Myoga “My lord!! How is her poem? Does she accept your love?”
Inu no Taisho “Wait....
白雪の Shirayuki no
清き流れに Kiyoki nagare ni
誰そ流れぬや Ta so nagare nu ya
十六夜 Izayoi
Like white snow
Who can’t be attracted
By the pure stream?
Myoga “Wow!! Your love is fulfilled!! She is literally attracted by your pure love!! She writes her name on her letter. How did you write your poem?”
“I wrote
悩みおり Nayami ori
夢かうつつか Yume ka ututu ka
君なかりせば Kimi nakariseba
犬の大将 Inu no Taisho
I’m sick and suffering
Even in the dream and real world
I wish I hadn’t met you
Inu no Taisho”
“My lord, this is great! Your sincere feeling melted her heart.”
“This time, I’ll go alone.”
“No, my lord, I worry about one thing.”
“Worry about one thing?”
“Yes, don’t you know Nue?”
“Nue? I have heard of it. I know Nue is a demon made up of many animals, isn’t it?”
“Right. He is a ruler of the invisible and dark human society. He is a very old demon, way older than you. His head is monkey, body is raccoon dog, limbs are tiger and tail is snake. He is a fearful demon. When you land on Heian-kyo (Kyoto), if he feels your existence, he’ll surely challenge you.
“Keh!! He is nothing to me.”
“Don’t underestimate him. He is also created by humans’ negative feelings as well. Anger, complaints, sorrow, grudges and so on. I hear the humans’ capital actually started with these negative feelings. And his favorite tactics are psychological ones, nor physical ones. I’m afraid you aren’t used to them. So this time, I propose you invite her to here.”
“She’ll never come here. I shall go.”
“My lord, at least, I’ll give you a help.”
“I see. Let’s go.”
Next time “Spirit swords can’t cut.”
- Jaken, InuYasha Officials
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inunotaishou · 7 years
So in the English dub, there are two most common used names for the Inu no taisho, the Great Dog Demon and the Dog General. Which of these is a more accurate translation?
//The Great Dog Demon is probably the more accurate of the two. The idea that Inupapa commanded some sort of youkai force is a fan made trope. It’s never mentioned nor is there any evidence presented that he did anything like that. It is though implied through the series that Inupapa was a very powerful “great demon’ or Daiyoukai. 
Inu no Taishou, which translates to Dog General, ended up being a popular fan name for the character however. Along with Inupapa, inutaishou and Sesshomaru’s dad. Which makes for searching out ANYTHING about this dog a heck of a task! X_x;
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twistedpurity · 3 years
I bet Inutaishou is tempted to touch those beautiful hooters of yours. 😘
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                                           ・⊱ ".......I am not amused with that assumption.                                              “Prick"
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oldguyray · 8 years
Shishinki and Inutaishou headcanon
Okay so like. What if the reason why Shi fought against the old dog is because Inupapa was seeking a way to keep his human wife as much alive as possible.
He knew Shishinki is the god of death, right? Who better to gain almost immortality from? So they fought off, of course. Losing having half of his face as this guy comes out of nowhere and tries to steal his technique.
Inupapa probably then tried to use it on Tesseiga but it was definitely too unstable for him to handle. So hence, the Tenseiga. Hell, it’s probably how Inukimi got ended up with the Meido Stone because of the leftover power.
The irony is that Inupapa had to use it on Izayoi, not when she was old and lived a long life with Inupapa but rather at the very start of their life together and causing his own death in return.
Maybe the Death God knew of all this.
Maybe he knew of the jealous samurai who was “in love” of Izayoi.
Maybe he set the wheels in motion in his own subtle way.
Maybe it was his way of saying “FUCK YOU” for stealing his technique and cursing his beauty.
After all, Shishinki is a utter shitbag
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ka-go-me · 2 years
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                                                     ㄒ卄乇 丂Ҝㄚ
【★】~ Pixiv-    バンバン               ID- 87416206
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