#invert point
knotty-et-al · 9 months
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Neologism "Invertium" - word art with perspective play
[The neologism "invertium" describes a point in time where the attributes of a system get inverted.]
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saym0-0 · 4 months
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arm candy by day winter, rebel singer by night summer
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finelythreadedsky · 3 months
keep thinking now about the idea of the ancient greek stage building as a doorway into death, which is separated from the stage (the space of the living) by the screen of the skene. cassandra calls it as much ("the gates of hades") when she enters the house of atreus. by convention characters cannot die on stage but must exit, usually into the skene, to be killed. cassandra's just extra explicit about it because of her foresight, but every entry into the stage building is a step into death. and then some people come back out of it!!!
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mollysunder · 3 days
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The figure at the center isn't Jinx. The figure isn't wearing the right shirt, she's missing Jinx's cloud smoke tattoos, and you can see her dark hair under the blue hair reach her back as it falls in front of her arm and behind her shoulder.
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While the braids are black and white to imply that is the figure's actual hair, it's sprayed on blue like the rest of the youths in the background, because she is like them. The figure at the center is just another kid in the crowd, and they've essentially been designed like they're wearing a Jinx wig, all the kids are.
The artist for this mural is showing that anyone can be like Jinx as long as you want to fight for Zaun. Jinx represents an ideology that these kids choose to embody in both style and action. They're united in blue in their rebellion.
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vioyume · 1 month
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Rendering practice. Cooler shades just happens to be easier for me to work with, that and I figured out how to do it in black and white first then play with layer filters.
This really allowed me to focus on shades rather than color, so getting in those extra details that I would've missed is refreshing.
Leif was also a good subject since I was already in the mood to draw bugs, he has a nice mixture of textures.
Progress GIF's undercut.
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my-fancy-hat · 2 months
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look, as foolish as his mother
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can-of-slorgs · 3 months
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caw 🦅
#neopets#neotag#neoart#eyrie#mutant#vin doods#I can't beat the allegations that i doodle dnd creatures on a daily with this one huh#god i love mutants eyries so much i'm sorry i gavehim more draconic features but uGH;#what great colours lmao#I also gave inverted knees to the hooves cause i aint doing whatever neos doing#can you tell i have a thing for dnd and dragons in general im so sorry JAKLSDF#also in topic i've been so wanting to make a neo player's manual for so stupidly long its insane#might actually do it at one point#i had species and proficiencies and everything at one point i think its all gone lol#also for a fact that i'd be a me-thing for the most part#like i'd be the only one wanting it or playing according to it#my other friends none like neopets so yeah#god do i want to dm a neopian adventure i have tons planned lmao#but oh well#i'm super greatful for all positive commenta ad every like and reblog you guys ave given meeeee#i sound like a broken record but i swear i try to not leave this blog for long but i always read your tags and crack up to them sajhas#i know i've left a couple of you on read that actually wanted to know about my characters BUT IM SO SORRYYYY#my master's taking so long and everytime there's something new and have to rewrite and replan everthing everyday i hate it here#but i will do it#i know i will#both the lore writting and my thesis HASJKHASJS#anyways if you're still reading dont be afraid to shoot up a couple of messages! It might make this blog less dead
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brittlebutch · 11 months
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I genuinely love the way Billie holds herself with my whole heart; more characters need to start doing it like her <3
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troius · 7 months
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Wow, you guys promised that this power would be hilariously broken, and you're right! Though this one does at least appear to be thought- through: not only is "the Almighty" a pretty common term for the Christian God that the Quincies are riffing on, but this tying in of omniscience to omnipotence, where everything is within God's knowledge and (relatedly) nothing can be greater than Him, is an appropriate power for the main villain of the arc. It's going to be tough to defeat, though.
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jupiterswasphouse · 6 months
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[PHOTOS TAKEN: OCTOBER 17TH, 2023 | Image IDs: Two photos of a young brown and yellow grasshopper on the rough brown plastic surface of the top of a lawn chair /End IDs.]
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div-divington · 5 months
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Oceanview Motel and Casino
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l8tof1 · 2 years
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this man has actually lost his whole damn mind
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wonder-worker · 2 months
"[Alice Perrers] requested that she be buried in the parish church of Upminster, St Laurence, before the altar of the Virgin Mary. Alice seems to have had an affinity with Mary through her life; a seal of hers from c. 1374 shows an image of the Virgin Mary and child, her tabernacle seized in 1377 had an image of the Virgin Mary on it, and now she wished to be buried before Mary’s altar."
-Gemma Hollman, "The Queen and the Mistress: The Women of Edward III"
#historicwomendaily#alice perrers#my post#I didn't know about this but it's so very intriguing#I wonder if Alice associated herself with Mary to try and assert her own 'quasi-queenship'#(ie: the most powerful woman in the country at the side of a king)#as Mary was obviously important element of queenly iconography in late medieval England#though on the flip side I suspect it would have also raised hackles that Alice - a commoner and royal mistress - was attempting#to present herself in such a way#it's especially interesting to consider in the context of Tompkins' argument that Alice was perceived as 'inverting queenship' (slay)#also this book was ... complicated.#It's very understanding and sympathetic and raised some very good points#but also tried to...massively soften Alice's actions and downplay her role and power in the process#(ie: defending her by diminishing her)#also there's this gem:#'Edward had been markedly restrained with the gifts and favour he had bestowed upon Alice' girl that is a flat-out lie#no other royal mistress of medieval England was ever given so much or honored in such a way.#yes we should emphasize Alice's own proactive role and intelligence in building up her vast estates#but even if that hypothetically hadn't happened#Edward's grants and gifts would have still made her extremely wealthy and powerful regardless#and was also weirdly obsessed with romanticizing Edward III and it got kinda questionable#like yes obviously I think we should ascribe more nuanced motivations and emotions to *Alice* than 'ambitious gold-digger#taking advantage of an aging king'#but I'm not fond of it veering too far on the other side either#I think sometimes we should simply be comfortable admitting when we simply don't know something
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inverted-flowers · 9 days
Hermit Deities pt. 3!
(Except it's not the hermits this round 👉👈)
Martyn: God of Distrust In Loyalty
Loyalty and trust
Betrayal and distrust
Benefiting oneself
Stories and writing
Electric green
Offerings & rituals:
Red flags with three white triangles along one side (o.0 wonder why I'd say that?)
Purple gems, the rarer the better
Notes: Originally I was just gonna call him the God of Loyalty and Betrayal but then I remembered the title I gave Grian and was like 'but it should be cool' ... Yeah if I think of a better one I'll change it. Oh and he was originally a mortal cuz he's not a hermit so different realm.
Jimmy: God of Fate
Fate and destiny
Yellow canaries
Corgis- i mean uh..
Offerings & rituals:
Snacks (no special reason other than I think he'd enjoy that)
Notes: There'd be a story about how he was born a mortal (since he's not a hermit so different realm) but became a god. Maybe he was made to trade fates with a god, got their terrible fate and awful luck but it also made him a god and the prev god a mortal. Then the universe was like "damn bro thats rough" and so he became the god of fate, able to change the destiny of others (but not his own :)). When the people asked what he wanted for offerings he was like “off- uh- um- *clears throat and puts on a voice* if you want the God of Fate's uh- eyes, you should offer.. snacks! Yeah! Snacks…” He was totally unprepared for godhood let alone answering questions about the details.
General notes:
Been a bit huh? Just Property Police this time! I've got a tag for this lil' au of mine. If you'd like to see the other posts just click on it. Also, as per usual, any input you have is welcomed and encouraged. (I'm still at a loss on Impulse.)
I've got a whole google doc for this puppy now so I should do more with it yes? I had considered how to continue this series and thought about maybe writing some of the tales but... Yeah I dunno about that. My shyness and various anxiety disorders are likely to veto. Writers and artists are welcome to utilize this though (preferably with credit). If you do send it my way! I'd love to see!
'Til next time then!
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giomagnetism · 1 year
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two parts of a gift for @shadowsplice that i’m two months late to post — i made a print copy of his fic Graveyard Shift and wanted to include a surprise illustration of shiloh with it. i am still very pleased with how both came out and ridiculously glad to have had the chance in the first place, these are some of the most elaborate projects i’ve done to date :]
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katyspersonal · 2 months
To be honest, figuring out that Maria is a bifauxnen archetype (or rather, remembering about it 3 years later after too-western-leaning discussions lol) felt soft of a relief? Keeping that in mind could have saved a lot of debates, and I do think that this take should be apparent since Bloodborne is a Japanese media! Can't analyze oversees media without applying oversees tropes and culture! So, her masculine aesthetic is not up to being questioned or written as practicality!
That one elusive bit that doesn't fall so apparent is the motivation. The thing about bifauxnen trope is that it is not consistent! There is execution where the masculinity is supposed to be rather involuntary, forced by another person or circumstances, and the character, in fact, struggles to reclaim her femininity after being led "astray" by some unfortunate events (like Lady Oscar). Then there are more blatant examples that are exactly what you want and expect from the trope, where femininity IS uncomfortable (like Utena)! I also talked with my friend who is familiar with far more Japanese media than I am, and according to her, Utena actually is a subversion of the trope, whereas "this lady had her natural femininity shunned by person or circumstances" is more common + that's the reason my friend DISlikes the trope. Can't attest to that statistic unless I play/watch everything she did, just something to notice 🤔
So yeah, that's the CORRECT interpretation branch I think! I wrote a separate analysis post on Cainhurst antics but the gist of it was, for a Vileblood woman it'd be a shame to not indulge in the bloody magic and antics as that's their 'natural' streak, so with this trope there would be skewing influence. Or other examples of the trope like "wanted son" or "she takes place of sickly/absent noble brother" that could play out. ...Or none could be the reasoning besides her preference, maybe even in spite of others (again, the 'blunt' variant of the trope does exist!)
There are various factors to decide from! I don't know, I just.. having the [HUMANITY RESTORED] moment over external validation for different interpretations, even though it should be a common sense. But also that there is something UNdebatable. I don't take "historical gender roles" flex for the setting where female doctors, scholars, hunters and vicars exist in 19th century of course, but I can't argue with "Japanese developers did a Japanese trope" pointer, and it just feels better to have more clarity, you know?
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