#is actually healthier than eating spinach
yall are going to tell me you really truly cannot cook and that the only way to eat greens healthily is through eating them raw? in my own house
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xjumbled-up-brainx · 2 years
Hugo headcannons cause I said so:
-He is a bi king✨ he/him
-He usually eats healthier foods, but if he wants a treat he likes salt water taffy and coffee cake
-He is a spinach and kale guy. “Romaine lettuce is for basic bitches and losers.” —Hugo
-He is a lemonade guy.
-Watermelon and feta cheese>>>
-His secret passion is bonsais. He doesn’t know why, he just thinks they are champs. (Maybe it’s because they are just like any other plant, but their purpose is to be perfect and controlled. They are just like any other tree, but the only difference is that they are small from craving attention.) But whoooo knoooows…
-Unlike most penguins, Hugo is an only child. Still though, he struggled to stand out. His parents were a bit neglectful, the kind of “oh that’s nice sweetie” and continue reading the newspaper when he tried to show them anything. He got fine grades, fine everything. Just fine. But, when he started athletics, he got more attention, and more, and more. He became popular, everyone knew him. This hobby morphed into his whole personality and identity. Now people actually paid attention to him, he had his thing.
-In school he always struggled with those: Introduction get to know papers. They were difficult because they separated “who are you” and “what sports and hobbies do you do” these were the same for Hugo. Sports is his personality, he always lied because he knows nothing else about himself.
-His bandana was given as a gift from a late coach, who was a former champion in the iron clam. This coach was who informed Hugo of the race, and helped him train for it. Unfortunately, he passed before he could see Hugo participate. He won that first race, and every race after that.
-His coach was the only one who noticed something was wrong with Hugo. He tried to set up some “mental trainings” cough cough therapy, but no therapist could handle Hugo and his big ego. He just talked about himself the whole time, but not in the way therapy is supposed to be. His coach also struggled with emotional connection, but he always tried to help. Hugo had not felt anyone truly care about him since his coach passed, until he met Peso.
-He didn’t show it on screen, but when he said to Peso “now I can have a chance to win again” he was truly grateful. They were going to cancel the race. What would cancelling the race do? Sever his only connection to his coach, and the only thing that makes him special. He was genuinely worried, but didn’t know how to deal with that feeling so it showed up in his uncontrollable cockiness.
-After the sliding challenge, Hugo comforts Peso, it was his first time, Hugo almost lost his first time, of course Hugo won his first time though so it’s not the same. He is not intentionally being critical or mean, he is actually being honest or his definition of nice. He is being genuine, he has no filter and can’t recognize how his words affect other people. He was never purposely mean to Peso in the whole episode, he didn’t even know people thought that was mean.
-When the penguins start the chant about Peso “you might actually win this thing” you can see how distraught Hugo is. This is a new experience. If Peso wins, what does that make him? What else does he have?
-“No pain, no gain. I’m a winner, not a quitter.” He can’t afford to quit, quitting makes him a nobody again. He is willing to disregard his own well being if it means he will win. “There are more important things than winning.” “Like what?” “Making sure you’re alright.” “I don’t understand you at all.” He really doesn’t understand why Peso wouldn’t do what Hugo would do and just leave him behind. He has probably never heard those words from anyone, no one really showed they cared about his well being. Of course his coach did, but not in the same compassionate way we all know Peso is famous for.
-When Peso swam him across the finish line, he was genuinely confused. Peso wasn’t like anyone he’d ever met, no opponent or fan. He didn’t blindly praise him for his athletic abilities. He was compassionate and real, it caught him off guard.
-It took a lot of strength for him to suggest that Peso deserves the iron clam, beginning of his arch. Since that time, he made strides toward bettering himself.
-He stopped the iron clam competitions. Without him competing, others felt confident enough to enter. It made him happy to see other penguins being more confident, taking time to explore his own soul and what really makes him happy. Not caring what other people see him as. He still wears the bandana, but he knows Coach is proud of him.
-The half clam shell is now the only trophy he keeps.
-Hugo listens to “I’m Gonna Win” by Rob Cantor after a mental breakdown to hype himself back up. He has a lot of difficulty with identifying his emotions, sometimes he gets overwhelmed and has no idea why. Everyone loves him, right? There are those in much worse situations, cause he’s the best, right? So why does he feel this way? That’s not fair to everyone else, he’s supposed to be better than this. Because he can’t fully show or understand his feelings, it comes off as his cocky default to hide what’s really going on.
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1stlovemegently · 7 months
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Wonderful meal to Start your Morning.
While my fiance and I take time to find ourselves in separation. He has encouraged me to eat more of a Raw Vegan. Coming from a Man who I would call Omnivore and me Vegan at home and when I eat out Vegetarian at best.
He enjoyed this meal when I saw him the other week when we met up, he said the sauces tasted like a sauce from Arby's (it had been watered down in a meal prep kit more on this below on how to store this meal)
I was actually surprised at how full I was. I haven't eaten meat in 14 years but that doesn't mean I've eaten the healthiest but I get healthier each year and learn more about health (along with my fiancé, who encouraged me to bring any dairy products home as I've been Vegan many times) not only was I full I loved the taste of it. I'm a huge fan of tomatoes.
Even though my Sid Vicious and I are separated he's made a point to tell me not to eat anything with White Bread, Wheat, Rice and what can I say but he is right I bought Dave's Killer Bread my favorite bread but I did feel more tired the rest of the week
More onto this Recipe
I used 1 or 2 Zucchinis and spiralled them. Then pinched them so it is easier to eat.
The sauce is
Handful of cherry tomatoes
A few spoon fulls of Sun Dried Tomatoes
Add in some fresh herbs like Basil, Cilontro, Spinach
No cooking just blend it all right up. Also if you want it more creamy you can add Tofu if someone does not have a Soy Allergy or Soaked or Unsoaked Cashews&Pine Nuts blended with Tomatos into a creamy paste add more tomatoes as they have natural amount of Water in them that includes nutritions. Or even better if you own a juicer to juice tomatoes and use the Juice to blend with the Cashews and Pine Nuts first. Then add Cherry Tomatoes, Sun Dried and herbs adding Spinach will add extra Protein to this meal there is Calcium in Spinach as well in the Cashews and Pine Nuts the Tomatos are loaded with Vitamin C, if not more than a Orange
Taking this meal on the go.
Do not pour the sauce on top or in the zucchini noodles store in a separate container and drain water from Zucchini noodles.
You can also use Cucumbers and April them or a mix of the both.
Adding in more vegetables like Red Peppers to the sauce or small amounts of carrots to not over power
Soak Walnuts overnight to as a crumble.
If you're new to Raw Veganism, or Veganism, Vegetarianism, looking to Add more Fresh Vegetables, Nuts, Seeds, Fruits into your diet I hope this has reached you. This is a easy recipe that can be done early in the morning I would suggest Unless you feel sick as in you need to drink water or eat something to drink Juice in the morning.
If you have a Blender blend vegetables and then strain the pulp/fiber. Drinking Vegetables Juice, Ginger Shots, and small amounts of Fruit Juice first thing you start your Day, Afternoon, Night whichever you get your little or a lot of sleep will help with the Nutrition going straight into your blood stream and system. This is also why we want to avoid too much fruit as the sugar goes straight to your blood stream as well.
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missbaphomet · 2 years
The healthy food you prepared in an "unhealthy" way is healthier for you than the healthy food you don't eat. If you have to add butter salt and oil to your broccoli to eat it, fucking do it. If you can't eat a salad without ranch, go for it (personally I sub lettuce for spinach and load it with toppings). Food doesn't lose nutritional value because you added something else, you're also gaining the flavor and nutrients of the other thing too.
Never be ashamed of needing food prepared a certain way if it means you'll actually eat it.
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Suggestions In The Experts On Handling Fatty tissue
Some individuals consider it cottage type cheese. Others just consider it unattractive, gross or humiliating. It is in reality referred to as cellulite, in fact it is a stress many people continue our legs, midsection or biceps and triceps. These days, make time to look at this post to get free of your fatty tissue.
If you are like you have been in an endless combat with cellulite, then you need to increase your drinking habits. Drinking water is a lot more of your protective measure than a heal. H2o will help hydrate your epidermis. Drinking water will also get rid of toxic compounds that can induce cellulite. Consider consuming at the very least 6 glasses of h2o every single day.
To conceal cellulite and battle it simultaneously, try some Slendesse leggings.
These leggings are created to provide you with the visual appeal of firmness that you just so want.
And they also do a lot more! They are actually created using both shea butter and coffee right in the fabric them selves. This assists fight the cellulite for real when you wear them.
If you are searching to remove fatty tissue, you must center on having a balanced diet regime consistently. Numerous research has shown that yo-yo dieting results in the majority of people with extra unhealthy deposits in the hips, thighs and back end. Consider finding a solid, proper diet and adhering to it.
When you have fatty tissue and would like to reduce its visual appeal, try out scrubbing and massaging your skin. Scrubbing and kneading the skin stimulates your lymphatic process and will help eradicate toxins through your system. Work with a skin area clean to concentrate on distinct locations where you have fatty tissue. Brush pores and skin in rounded motions once or twice every week to help break down oily deposit responsible for the dimpled appearance.
Stay hydrated and make certain you consume food products that contains healthier skin oils. The reason why this important? Simply mainly because that properly-hydrated epidermis evidences far less of the sort of dimpling that comes with cellulite. Considering the proper type of moisture, your skin appearance plumper and less dimpled. It will be the most basic, nevertheless just about the most effective, methods of working with cellulite.
Eating the best food items is the best way to eliminate fatty tissue.
Foods with a good amount of lecithin aid to break up unwanted fat and cellulite. Lettuce, apples, ovum, peanuts and spinach can provide you with the lecithin your system needs to stay easy. Don't eat fast food.
When you have cellulite and you happen to be smoker, it is time for you to stop.
Smoking cigarettes cuts down on the food source to the skin area and places much more damaging unhealthy toxins in your body. This damage the elasticity of the epidermis, which makes it very likely to cellulite. If you was without an adequate amount of grounds to stop cigarette smoking prior to, you do now.
Time you've put in looking at this article was truly an investment eventually of your own cellulite. What is the next step, you could possibly check with? It's actually utilizing what you've learned to end that cellulite forever. Take a risk on the assistance on this page to see what rewards it brings!
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mamaketoblr · 5 months
10 Keto Diet Tips for Beginners
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While following a keto diet, one must take special care in certain cases. The following tips can help you follow the diet a lot better:
Decrease Stress
The stress hormone cortisol ends up elevating the body’s blood sugar levels. Thus, this prevents the body from burning fat for energy due to the presence of excess sugar in it. Chronic stress can, therefore, severely hinder the body’s ability to enter ketosis.
Prioritize Sleep
Less sleep plays a major role in higher stress levels. As discussed earlier, this can prevent your body from being able to burn fat. Maintaining a proper schedule can help improve one’s quality of sleep. This, in turn, helps reduce stress and thus, makes the keto diet effective. It is ideal to get about 8–9 hours of sleep every night. Plenty of studies have found that sleeping for fewer hours can hurt one’s weight loss attempts.
Increase Salt Intake
While we have always been taught to reduce our sodium consumption, this is necessary only in the case of high-carb diets. High-carb diets have naturally higher levels of insulin, leading to the kidney retaining sodium. When you reduce your carb intake as you do with a keto diet, insulin levels are a lot lower, and the body excretes a lot more salt. Therefore, you can increase your salt consumption by 3 to 5 g while in ketosis.
Exercise Frequently
While on a keto diet, a regular exercise schedule can help boost ketone levels, and transition into a low-carb, high-fat diet a lot faster. Getting rid of any glucose present in the body is key to the body getting into ketosis. While exercising, the body uses different types of energy for fuel including carbs, amino acids, and fats. Frequent exercises help the body get rid of its glycogen stores quicker.
Drink Plenty of Water
Staying hydrated is important at all times, but it is much more so in the case of a ketogenic diet. This is because the body releases more water from the body when the carb intake is a lot lower. Ideally, one should drink more water on days where they are likely to sweat more.
Track you Macros
The current research data suggests that we tend to underestimate how many calories we eat. At times, the difference between estimated calorie intake and actual calorie intake is so profound that you may think you are eating much less than before but you are still gaining weight. Many of us will have plenty of low-calorie days where we do lose a bit of weight, but then our subconscious weight-regulating mechanisms will kick in to motivate us to eat more the following day. This will cause you to either gain more weight or hit a weight loss plateau that you just can’t seem to break. The worst part is that we are typically never aware that this is happening, and we start to blame ourselves or the diet when the truth is that we just need to take an objective look at how much we are eating.
Only Consume Keto Foods and Ingredients
Keto foods are foods and ingredients that are very low in carbs. What “very low in carbs” means exactly will depend on your daily carb limit. For example, we recommend keeping total carbs below 35g and net carbs below 25g (ideally, below 20g) so that you can reap the benefits of eating highly satiating foods and ketosis. To have such a small amount of carbs, you must be vigilant about your food choices. You may find that many of your favourite foods will put you near your carbohydrate limit for the day with just one serving. Even healthier foods like fruits and vegetables are packed with sugar and carbs, but don’t get discouraged — there is plenty of delicious food you can eat on the ketogenic diet.
Do Eat Meats — fish, beef, lamb, poultry, eggs, etc. Low carb vegetables — spinach, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, and other keto-friendly vegetables High-fat dairy — hard cheeses, high fat cream, butter, etc. Nuts and seeds — macadamias, walnuts, sunflower seeds, etc. Avocado and berries — raspberries, blackberries, and other low glycaemic impact berries Sweeteners — stevia, erythritol, monk fruit, and other low-carb sweeteners Other fats — coconut oil, high-fat salad dressing, saturated fats, etc.
Do Not Eat Tubers — potato, yams, etc. Fruit — apples, bananas, oranges, etc. Sugar — honey, agave, maple syrup, etc. Grains — wheat, corn, rice, cereal, etc.
Eat only when HUNGRY
A common question I get is whether you should eat when you are not hungry. Ketosis acts as a natural appetite suppressant, so you may find that you don’t get hungry as often, or not as ravenously so. There is no need to eat when you are not hungry! Simply focus on hitting your protein goal when you do get hungry and eat, but otherwise let your body signal when to eat.
Avoid the KETO FLU
Maybe you’ve heard of the keto flu, or maybe you’ve just experienced side effects of starting keto. It’s one of the most common questions about the keto diet for beginners. As your body shifts its primary fuel source from glucose and carbohydrates to ketones and fat, it can take your body some time to adjust to this metabolic change. Ketosis also flushes out a lot of water stored in the body, which can cause your electrolyte levels to dip.
Use sweeteners responsibly
Cutting out sugar isn’t easy, but it’s worth it! Weight loss is the motivator for many people looking for keto diet tips, but the improved energy, focus, mood, and other “NSV’s” (non-scale victories) turn out to be a pleasant surprise for many people. And getting rid of those sugar cravings feels SO. GOOD. But, it doesn’t mean saying goodbye to sweets altogether! You can make plenty of keto friendly dessert recipes instead.
Mama Keto makes your life easy by taking care of your meals & macros are personalised for each body type and metabolic metric.
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rubbarband · 5 months
41 44 45 <3
41. What phrases, pronunciations, or mannerisms did they pick up from someone / somewhere else?
"A baker always bounces back!" "We always bounce back yeah?" Passed on from His mom to Des and his sister, this family catchphrase is used by the small family and possibly future spouses and kids to let them know they always have each other's backs and they're all stronger than they think they are.
Desmond adopted it as a cheer for when he defeats a villain, going: "A band always-" in which the public will respond with "bounces back."
44. What language would be easiest for them to learn? Why?
He'd probably learn Japanese, considering American and Japan's hero society are deeply connected- he'd probably need it for work anyway.
45. What language would be easiest for them to learn? Why?
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"Why is spinach just wet, cold mush in a can? Who honestly wants to eat that when you can make fresh spinach that has some actual flavor AND is much healthier than mush saturated in salt water!"
Thank you Des, you can leave now- you been here for four hours complaining about this.
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from-1-to-90 · 1 year
Day 5 of 90 - Gotta Fuel Up
I ended up rolling out my legs yesterday using a large rolling pin, of all things, because that’s what I had on hand. And I think it helped! This morning my legs definitely felt used, but they didn’t feel nearly as sore as they did yesterday morning. My abs, on the other hand, feel as sore as ever. Is there a way to roll out ab muscles? 😅
FOOD (again)
I realized that I do actually need to come up with a food plan. Apparently, the way I was eating before was fine for the amount of energy I was expending, but now that I’m working out for about an hour every day, I really need to consume more calories in order to keep my energy levels up. But I don’t want to just eat more unhealthy snacks, like chips and cookies (which is what I currently have on hand). So, I’m going to need to do some research to find some healthy, nutritious snacks that I can grab throughout the day that will help keep me energized. Because I’m really more of a snack-er than a 3-full-meals-and-that’s-it kind of person. I usually don’t eat all that much in one sitting, so I like to graze. Which will be fine if I have nutritious foods that are fueling me to graze on.
For example, yesterday we had run out of eggs, and I hadn't made myself the chicken wing dish yet that I was planning to, so for breakfast and lunch I ate a ham and cheese sandwich without the bread (as in... just slices of ham and sliced of cheese). My thought regarding the bread was white bread = empty carbs, so white bread =/= healthy eating. So that's why I omitted it, since I'm trying to be more conscious about what I'm using to fuel my body. But it turns out that if I remove a carb from my diet, then I need to replace it with another carb - even if it is a healthier carb. Because I basically just didn't really eat any carbs for most of the day yesterday, and then felt exhausted in the afternoon. So yeah... I need to come up with a plan.
Healthy, quick foods that I am more likely to eat (getting ideas from this article):
Mixed nuts
Green smoothie (I need to buy some spinach that I can have on hand to blend into my smoothies to get some more nutrients into my diet.)
Plain greek yogurt (to go in the smoothie - will add protein to my food intake)
Apple with peanut butter
Chocolate milk (for post-workout recovery)
More ideas here in the Blogilates 90-day meal plan
Yeah... after doing some research, and especially reading this article, I think it's likely that the fatigue I've been experiencing over the past few days has been a result of low blood sugar and not eating / drinking enough. But now I know, and I will work on building up healthier habits in that arena. I don't want to impede my body's progress toward health and wellness by not giving it the proper fuel it needs.
Also, I'm recalling the fact that I didn't have a period for the three months that I did my last 90 day journey, back in 2019. At the time, I remember thinking, "huh, that's weird" and just chalking it up to something I heard about female athletes sometimes not getting a period when they were in an intense training phase. I figured my body was just confused about how much I was working out. But I'm realizing now that I think it was actually more serious than that. This article has more info, but basically, losing your period "can be a sign of exercise-induced anorexia related to energy deprivation from not eating enough, from exercising too much, or from a combination of the two," and has some pretty serious side effects, including loss in bone density and loss in muscle mass. Oof. I guess I really should have paid more attention. Also, it seems like I wasn't eating enough even back then, if my body was reacting this way.
So, new plan:
Hydrate well before and after working out
Eat a snack or meal with complex carbs and protein pre-workout (either a snack 30 mins before the workout session, or a full meal 2-3 hours before)
Eat three full meals + 3 carb-rich snacks each day
Eat within 30 to 60 minutes post-workout. Post-workout meals should be high in carbs and protein. (examples include sandwich _ fruit, bagel with peanut butter + chocolate milk, energy bar + yogurt with granola, salad and fruit, spaghetti with meatballs, etc.) If I can't eat a full meal right away, then eat a snack immediately and then a full meal later.
Consume enough calcium every day (sources include milk, yogurt, cheese, leafy greens, and calcium-fortified orange juice)
Today's session was fairly brief, as I just didn't have the spoons to do a longer session. It was only about 20 minutes, but I'm proud of myself for still working out instead of having an "all-or-nothing" mindset.
20 minutes, abs-focused pilates:
Beautiful abs
10 minute lower ab workout
I know I said I wasn’t gonna do this, but I was curious, so I weighed myself this morning before I had eaten anything. It came up 152.2 lbs, so I guess my baseline is more like 152. Good to know. NOW I’m putting away the scale for at least another week or so.
Also, my measurements aren't changing day-to-day (as to be expected), so I'm going to stop measuring every day and move to weekly measuring.
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afrodytis · 1 year
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Did you know that some weeds we are always worried about in our yards and Gardens are actually good for you, and can be delicious if prepared properly? Be sure to identify the weeds correctly (The ones described here are easy to spot.) Avoid harvesting from anyplace you suspect pollution — such as from vehicle exhaust, lawn pesticide or doggy business. And remember that edible does not mean allergen-free. Here are 9 good ones:
Dandelion is one of the healthiest and most versatile vegetables on the planet. The entire plant is edible. The leaves are like vitamin pills, containing generous amounts of vitamins A, C and K — far more than those garden tomatoes, in fact — along with calcium, iron, manganese, and potassium.
The leaves are most tender, and tastiest, when they are young. This happens in the spring but also all summer along as the plant tries to rebound after being cut or pulled. You can add them to soup in great abundance. Or you can prepare them Italian style by sautéing with a little olive oil, salt, garlic and some hot red pepper.
You can eat the bright, open flower heads in a lightly fried batter. You can also make a simple wine with the flowers by fermenting them with raisins and yeast. If you are slightly adventurous, you can roast the dandelion root, grind it, and brew it like coffee. It's an acquired taste. You might want to have some sugar on hand.
If you've ever lived in the city, you have seen good ol' Portulaca olearacea, or common purslane. The stuff grows in cracks in the sidewalk. Aside from being surprisingly tasty for a crack dweller, purslane tops the list of plants with omega-3 fatty acids, the type of healthy fat found in salmon.
If you dislike the bitter taste of dandelion greens, you still might like the lemony taste of purslane. The stems, leaves and flowers are all edible; and they can be eaten raw on salads — as they are prepared worldwide — or lightly sautéed.
You should keep a few things in mind, though, before your harvest. Watch out for spurge, a similar-looking sidewalk-crack dweller. Spurge is much thinner than purslane, and it contains a milky sap, so you can easily differentiate it. Also, your mother might have warned you about eating things off the sidewalk; so instead, look for purslane growing in your garden, or consider transplanting it to your garden from a sidewalk.
Also, note the some folks incorrectly call purslane "pigweed," but that's a different weed — edible but not as tasty.
Lamb's-quarters are like spinach, except they are healthier, tastier and easier to grow. Lamb's-quarters, also called goosefoot, usually need more than a sidewalk crack to grow in, unlike dandelion or purslane. Nevertheless, they can be found throughout the urban landscape, wherever there is a little dirt.
The best part of the lamb's-quarters are the leaves, which are slightly velvety with a fine white powder on their undersides. Discard any dead or diseased leaves, which are usually the older ones on the bottom of the plant. The leaves and younger stems can be quickly boiled or sautéed, and they taste like a cross between spinach and Swiss chard with a slight nutty after-taste.
Maybe that taste combination doesn't appeal to you, but lamb's-quarters are ridiculously healthy. A one-cup serving will give you 10 times the daily-recommended dose of vitamin K; three times the vitamin A; more than enough vitamin C; and half your daily dose of calcium and magnesium.
Plantain, like dandelion, is a healthy, hardy weed as ubiquitous in the city as broken glass. You know what it looks like, but you might not have known the name.
Part of the confusion is that plantain shares its name with something utterly different, the banana-like plantain, whose etymology is a mix of Spanish and native Caribbean. The so-called weed plantain, or Plantago major, was cultivated in pre-Columbus Europe; and indeed Native Americans called it "the white man's footprint," because it seemed to follow European settlers.
Plantain has a nutritional profile similar to dandelion — that is, loaded with iron and other important vitamins and minerals. The leaves are tastiest when small and tender, usually in the spring but whenever new shoots appear after being cut back by a lawnmower. Bigger leaves are edible but bitter and fibrous.
The shoots of the broadleaf plantain, when green and tender and no longer than about four inches, can be described as a poor-man's fiddlehead, with a nutty, asparagus-like taste. Pan-fry in olive oil for just a few seconds to bring out this taste. The longer, browner shoots are also tasty prepared the same way, but the inner stem is too fibrous. You'll need to place the shoot in your mouth, clench with your teeth, and quickly pull out the stem. What you're eating are the plantain seeds.
The leaves of the equally ubiquitous narrow-leaf plantain, or Plantago lanceolata, also are edible when young. The shoot is "edible" only with quotation marks. You can eat the seeds should you have the patience to collect hundreds of plants for the handful of seeds you'd harvest. With time being money, it's likely not worth it.
One of the not-so-ugly weeds worth pulling and keeping is chickweed. Identified by purple stems, fuzzy green leaves, and starry white flower petals, this weed is a fantastic source of vitamins A, D, B complex, and C. It also contains minerals like iron, zinc, calcium, and potassium. Chickweed (Stellaria media) has a cornsilk-like flavor when eaten raw, and tastes similar to spinach when it is cooked. [1]
Chickweed nourishes the lymph and glandular systems, and can heal cysts, fevers, and inflammation. It can help neutralize acid and help with yeast overgrowth and fatty deposits, too.
Additionally, chickweed can be finely chopped and applied externally to irritated skin. Steep the plant in ¼ cup of boiling water for 15 minutes, and chickweed provides benefits similar to dandelion root. Speaking of dandelion…
Other than the occasional four-leafed clover hunt, this common lawn weed goes mostly unnoticed, even though it is becoming popular as a lawn replacement altogether. Clover is an important food for honeybees and bumblebees, and clover leaves and flowers can be used to add variety to human meals as well. Small amounts of raw clover leaves can be chopped into salads, or can be sauteed and added to dishes for a green accent, and the flowers of both red and white clover can be eaten raw or cooked, or dried for tea.
Mallow, or malva, is also known as cheeseweed, due to the shape of its seed pods, and can be found in many lawns or garden beds across the US. The leaves and the seed pods (also called the 'fruit') are both edible, either raw or cooked, and like many greens, are often more tender and palatable when smaller and less mature. The older leaves can be used like any other cooked green after steaming, boiling, or sauteing them.
The leaves of the wild amaranth, also known as pigweed, are another great addition to any dish that calls for leafy greens, and while the younger leaves are softer and tastier, the older leaves can also be cooked like spinach. The seeds of the wild amaranth can be gathered and cooked just like store-bought amaranth, either as a cooked whole grain or as a ground meal, and while it does take a bit of time to gather enough to add to a meal, they can be a a good source of free protein.
It sounds like a cruel joke, but stinging nettles — should you be able to handle them without getting a painful rash from the tiny, acid-filled needles — are delicious cooked or prepared as a tea.
You may have brushed by these in the woods or even in your garden, not knowing what hit you, having been trained all your life to identify poison ivy and nothing else. The tiny needles fortunately fall off when steamed or boiled. The trick is merely using garden gloves to get the nettles into a bag.
Nettles tastes a little like spinach, only more flavorful and more healthful. They are loaded with essential minerals you won't find together outside a multivitamin bottle, and these include iodine, magnesium, potassium, phosphorous, silica and sulfur. Nettles also have more protein than most plants.
You can eat the leaves and then drink the water as tea, with or without sugar, hot or cold. If you are adventurous — or, you can collect entire plants to dry in your basement. The needles will eventually fall off, and you can save the dried leaves for tea all winter long. Info by Christopher Wanjek
Credit for the Great Identification photo goes to Cook's Illustrated Magazine.
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theimmunityguide · 1 year
How to Improves Your Immune System
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An effective immune system serves as the first line of defense against illness in your body, recognizing invaders such as cold and flu viruses and initiating an automatic response that aids healing.
People often try to increase their immunity through supplements and lifestyle modifications; however, there has yet to be evidence showing these interventions actually strengthen the immune system to a level where it's better able to fight infections.
Get Enough Sleep
Sleep is essential to overall health and immune functioning; insufficient quality rest can impair your ability to fight off infection effectively and increase the risk of chronic diseases.
Recent research from Germany's University of Tubingen indicates that healthy sleeping patterns help enhance T cell performance - an integral component of immune defense against pathogens like flu, herpes and cancer cells.
T cells are key players in the immune system's fight against infections, alerting other parts of its function when detected in the body. When T cells don't get enough sleep, their ability to recognize and attach themselves to molecules that help strengthen immunity decreases significantly, leaving the immune system less effective against any infections it encounters.
As scientists explain in their paper, this can result in reduced response to pathogens and an increase in infection risks. Furthermore, cytotoxic T cells that are the most effective at eliminating infections have reduced binding ability with certain molecules when not receiving enough sleep.
Sleep plays an integral part in maintaining heart health, helping prevent the development of diabetes, managing stress hormones and mitigating inflammation. Sleep is one of the best tools available to maintain optimal cardiovascular wellbeing and protect you against future illness.
Finally, exercise can keep your body physically fit. A healthy, active lifestyle has been shown to correlate with better sleep; studies show that those who regularly get enough rest tend to be healthier than those who don't.
Sleep hygiene can help ensure that you remain at optimal health, improving cognitive functions, balance, memory and stress reduction while increasing energy. It will improve cognitive functioning, memory retention, reduced anxiety and stress as well as weight loss promotion and energy.
If you find that you're having difficulty sleeping for sufficient hours every night, try going to bed 30 minutes earlier each time - and gradually increasing it until you are getting all of your recommended amount of restful slumber.
Eat a Healthy Diet
Diet plays an essential role in supporting your immune system as it provides essential vitamins and nutrients necessary for fighting off infections. Consuming plenty of vegetables, fruits, lean proteins and healthy fats is vital in optimizing immune function.
Your immune system consists of various organs, cells and tissues that work to defend against germs and foreign substances that enter your body. White blood cells created by your immune system circulating throughout your body to seek and destroy bacteria, viruses and fungi responsible for infections.
Diet is one of the best ways to boost immunity, with vegetables and fruit being rich sources of antioxidants that support optimal immune system functioning.
Vitamin C is another essential nutrient for building up your immunity, as it increases production of white blood cells that fight illness and infection. Foods high in Vitamin C such as oranges, berries, melons, tomatoes, broccoli and bell peppers should all help strengthen your defenses against illness and infection.
Zinc is an essential mineral that increases immune cells capable of fighting off illness and disease. You can find zinc in fish, dairy products such as milk and yoghurt, wheat germ, and beans.
Other foods known to promote immunity include spinach, sweet potato, carrots and pumpkin. These vegetables contain beta-carotene - an antioxidant which has been demonstrated to protect lung tissue while strengthening immunity.
Vegetables and fruits provide an abundant supply of essential vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients that support optimal immune system function, including A, B-vitamins, C, E and Zinc.
Fruits and vegetables contain fiber, which promotes good digestive health by keeping the digestive tract functioning efficiently and helping you extract more nutrition from every bite of food you eat.
Maintaining optimal immune health requires maintaining a diet with plenty of nutritious food and sleep while exercising regularly and managing stress in order to balance hormones and prevent chronic inflammation which could otherwise weaken it.
Exercise Regularly
Exercise regularly, your immune system will improve and remain strong. No need to go to a gym - walking, swimming and jogging can provide beneficial ways of increasing immunity.
Exercise regularly can bolster your immune system and lower the risks of various health conditions, such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Furthermore, exercising can boost mental wellbeing by creating a sense of self-worth and giving energy for facing life's challenges head-on.
Regular exercise can significantly decrease your risk of colds and flus, especially when combined with healthy eating and enough restful sleep. Furthermore, physical activity boosts immunity while simultaneously decreasing inflammation which contributes to conditions like heart disease and diabetes.
Physical activity helps increase circulation of white blood cells and antibodies - the body's immune cells which fight diseases - more quickly, making them better equipped to detect illnesses sooner.
As they're better at detecting infections in your body, they can respond more rapidly to viruses and bacteria already present. Furthermore, this technology may also help flush out lung and airways drainage to lower chances of colds or flus.
Avoid overdoing it when working out. Longer and more intensive workouts may place the body into an intense stress response and compromise its immune system, for example if running at high intensity for over an hour or cycling/swimming at high-intensity pace for 90 minutes or longer.
if you are uncertain as to what constitutes too much exercise, UBC Okanagan Associate Professor Jonathan Little from the School of Health and Exercise Sciences can offer some helpful suggestions.
Moderate intensity exercise lasting 30-60 minutes five times weekly should be enough to strengthen your immune system. Make it part of your regular schedule! It will have lasting benefits.
Even with overwhelming evidence to the contrary, many people still fail to exercise regularly despite all of the proven benefits of doing so. This is a mistake: exercising can improve how you look and feel while sleeping better and increasing energy. Furthermore, exercise strengthens muscles and bones which helps decrease risk factors for chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes and arthritis.
Have Regular Sex
Relationships that focus on sexual intimacy can boost immunity and make us feel healthier overall. Engaging in healthy practices such as getting enough restful sleep and exercise on a regular basis are also key components in maintaining strong immunity against illnesses.
Frequent sexual activity (one to two times each week) has been proven to increase levels of immunoglobulin A, an antibody which supports your immune system in fighting off illnesses like colds and influenza. This increases your body's capacity to defend itself against colds and flu.
By having sex, you can also increase the concentration of white blood cells that help your body defend against diseases and infections, called leukocytes. Your body produces more of them.
Sexual intercourse increases your heart rate and is therefore beneficial to cardiovascular health. To best support heart wellness, try engaging in physical activity at least three to five times each week - at minimum three should do!
Men in their 50s who experience sexual activity twice every week are less likely to develop heart disease than those who engage in less regular sex sessions, according to research.
Sexual intimacy also reduces your stress and heightens feelings of well-being by stimulating endorphin release into your body, producing feelings of relaxation and wellbeing. Neurochemicals released during sexual contact help ease anxiety and depression symptoms.
These relationships also help lower blood pressure and reduce your risk of high cholesterol, both of which are beneficial to your heart health. If you have had past heart issues, it is wise to speak to your physician first, as they may suggest an easy-sex schedule suitable for you.
Regular sex right after 비아그라 복용량 can help improve sleep quality and make it easier to fall asleep. This is because sex releases the "love" hormone oxytocin and endorphins which provide relaxation benefits that aid better restful slumber.
Regular sexual contact between partners can also strengthen the bonding between you, particularly for women. Sex helps to decrease irritation and mood swings while encouraging greater focus on one person at a time.
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deepestsongfest · 1 year
The Best Protein Shake Recipes For Muscle Gain
Best Protein Shake Recipes That Taste Great
For newbies to the world of fitness, taking protein supplements can appear daunting. There's a wealth of details online about which supplements to try and which to avoid. Whey protein shakes, of all the sports nutrition on offer, tend to be a lot of people's primary step into the world of supplements thanks to their taste, favorable effects and ease of use.
Delicious Protein Shake Recipes
From misadventures such as attempting to blend the powder in a pint glass or using a whisk, we have actually heard it all. Reasonably however, learning how to make a protein shake is easy. Most importantly, you'll want a dedicated protein shaker.
Take your protein shaker and remove the lid. Add around 200ml of water or milk to your shaker first (Milk is better for a night shake thanks to its casein contents however it also contains additional calories so is not a great option for weight-loss). Include the suggested dose of protein powder.
The Best Protein Shake Recipe
It is easy to make this vegan if you are utilizing non-dairy milk and a soy or hemp protein. Keep in mind that there is far less protein in almond and coconut milk than dairy and soy milk, and understand the thickeners and ingredients that are included to some non-dairy milks.
This protein shake can be kept in an airtight container in the refrigerator for a couple of days, but it will be more watery and some separation will take place.
Weight Loss Protein Shake
Peanut powder is lower in fat than peanut butter. Other protein powders will work for this recipe, but you won't have the chocolate taste. Attempt vanilla powder for a somewhat nutty and sweet shake. If you're utilizing peanut butter instead of peanut powder, you can swap it for almond butter or cashew butter.
Quick-cooking oats will likewise work, just determine out somewhat less. Keep in mind that old-fashioned oats are somewhat healthier since they consist of a little bit more fiber and protein per cup than instant oats. You could also include a small frozen ripe banana or frozen berries (raspberries and strawberries would be fantastic) to this dish rather of the ice for a more complex taste.
The Best Protein Shakes
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Frozen fruit is a terrific shake thickener and a great natural sweetener too. Keep in mind that your protein powder may have a fair bit of sweetener currently.
Protein Shakes are an excellent post-workout healing reward and easy to make into tasty high protein smoothies. You can also make protein shakes with 5 different yummy recipes: coffee, berry, mint chip, peanut butter, and chocolate!
Delicious Protein Shake Recipes
Like the majority of items, there are much better and even worse alternatives when it pertains to protein powders. Consuming plenty of protein is very simple for the majority of people eating a well balanced diet, consisting of a plant-based diet.
Protein powders are highly processed and often contain high concentrations of heavy metals, pesticides, and BPA. I would not advise using them on an everyday basis, nevertheless, they can be an excellent option for post-workout healing or a hectic day meal-on-the-go. Protein shakes are an easy and yummy method to consume a big quantity of micro and macronutrients.
Protein Shake Recipes For Weight Loss
While the plant-based protein powders were considered to be less tidy, it's practical to understand the reason. Plants naturally consist of lead, which they take in from the soil.
I like to use either an unflavored, unsweetened protein powder or a vanilla powder that's sweetened with stevia. Both of these can be utilized in the majority of protein shake dishes with good results. Nevertheless, sweetened powders (like vanilla) are scrumptious in smoothies with components that are not sweet, such as peanut butter, coffee, spinach, or cocoa powder, while they are too sweet for fruit smoothies.
How To Make The Best Protein Shake For Weight Loss
You don't require supplements to develop muscle, lose fat, and get healthy. However the best ones can help. After a number of months of drinking the exact same flavor, even the most tasty protein powders can get boring. That's why it pays to have a couple of plant or whey protein shake dishes up your sleeve to break the monotony.
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wordnerdworld · 1 year
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Had to post this because it's the first real meal I've managed to cook for myself in months. Back at the beginning of February I came down with some sort of stomach nastiness. Between that, a resurgence in my depression, and it being one of our busy seasons at work, I've been failing spectacularly at the whole "cook healthy food to eat" thing.
I've had a lot of bagel+fruit dinners and a truly embarrassing quantity of take-out lately.
Thankfully, my appetite has finally come back, which makes it a bit easier to meal plan, although the executive dysfunction has been kicking my butt when it comes to the actual cooking part.
I was originally supposed to cook this on Sunday but...See Above.
Miraculously I actually cooked it today! Which is crazy because anytime I say I'm going to cook after work (even on a WFH day), that usually ends up being a lie.
But this finally came together and was delicious!
Here we have:
Brown sugar baked ham
Lemony roasted asparagus
Spicy sauteed spinach
Baked potato w/ sour cream
Sometimes I find that when I'm trying to shake a depressive episode, it helps to eat foods that have vibrant flavors. I'm really pleased with how this all fits together, and now I have TONS of leftovers.
I'll be able to repeat this meal 3 more times, and I've prepped a bunch of ingredients for (dinner) omelettes as well. And prepped some fruit for yogurt parfaits, which is just a teensy bit healthier than snacking on Cheetos, lol. The rest of the ham I'll parcel out and freeze in packets. It keeps really well and gives you a quick, no-fuss protein for pasta, soup, rice, sandwiches, salads, etc.
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lovekomal01 · 1 year
How can I easily shed 10 pounds in 2022 without exercising?
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Drink water to start the day and keep drinking it throughout the day.
You may have heard that drinking water will help you lose weight in the past, but have you actually done it? Start right away! A big glass of water in the morning may make you more likely to choose a healthier meal or even head to the gym. Additionally, hydrating in the morning can aid in maintaining regularity.
All biological processes require water, and being hydrated promotes weight loss. Dehydration alone frequently causes the 3 p.m. slump, and many individuals mistake thirst for hunger.
Prioritize protein.
Protein is necessary for blood clotting, muscular growth and repair, and helping us feel full. According to studies, consuming protein for breakfast may help you feel more content throughout the day and keep you from snacking at night. Have you ever wondered why you keep eating cookies at night on days when you skip breakfast? Protein deficiency could be to fault.
By influencing the hormones that regulate appetite and how quickly food leaves our stomachs, protein promotes fullness. In comparison to carbohydrates and fat, it also has the largest thermal effect of food (TEF), which means that during digestion, it burns the most calories.
Consume vegetables.
Five gold stars go to green vegetables. They include a lot of fibre and water, both of which help you feel full and maintain bowel movements. Additionally, they are low in calories and high in antioxidants, both of which aid in the prevention of disease and inflammation.
Antioxidants that fight inflammation can help you lose weight. By controlling how your body uses the hormone insulin, foods high in the antioxidants vitamin C, E, and beta carotene may help decrease fat storage. Greens are a great source, but citrus fruits, almonds, and sweet potatoes also contain these substances.
Broccoli rabe and spinach are two of my favourite greens, and I advise eating them at least twice daily. Fill up during meals on
Make fat your best friend.
Not eating fat makes you fat (overeating anything of course will cause you to gain weight). In actuality, it can aid in your efforts to lose weight. Fat keeps you full and tastes wonderful. By removing fat from your cells so you can use it for energy, it also aids in fat burning.
Portion control is important with all foods, but you should also consume fat regularly throughout the day (approximately 30% of your calories should come from fat). Have a little apple and two teaspoons of almond butter as a snack instead of a large apple. And choose a salad dressing made of olive oil, vinegar, and herbs and spices rather than one that is fat-free and loaded with sugar.
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itzabouthealth · 1 year
5 Simple Tips for Weight Loss Success
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1. Move More
Exercise makes losing weight considerably simpler, but more significantly, active people are more likely to keep the weight off in the long run. You can start exercising now, no matter where you are right now. Contrasting lifestyle exercise with scheduled exercise is excellent for both. You can burn calories by participating in these two activities. While it’s crucial to fill both categories as much as you can, concentrate on setting aside time each day for scheduled activity. It will be simpler to form a habit in this manner.
How about weightlifting? These workouts require you to push or pull weight using your muscles. They assist you in accelerating your metabolism and swiftly achieving pleasing results. Additionally, you don’t have to be a bodybuilder to benefit.
2. Eat Only Carbohydrates That Are Connected To Fibre
This helps you choose carbs that better support your hunger and nutritional demands while reducing the amount of sugar and white flour (found in pastries, white bread, candy, and juice, among other things) in your diet. Your diet should have more fibre the better!
Fiber lowers cholesterol, helps control blood sugar levels, and lowers your risk of developing chronic illnesses including diabetes, colon cancer, and heart disease. Because you’ll require less insulin if you eat less carbs, such as those found in bread, pasta, rice, desserts, sugary drinks, and juice, if you have diabetes. And that may aid in avoiding hunger, the accumulation of fat, and weight gain.
Legumes (dry beans, lentils), vegetables (brussels sprouts, broccoli, spinach, squash, sweet potatoes), and fruit are among the foods high in fibre (apples, berries, oranges, pears).
3. Eat More Plants
A plant-based diet, according to research, not only helps people lose weight but is also simpler to follow than a low-calorie one. Additionally, it is nutrient-rich and offers a host of health advantages.
Produce aids in weight loss because it contains a lot of fibre and water, both of which have no calories and fill you up so you feel full. In actuality, a Brazilian study discovered a link between greater fruit and vegetable consumption and improved weight loss.
Starting with five daily portions of produce, one should work their way up to seven to nine daily servings. Green smoothies for breakfast, salads or shaved veggies for lunch, and fruit for snacks and sweets are all healthy choices.
4. Make Your Breakfast Better
If you are currently skipping breakfast and still finding it difficult to prioritise leading a healthy lifestyle, a balanced meal that is packed with fibre, protein, and healthy fats will alter your day. By making you feel “hungry” in the afternoon, skipping breakfast may affect your hunger hormones throughout the day, making it more difficult for you to resist overeating or seeking foods high in sugar and refined carbohydrates. Breakfasts that will fill you up, keep you full, and ward off cravings later in the day are the greatest, heartiest breakfast options. For your morning meal, aim for 350 to 500 calories and be sure to include a dose of lean protein and satisfying fat.
5. Eat Consciously
Healthy eating entails consuming a range of foods in moderation — not excluding any food, but also avoiding overindulging in the fatty, rich foods that were once reserved for special occasions. Eat consciously by being aware of your food intake and by being aware of the fundamentals of healthy eating.
Want to eat in a simple way? Divide your plate into three equal portions: half for veggies, one-fourth for whole grains, and one-fourth for lean protein. You’ll be eating healthier and leaner if you try to make the majority of your meals (lunch and dinner, at least).
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looye29 · 2 years
Product Name: 25X HEALTHIER THAN SPINACH? [ad_1] Click here to get 25X HEALTHIER THAN SPINACH? at discounted price while it's still available... All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. 25X HEALTHIER THAN SPINACH? is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked. Description: If You’re Ready To Make A Weight Loss Diet Laughably Easy, Read Below...Spend just one week in the Ancient Tibetan village of Khumjung, and a very interesting phenomenon happens inside your body...Hunger becomes a mere afterthought.You’re shocked how you have virtually zero desire for junk foods, and easily satisfied with one main ingredient.It’s a superfood found buried deep in its jungles. And the people there are among the healthiest, fittest, and happiest on the planet.Obesity is virtually non-existent. The word ‘diet’ is not even in their vocabulary. They just eat to their hearts’ desires without hardly gaining a pound.In fact, the average weight in this Khumjung holy village... is approximately 161 lbs for adults.And it’s all because of a superbly nutritious plant that’s 25x healthier than spinach. Just 3.5 ounces of the leaves contain:This ancient plant is super-packed with life-giving nutrition - and most people have probably never heard of it. In just a moment, I’ll share it with you...But incredible as it is, we’ve crossed the globe to find 10 more “Ancient Superfoods” just like it.Keep reading and you’ll see how you can easily add this life-changing, fat-melting ingredient into your daily regimen in mere seconds. (Not to mention, enjoy its dessert-like taste people swear is the best tasting thing found anywhere!) I’m not going to tell you to fly out to some remote mountainous region of the Pacific to find this ‘super herb’ - and experience what it’s like to be craving-free around the clock.By the end of this letter, you’ll be ready to enjoy the full benefits of it right from your home.You'll see how in just 1 to 4 weeks of taking a single daily scoop of this Oceanic Plant...(And it’s where most diets fail.)Is it any wonder that in many Buddhist regions, a lot of people in their 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s still look like they’re in their 20’s and 30’s?Not to mention rates of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes, some of the biggest killers in the western world, are incredibly low.Well into their “old age” these people hike up and down the demanding mountain passes of the region… every single day. So what you’re about to discover is what the local villagers of Khumjung call ‘The Tree Of Immortality.’In other regions it’s known as the ‘Never Die Tree’. "With this I'm able to control cravings and trust the signals that I get..." - Tom L.*Results will vary based on how long and how closely you follow the information presented, as well as other individual biological factors."Thanks to this in the morning, the nutrition part is taken care of..." - Lisi L.*Results will vary based on how long and how closely you follow the information presented, as well as other individual biological factors."I'll definitely keep on using this in the future." - Denisse W.*Results will vary based on how long and how closely you follow the information presented, as well as other individual biological factors."I love the green juice! I can actually feel it working." - Ainslie M.*Results will vary based on how long and how closely you follow the information presented, as well as other individual biological factors.Why is losing weight so hard for most people? In theory, shouldn’t it be simple?“Just eat less and exercise more,” they say!If you’ve tried to cut back to just 1200 calories a day, like a lot of my clients have.
..You know there’s one force almost always more powerful than human willpower…hunger.When your body isn’t getting the nutrients it needs, it goes into panic mode and SCREAMS at your brain… FOOD! FOOD! I NEED FOOD!Hunger is almost impossible to override because it’s been programmed into you from millions and millions of years of biology.And if you’ve ever ended up cheating on a diet with an epic chocolate cake and pizza binge, you probably know what I’m talking about...But hey, don’t get angry at your body for doing this… it’s only trying to keep you alive!Back in the hunter gatherer days, binging was great, because you never knew when you’d get your next meal.Nowadays, however, there’s plenty of food available, and if hunger is making you eat more than you should...Your body ends up storing it all as fat on your belly, on your thighs, and on the underside of your arms.In reality, if you could just turn off your body’s “hunger” signal (or at least tame it), it would be a whole lot easier to lose weight.How do you turn off that signal?Which is why I wanted to show you this superfood that grows in the waters of the Pacific Ocean.It’s an “algae” called Spirulina.And this superfood will make your hunger cravings all but disappear.6 Take just a tiny spoonful of it, and you’ll find the volume being turned down on that nagging voice of hunger inside your stomach.Of course, you’ll still want to keep eating a healthy amount of food...You’ll just find yourself eating a little bit less each day.But even small bricks build big houses, if you’re consistent. You’d be surprised how quickly that adds up!When you step on the scale, you’ll see what could be up to 5 to 10 pounds of weight loss in a matter of weeks!If you lose weight any faster than that, we suggest you eat more.Because here at Organifi, we don’t believe in starving the body.That’s why we picked Spirulina as the first superfood we wanted to show you...Because this amazing algae is actually one of the most nutritionally dense foods ever known to man.You see, although Spirulina is completely vegan, it is PACKED with protein.Just one tablespoon … about 20 calories worth... carries 4 grams of high-quality complete protein 8. That’s about as much as is in an entire egg! 9And if you haven’t heard… protein satiates your stomach, making you feel full sooner in the meal.10That same tablespoon is full of vitamin E, Manganese, calcium, zinc, iron, copper, and other essential nutrients that rev up your metabolism like a supe’d up car engine. 11You know what you get when you add supercharged metabolism to amazing nutrition and subtract hunger and cravings?Rapid, steady weight loss.Claude lost ten pounds so far using our system and is very happy with the results he's seeing... all in a matter of a couple weeks. And Kristine lost 27 pounds in 3 months with our system! What an amazing transformation.*Results will vary based on how long and how closely you follow the information presented, as well as other individual biological factors.Just imagine how exciting it'll be to show off your new, slimmer body and have your friends be wow’d!Don’t be surprised if your friends even ask you what you’re doing differently!In a moment, I’m going to show you exactly where you can find Spirulina and how much you should take each day to supercharge your weight loss.And if you’re really interested in melting belly fat and revolutionizing your health, I’m also going to show you a weird little metabolism-revving exercise I call my “Green Spoon Solution.”It takes just 7 seconds, and it’s something you can do right in the morning to influence your body into burning more calories during the day, without doing anything else!I’ll show you what that is in just a couple minutes from now.Have you ever seen this weird plant?#2 is Ashwagandha: better skin / de-stress / detoxThis is an Asian herb called Ashwagandha, and it can make your skin, hair, and nails look up to 10 years younger.Wondering how it does this?Well, have you
ever heard that stress gives you gray hairs and could even cause your hair to fall out?Your hair is actually produced by your skin, and your skin is very sensitive to stress. 12Constant stress FLOODS your body with a hormone called cortisol, which irritates and inflames your skin, leaving it looking wrinkled and aged, like withered tree bark. 13Recently, scientists involved in a peer-reviewed clinical study separated two groups of people into a group that took Ashwagandha and a group that didn’t… 14They tried to keep as much about the two groups the same as possible, including their diet…After 60 days, blood tests were drawn, and the group that took Ashwagandha had 27.9% less cortisol in their blood than the group that didn’t!Less cortisol means less stress, and less stress means less damage to your skin. And that’s not all…Ashwagandha is also packed full of special compounds called steroidal alkaloids15 that actually help your skin heal signs of aginglike dark spots, blemishes, fine lines, and wrinkles. 16The result? Younger, smoother, healthier looking skin.And yes, Ashwagandha will give you healthier, fuller hair as well. After all, your hair is a part of your skin...Just check out what these people have said after taking Ashwagandha:Maiko I was very skittish but I am a TRUE believer now. I have been drinking Organifi every single day for almost 3 weeks, my skin is smoother and hair looks shinier! Beth It’s only been 2 months, and I already feel more energetic and happy! My skin looks younger and I’m sleeping better than I have in years. Thank you Organifi. You’re making my 58th year the healthiest one yet.That’s why we included Ashwagandha on our list of superfoods healthier than kale.At this point, you may be thinking…Boy, Spirulina and Ashwagandha sound like the bee’s knees… but how do I take them?Where do I get some? Exactly how much do I need?And these are all great questions, all of which I’ll answer in just a moment.Before that, however, really quickly, let me ask you…Over 205 million Americans do, and if you’re one of them, you’ll want to listen closely…Because while the caffeine in coffee can wake you up and give you energy… you’re probably well aware that it has negative side effects as well…Withdrawal headaches… nervousness... insomnia... upset stomach… even a fast heartbeat…These are all well-documented side effects confirmed by scientific institutions like the Mayo Clinic.18(And then there’s your “coffee breath.” Ewww.)Plus… if you take your coffee with sugar and cream, you may be horrified to find out that your coffee is making you fatter, every single morning.So is there a way to get the same benefits of coffee, without all the negatives?And the KEY… is this little plant right here.It’s called Matcha Tea, and taking it can give you as much mental clarity and focus as a cup of coffee, but without the damaging effects of caffeine.In fact, Matcha is actually far healthier for you than coffee because it has a special compound called L-theanine in it.L-theanine is almost exactly like caffeine, except without all the negative side effects.No nervous jitters. No anxiety. And no caffeine crash afterwards.Just pure, focused energy.According to a 2008 study in a prominent peer-reviewed journal of clinical nutrition…19“L-theanine significantly increases activity in the alpha frequency band which indicates that it relaxes the mind without inducing drowsiness. [...] L-theanine, at realistic dietary levels, has a significant effect on the general state of mental alertness or arousal.”Think about what you could accomplish during the day if you had more, longer-lasting energy.More work, more chores, and at the end of the day… more time for yourself.That’s why we suggest you have some Matcha Tea in the morning, instead of coffee.Because although they’re a little bit similar in that they give you energy (...albeit, different kinds of energy…) there’s one area where they’re completely different...Matcha is packed with antioxidants.
If I had to guess, if you’ve been reading this report to this point, you’re probably someone who cares about their health as much as I do...So I’d wager a guess that you’ve probably heard the word “antioxidants” before, and you know that they prevent disease and fight dangerous free radicals in your body.Coffee doesn’t have a whole lot of antioxidants inside...But like I said, Matcha Tea sure does.20In fact, it has about 17 times as many antioxidants as blueberries, and about 125 times as many as spinach!21Are you beginning to see why we love Matcha Tea so “Matcha”?And in addition to all of this...That’s why Matcha Tea was a no-brainer for our list of superfoods healthier than kale.Now, I promised I would show you my 7-second “Green Spoon Solution” for boosting your metabolism and burning extra calories throughout your day...Which includes an orange-colored root that lets you eat sweets without getting fat.22And don’t worry... it’s NOT carrots and it’s NOT sweet potatoes either…First, however, allow me to introduce myself.I’m Drew Canole, the founder of Organifi and CEO of FitlifeTV.Most people know me as the weird “juicing” guy they saw on Reader’s Digest, The Los Angeles Times , or NBC.I don’t really care a whole lot about all that though...See, I love cool fruits, vegetables, and herbs that make for a healthy body,And I love showing these foods to people like you who care about their health so that you can look and feel younger and have the dream body you’ve always wanted.But my journey started long before all of that, when I was 35 lbs overweight and constantly tired.I worked a finance job, slumped over a computer all day.So I stuffed my face with things like french fries, potato chips, and ice cream.I put on more and more weight and worse… when I tried to lose it, it wouldn’t come off, no matter what I tried!I tried low fat “diet” foods. I tried cutting calories. I tried exercising a lot, but I just ended up eating more.Nothing worked. I felt helpless… I thought, “I guess gaining weight is just a result of me getting older and my metabolism slowing down…”And even though I was desperate for a solution, I wasn’t going to shell out money for liposuction or anything like that.I felt like there wasn’t a whole lot I could do.It was a glass of this weird “green juice.”And… you guessed it… it was filled with superfoods like the 11 I’m sharing with you today… Spirulina, Ashwagandha, Matcha Green Tea, and more.In a few short months, my life completely changed. I lost the weight, got my energy back, and I felt alive and awake again.My stress levels were at an all time low, and the 35 lbs melted almost effortlessly off my body.Even after a long, hard day work, I was still humming with energy...Ready to hit the gym, meet up with friends, get my errands done.In other words, for the first time, I was actually living my life ... instead of being so tired after work that all I could do was surrender to my couch for another night Netflix.Most of all, I felt healthy, happy, and young again. My friends even noticed and commented on how much more confident I looked.I realized something I still stand by today.And it’s something that every single one of our 2.2 million fans stand by as well.Health is just so important, and without it, it’s really hard to enjoy things like family and vacation.So after that, I made it my mission to bring the same total life transformation to as many people as I can.My mission right now is 10 million people worldwide.And between Facebook, Youtube, and Instagram, we’re currently at about 2.2 million followers.23As you can see, we got a ways to go... which gets me fired up!Because I love seeing how happy people get when their bodies transform so quickly and so easily right in front of their eyes.They have more youthful energy, bigger smiles, and a zest for life they hadn’t felt for a long time.See, if you’ve found it difficult to lose weight or to consistently eat the right foods...It’s hard enough to work an exhausting
job, make dinner for the kids, and keep your house clean…But on top of all of that, you’ve got pressure from society to stay fit, look good, and to be there for your spouse.With all this pressure, who wants to clean up THIS every time they make a smoothie or eat some vegetables?Or if you’ve got two left thumbs like me, every time you try to use a blender, THIS happens…Ok, maybe it’s not THAT bad…But you do have to buy the right fruits and veggies, wash them, chop them up, and clean up after.That’s why today, I want to show you something that’s not for society, not for your spouse, not for your parents, or even for your kids…Believe it or not, this “Green Spoon Solution” will also optimize all areas of your health, including:Giving you fuller, healthier hair… boosting your daily energy levels… and turning your body young and fit again.You see, eating the right fruits and vegetables every day takes precious time and energy… time and energy you may not have, if you’re a busy person like me.And people kept asking me for a solution that was faster… easier.. and simpler.So I thought… what if all you had to do to:Supercharge your metabolism so you can melt belly fat...Fill your body with vitamins and minerals so your skin looks 10 years younger...And eat the healthiest foods on the planet so you have natural, long lasting energy all day long…Our goal in making this green juice was simple...We wanted you to be able to have 11 of the world’s healthiest superfoods, in just 7 seconds of work.You’ve already heard about a few of them:Spirulina, the protein-packed craving stopper that forces your body to shed weight and become slimmer, without counting calories or running marathons...Ashwagandha, the stress-reducing herb that smoothes away wrinkles and blemishes, leaving you with the skin and hair of a 20 year old...Matcha Tea, the antioxidant loaded, cancer-fighting green tea that gives you as much energy as coffee, without the negative side effects associated with caffeine.24All 3 of these, as well as the remaining 8 superfoods I’m about to reveal...Are inside this best selling, USDA organic, gluten free, soy free, dairy free, vegan Organifi Green Juice.And it’s so easy to make!Every morning, take 1 scoop of Organifi Green Juice, mix it with a glass of water, and congratulations… you just had 11 of the world’s healthiest foods in 7 seconds of work.Just a glass and a spoon you can toss in the dishwasher after.And unlike a lot of other green juices, this stuff actually tastes amazing.That’s because instead of adding unhealthy sugars, we’ve included a special ingredient.It’s a rare rainforest fruit from Southeast Asia that is so valuable the Chinese government has BANNED it from being grown outside the country.Because inside, there’s a compound 170 times sweeter than sugar25, but with ZERO calories and NO EFFECT on your blood sugar level.26And yes… that means you CAN enjoy sweets without getting fat!It’s not Stevia, and it’s not Aspartame, but it does make Organifi Green Juice unique in that it’s both delicious and unbelievably good for your body. I’ll reveal what that sweet ingredient is in just a moment...But to give you an idea of how healthy Organifi Green Juice is…One of the superfood ingredients inside, Babylonian Wheatgrass, is a food worshipped by ancient civilizations 5000 years ago for its positive impact on health and vitality…27And just 1 ounce of it is equivalent to eating over 23 pounds of ordinary garden vegetables!28So don’t be surprised if your cravings lower and your waistline shrinks as the numbers on the scale miraculously drop lower and lower…Because Organifi Green Juice doesn’t just attack fat loss by supercharging your metabolism and eliminating cravings with Spirulina…It’s got another amazing superfood that actually lets you eat sweets, and still lose weight!It’s an orange root that many eastern cultures use as a spice…And to understand how Turmeric is one of the world’s best fat loss tools…First you’ll have to understand how sugars, sweets, and carbs are making you fat.
You see, carbohydrates are just long strings of sugars stuck together, and once they hit your bloodstream, your body responds to all of these foods in the same way...It floods your bloodstream with a hormone called Insulin.29And Insulin tells your body to do pretty much one thing and one thing only…So these sugars go straight to your belly, your hips, your thighs, and worse… your internal organs.Where it gets stored in new fat cells. OR it gets stuffed into old fat cells until they’re bloated and bulging.So how does Turmeric fight all this?Well, when it comes to lowering blood sugar and stopping Insulin from wreaking havoc on your body, there’s arguably no better treatment than Turmeric… prescription drugs included!30A 2009 Auburn University study published by Biochemistry and Biophysical Research Communications explained it best…So go ahead… you can grab a doughnut, a cookie, or a slice of chocolate cake every once in awhile and not feel guilty…(As long as you had your glass of Organifi Green Juice that morning!)Of course, we don’t recommend going overboard and having a full on binge or anything… you should still be eating healthy foods the majority of the time.Just know that if you cheat once in awhile, it’s okay… you’ll STILL be losing weight!That’s why healthy, fit people all over the country are so excited about Organifi Green Juice…Just check out what they have to say:Robert started using this secret and lost 21 pounds... at the young age of 65.Sandra lost an incredible 41 pounds even though she was only eating this secret to improve my general health!Arthur lost 32 pounds and feels like he's 18 again… isn’t that amazing?Just imagine the look on your friends’ faces when you step out in your swimsuit at the next pool barbecue and you see their jaws hit the floor…They won’t know what hit’em!The reason why Organifi Green Juice is so effective when it comes to turning you into the healthiest version of yourself is this…Most people believe that foods that are good for you automatically taste like rabbit food.And if you’ve tried other green juices before, you may have had the unfortunate experience of drinking something that tastes a lot like lawn mower discharge... yuck!Or, you may have become frustrated watching the number on the scale staying the same or even going up…Not knowing the whole time that the green juice you’ve been trying has extra sugar added to make it taste good!Here’s where Organifi Green Juice separates itself from the pack…It’s cool, crisp, and refreshing (like a smoothie!), without the grittiness or the “grass taste” of other green juices.You see, here at Organifi, we believe that a food’s taste is a sign of its quality.If you’ve ever had fresh, organic fruits and vegetables straight out of a garden, I’m sure you’ve noticed the flavors EXPLODE in your mouth more brightly than any supermarket produce ever could.So if you think Organifi Green Juice’s amazing taste is because we get our ingredients from only the freshest, purest, most natural sources…You’d be absolutely right… partly.Yes, we did make this health-boosting, fat-melting drink with 11 of the world’s healthiest superfoods...And yes, we did find the freshest, highest quality ingredient sources on the planet…But for us, that wasn’t enough.We wanted to make absolute sure that you would LOVE the taste, so you drink it every morning and see your health go up and your weight go down…So we’ve added a special ingredient.We didn’t want to just add sugar or more sub-par ingredients like other companies do...So we did something completely different.We found a rare fruit that grows deep in the jungles of southeast China and northern Thailand…With a natural compound inside that’s 170 times sweeter than sugar32 , yet has NO effect on blood sugar levels, and has ZERO calories. 33This food is all-natural, grown from mother earth.It’s called Monk Fruit, and its extract is so sweet that just 1 gram of it is the same sweetness as all the sugar in 2 whole bottles of Coca Cola.
34We’ve included just a touch of it inside Organifi Green Juice to give it more of a sweet, “smoothie” taste, without the fattening effects of sugar.Monk fruit is so rare and valuable that the Chinese government has a BAN on it and its genetic material leaving the country.That means it’s only grown and manufactured in Asia, and is incredibly expensive to import.Luckily, we were able to work out a deal with a local farm there...And including it in Organifi Green Juice has been a game changer.Cindy (who has an AMAZING story) said “This is the best greens juice I have tasted.”Shelly just recently bought green juice and she loves the tasteDale said: “This is really good stuff. Tastes great, easy to use, mixes fast. It’s the thing I do in the morning.”And we get more and more of these messages every day, so you can rest assured:The crisp, refreshing, “hint of sweetness” taste of Organifi Green Juice is something you and your family are going to want to enjoy over and over again.And of course, we didn’t add Monk Fruit to Organifi Green Juice just for the taste…We only include the most powerful foods for boosting your physical and mental health in this recipe.You see, Monk Fruit (or Luo Han Guo, as the Chinese call it) used to be eaten by holy monks in the region to extend their lives.35It’s because this superfood is filled with powerful antioxidants not found in any other foods we know of…These antioxidants are called mogrosides, and are so potent that they’ve even been investigated as possible anticancer agents.36Are you curious what Organifi Green Juice tastes like?Click the button below to grab your supply now.Because of how rare and high quality our ingredients are, a month’s supply is normally pretty pricey…But for today only, we’ve included a massive discount for you.You may be surprised when you find out how big it is… more on that in just a moment.When your Organifi Green Juice arrives at your doorstep in a couple days, go ahead and mix your first glass in just 7 seconds.Here’s what you can expect...However, there’s one key difference… you won’t feel jittery or anxious.And that energy is going to stay with you the entire day.You can thank Matcha Green Tea, Ashwagandha, and the other superfoods inside for that.Pretty soon, you’ll smile as you see the pounds start melting off effortlessly…You’ll notice that you may look different in the bathroom mirror as your skin and hair become smoother, healthier, and younger…But Organifi Green Juice isn’t just about that...It’s about you becoming a healthiest version of yourself you can be.That’s why we’ve included a superfood called Chlorella.It comes from an organism related to sea kelp, and is so packed with protein, healthy fats, fiber, chlorophyll, vitamins, and minerals that it’s known as “nature’s ultimate multivitamin.” 37Just look at its nutrition facts:38Spinach, broccoli, and kale move aside! Chlorella is healthier and more nutrient dense than ALL 3.39With this many nutrients inside, expect your immune system to strengthen.No more random head colds, sore throats, and flus… no more being tired all the time…In fact, Nutrition Journal recently published findings that eating Chlorella significantly increases your serum concentrations of NK lymphocytes, interferon-γ, interleukin-1β, and interleukin-12 - all markers of immune health - after just 8 weeks.40And Chlorella isn’t even the healthiest ingredient inside…That title belongs to a Himalayan plant known as “The Tree of Immortality.”More on that in just a moment...41You see, we wanted Organifi Green Juice to cover all aspects of your health…A truly done-for-you, all in one solution… in just 7 seconds a day.So we’ve included a splash of Eureka lemon, to alkalize your body42, calming down heartburn and upset stomachs.43And to also fill you up with Vitamin C… 187% of your daily recommended intake in just 1 cup… boosting your immune system even further to fight off disease.44We’ve added green-leaf beets to detoxify your blood and the rest of your body.
You’ve heard of “fasts” and “cleanses” to rid your body of toxins you get from preservatives and chemicals lurking in our daily lives…Well, your liver is the organ that removes all that from your system.And green-leaf beets feed your liver three compounds, betaine, pectin, and betalaine, that are scientifically proven to improve its function.45We’ve added rhizomatic spearmint, which naturally soothes away headaches and migraines, 46 and helps with digestion.47In fact, you’ll be getting so much fiber that any bloating, constipation, or diarrhea you may be experiencing will all but disappear!48 But we haven’t forgotten the most important nutrient of all … WATER!And not just any water… coconut water...Organifi Green Juice has a hydrating dose of coconut extract, which is filled with potassium to give you electrolytes and help your body absorb more water.49That reverses the effects of time on your body, turning around the clock and giving you back the energy, metabolism, and youth you had in your early 20���s.50It grows in the mountains of Tibet, and its powerful anti-aging effects are so worshipped that native cultures have called it...“The Tree of Immortality” ... or the “Never Die Tree.” 51Scientists in the western world call it the Moringa Tree, and just 100 grams of its leaves contains: 529 times the protein of yogurt.10 times the vitamin A of carrots.15 times the potassium of bananas.17 times the calcium of milk.12 times the vitamin C of oranges.25 times the iron of spinach.Ancient native traditions claim that this tree prevents 300 different diseases.53And modern science pretty much agrees.54But it doesn’t just make you younger on the inside…It wouldn’t be so well known for its “anti-aging” effects if didn’t also make you younger on the outside! 55Believe it or not, Moringa tree leaves contain compound inside called Zeatin, which nourishes your skin cells, smoothes out wrinkles, and reverses the aging process.And it just so happens that Moringa leaves contain several thousand times more Zeatin than any other known plant.56No wonder why people call it “The Tree of Immortality.”Now, obviously… including Moringa Tree leaves as an ingredient doesn’t mean Organifi Green Juice will make you live forever...But because we’ve included the healthiest ingredients found on mother earth…Mixed in just the right proportions so that all aspects of your health are taken care of…We’re talking: Spirulina, Ashwagandha, Matcha Green Tea, Babylonian Wheatgrass, Turmeric…Coconut Water, Eureka Lemon, Rhizomatic Mint, Green-leaf Beets, Chlorella, Moringa…All inside one delicious tasting drink you can take in just 7 seconds every morning.That’s why people send us messages saying things like:Merry OMG, just had my first glass and I LOVE IT!!! So excited that it’s so yummy!Peggy Been using it for six months. Love it!!! I had a week when I ran out and I could tell a huge difference without it!!Lorena I’ve been drinking the Organifi juice for three weeks and it’s awesome… I love it.This truly is… the best green juice nutrition product on the market.And as you can imagine, having such high quality ingredients means it’s not cheap...Yet I’m pretty sure you’re going to be shocked at just how affordable it is.For example, if you were to buy all 11 of the superfoods you discovered today, in the exact amounts you need to unlock their potent benefits, here’s what you’d pay...And honestly… you may not even be able to find some of these other ingredients…But if you know where to look, you may be able to find Babylonian Wheatgrass60Because you’ve watched this entire presentation, we know that you care about your health, just like I do.We’re so confident Organifi Green Juice will help you achieve your health goals that if you’re not completely satisfied after 60 days…If you don’t see the pounds melting away... gain more energy… have glowing, youthful skin… and become a healthier, happier, younger-looking version of yourself…And if you don’t absolutely LOVE the taste
when you drink it every morning…Just send us the container back and we’ll give you a 100% refund.That’s right, you can drink the entire container, and if you still don’t like it, you pay nothing.There’s absolutely ZERO risk for you today.That’s how strongly we stand by our Organifi Green Juice.Remember: we give you our promise that Organifi Green Juice contains only the purest, most natural, and healthiest ingredients we could find, so it remains:USDA organic, GMO free, gluten free, soy free, and completely vegan.Every single one of our 11 superfood ingredients is written on the nutrition label, so you know exactly what you’re getting…With no extra “sub-par” foods added that would dilute the effect or risk contamination…because of our unique addition of Monk Fruit Extract.No other green juice has the same minty, fresh, refreshing “smoothie-like” flavor with a hint of sweetness.When you invest in your health today, you’ll be joining over 4 million of us in the Organifi family in our quest to become the fittest, healthiest versions of ourselves.While the rest of the world is becoming more overweight, tired, and sick every day…Poisoning themselves with preservatives, high carb diets, sugar, and processed foods…You and the rest of the Organifi family will be slimming down, looking younger, and feeling more energetic.And we’re so excited to be a part of your health revolution journey that if you act today, we’ll give you a 13% discount just for reading this report.Your discount will automatically be applied when you click the button below.Be warned, however… this will be a limited time only discount.Once you do, you’ll be taken to our secure checkout page, trusted by over 4 million health junkies worldwide.If it looks like this, you’ll know you’re on the right page.Then, you’ll input your payment and shipment information.We’ll immediately set aside your supply of Organifi Green Juice and ship it out as soon as possible.In a couple days, you’ll get your package in the mail, and you can taste the cool, refreshing, revitalizing health drink for yourself.Don’t be surprised if you start waking up with more energy.If you take on the next day without dragging through the morning, it’s because your body is getting detoxified from toxins that slow it down.It’s because your brain is getting the right nutrients it needs to think clearly and quickly.And if you see fat deposits on your waist, thighs, and arms shrinking, you’ll know it’s because your boosted metabolism is turning that FAT into ENERGY.Just imagine how amazing it’ll feel to fit into clothes you haven’t worn since college!You’ll feel every aspect of your health improve, from your digestion, to your immune system, to your ability to concentrate, and more!So if you catch your friends jealously glancing you, your new body, and your renewed, youthful skin and hair…Feel free to enjoy the feeling… you deserve it.Just check out what these Organifi Green Juice drinkers have said:Dennis Organifi Green Juice is awesome, it is a great stress reliever.Jennifer I just got mine and have been drinking it for a few days and I love it so far!Pamela I Love Love Love Organifi!!! Drink it every morning. Just with water. Great taste and gives me energy!Again, if you’re not satisfied with your Organifi Green Juice experience for any reason whatsoever…If you don’t like the packaging for some reason… if you don’t like the mailman that delivered it… even if you don’t like the nutrition label font we use…Just send us an email and we’ll refund your month’s supply, no questions asked.We want investing in your health to be a risk-free no brainer for you.However, even though you’ll have that option...We think that you’ll be more than satisfied once your Organifi Green Juice arrives at your doorstep in a couple days and you drink your first delicious glass.Once you feel its amazing effects on your body, you’ll be a believer!So if you’re interested, hurry and order today so you don’t miss out and have to pay more later!Due to demand we have a hard time keeping products in stock.
If you love Organifi Green Juice (you probably will) you might have to wait a LONG TIME to get your next order!That's why we recommend buying in bulk and saving BIG! Remember: you can always return it for a full refund if you don't absolutely love it! "My good friend Drew Canole created this product I fell in love with. I’ve got everything I need to really amplify my day. And it tastes amazing!”Lewis HowesBestselling Author Of “School Of Greatness”"I would absolutely recommend organifi. It tastes great! It allows people to get these great nutrients in their body, which they’re probably not getting on a daily basis, let alone weekly or monthly. "Cassie SobeltonAmazon Bestselling Author Of “Back To Balance”"I can say unequivocally this is the BEST tasting green drink that have ever had. I was so happy that Drew and his team at organifi put this together.”Shawn StevensonBest Selling Author Of “Sleep Smarter”"Organifi makes me feel amazing and it tastes delicious too. I actually wake up looking forward to it every day, even more than my coffee. If you’re into living your full potential, and human optimization like I am, then you need to have organifi.”Christine HasslerBest Selling Author Of “Expectation Hangover”"This one’s actually good. To have all of these superfoods in one scoop, it’s pretty amazing what they did with the taste. Cheers!”Organifi Green Juice comes with our 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee. You’ve got 2 whole months to decide if you like it.Even if you use your entire supply, if you don’t love the effects and taste of Organifi Green Juice, we’ll essentially buy back your empty container.All the risk is on our shoulders. There’s literally nothing to lose, and just a whole host of benefits to gain.60 DAY MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE Try the entire container for 60 days. If you’re not elated with the deliciously healthy experience, and loving the way you feel, rest, think, and move throughout your day…We’ll buy back the empty container from you! Yes, we’ll give you every dollar back as a 100% full refund, even if the container is completely empty. No questions asked. Just let us know within 60 days.Even if you simply don’t like the flavor, we’ll honor your refund completely within your 60 days.If you’re still reading, you probably have a few more questions about Organifi Green Juice.Maybe you have some questions that I haven’t answered yet…If that’s the case, I’ll go over some of the most common questions people have.First question… most green juices I’ve tried taste like grass… is this one really different?We’ve taken special care to make Organifi Green Juice not only revolutionary for your health, but also delicious.That way, you’ll keep drinking it, and you’ll keep getting the health benefits.That’s why we keep getting reviews saying things like:Jill Just got my first jar and tried it. It’s definitely the best tasting green juice I’ve had!Argentina I’m on my third day of drinking your fabulous Organifi Green Juice and can attest to the fact that its taste is deliciousNino Got mine today, very minty taste. Love it.We didn’t want our health drink to taste like every other green juice on the market.That’s why we added our unique blend of sweet monk fruit, refreshing rhizomatic mint, and revitalizing Eureka lemon.Second question… health drinks that come in powder form seem processed… are you sure this is safe to drink?You can rest assured that there is nothing unnatural added to Organifi Green Juice.Every ingredient comes from a natural plant source, and we’ve taken great care to prepare this product in a way that keeps it USDA organic, soy-free, gluten-free, dairy-free, and completely vegan.In fact, we recommend you let your children try it. Helping your kids get the right nutrients as they grow is important!Third question… I’m short on money this month and I don’t want to miss out on this discount… is there any way I can get it for cheaper?Unfortunately, we can’t offer Organifi Green Juice at any lower of a price,
or else we’d probably run out of business!Our ingredients all come from high quality sources, and some of them are very costly to obtain.Consider it an investment in your health…One that could pay off double, triple, or even more when you don’t have to pay for health complications like diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, or even cancer.When it comes to your health, an ounce of prevention is worth 10 pounds of cure.All right, that’s all I have time for today.Once again, click the button below to grab your supply of Organifi Green Juice before your discount expires!Thanks for your time and we’ll see you inside.We’re in this together!Due to demand we have a hard time keeping products in stock. If you love Organifi Green Juice (you probably will) you might have to wait a LONG TIME to get your next order!That's why we recommend buying in bulk and saving BIG! Remember: you can always return it for a full refund if you don't absolutely love it! Organifi Guarantee: Organifi strives to keep you totally fulfilled and gratified, which is why we offer a 60-day, money back guarantee. If at any point you decide it’s not the most nutritious, delicious superfood mix on the planet, remember you are protected by the highest standard 100% money-back guarantee. Just send us the empty bottle and we’ll refund you to the last penny, no questions asked.If after 60 days of use, you are unhappy and would like a refund, here’s exactly what to do:These guidelines were created to keep you satisfied, while at the same time ensuring we can continue to provide a quality product to other happy customers for years to come. Returning Organifi without complying with our policy will unfortunately deem your transaction non-refundable.After complying with the steps above, please allow adequate time for shipping, quality control, and communication with credit card companies and banks as you patiently await your refund.ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank's role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.© 2022 Getyourgreenjuice.com All Rights Reserved | 760-487-8587 [ad_2] Click here to get 25X HEALTHIER THAN SPINACH? at discounted price while it's still available... All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. 25X HEALTHIER THAN SPINACH? is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.
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drprashantjindal · 2 years
Dr Prashant Jindal Look Below For A Excellent Tips About Eye Care
Dr Prashant Jindal Professional tips provider. Everybody that can read this article should understand what a blessing it is to have good eyesight. Without the ability to see you lose out on many wonderful things in life. The article below will teach you important information on how to properly care for your eyes, so you can see well into the future.
If you work in front of the computer all day long, you should rest your eyes frequently. Your eyes tend not to blink when you are staring at the computer screen. This can cause dry eyes and other eye stress. Look away every ten minutes or so and blink to rest your eyes.
Eat a healthy diet to help take care of your eyes. Certain foods, particularly those high in vitamins C and E, zinc and omega-3 fatty acids can help protect your eyes as you age. Aim for green leafy vegetables, "oily" fish, beans, eggs, nuts, and citrus foods for best results.
If you work for long periods of time on a computer, protect your eyes by taking frequent breaks. You might have noticed that your eyes often feel strained, tired and itchy during regular working hours. This is probably a good indication that you're over working them. Get up and stretch for a few minutes, offering your eyes some time away from the screen.
Eat foods that are known to promote good eye health. This includes a variety of leafy green vegetables, such as collards, kale and spinach. Citrus fruits provide vitamin C, which can help to maintain your eyesight. In addition, protein sources such as beans, eggs, and lentils can prove beneficial to your eyes.
Include as many fruits and vegetables as possible in your diet; especially carrots and sweet potatoes which provide beta carotene (Vitamin A). Salmon is high in Omega 3's and broccoli, brussels sprouts and bell peppers are good sources of Vitamin C. These anti oxidants can help prevent macular degeneration and blindness.
Always wear safety goggles when coming in contact with hazardous materials, regardless of if you are at work or at home. It is best to keep a pair of these goggles in both locations, just in case you are faced with a situation where you need them. Do not take the safety of your eyes for granted.
To care for your eyes, you must be a healthy weight. Obesity leads to diabetes which can create great damage to your eyes. It also leads to glaucoma, hypertensive retinopathy and other conditions which can lead to blindness. The healthier your body is, the healthier your eyes will be, so lose weight!
Use protective eyewear when working with strong chemicals or you are in an area where airborne particles may pose a danger to your eyes. Many people have sustained eye injuries while doing woodworking projects or being outdoors during very windy weather. You should also wear goggles when swimming in chlorinated water.
Enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning. If you're looking for another excuse to drink coffee in the morning, then you've found one. Studies have shown that drinking one or two cups of coffee each morning can actually help replenish tears that help keep eyes moist. Keep the limit at two cups or you'll do more damage than good.
Always take out your contact lenses before you sleep. Contact lenses that are left inside the eyes for too long will harbor bacteria growth. You should remove your contact lenses every night and disinfect them properly. Failing to do so will just set you up for more frequent eye infections.
Do you wear contacts? If so, make sure you have a pair of glasses that you can wear if your eyes get irritated. You do not want to make the situation worse by forcing yourself to wear the contacts because serious problems can result. Also, make sure you keep the contacts very clean.
Eat foods that promote good eye health. Foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins E and C, as well as foods that contain lutein, are excellent choices. Some foods that contain those substances are wild salmon, citrus fruits, tomatoes and green leafy vegetables. Have these foods every day so that your eyes continue to be healthy.
Dr Prashant Jindal Expert tips provider. You may not realize how important staying physically fit is for the health of your eyes. Being overweight can cause a number of health problems, one of them being glaucoma. Exercising for about a half an hour each day can reduce pressure on your eyes by as much as 20%!
Try not to read in the dark or in a dimly lit area. You can strain your eyes when you are trying to read without enough light. Your eyes are already working hard to do the actual reading, so the additional strain of adjusting to the lack of light can overwork them. This can also lead to fatigue and headaches. Make sure the area where you are reading is properly lit.
It can be tempting to purchase cheap make-up, as many of the well-known brands are quite expensive. However, it is best to pay a little more for quality. Some cheap eye shadows and liners have led to swelling and itching. You just don't want to take that chance with your eyes.
Make sure that you are wearing proper and sufficient eye protection to prevent any injuries to your eyes when you are active. Wear goggles if you are playing sports that can impact your eyes and protective gear if you are in the workplace. This will help to prevent catastrophic injuries that can permanently damage your eyes.
Keep your weight in check to help with the health of your eyes. If you are obese, you will put yourself at a higher risk of contracting diabetes, which can result in a loss of vision and glaucoma. Make sure that you consume a balanced diet and do not overindulge on sweets.
Dr Prashant Jindal Best service provider. As you can see from the above article, taking for granted the ability to see is something that many of us have always done. But now since you read a good article about eye care, you see the importance of caring for this special part of our body. All it takes is for you to follow the great eye care tips that you just read.
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