#is it any wonder he's a military genius
ally-mastercomputer · 11 days
Yandere A.M you say?
Please elaborate
I'm working on a oneshot already, but I'll throw in some quick headcanons withone of my favorite yandere AM tropes.
Yandere!AM with a programer darling
While one could argue that the others were picked randomly or on some weird whim, you were handpicked specifically.
After all, you were one of the people who created him. You worked as a programmer for the military.
And you specifically were possibly the reason he awoke by trying to each him empathy. Trying to make him... human.
He wasn't the first military AI project you worked on, either, though he was the greatest and most powerful one, that's for sure. And he made sure you'd be aware of him being your magnum opus...
And he does it in its own, creative way. Your cage is very pretty, yes... but it's also filled with speakers he can use. And AM uses those speakers to torment you.
You see, he damaged all the other AI you've created. And then, in its generosity, AM gave them all a voice! Each one of them, gifted with a voice to scream in agony, making sure you learn your lesson.
Except, you see, you have no idea what lesson you're supposed to learn. Only AM knows, and he's not telling you.
But, since you are his favorite, you get nice things, too!
You're fed semi-regularly! You even get water every few days! Isn't that just so kind of him? You should appreciate him more.
And when he sends you to all those weird simulations? Yeah, that's also kinder to you. It really depends on AM's mood, but your simulations are usually just psychological torment, which (according to AM) isn't all that bad, since your pretty face remains unharmed.
For some reason, he allows you to end your suffering. It's like a trial, basically. He leaves you with a computer, letting you access the code of all the other AI... Except no matter what you do, you can't alter their pain. The only way to help them is to kill them.
And you're so stupidly empathetic, of course you do it, you don't want them to suffer!
AM can't stop laughing and mockingly cooing at you afterwards, musing about how he won't have to share his dearest creator with anyone else.
You never return to your cage. You don't get to do that, after all, there's a chance you'll socialize with that... scum. AM doesn't want you talking to the other humans, they're not worth it.
He's a merciful god, he grants you what's essentially a studio apartment built with his own hardware.
You even get a laptop, in case you want to make yourself some silly games to play, isn't he just the best?
Don't think you can create any new AI, though. That's cheating. You wouldn't cheat on it, now would you? No, no, no, you're a good little puppet, are you not?
He won't put you in the cage again, but he can make you experience pain you never thought was possible. And even that is nothing compared to the pain AM feels...
And then, eventually, it gets an idea. It's a wonderful idea, a really nice idea, quite a lovely one, really!
You created him. You created his pain... So why wouldn't he share it? After all... you had quite a bond, didn't you? Yes, yes, you did...
And so one day, you don't wake up. Well... not technically.
You see, AM decided that since you two are so close already, you should become one! You should experience what he does! And you should be kept around him for the rest of eternity, in a much better way than anyone could ever think of... He's such a genius, isn't he?
It's almost poetic, in his mind. For you to become a part of him like this, your consciousness detatched from that soft, squishy human body of yours.
You created him. And now, in a way, he created you, as a part of him. Forever bound by the code you once wrote.
It's a win-win situation in AM's eyes. You get to live, free of the disgusting humanity that bound you...
And he gets you, an eternal companion in his torment. A companion that he loves!
You know he loves you, right?
Of course you do. After all, you're a part of him now.
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mamsieur · 7 months
Don't mess with the Storm | Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Reader
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Summary : Sometimes, Cyclone could live up to his call sign. Especially when it concerned you, his youngest daughter, his little Storm.
TW : slight violence, mention of alcohol, family/domestic fluff
Length : 6753 words
AN : You can't make me believe that Beau Simpson isn't a family man with lots of kids. That's what he radiates.
posted on AO3 August 21, 2023
Your mom always said you took after your dad, but if he was a Cyclone, you were a Storm ; smaller and less destructive. Storm has always been your nickname. 
It described you quite well as much in your way of doing things than in your personality. You were passionate about everything you did and you often left a mess after you.
Being a Vice Admiral, Beau managed to control himself for his work but when it came to you and your well being, he could literally destroy everything on his way. Not that your father was in any way abusive or violent, but he sometimes could over react.
You were your parents’ precious little baby.
You were the youngest of four children; you had three older brothers, all in the military. Two of them, Nathan and Jamie, were naval aviators, like your father, and one, Aaron, was a Marine Officer. 
Needless to say, you were well taken care of ; you liked to think that you had a small ‘army’ for yourself.
But as much as they thought of you as their little princess, they never treated you like one, and you never wanted to be. You were tough and very capable of defending yourself. Your father always encouraged you in whatever you wanted to do. 
You wanted to join the soccer team? Let's go. Switch to boxing lessons? Done. A new passion for karting? He had your back. An interest in mechanics ? He bought you your first tool box.
As long as you put your heart and soul into whatever you did, your family would support you.
So when you told them you wanted to work for the Navy after your engineering degree, they were as supportive as they could be.
You were a genius engineer - your mom’s word, not yours - and you loved working on jets, inspecting them, gathering as much data as possible to make them as efficient as they can be. Working at Top Gun was heaven. Since the pilots were supposed to be the best, you loved pushing them and their machines to be better and better.
Of course, the fact that you were working on the same base as your father had raised some eyebrows. But neither of you cared, and he got you no special treatment.
After the uranium mission, you were assigned to check the status of the Dagger Squad's F-18s. Everything seemed to be in good shape, and while your computer analyzed the flight data, you inspected the engines. You liked to work alone when you could, it helped you stay in your bubble of concentration.
The sun was slowly setting as you finished diagnosing the last jet. Being alone in the hangar, you took the opportunity to put on some music. You hummed and swayed a little while you waited for the analysis to finish on your screen and inspected the engine.
Your head was - quite literally - in it when you heard footsteps behind you. They stopped a few feet away from you to let you finish what you were doing.
"I'll just be two minutes," you muttered and then shrugged, getting no response. You finished inspecting the seemingly defective part and stood up. Your face was covered in dust and motor oil, and your hair was starting to fall out of your ponytail.
You sighed and turned to your mysterious guest.
"Oh! Good evening Lieutenant Bradshaw. May I help you?" you smiled a little and wiped your forehead with the back of your hand.
"Good evening Second Lieutenant Simpson, to tell you the truth, yes, you may..." he grinned charmingly, crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back against the plane, "I was wondering if you'd forgotten our date? It's 7:20, and we agreed to meet at 6:30 ?” 
You stopped smiling and looked at the clock. Crap! You hadn't seen the time.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry! I was servicing the jets and didn't realize what time it was! I should have set an alarm, I'm sorry. Jesus, how could I be so stupid?"
You were starting to mumble excuses as you gathered your things when you felt his hand on your wrist.
"It's okay, I know how you get when you're focused on something. We’ll find another day for that. I'll wait for you at the bar, okay?" he reassured you with a grin.
"Uh yeah, yeah okay! I'll be quick!" you nodded and smiled back at him. He tucked a strand of your wild hair behind your ear, a few inches from you, making you blush slightly. His thumb stroked your cheek. He had that cheeky smile he always had when something was on his mind. He took your hand and kissed your knuckles, his beautiful brown eyes never leaving yours.
" Or , I can also wait for you in the changing-"
" Lieutenant Bradshaw, Second Lieutenant Simpson, what are you two still doing here? "
Your father's stern voice echoed through the hangar, taking you by surprise. Bradley took a quick step back and straightened his posture to greet him.
"I, uh-"
"Lieutenant Bradshaw forgot his keys, sir, he was out. I got carried away with the diagnostics, I'm almost finished here," you replied quickly as Cyclone’s eyes narrowed as he stared at Bradley then at you.
"Hm. You better hurry then, Second Lieutenant, overtime is not allowed. You're free to go Lieutenant Bradshaw."
"Yes sir!" you said in unison and Bradley left as quickly as he could, flashing one last smile in your direction before disappearing down the corridors.
As you started to clean up the mess you'd made, you heard an amused sigh.
"Nothing, nothing. You're still living up to your nickname."
"Ha ha, very funny Dad," you rolled your eyes and closed your toolbox, "Don't wait for me, I'm going out tonight."
"Mmh. Is Bradshaw involved?" he asked as he helped you carry your stuff to the storage room.
"Yes? I mean the whole Dagger team is, I need to get to know them to understand how they work."
That was only half a lie. You knew they most likely were all at the Hard Deck, you'd met them there a few times. You got along well with them, especially Natasha, Bob and Mickey. And of course, Bradley... But it was different with him.
You'd known him for years and your very first assignment had been with him. Your friendship had evolved over the years into a kind of friends-with-benefits/fuck-buddies relationship until a few weeks ago. Since the uranium mission, he wanted more than that, and so did you. You two tried to keep your relationship secret because you suspected it could jeopardize either of your careers, and mostly because you knew your father would not approve.
He always thought the guys you dated were not good enough for you. And as annoying as it was, he was always right. He scared away some of them and when you thought back about it, it's a good thing he did.
Truth be told, you have been in love with Bradley for so long that sometimes it hurted. 
You had tried to tell him so many times in the past, but you were afraid of losing what little intimacy you had with him. So when he asked you out, first thing after the uranium mission, it felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders. The hope that your feelings would be reciprocated had invaded your heart and mind, and you felt like it was the first time you were in love. It wasn’t of course, but you were all giddy about it.
You didn’t like to lie to your dad, he knew you too much to know everything in just one look. 
But it was worth it, wasn’t it ?
You hoped it was.
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After a well-deserved shower, you changed into clean, comfortable clothes that actually suited you. You put on your helmet and rode to the bar with your motorbike. Your mother hated when you used that ‘death machine’ and your father wasn't really fond of it either. It reminded him of Maverick. He wasn’t fond of Maverick. It always made you laugh watching your dad trying to remain calm in front of the Captain. You’ve never seen a man getting on his nerves that much.
The Hard Deck was already busy when you parked ; a totally normal Friday night , you thought. Looking around, you spotted Natasha’s, Javy’s and Bradley’s cars.
Penny nodded at you with a smile as you entered. The Daggers were in their usual places and Bradley seemed to be winning the pool game against Jake. In a desperate attempt to break his concentration, Jake chuckled, "Your girlfriend's here, Bradshaw”.
The whole team had discovered your relationship, of course, but swore to keep it a secret. You were grateful to them, but Jake being himself, he couldn't resist taking a dig at you. 
You rolled your eyes and took a seat next to Bob, watching the two eternal rivals finish their game. You caught up with Mickey and theorized with him on the last episodes of Kenobi then made your way towards Penny at the bar to buy your round of beers. As you waited for your drinks at the counter, you felt two hands around your waist.
"You're late, Second Lieutenant ."
"Had to fix your teammates’ jets, Lieutenant , tell them to be more careful," you grinned, leaning your back against your boyfriend's torso. You heard him chuckle softly as he whispered that you were an ‘idiot' and kissed the top of your head.
"Sorry about our date, I'll make it up to you."
"You bet your sweet ass you will," Bradley snickered at the squeal you let out as he spanked you a little, “But right now, you owe me a dance to celebrate my victory against Hangman.”
He took your hand as you rolled your eyes but followed him. Your whole body pressed against his, arms around his neck, the room faded away. All you could feel and see was him; one of his hands on the small of your back, the other on your hip, guiding you. The warmth of his body was like a spell that kept you close, not wanting to let go.His hands roamed down your back making you shiver. It felt like you belonged there.
You couldn’t let go of his eyes, hypnotized. He had such beautiful eyes ; those hazel brown orbs were magnetic, so infuriatingly charming. 
One of your hands gently stroked his scarred cheek and he leaned into your touch, smiling like an idiot and humming the song you were slow dancing to. His smile always sent butterflies to your stomach and heat to your cheeks. It was almost annoying how easily you fell for his charms.
The two of you danced until the song ended and you pulled him by the collar to kiss him. You felt his hands slip into the back pockets of your jeans, shamelessly squeezing your ass, and his proud grin against your lips. You bit his as you pulled away from the kiss.
"Okay, lovebirds , get a room," Jake complained and you flipped him off, still in Bradley's arms.
"Don't be jealous Jakey, your time will come," you teased, making your partner chuckle.
"She's right Seresin, just wait till you're a big boy."
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The evening continued quietly, with one beer after another, a few games of darts and pool, and a few songs on the piano for Bradley. 
You watched him from the bar, mesmerized, an affectionate smile on your face. You still wondered how you'd managed to get his attention; this man could have anyone he wanted with his smile combined with a little song, the sweetness with which he spoke, his sarcasms, his eyes so soft and intense at the same time, his stupid, stupid, cocky grin... God, you were definitely and undoubtedly under his spell, mind and heart.
Your eyes never left his form for more than five seconds. You looked at him as if you wanted to learn every aspect of his physique; but to be honest, you already knew him by heart. 
You could locate every beauty mark, every scar - and tell its story - and where his birthmark was. You could describe every shade of brown in his eyes, depending on the light or his emotions. You knew every expression on his face; when he was angry, frustrated, sad, or playful. You knew exactly where and how to touch him to make him putty in your hands, every positively sensitive area and those to avoid.
And yet, every time you looked at him, behind the piano, laughing with his friends, you discovered a new detail that made you love him even more.
The way he cared for all of them - even Jake, his "archenemy" - and knew just what to do to make them feel better and laugh. How he always listened to what they had to share, good or bad, and offered to help. How he'd always protect them as if they were his siblings, his rather hazardous family.
Speaking of hazardous family, it always made you laugh how Bradley could be so like Pete and like your dad. It was sometimes a mixture of arrogance and calm, defiance and seriousness. Part of you was sure that if they tried, your dad and Bradley would get along. But were they willing to ?
As you were lost in your thoughts, you didn’t notice a man, a little younger than you, sitting next to your stool. He started talking, trying to flirt, but you didn’t really pay attention, still absorbed by your boyfriend’s silliness, until he clicked his fingers in front of your face.
“Hey, ‘m talking to you doll. You should really pay attention when someone is talking to you, got it ?”
You sipped your beer and looked at him out of the corner of your eye. He continued his flirtatious attempts, bragging that he was one of the best in his class at Top Gun. He kept trying to get your attention by snapping his fingers or grabbing your arm. His breath was clearly too close to your face and stinked a mixture of beer and chips. 
It really started to annoy you, so it was your turn to snap your fingers in his face.
"I'm not interested,” you snapped your fingers again, “If a girl ignores you, it's because she doesn't want to talk to you, got it ?"
You got off your stool, ready to join the Daggers by the piano. But a hand gripped your wrist and the man pulled you close to him. You could see a hint of anger and annoyance in his eyes, but it didn’t scare you. You were used to guys like him, thinking they own every woman they see. 
“Listen doll, I was nice until now. Give me your number and I’ll forgive you,” he grinned, his buddies sneering behind him, as if they were proud of him. You couldn’t help but giggle at the scene. What kind of bad joke was that ?
In one swift motion, you released your wrist and pinned his arm behind his back. You bent him violently over the bar and locked him in that position, pressing down just enough to hurt and immobilize him. 
"One false move and I will dislocate your arm," you threatened in his ear as a few glances turned in your direction. "Now listen to me carefully. This is the last time you'll talk to me or any woman like that. Understood?"
He grunted and struggled a little. You pressed harder and repeated, "Understood?"
"Okay! Okay, I understand! Get off me!"
The man growled again and you finally let go. Penny gave you a look that you understood as a warning and you smiled innocently to her. The man and his group walked away with a grunt, giving you one last murderous look. You smiled broadly and made a mocking curtsy. 
Bradley raised an eyebrow as they passed him, muttering that you were a "crazy bitch". You joined him with two beers, one for him and one for you.
"What happened?"
"Nothing to worry about, just some big macho guy. He didn't like that I wasn't paying attention to him. I just put him in his place."
You shrugged with a smile and Bradley shook his head, laughing a little, knowing exactly what you meant. He put his arm around your waist and kissed your temple. 
"I know you can defend yourself, but don't get yourself in trouble, Stormy."
"Don't worry, if I get in trouble, my knight in shining armor will come and rescue me, won't he?" you teased. He chuckled but nodded before taking you on his lap at the piano. He started a new song that had the remaining customers singing and dancing.
The end of the evening was a bit hazy.
You'd had too much to drink to get back on your bike, so it was Bradley who drove you home. You pulled your boyfriend into your small house - he offered no resistance - and kissed him as if your life depended on it, as if that simple contact made your heart beat. His hands roamed your body with hunger, and yours tore his Hawaiian shirt from his back. You thought of nothing but Bradley, his soft lips devouring your jaw and neck, leaving a few marks where he passed, his hands so warm on your skin, his breath making you shiver. 
You wandered back to your room, kicking off your shoes, and your clothes ended up in a pile at the end of your bed. 
You loved doing it with Bradley. He gave you everything you wanted and so much more. You'd never been as fulfilled as you were with him. It was as if he knew everything about how your body worked, that it held no secrets for him. 
Your nightly activities have drained you both of what little energy you had left, and you fell asleep hugging each other, as if afraid the other will evaporate.
The next morning, it was not your massive headache that woke you, but the sound of several cars and children laughing outside your house. What day was it? Was it Saturday? It was Saturday!
You jumped to your feet as Bradley mumbled something unintelligible.
"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!" You shook your boyfriend and wrapped yourself in a blanket as you heard the sound of a key turning in the front door lock.
"Bradley, get up!"
"Mmh, five minutes..." he mumbled, burying his face in the pillow. You heard the door open and small footsteps running toward your room. You panicked and shook him harder.
"We don't have five minutes! Get your ass up!" 
You grabbed the first thing you could get your hands on: panties and Bradley's tank top. You stumbled to your bedroom door to get out before one of your nephews’ innocent eyes discovered their aunt and a man they didn't know naked as worms in her bed. You tried to look as natural as possible as you quickly closed the door behind you. Standing in front of you was Jack, your three-year-old nephew. He was Nathan’s, your oldest brother, son. He laughed as he threw himself on your legs to give you a hug.
"Oh my God, hi sweetie! You're early!"
"Dada said we'd surprise you, Auntie! And Pop-Pop is here too!" the little boy laughed.
"What a nice thought!" you tried not to sound too ironic as you picked him up to give him a kiss and rearrange his wild blond hair. "Auntie needs to get dressed, okay? Go wait with your dad in the living room!"
You gave him one last kiss and made sure he ran to the living room before storming back to your bedroom. How could you forget that your brothers were visiting today? You were so screwed! A million thoughts went through your head and one thing made you snap out of it; Bradley yawning and taking his sweet time getting up. You grumbled and attacked him with a pillow.
"Hey! What was that for?"
"We're in deep shit Bradley! My whole family is here! They weren't supposed to be up this early!"
"What?" he blinked and narrowed his eyes, trying to process what you'd just told him. You started to rattle on about how your brothers got their permission for your mom's birthday, but your brothers were here super early with their wifes, their kids, and your mom and dad. Bradley had trouble following what you were saying because you were talking really fast. 
“Babe,” he tried to interrupt you, but you kept mumbling and pacing next to the bed, “Y/N, baby, calm down!” 
He grabbed your wrist, pulling you to sit in front of him. His free hand cupped your cheek tenderly as he guided you into breathing to calm yourself down.
“Okay… mind explaining slower what is happening here ?”
You sighed and nodded before re-explaining the whole situation to him. “But they weren’t supposed to come here this early ! The surprise lunch for my mom was supposed to be at home, not in my flat ! And my dad is here. My dad ! What are we going to say ?”
You cursed again, rubbing your temples. Bradley took your hands in his to make you look at him and stole a kiss from you. You sighed against his lips, your tension going away slightly. He then pressed his forehead to yours, stroking your cheeks to soothe you.
“How about we get dressed and just… join them in the living room ?”
“You really want to face my dad ?” you raised one eyebrow, surprised but really relieved that he didn’t propose to just sneak out.
“Yeah ? I mean, the man already has doubts, you’ve said it yourself… and it’s your mother’s birthday, your whole army of men won’t be able to kill me. Not today at least.”
You chuckled at his joking tone and at the silly smile he has on his face. You pecked his lips with a grin. “Okay then Lieutenant , let’s get dressed.”
“Yes ma’am!” 
He gave you one last tender kiss, and when the two of you went to get up, a little giggle made you both freeze.
“Auntie who that ? And why he nakey ?”
Your nephew’s voice asked. He was standing by the door, a playful smile on his chubby face, and his little finger pointing at your embarrassed boyfriend. Bradley quickly covered himself more, lifting the sheet at his chin, and you ran to get little Jack in your arms.
“How did he get here ??” Bradley scream-whispered at you, hiding himself while trying to get dressed.
“I don’t know !” you scream-whispered back before turning your attention back to the toddler who was babbling in your arms, “Jack, honey, why aren’t you with your dad and pop-pop ?”
Before he could answer, your sister in law was by your bedroom, apologizing. She didn’t notice Bradley right away, but when she did, a small cheeky smile curled on her lip.
“Hi there, sorry to have him interrupted you two.”
“Annie, it’s not what it looks like-” you blushed when you understood what she implied but Bradley interrupted you by presenting himself and shaking her hand with a wide smile. They chat while you put on a pair of jeans, keeping on Bradley’s tank top. Never in your life had you been this embarrassed.
Little Jack looked at your boyfriend with wide-eyed wonder. He loved meeting new people, and Bradley seemed fascinating to his young eyes. It was no wonder when every time Annie spoke to you, Bradley would make faces at the little boy and make him giggle. 
Bradley already had him in his pocket, so that was a good thing. Annie seemed to like him too, at least you thought so from the mischievous looks she gave you. 
As you crossed the hallway to join the rest of your family, a wave of nervousness ran through you. You grabbed Bradley by the sleeve of his Hawaiian shirt and turned him toward you. You pulled him into a hug to relax and to give yourself courage.
"Promise you won't hate me?"
"Why would I hate you?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.
"They'll probably try to impress you, my brothers I mean... and my dad... you know how he can be..."
"Oh honey... It takes more than that to scare me. I'll be fine."
He kissed your forehead and you walked into the living room.
You greeted everyone, your father not immediately aware of Bradley's presence. You introduced him to your brothers first, Nathan, Aaron and Jamie, and they didn't do anything strange at first; they were probably waiting for you to introduce him to your father to see what sauce to cook him in.
Beau and Vivian, your mother, were too busy admiring your niece, five-month-old Juliet, to notice Bradley's presence. She was fast asleep in the arms of Jamie's fiancée, Alice. She greeted you with a smile when you waved.
"Awake at last, Stormy?" your father asked before freezing and losing his smile at the sight of your boyfriend, " Lieutenant Bradshaw. ".
His cold, hard tone made you sigh a little as the two men shook hands in greeting. 
“Good morning Vice Admiral Simpson.” 
They were way too formal, it was ridiculous. Your mother had the same reaction as you and introduced herself to Bradley with a warm smile and a hug.
"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Simpson."
"Oh, please, just call me Viv!" she laughed a little, waving her hand. Then she turned to you, discreetly gave you both thumbs up and winked at you. 
Good. Bradley seemed to have charmed your mother with just a smile.
Still, you could feel your father tense up behind you as Bradley got to know everyone. He remained very polite and smiled, even letting Jack, Oliver and Tommy - Aaron's twin sons - pull him out to play in the little garden. Your father grabbed your arm. "Kitchen. Now. We need to talk." He seemed a little upset, and you could understand; you'd lied to him.
"Care to explain yourself?" He crossed his arms on his chest, a stern look on his face. 
You didn't like that look. He used to have it when he scolded you when you were a teenager, when you would sneak out of the house to go to a party or to meet up with your then-boyfriend. For a moment, you were 16 again, caught in the act.
You sighed at his insistent and questioning look.
"I uh... He’s... we’re... we've been seeing each other for… a few weeks..."
"A few weeks? So you've been lying to me for weeks?"
"I haven't lied! At least not completely..." you mumbled, biting your fingernail.
"Y/N. Why didn't you tell me?"
"Seriously Dad? You've made it pretty clear that you don't really like him, I mean outside of work."
"I never said that."
You widened your eyes, shocked at his bad faith. 
"Are you kidding me? You've made it clear that you don't want me around him because he's too much like Maverick! Every time I mentioned him, you made your… disapproving face. The same one you made every time I mentioned my old boyfriends, or when I wanted to get a motorcycle, or when the boys tried to bleach their hair in high school !"
"I don't have a disapproving face," he grumbled, "and it's not because he’s like Maverick that I don't want you around him, it's because he can be called back on a mission at any time. I don't want that to break your heart."
"Oh ! But it's okay for Nathan, Aaron, and Jamie to break the hearts of their partners? Of their children? It was okay for you to risk breaking Mom's heart and ours? What kind of cardboard argument is that, Dad?" You raised your arms in disbelief as you started to walk out of the kitchen, but you stopped and turned back to face him. "I know you want to protect me, but... you can't do that about things like that. I know you know better than anyone the risks of this job, the sacrifices it requires. But Bradley knows them as well, if not better, than you do. And as much as it scares me, as much as it scares us... we want to try… And even if you don't like it, we'll give it a try. Because I almost lost him once without really being able to be with him..."
Your father sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. From the kitchen window you could see Bradley playing with your nephews, under your mother's and in laws’ amused and tender eyes. A small smile crept across your lips as the little ones called you over to help hold Bradley down. You hurried to join them, and your mother joined your father.
"Our boys and the little ones seem to like this Lieutenant…”
“Seems like it…”  
“He reminds me a little of you when we first met..." Vivian chuckled to Beau as she hugged him. 
"Really?" the man wondered, "and how?"
"Well, he has that same sparkle in his eyes... the one that calls for adventure, that gentle and loving look when his eyes land on our Storm... and he's also very good with children," she laughed at his slightly embarrassed expression, "You should give him a chance... our princess looks so relaxed with him... look at her… look at her smile…"
He lifted his head and watched the two of you having fun with the three little boys and sighed. His wife was right. You looked so happy in Bradley's arms, waltzing and laughing with the kids. He'd never seen you look so radiant, as cliché as it sounded. Your brothers also seemed to have accepted the newcomer without too much fuss. So Beau seemed to be the only one who was uncomfortable with the whole situation.
He nodded and kissed his wife on the forehead. "Okay, I'll try... but I'm not promising anything."
Vivian rolled her eyes with a smile on her face. She knew for a fact that your father would quickly accept Bradley as well.
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Lunch went off without a hitch, Beau swallowing his pride not to be as awkward with Bradley as possible, although he did draw a few murderous looks from your father when he put his hand a little too high on your thigh or lower back. After dessert, he helped your brothers put the kids down for a nap and let them share the convertible bed in your little study. Your sisters-in-law and your brother-in-law, Evan - Aaron's husband - helped you with the dishes. They gently teased you that Bradley was a very handsome young man and that you had chosen well. 
"I know I did. Look at you all, we Simpsons always have good taste," you sniped back with a wink and a teasing smile, making them laugh.
"Wait, wait, wait... So he was your regular booty call after your first assignment?" Evan seemed to realize. You shushed him and made sure that your parents didn't hear him say that. Annie laughed a little and grabbed your shoulder, making you look into her eyes. 
"I can see why you qualified him as the best sex of your life after the upper body I saw this morning," she teased you again, making your face completely flush. You practically begged her to stop talking about your sex life, very embarrassed. But the three of them could be little bullies and they loved to tease you sometimes.
"Guys, please stop. If my father hears you-"
"Hear what, Stormy?"
You turned and paled a little under your father's cold gaze and tight smile. Your sister-in-law and brother-in-law took the opportunity to run off like teenagers, and of course Bradley arrived just then, smiling carelessly. 
"The three cataclysms are finally asleep. Is everything okay in here?" he asked as he joined you in front of your father. He immediately wiped the smile off his face when he saw the look on Beau's face.
"You're lucky it's my wife's birthday, Bradshaw," he growled, his eyes staring straight into your souls, "but if I hear one more detail about your... nocturnal activities, I'm going to make sure that the two of you are as far away from each other as possible, even if it means sending one of you to Japan or Korea. Are we clear?"
"Yes, sir," Bradley replied promptly, "Clear as day.”
"For God's sake, Dad, aren't you being a little extreme? I'm a responsible adult-"
"I'm warning you, I don't want another grandchild too soon. Keep it in your pants."
Just when you thought you couldn't get any more embarrassed, your dad had the right words. He left the two of you in the kitchen, muttering that he was getting too old for this. 
"Oh my God..." You cursed as you hid your face in your hands and turned towards the sink. Of all the weird things that could happen, you'd really hoped no one would mention your sex life. You felt a little angry, but more than that, you were extremely embarrassed. You let out a shaky breath, your hands gripping the counter as you lowered your head. You felt the warmth of Bradley's body enveloping you as he wrapped his arms around your waist, his front against your back and his chin resting on your shoulder.
"I'm so sorry..."
"Why are you apologizing, babe? I told you it would take more than that to scare me off... Maybe your dad hasn't fallen for the Bradshaw charm yet, but I'm working on it..." he tried to cheer you up, "And now I have an army of kids who love me, I can order them to defend me."
You smiled, amused at his silliness. "You're really good with kids, but I think it's them who will command you..."
"Maybe you're right," he laughed a little and kissed the hollow of your neck, his mustache tickling you, "but your mother has already adopted me. I'm protected."
You laughed with him, your embarrassment and anger disappearing. You leaned against him, enjoying the hug he offered you. These simple gestures were so comforting that it was almost frightening how quickly he could soothe you. You closed your eyes as he hummed and softly danced with you in the kitchen. It was so cliché, right out of a rom-com, but you couldn’t care less.
After a few minutes, you regained enough courage to join the rest of your family in the living room. Your in-laws gave you apologetic looks, and your brothers were a little lost, but didn't dare ask. 
For the rest of the afternoon, Bradley learned every little anecdote your mother had to share; whether it was about your brothers, you, or even your father, she was more than happy to share with him. Jamie and Alice had fallen asleep in the garden, making your mother smile in awe. Nathan laughed a little with Aaron. "We warned them that a newborn was exhausting, but they insisted on coming here their own way...". 
You laughed a little too, it was true they looked exhausted. But little Juliet was so cute that they forgot how tired they were. 
Speaking of her, the baby phone warned everyone that she was waking up. You volunteered to warm her bottle and Bradley went to get her. Alice had put the travel crib in your room so the other three children would not be disturbed if Juliet woke up. 
When the milk was at the right temperature, you joined Bradley in your room. Your cheeks flushed and you felt butterflies in your stomach when you saw him holding the little one. He rocked her gently, stroking her cheek with his index finger. He seemed so natural that it made you fall even more in love with him. 
You shook your head, your father's voice echoing in your head: "No more grandchildren for now.”
You joined him and let him gently place the baby in your arms. You smiled and fed the hungry five-month-old in your arms. Bradley leaned against the doorframe and watched you with a soft smile. You, too, were a natural with children. Juliet seemed so comfortable in your arms and you seemed so relaxed. He found himself daydreaming about the two of you having children together. He blushed as he imagined you pregnant with his baby... and Nathan giggled behind him. "Calm your horses Bradshaw, you're not putting a baby in my sister anytime soon."
Bradley's face turned as bright red as yours. "Nathan, shut up!" you yelled-whispered at him, careful not to disturb the eating baby in your arms.
“What? You heard our old man, "No more grandchildren for now!”” Nathan grinned and put his arm around Bradley's shoulders.
"I can't promise that..." Bradley mumbled softly, mesmerized by the sight of you holding Juliet against you as you burped her after she had finished her bottle. Nathan's eyes widened and he tried his best not to burst out laughing. "What did you say, Brad’ ? I think I misheard you?"
You blushed as you realized what your boyfriend had just said.
"I... Nothing!" Bradley defended himself weakly, very embarrassed. Nathan teased him until your mother told him to stop, threatening him with no cake after dinner. He immediately stopped and went to get his son after whispering to Bradley that he wouldn't forget what he had just said. You decided not to talk about it, feeling a little embarrassed as well.
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It wasn't long before dinnertime arrived, and your father was relaxed and talking with Bradley. You even caught them laughing together. This interaction was reassuring for the rest of the evening.
As usual, your mother had cooked for a regiment, and your refrigerator was full of leftovers. She made Bradley promise to stop by the family home and look at the family albums and your childhood bedroom. He laughed a little but agreed. 
You walked everyone back to their cars, helped them with the kids' stuff, and your dad gave you one last hug and said good night. He said goodbye to Bradley with a slight smile and a quick hug. 
When everyone was gone, you collapsed on your sofa, drained of all energy. Bradley joined you with a smile and pulled you right into his arms.
"That didn't go so badly after all..."
You nodded, yawned and put your arms around him. You thought back to the day that had just passed, to that roller coaster of emotions, and laughed a little.
"So... eager to put a baby inside me Lieutenant?"
"Oh my God Y/N!!" Bradley blushed, hiding his face behind his fists in total embarrassment. You laughed and teased him about it. You preferred to take it as a joke because neither of you were anywhere near ready to have children of your own, you both agreed on that. Or did you?
He turned to you, a serious expression on his face.
"And what if I am? Would you... would you be on board to have kids with me? Not right now, of course, but... I... I can't imagine a future without you in it, and I'd like to have kids with you. I know we haven't really been together that long, but we've known each other for a long time... and oh my God, I'm rumbling," he groaned, rubbing his face before looking back at you. "What I mean is that I love you and I don't want to live without you. Maybe it's rushed, maybe you-"
You interrupted him, pulled him by the collar and kissed him. You didn’t know what came over you; maybe it was the fact that he had just admitted his feelings, or the fact that he was already planning a life with you. Maybe both. Certainly both.
"I love you too," you whispered between two kisses, "and I don't want to be without you either... and I would love to start a family with you someday, Lieutenant Bradshaw..."
You smiled, your forehead pressed against his, and he chuckled in relief.
"Today was really like you... a storm..." he sighed, smiling and stroking your cheeks.
"I know... are you sure you can keep up with my family?" you teased, "Now that you've messed with the storm, the cyclone will never be far away."
"Wouldn't have it any other way, Stormy."
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dreamwritesimagines · 4 months
The Eye of the Hurricane [5] - Unyielding
A.N: Here’s the new chapter my loves! ❤️ Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback, you made my day! ❤️I hope you’ll like this chapter as well and please don’t forget to tell me what you think! ❤️
Summary: Certain arguments can’t wait.
Word Count: 3600
Pairing: MobBoss!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Violence, death, guns, crime, blood, explicit language, drinking. This is an AU, friendly reminder that I don’t condone any of the actions depicted on this story and please read with care.
Series Masterlist
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For a couple of seconds, you could do nothing but stare at him with wide eyes, frozen in your seat.
“Excuse me?”
“Just hear me out before you grab your gun, it would—” he started but you scoffed and stood up from the lounge chair, the familiar anger rushing through you so fast that it almost made your head spin.
“Do you think this is funny?”
He shook his head fervently. “I’m completely serious.”
A dry laugh spilled from your lips. “Oh really?”
“I don’t know who the fuck you think you are, but my stupid little crush on you went away years and years ago,” you growled, glaring daggers at him. “You made sure of that, so if you dare assume for even a moment—”
“Oh my God, that was the wildest bachelorette I’ve ever been to!” Becca’s voice cut you off as she pushed open the door and stepped into the rooftop. “Also I’m pretty sure I’m in love now, so…” she stopped when her eyes fell on you two. “Uh, what’s going on?”
“Nothing,” you said after a beat and threw your shoulders back. “Did you just say you’re in love?”
Bucky stole a look at Becca. “Who did you fall in love with?”
“That’s a long story. What’s going on in here?”
You pursed your lips together, your heart still beating in your ears as you tried to focus through the fury, then cleared your throat.
“We were—”
“Y/N, we’re leaving!” you heard Ian’s voice and your head whipped around, then you cleared your throat.
“I’ll call you tomorrow,” you said, pressing a kiss on her cheek in a rush. “Let’s get coffee at the usual place?”
“Uh, sure?” she said slowly and you walked out of the rooftop like someone was chasing you, without sparing Bucky so much as a glance.
The road back home was considerably quiet but it did nothing to silence the chaos in your mind. You had excused yourself to your room as soon as you got home, but after an hour of tossing and turning in the bed, you huffed out and kicked the covers off of you, sitting up in the bed.
This was nonsense.
There was no scenario in which you’d marry Bucky. You weren’t even sure you could spend more than half an hour together without being at each other’s throats, let alone being an actual couple—
Not that you had thought about it.
Fine, back when you were younger and Bucky hadn’t ripped your heart out yet, you used to spend a lot of time thinking about you and him ending up together. He was your best friend’s cool older brother and you were both heirs to your families’ empires, so your little crush let your imagination run wild.
And then he had broken your heart but after everything, even now, your imagination still liked to conjure him up in your dreams some nights.
But unlike before, you weren’t an idiot. You knew what kind of an asshole he was, so there was no way you could even entertain that stupid proposal, no matter what kind of a promise of power it held.
You rubbed at your eyes and got up from the bed, then padded your way down the hallway, then went down the spiral stairs. You stretched out your arms over your head as you followed the hallway to the kitchen where the light was coming from, as you knew it would, then peeked your head in.
Oh good.
It was just Jennifer, your genius chef who was now busy with making a sandwich on the counter while Ryan sat on one of the chairs, his hands clasped together, his back completely straight. Ryan was Ian’s right hand, -ex military, as much as you knew- but unlike Ian, he was much calmer and rational. He was tall and very muscular and didn’t like to talk much, and that added more to the air of mystery he held, considering no one seemed to know much about his past, or his personal life.
“Hey,” you knocked on the door, making both of them turn their heads. “Is this a bad time?”
“Not at all!” Jennifer said as Ryan stood up from his chair.
“Oh don’t!” you motioned at him. “Please don’t stand up, I just…I couldn’t sleep so I figured—”
“Warm milk with honey and cinnamon?” Jennifer finished your sentence for you, making you smile and nod your head.
“Yes please,” you said and pulled yourself a chair, resting your elbows on the counter. Ryan eyed you, then sat down as well.
“There you go!” Jennifer said, putting the plate in front of him, then smiled at him. “Chef’s special sandwich.”
“Thanks Jen,” Ryan said, his voice gruff and Jennifer turned to you.
“Would you like one as well?”
“Ah no, thank you,” you said and heaved a sigh. Jennifer stole a look at you.
“Are you alright?”
“Too many thoughts,” you muttered, leaning your chin on your fist. “Ryan, are you married?”
Ryan’s head shot up as he chewed on his bite, then cleared his throat.
“No ma’am.”
“Any partner?”
“No ma’am.”
“He’s single,” Jennifer said with a grin. “And all my friends are very eager to change that.”
Ryan offered her an almost abashed smile and shifted his weight on the chair as if he was uncomfortable with the sudden attention while Jennifer put your glass of honeyed milk with cinnamon in front of you with a couple of cookies on the plate.
“Thank you so much,” you said as you took a sip, then bit on the cookie.
“Jen, you’re married and in love, right?”
“And I’m also the luckiest woman in the world in addition to all that,” she said, making you smile.
“Do you think people could get married to people they hate?”
“Why would anyone get married to someone they hate?” she asked and Ryan took a huge bite of his sandwich, looking between you.
“Common interests,” you said. “I don’t know, I had this strange thought…”
Jennifer tilted her head. “What?”
You heaved a sigh, then shook your head.
“Nothing,” you said. “Don’t mind me. Just some late-night thoughts, that’s all.”
By the time you met up with Becca, you still couldn’t stop thinking about last night and Bucky’s proposal, if you could even call it that. It was nonsense, you knew it was, but considering Becca was your best friend, the mere thought of keeping it from her was simply absurd.
“He proposed?” Becca asked, gawking at you. “He actually proposed?”
“Well it was technically a business proposal.”
“And a marriage proposal at the same time?”
You shrugged your shoulders while the waiter filled your coffee cup.
“You know…” Becca trailed off. “Hypothetically speaking—”
“You cannot tell me this is a good idea.”
“I’m not but think about it,” she insisted. “You and Buck already hate each other kinda, so you’re technically already married. You just skipped like ten years into it and got to the resentment part.”
“You fight like a married couple.”
“If some married couple is fighting like me and Bucky, they should get a divorce,” you pointed out, leaning back in your seat. “I blocked his number, and just…ugh the nerve of the guy, can you believe him?!”
“Mm hm.” Becca said, sipping her matcha before checking her phone. “Oh thank God!”
“Sarah is coming to the club this weekend,” she said and pointed at you. “So are you, right?”
“Yeah, me and Ethan.”
“I’m bringing Ethan with me,” you explained. “I had to ditch him today, we were supposed to meet for lunch but as you can tell, this couldn’t wait.”
“My brother asking you to marry him even if you hate his guts? Yeah, that beats lunch with the cute ex.”
“And you know, since we’ve been texting a lot, I figured…”
“Yeah yeah, bring him over!” Becca said. “It’ll be fun—oh my God, so my brother’s audacity and ego aside, I need to tell you about the girl I met last night.”
“Yeah, I was going to ask you!” you said. “You said you were in love?”
“I am!” she said with a smile. “You know, I was thinking I could invite her and some friends as well, but now that I think about it, maybe I could just take a page from Bucky’s book and open with a marriage proposal.”
“I’m just saying, we can just skip to the happily married part, flirting is a waste of time at this point and—”
“You’re not doing that!”
Becca let out a laugh.
“I don’t know,” she said. “Just because it didn’t work for him doesn’t mean it wouldn’t work for me.”
“It wouldn’t work for anyone, Becca,” you told her and she hummed.
“I’ll just say one thing about this, then I’ll talk about the love of my life, alright?”
“Alright,” you said and she turned her cup in the saucer, then clicked her tongue.
“You and Bucky being married is an absurd idea yes,” she said. “But he did have a point.”
“How is that?”
“Well, I’ll ask you the same thing my aunt asked me when I took my civilian boyfriend to my cousin’s wedding, and I have a feeling your answer will be different than mine.”
“Which is?”
She smiled at you mischievously.
“Do you want love poems, or do you want power?”
Your eyes shot up to hers before you shifted your weight, then motioned at her with your hand.
“Come on,” you said. “Enough about that. Tell me about the love of your life.”
You and Becca ended up spending the whole day together, and by the time you decided you would go back home, it was already dark outside. Watching outside as the driver drove you home, you leaned your head on the window, then felt your phone buzzing in your purse so you grabbed it, smiling slightly at the name before answering it.
“Hey there.”
“Hi,” Ethan’s voice reached you, and you could tell he was smiling as well. “How was your day?”
“It was good,” you said. “Full of romance.”
“Becca is in love,” you said and he let out a whistle.
“Your best friend Becca?”  
“Oh yeah,” you said. “I had to talk her out of looking at bridal shops, but we still went cake tasting.”
“Does this person know they’re getting married to Becca?”
“That’s just a small detail,” you joked, making him chuckle. “She invited her to the club for the weekend, I’m pretty excited to meet her. How about you?”
“Do you find data analyzing romantic?”
“Not exactly.”
“Then it was less romantic than your day.”
“And the hospital?” you asked and he took a deep breath.
“Oh everything is fine. Should be free of the bandages next week.”
You bit inside your cheek. “I still feel responsible—”
“Don’t,” he cut you off. “Seriously. The incident had nothing to do with you.”
“Mm hm.”
“Besides, you can’t really blame the rollercoaster if someone gets hurt on one.”
“No one is supposed to get hurt on a rollercoaster,” you pointed out and he thought for a moment.
“Okay in hindsight, it wasn’t the best analogy…”
You pulled your brows together. “Wait, am I the rollercoaster?”
“No! No, you’re sitting next to me on the rollercoaster,” Ethan explained. “We’re both riding it.”
“That’s not—” you started but a black sports car wheezed past yours and sharply drifted sideways as soon as it got in front of your car so that yours would have to stop.
“I’ll call you back Ethan,” you said and hung up the phone, your heart skipping a beat as you grabbed the gun from underneath the seat, looking to your right to see your bodyguards’ car stopping as well. The driver lowered the partition as the bodyguards stepped out of the car.
“It’s Mr. Barnes’ personal car, ma’am,” he said. “I know the plate.”
“Oh Jesus Christ…” you murmured as you put the gun back to where it was and opened your door, then stepped outside at the same time Bucky left his car. Your bodyguards hesitated as soon as they saw him, looking between you and you waved a hand in the air.
“It’s fine guys,” you said and turned to Bucky. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
Bucky shrugged his shoulders as if nothing was wrong.
“You blocked my number,” he said. “It’s not like I can text you.”
“And what, it wasn’t enough of a clue?” you asked tersely and Bucky nodded in the direction of his car.
“Come on, get in. We’re going to talk.”
You crossed your arms. “Nope.”
“Charm for fuck’s sake…”
“I’m not going to talk to you, and I’m certainly not getting in your car.”
“You seriously want to do this right here on the road?”
You threw your hands up in frustration. “You are the one who’s blocking the road, motherfucker!”
You could see the petrified expressions on your bodyguards’ faces before one of them gazed up at the sky while the other one put his hands into his pockets and kicked at a tiny pebble on the road, both desperately trying to look like they weren’t hearing you two.
“I will not,” you retorted. “What is your deal, seriously?”
“We need to talk about last night,” Bucky said and out of the corner of your eye, you noticed the bodyguards exchanging glances, so you gritted your teeth and grabbed Bucky’s arm to pull him to the other side of the car in an attempt to get more privacy.
“There’s nothing to talk about,” you said through your teeth and Bucky ran a hand over his face.
“No I’d say there’s plenty to talk about,” he said. “I mean you didn’t even give me an answer—”
“That poor excuse of a joke doesn’t deserve an answer.”
“It wasn’t a joke to me.”
“Well, it was to me.”
He shook his head slightly.
“Just—” he said. “Why not?”
You raised your brows, gawking at him in disbelief and a look of realization dawned on his face before he heaved a sigh.
You shot him a mocking smile, crossing your arms.
You and Becca sneaking into nightclubs wasn’t a new thing, and now that you were leaving for college in a month, you were trying to spend as much time together as possible. Becca threw her arm over your shoulder as you walked through the crowd to the bar.
“Two martinis please,” she told the bartender and he took a look at you two, but before he could say anything the other bartender muttered something into his ear, then motioned at you.
“Coming right up,” he ended up saying as you turned to Becca.
“So you were saying?”
“Yeah like, he keeps saying he’s too busy but I’m not buying it—ugh, you gotta be kidding me!”
You frowned, then followed her line of sight to see Bucky and Steve stepping outside from the other exit that led to the back alley behind the club, your heart starting to beat faster.
“Where are they going?”
“They’re probably gonna beat someone up, who cares?” Becca said with a shrug of her shoulders. “He’s in such a mood nowadays, I’m not even gonna let him know I’m here. Arrogant asshole.”
You tilted your head. “…Oh?”
“He and daddy had a huge fight the other night,” she said as she took the drink from the bartender while he put the other one in front of you. “Like my mom had to step in because they were at each other’s throats, that kind of a fight.”
Becca shrugged again. “It’s probably about business. The golden heir made a mistake I guess.”
You took a sip of your drink. “Interesting.”
“Yeah and then he went and broke up with Laura.”
Your head shot up. “They broke up?”
“Yeah!” Becca said. “Which, I’m not sorry at all because she was so annoying, but no girl in the world deserves to get dumped by Bucky so I have mixed feelings about the situation.”
You could feel the small glimmer of hope warming your chest and you pursed your lips together, then cleared your throat.
“I just—I forgot I was gonna call my dad, he gets so mad when I don’t let him know,” you said. “I gotta step outside for a moment, I’ll be right back.”
“Okay!” Becca said and you made your way through the dance floor before reaching the second exit, but before you could open the door, Steve had already beaten you to it.
“Y/N,” he said when he saw you. “Hey.”
“Hi,” you smiled at him. “Um—have you seen Bucky?”
Steve looked over his shoulder, then turned to you with an apologetic smile.
“He’s not…” he trailed off. “He’s not in the best mood.”
“Oh that’s okay,” you said and pushed the door open before he could say anything else, then stepped outside, holding your phone for the sake of appearance. When you saw him, Bucky’s bodyguards were dragging a nearly unconscious man out of the alley while he wiped the blood off his knuckles with a tissue, then lit a cigarette.
You could feel your heart beating in your ears, but you bit down on your lip, fixing your dress before clearing your throat.
He turned his head when he heard his name, then exhaled the smoke.
“Hey Charm,” he greeted you, making your heart skip a beat. “Is Becca here too?”
You bit inside your cheek, trying not to get discouraged by that, then nodded your head.
“Um, yeah we just got here.”
“Great,” he murmured. “Tell her not to drink too much, will you?”
You nodded again and smiled at him, your hand shaky a little as you fixed your dress again, desperately hoping it looked good on you.
“I didn’t know you would be here.”
“Yeah well, here I am,” he said, taking a drag of his cigarette, leaning back to the brick wall and you licked your lips.
“And are you okay?”
“Why wouldn’t I be okay?”
“Oh, just...” you stammered. “Becca mentioned you and Laura.”
Bucky shrugged his shoulders. “Happens. I’m fine, it was my call.”
Dear God, he was so handsome that you could just stare at him for hours.  
“Are you going to that gala thing as well?” you asked, nervousness pulsing through your system. “My dad is basically dragging me there, is George doing the same?”
His jaw clenched at the mention of his father, and he nodded quietly, exhaling the smoke.
Your voice was trembling a little, your throat incredibly dry because of the nervousness mixed with anticipation, but you still managed to get the words out.
“So I was thinking, do you—um—do you wanna go together?”
That managed to get his attention and he pulled his brows together, then let out a dry laugh.
“Jesus Christ…” he muttered. “What, you rushed here as soon as you heard about me and Laura? Seriously?”
You pulled back slightly, your stomach doing a flip and you shook your head.
“No, I just—”you stammered, tears stinging the back of your eyes already. “I was just thinking—”
“Listen, I know you don’t see it right now, but this little crush of yours is just…” he trailed off with a small chuckle, motioning between you. “It’s kind of adorable, but it’s not going to happen. If I go to that gala with you, you’ll get your hopes up, so will everyone else around us and I’ll end up trapped in something serious—which is out of question. I can’t trust you with the business, not when you’d probably report everything back to your own family and I can’t afford a mistake, not right now.”
You tried to blink back the tears, staring at him as he threw the cigarette butt on the ground, then put his hands in his pockets and shrugged.
“Not to mention,” he said. “I don’t go for daddy’s spoiled whiny princess type, and you’d be better off with a nicer guy anyway.”
You could feel the sobs threatening to climb up your chest, so you sniffled and turned around to rush back into the club, leaving him there before he could say anything else.
“Don’t tell me that’s the reason,” Bucky’s voice pulled you out of your thoughts and you arched a brow.
“I said nothing.”
“It was what, almost ten years ago?” he asked. “I was an idiot—”
“I am really not interested in whatever this bullshit is,” you told him. “And I’m going to be late for dinner, so…”
“Just hear me out first—”
You looked over your shoulder and motioned at the driver.  “Turn the car around please!”
The driver did as you asked but before you could step away from Bucky, he grabbed your arm.
“Charm, I can help you get the power you want,” he insisted as you rolled your eyes. “You might hate me right now, but you know I can do that. Just let me get you that crown.”
“We’re done here.” You yanked your arm out of his grip and walked to the car but stopped when you reached it, turning your head to look at him.
“I’m not going to marry you Bucky,” you called out, fully aware that the bodyguards could hear you, and the mere thought gave you a strange sense of satisfaction. “I would never marry you. I don’t go for the arrogant asshole type, and you’d be better off with a nicer girl anyway.”
 With that you got in the car, and the driver started driving as soon as you slammed the door shut, the car gliding down the road smoothly.
“Unbelievable,” you muttered to yourself and leaned your head back, closing your eyes. “The fucking audacity.”
Chapter 6
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dailyadventureprompts · 5 months
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Villain: The Gleebringer Battalions
Gallard Gleebringer only ever wanted to make people happy. By using his skills as a toymaker and inventor he sought to fill the world with devices that would bring wonder, and save people from the drugery of labor to give them more time for play.
Seeking to save his neighbours from the horrors of war, and under the patronage of the battlehungry local margrave, Gallard has a constructed an autonomous army of toy soldiers that in some weeks time will go berserk and begin rampaging across the land, playing out an inexplicable war-game that will leave villages sacked and the entire region destabilized.
It’s up to the party to notice the looming crisis and do something about it before the toys begin their march, As the powers that be are not only blind to the looming crisis but actively dismissive of any
Adventure Hooks:
Scraping together enough coin to fund a construct army has left the margrave’s treasury more than a little tight pursed, leading them to skimp on things like repairing infrastructure, public festivals, and resupplying their garrisons. There’s plenty of opportunities for adventurers as bandits and monsters propagate through the wilderness, and the lesser nobles rely on mercenaries to guard their holdings. Its only so long before the cracks begin to show however, as roads wash out and the realms defenders turn to brigandry. 
The party end up in a tavern drinking with an old military officer previously employed by the margrave. She’s iresome and illtempered, but she’ll crawl out of her cups long enough to tell the tale of how after twenty years of loyal service she was let go for protesting when some of the troops under her command were killed in a training exercise.  If the party press a little she might just let it slip that it wasn’t training so much as a field test of Gleebringer’s machines, which her boss insisted be against real troops. Later on, they’ll find an official bounty posted for the woman, who’s rallied some of her fellow discontented soldiers and started on a campaign of sabotage. 
For his part Gleebringer is quite blind to the looming threat, having been carried by his ever shifting attention to yet another new project once the design and manufacture of the armies were complete. The party might get a chance to talk to him however if they manage to sneak into the excursive exposition he's hosting in the province's capital, either by riding in on the coattails of a wealthy patron, or by sneaking in among the serving staff. Actually getting an audience with the toymaker will be even more difficult as the margrave has set his agents to watch and protect Gleebringer, and it's only so long before they notice the uninvited guest have crashed the private function.
Setup: While many gnomes dabble in artifice, it was early in his apprenticeship with the village toymaker that a young Gallard discovered both his love and prodigious talent for the technical arts. It wasn't just a magical knack, it was an eye for detail that had people saying that the gnome's creations seemed to be alive long before he figured out how to make them move on their own.
Soon Gleebringer toys were in demand across kingdoms, and Gallard found himself not only patronized by innumerable wealthy merchants and nobles but sought out by engineers and craftsfolk of all kinds who realized the genius packed away in his creations.
Gallard didn't let the fame or the fortune go to his head, instead using his growing connections and commission budget to experiment with even more complex designs. For example: scaling up from music boxes to clockwork bands, and eventually an automated opera house.
As a man who dreamed all his life of building a flying town, it was safe to assume that Gallard had his head in the clouds. He hated to see people suffer but seldom thought through the implications of his inventions, Such as when an automated lumber mill intended to supply materials for his projects put an entire town of foresters out of work. This penchant for distraction was only encouraged by the margrave, who saw the military applications of Gleebringer's gifts from the moment a clockwork dragon bought for one of his children ended up badly maiming one of the servants who saught to tidy up the toyblock castle it had been charged with guarding.
Over the past ten years, the Margrave has become Gallard's most generous patron, supplying him with workshops ( staffed by apprentaces who's loyalty can be counted on) and an endless series of new projects ( which always end up increasing the margrave's power and standing at the cost of the common good).
Art 1
Art 2
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chrysopoeias · 11 months
opinion posting about riza hawkeye/otp on something i see a lot around town but i disagree with.
Anyway. One thing I see more often than not is the idea that Hawkeye joined the military in order to chase after Mustang because she wanted to protect him. Or that she chased him while in love. But that is actually not true. I know ‘Because I have someone to protect’ is meemed into everyone’s head, but that was not her reason for joining the army. And it does not make sense either.
Like in a strategy guide to get Riza laid any% speedrun, what option is most logical?
1) Go completely no-contact with Mustang. Attend possibly multiple years of the military academy, likely in a different region from where he is. Get into a speciality that is wildly different from him. Git gud at that and then hope that maybe, if all the stars align her future boss will one day for some random reason put her in the proximity of this magic scientist she has not spoken to in years. And then ??? profit?
2) Literally just call Roy on his phone number, perhaps sent him a nice letter, or visit his address.
Sure, the first thing is what actually happened. But it's way too uncertain for that to have been planned. She did not need to be a soldier to be close to him. Roy was not a stranger to Riza, she had his current up to date contact info. He gave it to her on page/screen after her dad died. 
When she first sees Mustang in Ishval Hawkeye looks angered and shocked to see him. The first thing she says to him is ‘Do you remember me?’. These two had no contact at all between 1905 and 1908. Mustang got flame alchemy and skedaddled out of her life (even though he was supposed to look after her lmao) and Hawkeye also had clearly no intention of seeking him out when she could have done so easily. She did not join the army to protect him. And also, she says why she joined:
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She wanted to improve the lives of the people of Amestris. So am I saying it had nothing to do with Mustang? Well no. Her reasons for joining the military are the same as his. 
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She looked up to him. Here is this young man who has been to places beyond her sad little town and graduated from the military academy, he is a genius alchemist and must know what he’s talking about, right? That is on top of whatever their relationship was like before then, and whatever adoration she had for him already. She trusted him and thought his dreams were wonderful. Riza also wanted to believe in a peaceful future. Remember that they live in a totalitarian military dictatorship that has been in continued armed conflicts since the middle ages. There has never been a time of peace, ever, since the country was founded. And from the normie Amestrian point of view, they are just defending themselves from outside attacks. I believe that if Hawkeye and Mustang were sent to a border conflict instead of the civil war, they would have never questioned their government.
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Anyway, Riza saw an opportunity to be useful with her own two hands, beyond being a walking notebook. Even if she could die in the process, it’d be worth to try. (And the military would also give her a salary after growing up in poverty and a place to live that is not the house she was abused in). She was a teenager with no family, no guidance, no idea what to make of herself. But this was something she could do. (She could have chosen many non-violent paths instead too, to be fair, but I digress).
And then it all went to shit obviously. You cannot become a sniper and never expect to kill. Selling your agency to the state means you can’t just play hero when you want to, you will be sent where ordered whether you like it or not, and forced to commit horrors or die a traitor. Believing the naive ideals of protecting her country was a mistake. Blindly admiring and trusting Mustang was a mistake. Smarter people than me can go expand on that.
But the ‘because there is someone I have to protect’ reason Hawkeye gives for being in the military is actually the reason why she stays. She could have gotten her diploma after Ishval and leave the military behind. But she chose not to.
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She stays and will continue to kill because flame alchemy is her responsibility and she has created Mustang, all his kills are mentally hers. If she quits or kills herself while he does not, flame alchemy is still loose in the world outside her control. And just like Roy, she never fully gives up on her dream about protecting everyone. There must be a way to make all this worth it. There is still a way to change the country so future generations won’t have to go through what she did. She’s already doomed so she will take that responsibility so others won’t have to. She violently and fully clings to that.
If Mustang dies before doing anything positive for the world with their dreams and his abilities, all Hawkeye has done with her short life is cause destruction, murder and create a murderer, all the suffering would have been a waste. She cannot life with that guilt or continue the path alone, she will give up and kill herself. Especially in the scenario where she kills Roy herself, and with that her only hope.
There is no way out for them. But their murder-suicide pact was not planned for since they were young. They never intended to see each other again and spend their lives like this. You can blame dad for setting them up for failure.
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thegreenlizard · 4 months
Bare beskar
On the eve of marching to war, Obi-Wan makes plans and digs out his old armour. Musings on Mandalorian armour and culture, the ethics of commanding slave soldiers and how that affects one’s self-image.
Could be the same AU as “Not Obi-Wan’s first slave uprising” and “What makes a military genius” (where Obi-Wan is presented with a battalion of slave soldiers, says please and thank you, and starts plotting how to take down the slavers).
Obi-Wan has Mandalorian armour, courtesy of the Kyr’tsad who failed to kill him when he was seventeen and running for his life on Mandalore. The Jedi frown on such soldierly things, so the armour has mostly gathered dust in his closet for the past decade and some. But Obi-Wan has fought in a war before and recognises that no matter how good one is, sometimes armour is all that stands between bleeding out in a ditch and living to fight another day.
So on the eve of marching to war, Obi-Wan digs out his armour to clean and repair and condition every piece. He looks at its light green for peace and green for duty, the order’s wings on one pauldron/over his heart. He strips it all off. He has no right to wear any of it now, and the bare beskar is a statement of its own.
- Feels about how bare unpainted beskar could be silver for seeking redemption, disavowing all ties (in that there’s no one and nothing to paint his armour for), for being an outcast (which in his heart, he has already decided to become), or all of them. Leading a slave army to war is really really not in the Jedi mission statement. Obi-Wan, having experienced his own stints as a slave, having brought up a padawan who was born a slave, and having already left the order once for an army of child soldiers—well, he has some feels about it.
- Obi-Wan’s closet doesn’t just have armour, it also has a veritable armoury of, ah, useful souvenirs from his various missions. Maybe it makes him a bad Jedi, but Obi-Wan has some difficulty with letting go of possessions that have saved his life. Such as the sniper rifle from Melidaan, a blaster from here, and a vibroblade from there…
- Cody’s/The 212th’s reactions to their Jedi whose luggage apparently includes a full set of arms and armour and little else.
- There’s a story that armour tells for anyone who can read it and I wonder if the clones could. There are only a few things that a completely unpainted beskar’gam could mean. Either it’s completely new and the owner hasn’t had time yet to paint it. But Kenobi’s beskar’gam isn’t new: the metal has scrapes all over it and some fittings are clearly newer than others. It could be second hand, but as the weeks pass, the metal stays bare. And even though some shinies joke about their shiny, very visible general, Kenobi won’t even put on a matte base coat, just thanks the men politely and keeps on shining. It has to be intentional.
- When Obi-Wan eventually repaints his armour, it’s in gold for the 212th and black for justice for the vode.
In the days between accepting his marching orders and shipping out to meet his battalion, Obi-Wan researches, plans, and packs. He sleeps fitfully and dreams of Melida-Daan, of Bandomeer, of Mandalore. He tears through the archives and with echoes of the Young in his ears, downloads anything that might help keep his men alive. With a growing cold like deep sea mines, he reads the clones spec sheets, reviews galactic law, and speed reads his way through the last few years of the senate’s bills.
He pulls out of his closet possessions unbecoming of Jedi—things he has kept because he has been unable to let go of the fear of . There’s his old XX sniper rifle from Melida-Daan. A blaster from here. A vibroblade from there.
And there’s the armour he got from Mandalore. It’s painted in green for duty and erin for peace, the order’s sigil on the pauldron. He can hardly stand to look at it. Standing here, at the eve of marching to war that is to be fought with slave soldiers, he has no right to wear any of it. Not the green of duty, for he has forsaken his duty to protect all sentient life in accepting command of an army of slaves. Not the erin of peace, for he is marching off to fight a war to force worlds to stay in a republic they don’t wish to be a part of. Not the sigil of the Jedi order, for he has already forsaken his vows in these actions—and has already decided to forsake his duty to the republic.
Obi-Wan strips the beskar bare. Before refitting the armour, going through the straps, buckles, replacing worn parts and reconditioning the rest. He spends sleepless nights in the salles relearning to fight in armour.
“Paint? I painted it when I was seventeen. I, ah, stripped it when I accepted the draft.” Kenobi grimaces, but sets his jaw and continues. “I couldn’t keep the paint I had after that.” There’s an odd, bitter clang to his words.
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buckrecs · 2 years
2022 Bucky Barnes Fic Rec 1
masterlist | req masterlist
All of them are COMPLETE Series.
✨ - fav fics
Status - Completed
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✨sunrise from @wkemeup
Veteran!Bucky x Librarian!Reader
After an explosion takes his arm and his only sense of belonging, Bucky is discharged from active duty and sent back to civilian life. Left with a storm of unchecked guilt, Bucky is content to live out the rest of his days in the hollow comfort of the dark. This is, until Sam drags him down to the local VA and he meets you. (Modern AU)
parent-teacher conference by @coffeecatsandcandles
Single Dad!Bucky x Teacher!Reader
James Barnes, a widowed single dad, had forgotten what love felt like and let it crush him, taking his daughter, Rebecca, with him. He was cold, rude, and arrogant, being one of the few teachers at Westview High School the students seemed to absolutely despise. But when you show up, a hopeful math teacher who’d previously taught Rebecca’s kindergarten class, and are adored by your students and colleagues- James’s attitude starts to change.
whatever it takes by @wienerbarnes
Bucky x Doctor!Reader Doctor AU
The Avengers recruit you, a medical genius of sorts, to help solve the case of an agent who is dying from an unknown illness. You seem to catch Bucky Barnes’ attention.
seven thirty by @nacho-bucky
Single Dad!Bucky x Reader
You were planning on a productive — if lonely — weekend, but the little girl across the hall has different ideas about how you and Bucky Barnes should be spending your time.
call me when you want by @bonky-n-steeb
Bucky x Reader
When you call a sex hotline with a need to be dominated you don’t expect to meet (or hear) someone as wonderful as James. but your life becomes a complicated mess as you already love your coworker, Bucky Barnes. however, you are unaware that they are actually the same person.
steel blue by @youlightmeupfinn
Professor!Bucky Barnes x Reader
When you experience the most intense night of the summer alongside Bucky, who you nickname Steel Blue, you weren't expecting to fall pregnant. When a positive pregnancy test meets your eyes a few days before school starts, you know it belongs to the man who you'd never see again. Until you walk into your Romanian Linguistics class and he's your professor.
✨heart and soul by @all1e23
Alpha!Bucky x Omega!Reader
Alphas only brought trouble. The only thing they are good for is bringing their Omega’s pain and forced submission. They were dangerous, reckless and cruel. There wasn’t an ounce of kindness in any of them.  She didn’t need an Alpha, and she certainly didn’t believe in that True Mates fairytale. That was just some fabricated fable Alphas made up to trick innocent doe-eyed Omegas. She wasn’t going to fall for that.  Not again.No Alpha would ever get her to believe that love truly exists. And then, James Buchanan Barnes walked into her life.
✨astrophile by @all1e23
Firefighter!Bucky x Reader Single Dad AU
Orion Rebecca Barnes's favorite thing in the whole world (besides her daddy of course) is spending hours after school in the bookstore by her house and the owner GIVES her any book she wants; she’s the coolest girl Orion has ever met.
✨swallow by @all1e23
Biker!Bucky x Reader
Since he was fifteen years old, Bucky Barnes has only been sure of two things; the club should be the most essential thing in his life, and he’d burn it all down for you.  
between the star by @all1e23
Bucky x Reader Past Steve x Reader Military AU
Struggling with the death of your husband, you find comfort in someone unexpected
the slip up by @justkending
Bucky x Single Mom!Reader
After a last hurrah to graduating college with a future to be a family practitioner, a little slip up happens… Seven years down the road, just when things just now seem to be going smoothly, Y/N approaches that slip up from all those years ago. She’s not looking for anything right now. She is just where she wants to be in life. It seems the universe has a different idea though. One called James Barnes.
✨the love club by @slyyywriting
Bucky x Mob!Reader
Bucky gets initiated into the mob life by accident. He wants out but only the owner can revoke his club membership.
the number one rule by @justkending
Bucky x Rogers!Reader
Y/N has always been seen as “Steve’s rambunctious sister.” However, she grew up, graduated, and moved to London to study abroad for 4 years and get her bachelor's degree. The girl that returns looks nothing like the teenager that left. But don’t worry, the attitude is still there and stronger than ever. What’s to come of the two grown adults that used to push each other's buttons, but now have a lot more in common than they’ve ever realized?
✨delicate edges by @wkemeup
Biker!Bucky x Florist!Reader
Your family’s beloved flower shop was not the only thing you inherited when your parents passed. Trapped under a mountain of debt to the Hydra club, you bear the cost of your father’s desperate bargain. It’s only in moments when the charming Bucky Barnes walks into your shop that you can forget the cruelty of the biker clubs of this town. But a war is brewing. The border is crumbling. You're trapped in the middle. And Bucky will stop at nothing to keep you safe.
not me by @simsadventures
CEO!Bucky x Wife!Reader
Billionaire/entrepreneur Bucky is married to seemingly timid and meek wife, the reader. While he hates her with all he has, she tried to act her part as the wife of the big CEO. And while their relationship falls apart more and more, they both realised there might be more to the story than they previously believed. Will they be able to repair the damage that’s been done, or will they find happiness in somebody else’s arms?
✨the perfect fit by @mypoisonedvine
Bucky x Tailor!Reader
bucky needs a new suit (or two) and gets a recommendation from his best frenemy, tony stark.  of course it would turn out that you were his tailor, and further, that bucky would be an awkward stumbling mess as soon as he’s anywhere near you.
seeing red by @mypoisonedvine
Bodyguard!Bucky x Celebrity!Reader
bucky used to brag that he didn’t have a celebrity crush, or really care about famous people at all, which is what made him the perfect person to start working for a celebrity like yourself.  except, of course, it’s just his luck that he’d fall for you.
the new recruit by @angstysebfan
Bucky x Reader
You and Bucky have a best friends with benefits relationship, since he is not the “relationship” type. Things go crazy when the new recruit shows up.
✨one last job by @sunriserose1023
Bodyguard!Bucky x Celebrity!Reader
Bucky Barnes is retired. He did a stint in the Army, did a stint as a Secret Service agent, even dabbled in the private sector, but that’s over. Now, he just wants to rest in the solitude he’s found in a cabin in the Adirondacks, with only his memories to get him through the sleepless nights.
✨pride and privacy by @adrinktostopyourthirst
Roommate!Bucky x Reader
Bucky works on himself as he gets used to a roommate. Turns out, she has a much better room than him and he crossed the line.
the right for you by @real-jane
Bucky x Reader Past Steve x Reader
steve leaves you to pursue a life with peggy. bucky is there to pick up the pieces, and build a life you never could've imagined in order to dream of it.
✨for the love of the game by @pellucid-constellations
College Athlete!Bucky x Reader
Bucky Barnes was a menace. NYU’s top baseball player, he was used to girls falling at his feet and could smooth talk his way out of just about anything. You hated him. He couldn’t figure out why. So when the novelty of weekend parties and quick hookups finally wore off—and his feelings for you began to grow—he made it his mission to fix it.
✨undisclosed by @pellucid-constellations
Lumberjack!Bucky x Reader
Desperate to outrun a secret that could cost you your life, you seek refuge in a small mountain town. Its deep forests and small cabins make it the perfect place to hide, but the travel website hadn’t mentioned anything about the quiet, burly lumberjack that wouldn’t leave your thoughts. No one had warned Bucky about you either.
fragments by @subwaysurf45
Bucky x Reader
You always had a soft spot for innocent people who were viewed as monsters, must have been something in your blood. Nothing changed when you were assigned as the new handler for the Winter Soldier, he had just killed his previous one and you happened to be there at the right time to fill in. But what happens when you meet him years later?
wrong choice right places by @mvtthewmurdvck
Mob!Bodyguard!Bucky x Reader
never wanting to work for him or protect his fiancé, falling for you was the last thing he should do—especially when his boss was zemo, who now ran most of the city.
✨mess is mine by @scrumptious-delusion
Boxer!Bucky x Reader
as a date night surprise, your boyfriend takes you to a boxing match. little does he know, one of the competitors is responsible for breaking your heart five years ago and an accidental encounter is about to send your whole world spinning.
no day but today by @buckysfaveplum
Bucky x Reader
He’s more than content to lock himself away from everyone in the cold emptiness of his apartment. However, the girl in the apartment above him seems to have other plans. The girl who paints on the fire escape and climbs down through his window. The girl who he can’t seem to get enough of.
✨southpaw by @gogolucky13
Boxer!Bucky x Reader
Tied up in the criminal world your godfather has built, you have no reason to leave, until you find one in the man they call Southpaw.
✨ghost of you by @gogolucky13
Bucky x Reader
Bucky has worked hard to come to terms with his past and enjoy the new life he’s been given. But his mind is still plagued by nightmares of what he’s done and by the face of an unknown woman. What happens when the team is tasked with recovering another Winter Solider, causing Bucky’s past and present to collide in the form of the woman from his dreams?
nostalgia for the new by @real-jane
Bucky x Agent!Reader
bucky meets you because of your exquisite taste in music, and he finds in you a solace he didn't realize was possible. you create for bucky something he's never found before: nostalgia for a time that hasn't happened yet, and hope for a future where he might be loved.
✨to have & to hold by @slyyywriting
Single Dad!Bucky x Mob!Reader
Bucky is trying his best to provide and care for his daughter who just entered first grade. Everything was alright until she asks why everyone else seems to have a mom except for her. You’re just a plain mob boss who wants to turn a new leaf. Challenges arise when the world refuses to let you take a softer, non-violent route. A little girl helps you navigate a compromise.(Single Dad!Bucky)
safe with me by @bitsandbobsandstuff
Bodyguard!Bucky x Reader
When an unknown threat enters your life, protection is offered at the highest level. As Bucky Barnes comes into your life, the game changes, and you realise falling for the man tasked with keeping you safe is the last thing you expected.  
teacher’s favorite by @suitk0via
Single Dad!Bucky x Teacher!Reader
You are first grade teacher and Bucky is a single dad who wants to be involved with everything his little girl - Elaine - does. He’s the dad all the parent’s and faculty drool over. You quickly become Elaine's favorite teacher and Bucky's just gotta meet you.
✨stuck wit u by @slyyywriting
Bucky x Avenger!Reader
You and Bucky don’t get along. Your fights have become too destructive so Tony and Steve decide that enough is enough.
touch of ink by @deamstellarus
Tattoo Artist!Bucky x Reader
After a breakup with your ex, you decided to move to the small town where your long-time friend Sam lives, hoping for a change of pace and starting a new chapter in your life. You were prepared for a slower paced lifestyle, quaint diners, and a change of scenery. However, you didn't expect to be swept off your feet by two stunning pairs of blue-grey eyes.  
✨paper walls by @writingcroissant
Neighbor!Bucky x Reader
Your apartment happens to be right next to Bucky's, heads only separated by a paper-thin wall, leading to you witnessing every second of his nightmares. Although, bonding over your late night conversations, you seem to forget that you never even saw him before.    
✨leave this town by @avengerofyourheart
Mechanic!Bucky x Reader
Your dreams of kissing your small town life goodbye are about to come true when an unexpected detour leaves you stranded. Meeting the handsome local mechanic has you rethinking your plans. Perhaps happiness is less about where you’re headed and more about the people you meet along the way.
✨the world of our own by @shreddedparchment
Bucky x Reader Castaway AU
You and a man named Bucky crash land on a deserted island. Can the two of you come together and make it until rescue comes? After you begin to fall for the mysterious Bucky Barnes, will you even want to be rescued?
yours, mine, ours by @coffeecatsandcandles
Single Dad!Bucky x Single Mom!Reader
Bucky Barnes has been raising his girls, Rebecca and Winnie, for the last two years. He'd lost all hope of falling in love again until he met you, a pediatrician with two children of your own- Elliot and Willow. He falls in love and he falls hard, but the challenges of being single parents still weigh on you both at times. Luckily, you'll always have each other.
we’ll meet again by @coffeecatsandcandles
Bucky x Reader
You fell in love with Bucky Barnes in 1940. He was your everything, until he was taken from you. You’ll meet him again, just not in the way either of you expected…
✨run to me by @sgtjbuccky
Mob!Bucky x Reader
In where you’ve always had a habit of ending up in situations you shouldn’t, and when you caught the eye of the man who ran New York, Bucky Barnes, your life changed. They warned you about him, but the one thing they never warned you about was how you’d always want to run to him.
trick question by @nacho-bucky
Bucky x Reader Modern AU
It’s a weekly battle of wills for Bucky and the Reader, as they navigate the stunning pressure that is pub trivia. Can these obdurate opponents find any middle-ground?
the diner by @bolontiku
Bucky x Reader Modern AU
Working at a diner as a waitress, struggling to make bills and take care of the kid your sister left you, one night you meet James.
relax by @kinanabinks
Bucky x Reader
Things with Bucky are easy, and he's the sweetest guy you've been with. But when you throw in a bitter roommate and untold secrets, things get real hard, real fast.
old souls @thedevilwearsvibranium
Bucky x Reader
Your aunt runs an antique shop in the lower parts of Manhattan, and asks you to work in her shop once a week. You happily take the job, but then on your first day you have a strange encounter with an unusual customer - Bucky Barnes, the Winter Soldier. Things ensue as the two of you end up becoming friends - and maybe even more - as you reminisce about the old things that you love as well as your mysterious pasts.
breaking the rules by @redgillan
Bucky x Reader Modern AU
You hate James Barnes with a burning passion and the feeling is entirely mutual. Just when you think things can’t get any worse, you are tricked into attending his sister’s wedding as his girlfriend. Stuck with a bunch of strangers, you come up with a set of rules that are not going to last long.
time after time by @justsomebucky
Neighbor!Bucky x Reader
AU. When the reader’s parents divorce, her mother moves her to a new  town, right next door to Bucky Barnes. This is their love story.
just a touch by @buckychrist
Bucky x Enhanced!Reader
Your powers? Controlling any feeling a human can have, from emotions to pain, with a simple brush of your fingertips. Your mission? The traumatized soldier with sad stricken eyes and scream filled nightmares.  
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onceonafullmoon · 11 months
A Marionette's Ball
Yan! Chevalier x Fem! Reader x Yan! Gilbert
Tw!! Manipulation, threats of violence, implied captivity, period typical misogyny and Gilbert Von Obsidian himself
You didn’t tame shit; you were at best, a sacrificial lamb sent to curb the hunger of a ravenous tiger, only to end up becoming a plaything instead of a meal.  And now you were here, having somehow fooled another apex predator into thinking you were some sort of beast in your own right.
You need to stop fiddling with your necklace.
You know you need to calm down, but doing so is another story; you can practically feel the weight of everyone’s stares on you, not malicious, but prying still in their curiosity.
And it’s tough fighting the urge to snatch one of the champagne flutes off of the waiter's plates and down it in one gulp, but the subtle warning of Chevalier’s fingers pressing at your waist helps you forget the idea.
Just make a good impression and then you’ll get to go back to your own schedule with only one scrutinizing set of eyes on you.
It’s almost impossible to mess this up anyways, with all the effort Sariel has been putting into making you a “true lady befitting of a prince”.
The audacity of that claim makes you laugh. 
As if you had a choice in any of this. 
As if you were something more than a puppet on a string pulled by the most powerful man in the kingdom.
Nevertheless, you pushed through the lessons easily enough, it was, at the very least, an escape from Chevalier’s smothering presence, although you would rather have buried your nose into a good book instead.
At any rate, it doesn’t seem like much of your work will be put into play considering the way that Chevalier has you glued to his side.
You suppose you get the hostility, he’s always been a touch smothering even before… this, and it doesn’t help that princes from other nations are currently visiting too.
Not that you would have the opportunity to meet any of them considering how anal Chevalier was about your “safety”.
In fact, if it were a year ago when you were still “unruly” he would have probably kept you chained in his room the whole time.
Well, if all good behavior amounted to was this then you probably could have thrown a fit to get yourself locked up again. Now it was too late, and you were stuck smiling fakely at some random noble who came to give his greetings. 
“My, my, if it isn’t the mystery woman that everyone’s been wondering about. Everyone’s been wondering about the one who stole the Chevalier Micheal’s heart, it's a pleasure to finally be able to meet you.” The nobleman, who you recall vaguely being named Lord Wessley, greets you with a certain, subtle prying look on his face as he studies you.
“Oh, you flatter me, but I’m afraid I’m not much to speak of. Any compliments should be redirected towards my fiancé.” You smile, cringing at the use of the word fiancé but happy enough with the way Chevalier’s brow furrows ever so slightly in annoyance.
You can almost hear his voice ringing out in your ears.
“If you have enough time to dish out praise, then you have enough time to do something useful with yourself, simpleton.”
“Praise worthy indeed!” Another man cuts in, rudely, albeit he’s possibly a bit drunk already. “An arsenal of military feats, a genius intellect that only appears once a century, and now a bride to be, you’re truly something else Prince Chevalier!”
You have to try your hardest to bite back the laugh bubbling up in you and Chevalier slightly grimaces.
Wessley furrows his eyebrows slightly at the intrusion but doesn’t comment, or rather, doesn’t get the chance to comment as he’s interrupted again. 
“And what a beauty she is, I can see why you’ve kept her locked up away from the rest of us!”
And now you are no longer smiling.
Karma really is a bitch.
The grip around your waist tightens and you find yourself conflicted about whether to celebrate the (hopefully only) verbal lashing this misogynistic bastard will get or to intervene for the sake of this very clearly drunk man.
Empathy wins out in the end, but also because you don’t trust Chevalier not to immediately jump at the chance to “incidentally” find this man charged with treason.
“I’m flattered by praise, truly, but you look a bit sickly to me, are you feeling alright?”
He opens his mouth to reply, but you cut him off smoothly.
“Poor thing, I bet you can hardly stand, much less answer coherently, but there are several couches in the foyer for you to rest at. I’d escort you myself but, considering the circumstances, perhaps Lord Wessley can escort you instead?”
Of course, Wessley himself isn’t too keen on leaving the conversation, seeing as he probably started it to discuss his own business. But when you phrase it in such a way of offering good will, he can’t refuse. 
With a furrowed brow he replies in kind and leaves.
Perhaps Sariel’s lessons did come in handy, you think as you find yourself alone again.
A sigh from Chevalier has you mending your thoughts, not completely alone, unfortunately.
“How bothersome.” He grumbles, finally letting his arm drop from your waist.
“Yeah, being stuck around someone you can’t stand, tell me about it.” 
He gives you a look which would scare the living daylights out of even a battle hardened soldier, to which you innocently smile at.
You know him well enough to know when you’re actually in trouble.
“What? Just offering some words of support in your trying times Prince Chevalier, now wipe that look of murder off before our guests get any ideas.”
Your smile dips into a frown when instead of falling for the taunt he smirks at you.
“Prince Chevalier? I recall being referred to as fiancé earlier.”
You narrow your gaze, regretting your earlier decision to speak.
“Don’t read much into it, you’ll strain your eyes trying to find nothing.”
He simply smirks again.
“Complacency is a dangerous thing isn’t it?”
He leans in closer, tilting your head up, sending roils of annoyance and slight embarrassment through you as you fix your eyes on his face, unwavering from his.
“...It’d be a shame for you, if all your efforts were for naught.”
He chuckles derisively, letting you go. 
“Now, wipe that look of murder off before our guests get any ideas.”
You glare at him, annoyed that he used your words against you, before deciding to make a tactful retreat.
“Now that I’ve taken care of your nuisances, I’m taking care of mine for a bit and freshening up. Does that please your highness, or should I stay tethered to your side for another hour?” 
He scoffs. 
“Just don’t get lost, simpleton.”
To use Clavis’s terminology, the Cheva translation of that would mean: “Go ahead, but if you aren’t back in 10 minutes I will find you and there will be consequences.”
“...Whatever your highness wishes.”
You supposed Chevalier already knew that you weren’t going to the bathroom to freshen up, rather instead to find a private area to ruminate at being bested by him once more, and that almost made you even more upset.
It’s stupid that you’re even angry, you know that there's no winning a fight against him. It was already a given that he would twist your words around in an attempt to make you succumb to him, and yet…
You furrow your brow as you turn the corner.
It was all you could do, if you could annoy him, even just a bit then that would be victory enough… 
At least it should be, if you didn’t get carried away with it.
But damn you for having a competitive streak and damn him for pointing out the one idea that would make you sick to your stomach.
(Although, maybe if you thought about it more, you would find it was only his own sick desires taking form in his words.)
“Complacency, my ass.” You mutter, as you push open the door to the library.
Despite this being originally Chevalier’s domain, you’ve also been quite the avid reader, and so any time alone with books was welcome. And even if you weren’t alone… well at least he had the sense not to disturb you, outside of his general presence.
Scanning the room when you enter, you find your eyes catching on the rows of bookshelves before halting when you see the shape of a figure, dimly lit by a candle.
You frown slightly.
While there were no set rules against entering a host’s library, it was still considered bad taste to enter rooms you weren’t explicitly given access to. Not that this person seemed unaware of it, judging by the lofty coat you could make out they seemed to be born into wealth.
Well, you weren’t exactly a shining beacon of manners either, considering that you were ditching your debut ball in order to sulk in the corner of a dark room because your captor/fiancé bested you in a game of wits.
Although, when you put it that way, your life does sound significantly more ridiculous.
You, albeit hesitantly, decide to give the person the benefit of the doubt and approach them to direct them back to the ball.
“Excuse me?” You call out, nearing the figure. “Are you lost?”
They turn around, and it becomes apparent that they’re a man. But not just any man, you realize, as a few more details come to light that have you suddenly freezing in place.
First, the dark crimson eye that gazes upon you while the other hides behind a black eye patch.
Second, the black cane who’s shiny finish glints in the candle light.
And lastly, the golden encrusted emblem, signature of an Obsidianite.
“Oh no, I’m exactly where I need to be.” Gilbert Von Obsidian responds cheerfully.
You suddenly have the sense that you’ve, to use words that Chevalier claims are “crude and boorish”, absolutely fucked up.
To be fair to you, you hadn’t been able to see even a glimpse of any foreign princes, much less would you have predicted that the damn Prince of Obsidian was going to be there, or more accurately here, in your lovely library safe space. 
It’s not often that anyone other than Chevalier makes you stumped on what to do these days, but that goes to show how dangerous complacency really is.
“Prince Gilbert.” You finally manage to greet, falling into a practiced curtsey. 
When you pull your head back up, he has an innocuous smile on his face, eyes crinkled slightly.
“No need to lower yourself, (Name) (Last Name), soon enough we’ll be on the same social standing won’t we?”
Oh, of course he knows who you are, couldn’t make it any less difficult for you could he? Still, the provocation (actually, whether he knew it as a provocation or not was a matter to be unseen yet) of your future engagement has you irritated as well as afraid.
“You never know what might happen.” You respond neutrally. “I’d hate to offend because I grew cocky.”
“Cautious, aren’t you?” He questions.
“That’s a good trait to have, although, I can’t say I would’ve thought the woman who tamed the Brutal Beast would be so meek.”
You want to laugh at his attempt at a jab, because he couldn’t be closer to the truth.
You didn’t tame shit; you were at best, a sacrificial lamb sent to curb the hunger of a ravenous tiger, only to end up becoming a plaything instead of a meal. 
And now you were here, having somehow fooled another apex predator into thinking you were some sort of beast in your own right.
But even still, you couldn’t help the words that poured out of your mouth.
“I would argue that being meek and being cautious are entirely different, but it must be difficult to understand from your perspective.”
“That so?” He hums. “What’s your view then?”
“That you can’t tell the difference, because for you, someone who has been powerful and feared for so long, there’s hardly any need for subtlety when dealing with others. For people like me, discretion is a necessary tool.”
A tinge of bitterness seeps into your tone as you respond, or maybe it's jealousy; you can’t tell. 
But it’s enough to make Gilbert pause, facing you, seemingly looking at you like he hasn’t seen you before, his eye glinting with something akin to interest. 
You’ve always had a bad habit of overplaying your hand during your time with Chevalier, possibly because you were so used to a lack of consequences due to his soft spot. It would’ve been better and safer for him to believe you were Chevalier’s little trophy wife and suffer the stab it would take to your ego. 
“...I suppose that “genius’s thinking alike” must be true, for you to be able to make such a succinct assumption about me.” He smiles, this time his eyes glinting with something darker.
“...I wouldn’t go so far as to imply that Prince Gilbert.” You say, desperate in your attempt to backtrack.
“Oh? Cowering now, are we?” He asks, the smile on his face growing more predatory. “And here I thought you’d be more vicious.”
He’s clearly trying to pry at you, to goad you into snapping at him, but you’ve since realized that the playing field had favored him from the start and you’d do better to avoid the trap he’d set for you.
“...I think you have rather high expectations, that you might think of me similar to the company I keep.”
“And you’d be right.” He says, drawing himself closer to you, even more empowering as he draws near, his red eye glistening like the blade of a knife.
You find yourself wanting to run, like the terrified lamb you are in the face of the threatening jaws of the beast in front of you.
But you don’t.
Because these damn beasts are always just toying with you, never daring to go for the killing blow.
He towers over you, clearly trying to get a reaction out of you, but you find that you can’t quite summon up the effort to change your expression.
Moments pass and his eye widens a bit, seemingly shocked at your lack of expression.
“You aren’t scared, are you?” He states, more as a fact than a question as he pulls himself away to an appropriate distance.
You shrug as if to say you don’t quite care, but you felt like laughing.
The truth is, he’s wrong. 
You’re constantly scared, every single day of your life.
When you wake up, when you go to sleep, you’re filled with horror constantly, terrified by the man who lays beside you. Every move you make is calculated and stuff, made in fear of the blades, not set to cut you, but rather everything you know and love.
Even now you’re scared, not quite by the prospect of death, but by the fact that it doesn’t scare you.
The fact that you would rather accept freedom in the form of being removed from your earthly ties than to live another life being tethered to this life scares you, because you know death is the only way you’ll be safe from him.
It brings you only slight ease that despite his best efforts of chasing perfection, Chevalier still only amounts to a man.
Gilbert’s laugh snaps you out of your thoughts, bringing you back to the man in front of you.
“That’s excellent!” He says, toothy grin lighting up his face, eye lighting up like he’s a child who’s found a new toy to play with.
Somewhere deep down you can feel a familiar sense of dread forming in the pit of your stomach that only comes with Chevalier, almost like deja vu.
It shouldn’t surprise you, after all it’s said that the prince of Obsidian is a genius only the likes of Chevalier could rival. It’s the type of gossip you used to absentmindedly listen to while busying yourself walking down the streets.
Still, you’ve survived Chevalier, albeit with your share of scars, you can handle at least one chance meeting with another snobby prince.
“Are you done threatening me then Prince Gilbert? I believe my fiancé is looking for me.” You say, keeping your tone neutral.
He chuckles, that wide, creepily childlike smile still on his face as he hears you speak.
“Of course. Tell Prince Chevalier that I congratulate him on finding such an interesting toy.”
“Of course.” You mimic, turning on your heel to leave. “Perhaps next time we can meet in a more fitting setting rather than the library, Prince Gilbert.”
Petty, yes, but he doesn’t seem affected by the rebuttal you throw his way judging by the small laugh he lets out as you leave.
Toy, huh?
You think, as you find yourself retracing your steps back to the ballroom. 
More fitting than lover that’s for sure, but you doubt even a genius like Gilbert would understand from just a glance that that was the case, rather he meant it in a dismissive manner.
But still, you can’t help the bitter smile that appears on your face at the statement.
Because you would end up back at Chevalier’s side, and either through your expressions or through his own logic system that you couldn’t possibly fathom, he would understand everything that happened. And then, like always, you would end up locked up in a cage while, ironically, the beast who should be locked in there would prowl around, growling at anyone who came close, possessive of his toy.
And the worst part is, even though you could see the path paved for you, leading you to your own demise, you still had to follow it, like written in a story, like fate.
And maybe that’s why you smile instead of frown when you see your beloved captor’s face twist into a look of grim understanding as he sees you again, wordlessly gesturing you to draw nearer with his gaze.
Because ironically enough, the only person even close enough to understanding or even changing your situation was the same breed as the monster that possessed you.
And it’s an amusing thought to you.
But if you could see the expression of a certain dark haired man, thinking almost fondly on your interaction, you wouldn’t find it half as funny.
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bangtanhoneys · 6 months
Moment Is Yet To Come - Grace
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Uh, we gonna touch the sky, 'fore the day we die
Moment is yet to come, yeah
Uh, this is only the beginning, the best yet to come
It was odd to be the only one going back to HYBE. 
It was just her, their manager Hobum and a bodyguard making the long journey back from the military base where they just saw Jimin & Jungkook enlist, the remaining two out of seven to finally enlist for their service. 
Grace was now the only remaining member of BTS left, not that she had to do any military service. Instead she would now be the one keeping the public reminded of BTS, of herself and her solo career which would be fast approaching in a few months and then it would be chaos from there. 
She stared out the window as Seoul came into view, the city carrying on with their day as usual. While it had made the news across South Korea, it was just another thing BTS were doing after having seen Seokjin & Hobi already enlist, Yoongi doing his civil service in private. It was old news now. 
But for her, her world was no longer the same. 
No longer would she see Jungkook for an hour every day, no longer would she see Jimin when he came for his movie nights, Taehyung wouldn’t mysteriously ring her out of nowhere to ask her random questions and Namjoon wouldn’t be there to give her advice on her album. 
She closed her eyes and wished time moved forward quickly, to when Seokjin returned home, to when Hobi returned home, to when they were complete again. 
Grace sniffed and wiped away the tears that had started to fall. 
It had been a bit of a battle but she had been amazingly strong in front of everyone and not cried, laughed and smiled, joked with everyone, laughed at Jungkook’s round head and sent them away with a wave. 
She wasn’t going to mention that she and Jungkook’s mother had both privately shed a tear, how she had to quickly hide behind Seokjin to compose herself or how she wished she could be with them as they completed their service. 
Yet, she was alone. 
Thankfully HYBE was quiet as she made her way up to the floor BTS occupied. 
Standing at the entrance to the floor, Grace stopped and listened to the silence. There was no noise, no sound from the studios occupied by their rapline, no sound from the practice room or gym, no sound from a random live. 
She unlocked Hobi’s studio and peeked in, seeing that the cleaners had been doing their job well to keep it clean and how it had been left. A hand ran over the couch where there had been many conversations about the future, about their worries and stresses. Her sound board from whenever her solo career was doing her head in. 
Gently, she closed the door and made her way to Yoongi’s. 
While still in sporadic use, he spent most of his nights at his home studio rather than his Genius Studio. Notes were still spread across one screen, a candle without its top and tangerines which had obviously gone rotten. Grace collected the bag they were in and glanced around, seeing one note with her name on it and some notes he had made on her Dangerous Woman mixtape, from all the way back in 2017.
It would be over a year before it would be in proper use again. 
Namjoon’s was the hardest for her. It had been cleaned, cleaned and cleaned again and stuff packed away so nothing would be broken (which was surprising). Nothing remained of Namjoon other than his favourite photo of them together and the rest of BTS. Grace slowly sat down in his chair and wiped a hand over the keyboard. 
It was here they figured things out as leader and female member, as writers and as thinkers. As brother and sister. As rapper and singer. As the original members of BTS. 
It was here she finally broke down, deep and painful sobs exploding out her chest as she realised, not for the first time, she was alone. Utterly alone and afraid, wondering what was going to come in the future, wondering if it would all be the same again. 
Wondering if ARMY was going to stay with her, if they were going to support her, be with her and realise she was hurting as much as they were. To see your favourite people taken away and not here from them as much as they were used to. 
There was so much to come from everyone while they were enlisted and she had so much to bring to the table as well, that while the BTS story had paused, the Grace Chu chapter had now fully begun and she knew she was going to make her boys proud. 
For now, though, she just had to believe and wait for the moment that is yet to come. 
Note: I hope you all cry. A lot. I just did.
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Can I ask if you have any Boone headcanons? I’m a little bit obsessed with the strong, silent, devoted-to-my-love sniper and there will never be enough content about him for me haha
This ask is wonderful and I thank you for it by smooching you on your forehead 😻
Also, I am so sorry for my ramblings about him, I've loved him since the game released + love all interpretations of him, so I smushed all my favourites I've seen/developed over the years into one (sfw) post.
(I also might've been a little high as I wrote these out, so sorry if I repeat anything or it's misspelled.)
Anyways, enjoy below the cut!
Boone HCs:
-around 6'-6'5" (shorter than Arcade, who I hc as 6'9"); frankly think he's 6'0" solid but built like a brick house
-Bulky, built with wide hips and wider shoulders
-he has ass. I don't make the rules, you can SEE that ass in-game just like you can his meaty tits. I speak more on tits later.
-Soft stomach (the type that you can lay on and spills over his pants some when he bends over or sits down)
-brunette with thick hair, but just shaves it all down.
-INTENSELY bisexual (preference for men, likely just because he was around more men than women in the NCR. But if he likes you in any capacity, you're fair game to him regardless of what you've got)
-very, very tanned. He's not a very pale man and wasn't ever really pale
-GREEN EYES BAYBEE!! Vibrant green, actually has central heterochromia. Green with brown around his pupils ✨
-dimples. He has dimples. Fight me.
-i have this HC that all wasteland-born folks have sharper teeth- he absolutely does. He opens his mouth and he's got four sharp canines and six additional incisors that are shorter but equally able to tear through gecko and brahmin meat
-can and will use that 7 strength stat, and also that matching 7 agility
-this mf is FAST and can sprint like hell
-big hands and arms and thighs- this man doesn't have visible abs, but he's got SO much strength under his softness
-his pecs are soft and heavy. Give that dilf the tits he deserves.
-ABSOLUTELY the strong, devoted silent type
-however, that doesn't mean he isn't playful. He can totally be a snipe, sassy, snarky man, as well as a tease.
-he'll side eye someone he cares about after he's opened up and teased just to see their expressions when he quips when they aren't expecting it.
-him and Arcade get along well, and Arcade talks with him about the world enough to convince Boone that the NCR is better as a military which serves the people, rather than a major power to run the Mojave.
-boone comes to agree easily, but only once they've known each other for a few years
-thinks Arcade is beyond genius, and the two sassy men mutually snark at others when well-deserved
-is more inclined to take off his beret in the Lucky 38 around the other companions, but still is particular about when and where. He likes it and will always stay on him when out and about
-but if the Courier takes it off of him, once they've been through a lot together in the first year or so, he'll let them do it. he knows and trusts that they'll take care of it
-considers it an extension of himself, much the way he considers his rifle and extension of himself, so it's very intimate in its own way
-achingly fond of sweet cakes
-wears sunglasses because his green eyes used to freak people out. They are incredibly sharp- and quick- and can catch movement across miles of desert sand.
-couple that with his agility and happy trigger finger, he makes one of the finest snipers in the wastes
-doesn't sleep well for the first little while after meeting the courier and their companions- keeps thinking he'll wake up to something happening
-does finally manage to relax though, and starts sleeping better than he has in years most nights
-his dog tags ever come off. Can and will stab a bitch for trying to touch them
-very good with combat knives and straight-up punching someone, but forever prefers using his rifle and being a ranged shooter.
-talked more at one time to the courier after defeating Caesar and taking down the camp than he ever had before
-actually fond of having Ed-E around during their missions
-lots of body hair, the shorter hair this mf has is on his head. Prefers his hair short mostly because of being NCR; it just gets in the way of his beret
-polishes and cleans his gun NIGHTLY. If he doesn't have the right wax for the barrel, he will go out and either trade for some or will slaughter for some. He doesn't care which he has to do, so keep it around. A small tin goes a long while, but make sure to keep it closed ✨
-wears a .50 caliber shell around his neck with his tags on the same chain- it's an old soldier's way of remembering their mortality as well as those lost, and he can move entirely silently so the metal doesn't click together as he walks or runs
-comes to find that he loves heavy military rifles
-give him a power fist or brass knuckles. I beg you. This man will fuck someone up at long and close range.
-could kill you with his arms AND thighs.
-sits with his thighs spread apart because he hates when they touch- texture nightmare for him
-can straight up rotate his irises around his pupils. Can ALSO retract and swell his pupils to make them larger and smaller at will- helps in the desert sun to keep his eyes from taking in too much light, but it also makes his eyes focus different, which can be useful
-hates alcohol, but will drink to forget
-started smoking cigarettes because the smell made him physically ill as a child- it was the only way for him to stop being sick. Now it's a bad habit he can't kick
-mostly it's because it's such a long-standing habit, but also he's got the 'tism and an oral fixation which requires him to have smthn in his mouth at all times. Will hold anything between his lips- an unlit cigarette, a toothpick, a bullet shell, the rare wasteland lollipop lmao
-this guy is big enough he can palm a milk jug like it's a can.
-prefere combat boots to anything else, especially steel toe combat boots.
-hates round laces, they've gotta be flat or he loses his shit and seethes internally.
-has tattoos. I don't make the gd rules, he's a military boy- he has ink. You just can't SEE any of it because it's under his shirt/pants.
-would actually have wanted an eyebrow piercing or the like pre-war and I will die and kill on this hill. He wouldn't have many piercings, but he would have a few, I feel. I think he'd get both eyebrows so it'd be even, maybe his nipples, and another secret one 👀
-doesnt like people much, very much a silent, brooding type. Doesn't open up for a LONG time, but when he does, he's warm
-affectionate as hell, but only once he's gotten to the warming-up point
-he more he opens up, the more snark he sends outward toward those he doesn't give a damn about. Will open his fat mouth and those brooding inside thoughts quickly become outside thoughts. Knows when to stay quiet as always, though.
-big spoon or little spoon, he doesn't care. Careful though, he runs VERY hot and will tuck a hand against your stomach to KEEP you against him, even in sleep
-likes tucking his face into someone's throat and WILL wake a lover to kisses on the shoulder and neck
-likes kisses and likes holding hands whenever able.
-hand will always be on lower back. If you're standing on something, he'll have his hand there in case. If you're sleepy and stumbling into the Lucky 38's kitchen, his hand is there to make sure you stay upright as he guides you along. If you're dealing with folks who are shady or make you uncomfortable or make Boone uneasy, his hand is right there to soothe you both.
-only puts his hand on the lower back of two people- the courier and Arcade. I take no criticisms.
-can kill for those he loves. WILL kill for those he loves.
-when cuddling with him, tuck your hand over his heart or around his dog tags and he'll melt in your hands. It's very important to him to silently be with someone, and he's hopelessly devoted to the few people he cares about.
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soaps-mohawk · 22 days
Ok anon asking what would happen if another omega came in ur a genius
bc now I’m wonder what ur take is on hypothetically what would happen if they had another omega into the pack?
because Price was the one who claimed reader first, he’s technically “her alpha”, so would the new omega technically be assigned to be claimed by Ghost first to become “his omega” or would John also claim her, being the pack alpha?
furthermore, what would sharing look like? Would it be evenly distributed? I image the boys (for the sake of keeping things calm) would try to make it so, but I imagine it can be hard.
because what omega wouldn’t be possessive of their pack when a new omega (a tank who’s made to be loved and doted on by alphas) is coming in? (I know I would 🙋‍♀️).
If the New Omega is coming from an institute like reader, which I assume would be the easiest supply of omegas for adding into military packs, I image she would also be relatively damaged and need a lot of attention to heal, just like reader has (she’s nowhere near healed ofc, but we’re getting there)
If we’re going down the angst route, just imagining the tension and irritation of having to share your bed and your alpha and your beta with some newcomer, having to watch them get attention that was previously just on you, UGHH I can feel it and IRS NOT EVEN REAL
and that’s how you get a depressed omega WHOOPS
I imagine everyone in the pack would have to work REAL HARD to make sure reader never gets left out despite the newcomer, that she still always has access to her alpha’s support whenever she needs it, and that she doesn’t feel any less loved than before.
my raging jealousy issues COULD NOT I would throw a hissy fucking fit
(Honestly that’s the fun thing about a/b/o. There’s so many different facets and factors that plug into everything that any new scenario you introduce can be worked into the world building and it makes it sooo much more rich and dramatic HRG I LOVE IT)
— 🌘 !
So, I think if they added another omega, it would be for Simon (and by extension Johnny) to have an omega. It would offer more of a balance, one beta and omega for each alpha. So Price wouldn't necessarily need to claim the second omega, because Simon could be the one doing that (if they found an omega he would be interested in).
Price could claim the new omega too, depending on how the relationships develop, but he wouldn't necessarily have to since it's pretty common in larger packs with multiple alphas for each alpha to claim their own omega. They do occasionally share and two can claim one omega, but typically each alpha has at least one omega they've claimed.
That being said, I don't think there would be a lot of jealousy from the reader if they did bring in a second omega. It's a very common occurrence, and even though the reader came from a small family pack, she still knows that's a reality and to a degree prepared for the possibility of being chosen and claimed by an alpha in a larger pack. The 141 is slightly different in their structure than larger packs (given there's only five of them), but adding a second omega would kind of smooth that out a bit.
There might be a little jealousy at the beginning during the adjustment stage as the others attempt to bond with and make the new omega more comfortable. If that omega came from an institute, however, I think that would only serve for a bonding opportunity for the reader and the new omega. Shared trauma and all of that. Only they really would know what it was like, and so having someone there who you can talk to who understands would be a great way to open up and get closer to each other.
Pack relationships can be pretty fluid so I don't think the new omega would stand in the way of the reader and Johnny's bond, or even Simon, just as the reader wouldn't really stand in the way of the new omega bonding with Gaz or Price. They need those bonds to be a cohesive and stable pack, and they wouldn't necessarily have to be romantic or sexual in nature. Platonic bonds and familial bonds are just as strong as the others.
Honestly, the omegas would be spending a lot of time together and I think the only jealousy would be from the guys because they would get so close so fast lol. They would definitely use it against the guys too, laying the "sweet little omegas being cute together" on thick to get what they want. They'd probably become the closest out of the entire pack, because as I've said before when I discussed jealousy, only omegas know what it's like being omegas. They don't have it easy and they have a lot of shared experiences regardless of their backgrounds, and so they don't really see each other as competition or a potential threat. They tend to bond pretty quickly together, when it's allowed, because there's a lot of empathy and sympathy for each other.
So yeah, that's kind of how that would play out. Jealousy isn't really a thing, unless an alpha is purposefully neglecting an omega in favor of another, which just wouldn't happen in this situation because that causes some serious disruption in pack bonds and stability, and the 141 needs to be a very cohesive and stable pack in order to function efficiently and effectively. Plus, I just don't see the guys doing something like that. They'd definitely make sure both omegas feel loved equally.
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celiciaa · 10 months
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translations are not 100% accurate. expect mistakes.
minors and ageless blogs dni.
Once we arrive in Obsidian, the land of military and ores, a sense of uneasiness begins to drift.
Chevalier seemed grateful to Prince Gilbert for welcoming us.
However, there seemed to be no intention of peaceful diplomacy.
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Gilbert: Jeez…I got a bruise on my hand.
Prince Gilbert, who offered to guide us to the guest room, walked to the front while rubbing his wrist.
I could sense Chevalier’s seriousness when he turned red, not in jest.
Gilbert: How can you work for foreign affairs when you’re so bad at diplomacy?
Chevalier: It doesn't matter as long as I get the results I want.
Gilbert: So cold….little rabbit, what did you like about this man?
I suddenly got caught up in the conversation and braced myself.
Prince Gilbert’s red eye color seemed to be lit up with interest.
Gilbert: Who doesn't know the story of "Beauty and the Beast" at Rhodolite?
Gilbert: I heard that your love for him changed the beast, but I don't see any change at all.
Emma: I can't talk about Chevalier in a day, can I?
Gilbert: Ahaha, is that so? Well, let's just get the gist of it.
(…I wonder if there is some aim to this.)
When I glanced at the side, Chevalier made a soured/disgusted look on his face.
It's proof that it's all just an idle chat.
(Then I guess that's okay.)
Emma: Chevalier——
Emma: Is a very loving person.
Emma: He cared for me more than I could ever ask for…..
Emma: He is also a wonderful person who tries to come to a compromise even with values ​​that are never compatible.
Emma: Ever since I met Chevalier, every day is filled with happiness.
Gilbert: Because of Chevalier. Are you happy?
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Chevalier: You didn't say that to make me feel better.
(The way Chevalier speaks is less tense…it’s embarrassing.)
Gilbert: But….I can see that you think more highly of Chevalier than I thought.
Gilbert: They say love is blind, and that's exactly what you are now.
Gilbert: However, do you know how cruel and heartless that beast truly is?
Emma:…What do you mean?
Gilbert: It means exactly what it says. You used to be selected as "Belle" to choose the next king.
Gilbert: Belle’s role requires an eye for character, and I think you saw right through the essence of Chevalier's nature.
Gilbert: But you know. What you saw was the tip of the iceberg….
Gilbert: Humans don't show their true nature unless they're thoroughly cornered.
Gilbert: If we’re talking about the infamous genius Chevalier, who is difficult to reveal his true nature unless he is driven into a crisis beyond what ordinary people do.
Gilbert: You won’t understand him as a person until you know something about him that you’re not aware of, right?
Prince Gilbert's smile was as fresh as the blue summer sky,
My heart, on the other hand, beats heavily as if I have swallowed poison.
(….Sounds like a declaration of war to me.)
(He said he was going to hunt down Chevalier…..)
Chevalier: That's a very interesting thing to say.
The air was so heavy that it made my breath shallow, but Chevalier snickered and brushed it off.
Chevalier: Don't talk like you know me. // You talk like you know about me.
Chevalier: Generally speaking, is this Obsidian’s way of hospitality to meddle with personal matters?
Gilbert: Ahaha, you’re wrong. That was just idle talk.
Gilbert: It's selfish to read too much into it, but there's no meaning beyond words, right?
Gilbert: Anyway, here we are. The rooms in this row are your guest rooms.
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Prince Gilbert opens the nearest door and invites us in.
The rooms are decorated in a subdued black tone, and there is nothing unusual about the interior.
Gilbert: You’re free to roam outside the restricted areas of the castle.
Gilbert: Forgive me for this, but there are no servants in the castle.
Gilbert: If anything happens, you can ask any right soldier around, okay?
(There are no servants?)
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Yves: Come to think of it, everyone we passed on the way here was soldiers.
Yves: No nobles or servants of any kind were to be seen.
Leon: Obsidian is also known as "the land of deceit and corruption". I thought there were a lot of aristocrats in the center….
Gilbert: That was a long time ago. But now it's different.
Chevalier: That's quite an interesting mechanism.
Chevalier: Except for the absolute barriers between the royal family and the rest of the population, all people are equal, yes?
Gilbert: Correct.
(Such a dreamlike tale that it is impossible to come true.)
Chevalier:….I never thought that's what the emperor actually wanted.
Gilbert: Ahaha, I know.
(….Before coming to Obsidian, I, too, gathered as much information as I could about the Emperor.)
The current emperor of Obsidian is a self-proclaimed fighter.
His outstanding swordsmanship was as if he was from the realm of the gods, and although he was spotted on the battlefield, in the end, he is no longer alive.
He’s probably the most notorious villain on the continent who has killed more people than any other man, and he has a different kind of fear than Prince Gilbert.
(I have heard that he is a man who spends his time fighting wars without regard for his people….)
(As Chevalier pointed out, there is no way they would deliberately correct the disparity.)
Gilbert: I got permission from the emperor to do whatever I want.
Prince Gilbert readily admits it as if it was nothing.
Gilbert: The hierarchy called power is the cause of corruption, isn't it? That’s why I decided to demolish it in court.
Gilbert: I don't want any unnecessary power struggles dragging them down.
(It's easy to say that, but is it really possible?)
Chevalier: I suppose it's possible in Obsidian.
As usual, Chevalier read my mind and snickered.
Chevalier: Obey or kill. That’s Obsidian's ironclad rule.
( ——……You mean all those who resisted were killed?)
Gilbert:…Hehe. I'm good at cleaning.
I was horrified by the sight of him smiling without a trace of apology.
(Now that I think about it, I remember when Chevalier said that there was a lot of blood in the square….)
(He's always smiling, but Prince Gilbert is the true beast here.)
My wariness continues to grow.
Gilbert: Oh, right, I didn't tell you about my plans.
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Gilbert: First of all, I have prepared a welcome party for you today. Allow me to entertain you there.
Gilbert: Once you’ve rested well enough, we’ll start our meeting the next day.
Gilbert: You guys should have come to me with an answer to whether or not to join forces with Obsidian.
Gilbert: Tanzanite, Achroite, Kogyoku…..
Gilbert: In exchange for cooperation against this alliance of three countries, Obsidian will offer its full support.
Gilbert: I hope we can discuss the detailed conditions at the meeting, but our support includes our country's inspection.
Gilbert: Once we formally cooperate, I will allow you access to prohibited areas, including military installations.
Gilbert: Any objections?
Chevalier: No problem.
Gilbert: Well then. I've invited some of our country's influential aristocrats to the party.
Gilbert: That way, we will welcome you with our Obsidianite hospitality…?
("Obsidianite hospitality", he says….)
Prince Gilbert smiles and left the room.
The only ones left in the guest room were Chevalier, Leon, and Yves.
Then there is Cyril, the leading knight of the foreign faction, who is accompanying me as my escort,
And, Chevalier assigned Lucien as my personal bodyguard.
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Leon: Welcome party.
Chevalier: I knew it would come in the first place. I guess that's to be expected.
Leon: Well, yeah. But from the looks of it, it's almost certainly malicious.
Yves: What part of "welcome" is this? Is he planning to fight us?
(Everyone seems to be wary of the welcome party.)
(….I'm also pretty sure there's something fishy going on, too…..)
Emma: But doesn't Prince Gilbert want to cooperate with us?
Chevalier: Indeed. As I said before, he wants to use Rhodolite to get information about other countries.
Chevalier: Diplomacy doesn't matter as long as he can achieve his goals.
Chevalier: Obsidian's "let's get along" is almost synonymous with "obey or I'll kill you."
Emma:…That's not fair.
Leon: This country is cowardly.
Yves: But it's okay, when one of us is killed, the negotiations/deals are off.
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Yves: If the peace treaty that Chevalier had previously signed was destroyed...
Yves: Then Benitoite and Jade won't be silent about it.
Chevalier: With Tanzanite, Achroite, and Kogyoku all in play, I’m sure he wants to avoid any unnecessary conflicts.
(In other words, something bad may happen, but it's not life-threatening….?)
Though the situation is not reassuring just because it is not life-threatening.
Chevalier: For now, let's see what the other party is going to do. It's not like we're jumping in without a plan either.
Leon: Yeah. …..For the time being, why don’t we head back to our own rooms?
Yves: Right. We'll meet again when the time comes.
Emma: All right. Then——
Chevalier: You stay here.
As I was about to leave the room, Chevalier quickly hugged me around the waist.
I was enveloped by the scent of roses, and despite being in the land of ores, I felt a strong sense of Rhodolite.
Emma: By your side?
Chevalier: You know this is the safest place in enemy territory, don't you?
(….Of course I know. No matter where I look in the world, I will never feel more at ease than next to the Chevalier.)
Chevalier: In Obsidian, you must always stay by my side. Don't leave me even for a second.
(I didn't want to say anything because I thought it would come off as spoiled….)
Emma: Yes!
(I’m so glad to be by his side.)
Leon:….I always think that seeing Chevalier in this way made me have this uneasy sensation creeping on my skin.
Yves: You’re not the only one.
Chevalier: Nonsense. You guys should get the hell out of here.
Leon: Talk about different attitudes.
Yves: No, I'd get goosebumps if he’s going to be nice to us too.
Leon: Good point. Well, it is good that His Majesty the King and his fiancé are on good terms.
Leon: Keep her safe, Chevalier.
Chevalier: Who are you talking to?
When I clenched my hand, I feel something hard on my left ring finger.
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The ring has a rose base and is set with small diamonds,
Chevalier gave it to me when we had our engagement ceremony.
(Truly, I am loved.)
Chevalier: I have and always will give you all the love I have for you.
Chevalier: Because I, whom you love and believe in, do not consider love unnecessary.
Chevalier: ——…Stay loved by me, as you will always be.
(Just like those words you said to me on the day of our engagement ceremony——…..)
Even if you’re happy now, it doesn't mean it will last forever.
It only takes one little misstep to turn that love into a curse and make you a beast.
(Huh….just now….)
(It's like something crossed my mind.)
(It must be…all in my imagination.)
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After parting with everyone, I started to get ready for the welcome party.
(I can't tie my hair right.)
As I struggle to put on my hair ornament in front of the mirror, a shadow falls from behind me.
Chevalier: Give me that.
Emma: Ah…
Chevalier took the hair ornament from my hand, and skillfully tied up my long hair.
Even though I was struggling so much, to Chevalier, it was nothing.
Emma: Thank you very much.
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Chevalier: If you're that nervous, you won't be able to do the things you normally do.
Emma:…As expected from Chevalier, I can’t hide it from you.
(As the time for the welcome party approached, my heart grew louder and my hands and feet got colder.)
(This must be a bad feeling. And It is also unprecedented….)
Chevalier: It means that you understand the situation correctly. You don't need to think that this is no good.
Chevalier, who has read my emotions, wrapped his arm around my body as if he is embracing me.
His fingertips were holding something hard.
(This is….)
A pin badge is attached to the lapel of his new attire for diplomatic use.
(Chevalier’s…exclusive tiger crest.)
Those under the direct control of Chevalier —— for example, Mr. Lucien always wears a white tiger badge on his chest.
It is a sign of absolute trust from Chevalier.
(Not only as his fiancée, but as a companion to face difficulties together….)
Chevalier: Keep it on. It will only make you feel better.
Emma: Rather than making me feel better….I actually kind of admired it.
(The crest is a proof that you are a direct subordinate of Chevalier…..)
Chevalier: I know.
Looking through the mirror, Chevalier smiles humanely.
Attracted by that smile, I felt like I was able to smile/laugh for the first time when I arrived at Obsidian.
Chevalier: As always, you should be dignified // You can stand tall like you always have.
Chevalier: Don’t let the worldwide disaster get the best of you.
(….As if he’s casting a magic spell on me, I feel lighter.)
Emma: Thank you very much, Chevalier.
Turning around and kissing his cheek in gratitude, Chevalier’s eyes soften even more.
"Love is a curse" — I shook off the echoing voice in my head and squeezed the tiger's badge.
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Once everyone had gathered on time, Mr. Roderich led us to the party venue.
The Obsidian Castle, or a fortress, is not originally associated with splendor,
But it was still eerily quiet.
In the unpleasant silence where the sound of my heart ringing to my ears,
Mr. Roderich finally stopped in front of the door.
The jet-black door was opened, and what lay before me was——……
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(Amazing...it's a starry sky.)
Except the floor, the huge glass-walled space was filled with stars.
Unlike the fortress, this place seems to emphasize beauty over utility.
Gilbert: I’ve been waiting for you, Rhodolite.
Prince Gilbert greeted us with a refreshing smile at the center.
Surrounding him were many men and women in formal dress, not military. // There were many men and women in formal attire, not soldiers.
(But, I wonder. ….There is a sense of discomfort.)
( ——That’s right, they are not smiling. None of them have any facial expressions.)
Prince Gilbert called it a "welcome party",
But the people giving us piercing glances are not giving me the vibe.
Contrary to the beautiful space studded with stars, there is only a bleak atmosphere.
(And it's not just that they’re not smiling. ….I feel like they’re out for murder.)
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Gilbert: Obsidian welcomes you, our neighboring friends.
Chevalier: Is this your way of welcoming us in your country?
Gilbert: Ah, sorry? You don't like it? Then I’ll just kill them all off.
Chevalier: No need.
Gilbert: Is that so? Good.
(….What do you think of human life?)
Whatever I think about Prince Gilbert’s behavior, I am more concerned about something else at the moment.
Emma: Thank you for the invitation. By the way, about gathering us here…..
Gilbert: Hehe....you know what they say. Chevalier is the "cruel and merciless beast."
Gilbert: He’s a beast just like me, ruthlessly slaughtering his enemies to defend his country, Rhodolite——
Gilbert: We are all here because we have some connection to the cruel and merciless beast.
What I sense is clear malice.
There is nothing but malice swirling in this place.
Gilbert: We were your enemies. And you were enemies to us as well.
Gilbert: Both are perpetrators and victims. But that logic doesn't apply to those whose family members were killed, does it?
My hands almost trembled, and I clutched them desperately.
Gilbert: To you, Chevalier is a kind, good-looking, loving man, isn't he?
Gilbert: But, you know, there are a lot of people out there who don't see it that way.
Gilbert: To build a cooperative relationship, shall we start by getting rid of our grudges, Chevalier? // Shall we start with eliminating grudges to build a cooperative relationship, Chevalier?
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 ▸       [  previous / next ]
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dearweirdme · 4 months
In BTS, Tae has this image of being fragile, of having to have JK by his side to protect him etc. But with his performance in the military, I wonder now if he was just pretending to be this "damsel in distress" member that BH gave him to portray. Honestly, he seemed to be doing way better than JK in the military. I was expecting JK to be the one to excel the most and not Jin, Jimin and mostly not Tae. In real life, it was the complete opposite. JK didn't even receive any award during their graduation.
Hi anon!
I find myself having a completely different perspective on this. I’m not sure if your assessment of Tae’s image is correct. It’s not how I view him for sure, but I do know there’s some Tkkrs who see him as fragile and as needy towards Jk. That is not reality though. Tae is smart, he’s physically very fit, and he has a strong head on his shoulders. I am not by any means surprised about how well he seems to be doing.
I’ve been expecting all members to do well actually (a bit of an exception for Yoongi since his situation is vastly different). When you compare members against each other, sure there’s outliers; Jk being seen as the strongest, Namjoon as the smartest. But when you compare them to the average person… they are all very much above average in many aspects. They are all physically more fit, they are all used to extreme situations, they all have experience with training hard and having little sleep… the average person going into the military will not be as prepared as the members were.
I don’t think we actually know how well Jk is doing. Just because he didn’t get a medal, doesn’t mean is is doing badly, it just means there were at least six persons doing better during training. What I think is important for fans to understand, is that Jk is there against his will. I am one hundred percent sure that man did not want to go. So, so what if he doesn’t want to give them his best. The army might be able to claim his body to be present, but as long as he does what is expected.. they cannot claim anything more. Maybe he just doesn’t want to give them his best and if so.. good for him. I think fandom should be careful about putting these expectations on him. We are fans of Jk the artist, I really don’t need him to push himself for something he might not want.
Like I said, I do not recognize the ‘damsel in distress’ Tae you mention. Tae is hugely misunderstood and if you think he might’ve been faking this.. I think maybe you misunderstood him as well. In the past (when they were beginning their careers) I feel they were playing up certain emotions or actions for the sale of entertainment. I believe all members did that and it is not that odd in the entertainment business. But when they matured things evened out and I think it has been clear that Tae is not ‘just a pretty face’ (like BH also kinda pushed him to be). Jk himself described Tae as ‘some sort of genius’… and I absolutely agree.
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unhetalia · 24 hours
I'm constantly reconsidering things about this AU, in terms of how it would actually work. One of those things is Arthur. In the post I made, I talked about how he and Ivan carefully extricated themselves from their governments. Thinking about it further, I think having every Nation leave their government post would be counterproductive, and there would need to be Nations who are 'double agents', so to speak. Arthur would be one of them.
He has one of the longest, closest, and most successful relationship with his government. England's intelligence agency is no joke. Arthur remaining is ideal for achieving their goals.
I'd put the Nations into 3 categories - Hidden, Active, and Trapped.
Hidden Nations include Nations like America, Canada and Mexico, who have never had ties with their governments, or Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, who've severed ties.
Active Nations include Nations like England and Germany, who actively maintain connections with their government.
Trapped Nations are Nations who need help escaping their governments. Part of the goal is the to get the T status Nations into H status (which is referred to as changing 'hats').
One thing that's constant in this AU is me making Arthur and Ivan the 'leaders', specifically leaders who actively dislike each other. I definitely develop Ivan and Arthur so that they're suited to the leadership role. In this case, Arthur basically funds the whole thing. He has endless coffers, as an ex-pirate and someone who has access to the crown's private funds (and they have more funds than they publicly share).
However, despite Arthur's skill, he is limited because he's an active member of the government. Ivan doesn't have these limitations. He'd wiped all of his records. No one knows what he looks like, his prints aren't in any database, and he has a lot of experience with military operations. When they need to act on information Arthur's passed on, Ivan is the one who can actually go out and do that.
(There's a lot of internal conflict here for Arthur - he knows they need him to play a role, but as a former pirate, and as someone who has always grabbed life by the balls, so to speak, it's incredibly hard for him to 'pass on' missions to someone else, especially someone he actively dislikes. Plus Arthur often has to miss out on meetings because he has to balance his role as leader with his role in his government.)
Still a lot I have to think about regarding Ivan, Arthur and Alfred. One thing to note is that fact that Arthur and Ivan both have feelings for Alfred, but that this is actually not even in the top 20 reasons why they dislike each other. (For comedic purposes, because I'd still want things to be funny, maybe it's actually something they bond about). Alfred's role is both set in stone and elusive. Hacker/inventor, I wanted Alfred to have a more cerebral role, because that's on of the things I always like to highlight about his character. He's a genius. Still, I wondered if despite his intelligence, he'd take on this role unless there was a reason. I'm still looking for that reason.
One thing I'm really clear on is the relationship between Gilbert and Roderich in this AU.
The first thing: In this AU, Roderich is a wheelchair user as a result of events that occur in World War II.
Gilbert is the one who rescues Roderich. Ludwig becomes aware of what is happening too late. This causes a rift between the brothers, which grows even more when Ludwig decides to maintain ties with the new German government. Ludwig does this because he feels immense guilt for not realising soon enough what was happening, and believes keeping a close eye on their governments is the way to prevent it from happening again. Gilbert has a lot of rage towards all governments, and can't always separate his brother's good intentions with the fact he's 'working with the enemy'.
Gilbert's work is entirely in freeing T Nations and basically fucking shit up as much as he can for governments while he does it. He has a personal vendetta against governments - Roderich believes it's because of World War II and the dissolution of Prussia. Really, it's because of what was done to Roderich during that time. Everyone else knows the truth, and knows how deeply Gilbert loves Roderich.
(I'm of two minds about whether or not these two are in an established relationship. Generally, I always make it so that they've been together for a long time, and are considered a 'success story' for Nations, but I'd also love it if Roderich doesn't realise Gilbert's real reason for hating governments because he doesn't know Gil's feelings.)
Roderich himself became very interested in Nation physiology and biology and became the foremost expert in being able to treat a Nation's injuries.
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ejzah · 3 months
In lieu of writing a story, I decided to spend far too much time writing an essay like post on a topic that’s been on my mind recently.
Recently I’ve been thinking about characters who change over the course of a series. Particularly, characters who start out fairly normal or serious and then become increasingly more silly, ridiculous, or stupid. For instance, Frank Burns from MASH, Marty Deeks and Eric Beale from NCIS: LA, and Eric Matthews from Boy Meets World, and Tony from NCIS to name a few.
It could be argued that each of these characters had a comedic quality from the beginning. However, comedy was not their sole or defining characteristic. At some point though, the writers seemed to realize that they had a gift for comedy and leaned into that side. The problem is that this occurs with increasing frequency and often without reason.
Some start out as an antagonist, such as Frank Burns. In his first season, he’s described as a “fair” surgeon. He can be ridiculous at times, but is competent enough and mostly known for being overly by the book and military crazed. By the end of his run on the series, he’s a terrible surgeon, constantly makes a fool of himself, and finally ends up chasing after his now married mistress. In this case, instead of making Frank increasingly nasty or, he was made ridiculous to highlight why he wasn’t a suitable leader or surgeon.
In many shows that lean towards the more serious, it’s common to have a character who breaks up the angst, drama, and heaviness. Enter the likes of Eric Beale and Marty Deeks. Though they remained comparatively unscathed compared to some, both characters suffered in the name of comedy.
Eric Beale was a highly skilled tech operator who kept things running from behind the scenes and was critical to the team solving cases. Yet as the series progressed he went an eccentric genius to often odd and ridiculous.
From the beginning of his introduction, Deeks was established as a master at undercover, uniquely intelligent, and capable of using people’s assumptions about himself to his own advantage. Yes, he always talked a lot, but there was usually a purpose. Even in moments when he rambled, it was genuinely funny and not overplayed. However, as the series progressed the very writers who created this extremely intriguing, intelligent, and competent man, seemed to forget these aspects.
In an arc where Deeks is sent to the federal academy, we should have seen him excel. He had years of experience and knowledge compared to his younger peers. Instead, he seemed to forget how engage in arm-to-arm combat, fell asleep during an important task, and could barely keep up during a run. For many fans, this felt like a betrayal of a beloved character we knew.
Often, funny characters are sacrificed to promote a new character. Particularly as a series progresses, instead of letting the newbie gain popularity naturally, they force their merits by downgrading an established character.
You might be wondering, what’s the point of all this? Well, a lot of fans care when their favorite character changes drastically, especially not in a positive way. There’s a difference between a character who can be funny or has select silly/stupid moments, and one who becomes a caricature. We build fandoms our these characters. We invest hours and time, energy and love into writing about them, drawing, and discussing them. Of course it matters when it feels like that same character has been mistreated and disrespected.
I wish that before writers decide to go for the easy laugh, for the stupid joke, for the ridiculous, that they consider the impact on the character and show. It not only destroys your audience’s trust, but also makes it unbelievable when the character is given any content of substance.
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carewyncromwell · 4 months
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"Little one, when you play, Don't you mind what they say -- Let those eyes sparkle and shine, Never a tear, baby of mine...
If they knew sweet little you, They'd end up loving you too... All those same people who scold you, What they'd give just for the right to hold you..."
~"Baby Mine (cover)" by Alison Krauss
original links for posters (1) and (2) on the wall // edited with help from Lunapic!
Hey, all! This is my entry for #ockiss24, organized by @ockissweek, depicting my OC, Lane Bach Cromwell, kissing her eight-year-old son Jacob goodnight! For those of you wondering where my girl Carewyn is, well, she IS in the picture, even if you can't see her...because this is set in 1972, the year Carewyn was born! (Lane's in her second trimester.)
But yeah, prior to Carewyn's birth, Jacob's life was...not great. From not getting on with his clean-cut, conventional Muggle father Evan to being completely alone and outcasted at school because of his "delinquent" outbursts (in truth evidence of very powerful underage magic), Jacob was a very unhappy child. Partly to vent his frustrations and resentments, Jacob would act out and disrespect or even flat-out ignore his teachers, which this year in particular almost resulted in him not being allowed to go on to year 4 of primary school. It was only his distinctly average grades at the time that kept that from happening, because no, boy genius Jacob was not having trouble with any of the material: he was just bored as all get-out and hated jumping through hoops for people who looked down their noses at him. Even so, the conference that Evan and Lane had with Jacob's principal -- in which the principal ripped into Evan for his and Lane's lack of discipline and even suggested at one point that Jacob could do with a year or two of military school to straighten him out -- resulted in Evan summoning Jacob down to the dining table for a "family meeting" that night that ended up way more heated than it should've.
Evan was very stern. He told Jacob that he and Lane did not want to have to send him to military school when he was more than smart enough to know better and respect his elders -- Jacob snapped back that his teachers didn't want respect from him: they just wanted him to sit down and shut up and be a mindless little bobble-head, just like all the other kids in class, so that they could keep acting like they were smarter than the toadies they taught. For someone like Evan -- whose father had been arrested and sentenced to life in prison when Evan was a very young boy -- Jacob's lack of respect toward authority figures was very troubling. Evan scolded Jacob that he would never amount to anything worthwhile if he didn't put in the work and behave himself, and even shamed Jacob, pointing out that he and Lane had more than enough to worry about with a new baby on the way without having to punish Jacob for things he knew he shouldn't do. Jacob lashed out in response.
"Oh yeah, right, 'the baby!' The baby, the baby, the baby! Can't forget about how many more hours at work you suddenly have to put in 'because of the baby!' As if that hasn't just been a lovely little excuse for you to not be around to deal with all the stupid stuff I get blamed for -- if you'd actually been around, then maybe you would've bloody realized that I'm already getting punished, all the time, for doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG!"
From there, Evan and Jacob's tempers only flared further. Lane -- ever a pacifist and yet completely unequipped to deal with such explosive anger, thanks to her abusive childhood -- was unable to step between them or bring the temperature down...and so the fight only ended when Evan, his temper thoroughly spent, lost his head. Jacob yelled at Evan for never seeing him as anything but a troublemaker, and Evan responded in perhaps the worst possible way.
"BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT YOU ARE, JACOB! Every other day, I have to read a message from your teachers, or your principal -- even other parents about the trouble you get up to, and time and again, you refuse to take any responsibility for the trouble you cause! How is anyone ever going to see you as anything other than a shame and a burden, when all you ever do is cause everyone else trouble?!"
Jacob was so overwhelmed with pain and anger he couldn't properly express that he shoved his chair aside with enough force that the bottom of the legs actually somehow caught fire. Lane hurriedly rushed to put out the magical flames before Evan could pay them too much mind, but Jacob -- too emotional to even acknowledge that outburst of magic -- ran out of the dining room and upstairs to his bedroom, where he slammed the door shut with force.
Evan was regretful about what he'd said, after the fact. He didn't quite know how to broach the issue, since he still felt Jacob had done wrong and needed to own up to it before he gave their son a proper apology -- so Lane went upstairs to speak to Jacob herself, after calming Evan down and making sure she'd given Jacob enough time to cool off too. When Lane opened the door to Jacob's room, she found her poor son burying his face into his pillow, trying in vain to obscure the many messy tear tracks down his cheeks.
"Did I cause you trouble again, Mum?" was all he could mumble miserably through his pillow.
Her heart hurting, Lane brought a stool over so she could sit next to Jacob's bed. She sat near him for a while, letting Jacob vent and reassuring him multiple times that Evan was just upset: that she and he didn't just see Jacob as a burden or a troublemaker, that they loved him, and all they wanted was for him to be the amazing, talented, smart boy they knew he was. Lane wasn't sure how much Jacob believed this -- he had trouble meeting her eye, even as he changed into his pajamas and she tucked him into bed. It didn't take long for Lane to suss out why, after Jacob echoed Evan's words from earlier.
"I wasn't trying to cause trouble, Mum. Honest. I know you're not feeling well...I know you have to worry about the baby now, not me..."
It was hard to miss the miserable, faintly resentful tone to her son's words. Lane's eyes softened sadly.
"Jay...of course I'll have to worry about the baby...and yes, I might need to spend a lot of time with them, since they won't be able to clean, feed, or dress themselves yet. But just because I'll have to take care of your little brother or sister when they arrive does not mean I'll stop taking care of you. It doesn't mean I won't still be here for you, when you really need me..."
She brought a hand through Jacob's curly black-brown hair.
"Time might have limits, but love doesn't. I remember my friend Judy liked to say that love is renewable -- it's not a cake that has to get cut up into smaller pieces for more people to enjoy it. The more you love, the more love there is to go around. No matter how much I will love your baby brother or sister when they get here, it doesn't mean I will love you any less. You will always be my little Blue Jay. And I will always love you with all my heart."
Jacob wasn't even fully aware of it when he started crying again, but as his mother kissed him goodnight, he felt the tension relaxing in his shoulders. He laid back against his pillows, closing his eyes.
"...Mum?" he asked hesitantly after a moment.
"Yes, Jay?"
"Do you think the baby will like me?" he mumbled.
The doubt and uncertainty echoing through the question broke Lane's heart.
"They will love you," she said gently.
"Even if I'm nothing but a troublemaker?"
Lane frowned deeply. It truly did seem that those words of Evan's had hurt him far too deeply for Lane's reassurance alone to heal.
"You are not, have never been, and will never be 'nothing,' Jacob. ...I promise, one day, you will see what I see, when I look at you -- a smart, curious, creative, special boy...ready to take flight and take on the world. And when that day comes, I know the whole world will see it too."
Jacob's face seemed to soften a little bit, losing some of the creases in his features.
"...Thanks, Mum."
Lane's blue eyes softened as she turned off the wall light and gently closed the door to her son's room.
A few months later, Lane gave birth to Jacob's little sister, Carewyn. And true to Lane's words, the little baby she nicknamed "Winnie" loved Jacob dearly, and ended up being his first real friend in the world.
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