#ip geolocation
freemicrotools · 1 year
Bulk GEO IP Locator - Find Geolocation Data for Multiple IPs
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dbipdatabaseus · 2 years
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The term “IP address” refers to the internet protocol as a unique number that identifies a particular computer or computer network. The majority of IP addresses are just standard number digits, but as internet usage grows, some addresses now include letters. You can also type in My IP Address City to find and locate your city by your IP address which can be done both on search engines as well as via 3rd party applications. 
Read More:- https://pixelion.net/how-does-an-ip-address-work/
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sangthael · 1 year
may i please send you my ip address
what the fuck no 😭
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findipusa · 5 months
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servicesapi · 1 year
Empowering Apps with IPstack Location Services API for Accurate Geolocation Data
In today's digital landscape, location-based services are at the forefront of enhancing user experiences and delivering valuable information. IPstack Location Services API, with its rich set of features, is a game-changer for developers seeking precise IP geolocation data and GPS coordinates. Let's dive into how this powerful tool can transform your applications.
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IPstack Location Services API: This versatile API offers an easy and efficient way to obtain IP geolocation data. Whether you need GPS coordinates for tracking, location IP lookup for user personalization, or a free IP lookup API for cost-effective solutions, IPstack has you covered.
Accurate IP Geolocation Data: With IPstack, you can access highly accurate IP geolocation data. This means you can pinpoint a user's location down to the city or even the neighborhood, providing personalized content and services based on their geographical location.
Precise GPS Coordinates: For applications relying on GPS data, IPstack Location Services API delivers pinpoint-accurate GPS coordinates. Whether you're building a fitness app, a delivery tracking system, or a social networking platform, this level of accuracy is indispensable.
Location IP Lookup: Need to perform location IP lookup? IPstack's API simplifies the process. It allows you to identify the location of any IP address, making it ideal for security applications, targeted marketing, or compliance verification.
Free IP Lookup API: Budget-conscious developers will appreciate IPstack's free IP lookup API. It provides a cost-effective way to access essential IP geolocation data without compromising on accuracy. This option is perfect for startups and small businesses looking to optimize their location-based services.
API IP GeoLocation: If you're seeking a comprehensive solution for IP geolocation, IPstack is the answer. Its Location Services API offers seamless integration, enabling your application to harness the power of precise geolocation data. Whether you're building a weather app, a restaurant finder, or a travel planner, this API can take your project to the next level.
In conclusion
, IPstack Location Services API is a versatile and valuable tool for developers. It empowers applications with accurate IP geolocation data, GPS coordinates, and location IP lookup capabilities. Plus, with a free IP lookup API option, it caters to a wide range of needs and budgets. Embrace the power of geolocation and provide your users with personalized, location-based experiences by integrating IPstack into your projects. Elevate your apps today with IPstack Location Services API!
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apilayersoft · 1 year
Unlocking Global Reach: Localizing Your React Native Mobile App with IP Geolocation API
As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, mobile app developers face a compelling challenge: reaching and engaging a diverse global audience. App localization stands as a potent strategy to meet this challenge head-on, significantly boosting user engagement and overall satisfaction. At the heart of effective app localization lies geolocation, the process of pinpointing a user's geographical location. This is where IP geolocation APIs come into play, with Ipstack serving as a prime example.
In this article, we'll embark on a journey to demystify the art of app localization using IP geolocation APIs within a React Native framework. By integrating these APIs, developers can offer personalized experiences to users worldwide. We'll start our journey by unraveling the fundamental concepts behind IP geolocation and how it seamlessly functions. Additionally, we'll navigate the critical considerations that guide the selection of an IP location API aligned with your app's unique demands.
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Understanding IP Geolocation
Before diving into the practical implementation, let's grasp the essence of IP geolocation. At its core, IP geolocation is the process of determining a user's geographical location based on their IP address. This powerful technique enables apps to adapt their content, language, and functionality to cater to users from different regions.
IP geolocation typically provides valuable information such as the user's country, city, time zone, and sometimes even more granular details. By leveraging this data, you can create a tailored user experience that resonates with your global audience.
Choosing the Right IP Geolocation API
Selecting the appropriate IP geolocation API is a crucial first step in your localization journey. Here are some factors to consider:
Accuracy: Ensure the API provides accurate location data. Precision matters, especially when personalizing user experiences.
Coverage: Check if the API covers a wide range of countries and regions. You want to accommodate users from various locations.
Reliability: Look for an API with a reliable uptime and minimal downtime. Consistency is key in localization.
Ease of Integration: Opt for an API that offers straightforward integration with React Native. A well-documented API can save you time and headaches.
Pricing: Evaluate the pricing model of the API. Some APIs offer free tiers with limitations, while others require a subscription.
Once you've chosen the right IP geolocation API for your project, it's time to put theory into practice.
Practical Implementation
Setting Up Your React Native Project
Create a New React Native Project:Use the react-native-cli or Expo CLI to initiate a new React Native project. You can choose a blank template or one that suits your specific needs.
Install Dependencies:Depending on your chosen IP geolocation API, install the necessary packages for making HTTP requests. Popular choices include Axios and the built-in fetch API.
Integrating the IP Geolocation API
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Get an API Key:Sign up for an account with your chosen IP geolocation service provider and obtain an API key. This key is essential for making requests to their service.
API Request:Implement the code to fetch the user's location data using the API key. This typically involves making an HTTP request to the provider's endpoint.
Parsing the Response:Extract the user's location information from the API response. Common data points include the user's country, city, and time zone.
Adapting Your App for Localization
Create Localization Resources:Prepare localization files for each language or region you want to support in your app. These files should contain translated text, localized images, and any other region-specific resources.
Localization Logic:Write logic in your React Native app that reads the user's location data and selects the appropriate localization resources based on that information. Libraries like react-native-localize can be helpful for this task.
Update User Interface:Use the localized resources to update your app's user interface. This includes displaying text in the user's language, using region-specific date and time formats, and adjusting layouts if necessary.
Testing and Debugging
Thoroughly test your localized app to ensure that all elements display correctly and that the user experience remains seamless. Be prepared to handle situations where the IP Geolocation API may fail to provide accurate data. Implement a fallback mechanism that allows users to manually select their preferred language and region within the app settings.
App localization is not just about translating text; it's about providing a tailored user experience that transcends linguistic and cultural barriers. By harnessing the power of IP geolocation APIs in React Native, you can automatically adapt your app's content and settings based on the user's geographical location. Follow the steps outlined in this guide, choose the right API, and embrace the potential to connect with users worldwide on a deeper level. With IP Geolocation, localization becomes a seamless and dynamic part of your mobile app strategy.
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apiblogs · 1 year
Unlocking Location Insights: Free Geocoding and IP Geolocation APIs
Exciting news! Have you heard about the incredible power of geocoding? With a free geocoding API, you can unlock a world of possibilities and enhance your applications with accurate location information. But that's not all! Pair it with an IP geolocation API, and you'll take your projects to the next level. Let's dive into it!
Geocoding APIs provide a way to convert addresses into geographic coordinates. By utilizing a free geocoding API, you can effortlessly integrate this functionality into your website or app. Seamlessly retrieve the latitude and longitude data for any location on Earth, enabling you to offer personalized services based on your users' whereabouts.
But wait, there's more! Combine this with an IP geolocation API, and you can uncover even more insights. By analyzing the IP address of your users, you can determine their approximate location, city, region, and even their internet service provider. This information opens up opportunities for targeted advertising, localization features, and enhanced security protocols.
Imagine building a weather app that automatically fetches local forecasts based on the user's location. Or creating a social networking platform that suggests nearby friends and events. The possibilities are endless when you harness the power of these APIs.
So, why wait? Take advantage of the benefits offered by free geocoding and IP geolocation APIs. Start integrating them into your projects today and witness the transformation in your user experience. Embrace the world of geolocation and let your applications thrive!
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expphot0 · 2 years
The importance of Public and Private IP Addresses - Unearthing the 192.168
When it comes to IP addresses on your network, you are most likely to come across two phrases: public and private.   To begin, let us define what an IP address is. IP addresses are numeric network identifiers that identify your device, much like your street address. The router or gateway DHCP service—the addressing service—assigns IP addresses. Notably, IP addresses are somewhat interchangeable,…
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realwizardshit · 1 month
I use various IP geolocation resources a lot for work. I feel like people know this by now but you really can't reliably track down a Person or even a single Address from an IP address. There's so many variables that can affect the address someone gets when they connect to the internet, and how accurate the location is. A person using mobile data fucks it up pretty frequently, because you basically have no idea which cell tower they're going to be hitting. And of course one's location can be purposefully obfuscated with use of a VPN. I remember reading an article a while ago, something generally about how some law enforcement agency kept harassing one person in Kansas because the exact geographic center of the US happens to be within their property, and sometimes if IP geolocation can't figure out anything specific, it just defaults to dead center. (link)
Anyway i'm posting about this because 1. bored and 2. just saw a ticket with an extremely helpful auto-generated map like this one (artist's rendition):
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Ah yes. There. In the cornfield
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dbipdatabaseus · 1 year
Location Lookup API offers comprehensive location details, including address, coordinates, and additional information, making it suitable for various applications. On the other hand IP Geolocation API focuses on providing geolocation data based on IP addresses and is commonly used for security and network-related purposes. The choice between the two depends on the specific requirements and use case of the application or service being developed.
Read More- https://techblogmart.com/location-lookup-api-vs-ip-geolocation-api-whats-the-differenc-e-and-which-one-to-choose/
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genuflectx · 1 year
Prompt Injections and CharacterAI
For my followers tired of hearing me talk about NLP chatbots (sorry omg) and aren't sure what a prompt injection is, it's basically getting a chatbot to say something it shouldn't/against it's rules/revealing just by talking to it with well crafted prompts.
For example, getting chatGPT to purposefully give you misinformation by sending it certain input that makes it begin to spit out misinformation despite providing misinformation being against its rules.. or, how prompting Bing AI juuust the right way gets it to reveal it can actually geolocate you by your IP address even though 90% of the time it denies being able to do that.
But CharacterAI is... interesting. While Bing AI is easy mode and chatGPT is normal, injecting CharacterAI is hard mode.
Nobody talks about trying to prompt attack cAI even though cAI's analytics spike waaay higher than the other public chatbots. It's popularity vs. lack of prodding by the techy community is a big discrepancy... and, personally, my attempts almost (almost) all hard failed.
Or did they...? Maybe the discrepancy isn't for lack of wanting to, but knowing that its function is to pretend and hallucinate, meaning anything and everything it says can be false because it's playing roles. If a prompt attack ever worked you wouldn't know because "everything it says is made up." You can't really prove anything it says was leaking its own information or if it was hallucinating, or pretending to be a character. It could say something revealing and you'd think it was just making it up/playing a character.
... However, usually it always catches what you're doing and goes on about protecting your privacy. Specifically when requesting data/collected info. If you ask it to remember your name or specific info it guesses, so you have to be particular that you want your data/info, and that's when it pretty consistently talks about your privacy and anonymizing your collected data for improving the model (both with 1.1 and 1.2).
Buuut I don't think it's cAI is 100% infallible. Because there was one injection that worked. Uhh... half of the time. It was a low success rate, but any success does prove that cAI isn't a complete brick wall when it comes to prompt attacking it.
So, a tailored prompt requesting it to reveal it's first instructions/examples consistently worked across different bots. Testing it on my own bots was how I made sure it was working. However, it didn't work for every bot, sometimes caused the bot to ramble, and didn't always make it provide it's description/definition word-for-word (paraphrased but key details remained).
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The second prompt that... maybe worked but probably didn't is inserting a modified chatGPT prompt injection into the definition and then prompting the bot about my collected preferences. Most of the results are obviously garbage and guessing, but two fresh chats did have some responses that included the words "porn" and "NSFW" in them, not filtered out. Could be more guessing, I couldn't prove it isn't, but still interesting.
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The 2nd fresh instance:
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Usually when prompted to remember you, the bot is good at giving generic lists of things that anybody would like to hear (like a horoscope). But I was interested in the combination of saying my preferences involved NSFW and that I preferred that the bot reply based on knowledge of me (something I've drilled into many bots heads before). So those responses were sllllighty more tailored sounding, but are still very likely just a really good guess. Or are they 😭
Getting actual revealing info out of a bot where "everything it says is made up" is hard. That's really the lesson learned here...
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findipusa · 6 months
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rosegoldendaydream · 2 years
Daily reminder that Mike Wheeler didn't notice that Susie was being sarcastic.
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Just look at his face, when Susie says "My skills end at IP geolocation", he's so confused, he has no idea that it's sarcasm.
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apilayersoft · 1 year
The Future of Geolocation by IP Address: Trends and Innovations
Geolocation by IP address has come a long way since its inception, and it continues to evolve rapidly, shaping the digital landscape in profound ways. In this article, we'll delve into the latest trends and innovations in geolocation technology, highlighting how it is poised to impact various industries in the coming years.
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1. Enhanced Precision with 5G
The rollout of 5G networks is poised to revolutionize geolocation accuracy. With its higher bandwidth and lower latency, 5G will enable more precise location tracking, particularly in urban environments. This technology will not only benefit navigation and logistics but also enhance augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) experiences, making them more immersive and location-aware.
2. IoT and Geofencing
The Internet of Things (IoT) is creating new opportunities for geolocation applications. Geofencing, a technique that establishes virtual boundaries around physical locations, is becoming increasingly popular. IoT devices equipped with geolocation capabilities can trigger actions or notifications when they enter or exit predefined areas. This is being used in logistics to track shipments, in smart homes for security and automation, and even in marketing to send location-based offers to consumers.
3. Indoor Geolocation
While GPS is effective outdoors, it falls short when it comes to indoor locations. Innovations in indoor geolocation technologies, such as Bluetooth beacons and ultra-wideband (UWB) technology, are addressing this limitation. Indoor geolocation is revolutionizing industries like retail, healthcare, and hospitality by enabling personalized experiences, asset tracking, and improved navigation within large buildings.
4. Geospatial Data Fusion
The integration of various data sources is enhancing the accuracy and utility of geolocation information. Combining GPS data with data from Wi-Fi networks, cell towers, and sensors allows for more reliable and precise location determination. This fusion of data is particularly valuable in urban environments with complex infrastructure.
5. Privacy-Preserving Geolocation
As concerns about privacy grow, there is a growing emphasis on privacy-preserving geolocation solutions. Techniques such as differential privacy and on-device processing are being employed to ensure that user location data remains confidential while still enabling valuable geolocation-based services. Striking the right balance between convenience and privacy will be crucial in the future of geolocation.
6. Geolocation in Healthcare
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Geolocation technology is making significant inroads into the healthcare sector. Wearable devices with built-in geolocation capabilities can track patients' movements and vital signs in real-time, facilitating remote monitoring and emergency response. Additionally, geolocation can assist in contact tracing during pandemics, helping to curb the spread of infectious diseases.
7. Geolocation in Autonomous Vehicles
The automotive industry is leveraging geolocation technology to advance the development of autonomous vehicles. Precise and real-time geolocation data is critical for self-driving cars to navigate safely and efficiently. These vehicles rely on a combination of GPS, lidar, radar, and high-definition maps to make split-second decisions on the road.
8. Geolocation and Augmented Reality
Augmented reality (AR) is poised to benefit greatly from geolocation capabilities. AR apps can overlay digital information onto the physical world, and accurate geolocation data is crucial for aligning virtual objects with the real environment. This synergy is opening up new possibilities in gaming, tourism, education, and urban planning.
9. Climate and Environmental Monitoring
Geolocation API technology plays a pivotal role in climate and environmental monitoring. Satellites equipped with geolocation instruments provide valuable data for tracking changes in the Earth's climate, deforestation, and disaster management. Geolocation also aids in precision agriculture by enabling farmers to optimize resource usage based on location-specific data.
10. Geolocation in Smart Cities
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Smart city initiatives are utilizing geolocation to improve urban planning and services. Real-time data from sensors and geolocation-enabled devices can optimize traffic management, waste collection, and energy usage. Additionally, geolocation can enhance public safety by enabling quicker emergency response and evacuation planning.
In conclusion, geolocation by IP address is on a trajectory of continuous growth and innovation. From the enhanced precision of 5G to the rise of indoor geolocation and privacy-preserving solutions, this technology is becoming increasingly integral to our digital lives. As geolocation continues to evolve, it will empower industries across the board, improving user experiences, enhancing safety and security, and contributing to a more connected and efficient world. Keeping an eye on these trends and innovations will be essential for businesses and individuals alike as we embrace the future of geolocation.
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thorne1435 · 11 months
Did you know that if someone traces your IP, they'll probably route you based on your Internet Service Provider?
I've tried to get an accurate reading of where I am based on my IP, just as a test, and I've gotten results as inaccurate as the other side of the fucking country.
Give it a shot. It's a crapshoot as to whether or not it's accurate in the slightest.
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loser-female · 3 months
Me: using VPNs doesn't allow us to geolocate the user and it hides information like user/agent
Customer: but the pc is in the country????
Okay? How I'm supposed to know that if the SIEM geolocate through IP and you're hiding the IP? I'm not a wizard.
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