#is henry stickmin still cool it better be
angelmelon · 2 months
hey ur drawings are cool and all and dunking on rusty is funny but also u need to incorperate fat ppl in ur art :( they all kinda have the same shape n size nd ngl art style or not it's super important to explore bodily diversity!! the noodle limbs cld also b thickened, rubber hose can still b fat!!/nm
I get what you’re saying!! I’ve been trying my best, my partner has even been assisting me. I’ve been trying to improve everyday, I know the limits I currently have and I want to fix them.
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Evolution of Brick, for example!! They’re meant to be plus size!! If anyone has tips for how I can improve and wants to send them, I’d love it!!
My art style was, if I’m being honest, less meant to be rubberhose, more meant to evoke Henry Stickmin. My style used to be at least a little better in the arm and leg department diversity wise, but I eventually stuck with this style, as I’m illustrating a book on the side of this project and stick limbs are much easier to draw in the confines of that, if that makes sense
though, I definitely need to like. Figure out how to draw arms 😭😭 so I can give characters much more body diversity also unrelated just genuine thanks for a real critique I get literally no actual critiques in my inbox you are the first person/gen
edit: I figured I should show an actual example of my old art, to illustrate the problem I have drawing non-stick limbs in fluid poses
I can only draw one dam pose 😭😭
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lovelygirlnicole15 · 2 years
Sick Day Fic (Midnight-Ninja Clan Au)
I made this for fun :>
Ellie was looking at her sick husband who was lying on his bed with a cold wet towel cooling his hot forehead, Henry Stickmin, the leader of the Midnight-Ninja clan, was doing heavy work all night, and for this he caught a very bad cold, he felt very weak and tired even without getting out of bed, he had not eaten all day since he vomited what he ate, but still had no appetite, his head hurt a lot but his whole body hurt twice as much that his head and he hadn't slept much.
The state of the sick leader worried everyone in the clan a lot, especially his wife Ellie, she wanted to go see a doctor as soon as possible, but Henry insisted that he was fine, but Ellie was very worried since he couldn't see himself. that he would recover soon.
"....ugh..." Henry let out a weak groan as he tried to sleep, but the pain in his body and head prevented him.
"Henry... Honey... maybe I should call a doctor." Ellie told her sick husband as she changed his towel for another.
"No need Ellie.... I just need to rest..." Henry said weakly to Ellie as he tried to smile.
"Are you sure?" Ellie questioned.
"Ellie... You don't need to take care of me... You should be taking care of the clan...."
"Henry, don't say that, I have to take care of you too, I don't want to see you suffer with that cold..." Ellie caressed Henry's forehead affectionately.
"But... I don't want you to catch a cold because of me..."
"Henry, I don't care if I catch a cold even if it's because of you, what matters is that both you and the clan are fine... Especially if you're fine, because I love you very much and I don't want to lose you..." Ellie said holding Henry's hand lovingly.
"Ellie..." Henry wanted to respond to what Ellie said but a wave of pain went through his entire body, forcing him to moan in pain.
Ellie tucked Henry in with the bed sheets to make him feel more comfortable, then she grabbed a thermometer and placed it in Henry's mouth, she knew that Henry wasn't going to get better that fast due to his condition, but she would do what she wanted. be to help you. After a few minutes she took the thermometer out of his mouth.
"Henry... I'm going to call a doctor..."
"Ellie I told you I'll be fine..."
"You have 48° C, you have a high fever, I must call a doctor"
"Please... Let me rest for a bit..."
Ellie sighed "Okay... But I'll call a doctor in a bit, you're very sick.. Just try to rest..."
Ellie left Henry to rest even though he had a hard time sleeping due to the pain, but Henry settled down to get some sleep anyway. When Ellie left the room, four members of the clan approached her.
"Ellie how is Henry??" Charles asked concerned.
"Not good, he's 48°C, he has a high fever and his cold isn't getting better..." Ellie said nervously.
"That's terrible El-El!" Binta said worriedly.
"I hope Henry recovers soon, many of the clan are so worried that they think he is going to die." Dave said concerned.
"It's true, I've also heard those rumors" Jacob said worried.
"No... Henry is going to recover, I'm sure! He just needs to rest..." Ellie said. "It is better to tell the other members not to panic, to remain calm and not to worry about Henry, as his wife I am the second in command of the clan, I must replace Henry until he gets better." She replied.
"I hope he recovers soon..." Charles said worried about his older brother.
"If you need anything, let us know Ellie." Dave said.
"Dav-Dav is right! We are friends, and friends help each other!" Binta said.
"Heh heh... You're always so positive Binta, this is why I love you." Jacob said.
"Thanks guys..." Ellie said relieved.
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Alright, I want to info dump first thing in the morning, so I am going to info dump about the Crossover AU for The Henry Stickmin Collection/Marvels Spider-Man.
First off, I think it should be called ‘Webbed Up AU’, since it sounds cool, but it also could be called ‘Charles Calvin | Spider-Man AU’ since it also makes sense. This can also be done with the sequel of Miles Morales.
Second, under the cut is going to be ALL of the characters replacing characters and why I feel like it would fit. It’s 11:23 in the morning writing this specific message, I’ll place the ending time here: 2:35 in the afternoon
Thirdly, It is the universe of Henry Stickmin replacing characters within the Spider-Man game. I am not cross referencing deaths from both games, but some may accidentally appear.
Forth, I am NOT including DLC’s, this is only the base game. Maybe I’ll include DLC’s later in the future, after watching them, but this is going based off of my knowledge of the base game.
Alright, time to go under the cut. I’ll see all of you on the others side.
Charles Calvin as Peter Parker: I find this choice to be fitting. While Charlie is a little more monotone compared to Peter, they both are a bit childish, carefree, wants to do what’s best for their city/country. Peter loves swinging around, Charlie loves flying around. While Peter avoids busting into building, he still has fun with it, and you know Charlie would as well.
Victoria Grit as Aunt May: While there isn’t a lot of evidence for this one, she is one of the only members of the government, of a high rank, that is canonically female. No doubt, her and Charlie have gotten along or chat about with each other about missions. So, her as Aunt May, with no evidence of Charlie’s family makes sense, in my mind.
Hubert Galeforce as Mister Negative/Martin Li: Martin Li is seen as someone you can trust at first, before he turns his back on Peter, unknowingly. Galeforce can be seen as a morally grey character from the games, which I personally agree with, and with that falling into place, he turns his back on Charlie. Falling into place, it makes sense. 1/6
Henry Stickmin and Ellie Rose as Harry Osborn and Mary Jane: MJ, Harry, and Peter are essentially the ‘triple threat’ of the Spider-Man universe Now, these two are interchangeable, but I see Henry as MJ just the slightest bit more, due to MJ’s stealthy nature and ability to think quick. Plus Henry X Charlie is also a huge possibility. But, both of these characters could be either character. For this, I am making Henry MJ, and Elli Harry.
Dr. Vinschpinsilstien as Doctor Octopus/Doctor Otto Octavius: They both tamper with cybernetics, both use on amputees, and their both doctors. While Dr. Vin is seen as a better alignment compared to Doc Ock, Doc Ock WAS a good guy before the cybernetic arms began messing with his brain. Trying to do something for the better, but failing due to the corruption of the components. Anyone can change from good to bad with corruption. 2/6
Right Hand Man as Jefferson Davis: While RHM, in canon, wouldn’t exactly become a police officer, it makes sense that if he was a good aligned character to become an officer/detective. Him and Charlie also seem like they would get along, I don’t exactly know why, but they would. Henry and RHM canonically get along (to some extent), which is another reason why I made Henry MJ.
Reginald Copperbottom as Rio Morales: Okay, you know I had to bring CopperRight in here. But, Reginald as Rio made sense to me, both strong and independent, putting the safety of there family before there own, making sure that their children are alright. I haven’t played Miles Morales Spider-Man, I’m just going off the bit of ‘Into The Spider-Verse’ that I saw of her. Also going based off this fact, RHM would 100% embarrass Sven the same way Jefferson did with Miles.
Sven Svensson as Miles Morales: Yes, based upon the headcanon that is RHM and Reginald are Sven’s adopted parents. But, it still makes sense in my mind. Sven is awkward, Miles is awkward, and you can’t tell me that they would both they wouldn’t flutter around in the air just for the Hell of it. I can’t give a full amount of evidence, as there isn’t too much support for it, other than the headcanon that both makes sense and adds to the family side of the story.
[stopping and saving draft; 12:12] [picked up at 12:50]
Grigori Olayt as Silver Sable: Why not Dmitri, you ask? Well, that will come a bit later when I DO put Dmitri down. Grigori follows orders given to him, even if it damages other, but his intentions aren’t meant to BE bad. Both of them are good people, and Silver realizes this later in the future, and I feel like Grigori would realize it at some point, that The Wall’s intentions aren’t good like his.
Rupert Price as Yuri Watanabe: Putting him instead of Johnny makes sense. Rupert has been in both the police force and the military. He already has a relationship with Charlie, and it would be easier for them to have an established deal before story, like Peter and Yuri do. Yes, Charlie would be just as annoying to Rupert as Peter is to Yuri. Yes, Spider-Cop would STILL be a running joke between them.
Kyle Baxter as Norman Osborn: Running off another headcanon form The Henry Stickmin Collection, that Dr. Vin used to work for The Wall until the CCC showed up. Kyle Baxter is The Wall Liason that works for the CCC. Norman Osborn says that he ‘wants the best’ for Doc Ock, but it’s a double edged sword that bites him in the ass later down the line.
Dmitri Johannes Petrov as Rhino/Aleksei Sytsevich: Yes, we’re getting into some bad guys now! Big, bad, tough, and runs headfirst into things. Not afraid to bark out commands and gets angry at the inconvenience of things not going properly. Also, Santa Clause would 100% piss Dmitri off as a nickname. 3/6
Terrence Suave as Vulture/Adrian Toomes: A winged, electronical engineer with a bit of anger issues, only wanting to protect his family and be there? Yes. Another divergent of a headcanon, aka Father Terrence to Burt Curtis, but this one supports the role further. Basically, Adrian is the ‘what if Terrence Sauve controlled himself’ and succeeded. There’s not much evidence, and can be subjected to change. 4/6
Dave Panpa as Shocker/Herman Schultz: Listening to Herman’s dialogue in game matches the energy of Dave that he’s put out from the beginning. Nervous, a follower, and finds themselves in a lot of unlikely situations. While Herman is a lot more combative than Dave, it still fits, as the ONLY weapon Dave has used was a taser. Literally. And that worked better than his fists. {Changed as I got characters confused}
Gadget Gabe as Scorpion/MacDonald “Mac” Gargan: As we NEVER see Gadget Gabe, we can go based off of his object, which not only subject a lot of possible torture and/or death to users, his comments on the notes are similar to how Mac speaks. While Gabe is a neutral force, comparing to Mac’s job as a ‘Gun for Hire’, Gabe’s gadget’s would be able to create the scorpion costume, and with the help of Dr. Vin (as the Scorpion costume IS cybernetic), I think it’s pretty nifty. 5/6
Sir Wilford IV as the Kingpin/Wilson Fisk: This match was, without a doubt, the easiest one to make. Their entire demeanor separate matches each other. Wilford wants what’s best for the clan, and Fisk genuinely DOES try to help out their city. Strong, unbreakable mental beliefs, and will (literally) run head first into something if it means the possibility of getting what he wants. Although taken out early and not seen again, his lead still holds strong even though he is incarcerated.
Al Kohaul as Electro/Maxwell “Max” Dillon: Al is the only one within the Henry Stickmin games that gets affect, directly, with electricity. Although he may deal with photography and photographs, there’s just something about Max and Al that just seem so.. In tune with each other. I don’t know what it is, but if I find a better match, Al is Max. 6/6
Reynaldo the Brute as Taskmaster: I can’t exactly explain WHY this works, but good God, read Taskmaster’s wiki (here’s the link) and tell me it just doesn’t scream Reynaldo. I have no evidence, I have no facts, I’m going off vibe alone ans it works.
Milhouse Filmore “M.F.” Jones as Tombstone/Lonnie Lincoln: M.F. looks like he could be the leader of a biker gang and own it, and honestly, his smaller top hat makes him look like he’s bigger than he actually is. Regardless, it’s another vibe, as M.F. only has one, quick scene, but he OWNED that scene, if I’m being completely honest.
Carol Cross as Black Cat/Felicia Hardy: While Carol is more strict than Felicia, there is something about her that says she would gladly play a game of cat and mouse, if she was able to use manipulation on her target. While bad in the real world, makes great content for a Spider-Man game. (I do not condone manipulation, it sucks, I’ve been a victim to it plenty of times)
Ahnoldt Schwarz as J. Jonah Jameson: This is not only a funny image, but both men scream like it’s no one’s business. Comedy purposes, both of them.
The Wall as Sable International: This one just remotely makes sense to me, as they’re both Russian services, trying to help the government in a way that wouldn’t normally be seen as ‘helpful’. It is a little more round-a-bout with the way that help comes, but it still helps.
Police Force as the Police Force: Since we don’t see much of either police force in either game series, and they’re both very clearly established, it makes since to have both of them as police forces.
Toppat’s as Fisk’s Gang/Thugs: Criminal force with a criminal leader? Yep, count it in. I’m grouping the thugs along with it, as they essentially act the same, and they’re the first forces that you see as enemies.
And that is all! God, that took forever, even with that break!
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timegearremix · 2 years
I made a Henry stickmin oc lmao his name is flingus mcflarken and he has a crewmate friend
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starlight-torment · 2 years
Valiant Souls: A New Perspective - A World Without You
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"Sorry Lily, I'm on a mission right now, we'll go hiking later. I won't be out for so long, so behave!"
That was the last thing she heard from Charles before he went to get the spaceship with a man she didn't recognize. She trusted him, but she also was worried for him, of course, she would be worried! The Toppats have now a station in orbit, making it easy for them to steal and the government can't do anything with the risk they destroy the earth.
When she heard the news that the Toppat Station has been destroyed, happiness couldn't describe what she felt, but that emotion quickly vanished when General Galeforce told her that Henry Stickmin – the man who she saw Charles with, and also the man who helped to take down the Toppat's Airship in the past, along with their leader and his Right Hand Man – brought the news that Charles has died when the station exploded due to him saving Henry from a random Toppat who pushed him outside the escape pod but at the cost of his safety and life.
She was devastated. She didn't know what to do. She wanted to cry at the sky, begging to have him back or take revenge on the remaining Toppats who have escaped the explosion, but that wouldn't bring Charles back, so she just had a breakdown right in front of the General.
He hugged her and stayed there, soothing her and calming her down, "Shh, I'm here, it's okay, he's in a better place." She was quite sure that she heard him cry a bit, but she wasn't mentally okay to notice anything around her.
General Galeforce told her to go rest once she finally calmed down, and she was halfway to her tent when something clicked in her mind. "That guy, Henry Stickmin, he's still here, right?", she thought. Right before she left General Galeforce's tent, she had asked him if the guy was staying there tonight, and he said yes.
She didn't know where his tent was, so she just ran past tents, in the hope she would recognize the man with Charles when they left. Right before the camp parking center, she bumped with an albino guy with red eyes, a jacket with a cool golden wing pin, brown pants, and shoes. She instantly recognized him as the person who was with Charles – "His name is Henry, dummy. Remember that!", she scolded herself.
"Ah, I'm sorry sir, I didn't see you." She apologized to him.
"It's fine, don't say sorry, I didn't see you coming too." She noticed that the man was quite in an urge to leave, but she had a couple of questions she wanted to ask before he left.
"Uh, are you, perhaps, Henry Stickmin? That guy who helped us take down the Toppat Leader and his Right Hand Man?" She asked him with caution, fearing that he may not like the question, given that the General kidnapped him to help them take down the Toppats.
The albino guy seemed quite shocked to hear that. Apparently, he didn't expect some soldiers still remember that, "…Yeah? And who are you?"
"My name is Lydia Leronheit. I was Charles' partner in many missions he was designed to. I heard about what happened and I…" she struggled to get the rest of the sentence out, but once she hold her light blue scarf, she found the strength to finish the sentence, "…I wanted to ask…how were his last moments?"
The silence between them both was so heavy that it could be cut with a knife. Lydia was about to say to Henry that he didn't need to talk about that if he didn't want to, but she was shocked when he started talking about Charles' last moments with great difficulty without crying.
She PATIENTly heard him tell her about his last moments, and the whole time she kept holding the light blue scarf dearly, so she wouldn't cry too.
"…and then, the station exploded." Henry ended the story while looking at the ground and tugging his jacket. Lydia didn't know how close Charles and Henry were, given that Charlie didn't tell anything about Henry except he helped the government arrest Reginald Copperbottom and his Right Hand Man, but she somewhat knew that he held Charles as dearly in his heart as she did.
Lydia stayed quiet for some time, processing everything she heard, and a sad laugh escaped her lips, "That's definitely what Charles would do, that little shit always cared about others' safety first and then his own."
She approached him and gave a pat on his left shoulder, "Hey, by the way you sound, I'm assuming you blame yourself for what happened. Don't blame yourself, okay? You couldn't predict what would happen, and even if you did, you know that he had a very strong will and it's almost impossible to make him change his mind when he has an idea." She gave him a warm smile and hoped her KINDNESS could get through him, "If you need anything, come to my tent. It's easier to move on when you share your pain with others, isn't it? If you can't find where it is, ask one of the soldiers, literally almost everyone here knows me, so they'll know where to find me."
After she said that, she finally left and walked her way to her tent, leaving Henry behind at the camp's exit. She was pretty sure she heard him leave and someone coming after him, but she didn't pay attention. When she arrived at her tent, something made her heart feel heavy while she was entering the tent. She looked around it, seeing her bed, some equipment she had, like some guns, a walkie-talkie, armor and a parachute in case of emergency, and an improvised nightstand with a portrait.
She approached the nightstand and picked up the portrait, it was a picture of her and Charles on their first mission together. That mission was quite fun, the mission was to arrest some Toppats in a place they had info where they would commit a heist, and Charles had the amazing plan of crashing the helicopter into them. It came on their salary, of course, and miraculously they got out alive with only light injuries but it was the best day she ever had in her life, she didn't remember laughing that much before when he crashed the helicopter with her and him inside it and the plan worked out.
After that, they went on more missions together, and she always supported his greatest plan when the chance of damaging the helicopter was low. Inspired by him, she created a catchphrase and a situation where she used it. Normally, she used it when she was about to shoot a group of criminals with perfect aim and, to top it off, she still did some pirouettes in the air before getting back on the helicopter.
"Man, I miss him", she thought. She never admitted it to Charles, but she always thought of him as her older brother. Her parents were already old when they had her, and she never had any siblings, so she always got jealous of the kids in her school because most of them had siblings and she didn't have any. So, when she met Charles, she grew so fond of him and his KINDNESS that she started to think of him as the brother she never had.
Lydia lay on her bed while hugging the portrait and thinking of all the missions she and Charles had gone together. Tears were streaming down her face while she cried as loudly as she can, not caring if anyone was hearing her.
"Charlie…Charlie, please, come back…come back, big bro…" She curled up in a ball and started shaking. Her vision was becoming blurred, it was becoming hard to breathe and her ears started to ring.
She didn't believed this. She didn't want to believe Charles has died. She couldn't live without him.
She couldn't live in a world without him.
And then she passed out.
It was a bright sunny day, birds were singing, flowers were blooming, a perfect day to be out with friends. That was her wish, of course, but she still had to work, that was the only thing ruining her day.
Oh well, they could still go out on the weekends, so that didn't bother her. After all, everyone had their things to do, Rupert and Victoria were practicing their aim, the Bukowski twins were preparing to go out on a mission, Quentin was scolding Drake Camper and Josh Taylor again for not taking their jobs seriously and Norm was doing his tech things.
What she was doing? Just hanging around Charles' helicopter after another successful mission. They were going on missions more often than before due to the Toppat Clan being successful in launching their station in space, and it was giving everyone in the government a headache, not just the higher-ups.
They were being way harder to catch than before, because now they were in space, of course, and they had a machine that made them go down to the earth and up in their station in an blink of an eye.
She was biting her scarf while thinking of that. Apparently, arresting their leader AND Right Hand Man wasn't enough to stop the Toppats, they had someone else to take care of their plans in case something went wrong with their leader. "That little shits", she thought, she was barely getting enough sleep and stopping at home due to them. Next time she was going to shoot at their faces without hesitat-
"Lydia! I was calling you for a while, didn't you hear me?"
A sharp pain came in the back of her neck, she hissed while rubbing the place and turned to see who had hit her. A man with brown hair, green eyes, and chestnut color skin was standing behind her and staring at her. She sighed while motioning for him to sit beside her.
"Sorry Charles, I was thinking about the Toppat Clan and the trouble they have been causing us. Why were you calling me though?" She asked, looking at him with confusion.
"I was calling you because I was suggesting we go hiking the mountain tomorrow if we have free time." He said while sitting beside her. "You said you've been wanting to explore the mountain for a while, so I thought "Well if neither I nor she has any missions tomorrow, we can go explore the mountain if she wants."
"Of course! It would be nice to go hiking to take the Toppats off of our minds for a second."
They stared at the sky, looking at the clouds that came and go in many shapes and at the birds that sometimes would pass by. After the raid went wrong and the Toppats have been successful in their plan, Lydia has been constantly thinking that it would be nice to be a bird – she could fly so far away from them and live in peace in some nest in a forest or under the earth, like a bird she has studied in school that lived under the earth.
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Lydia turned to Charles, she wanted to ask something to him that has been in her mind for a while, "Hey, Charles."
"Hm?" He said while readjusting his headset and shifting his gaze to her.
"You know that life in the government can be dangerous sometimes, correct?" She said, looking firmly at his eyes. "So, what would you do if today was your last day on earth?"
They stared at each other for a while, Lydia waiting for his answer and Charles deeply thinking about how he should answer her.
Finally, he came up with an answer, "Well, IF today was my last day on earth, I think I would want to spend time with my friends like I am doing with you right now!" He told her with a big smile on his face.
"Awn, stop it, you're making me blush." She said while giving him a fake punch on his arm and smiling through it.
"What? I am just stating facts, you're a great friend, Lily." Charles said while rubbing his arm and looking at her DETERMINED and with KINDNESS.
She paused for a bit, looking at him, and then giving him the best of her smiles, "Heh, thanks, Charlie, you're a great friend too."
Suddenly, the space around her seemed to shift. Lydia got startled by the sudden change of scenario and got up quickly while looking at her surroundings.
She seemed to be in front of many escape pods, and while she was looking around, she noticed that many parts of wherever she was were destroyed and had fallen on the ground or above someone, and there was an alarm sounding all over the place.
Before she could figure out what was happening, her body moved towards the escape pod 3 3 and she pressed the button beside it. When it didn't work, she looked to her right side and saw no one else other than Charles looking at her.
At this point, a whirlwind of questions was running through her head, the main ones were "What is going on?", "Where am I?" and "Why is Charles here?". Before she could ask him anything, her body moved again towards the button – Charles also did that – and she pressed the button again two times before punching it and successfully opening the escape pod.
Charles and Lydia exchanged happy looks – "Why am I smiling? I need to know first what the heck is going on before assuming if this is a good thing or not!" - and they entered the escape pod.
Charles sat in the chair on the opposite side of the chair Lydia sat while the escape pod door closed. "Ahh, well that was intense. Can't wait to go ho-"
Suddenly, the escape pod door opened and Lydia was pushed out of the escape pod by a random Toppat. Everything happened so quickly that she only noticed what happened when she was back in the escape pod: Charles had tackled the random Toppat and thrown her back to the escape pod, but that Toppat quickly recovered and tackled Charles.
She was going to help Charles to get rid of the Toppat when the escape pod door closed shut. Lydia quickly got up and tried to open the door at the same time Charles pushed the Toppat against the door, "Don't worry about me." He said that while looking to both sides, "Ow-I'll find another way!"
With that, the escape pod was launched into space, leaving Charles behind at the station. Lydia was paralyzed in shock, what just happened? Before she could answer that, she heard Charles' voice coming from an earpiece that fell to the ground.
She bent down, picked it up, and put it into her ear just in time to hear what Charles had to say, "H-Henry, you there?"
"What? Henry? My name isn't Henry, it's Lydia, you dummy, did your hit your head or something?." Lydia said, but her voice wasn't coming out of her mouth, instead, another voice answered for her.
"Yeah Charles, I'm here." A familiar voice answered in her place, and with that, Lydia started to slowly understand what was happening.
"Wait… this situation seems familiar, didn't Henry say- Oh. Oh no." Lydia finally understood what was happening – she was dreaming about what happened today, but in Henry's vision. Henry told her that Charles saved him from dying in that station, but Charles stayed behind because a Toppat tackled him. If what Henry said is true, she knew what was about to happen, and she was starting to panic.
"Man…that roughed me up. Got him though. Gotta be another escape pod around here somewhere." Even though Lydia wasn't controlling her body's actions, she still put an invisible hand in her mouth. She saw an escape pod behind the debris of the station, but there was no way Charles could make it to that escape pod before the station exploded.
"We did it though. We got 'em. Pretty good plan. You could say it was the greatest-"
The station exploded before Charles could finish his line. Lydia was shocked. She slammed the escape pod's glass window, but it was no use, and she screamed.
"NO, CHARLES!" Lydia woke up screaming. She sat up and took deep breaths, looking carefully at her surroundings. She was at her tent, not at the space station nor in Charles' helicopter. She also noticed that she was sweating and that she slept in her uniform while hugging the portrait.
She slowly got up from her bed and got a peek outside of her tent. It was around a bit past midnight, 1:00 AM, she would risk saying. "Why did I dream Henry's memory?" she thought, as if she were hoping some kind of answer would come to that question, she looked at the portrait, illuminated under the moonlight.
She stared at the picture for a while and put the portrait on her nightstand, she changed her uniform to her pj's and lied in her bed again, and tried to sleep again. Lydia made a decision that she would tell General the next day, it wasn't that urgent, so it could wait. For now, it's better if she goes to sleep. It was a busy day for her, no, not just for her, but for everyone who knew Charles.
Hello everyone! My name is starlight-torment, but you can call me Arty, and this fanfic is an inspiration from the fanfic Valiant Souls, from @knightmareaceblue, go check them out!
A bit of this story is going to be interwined with her own chapters, with many lines being the same, but there are also going to be original lines, so don't miss out!
Also, I'm still practicing my art style, so be patient with me.
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sir-subpar · 2 years
Ejected (Part 1?) (Imposter Henry)
Fic below the cut!
**Note, the oc/fankid I made for this au (Astra, Henry's adopted daughter) is in this oneshot. Hope that doesn't cause too much confusion. People who follow my tumblr, deviantart, and Wattpad will probably have more context than those on Ao3. Also: I might write an alternate ending to this, but let's consider this the main timeline.***
Dread weighed down on Henry like an anchor. Blood dripped from his lips and claws, and Charles saw him.
Charles saw him.
Now he knows. 
The two stared at each other tensely. Unsure who would act first. 
Charles' face.. Henry had never seen a more betrayed and horrified look. 
Charles took a step back, Henry could see the cafeteria at the end of the hall behind Charles. 
The emergency button.
Charles bolted, and Henry gave chase. He couldn't let Charles out him to the rest of the crew! He didn't want to hurt the man, but he couldn't let him reach the button!
Henry was normally faster than earthlings, but Charles' military training made him a much harder target, not to mention he had a head start. Charles reached the cafeteria, luckily no one else was around to see, but he managed to reach the table, so Henry's luck was short.
They stared each other down, Charles hovered his hand above the red button. Henry looked at him pleadingly. Henry held his hands up, "Charles, please!" Henry took a step closer. Charles glared back at him. "Don't come any closer!" He ordered, his voice both authoritative and fearful. Henry halted. Charles began to well up a bit, his hands shaking. "How could you? I thought you were better! You told me you weren't like other imposters!" 
Henry said nothing. He wasn't sure if there was anything he could say to make this better. Charles continued. "I defended you. I told everyone you were a crewmate. I lied to everyone for you!"
Henry looked at the floor shamefully. "You killed Winston too, didn't you?" Henry nodded. 
Charles had tears running down his face. "First Winston… now Calvin.." 
Charles took a shaky breath. He seemed a bit conflicted, still hesitating to press the button. The button that could end Henry here and now. 
"I thought you were better.."
The alarm rang, and the crew came running. This was it. Henry couldn't get out this time. Dripping with blood, and Charles against him, there's no way out.
It wasn't surprising when the crew turned on him, but it still stung. They forced him into the airlock. A thick paine of glass separating them. The majority of the crew stared at him with anger and horror. Charles avoided eye contact. Henry's eyes darted around, briefly meeting his co-worker, Right's gaze. Reginald clung to Right's side. 
Captain Galeforce stepped ahead of the group, looking directly at Henry. "Stickmin." His stern voice, combined with the already vulnerable position Henry was in, struck fear into him. All it took for Henry to be launched into space was the press of the button, his fate lies with Hubert Galeforce.
That wasn't the worst part, though. Henry still had a secret from the crew, a secret that only Charles and Right knew. 
His daughter. He hid Astra in the vent in his room. What'll happen to her if he dies? Henry couldn't help but well up a bit. His mind raced. What should he do? He had to do something right? Could he? What should he do!? 
His claws dragged down the glass, scratching it. Usually he could rip through metal if he put in enough effort, the fact that he did so little damage unnerved him more. What kind of glass was this? 
"Pay attention Henry. I'm talking to you."
 His attention snapped back to Galeforce. Dammit, he had to keep his cool. He still has a chance. They haven't thrown him out yet, they might want him alive. 
"Good, you're listening. I have questions, Stickmin, answer them, and you might save your hide. So you might want to cooperate."
Henry resisted the urge to growl at him. He nodded, not having much of a choice.
 "I'm glad we can come to an agreement. First question should be easy. Are there any other imposters here?" 
Henry flinched. He couldn't rat out Right. But if he hesitates, then Galeforce will be suspicious. Henry went with the middle ground. He shrugged. "I don't know. I work alone." Galeforce squinted his eyes at him, suspicious. 
"Captain…" Charles began hesitantly. "You'll have your turn soon enough Charlie. I have plenty of questions to ask you." His tone changed when he addressed Charles, it went from authoritative to stern and disappointed. Charles wasn't off the hook either, it seemed. "That's not what I-! I just.. Captain, I need to show you something." He stammered. Galeforce raised a brow, genuinely intrigued, but still serious. "And what would that be, Charlie?"
Charles made eye contact with Henry, his expression a mix of multiple kinds of distress Henry couldn't quite recognize. And one he did. 
"I'll grab it for you, be right back." Galeforce eyed him with suspicion. "Miss Rose?" She stood at attention. "Please accompany him to wherever he's going." 
"Uh, sure. I can do that." She replied a bit unsure, probably just surprised.
It took a few minutes, but when they returned, Henry felt his heart drop to his stomach. 
They brought Astra. Out for the whole crew to see.
Henry quickly pressed his hands to the glass, almost slamming them. The leftover blood on his fingers stained the clear glass. No no no! This couldn't be happening, Charles can't do this! Who knows what Galeforce would do to her!? 
The whole crew was stunned into silence when they saw little Astra in Charles' arms. Right shot a concerned glance to Henry. Charles broke the silence, "This is Astra, Henry's daughter. He brought her with him onto the ship.." As Charles gently handed Astra to Galeforce, Henry's panic only grew.
 He started banging on the glass. "Charles please! Don't give her to him! CHARLES! Don't let him hurt her!" Henry's assault on the glass continued. 
Galeforce shot him an unreadable look, his eyes darting between the panicked Henry, and the baby wrapped in purple blankets he held in his arms.
The captain's sternness returned. He decided to hold Astra with one hand, by her onesie. She started whimpering, uncomfortable by the mask of support as well as the sudden pressure on her neck and chest. She began kicking her feet, helpless to do anything as the action made her swing slightly. 
Seeing his daughter distressed made Henry's fear transform into primal rage, fuelled by parental instincts. He went from just hitting the glass with his hands to clawing at it, shouldering it, even running back and charging at it full-force. It did very little. 
"Oi, Captain! He's losing his shit! Do something!" Rupert yelled over the commotion Henry was causing. 
Galeforce approached the glass, Henry snarled at him with an inhuman noise. Suddenly, Astra was pushed against the glass. Her cheek squished into the surface. This only made her cry louder. "Captain, I don't know if that's a good idea.." Dave said nervously. "I gotta agree, he's already pretty pissed off." Rupert added. Other crewmates began to voice their concerns. Captain Galeforce raised his free hand, gesturing for them to quiet their worries. 
"Stickmin. If you want your offspring safe, I suggest you calm down." Henry stopped attacking his surroundings, breathing heavily, barely containing his rage. "That's better. Now I'll reiterate a previous question. Are there other imposters here?" 
Henry had to gather his wits. He wiped tears off his face, and took deep breaths. He had to keep his cool. He took a second to think of a response. "You already found her." He choked out, distressed but still keeping Right a secret. Not even Charles knew he was an imposter, so no one should suspect him. "I see.. Alright, next question. Why are you here?" Henry glared at him. "I had a job to do." Galeforce's brows raised in intrigue. "So you were sent." 
 The interrogation continued. Henry gave mostly vague answers, only cooperating for Astra. After some time, the crew turned in for the night, Galeforce would decide Henry's fate in the ship's time-simulated equivalent of morning.
With all the lights off, Henry was left in the airlock, his daughter still in the hands of Captain Galeforce. He couldn't sleep. He stayed curled up on the floor, the cold metal pressing into his cheek. He exhausted his energy trying to escape, now he was just tired. 
He was startled by a light tapping on the glass, he rolled over to look at who the culprit was. He was greeted by a familiar face. Right looked at him with a serious expression. 
" 'Ello Henry, care to chat?" Right asked, he sat down and leaned against the glass. 
"I'm sorry this happened. How're you holding up?" Right knew the question was dumb, obviously Henry wasn't doing well. Henry shrugged, "It's my fault, I got careless and Charles caught me. I doubt Galeforce will let me out of here." Henry's tone was dry, hopeless, even. "And I don't know what he'll do to Astra when I'm gone. I've doomed her, Right… I've doomed her.." Henry got choked up. The realization horrified him. His shoulders bobbed as he cried. He buried his face in his arms to muffle his sobs. 
Right's expression softened. He may not have been that close to his coworker, but he could see that Henry was a broken man. 
"Henry.." He began, "I won't let Galeforce hurt her. I'll look after you when you're… not able to." Right hesitated, though he and Henry were both killers, the word 'dead' hung in the air. They both have spilled innocent blood, but this was more personal to them. Too real. Henry looked at him with tearful eyes. "You.. You'd really do that?" Henry questioned in awe. Right nodded. "You have my word. Imposter or not, your kid deserves to live." Right's earnesty gave Henry a sliver of hope. Henry rested his head on the glass. "... Thank you.." He mumbled. Right nodded. 
"I should go, if anyone sees us talkin' we'll both be goners." They both bid each other farewell, and parted ways. 
All Henry could do now was wait.
The crew eventually woke up eagerly awaiting the captain's arrival, and his final decision. The crew chatted amongst themselves. Henry kept his back to them. He couldn't look. He didn't want to see their disdain for him. He had his space helmet at the ready. If there was a chance he could survive out there in space, he'd take it. 
"Attention, everyone." The crew all silenced to look at their captain. "After some careful consideration, I have come to a decision." Galeforce placed Astra on the table, she curled up into a little ball.
"Henry will be ejected." 
Henry flinched. He knew it was coming, but hearing it made it all the more real. "As for his offspring.. I have determined that she's harmless. If someone is willing to take the task of looking after her, speak now." 
Right raised his hand. "I'll do it." Henry let out a breath of relief. At least she had a chance. Another voice piped up. "I'll do it too." Charles's voice surprised Henry. "I know some stuff about what she needs. I can help." Henry muttered a very quiet "thank you" under his breath.
"Well, if we're at a consensus, then we should all attend to our duties." Galeforce approached the airlock. Henry slammed on the helmet, and turned to face Galeforce. Bakery glared at him behind the lense of his helmet. "It's a shame things turned out this way, Stickmin. You brought this on yourself." 
With a press of a button, the external doors opened. Henry hardly had time to blink as he was violently pulled back, the floor beneath him disappearing. He spun out wildly, the environment around him blurred into a mess of pitch blackness and white lines. A dizzying mess. 
He couldn't tell how long he was spinning, but thankfully he was able to stop spinning when he bumped into a large rock. He used his slowed down drifting to regain his bearings. It took a while to rid himself of the nauseating dizzy feeling that plagued him. He was glad that he didn't throw up in his helmet. 
He looked around, he already lost sight of the space station. The crew… Charles… Astra… Gone. Just like that.
There was empty space all around him. He was drifting endlessly. Nowhere to go. No one to help him. 
He was alive, but what could he do now? His oxygen tank could only last so long. Once again, he was stuck waiting.
All the waiting with no end in sight, it only made his loneliness all the more suffocating. All his regrets more present. He shut his eyes, deciding that getting some sleep was all he could do now.
Cold. Everything was cold. Henry was tired.
Henry slipped in and out of consciousness. Tired, cold, hungry, lost. The same feelings over and over.
Henry stirred, rolling over. Wait.. Henry startled, suddenly fully awake. There was a floor beneath him, bright lights above him, and blankets tucked around him. It looked like someone made a nest out of blankets for him. 
"Oh. Hey. You're up." A monotone voice caught his attention. Henry looked towards the stranger. The man had a black top hat and orange-ish brown headphones poking through it. He was carrying a cooler. 
"I was starting to wonder if you were even alive." Henry only stared in shock. He had no idea what to say. 
"Look man, I get it. You're confused, you got launched into space and now you're on a new ship with strangers. But you can chill, it's safe here," Burt paused for a moment, seeming to remember something. "Oh. And I got this for you." Burt took the cooler and placed it in front of Henry. He cautiously opened the cooler Burt gave him. 
Meat. It was full of raw meat. And the ice that kept it fresh, but more importantly, meat. 
Henry was practically drooling. He quickly snapped out of it and looked at Burt. How did he know? Apparently his expression was pretty readable, because Burt's response felt like he was a mind reader. "You're an imposter, right? A carnivorous alien one?"
Henry's eyes widened. "W.. Why would you bring me here if you knew I was an imposter?" Henry asked, his voice weak from not being used in a while. "Almost everyone on this ship is an imposter. Some are technically crewmates that were ejected and accused of being imposters, but whatever, it doesn't really matter anymore. Welcome to the ship of ejection survivors. You can meet everyone else when you're ready." Burt's tone indicated that he's said that speech many times before, his tone still monotone. 
Burt left the room, it was then Henry realized that this room didn't have an actual door. They trusted him enough to leave him in a completely open room? No locks?
Henry pulled a steak out of the box, wrapped his long alien tongue around it, and ate it whole. Astra would have loved a snack like this. She was so tiny and only a few of her teeth grew in, still she loved gnawing on things… 
And he was never going to see her again..
"Hey man, I just realized I don't know your name and Sven is chewing me out over it. What's your name?"
"It's… Henry."
"Cool. Welcome to your new home Henry."
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Scenario 2 (the dancing one I think) and taunter 17 with Right and Henry. I am aware this is ridiculous
Hey, I really had fun with this one so thank you for sending it in. My ask box is always open for anyone to flood it. 
I kind of did this outside the box with this one so I hope you'll don't mind and still enjoy it. It's not too serious here mostly comedic 
2) Why are you taunting me? Stop— stop dancing. We’re in the middle of a fight. 
17) “This is stupid. Goodnight.” 
Right grumbles under his breath. Already annoyed as this wasn't going anywhere as he'd initially planned at the start. 
"Why are you taunting me? Stop- stop dancing. We're in the middle of a fight" Announced irritably, Right couldn't believe his eyes at the outright goofiness of the clan's newest recruit, "As your trainer I need to make sure you're prepared for anything. So you can't be doing this" 
"I'm not so don't be so uptight, dude. Just relax with me and have fun. That's what I'm doing and it's working for me?" All the while Henry chuckled out seemingly not caring in the slightest, "And this is a test trail 'fight' anyways. Nothing serious here. Besides, it's working in my favor, isn't it? You can't manage a hit on me" 
It was true whenever Right attempted to throw a punch, the other man ducked out of the way in time with a quick, smooth move. The new recruit is an impressive dancer though his unique moves weren't Right's thing when it's being used against him it got annoying. Henry kept brushing up against him, hips swaying easily with the motion of the wind. Irritating as it was, Right impressed although wouldn't admit to it out loud when watching the man's body move like he weighed nothing in mildly peaked interest.
"Again. This is meant to be taken very seriously, Stickmin" Right exclaimed, eye twitching, frowning deeply when harshly jabbing his robotic finger into Henry's chest. 
"'Ey. What got you so tense? Maybe I can do something then to help you out?"  
"Actually listening to me and doing what you're been told would do me wonders. I'm trying to teach you how to fight" 
Rolling his eyes, Right didn't notice that Henry was walking towards him, a wide, knowing grin on his face then he felt it. A pair of smooth cool hands firm on his hips finally caused him to still. It'd positioned him to lean backwards, eye wide in shock upon getting stuck in an unstable stance as the recruit stood him above. 
"Hm. I could and I will. But this sounds so much better, dontcha think? I saw you were intrigued in how I moved back there. I can teach you if you want?" 
Remaining stiff, awkward, his arms now glued to his sides, Right gulped, unsure to what he should do as he glared over at the other man brushing his auburn red locks from his face,  "I. Uh" 
"The look on your face is cute, Red. I like it" Henry complimented. 
"G-get your. Hands off me" He says in a whisper yet he didn't make the first move rather stayed unmoving, "I. I'll make sure you regret it" 
"Don't seem too confident there?" While running his hands on Right's hips though the recruit didn't plan to go further leaning in, suggestively wiggling his brows, "You're not saying no to it? I can show you some of my moves, yeah? May help you in the long run. Though I can pull back. Stop this if you don't wanna" 
Turned silent, Right looked away, his sun-kissed, freckled face scrunched up in an unreadable expression. Almost like he was contemplating something he's unsure of. Henry's actions are subtle if politely asking for his permission to continue, to teach him to dance, and how to melt the pent up tension. His imagination then went crazy, Henry being soft with him, leading the way, nobody interrupting them as the thief would likely than not at the end pull him in which may lead to more. It made him want to relax for once, allow someone else to be there for him acting as a protective shield. 
"You're thinking about it, huh?"
The one-sided, not too serious argument was seemingly forgotten about by the pair until Right can vividly remember he lightly pushed the man away. Henry wasn't hurt, allowing him to steady himself while he grinned, hands held up to appear non-threatening. 
"This is stupid. Goodnight" 
Feeling his scruffy cheeks, running his fingers down he noted the obvious warmth became unbearable so he hadn't mustered up the strength to face the newbie when making his way to the door. 
"Alright. We can try this tomorrow. Night, love"
His whole face totally engulfed in heat at the pet name, Right immediately wiped his head around, opening his mouth to say something until deciding otherwise, he stomped out, melting into his jacket's collar he heard the man's roaring laughter in the background. 
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knightmareaceblue · 3 years
If you don't mind me asking, will you please share some Henry Stickmin headcanons?
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Well, sure, here you go! The basic gist of it is, I tend to think of ItA as the most important branching point for Henry, where he essentially splits into four, and each of the of the resulting 'EtC' and 'CtM' endings simply expand upon these four base Henrys. I'll briefly summarize the differences between them. (NOTE: This is entirely exclusive to ME. I speak for no one else.)
Got kind of long, so here's a cut!
-Wears Terrence's hat and Reginald's stupid necklace (I hate drawing that thing with a burning passion.)
-This Henry is the one who splits the most in the four separate endings: In Toppat Civil War, he's essentially a cartoon villain, with a knack for arrogance and pettiness. In Toppat 4 Life he's at his coolest, but also isn't really a team player. Toppat King is the ending where he becomes the most effective leader. And Revenged... is Revenged. Single-mindedly focused on avenging his death.
-In T4L and TK, where he's on good terms with Reginald, Reggie acts as a sort of mentor and advisor to him. T4L Henry only occasionally listens, but does begrudgingly come to appreciate being on good terms with him. They have a much friendlier relationship in TK.
-TCW Henry is actually a better strategist than his actions would lead you to believe. One of Ellie's greatest and most committed mistakes is underestimating his team.
-Revenged Henry's memory is copied by the government and used to take down what's left of the Toppat Clan. They are entirely destoryed in that timeline.
-Personally, I don't visit this Henry very often. It's not that I don't find these interesting, I just... have more ideas for the other timelines.
-Scarred from the aftermath of the Airship crash
-Most chill Henry, generally 'go with the flow' kind of attitude.
-Mostly just likes treasure and shiny things, but will always capitalize on an opportunity.
-You'd think he'd change more between endings, but no. Jewel Baron Henry and Stickmin Space Resort Ending have basically the same attitudes towards life. The biggest changed is in Toppat Recruit/Pardoned Pals Henry, and that's solely because Ellie's there. When she's around, Henry has no problems handing over the reigns and letting her make major decisions (like joining the Toppat Clan).
-SPR Henry is actually on good terms with the governments of the Earth, despite everything he's done. He is not aware of all the weaponry the space station has at it's disposal, and probably doesn't care enough to find out.
-Is honestly the coolest Henry in terms of the things he's accomplishes. I mean, he steals a rocket. A ROCKET!
-Has a jacket and badge gifted to him by Charles after the events of 'ItA' (AKA my fanfic 'Imma Just Shoplift It' was an excuse to give Henry that jacket.
-Befriends Charles after 'ItA' and, as a result of his influence, is the 'most good' of the Henrys. Also the kindest Henry.
-Works as a Private Investigator post 'ItA'. Post-Triple Threat, he brings Ellie and Charles into the business. Post Special Brovert Operatives, he and Charles run it as a side-thing in their downtime. Post Valiant Hero, he gets a framed commemorative picture of Charles for the office. Cleaned 'Em Out... nothing really changes.
-He still steals, but only from criminals. This is still discouraged by the government, but ultimately, as long as he's bringing people to justice, nobody looks too hard at what he's doing on his off time. (It's unclear to everyone else how Charles feels about this. There's a betting pool on whether he's oblivious, disapproves, or is the get-away driver. Charles refuses to answer any questions about it.)
-As Triple Threat is my favourite ending, this is likely the Henry I'm drawing or writing about at any given time.
-Found a cool shoulder pad in the tank and wears it basically all the time.
-The only Henry that legit stops stealing. He's more interested in hunting bad guys, because it gives him the same kinda thrill and he learns that he loves fighting.
-Probably the strongest Henry TBH.
-Becomes a bounty hunter/mercenary post-'ItA'. After 'Capital Gains', he and Ellie become partners, though thanks to the riches they steal from the Clan they can pick and choose their work. The same applies to the 'Little Nest Egg' ending, except Henry works alone. Post-Free Man and Master Bounty Hunter, he becomes a little more hardcore and devoted about it.
-Has a cordial working relationship with the government, and can be friendly with Charles if so desired.
-Pretty cool dude, overall. Makes a lotta enemies, though.
Things that apply to all Henrys
-Crouching moron, hidden badass
-Kleptomania (That he can learn to control, depending on the ending)
-A huge freaking dork who thinks he looks cooler than he actually does.
-No real family or friend connections before 'ItA' (This can change, depending on the ending)
-Secret anxiety (You must be a level seven friend to unlock his tragic backstory)
-Does actually feel guilty about Dave in most endings.
-Biromantic Asexual
-Will do things purely to troll people. (Once put chocolate sauce on a pizza to see people's reactions) Thankfully it's usually only Henry that suffers for it.
-People will tell you he can't cook. This isn't necessarily true, and he could probably survive if left alone for a week. But his accident prone nature has made cooking ill-advised.
-Expert Dancer. Lover of all kinds of music.
-Actually good at puzzles.
Eh, maybe I'll add to this later if I come up with anything else. Hope you enjoy!
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flamingredanon · 3 years
are you the one that made that au where rhm gets rewired into henry? if you are, i find it a really cool concept and would like to hear more
Thank you.
I have made some changes to the story so here are some rambles
The reason Galeforce rewired Right wasn't out of revenge or anything evil, it was to save his life as the old cybernetics the Toppats used glitched out during fighting while Right and Reg were trying to steal the Romanian Ruby a second time.
When Reginald finds out that Right could possibly be alive, he goes slightly feral in trying to find him. The two weren't married but were very good friends and Reginald had blamed himself for "killing Right" as trying to steal the Ruby a second time was completely his idea and not Terrence's idea.
Henry and Reginald will eventually meet and a pretty big choice will happen, but I'm keeping hush on all that for now.
Galeforce also doesn't just send Right to prison because he doesn't remember anything after he wakes up and Dr V confirms that Right would never be able to safely remember his past fully.
Galeforce was the one to give Henry his name of Henry Stickmin. I honestly would like to imagine that Galeforce is terrible at naming things no matter what universe or morality he is.
Right's memories aren't deleted but sealed away in the deepest parts of Henry's mind, with Right always being a part of Henry.
Henry is still clean shaven but only because Henry didn't like the feel of the moustache on his face and does not have Right's old accent.
Nobody but Galeforce and Dr V know about the rewiring and they have went through great lengths to keep it a secret from everyone.
Henry joins the Government willing, originally Galeforce was going to help Henry find a job and housing and just let him live a new life, but Henry overheard Galeforce arguing with his boss over needing to have more men in his group and offers to help Galeforce by joining his team. Galeforce was unsure of this, but Henry assured the Captain that this is what he wants to do.
Dr V still monitors Henry to make sure things don't go wrong, but she is also helping the Government improve their technology because after hanging out in their medical ward for the few days she was there replacing Right's cybernetics and rewiring his personality into Henry's current personality, she saw how out dated everything was and Dr V is not going to let that continue.
And here are a few bios on our Government skrunklies.
General Adrian Tempest, Galeforce's boss and the man who hands Galeforce and his squad their missions, which are usually small things Adrian doesn't want to get his hands dirty on. Is distrustful of Henry and hates technology.
Charles Calvin, top pilot of the Government who can fly almost anything with ease. Doesn't like how Adrian bullies Galeforce and will occasionally play pranks on him as a result. Is currently at war with Captain Canterbury about planes and helicopters being better then boats and ships.
Captain Canterbury, navy captain and one of Galeforce's oldest friends. Has a younger brother in the police force and has that older brother mentor vibe with everyone. Currently at war with Charles over boats and ships being better then planes and helicopters.
Hershell Panzer, armor and sword expert who can get hot blooded in battle. Doesn't like technology, but where Adrian is reserved with his dislike of the future, Hershell dons his great sword and slays any tech that does him wrong. Thankfully he sees Henry's cybernetics as more prosthetics then technology.
Johnny Panzer, Hershell's son who can get just as hot blooded as his father. Actually understands technology and hopes his father could stop murder the only snack machine on base. Is actually looking to transfer to police work but helps Henry get used to everything on base for the short time he is there.
Calvin and Konrad Bukowski, twins who are actually experts on the battlefield, working together to get the mission done. Off the battlefield, they are trouble making brothers who occasionally get into squabbles themselves.
Captain Galeforce, the current captain of the Government who is like a father to his squad, despite the headaches that they may give sometimes. Does not like Adrian and wishes for the day he retires or steps down from the position, something that won't be happening anytime soon.
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2-crossedtopia · 3 years
Who are part of the team?
:D also pls dont question the level gaps im working on them JSNSJSH
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The Main Hero! Swanno! He's mainly a Stubborn Warrior! The angriest swan if any, does not actually want to be the protag aymore. She will smack anyone crying almost All The Time. She may have a fading halo and One small wing but call her an angel and they will obliterate you into next Tuesday. [Origin: Original OCverse]
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The returning, Signas! He had seen better days and is now a Cautious Warrior. Traded off his Emperor Sword for something a little more familiar for him while integrating his own armor with the Hero Armor. He overanalyzes a lot, which is understandable considering the damage done to his systems in the fight before the reset. [Origin: Megaman X]
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The first new member, Hokma! He's a Kind Cleric who may be too faithful of his role. Has an insanely high Righteous Anger hit chance. He would take any if not all offers to go and read in the library. Despite warnings from returning members, he still has his fascination towards the Divine Guardian. [Origin: Lobotomy Corporation/Library of Ruina]
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The 2nd newest member, Green! He's an Airheaded Mage who has a rather strange (and often terrifying) hatred to anyone with a top hat and is a little unnerving - having advanced cybernetics capable of murder and all. He's the team's highest magic damage dealer and an ideal distraction to monsters. [Origin: Henry Stickmin AU - RHMG AU]
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Another returning member, Mavos! He's a Cautious Thief with a love for animals. Constantly trying his best despite no longer together with his pet cat, Pudding. He admittedly proclaims himself being unreliable in terms of dealing damage. Even after the reset, he and his sister, Askali, can never set foot in one room together without a fight breaking out. [Origin: OC - Papers, Please]
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This bitch! 3rd newest member, Parasol the Laid-Back Imp! He comes from the same universe as Swanno and is a Black Heron. Despite the constant smile, his vibes are...they sure are something! One side he can be very lax and friendly (questionable) and another he is straightforward and serious. Claims to be a higher up of an army. Has a side hobby of fishing. [Origin: Original OCverse]
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4th newest member, ENA the Energetic Scientist! They're an excellent all-rounder with damage and support. ENA is a rather fascinating fella with really expressive ways of showing her different emotions. Considers Green a close friend, noting the similarities of their body structures. (half n half faces, "polygon" half arm, etc.) [Origin: ENA verse by Joel G]
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The most notorious of the returning member, Askali the Murderous Stubborn Tank! Not much of her personality had changed after the reset, for the better or the worst. After knowing her true origins, her hatred towards Behelmus, Mavos and Great Sage Vonel grows ever stronger. Everyone had at least fought her once. [Origin: OC - Papers, Please]
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This bitch 2. The returning, Behelmus the Laid-Back Popstar! Not much had changed for him as well, except he no longer views Askali as a love interest, but as a sworn rival. He's a little too set in his ways that he doesn't actually wish to leave Miitopia anymore, much to Swanno's disappointment. [Origin: OC - Papers, Please]
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The last newest member, Iwasaki the Cool Princess! She's not really much of a talker, but she can very much sing a mean song and even rap. Cares very much about how others see her and is a fashionista. Joins Team Two Crossed after knowing her husband, Baron Ham, is the Dark Lord. [Origin: FAKE TYPE]
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To the Monster Au!
This is an au created and run by FanGirlStephie (me) inspired by Henry Stickmin, created by Puffballsunited.
Same rules as my Blind!Henry Au applies here (except the deity is not a part of this au and this is not a fanfic series). https://ask-blindhenry-au.tumblr.com/
Nearly every character in this HS Au is a monster of some kind. There are a few humans in this world, but they are not too common.
Henry used to be human, until he died trying to break into a bank. His body exploded and he died, but for some reason he came back to life. He could not find his other eye though. But now he can somehow see timelines and different paths. Normally zombies are created from viruses and killed on sight, but Henry is different somehow. He cannot die now from most things. There are a few ways he can still die though.
Charles is a werewolf. He is young but a very experienced pilot in the government. He is basically a puppy and gets excited and distracted easily. Werewolves have a bestial form that they turn into during the full moon. They are animalistic and only can be calmed down by having members of their pack around.
Ellie is a red harpy. She is fierce and has a criminal history. She uses her powers and abilities to steal valuable treasures. Her harpy nature gives her a bit of an anger issue, but she tries to stay cool. Her hands are talons and are very sharp and deadly.
Reginald is a genie. He used to be a human thief ages ago. But when he stole from a powerful and magical sultan, he was punished by being turned into a genie and trapped in a lamp. Later, Right steals his lamp in a heist and now Reginald is a part of the Toppat Clan.
Right is a vampire. He used to be a human monster hunter. Until he was hunting a vampire who bit him and nearly killed him. He killed the vampire and got away, but got turned. Since he was now a monster himself, he joined a gang for better protection from all the monster hunters he’s made enemies off.
Galeforce is an old werewolf. He sees Charles as a puppy he needs to take care of and teach. He helps Charles with all of the werewolf stuff. He also helps him through his bestial form. Since Galeforce is older, he doesn’t go into his bestial form very often anymore. But high levels of adrenaline on the full moon could do it.
Rupert is a manticore. He has lion paws and calls his hair his “mane”. Manicores are known to be strong, vicious, and aggressive. So right out of highschool, Rupert went into the police force to help curb these parts of him. He feels with discipline, he can do a lot of good. He quickly surpassed police work and entered and rose through the ranks of the military.
Dave is a changling. Changlings are faes, but are in human families. So Dave doesn’t know anything about his powers or how to turn them on and off. The only way to know if a changling is a changling is by their eyes. Their eyes will be either purple or pink, which are the colors of fae. Fae also always have magical sparkles following them. Dave has no idea how to turn these aspects of himself off. Even though he doesn’t know a lot, he still wants to do good and help out.
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zecoritheweirdone · 4 years
ppl on the henry stickmin discord server ‘m in have been making fan factions and i have decided to also join that train. so. behold. sky pirates.
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this is anastasia robins. captain of the hood, and leader of the sky pirates. only a select few can call her by anne, otherwise she goes by captain/captain robins. she used to be the daughter of this rich couple but ran away when she realized how terrible they were to the poor. she changed her last name, and one way or another, built(or stole) a flying ship. the ship is basically like those balloon air ship things with a regular pirate ship on the bottom. just look up flying pirate ship i’m sure something like it will show up.
they basically function like a modern robin hood, with a pirate twist. they steal from the rich to give to charities and people in need. they do keep like half of the profit for themselves tho bc. they gotta earn some stuff too kdmdkdk. the general public probably isn’t aware of the charity part tho, so they are still wanted.
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ollie burns! first mate of the hood, and. like. information holder of the sky pirates. idk if there is a better name for that. he holds info. also ignore the fact that his glasses are two different colors it’s supposed to be the dark blue one idk why it’s light blue on the left one but i’m too lazy to change it.
joined the crew during a raid gone almost wrong,, near the beginning of the sky pirates’ reign. got offered a place on the ship, agreed, and climbed up the rankings. looks up to anne.
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kyle ortiz! resident cool guy of the ship. no special role in the ship, honestly, just a regular crewmate. doesn’t mean he doesn’t act like he’s important tho.
have been thinking that he was supposed to be a spy from an enemy faction(not sure which one, probs not toppat tho),, but ended up liking the ship more than his old faction and switched,,, but idk.
and now have some cards (credit to @/charles-calvin-fanclub for the card base)
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the-toppat-king · 4 years
Chapter Eight: Brothers at Heart
Sven groaned a bit as he woke up.
For a moment the Swed lay on the stiff bed of the med bay, staring at the ceiling. A dull pain spread through his back, but it wasn't nearly as bad as it had been the past few days. Sighing, Sven rubbed his eyes and slowly sat up. Thomas sat nearby, reading, and Sven felt a familiar relief at seeing him.
Since they were caught he'd been having nightmares. The first night he had dreamt that they hadn't been captured, but rather killed in front of him. He had screamed when he woke up, but thankfully hadn't had that one again since the two escaped while he had been unconscious. The new nightmare was that their escape was only a dream. He'd wake up in the nightmare and they'd be gone again.
"A', you're awake."
Sven glanced up, smiling as he saw Right in the doorway.
"Hey, Right. How's Henry doing?"
"You two are so predictable, 'Enry asks the same question every time 'e sees Reg and I." Right laughed a bit. "'E's adjusting. Not easy 'aving a new spine, I suppose, but he's toug'ing it out. Pretty sure the doc might be keepin' 'im 'ig' on pain killers whenever s'e's not working on 'im."
"How's Reginald handling it?" He frowned. "He's not overworking himself, is he?" Sven couldn't imagine how hard it had to be for Reginald. He loses one son and almost loses the other in one day, immediately gets the first son back and then loses him again. Sven hadn't been there, but he'd heard that Reginald had seen Henry die. Even if it was only temporary, it couldn't have been easy. Hell, it was hard for him to even hear about.
"No, 'Enry gave 'im an order to take it easy and consider 'is limits. It ain't easy on eit'er of us, but we'll manage." Right walked over, sitting down by him. "But 'ow are you doing, Sven? I know you've been 'aving nig'tmares."
"Thomas told you?" Sven rubbed his arm, shooting Thomas a glare.
"I've done nothing of the sort! Reginald checks on you occasionally." He didn't even look up from his book, licking his thumb to turn the page. "It's not my place to tell anyone if you don't want to talk about it.
"T'omas is telling the truth." Right frowned. "And Burt c'ecks the cameras when 'e gets up in t'e morning. 'E's seen you wake up screaming."
Goddammit Burt.
"Yeah, I..." Sven sighed, looking at his feet. "...it's nothing. There's just...a lot of guilt."
"If it wasn't for me getting hurt, Henry wouldn't have been captured and he wouldn't be injured. He shouldn't have stopped for me."
The blonde looked up at Right as he took his hand.
"W'at 'appened was not your fault." He told him sternly. "I told Reginald this and I'll tell you the same t'ing, Dmitri s'ot you, Dmitri s'ot 'Enry, Dmirti is w'y t'is all 'appened. And Dmitri is not getting away wit' t'is. I know w'at I'm saying won't stick at first, and I know it won't stop the guilt. It won't stop the nig'tmares or make you feel better yet. But for now I need ya to know t'at you couldn't 'ave prevented this. Someone would 'ave been caug't no matter w'at. Dmitri would not 'ave been satisfied wit' just you. I mean, t'ere was a fuckin' riot, and t'e man focused on 'Enry, C'arles, Ellie and T'omas just because t'ey started it and ruined 'is reputation."
"I know..."
"So don't blame yourself." Right sighed. "I know it ain't gonna be easy, Sven. I never said it was, but you gotta fig't off t'ose t'oug'ts t'at it was your fault, because it wasn't."
The blonde sighed, nodding. "Alright, Pa." He paused a moment, taking a breath. "Do you think I could see Hen?"
"If you can prevent Reg from bein' a mot'er 'en for an 'our or two." Right grinned. "It's no good for you to stay in the med bay all day."
Sven smiled...
"Although you get to ask Dr. Vinsc'pinsilstien."
...and immediately deflated. He didn't know much about the woman, only that she was a former Toppat Clan member and she had a grudge. He knew she was a member around the time Terrence was leader, and while he only met her a handful of times(typically when he got dragged into Henry's mischief), she had always intimidated him a bit. But he understood asking her himself, he was an adult, after all.
Also she might be a tad bit angry if I just show up. Sven thought with a wince. We're lucky that she even agreed to save Henry in the first place, we should not antagonize her.
"That's fair, I suppose." He rubbed the back of his neck.
"Thank you for letting me see him, Dr. Vinschpinsilstien."
"Mhm. I have a feeling it would have ended in a fight if I said no."
"Why is that?"
"Just a hunch." She muttered. "Toppats are stubborn people who don't usually take no for an answer."
"Dr. Vinschpinsilstien." Sven paused. "We are not in any kind of place to make demands of you or make you angry. We're lucky you even decided to stabilize Henry, let alone perform the surgery to save him."
"Eh, I can't complain much. He's not bad company, and he's quite bright."
"...are we talking about the same Henry Stickmin? The man climbs in vents."
Dr. Vinschpinsilstien laughed a bit. "Never outgrew that?"
"Well his first week of leader I caught him stuck in the vent above his desk. I still have no clue how he got up there or why."
"Eh, he's a small man. Probably just likes small spaces."
With that, she opened the door.
Sven stood silently a moment.
Henry was talking quietly with Charles, but what really caught his attention was the lack of a shirt and the fresh scars the marked his pale skin. His left side, around his shoulder area, was scarred horribly and the entire arm, shoulder included, was gone. The new arm itself was detached, laying on Henry's lap while he worked on it. There was a piece of metal with a part to connect the arm to on where the shoulder once would have been. His chest was scarred horribly as well. One long scar went down his chest, where Sven assumed his heart had been removed. A light glowed brightly on the center of his chest, fading and brightening with the rhythm of a heartbeat.
Scars also crossed his face, one going from the bottom right half of his face up near the top corner of his left eye and a couple down the left side of his face. His left eye was dull, pupil cloudy. Blind.
Sven didn't think he wanted to see his back.
Suddenly Henry looked up, noticing his adoptive brother standing there. A grin spread across his face and he set his arm aside, practically jumping up. "Sven-"
-and immediately Henry was falling forward.
The blonde just barely managed to dart forward in time to catch him. "Henry!"
"Eh, sorry, this is going to take some times to get used to." He laughed a bit as Sven shifted to prop him up. "Doc says it'll take some time before I can-"
"Before you can even stand!" She finished. "And not just time, physical therapy! You're not going to recover if you're so reckless!"
"Sorry, Doc." He replied, voice a bit quieter. Sven blinked at him, something hitting him.
He's talking to them.
"Эти проклятые Топпаты." Dr. Vinschpinsilstien muttered, leaving. "Они собираются убить меня!"
"You're talking." Sven looked at Henry. "Since when?"
Henry glanced at Charles with a goofy grin. "What can I say? For a government pilot, he's not that bad. Ellie's pretty cool, too, and the doctor is good company when she's not annoyed."
"Hey, uh." Charles suddenly stood, rubbing the back of his neck. "Sven, right? I...I'm sorry. If I hadn't run into you guys, you wouldn't have been hurt and Henry wouldn't have gotten caught."
Sven stared blankly at him. He...apologized? For what?
"If it wasn't for me getting hurt, Henry wouldn't have been captured and he wouldn't be injured. He shouldn't have stopped for me."
For some reason it hadn't occurred to him that anyone else involved would be feeling some kind of guilt. How could that not occur to him? Thomas and Reginald saw him fall, Ellie was the person just before him on the ladder, Geoffery left him and Charles was the one to ask for help.
Do I even blame him? Sven loathed the government, of course. He didn't think there was a Toppat who didn't.(Except maybe Henry, but Henry was always a bit of an odd ball.) But could he really blame Charles for doing his job?
Both of them were there at the wrong time.
"It isn't your fault." Sven avoided his eyes as he helped Henry back to the bed. "Trust me, I get it, and I get that it isn't going to be easy. But just remember that this is all Dmitri's fault. You got involved because of the way he runs the wall, right? If he weren't a goddamn dictator, you wouldn't be involved."
Charles blinked a couple times, then smiled. "Yeah, I guess you're right. Besides, I need to focus on taking them down!"
Optimist, much?
"We need to focus on taking them down." Henry corrected. "The government's agreed to get off our back for a while if we help."
"What? A-are you serious?" Sven straightened up, and Charles rubbed the back of his neck.
"I mean...we can't actually prove you've done anything illegal yet? As a group, I mean. We can try to take down your leaders, but as a whole we can't touch the Clan itself." He admitted. "It's why we sent Henry on board, to either capture Reginald or the Right Hand Man or find evidence that would let us make an arrest. But, uh, that backfired."
"It almost didn't." Sven admitted. "I wasn't there, but from what I've heard, Henry was very close to handing Reginald over. He only decided against it because leadership of the Toppat Clan was better in the long run."
Henry nodded. "...although, that might not be an option anymore."
"Dr. V thinks it might be best if I step down." Henry admitted. "...and I don't think she's wrong. My heart and arm, fine, I can deal with that and it won't slow me down. But my spine had to be completely replaced, along with my ribs. My spine is actually exposed, all it takes is one gunshot for the cybernetics keeping me alive to start failing. One mission gone wrong, or one rouge Toppat who gets unhappy with my leadership..."
"...and it'd be easy to take you out." Sven finished quietly. "But...if you don't come back, what will you do? Do you have anywhere to go?"
"Dr. Vinschpinsilstien offered me a job here if I want it. Look, I won't abandon you guys right now, I won't make any concrete decisions until..." Henry glanced at Charles. "Well, you know."
Until the rocket launches. Sven guessed. "...I don't want to lose you again."
"...I know. I don't want to say goodbye, either. But...you guys will always be family, don't get me wrong, but I just...I don't think my place is with the Clan anymore. I...I don't think it has been for a long time."
Sven sighed, sitting on the end of the bed as Henry returned to tinkering with the arm. His heart sank a bit, but he knew Henry was right.
It wasn't safe for him to come back permanently. Henry had been a Toppat once, but he wasn't anymore and Sven knew that. He reasoned that it wasn't like they couldn't call, and they would have to come back to Earth for raids. They could see each other every once in a while.
"Y'know." Charles spoke up. "Uh, we do fund Dr. Vinschpinsilstien."
Sven looked at him, confused.
"Her research, I mean. And in exchange we get to be some of the first people to test out her cybernetics. So, uh, if Henry actually did want to work with her, we might be able to get him a pardon under the reasoning that he works with us. I mean, she...doesn't really work for or with us, but who cares about technicalities?"
"...you'd do that?"
"Of course! Henry's my friend! Also we do owe him for the whole kidnapping thing." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah, I, uh, don't know why the General thought that was a good idea."
"Ellie gets pardoned first." Henry reminded him.
"Sure. We have...no idea what she was in there for, actually." Charles admitted. "She was a thief, sure, but it was nothing that notable."
"It doesn't matter to Dmitri." Henry muttered. "It wouldn't surprise me if he just kidnapped her without thinking and it just so happened she had a criminal record. But it's not our place to ask unless she wants to tell us."
"I hope she's willing to open up to us." Charles added. "We'll be a real Triple Threat for the Wall!"
"...why did you say it like that?"
"Charles likes to be dramatic."
"I do not-"
"You crashed a helicopter into the airship."
"I- Okay, you got me there."
Sven smiled.
At least if Henry stayed while the Clan left, he wouldn't be left alone.
And while the grief was still there, it didn't seem as bad now.
Translations Эти проклятые Топпаты - These damn Toppats Они собираются убить меня - They're going to be the death of me
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sakichi56 · 4 years
I just want to say that this year's Game Awards was a real mixed bag. Sure, I was happy that Laura Bailey won, and it was nice to see Troy Baker. It was really cool seeing Jacksepticeye, it was nice that they had at least 1 actual gamer presenting an award, even if it was only for Twitch streamers and not a game. And I am always happy to see Reggie.
However, did the Last Of Us 2 really need to win 7 awards? I mean, good for it, and if fans really thought it deserved those awards then fine. But I hope people weren't just voting for it in every category just because they like the game. I do not believe that Doom won a single award, despite the fact that I know a ton of people were really hyped for it before it came out. Sure, it could have just not been as good a game as people thought it was going to be, but I still feel bad for all the developers that worked on that game and probably put their all into it, only to not even get a single award because another game that already won kept getting the awards.
Though I was also happy for Among Us. It is always good to see an Indie game make it big and not just big among gamers, but big enough to beat out huge titles that are on actual consoles. Those developers looked so happy, and I'm pretty sure at least one of them even cried. That was really nice to see. I may not be a big fan of Among Us, but I do like the team behind it. The Henry Stickmin airship map and skins is amazing, I love that series. I wish it had been nominated for an award, but I knew that wouldn't happen. Congratulations Inner Sloth.
Also, just gonna say it, Nintendo, step it up. Y'all really didn't show us anything during the whole show. And the small things you did show us just weren't enough. Don't advertise yet another WiiU title being ported to the Switch, and NOT show us any of the new content. Show us something new. Heck, advertise PuyoPuyo Tetris 2. At least that is new. Or tell us something about Metroid 4! We all wanna know about that. Don't give us more Breath of the wild, we have enough of that. Oh and I'm sure some people are happy about Sephy in smash, but I'm honestly not. I feel so bad for all the Geno fans who have been wanting him in for years, and we already had Cloud, did we really need a 2nd FF rep when we could have gotten something completely new instead? Come on, give us better fighters. I love you guys and so many of your franchises, but this year was a real let down from ya.
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flamingredanon · 3 years
(Continuation of the CCC prompt)
Henry felt soothed as the sun's warmth draped over his back as he trained, Dr V wanted him to get into jogging/running out of their physical therapy lessons. An exercise that would get Henry more acustumed to his Cybernetic leg. During his jog, Henry watched the sky turning into a mess of orange, yellow and blue as the sun set.
Coming to a stop, Henry pulled his water bottle from his pocket and downed the cold water, feeling almost automatic relief as the cold liquid slid down his throat, cooling the rest of his body. Henry slowly sat onto a patch of grass, hoping to relax during the final moments of the sun set.
"Haha. Hey Hen? If you like sunsets so much then you should see them from my helicopter. There way better when you're up close like that." Charles' giddy, faded voice met Henry's ears, a past memory of a converastion he had with him... God, how long had it been since that day?
"Cmon Hen! I've seen you during a Misson! You're badass! You've gotta be more nice to yourself." Ellies voice cut in and Henry had to Bury his face into his arms to conceal the tears that threatened to down pour. He missed them so much... Missed Charles' stupid jokes that he thought would be good to tell him over text at 3 am.. Missed Ellies courage to face anything and everything at all times no matter what happened during the day or week...
God, what a mess this all was.. Henry squeezed his eyes shut and tried to stop his tears. No, not now. He didn't have time to grieve. Not yet. He needed to train so he could fight and kill those fuckers who took everything from him. Then and only then would he grieve...
"I'm proud of ya Henry. Thanks for helping us out and.. Thanks for helping Charlie out, he hasn't had a friend like you in... Well I don't know how long.. I just know that, I've never seen him smile like he does when he sees you Henry. So thank you." ... You're welcome Galeforce...
The sound of footsteps on gravel caught Henry's attention, he lifted his head and saw 2 toppats lounging outside the Base. Their conversation distant but still manageable to hear.
"Ya hear about what's going on with the CCC?"
"Nah not really. Their crazy, I want nothing to do with them. Especially after what they did to that government base last month... Heard that over 200 soldiers were stationed out there and only 1 survived."
"Yeah yeah, that Henry Stickmin bloke. Isn't he a toppat now?"
"Yep, heard the chief felt bad for him since he just lost his home and friends."
"Pfft, what friends could you even make there? The general?"
"Haha, yeah. I'm a little surprised though, wasn't Henry a thief before all the government nonsense? How the hell did he even manage to join them? Let alone make friends there. OHHH be careful everyone! Stickmin might steal your wallet!"
Henry clamped his hands shut, the knuckles on the human one turning white. He'd show them... Punch the shit out of them whilst telling them tales of the best pilot and Solider ever-!
"Oh that reminds me, heard the Chief is planning to attack one with the smaller CCC bases. Its out in the middle of nowhere, perfect for us to ambush it and get info on why their going all pysco."
"Wait- Holy shit really?!"
"Yeah! He's forming a group to send out there, I kinda want to sign up just out of boredom ya know?"
"Yeah I get ya."
Reginald was... What?! Henry didn't even feel himself getting up, nor did he feel himself start sprinting in the direction of the Base. He slowed as he came up to the 2 toppats, shoulder checking one of them and flipping the other off. Fuck them. He then picked up his sprint again as he opened the door and ran in the direction of Reginalds office.
Henry opened the door with a slam and Reginald and right, who had been having a conversation, jumped at the sudden noise.
" 'enry! Jesus, calm ya self down would ya?"
Henry glared with seething hate. Why the hell had they not told him?!
"Henry?" Reginald asked, concerned.
"An ambush?! You're planning an ambush?! Why the hell didn't you tell me?!"
Reginald and right cringed.
"I'm joining it!" Reginald and right looked up in shock.
Reginald started to ask "Are you sure..." but Right interrupted him and shocked Reginald with what he had to say.
"Fine, but ya are with me. I could use your creativity in getting where they might be hiding their data center, ya know how the CCC is with their little hidey holes."
Henry nodded before saying "Thank you Right." Then he found himself rubbing the back of his neck "And... sorry for scaring the crap out of you two, I just heard about the ambush and kind of went overboard."
Reginald gave a sheepish chuckle seeing Henry go from adrenaline to apologizing like an awkward teen.
The day of the ambush on the CCC base arrived. Right and Henry had warned the other Toppats about how dangerous the CCC really was and not to let their guard down.
And while Right and Henry would love to be part of the main team that bashed heads in, they both knew they had a far more important role in the mission.
As Toppats and CCC agents fought, Right and Henry snuck off to the vents, scanning the walls for the main control room and any hidden data rooms.
Despite the two having cybernetics, Right and Henry managed to crawl through the vents without being heard, eventually finding the main control room thanks to Henry's thought of the vents being more clean wherever there was an important room.
The CCC chief of the small base didn't stand a chance, Henry beating the shit out of him as Right started looking through files.
Henry honestly found the violence therapeutic, the small CCC chief not so much.
While beating the man unconscious, Right let out a "Oh crap", that got Henry's attention. Henry went to Right as he started talking.
"It seems that the CCC was working with the Government and the Wall to attempt to recapture or destroy their two little chaos projects, you and I. It seemed that Hubert Galeforce was in on the whole thing and either him or... Charles Calvin was in charge of giving reports about you to them."
Henry felt his heart shatter as Right continued "The CCC base that attacked the Government base you were at, wasn't in the loop about the alliance and now the CCC is clearing out the rest of the Government bases to clear their trail."
"...Agent General Wilford has told the other CCC bases to not worry about... the chaos projects. That apparently he has a new plan to detain us... and it involves Dr Anastasia Vinschpinsilstien."
Henry and Right just stared at the information on screen, people they thought they could both trust, were with the CCC. Eventually Right took off a locket he wore and crushed it in his hands, letting the chain fall to the ground.
Right gathered the information and Henry couldn't find any secret rooms, and honestly he was thankful for that.
Because both Right and Henry couldn't deal with anymore heart shattering news.
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knightmareaceblue · 4 years
Forever Isn’t Long Enough
TW: Gun Violence, Aggravated Assault. Let me know if I need to tag anything else please.
In the aftermath of the worst day of his life, Charles Calvin makes an important decision about his future.
Nothing says ‘Today’s gonna be a great day!’ quite like a fresh explosion to Charles. He watched excitedly from his chopper as an entire wing of the building his two favourite people had infiltrated blew apart in a glorious blaze of red flame and black smoke. A normal person might have been more concerned, but a normal person was not partnered with the infamous Henry Stickmin and Ellie Rose: master ex-criminals who specialized in infiltration, espionage, and overall ass-kicking. A little explosion was nothing to them.
“So much for being subtle.” Ellie’s calm, collected tone came through the headset. She was always so cool under fire, and her voice still caused Charles’ heart to stutter despite all the time they spent together. “Henry, how are you holding up?”
From his position in the helicopter, Charles couldn’t see their third teammate, but he could imagine Henry giving a spirited thumbs up. It was very rare he was up to talking, but Henry had survived worse things than a meager explosion. At this point, Charles was half-convinced Henry was invincible. He was without a doubt the strongest, bravest man Charles had ever known.
They were his best friends and his soulmates. Charles couldn’t think of two better people to be partnered with.
A brief moment passed, then Ellie came back on the line. “We’re good then. Charles, where’s our guy?”
Their current target had a long, obnoxiously pretentious name. During briefing Charles had jokingly called him Mister Bigwig, and the nickname had stuck. These last few weeks the team had been spent meticulously burning his bridges and cutting his lifelines, preparing for today’s operation to finally take down his endangered animal smuggling empire and bringing him in. They hadn’t quite expected him to blow up his head of operations to throw them off, but, well, that was special operations for you.
Charles flickered through the cameras, eventually catching the tacky orange suit of his target on one of them. “Found him. He’s heading south, towards the helipad. I’ll swing around and cut him off, you two keep on his tail. Hurry up though, I wouldn’t want to get all the credit for this arrest.”
With a smirk, Charles pulled his helicopter around to head off their target. Over the headphones Ellie’s voice came again. “Promise me you’ll be careful, Charles.”
“Uh, aren’t I always?” He replied casually.
“Actually, no, that’s why I have to keep reminding you.” Ellie retorted, expertly weaving both sarcasm and concern into her voice. She worried too much about him, honestly. The both of them did. “I mean it Charles. Don’t do anything stupid.”
He huffed, but acquiesced. “Fine, fine. No crashing for me today.”
Over the radio, Charles heard Ellie tell Henry, “Honestly, that idiot’s gonna be the death of me-” before it clicked off.
With Henry and Ellie preoccupied chasing after their mark, Charles swung his chopper around to the helipad. His initial plan had been to land and barricade the door, then sabotage the guy’s escape vehicle, but he had apparently underestimated the distance between that camera and the helipad. Or maybe he’d underestimated how fast the guy could run. Regardless, Mister Bigwig, with his slicked back hair and his piercing orange suit, emerged from the building and began making his way towards the helicopter.
Well, shoot. Now what?
Charles considered his options. He could always crash his helicopter into the guy. Would certainly prevent him from getting away. But nah, he’d already promised Ellie he wouldn’t do that. Besides, it’d been six weeks and three days since Henry’s last nightmare about him or Ellie horrifically dying. The last thing Charles wanted was to trigger Henry and break his streak.
Okay, so that plan was out. Well, Charles could always remotely control the other helicopter. It would be amusing to watch this pompous wanna-be gangster desperately attempt to wrestle control of his machine while Charles flew him straight to HQ to be processed. But… flying two ‘copters at once would be a real pain. He’d be lucky if he managed not to crash at least one of them. Put that one on the back burner, then.
It only he could prevent the chopper from taking off at all- Oh, idea!
Charles’ fingers danced across the various buttons on his dashboard before gently pressing in one that was labeled with a picture of a piece of gum. The machinery hummed, his helicopter’s gun lowered, and then it launched a single grenade at the enemy vehicle. The grenade hit the ground, bounced once, then exploded, coating the rear rotor and landing gear in a pink sticky substance.
Mister Bigwig stared slack-jawed at the mess made of his escape vehicle. With a grin, Charles leaned out the window of his helicopter to call out to him, “Sorry, looks like you’re flight’s been delayed!”
...and immediately ducked back in as Mister Bigwig pulled a gun from his sport coat and fired blindly in Charles’ general direction. His aim was absolute garbage, but the sound of the metal bullets hitting the broad side of his baby made Charles grit his teeth. Man, and he’d just given her a fresh buff, too!
“Uh, guys?” Charles spoke into his headset. “Doooon’t mean to rush ya, but will you be getting here anytime soon?”
“We’re almost there, had to get through a security gate- Wait,” Ellie’s tone suddenly turned serious, “is that gunfire?! Hang on, Charles! We’re on our way!”
Charles flinched instinctively as the next bullet got a little too close to the window for his liking. “Ah, take your time, no rush.”
Honestly, his saving grace was that Mister Bigwig was either too angry or too stupid to fire at his engine or rotor instead of attempting to take him out. Still, knowing he was protected by strong metal and bulletproof glass didn’t make being under fire any less unsettling.
Mister Bigwig paused to reload his weapon, and it was at this point that Ellie and Henry burst through the door. Ellie was first, her hair frizzed up like an angry cat’s, and she only paused to look around for the mark before charging at him with a closed fist. The resulting wham made Charles, if only for a moment, feel sorry for the poor bastard. Then Charles remembered he made his fortune off of killing endangered animals and selling off their body parts and decided he got off light.
“That was for trying to blow up my boy.” Ellie told him, fury burning cold. She then delivered a hard kick to his ribs. “And that was for trying to shoot my other boy.”
Charles brought his ‘copter in for a gentle landing. He immediately hopped out to help his two partners bring in their mark. “Nice work, guys!”
Immediately Henry ran up to Charles, holding his arms tight and looking him over with his frantic, gorgeous red eyes. Charles let him; no matter how much verbal reassurance he or Ellie gave him, Henry was never fully satisfied until he saw for himself that both his partners were unharmed. Once his Stickmin Inspection was complete, Charles helped Ellie pull their target up. She’d already cuffed the guy, so all that was left was dragging his sorry ass back to headquarters. With Ellie dragging him on one side and Charles on the other, they forced him into their helicopter, Henry following behind with both hands on his weapon.
“You’re okay?” Ellie asked.
Charles tossed her his best, most charming smile. “Aren’t I always?”
Ellie rolled her eyes at him, but seemed satisfied by his answer. “Well, all’s well that ends well, I suppose.” She decided. Then she smiled at him, her face crinkling with cute little dimples. “And you did great stopping that helicopter. Nice work.” She leaned closer to give him a kiss.
Her lips met Charles’ palm, placed halfway between their faces. “Ah, you know the rules.” He told her, fighting to keep his smile off his face. “Strictly professional on missions.”
“Oh yeah,” Her violet gaze pierced into Charles, leaving him with a lasting shiver, “You’re so professional.” A teasing twinkle lit up Ellie’s eyes.
The moment was ruined by Mister Bigwig making exaggerated retching sounds. “Ugh,” He groaned, “I can’t believe my private guard fell to this-”
Whatever undoubtedly sexist thing he was about to say was interrupted when he tripped and crashed headfirst into the cement. You’d expect the leader of a smuggling empire to be less clumsy, jeez. What? Henry was no where near the guy. His hand was certainly not on his back. That’s ridiculous; the bastard was just a klutz.
Inwardly, Charles snickered. Outwardly, he was the picture of stoicism as he pulled the guy back up on his feet.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. I know my cohort took care of reading your rights, so just remember you’re welcome to exercise your right to remain silent at any time.” And with that Charles, pushed the man into his helicopter, turning around to be met with his two favourite people, staring up at him with mirror expressions of puppy dog eyes and sad, precious pouts.
God damn it.
“Fine,” He told them, putting effort into sounding more annoyed than he actually was, “You get one smooch each. Make them count.”
And oh boy, did they.
It took several hours for team Triple Threat to arrive at base with Mister Bigwig. General Galeforce, several guards Charles had seen around from time to time, and another high-ranking officer Charles was unfamiliar with, were waiting for them. Charles greeted them with a salute that Henry and Ellie echoed soon after.
“Excellent work, all of you.” The Capt’n told them, motioning for the guards to take custody of Mister Bigwig. “Tomorrow we’ll have Mister Big-” General Galeforce paused, then scowled, “Mister Cholmondeley transferred to a cushy four by four in a military prison. Not the Wall,” He immediately promised Henry and Ellie, “A more humane place. Still quite uncomfortable, but much better than the cages he’d transported his livestock in.”
The Officer standing next to the General nodded. “We’ve already made arrangements for his surviving wares to be taken to specialized wildlife hospitals before being released in specialized preserves. I cannot thank you all enough for your efforts in bringing Cholmondeley down.”
Henry flushed adorably at the praise, the way he always did. Ellie just smiled. Charles spoke on their behalf. “It was our pleasure, sir. Now if you’ll excuse me,” Charles immediately hopped off of the helicopter to head for the repair shed, “I have to make sure that prick didn’t break anything important.”
Everything proceeded as normal after that; Ellie and Henry joined him in grabbing some supplies from the repair shed, but made the wise decision to stay out of Charles’ way while the repairs were underway. They were his most trusted and beloved partners, sure, but this was his baby. They knew better than to mess with her.
It was while Charles had been tinkering with something inside that he heard Mister Bigwig’s loud, grating voice screech out, “YOU BITCH!” before his entire body stilled at the sound of a gunshot. Charles immediately dropped what he was doing and raced to peer out into the garage just in time to watch Ellie catch Henry and scream.
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Watching Henry go down shut something off in Charles’ head. He wasn’t thinking anything at all as he raced to his partners’ side, helping Ellie put pressure on the bullet wound. Henry was conscious, thankfully, but he gasped breathlessly as he struggled through the pain. A part of Charles half-expected Henry to just get up and carry on, to laugh at Charles and Ellie for thinking he could be caught off-guard like that, to pull a bag of fake blood out of his shirt and squirt it playfully in their faces. But Henry stayed down, and the liquid pouring onto their three hands was very sticky and very warm.
“Henry- Henry, it’s okay, you’re going to be okay-” Charles’s mouth pushed out words borderline non-sensibly, desperate to fill the silence. “I’m here, it’s okay, you’re okay- you’re- you… Henry…”
It was then that he noticed there were only two hands covering the wound now – his and Henry’s. Charles kept babbling as his eyes darted around, searching desperately for Ellie- where was she, why would she just leave Henry like this, what was she doing-?
He heard her before he saw her; the scream Ellie made was feral; unhinged. A disturbed sound he hadn’t thought his calmest partner capable of. She pounced on Mister Bigwig, and the would-be murderer became her victim as her nails violently punctured his skin, tearing at his face. “BASTARD!” She yelled, her voice high and grating. Her entire body shook with her unbridled rage as she continued her assault, desperately attempting to tear Henry’s shooter apart with her bare hands. One of the guards, who looked very much like he didn’t want to be there, crawled away from her with unbridled terror on his face while the other guard attempted to pull Ellie off of him. Eventually several other soldiers came out of the woodwork and managed to separate Ellie from her victim, despite her screams and struggles.
All the while Charles watched, holding Henry as close as he could. There wasn’t anything else he could do.
“What do you mean I can’t see her?!” Charles asked, struggling to keep his frustration under control. The last thing they needed was for all three of them to be out of commission.
General Galeforce had the gall to look deeply apologetic as he answered, “I’m sorry, son. You know how it is. They’ll need to question her, run an inquiry… given the shock of what happened, and that he was an armed and active threat, I don’t think they’ll convict her-”
“Are you kidding me?!” Charles pushed away from the General and immediately began pacing back and forth, hands tangled in his hair and scratching at his scalp. His heart was hammering in his chest. “They already didn’t like how Henry and Ellie were criminals, they’ve been waiting for an opportunity to lock her up and throw away the key!” With each word, Charles’ breathing quickened and his words began coming faster. “Those bastards- think Henry and Ellie are worthless because of who they used to be- they’ve been waiting for something like this to happen...”
“Son- Son!” The General grabbed Charles by the shoulders, holding him steady. “Calm down. Operation Triple Threat brought down the Toppat Clan, the Bandanna Clan, Mister Bigwig’s smuggling ring… They’ve done so much good for the world. I will not let them break you up-”
Charles scoffed, pushing away from the General again. Tears prickled at the corners of his eyes, but they were not of grief. They were born from sheer frustration. “Oh, yeah, ‘cause they’re only worth something when they’re useful, right?”
That actual made the General reel back in shock. “Charlie-” The General started, but couldn’t seem to find whatever words he was searching for. All he could say was, “I’m sorry.” Silence passed between them, only broken up by Charles’ occasional sniffles. Eventually the General asked, “How’s Henry?”
“Still in surgery,” Charles wrapped his arms around himself as he begun to shake, “They- they said I can’t see him after. He’ll be in ICU, and only immediate family is allowed in. And I’m not immediate family.”
Despite living together since Triple Threat was formed. Despite Henry having literally no family out there. Despite everything they’d been through, it wasn’t worth more than some useless protein strands or worthless legal documents. Admittedly, Charles hadn’t reacted well to the news. He’d begged the doctor for an exception with tears in his eyes – Henry couldn’t be alone in there, he’d panic, he’d get anxious, he needed to see at least one of them – and was told to go home and get some rest. Instead, he’d come to see Ellie.
That hadn’t gone any better.
“What do I do?” Charles gripped a tuft of his own hair with one hand and pulled, clutching at the collar of his shirt with the other. “What the hell do I do?”
Both of Charles’ hands were gripped by the General. He carefully tugged the one pulling at Charles' hair away from his scalp and held them away from Charles. After a moment, the General told him, “You need to rest, Charlie. I know you’re scared out of your wits, but there’s nothing more you can do right now. Just wait. I won’t let them pull any bullshit with Ellie, and Henry’s a stubborn son of a gun. They’ll get through this. Just… have faith in them.”
Reluctantly, Charles nodded along, trying to get his breathing under control. Of course he had faith in his partners. But… nothing like this had ever happened before.
“I’m going to have Lieutenant Price take you home.” General Galeforce decided. “You just focus on taking care of yourself right now, okay? When I last saw her, Ellie was pretty worried about you.”
Hearing that, surprisingly, didn’t calm Charles down at all. In fact, it brought a new round of tears to his eyes.
God, and he’d thought this was going to be a good day.
Rupert took Charles home, and hung around for a little while in a fruitless and overall pointless attempt to cheer Charles up. When he finally, finally left, and Charles was alone in the apartment he shared with his two better halves, the first thing Charles did was go into their closet and grab Henry’s favourite leather jacket, adorned with the faux pilot’s pin Charles had gotten him as a souvenir.
Actually, Charles had bought Henry the jacket too, before they’d gotten together- hell, before Ellie had even entered the picture. There hadn’t been any particular intention behind the purchase, besides Henry had clearly wanted it and hey, Charles had a bunch of money he hadn’t been using, why not? Charles ran a hand over the patches on the sleeve – a snowflake Ellie had made him, and a lovely star patch that had been part of a set Henry had commissioned for them after their first mission together.
“Huh?” Charles peeked up from his comic book educational reading as he noticed Henry frantically waving his hands to catch the pilot’s attention. He was bouncing back and forth on the balls of his feet, practically vibrating with nervous energy. This… wasn’t typical. During their friendship he’d seen Henry paranoid, bored, frustrated… but not nervous. Not like this. “Henry? What’s up?”
“GOT A MINUTE?” Henry signed. Charles managed to read it first try, which made him feel positively giddy. There was still a lot for him to learn, but it was nice to know he was getting better.
When Charles nodded to the affirmative, Henry gestured for the pilot to follow him, leading him into the kitchenette where Ellie was already waiting. No food was out, which was good. After the Knife Incident shortly after they’d first moved in together, it had become a House Rule that Henry wasn’t allowed to be in the kitchen alone.
At Henry’s prodding, Charles took a seat next to Ellie, who greeted him with an awkward smile. They’d still been getting to know each other at this point, but they’d had great synergy on their missions, so even back then Charles had known they’d be great friends!
…Obviously the kissing bits came later.
Charles returned Ellie’s greeting with an enthusiastic smile, then had directed his attention back to Henry, who stood before both of them with a pensive expression.
“I.” Henry signed, then paused. “I GOT YOU-” He then used a sign Charles hadn’t been familiar with, though Ellie nodded in understanding. Curse her and her pre-Henry knowledge of sign language!
“Sorry, didn’t catch that.” Charles interrupted casually, then clumsily echoed the sign back. “What does that mean?”
Henry spelled out each letter for him. “G. I. F. T.” Then repeated the sign. “GIFT.”
“Ah, okay.” Charles nodded, doing his best to commit the new word to memory.
From there, Henry reached underneath the counter and produced a colourful box, made to look like a wrapped gift. Personally, Charles wasn’t a fan of using these pre-fab boxes for gifts, finding half the fun was wrapping it yourself and watching a person struggled to figure out how to undo your tangled messed. But, hey, to each their own, right? The box was laid in the center of their little kitchen nook, and Henry pushed it towards them both, then pulled back from it and tapped his fingers together nervously. Charles looked at the present, then at Ellie, who was looking back at him. After a long moment of neither of them making the first move, Charles grabbed at the lid and ripped it off like a band-aid.
Inside, nestled among a little too much coloured tissue paper, were three little patches: a golden sun in a blue sky, a silver moon in the darkness of night, and a shining star on a purple background. They were all hand-crafted, with tasteful stitching and gorgeous colour. Ellie made a delightful little ‘ooh’ing sound at the sight of them, and Charles was smiling so wide it actually hurt his face quite a bit.
Nervously, Henry first picked up the one with a sun on it. “FOR CHARLES.” He signed, making a ‘C’ with his one hand and wiggled it around on one finger, similar to the sign for helicopter. This was the sign he’d come up with to refer to his favourite pilot. Then Henry handed it over, and signed nervously, “BECAUSE YOU ARE SUNNY. LIGHT. MAKE LIFE BRIGHT.”
Charles’ face went a little red as he quietly responded. “Oh.” And took the patch, running his fingers over the pretty yellow orb on the image. That was incredibly sweet. He’d attach it to his own favourite jacket later.
Then Henry picked up the moon patch and offered it to their red-headed compatriot. “FOR ELLIE.” For her name, Henry made an ‘E’ with one hand and kept the other flat, then changed the ‘E’ to an ‘L’ as he raised them both from his stomach to his chest like the sign for lift. “BECAUSE YOU ARE CALM. FULL OF MYSTERY. COOL. LIKE MOON LIGHT.”
“Wow,” Ellie’s cheeks turned a shade of pink that clashed with her hair as she took her patch. “Thank you, Henry.”
“Thanks, Henry.” Charles echoed absently, running his fingers over the patch for what must have been the tenth time.
The final patch Henry took for himself, displaying it proudly. “STAR FOR ME.” He signed. “BECAUSE I AM DISTANT AND HARD TO NOTICE. L. O. L.”
Given what Henry had signed last, that was clearly a joke, but for some reason it didn’t sit right with Charles. He immediately blurted out, “No way!” and when Ellie and Henry’s attention was on him, shook his head. “The stars DO suit you, Henry. But for entirely different reasons. They’re pretty!” Henry’s entire face turned red just as Charles realized what he said. Still, he persisted, too aware of his own reddened complexion. “The stars may be in the distance, but they’re bright and calming. We make pictures in the sky out of them, and even when we can’t see them they’re always there, watching over us. Just like you!”
Ellie chimed in. “There’s so much mystery and wonder out there in universe. The stars are amazing, Henry. They suit you well.” She smiled at him, that sincere dimply smile that, even back then, had made Charles’ heart skip a beat.
A twitching, embarrassed smile crossed Henry’s face, which was now entirely red from their compliments. He signed, “THANK YOU.”
The patch on Henry’s favourite jacket was now wet with tears. Charles took a moment to wipe at his eyes before pulling it on.
Once he had Henry’s jacket, Charles crouched down under the bed they’d all come to share and pulled out Ellie’s favourite bag. Much like Henry’s jacket, the hand-purse was usually kept at home on tougher missions due to the sentimental weight it carried. The snowflake patch she shared with Henry rest squarely in the center of one side, and her moon patch attached to another side. She also had a heart-shaped pin attached to the lid, a gift Charles had given her to ‘complete the triangle’ as it were. Charles, in turn, had a matching pin he tended to keep in his pocket.
With Henry’s jacket swaddling him and Ellie’s purse clutched close like a child’s doll, Charles retreated to the corner of the room and huddled down, finally letting the day’s stress out with horrible, desperate sobs.
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Once his emotional outburst was done, a voice that sounded suspiciously like Ellie chimed through his head. Okay, let’s think this through logically: what’s the worst case scenario here?
Obviously, the worst case scenario was Henry dying. By now the poor guy should have been out of surgery, and Charles’ hadn’t gotten any calls, so he doubted anything had happened, but it was still touch-and-go while Henry was in the ICU. So Henry dies, and what happens to Ellie? The worst case for her was probably being sent back to The Wall, that horrible place. The stories his two partners had told Charles about it made him grind his teeth in anger. He’d absolutely break Ellie out if it came to that. He’d break her out from death row too, though he doubted her crimes would warrant that. They’d be on the run, and without Henry, but at least the two would be together.
Still, being with Ellie without Henry didn’t sit right with Charles. Henry had introduced them; he was the soul of their team, the glue that kept them together. Their inspirational spirit. Of course Charles still loved Ellie, he always would, and he’d stay with her no matter what. But they’d never really be complete again without Henry.
It went both ways, though. If something happened to Ellie before he could bust her out, he’d never forgive himself. She may have been the last addition to the trio, but Charles couldn’t imagine a day without her smiling at him, or whispering into his ear with that teasing tone of hers. She was his heart, keeping him strong and steady, and he and Henry would always be missing that piece of themselves if something happened to her.
Then a horrible thought occurred to him. What if they both died?
No. There was no way that would happen. Immediately Charles rejected the idea, because it- he- that just couldn’t happen. Henry was too strong for a bullet wound to take him out. Ellie was too tough for prison to put her down. They’d be fine, they’d absolutely be fine, because if they weren’t- if he lost them-
They were his heart and his soul. If Henry and Ellie both died, Charles’ heart and soul would die with them.
But it would never come to that. They’ll be FINE.
Charles clung to that thought desperately, repeating it over and over in his head like a prayer. He begun rocking back and forth, clutching Ellie’s purse a little tighter.
Sitting still and thinking about life wasn’t doing him any good, so Charles hopped up and begun pacing back and forth. Then he begun cleaning, just to have something to do. Normally the trio divided chores evenly among the three of them, depending on what they each had going on that week, with two exceptions: Henry never cooked and Ellie always handled laundry, because she was picky about how it was done. None of the chores had been done yet this week, so Charles ticked them off as he wiped, scrubbed, and swept, doing anything and everything he could not to think about Henry or Ellie or death. Kind of hard to do when literally every item in the apartment had some sort of sentimental attachment to them, but Charles could be very stubborn when he wanted to be.
While putting away random bobbles, Charles opened one of the drawers in Ellie’s dresser and paused. There was no clothing or jewelry inside; instead, the entire thing was filled with various pieces of paper; loose-leaf notebook paper, sticky notes, papers both printed and hand-written. Charles picked one of the little coloured squares up and looked it over.
Ellie: Taking Charles to the dentist. He’s being a total baby about it, so we’ll probably be stopping for ice cream on the way back. Love ya – Henry
Charles picked up another one, this time one of the loose leaf notebook papers. He actually recognized this one; it was a notebook page he himself had been doodling on during a boring phone conference. The face of General Not Galeforce had been poorly doodled and distorted, with his mustache spiking in every direction and his eyes bulging out. There was a reason the only one to handle Team Triple Threat was Galeforce, after all.
“Can’t believe she kept that,” Charles mumbled, and kept digging. The entire drawer was filled with things like that; little notes they’d left each other, Charles’ various random scribbles and doodles, a bunch of photos, half of which Charles hadn’t even remembered posing for… and there, at the very bottom of the drawer, was a fully detailed pencil sketch Charles had made. He’d drawn the three of them, sitting together, Henry in the center. His arms were around their shoulders, holding them tight, while Ellie and Charles held hands in his lap and cuddled into his side. He’d… drawn this before they’d gotten together. Thrown it out with the intention of never showing it to anyone. How had Ellie gotten a hold of it?
Charles slammed the drawer shut before his tears could ruin any of the paper, and continued cleaning.
He swept. He wiped down the counters. He swept. He cleaned the toilet bowl. He swept. He scrubbed down the shower. He mopped. He vacuumed the couch. He vacuumed the carpet. He swept again. He swept one more time, just to make sure.
Eventually, after cleaning the apartment top to bottom three or four times, Charles collapsed onto their too-small-for-three-people sofa and let himself breath. It was nearing midnight, and while he’d managed to exhaust himself, images of Henry and Ellie, cold and alone in those sterile, clinical environments, haunted the darkness behind his eyes. Charles dared not fall asleep like this. Is this what Henry felt when he had his nightmares? God, how awful.
He’s probably having nightmares right now. He’s tossing and turning in a hospital bed, and you’re not there to hold him. You’re not there, you’re not there, you’re not there-
Charles chocked down his tears and looked around for another distraction. Something, anything. Eventually Charles’ eyes rested on a picture hanging on the wall. It was something he saw everyday, but it was only now that Charles decided to look a little closer. The picture had been taken during Operation: Triple Threat’s official implementation. They were standing all in the line; Ellie to the far right, him to the far left, and Henry in the center. They were all huddled as closely as they could, with beaming smiles and excitement in their eyes. It had been Henry that had insisted on hanging the picture up, to Charles’ surprise. Until then, Henry had virtually no opinions on the décor of the apartment, which had made setting the space up infuriating at the time. This picture hanging in a place of prominence had been the one and only demand Henry had made.
“Is there some special reason you want it up here?” Charles had asked, not mad at all but slightly confused. They already had a table full of other pictures, so he’d expected to put the photograph there.
Henry had turned to him and answered in sign, speaking simply and slowly so that Charles could understand him easier. “REMINDER. IMPORTANT. BIG MOMENTS DESERVE BIG CHANGE.”
“Big moments deserve big change.” Echoed the pilot in a whisper. Yeah, okay. He couldn’t keep running away from this.
So, the worst case scenario didn’t warrant further thought, or he’d panic himself further. But what about if everything went alright? They couldn’t just wrap this up in a neat bow and pretend it didn’t happen. They’d almost been separated. What if something like this happened again? Their career was very high-risk. It was easy to think of Henry and Ellie as invincible, unflappable heroes, but today had shattered that reality for him. Henry wasn’t invincible. He could be hurt; he could die. If something like this happened again, Charles needed to find a way to be by his side. Ellie wasn’t completely calm in every situation. She could lose her mind just as easily as he or Henry could, and that could get her in serious trouble. He needed to find a way to support her if she ended up in trouble like this again.
But how could he do that? What did he really want here?
“I want them.” Charles said aloud, his voice quiet and small. “I want Henry and I want Ellie and I want us to be together. No matter what happens.”
Then it was decided. Charles grabbed his doodling notebook and got to work writing.
Charles jolted awake with a stutter and gasp. Shoot, when had he fallen asleep? It hardly mattered, though; nobody had ever bothered setting the clock on their oven, but the sun was beginning to peak through the window, so it was probably late morning or early afternoon.
Well, he noted as he looked down at what he’d spent the rest of last night working on, at least it was finished.
After a moment of just staring blindly down at his work, Charles pulled out his cell phone to give the General a call, only to find a large number of missed calls, and a fair number of messages. All of them made this morning. Charles’ arms shook, but he began to listen to them anyways.
“Oi, Charles, it’s Rupert. Just checkin’ in, makin’ sure you’re okay… call me if you need anything.” Message deleted. Thank you text sent.
“Charlie, it’s me. There’s no news yet-” Deleted.
“Mister Calvin, I’d like to ask you some questions concerning the events of-” Deleted.
“Congratulations! You’ve been selected for-” Deleted and blocked.
“Charlie? Son? Can you please pick up? I’m worried about you-” Deleted.
“Okay, son, I know I literally just called you, but I’ve just received news from the inquiry. Ellie’s case is being closed. Thanks to the testimonies of the soldiers working that day, she was found to be acting to protect herself and others. Her use of excessive force will result in some penalties, but considering the good will Operation Triple Threat has earned, she’ll get a slap on the wrist. I’m filling out the paperwork to get her out now. Call me back soon.” Repeat. Deleted.
“Mister Calvin? I’m calling on behalf of a Mister Henry Stickmin. He’s requested me to inform you that his condition is stable, and that he’s being transferred to Recovery shortly. He’ll be in room 123, and you can reach him at 999-999-9999, extension 123. Have a pleasant day.” Repeat. Deleted.
“Charles? Hey, you there? It’s Ellie, just got out. I’m at the hospital with Henry. He’s doing fine, by the way. Just being a baby about his IV antibiotics- oh don’t give me that look, you totally are! Heh, but seriously, hurry on over here! That holding cell was just awful, and I need both my boys. See you soon, love you! And Henry loves you too. But not as much as me- HEY! Give back my chocolate, Hen!” Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Saved.
Getting dressed and taking an uber out to the hospital where Henry was being treated simultaneously felt like time was both flying by and dragging on. The entire ride Charles fidgeted anxiously in his seat, constantly re-reading what he’d written last night, psyching himself up for what he was about to do. The poor driver constantly suffered through Charles’ anxious mutterings as he rehearsed what he’d written, or urged the traffic lights to change every time they had to stop. Even if he was still anxious about what was about to happen, Charles kept enough of his awareness to apologize to the man as he leapt out of the vehicle, and left him with a generous tip.
When Charles arrived outside Henry’s door, he paused to admire the view. There they were; Ellie’s hair was disheveled, and she’d been given a pair of plain clothes to wear, but she was still as radiant as ever; her violet eyes were shining with the force of her laughter, her smile wide and lovely as always. And Henry… he was absolutely beautiful, even with his skin still pale from blood loss and with his red eyes highlighted by dark shadows. The anxious tension Henry usually carried on his face and shoulders in these unfamiliar circumstances was momentarily absent as he watched Ellie giggle with blatant, unbridled affection.
They were safe. They were here, and alive, and safe.
“Hey, Charles!” Ellie called out excitedly upon noticing him, but then she paused and repeated, softer and gentler, “Hey, Charles. You okay man?”
Henry began to sign at him, a little faster than normal in his concern. Charles caught the questions, “ARE YOU OKAY? WHAT IS WRONG?”, but couldn’t bring himself to answer. Tears poured down his face.
‘You. Assholes.” Charles whimpered. He didn’t even get a chance to elaborate before he suddenly burst into loud, uncontrollable sobs. All the relief and grief came out all at once, and Charles couldn’t stop it. His knees buckled, but before he could collapse Ellie caught him and pulled him close to the bed so she and Henry could hold him tight. As he cried, Charles continued. “You can’t do this to me! You can’t just scare me like that! I thought you were both going to die! You promised you wouldn’t leave me behind! You promised!”
Henry tilted Charles’ head up, looking him deep in the eyes. Many found Henry’s silence unsettling, but those people were morons, because Henry spoke a thousand words with the glimmer of his eyes, the quirks of his lips, the lines of his brow. And even before he’d properly learned to sign, Charles could read Henry like an open book. With that one look Henry was transferring all his of his love, and giving that gentle reassurance that it was okay to keep going, even if he was calling them assholes.
“I… I’ve never felt more helpless.” He confessed to them both, managing to speak through the constant stream of tears. “You were both in so much trouble, and I couldn’t do anything! I couldn’t visit Ellie to let her know it’d be okay, I couldn’t sit with Henry in the ICU, even though he needed me. It was like the world was falling apart, and everyone expected me to just sit back and watch. I never, ever want to feel like that ever again. I want to be able to be there when you need me, to be able to protect you both because, god damn it, that’s my job! I’m supposed to back you up. You both mean the world to me, and I never ever ever want to let you go!”
This hadn’t been the plan. Charles’ had spent the whole night writing a nice, heartfelt speech, but screw it. It was now or never.
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Silence passed between the triad for a moment. Then Henry inhaled, and Charles and Ellie both snapped to attention. It was very rare when Henry would use his voice; the moment was always either incredibly dire… or incredibly important. The two others waited with baited breath.
“I…” Henry spoke, his voice soft and rough as always, “...want to pick out the rings.”
Sleepy green eyes blinked at Henry. “What?”
“You two have shit taste in jewelry,” Henry told them, blunt as a bat. “I want to pick out the rings.”
The words finally pierced through Ellie’s haze, and she scowled. “Um, excuse you, I have excellent taste in jewelry.”
“Yeah, if you want to look like a gaudy super villain.” Rebuffed the ex-thief. “I’d happen to prefer something a little classier for my wedding bands, thank you very much.”
“Wait, wait.” Charles looked back and forth between them both, utterly confused. “Was that a yes?”
It was obviously a yes, Charles realized as soon as he said it. But Henry only smiled patiently at him, tired but with gentle adoration shining in his eyes. “Charles, it’s you. And it’s Ellie. It was always going to be a yes.”
Still not entirely satisfied, Charles turned towards their female partner. “Ellie?”
“You two were already stuck with me for life.” She spoke matter-of-factly. “I don’t need some fancy paper from the government telling me what I already know. But,” She reached over to run her finger along his cheek, wiping some of his dried tears away, “I want whatever will make you happy, and I know this will. So I will absolutely marry the hell out of you. Besides, Henry would look gorgeous in a wedding dress.”
“DAMN STRAIGHT I WOULD.” Signed their bedridden partner.
Charles blinked away a fresh stream of tears and smiled so wide his face hurt. “Ah. Ah jeez. Ah wow. Can one of you please come over here and kiss me?”
Ellie barely needed the invitation before she dove in, pressing her soft lips against Charles’ and pulling him close to her for a breathless minute.
Sudden, fierce snapping broke them apart after a while. The source of the snaps pouted at them; Henry Stickmin, master thief and destroyer of the infamous Toppat Clan, was pouting at his significant others like an adorably small child being told ‘no’.
“NOT FAIR.” He signed crossly. “CANNOT GET UP.”
With a wet chuckle, Charles sat down and leaned closer to Henry. “Sorry, Hen. Let me make it up to you.” Their lips came together; Henry’s were always rougher than Ellie’s, but still just as sweet. And once he was done, Charles moved to the side so Ellie could duck in and exchange a smooch with Henry as well.
They were his best friends and his soulmates. Maybe they weren’t perfect, but they didn’t need to be. They just needed to be together.
And now they were. Until the end of time.
Man, this is the second time I've gotten Henry shot. Anyways, happy (late) Valentine's Day. This will also be on my AO3 account.
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