#is also nice since im the kinda guy who's probably not gonna get a console any time soon since expensive
sassykinzonline · 13 days
ok so realistically, or not realistically, thoughts on Boruto? Thoughts on the whole family thing, Naruto being the hokage, would you change anything? Thoughts on other parings? Like, narusaku, sasuhina, sasusaku, narhina, gaanaru, etc. I’m having a brain riot and need opinions😭
i feel like it wasnt really necessary to have bio kids be the lead of the anime especially if they were just going to rehash dynamics that already happened but het. based on the newest chapter, i have to say i wish they would stop hetconning things. naruto being hokage is whatever since im sure its what the audience was waiting for but in the manga they dont just have the older gen ninja just get trapped or killed, theyre off doing their own thing or dealing with subplots or whatever. i think the recent ninja storm game handles this way better than the manga and anime do. i think you can tell kishi isnt interested in this based on how lazy a lot of the storytelling choices are. he almost had something interesting going on with kawaki but then it just kinda went off the rails. so what would i change? i would just scrap the whole thing and approach it completely differently. im not even sure i would use kids given they had a real opportunity to make it more adult, kinda like the way atla transitioned into lok.
other pairings:
i pretty much hate the majority of ships ive come across, not gonna lie. i mean i dont judge anyone for coming up with them, thats their right but i just dont get the logic behind them. particularly certain ships like sasuhina would require both of us to be completely different people for it to work, but ultimately if people want to explore dynamics that way i dont care. if i look at certain ships as people are without their fundamental traits changing then...
narusaku - this is toxic because sakura doesnt respect naruto at all. she never will because shes always seen him as a nuisance. their relationship would be her "settling" for him given his newfound status as a hero and the fame and attention she would get from that, but behind closed doors she'd probably belittle him a lot. naruto would put up with it because he doesnt have a backbone /hj.
naruhina - i mean i think hinata's a nice enough person but they have no chemistry and she also just wants/needs things from naruto so its not healthy for him again. naruto should be with someone who can protect him, and who can fight for him (like me).
gaanaru - .........................begrudgingly gaara does fit the condition i mentioned above but i feel that politically they would be a bit at odds and gaara cant fully understand naruto. but yes as a consolation ship, this is probably one of the better ones.
this is where i say honestly, painfully, if you ask me, neji probably wouldve been best for naruto besides myself. he can understand naruto's worldview, he can protect naruto, he has a personality that complements naruto. the only thing is that neji still fundamentally sees hinata as a priority so i dont know how that would play out.
i cant comment on every single ship so i'll try and just go through ones i would fix and how, and then some "crackships" i have.
leesaku (or whatever you guys call it) - lee's probably the only one sakura disrespected and then ended up respecting. his personality is such that he deals with conflict extremely well and doesnt internalize things, so he would be able to respond to sakura's shallowness and pettiness. theyre both competitive. i feel that sakura would also learn from him how to take pride in achievements, failure, and growth and build her self-esteem properly. i dont like inosaku because regardless of Lesbian Rights or whatever, sakura has consistently treated ino like shit for no reason and its not even in a "um we're awkward way" its in a "ino risks her life for sakura because shes a good person and sakura curses her out" kind of thing. lesbians should be in healthy relationships.
tenkuro - theyre both meant to be experts in a certain field that complement each other. theyre both in the middle of two extreme personalities. kankuro is a bit less of a douchebag by the time he gets older. i wouldve paired this instead of shikatema if we had to have a crosscountry couple. shikatema is gross.
hinakiba - kiba's probably the only one who treated hinata with respect their entire lives and without wanting anything in return. like weirdly enough hes the only guy i can think of except maybe choji that didnt talk shit about a woman (whether it was deserved or not) so i feel like instantly that kind of makes him a good match for someone as meek as her. hes supportive without being passive and passionate without really being aggressive. i dont know what hinata does for him because i dont really know what hinata does for anyone, but i think kiba just wants A Woman so she fits the bill.
sasudeath - if i cant have naruto give me death.
inosai is probably the only ship i actually like because they compliment each other well. again i dont care about gay/straight whatever but if ino wants to date a hot guy, let her date one. she chose one that she gets along with easily, respects her (not just respects her but he loves her proudly), and tempers her personality well. theyre pretty cute in boruto. i would keep choji and karui only because cho cho is an angel.
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anshiel · 2 years
i've been using emulators lately 2 play old games because and feel like a hacker, feel like a god why didn't i do this earlier oh my god
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azucanela · 4 years
being sokka’s s/o would include hcs?
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being zuko’s s/o headcannons | being korra’s s/o headcannons
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SUMMARY: being sokka’s s/o from the confession to the marriage
WARNINGS: mild lok spoiler, fluff, kissing, do these count as warnings, yeah this is pretty pg man, blood, stab wound, sokka being sokka
A/N: im sick and dying h e l p, but also interact with me im lonely, become and elusive anon idc <3 also wow i have 500 followers??? idk why you all followed me?? but thanks?? hi??
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getting into the relationship
oh god 
i see him with a friends to lovers thing where he either flirts with you from the moment he meets you or progressively begins to fall for you and is far to flustered to flirt because woah there why are you so beautiful
if its the former, then he’s probably gonna be ‘joking’ for the most part and you know this, so you two are just playfully flirting all the time until one day he realizes that he wants this to be REAL and panics 
when you flirt the first time he’s flustered, because he’s really just not used to the same level of forwardness that he has himself, but after a while Sokka is gonna get used to it and he’ll just roll with it
but when he realizes he wants more? he’s gonna be flustered all over again, and he’s probably gonna flirt with you signifigantly less, which is gonna cause you to confront him, much to his dismay, because oh no he’s alone with you-
“oh! haha.. hey y/n. yeah i need to go sharpen my boomerang-”
“sokka that’s not something you can do.”
when you confront him, he’s probably gonna be honest with you and tell you how he feels because he really cares for you and just wants you to calm down because no he does n o t hate you
“do you hate me or something now?”
“uh.. it’s the opposite actually you see-”
if its the latter, he’s gonna go from really calm and chill around you, because of the friendly vibes and such like cracking jokes and such, to a complete and utter mess
you two are really close as friends and that isn’t something he wants to mess up but he’s definitely gonna confess at some point because he’s not one to bottle his emotions up and hates how weird things are between the two of you now that he’s realized he likes you
in general i see sokka as a mess around whoever he likes, until he comes to terms with the fact that he likes them, and this likely won’t take long, he’s pretty in tune with his emotions
he’s not gonna wanna ask you out at first, in all honesty, i see sokka’s whole confidence thing as a facade, because in actuality he has really low self esteem and genuinely sees himself as the “extra” member of team avatar because he lacks bending and everyone around him is so talented that he sometimes forgets he is literally super smart and makes all the plans that save their lives on the daily
just things you are too good for him, especially if you are a bender
if you start hinting that you like him too, he is initially gonna think it is a joke until you start getting bold and then it’s gonna hit him like everyone hits the cabbage man’s cart
i can see either of you confessing first, if Sokka does, he’s probably gonna be really bashful and flustered about it, but he’s also gonna try and act cool because thats like his trademark
if you confess first, he’s gonna be in shock temporarily, but then he’s gonna jump right into things because you like him BACK omgomgomgomg 
he’s gonna wanna kiss you right after the confession, and it’ll probably backfire because he got really excited and ended up headbutting you and now you have a bruise forming on your head and a very apologetic sokka oops
in general, quickly recognizes his feelings and confesses shortly after, because he just hates the weird tension even if he thinks he’s the only one feeling it, even though hes NOT
during the relationship
a really attentive boyfriend, you will never feel neglected, he’s a very clingy person who gets intimate with you all the time, so if you like affection you got it
kissing him is nice, he’s good at it 10/10 recommend, always wants to hold you as close as possible, prefers a hand on your hip/lowerback and another on your face or neck to pull you closer
if you don’t like affection, he’ll express his love in other ways
for example, cooking, i see sokka as someone who can either cook REALLY well, or not at all. there is no in between. 
genuinely just really wants to make you happy
the type to bully you if you’re in a relationship, pls bully him back, humble this man. he’s gonna roast you but he doesn’t really mean it okay, he’s just doesn’t want things to change between you
loves that his best friend is his lover, would not want it any other way
probably forgets to tell the gaang you are dating and like aang and toph are gonna catch you two kissing or smth and sokka’s just gonna be like oh hey guys and they are both like ???
"when did this happen?”
“wym lol”
if you two are together during the war, he’s gonna wanna be by your side like 24/7 because he does not want you to die, like this lowkey stresses him so much that he will subconsciously, when developing battle plans either put you in the safest possible spot or by his side, and its because he has literally lost so many people he’s care for and now he’s distressed
remind him that he matters and is important to the team, because he forget that sometimes and falls into a mood, where he’s all sad and stuff and it just makes you sad so like
tell him he matters, because he does, tell him he’s great even if he can’t bend, and tell him he is a fantastic and brilliant leader, this will serve as an ego boost though so be prepared to humble him
steal his hair ties and do all of us a favor okay, just steal them, burn them because no littering, just make sure he cannot find them! he will walk around with his hair down in confusion, searching for them before he starts the day
speaking of starting the day, you always wake up first, this man is not a morning person and needs his beauty sleep, definitely have a 17 step skin care routine, change my mind, he is big on self care and will make sure you participate with him because he cares about you
speaking of care he knows you so well since you are his s/o so if he notices something is up he will not hesitate to confront you, and will ask if you want solutions or just someone to listen to
prefers solving the problem though
back to mornings, um have fun waking up to sokka with his hair down that sounds HEAVENLY um
mild lok spoilers but sokka ends up chief, and gets involved in politics over time, so he kinda runs out of time for you a bit until he figures out how to organize his time better, then he gets kinda sad, but he still wants to take you out on dates as often as possible ok no more spoilers
so speaking of dates, sokka wants weekly dates, this is a must, does not care if it is a fancy restaurant, cooking at home, or a picnic. he loves picnics most though, and please notice how food is the common factor here
sokka would never cheat on you but if he did he would cheat with food
arguments aren’t rare, but they are mostly over dumb stuff and you both know its dumb stuff so for the most part its a joke, but sometimes someone takes things too far so then apologies are necessary
like actual argument arguments are mostly rare because sokka doesn’t wanna pick fights with you and he’s fairly passive unless he feels really strongly about something
he can be REALLY MEAN THOUGH AND PETTY like wow sokka will go days without talking to you because of a fight
he can and will apologize first when he realizes the toll its taking on your relationship, probably will apologize first
if you catch him being a misogynist put him in his place :)
 he thinks you are hot when you are angry and might pick a fight with you just for that reason, pls make out with him
marriage n’ stuff
im still waiting for someone to explain what weddings are like guys please
anyways he’s gonna realize he wants to marry you when he nearly dies and is like wow life is really short also lets discuss him losing all the important people he’s loved in his life one more time, he does not want to lose you!!!
so he’s gonna nearly die and then be like i need to propose, like now, i cannot die without being married to the literal love of my life so i should do that literally the moment i get home instead of getting medical attention first
yeah he is the smart one, but he lacks common sense, so i hope you got a LOT of common sense. y’all do be sharing a braincell
stops by a ring shop place, and the moment he just feels like he saw the one, price does NOT matter he has purchased it and is now heading home to you
you on the other hand are PANICKING because what do you mean sokka just ran out of the hospital with no explanation and is nowhere to be found katara
what do you mean you thought he would be h e r e
yes katara went over to your house to see if sokka was there and he is not!!!
yet ;)
there is like a manhunt for sokka and he has yet to notice because mans has tunnel vision and as he opens the door to your shared apartment he does not expect to see a crying katara and oh no-
hes like of course im not dead what the hell
you’re seated standing next to Katara trying to console her when you see sokka and wow you are relieved to see he is not dead or kidnapped
lol he’s kissing you to shut you up how cute, now leave katara you are infringing on an extremely pivotal moment of this relationship
honestly seeing you comforting his sister just makes him love you more and he kinda just wants to marry you 10x more now 
you pull away from the kiss looking at him like what are you doing, and katara is like, “Sokka where the hell were you??? you have a stab wound???” and now you’re like WOAHWOAHWOAHWOAHWOAH
“stabbed? sokka you need medical attention-”
“to answer your question dear sister, i was getting a ring for your hopefully soon to be sister in law.”
“EXCUSE ME?” you are so confused, katara is confused and is now realizing that she was probably not supposed to be here
sokka is already dropping down onto one knee and pulling out the just bought ring as saying, “marry me!” now he’s high on adrenaline and pain has yet to hit him and he’s kinda just sitting there beaming up at you despite the blood seeping out of him at a rapid rate
“im sorry what?” thats katara girl be quiet they are trying to have a MOMENT
anyways you’re like, “sokka. hospital.”
and he’s like, “answer me first” and he’s giving you a weak lil smile as he realizes how stupid he was and he’s about to stand back up but you put a hand on his shoulder and just nod.
now he’s back to beaming so brightly, and he’s putting the ring on your finger and oh no- he’s passed out. is it from excitement or bloodloss? idk
he also might pass out before hearing you answer and then at the hospital you’re kinda sitting there like, “ARE YOU DUMB STUPID OR DUMB. YOU COULD HAVE DIED.”
and he’s like, “not without hearing your answer” <3<3 heart eyes emojis everywhere
alternatively, he is one of few people i could see having a public proposal, with lots of flowers, a band, fireworks, the whole nine yards
he’s gonna want it flashy
something probably goes wrong and he nearly cries but you say yes anyways and he throws a party after
anyways the actual wedding is preferably public, but if you want a more private one then he does what you want because he loves you most
he is gonna be very active in wedding planning, wants to try the foods and desserts and appetizers and everything especially. wants to do the weird stuff like picking napkins with you and flower arrangements and all that stuff i think this happens idk someone please inform me
this stuff just makes him fall in love with you more tbh, and he’s just so so sure he wants to marry you 
his vows will make HIM cry, like he is going to cry when he sees you walk down the aisle, he’s going to cry when he reads his own vows, and he’s going to cry when you read your vows, it doesn’t matter if they are lowkey bad
makes jokes in his vows because he is a nerd but can barely reach the punchline because he is in tears
fr though he is just so happy to be marrying you and wow you look REALLY GOOD in whatever you are wearing um damn okay you really went off
married life with sokka is elite ngl, mans cooks for you, he probably cleans sometimes, but otherwise chores are fairly divided 
he spoils you
overall sokka is a real great s/o and he gives you everything you deserve and yeah marry sokka 2020 everyone deserves a sokka 
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atla:  @bubblebars @jada-cleo @Art-flirt @the-deli-meat @wemissyou3000 @ajediherowitchrunner 
sokka: @iammello
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leverage-ot3 · 4 years
notable moments from The Bank Shot Job
leverage 1.05
I decided I’m also going to start highlighting meta material in these posts for reference reasons (like for fics, headcanons, meta, etc)
I’m colorcoading by what character the meta pertains to btw
Clerk: Hello, Judge Roy.
Judge Roy: [slaps her ass] Hey, sweetheart.
Frank: Can I help you, your honor?
Judge Roy: Yes, Fred. Her phone number?
Frank: It's Frank. And she's 19, sir.
Judge Roy: That's too bad. She got a younger sister
- - - - -
Hardison: No. No more. We gotta talk to Nate. No more rip deals. They take too damn long.
Parker (ripping paper): That's why they're called "Rip Deals". You have to convince them they're getting a deal before you can rip them off.
Hardison: Two weeks. Two weeks sleeping in crappy hotels. Two weeks eating in crappy diners. Two weeks having my soul sucked dry. It's 107 degrees. Who lives where it's 107 degrees?
Parker: Juan's not so bad. I kinda like this town
I wanna see that domestic shit of them sharing hotel rooms and eating the continental breakfasts and dingy diners and everything about them living in rundown hotels for two weeks
- - - - -
Hardison: You know, I had to retask two satellites just to get a lousy internet connection. Took more than an hour to torrent the last episode of Doctor Who.
Parker: Hey! Illegal downloading's wrong. (lights paper on fire in trash can)
that’s it. that’s their relationship.
- - - - -
Hardison: How we coming on the breakdown?
Eliot (loading truck elsewhere): Fake addresses are shut down. Post office boxes are closed. The phones are cleared. Five more minutes, we never existed
bruh those props ??? I wish I had a screenshot but wtf where they DOING for the con ???
- - - - -
Hardison: Want me to call the Delgado family, tell them the news?
Eliot: Nah. Soon as I clear county line I want to do it. I just wish we could do more than bankrupt that corrupt son of a bitch
eliot is so good you guys im-
- - - - -
Nate: Get out. Now.
Hardison: Is he talking to us?
Parker: An unmarked van parked across the street from a bank that's being robbed? Yeah. I think he's talking to us.
Hardison: Yeah, well, five more feet and he would have been in the clear. What the hell was he thinking?
Parker: Don't be an idiot, Hardison.
Hardison: What?
Parker: Sophie was still in there
parker knows nate loves sophie and would never leave her behind because she may not always get people, but even she can see how much nate cares for sophie
- - - - -
Derrick: Everyone empty your pockets. Wallets, purses, watches, everything you've got, throw it over here.
(everyone throwing stuff to center of floor)
nate threw his fucking toothpick
- - - - -
Deputy Arnold: No, right here, right here, and we need ...
(Eliot crosses police line)
Deputy Arnold: Whoa, whoa, I need you to take a step back, sir.
Eliot: Tell me what's going on in there.
Deputy Arnold: I'm afraid I can't do that, this is an active crime scene, and you need to ...
Eliot: (to cop) I'm not talking to you. (to Nate) How many are there?
Nate: Yeah, you're right. Clearly amateurs, these two. Yeah. The younger one, looks like he's never handled a gun before.
Eliot: Is judge blow-hard next to you?
Nate: Yeah, uh-huh. Yeah, definitely amateurs, That's what makes them so dangerous.
Eliot: Alright, 2 guys, both armed, neither one a criminal mastermind. You want me in there?
Deputy Arnold: Sir, we can't have you going inside the bank ...
Nate: Probably, uh, a good idea just to sit tight, don't you think? You know, and see where these guys' heads are
at, you know?
Eliot (backing away): Alright, your call boss.
Deputy Arnold: Thank you
poor deputy arnold + eliot being done with local law enforcement
- - - - -
Sophie: Okay. So what is the plan, Stan
“what’s the plan, stan” adorable.
- - - - -
(Eliot leans against a building across the street and watches Hardison and Parker pull up in a sedan)
Eliot: Nice ride.
Parker (taking notebook and removing badges): It's embarrassing. Everyone knows you don't rob a bank without an exit strategy. These two deserve to get caught. 42 seconds. (tosses notebook back to Eliot)
Hardison: What?
Parker: To rob this bank. One security guard who has never fired his gun before, 2 closed-circiut cameras outside, 1 inside, and a Glen-Reader safe built in the 50's whose default combination is the birth date of the manager's wife! Get in, get out, 42 seconds.
Hardison: Seriously
parker was so angry that she chucked the binder at eliot and he was like ??? we good ???
- - - - -
Hardison: Seriously? (to Bill) I'm Agent Leonard. This is Agent Elmore. We'll be taking over this crime scene,
Sheriff ...
Bill: Bill Hastings. Nice to meet you. You guys sure are quick, just called this in 20 minutes ago.
Hardison: Well, we were coming back from a little border skirmish. Patrol unit came under attack from a pack of Chupacabras.
Bill: Chupacabras? I thought those things were urban legend.
Hardison: You're adorable
I love it when hardison fucks with people it’s hilarious
- - - - -
Hardison: Whoa, what's going on?
Bill: Cut power to the bank. Standard operating procedure.
Hardison: Standard ... it's standard op ... it's standard? Where do you getting that bull-hockey from son?
Bill: Deputy Arnold, he took a seminar in crisis management last year.
Deputy Arnold: It was an online seminar. We got certificates.
Hardison: Certificates? Magic kits come with certificates. Does that make it cool for kids to saw their parents in half?
Bill: We're just going by the book.
Hardison: The ... the book? The book got a good man killed. I can't ... my blood pressure.
Parker: Ex-partner. Probably shouldn't mention the book again. Or propellers.
parker is doing so well with grifting considering and I’m so proud of her
- - - - -
Sophie: They are not cops, I promise you, they're friends of mine, you can trust them.
Derrick: Why should I trust you? I don't know who you are.
Sophie: I am a thief.
Derrick: Okay, I'm not sure what to do with that.
that’s it guys. that’s the show.
- - - - -
Nate: I didn't say it was going to be easy. But nothing's impossible, especially when you have the world's greatest thief on your payroll. Parker, have you ever robbed a bank that's being robbed?
Parker: There's a first time for everything.
- - - - -
Parker: The bank was built before 1980, before computers. Means it's got a larger than normal night deposit chute.
Hardison: 'Cause business had to drop off ledgers with their daily hauls. What, you thought my genius was only limited to ones and zeroes?
Parker: I'm thinking the chute's my way in. Only problem is, it's in the alley on this side of the building
the way she looks at hardison like damn boy you know my stuff
- - - - -
Hardison: I can take care of that, but, we actually have bigger problems.
Eliot: What's that?
Hardison: Well, Sheriff Coltrane over here called the FBI, the real FBI. Now the closes office is in San Diego, so they should be here, in about, um, give it 45 minutes.
Nate: We can't worry about that now.
Hardison: When do we worry about it?
Nate: In about 45 minutes
hardison, internally: lord give me strength
- - - - -
Hardison: Hold on ... Excuse me. (answers phone) Agent Leonard. We will do whatever you need us to do, just please, don't hurt anybody. Okay. (hangs up) Guys ... Boys, boys, come on, gather 'round. Now boys, that was THE call. The call we were waiting for. Now look, they have a list of demands. First off, they want 12 large pizzas. One cheese, one Hawaiian, extra pineapple. Two pepperoni and black olives, two meat lover's, t ... Seriously? Nobody's writing this down? Seriously? One triple-shot half-caf vanilla latte, tall,
(Parker goes down alley and opens deposit drop box)
Hardison: …three of the latest copies of the Hall and Oates CD. I know, right? Exciting stuff I didn't know they were coming out with a new one either. We're gonna need steaks. Steaks and a grill. They're trying to tailgate. Okay, they need your overalls, I don't know why. They need some kibbles n' bits, we need an Etch-A-Sketch, somebody in there likes to squiggle okay ... Are we good? Let's go people. Everybody. I need you guys moving. Everybody get out. Go. (hardison points at an officer) You stay. We need to talk about Hall & Oates.
I fucking loved this monologue,,, hardison is VERY GOOD at improvising
- - - - -
(Derrick opens night deposit box)
Parker: Hi.
Derrick (hands her the briefcase): There's a lot of money in there.
Parker: Yeah, I know.
Derrick: My wife's life depends on that money getting where it needs to go.
Parker: I understand. Sometimes bad guys are the only good guys you get
parker’s face softened and you can see that she understood. parker didn’t get people in the beginning of the show, and sure her values and ideas aren’t typical, but she was ALWAYS a good person. she cared and understood what was at risk and she consoled him.
also, this is yet another piece of evidence that parker was the main character all along!!! I’m not gonna go super into it because there are already posts out there about it, but she had three (3) episodes dedicated to her character in season one alone AND had her say what is basically the mission statement of the show here in this scene
- - - - -
Sophie: Things could be worse.
Nate: Worse than me getting shot and you blowing our cover?
Sophie: No, no, you're not gonna lay that crap on me. We wouldn't even be in this mess if you'd just walked out with the cash when you had the chance. I would've been fine.
Nate: I know.
Sophie: Yeah, I can take care of myself. I've been doing it a long time. Since way before I met you. I'm just saying.
Nate: Yeah, you're right.
Sophie: Okay
nate knows sophie is a strong independent woman and that is one of the only things I stan about him lol
- - - - -
Sophie: We lost communication.
Nate: Yeah, we did.
Sophie: Hardison, Parker, and Eliot ...
Nate: That's right, they are on their own. Yup.
they ended up doing great on their own, but also, can we acknowledge what a glow up it was building up to the rundown job ???
- - - - -
(Mom gets out of truck and tries to run)
Meth #2: Where the hell you think you're going, old lady? (pulls mom back) Where the hell you think you're g ...
Eliot (catches Meth #2’s arm): Hey, what smells like crank and screams like a girl? (Takes his gun and breaks his knee)
Meth #2: AAHH!
Eliot (kicks car door closed before Meth #3 can get out, empties the bullets from gun): That's the right answer. (throws gun into car at #3, hits #1 as he approaches) Come on. (fights #1, kicks door shut, beats #1 more, kicks door again) Stay in the car. (beats the hell out of #3 and #1, kneels down near mom and removes her gag)
Mom: Who are you?
Eliot: Well ma'am, we'd be the cavalry.
this entire fight scene always has me ROLLING it’s so funny
also I’m not sure if this should go on the List Of Non-Weapon Objects Eliot Uses As Weapons but eliot DID use the car door in the fight
- - - - -
Sophie: Just let the paramedics take him. The rest of us will stay.
Judge Roy: And give up my leverage
*sophie and nate look at each other*
both, internally: tHATS OUR WORD
- - - - -
Nate: Hey, listen. She's gonna be alright. Everything's gonna be alright
Derrick: Your people ... they're good?
Nate: Yeah. The best.
nate’s smile when he says that??? proud dad alert
- - - - -
Sophie (looking at replay of tape): You're still a geek.
Judge Roy: They're trying to ruin me.
Hardison: Geek power, baby. Stay strong!
in other words: age of the geek, baby
also- kudos to 2008 hardison editing video like that. I can’t do that shit with today’s tech lmao
- - - - -
Bill: Go home now. Bank robbers are in custody, hostages are safe. FBI's got the whole thing wrapped up.
Taggert: Do you have any idea what?
Mcsweeten: Just go with it.
Deputy Arnold: Mr. FBI guys, can you help me here?
Bill: My, my. Look at this. Our local drug boys, both with outstanding warrants. It's incredible.
Taggert: Damn, we're good!
mcsweeten and taggert stumbling onto the leverage crew’s cons and directly profiting off of them is iconic. they have no idea. too pure for this world
- - - - -
Sophie: Hey, thanks Parker.
Parker: Whatever.
Sophie: No. It was an excellent performance.
Parker: Yeah, I think I can act okay when I'm yelling at people and bossing them around.
Sophie: Well, it's a good start.
proud mom!sophie + grifting parker
Nate: Listen, we have to make sure we get the cash to the Delgado family. Ow!
Eliot (tending Nate’s wound): Oh! Settle down. You act like you've never been shot before.
Nate (glances at Sophie): So, uh, pizza boxes, huh?
Hardison: Yeah, I know, I know, You could have done better.
Nate: No, no, no. No I couldn't have.
eliot casually stitching up nate’s wound bc no hospitals but also can we talk about how much nate has to trust eliot to literally operate on him
nate giving praise to hardison ??? rare af I don’t know her
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huntsman-ash · 4 years
RWBY V8E3 LiveThoughts
Its Saterday and that means its time for everyones favorite post spam; Orca-mun bullshits about RWBY! And here we go.
On a personal note I barely ate anything today so my brain is jittery. I ate something before this of course but one does not solve low-food jitters instantly. So we’ll see how this goes.
Also the more that I hear the opening for this season the more I hear things that I have had Ash say before.  “The hope to change the world is just a childish dream”. It comes off in the song as kind of a poke at Ruby and her team, same way as how V3s opening was all about loosing and falling, but here I cant help but hear it in the voice of Ash, caustic and sarcastic, angry at the world for his own issues and putting it onto the “blind, naieve Huntress’s” Ironwood now has his team focused on.
Actually again, a lot of the song is talking about stuff that is probably coming up in the show. “The path we tried to avoid is already here”. “Path home is suddenly clear”. Basically hinting RWBYs going back to Vale at some point. But we knew that already.
And again, the part with time stopping while Cinder walks among the fighting reminds me of a shittier version of the I Know You trailer for Halo Wars 2.
And now the episode actually starts. Apperently, riding the pnumatic tubes does NOT instantly kill you. Im...half dissapointed. At the same time it makes sense, they seem to be fully sealed so. 
Doesnt seem like its fun though thats for sure.
Dear Blake; please stop being adorable.
Oh, and we get to see how Penny see’s the world too. Interseting. Wireframe with data...and shes unintentionally doing the Konami Code if Im not mistaken.
Also cool to see that the active camo semblance works exactly like Halo’s active camo, ergo; its bending light, not true invisibility, since you can JUST BARELY see the shimmer where they are.
And this moment is a painting I like to call; Five Lesbians and a Robot in an Elevator. Legit shocked Atlas doesnt have elevator music...
And we finally, FINALLY get some reference on the storm. Shorter Atlas trooper sayd “they cant get too close to that storm without getting shot out of the air”.  Okay...so Salem actually has defenses against airships? Couldnt they have SHOWN THAT?
Also, props to the female VA for sounding like AN ACTUAL FUCKING SOLDIER. “CO can get us some answers”...hell yeah. And then Nora’s randomly a dick for...no reason.
Penny’s finger has a scomplink just like in Star Wars.
And they didnt think to remove Peitro’s security clerance, alright then. Someones gonna know they were there though since she used his ID...but maybe thats part of the deal. They get in and get out fast.
Central Command is so dissapointingly small. I HATE IT. ITs two rows of consoles and like...8 dudes. No, wait...three rows? For a place this big it should be six times the size and look more like NASAs mission control.
Nice to have some data on how Ruby’s semblance works though. She apperently breaks herself down to her component molecules and negates her mass and HEY thats how I said Ash moved! DAMMIT RT
Also I guess Remnant follows SOME laws of physics.
NGL Blake is suddenly being a better character now that shes not held down by Yang. Might just be me though. 
“Busy” says Ironwood. In my head, the five minutes before this shot; EXECUTIONS EXECUTIONS ALL THE EXECUTIONS. MUCH PURGING, VERY CLEAN NOW.
Oh I LIVE for the sudden look of shock on Watt’s face. Bro KNOWS what Ironwood can do. That said, obviously hes going to turn on him because...duh. Its Watts. But hey, least hes a little afraid. Unless its an act.
His acid snark against Penny is refreshing. “Magic science project” indeed.
Oh, thats why hes so worried. FOUR DUDES AIMING GUNS AT HIM. Nice. 
“Authorization granted to handle any threats with lethal force”. GOOD. 
Oh no, Nora’s got an idea now. Im worried.
I get the feeling the random office geek guy that Nora trips is someone from RTs office, hence the “#1 Dad/Dud” mug. Dumb
Home made sign. Really. REALLY.  UGH GOD DAMMIT RT. 
Funny sign though.  Also the scream from the tech is so fake its not even funny
Wow. For fuck sake. Thats how they get through. Seriously.
Seems I paused at the right moment. Blake is very confused about being inside Ruby.
Nice to see that Atlas follows OSHA regulations and has railings on its weird catwalks.
Hardlight forcefield door? Interesting. I guess May went off to steal an airship or something.
Also this is something I JUST remembered but I thought Johanna was the trans member. Actually thats May. So thats my bad.
Why’re there holes on the base of Penny’s gloves...
No logiccal sense to half of Atlas’s tech, glad to see that hasnt changed any.
Blake is me when my dads working at his office and taking way to long to do anything.
Blah blah okay talk less do more shit. Character stuff BORES ME
Hm. Nora speaks the truth.
ANNNNDDD its the Ace Ops. Now lead by Hare.  ...no cuffs. No heavy equipment. No gas weaponry. Nothing. They know exactly how strong these people are and instead they show up with ALL OF THEIR OLD STUFF. Are you fucking serious.
STOP TALKING AND JUST KILL THEM ALREADY DAMMIT! Marrows comment is how I feel. But I think hes lying. As does he, I think.
I like how its Vine doing the talking, and that they start by trying to REASON with them. They’re scared. They know they might not win again.  They’re taking the cowards root. To no ones fucking shock.
UHHHGGGG all of this fukcing mind shit with Penny is really pissing me off.
Good, now the fighting starts. Thattttss why they;re on the platform.
Hey, actual teamwork out of the Aces, kinda. I guess their boss being dead helped.
Okay seriously how the HELL is she not fighting this easier? Shes a robot, surely she has predictive combat algorithms...
Man Marrows getting SHIT ON this fight.
Mmm. Hare thighs. I like
Weiss says the truth for once
And all the fancy work and fighting is ended simply by a beefy woman grabbing Penny. I like that honestly. Simplicity, brutality.
Wait never mind.
HAHAHAHAH OFF THE Wall and now she flies. No shock.
Good shit. Good work Marrow.
Well that works. JESUS FUCK Nora.
Yow they’re not DEAD. Excuse me
Oh look Nora’s...wow. Cool, scars.
Still mad Pennys swords are on wires, but hell. Wire funnels are wire funnels. Or would those be incoms? I dont quite remember the distinction.
Marrows quiet look is kinda sad. Oh good nora’s not dead.
But they are down a person and...ah. They’re letting them go. Death Star tactic.
New ship design, havent seen this one before. The whole top part opens which is interesting to me. And then she just GONE. 
Ah. So thats what they were doing. Cool.
Obviously gonna backfire, but hey, who knows. Maybe RT will surprise us.
Annnddd thats it for the show.
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jeonginnied · 6 years
my safe place
tagged road trip au, fluff, angst, college au
pairing bang chan x reader
mini note tHIS IS BARELY EVEN A ROAD TRIP AU AND ITS MENTIONED LIKE ONCE AKSJSJSJ IM SORRY,, but besides this i actually kinda like this, so i really hope you enjoy anon!!
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to put it simply, you didn’t want to see your family.
in a much more non-simple way, you wanted nothing to do with your parents, siblings, or any of your relatives in general. sure, about four months ago, you wouldn’t have felt this way, but things do change, so you’ve learned. maybe if you hadn’t moved across the country—well, no, out of the country, actually—to pursue a college experience, you may have mended your relationship with your family.
but that’s not what happened, not at all. you made a decision, and you went through with it. and ever since, (even if it’s only been a few months so far) you’re still quite confident in your choice. moving to korea for school has, by far, been the best decision you’ve ever made. not only that, though, but this place also gives you a passageway to finally do the thing that you’ve always wanted to, that thing being dancing.
the first half of your freshman college year was great, honestly. you were doing what you loved, and that was what mattered. (you still haven’t reached the time of finals yet, though, and from what you’ve heard, that’s usually when the thought of dropping out appears and seems to never leave. but, you’re good for now, at least.)
the schooling was basic, you weren’t exactly fond of it, nor did you hate it, but there was one thing you liked about your classes. well, not exactly a “thing,” as the happiness source you’re referring to is a living, human being. (a very beautiful and talented one, at that.)
ah, christopher bang. or bang chan, as he usually goes by, considering it’s korea. you can clearly remember the day you first laid eyes on him. it was your literature class, and chan had showed up just about thirty seconds before the lecture began. luckily for him, there was still a good seat left, and luckily for you—the seat was next to yours.
your professor was quite boring, to say the least. but, you kind of owe mr. min, considering that he was what led to chan secretly scribbling a note to you in the middle of class, passing it casually as his eyes stayed focused on the front of the room. you remember the smile that fell onto your lips at some stupid joke he made, and thus began the great note-pass of your literature course, as well as a great beginning to a great friendship.
“y/n? hello, you good?”
at the sound of a heavy australian accent, you snap out of your thoughts. “huh? what happened?” you ask aloud, glancing to chan in confusion. he chuckles softly, dimples crinkling in an incredibly cute fashion. “you just, like, completely zoned out on me.” you roll your eyes, punching his arm jokingly. “no shit, sherlock. thanks so much, captain obvious.” chan‘s lips fall into a shit-eating grin as he responds, “well sorry, what i meant to say was that we were talking about your family when you started staring into the distance suddenly.”
a small sigh falls from your lips. “right. um, well basically, they didn’t support my dancing. like, ever. i used to do shows at school and things like that, but none of them ever showed up to cheer me on. and that sucked, obviously, but i just assumed that they were always busy, y’know?” you explain, and chan slowly nods, a small frown forming on his lips. “well.. when it came around to start thinking about college, i suggested going to a dance school. everyone just.. they all laughed at me. they all thought i was joking for a while, but when they realized i wasn’t, well...
“i was grounded for months. i know, i didn’t really do anything, but my grandparents wouldn’t even speak to me at family events. they always mumbled about me failing them, but never once was anything said to me specifically.” you pause for a moment, looking down with a sad look. you only glance back up when you feel chan’s right hand holding onto yours. “take your time, alright? i’m here the whole time, and i’ll wait to listen, okay?” your cheeks go a slight pink color as you give him a sad smile, faintly nodding at his words.
okay, so maybe you have a tiny bit of a crush on chan. (tiny? that’s a lie.) okay, that‘s slightly an understatement. you may or may not have a crush on chan. (may or may not? yeah, and that may or may not be a huge fib.) okay fine, you definitely have a crush on chan. but can you really blame yourself? first of all, his accent is just—yes. secondly, he has dimples, enough said there. and, just, he’s an amazing person? seriously, you’re pretty sure there’s not a single person on the earth that wouldn’t love him.
(honestly though. how don’t you love an angel?)
the only flaw regarding your crush is the fact that he’s kind of your best friend, and you’ve seen what happens in those movies. sure, most of the time the couple does get together in the end, but it’s never without an awkward few months without talking to one another. as cliche as it may sound, chan’s like your other half. you can barely live when he misses a lecture because he’s sick, much less months? not only that, though, but you’re not even sure that he likes you back in that way. your other friends, however.. they seem to think a tad differently.
(especially minho. within a week of meeting that boy, he was already sure that “you and chan would be married within the next five and a half years.” his words, not yours.)
you snap out of your own head once again, jumping slightly from shock. you place your head in your hands for a moment as you realized that you zoned out once again. “i.. i’m sorry, chan. where was i again?” chan only shakes his head, insisting that you’re fine, and you continue with your story.
you explain how you actually ended up sneaking out one night, after months of being shunned, basically. how jung jaehyun, a close friend of yours at the time, suggested that you should just leave. he was planning to leave for korea that next morning, as he would be attending a college there. how you were skeptical at first, but jaehyun helped you realize that if you didn’t leave and go for your dream now, you would probably never get the chance to. how you crawled from your window that night, leaving nothing but a note for your family as you fled from the country with your friend.
the air is soon filled with a tense silence after you finish your story. your eyes are brimmed with tears after reminiscing that sensitive topic for you, but you push down your emotions as you stare forward at the road. (was it not mentioned that you and chan are on a road trip for winter break? whoopsies.) “so uh.. yeah. that’s why i wanted to take this trip, i guess. i just—i can’t face them all again. i can’t.”
chan seems to sense the waviness in your tone as he glances at you from the driver’s seat. nearly immediately, he goes into his protective mode the moment he sees the tears in your eyes. chan pulls over the the side of the road so he can stop the car before unbuckling himself and turning to you. “y/n..” he murmurs quietly, and you sniffle lightly, trying to hold back. “come here.” chan whispers, opening his arms wide, and you break instantly. in seconds you’re basically jumping into his arms, head resting on his shoulder as you break into tears.
with an assist of reassuring back rubs from your best friend, you make it to slow your tears after about three or four minutes. you slowly pull away from chan, who’s staring at you with a caring look in his eyes. “m’ sorry about that, i just–“ you start to say, but the aussie boy before you shushes you quickly. “don’t apologize, y/n. it’s completely normal to feel like that, and i’m here for you, always.” chan shoots you a soft reassuring smile at the end of his words, and you internally scream.
you sigh at the thought that you’ll probably never get the chance to be with him. chan’s a great guy, of course, but he’s just too great for you. there’s no way, hell, he probably has eyes for someone else anyway. there’s not even the slightest possibility that he reciprocates your feelings.
“whatcha’ thinking about?” chan asks cutely, and you look back down at your lap. you fiddle with your fingers nervously, letting out a small sigh. “y/n?” chan questions, clearly concerned. you let out a breath once again. it wouldn’t hurt to just feel his lips once.. it’s just a kiss, right? you’re internally battling with yourself, until you realize that your best friend seems pretty lost over what you’re doing. you sigh again, taking a deep breath. you then look up so you’re making direct eye contact.
“fuck it..” you murmur quietly as you lean over the driving console, grabbing chan’s face in your hands as you press the each of you guys’ lips together.
chan’s the first to pull away, his face red and flushed with embarrassment. “wh–what was that for? y/n?” your eyes go wide. did i seriously just—? “oh my god, chan, i... i thought it wasn’t a bad idea, that it would just be one kiss, but—shit. i’m so sorry, chan, i know i made things awkward between us now, and.. i get it if you don’t wanna continue this trip with me.” you get quieter as you speak, worry taking over the tone in your voice while you panic inside of your head. what the hell was i thinking?
“i’ll be honest, i didn’t think i had feelings for you, y/n. i mean, yeah, i’ve pondered over that thought before, but i just always assumed i was looking too far into things.” you nod slowly, looking down. well, there goes your best friend. nice going, self! “but.. after that kiss, i.. y/n, you’re a great person, okay. i’m just—“ you’re quick to cut chan off. “you’re just not into me like that, right? it’s fine, don’t worry about it. i’m the stupid one here, anyway.”
chan taps your chin, causing you to look up at him, trying to hide that you’re clearly hurt, even if you probably shouldn’t be. “y/n.. that’s not what i was gonna say at all, you know. in fact, what i was going to say was that i’m not sure. you’re amazing, and if i’m honest, i never thought i would be enough for you. that’s why i always pushed the thought of having feelings away.” you open your mouth to respond, but you can’t seem to find the words to say. “um,” chan starts again, nervously. “i don’t want any labels yet, just because. they’re not important anyway. just.. all i know is that i feel something in my heart for you, y/n, and it’s a lot farther than thinking of you as my best friend.”
chan lets out a nervous breath before he continues on, “so um.. can i kiss you? for real this time?”
of course, who are you to resist the bang chan?
and so, with a happy smile, your lips meet again.
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tangerinewrites · 4 years
DAY 27-28: CAL
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wc: 3642
note: i really went off w this one... like im late.. but i went off 
He could imagine how every new student might feel upon arriving on campus for the first time. Sure, the switch from Mahoutokoro, a school in Iwo Jima, to Mokseong, a university in Busan, was not as large as others who could’ve come from Ilvermorny or Hogwarts. But it still felt nerve-wracking to be completely oblivious to his surroundings. The orientations given by the prefects were not exactly the most helpful for him.
He was one of the freshmen who many upperclassmen could spot from a mile away. His eyes were glued to his phone as he walked around campus, cluelessly wandering around until he was able to find his destination. Thankfully, not many people were paying much attention to him being a complete fool, but it still didn’t exactly help him figure out where his class was.
He wanders around the hallways more before he notices someone looking at him from across the hall. “Are you lost?” the someone—a girl—asks as she walks up to him.
He gives a shy laugh when she asks him that question. “Was it obvious?”
“A little, yeah,” she says with a small smile. “Where are you off to? I could help you out.”
“Are you sure?” his voice is filled with concern when he says that. “I don’t want to get you into trouble.”
"It’s okay! I can just say I was helping you out,” she answers her. “Answer my question though.”
"Oh! Right!” He’s a little flustered after the realization but he continues to go along with it. He hands the phone over to her. “It’s for Potions? It’s probably somewhere really obvious, but I’m a freshman so I’m kinda new to everything.
She takes a look at his phone and makes an “Ah” noise before handing him his phone back. “I actually had the same class last year! Let me lead you there.”
Not wanting there to be an awkward silence as they head on their way, Cal decides to get some small talk from the other. Some people seem to hate that method of trying to get rid of the awkwardness, but Cal didn’t. He’d rather talk to someone than to no one at all. “So… is Professor Jung nice?” he asks. “I thought I should ask, because you said you had her before.”
He watches her visibly think of how to answer his question. “Kind of? She’s strict and kinda scary, but she’s really smart and knows a lot about magic.” She shrugs. “I don’t know. I don’t really have to talk to her as much because I’m in Geumseong.”
Cal perks up. “Oh, for real? I am, too!” he says excitedly. “I guess we’ll be seeing each other more from now on, huh?”
When he shows his excitement, the other girl couldn’t help but giggle at him and it’s a laugh that automatically brings a smile to his face. “You’re adorable,” she responds. “Yeah! I guess we’ll be seeing each other.”
When they arrive at the front of the class, he doesn’t go in just yet. Though he acknowledges the fact that he’s late, he wasn’t going to leave without knowing who the other girl was. “I’m Kangmin! But I go by Cal. It’s short for Calvin.” He offers his hand for her to shake. “You?”
“Sojin. But you can call me Anais,” she says with a smile, shaking the hand he offered to her. As they both let go, she begins to go on her way. “Better get in there quick. Professor Jung is probably not too happy to see you coming late.”
“Oh! Shit-” his curse comes out in a whisper as he turns his foot and hurriedly walks into the classroom.
“You look a little distracted.”
When Anais calls him out on that, he immediately gets his attention back from gazing at Haejin and he feels his face go red when he realizes that he’s made it obvious enough for the other to point out. “Was I being obvious?” he asks, concern filling his tone.
“A little, yeah,” she responds with a grin. She scoots in closer to him at the table they sat together on the castle grounds. “So? Who is it! Who does little Cal have his eye on?”
“Don’t be so loud about it!” he says with a shy tone, but that doesn’t seem to wipe off the smile on her face. He brings his voice to a whisper. “Park Haejin. He’s a freshman in Toseong.”
“Ooh! I’ve seen him before! He’s cute! Kinda sexy, too.” She wiggles her eyebrows. “Are bad boys your type?”
“Wh- No! That’s not-” He finds himself getting even more embarrassed, so he takes a deep breath to calm down. Curse Anais for teasing him this way. “I don’t like him in that way. I used to be his friend back when we were kids. We were super close, but then I moved to the States.” When he thinks about America, he tries his best not to let his mind wander around that subject too much. “He is- was really important to me. So I can’t help but like… wonder how he’s doing and stuff.”
After hearing his explanation, she pouts. “Aw… I’m sorry, Cal,” she says before reaching out for his hand to give it a comforting rub. “Why don’t you two try to reconnect? Do you have some classes together? Clubs, even?”
“We’re in Transfiguration, DADA, and Duelling, I think?” he recounts. “And we do have a few classes together. I don’t know. Sometimes, he doesn’t really seem interested in me.”
“You don’t know that for sure, though,” she continues consoling him. “It’s been years since y’all have talked, right? Sure, some things might’ve changed about him, but he could still be the same boy you’ve known before.”
“Mm… maybe,” he says with a shrug and a sigh.
“Maybe you could start studying with him?” she suggests. “You’re super smart in your classes, right? You guys could be able to help each other out or something, assuming he’s also smart.”
When Cal hears the idea, he starts to consider it just a little. Mainly because not only would be a benefit for the both of them academically, he could also take it as an opportunity to reconnect with the other again. “You know what? That doesn’t sound too bad of an idea,” he responds with a big smile. “Yeah! I’ll do it!”
The response makes the other smile “When you both get married, make sure to invite me.”
Cal hasn’t really experienced much jealousy. Well, at least before this.
When the boy started noticing that Anais began to hang out with him less, he couldn’t help but be a little upset about it. Maybe not a little, since the person she’s been hanging out with the most out of everyone is Kang mother-fucking Levi. He has a lot of grievances with the boy. One being the fact that after he essentially confessed his feelings for him and was convinced that the both of them were a thing, he was only proven to be wrong when he sees him hanging around Anais after that.
Rather than getting mad at her, considering the fact that she was his friend, he instead found himself being frustrated with the other boy. Whenever he saw them together, he felt his previous good mood turn sour. It felt uncomfortable to watch them be so… romantic with each other.
“I really don’t see why you have such a problem with him, Cal,” she responds to him after he makes an ugly facial expression at the mention of him.
“I don’t know. Maybe because he’s such an asshole and you clearly deserve someone better?” he responds in a sassy tone before he huffs. “Seriously? You’re gonna date that asshole over literally anyone else?
“Who would you rather me be with then?” she asks the boy. “If not him, then who?”
He shrugs. “Literally anyone but him.”
The girl sighs and shakes her head. “Calvin, you’re ridiculous.”
“Why are you calling me that?” he asks with a pout.
“Why are you being such a child about this?” she asks, putting her hands on her hips as she looks up at him.
Cal groans. “I’m leaving,” he says before he turns his heel to leave the room.
“You’re being very immature!” she yells after him leaving.
There were times where Cal found himself glancing at Anais’s lips more than he normally would. Sometimes while she was talking, he’d unconsciously glance at them from time to time before getting a hold of himself. Back when she and Levi were a thing, he’d always wondered what it’d be like to have those lips on his. Not for any specific reason, really. It’s just simply because of the fact that he liked how they looked. Sure, he thought about them from time to time, but friends have thoughts like that…
Cal’s been kissed plenty of times in the past. Hell, his lips have even been touched by KANG LEVI of all people. He’s been kissed for platonic, romantic, and sexual reasons and he could tell the difference between all three.
A lot of realizations happen in this moment as he’s making out with her in this moment. He definitely has thought about kissing Anais in the sexual way before, but he wasn’t really aware of it until now as they’re kissing in the Geumseong dorm halls. Not only that, but her lips felt very soft against his.
And this was obviously a given, but she was a really good kisser. One who really knew how to use her tongue.
He mentally curses at himself when he feels his dick twitch from how hot this was. And it was definitely obvious that Anais felt something too, given the fact that she pulsl away from him and smirks as her hands move down to his crotch, her fingers touching him ever so slightly. “Looks like someone’s been excited for this, huh?” she asks teasingly. “You could’ve just asked me to kiss you if you’ve been holding in this much excitement for this long.”
“Annieee!” he whines from underneath her, only to interrupt himself with a moan as she starts to palm him.
“Am I wrong?” she asks, continuing the motion as she watches the boy fall apart because of her. She leans in to whisper in his ear, making Cal senses heighten just from the distance closing more as time passes. “I think the both of us know what you really want. Just say the words and I’ll do it for you.”
He’s speechless at this point, only thinking about the pleasure that the girl was giving him. But even with that said, she had a point: they did know what he want. And with how this was going, all Cal wanted was for it to progress.
"Please,” he starts, his voice coming out desperate as he says that. “Do whatever you want to me. I want you now.”
She smiles as she uses her other hand to pat his blue hair. “Good boy~ I knew you couldn’t resist,” she says warmly. She moves both her hands away from him, later using one to grab his hand. “Let’s go to my room then, hm? We can continue this from there.”
Though he was whining without her touch, his eyes suddenly light up as she says the last sentence. “Really? We’re going to do this?” he asks excitedly.
Her smile grows into a grin as she watches his reaction. “You’re so excitable. Little spitfire.” She goes on her toes to get better eye contact with him. “I’m going to call you Calcifer. Is that okay?”
The sound of that nickname sounds like music to his ears, especially with the fact that it came from her. Cal alone was already a nickname, but the fact that they both had their own nicknames for each other made Cal feel special. “Okay!” he beams. “I’m your Calcifer.”
She leans in to give him soft kiss on the lips, which is funny considering the situation they were in right now. “Only mine, okay? No one can call you that.”
After she says that, she pulls him into her room as soon as they arrive at her door. After making sure that her dorm mate wasn’t there, she closes the door behind her before leading him to her bed, pushing him to fall onto it before climbing on top of him. It was one thing to see Anais take authority in any situation she’s in, but it was another to be able to experience it for himself.
She kisses him hungrily, making him kiss her back with the same force before pulls away to take off his shirt. As soon as it’s off, she begins to kiss her way down from his jawline to his nipples. He tries his best to crane his neck so that he could see what she was doing before he feels the need to throw his head back as she begins to play around with one of them by using her tongue.
After some time, she stops playing around with them to look at him as she unbuckles the belt on his jeans before popping the button. As she slides, the pants down, she looks up at him with a devilish smile. “Look at you, Calcifer,” she teases as she stares at his erection through his briefs. “You’re so easy to rile up. So hard for me already.”
His face had already been red because of all that was happening, but the comment definitely makes him try to cover his face before holds out to grab his arm.
“Hey.. don’t do that,” she says softly. “You look so pretty like this. I want to see all your pretty faces, Calcifer.”
Such a comment is enough to make him pout, but he follows the other’s orders as he puts his hands back to his side. “Are you going to touch me?” he asks.
“Is that what you want me to do?”
He nods his head.
“Then of course I am,” she says with a smile before she brings his pants down to the ground. As she moves her way off the bed to kneel onto the ground next to it, she pulls the other’s briefs down from his position. “Sit up, baby.” When he does as he’s told, the girl is able to slide off the briefs easily. Immediately, she wraps her hand around his cock and he shudders from the feeling of her fingers. She eyes him as she begins to move her hand up and down his length, gaining a song of needy moans coming from his mouth.
“Shit, Annie.” The comment makes her laugh.
“You’re so cute,” she replies, smiling the moment she hears him whine. She suddenly slows down the pace, making him whimper at the loss of her touch even if it was just for a few seconds. But it doesn’t take her long before she moves her head forward so that she could press a kiss to his tip, later licking the precum leaking off of it. She smirks at him before she moves her head down to begin sucking on his cock, moving her head down further as she did so.
Overwhelmed by pleasure, especially with how her mouth felt all around him, he gasps before he loudly moans. “Fuck, please, Annie,” he moans, throwing his head back as a reaction to what she was doing him. She was making him feel so good that he wondered to himself why didn’t he get to do this with her before? After all, it’s been a year since they’ve first met each other. But if there was anything he knew about Anais, he knew that sticking around with her would give him a chance to see what was also up her sleeve.
And if she was going to fill the dominant role in this mutual agreement of being friends with benefits, he was definitely fine with this becoming regular for them.
Her pace goes quicker and so does the feeling of her tongue against his dick. With how tonight was going, he felt himself very much unable to handle it any longer. “Annie, I’m so close,” he warns. “Please let me come. Please.”
At the mention of that, she quickly moves her head away from his mouth before letting her thumb play around with his sensitive tip. “Hm? And why should I?” she asks with a devious smile. “Surely you can come up with reasons on why you deserve to come, Calcifer.”
He whines loudly. “Annie, please. I’m so desperate!” he whines, feeling his thighs shake as he tries his best to control it because of her words. “If I hold it in any longer, it’ll be too much. Please.”
She shakes her head as she continues to tease him, making him look at her desperately at this point.
“Mommy, please.”
She immediately perks at the sound of the pet name. “What did you just call me?” she asks him for clarification.
His face gets red. “I’m not gonna say it again! It’s embarrassing-”
“Say it again, Calvin.”
She prepares to continue with the teasing before he whines aloud. “Mommy!” he says, sounding close to tears as he says that.
When she hears him say it again, she couldn’t help but giggle “How cute~” she teases. “Okay, baby. You can come. Just because you said it so cutely.”
After being given the go, he releases immediately, following on his backside as he tries to catch his breath from how overwhelming everything felt for him. He pants as he tries to catch his breath, looking up at Anais, now standing up straight. It felt a little embarrassing to know that he was practically the only one fully naked in this situation while she pleased him like he asked.
“How do you feel?” she asks with a smile.
“I feel good,” he answers with a nod. He then decides to sit up straight so that he could be able to talk to the other. “But what about you? You need to have some fun, too.”
“Oh,” she responds. She shakes her head and throws her hand forward to make a limp wrist motion. “Nah, it’s fine. I can take care of that myself.”
He shakes his head as he uses whatever strength he had in him to push himself up to go up to her. “No. I want to make you feel good too.”
There’s a silence that follows after he says that, but it’s interrupted after Anais smiles at him. “Okay. You can help make me feel good then, Calcifer,” she says as she pulls him in for a kiss. “And I can teach you how to.”
Though he was a little exhausted, he nods excitedly. “Okay. I’ll do anything you tell me to.”
It was always the same. He would be in the body of eleven year old boy waking up in the hospital wing, looking to his side to see no cards or gifts left for him despite the fact that he got into some trouble with the resident bullies. Not even a single person he had run into had come to visit him. But the longer he looks at that clean table, it turns into a hole in which he can look inside of.
Inside the hole was the bathroom of that boy’s dorm, but the whole scene was black and white. The boy would stare longingly at the mirror in front of him as he watched the mirror as it etched the words in “black” paint:
And as the words dripped onto the mirror, the entire view would turn from black to red.
At this point, he’d wake up.
Cal had experienced these nightmares before. It’s not like it’s the first time they’ve made an appearance, as he’s seen these dreams since his second year of Mahoutokoro. Even though he knows how it goes every time and he shouldn’t be as shaken up by it, he couldn’t help but be so affected by it. If anything, it just proves how ironic it was. Here he was, acting as if he had moved on from the events that triggered such nightmares, only to be proven wrong every other night he gets them.
He doesn’t notice how loud his gasp was until he hears audible groaning coming from next to him. Fuck. That’s right. He just hooked up with Anais tonight and he didn’t feel like going back to his dorm. Thankfully it doesn’t wake her up. Perhaps the groaning came from something else then.
The longer he looks at her sleeping peacefully (or at least that’s what he assumes), he finds himself calming down. A lot of movies he’s watched in the past liked to make a scene like this seem romantic. Of course, there were the cynical who would point out how the idea of watching someone sleep was alarming or creepy. But he thinks, in this context, he wasn’t being creepy. Or at least he hopes he’s not.
Not that he wanted it to seem like he was looking at her in a romantic light. It was just a thought. He was looking at her in the most platonic way possible.
As he finally calms down, he tries his best to lie back down and close his eyes before convincing himself to eventually fall asleep a few minutes later. Before he drifted off, a thought appeared in his head of how he hoped that the girl next to him wouldn’t leave his side. He couldn’t feign the feeling of being perfectly fine on his own, let alone a close friend like her.
Yeah. A close friend.
0 notes
imfucking-magical · 7 years
Only a recruit pt 2
A/n Hello my peoples my lovelies! Thanks for the awesome feedback on part 1. I have been having more interaction with you guys and I honestly love it. Like hit me up about your day if you want =) 
Warnings: Mentions of injury and cursing
Permanent tag list: @softbbyboye @kisshuggay, @gothamsblackqueen@frostbitten-desires, @frostbyte-horan, @allison0609
Temporary tag list: @konomoma, @peter-pan-hoe, @parkermanparkercan @mae-shower
Originally Mr.Stark wanted to fly you out to the tower since you only had a single bag of clothes, but when he saw you shaking he decided to call a car. He walked you down and out of the building and into a flashy car. The suit came off of him and went neatly into a carry on.
“That was cool” You told him pointing to the bag. He didn’t say anything and sat the whole trip silent.
“Soooo... where are we?”
“We are at the Avengers tower.” He said getting out of the car and I followed him.
“Because I’m recruiting you.”
“Because you’re smart beyond your years and we could use someone like you.”
“How did you...”
“Look kid I’m Tony Stark. I can find anything out about anyone or I have people that can. You’re just a high school student, it wasn’t that hard to see your character. Now if you’re done asking questions. You’re room is around the corner and here is a card so you can get whatever you need for your own lab or if you want new clothes or something.” Mr.Stark handed me a credit card.
“Is there something you want me specifically to work on or do I have free reign?” You asked holding the card and trying not to show how excited you are. You could hardly believe it was real.
“Just don’t blow up the building. Try to make useful stuff. Help whenever its needed. Other then that free reign. No illegal stuff tho. You’re still what 14?”
“Anyways. Yea and also watch out for the rest of the Avengers. They don’t know about you yet.” Mr.Stark said walking away to another part of the tower. You walked into your room and dropped your stuff down.
The room was huge. “Hello Miss Y/l/n.My name is F.R.I.D.A.Y. Would you like a tour of the tower?”
“Sure, but first is there a lab already here or is there a room where I can set up and order stuff?” You asked taking out your notebook of inventions you have yet to try.
“Of course Miss Y/l/n. There is a room connected to this one that can be set up as a lab or you can work with Mr.Stark and Mr. Banner in the big lab.”
“I’ll set my lab up in the other room. I don’t wanna bother them. Can I have that tour now F.R.I.D.A.Y? You also don’t have to call me ‘Miss Y/l/n. Y/n is okay.”
“Ok Y/n if you follow the arrows to outside the room you will find the kitchen.” Blue arrows lit up on the ground and you followed them to the kitchen. You saw a red and blue suit with curly brown hair in the kitchen. The first Avenger you were going to meet was going to be Spiderman. No one except the Avengers knew who he was.
“Hi.” He jumped and turned around revealing a familar face. “PETER???!!!” 
“What are you doing here?” He asked you.
“Me? I’m offended you didn’t tell me! Come on you know me better than anyone. I would not have blown this kind of secret like Ned would.”
“Um....Ned already knows...” You slapped his arm.
“I’m even more offended now.” You joked with him. 
“Oww I’m sorry. Now what are you doing here?” He asked. 
“I got recruited. Well.... Iron-man destroyed a wall at my old apartment after Jake had shoved me into my experiments and spilled acid onto my arm.”
“WHAT?? Are you ok? Do we need to get you to the medical bay? WHere are you hurt???” He asked looking frantically for any injury.
“Peter.. Peter Im fine I took one of my tablets. My stuff is in my new room. I still can’t believe I’m here. Like this is the Avenger tower. This is where I’m suppose to live now. I don’t think I have to pay rent. Its amazing.” You’re face hurt from how big you were smiling. You no longer had to worry about Jake.
“You’re still gonna go to highschool right?”
“Duh. I have to keep an extra eye out for you now. Can’t let any bad guy hurt my Peter” You said ruffling his hair.
“Staaawwwpp I’m sweaty.” 
“Like I care?” 
“PETER GET BACK HERE WE STILL HAVE TRAINING!” Captain America yelled walking into the room
“Hey I gotta go, but I’ll catch up with you later yea?” 
“Who is that?” He asked.
“Hey I’m Y/n Tony recruited me for science stuff.” 
“Is he having you train in fighting too?”
“I don’t know. He didn’t really say much.”
“Might as well join us because you’re probably going to have to learn to fight if you’re part of the team now. You can just watch for right now. I’m Steve by the way.” You followed them into a training room and sat on the floor leaning against the wall.
“You ready for this kid? I’m not gonna go easy on you this time.” Steve said putting his helmet on.
“Bring it.”
Sad to say Peter started to get his ass handed to him, but as you watched you realized that Steve never protected his legs. Well he never protected them because Peter never went for them. 
“I thought you said bring it kid?” Steve said laughing.
“Ha ha..” Peter said sarcastically.
“Wait time out Steve.” You told him before Peter got his ass handed to him.
“There are no time outs in a fight.” Steve said and you walked over to Peter who was now standing confused.
“Go for his legs.” You whispered to Peter.
“Just do it. Fake him out then take him out with his legs.” Steve looked at you suspiciously as you whispered to Peter. Peter nodded and you went back to your spot on the floor.
The fight continued and Peter did as you said knocking Steve on his ass.
“You want me to ease up a bit Cap?” Peter asked laughing.
“I don’t know what she told you, but I know she helped somehow.”
“I’m an innocent bystander I don’t know what you mean.” You told him smiling.
“What did you tell him?”
“I just told him the one spot you never seemed to guard. If its any consolation Peter never guards his face so you could probably get a few head shots in.” 
“WhAT? You need to learn your weaknesses.” You told him.
“Don’t you have some sciencey shit to do?” He asked you
“What you don’t want me around anymore?” you fake pouted.
“You still haven’t even met the rest of the team. I also don’t need you to see my ass get kicked anymore by Steve.” Peter told you.
“Steve don’t hurt him too bad. We still have school tomorrow.” 
You wandered around the rest of the house and ran into someone. “Oh my gosh I’m so sorry I wasn’t looking where I was going.” You bent down and started to pick up the books and papers that you had knocked out of their hands.
“You must be y/n. Tony said I might run into you. I’m Bruce otherwise known as the Hulk.”
“Yea he kinda just took me in a few hours ago. Quantum physics?” The book you held in your hand was very colorful and heavy.
“We’re working on new weapons for everyone. Tony also told me about your wonder tablet. How exactly does it work?”
You followed Bruce to his lab he shared with Tony and explained how your tablet worked. In short terms it sped up the metabolism to heal wounds. Bruce leaned against one of the work tables and took a sip from his mug.
“I don’t know where Tony is at. We were suppose to finish the project today.” 
“Well what does he normally do?”
“He is normally in here or going out to eat.... what time is it? Yea he hasn’t eaten in awhile he probably went somewhere for food.”
“Soo do you know if there is food in the house or do we have to go to a fast food place?”
“We usually have fast food delivered. Now that you mention it I don’t know if we actually have food in the house other than eggs.” Bruce told you.
“Wellllll I want mac and cheese for dinner soooo Imma go to the store. You should come with so we can get actual food in the house instead of take out.”
After about a week you had met everyone on the team and bonded with everyone well. You were also trained for months and worked with Bruce in the lab, but Tony kept his distance. You had gotten used to it thinking he didn’t want to have to deal with another kid since he already had Peter. You didn’t expect much from him, but he still took you in and for that you cared about what he thought. Tonight wasn’t suppose to be any different then every other day, but you decided you would make one last attempt to make nice with him and since everyone else was out doing stuff you were able to go and talk with him. His door was open when you walked around to go find him.
“Tony?” You asked him and he just let out a strangled noise and falling to the ground and crawled away from you. His harsh breathing rang though your ears. He was having a panic attack. Cautiously you walked towards him then sat on the ground in front of him. 
“You’re safe you know. What ever you just saw or heard, its not what you thought it was or its not happening now if it was a memory.” You told him, but he didn’t look me in the face. 
You took out your phone and put it on your breathing app then handed it to him, he surprisingly took it. His breathing slowed down into an even pace. You left to grab some tea and came back with two mugs.
“Here drink. It’ll calm your nerves.”
“Thank you.” He said taking it with a shaky hand.
“Do you wanna watch a movie or cartoons or go to bed?” You asked and he looked at you skeptically.
“Why are you here? Why aren’t you in bed? Why?” He asked snapping at you.
“Why not?” I asked him.
“No seriously kid why are you here? Why aren’t you with Pepper or something?”
“Can’t you just accept my kindness? You gave me a home.”
“Is that why you’re doing this?”
“No. I know how much a panic attack sucks and how after every one I wished I had someone there to make me not feel so alone.” 
“I didn’t have a panic attack.”
“Tony you are shaking for fucks sake. Just stop. Everyone else around here including you acts like your ok. You’re a human being you’re allowed to feel scared, get mad and cry. You had a panic attack. Now do you wanna watch a movie or something or sleep it off?” Tony stared at you dumbfounded.
“....It was Peter...” he said softly.
“What about Peter?” your voice softened.
“He had died before I got to him. I couldn’t go fast enough I couldn’t get to him quick enough...”
“Why don’t you call him?”
“And tell him I had a dream about him dying?”
“No just talk to him. Just so you know he’s ok.”
“If I call him then he’ll know something is wrong.” You rolled your eyes and called Peter on your phone.
“Y/n? What are you doing up so early? Is something wrong?” Peter asked as you put him on speaker. Tony watched the phone as you held it in front of you
“No nothing is wrong I’m sorry for waking you I just wanted to talk to you and see how your day went today since I didn’t go to school today.” 
“Nothing much. Flash was asking around for you though. Honestly Y/n you should stop trying to pick a fight with him. He might deck you one of these days.” Peter said.
“Peter no one else is standing up to him.I’m not scared of his fake ass tough guy show.”
Tony looked like he wanted to say something, but closed his mouth. Peter sighed. “Other than that all you missed was Ned laughing to hard he had milk come out his nose because of a joke I told him.”
“What did you say?”
“He had guacamole from cooking class and I told him that his one guacamole was equal to 6.022x10^23 guacas.” Peter gave out a small laugh and you tried to not smile, but couldn’t help it because he was so bad it was good. Tony was smiling too
“Geez Parker is that the best you could do?” You asked
“ Whatever hater I know your smiling on the other side of the phone.” Peter said.
“Ok well I’ll let you get some sleep and I’ll see you at school tomorrow ok?”
“Yea. You should probably get some sleep too.”
“What are you talking about I can totally sleep in class.”
“Sure. Good night Y/n.” You heard him yawn.
“G’night sleepy head.” You told him and hung up.
Tony had finished the rest of his tea. 
“Maybe you should get some sleep kid.” Tony said.
“Nah. I’m going to the main room to watch cartoons.” You told him and walked out. 
A few minutes later he came and sat in the opposite recliner.
“Tom and Jerry?”
“It was the first cartoon I could find that was on and wasn’t trash.”
It was about half an hour before we talked again.
“Do you have panic attacks often?” He asked you catching you off guard.
“Sometimes yea. Just depends on the day I’ve had. I don’t know what Peter’s told you, but from what he knows my parents are dead....”
“But they’re aren’t” He said and you nodded. He had looked them up.
“They might as well be. ‘We’ll be back in a few days.’ A postcard shows up about a week later they moved to a different country. I sold most of the stuff they left behind for rent money. I filed for emancipation and the government gave me some money for help and helped me get a job.” You told him watching the tv. He didn’t say anything else and about an hour later you fell asleep.
After that encounter Tony wasn’t as distant as he used to be and actually talked with you and you guys joked around while messing with the stuff in the lab. One night while you guys were working on improving your tablet Steve came barging in.
“There is a situation a few miles from here. Person has been noted as armed and dangerous.”
“Are you up for a mission kid?” Tony asked you
“Tony she’s just a kid.” Steve said butting in
“Steve have you seen her? We need her out in the field. Even with her age.” Nat told him walking in behind him.
“I got a suit for you kid.” 
“You’ve already put thought into her going on a mission with us?” Steve asked.
“She is part of the team Steve. Check it out kid.” A futuristic suit appeared in purple and black. It wasn’t metal like his, but like Spiderman’s suit which was a spandex like material.
“Go try it on.” 
You came back with the suit on and it felt awesome.
“Lookin good Y/n” Nat said 
“It has all of the weapons you created in it plus other things that we will review in the jet.” We started walking to the top of the tower and met up with everyone else.
“Y/n?” Peter asked looking at the suit.
“In the flesh.” 
“Wow ummm are you going on the mission with us?”
“Yep lets go!” You said excitedly getting on the jet.
“I still don’t think she’s ready.” Steve mumbled.
“Steve come on she’s pretty kick ass” Peter said making you blush and Tony started to go over what was in your suit.
“Ok everyone ready to drop?” Steve asked.
“What?” You asked and soon everyone was jumping out of the jet. A pair of arms wrapped around you and felt the ground disappear from under you. Peter had grabbed you and he swung from building to building until you guys were finally on the ground.
“Thanks for that.” You told him
“No problem.”
“The news said there was an explosion in this building over here.” Steve said pointing to the worn down and closed building that was falling apart.
“Split up and stay on the radios.”
We split up and you headed to the basement of the building. The thermal vision in the mask showed that there was someone in the room. Slowly you walked up and they turned around.
“Who are you?”
“The name is Jenny.” She said turning around.
“Not much of a super villain name.”
“Because I’m not a super villain. I’m just smart I use to be a scientist at Stark’s company. I was hoping the Avengers would show up. I wanted to tell you guys that I see what’s wrong with the world.”
“Poverty, racism, and the government?” 
“The male species.”
“I don’t think you can blame a whole gender for the issues of the world.” You said leaning against the wall.
“You’re female are you not a feminist? How do you not see that the oppressors are the male species?”
“First of all yes I am a feminist and your definition of feminist is actually  misandry.” You told her.
“Doesn’t matter its most of them anyway. This serum is going to have them destroy each other. My first test subjects are your friends. All of your other male friends have tripped the wires and been shot. He’s the only one who I haven’t hit yet.” She aimed her gun behind me,I turned seeing Peter was behind me, and fired hitting him right in the shoulder.
“WHAT THE FUCCK LADY???” You shouted at her and went over to see if Peter was ok.
“Peter?” You bent over him only to be socked in the stomach. “Ahhh the hell? Its me???” You held your stomach. He flipped back onto his feet and started swinging.
“Uh oh.” 
“You screwed up big time Jenny!” I yelled as I started to dodge Peter by running through the building.
“Peter come on dude its me.” You yelled as you avoided getting webbed going into a bigger room where you saw the Hulk and Steve fighting Wanda and Natasha. Steve saw you and threw his shield at you just missing by a few inches.
Peter had the Hulk throw him and ended up slamming into you and knocking you over. He ended up on top and you kept your arms up to protect your face. When he wouldn’t let up on the punches you socked him in the mouth and got up.
“Peter.... please.” You said backing up. Natasha and Wanda were in your peripheral view fighting off Steve and Bruce. Who knew where the rest of the team was.
“Instant kill mode Karen.” The suits eye’s glowed red. Well shit. You ducked behind a pillar of the run down building. 
“Peter this isn’t you. You can snap out of it anytime now.” Slowly you started crawling over the rubble going deeper into the building.
“You can’t hide Y/n.”
“Guys have you had any luck trying to get them back to normal?” you whispered over the radio. 
“No not yet. Bruce is putting up a good fight though.” Nat said.
It got eerily quiet. You looked around and there was no sign of him. All of a sudden you were lifted out of the rubble by your neck and thrown. Your body slammed into the wall and was held there by webs as Peter walked over to you.
“ You wouldn’t kill me Peter. I have a hard time believing you would kill one of your best friends who you have Star Wars marathons with, brings you cookies when you have a bad day at school, and who you take frequent naps with?” 
“Shut up.”
“ Alright fine. Do it Peter. Come on kill me. Since you have no issue with killing someone who loves you come on and kill me.” You told him and he swung his fist and it impacted next to your head sending your heart pounding.
“Oh my God.”
“I swear to fuck Peter don’t scare me like that.” He chuckled and undid the webs around you. “When did you...”
“Like midway through that punch. I could’ve killed you.”
“Thank God you didn’t.” You told him with your heart still racing and you wrapped your arms around him.
“Y-you love m-me?” He stuttered out and it sent a smile to your face.
“You didn’t know?” 
“Guys this isn’t the time to proclaim your love for one another. We have bigger issues on our hands.” Nat said as we heard a thump on one of the other walls.
“Talk about it later?” 
“Y-yea.” You knew Peter was blushing hella hard under his mask, but so were you.
You found Tony on the roof with Jenny fighting.
“Looks like your plan backfired on you.” You told her as he dragged her across the roof, but he stopped when he heard your voice.
“You.” He dropped her and started advancing towards you.
“Tony...” You warned him.
“You took Peter away from me.” He swung at you.
“Peter is downstairs fine.” You moved out of the way.
“You had to come and ruin our lives” There was a blast that missed.
“Your parents deserted you because you were unlovable. You weren’t good enough.” He landed a punch into your side.
“We didn’t even want you.” His foot landed in my ribs as you tried to get up.
“ I should’ve left you where I found you.” He hit you again and sunk deeper into the roof. Everything hurt. He started to walk away.
Tears streamed down your cheeks as you held your side in pain. Words came out of your mouth that you never expected to say.
“Dad please stop.”
“I’m not your dad. You were only a new recruit kid. You weren’t that important.” Tony said coming back to stand over you.
“Stupid me then I guess.” 
Lol the joke that Peter made came from someone on Tumblr and I love it so much!!! Also I’m sorry this came out later than intended you guys. I promise to be more ontop of it. I didn’t edit this either so lol ik its not that my best. Also let me know if you want to be on the tag list or if you have an imagine/oneshot you guys want me to do. Have a good rest of your day lovelies <3
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christophersymes · 4 years
Celebrity Status
Celebrity Status, an ongoing L(G)B(T)+ story also on Wattpad and Quotev.
<-- Previous (Prologue) / Next -->
TW: Brief mention of r*pe
Chapter One
Jules, grinning mischievously, set the game discs down in a row on the hardwood in front of the TV stand. Rosa's heels clicked on the floor as he did and she moved in anticipation of what she was about to do. He set the last disc down gently after kissing it, then stood up to admire the line. His gaze turned to Rosa, who looked down at them, then back up at him.
"Yes, princess, you can go ahead," he said with a flourish and bow, tossing the cases on the floor.
The discs cracked under Rosa's heels as she jumped on them, stomped on them, ground them into the floor. She leaned down and picked up the pieces afterward, too, snapping them and tossing them on the bed. After she'd done that to every single one, she stomped all of the cases, tossing them on the bed as well.
She was fucking ruthless, and Jules loved it. He loved his sister, and that was exactly why he was doing this shit. He stomped the last one before her, his combat boot snapping the plastic case's edge, then kicked it over to her. She did the same, then set it in front of the TV, smiling sweetly.
"Hope you enjoy your gameless existence, you dick," she murmured, already unplugging the Playstation from the TV. "This is what you get for trying to rape me."
Jules felt his stomach fall at her words, but knew it was true. A week ago, he and his friend Sam had walked in on Rosa and Dickwad Josh at a party. Rosa had been trying to push Josh off her, and it took both Jules and Sam to get him away.
As usual, they'd both guaranteed they'd exact their revenge, and make it ten times worse than what they usually did because the guy had almost succeeded.
They showed up at his house when they were sure he was gone, and went inside to speak to his parents. They'd listened as Rosa described what happened, and Jules told them he'd witnessed it and that their son was a dick in the first place too, who would sometimes grope Rosa in front of everyone.
They'd all agreed he needed to learn a very, very severe lesson.
So, naturally, they showed them both up to his room and told them what they could destroy. They both took the opportunity to kill his games, and were now dismantling his Playstation and controllers.
Once they had everything gathered in their arms, they went downstairs and outside. Jules waved a controller affectionately at his parents, who grinned back at him. They'd hated how much Josh played games, anyway, and they were really nice people in a not so good neighborhood. There was a kid down the street who would kill for the console, so Jules and Rosa knocked on the door happily.
"Hi," Rosa said, grinning. "We're from the house down there, the Pinnows. Uh— Well, Josh, their son, he knew that your kid really wanted a Playstation and that you guys couldn't get one, so we come bearing a gift."
They both lifted the console and cords. "It's a little worn, but Josh wanted you guys to have it."
The dad took it thankfully, a little shocked as he laughed. "Holy shit. Thank you."
After a little bit of awkward conversation, they left again, grinning at the good deed they did in the middle of revenge. Jules shoved at Rosa. "You feeling better?"
"Fuck yes. He deserves all this shit. Dick." Rosa laughed, clapping her hands together. She rubbed them greedily. "What can we destroy now?"
"How about slashing his tires? Make him pay, sis," Jules said, passing her his pocket knife. He took her hand and set it in her palm, then kissed her forehead. "Careful, though. We don't need you slashing your hand open."
Mason Hill moved his head along to the music blasting into his eardrums as he fucked around on his laptop. He was in the mood for going incognito online, wanting to interact with fans without them knowing it was him. He had been hearing about this awesome Nosam forum for a while but hadn't made an account yet. He figured it was time for that to change. He cracked his knuckles in front of his chest and stuck out his tongue, grinning as he saw the first empty text box to fill beside the word Username.
"Easy," he murmured to himself, immediately typing masonfucker1000 into the box.
He frowned at the next prompt. Name? Huh. He drummed his fingers against his leg, glancing at Austin, sitting nearby him on the tour bus. "Dude, what was your middle name again?"
Mason knew his middle name. He just liked hearing Austin say it in his neat little accent.
And wanted to freak him out a little.
Austin gave him a curious look as he stopped playing his guitar, pushing his glasses up. "Elías? Why do you ask?"
Mason clicked his tongue at him, winking. "Nothing important. Nice name, handsome."
Austin opted not to respond, shaking his head and watching him suspiciously before going back to his guitar.
Mason typed Elías into the box. He figured a shit ton of people were 23 and it would be harmless to put that in, so he did that too. He put in a fanart edit of himself as the image— him wearing a flower crown, one of his favorites— and hit Create Account, smiling in satisfaction. He went to the welcome thread to make his first post.
masonfucker1000: hey!! im maybe older than most fans but I just wanted you all 2 know that even though im straight, i would let mason hill do anything he wanted to me
Austin kept glancing up at him, effectively distracted by Mason wanting his middle name for what was probably a horrible reason.
"Seriously, what are you doing?"
"Joining a Nosam forum, obviously," Mason scooted closer to him, moving the laptop close to his face with a flourish.
Austin stared at the screen, looking from the glittery website's title, to the header with their faces, and then to Mason's post. "Why are you always so disturbingly narcissistic to the point where I'm almost certain you'd actually fuck yourself if given the opportunity?"
Mason tilted his head, nodding as he spoke. "Because I would, Ozzie," he pecked his neck and then, mouth at his ear, repeated in a whisper. "Because I would."
Jules, alone in his bedroom after the revenge-destroying, was fucking around on the Nosam forum. As usual. He was one of the top members, had helped design the site as a school project, was friends with about half the people on the site, and loved them all. They were really his only friends, so it was easy to love them all.
He refreshed the page just in time to see a new comment in the welcome thread. No one had joined in a while, so it was interesting. It wasn't exactly the most popular website, so... Oh, their name was Elias... That was Austin's middle name. Maybe he'd finally have another Austin stan.
And of course, they loved Mason. God damn it, everyone did. He sighed but hit reply anyway. A new friend was a new friend.
familyjules: hey elias! welcome to the nosam fanbase!!! also: ew but go off i guess ;)
Mason gasped loudly, falling back against the small sofa. "Ew? Ew?"
He furrowed his eyebrows in concentration as he immediately replied.
masonfucker1000: jules! hi! thanks! also! what the hell! how can you resist the unique and godly allure that only mason joshua hill possesses?
Jules snorted, rolling his eyes. He leaned on his wall as he typed, laughing a little to himself.
familyjules: i'm too entranced by the unique and godly allure that only austin possesses, ....masonfucker1000. i just realized this point is totally moot but i'm still gonna fight it to my dying breath: austin elías salinas vicente is better than mason hill in so many ways but i respect your opinion my dear masonfucker
Mason sighed loudly and took off his snapback, throwing it at Austin, who yelped in surprise.
"What the hell?"
Mason glared at him. "That's for having a godly allure, Salinas."
Austin sputtered, confused.
masonfucker1000: you say you respect my opinion, familyjules? really? u might as well have spat in my face. austin. better than mason. my god. i will try to coexist peacefully with radical beliefs such as urs.
also: is ur profile pic u?
Jules laughed at the dramatics. He hadn't had this much fun meeting someone in a while. They were actually taking his jokes as jokes.
familyjules: thank you for your precious coexistence, fellow radical believer. and yeah dat me
Mason didn't know why the Nosam fanbase just happened to be super attractive, but he always appreciated nonetheless.
masonfucker1000: my dude, fellow believer, may i just say that ur face is v nice to look at. one might even say it radiates a certain godly allure
Jules blushed a little. People had called him attractive before, but not like that. Damn.
familyjules: thank you!! i guess ur pfp is kinda okay to look at... ;)
Mason huffed, pouting. That was just not at all fair. He couldn't even defend his own good looks.
masonfucker1000: ha. ha. so how long have u been into nosam? sorry, i meant: how long have u been brainwashed into thinking nosam was called nitsua?
Jules laughed at that one. It was good. Elias was funny.
familyjules: i actually laughed at that one! nitsua just sounds like a ninja name or something. and i've been into them since their first ep came out! found them on youtube and felllllllll. how about you?
Mason grinned. Hardcore fan. Hell, yeah. Call him a narcissist. Nosam was awesome and superbly talented, and Mason appreciated when other people knew it.
masonfucker1000: me too! nosam sorta changed my life. listen to them way more than a sane person should.
Someone else on the thread pointed out that that page was for welcoming and not conversation. Mason stuck out his tongue at his laptop screen.
masonfucker1000: whoops. heading to gen, familyjules?
Jules sighed a little at the comment, rolling his eyes. He'd made the website. It was his rule. And he'd broken it.
familyjules: whoops. yeah. i'll tag u in a thread
familyjules: @masonfucker1000 here we are. what yt video did you see first?
masonfucker1000: teenage dirtbag cover! iconic as hell. have u ever seen them live? its the most fun i've ever had.
familyjules: hell yes! i love that one! and no ): but i've got tickets to a show this tour and im hype. gonna scream my ass off
Mason's eyes widened. Oh, yes. Mason befriending a fan and that fan attending a Nosam concert? That would be beautiful.
masonfucker1000: really?? where? what day? on the off chance im going to the same 1
familyjules: Traverse City, MI. gonna glitter my face off too i'm gonna look great
masonfucker1000: oh nah not going there! glitter! nosam hype! fuck yeah, i believe u, u already look great as is. michigan, huh? the hell do u do for fun there?
familyjules: hockey, mostly. play bass too. try to run away from my family while blasting pop punk since no one gets me. freeze to death in snow
masonfucker1000: hockey?? ur tiny! i think! bass is rad, how long have you been playing? pop punk is the shit, i get u, bro
Jules smiled a bit. At least he didn't say he was a girl.
familyjules: bet i can whoop your ass even if i am tiny! and ive been playing for 5 years now. lots of nosam covers in the media thread if u wanna check it out! we gots a talented group here
masonfucker1000: i bet u can i can barely hold a stick.
a future seluj! charmed to meet u pre-fame. will def check out.
Mason headed to the media thread and clicked on one of the audio files Jules had uploaded. His eyes widened, and he turned up the volume.
Andrew, who had sat down in the far corner like the fucking loner he was, looked up at Mason as basslines filled the small space. "Hey, who's that? Not Chris, is it?"
Mason shook his head, mumbling, "Fan cover."
Andrew snorted, "Shit. That's good. You should show that to Chris when he gets back."
Mason played a few more covers, very impressed and a little doubtful.
masonfucker1000: c'mon. c'mon, jules. no way that's u.
familyjules: oh hell yeah that's me. ask anyone on here i love playing so much. covered a few starlight songs too but i'm not as good at those yet. are u into them too?
masonfucker1000: sure, sure. u stripped from chris, admit it, jules.
fuck yeah! love those badass ladiesss!
familyjules: whoa, dude, i'd never. if anything i'd strip for austin. if stella wouldn't kill me
masonfucker1000: pipe dream, jules. stella would 100% kill you. and then strip for austin herself.
Jules sighed wistfully at that image. They were both ridiculously hot, and Stella stripping was just a mental image to frame and make lifesize on the mantel above the fireplace.
familyjules: can't even join them? damn. my dreams are gone. can i share mason w/you then, masonfucker? he's the only single one of all of them... wait. does your username mean you're his hand then? shouldn't you have his hand as your pfp?
Mason's jaw dropped. "Holy fuck. I've never felt so roasted in my entire fucking life. Holy shit. Fucking— familyjules," he breathed a laugh, already typing out a response eagerly. Andrew rose an eyebrow at him, an action that Mason didn't even notice.
masonfucker1000: shit! how could u do him like that? he gets plenty of attention other than his hand! lots of it! mason hill gets around! its basic info!
familyjules: ha! uses the other hand sometimes? ;)
Mason lifted his arms behind his head. "This fucker!" he laughed again, rubbing his hands down his face. This Jules girl was ridiculous. If only she knew who she was talking to but... no, not a good idea. He stared at the screen, frowning as he realized he really wanted to keep talking to her, forgetting to respond and tapping his fingers against the laptop. He flipped Andrew off when he kept staring at him, taking the laptop and laying in his bunk instead. He could easily just not respond, like, ever. It wouldn't matter at all. Jules was just some random fan he'd stumbled onto online, who had no idea who Mason was, with whom Mason had only had half a conversation with. Hell, he usually didn't even have more than a conversation with people anyway, always having so many he wanted to talk to. But it wasn't ever like this. And it was stupid, really, how drawn he felt from just a couple hundred words on a screen, from a stranger. It wasn't even a good font.
Mason pursed his lips, sighing quietly as he stared at the forum page, at the slight curve of Jules' mouth in her profile picture. He abruptly switched tabs, checking his Twitter and replying to some fans. He Googled other fansites, ones he already had accounts on, and sifted through the threads, trying to find something else to do.
It was a bit before Elias responded again. Jules fucked around with other things on the site while he waited, scrolled through Tumblr, and then went back. He private messaged Elias, frowning a little.
familyjules: hey dude. just so you know i fuck with all the mason superfans like that. it's way too easy to roast mason
Mason was startled when he heard a ping as he had finally distracted himself from familyjules. He hesitated barely a second before switching back, smiling as he read the message.
masonfucker1000: yeah its cool! got distracted. ur wrong tho. completely wrong. masons a regular manwhore
familyjules: cool all good. just wanted to make sure you weren't actually mad! and trust me i know far too many girls on here have talked about seeing his dick
masonfucker1000: mad? over that? dont worry, bro, not at all
gh! and they all say his dick is huge. which is false. have u seen him in skinny jeans? he's got an average dick, ladies. an average dick with an above average heart
familyjules: damn dude. at least you're honest unlike them. also sometimes it looks big so i wonder who's right👀
masonfucker1000: average dick.
fuck im starving. what do i have to do to get some pizza up in hereeeee
familyjules: be mason hill?
familyjules: kidding! i'll send you some
masonfucker1000: you be careful or ill end up taking your word for it!! i swear my stomach is going to start eating itself
They ended up talking for a bit longer, but then Jules had to sleep, which made Mason pouty. It was rare for him to enjoy talking to someone this much, but Jules had a late shift the next day and classes all day, so he said goodbye and logged off, promising to be back same time the next day.
It kept like that for a week. Jules talked to Elias whenever he could, along with his other friends. He felt drawn to Elias for some reason, compelled to let the mysterious user eat up all his time.
familyjules: so. mr. masonfucker. you've only got two things on your profile and it's been a week. not even a small introduction to tell us about yourself other than you'd let mason have his way with you? i'm curious ;)
During the week, Mason had become gradually more excited every time he had the chance to be online when Jules was, which had thankfully been coinciding with after Nosam sets. He bit his lip as he read the newest message from her.
masonfucker1000: oh, youre curious? maybe i like the suspense ;) what about u, miss familyjules? im very curious about u. ur short bio is frankly not enough
Jules winced at the response. So Elias did think he was a girl. He could set him straight... but he knew nothing about this person except that he was cis and straight. He seemed cool, but Jules really didn't want to deal with a huge messy fight on the site right now.
familyjules: hey, you know i live in michigan. and what i look like. and that i play bass and play hockey. i don't even know what you do for fun, aside from stan mason. c'mon, dude
Mason groaned. God, he could just disappear right now, not talk to her ever again. But he'd be fucking bummed. Was he just lonely? I mean, tours got like that sometimes. Maybe he just needed stress relief, although that was off the table at the moment. Shit. This wasn't a... thing. Was it?
masonfucker1000: alright, alright! well, i do not live in michigan. i look like a burnt chicken nugget but i still love myself! i like singing and i've seen Real Steel abt a thousand times. how about that?
familyjules: real steel is awesome! and singing! maybe you should be in seluj with me one day. we'd take over the world, displace nosam
masonfucker1000: hell yeah! I'll let hugh jackman have at all this too 🥒🍆
displace nosam? ur blocked
masonfucker1000: kidding! totally up for it, let's go. altho it should be called saile, then
familyjules: hey, you're the one who named it seluj in the first place! maybe we're getting ahead of ourselves tho. havent even heard u sing. for all i know you could suck
masonfucker1000: thats where you're wrong, jules! that's where you're wrong! hold on
Mason paced the tour bus, considering his options. He had to show her he could sing. If he sang a song nobody had ever heard him do, maybe it would be alright?
masonfucker1000: uploaded suckonthisjules.mp3
masonfucker1000: go the distance! Hercules is my favorite disney movie. see? proof of my awesome talent and a fact abt me
Jules blinked in shock at the file, clicking play and leaning back. He listened, transfixed, picking at his lip.
familyjules: holy shit elias you sound a lot like mason. did you train your voice or what? there were a few places where you were off key but god damn. also hercules is so underrated
"Oh, fuck," Mason said as he read the response. "Wait— off key?" he glared at his laptop.
Andrew snorted. "A few minutes ago? Yeah."
Mason turned his glare towards Andrew. "I was not off key."
Andrew just laughed and shook his head, stuffing his face with chicken.
Mason frowned. It's not his fault his voice was a little strained after the show. No way he was gonna admit it, though.
He deleted the file he sent.
masonfucker1000: ah yeah, a bit.
and go to hell. off key, my ass! i told you I can sing. hercules is def underrated! yo where do u go all day?
Jules frowned when the messages shifted. He scrolled back up to find the file gone. "Oh, come on," he muttered. How paranoid could this guy be? It was a fansite. Who cared?
familyjules: def off key a bit. you deleted the file because of it, i see you, devil 👀
familyjules: oh also i'm a working college student! class by day, waiting tables by night
masonfucker1000: i did not!
oh shit, nice! well, horrible, but nice. i bet you get good tips ;) what are u studying?
familyjules: you'd be surprised how bad the tips are. studying music and psych, but the psych is a minor
masonfucker1000: jules ill go over there and tip you, you'll be set for life. so ur serious abt music huh? what do u wanna do?
familyjules: so youre rich. another thing i know now. and hell yeah i am! i want to work w/ a recording company if i can, fill in bass. more freelance than i'd like but it's something
masonfucker1000: 🤑
masonfucker1000: woah woah wait. ur settling! what would you like?
familyjules: settling? i don't call getting to play bass for a living settling
familyjules: what i really want tho is to play in a band but that's unlikely
masonfucker1000: uh huh
masonfucker1000: i knew it! c'mon, unlikely? you're as good as chris if you're not lying abt not stripping his bass 👀 maybe even better
familyjules: WHOA dude dont disrespect christo like that he's a huge role model!! i wish i could be as good as him
Mason smiled, getting up to bother Chris. "Yo, hey, dude?"
Chris looked up from his laptop, rubbing his forehead. "Huh?"
"You know that girl I've been talking to that plays bass. She says you're her role model and got offended when I said she probably plays better than you."
Chris smiled warmly. "That's sweet."
"No, but, listen," Mason showed him an audio clip of Jules covering bass for one of their songs. Chris furrowed his eyebrows as he listened, running his fingers through his hair as his jaw went slack. "Shit. What? Geez— don't even tell the guys, they'll replace me."
Mason laughed loudly, ruffling Chris's hair.
masonfucker1000: no disrespect to christo, i think you're incredibly good. u could definitely be better than him! u should try the band thing, bro, if thats what u really want
familyjules: maybe. i have some stage fright too but been working on that. what do you do all day, mr. masonfucker?
Aw, fuck. This was going to get frustrating for the both of them real quick. Mason didn't want to lie, but he couldn't tell her what he actually did all day. He could maybe explain that he was going to have to keep some (a lot of) personal information to himself? That would sound weird. Mason stared at the message, unsure what to do. He could be a bit of a dick and reply with a joke. Or something really vague. He'd only known Jules for a little over a week but he had a feeling he might not get away with that.
masonfucker1000: how've you been working on it?
masonfucker1000: and i think the more appropriate question is who don't i do all day
Oh, God, that was bad. He regretted sending that one. Mason found himself not wanting her to actually think he slept around all day. Or at all. Fucking hell.
Jules frowned at the reply. This was... interesting, he guessed. Or something like it.
familyjules: so you're a prostitute? that's how you have so much money?
Mason couldn't help but laugh at the response.
masonfucker1000: what! no no
Mason grumbled to himself, rubbing his hands down in face.
masonfucker1000: that was a stupid thing for me to say, sorry
masonfucker1000: i have a job that requires a lot of travel
familyjules: okay that makes more sense. a traveling prostitute. sounds fun! what places have u seen?
Mason rolled his eyes, smiling.
masonfucker1000: oh, aaaall oooover the world. in the US rn, tho! i could put on a show for u ;)
familyjules: maybe i'll take you up on that offer ;)
familyjules: hey im about to upload a new cover btw! it just finished uploading
masonfucker1000: oh, another masterful christo strip!
0 notes
nosamlight · 5 years
chapter one
Jules, grinning mischievously, set the game discs down in a row on the hardwood in front of the TV stand. Rosa’s heels clicked on the floor as he did and she moved in anticipation of what she was about to do. He set the last disc down gently after kissing it, then stood up to admire the line. His gaze turned to Rosa, who looked down at them, then back up at him.
“Yes, princess, you can go ahead,” he said with a flourish and bow, tossing the cases on the floor.
The discs cracked under Rosa’s heels as she jumped on them, stomped on them, ground them into the floor. She leaned down and picked up the pieces afterward, too, snapping them and tossing them on the bed. After she’d done that to every single one, she stomped all of the cases, tossing them on the bed as well.
She was fucking ruthless, and Jules loved it. He loved his sister, and that was exactly why he was doing this shit. He stomped the last one before her, his combat boot snapping the plastic case’s edge, then kicked it over to her. She did the same, then set it in front of the TV, smiling sweetly.
“Hope you enjoy your gameless existence, you dick,” she murmured, already unplugging the Playstation from the TV. “This is what you get for trying to rape me.”
Jules felt his stomach fall at her words, but knew it was true. A week ago, he and his friend Sam had walked in on Rosa and Dickwad Josh at a party. Rosa had been trying to push Josh off her, and it took both Jules and Sam to get him away.
As usual, they’d both guaranteed they’d exact their revenge, and make it ten times worse than what they usually did because the guy had almost succeeded.
They showed up at his house when they were sure he was gone, and went inside to speak to his parents. They’d listened as Rosa described what happened, and Jules told them he’d witnessed it and that their son was a dick in the first place too, who would sometimes grope Rosa in front of everyone.
They’d all agreed he needed to learn a very, very severe lesson.
So, naturally, they showed them both up to his room and told them what they could destroy. They both took the opportunity to kill his games, and were now dismantling his Playstation and controllers.
Once they had everything gathered in their arms, they went downstairs and outside. Jules waved a controller affectionately at his parents, who grinned back at him. They’d hated how much Josh played games, anyway, and they were really nice people in a not so good neighborhood. There was a kid down the street who would kill for the console, so Jules and Rosa knocked on the door happily.
“Hi,” Rosa said, grinning. “We’re from the house down there, the Pinnows. Uh— Well, Josh, their son, he knew that your kid really wanted a Playstation and that you guys couldn’t get one, so we come bearing a gift.”
They both lifted the console and cords. “It’s a little worn, but Josh wanted you guys to have it.”
The dad took it thankfully, a little shocked as he laughed. “Holy shit. Thank you.”
After a little bit of awkward conversation, they left again, grinning at the good deed they did in the middle of revenge. Jules shoved at Rosa. “You feeling better?”
“Fuck yes. He deserves all this shit. Dick.” Rosa laughed, clapping her hands together. She rubbed them greedily. “What can we destroy now?”
“How about slashing his tires? Make him pay, sis,” Jules said, passing her his pocket knife. He took her hand and set it in her palm, then kissed her forehead. “Careful, though. We don’t need you slashing your hand open.”
Mason Hill moved his head along to the music blasting into his eardrums as he fucked around on his laptop. He was in the mood for going incognito online, wanting to interact with fans without them knowing it was him. He had been hearing about this awesome Nosam forum for a while but hadn't made an account yet. He figured it was time for that to change. He cracked his knuckles in front of his chest and stuck out his tongue, grinning as he saw the first empty text box to fill beside the word Username.
"Easy," he murmured to himself, immediately typing masonfucker1000 into the box.
He frowned at the next prompt. Name? Huh. He drummed his fingers against his leg, glancing at Austin, sitting nearby him on the tour bus. "Dude, what was your middle name again?"
Austin gave him a curious look as he stopped playing his guitar, pushing his glasses up. "Elías? Why do you ask?"
Mason clicked his tongue at him, winking. "Nothing important. Nice name, handsome."
Austin opted not to respond, shaking his head and watching him suspiciously before going back to his guitar.
Mason typed Elías into the box. He figured a shit ton of people were 23 and it would be harmless to put that in, so he did that too. He put in a fanart edit of himself as the image— him wearing a flower crown, one of his favorites— and hit Create Account, smiling in satisfaction. He went to the welcome thread to make his first post.
masonfucker1000: hey!! im maybe older than most fans but I just wanted you all 2 know that even though im straight, i would let mason hill do anything he wanted to me
Austin kept glancing up at him, effectively distracted by Mason wanting his middle name for what was probably a horrible reason.
“Seriously, what are you doing?”
“Joining a Nosam forum, obviously,” Mason scooted closer to him, moving the laptop close to his face with a flourish.
Austin stared at the screen, looking from the glittery website’s title, to the header with their faces, and then to Mason’s post. “Why are you always so disturbingly narcissistic to the point where I’m almost certain you’d actually fuck yourself if given the opportunity?”
Mason tilted his head, nodding as he spoke. “Because I would, Ozzie,” he pecked his neck and then, mouth at his ear, repeated in a whisper. “Because I would.”  
Jules, alone in his bedroom after the revenge-destroying, was fucking around on the Nosam forum. As usual. He was one of the top members, had helped design the site as a school project, was friends with about half the people on the site, and loved them all. They were really his only friends, so it was easy to love them all.
He refreshed the page just in time to see a new comment in the welcome thread. No one had joined in a while, so it was interesting. It wasn’t exactly the most popular website, so… Oh, their name was Elias… That was Austin’s middle name. Maybe he’d finally have another Austin stan.
And of course, they loved Mason. God damn it, everyone did. He sighed but hit reply anyway. A new friend was a new friend.
familyjules: hey elias! welcome to the nosam fanbase!!! also: ew but go off i guess ;)
Mason gasped loudly, falling back against the small sofa. "Ew? Ew?"
He furrowed his eyebrows in concentration as he immediately replied.
masonfucker1000: jules! hi! thanks! also! what the hell! how can you resist the unique and godly allure that only mason joshua hill possesses?
Jules snorted, rolling his eyes. He leaned on his wall as he typed, laughing a little to himself.
familyjules: i’m too entranced by the unique and godly allure that only austin possesses, ....masonfucker1000. i just realized this point is totally moot but i’m still gonna fight it to my dying breath: austin elías salinas vicente is better than mason hill in so many ways but i respect your opinion my dear masonfucker
Mason sighed loudly and took off his snapback, throwing it at Austin, who yelped in surprise.
"What the hell?"
Mason glared at him. "That's for having a godly allure, Salinas."
Austin sputtered, confused.
masonfucker1000: you say you respect my opinion, familyjules? really? u might as well have spat in my face. austin. better than mason. my god. i will try to coexist peacefully with radical beliefs such as urs.
also: is ur profile pic u?
Jules laughed at the dramatics. He hadn’t had this much fun meeting someone in a while. They were actually taking his jokes as jokes.
familyjules: thank you for your precious coexistence, fellow radical believer. and yeah dat me
Mason didn't know why the Nosam fanbase just happened to be super attractive, but he always appreciated nonetheless.
masonfucker1000: my dude, fellow believer, may i just say that ur face is v nice to look at. one might even say it radiates a certain godly allure
Jules blushed a little. People had called him attractive before, but not like that. Damn.
familyjules: thank you!! i guess ur pfp is kinda okay to look at... ;)
Mason huffed, pouting. That was just not at all fair. He couldn’t even defend his own good looks.
masonfucker1000: ha. ha. so how long have u been into nosam? sorry, i meant: how long have u been brainwashed into thinking nosam was called nitsua?
Jules laughed at that one. It was good. Elias was funny.
familyjules: i actually laughed at that one! nitsua just sounds like a ninja name or something. and i’ve been into them since their first ep came out! found them on youtube and felllllllll. how about you?
Mason grinned. Hardcore fan. Hell, yeah. Call him a narcissist. Nosam was awesome and superbly talented, and Mason appreciated when other people knew it.
masonfucker1000: me too! nosam sorta changed my life. listen to them way more than a sane person should.
Someone else on the thread pointed out that that page was for welcoming and not conversation. Mason stuck out his tongue at his laptop screen.
masonfucker1000: whoops. heading to gen, familyjules?
Jules sighed a little at the comment, rolling his eyes. He’d made the website. It was his rule. And he’d broken it.
familyjules: whoops. yeah. i’ll tag u in a thread
familyjules: @masonfucker1000 here we are. what yt video did you see first?
masonfucker1000: teenage dirtbag cover! iconic as hell. have u ever seen them live? its the most fun i've ever had.
familyjules: hell yes! i love that one! and no ): but i’ve got tickets to a show this tour and im hype. gonna scream my ass off
Mason's eyes widened. Oh, yes. Mason befriending a fan and that fan attending a Nosam concert? That would be beautiful.
masonfucker1000: really?? where? what day? on the off chance im going to the same 1
familyjules: Traverse City, MI. gonna glitter my face off too i’m gonna look great
masonfucker1000: oh nah not going there! glitter! nosam hype! fuck yeah, i believe u, u already look great as is. michigan, huh? the hell do u do for fun there?
familyjules: hockey, mostly. play bass too. try to run away from my family while blasting pop punk since no one gets me. freeze to death in snow
masonfucker1000: hockey?? ur tiny! i think! bass is rad, how long have you been playing? pop punk is the shit, i get u, bro
Jules smiled a bit. At least he didn’t say he was a girl.
familyjules: bet i can whoop your ass even if i am tiny! and ive been playing for 5 years now. lots of nosam covers in the media thread if u wanna check it out! we gots a talented group here
masonfucker1000: i bet u can i can barely hold a stick.
a future seluj! charmed to meet u pre-fame. will def check out.
Mason headed to the media thread and clicked on one of the audio files Jules had uploaded. His eyes widened, and he turned up the volume.
Andrew, who had sat down in the far corner like the fucking loner he was, looked up at Mason as basslines filled the small space. "Hey, who's that? Not Chris, is it?"
Mason shook his head, mumbling, "Fan cover."
Andrew snorted, "Shit. That's good. You should show that to Chris when he gets back."
Mason played a few more covers, very impressed and a little doubtful.
masonfucker1000: c'mon. c'mon, jules. no way that's u.
familyjules: oh hell yeah that’s me. ask anyone on here i love playing so much. covered a few starlight songs too but i’m not as good at those yet. are u into them too?
masonfucker1000: sure, sure. u stripped from chris, admit it, jules.
fuck yeah! love those badass ladiesss!
familyjules: whoa, dude, i’d never. if anything i’d strip for austin. if stella wouldn’t kill me
masonfucker1000: pipe dream, jules. stella would 100% kill you. and then strip for austin herself.
Jules sighed wistfully at that image. They were both ridiculously hot, and Stella stripping was just a mental image to frame and make lifesize on the mantel above the fireplace.
familyjules: can’t even join them? damn. my dreams are gone. can i share mason w/you then, masonfucker? he’s the only single one of all of them... wait. does your username mean you’re his hand then? shouldn’t you have his hand as your pfp?
Mason's jaw dropped. "Holy fuck. I've never felt so roasted in my entire fucking life. Holy shit. Fucking— familyjules," he breathed a laugh, already typing out a response eagerly. Andrew rose an eyebrow at him, an action that Mason didn’t even notice.
masonfucker1000: shit! how could u do him like that? he gets plenty of attention other than his hand! lots of it! mason hill gets around! its basic info!
familyjules: ha! uses the other hand sometimes? ;)
Mason lifted his arms behind his head. "This fucker!" he laughed again, rubbing his hands down his face. This Jules girl was ridiculous. If only she knew who she was talking to but... no, not a good idea. He stared at the screen, frowning as he realized he really wanted to keep talking to her, forgetting to respond and tapping his fingers against the laptop. He flipped Andrew off when he kept staring at him, taking the laptop and laying in his bunk instead. He could easily just not respond, like, ever. It wouldn’t matter at all. Jules was just some random fan he’d stumbled onto online, who had no idea who Mason was, with whom Mason had only had half a conversation with. Hell, he usually didn’t even have more than a conversation with people anyway, always having so many he wanted to talk to. But it wasn’t ever like this. And it was stupid, really, how drawn he felt from just a couple hundred words on a screen, from a stranger. It wasn’t even a good font.
Mason pursed his lips, sighing quietly as he stared at the forum page, at the slight curve of Jules’ mouth in her profile picture. He abruptly switched tabs, checking his Twitter and replying to some fans. He Googled other fansites, ones he already had accounts on, and sifted through the threads, trying to find something else to do.
It was a bit before Elias responded again. Jules fucked around with other things on the site while he waited, scrolled through Tumblr, and then went back. He private messaged Elias, frowning a little.
familyjules: hey dude. just so you know i fuck with all the mason superfans like that. it’s way too easy to roast mason
Mason was startled when he heard a ping as he had finally distracted himself from familyjules. He hesitated barely a second before switching back, smiling as he read the message.
masonfucker1000: yeah its cool! got distracted. ur wrong tho. completely wrong. masons a regular manwhore
familyjules: cool all good. just wanted to make sure you weren’t actually mad! and trust me i know far too many girls on here have talked about seeing his dick
masonfucker1000: mad? over that? dont worry, bro, not at all
gh! and they all say his dick is huge. which is false. have u seen him in skinny jeans? he's got an average dick, ladies. an average dick with an above average heart
familyjules: damn dude. at least you’re honest unlike them. also sometimes it looks big so i wonder who’s right👀
masonfucker1000: average dick.
fuck im starving. what do i have to do to get some pizza up in hereeeee
familyjules: be mason hill?
familyjules: kidding! i’ll send you some
masonfucker1000: you be careful or ill end up taking your word for it!! i swear my stomach is going to start eating itself
They ended up talking for a bit longer, but then Jules had to sleep, which made Mason pouty. It was rare for him to enjoy talking to someone this much, but Jules had a late shift the next day and classes all day, so he said goodbye and logged off, promising to be back same time the next day.
It kept like that for a week. Jules talked to Elias whenever he could, along with his other friends. He felt drawn to Elias for some reason, compelled to let the mysterious user eat up all his time.
familyjules: so. mr. masonfucker. you’ve only got two things on your profile and it’s been a week. not even a small introduction to tell us about yourself other than you’d let mason have his way with you? i’m curious ;)
During the week, Mason had become gradually more excited every time he had the chance to be online when Jules was, which had thankfully been coinciding with after Nosam sets. He bit his lip as he read the newest message from her.
masonfucker1000: oh, youre curious? maybe i like the suspense ;) what about u, miss familyjules? im very curious about u. ur short bio is frankly not enough
Jules winced at the response. So Elias did think he was a girl. He could set him straight... but he knew nothing about this person except that he was cis and straight. He seemed cool, but Jules really didn’t want to deal with a huge messy fight on the site right now.
familyjules: hey, you know i live in michigan. and what i look like. and that i play bass and play hockey. i don’t even know what you do for fun, aside from stan mason. c’mon, dude
Mason groaned. God, he could just disappear right now, not talk to her ever again. But he'd be fucking bummed. Was he just lonely? I mean, tours got like that sometimes. Maybe he just needed stress relief, although that was off the table at the moment. Shit. This wasn't a... thing. Was it?
masonfucker1000: alright, alright! well, i do not live in michigan. i look like a burnt chicken nugget but i still love myself! i like singing and i've seen Real Steel abt a thousand times. how about that?
familyjules: real steel is awesome! and singing! maybe you should be in seluj with me one day. we’d take over the world, displace nosam
masonfucker1000: hell yeah! I'll let hugh jackman have at all this too 🥒🍆
displace nosam? ur blocked
masonfucker1000: kidding! totally up for it, let's go. altho it should be called saile, then
familyjules: hey, you’re the one who named it seluj in the first place! maybe we’re getting ahead of ourselves tho. havent even heard u sing. for all i know you could suck
masonfucker1000: thats where you're wrong, jules! that's where you're wrong! hold on
Mason paced the tour bus, considering his options. He had to show her he could sing. If he sang a song nobody had ever heard him do, maybe it would be alright?
masonfucker1000: uploaded suckonthisjules.mp3
masonfucker1000: go the distance! Hercules is my favorite disney movie. see? proof of my awesome talent and a fact abt me
Jules blinked in shock at the file, clicking play and leaning back. He listened, transfixed, picking at his lip.
familyjules: holy shit elias you sound a lot like mason. did you train your voice or what? there were a few places where you were off key but god damn. also hercules is so underrated
"Oh, fuck," Mason said as he read the response. "Wait— off key?" he glared at his laptop.
Andrew snorted. "A few minutes ago? Yeah."
Mason turned his glare towards Andrew. "I was not off key."
Andrew just laughed and shook his head, stuffing his face with chicken.
Mason frowned. It's not his fault his voice was a little strained after the show. No way he was gonna admit it, though.
He deleted the file he sent.
masonfucker1000: ah yeah, a bit.
and go to hell. off key, my ass! i told you I can sing. hercules is def underrated! yo where do u go all day?
Jules frowned when the messages shifted. He scrolled back up to find the file gone. “Oh, come on,” he muttered. How paranoid could this guy be? It was a fansite. Who cared?
familyjules: def off key a bit. you deleted the file because of it, i see you, devil 👀
familyjules: oh also i’m a working college student! class by day, waiting tables by night
masonfucker1000: i did not!
oh shit, nice! well, horrible, but nice. i bet you get good tips ;) what are u studying?
familyjules: you’d be surprised how bad the tips are. studying music and psych, but the psych is a minor
masonfucker1000: jules ill go over there and tip you, you'll be set for life. so ur serious abt music huh? what do u wanna do?
familyjules: so youre rich. another thing i know now. and hell yeah i am! i want to work w/ a recording company if i can, fill in bass. more freelance than i’d like but it’s something
masonfucker1000: 🤑
masonfucker1000: woah woah wait. ur settling! what would you like?
familyjules: settling? i don't call getting to play bass for a living settling
familyjules: what i really want tho is to play in a band but that's unlikely
masonfucker1000: uh huh
masonfucker1000: i knew it! c'mon, unlikely? you're as good as chris if you're not lying abt not stripping his bass 👀 maybe even better
familyjules: WHOA dude dont disrespect christo like that he's a huge role model!! i wish i could be as good as him
Mason smiled, getting up to bother Chris. "Yo, hey, dude?"
Chris looked up from his laptop, rubbing his forehead. "Huh?"
"You know that girl I've been talking to that plays bass. She says you're her role model and got offended when I said she probably plays better than you."
Chris smiled warmly. "That's sweet."
"No, but, listen," Mason showed him an audio clip of Jules covering bass for one of their songs. Chris furrowed his eyebrows as he listened, running his fingers through his hair as his jaw went slack. "Shit. What? Geez— don't even tell the guys, they'll replace me."
Mason laughed loudly, ruffling Chris's hair.
masonfucker1000: no disrespect to christo, i think you're incredibly good. u could definitely be better than him! u should try the band thing, bro, if thats what u really want
familyjules: maybe. i have some stage fright too but been working on that. what do you do all day, mr. masonfucker?
Aw, fuck. This was going to get frustrating for the both of them real quick. Mason didn't want to lie, but he couldn't tell her what he actually did all day. He could maybe explain that he was going to have to keep some (a lot of) personal information to himself? That would sound weird. Mason stared at the message, unsure what to do. He could be a bit of a dick and reply with a joke. Or something really vague. He'd only known Jules for a little over a week but he had a feeling he might not get away with that.
masonfucker1000: how've you been working on it?
masonfucker1000: and i think the more appropriate question is who don't i do all day
Oh, God, that was bad. He regretted sending that one. Mason found himself not wanting her to actually think he slept around all day. Or at all. Fucking hell.
Jules frowned at the reply. This was... interesting, he guessed. Or something like it.
familyjules: so you're a prostitute? that's how you have so much money?
Mason couldn't help but laugh at the response.
masonfucker1000: what! no no
Mason grumbled to himself, rubbing his hands down in face.
masonfucker1000: that was a stupid thing for me to say, sorry
masonfucker1000: i have a job that requires a lot of travel
familyjules: okay that makes more sense. a traveling prostitute. sounds fun! what places have u seen?
Mason rolled his eyes, smiling.
masonfucker1000: oh, aaaall oooover the world. in the US rn, tho! i could put on a show for u ;)
familyjules: maybe i'll take you up on that offer ;)
familyjules: hey im about to upload a new cover btw! it just finished uploading
masonfucker1000: oh, another masterful christo strip!
prologue | chapter two (coming soon!)
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warmau · 7 years
hello!! would you mind writing an apartment neighbor au for yuta, taeil and sicheng? i'm really in love with your work by the way and thank you so much in advance! 💓💖
wah how sweet of you!! and sure, no problem!! (some1 asked for sicheng!!!!)find mark + jaehyung (here) // taeyong + ten + haechan (here) 
what is,,,,,cleaning? who made up that concept,,,,,
owns like 5000 chargers for different like tech stuff like his consoles, his phone, his microwave, his helicam he bought for no apparent reason except for the fact that it looked cool, probably owns that hoverboard from nct dream??? does he use it??? no???? but it has a charger and all those chargers are tangled right in the corner of his room and it’s a Mess
eats in his bed and then says he doesn’t but when sicheng is over with taeyong and jaehyun he feels a crumb under his butt as he’s sitting on yuta’s bed and he was like “what,,,,,,,,,,the heck”
owns a wii u and gets super competitive in wii sports resort like,,,,,he doesn’t take games lightly
other than that he’s pretty simple. doesn’t own a lot of stuff which becomes a problem because he has like one towel and that towel is in the laundry so he has to run naked from the bathroom to his bedroom
and like instead of money gifts he’s just like for the holidays can someone buy me some drapes. mine tore like 4 months ago
has soccer memorabilia in his living room but it’s not displayed neatly it’s just a mess of soccer balls he sticks into the shelves and team jerseys and some old photographs from japan
his mom sends him photos and he puts those up but that’s like the extent of his decorating 
walks around in sweatpants and nothing else and leaves the window open and the neighbors are just like YUTA every time and he’s like sO RRy (never changes his habit tho)
and speaking of which you know yuta and he’s really friendly always smiling and you even saw him once dancing to a SISTAR song that was playing in the grocery store you were both in
so you’re like you know he’s a cute, silly guy 
but what you don’t know is that he’s also LOL player summorname: winwinshyung WHO KEEPS COMING FOR YOU in GAMES
and it’s because your apartment building is right above a pcroom and you always go down there to blow of steam but everytime you queue into a game,,,,,,your like ok whatever different people on your team
but this one ,,,,,, player,,,,,,winwinshyung,,,,,,,,,will not freakign get off your back
and it’s happened like 3 weeks in a row and you just want to know WHO this dude is
and it’s by chance that you get up to go buy some snacks and as you’re walking past another booth you see that the person is playing league,,,,,and their summorname,,,,,, oh my god its him ITS WINWINSHYUNG
and you try to get a peak of his face but you can’t so you do the old ‘bump into his chair and apologize’ trick and when the person looks up you almost fall over because,,,,,,,,,,,,that’s,,,,,
that’s yuta
and you’re like WHAT and he’s like oh!! you live in my building and you’re still on the fact that he’s the a**hole from your game like you can’t believe it
and you’re like “winwinshyung,,,,,is you?” and he’s like YEAH are you on my team whats your-
and you’re like “no im on the opposite team and im going to c R U S H you” and he’s taken aback but you stomp off to your seat and crack your knuckles and you’re like LETS DO THIS
and the whole time you’re playing your like “do it so you won’t get embarrassed in front of him. he’s your neighbor. you gotta. do it. kill his TEAM,,,,,,curse him and his,,,,,really handsome face and good gaming skills”
but ofc,,,,,,,,,,,you lose and once you get up you’re shocked to see yuta standing there and he’s like smiling and you’re like he’s gonna rub it in
but he goes “you did really well!!! i was surprised you could hold me off for so long!!!” and you’re like what and he’s like “that was our team  strategy for me to keep you preoccupied. you were really strong though, we should game together!”
and you’re like.,,,why is he being all nice and you wanna be like “bye” but he’s like digging around in his pocket and he’s like “good neighbors should treat each other, want to go get chicken with me?”
and he smiles again and you can see how pretty his smile is, how pretty his eyes and skin are up close and you’re like dammit dammit damm i t
but you end up in the chicken place sitting with him in one of the outside tables eating together and yuta,,,,,is pretty funny like not only super handsome but with a great personality
even though he rubs some of the sauce off on his jeans which makes you laugh into your hand 
but it’s like enjoyable,,,,,and you talk about games but also he tells you he’s from japan and you’re like that’s so cool tell me more
and you end up only going back when it’s like 2 am and as you’re walking he like
steps around you so he’s walking closer to the street and you’re on the inside and it’s such a subtle,,,gentlemen-y thing to do but you find your heart skipping a beat
and once you get home he’s like “i hope we see each other soon!!” and you’re like “yeah!! thank you for the meal!!” but before you go inside you’re like “is it true,,,,i heard from some neighbors that you walk around shirtless with the windows open??? are you really like that?” and yuta bursts out laughing and he’s like “why, are you interested in the view?”
and you turn scarlet red and you’re like nO I JUST HEARD A RUMOR OK BYE NOW but it’s cute the next weekend you see yuta in the pcroom again and he’s like “hey, you’re gonna play?” and you’re like maybe a bit and he’s like cool tell me when you’re done so we can go on another chicken date
and you’re like yeah omg- wait did he just call it a chicken date (he did)
always has soft music playing in his apartment 
since he has the last name moon and people refer to that as his nickname he got a lot of moon shaped stuff during his housewarming,,,,which is pretty cute like he has a little lamp that is the shape of a crescent moon and some dining wear with a night sky theme and he’s embraced it,,,,he thinks it’s kinda adorable
wanted to keep plants but he settled for buying a fake mini-tree and putting it in his living room and covering it in little ornaments that double as photograph frames of pictures of his friends and stuff
yuta insisted that his picture be at the top and taeil was like,,,,,,,,,,,sure but when yuta came back for some reason it was haechan’s photo at the top Who Did This 
haechan voice: it was not me
doesn’t own a bed, lays out a futon when going to sleep and everyone is like that’s so traditonal of you and taeil is like no i do it because i could sleepwalk and end up falling off my bed, hitting my head, and dying
taeyong: why is that so specific
taeil with the same expression: because i have Fears taeyong lay off
likes warm shaggy carpets probably and like big blankets that he can roll himself up into and just sleep,,,,because he always goes to sleep way to damn late
the neighbors are always curious as to why his lights are on until like 3 am and it’s actually because he stays up listening to music and playing guitar 
makes guests wear slippers inside and all the slippers are different animals and there’s this cute secret side to taeil even though he’s really mature and awkward sometimes
and you’ve only really talked to taeil like twice,,,,,once while you two were getting mail and another time when he helped you fix your broken lightbulbs but other than that it’s a very smile-based friendship you guys have,,,
until you find yourself sick in bed, literally unable to move because your fever is dragging you into hell
and the friend you called like 5242 times isn’t picking up and you only have the strength left to get out of bed, ring taeil’s doorbell and beg him to go get you some meds from the pharmacy
and he does because taeil is a good person 
but he,,,,,,,,,has no idea how to take care of sick people. the motherly one in his friend group is not Him so he calls taeyong and explains the situation and taeyong is like get them meds, buy some soup from a local place, and then make them tea and taeil is like ok ok got it
but then he hangs up and he’s looking at all the medication and he’s like What,,,,,,,,,,,The,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Hell
and so taeil comes back to your place with like ten bags and you’re like why in the world he need so many
and he’s like “i got 20 different meds. 5 different kinds of soup. and some packets of herbal tea, in a variety of flavors im going to read them outloud and make some kind of motion for which one you want ok here we go: raspberry, green tea, lemongrass- ok lemongrass? ok ill go make it”
and for someone who doesn’t take care of others a lot,,,,like physically,,,,,taeil works really hard to make you feel better and it’s really sweet
even though you don’t hear him call taeyong like ten times just to make sure he’s helping and not accidentally making you worse
and taeyong at some point is like “is this your significant other that you’ve been hiding from us or something?” and taeil is like. well he’s like nothing he just hangs up
because ok yes maybe he’s trying so hard not only because you know,,,,neighborly love,,,,,but he also thinks you’re cute
even when you’re sweaty and sick and coughing and wearing some oversized shirt and your hair looks like a nest
he still think you’re cute and wants to get you all better
and when he realizes you can’t even hold the bowl of soup and he has to feed you,,,,,you see his cheeks flush red and you think it might be because the soup is hot
but taeil is just like bkfgdsw im,,,,,feeding my crush,,,,,ok keep cool moon taeil you’re a manly, cool dude,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,no just scream inside your head nonstop for the next couple of minutes
and with taeil’s care you’re back on your feet in like two days and you’re like “i don’t know how to thank you!!!” and taeil is like you don’t have to!
but you’re insistent and he’s like “it’s really ok, just if i get sick perhaps you’ll take care of me?”
and you agree, because of course you will but you also let it slip out that you wouldn’t mind just taking care of him everyday he’s so charming
and taeil is like what
and you’re like UM it’s the fever still speaking hahahahaha
but taeil is pretty sure you haven’t had a fever in the past few hours so he just smiles to himself hehe
universally adored by the entire block. i would even dare say,,,,,the entire neighborhood,,,,,,,province???
has a shelf full of chinese movies and books and comics because he misses his home country so much that he’s gotten into the habit of collecting whatever he can find in his native language and his parents will always send a care package when they can 
is really proud of where he’s from so he ha chinese charms and items that his parents consider lucky hanging around his house
old photos of him in his costumes from dance are up in the living room and he even has some trophies too!!
seems like the type that wants a pet but doesn’t have the time so he has a pet fish that’s named after his home province zhejiang (which literally means zhe river which is a good name for,,,,well a fish)
keeps his place really colorful and pretty and won’t admit it but has an affinity for stuffed toys,,,,mark got him a little toy dragon once and winwin liked it so much he displayed it on a shelf in his bedroom he’s adorable like that
color coordinates his closet (he learned this from the one and only Taeyong)
owns a lot of card games,,,,seems like he’d be pretty good at them too because he’d always just have a cute angelic expression so no one would think twice about him having the upperhand but everytime they play they end up losing and doyoung is like winwin is magical and winwin is like “you all lost and owe me fifty dollars collectively” 
likes to buy fresh flowers because they smell good so he gets them for his kitchen hehe
you and winwin don’t talk much,,,,mostly because you’re always leaving your house in a hurry and he’s not much of a,,,,,open person with strangers a bit shy/???
but one day as you’re both taking the elevator up to your floor it suddenly shakes and you and winwin look at each other and then realize that,,,,,,you’re stuck
and you have no reception on your phones so you have press the emergency button and wait till someone responds to help you two and that could take literal Hours
so you and winwin slide against the walls and sit,,,,,,,,,,,in silence
and like 45 minutes goes by of you counting sheep and winwin looking down at his phone and you can’t take the boredom so you’re like “do you wanna play like,,,,,truth or dare or something?”
and winwin looks up at you and is like ??? and you’re like “sorry, im just really bad at being bored you can so no though-” but winwin seems intrigued so he kind of sits up a bit and is like “you go first”
and he picks truth so you’re like well is it true you’re from china? you know it’s the first question so you go easy on him
and he’s like yes truth or dare?
and you’re like ok dare and he’s like,,,,,,i dare you to do a handstand and you’re like in this elevator????? now????
and winwin is giving you an innocent smile and he’s like sure why not
and you’re like ok,,,um,,,,,trying to figure out how you’re going to do this without falling over and looking dumb
and winwin is like “let me show you!!” and he just, like water,,,,is able to get his hands on the floor and lift his body up and you’re like holy hell are you dancer??? 
and winwin after coming down is like “yes ^^ im happy you noticed!!” and you’re like,,,,,omg
but you try at first by walking your legs up the wall which like does not work and winwin is like let me help
and he reaches out to hold your ankles but you’re ticklish so you end up kind of kicking a bit and he’s like wOAH and you’re like s O RRy
and he’s like you know what let’s skip this dare instead um i dare you to take a really bad selfie and show me
and wow ok winwin is way more ,,,,,,, creative than you expect him to be
and your time stuck in the elevator is pretty fun until the lights suddenly go out and it’s pitch black inside and you,,,clam up in fear 
and winwin is like “are you ok?” because he feels your tense shoulder against his and you kind of lean in toward him and you’re like “im sorry, the dark scares me a bit,,,,”
and you can feel the warmth of his arm but you don’t want to be weird and like hide against him 
not until he pulls you toward him and your head gently falls against his chest and he’s like “im here. don’t worry”
and you’re shocked,,,,,,like he????? is full of so much mystery and charm
you thought he was the quiet neighbor too scared to talk with others,,,but he’s actually pretty funny and even,,,,,straight-forward??? it makes you kind of blush
also for a dancer he’s so strong,,,,anyway,,,,
you stay beside him and when the lights go back up and the elevator begins to move winwin looks down and you peek up at him
and you both turn red now that you can see each others faces and he lets you go and you get up to gather your things
and when the doors open you’re faced with the technician whose like “sorry i didn’t get here earlier, but hey - did you have fun together?”
and he winks and you and winwin are like redder than ever like WHAT NO ,,,,,,, and you both stumble out and go to your doors and the technician just shrugs
but you have to hold your bag to your chest once you’re inside because,,,,you still feel the warmth of winwin holding you and it ,,,,,it was nice
and winwin is also in his room remembering how nice your hair had smelled, you pressed against his arm,,,,,,,and he has to like shake his head and he’s like,,,,,,,,it’s,,,,what is this
he meets up with his friends and he explains that he felt a warmness from you and a warmness in his friends and jaehyun is like “winwin, i think you’re experiencing what we call a crush” and winwin is like i know what a crush is jaehyun,,,,,,,,,but ,,,,,,,,,,,maybe
haechan: good plan, get stuck in an elevator again
taeyong: no. that is a bad plan don’t do th-
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