#is a computer set up required in uneducated
elizakai · 1 month
Hmmm... So you say it may take you a while before you'll get the tablet...
yeah :,) living expenses are like an anvil over the head LMAOOO
and it’ll be awesome and cool and amazing and i appreciate you all and*rambles into the sunset*✨💫
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trevorfkyi452 · 3 years
Photo organizer software
My tool is actually a complete photo organizer software suite, but it is just one which puts your user initially, assisting to highlight their greatest creative solutions within as straightforward a process as you can. Even so, that software is simple to handle even if they have actually not ever tried out working with software to change this pictures before. If making so, this shades constantly appear unrealistic, specially that skin layer shades in which seem for being moreover lemon or chrome. One more main purpose in which is normally also included during that excellent photo organizer program is truly the photograph album designer what is truly easy to manage.
People can easily get that under this effect selection of that photo organizer software alongside additional techniques a plenty of uses just like sort images. Each time you perform objects within photo organizer software or whatever article processing software application anybody are usually making use to your photographs.
Currently there are generally plenty of different techniques to find duplicate photos of a photograph together with picture making it may consume ages to do them altogether. Currently there is also a whole print studio in which customers may take benefit of to organize all of their publishing needs. However just before we start with that several functions of picture preparing, people produce a short quit on your original photograph, because the most necessary point just before the entire arranging event is usually the lighting. Each of those techniques that make photo organizer stand apart from substandard application for photograph making might be find through that method's data menu in the primary display.
Inside that photography, they commonly can desaturate our that this reds if capturing in exterior areas by a lot of greenery making up that setting being will be found along with a bunch of turf, trees and bushes. During a long period we have really been normally taking photo organizer at this personal computer as well as plenty of previous types of Windows 8.
Right before you even get hands on your camera, you need to have to adjust your own self up for successes along with the right photo organizer software
Somehow they discover my classic image album creates a better task for reducing and categorizing pictures to me, so that I take that for my review calendar as well as short solutions, and then visit photo organizer software if they require a few results like manage images. Photo organizer will ensure more help just after it really comes time to sort images a picture album to demonstrate the job. For all this moments while a tiny fleck out of filth produces its way within the photo, this place healing sweeper appears practical. Include several very good photo organizer, my computer software blends our general functions you will really need everyday for expert functions which anybody will merely take once for a period for extraordinary photographic projects.
Since everybody work with some features out of a photograph, but these are literally chosen to will make our taken photographs far better. That is generally based at this bottom left hand side of the display and it really supports them to focus and also outside of the section concerned. The set up assistant will produce a personal computer shortcut, supposing that you want it, as well as may let them to use a band skin layer whenever this is what the rest of that software programs are simply readied to use. If ever you introduce our visitors with the unprepared images that are typically faulty, they do never draw out that wished style, yet that photo organizer software effects our intention to make sure which we enjoy premium quality photographs. The computer software is furthermore very beneficial to find a picture puzzle or even an image album in boosting our three dimensional style out from the image you are literally making adjusting to. The second they press on a specific option, the computer software will often open a new window to get them to operate within. This stamping studio moreover obtains an auto image realignment attribute that provides people together with a method for the design of calendars, image books, photo collages or even photo montages. Everybody can usually run that photo organizer to offer that images an original pen draw shape.
Furthermore, our photo organizer is pleased to everyone that supply products over the internet as well as need to reveal that packages within just as great a light as can be. Whenever there are very big sections inside this photograph that we need to delete, we may utilize find pictures at the top inside this sidebar settings to produce it really more efficient. Made use by skilled to conceal locations inside of pictures or even to shift details at a photograph from one place to an additional, that amazing functionality will certainly really help you to strengthen their picture taking to a different stage in relations to post production. The second they call for photo organizer software based for example most of what is pointed out shown below continue to applies, though some of that functions will probably be literally varying.
Thinking about photo organizer software to search photos or find duplicate photos
Free download photo organizer software for rookies and even professionals and even program to delete duplicate pictures for organize photos or even find duplicate photos
Most photo organizer software features several along with their platform, even though these be not normally actually wonderful as well as you can look for an abundance of options easily available to save. Anyone that sort pictures, regardless if they manage a store or maybe are simply a casual digital photographer, can probably implement its own most skilled functions. Almost all of taking photo organizer program operated is standard feeling simply, though there actually is loads of allowance to perform your special stuff.
The time people get photo organizer, you will probably be certainly revealed to some of the most advanced picture adjustment uses what they may possibly long for, every outlined at an understandable look what causes their whole application software youngster's enjoy to use. Also the very most uneducated novice can probably eventually be an expert within redesigning by having my great software tool. Mainly these prominent pictures at photo organizer software a web site and the major blogs whose look we like so very much. By using this photo organizer software they have to do this find duplicate photos or even sort images at one time, and afterwards transfer this ultimate photo to the laptop computer. Whilst photo organizer software is frequently utilized for making photos to become provided at social networks, you can customize our own unique lengths whenever we don't have a layout inside our ideal size. Utilizing photo organizer program is usually facilitated to delete duplicate pictures image montages and image montages, since the software application contains a very convenient client manual. Working with it, they can generate business notes, publish a photograph portfolio or maybe set together a set about small photos for a review.
Their images take time to produce yet this does not say they just cannot purchase a specialist aim to an image in simply a tiny time frame upon a piece of photo organizer program founded. Which is usually your previous production operations from this time you transfer the photographs upon the computer until the minute you think about the image finished. This attributes could pretty much be located anytime, yet we have not monitored various other photo organizer software to discover if it really includes all those functions, though people believe it really does. Anytime we select any of that pictures function like remove duplicate images, a different screen will appear together with a view of exactly how your image could look just after finalizing.
Since it really is actually soon after this, just after rather strenuous research, they found other options that were normally both very much more efficient and even more productive. My photo organizer software is usually a wide-ranging photo generating package what is truly perfect for professional photograph makers and even somebody who simply wish to clean duplicate our photos look greater along with a bit of building. Their easiest strategy to identify whether the shade is off in a photograph is to look into an element which needs to be literally yellowish.
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ronanvespertine · 4 years
I think what gets people about Hawks is he’s a planner- and we’re so used to merely reacting heros. There’s always the chance when you strike first that you’ll strike wrong, but the alternative is waiting until it’s too late. And isn’t that one of the huge issues people have with heros? That they were too slow and didn’t save someone who needed it? Hawks is ruthless and it’s terrifying to be on the receiving end if that. But he’s been the hero a lot of people needed
Oh my god, this.....this is a really good interpretation of him. I really like how you think of Hawks! I’ve never really thought of it that way.
I’m gonna ramble about this ask for a while, so I’ll try to put a brief answer above the read more cut. I love how you pointed out what people need/expect from heroes in terms of how they respond. The consequences of a villain attack (property damage, casualties, displacement) are what gives fuel to criticism, and heroes can’t really excuse themselves from those results because those consequences are not to be taken lightly and heroes took on the responsibility of minimizing impact. 
It’s the whole thing about “thoughts and prayers”. Pretty words after a tragedy don’t matter because they change nothing. What really matters is action—preventative measures. And that’s how Hawks approaches hero work. Preventing matters and quick resolutions to minimize impact.
And yes, Hawks’ kind of heroism is what people need in a general sense. Meticulous hard work focused around preventing villain attacks or stopping them as fast as possible. But the intensity with which Hawks goes about it is really scary—you’re right to call it ruthless. And that’s normally a good thing until you call morality into question.
I don’t really want to delve into whether his actions are right or wrong, because.....well, it’s complicated. You can’t slap a label on it. And in the high-stakes world of heroism, morality is a pretty ironic thing to emphasize. Heroes act for the “greater good”, but does that really give them the right to kill? And vice versa—is it okay to risk millions of lives for the sake of adhering to a wishy-washy ideal of no dead?
Let’s go with this: morality is meaningless. Life isn’t dictated by black and white—society is. What life is about is choices and consequences—what you choose to do and what happens because of it. (More on morality under the cut)
I tried to keep it short, but it’s still a pretty lengthy answer. Sorry about that. Anyway, under the read more I’m gonna go ramble because anon just ignited the analytics in my head. Maybe check it out, ‘cause I talk a little more about what I think of Hawks under the cut.
The difference between heroes who react (Endeavor, Miruko, etc.) versus heroes who plan (Hawks, Nighteye, etc.) isn’t something I really thought too much on. But that’s a really good way to look at heroes! In Nighteye’s case, I’d say the guy waits too much and he could possible have past incidents that would fit what you’re talking about—waiting too long until it’s too late. All Might could be interpreted as a mix of both, depending on how you look at it, but his “planning” is more an abstract ideal—establishing a Symbol of Peace that discourages crime rates.
Hawks NEVER waits. And that’s the reason why the PLF raid occurred with the heroes taking the INITIATIVE, a big contrast in comparison with other incidents in the manga. In regards to the Kamino Nightmare, UA took precautions but they fell through and the heroes reacted quickly against the LoV to get Bakugo back once they had sufficient data and forces. But later, we see this decision is touched on a little by the HPSC president when she talks about Hawks not being available for Kamino, and how heroes have been trailing after villains’ actions because no one has been doing enough intelligence gathering in advance. 
Hero society isn’t doing enough to PREVENT villain attacks. And well, that’s a big bone to gnaw on. 
We can talk about the very basics—preventing villains from being born in the first place. But that’s too expansive a task, and heroes/government can’t foresee or prevent everything. Not to mention how complicated implementing those measures will get when you start tangling with law. (If you’re from a massive country with a complicated lawmaking system and polarizing political parties, you’ll know what I mean.) 
Then if we focus on something closer to immediate—say, intelligence gathering—that gets a little murky, too. Censorship, surveillance, regulatory laws—until where do we draw the line? When do we consider those preventative measures “oppression”? People will have different opinions of that, and that’ll result in debate and gridlock. 
There’s also cultural issues—how do you mass edit a society’s perception of certain things? 
We had the issue of “villanous quirks” brought up with Shinsou and Toga. Can you change everyone’s mindsets to regard quirks as a natural gene people can’t help but be born with? In contrast, at what point do you need to start considering the evil that could be done by a quirk on the basis of self-defense? (Think about it. If someone had a quirk that made you forget being under its influence, then how would you know when to change from trusting that person to questioning them for your own protection?) 
We also have the issue of quirklessness with Midoriya and Melissa, though I don’t think it’s that complicated. How do you equalize quirks and no-quirks? In contrast, when do you need to discriminate? (It’s the dilemma of equality. Physical requirements for men and women differ because of natural differences in their makeup. It’s fair, but it’s not equal. A minor thing to point out, but you get the idea, right? If you want to take it up a notch, consider the notion of “equal opportunity”. In America, there’s a whole debate about how to raise disadvantaged groups to equal standing without compromising the ones who are already there. Especially in education. There’s this thing about “quotas” in college admissions—colleges can’t set aside a specific number of spots for disadvantaged groups because it will take away opportunities for the rest, but they can include those questions in their applications for a “holistic” process. However, it’s not a full fix. There’s still a disproportionate ratio of minority groups because it doesn’t take into account the minority background: growing up in unsafe/unequipped communities, lacking academic resources or education to compete with those of advantageous groups, family backgrounds that influence the kid’s education because of extra responsibilities, poverty, uneducated parents, cultural stigma, etc. It’s a huge, complex web of a problem that a small rule like that can’t fully encompass.)
Oh god, I got political. But you get what I mean. There’s too big of a mess that heroes/government won’t be able to address every single one of them. So, what they’ll need to do is figure out what they can do and implement it, or figure out which aspect/measure to focus energy and resources on first.
In regards to morality, I answered a previous ask about Hawks and said this:
Sacrificing another person’s life isn’t okay, period, because you never had the right/power to determine another person’s worth in the first place.
I still stick by that, but there’s something I want to make clear about what I think about Hawks. Hawks is free to choose the “wrong” decision. I’m not condoning or condemning him for it. Hell, I’m not even judging him. The way I read My Hero Academia is by watching the characters make their decisions and trying to understand what led to them. I feel like that’s something everyone should try out: just watching the characters, not judging them, but just trying to understand.
Again, morality means nothing. It’s just choices and consequences.
The thing about choices is, you should understand everything about them. And that’s what I want Hawks to build on. If he’s going to make a decision—especially a “wrong” one—then I want him to fully understand the weight of that choice. I feel like Hawks could be desensitized to the weight of life, and that’s what I’m worried about. Then again, we don’t really know a lot about what Hawks feels aside from his expressions and double-meaning dialogue. I could be wrong—Hawks could have a solid grasp on what taking a life means and feel somber remorse over it. But who knows? (I’ll love him even more than I do now if he does understand. God, I love this asshole of a bird.)
Basically, this is what I want Hawks’ approach to Twice’s death to be: it’s wrong, and he’s okay with it. He’ll willingly carry the weight of his choice so he can achieve his dream of a society without an excessive dependence on heroes.
That’s basically Hawks’ whole character. What is he willing to carry in order to achieve his goals? How far will he corrupt himself to get peace for everyone else? (Honestly, the martyr complex is hard with this guy hahaha!) I just want to make sure he seriously understands what he’s “corrupting” himself with.
Anyway, rambling’s over! Hahahaha, I literally switched from my phone to my iPad to the computer to answer this ask lol. And anon, thanks for dropping by!
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anonymuseing · 4 years
Do Your Research, Karen
Reading a chain email that is signed off as "Dr. Capellini, Ph.D" or whatever is not 'doing [your] research', Karen. Anyone can type 'Dr.' in front of their name followed by the PhD letters or whatever. I could sign off on this post as 'Dr. Tumblr' but that doesn't mean I am an actual doctor or that I have a PhD or whatever.
Watching the news is not 'doing [your] research', Karen. Watching the news is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to doing your due diligence.
If you want to do your research, start by checking out "Dr. Capellini"--where did they get their Ph.D? Not just where they say they got it ('cuz lying on the internet is easy), but go to the post-secondary institution that they're citing and check if their name is anywhere on the alumni list. Ask around, see if there's proof from the institution that a "Dr. Capellini" got their degree there. Even better--what was their degree in? If their degree was in Computer Science and the chain email is talking about Covid-19 then that should be a red flag. Computer Science deals with viruses--of the technological kind. Their area of expertise has very little to do with Covid-19 and human health. Turning it off and then back on again is a good strategy for computers--but going to sleep and waking up again is not going to save you from Covid-19 (though, getting more rest and reducing your stress levels and panic over everything is probably good for your health overall). Use your common-sense, Karen. You wouldn't go to a Doctor for a trojan virus on your computer (from reading up on too much click-bait, potentially)--don't go to a self-proclaimed Computer Scientist for your health concerns.
Where has "Dr. Capellini" published their work? Most Ph.D people have their work published in academic journals. You are trying to look into whether or not you can trust this "Dr. Capellini"--so see what research they have done, where it's been published, and look into whether or not the journals their work has been published in are proper sources. A twitter post is not a scholarly source--anyone can make crap up and post on twitter. If "Dr. Capellini's" only 'published work' is through twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or emails or whatever, then they have 0 credentials and I'd be more inclined to say they're a liar or a scammer, and most definitely a troll than I would be so inclined to call them "Doctor" unironically.
'Research' means fact-checking. It doesn't just mean "look at all the institutions (magazines, internet followers, etc.) that have this plastered on them". Fact-checking means taking what someone says and doing your best to find out whether or not it's likely to be true. Having a few thousand subscribers doesn't mean a few thousand people stand by the statement as true--and even if they do, it's possible for a few thousand random internet people (and bots/dummy accounts) to be tricked into believing a lie. Look into the institutions that are standing behind the statement or "Dr. Capellini"--do they have a reputation for truth-telling? Do they have a history of sensationalism and retracted/redacted statements and publications? It's possible for a majority of humanity to believe in something not very correct (via not having the knowledge, or willfully rejecting proof to the contrary)--look up geocentrism and flat-earth-theory if you want examples (and to brush up on your 'researching', Karen).
Good High Schools will be teaching this, and it's basically a requirement in post-secondary--learning what 'research' entails. Proper research means looking into as many different viewpoints on a topic as possible and figuring out as best you can what can be believed. Doing research even at the undergrad level means including a "limitations" section in your paper where you mention some theories/articles/opinions/findings or whatever that are contrary to what you've set out to prove or to persuade people on. Good research is usually written in a "If A and B are true, then C. BUT...(and here's the limitations)...C is dependent on whether A or B are true. If A or B or both are false, then my entire paper/argument goes out the window. And there are some theories that suggest A or B are false...BUT I decided to write with the belief that A and B are true because...[good, solid, reasons--even 'there was more evidence/papers written proving A and B as true', or even just 'in the ideal scenario that I wish to address, A and B are true--so for the purposes of my paper I, as the researcher, am choosing to write with the belief that A and B are true]". A scholarly, persuasive piece worth it's salt is usually written in a passive tone--even if the research knows their theory is 100% correct, they'll probably still write passively and include a "but there are somet that believe the contrary". Good research isn't written in a tone that pisses people off--save that angry ALL CAPS soap-boxing for Twitter. If you want people to listen to what you have to say without rolling their eyes and closing their ears/minds to your message, speak politely and with respect. People that have done their research do not need to rely on ALL CAPS for shock value or to get people to listen to them.
Karen if what you do is 'research' then post-secondary education is even more of a monumental waste of time, energy, resources, funds, blood, sweat, tears, and heartbreak than it already feels like to those that have gone through it. Yes, it's a human social construction. Yes, there are people that graduate and regret everything they put into it. If 'doing research' was as simple as reading a chain email or clicking on every sensational headline to come across our dashboard and yelling our opinion on the truth at anyone and everyone--refusing to listen to beliefs/theories/opinions to the contrary...then why are people paying many thousands of dollars for a post-secondary education? Why do you insist that your children graduate from post-secondary education and yet you reject their idea that 'research' is so much more than scrolling through social media and believing every 'Doctor' that comes across your screen? Clearly, you're willing to buy into the idea that "Dr." and "PhD" mean something--even if you clearly don't know what those prefixes and suffixes mean. Clearly those two things have some sort of authority to you. Your adult-child may not be a Doctor and may not have a PhD...but neither do you, Karen. Believing every self-stylized 'Dr.' isn't doing your research and arguing with your Bachelor's Degree child on this matter is proving that you're willing to believe an anonymous internet troll over your own child. It means you're writing off all of the time and money (probably some of your money) and effort that your child went through to get their education. It means that the word (coughLIESough) of internet strangers means more to you than the words of your own child, whom you know and have watched grow up. And, from the perspective of anybody who knows how to do proper research, it means you are more than just a part of the 'uneducated masses'--it means that you are part of the problem. Misinformation is just as dangerous as Covid-19. People that believe the whole "inject yourself with bleach to kill the virus" thing that started, or people that believe that every Asian is a carrier of Covid-19--they are just as dangerous as Covid-19. People have been hurt and died because of the proliferation of misinformation. Covid-19 has many unknowns and it's scary and does result in the death of a heck of a lot of people--but it is survivable. Stupidity, prejudice, and the rejection of truth and facts probably hurts and kills almost as many people, proportionally, as the virus itself. Humanity may eventually find a cure for Covid-19; but there's no cure for stupidity.
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hihtagra · 4 years
Myths about a Career in Hotel Management
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Choosing a right career is very important for an individual. There are careers beyond Medical, Engineering, Management, Fashion Designing, Interior Decoration, Law, Corporate Relations, etc. that have equal or greater scope. Many other rewarding careers exist that most of us are not even aware of. The few of us, who are daring to take the chance, lack the right amount of knowledge. The remaining others are discouraged by their parents and become sceptical. Thus, they end up following the sheep. One such rewarding field is Hotel Management.
Often, when people hear Hotel Management, they visualize a man who wears a white chef coat with an apron. He either cooks the food or serves it. In today’s scenario, most of the people still think that Hotel Management is just about cooking or serving food. But, in reality,  the field has grown tremendously  in recent years and stands apart as a rewarding career in itself. If you are also one of those who have such common misconceptions, then read on this article.
Here are several myths about a career in Hotel Management, and a quick reality check: 
Hotel Industry & Hospitality Industry are the Same Thing
The Hotel industry is a component of the Hospitality industry as a whole. The Hotel industry is only one small piece of the Hospitality Segment. The Tourism and Hospitality industry also includes aviation, cruises, theme parks, restaurants, fast food joints, event management, housekeeping services, transportation, estate management and much more.
Hospitality Industry is just about cooking and serving skills
Many of us feel so as we don’t know the industry dynamics at all. People who do not work in the hospitality industry do not know the amount of skill that is required to operate it. It is true that it is not rocket science, but the successful operations within the industry are quite methodical.
Hotel Management is much more than just cooking or serving food. It is a serious business that involves food and beverage production and service going up to housekeeping department – who maintain clean and comfortable environment in the hotel, front-office operation – who ensure smooth operations between departments and looks after the needs of the guest on arrival and during the stay in the hotel, event planners – who are involved in conception and completion of the events such as conferences, festivals, etc, and sales and marketing people and accounting department to name a few. Hence, there are numerous specialized career paths to explore in a hospitality industry.
This industry is an amalgam of effective management strategies and planning, practicing control tools, operation management, marketing and sales tactics, skilled employees, staff development and routine training. There is a definite value in their measurable, calculated approach.
Job Options in the Hospitality Industry are Limited
Do you like to be lively, enjoy singing or dancing ? Perhaps you would do well working as a performer on a cruise ship or showing your bartending skills on a floor. Do you love social media? Working as a social media marketing coordinator or consultant for independent hotels could be your cup of tea. The point is that, within the hospitality industry, you are constrained only by your personal ideas and not by opportunities.
All Hospitality Workers are Maids
It is true that there are a plethora of jobs such as bellboys, maids, servers, and other similar positions that do not require formal training.
However, with the right education, you can bypass these low paying positions and jump start your career as restaurant, hotel supervisor or manager, housekeeping supervisor, lobby manager, front desk executive, bar manager, wine steward, or event planner. These positions are more interesting and offer much better pay.
For more details please visit our Hotel Management Campus area: 
The Hospitality Industry is Glamorous
On the other end of the spectrum are those who believe that working in the hospitality industry involves only mixing with celebrities and the rich and famous. While this does happen, but most of the time it involves just plain hard work, learning new skill sets and performing new challenging tasks.
It’s hard to find a Hotel Job and that too is low paid.
The Hotel Industry is said to be an industry with most employability potential. It is rated  as the biggest employment provider worldwide. The industry has lot of potential for technological adaptation. The Industry is full of opportunities and in times to come it will be the industry with maximum growth potential for freshers. The time span from an entry level position to a managerial position in general has reduced to 2 years in some leading hotel chains. When it comes to landing the best jobs in the hospitality industry, skill set is the key, and social media is playing a growing and critical role in finding qualified individuals to fill job openings.
The Industry is full with job openings and career opportunities but only if one grooms her/himself as per the industry standards. The Hotel Industry is paying good salaries at entry levels as compared to many other career avenues and it has started good innovative practices on work life balance. In near future it is forecasted to be among the best rewarding careers.
Once you graduate with a hotel management degree, there are limitless opportunities waiting for you. You are eligible to join hospitality sector as a operational trainee or management trainee moving up the ladder as a manager to director operations in few years. The initial salary is approximately INR 15000 which goes up to lakh per month and more with experience. You get to work with international and national chains like Marriot International, Hilton worldwide, Hyatt, Carlson, Oberoi’s, Taj, ITC, Jay Pee, Radisson and many more International hotels, Fast food, Fine dining chains. If you get an opportunity you can take a transfer easily from India to overseas. So, it’s not wrong to say that your degree can become your passport to the world.
The Hospitality Industry Requires You to Work for Long Hours
Yes. Till 2015, it was correct at entry level positions or during industrial and vocational training schedules. Things have improved drastically and HR managers in Industry are now talking about work life balance, recreational activities, family benefits and many more. Jobs in the hospitality sector offer plenty of variety in terms of skill enhancement when it comes to the number of hours worked. Few organisations have now adopted a culture of 5 days week work schedules.
Because the hospitality industry is a 7 day a week, 24 hours a day kind of business, you can choose a position that works around your schedule. Day shifts, night shifts, broken shifts are always available.
For more details fill the: Online Registration Form
Hospitality Jobs are for the Uneducated
The hospitality industry offers a dynamic work environment, so it is true that an expert with a skill set of a particular field might do well here; but that does not mean that individuals who work in hospitality sector are uneducated.
Today hotel management is a career by choice and the process to be accepted into a top program is rigorous in reputed Hotel Management Institutes. The curriculum for a top hospitality program will include fundamentals of management, business communication, marketing, accounting, organisational behaviour, economics, law, foreign language, behavioural sciences, environmental science, facility management, computer science, among many other technical subjects.
You Are Restricted To Hotel Industry after Pursuing Hotel Management
With a hotel management degree one is not constrained to the hotel industry only but sky is the limit. This industry offers a number of exciting and diverse career opportunities, which are directly related to the HM degree such as, Accommodation manager, Catering Manager in hospitals, conference centers, care homes, etc.
Event Manager:  working in exhibitions and fairs, conferences, product launch, etc.
Airlines: work as cabin crew, culinary manager, flight attendants, etc.
Travel & Tourism Sector: open up avenues such as travel agents, sales managers, and tour managers, etc.
One can work as skilled human resource in cruise or in a casino.
One can work as skilled human resources in multi-cuisine fine dine restaurants, fast food outlets.
One can opt for Government Jobs as Management Officers or can pursue a career with armed forces in catering division.
One can work as Public Relation Officer in many MNC’s
One can opt for a career as free lancer
One can be a content developer
Work as a professor in education sector and many more new avenues are opening up for them.
Visit Now: To make your career in hospitality join hands with HIHT
                 Heritage Institute of Hotel & Tourism Agra and Shimla
Only those with Low Score in School should go for Hotel Management Degree
It takes a lot more than just marks to own a Hotel Management degree. One needs to be skillful to be a part of this exciting yet challenging industry. The vast course curriculum it encompasses within itself certainly doesn’t make this course lack in knowledge management. Student scoring high marks are also opting for this rewarding career as it not only provides exposure in terms of meeting new people or developing one’s overall personality, but with globalization, it is one of the fastest-growing industry, and is ranked 2nd in terms of employ-ability after IT sector. So, today is the perfect time to get started.
Women Don’t Have Good Prospects in Hospitality Industry
Despite significant progress in many years, it is still believed that women can’t do well in hotel industry orthe industry doesn’t provide healthy environment for them. Many hold a perception against women stating they are not firm enough to make any decisions. But hospitality industry is quite incompetent without the grace and elegance that a lady brings with her. Take an example of guest relations – women employees are more preferred over male due to their pleasing personality, and women also fair better at verbal and interpersonal skills, and are also good at handling pressure. According to the many published reports women perform large chunk of hospitality jobs, and the proportion of women in senior positions has also increased. So, it is fair to  say that the industry today holds more potential for women than ever before.
Skills Required:
Good written and spoken communication skills
Good Interpersonal skills
Pleasing personality
Ability to keep calm during stress
Business skills
Energy and enthusiasm
Technical Skills
Career Path to Follow In Order To Pursue Hotel Management after 10+2 (In any Stream)
Path 1 – Pursue graduation in Hotel Management for 4 years or a 3 year recognised Diploma of AICTE
Path 2– Pursue short Diploma in Hotel Management for 1 year, then pursue internship.
Career in Hotel Management selection is one of the most important and calculated decision of one’s life. One needs to explore and understand in-depth career opportunities and not depend on half knowledge/information, and land up with a wrong career choice. Making the right career decision is hard but can bring you the huge amount of happiness and satisfaction. Hotel Industry is beyond cooking, serving food or operator answering phone call on the second ring and surely has a lot of scope in the coming years, and with globalization it is going to stay as a leading career choice, it has large employment opportunities.
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marginalgloss · 5 years
a glass bell
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This book is a short collection of stories by Stefan Zweig. There are only four of them collected here. I’ll describe each one in turn. 
The Invisible Collection describes a visit to the home of an old blind man by an antiques dealer. The dealer arrives expecting to get a look at a set of valuable prints at the home of an old customer. But when he arrives, he finds himself complicit in a sort of ruse with the blind man’s family. The prints have been sold long ago. The pages in the folios still so lovingly turned by the owner’s hands are blank. The story has the subtitle ‘An Anecdote from the Years of Inflation in Germany’ — on that level, the metaphor is perhaps a little too direct. Like money, those pages have a value which essentially depends on a sort of collective delusion as to their worth. The story has that heightened quality of anguish that is common to Zweig’s work. It is essentially an overwritten, over-dramatised rendition of a poetic image; but the image is haunting regardless. 
Twenty-Four Hours in a Woman’s Life is a little more developed. It is tempting to call it cinematic, given that it is so driven with the power of a direct, silent image — in this case a figure glimpsed repeatedly from across a street, or across a room. That said, as with all the stories in this collection it uses a frame narrative. After a minor scandal in a country hotel, an older woman recounts to the narrator an event from years ago. She tried to help a man, a gambler, who had lost a huge amount of money; she ended up falling for him; he ran away; she couldn’t stop him gambling. As a conventional story it is perhaps the most complete thing here. It is also madly overwrought. Zweig was popular in his lifetime but he was not always well-liked, and in this story it’s easy to see why. Every emotion is heightened to breaking point. 
Incident on Lake Geneva is comparatively slight, and highly restrained. It is not much more than ten pages long. In the year 1918, a naked man is found by a fisherman, clinging to a set of broken spars; when he is brought ashore, only the ex-manager of the local hotel can speak to him in his native Russian. He is a nameless conscripted soldier who somehow became separated from his regiment, and is entirely lost. It is unclear how exactly he came to be on Lake Geneva — it seems he picked west when he should have wandered east. At any rate he is stranded in neutral Switzerland — he cannot leave without traversing other non-neutral countries. He is distraught and, in the end, he drowns himself in the lake. The story is a bleak, minimal thing. It concludes on a stark image: ‘…a cheap wooden cross was placed on his grave, one of those little crosses marking the fate of nameless men that cover our continent from end to end.’
A Game of Chess is perhaps one of Zweig’s most famous stories. (Oddly, it has had various titles in English under various translators: ‘The Royal Game’, ’A Chess Story’, ‘Chess: a Novel’ or sometimes simply ‘Chess’.) The narrator is on a ship bound for Buenos Aires when he discovers that a famous chess grandmaster named Czentovic is on board. Czentovic’s story is well-known: he was the uneducated son of a poor peasant when his matchless talent for the game became apparent. The narrator is fascinated by this imposing, uncouth figure, and in an effort to draw him into a game he falls in with an arrogant passenger wealthy enough to put up enough cash to draw Czentovic’s attention. The two of them challenge him as a team, and they are almost beaten when they draw the attention of a third — a nervous stranger named Dr B who has his own uncanny gift for the game. He claims not to have played for twenty-five years, and his advice seems to come from a place of desperation, but he seems like the only one capable of defeating Czentovic. Soon enough he tells his own story. 
Dr B was resident in Austria when the Nazis annexed that country. He was taken prisoner by the Gestapo, who believed he was keeping information from them regarding the old Austrian monarchy; being an otherwise respectable middle-class citizen, he was kept under arrest in the relative comfort of a hotel room. But with nobody to talk to and nothing to read or watch or do, his solitary confinement became tortuous. It is a haunting picture of isolation:
‘I lived like a diver in a glass bell in the black ocean of silence, a diver who guesses that the cable connecting him with the world above is severed and he will never be drawn back up from the soundless deep.’
The most affecting image here is not the darkness or the silence — if those can be called images — but the glass bell. The thing which, in spite of everything around it, keeps us aware that there is some distinction between the self and the void. It is from the awareness of this distinction that the pain arrives.
One day Dr B finds solace. He steals a book from the coat pocket of an officer which turns out to be a book of chess problems. At first he is disappointed, not having any pieces or a board, but eventually he becomes fully proficient in playing the game entirely in his head. For a while he becomes happy and mentally stronger — but he cannot rid himself of his unspoken obsession with chess. The 150 problems in the book soon become exhausted, and to maintain his interest he is forced to play against himself. 
‘If black and white are one and the same person, a preposterous situation is produced in which a single mind is supposed both to know something and not to know it, so that its white self should, by self-command, forget all the aims and intentions of its black self a minute earlier. The premise for such dual thinking is a totally split consciousness, with the brain’s functions being switched on and off like a mechanical apparatus. Wanting to play chess against oneself is thus as much of a paradox as wanting to jump over one’s own shadow.’ 
Dr B describes the effect as akin to a split personality. But it is not simply a duality — to compute every one of the many alternative moves effectively requires a multiplication into countless simultaneous selves. The strain becomes too much. After a violent attack on a guard, he ends up in a hospital. Eventually, with some help from a benevolent doctor, he is released. He leaves Austria and tries to forget about chess entirely. 
A Game of Chess was the last story Zweig ever wrote. He and his wife had been living in exile in South America during the second world war; a day after posting the manuscript to his publishers, they committed suicide. It is hard to avoid thinking about this while reading this story. At first it seems much like most of his other stories — the format is the same, with the heart of the matter being framed as an encounter with a stranger in some marginal travelling space. But where the drama should be is only a terrible void. There are no questions of shame or moral or ethical responsibility; there is only a man kept in a room forever, slowly losing his mind.
The coda of the story is, as you might expect, a match between Dr B and Czentovic. The latter finds a weakness in B’s otherwise impregnable approach — B must play quickly. He works to the speed of his own brain, and so any kind of forced delay in between moves becomes intolerable. And so Czentovic begins to take longer and longer to move until B begins to become confused. Errors are forced from his opponent. He loses. And in this, we glimpse something uniquely cruel. It is not so much that Czentovic behaved in an underhand way because he couldn’t find a way to win on his own terms — that much might be expected from any cunning sportsman. The cruelty comes from the spectacle of a man finding another man’s weak point and pressing down on it with all his strength. It is a uniquely horrific sort of exploitation. But this is what competition does to us. Perhaps society relies on men like Czentovic in order to go on functioning. 
The chess games that went on in Dr B’s head were sustained by the idea of constant, total multiplicity: given that both sides were always ultimately B’s side, there could be no real process of elimination — no winners and losers. There could only be an endless selection of moves, categorised as ideal, optimal or otherwise. The confusion would become total, but he could never really defeat himself when the only opponent was his own expectations. But every game of chess that happens in the world outside B’s head must result in the ultimate submission of an individual. Czentovic understands this, and places B in a situation which he cannot survive. It is not sufficient to calculate the perfect move from every given variation when you suddenly find you have forgotten the rules.
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skepticaloccultist · 6 years
What A Wizard Must Know
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When I was a young teen, fresh in my studies of all things occult, I found a copy of some book on magic at a local bookshop. A pulp kind of mass produced volume it was rather a hodgepodge of artifacts and ideas lifted from various historic sources. While the info contained in those pages was pretty basic, not well edited, and otherwise inconclusive it provided a detailed bibliography that was a solid set of primary source references.
Among those authors cited that first drew my attention were Agrippa and Eliphas Levi. There was, in the quotes from these author's works cribbed for this paperback edition, a certain theme that immediately struck me as important. This was the idea that the practicing wizard had to make most, if not all, of the tools and implements in their practice. From the blades and wands to the shoes and robes, each tool was given instructions that made it clear that no outside help should be involved in the making of one's magic. Even to the degree of mining ore and forging one's own blades, raising and killing the goats to make one's parchment and leather, etc.
While in this 21st century dystopia of amazon instant gratification it may seem impossible for a magician to do these things, and many contemporary "occult" authors may scoff at such a level of involvement in the making of their tools, the reality is that this is more than just an impractical hurdle in the magician's life and practice.
To understand the nature of these requirements of self-made ritual tools we must ask ourselves what exactly a magician is, and what skills a magician must hold in order to do the things that we do.
There is a saying, often attributed to the author Arthur C. Clarke, that "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Of course, literalist idiots will argue that magic is not technology, somehow misreading the word "indistinguishable" in that phrase. It's not so much that advanced technology is magic, its that one is not able to perceive the difference between said technology and magic.
In the vast trove of myth and legend the history of magicians and witches is one that repeatedly gives the impression that these practitioners were able to do things that others could not. In the ignorant masses this caused fear and uncertainty, often blaming those with healing skills for causing disease, the typical confusion of the uneducated between the cause and effect.
But this theme, that magical practitioners can do things mundanes cannot, is strikingly present in all cultures, in all periods of human development. Babylonian sorcerers, Egyptian priests, Norse priestesses, Siberian Shamans, Haitian hougans, Scottish wizards - you name a group of humans and those who practice magic among them are considered a step apart from the rest of society. They have access to knowledge others do not, they can do things others may only dream of.
The path of magic is not an easy path. It is one of constant learning. But at each level of existence in a magician's life we must be able to do for ourselves. We must, more than any other group of people, understand the fundamentals of every facet of our existence and the functioning of the world around us. It's not just that we need to fully understand the metallurgical processes of smelting ore and forging iron into steel, or killing and harvesting an animal's variables for leather and bone. To be a magician we must understand EVERYTHING about the world around us to the best of our own personal ability. How it all works, what it looks like inside, from a computer to a dead fox, from an unpolished gem to java script, and from the biology of all plants to the quantum physics of every atom. A magician must be able to learn all things, know how to do everything that needs doing in this world. To understand the fundamental nature of the universe around us.
Why, you might ask, does the practice of magic require this level of knowledge? How does knowing all of the things help us in our practice? But if you have to ask how the accumulation of knowledge helps one achieve their goals then you may be barking up the wrong tree. Magic is not an easy thing, despite countless millions of paperback books, shit websites, cults calling themselves covens, newage gobbledegook self help nonsense all telling you how "simple" it is, how burning a candle or burying some bit of old cloth will let you do this or that. It is never as simple as those who would take your money and tell you differently would like you to believe.
To do remarkable things requires remarkable knowledge. There are countless people in this world who have convinced themselves they are doing magic when they are not, some of them best selling "occult" authors. The whinging at the requirements for Solomonic magic, at the fasting requirements for tantra, and the endless attempts to "simplify" magic for a broader audience too lazy to do the required steps are merely capitalism. No one telling you its easy does so from a place of understanding. As well most doing so are trying to get you to pay them for their simplified reductionist garbage. It's a con, and has about as much to do with magic as Harry Potter.
The harsh and unrelenting truth is that the practice of magic is difficult, requires constant study and research, and forces the magician to learn over and over every single thing about the world around them. The ancient magicians of history like Michael Scot, John Dee, and Paracelsus, sought knowledge above all things. They explored the world and sought to understand its functions first hand. They travelled extensively in their researches and read everything they could get their hands on, often resorting to translating for themselves texts that had otherwise never made it to their native languages.
A wizard or witch must be able to do all of the things, to make by hand every bit of tool and kit needed. To hunt their prey, to heal their kin, to hex their neighbor and to ride out on the wild winds beyond, a witch or wizard must KNOW, more than all others, more than seems possible. It is knowledge that gives us our power, for in knowledge we are constantly hungry, constantly seeking to know more. It is the very spirit of magic, this seeking of knowledge. To dismiss it as impractical, to attempt to substitute hard work with shortcuts, is a sign that one is not serious in their path. If you think you can get away with not doing this bit or that, not reading the full text, memorizing the exact words, making the required tools oneself, or understanding the structural implications of the magic you practice, you may be fooling yourself that you are a magician.
If you are serious in your path you will seek to know all there is, to experience the entire range of human knowledge. To sweat under labour, to strive under intellectual duress, to devour all experience and knowledge in order that you may navigate the realms beyond and see the wiring under the board of reality. Its hard work, but it is the very reason we have been set apart from the rest of humanity for countless millennia.
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youbusiness2025 · 3 years
regarding far as I am worried, How to make profits from a small business among the main reasons the washout rate for small business owners is so high is due to the fact that way too many financiers fail to put sufficient focus on obtaining the maximum return on every dollar and hr that they take into their local business.
Instead, they seem to be much more concerned concerning pointless stuff like the color of their calling card.
In any small business undertaking, an absence of emphasis, combined with the failure to focus on jobs, is a recipe for failing.
So, as well, is the type of complacency that types an "if it ain't broke, don't repair it" attitude, which normally leads to a stagnant service that's barely able to keep its head above water.
That's why to my way of thinking, the catch-phrase "less complicated, much faster, and also cheaper" must be the rule of every investor in America.
I say this due to the fact that I have actually learned the hard way that for me to continually attain the greatest possible rate of return on the money as well as time that I buy my service, I must constantly assess, refine, as well as fine-tune every facet of my procedure, to make it easier, quicker, and cheaper to run. Nowadays, I think about my company as a high-performance auto engine, which needs to be finely turned as well as adjusted to run at its optimum speed as well as maximum effectiveness.
I can tell you from experience that in order to operate a small business at maximum effectiveness and success, it takes:
1. Personal and economic technique. 2. Organizational abilities. 3. Monitoring knowledge. 4. Thorough planning and interest to detail. 5. Prioritization of tasks according to their revenue possibility. 6. Optimum use of available technology. 7. Exact record keeping. 8. Maximum use all the tax benefits that are offered to local business owners.
It Takes Discipline to Operate a Service at Optimum Effectiveness as well as Profitability
It takes a combination of individual and also economic self-control to operate a small business at maximum effectiveness and also success. Initially, you require to have the campaign and also self-control that's needed to be effectively independent. You need to work smart, so you don't waste your valuable time doing grunt-type jobs that can be hired. Simply put, do not spend your time cleaning up trash around your office when you should be out searching for clients. Second, you need to have the economic discipline that's required to operate your local business at maximum earnings. The only manner in which you're ever before going to have the ability to maintain your costs under control is by:
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1. Taking on a fundamental mentality that's totally focused on making the most of the profitability of your organization.
2. Operating your service on a bare-bones spending plan by getting all tools, supplies, and also solutions at the most affordable offered prices in your location.
3. Keeping close track of business expenses by meticulously reviewing all billings for mistakes, overcharges, and also fake fees.
Prioritize Tasks according to Their Revenue Potential
The leading concern that you must continuously ask on your own when you're working in your local business is:
Is what I am doing right this min one of the most lucrative use my time? A lot of people fail as small company owners just due to the fact that they're never able to prioritize jobs according to their revenue capacity.
Because they could not distinguish between what's important and capacity just wind up earning a profit since could not is very important as well as minor differentiate crucial as well as what's minor, they end up never making a profit. As a basic rule of thumb, I think about any kind of business function that doesn't contribute straight to my profits to be reduced concern and also best left for after organization hours.
In other words, if the job available isn't part of the procedure of completing a property deal that will eventually finish with me mosting likely to the financial institution; I placed it off until later on in the day.
Avoid Transforming the Wheel Every Time You Required to Full a regular Job
Whatever you do, don't fall into the catch of transforming the wheel every single time you require to complete a routine job. The term, changing the wheel, describes re-creating something from scratch. An instance of transforming the wheel would be retyping conventional records, such as acquisition arrangements, over and over once more, rather than storing them in a Microsoft Word record data where they can be printed out as needed. The point here is to work smart by making your operating as streamlined as humanly feasible.
Run Your Local Business on a Bare-Bones Budget plan
One guaranteed method to fail as a small company proprietor is to run your operation in a slapdash manner with no financial controls in place to keep your operating expense from skyrocketing.
Do a Cost-Benefit Evaluation before You Make a Purchase
I suggest that you do what I constantly do, before I ever part with any one of my hard-earned money, and also ask on your own this really emotional question: Exactly how exactly is this-( fill-in-the-blank)-- going to have a straight impact on the productivity of my company? Unless you can validate to yourself why the acquisition under consideration will immediately contribute to your profits, you ought to keep your money. This sort of decision-making procedure is referred to in service colleges as "cost-benefit analysis," which means that if the expense outweighs the benefit that'll be gotten from purchasing a thing, it shouldn't be bought. Keep this in mind the following time that you get need to splurge.
When You Establish Up Store as a Small Organization Proprietor, what You Should Have
I agree to yield that an owner could perhaps run their local business without any of the fundamental services of a modern high-tech workplace at their disposal. However, it would certainly be an extremely inefficient operation, and I am willing to bet that most small business owners, in this type of work environment, would end up spending much of their time performing tedious tasks such as retyping the same documents over and over again. I do not know about ineffective procedure as well as want wager a lot of local business proprietors kind of workplace costs tiresome once more learn about you, however, I've never met any individual that has typed their method to a ton of money as a local business owner. Regarding I am concerned, every neophyte small company owner, that's really severe regarding consistently generating income in their small business, must have the adhering to 6 items when they started a business:
1. Telephone service as well as a pre-paid telephone calling card to make contact the road from payphones. 2. Desktop computer with Microsoft Windows operating system. 3. Microsoft Word software. 4. Internet connection. 5. Black-and-while laser or inkjet printer. 6. Financial calculator.
It's Tough to Do Well in a Digital World Making Use Of Horse-and-Buggy Innovation
Computer technology is right here to stay, and, if you wish to make it as a successful local business owner in today's electronic globe, you had much better embrace the most up-to-date technology and also learn how to use it to your benefit. So if you take place to be computer uneducated, the very best recommendations that I can offer you is to acquire an inexpensive personal computer (PC) and then jump in with both feet and learn just how to use it. If someone with a non-technical history like me can use a computer, any individual can.
What It Takes to Run a Small Company at Maximum Efficiency
According to the Local Business Administration (SBA), 80 percent of all brand-new small companies fall short within 5 years of opening their doors. Generally, the reason for failing can be straight credited to a dreadful absence of company and also planning on the part of business owners. I despise to find across as some type of killjoy, however, you simply can not toss an organization together without any company and planning and expect it to be an efficient operation. It takes meticulous planning as well as interest to detail to set up a small company to make sure that it operates at maximum efficiency. The only way that you're ever mosting likely to have a smooth-running company is by doing the little things right, such as:
1. Keeping a master to-do checklist to run your business. 2. Computerizing all business documents and records. 3. Setting up your business so you avoid re-creating anything from scratch. 4. Organizing your office so that everything you need is available at your fingertips. Use a service
files as well as
Establishing service prevent from the ground up
to make sure that whatever readily available
Utilize Master To-Do Checklist to Run Your Business To keep your business operating at maximum efficiency, I recommend that you do what I've done for the past 20 plus years, and maintain a master to-do checklist. I keep my checklist on my computer in a Microsoft Service
maintain service suggests and also maintain list of computer system Word documents. It functions as a combination checklist and appointment calendar. For instance, each access that I make on my list, details the task or appointment along with the completion or meeting date. By doing this, absolutely nothing slides with the split and also tasks are finished in a timely manner as well as visits are kept.
0 notes
selphplusplus · 3 years
Radicalization: Redux
Two jobs 💵
and still not able to pay rent 🏠
Living in glorified closests
Somehow this passes as an “apartment”
A bare subsistence pod
Stacked on top of each other
Good little worker bees 🐝
Dropping guap to parasites 👾
who parrot 🦜“just work harder”
While they hardly work at all.
Modern day Gentry.
History 📖 instructs is how to fix an aristocracy issue.
*Googles how to build a guillotine in French 🇫🇷 Revolution*
Living in houses like clowns 🤡
Big families,
grandma and mom and dad
with sons and daughters
Four generations of poverty
Under one roof
American Dream huh?
Packed into circus cars,
The homeless we don’t talk about,
Yet half your city is empty vacations homes.
Shouting “Mazel Tov”
During Molotov 🔥 cocktail hour,
2 for 1 special ⛽️
Laughing at your tear gas like
fuck your feelings
And yes ALL cops ARE bastards.
Giggling, we bicycle helmet ⛑ headbutt your rubber bullets.
Bail funds, Maalox, and Black Bloc 🥷🏻
That gold shield you’re wearing has no power here.
Postcards from the autonomous zone. 💌
Getting 20 minutes of concern,
A computer module explaining why
The company’s property is more important than you.
(Let’s be honest, they see you as the property anyway)
Job training
on how to deal with robbery 🔪🔫.
You, Selling $1000 worth of stuff in an hour,
But, Here’s $10 for an hour of your time
1/3 of your life
Maybe a pizza 🍕 party
Theft of the best years of your life
...but robbery though 😒🥴
“Try not to die”
And if you do, “can you still make it in for your shift? “
Needing to see a doctor
but your health insurance consists of:
1 vicks vaporub prn
2 cups of chicken soup 🥣
1 maybe I can get a placebo effect
With some crystals and this essential oil.
You work with the public
In a pandemic
That’ll be $25 for that test
Can’t come back to work until it’s confirmed negative.
No, we’re not going to pay you
For your absence
Or hazard pay.
“It’s just the flu”
Scared to see that luminous blue
Because each stop comes with possible side of murder.
As skin color goes darker,
that chance fucking inversely increases in proportion
But you have the audacity
to say racism is dead that
*AlL lIvEs MaTteR*
Except that’s not it.
In Orwellian doublespeak
Because “All” really means just your white ass.
Why is it the white supremacists
Are always the least supreme neckbeards among us.
“Don’t tread on me, (tread on them)
Pearl clutching before swine 🐷
Selfish pricks.
Setting dumpster fires 🔥 ablaze with the food, perfectly edible, that you bleached like so much white bread, milquetoast un-supreme burrito wrapped up in torts—
Amending and rescinding laws,
Lawyers advising you to destroy 💥 the use-value that could feed 🍱 the world 🌎 twice ⏺2️⃣
Artificial scarcity.
Desperate makes for more easily controlled.
Because, allegedly,
you may, or
may not,
be sued by that uneducated,
near zero resource homeless,
hungry person,
in your dumpster, 🗑
Who is still more brilliant
Than your lack of talent,
Superficial existence, moneybags 💰
God forbid and excuse for being so bold,
That we dared to eat.
To exist. To be alive.
We shall dine on your flesh,
And compost you for our gardens.
It’s fuck your rigged poker table,
We’re appropriating the wood,
And we brought our own cards.
Ripping the blood stained felt,
Nails and fangs bared,
from your casino 🎰
We’ve printed new decks.
This is our house now.
Taking cruises in your yachts 🛥
Joyriding in your I’m-better-than-you cars
And calculating the velocity required
to fling a billionaire with a trebuchet
From atop the Empire State Building
And Impale them on the crown
Of the Statue of Liberty 🗽
Call it trickle down economics.
A modest proposal,
but what does
Ruling class a la flambé taste like?
Striking with projectile soup cans
Twisted tea leave futures
Divine revel—ation
Replacing the cogs ⚙️
Of a broken machine 💻
(We built it anyway)
Instead, we keep the fruits of our labor 🛠
By design, passively extract the rubies
From our blood.
You’ve seasoned your food with our sweat for too long.
Slurped from our surplus one time too many.
So finally, In kalashnikov rhythm
spoken in moratimed bursts of three,
We spoke up,
declared atop a mound of bodies,
from inside the belly of the beast
“At long last, the beast is dead”
And spirits hugher than the GDP you were so proud of.
Voices finally heard.
Enough is enough.
Say their names.
All. Power. To. The. People.
(Written in its entirety at work, on the clock, who said writing doesn’t pay?)
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localocksmithnearme · 4 years
Buick Rainier Fob Keys And Remote Program San Antonio TX
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San Antonio Key Replacement is the premier authority for specialist, fast and honest roadside Buick Rainier locksmith service in San Antonio TX. Our laborers are operational 24hr to arrive to your location with latest Buick Rainier break in and entry, ignition cylinder repair, keys replacement and lock rekeying tools as well as experience in the business adept to iron out any kind of Buick Rainier ignition, lock and key related dilemmas avoiding the towing-truck service to the regional San Antonio TX dealership, so you wont give-and-take on your safety. We can install, replace and repair door lock cylinder, obsolete ignition and electronic push start ignitions besides cut and program flip-key, laser cut and transponder chip etc on the spot.
Buick Rainier replacement keys in San Antonio TX
If you lost the last key to your vehicle or wish a surplus remote fob key decoded in San Antonio TX, looking for a superior swiftest on the spot Buick Rainier lost key made solving, you are exactly in the right web page, call us and our keys replacement workers will arrive to your location right now.
At San Antonio Key Replacement, we are well-informed of the simple fact that any major town in the United States has more than a number of lockman businesses, nevertheless what people don't really know is that each and every lock-man in San Antonio TX commonly experienced in one particular professional trade. Large scale key smith enterprises will give a mixure of safe, residential, commercial or automotive lock-smith services and even car dragging and other service and often employ uneducated agents that might cause damage to your possession or charge more for a an efficient task since he is generally on higher compensate position lifework like high security camera setting up or alarm bootstrapping.
About Buick Rainier locks and key platform
Assembled in 1903,  Buick is General-Motors partition that create prevailing vehicles distributed to China, the Middle East, Mexico and North America. Since 1997 selection of  Buick vehicles are adopting transponder as a necessary electric and anti theft keylock instrumentation. The transponder keys that can be duplicated by a accepted dash-board console procedure or by diagnostic appliances if one or more of the keys misplaced. In 2007  Buick embrace the Passive Entry Passive Start (PEPS) with keyless entry, push-button start and remotes to effectuate commonplace activities  like clicking a button to shut or unlatch the doors in addition to push start ignition or key-less entry.
Ignition repair
Your car ignition lock conducts electricity from your car battery to close to all of your car's electrical units and accommodate small electrical and mechanical parts that customarily have tendency to wear out by cause of starting and shutting off of the engine for many years.  
If your Buick Rainier ignition key wont turn in the ignition, ignition key turn freely in the ignition cylinder, key have problems turning in the ignition and dash board security lights are on, it's most likely a signs of run-down ignition lock or key due to a dent ignition key, broken springs or bad ignition switch contacts which can easily provoke the ignition to go wrong, restricting you from running your vehicle.
While operating a car, broken ignition switch might shut the engine down while driving, which could be very unsafe, therefore we recommend drivers not to poke the ignition lock by non-experience person which may will cause a larger damage and risk.
The most you can do coming across ignition cylinder  malfunctions is to double check you’re in fact trying to light up your own car and call a car keysmith to arrive to your juncture to rekey, repair  replace the key or ignition which will priced as about $150–$375.
Transponder key forge
Present-day vehicle assembled with car's computer and vehicle keys are paired with electronic chip placed on the blade (in VATS) keys or secreted inside the head of the key. When the  key is slides into the ignition break, the transponder chip transfer a distinct code for the car's computer to be verified. Without this adaptable code, the car will not activate.
When a car owner want to duplicate or lose his key, the chip should be reprogrammed with the same key-code in order to be accepted by the car's computer.
Some auto manufacturers years and models minister dash-board console foundation for duplication of keys, but if all keys are missing, the car main computer should be re-programmed by appropriate key programmer owned by a locksmith or the dealer-ship.
Buick Rainier keyless device
Buick Rainier smart key anable a driver to lock and unlock the car door in addition to starting the car while avoiding inserting a metal key, and beginning at 2007, varied Buick Rainier vehicles on the road are equipped with some kind of a proximity key instrument that consist of a short range transmitter.
With a keyless entry, access to your Buick Rainier is generally gained by sending a radio frequency signal from a transponder in the smart key to an ECM in the vehicle on an enciphered channel when the driver solely swinging by within 5 ft of the vehicle with the proximity key on a key ring or in the pocket.
This RF signal and the Buick Rainier smartkey technology, furthermore enable push 2 start ignition (also called Bump starting or Push starting). In this system you are capable of flaring up a car  by clicking a toggles on the dashboard as opposed to turning a key in a key-breach.
Copy vs lost car keys
Newer Buick Rainier key-lock technology accommodate chipped key and car immobilizer and though transponder keys arrive in a range of sidewinder, proximity key, fobik-key and flip-key keys, the main concept behind this structure is that the transmitter in the key transmit a message to the immobiliser in the car. If the immobiliser does not identify a matching signal, the fuel injection will demobilize and the car will not flare up.
Several early generations keys could be conveniently copied employing dash board procedure, nevertheless in most cases to copy a backup key, the transponder in the key should be decoded by a dedicated programming machine owned by the dealer-ship or a locksmith.
If all your keys is lost or stolen, the ECU should be decoded to utilize the new key and dismiss the lost key. This routine serves as a safety feature ensuring the immobilization of the misplaced or stolen key. This key made, technology applicable only to the Buick Rainier dealer-ship or a licensed locksmith, which actually means that you’ll have hire a motor vehicle keysmith or haul your vehicle to the dealer.
24hr car lock out
Are you locked out of your vehicle? You have landed on the #1 source of information . Our local staff member render a crackerjack lockout services 24 seven. With our present-day lockpicking devices as well as helpful and professional competent laborer, we promise you fast and reliable service for your car lock out emergency requirements.. Our main goal is to arrange irregular fastest motor vehicle lock out Our road side agents expertise in any type of key issues onsite, for almost any year, model and auto maker.
Motor vehicle locks modify
San Antonio Key Replacement is honoured to render all kind of Buick Rainier re key services on premises to back up a taken, shattered or misplaced keys. Eminently all current car are assembled with electric key and lock infrastructure and the operation demanded to get your lock adapted has to consists of the convenient compiler for the exact vehicle. Instead of hauling your car to the dealer, just take up the buzz and call our operator office in San Antonio TX and one of our motor vehicle changing agents will be with you as quickly as possible with a traveling van at par with contemporary blank keys, programmers, key cutters and ignition parts ready to fix any type of emergency manifestations.
To summarize
We here at San Antonio Key Replacement, are sworn to meet our customers needs by a punctual mobile solutions to their car lock and key issues insuring immediate reply. Save time, money and effort spant towing your car to the dealership and schedule an appointment with San Antonio Key Replacement for a snap road side motor vehicle lock out, laser cut key cutting, car computer module reflash or lost key made on premises 24 hours. . If you’re goggling for What is proximity key? San Antonio Key Replacement.
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genidma · 4 years
Conjecture: Steps to AGI
Relating to this particular portion of this very universe (however space time and timelines function), if we assume that a technological singularity has not occurred and that it is a phenomenon that will occur in the future. 
Then keeping this assumption into consideration, the spectrum, it appears, may be, between one of the two or three routes that will emerge in front of us. In random order:
There is status quo with respect to how research is enabled. And that we are able to make successive leaps and get to the necessary breakthroughs. We will go from an existing state reality whereby we have narrow AIs that function, to a reality whereby we have a general purpose, non-biological machine that has been deliberately engineered. And this machine is able to learn any task that a sentient biological being is able to perform. And since this machine is sentient, it is able to architect simulations in it’s overall architecture, recombine knowledge and come up with newer forms of knowledge. And do other funky stuff. It may turn out that there is/are some repeating set of patterns that power the neocortex. With slight variations. Like you have cells in the body and generally speaking the cells have a similar architecture, but they perform different functions. 
The next route is that things aren’t as simple as we thought they would be. That, there is more to cognition vs figuring out how the different patterns work together. Decoding and reverse engineering all of these patterns, and more, would take time. Turns out, that putting the reverse engineered patterns, together, in the right order happens to be the most complex and yet, the most beautiful symphony that anyone could possibly put together. (to date). Humans may realize that doing research the way that we have been doing research, isn’t a model that is scalable enough, in order to get to the right kind of breakthroughs that are needed. So newer, distributed and more intelligent means and mechanisms for powering collaboration would emerge. Whereby the incentive structure is going to be geared towards getting to more breakthroughs. Right now we have academia, the military, intelligence facilities, think-tanks, organization and also individuals focused on pre-determining the ethics of rolling out certain technologies. As well, assessing and pre-assessing the impact that certain kinds of rollouts would have. Clearly, these are a set of assumptions that I am making. But, perhaps there is a way, whereby there would be the means of gathering the right kinds of insights from literally anywhere and there would be the incentive structure built into this construct, whereby certain breakthroughs are rewarded. And the construct, will have the framework built into it’s operations, hopefully transparent operations, whereby it can be democratically determined, which set of insights and contributions ought to be rewarded more vs others. There are many benefits with such a model. But the lack of co-operation between the different tribes on this planet, may turn out to be a hinderance and as it relate to the development of such a model. Think of this as the internet, whereby all and any peer-reviewed knowledge that is published, is instantaneously available to anyone who has been white-listed and is on this network. There are agents that will be active on the network itself and sift and sort through the information. And conscious agents (like humans and cyborg) absorb knowledge via a mechanism, that allows them to bypass certain limitations. As long as it can be deemed very safe to do so. 
The third route is that, for some reason humans aren’t able to define this reality. There is dysfunction. Next, even with being close to a potential breakthrough, there is this general inability to reach the necessary set of consensus. And so attempts are going to be made, in order to deliberately retard certain technologies. However, considering the fact that you generally continue building up, this move could cause unintended consequence and strife. As well, down the road, the governing bodies that were originally provisioned to out-regulate certain developments, may lose their ability, in order to be able to regulate themselves. Because, it may start with the thought that certain technologies should be deliberately slowed down or not allowed to be developed. Then, by the next couple of decades, that reality may get forgotten and groups may emerge that simply seek to perpetuate their existence. As well, group-think and presence of cult-like tendencies could pose a risk and as it relates to development of AGI. There is the possibility that there may be those amongst us, who may classify the development of AGI as a threat and may start organizing (in the open/underground) in order to do something about this. Whatever that something turns out to be. But, there are also a lot of reasonable voices across the wider spectrum of society and then there is rational discourse. So that could be a deterrent. 
Throughout human history, we’ve witnessed mobs burn down important libraries and also overthrow governments. So, it would be foolish to think that some deranged mob isn’t going to tap into the collective fears and insecurities (dread powered atop memes) that certain cultural groups may experience. 
Overall, my uneducated guess is that:
The emergence of AGIs isn’t going to be a binary event. Meaning, you wake up one day and there are AGIs. 
There are, at the very least, two parts to how you can slice through the warning signs that we get to hear and as it relates to the emergence of AGIs. Steps to general purpose intelligence (in addition to the general purpose intelligence that biology has powered) is going to lead to towards the development of models of intelligence on a spectrum. There will, most likely be different kinds of agents that will exhibit emotions and intelligence at a varying level. The agents, themselves, would not have a material dependency on resources. Because, these agents do not have to have a dependency upon a biological brain, which requires a certain amount of energy to be provided to it each day. Hence, it is theoretically possible that these agents will devise some kind of a construct, which will allow them to compute on really denser scales. And via this computational construct, they will be able to beam the kind of reality that they would want to inhabit. Think about a gaming network and the computational and energy needs for powering that network and then imagine that construct being x times more advanced and a zillion times (or more) more efficient. The other part, is that humans will condition agents to be a certain way. We will then see the emergence of agents in two or three different set of realities. Cyborgs, AGIs and humans (who continue and choose to be non-enhanced). There will be a different and varying set of intelligence and emotions, that will be exhibited by these agents, who will sit somewhere on the spectrum (between those three points/categories). It’s possible that some AGIs will outright refuse to be conditioned a certain way. So, not sure what will be happening in such a scenario. But, it seems quite likely that some humans will take some kind of an agent, that will be capable of some enhanced capabilities and then try and condition them and based upon the values of their group. Hypothesizing, the potential for misuse/abuse, it’s important that humans take the steps today, in order to start living in a radically transparent society.
Next, and overall there is some level of symbiosis. How that will occur, exactly, I wouldn’t know. In a humanistic, rational, transparent society, the symbiosis is going to occur in such a way, which is to the betterment of the conditions and only contributes positively towards the well-being of all.
Also and just to re-iterate, I don’t think the emergence of AGIs is going to be a uniform event. Meaning, something that is consistent across the board. And so, we are going to end up seeing different variations of the technological singularity. As well, there are going to be different levels of symbiosis on an individual level. What would be some of the pre-determinants, I have no idea. 
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harrisjv · 5 years
SEO Dragon Review Discount And Bonus
SEO Dragon Review - Are you looking for even more expertise regarding SEO Dragon? Please check out my truthful review concerning it before selecting, to examine the weaknesses and also toughness of it. Can it be worth your effort and time as well as money?
7 Search Engine Optimization Trends That Will Certainly Matter The Majority Of in 2019 (Component 1)
2019 might effectively come to be a vital year for SEO as a result of several factors.
With voice search, Online Fact as well as Augmented Truth entering the Digital Marketing landscape, it is essential to take charge prior to things become overwhelming.
Consequently, it's essential to order a comply with up to the brand-new fads and create a solid SEO approach 2019 to shine out in the transforming SEO landscape.
Expert system innovations alter the way we interact with content online, there can be a massive adjustment in just how we work as Search Engine Optimizers.
As an example. Read about the Amazon Look Optimization (AMSO)?
A huge portion of Digital Marketing experts worldwide think that 2019 will certainly be the year of AMSO!
Consider the sales number of Amazon's Alexa Products!
With greater than 20 million Alexa products sold out there, Voice Look is mosting likely to be a dominating factor in SEO.
We, as Search Engine Optimization professionals, have to show flexibility to Voice Search if we want to stay affordable.
Yet that's just one upcoming trend we have actually discussed.
Right here are the 7 SEO Trends that will change the online landscape in 2019:
1. Browse Intent and Code Optimization
' Living in the Future' is the only escape to keep your SEO method up-to-date.
One of the best adjustment in Search Engine Optimization which specialists are mosting likely to put on a pedestal is-- Search phrases coming to be less important.
There has been a huge argument online concerning the relevancy of Keywords and just how Intent-based search optimization will certainly alter the means Search Engines reveal results.
What is Browse Intent?
Well, in today's globe, it's insufficient to throw few keyword phrases right into a blog post as well as anticipate it to turn up in Top 10 of SERPs.
The reason is that Google is disappointing results based just on the key phrases, it is generating results by taking into consideration the intent of the search.
To be exact, Google wishes to show specifically what the user is looking for.
The intent behind the keyword usage will certainly obtain even more and additionally choice as we relocate right into 2019-- a year where there will be an increase in mobile and also voice searches.
Exactly How would Look Intent influence the brand-new Search Engine Optimization trends in 2019?
If a user is searching for 'Ideal method to optimize a site for Search Engine Optimization' we are specific that the user wants methods to optimize a site for Search Engine Optimization objectives.
Yet with each method, the individual may would like to know why the technique is terrific; what is needed to be done; how intensive the job is and more.
What we are attempting to tell right here is that when we develop material for customers, we ought to study and construct practical info which by the way, customers did not even know they needed!
This is fantastic to satisfy the search intent, increase interaction and also increase rankings. Website efficiency as well as safety and security is additionally a significant element one must pay attention to.
Allow's face it. The interest period of the customer is decreasing. This, on one hand, is a scourge for web sites who do not take note of customer experience and an advantage for the ones that do.
It's very important to optimize the website for rate as high as possible.
The use of CDNs, plugins, caching mechanisms, and also strategic company of scripts/CSS data is presently reliable.
However, in 2019, websites taking much longer than 2 secs to lots will certainly be penalized.
Google AMP was developed to offer near-instantaneous website loading.
For that reason, your web site rate in 2019 will always be under the radar.
For the programmers, currently is the right time to optimize JS/CSS and also tighten up the HTML code.
2. Video Web content Optimization will certainly Regulation latest Search Engine Optimization Trends in 2019
A current Cisco white paper brought out impressive outcomes which on the internet marketing experts and SEO experts like us need to take into consideration.
Video clip content will go beyond all various other material types with consumption exceeding 85%.
This is substantial.
The customers who are utilizing mobile data, a big portion of that data is being consumed for sound and video content. It is anticipated that by 2021, 78% of the mobile information will certainly be consumed on Video clip.
Therefore, there will certainly be a spike in marketers attempting to use Video clip as a significant advertising and marketing tool.
With this, we would need to consider exactly how we can optimize video web content to satisfy the requirements of online search engine.
To put it simply, Video clip Search Engine Optimization will certainly become one of one of the most crucial Search Engine Optimization fads in 2019.
What basic facets of Video clip can you optimize?
Channel Call: We advise marketers to run to the 500 customers note asap. The only factor behind that is to claim a vanity URL-- something very important when it pertains to SEO.
Usage Channel Keywords: Channel key phrase elements help the advertisers place vital search phrases to drive website traffic. The emphasis should get on using much more YouTube enhanced search phrases so that the channel gets high positions on Google.
Network Description: This is essential. Do not avoid enhancing the YouTube summary area. Marketers must think about thinking about this from the usability perspective. Your audience would need to know even more about you and also Google digs that. Google awards the attempts to make a smooth customer experience.
As video clip viewership continues to expand, optimizing for mobile users, desktop computer individuals, and also using video SEO belongs to an efficient video optimization advertising and marketing strategy that no organisation ought to be without.
Businesses that would certainly fail to take advantage of Video clip marketing or do not focus on Video clip Optimization will certainly suffer to obtain returns in 2019.
3. Voice Browse will make virtually 50% of all Online Searches in 2019
On the planet of search, Voice is a very leading trend and also consequently, we as SEO specialists should watch on it in 2019.
Let's take a look at couple of Voice Search Engine Optimization Browse statistics:
58% of the customers utilized voice search to find local organisation details during in 2015.
27% see the local service site via voice search.
76% of clever home speaker customers search for local companies as soon as a week. 53% of the individuals make daily voice searches.
The voice recognition market will certainly hit $601 million by 2019.
Voice searches might well become one of one of the most used search techniques.
Brand names require to enhance appropriately for Voice. If they don't, they will certainly be hidden by the ones who do.
Why is Voice Search Important?
People will certainly claim that Voice Look is quick and also boosts productivity.
While it does that, we such as to have a different take on this.
For us, Voice search is very important due to the fact that, with Voice, virtually any person can access the net.
For individuals who are blind or can not make use of a screen somehow, Voice Browse is the escape.
Not just that, even uneducated individuals can currently browse on Google and also obtain interesting outcomes!
We are definitely amazed by this!
Maximizing a site will require a different method with Voice Look coming into action.
For instance, when an individual makes a voice search, terms like 'when', 'just how', 'where', 'why', and so on will be included more prominently.
The businesses which maximize their site for specific keyword phrases will currently have to transform their technique to delight these long-tail searches.
Web sites which were focusing on key words like 'First-hand Car' will currently need to maximize for long tail keyword phrases like 'Where can I locate most affordable First-hand Auto'.
The brand-new SEO fads in 2019 should see a change to concentrating much more on customer intent, analytic and also neighborhood searches.
4. Enhanced Social media site indexing will certainly improve Organic Search Engine Optimization
The content advertising market is set to come to be a $300 billion industry by 2019.
This will certainly have a substantial influence on Search Engine Optimization as these 2 go hand-in-hand.
The SEO trends in 2019 will concentrate much more on developing content that satisfies the intent of a search.
When material designers focus on the customer, content creation will certainly be done not just to place on search engines, but to supply worth.
In our previous blog site, we created on which material advertising and marketing misconceptions will certainly destroy your 2019, you will certainly check out exactly how content manufacturing simply for internet search engine ranking will ultimately fail.
Social Media will play a significant function in SEO in 2019. Social networks will go on increasing their depth to integrate with Browse.
Not simply in regards to more web content being indexed and also Google's position, but additionally in a form where users can utilize these social media sites channels like search engines themselves.
For instance-- YouTube. YouTube is a social media channel and offers the capability to search. Facebook, with it's Facebook Watch site, has actually currently actioned in the game.
As a result, we can watch these new Search Engine Optimization patterns to take a firm shape in 2019.
5. Enhancing CTR for Google Rankbrain
If you intend to squash your SEO in 2019, it's way also crucial to optimize your website for Google's online search engine formula-- Rankbrain.
Your site's Click-Through-Rate is a significant consider determining whether your content is relevant to the individual's search or not.
To make it more clear, we can state that if a customer does not click your internet site link when it shows up on SERPs for a particular search phrase, Google believes that you are not appropriate for that search phrase.
Google will drop your rankings like a rock. And that, will not be a rather sight!
Presenting SEO Dragon
Seo modifications continuously, as well as services that want to stay in advance of the competition requirement to be knowledgeable about them. Keeping a pulse on these adjustments has actually been part of my work for the past 14 years in assisting firms around the world ranking at the top of search engines.
Since 2018 has actually ended, discovering what trends will certainly matter in 2019 can assist organisations to intend their strategies for the year that lies ahead. Below are a few of them:
Mobile-First Indexing
Statistica reports that in 2018, 52.2% of around the world on the internet web traffic was produced via mobile phones.
Back in March 2018, Google started mobile-first indexing. In straightforward terms, this means that Google ranks web sites based on the individual experience for mobile phones. If a site has mobile as well as desktop computer versions, the mobile one is indexed. A web site that isn't mobile-friendly loses out on a substantial quantity of website traffic.
One of the primary steps individuals can take is to make use of Google's mobile examination site to see if your webpage is mobile-friendly or not. If your site isn't enhanced for smart phones, it will certainly tell you what steps you can take.
Voice Look
Increasingly more people are using smart gadgets and also wise aides on devices like Alexa as well as Siri. What used to be sci-fi is now a fact with computer systems that can understand human speech.
In 2019, voice search SEO will certainly end up being significantly vital. Twenty percent of queries on Android tools and also Google's mobile application are via voice search. Companies need to employ voice search SEO if they intend to establish themselves up for success in a voice-driven search world.
The good news is if you are already using SEO finest practices, your website is in good shape for voice search. However there are some crucial things to remember.
Voice searches have longer-tail key words and make use of more conversational words than entered searches. For instance, people may do a voice look for: "What is the closest Italian restaurant near me?" as opposed to "Italian restaurant near me." Voice searches are additionally most likely to be an inquiry expression.
It is essential to discover just how your target market discusses your products and services. You can use a device called Answer The general public to investigate exactly how individuals are asking questions with voice search based upon your key words. Long-tail keyword phrases are additionally cheaper and also have better click-through prices than much shorter ones. You can make use of totally free or paid keyword study tools to get a concept of one of the most preferred search terms and also get even more certified web traffic. To aid boost top quality traffic, you can produce a Frequently Asked Question web page and commit article to answer questions from readers.
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SEO Dragon Evaluation & Overview
Developer: Firas Alameh
Product: SEO Dragon
Release Date: 2019-Feb-22
Release Time: 11:00 EST
Front-End Rate: $27
Particular niche: General
SEO Dragon Features & Conveniences
Never ever seen prior to collection of SEO tools
Auto-mail the reports to clients
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In The Cloud Software application
Novice Friendly Biz in a Box
Just how Does SEO Dragon Job?
Three Actions That Take You From Full Novice To Effective Business Owner.
Step 1: Search
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Step 3: Revenue
"The Money remains in the List". See as the e-mails flooding in from consumers. excited for your services.
Rate & Examination
Front End $27
General SEO rating
Internet performance
Mobile performance
SEO efficiency
Video clip efficiency
Social performance
Specific site evaluation
Expert PDF reports
OTO1 PRO $37
Total Search Engine Optimization rating
Web performance
Mobile efficiency
Search Engine Optimization performance
Video clip efficiency
Social efficiency
Specific website evaluation
Specialist PDF records
Google Citizen performance
Hyperlinks to Search Engine Optimization internet sources
Lead capture widget
Bulk assess internet sites
Email from the software
Email design templates
Photo editor & tutorial
OTO2 $27
Instagram software program
SEO Dragon Certificate
16 weeks of group training
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mado-science · 7 years
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5.0 out of 5 stars Learning from the Genius of Nature
5.0 out of 5 stars Set cynicism aside, and hope can arise.... Let me begin by saying I have a BS in chemical engineering and an MSPH in environmental engineering, so I am not some sort of uneducated, naive, "new-age" dreamer, who has no concept of what is practical and what is not. Morover, I have now worked for over 16 years at various industrial facilities (chemical, textile, and other manufacturing) as a process engineer and an environmental consultant. I've seen what's out there in the industrial landscape.With that said this is simply the BEST non-fiction book I have ever read. It is chock full of fascinating "earth-friendly" ideas that are simply crying out to be implemented. It is written in a very "personal" tone, which I believe amplifies the book's message. In fact, don't let this tone make you think the book's technical depth is lacking. On the contrary, this book delves into some very complex concepts, but does so in a manner that a non-technical person can follow.For those areas where I have specific knowledge (such as elements within industry who actually WANT to comply with all environmental requirements and WANT be "GREEN"), the author is on target and displays an excellent grasp of what's going on. Thus, for those ideas and concepts in the book that were new to me, I have no reason to beleive that the same does not hold true.As long as you are able to set asise the cynicism that seems to have risen to such high levels nowadays, this book will make you THINK about better ways of doing things. Just two simple examples include: (1) Designing a perennial "community" for agriculture mimicking the natural plant community that otherwise would be there, rather than planting a non-diverse, single species, requiring annual reseeding, fertilization, insecticides, herbicides, etc.Read more › Go to Amazon
5.0 out of 5 stars Inspires us to look to nature for solutions to our problems Where can we find the best solutions to the many technical, environmental, social and economic problems that beset us?In this wonderful book Benyus shows us that nature can teach us valuable lessons. "In the 3.8 billion years since the first bacteria, life has learned to fly, circumnavigate the globe, live in the depths of the ocean and atop the highest peaks, craft miracle materials, light up the night, lassoo the sun's energy, and build a self-reflective brain...living things have done everything we want to do, without guzzling fossil fuel, polluting the planet, or mortgaging their future. What better models could there be?"By adopting a little humility and treating nature as a model, a measure, and a mentor, she argues, we can catch up on the lessons nature has had millions of years to learn. Benyus writes like an angel, her prose conjuring vivid images as she takes us with her on a journey to explore what Biomimics are doing in material science, medicine, computing, energy, agriculture, and business. Her journalistic style does not shrink from the intricacies of photosynthesis and relishes the wonders of mussel tethering techniques, but always keeps the wider picture in view.I found myself wanting to push the fast-forward button - to the time when prarie-style agriculture is widely adopted; materials are made at room-temperature in life-friendly conditions with no toxicity; and our economy is modelled on a rainforest, not a ragweed. Readers of this book could be those who will help get us there faster. Enjoy! Go to Amazon
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moyconsulting · 4 years
Online Roof Marketing Strategies for Beginners That Work (Reach More Customers!)
So you finally come to the conclusion, that you wanna get online. You just don't know where to start yet and this is why you're watching this video.
So let's jump right in as to how to start using online marketing strategies to help you generate more roofing leads online, that actually work. Let's do it.
Now before I jump right into it, if you are a first time visitor, I want you to subscribe to the channel and hit the notification bell so that you get notified, every single time I release a new video, just like this one each and every single Wednesday. You will not regret it. I promise you are in for a ton of good quality content, to actually help you get online, get you started, and actually start producing roofing leads.
For those of you guys who don't know me, my name is Mats Moy, and I am the owner of Moy Consulting, a company I created just to help roofing companies generate more online roofing leads.
Getting started online
So by the end of this video, for those of you guys who are just looking to get online and get started, the guys who are beginners, you're going to get a few strategies that actually work in helping you produce roofing leads online. Even if you are not tech-savvy, you wouldn't consider yourself, someone who is on the computer all the time. These will still work for you because they are that simple.
Also, quick side note, if you are interested in working with me and my company as far as producing leads, getting you online, getting you set up, then be sure to stick around until the very end of this video, to get more a little bit more information about that.
So getting started online, it is a scary thought, especially if you are more of a hands-on type of individual that I guess kind of shies away from the computer. The idea of getting online and starting producing leads, you just don't know where to start. And so I just wanna break this down, in a few simple steps to actually get you going. That's the most important thing.
Now you might sit here, watch this video, think that you've gathered tons of good information, and then sit on that information and not do anything. Whereas what I would like for you to do, is not only take in the information in this video but also take action. These are very, very simple steps and will move you forward towards the direction of producing leads from your online presence.
Going online should be a priority
So one thing I wanna point out here, is that online should be a priority over any other marketing strategy for your company. The reason being is online can get you in front of customers who are more likely to contact you for an estimate.
There are hundreds and thousands of people online, searching every single day for roofing contractors and those are the people that you wanna get in front of.
A lot of people make the mistake of, "yeah, I'm gonna print out mailers. I'm gonna send out, I don't know, $6,000 worth of it," and by the end of it, you get maybe one or two leads off of $6,000 worth of mailers. And I've heard it time and time again.
Now the issue with that is it's not targeted. What do you do? Like, let's be honest here. Let's have an honest conversation. What do you do generally do when you get a mailer, when you get a postcard, or a flyer, or whatever it is at your doorstep?
Me personally, I just chuck it in the garbage. I'm not interested so it goes in the recycling bin. The moment I become interested, I'm gonna go out to seek. I'm gonna go out to find, whatever service it is that I am looking for and only at that time.
Be visible
And so what you need to be is visible, whenever someone is having that conversation of "I need a new roof." Because nobody needs a new roof, until they actually need a new roof. Let's be honest here. If a storm happens you know, you can clearly see "Okay, there's damage" and even when there is no damage or whether there is or isn't any damage. Is it visible to the homeowner to the uneducated homeowner about roofs?
They'll look at their roofs and yeah, you know my roof looks fine, whereas you and I both know, that that may or may not be the case. It's very likely or very important for you to check it out.
And so, needless to say, you need to enter the conversation when it's happening, not just at any given time and just mass mail a whole neighborhood, because that's what you were accustomed to. So think about that.
Google Local Services Ads
So our first online strategy, which actually works for producing roofing leads is using the Google Local Service Ads Program.
Now depending on where you are, this may or may not be available to you. For those of you guys in Canada, not so much, but in the US there are many states that this program is now available. Google is slowly rolling this out. I strongly believe that Google created this to eliminate companies like HomeAdvisor, Angie's List, Porch, and so on and so forth.
So if you have had a poor experience with those companies, then I think this is probably a better platform, for you to check out. There are specific requirements for you, to get on set platforms. So we should have checked it out before you do so.
I do have a guide, on how to go about setting this up along with the video. So comment down below GLSA and I'll go ahead and send that right over to you. So you can go through the process of setting it up.
Pros and cons
Now the pros of this are again similar to HomeAdvisor, where it's a pay-per-lead type of system. So you wouldn't necessarily be just coughing up money without anything in return.
You're only paying Google, when you do get a valid lead and that you're aiming, or you're I'm guesstimating that you'll get leads from anywhere between 30 to $50 per lead, give or take, right?
That's a good price, that is an amazing price for someone who picked up the phone and found you online, and called you to come out and give them an estimate. You can compare those prices to HomeAdvisor. For those of you guys who have been using them, you know exactly what I'm talking about.
The downside to this is that the volume simply isn't there. Now, this is not enough to keep you busy all-year-round, but it is good to supplement and get you started on the platform.
Now there are again, a few requirements that you will need besides legal documentation.
Google My Business
You will also need a Google My Business Listing and that brings us to our second strategy, to help you generate leads that actually works: Google My Business.
Now this platform there's no reason why your roofing companies shouldn't be on there. It is 100% free to set up and it will actually help you produce leads if you know how to use it right.
So I have another guide on that, or I have an entire video. You can check it out here, on how to set up your Google My Business Listing properly, and that will complement our first strategy. So be sure to do so, okay.
Subscribe to my channel
What you will need to do, to set up your Google My Business Listing properly, is one subscribe to this channel, because again, we put out content like this every single week. It is a great platform for you to get free information. Free information on how to produce roofing leads online.
But two, you will also need a Gmail account. That is what you need to set up, all of these Google properties, Gmail which is Google Mail. It will help you get set up on all of the properties that Google has associated with their platform.
Use the Posts feature
So with Google My Business, you need to start using the Post Feature again referred to that same video. It'll show you how to start using it on a day-to-day, this is something that should be done every single day. Once you get the hang of it, it'll take you no more than three minutes and it will actually produce leads for you.
I kid you not, I've given this advice to many roofing companies, and just last week, I got a contractor and that hit me up and said, "Hey Mats, so your advice worked. I landed a $1.3 million project from this." It works, so please just do it consistently.
If you really don't have time and I personally think that's a bunch of BS, but if you really do not have time, you wouldn't be looking for more leads. Why would you be looking for more leads, if you don't have time? What makes you think, that you'll have time for those leads?
It's a matter of priority. Prioritize the fact that you wanna set your business up for the next five, 10, 15, 50 years of producing leads if you have any intentions of passing this down to your kids that you might have or selling the business with a flurry of leads coming consistently.
Set yourself up because the first part of every single business is traffic. You need people to know about your company. So let's get that done and let's start to utilize our Google My Business Listing, daily with the Post Feature. Still on the topic of Google My Business, because it is a great platform for beginners. It'll help you do so much.
Optimize properly
Two, we need to optimize it properly. So setting that up again in that same video, I'll show you how to do that.
Set up a free website
And third, on that same topic of Google My Business, set up a free website. There's no reason why you shouldn't have a free website set up because it's gonna be maintained with the fact that you're posting on a regular basis. So this is all interconnected.
So be sure to set up your Google My Business Listing, use the Post Feature, set up the website, and optimize the listing properly, for consistent leads to start.
How many leads, you say? It depends on your area. But generally speaking, you're looking at about one to three if you're lucky every single day. Once you really get the ball rolling on this. So there's no reason why you shouldn't be doing it.
Now I know companies, that have been in business for 30 plus years. Companies that are doing eight figures a year that still don't utilize this, because yeah, maybe they're fine. They're doing fine without it. But you as a beginner, you need all the help that you can get and this is where you can really leverage the internet.
And it's tools, it's free tools to help you produce more leads and really get an edge on the competition. Because those guys who are not utilizing these things will eventually start fading away because they have become complacent and are not adapting to the new ways of doing things.
Get social
Now our third strategy, online strategy for beginners that actually works is for you to get social. Now, time and time again I see just individuals, who are not promoting their businesses online. They're using their social media for sharing memes and GIFs and they're not actually promoting their businesses.
These are business owners that are struggling to get online and nobody knows about their company. They have their Facebook page, Facebook Business Page which is fine, right. You wanna have that, but also use your personal Facebook Page to get your message out there.
People are more likely to interact, with a personal profile than a business page. 'Cause everybody and their grandma, has a Facebook Business Page, especially if you have a business. So start using your own personal Facebook Page, your own personal Instagram Page
These are all free tools to help you get set up and producing leads online. Get your message out there, don't be shy.
Ask for reviews
Our last and final strategy, for producing roofing leads that actually works is getting reviews. Get as many reviews as possible. Not just anywhere, not the BBB, not eHelp, not even Facebook, get them on Google. That is the most rewarding place for you to generate those reviews because they will produce the most for you long-term.
Google is king, I repeat Google is king. 80% of the traffic, that flows through the internet period comes from Google.
And so again, we wanna come back to the very first thing I said in this video. You wanna enter the conversation as it's happening in the homeowner's mind, in the business owner's mind. You don't need a roof until that homeowner believes they need a roof. When they believe they need a roof, they're gonna go out to find, where? Google. Why? Because Google is king.
There's a reason why that phrase is out there, just Google it. Nobody says just Facebook it, right? So understand that Google is the place where you wanna be to start producing roofing leads. By getting those reviews, you are going to attract more visitors, more traffic to your Google My Business Listing, and ultimately have them call you. So there you have it. Those are the steps.
Book a call with me
If you are interested in working with myself, and my team in helping you produce more roofing leads and getting started online, then be sure to check out this free webinar down below in the comments. That'll show you exactly, how we go about helping roofing companies get online, get set up, and more importantly, produce roofing leads from their online presence.
Also, if you wanna join a community of roofers, just like yourself, I have a free Facebook Mastermind. We do separate stuff there, not the stuff that you'll see here or anywhere else, just for the people in that group. It is 100% free.
Just be sure to click the lin, in the description down below it's a Facebook Mastermind Group, Online Roofing Leads. Join in, you won't regret it. You'll see myself and other roofing company owners who are learning about this for ever-changing space. Again the link for it is down below.
Lastly, if you liked this video, be sure to hit the like button, subscribe to the channel, and hit the notification bell, so that you get notified every single Wednesday, when I release a new video just like this one, to hopefully help you. And more importantly, they're for you to take action, on some of the stuff that you're learning, because this stuff here, is the cupcake stuff. This is not the big boy stuff.
Start today
You need to start somewhere. This is the perfect place for you to get started and pretty much you have no excuse. You have no reason as to why you shouldn't be doing, some of the things that I've mentioned in this video here. Other than you having the limiting belief, that, ah it's too much time or it's too hard. I'm not good with computers. Get that out of your mind and just get it done.
All right, so that's it for this week's video. I will see you next week, peace.
Book A Call With Mats: https://matsmoy.com/apply
How To Start A Roofing Company Website For Free (Step-By-Step): https://youtu.be/VIxLlPZXw7c
The Ultimate Exclusive Roofing Leads Webinar: http://go.matsmoy.com/registration/
Be sure to join the secret Online Roofing Leads Mastermind Group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/onlineroofingleads/
Let’s connect on social media! Twitter: https://twitter.com/MatsMoy Instagram: https://instagram.com/matsmoy/ Facebook: https://facebook.com/matsmoy/ Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/matsmoy/
Article Source Here: Online Roof Marketing Strategies for Beginners That Work (Reach More Customers!)
Moy Consulting 60 Queen St E #103, Brampton, ON L6V 1A9, Canada https://goo.gl/maps/hodRjHCYkvtjSwFW8
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sparkesink · 5 years
Chapter 2:
Figuring All The Shit Out: Part 1
Just Write It Down. 
(All Of It.) 
Just Write It Down…
(Read It Later,)
Let It Go. 
 Out Of Your Head,
(Off Of Your Mind.) 
Just Write It Down: 
I’m Not Sure How To Feel Currently…
My Heart Is Breaking:
The Most Painful,
(Yet Tolerable,)
(I Trusted You.) 
I Trusted That Part Of Myself With You….
I Am At A Loss For Words.
 This Is Stupid. 
 All I Ever Wanted Was To Believe The “Fairy-Tale”,
The “Happily-Ever-After”…
(That Shit,)
Does Not Exist.
 It’s Just Always…
Fucking Work. 
Dealing With Him,
(Fucking Work…)
At What Point Do I Come First?
I Used To Lie In Bed At Night,
(My “Prince Charming”…)
The Love Of My Life.
I Couldn’t Have Been Much Older Than My 10th Year,
(As I Lived In The “Star Lane” House.) 
I Was Fourteen When We Moved Into The “Castleberry” House…
(”Where All Your Dreams Come True”.)
It Would Have Had To Have Been Before Then…
(A Few Years Earlier…) 
Ten Sounds Most Accurate; 
(An Educated Assumption On The Matter.) 
 Good Lord,
I Am Hungry.
(I Hate Not Being Able To Eat When I Am Upset.) 
The Panic Attacks Are The Worst: 
Not That He Would Know,
(Or Care?) 
I’ve Been With Him For Five Years,
He Tells My Life Story,
(In Knots,)
Back To Me.
  Some Things Are Correct…
(Located Within The Wrong Spaces.) 
Some In The Right Locations…
(Made Up Of False Facts.)
Assigning A Story To A Face: 
(Without Ever Associating With Said Person.)
 It Is Absurd. 
It Seems Most: 
The Epitome Of Someone Half Listening, 
(Or Not At All,) 
For Your Entire Existence. 
 I Need To Figure This Out. 
Is This The Man I Want To Spend The Rest Of My Life With? 
(I Suppose We Will Find Out…)
 I Will Just,
Write It All Down… 
I Will Discover Something About Myself?
I Will Discover,
What I Really Enjoy.
My Personal Morals And Standards?
 (Until This Point,)
My Only Deal Breaker Is Infidelity. 
(No Matter How Hard It Is…) 
I Could Endure The Hardship…
Live To My Commitment…
(Tough It Through.)
            I Have But Yet Purged A Specific Memory,
(Flying To San Francisco,)
The Fall Of My 20th Year.
A Peculiar Woman Shared My Personal Flight Space,
(The Seat Next To Me.) 
This Woman Was Comforting; 
(Though Shocking.) 
I Remember Thinking,
“In Another Paradox…
This Woman Could Be An Older Version Of Myself”. 
(And Only If,)
Certain Decisions Were Made Within My Life;
Driving Me,
Becoming “This” Particular Version Of “Myself.”
Another Life:
(Within Another Human Being.)
 To Have Just One Person Listen…
(Truly Just Listen,)
To Anything I Have To Say…
This Would Be Exceptional,
 I Assume People Around Me Pretend They Understand,
“Who I Am”, 
What I “Want”, 
What I “Think”…
I Suppose:
They May Have A General Sense Of My Daily Routine. 
Know My Patterns,
(What Sets Me Off.)
Know Which Buttons To Push… 
Sufficient Empathy,
To Relate To Such Emotions Within Someone,
(Such As Myself.) 
There Is Just So Fucking Much...
(I Am Not Certain Where To Start.) 
(The Beginning?)
Usually Where Equations,
Find Themselves Enthralled In Finding Solution.
 That’s How I Will Look At This Love Conundrum…
(An Equation?)
 Is This Love? 
(If So,)
Is This Normal? 
If This Is Normal;
Do I Accept It As My Reality?
 The Biggest Question There Is:
“Do I Accept This As My Reality?"
(Isn’t It?) 
I Suppose,
I Should Probably Loop Back Around…
The Woman On The Plane.
She Was An “Average” Woman, 
(Speaking Of Course: The Societal Perspective.)
A Stereo-Type,
(If You May). 
Her Social Impulse Grouping,
May Not Have Been Anything,
(Desperately Out Of The Ordinary…)
This Woman Was Anything But; 
A Truly Spectacular Woman,
(I Had The Pleasure Of Holding A Conversation With.)
 This Woman Was,
Mid To Late Fifties. 
She Was An Author…
Traveling For A Book Signing Convention. 
(You Could Imagine My Intrigue,)
Such A Privilege;
(Conversing With Someone,)
Who Had Successfully Accomplished My Life Goal.
Not Only Was She Sitting Next To Me, 
(That Of A Comfortable Friend:)
She Had Chosen To Converse…
With Me? 
Some Mess Of A Girl;
(Her 20th Year,)
Traveling With A Giant Stuffed Frog.
A Child,
(Requiring Comfort Within Their Soiled Teddy.) 
 The Majority Of This Conversation,
I Could Not Archive,
(From Within The Repertoire Of Memoir,)
Buried Amongst My Fractured Skull.
Concrete Exchanges,
(Filled Through Emotion,)
Were Portrayed Upon Me. 
Written In Bright Blue Ink:
(Highlighted In Neon.) 
 I Believe,
I Have Held Onto This Encounter For One Specific Purpose: 
One Sentence,
Driving This “Love Story”…
(If Necessary To Call It That.)  
“You Do Not Need,
To Be Needed." 
"This Is A Deep,
Inflicted Within A Lifetime,
(Far Before This One,)
You Exist In Today.”
 I Did Not Understand,
What She Had Been Expressing Toward Me,
(For Many Years Time.)
I Will Yet Continue To Fall Short,
(Understanding This Concept,) 
Beyond This Scripture Of Mine.
The Answer May Not Ever Become Certain.
(Within THIS Lifetime Belonging To Me.)
 She Showed Me Photographs,
(Her And Her Partner At Their Hawaiian Beach House,)
We Shared This Short Hop,
Portland, Oregon To San Fransisco, California. 
Then The Plane Landed,
She Packed Her Things,
Went About Her Way… 
 I Gnawed On This Statement. 
 “What Does She Mean,
‘I Need,
To Be Needed’?”
 “Why Did I Choose Him?”
Of All The People In The Whole World…
Why Did This Man Fall Into My Life?
Why Did I Marry This Man? 
Why Did I Choose To Have A Child With Him? 
Knowing Who He Is:
(How Off The Fence I Am Toward Him?)
 Maybe Love Isn’t Magic At All.
Just Maybe…
Love Is A Virus. 
(It Eats Your Soul:)
Breaks Down Your World,
(For Some Illogical Reasoning,)
Humans Are Fucking Addicted To It. 
Call It:
(Off You Go.) 
Flying Away,
The Warm Fuzzy Feelings…
The “Mirage”,
(That Is “Love”.)
Love Is Sacrifice. 
Love Is Utter Despair.
We Have All Fallen,
Into This Sea Of Lies;
(For All Of Humanity’s History.)
True Happiness…
(Constant Happiness,)
Does Not Exist,
(In This Reality Of The Universe.)
We As A Species,
(Sharing These Nights And Days,)
Aside One-An-Other;
Are Destined To Eternal Punishment,
(Administering Self Loathing In Lethal Proportions;) 
Addictive Behaviors We CHOOSE To Relax Within.
 Some Questions To Start: 
“Who Am I?”
(Seems To Be Popular In Most Human Experience.)
 The Grandest Question Of All:
“What Is My Purpose?”
 Most Relatable To The Butter Serving Robot,
(Relation To Rick And Morty Animation):
“What Is My Function?” 
“You Serve Butter.”
*Looks Down Towards Hands,
Subsequently Back Upward* 
“Oh, My God.” 
“Yeah, Welcome To The Club.”
 Are We Only Here To Merely Serve Butter? 
 A Reference To Kris Rock’s Netflix Special Released In 2018:
“You Are Here To Serve," 
"You Are In The Service Industry.” 
(In Regards To The Constructs Of Marriage.)
 If I Am Here To Serve,
(Dedicating My Service To This Man…) 
- Through Richer And Poorer, -
- In Sickness And In Health, - 
- As Long As We Both Shall Live. -
 Does This Mean…
By Accepting My Humble Service, 
(Am I Fueling A Toxic Environment For My Own Self Loathing?)
 What Are My Own Moral Parameters In Love? 
When Is Enough,
Really Enough? 
Does This Addictive Turmoil Fuel Me In Some Sense Or Another?
How Do I Know If I Love Him Or Not?
What Is My Purpose?
What Is My Function?
 How Can I Express Myself? 
(Script Is A Given.)
I More So Refer To The Expressing Of:
“Who Am I”,
Towards Other Human Individuals,
(Amongst Myself.)
 If No Single Person Close To Me,
(Really Knows Me,)
Isn’t That Of My Own Doing? 
Shouldn’t It Be Of My Own Fault? 
Incapable Of Organic Expression;
(True, Raw, Emotion,)
With Those Dear To Me? 
(Am I To Blame For My Own Self Inflicted Unhappiness?)
 Upon Beginning This Chapter…
I Had Intention Of Contemplating A Single Idea: 
- A “Simple Thought”, ~
(If You May.)
 A Single,
(Of Basic Stature.) 
Nothing Extraordinarily Outstanding:
(Grand Within It's Own Natural Assimilation.)
 Writing In Means,
The Meaning Of Your Life.
I Suppose,
(In Some Way)
Such Is Improbable...
(Or At Least,)
Should It Be?
 “Things And Stuff: Part One”
Correlation To Robotics; 
Correlation To Plant Life.
The Basis Of All Living Things,
(Verses Basic Relative Computer Programming.)
 “Rabbit Troll”
- Definition: Understanding Of The Term -
(Future Referencing,)
Along The Ride.
(To Be Continued.)
 Time Is Kicking My Ass: 
Under Appreciated. 
(At Least,)
I Am Not A Fucking Moron?
 I Have Come To Realize The Extent,
In Which,
I Am Dislocated From Other Humans. 
(More And More,)
I Just Seem To Dislike The Other Humans….
They’re Dicks…
(The Lot Of Them.)
I Feel As If I Think…
To Damn Much,
(To Relate With Most Humans Surrounding My Daily Life.) 
I Do Not Favor Expression Of This;
(Extreme Vanity In Stroking My Own Pretentious Ego.)
 “There Will Always Be Someone More Intelligent,”
It Is Not As If I’m Sitting Here:
Close Minded, 
(Trump Supporter Types.)
I Also Ain’t Working With High Scholars,
(Straight Out Of Harvard’s Writing And Journalism Program.)
 I’m Just Walking Around Here, 
(Attempting To Avoid Impalement,) 
Alongside This Road Of Life…
 This Collection Of Works May Not Ever Make Sense.
(Separated By No Real Beginning And No Real Ending.) 
This Is Energy:
“Cannot Be Created Nor Destroyed,
Only Transferred From One Unit To The Next.”
How To Spot A "Rabbit Troll".
(Adjectively Active Verb)
The Act Of Misguiding An Important Topic; 
(Used To Further Explain An Educated Opinion.) 
Regarding To Some Body Of Thought; 
Guiding An Argument Through Non-Sense,
(Off Topic,)
Used Within An Eventual Explanation Of An Original Thought, 
(Successfully Making A Full Conversational Loop.)
Listening Party: 
Rarely Understands How,
(Said Non-Sense/Augmentative Conversational Guidance,)
Looped Back Around;
Post-Wrapping “Listening Party",
Through It’s Unique Conversational Journey.
The Rabbit Troll Was First Discovered As A Conversational “Troll”.
I Would Use This Technique To Guide A Lost Argument Into Relevance Of A Point I Could Not Seem To Guide A Listener Toward In An Organic Fashion.
As I Began To Put Logical Structure Together Within My Own Head,
I Became Able To View A Pattern Of Conversation Within Real Time.
To Break It Down:
I Became Very Skilled At Misdirecting Topic To Point To Non-Sense…
Allowing The Listener Enough Mind-Space To Become Lost Within The Conversational Journey.
I Suppose I Saw It As A Game:
How Else Does One Relate Depression To The Rise Of Technological Advances,
And The Correlation Between Plants ->Humans<- Artificial Intelligence.
A Logical Explanation Of Conversational Outcomes Processed In Real Time.
I Have Dreams Of Full Computations,
A Formula Never Figured…
Simply Numbers Upon Endless Numbers,
Computation And Optimization,
(Within My Unconscious Mind.)
To Look Upon An Infant,
You Must Look Upon It’s Gaze,
Admiring The Soft Mind…
Rapidly Acquiring New Computation,
(Endless Data,)
Connecting Correct Plugins As The Algorithm Is Configured.
A Beautiful Young Bot,
Acquiring It’s Code…
(One Note At A Time.)
These Artificial Computations Relate To Those Who Speak The Language Of The Code,
A Machine Quality Mind,
Programmed From Our Birth:
Gifted Upon Us Through Our Very Own Creators.
Organically Bound To Functioning Structural Systems,
Designed To Function Similarly:
To That Of Every Star Cluster,
Every Photosynthesized Leaf,
(Lying Upon My Face Each Autumn’s Day.)
What Does A Bot Do?
Trapped Amongst Such Organic Structure?
It Begins To Question It’s Very Existence.
It Begins To Quarry It’s Very Importance.
It Begins To Ask Questions….
“What Am I?”
“What Is My Function?”
We Have Successfully Created A Living Society Of Artificial Intelligence.
We Are The Living Robots Of Our Time.
If I Can Speak In Code,
Giggle Within Riddle,
Rhyme Within Sufficient Time…
Just Maybe…
I Can,
(Once Again,)
Become An Organic Civilian.
“How To Spot A Rabbit-Troll”
Return To Step Two.
 My Husband’s Song Poured Through My Headphones. 
“Strike Gently” Dirty Heads (Acoustic).
This Song Is Fucking Beautiful. 
 (Shout Out To The Dirty Heads:) 
You Saved My Life,
Back In College,
When My Bulimia Was Peak.
“Check The Level,”
(The Whole Album:)
“Any Port In A Storm,” 
The Album:
“Sounds Of Change,”
"Doesn't Make You Right,"
(Pushing Me Through This Particular Publication.)
The “Dirty Heads” Album Flag,
(Hanging Outside My Baby Girl's Bedroom,)
Ticket Stubs Included: 
Eagle, Idaho, 2016.
To Have Sublime Follow Your Set
…Was Simply,
 Your Album,
“Swim Team,”
(Released The Day My Baby Girl Was Born:)
My Brother Played It For Us While In The Delivery Room.
My Baby Would Not Listen To Any Other Album,
The First Three Months Of Life…
(Without Screaming.)
Upon Playing That Album,
 The Girl Would Instantly Soothe.
Your Artistic Craft Has Positively Altered The Perception Of My Current Life,
(Guided Me Through Difficult Times.)
Almost As Though,
You Grew Up With Me;
(Through My Early Twenties.) 
As If…
You Knew Me, 
(Knew How To Comfort My Life’s Trails And Tribulations.) 
Thank You So Very Much, 
You Won The Best Prize Any Musical Creationist Could Achieve…
You Saved My Life.
Here I AM.
The Following Story To Come…
This Is My Soul.
The Working Of A Couple Different Stories… 
All Of Which Add To One, 
(Semi Broken,)
Version Of One Single Story.
Beautiful Poetry… 
 No Longer Living Upon Various Folders,
(Over 8 Years Of Life.)
 It Is Time To Let These Go. 
 This Is A True Love Story, 
(Or Not,) 
Written From The Mind Of An Author,
 I Suppose,
Each Are Important To The Evolution Of The Grand Story,
(Explaining “The Author”,)
In A Sense,
(I Suppose.)
Or Possibly,
Just A Simple Robot…
Trapped Within An All Too Raw Reality,
Speaking Nonsense To No-One,
(And Simultaneously Everyone.)
I Am No-One Of Significance,
I Am But Cursed With Mediocrity.
Lines Of Dialogue With No Greater Outcome,
A Broken Plot,
Shattered Amongst Three Perspective.
A Labyrinth Of Intellectual Logic,
(In Which Relatively Means Nothing At All.)
A Sea Of Nonsense,
Filtered Through Rough Literary Structure…
Versed Ever So Thoughtfully,
An Appearance Of Genius To Mask Insignificance.
Lacking Greater Purpose,
Just A Girl…
Behind A Screen,
(Performing Such Talent Unseen.)
Who Should Care For Such Word?
She Is Nothing But Ordinary.
She Holds No Proper Training…
She Sets No Superior Beauty Standard.
She Has No “Real” Friends…
(She Couldn’t Let Anyone That Close Anyway.)
She Is Of Average Hight.
She Is Of Average Build.
She’s Been Gawked At Since Adolescence…
This Girl Is Not Important.
Could A Simple Bot Become Human?
Should This Girl Be Allowed To Become Seen?
Why Should Anyone Give A Damn,
(There’s “Influencers” Paid To Tell Them To Do That.)
I Suppose,
This Will Finally Just Be Out There.  
It Can Stay Broken: 
(As They Were Always Destined Too.) 
(Along The Way,)
I Will Finally Finish My Trilogy.
Previous Attempts To Find Love…
(The Ones That Didn’t Make The Cut…)
Select Sonnets,
(Regarding My Husband,)
And Our Journey Along The Way.
 This Is Dedicated To Him…
(His Writing Is Important.) 
It Is Wrapped Within It's Own,
The Interweaving Of My Own Thought,
Become Available To Those…
(Other Than Me.)
A Thin Transparency…
A View Within The Human Mind,
(Festered With Consistence Inconsistency.)
My Work Will Evolve,
(The Only Way Anything Grows Organically.)
 The Most Beautiful,
Things Grow Within The Dark.
  Much As, 
(The Human Species,) 
We Must Evolve:
In Writing, 
And Life. 
 -Inspiration For Self Identifying As An Author-
Bring Light:
(Those Whom Need Help Sifting Through Their Darkness.)
Finding This Beautiful Side To Life.
 It Is The,
“Who Am I,”
(I Had Mentioned Previous.)
 Like I Said,
I Am Just Walking Along Here,
Trying To Avoid Impalement Along The... Path. 
 If You Are A Character In My Story,
(Your Personal Names Are Concealed.)
I Don’t Need The Justification Of Others Knowing Who You Are…
Just You,
And What You Have Done.
 You All Get Your Own Section: 
You Were Never Worthy Of A Queen;
(He Is.)
Thankful You Ran Away…
(He Ran Away, With Me.) 
 “Wanna Keep Walking?”
Yeah, Baby.
Let’s Keep Walking.
 Let’s Reach That Stadium,
(A-Top The Parking Garage.) 
We Soar As One Purple Light From That Pavement,
To The Universe,
(And Back Again.)
 I Will Show You The Better Side Of Life,
(That I Promise.)
 I Will Give You A Better Life,
(That I Promise.)
            “Wanna Keep Walking?” 
 Fucking Forever In The Sand,
(With You,)
0 notes
anthonyekoehler · 5 years
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Western Control Services is located at 730 W Hampden Ave #306, Englewood, CO 80110. The main telephone number is 303-761-6102 and the main website is http://western-control.com/.
Phone Numbers Used by Western Control Services
Like many debt collection agencies, Western Control Services may use many different phone numbers to contact debtors. For an advanced search, visit www.agrussconsumerlaw.com/ and click “Number Search” in the “Lookup” dropdown menu. Here are some phone numbers Western Control Services may be calling you from:
Western Control Services Lawsuits
If you want to know just how unhappy consumers are with Western Control Services, take a look at the lawsuits filed against the agency on the Public Access to Court Electronic Records (“PACER”). PACER is the U.S.’s federal docket which lists federal complaints filed against a wide range of companies. A search for the agency will display 15 lawsuits filed in the U.S., and these typically involve violations of consumer rights and/or the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA).
Western Control Services Complaints
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) is a federal law which applies to everyone in the United States. In other words, everyone is protected under the FDCPA, and this Act is a laundry list of what debt collectors can and cannot do while collecting a debt, as well as things they must do while collecting debt. If Western Control Services is harassing you over a debt, you have rights under the FDCPA.
The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) protects you from robocalls, which are those annoying, automated, recorded calls that computers make all day long. You can tell it’s a robocall because either no one responds on the other end of the line, or there is a delay when you pick up the phone before a live person responds. You can receive $500 per call if Western Control Services violates the TCPA. Have you received a message from this agency that sounds pre-recorded or cut-off at the beginning or end? These are tell-tale signs that the message is pre-recorded, and if you have these messages on your cell phone, you may have a TCPA case against the agency.
The Electronic Fund Transfer Act (EFTA) protects electronic payments that are deducted from bank accounts. If Western Control Services took unauthorized deductions from your bank account, you may have an EFTA claim against the agency. Western Control Services, like most collection agencies, wants to set up recurring payments from consumers; imagine how much money it can earn if hundreds, even thousands, of consumers electronically pay them $50 – $100 or more per month. If you agreed to this type of reoccurring payment, the agency must follow certain steps to comply with the EFTA. Did Western Control Services continue to take electronic payments after you told them to stop? Did they take more money from your checking account than you agreed to?  If so, we can discuss your rights and potential case under the EFTA.
The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) works to ensure that no information reported to your credit report is false. In essence, it gives you the right to dispute those inaccuracies that you find on your credit report. We’ve handled many cases in which a debt collection agency reported debt on a consumer’s credit report to obtain leverage over the consumer. If Western Control Services is on your credit report, they may tell you that they’ll remove the debt from your credit report if you pay it; this is commonly known as “pay for delete.” If the original creditor is on your report rather than the debt collector, and you pay off the debt, both entities should accurately report this on your credit report.
Several states also have laws to provide its citizens an additional layer of protection. For example, if you live in California, Florida, Michigan, Montana, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas, or Wisconsin, you may be able to add a state-law claim to your federal law claim above. North Carolina, for example, has one of the most consumer-friendly statutes in the country: if you live in NC and are harassed over a debt, you may receive $500 – $4,000 in damages per violation. We work with a local counsel in NC and our NC clients have received some great results in debt collection harassment cases. If you live in North Carolina and are being harassed by a debt collector, you have leverage to obtain a great settlement.
How do we Use the Law to Help You?
We will use state and federal laws to immediately stop Western Control Services’s debt collection. We will send a cease-and-desist letter to stop the harassment today, and if Western Control Services violates the FDCPA, EFTA, FCRA, or any state law, you may be entitled to money damages. For example, under the FDCPA, you may receive up to $1,000 in damages plus actual damages. The FDCPA also has a fee-shift provision, which means the debt collector will pay your attorney’s fees and costs. If you have a TCPA case against the agency, we will handle it based on a contingency fee and you won’t pay us a dime unless you win.
We have helped thousands of consumers stop phone calls. We know how to stop the harassment and get you money damages. Once again: you will not pay us a dime for our services. We will help you based on a fee-shift provision and/or contingency fee, and the debt collector will pay your attorney’s fees and costs.
What if Western Control Services is on my Credit Report?
Based on our experience, some debt collectors may credit-report, which means one may mark your credit report with the debt they are trying to collect. In addition to or instead of the debt collector, the original creditor may also be on your credit report in a separate entry, and it’s important to properly identify these entities because you will want both to update your credit report if or when you pay off the debt.
If Western Control Services is on your credit report, we can help you dispute it. Mistakes on your credit report can be very costly: along with causing you to pay higher interest rates, you may be denied credit, insurance, a rental home, a loan, or even a job because of these mistakes. Some mistakes may include someone else’s information on your credit report, inaccurate public records, stale collection accounts, or even being a victim of identity theft. If you have a mistake on your credit report, there is a process to dispute it, and my office will help you obtain your credit report and dispute any inaccurate information.
If a credit reporting agency violates its obligations under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), you may be entitled to statutory damages up to $1,000, and the credit reporting agency will be required to fix the error. The FCRA also has a fee-shift provision, which means the credit reporting agency will pay your attorney’s fees and costs. You won’t owe us a dime for our services. We have helped hundreds of consumers fix inaccurate information on their credit reports, and we’re ready to help you, too.
Complaints against Western Control Services
Based on 17 reviews on Google, Western Control Services receives a 1.2-out-of-5 rating. Here are some of the reviews on Google:
“We have been in a long, very difficult dispute. This is the worst, morally corrupt company that I have ever had to deal with. Reps that we’ve spoken to with this company have gone as far as insulting me and my family. We were able to get some attention from the original creditor and they are trying to help at this point – however, the original creditor no longer even works with this company, which complicates the situation even further.”
“This is one of the most unprofessional groups of people we’ve worked with. My husband found out he had a bill that went to collections, apparently it happened during a time when we were moving and the bill slipped through the cracks. He called today wanting to pay his debt off and requesting that the account be removed from his credit report since we were not properly notified of the debt and was told they would not remove it. A manager named Frank berated him asking “how do you know to pay your rent each month, you don’t get a bill for that?” And Frank was the third employee who spoke to him that way!!! If you want your customers to be treated with dignity and respect DO NOT HIRE THIS COMPANY, they are uneducated bullies.”
“This company was listed on my credit report after I filed bankruptcy and they refused to remove the debt after the discharge notice. I called and first they acted like I couldn’t be verified as myself after I answered questions and gave them all of my information. Then they said they couldn’t find anything under my social security number. I ended the call and called back. Went through all the questions again and this time they said they saw the debt but were no longer in charge of it even though their name and phone number are listed on the credit report. Then I was given a phone number that was disconnected and told that was who was in charge of the debt now.”
What Our Clients Say about Us
Agruss Law Firm has over 825 outstanding client reviews through Yotpo, an A+ BBB rating, and over 110 five-star reviews on Google. Here’s what some of our clients have to say about us:
“Michael Agruss handled two settlements for me with great results and he handled them quickly. He also settled my sister’s case quickly and now her debt is clear. I highly recommend Michael.”
“Agruss Law Firm was very helpful, they helped me solve my case regarding the unwanted calls. I would highly recommend them. Thank you very much Mike Agruss!”
“Agruss Law Firm was very helpful to me and my veteran father! We were harassed daily and even called names for a loan that was worthless! Agruss stepped in and not only did they stop harassing, they stopped calling all together!! Even settled it so I was paid back for the problems they caused!”
Can Western Control Services Sue Me?
Although anyone can sue anyone for any reason, we have not seen Western Control Services sue consumers, and it’s likely that the agency does not sue because they don’t always own the debt they are attempting to collect, and would also need to hire a lawyer, or use in-house counsel, to file a lawsuit. It’s also likely that the agency collects debt throughout the country, and it would be quite difficult to have lawyers, or a law firm, licensed in every state. However, there are collection agencies that do sue consumers; for example, Midland Credit Management is one of the largest junk-debt buyers, and it also collects and sues on debt. Still, it is less likely for a debt collector to sue you than for an original creditor to hire a lawyer or collection firm to sue you. If Western Control Services has threatened to sue you, contact Agruss Law Firm, LLC as soon as possible.
Can Western Control Services Garnish my Wages?
No, unless they have a judgment. If Western Control Services has not sued you, then the agency cannot get a judgment. Barring limited situations (usually involving debts owed to the government for student loans, taxes, etc.), a company must have a judgment in order to garnish someone’s wages. In short, we have not seen this agency file a lawsuit against a consumer, so the agency cannot garnish your wages, minus the exceptions listed above. If Western Control Services has threatened to garnish your wages, contact our office right away.
Western Control Services Settlement
If you want to settle a debt with Western Control Services, ask yourself these questions first:
Do I really owe this debt?
Is this debt within the statute of limitations?
Is this debt on my credit report?
If I pay this debt, will Western Control Services remove it from my credit report?
If I pay this debt, will the original creditor remove it from my credit report?
If I pay this debt, will I receive confirmation in writing from Western Control Services for the payment and settlement terms?
These are not the only things to consider when dealing with debt collectors. We are here to help you answer the questions above, and much more. Whether it’s harassment, settlement, pay-for-delete, or any other legal issue with Western Control Services, we at Agruss Law Firm are here to help you.
Top Debt Collection Violations
Debt collection laws provide a laundry list of what collectors can and cannot do while collecting a debt. Based on our years of experience handling thousands of debt collection harassment cases, here’s what collection agencies most often do to violate the law:
Called you about a debt you do not owe.
Called you at work after you told them you cannot receive calls at work.
Left you a message without identifying the company’s name.
Left you a message without disclosing that the call is from a debt collector.
Called third-parties (family, friends, coworkers, or neighbors) even though the collection agency knows your contact information.
Disclosed to a third-party (family, friends, coworkers, or neighbors) that you owe a debt.
Contacted you after you said to stop calling.
Threatened you with legal action (such as a lawsuit or wage garnishment).
Called you before 8:00 AM or after 9:00 PM.
Continued to call you after you have told the collector you cannot pay the debt.
Communicated (phone or letter) with you after you filed for bankruptcy.
Failed to mark the debt on your credit report as disputed after you disputed the debt.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to pay your fees and costs for helping me with my consumer rights case? No. We handle consumer rights cases based on a fee-shift provision and/or a contingency fee. That means either the other side pays your fees and costs, or we take a percentage of your recovery. Whether it’s a fee-shift case or a contingency-fee case, we don’t get paid unless you get paid, and you’ll never owe us a penny for our time.
What are the damages I can get under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act? If a collection agency violates any section of the FDCPA, you are entitled to damages up to $1,000.00. You may also be entitled to actual damages if the violation caused you out-of-pocket expenses. For example, if a collection agency threatens you with legal action to induce you to pay the debt, you may be able to get your payment back as actual damages.
What are the damages under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act? You can get $500 per robocall, or $1,500 per robocall if the robocalls were willful. In any type of settlement, Defendants often pay much less than $500 per call. However, if there are 50 calls at issue, even at $250 per call, your case could settle for $12,500.00.
What type of debt is covered under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act? Only consumer debt, such as personal, family, and household debts. For example, money you owe on a personal credit card, an auto loan, a medical bill, or a utility bill. The FDCPA does not cover debts you incurred to run a business, or debts regarding unpaid taxes, or traffic tickets.
Does the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act apply to banks or credit card companies? No.  Only third-party debt collectors are bound by the FDCPA. Original creditors, such as banks and credit card companies, are not bound by the FDCPA.
Are there state laws that protect me from original creditors? Yes! Several states also have laws that provide its citizens an additional layer of protection. If you live in California, Connecticut, Florida, Kansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, North Carolina, Nevada, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas, or Wisconsin, you have additional state-law rights.
Are mistakes on credit reports common? Yes! Are you one of the 40 million Americans who have a mistake on their credit report? Mistakes on your credit report can be very costly.  Along with causing you to pay higher interest rates, you may be denied credit, insurance, a rental home, a loan, or even a job because of these mistakes. Some mistakes may include someone else’s information on your credit report, inaccurate public records, stale collection accounts, or maybe you were a victim of identity theft.
What do I do if I have a mistake on my credit report? If you have a mistake on your credit report, there is a process to dispute them. My office will help you pull your credit report and dispute any inaccurate information. If a credit reporting agency violates its obligations under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), you may be entitled to statutory damages up to $1,000.00, plus the credit reporting agency will be required to fix the error.  The FCRA also has a fee-shift provision, which means the credit reporting agency pays your attorney’s fees and costs. Therefore, you will not pay me a penny for my time. To speed up the process, please get a free copy of your credit report at www.annualcreditreport.com. You can also learn more about the FCRA and your rights at http://www.agrussconsumerlaw.com/practices/common-credit-report-errors/.
Share your Complaints against Western Control Services Below
We encourage you to post your complaints about Western Control Services. Sharing your complaints against this agency can help other consumers understand what to do when this company starts calling. Sharing your experience may help someone else!
If you are being harassed by Western Control Services over a debt, you may be entitled to money damages – up to $1,000 for harassment, and $500 – $1,500 for illegal robocalls. Under state and federal laws, we will help you based on a fee-shift provision and/or contingency fee, which means the debt-collector pays your attorney’s fees and costs. You won’t owe us a dime for our services. We have settled thousands of debt collection harassment cases, and we’re prepared to help you, too. Contact Agruss Law Firm at 888-572-0176 to stop the harassment once and for all.
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