#irreplaceable update
newtness532 · 4 months
you see i actually do have to pass all my exams because how am i gonna be bragging that i have passed all my exams if i dont pass all my exams?
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new-muldul · 1 month
I’m sorry for the person I will become when the fear and hunger 2 update comes out
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futuretrain · 9 months
i really should just mute the word 'twitter' on here because i don't wanna seem like i want to defend that goddamn website lmao but a lot of the things people on here say abt it fall into the same "usamerican citizen going 'haha someone actually uses whatsapp like a weirdo just text'" category of clueless because it misses the fact people from all over the world use it in many different ways
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heartcandiies · 9 months
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001: Backstory / Lore
I can imagine that she is originally from Inazuma but moved to Fontaine before The Sakoku Decree was issued in the first place for entertaining other people on there along with the other members of Wonderlands x Showtime.
When she is on Fontaine, she didn't have her vision back then and can only do tricks that doesn't required an elemental power in which is a vision... She doesn't really mind about seeing people can able to have a "miracle" by using one of the seven elements for their own entertainment... As long as it was not meant for any bad things, of course!
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youdontknowwhotfiamm · 3 months
• 193 Palestinians killed, 920 injured in Gaza in the past 24 hours
🇺🇸 US to airdrop aid to Gaza in the “coming days”; it’s important to note that airdrops aren’t the most effective means to deliver aid, WHO stresses the safest and easiest way is by land through crossings which Israel has deliberately blocked from entering Gaza
🇨🇴 Colombian president announces suspension of all arms purchases from Israel and accused Israel of genocide in direct response to yesterday’s ‘flour massacre’ where Israeli forces fired at Palestinians awaiting aid trucks in Gaza City, killing 115 Palestinians and injuring 760
🇪🇺 EU to reinstate funding to UNRWA by sending $ 54.2m next week – EU Foreign Policy Chief says this indicates the EU acknowledges UNRWA as “irreplaceable”
• Hamas says 7 Israeli hostages have been killed by recent Israeli bombing; several hostages have been killed by Israeli attacks since Oct 7, including 3 who were shot by Israeli forces
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reasonsforhope · 5 months
"The U.S. government is entering a new era of collaboration with Native American and Alaska Native leaders in managing public lands and other resources, with top federal officials saying that incorporating more Indigenous knowledge into decision-making can help spur conservation and combat climate change.
Federal emergency managers on Thursday also announced updates to recovery policies to aid tribal communities in the repair or rebuilding of traditional homes or ceremonial buildings after a series of wildfires, floods and other disasters around the country.
With hundreds of tribal leaders gathering in Washington this week for an annual summit, the Biden administration is celebrating nearly 200 new agreements that are designed to boost federal cooperation with tribes nationwide.
The agreements cover everything from fishery restoration projects in Alaska and the Pacific Northwest to management of new national monuments in the Southwestern U.S., seed collection work in Montana and plant restoration in the Great Smoky Mountains.
“The United States manages hundreds of millions of acres of what we call federal public lands. Why wouldn’t we want added capacity, added expertise, millennia of knowledge and understanding of how to manage those lands?” U.S. Interior Assistant Secretary Bryan Newland said during a panel discussion.
The new co-management and co-stewardship agreements announced this week mark a tenfold increase over what had been inked just a year earlier, and officials said more are in the pipeline.
Newland, a citizen of the Bay Mills Indian Community in northern Michigan, said each agreement is unique. He said each arrangement is tailored to a tribe’s needs and capacity for helping to manage public lands — and at the very least assures their presence at the table when decisions are made.
The federal government is not looking to dictate to tribal leaders what a partnership should look like, he said...
The U.S. government controls more than a quarter of the land in the United States, with much of that encompassing the ancestral homelands of federally recognized tribes...
Tribes and advocacy groups have been pushing for arrangements that go beyond the consultation requirements mandated by federal law.
Researchers at the University of Washington and legal experts with the Native American Rights Fund have put together a new clearinghouse on the topic. They point out that public lands now central to the country’s national heritage originated from the dispossession and displacement of Indigenous people and that co-management could present on opportunity for the U.S. to reckon with that complicated legacy...
In an attempt to address complaints about chronic underfunding across Indian Country, President Joe Biden on Wednesday signed an executive order on the first day of the summit that will make it easier for tribes to find and access grants.
Deanne Criswell, administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, told tribal leaders Thursday that her agency [FEMA] began work this year to upgrade its disaster guidance particularly in response to tribal needs.
The Indigenous people of Hawaii have increasingly been under siege from disasters, most recently a devastating fire that killed dozens of people and leveled an entire town. Just last month, another blaze scorched a stretch of irreplaceable rainforest on Oahu.
Tribes in California and Oregon also were forced to seek disaster declarations earlier this year after severe storms resulted in flooding and mudslides...
Criswell said the new guidance includes a pathway for Native American, Alaska Native and Hawaiian communities to request presidential disaster declarations, providing them with access to emergency federal relief funding. [Note: This alone is potentially a huge deal. A presidential disaster declaration unlocks literally millions of dollars in federal aid and does a lot to speed up the response.]
The agency also is now accepting tribal self-certified damage assessments and cost estimates for restoring ceremonial buildings or traditional homes, while not requiring site inspections, maps or other details that might compromise culturally sensitive data."
-via AP, December 7, 2023
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flowerflowerflo · 18 days
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☀️🎀 princess project: get out of this mess!
so, i've been going through a lot lately. i recently found out i've been betrayed by my closest friends, i'm currently in an insane sapphic situationship with a girl who i'm ridiculously obsessed with, i've been overworking myself to the bone, i'm alone, my reputation is trashed, and i'm literally fucked in every area possible.
and yet, i persist! 🫶🎀
ever since summer 2022, the worst year and worst period of my life to date, i vowed to never let another summer go to waste. of course, looking back on it, it taught me so many irreplaceable and valuable lessons and was not a waste in the slightest but a necessary journey for me to get where i am today.
june is in five days. and that means so is summer. and i will stick to my promise, even if i'm in the worst place possible right now. i will never give up. i'm like a pretty pink cockroach. you try to get rid of me and i come back even more infuriating than the first time. ♡
this summer is going to be my summer. i don't care what happens. i promised myself an amazing summer and that's exactly what i'm going to get, whatever happens. and i want my beautiful girls in my phone (all of you) to do the exact same; so i present to you, the summer princess project! ☀️🎀🫶
i am gonna be using this project like my diary throughout the summer, and it's gonna be holding me accountable, too. i'll be releasing new updates on the princess project every day so keep an eye out for those if you're interested in listening to me ramble for ages ♡
this is mainly just a project for me, but you're more than welcome to join in with me and we can keep ourselves pretty and productive all summer ♡
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──★ ˙ ̟🎀 summer goals! ~
☀️𓂃 ࣪ ˖ eliminating laziness: productivity!
⊹˚. 💬 improve my social skills!
🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ solidify my self concept!
⊹˚. 🧁 fix my attention span!
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──★ ˙ ̟🎀 sunday 26.5.24
🗒🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ today's to do!
☀️ mental
journal and get your head together, figure out what's going on and where the fuck we're going from here
had a mental breakdown to my parents. oddly therapeutic actually
🎀 physical
shower and wash hair
🧁 academic
nothing here ♡
💬 social
had an argument with and cut off my ex friend group !!
🎀 leisure
redid my girlblogger den ~
decorated photo walls
binge watched gossip girl
had a girly self care video game night
all my love, and i look forward to sharing my summer with you all 🫶🎀✨️
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writeforfandoms · 11 months
Born for Greatness 8
Find the series masterlist
Well here we are! This is the last official chapter of the story. I do have one short bonus chapter written that is Price and Logan, and I’m open to doing more! I may try to revisit this pack again. If you have ideas/requests, feel free to let me know!
In which we finally get answers. All of us. 
Warnings: Swearing, fluff, pack cuddles, the boys are too cute, brief mention of drugs (from last chapter), I finally get to make the joke
John Price x f!reader
Word count: 3.1k
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Four days after the forced shift incident, you had been gently but firmly shooed out of the investigation. Which was fine by you - you were not an investigator. You’d handed everything over to John and wiped your hands clean of the mess. 
But it had put some things into perspective for you. 
“Finally made up your mind?” Logan dropped down next to you, leaning back to join you laying on the grass.
“Mmhm.” You smiled up at the sky, oddly peaceful despite the butterflies in your tummy. 
“And?” Logan nudged you, clearly not patient enough to wait you out this time. 
You breathed in, slow and deep. You hadn’t quite told John your plans yet, but he’d been busy trying to figure out who’d sent the letter. So. You’d update him as soon as he came up for air. 
“I’ve got a moving company lined up to take care of my apartment,” you told him, still looking up at the clouds. “I was gonna ask you to supervise. You’ll know what’s important and what can get shoved in storage.”
“Storage.” Logan snorted. “Send it to my place, I’ve got room.” 
“Have I told you lately that you’re the best?” 
“Don’t push it, kid.” 
You laughed, quiet but sincere. “I figured you’ll have to send me a few more things, but we can figure that out when you’re at the apartment. I still have no idea what all is damaged.”
“Not botherin’ you?” Logan glanced at you, one eyebrow raised.
“It’s just stuff.” You shrugged. “I keep the irreplaceable things with me.”
“Smart kid.” Logan chuckled. “And the pack?” 
You hesitated for a moment. You hadn’t said the words out loud yet, despite knowing what you wanted. You swallowed and tipped your head to look at him. “I’m staying here.” 
Logan chuckled. “Atta girl.” 
“Oh shut up.” But you were grinning, relaxing under his clear approval. 
“Figured that out, have you?”
“Eh.” You wiggled one hand back and forth in a so-so motion. “I know I want to stay. They want me to stay. We haven’t actually discussed the details of it, but… I trust they’ll figure it out.” 
Logan smiled. “Well. That’s a change from your normal.” 
“It is.” You swallowed, glancing over at him. “Figured I’d actually listen to you for once.”
He snorted. “Had to happen eventually.”
The two of you lapsed into silence for a few minutes, both enjoying the gentle warmth of the sunshine. 
“This doesn’t mean I won’t see you anymore, or anything,” you suddenly pointed out. Because that was something you’d thought about before. 
“Course not,” Logan agreed. “Else I’d come kidnap you.”
You snorted. He would, too, if he felt he had to. “Figured when they’re gone doing their thing, I can fly out and stay with you, at least some of the time.” 
“That would be good.” He spoke slowly, but he couldn’t hide the emotion in his voice. 
“What?” You rolled onto your side, alarmed, looking him over quickly.
But Logan smiled and shook his head. “Not a bad thing,” he muttered, waving you off. “Just. You finally stopped running.” 
You warmed and ducked your head, rolling back onto your back. “Yeah. Guess I did.” You side-eyed him. “But if you throw me into the pond again, I’ll get Ghost to throw you in for me.” 
“Fair,” Logan allowed. The two of you lapsed into quiet again, comfortable and easy. 
At least until Logan stretched. “When is the moving company set to start?”
“They estimated in three days, but I told them I’d get back to them for sure after I talked to you.” 
He grunted. “That’s fine. Better go book a ticket.” 
“You’re sure you don’t mind doing this for me?”
“Kid, it’s going through your crap. How hard can it be?” Logan smirked, getting to his feet and holding a hand down to you. “I’ll just annoy the crap outta you until you give me all the answers.”
You laughed, taking his hand and letting him haul you up. “You’re an ass.”
“I’d say you volunteered, but you didn’t.” He smirked at you, easy and amused. 
You both turned when you heard a woof, and Soap attempted to tackle you. Attempted, because you stepped out of the way. His paws hit the ground and he huffed at you.
“Nuh uh,” you scolded gently. “No tackling.” 
“You’ll have your hands full with that one,” Logan muttered, grinning like the little shit he clearly was. “Payback.” 
“Shut up.” You rolled your eyes, and only realized a moment too late what he’d done. Soap jumped up on his hind legs, front paws balanced against your stomach, tail wagging about a mile a minute. “Uh. You didn’t hear anything, Soap. I have to talk to John first.”
He barked and ran off a few steps before running back to circle you and run away again. 
“I think I’m being herded,” you told Logan, voice dry.
“You better go before he starts nipping,” Logan agreed, just as dry. “I’ll find you later.”
You nodded and hesitated a moment before you darted in to hug him, tight. Just for a moment. Then you backed off and walked away. 
Soap boofed at you, tail still wagging, high-stepping through the grass.
“Oh hush. You menace.” 
Soap just wagged his tail before running ahead of you. You opened the door into the building for him, and he trotted straight to John’s office and sat. 
“Alright, thanks. Now shoo.”
His ears lowered and he hunched a little, looking up at you with big sad eyes.
“No, I don’t care. Do not give me those eyes. This is a private conversation and you’re not invited.” 
Soap huffed but slunk off down the corridor. Shaking your head, you knocked on the door. 
“Come in,” John called. 
He was seated behind his desk, paperwork spread in front of him, though he was looking at you. His lips twitched in a soft little smile. 
“You busy?” You closed the door gently behind you.
“Not for you.” He pushed back from his desk, though he let you decide where you wanted to be. You settled on the couch, because at the very least you wanted to be comfortable for this discussion. 
“So. Never got to answer your question the other day.”
John joined you on the couch, though he did leave a bit of space between you. Likely for your comfort, because you saw him start to reach for you and pull back. “We got interrupted.”
“We did.” You took a deep breath, reaching over to take his hand. He watched you but he didn’t push, giving you time. “I was going to tell you yes. I want to stay.” 
The smile that inspired was warm and big and possibly one of your new favorite things. “Yeah?”
“Yes, John.” You couldn’t help but laugh a little, squeezing his hand. 
“I’ve got a follow up question, then.” He shifted closer to you, eyes bright. 
“Okay.” You smiled, watching him. 
“Would you allow me to court you?” He took your free hand as well, dipping his head a little to hold your gaze. “Properly.” 
You warmed under his gaze but nodded. “I’d like that very much,” you agreed, soft and almost shy. 
There was a whoop from outside the door, almost immediately muffled, followed by a thump. Then another thump. 
John sighed, his head dropping forward, even as your shoulders shook with silent laughter. “Fuckin’ muppets.” 
“They’re yours,” you pointed out, extremely unhelpfully. 
“They will be yours too, soon.” John released your hands and stood, marching over to the door and yanking it open. “Sergeants!” 
Leaving Soap to sputter through an explanation, Gaz darted around him and straight to you, nearly bowling you over in his excitement. 
“You’re a menace,” you muttered, unable to keep the affection from your tone. 
“Only a bit.” Gaz deliberately met your gaze, beaming, held it for a count of three, and then dropped his gaze. This was much more intentional than the last time he’d done it, a very clear showing that you were higher ranked in the pack than he was. And, as if that wasn’t enough, he squirmed in until he could tuck his head under your chin. 
You melted. Just a little. Sure, this was a grown-ass man who was taller than you, but he was just. Too damn cute. 
“Not at all excited, huh?” you couldn’t help but tease, turning your head to rest your cheek on top of his head. 
“Just a bit,” he muttered back, arms tight around your waist. “I’m just… You’re good for him. For us. I’m happy you’re staying.” 
You smiled, rubbing your cheek on top of his head, even though it didn’t quite work the same way as it would from a shifter. He still shivered and melted into you, totally relaxed. 
“You’re still in trouble,” John grumbled, even as his weight dropped down next to you. “Even if you are being cute.” 
“Yes sir,” Gaz muttered, grin clear in his voice. 
“Sure you wanna deal with these muppets?” John asked, curling one arm around your shoulders. 
“I think they’ll give me less of a hard time than they do you.” You couldn’t help but slant an amused smirk at him. 
“Probably right.” 
“We’ll behave,” Soap added, as he popped up on your free side and very nearly gave you a heart attack with how stealthy he’d been.
“Bells,” you grumbled, tightening your grip on Gaz. “I’m putting bells on all of you.” 
“Sounds distracting.” Ghost lounged in the doorway, smirking. 
“Hopefully.” You raised an eyebrow at him, waiting to see if he’d come closer. 
He didn’t. “Johnny, move your arse.”
Soap grumbled but got up again, tapping Gaz on the shoulder. Gaz sighed against your shoulder, squeezed you one more time, and then released you. Ghost shut the door after them.
“Now,” John murmured, a teasing little smile on his lips, “where were we…?” 
“Something about courting,” you teased right back, though you did shift to face him on the couch. 
“Mm, yes.” His hands settled on your waist, pulling you slowly but inexorably closer. “And you said yes.”
“Did I?” You feigned surprise. “Hmm. Sounds reasonable.” 
John chuckled. “Tease,” he murmured, the word soaked in soft affection. 
This time, he didn’t give you a chance to respond. He just kissed you, slow and sweet and exploratory. He pulled back, but you didn’t give him a lot of space, dipping your head to kiss the corner of his lips. His jaw. The underside of his chin. His soft groan rumbled through the air between his chest and yours, and you hummed a satisfied note. 
“You are gonna be a handful,” he murmured, hands tightening around you. 
“Only if I’m doing this right.” You smiled against his skin, pressing one last kiss to his throat. 
“What do you need from me? To help you settle in more permanently.” One big hand left your waist, rubbing up your back to settle at the nape of your neck. 
You shrugged. “Logan is going to pack up my apartment, so he’ll send me a few more things. Other than that… I don’t really need much.” 
“Think about it,” he encouraged. “And tell me what you think.”
“Alright.” You didn’t think you’d come up with much, but he was the alpha. It was his job to make sure everyone had what they needed. 
“When is Logan leaving?”
“Not sure. He had to go get tickets, said he’d update me when he had them.”
John grunted softly, leaning back and pulling you with him until you were cuddled against his chest, your cheek against his shoulder. You could definitely get used to this. 
“There’s one more thing I need to do,” you murmured into the gentle, quiet space between you two. “It won’t be the only time, but it’s tradition.”
“What’s that?” John asked softly, his nose nudging your temple. 
“Cook dinner for you. I always cook dinner for packs, usually right at the end of the job.” 
“You haven’t officially finished yet?” But John didn’t sound upset, just mildly surprised.
“The letter incident pushed back the completion of the job.”
“Hm.” John nudged your temple again. “You’ll let me know what you need?”
“Yes but only because that was a question.” 
John snorted, squeezing the back of your neck gently. “I should get back to work.”
“Five more minutes?” 
He acquiesced with a little sigh, holding you close. 
It took you until the next day to get everything taken care of. The last of the paperwork had been signed. Your final check had been deposited in your account. 
You were truly free and clear of any work. 
So, naturally, you were making more food than you needed. But with five shifters to feed, you figured that would do just about right. 
“Need any help?” 
You didn’t jump only because you’d heard Logan coming. He didn’t bother to sneak much of anywhere. 
“No, I got it.” You looked at him and then did a double take. “I thought your flight wasn’t leaving until the morning?” 
“Got a call from an old friend,” he murmured, stepping closer and setting his duffel bag down momentarily. “Gonna go visit them for the night before I head back.”
“Oh.” You couldn’t help the way your chest clenched at that. You knew you’d see him again, probably sooner than later, but still. You’d thought you’d have a little more time.
“Sorry, kid.” He stopped in front of you. “Especially sorry to miss out on this.” 
That got you to snort. “Next time.”
“Next time,” he agreed softly. He pulled you into a hug, tight and warm and familiar. You relaxed into him with a little hum, holding him tight. 
When he pulled back, you let him go. “Safe trip and all that.”
“Thanks,” he drawled, stepping back and picking up his duffel bag again. “Don’t burn anything.”
“Ass,” you grumbled as you turned back to the stove. “Say hi to Charles for me.”
“I’m not visiting him,” Logan called back, only a little annoyed.
You smirked. “Say hi to Erik for me.”
“Definitely not that asshole,” Logan shouted back from the hall. And then he was gone, leaving you to cackle to yourself. Sometimes it was just too easy to rile him up. 
You didn’t bother to plate things up in any fancy way, just laying out the selection for the pack and then stepping out of the way so you’d have a good view when they came in.
Which you did. And you took in the awed expressions with absolute glee. 
“Christ, love.” John walked over to you first, pressing a quick kiss to your lips. “Trying to spoil us?”
“Maybe a little.” You shrugged, unrepentant. “Sit.” 
You let them settle first, though you kept half your attention on Ghost, figuring he’d want some privacy. 
But he surprised you, meeting your eyes for a split second before he nodded to the chair left open on John’s left. Across from him. You raised one eyebrow but moved to the chair and sat, curious. 
“Don’t need to be so cautious,” Ghost grumbled, passing a dish to John. 
“You like your privacy.” You shrugged. It wasn’t a big deal, not to you. 
He huffed something like a laugh, folding the bottom of his mask up to just above his nose. Scars gone silvery with age marked his skin in the brief glimpse you allowed yourself before you returned your gaze to his forehead. 
“You’re pack now,” was all he said before he took a bite of food. You had the pleasure of watching his eyes widen, just a little. 
Your satisfied smile didn’t go unnoticed, but John only chuckled at you and put more food on your plate. You weren’t surprised - that was very much courting behavior for a shifter. 
“Forgot to mention, love.” John glanced at you. “Figured out who sent that letter.”
“Yeah?” You tipped your head, curious. 
“That’s disappointing but not surprising. I’m sure he’s got the contacts to get that kind of drug.” You shrugged. “I trust he’s being handled?”
“Thoroughly.” John’s smirk was small but satisfied.
“Oi.” Gaz huffed at the both of you. “Stop talking shop and eat.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at that. Oh yeah. Life was definitely not going to be boring with this pack. 
To say that dinner was a success was putting it mildly. Most of the food was demolished. Soap and Gaz both ate too much and groaned their way to the couch to collapse. 
“Your emotional support dog abandoned you,” you drawled to Ghost.
“What?” He blinked, startled.
“Don’t tell me you haven’t seen those videos.” You perked up, a grin slowly stretching your lips. 
“What videos?” He narrowed his eyes at you. 
Holding back your evil cackles, you turned on the TV and quickly navigated to your favorite zoo. “In zoos, cheetahs are like balls of anxiety, right? So this one zoo started pairing a cheetah with an emotional support dog, letting the dog be the more dominant partner. Which allowed them to do things like take their cheetahs on walks and show off their speed and stuff, because if the dog is relaxed, the cheetah is relaxed.” You pointed at the screen where a dog and a cheetah were walking calmly together. “It’s you and Soap.” 
For a moment there was silence before Gaz burst out laughing. 
“Fuckin’ hell,” Ghost sighed, dropping his head. “I’ll remember this.” 
“Oh I know.” Far too smug, you grinned and settled on the couch, totally unsurprised when Soap immediately used your thigh as a pillow. 
“Where is this?” he asked, grinning up at you.
“The San Diego Zoo was the first to do it, but I believe the practice has been adopted by several zoos now.” You paused for dramatic effect. “And one task force.” 
Gaz rolled onto his stomach to muffle his giggling into the couch, while Soap just covered his face with one hand, laughing so hard he was actually nearly silent. 
“Stop pokin’ fun at him.” John dropped down next to you, arm settling across your shoulders. 
“He’ll get his revenge eventually.” You leaned a little into him, fingers carding idly through Soap’s hair. 
“When did you get so snarky?” Ghost grumbled even as he settled in his normal seat. 
“When this stopped being a job.” You grinned, unrepentant, even as you switched away from the zoo video and over to some sci-fi movie you’d been meaning to rewatch. “Now I wanna see how confused you all get with this.” 
“Mean.” But John was smiling as he said it, tugging you closer until you were cuddled in against his side, Soap still using your thigh as a pillow. 
You knew things wouldn’t always be this easy, this lighthearted. But for once you were prepared to work for it. For them. To keep them. The way they were clearly willing to work to keep you. And that was enough.
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I know that I'm supposed to be working on chapter 6 of The Future Left Behind but there was a Cass Apocalyptic Series update today and I had to cry a little so here we are:
Donatello Hamato knew that death was no big deal.
It was a natural biological process which brought every person aware of it to the easy conclusion that everyone and everything died at some point. Dad, Cassandra, the others… They all died, yes, but it was fine. Of course, it was. It’s not like he thought about it almost every day, mourning them and their lives more than he knew them. No, of course he didn’t. That’s not what they would’ve wanted him to do. Well, maybe except for Cassandra. She would enjoy a lifelong mourning for herself. Even though Donnie never understood that.
Never – until now.
Until it was finally time for him to think about it too.
Donatello Hamato knew that he is going to die.
He couldn’t change it. Couldn’t deny it. Couldn’t delay it. He knew. He tried. He tried so many things in the quiet of his lab, but none succeeded. None of them got any results. None of them did anything. He didn’t do anything. And now it was too late. Too many responsibilities, too little time. Too many Krangs too few defence mechanisms and artillery. Too many words and not enough air to say all of them. Too many turtle piles that will be incomplete. Too many lives will be broken. Too many evenings will be spent in dark silence…
Too many things that he will miss.
Donatello Hamato was sure his family will win the war.
Not him. Not the Krang. Not any other survivors group. His family. He knew that they were the last and only hope of this planet. He knew that if there was anyone he could count on, it was them. Raph, Leo, Mikey, April, Draxum, Casey… He knew that they will be fine. They will be okay. Maybe they’ll hurt, maybe they’ll lose a limb or two. But they will survive. They’ll stay alive. They’ll carry on. He wasn’t as important as they pictured him to be: he could easily be replaced by a quantum computer! Not like he had one, of course, but he could build one.
Back in the day.
He wanted to, for a long time now.
But apparently, that was not a dream he could fulfill.
Donatello Hamato wanted to be remembered.
He didn’t say it, but he was sure everyone knew. His desire to get a Nobel prize, to be in a history book, to put his name on everything and anything… Everyone knew why he did it. Because he was scared of being forgotten. Because he was scared that once he will leave this planet, everything he did will too. He wanted to be irreplaceable. And now it seemed his main problem. Why didn’t he build a program that would be accessible to others? Why didn’t he give everyone a password? Why didn’t he think about this possibility? Why did no one tell him to wake up and stop feeling immortal? What if he suddenly died in battle instead of slowly decaying as he did now, having a limited, but still significant amount of time to prepare everyone for his passing?!
Donatello Hamato felt himself being placed in Raph’s metal hands, a soft blanket and the warmth of Mikey’s magic wrapped around him, just like all of his brothers’ arms.
Donatello Hamato stared into the space before him, slowly feeling his chest getting tighter.
Donatello Hamato tried bringing his fingers together into a fist to try and hold on to Mikey’s cloak and Leo’s scarf.
Donatello Hamato couldn’t move.
And after a couple of seconds, Donatello Hamato was gone.
@somerandomdudelmao I just wanted to say that I am a huge fan and I absolutely love the way you show emotions through your comics. like I can't explain it but the absolute pain in that one last frame was AHKGKFJSJFJKDHKFKFK.
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woso-fan13 · 7 months
Comfortember 2023: 8 (engwnt)
8. Grief/Mourning
@lionesses: A heartbreaking update: Y/N L/N passed away last night. Although it’s not unexpected, it’s still an awful loss. She will be greatly missed. 
@LW6: I’m not sure what to say, it hasn’t fully sunk in yet. I’ll miss you, little pea. 
@L.Bronze: The best person and the future of football- Y/N was an absolute force. Life’s so unfair. 
@Alessia_Russo: Y/N/N, you were one of my people. You were so much more than a teammate, you were family. 
@Tooney: There’s no proper thing to say right now. I miss her. 
@Walsh.K: I’m so grateful that I got to know her as well as I did. I’ve never met a more special person. 
@Beth.Mead: Every moment with Y/N was special. She would always manage to put all of her love into every interaction. What I wouldn’t give to hug you again, sweetheart. 
@E.Morgan: There’s a hole in my heart that will never heal. I miss you and I love you. 
@SarinaWiegman: We were lucky to be able to watch Y/N grow up as she was on her team. She was irreplaceable. 
@MEarps: Something that people don’t know about Y/N/N is that she would make me switch positions with her at the end of every training session. Watching her jump around in gloves way too big for her always made me laugh, even when all I wanted to do was get off the pitch. I’m glad she never took no for an answer. 
@Stanway.Georgia: You're part of our team and part of our family forever, kiddo. 
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pawjamas · 1 year
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Hello everyone ♡
As many of you already know, my future permanent housing plan of moving to Tennessee with a friend and her family fell through, and I am homeless.
When they all moved, they took all of my belongings with them - all of my very sentimental, irreplaceable items, all of my furniture, all of it is currently sitting in a storage unit in Tennessee, several states away from me. It is tearing me up from the inside out to not have all my beloved, lifetime worth of things that bring me such great comfort. I have been separated from everything for close to a year now, and now since I will not be moving to Tennessee anymore I want to make a plan to get everything back from these people who left me homeless.
My wife is willing to travel across several states, all the way there to retrieve them - however this will cost an exorbitant amount of money. Currently I have no regular source of income because of my mental and physical disabilities (I am diagnosed with autism and schizophrenia, as well as multiple physical conditions) and I have decided with the recommendation of my wife and friends to make a Gofundme to finally get everything back safely.
These people have strung me along for more than a year now, and I started the very first day of this new year off with getting a sudden text that I no longer have a home with them, and that they were lying to me this entire time. I’m desperate to get my things back both because of how important they are to me, and also so I never have to talk to these horrible people again.
My wife and I figured out the total costs for travel, the large u-haul truck needed to store all my belongings in and drive back here, and a plane ticket for flying to Tennessee from where we live is going to be $1,300 total. The U-haul truck is $1,000, the flight will cost $100, $50 for food, and $150 for gas for the entire 800 miles trip back home.
I’m going to update this post as we hopefully reach this goal. Thank you so much to everyone who supported my previous post, please if this post could be boosted just as much as the other one was that would be very appreciated ❣️❣️
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꒰ Links ꒱
✩ Gofundme Link ! ✩
🤎 P*ypal: p*ypal.me/minou
🤎 V*nmo: @ catousel
Direct donations to P*ypal or V*nmo are preferable, as Gofundme unfortunately has fees that take a percentage of d*nations!
⁀➷ Currently we have raised:
꒰ $0 / $1,300 ꒱
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graciegoeskrazy · 6 months
marvel masterlist
last updated: 2/27/23
newest ones in bold!
b u c k y b a r n e s
not my first rodeo (Bucky + Teen!reader)
untitled something (Bucky + Teen!reader)
Irreplaceable (Bucky + Teen!Daughter!reader)
Changes (Bucky + Teen!Daughter!reader)
Therapy (Bucky + Teen!Daughter!reader)
Finding the New (Bucky + Teen!Daughter!reader)
amending not avenging (Bucky + Morgan Stark)
s t e v e r o g e r s
don’t you let me fall (Steve + Teen!Daughter!reader)
m a t t m u r d o c k
love it if we made it (Matt + Queer!Teen!Daughter!reader)
guilty as sin (Matt + Teen!Daughter!reader + Elecktra)
a m e r i c a c h a v e z
come back to me and i’ll come back to you (Strange + America)
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earthstellar · 11 months
Concept: TFP Ratchet with a cane.
Maybe he gets called out to assist in the field after someone gets injured, but in the process he gets thrown around by a Vehicon and it's one blow too many to a joint, perhaps his right hip or knee, and it cracks and misaligns.
Sure, once he addresses the injuries of the others, he gets up on his examination table (with Optimus' help) and gives himself a good look-over, he can get it back in the socket reasonably well, but it's just not fully repairable with their limited resources on Earth -- and his age and general wear over so many centuries means it's a trickier repair with a longer recovery time.
He can't really fix it, and it's not really going to heal on its own.
The fracture welds need strong nanites to fully integrate, and his nanites are pretty tired. The damage to the socket means the joint could slip out of place again relatively easily.
So, he makes himself a cane, and even though he doesn't say it out loud, he's very glad that the others hold back any comments they might have about it.
Because he is now well and truly unable to go out in the field at all for the foreseeable future.
Even if he utilises his alt-mode, off roading in the rocky desert terrain of rural Nevada is too much physical strain on his injured joint. His shock absorbers just can't manage it.
So he fits himself with a limb brace to hopefully help prevent any repeat misalignments, but he can't put all that much weight on it. He can't fully rotate it, which limits his range of movement a bit.
He's slower, he has to be more careful, he can't stand at his terminal or his work station for so long anymore.
It's a difficult adjustment.
Rafael helps.
He notices how much Ratchet is struggling at first, and does his best to distract him by asking him to sit and teach him more Cybertronian, teach him more alien coding, help him with another school project.
Anything he can do to remind Ratchet that he is still so important and useful and irreplaceable.
And the others linger around a bit (but not too obviously, or so they think) in an effort to help where they can, too.
If his cane slips out of his grip, Bumblebee is there to pick it up. When he can't get himself up on his examination table to monitor his welds, Optimus picks him up and sets him down.
When he gets too anxious or depressed about not being as able to assist in the field anymore, the others take the opportunity to get a break in and wait around a little longer if they can, just to reassure Ratchet that they're OK and they're watching each other's backs and they'll keep him updated and they love him all the same.
Optimus is always through the ground bridge first, always gives a full report to Ratchet; When they are at base together, Optimus is found with Ratchet more often than not. As much time as they can spend together, they do. Ratchet wants all the details, and Optimus wants to be there for his old friend.
After a while, Ratchet starts to teach the others basic field first aid, out of the sheer anxiety of worrying about not being able to go out and assess/retrieve anyone on the field himself.
Everyone tolerates it at first out of a desire to reassure Ratchet that they actually can take care of themselves and each other, but the knowledge very much does come in handy, in more ways than one.
Does it make Ratchet feel a little bit more like he's not needed as much anymore? Inevitably, a little bit, yes.
But everyone does their best to make sure Ratchet is involved in everything he can be, everything he wants to be, as much as possible.
They might know how to identify and solder someone's primary fuel line in an emergency scenario now, but nothing and nobody can replace their medic.
Eventually Bulkhead and Wheeljack surprise him by making him a custom Cybertronian style wheelchair so he can get around the base a little easier when walking with the cane is a little too difficult for him, so he doesn't have to keep getting up and sitting down over and over again.
Agent Fowler makes it clear that if they need to redesign the base to accommodate more space for Ratchet to get around, he can and will make that happen at any time. Whatever is needed,he'll deal with any whining from his higher ups.
Ratchet may or may not have been genuinely touched by this; If you heard him get choked up, no you didn't. :')
Eventually Ratchet does adjust, but the first few weeks/months are hard for him.
But all the support, subtle or otherwise, from his teammates and the humans alike makes it easier and easier to get used to.
(And he is proud of Rafael's progress with Cybertronian language. Time well spent, even if it's not being spent in the field anymore.)
IDK just thinking while I'm on my lunch break lol
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cecilioque · 1 year
Lani Comic Master Post
I’ve organized the comic in order so its easier to find and read.  
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Lani’s Journey
Concept Art >> Part 1 > Part 2 > Part 3 > Part 4 > Have to fight > Meet Kamado > Meet Beni  > Mantine Surfing > Meet Zisu > Bad Aim > Where did she go? > Berry Picking > Time to go > I am Free > Again > You Can Leave? > New Year/New Tracks / Forgiveness Part 1 / Forgiveness Part 2 / But can you stop me / Why I Leave / Meet Volo / Did she leave? / No time is wasted / And so they wait / Home / Magikarp / Irreplaceable YOU / Pointless / Little Steps / Space and Time / Take a break / Speed Run Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Blame Me / Boiling Point / Unraveled / Forgiveness Part 3
Chaos Family Comics 
Dinner /  Coconut / How do you lose a woman / Ukulele / Meme Music / Isn’t that a date? / I have a permit / Lani’s fears / Ice Boy / Panic Attack / The Gang is all here / Watcha got there? / What a Woman / Pretty Flowers / Run / Scars Part 1 / Scars Part 2 / Two truths and One lie / What do you take with you / Emmet No / Smoochies / A Bad Dream / Happy Holidays / Is that his wife?/ Celestica Flute / Girls like flowers / Looking for a fight Part 1/ Part 2/ Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 /  Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Final Part /Surprise / Pearl Clan Outfit / How to say goodbye / Black Parade / Core Memory
Submas Funnies
Heat Stroke / Am I a Man or a Muppet / Muppet Boys / Return of the buff brother / I was sad / Joltik Attack / Emmets Socks / Lego Men
Comics for thought
Meet Emmet Part 1/ Meet Emmet Part 2 / Is Emmet Sad? / New routine Part 1 / New routine Part 2 / Lost part 1 / Lost Part 2 /  We needed you / Plant Trees / A Good Person / We are not the same /
Character Design Analysis
The Submas / Volo / Adaman
Character Appearances
Daki @anime-grimmy / Isla @faestorian / Jess @draken-rotzi / Reno / Clone Lucas @tjs-stuffs​
Other Social Media
Instagram@sunseachu / Twitter@sunjuicy1 / AO3
Caramelldansen Animation Meme Template
Tall Character base / Short Character Base
Email List 
(Newsletter, updates, and bonus offers)
Merch Section
Ingo Haori / Emmet Haori / Diamond and Pearl Clan Hoodies / Ginko guild Hoodie / Socks / Shirts / Ingo Hoodie / Emmet Hoodie / Eel Shirt / Eel Pants
Submas Set / Warden Set / Emmet / Ingo / Volo / Warden Ingo/ Traveler Emmet / Lani / Isla / Daki / Joltik / Tea Time Submas
Other Merch
Body Pillows / Submas Reusable Sticker Book / Pokedex Reusable Sticker Book / Tote Bags / Submas Socks / Keychains
EU Shop
Coming Soon
Hats / Beanies / Plushies
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yuribyrd · 5 months
Good morning Tumblr. As of last night (January 12, 2024) there was a fire within my apartment building. Physically, my roommates and I are unharmed. However, we have no update yet on how much damage spread within our apartment and whether or not we have any belongings to return home to.
I, personally, was not able to afford renter's insurance and had many irreplaceable items within my possession.
If anyone has any spare funds, even as little as $1, I would greatly appreciate the help in getting back on my feet after this devastating event. My PayPal is below, I may update with my roommates' paypals or venmos if they end up needing help as well.
As always, reblogs to help this spread around faster are greatly, GREATLY appreciated.
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an-au-blog · 7 months
The main difference between kidnapped au Buggy and unclenapped au Buggy is the speed (and way) at which they recover. The relationship between him and Shanks in both alternative cases could not be more different as well.
(for those who are confused: kidnapped au post1, post2, post3, unclenapped post1, post2(more links at the bottom of the post))
K(idnapped)! Buggy is almost souly dependent on Shanks. Even after he remembers Shanks and why he had a grudge with him, he's still too afraid to leave his side. Sure, Shanks (in his eyes) was the reason this happened but he's also his savior and the reason he's out of that hellhole. His fear of the outside world is greater than the anger he harbored.
It's a codependent relationship and everyone can see it. Sure, Buggy grew out of clinging onto Shanks's hand every time they went anywhere, though Shanks still initiates it sometimes. And how could Buggy refuse? Because if he did how could he guarantee that Shanks wouldn't leave him again. (Don't mind the fact that Shanks wasn't the one who left, trauma and extended periods of time can warp one's sense of reality)
K! Buggy has no one else. He would tell Shanks to fuck off, but the moment Shanks actually left him alone for a little, he would have this crippling fear that everyone and everything was out to get him again. And he was as defenseless and and doomed as all those years in the cell.
K! Shanks didn't want to feel so good about being so irreplaceable to K!Buggy. He wanted to feel bad about it, he really did. But the feeling of Buggy only being able to sleeping calmly in his arms was intoxicating.
Meanwhile U(nclenapped)! Buggy had the "getting over trauma deluxe" package all strawhats go through. He was surrounded by his friends and just like Robin in the beginning, he felt cared for, for the first time since he could remember. Of course, just like K!Buggy, U!Buggy couldn't do a lot on his own without the crippling fear taking him over. Or at least that was the case for a while.
When he reunites with Shanks (or I guess when Shanks finds them), he was almost the same bratty boy that he parted with all those years ago. And Shanks is so relieved, thinking that he barely changed. He just didn't know he did change, it's just that he changed twice. He could change for the better thanks to his new nakamas.
update: more unclenapped 3, and 4, and 5, and 6, and 7, and 8, both aus kinda, kidnapped, (now with short fic), (kidnapped fic)
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