#but i gotta finish dinner and write some fics so we end it here haha!
ronanvespertine · 4 years
I think what gets people about Hawks is he’s a planner- and we’re so used to merely reacting heros. There’s always the chance when you strike first that you’ll strike wrong, but the alternative is waiting until it’s too late. And isn’t that one of the huge issues people have with heros? That they were too slow and didn’t save someone who needed it? Hawks is ruthless and it’s terrifying to be on the receiving end if that. But he’s been the hero a lot of people needed
Oh my god, this.....this is a really good interpretation of him. I really like how you think of Hawks! I’ve never really thought of it that way.
I’m gonna ramble about this ask for a while, so I’ll try to put a brief answer above the read more cut. I love how you pointed out what people need/expect from heroes in terms of how they respond. The consequences of a villain attack (property damage, casualties, displacement) are what gives fuel to criticism, and heroes can’t really excuse themselves from those results because those consequences are not to be taken lightly and heroes took on the responsibility of minimizing impact. 
It’s the whole thing about “thoughts and prayers”. Pretty words after a tragedy don’t matter because they change nothing. What really matters is action—preventative measures. And that’s how Hawks approaches hero work. Preventing matters and quick resolutions to minimize impact.
And yes, Hawks’ kind of heroism is what people need in a general sense. Meticulous hard work focused around preventing villain attacks or stopping them as fast as possible. But the intensity with which Hawks goes about it is really scary—you’re right to call it ruthless. And that’s normally a good thing until you call morality into question.
I don’t really want to delve into whether his actions are right or wrong, because.....well, it’s complicated. You can’t slap a label on it. And in the high-stakes world of heroism, morality is a pretty ironic thing to emphasize. Heroes act for the “greater good”, but does that really give them the right to kill? And vice versa—is it okay to risk millions of lives for the sake of adhering to a wishy-washy ideal of no dead?
Let’s go with this: morality is meaningless. Life isn’t dictated by black and white—society is. What life is about is choices and consequences—what you choose to do and what happens because of it. (More on morality under the cut)
I tried to keep it short, but it’s still a pretty lengthy answer. Sorry about that. Anyway, under the read more I’m gonna go ramble because anon just ignited the analytics in my head. Maybe check it out, ‘cause I talk a little more about what I think of Hawks under the cut.
The difference between heroes who react (Endeavor, Miruko, etc.) versus heroes who plan (Hawks, Nighteye, etc.) isn’t something I really thought too much on. But that’s a really good way to look at heroes! In Nighteye’s case, I’d say the guy waits too much and he could possible have past incidents that would fit what you’re talking about—waiting too long until it’s too late. All Might could be interpreted as a mix of both, depending on how you look at it, but his “planning” is more an abstract ideal—establishing a Symbol of Peace that discourages crime rates.
Hawks NEVER waits. And that’s the reason why the PLF raid occurred with the heroes taking the INITIATIVE, a big contrast in comparison with other incidents in the manga. In regards to the Kamino Nightmare, UA took precautions but they fell through and the heroes reacted quickly against the LoV to get Bakugo back once they had sufficient data and forces. But later, we see this decision is touched on a little by the HPSC president when she talks about Hawks not being available for Kamino, and how heroes have been trailing after villains’ actions because no one has been doing enough intelligence gathering in advance. 
Hero society isn’t doing enough to PREVENT villain attacks. And well, that’s a big bone to gnaw on. 
We can talk about the very basics—preventing villains from being born in the first place. But that’s too expansive a task, and heroes/government can’t foresee or prevent everything. Not to mention how complicated implementing those measures will get when you start tangling with law. (If you’re from a massive country with a complicated lawmaking system and polarizing political parties, you’ll know what I mean.) 
Then if we focus on something closer to immediate—say, intelligence gathering—that gets a little murky, too. Censorship, surveillance, regulatory laws—until where do we draw the line? When do we consider those preventative measures “oppression”? People will have different opinions of that, and that’ll result in debate and gridlock. 
There’s also cultural issues—how do you mass edit a society’s perception of certain things? 
We had the issue of “villanous quirks” brought up with Shinsou and Toga. Can you change everyone’s mindsets to regard quirks as a natural gene people can’t help but be born with? In contrast, at what point do you need to start considering the evil that could be done by a quirk on the basis of self-defense? (Think about it. If someone had a quirk that made you forget being under its influence, then how would you know when to change from trusting that person to questioning them for your own protection?) 
We also have the issue of quirklessness with Midoriya and Melissa, though I don’t think it’s that complicated. How do you equalize quirks and no-quirks? In contrast, when do you need to discriminate? (It’s the dilemma of equality. Physical requirements for men and women differ because of natural differences in their makeup. It’s fair, but it’s not equal. A minor thing to point out, but you get the idea, right? If you want to take it up a notch, consider the notion of “equal opportunity”. In America, there’s a whole debate about how to raise disadvantaged groups to equal standing without compromising the ones who are already there. Especially in education. There’s this thing about “quotas” in college admissions—colleges can’t set aside a specific number of spots for disadvantaged groups because it will take away opportunities for the rest, but they can include those questions in their applications for a “holistic” process. However, it’s not a full fix. There’s still a disproportionate ratio of minority groups because it doesn’t take into account the minority background: growing up in unsafe/unequipped communities, lacking academic resources or education to compete with those of advantageous groups, family backgrounds that influence the kid’s education because of extra responsibilities, poverty, uneducated parents, cultural stigma, etc. It’s a huge, complex web of a problem that a small rule like that can’t fully encompass.)
Oh god, I got political. But you get what I mean. There’s too big of a mess that heroes/government won’t be able to address every single one of them. So, what they’ll need to do is figure out what they can do and implement it, or figure out which aspect/measure to focus energy and resources on first.
In regards to morality, I answered a previous ask about Hawks and said this:
Sacrificing another person’s life isn’t okay, period, because you never had the right/power to determine another person’s worth in the first place.
I still stick by that, but there’s something I want to make clear about what I think about Hawks. Hawks is free to choose the “wrong” decision. I’m not condoning or condemning him for it. Hell, I’m not even judging him. The way I read My Hero Academia is by watching the characters make their decisions and trying to understand what led to them. I feel like that’s something everyone should try out: just watching the characters, not judging them, but just trying to understand.
Again, morality means nothing. It’s just choices and consequences.
The thing about choices is, you should understand everything about them. And that’s what I want Hawks to build on. If he’s going to make a decision—especially a “wrong” one—then I want him to fully understand the weight of that choice. I feel like Hawks could be desensitized to the weight of life, and that’s what I’m worried about. Then again, we don’t really know a lot about what Hawks feels aside from his expressions and double-meaning dialogue. I could be wrong—Hawks could have a solid grasp on what taking a life means and feel somber remorse over it. But who knows? (I’ll love him even more than I do now if he does understand. God, I love this asshole of a bird.)
Basically, this is what I want Hawks’ approach to Twice’s death to be: it’s wrong, and he’s okay with it. He’ll willingly carry the weight of his choice so he can achieve his dream of a society without an excessive dependence on heroes.
That’s basically Hawks’ whole character. What is he willing to carry in order to achieve his goals? How far will he corrupt himself to get peace for everyone else? (Honestly, the martyr complex is hard with this guy hahaha!) I just want to make sure he seriously understands what he’s “corrupting” himself with.
Anyway, rambling’s over! Hahahaha, I literally switched from my phone to my iPad to the computer to answer this ask lol. And anon, thanks for dropping by!
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Okay so potential fic idea? You’re PG’s best friend and she sets you up on a blind date with Derek 🥺
Dinner And A Drink 
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Derek Morgan x Reader 
Warnings: first date awkwardness, alcohol mentions and consumption
Category: fluff 
Word Count: 2k
Author’s Note: the convos are kinda dull cause first date awkwardness and ishi, I'm so sorry I took so long to write this omg 
“I promise he’s a nice guy!” Penelope gave your shoulder a little nudge, 
“I told you I'm not ready Penny” you ignored her pleas. 
Penelope had been your best friend since you moved to Virginia for university, you worked in a little coffee shop right by her apartment building. She’d stop in every morning, or whenever she got called into work, for a coffee. She wasn’t overly picky at first but as you got to know her, more of her bubbly personality came out as well. Penelope was only a few years older than you, but it wasn’t a major difference. 
She was currently trying to get you to go on a date with one of her coworkers. It had been a few months since you broke up with your ex boyfriend and she thought it was time for you to get back out there. 
“I just don’t want to set myself up for disappointment again pens” you wiped off the counter. She twirled her spoon in her cup, the shop was empty and it was only the two of you in there. 
“I promise he won’t be a disappointment, just this once. He’s the sweetest guy I've ever met” 
“Do you have a pic-” 
“A picture ? I do but I'm not going to show you” She smiled at you. 
You looked at her wide-eyed and brows furrowed, “what do you mean you’re not going to show me?” you asked her. “That’s the purpose of a blind date” she replied.
“Okay fine” you sighed, “let me ask you a few questions before I officially decide” 
She took a sip of her coffee, waiting for you to question her. “What’s his name ?” 
“How old is he ?” 
“That’s for you to find out” 
“What does he like ?” 
“You can ask him that on your date” 
“Are you going to keep telling me to ask him my questions ?” 
You sighed, “fine, just this once” Penelope smiled and pulled out her phone. “Oh good we still have time, let’s go” she grabbed her coat and your hand before pulling you towards the door. 
“Time for what ?” 
“To get you ready for your date sugar plum” 
“Tonight ?! Penelope I have to find something to wear, I gotta do my hair, I need-” 
“You're coming to my place. Let me worry about the outfit, you do your hair” 
The love you had for Penelope was unmatched, hence why you’re getting ready for a date with only a 2 hour notice. She made a phone call to who you could only assume was Derek on your way back to her apartment. 
The 2 hours went by rather slow. Penelope worked her magic on you, she fixed your hair, picked out your outfit and even gave you a little pep talk to calm your nerves.
Penelope drove you to the restaurant, she told the bare minimum about Derek on the way there so you weren't at a total loss and so you didn’t have time to pick apart the information she provided you with. 
“Okay honey bun, just tell the girl at the door you’re here for Morgan, she’ll take you to the table” 
You sat in the car for a moment, looking out the window at the restaurant. Penelope gave your hand a squeeze. “If you want to leave, just tell him. He’ll understand” she kissed your cheek leaving a little red kiss mark on your face. You got out of the car and before you could say goodbye to her, she had driven off. 
No turning back now.
Taking a deep breath, you brushed off the wrinkles from your shirt and headed into the restaurant. “Hi, uh I'm meeting someone here” you told the girl, she could see you were nervous. “First date ?” she asked, you nodded. 
“What’s the name ?” 
She led you back outside to the patio. The man had his back to you, you could already tell that he was attractive, even with the lack of hair (which Penelope seemed to leave out of her information but it didn’t matter) 
“Derek ?” you asked, walking to the other side of the table so he would be able to see you. “That's me, I'm guessing you’re y/n ?” “That would be me” you smiled at him. He stood up and stretched his arms out towards you, you stepped forward and felt his arms wrap around you. 
Holy shit, he gives good hugs 
You sat across from him, Derek had broad shoulders and a nice smile. Penelope had good taste in men and she knew your type to a T. “Did she ambush you with this date too ?” you asked, just wanted to get past that awkward first date phase of the conversation and Derek laughed. “Not exactly. To tell you the truth, I had seen a picture of you on babygirl’s desk and I was mesmerized” he chuckled, “she then explained that you were single and she would ask you if you were up to go for dinner or maybe drinks, nothing too over the top” he handed you a glass of wine. 
“Oh that’s- wait, did you say baby girl ?” 
“yeah, sorry shouldn't really call someone else baby girl while I’m on a date huh?” he chuckled. 
God, even his laugh was attractive
“Oh no, that’s alright but Penelope said only one person calls her that and that’s her ‘chocolate thunder’” 
“That would be me” 
“You’re telling me she sent me on a date with her chocolate thunder?”
“She would tell you that it’s a ‘blood in the nostrils’ type thing so I wouldn't stress it” 
Well this was off to a strange start 
“What do you do ?” Derek looked over at you while you told him. 
“I’m in the arts project at Columbia University” 
“Isn’t that in New York ?” 
“Yeah, it is but I'm finishing up my last co-op program here at the art museum” 
“That’s really cool, so you paint and draw or like what’s your specialty?”
“I don’t really have one but I do draw and paint. Art curator is the dream job, if not then jewellery designer is the next one” 
“I’m sure that’s more fascinating then my job” 
“You’re a fricking F.B.I agent, I don't think there’s anything cooler than that” 
Derek laughed at your enthusiasm for his job. “You think so ?” 
“Oh totally” you smiled as you took a sip of wine. 
Dinner was nice, the two of you talked about Derek’s job and your plans for after you finished university. “Are you thinking of staying here or moving back to New York ?” “well, nothing’s set yet but I'd stay if I had something keeping me here ya know?” 
“Dessert ?” 
“Oh, no thank you, unless you want something” you told him. 
“How about a drink then ?” he asked 
“Sounds like a plan” you smiled at him
You could feel your phone buzzing against your leg continuously. “Excuse me for a minute, I'm just gonna run to the bathroom” “take your time” Derek smiled at you.  
When you got into the bathroom, you checked your phone. It was Penelope texting you to check how your date was going. 
From Penny: sorry for zooming off like that haha, I didn’t want you to change your mind :) 
From Penny: sooo how’s it going ? 
From Penny: do you like him ? 
From Penny: god I hope he’s not being rude to you 
From Penny: i’m sure he isn't 
From Penny: he’s an angel on earth I promise 
From Penny: okay don't answer me then :( 
From Penny: I'm going to have a serious talk with Derek when I see him 
From Penny: he’s stealing you from me right now
From Penny: I NEED DETAILS!!! 
From Penny: NOW!!!!
You decided to text her back before she shows up to see if everything is okay. 
To Penny: It's okay, it's good you left or I would have changed my mind. he’s not being rude, he's been very sweet actually. He’s super funny and I like him so far. We’re going to get a drink now, I'll text you after. 
From Penny: oh good I'm glad to hear that! :)) 
To Penny: Satisfied now ? 
From Penny: yes I am, have fun now 
You chuckled before slipping your phone back into your pocket and heading back to the table. “All set ?” Derek asked as he stood up. “Yeah, what about the bill?” you went to get your card from your pocket when Derek grabbed your hand. 
“Don’t worry about it sweetheart, I got it already” 
“Oh, thank you” 
“No worries” 
His hand rested on your lower back as the two of you walked out. “Where too ?” he asked
“There's a place down the street or if you want to go somewhere else ?” you suggested 
“Anything’s good with me” 
“My place then ? if you don't mind of course. I have a bottle of whiskey that’s just begging to be opened” you chuckled. 
He smiled, “sounds good” 
The restaurant wasn’t far from your apartment so you walked back. It wasn’t cold outside but it wasn't warm either. It was a normal autumn night, there was a warm breeze. You hadn’t remembered if you had tidied up or not and you invited him over to your place. 
Good job y/n 
You pushed open the door and braced yourself for a mess only to be met with a clean apartment. You let out a sigh of relief before stepping inside, Derek following you inside. 
“Make yourself comfortable” you slipped off your shoes before heading to the kitchen. Derek mirrored your actions, he took off his shoes and followed your steps to the kitchen. 
“Wow” Derek stood by your kitchen window, “how’d you end up with such a nice view ?” your apartment overlooked downtown and it was always beautiful when the sun was setting. 
“Honestly, I just got lucky” You pulled the bottle out of your cupboard. 
It was one of the bottles with the cork tops that you pull off but you couldn’t seem to get it off. A grunt and a ‘ow’ from you caught Derek’s attention, he turned around to see you rubbing your palm and the bottle was on the counter beside you. 
“Can I ?” 
“Be my guest” 
Derek grabbed the bottle and you turned away from him to get glasses. A loud pop caused you to turn, Derek stood there with the opened bottle in his hand. 
“Are you kidding me ?” you groaned making him chuckle. 
“You know, I almost had it, your muscles just helped” you told him before resting the glasses on the counter. 
“I’m sure you did sugar” he poured some into each glass. 
Derek picked a glass up and you picked up the other. “To new friends and new beginnings” he said, you clink your glass against his before taking a sip.
“Can I tell you something ?” 
“Of course” 
“I wasn't even going to come tonight” 
“How come ? If you don't mind me asking” 
“I just didn’t want to set myself up again, what if it didn't work ? what if I didn’t know what to say or do when I saw you, ya know ? but it wasn't like that. You made me feel comfortable and safe” you admitted to him, Derek smiled. 
“I’m glad I did. I really liked getting to know you y/n” 
“And I you, Derek” 
Derek's arm rested on your shoulder, your hand coming up to meet his, your fingers interlocking. 
“Maybe we can do this again?” you asked him quietly
“I’d like that” Derek pressed a small kiss to your temple. 
Taglist: @haleymalaffey @aaronhotchnerr @mac99martin @aaron-hotchner187 @tclaerh @luke-alvez @iconicc @lieberhers @pumpkin-reads @ssa-holmes @katexrichardson @sluttytears @thelukealvez
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amelinksanatomy · 3 years
So I had an idea and I think it might be a good fic for you to write. Can you write something where Amelia and link are having pizza and donuts (because I mean that’s amelink food haha) anywhooooo while they are having it Amelia goes into labor, and then on there way to the hostpital they like talk about there future and stuff. Basically just some fluffy happy amelink. I love your fics btw <3
Future Plans
A/N: Thank you! And thank you for the prompt!
"Here's your bill." the waitress smiles, placing it down on the table.
Link nods a thank you before picking it up and pulling out his wallet. Amelia leans back in her chair, circling a hand around her bump. They had come to their favorite Italian restaurant after Amelia requested they have one last pizza date before their baby joins them. The waitress hands Link the card machine before looking at Amelia with a warm smile,
"When are you due?" she asks, Amelia smiles, "End of next week."
"Oh wow! I have three, is this your first?" Amelia nods. She decided it's always easier to say yes when strangers ask her that question, not exactly wanting to share her trauma.
"Well, good luck to you two and congratulations!"
"Thank you." Link smiles as the waitress walks away.
He looks over to Amelia, who is already pulling her coat on over her dress before doing the same himself. The couple stand up, leaving the table with Link reaching for Amelia's hand, holding it as they walk out of the restaurant, slowly since the only pace Amelia has these days.
"I believe that you promised we could get donuts after dinner." Amelia smirked as Link helped her into the car, "I believe I did."
Amelia and Link stood in the line at their favorite donut shop. Amelia was practically bouncing with excitement as she eyed the display cabinet,
"Ooooooh I want that one." Amelia points to a pink iced, sprinkle donut, "Oh oh, and that one."
Link chuckles at his girlfriend's excitement, pulling her closer to him and kissing her head. The line starts moving which was good news for a heavily pregnant, impatient Amelia. It was finally the couples turn to order. Amelia stood behind Link as he listed out their order, a hand resting on the top of her bump where she'd been feeling the baby kick all day. Suddenly, her eyes widen. Link finishes telling the worker which donuts they would like before turning around to look at Amelia. His smiling face becoming one of confusion as he studies his girlfriends expression,
"Babe?" he reaches out, placing a gentle hand on her arm, snapping Amelia back into the moment as she looks up at him with furrowed brows and then slowly down at the floor. His eyes followed.
"Oh my god, is that?" Amelia nods, "My water broke."
"Shit, alright, that's alright." Link places a hand on the small of her back, "We gotta get you to the hospital."
Link turns his attention back to the worker who was now putting their order together, "Excuse me, really sorry but we're gonna have to leave the donuts. My girlfriend's water just broke so weeee-" he gestures to the door.
After an awkward conversation with the cashier, Link had cleaned up the floor before quickly getting Amelia out to the car. Now, they were on their way to the hospital.
"God, I'm never gonna be able to show my face in there again after that." Amelia says, groaning as she rubs circles into her lower stomach.
"Have you been having contractions this whole time?" Link asks, looking over at her with raised brows, "Yes. But, they weren't very strong so I just thought it was indigestion from eating too much."
Link laughs, shaking his head as he focuses on the road ahead. Amelia groans, the contractions beginning to get stronger. Link takes one hand off the steering wheel and places it on Amelia's thigh, rubbing his thumb in circles comfortingly.
"We're about to start our family." he smiles at her, trying to find a way to distract her from the pain "Start... Do you want more kids?"
"Well, I don't errr- Do you?" Amelia chuckles at his nervous stuttering, "I do. But, ask me again once I've pushed this one out."
"How many?" Link asks as Amelia groans again, holding onto her bump until it passes, "3, maybe 4.
"Wow. We're gonna have to get a big house, huh." he laughs "My apartment won't hold that many of us."
"I want to get a house soon, so we can have a backyard for this little guy to play in, that'll be nice for him to grow up around."
Amelia's thoughts are cut off by a particularly strong contraction which causes her to shift in her seat, her head dropping as she whimpers. Link rubs her thigh gently as she breathes her way through it, "We're almost there, babe, you're doing great."
"If we're gonna have that many kids and a big house, we should get a dog." Link says, going back to distracting Amelia, "Kids love dogs."
"Absolutely not." Amelia replies, bluntly causing Link to laugh, "The kids will be enough to drive us crazy."
"So..." Link turns his head to look at her, "A big house, lots of kids... Are you going to want a ring?"
"We'll see." Amelia smiles, winking at him.
It wasn't long before Link pulled into the parking lot of the hospital. He quickly jumped out, running around to the passenger side and opening the door. He took Amelia's hand, letting her squeeze it for a second as another contraction hits. Once it passes, Link helps her out of the car carefully, holding her hips to keep her steady once she's out,
"Alright, let's go have a baby!"
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Fic Writer Interview
Thank you for tagging me @urisarang!! This was super fun and a great way to spend the evening :D
How many works do you have on AO3?
119 (111 visible right now, another 8 that will be visible after the anon period of this exchange I’m in finishes up)
What’s your total AO3 word count?
412,816 (it looks like a lot, but it doesn’t feel like it considering I’ve had this account over 10 years haha. BUT, like...117k of that was posted this year? So that’s neat)
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
I’ve written for 11 fandoms (whoa, when did that happen?)
In the order they’re currently on my dashboard:
Stranger Things, Supernatural, RPF, Happy Death Day, The Babysitter (Movies - McG), Teen Wolf, Dead By Daylight, Power Rangers 2017, Future Man, Scooby Doo, Ready or Not
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Mystery Spot Misunderstanding - Supernatural, Sam/Gabriel. My first attempt at writing a multichapter fic, and posting as I wrote the chapters @_@
I’ve Caught the Cuddle Bug - Teen Wolf, Stiles/Derek. A silly little fic I wrote for a friend when trying to write Teen Wolf fic
Chill - Supernatural, Sam/Gabriel. Short and sweet sleep deprivation fic.
Riding Shotgun, Going Nowhere - Supernatural, Castiel/Sam/Gabriel. They’re together, but Sam is sure it’s just sex and wishes they could be more.
it’s (not) just food - Stranger Things, Steve Harrington-centric gen fic. Steve made too much food and brings it in when everyone else thought dinner was going to be ruined.
I’m shocked and delighted that a Stranger Things fic made the cut. I’ve forgotten how active the fandom once was haha.
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I do! I didn’t always, back when I was brand new to AO3 and only using it because everyone seemed to be moving there from Livejournal. But since writing for Stranger Things, I’ve tried really hard to respond to my comments (unless I plain don’t know how).
I do it because I really freaking appreciate every comment that someone leaves on my stuff! I wouldn’t be writing these things at all if no one was gonna read them. Gotta make sure people understand that their support is important to me.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I surprisingly have a couple of angsty endings. I guess choosing which one is the angstiest depends on your viewpoint?
a distant memory - Stranger Things, Steve Harrington-centric gen. This one is probably the angstiest because he’s still stuck in the Entity’s realm and his memory is gradually fading. But it’s also super short, so, idk.
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I have written crossovers, yes. Didn’t expect to, but here we are. It’s not so much crazy, imo, but it’s also the only one that I know for sure I’ve done:
Stranger Things/Power Rangers 2017
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Uh... I’ve gotten an incredibly offensive comment on a fic because it was M/M and someone was unhappy about it. They told me with some very unfriendly words. Otherwise, it’s mostly just been semi-backhanded compliments more than hate.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I used to write it a lot. I’ve realized recently that I think a lot of that had to do with my best friend at the time not really reading anything less than Explicit?
I am slowly, ever so slowly, easing my way back into doing so for myself. IDK about what kind, though? M/F, M/M, M/M/F??
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I’m pretty sure some of my stuff ended up on that site that was being reblogged a bunch a while back on tumblr. Other than that, not that I know of!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not technically. But the best friend I mentioned earlier used to give me so many ideas back then that she definitely deserved a whole lot of credit (which I tried to give her in my notes when I posted the fics)
What’s your all time favorite ship?
You can’t ask me this. How am I supposed to choose? Like, Stoncy is still so shiny to me. But also, Sabriel was such a huge part of my life and practically my gateway into writing fanfiction and joining fandom communities...
I guess I’m going with Stoncy just because Steve and his ships are what got me back into writing fanfiction regularly after years of only the most sporadic uploads.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
There are a couple.
Outside Looking In - SPN, Sam/Gabriel fic. I posted what I had for WIPfest last year? I still like what’s there. I wish I could make myself finish it, even though posting for WIPfest did help ease my guilt some like it was meant to. But it’s like. The angst is my favorite kind (Sam thinks Gabriel is only being nice to him to get on Dean’s good side, because of course everyone always likes Dean best in the show, why would he think otherwise?). There was gonna be a whole thing with a monster of the week getting to Sam and him being so upset because Dean was going to blame him for it. Good stuff. But yeah, just could never figure out what came next, despite knowing what I wanted to do.
And then the Sam/Gabriel modern Cinderella AU. I lost all my notes to it years ago, pages and pages worth. I still think about it sometimes, but it’s not gonna happen.
What are your writing strengths?
Pfft. People tend to comment on the body language in my fics, so if they’re not just trying to find something nice to say. I guess that!
What are your writing weaknesses?
Dialogue, description, pacing, uh all of it
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
 I don’t write anything with other languages. If I did, I’d probably stick with italicizing whatever is supposed to be not in English lol.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Supernatural (well, in fourth grade, I wrote an Animorphs play that my friends and I performed in front of our class. idk if that counts)
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
It might be silly but I think my favorite is:
the missing piece of me (is you) - Stranger Things, Stoncy. I haven’t reread it since posting, so I might be remembering it wrong at this point. But it feels like my strongest fic, tbh. I put a lot of thought into the stuff going on that the readers wouldn’t actually see, or read explicitly. And the emotions felt like they came across well.
Tagging: @pterawaters @dia-bolycal @trulyalpha and anyone else who read this entire thing and would like to participate! It was a lot of fun :D
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hellomissmabel · 7 years
Nothing under 7 inches (2)
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Pairing: Baker!Bucky x reader
Warnings: Mentions of a sugar daddy/baby relationship. Mentions of sex but nothing NSFW. Mentions of disease. It’s also unedited haha
Word count: 3k
Summary: Bucky is a baker in Y/N’s hometown and with her mother’s birthday right around the corner, he’s excited to see her again. Y/N however doesn’t plan on staying for too long and aims to return to the city life, a dirty little secret getting in the way of her love life.
A/N: My prompt was “cottage”. This fic is written for @soldatbarnes her writing challenge.
Series masterlist can be found here
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“So turns out you’re not such a nun after all,” the redhead grins wickedly. “Who was that, hm?” Your lips move to deny her statement but she instantly shuts you down. “Don’t you dare lie to my face, Y/N. I know what I heard. You’ve got a man on the side, haven’t you? A sugar daddy. And that’s why you never date.”
“Nat,” you address her in a warning tone, worried she’ll jump to incorrect conclusions. “Before you say anything else, would you please let me explain?”
Crossing her arms over her chest, she nods softly. “I’m listening.”
She closes the front door behind her, stepping inside the hallway so your conversation is more private. “First of all, I am not a prostitute or an escort. If that’s what you’re thinking, you’re so wrong. But that man you saw, he’s some kind of benefactor to me. Some people would call him a sugar daddy, but I’d rather not use that term.”
Natasha squints her eyes at you but doesn’t say anything – yet. Taking a deep breath, you continue in a hushed voice. “Tony and I met at a party. Sharon had set me up with this guy, Sam Wilson. We were supposed to go for a drink at a bar but ended up at a frat party instead. Turns out Sam was more interested in getting to know the hostess than me. So I sat down at the bar and ordered myself a drink, waiting for a reply from Sharon.”
“I was about to leave when Tony came up to me and offered to buy me another drink. I wanted to refuse but there was something about him… I just couldn’t say no. So we had a couple drinks and afterward he asked his driver to take me home. I woke up to a delivery of two dozen red roses from Tony.”
Natasha rolls her eyes at this and makes a gagging noise, not one to fall for grand romantic gestures. “He took me to dinner, and after dinner came lunch and after lunch there was breakfast. Like I said, there was just something about him that intrigued me. I thought I had found a man where I could really tick all the boxes.”
“But you were wrong.” Nat purses her lips and gives you a sour look. “Surprise, surprise.”
You didn’t feel the need to tell Natasha the whole story, but she kept digging and prying, giving you no other option but to share it with her after all. “We had rented a hotel room for the night. The next morning, room service knocked on my door and Tony was nowhere to be found. The hotel bill had been paid already and there was a note and a check on the bedside table… for services rendered.”
The redhead scrunches up her nose in disgust. “Such an asshole!”
You tell her to keep her voice down, holding a finger to your lips. “I called him for an explanation, demanding he’d talk to me face to face. So we met up at the same bar we first met.”
“Let me guess,” Natasha hijacks your clarification, “He just used you for sex.”
Giving her a hard glare, you ignore her comment. “No,” you reply harshly through gritted teeth, getting frustrated by Nat’s tendency to jump the gun all too eagerly. “He told me about his divorce and how he found out his now ex-wife had hired a girl, an escort to seduce him so she could divorce him on grounds of infidelity and ask for more money. He thought I was that girl. Later he found out that his wife only said that to anger him.”
“Still, what happened really hurt me and I didn’t feel like continuing the relationship. But Tony wanted to give us another shot… He had already fallen for me and thought he could buy my love with expensive gifts and such. At first I let him because I really needed the money, and I still do.”
You look down at your feet, a guilty expression etching your face with the shame that bubbles up in your chest. “That’s how we came to our present arrangement…”
“You have sex with him in exchange for money?” Natasha hits the nail right on its head.
You confirm with a slight nod of your head, accompanied by a heavy sigh. “Tony… despite his flirtatious nature… I believe he really does love me.”
Your answer is met with a scoff. “Love? A guy like that doesn’t know what love is.”
“I need the money, Nat.” You gently rest your hand on her shoulder. “I have student loans to pay off and medical bills and…”
“Yeah, yeah,” Natasha sighs, getting a little fed up by your need to clear your name. But as soon as you mention medical bills, you’ve grasped her attention again. “Medical bills? I know about your student loans, but I thought your parents were helping you with those?”
Eying her awkwardly, you cough once to voice your uneasiness with the subject. Yet Natasha isn’t one to let you get off the hook that easy. “Come on, Y/N. You’ve already told me this much…”
“I – I -,” you stutter in an attempt to find the courage to speak plainly. “I am…,” you swallow thickly. “I’m sick, Nat. I have sickle cell disease.”
The redheads eyes soften at your words, her arms enveloping you in a comforting hug while she whispers soothing, sweet nothings in your ear. “I got it from my father,” you mumble into the fabric of her shirt. “And my kid will most likely get it, too.”
Coming face to face with your roommate again, she stares into your eyes with a puzzled expression, like she is debating something in the clever head of hers. Or plotting. You never know with Nat. “I won’t tell anyone, Y/N. I won’t do that to you.”
“Thank, Nat. I appreciate it,” you exhale in relief.
“But,” she continues and you dread what’s coming next, “You gotta stop seeing that guy. I’m sure there are other ways to pay for your medical expenses. You don’t need a sugar daddy. You don’t need him.”
“Nat,” you whine softly, distancing yourself from her. “I know. Just one more party on Friday and then I’m done.”
“Sounds like you have a busy weekend ahead,” Natasha comments dryly, clearly not amused. “Your trip home, the party, your dinner date with Steve. Yeah, I heard,” she adds matter-of-factly, marking the end of your conversation. “Sharon has a very loud voice.”
Your friend reaches for the door knob to enter the apartment again and you follow right behind her. She goes straight back to the couch to finish up on her article and you head back to your room where Sharon is still waiting for you, bored out of her mind.
“What took  you so long!,” she practically yells at you, throwing her phone on the bed as dramatically as she can to make her point.
“I’m sorry. Just a guy from work handing over some paperwork. He’s really chatty.”
Sharon doesn’t question it any further and goes back to scrolling on her phone. You look over her shoulder and see she’s checking out guys on Tinder again, but when you want to make a comment about it, she shuts you down at once.
“Look who we have here,” she coos as she shows you the picture on the screen of her phone. It’s a pic of Steve and as she wiggles her eyebrows at you, she secretly swipes right.
“Steve’s on Tinder?,” you gasps as you open your closet, prompting a giggle from your friend’s lips. “How scandalous…” You go back to selecting a couple of clothes that you’re sure you want to take with you, too busy to notice her gloating when she finds out it’s a match, your attention focused on packing your suitcase.
Bucky waits for you at the train station, casually leaning against his car as he watches you get off the train and run towards him, right into his arms. “Hi there, doll,” he greets you with that one pet name you’ve always loved so much. It’s a pleasure to hear your name roll off his tongue, but you can’t resist the warm and fuzzy feeling that erupts in your tummy when he calls you doll.
He’s just as you remember. That same brown hair brushing his shoulders ever so slightly, those same baby blues that can pierce your heart like an ice pick, and a mild scruff dusting his razor sharp jawline. “I’ve missed you, Buck.”
“Likewise.” His breath fans your cheek as he presses a tender kiss to your skin, smelling like cookie dough and sugar, a dash of flour on his plaid shirt. “You haven’t changed a bit.”
The brunet picks up your luggage and puts it in the trunk of his car, opening the door to the passenger side for you. He rushes to the other side and slides into his car, revving the engine for added effect. He’s still a bit of a show-off too, you see.
The car ride home is filled with light banter and a lot of catching up. Bucky tells you that his bakery has been getting a lot more attention, people coming from all around to taste his marvellous white chocolate cheesecake. You tell Bucky you finally managed to get a job in graphic design for a company that specialises in coming up with, creating and designing advertisements.
“Seems you made it big in the Big Apple,” he whistles lowly, impressed by your achievements.
“I can say the same for you, Buck. Why haven’t you moved to a bigger city yet? You’re so talented! And it’s a shame to deprive the world of your heavenly pastries!”
Bucky’s grip on the wheel tightens. “Nah, I’m good here. This is where I belong,” is his answer.
What follows is a short silence, your nerves tested by Bucky’s reluctance to start another conversation. You have no clue why this struck such a sensitive nerve, but you decide to drop it anyway. “So… what kind of cake have you made for my mom?”
“Raspberry chocolate cake,” he chuckles softly. “She didn’t want anything with too much chocolate.”
You burst into a fit of hearty laughter, giggling at your mother’s ridiculous reasoning. “Let me guess, the raspberries make it healthy?”
He smirks and gazes over to you, promptly taking your hand in his and squeezing it affectionately. “God, I’ve missed the sound of your laugh.”
You don’t know how to react to his sudden touch, so you pull back your hand after a little hesitation. Bucky is surprised by your reaction and puts his hand back on the wheel, shifting gears when he reaches a red light and stops the motor.
“I’m sorry. It’s just…”
“It’s fine, Y/N,” he sighs as he leans the back of his head against the head rest.  “I shouldn’t have… I guess some part of me still thinks we’re together.”
Turning your head to look outside, you focus your eyes on anything but the man sitting next to you, deflecting his words and banning all memories from your mind. “I need you to drive me back Thursday evening, not Friday morning. It’s okay if you can’t, I’ll just take the train back again.”
“No,” he quickly replies, “I’ll drive you back. Why you need to be back in New York so soon?”
You shrug, humming quietly as you see your parents’ house pop up in the distance. “A boring office party. I have to go because I’m up for promotion and I wanna make a good impression.”
Parking the car outside the house, Bucky takes a couple more minutes to just look at you, cupping your cheek so you’re looking back at him, too. You don’t say anything, your lips don’t move and your mind stop reeling for just those few seconds. But it feels like an eternity, an eternity of Bucky.
“I promised myself I wouldn’t fall in love with you again,” Bucky whispers eventually, smiling sadly at the girl in front of him. “But I guess I never fell out of love with you in the first place.”
Tagging: @avengerofyourheart @a-little-hell-to-raise @marvelingatthewonder @mrshopkirk @hardcorehippos @knittingknerdy @winterboobaer @italwaysendsinafightt @viollettes @hymnofthevalkyrie @feelmyroarrrr @justareader @austinamelio @volklana @howlingbarnes @themcuhasruinedme @theoneandonlysaucymo @caplansteverogers @amrita31199 @emilyevanston @minervaem @howlingbarnes @buchananbarnestrash @youandb @you-and-bucky @fvckingsteverogers @thatawkwardtinyperson @barnes-heaven @that-sokovian-bastard @abovethesmokestacks @marvelrevival @marvel-fanfiction @justanotherbuckydevotee @barnes-heaven @heartmade-writingbucky @buckyywiththegoodhair @captnbarnesrogers @its-not-a-phase-hux @melconnor2007 @ivvitm1109 @toofuckinfabulous @ailynalonso15 @hollycornish @delicatecapnerd @camigt1999 @learisa @curlyexpat @palaiasaurus64 @fanndas-snow-goddess @crisssivonne @yourenotrogers @tomhollandzs @supernaturaldean65 @beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep @aletheladyinred @tessiethompson @xbergiex @reniescarlett @promarvelfangirl @capbuckybuchanan @lovemarvelousfics @yknott81 @rrwilson66 @pegasusdragontiger @salty-holographic-stickers @sammyissassy @sebstanchrisevanchickforever19 @kudosia @bellejeunefillesansmerci @lumelgy @mizzzpink @southernbellestatues @daringtodreamawake @neurotic-narwhal @cokamarie24 @blue1928 @movingonto-betterthings @breezy1415 @isnt-the-blog-youre-looking-for @jesspfly @weenie-butt @debzybrazy @fuckingchaotic  @always-an-evans-addict @petersunderroos  @thegreentgirl @nedthegay @eve1978 @yourtropegirl @4theluvofall @lostinthoughtsandfeelings @pineapplebooboo @curvybihufflepuff @thefridgeismybestie @supernatural508
Series tag list: @buckyappreciationsociety @alexaduke @incoherentsmiles
Strikethrough means Tumblr wouldn’t let me tag you!
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wandering-bitch · 4 years
Annotations on I Have Always Loved The Door (pt 3)
I Have Always Loved The Door is my Mianmian/Wen Qing fic about reconciling with your past, growing into yourself, and also Swords. Here’s director’s commentary on the last third of the fic, chapters 11-15!
chapter 11: hahaha everything’s getting worse
my notes in the outline said “fatal journey happens, we cried, u know”
look im still not 100% over fatal journey. nie brothers nie brothers nie brothers!!!!
just realized we referred to jgy as meng yao??? probably because this is around when i started writing Falling in Love with Love (Again) which takes place b4 sunshot
however i will say that nmj calls him meng yao bc he’s being petty
ah yes the next jgy scene!!! i struggled with how to write his thinly veiled threat so it was clear it was a threat while also being perfectly innocuous. I think i managed here
honestly in this universe jin guangyao is going to try to murder wen qing and mianmian is gonna have to spend so much time protecting her.
“huang daiyu and dinner! my two favorite things!” mianmian why are u such a lesbian
im very sorry about nie mingjue burning nie huaisang’s art but it did happen in the novel and i love how much it hurts
“[nmj] stepped into her space, hand on baxia. wen qing had been glared at and threatened by many men in her life. she had stopped cowing to them years ago” im a little proud of this. the mental image of nmj stepping so close he has to crane his neck down to see her, assuming she’d move back. and wen qing staying put and glaring at him just as grumpily from like. right below his nose
ch 12: swords swords swords. 
mianmian’s pure joy at getting swords!!! my joy at writing swords!!!! people respecting mianmian!!!!
(mianmian Knows huang daiyu is a wen at this point bc she’s not a dang idiot, she knows whomst would fear their identity being leaked)
i casually said mianmian fucked jiang yanli for two reasons: one, because i’m just not interested in writing a character having a sexuality crisis and 2. because jiang yanli fucks.
say it with me kids: jiang yanli fucks.
i had such trouble figuring out what things the vice general of qinghe would need to do at this point haha
“i’m not a complete sword jock” 
“if you’re going to call me jie i’m going to use that authority to tell u what to do” “and if i didn’t call u jie” “then i’d use my authority as ur doctor”
ch 13: makin a choice 2 stay
this is around when i lost major steam writing this. i knew some of the things i wanted to touch on (the memorial banquet, a cute date, the reveal tm) but not the shape of the ending
however, writing the banquet scene helped me figure out part of it: wen qing finding that qinghe can be a place she belongs, even if she has to leave. ma lingzxin and xiang tengfei deciding “this is our doctor and if anything happened to her we would kill everyone in this room”
(honestly they join mianmian’s “keep jgy’s schemes away from the infirmary” team)
Mianmian Wants To Kiss Huang Daiyu 
ch 14 final date <3 <3 <3 <3 
sword content. look every time someone commented that they liked the sword content i became more powerful. i don’t think of myself as swayed by readers (for instance i did not change anything about nmj dying even tho ppl kept hoping and praying) but i AM easily swayed to add sword content
(im including unarmed content as sword content for the purpose of Emotional Sword Content)
im so incredibly fucking gay over the idea of owning a part of someone’s spiritual swords. like. i gotta get me a girl who will give me a part of her own swords.
again, youya means shoot/sprout and tuzai means slaughter. hence the visions.
ch 15 hey look it’s what we’ve been waiting for!!!
i don’t know i don’t know i really don’t know
nie huaisang would 100% have destroyed wen qing if she told him she didn’t use any cultivation to help nmj
i don’t know much about the midwife but i do know they’re about 85 years old, spry as hell, grey as hell, and grumpy as hell. but their hands are always soft and gentle and they tell u exactly what they’re going to do. 
“he was bright red even after being wiped down and his face was more wrinkle than child” im not saying i based this on descriptions of me as an infant but. that is what i’m saying.
“if he’s red then why are they getting jaundice medicine” because i said so
the end of the fic sounds like this
thank u for coming on this journey with me, im a big gay who likes big gays.
this is the longest thing i’ve ever written. i keep saying that but. i straight up dropped out of college because writing things is hard. and while i’ve written a bunch bc i like to come up with stories and the like, i’ve only finished a handful of projects. this is one of them!!! so it’s gonna live in my soft gay heart for a while.
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playinonaloop · 7 years
Bathbomb - C.B
That wasn’t funny
This isn’t what it looks like! Okay… Maybe it is.
Stop texting me weird stuff so late at night
Requested by: @noodleswdw
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Sundays have always been your favourite day of the week, for multiple reasons. One of the reasons being, you didn’t had to do homework. But since you moved out to L.A. the feeling of being totally free on sunday slowly started to fade. It totally got ruined when you finally got into your dorm room and started college. Even when you were free from school work, you were still too busy with bills and food and even work to relax.
This sunday wasn’t supposed to be any different, you had a script to finish for your writing class. You woke up after a short night, already being sleepdeprived everything went wrong from the moment you got up. Starting off by tripping on your sweatpants that were lying on the floor, causing to wake up your bestfriend who was still sleeping after a night out, which you didn’t go to since you were up all night working on your script. ‘My gosh.. Can’t you be a little more quiet?! I am trying to sleep here!’ She spat angrily, you softly mumble lots of sorry’s before putting your sweatpants on and hurrying to the shared kitchen. You quickly open the cabinet and your beloved mug drops out of it and shatters right for your eyes. A foul curse leaves your mouth as you start cleaning up the bits and pieces ‘No coffee for me today..’ You sigh as it comes to your mind that you still had to go to the store to get some coffee beans. 
After eating burned toast with only butter since you also ran out of eggs, you quickly put on some make-up to get ready to finish your script and maybe even see your boyfriend Corbyn if you could finish it before six. When you finally sat yourself down with a bottle of water and your laptop, you recieved a text from Corbyn. 
Corbeann: Hii babe! I know you will probably be very busy today but I just wanted to let you know I love you and I hope I’ll see you today. Also please let me know if you’re coming by today, maybe you can come over for dinner and a movie? I’ll cook!
This boy never failed to make you smile and even though your day started off rough, Corbyn didn’t fail once again. With a bright smile on your mouth you face time him. 
‘Heyy baby’ His raspy voice came through and you went all fuzy, his morning voice was the cutest and it was one of the things you loved about him. 
‘Hello love, did you just wake up?’ Now his face comes to the camera and you see a sleepy Corbyn. ‘Yes I did, how is that script coming along babe?’ ‘Well.. I am so close to finishing it but like I don’t know how to end it. I have four or even five ideas on how to end it.’ He just stared at you, his eyes locked on yours. ‘Watcha looking at?’ You giggle, starting your laptop and opening the script. ‘Well, I am currently looking at the most beautiful woman in my life who is so stressed about a script and is still looking stunning while being stressed.’ A blush crept on your cheeks as you looked away ‘Thank you babe’ You softly say as you turn back to facetime. ‘I have to go now, hopefully I’ll finish it soon’ ‘Wait! Are you coming over for dinner or not? It would be so nice.’ He looked at you nervously. ‘Yes ofcourse, I’ll be there around six alright?’ ‘Yay! Love you babe.’ ‘I love you too.’ 
A few hours later, you put the last page of your script in your binder. It took you around full 4 hours of rewriting and even writing different endings but you made it just in time. You quickly grab your bag and keys, running off to make it just in time. 
You walk in right on time to see Corbyn running around, fully covered in flower and what looks like egg. ‘What the actual…’ Two seconds later Jack comes running past you, he looked even worse then Corbyn. His curls wear covered in egg yolk and he was carying a bag of sugar. A laugh escapes your mouth while you walk behind them, you quickly took out your phone to get some footage. Jonah saw you first and kept quiet while you filmed the boys fighting eachother with eggs and flower and salt. Corbyn then turned around and went red as soon as he saw you ‘Hey babe.. This isn’t what it looks like! ’ Jack turned around too, dropping the bag of sugar as he just sneaked off. ‘Oh really? ‘Cause it looks like you didn’t cook but had a food fight without me?!’ The corners of your mouth are so tempted to turn upwards. ‘Okay… Maybe it is.’ He started to come closer, you slowly stepped backwards. ’Come here babe, I want a hug’ His smirk told you that you had about 4 seconds before you would also be covered in flower, eggs and sugar.  You quickly threw your bag on the couch outside and took a sprint to the kitchen to escape from Corbyn, who was now running after you. ‘BABE! COME HERE I WANT MY HUG!’ ‘NOT WHEN YOU LOOK LIKE THAT!’ Luckily, you weren’t in a bad shape so you kept running around the house. At some point, you thought you had lost him and you took a quick breath. You felt someone pull you into a hug and before you knew it you were fully covered in flower and eggs. He started laughing, ‘Haha! I got you, but damn my girl is atlethic.’ you felt his lips kissing your neck as you just gave up and turned around. ‘I hate you, this is my fave shirt and now it’s ruined!’ You acted like a drama queen, fake tears and all. ‘Sorry babe, I’ll get you a new one.’ He softly places a kiss on your in flower covered hair. ‘You know that this wasn’t funny’
When the two of you went back to the kitchen, Corbyn quickly leads you away to the dining table. It was perfectly set up, romantic lights, soft music and a fully dressed table. ‘Baby..’ you whine softly as you start to smile. You turn around to look at him, you find him staring at you. ‘I love you’ And that was all he needed, he pulled you into a tight hug, your lips finally making contact. The kiss was soft and gentle. ‘I love you too, but you have to sit down now, I’ll get the food.’ He pecked a quick kiss on your lips and turned around back to the kitchen. You sighted, sat down and waited patiently on Corbyn. This boy had your head spinning, making you fall in love with him even more on a daily base. After a few minutes he came back with two plates, you couldn’t directlty see what it was. ‘So we’ll start off with roasted vegetables with some mashed potatoes and for you a small piece of steak.’ He put the plate down infront of you ‘This smells amazing babe!’ You patiently wait until he’s seated, when he is, the two of you dig in and have an amazing dinner without being interreputed by any of the boys. 
After desert, the two of you head upstairs. Corbyn had a whole night planned out but first you really had to wash off the flower and eggs since it started to itch. ‘I’ll run the bath, we’re too dirty to go into my bed like this!’ A small giggle left your mouth as you picked out a bathbomb. ‘You really like that one don’t you?’ His breath made your hairs stand up straight. ‘Mmhm’ You softly hummed as you turned around, brushing his lips as you walked away towards the bath. His arms shyly wrapped around your waist. Although the two of you had showered together many times before, every time Corbyn would take it slow with you, making sure you were as good as you could be while getting naked with him.  ‘May I?’ You turned around, making eye contact with him and nodding. He tugged on your shirt and then slowly pulled it off. You took his shirt off and his pants too. ‘Come on babe, I’m getting cold.’ He slowly took of your pants too. ‘I am fine, Corbyn, let’s just get in.’
You just wanted to close your eyes for two seconds, just to relax a bit. But when you opened them, you realised that it had been a bit longer that two seconds. You were still laying on his chest and Corbyn was sleeping, the water had gone cold. A quick look on your phone told you that it was half past nine and that you had so many follow requests, it made you wonder what did Corbyn or one of the boys post? You open Instagram to see a cute picture of you and Corbyn at the dining table, fully covered in flower and eggs while eating dinner. Jonah snapped the photo and posted it on his story, with your name under it. Everyone knew you were Corbyns girlfriend but the two of you decided to keep your instagram private, at least the one you had since high school. You had created a second account since the fans wanted to follow you. But Jonah linked the wrong instagram, oh well it was private and it wouldn’t go off private soon.
Corbyn woke up shortly after you, the two of you decided to shower and Corbyn got ready for bed. You got ready to go back to your dorm.
‘Babe?’ ‘Yes?’ He grabbed your hand. ‘Thank you for tonight’ You leaned in for a kiss, Corbyn pulled you close deepening the kiss a bit. ‘I love you [Y/N].’ He smiled as you got into the car. You drove off , going back to the stress. But you know you could always come back, because Corbyn was your home and you was his.
Later that night you recieved lots of texts of Corbyn. Some were about Jonah linking the wrong insta and how sorry he was. And some of them were total random. The most random one came around 2 A.M after facetiming. It was a picture of an apartment in L.A. Corbyn wanted to buy it and live there with you.
[Y/N]: Stop texting me weird stuff so late at night babe.
Corbeann: But I want to live there with you babe!
[Y/N]: We will live together, you just gotta put a 💍 on it first! 😜
Sooooo this is a Corbyn fic that didn’t turn out angsty, not really sure about it. Writing it was so much fun! Love y'all
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canaryatlaw · 8 years
Today was interesting. Not sure if I'd classify it as good or bad, because it wasn't really either. It was fine, just....interesting. Wake up at 7, go to work. I have literally nothing to do all morning, so I look over my stuff for trial ad tonight, review and edit the mock trial stuff, read fan fic, and finish reading the abuse/neglect section of the juvenile court act (which is the entirety of the law that governs our proceedings). So that was kind of less then thrilling. Eat lunch, and on my way back to my desk after sticking my lunch box back in the fridge (because it still contained my dinner which required refrigeration) the lady that had me on the wild goose file hunt last week passes me and asks if I can order a copy of that birth certificate we couldn't find. I said sure, but that I have no idea how to do that, and she said one of the paralegals can show me. So I go to knock on the paralegal's door, and nobody is there. Ugh. So I'm just kind of chilling out for a little while. I can hear my supervisor getting in and out of phone calls, and I manage to slip in between some and tell him I don't really have anything to do, so he says he wants me to work on this motion for him, saying it's this case where the mom had 4 kids in custody and got them back, then the 4 year old starved to death over the summer and......at this point I go oh, I know this case. It's the child death case that was all over the place in the media over the summer with the super insane set of facts. This is like, a super high profile case. I've actually periodically looked it up online to find out if the murder charges have come down yet, so far nothing but as far as I know they're still in custody for arson/improper disposal of a body. If you don't remember me talking about this case (and I imagine you probably don't because even if you read these I talk about a lot of cases) it was where the 4 year old starved to death and two days later the mom gave birth to twins at 32 weeks, then two days later with the twins in the NICU she goes and wraps their brother's body in clothes and plastic bags and attempts to set it on fire in the basement of an abandoned building, and gets caught doing so, accompanied by her neighbor and lover, who is the father of the twins, and oh yeah, is 17 years old. And of course it's a shit show for DCFS because the kids had been in care and were returned to the moms custody, and then there was a child death, which means there's gonna be a huge investigation into who dropped the ball there, because chances are somebody did. So anyway. This motion is for adjudication coming up. Under certain circumstances, the state can move up termination of parental rights to happen at adjudication (as opposed to having to wait 9 months), and one of those circumstances being the death of a sibling at their parent's hand. So because they're pushing for termination they want the foster parents to testify, but apparently the foster parents are afraid to do so because apparently the bio family has some gang connections and they fear retribution for "taking the kids away." How legit this fear is I have no idea, and in all likelihood they probably wouldn't be in danger, but nonetheless they want to see if they can testify in chambers, so we were writing a motion requesting it. I had a memo of all the related cases that one of the paralegals had drawn up, so I just had to draft it into a motion, which wasn't too hard, so far at least. There weren't any cases exactly on point, meaning there's no precedent for allowing foster parents to testify in chambers, but there's a variety of cases that have pieces of the overall theory, like one that states the absence of the right to testifying in chambers in a statute doesn't indicate it should be denied, and the juvenile court act contains some great language that you can basically make any argument as long as it's framed in the best interest of the child, there's a good chance it'll get through. So I start writing the motion, and I notice myself using the stuff I picked up in LARC, except this was SO much easier because there wasn't a formula I had to follow, I could call the shots and write what I thought made sense to me with the information I had, not squish that information into a preset formula. And like, as glad as I was that it was coming easy to me, I couldn't help being frustrated by LARC being what it is and being so obnoxious, something I'm going to try to bring up with my prof when we have conferences on our assignment next week, and hopefully she'll agree or see some merit to it. I worked on the motion for the rest of the day, getting about 3 and a half pages written spanning 3 cases. There are a few other points I'm planning on making, then it can be finalized and sent to the parties, and will be up for argument at the next court date of February 28th, where I can argue it in court, which is a bit of a scary thought just because of how high profile the case is and how many parties are involved, but it should be a simple enough argument and I have plenty of time to prepare for it, so it should be fine. I definitely got a little thrill from my name officially being on the record on the motion, next to *the* public guardian for the county (like *the* states attorney and then a bunch of ASA's) and my supervisor haha, that made me happy. End of the day I headed out, catching the bus to the train to the other courthouse downtown. I had a different kind of bun for my sandwich this time that made it a lot easier to eat, because it didn't get crumbs everywhere and it also wasn't fucking huge (the last ones legit wouldn't fit into a sandwich bag) so that at least was a nice discovery. The sheriffs at the downtown courthouse are like, so much nicer than at the juvenile courthouse, they like waved me on through and didn't bother checking me even when I set off the metal detector (like I do every single time I go through a metal detector). So that was nice at least. Got to the courtroom and chilled out and waited for our prof. This week was based on objections, and I had been assigned to write two directs and one cross, and to be the witness on one problem, with getting picked for one or two of the directs/crosses (but you have to prep for all of them). The first one took forever to get through, and the girl doing it made some really bad flubs about hearsay like "but he heard it so he can testify to it!" and "it's not hearsay because it was his statement!" and she's also a 3L so that's kind of cringeworthy, lol. Then I was up as the witness for the second problem, and of course as with every opportunity I get to play a witness I'm gonna have a good time with it. It was a pretty basic fact pattern with this lady slipping on ice in a store parking lot and suing the store, so I decide this lady's gotta be like pushing 90, and definitely has an New York Yiddish old lady accent, which came out as a super natural reaction to the problem without me formulating that objective, lol. And oh, it was a riot. Everybody was cracking up, and I got so many good lines in there that were just totally ridiculous but didn't detract from the case in any way (like saying my grocery bags were filled with Cheetos, one for the crunchy and one for the puffs) and I had a very good time with it, so I was satisfied for that haha. Short break, then next problem that I got to watch until the last one where I got to do cross, so I definitely lucked out on assignments there. We were like, really pushing the time limit at this point, and of course our prof is like, breaking down every question on direct and walking him through every step, and I'm just sitting there staring at the clock on the wall approach and then pass 8:30 before I even get to get up from the table....sigh. I mean, it was a complicated hearsay problem with lots of things to be explained, but still, it was getting a little ridiculous. I do like our prof though, this is the female judge since we switch between two every other week, and I can tell she really likes me, haha, pretty much everything I do is met with praise like "excellent" and she got really hyped when there was an argument over admitting a criminal conviction and I was the only one that caught that battery isn't always a felony, and if it's not a felony it's inadmissible. Of course I only knew that because we'd had that exact conversation at the beginning of the year with the mock trial tryout problem, but I still felt successful and smart for pointing it out, and she definitely loved it. I finally got to do cross, kept it nice and short and effective, then continued to bug the other lawyer on redirect with objections (which the prof also loved, haha). After that we finally got to go home. I got home around 9:40 or so, not bad for being held over, and I immediately turn on legends. This may be a somewhat abbreviated review because my eyes want to close right now, but we'll see. It was an interesting episode. I saw at least one online reviewer saying it was the best episode of the series so far, which I don't agree with. It didn't really feel like a legends episode to me, but I still definitely enjoyed it for what it was. I just wanted more of our lovable time losers, of course. But the villain plot between the 3 of them being fleshed out was super interesting, as was the explanation of what Eobard is after and the introduction of the black flash chasing him. I have to ask of course, WHERE THE FUCK IS SNART!?????! I was told he was gonna be a part of this villain group and there's only so many episodes left in the season, ya killing me here by dragging it out this line. But the Stein/Lily plot was adorable and well played, Stein really pulled it off in the end there. And it's good to see the legends are actually figuring out what the legion is up to and make a plan to fight them. Phil continues to slay me, and while I'm sure we'll get Rip back at some point (especially with tonight's revelation that there's a copy of his memories) but I really just want to keep Phil at this point. I giggled at the "fixing Rip's flaws" line, especially when that turned out to mean making him kill George Washington (because ?! Evil bad guys??? This will totally serve their purpose??!!???). So yeah, overall pretty good, just give me Snart already. I did watch the episode of the flash that came out tonight after, but I'm too tired to recap my thoughts on it right now and I didn't have all that many interesting ones anyway, so I'm gonna end this here and get to bed. Goodnight my friends. Keep on keeping on.
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canaryatlaw · 7 years
So today was interesting. Overall better than the rest of this week, though I probably couldn't point you to any specific factors there. I guess I just mentally felt better so things followed that. Morning was a bit of a lol, my alarm goes off at 7, I turn it off and pick up my phone, then close my eyes for a few seconds. When I open my eyes, my phone now reads 7:40. What the fuck??? Like okay, it wouldn't be the first time I've over slept an alarm, but doing it just like that was weird. Thankfully it left me just enough time to get to work mostly on time if I ubered instead of took public transit, so I did a mostly normal morning routine and then ubered to work, getting there at 9:05 so that's enough for me to call it a win, if an accidental one. So for the morning I did some of my paperwork setting up the timeline from the other day, and about mid-morning I think I popped over to see if our tech guy was in and he was, so I let him know that I still couldn't get the prison calls to play on my computer which I felt bad about because they'd already like, switched out a computer and everything to make this work haha. But he was like nah it's cool, imma call my supervisor and we'll take care of this. And a little while later they came and did something (while I sat on the chair on the other side of my desk and scrolled through Facebook on my phone) and pretty soon they had it up and working. Okay, I forget if I provided any context for this when I first mentioned them, but I don't think I did so I'll give some here. To my understanding, we have recordings of prison phone calls from a man and the mother of his daughter, who is in DCFS custody. I'm not totally sure here, but I think he might've been in prison for some sort of child abuse (I don't think it was sexual, probably aggravated battery to a child). But basically they want to argue in court that mom is gonna get back together with dad when he gets out which would put their daughter in danger and they shouldn't regain custody, so the attorney wanted me to go through the phone calls between the two of them to see if there was any talk about getting back together or anything about their daughter specifically, them trying to get her back. So I set off with 530 audio recordings, most of them listed under "time limit exceeded" for reason of termination, which means they were 30 minutes long. WOAHBOY. So the first few I listened to were in the early days of his prison sentence and they had lots of good stuff for me to write down, but they started getting more monotonous so I like, checked my email and did some other random shit while still listening (I didn't read any fic, because I knew if I did that I probably wouldn't N able to focus on the calls). Soon enough I switch over to the more recent calls (so switch from August 2016 to March 2017) and suddenly there's a much different tone. The first one had them arguing over the fact that he said he'd call her right at 8:45 and he called her at 8:46, which I was laughing at pretty hard. Fun little prison break reference here, but the prison is called "Big Muddy River Correctional Center" located in Illinois, which of course isn't too far off from "Fox River Correctional Center (or facility?)" also fictionally in Illinois. So that made me smirk a little. So I kept listening, and then they decided to have phone sex, and I was very thankful for the fast forward button because having to listen to that I'm pretty sure is a violation of my 8th amendment constitutional right against cruel and unusual punishment. Lol. But for the most of the afternoon I just let the conversations play (I had headphones in so they weren't being broadcasted to the whole office) and noted when they said something relevant. For the record, they didn't need to talk about getting back together because OH, THEY'RE TOGETHER, and there was plenty of mentions of "getting their daughter back" (smh). So then I was just left to marvel at the strange range of tasks my job has me carrying out, lol. But anyway. My physical therapy options were pretty limited this week since I could only come after work and my normal guy is in Europe, and despite being there yesterday the only other appointment I could get this week was for tonight at 6, and of course I get off of work at 5. I figured if I ubered though I could probably make it with enough time to run to my apartment and get changed from my suit into physical therapy appropriate clothing, lol, however, my uber driver didn't take the best route and we got caught in traffic and I didn't end up getting to PT until 6:20 and I was such not a happy camper because if you pay attention on here at all, you know being late is my biggest pet peeve possible. It was okay though, it was just a little shorter of a session. Not a big deal. Now we just know 6 pm appointments are a no-go, lol. The girl I worked with was fine, I like my regular guy so I was kind of meh about working with other people but she was nice enough and she did a pretty good job, so that's good. When I finished there I walked back home and ate some dinner- I forget if I ever discussed my weird eating issue I've developed lately on here so I'm just gonna talk about it now. For weeks now, no matter what my big weekend meal I use for leftovers throughout the week is, when it comes to eating those leftovers it feels like I have to shove the food into my mouth. And then I get stuck in the whole quandary of "oh well I should eat it anyway because it's healthy" ("healthy") and no, don't force yourself to eat something you don't want to, but obviously a ton of meals I make have been going to waste because of this and I have no idea what to do about it. This week I was gonna try to really test it because I did my creamy Parmesan chicken pasta (I definitely mentioned that on here recently, but I don't remember the rest of the context) which is like phenomenal and I'd see if I had an issue with that, and yupp, when it came down to eating the chicken it felt like shoving concrete in my mouth. This is a totally new and out of nowhere development?? Like this has never been an issue before. And it's not just chicken, because I've tried other meats and it's the same thing (I can have like, two slices of turkey on a mini sandwich, but that's really nothing). And I just don't know what to do about this because I feel like I started the whole weekend meal thing because I wanted to make sure I was getting enough protein in my diet, because I wasn't really eating meat unless I was intentional about it. But I mean, I have been making eggs very often since getting my rapid egg cooker off amazon (seriously, I'm in love with this thing, it does them perfectly every time) and I also eat yogurt very frequently which are both good sources of protein so maybe not? Idk why but I have this idea in my head that protein = healthy which is true in some instances but not when my mind wants to apply it to like, a McDonald's hamburger because that's what it tries to do. I did just remember though when I was reading the info about acid reflux on my new doctors website he had one of the trigger food listed as "high protein foods" which I thought was weird that that would cause a reaction, and I hadn't noticed one.....but maybe now I have? It's obviously a different reaction but hey, if the latest theories are true my acid reflux has been fucking up pretty much all my systems with random ass symptoms like furious coughing, not being able to breathe while running, and of course not being able to eat anything that hits the mild salsa level of spice (that's not an exaggeration, that's legit how I describe it sometimes or people just don't understand when I say I can't have just "spicy" foods, like it's much worse than that) so who fucking knows if this is a result of it too. It just makes me anxious about my other eating issues that I purposely have never talked about openly on this blog for a lot of personal reasons that I just don't want to be out there for the whole world to see quite yet. It's just....concerning. Sigh. I need to move on. I ate dinner and listened to the flash podcast for a little bit because I was very into the episode, before turning on Riverdale about 20 minutes into it (thanks TiVo). I vaguely remembered it was the season finale so it should get some good drama. And there was some good drama, for sure. But damn, I gotta say, I feel so damn sorry for Cheryl Blossom. I mean the girl just lost literally half of her family and found out her entire family's business was a criminal sham. Like I feel like having her go out into the frozen lake was maybe one of the only times I've seen in tv where a character resorting to attempting suicide in reaction to an event actually felt genuine and not contrived. But goddammit Archie, just let someone else help you punch through the ice ffs because there was a LOT of blood in that last shot before the ice broke and boy you probably hurt yourself real bad there. As far as the other plot stuff, I was irritated of course by the inaccurate portrayal of the child welfare system getting involved in Jughead's life. First of all, he's in a safe fictive kin placement right now, even if it's unofficial fictive kin don't have to be licensed. Fred Andrews having a single DUI on his record would not disqualify him from fostering children. He also cited money, but now that the state is involved he would get a stipend for Jughead that would take care of the money issue. Second of all, they don't take kids into care when they have another perfectly capable parent who's just in another state and "overextended." What is that word even supposed to mean? To me it feels like it could only really boil down to finances, and there are legit laws in every state saying you can't take a kid into care just because his family his poor. They even have these cool things called Norman funds to assist families in those positions. So in conclusion, if this were real life, Jughead would either stay with Archie or go to live with his mom and jellybean (which is the cutest nickname ever). I don't know why I still care though, because it's not like there is ever an accurate depiction of the child welfare system on tv or other sorts of media. And that's an issue because it perpetuates ideas like "don't call CPS, they'll just make it worse" which is how kids end up staying in abusive homes and KIDS END UP DEAD. So this is an actual problem, believe me. Sigh. The one other note of feedback I will give is I do like Archie and Veronica together. When I finished that I turned on Blindspot, which I knew was the penultimate episode so there was gonna be some big firefight with a hidden twist at the end, and of course that was exactly what happened, lol. It was a pretty good one though, and I'm looking forward to seeing what they do to wrap it up next week. And I'm glad they got another season to work with. And that was more or less it for my day, and it is late and I don't want to be dead exhausted tomorrow- oh that's right, today was the first day in like, 5 work days that I didn't fall asleep at work!!! So that's progress!!! But uh yeah, I need to sleep now. Goodnight loves. Happy Friday.
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