#is it because he’s like 45 and blonde?
pepto-bismolfan · 11 months
Every time I get into a thing its always
A. Completely dead all posts are from like 7 years ago
B. No one is as obsessed with a character as much as I am
Guys I just wanna fuck Adrian Veidt and none is writing fan fiction about him in the year of our lord 2023
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lesbianraskolnikov · 4 months
Even if i havent watched it yet im personally a 1970 raskolnikov man. Have you fucking seen him. Thank you.
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navybrat817 · 1 month
Eye of the Beholder
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Pairing: Bodyguard!Steve Rogers x Female Reader
Summary: Steve is your beautiful bodyguard and he thinks you're beautiful, too.
Word Count: Over 1.7k
Warnings: Bodyguard trope, fluff, tension, Steve Rogers (he's a warning, okay?)
A/N: More Beach Fun Nonsense! Hope you lovelies enjoy. Anon requested for Bodyguard!Steve (who still does art) to dig his Toes in the Sand (fluff) with prompt #45 in bold. Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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You shuffled through your closet with an audible sigh. You had to make an appearance at a party tonight and still didn't know what to wear. It was ridiculous since you had a wide range of dresses and outfits to choose from, but your heart wasn't in it. Maybe because you didn't want to attend. You’d rather curl up and watch a movie as you fell asleep, but it was part of your job to socialize and look pretty.
You weren't going to complain when many out there had it worse.
“Why don't you get some rest instead of going through your closet? Again?”
You turned and stared at your bodyguard who sat across the room. With his short blonde hair and blue eyes, Steve Rogers was stunning enough to be a model. With his intimidating stature though, he made the right call by becoming a personal protection specialist. Easy on the eyes and built like a brick house, today he wore a tight blue shirt that showed off his broad shoulders and chest. He looked like the type of man who could toss you around if you asked nicely.
But seeing the sketchpad in his lap, you wondered if your paths ever would've crossed had he focused on an art career instead.
“You know you don't have to be here until tonight, right?” You asked, ignoring his suggestion as you shut the door. “Or do you like spending your time off watching over me?”
It wasn't your idea to hire a bodyguard, but you understood your agent’s insistence for you to have one. There were overzealous fans and creeps out there who wanted you. Ones who would stop at nothing to have you. All because you were a model. And while you weren't aware of any recent threats or danger, you needed someone like Steve to watch out for you.
Better safe than sorry.
But Steve himself? He was a pleasant surprise. You expected a stoic but polite man since he called you “ma’am” with the most serious expression upon meeting you. The more time spent with him, you realized passion lurked beneath the surface. Beyond that, he was authentic. In a world surrounded by plastic smiles, fake talk, and people ready to knock you from the pedestal you never asked to be set on to begin with, he was a much needed breath of fresh air.
“Technically my next day off is two days from now, ma’am,” he gently corrected you. You could listen to him talk all day. “But day off or not, I don't mind spending any extra time with you.”
“Oh,” you said, your cheeks hot. You spent days around gorgeous people who didn't make you bat an eye or stutter, but any sort of compliment or kind word from this man always got to you. “Hey, haven't I told you not to call me ma’am?”
“You have. On more than one occasion over the last couple of months.” A smile touched his kissable lips. “I guess it slipped my mind.”
You leveled him with a cool gaze. “So, your eidetic memory is limited to visual aspects and not auditory memories?’ You asked.
His face lit up when he smiled. “You remembered that I have an eidetic memory?”
You pointed a finger at him. “Keep calling me ma’am and you’ll be out of a job,” you said, deflecting from his question.
He chuckled, not at all afraid of your threat. “You won't fire me,” he said.
It was true. Steve had lasted longer than you expected because you liked him. More than that, you trusted him. He was the kind of man who would lay down his life for you and also keep your secrets safe. Not that you had many, but you wouldn't hesitate to tell him anything.
Anything except how your thoughts about Steve were sometimes unprofessional.
“I guess I won't, but don't think I won't make you carry my clutch around if you keep that up,” you teased, taking a seat on the edge of your bed. Steve has been in your room countless times and it always felt a bit warmer with him there. “On that note, I’m sorry you have to go to the party tonight.”
At least you didn't have to bring a fake date. Lord, you couldn't stand PR stunts like that. You didn't judge those in the industry who did it since you understood why. It just wasn't for you.
Would Steve have been jealous if you did? Or would he have insisted that you go alone for your safety?
“Don't apologize. Where you go, I go,” he assured you, your heart swelling. You reminded yourself that it was his job to do that and nothing more. “Just give me the signal when you want to leave.”
Steve didn't just keep an eye on you for protection, but looked out for your well-being. He made sure you got rest when you were tired, food when you were hungry, and privacy when the crowd became too much. Your past boyfriends never paid attention or cared that much. Why was a bodyguard so concerned?
“Do you ever get tired of this?” You asked, leaning back on your hands as you regarded him. “Keeping an eye on me? Going where I'm going?”
He stopped sketching to look at you, his eyes sparkling with affection that you liked to imagine he reserved for only a select few. “I say with complete sincerity that not only am I not tired of being your bodyguard, but you’re the best client I’ve ever had the privilege of protecting.”
You were certain stars shone in your eyes. “You flatter me, Steve.”
“I only speak the truth.”
You covered your mouth when you yawned. “Flattery. Truth. You’re still good to me and I appreciate it.”
Steve sat up straight and put his pencil down, concern etched in his face. “You’re tired. I think you should take a quick nap while you can.”
The man had a bossy tendency at times, but it was for your own good. You waved him off anyway. You could sleep later tonight. It wasn't that big of a deal. “What are you drawing?” You asked.
“Take a nap,” he said again, his voice low.
You couldn't help but shiver. That kind of tone almost made you blurt out “yes, sir”, but you refrained. “You're drawing ‘take a nap’?” You asked instead, doing an inner cheer when his lips twitched in a smile. “Show me what it is and I’ll get some sleep. Just for you.”
“Just for me?” He asked.
“I think if anyone could get me to do anything without too much of a fight, it's you, Steve,” you said sincerely
He ran a hand through his hair and shyly ducked his head. “I can't say no to those eyes.” He brought his chair closer so you didn't have to get up. “But no insulting my work, okay? My ego can’t take it today.”
“Since your ego can't take it today, I’ll save the insults for tomorrow,” you giggled, but it stopped the moment he showed you the page.
It was a drawing of you.
You almost touched the page before you stopped yourself, not wanting to smudge it. The details were immaculate, down to your facial features and how you held yourself. You couldn’t say it was like looking in a mirror because you had never seen yourself look so beautiful, but it was still a reflection of you and something deeper.
He captured an essence that no camera ever had. One you didn't know you possessed. It was a tender and sensual story told through his eyes. Was this really how you looked to him?
“Steve, this is…” You lost your breath as you looked in his eyes. Where he had been shy a moment ago, he held his head high. Proudly. He should be proud of his talent. “It’s beautiful.”
“You're beautiful,” he whispered, his gaze a combination of soft and heated. A combination that made you lick your lips and set your heart ablaze. “It’s, uh, also not the first drawing I’ve done of you,” he admitted, running a hand through his hair again.
You saw color in his cheeks as you smiled at him. “You think I'm beautiful?” Plenty of people told you that, but you liked it more coming from him. It was an earnest sort of declaration without demanding anything from you in return. “And you have more drawings of me?”
Part of you hoped he drew you in intimate positions since you selfishly wanted him to desire you.
“You're the most beautiful person I've ever known.” Steve placed a large hand on your cheek and you didn't hesitate to lean in, your heart racing faster. Could he see your pulse racing in your neck? “And I do have more. Maybe if you're good, I’ll show them to you.”
You thought he was going to close the gap and kiss you, but a knock at the door made him pull away and reach for the gun in his holster. It was both sexy and disappointing to see him slip into his bodyguard mode. That was why he was there though. To protect you. Your safety came first.
“Steve?” An unfamiliar voice called from the other side of the door.
Steve’s shoulders relaxed, but he shook his head. “New guy. Doesn't know the knock yet. I’ll be right back,” he muttered, surprising you by brushing his lips against your forehead. “Lay down, please. I need you to get some rest for both of us.”
You watched him walk to the door and waited until he grabbed the handle to answer. “Maybe you can join me. Sir.”
The muscles in his back tightened, his gaze dark as he glanced back at you. “Be good,” he growled, leaving the room quickly. It was a sound you hadn't heard before.
Giggling, you flopped back on your bed. Steve drew you. He thought you were beautiful. He desired you. At least, you hoped so. Now the question was, how long would you stay at the party tonight before you picked up where you left off?
And would you behave?
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I hope I did this justice. Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Steve Rogers Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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shutit-haha · 1 year
"Katsuki," you swayed, "I think I might have been roofied."
"What!?" He gives himself whiplash from how fast he turns, neck cracking and muscles giving a slight pull. The two of you are in some damn frat house because someone invited you and you REALLY wanted to go. Knowing full well that you would stay here for an hour tops, half-hour if everything was already in full swing. This was certainly knew though, I mean 45 minutes in and you've been ROOFIED!
"I said," you leaned against him. Closing your eyes and attempting to take deep breaths even though those very same breaths seemed to make it feel worse. "Sorry Kat," you grabbed at him tightly with your hand. "My stomach's getting all swirly."
He goes into full fucking panic mode. His large hands wraps around your arm a little too tightly dragging you into the crowd with him. He's moving like a fucking linebacker just shoving whoever's in his way. The blonde takes a sharp left turn around a corner yanking you into a hallway with him. The lights here are shut off making it damn near pitch black. His shoulder slams into strangers making out and dry humping and the two of you cringe at the moans that come from the many bedrooms. The floor underneath your feet is sticky, and with the way you feel right now it's a fight just to rip yourself off the wood. Your muscles feel heavy, eyes barely open. The world keeps swirling and spinning, bright colors popping out at you even in the darkness. There's this terrible throbbing between your legs, making your thighs tremble slightly.
"Kat," you whine. He kicks open the bathroom door throwing out the couple currently occupying the space.
"Yea," he gently guides you over to the toilet bowl. "Wait actually don't fucking touch anything in here, it's all disgusting. Bastards don't know how to fuckin act." He's tugging you out into the hallway again, the couple from just a few seconds ago scurrying back in.
"Katsuki," your legs are struggling to keep up. You feel weak in the knees, stumbling over yourself as a result. Your hearing comes and goes, a war between absolute silence and migraine inducing noise. "Bakugo I can't," air escapes you in huffed breaths. "I can't keep up, please," you beg him.
The blonde -still rushing for a reason you don't understand anymore- scoops you up in his arms. "I'm gonna get that shit out of your system, and kill that asshole. Fuckin scum, piece of shit doesn't deserve to walk the earth." He grumbles clutching on to you even tighter. Your brain is so fuzzy you giggle at his silly words. "What," he looks down at you for a quick second.
"Hot, Kat. Tired," you yawn. Moving with large strides Bakugo carries the two of you out of the fraternity. You shiver the moment the cool air hits your sweating skin. "Cold," you whine curling into him and wrapping tightly around his neck. The poor man chokes with the grip you've got him in. How the hell is he expected to breath in a condition like this?! Not only that but you're pressed flush against him with the way you've twisted yourself around.
"HAH, didn't you jus' fuckin say you where hot?!"
"I'm hot on the inside Katsuki," you screech and wail. You say it like it's common knowledge and it kills him a little. "Wait," your hands fly outward. "I got throw up." The man damn near drops you, only half careful of how he's handling you. Your feet hit the ground and you bend at the ankles and then knees. Just as you're situated it all hurls itself back up. It's ok though, because he's here to hold back your hair for you.
"Gotta get your dumbass home," he mumbles under his breath. You whine bringing your hand up to your mouth to wipe away the mess, only for Bakugo to grab at your wrist. "Don't you fuckin' dare, that shit's gross."
"How am I supposed to clean myself," you look up at him with big blown pupils. Your lashes leave long shadows on your face from the streetlight, lips puffy from whatever drug was forced into your system. There's water lining the bottom of your eyes, a result from emptying your guts, and you're still so hot.
"Just hold on a minute, dammit." His head whips around in search of something, though to no one's surprise there's not much to clean with on the front lawn. His eyes fix onto the door, resignation settling in. "Don't you fucking move from here," he points down at you aggressively. "Do you understand?"
You nod absentmindedly, hand coming up to your mouth once again.
"Don't do that shit! Just sit still dammit, I'll be right back." He hates having to run back into that fucking mess of a party. It reeks worse than it did before, the odor much more noticeable after breathing in some fresh fucking air. He fears that if he makes the wrong step he'll roll his ankle from the sticky floor, and then theirs all the bodies. These jiggling, sweaty bodies, in sync and yet still so far off beat. He's quick, bulldozing through all those extras to get to where he's going. You've been fucking drugged by one of these damn creeps and part of Bakugo worries that they'll find you while you're all alone out there.
"Katsuki," big gooey smile, when he emerges back outside. A shiver racks through him, the cold catching him off guard. He immediately steels himself right afterward determined not to let it happen again. "Katsuki," you sing, "kat-suki, suki, kat. kat, suki," you giggle and then smile. You're clearly out of your damn mind, body rocking back and forth while your hands grip onto your ankles tightly. You look like a fucking kindergartener, at the thought of that he snorts.
"Here," he throws the whole paper towel roll at you.
"Thank yoou," more singing, and an even bigger grin.
He only spares you a couple seconds to clean yourself before he's yanking you up onto your feet. The rough skin of his hand wraps around your elbow, and you stumble right into his side. The roll is hugged close to your buddy like some sort of stuffed animal, thighs pressed together tightly. "Can you carry me again?" Your eyes fall shut sleepily, cheek resting against his hard shoulder.
"Please," your hip presses against his now. "Please, I'll kiss you if you'll do it for me."
"Don't say that shit," his cheeks dust pink like a school boy.
You giggle, "I'll kiss you even if you don't pick me up." Paper towel roll still pressed against your chest, you lean into him lips grazing under his jaw. "I wanna kiss you," you hum breathing in his scent.
"Don't say that shit!"
"But I wanna kiss someone," you whine.
"Anyone," you kiss the flesh at his jaw and neck.
"That shit's getting to you."
You nod absentmindedly again, placing another kiss on his warm skin. "Mhm, I think so."
"I'm taking you home," he bends at the knees slightly begrudgingly picking you up.
"Mmmm," you hum, "I like the sound of that."
He squeezes your thighs harshly receiving a slight hiss from you. "Gotta fucking behave if I'm gonna be doing this shit for you. Not gonna fucking baby you for you to be a brat."
Your arms wrap around his neck bringing yourself as close to him as possible. That damn paper towel roll still smooshed between the two of you. "Does that mean you're gonna punish me?" It was said so innocently, still made his cock twitch.
"Don't say that shit," he growls at you, jostling your body as a way of adjusting himself.
"I'm sorry," you kiss his neck, "I'm sorry."
"Don't do that shit either."
"But," you grind against his abs, "I need to feel something."
"Not me! Take care of yourself later," the thought of you touching yourself quickly popped into his head. Once again he was jostling you to adjust his pants.
"You feel so good," another innocent comment as you grind yourself against him.
"What's I say about behaving," he snaps at you.
"But you said to take care of myself."
"Are you gonna punish me now?"
Thank god the car was coming into view. "Oi! I'll fucking drop you!" He hakes his head, "the hells your obsession with that shit."
You shrug, "like how your hands feel on my ass." Another kiss to his neck, and then your hips jolt on their own grinding against his hard abs. This time you just can't stop yourself, the pit of your stomach feels like it's on fire and the way your muscles are contracting- you just have to. You need too.
"Hey," some part of his subconscious had clearly been paying attention to you. The part about his hands, and the punishment, because his hand came up and then down in one sudden slap. You could hear it whoosh in the air, and then that crackle when it met your rear. You stilled, moaning and arching your back. He nearly fucking dropped you, the one hand holding you completely unprepared for that hell of an arch.
"Fuck," you panted. Your lips kissed a trail up his neck and then nipped the skin behind his ear. "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry d-" You bit your lip, suppressing what so desperately wanted to be said.
He fucking dropped you.
Your legs where shaky, knees buckling soon as your feet hit the floor. You expected to fall onto your knees just like you did on the lawn, but he slammed you up against the car. Your back roughly hit the metal, one hand keeping your hip trapped against it, the other hand keeping hold of your wrist. "You're driving me fucking crazy you know that," he spat in your face. His breath fanned against your skin, eyes burning. "I have no clue what that fucker gave you but-"
You kissed him, hips wiggly in his hand in search of friction. He bit your bottom lip, teeth sinking into plush, your back arched. "Fuck me, please. Please just fuck me, swear I'll stop after that. It'll make it stop just fuck me please just-"
He leaned back in, mouths smashing together, teeth clinking just before he forces his tongue in catching a taste of your mouth. Aphrodisiac, "bastard gave you a fucking rape drug."
You shake your head, hips wiggling with more vigor. "No want it," you breath heavily, "want it."
He shoves you aside, opening the passenger door for you, "just the drug."
"No," you're crying now. Hand venturing down to your waist band to give yourself some kind of relief. "Want you," you bite your lip when your hand grazes your clit. "I-" pant, "want you." All your weight is held up by the car, eyes shut to better see the fantasies. "Fuck," you groan.
He doesn't know what to do, he's kind of just watching you. It feels gross, feels wrong but, fuck he likes it. Mouth agape while you fuck yourself to him. It's not real. He's gonna wale up. It's just a wet dream, a movie.
"Wanted you since-" gulp, "that compression shirt, at the- at the gym." You whimper at that, "sweat, nipples were hard." Your eyes open all half lidded and hazy, pupils having consumed whatever color was once there. Your sclera isn't even visible anymore. "You're such a whore," as if your fucking pussy wasn't literally squelching right now.
That was it for him, you weren't gonna fucking insult him like that. As if you were some fucking saint. Yeah, right. He slams the passenger door shut, the back door flying open followed by him quickly shoving you into the car. Your back bounces on the leather seats, one hand quickly rushing to yank down your pants and underwear. The burly man climbs in right after you moving with quick hast, he shuts the door behind him with another loud slam.
"Keep that fucking mouth shut," hand squeezing a the sides of your throat. He's fucked once or twice, never like this. In the back of his car, cock aching, in such a hurry. With the way you were acting it seems like it's only take a couple strokes before you tapped out, you had already been edging yourself in a way. (I mean with you grinding and whatever else and him stopping you every other five seconds.)
He unbuttons his jeans, briefly thinking about turning on the air-conditioning only to decide against it. Fuck it, let the windows fog up. (That'd be new too.) Katsuki doesn't even unzip his pants he just tugs at the sides and forces the zipper to go down itself. You brely catch a glimpse of his boxers before those too are tugged down his muscled thighs. Damn gym rat.
He rudely slaps away the hand you have between your legs, only to smack his dick against your clit. "Condom," you mutter.
"Didn't I say to shut up," it's a nasty snarl, yet still you have the balls to smile at him.
"Please," you spread your legs for him.
"Didn't bring one," fuck please don't tell him this is what's gonna cock block him. He'll fucking destroy this car with the amount of anger that wants to blow. Yet you ever so seductively reach into your bra and pull one out.
"Here." You take it between your teeth tearing at the packaging while he pumps himself. You pass it over to him, the wrapper gracefully falling somewhere underneath the seat, condom rolled on in a blink. No prep, just his dick getting shoved into you.
It's a stretch, a painful, hissing stretch. Your tugging at his shirt pulling it off of him while you adjust, his hands sliding up and under to unhook your bra. "Move," it's a command, an order. And despite his big fucking ego, he listens to you. One large hand placed next to your head, the either forcing your shirt up as it ghost over your body. Your scratching at his back, and rubbing his scalp. It's an odd combo of pain and pleasure for the both of you as a result. "More," you're shouting now, "more," you gasp.
"Take your shirt off," his voice is gravelly and out of breath. The hand once fondling with your breast is now gripping under your thigh. It's pushing your legs up and up and up, till they're resting right on top of his strong shoulders. Your pussy clenches around him upon feeling the muscle moving under your legs. His mouth comes down to suck your right nipple, eyes staring dead into yours.
Fuck you're cuming, quick with his name on your tongue. "Not fuckin' done," he groans, grinding into you with another thrust. "Don't even think about movin' didn't-" He hisses, "fuck, didn't get to cum yet." Another grind and then he's bringing a calloused finger to your clit.
"Yeah baby," it's low and husky, drawing more slick from you.
"Was lying about the condom." He gives you a harsh thrust at that, clearly fucking pissed. "Don't give a shit about it," he nearly pulls all the way out to slam back in. "Just wanted to-"
"Get to the fuckin' point," other hand squeezing at your throat.
"Want you to come in me," you're fucking yelling. "Please," begging.
"Fuck baby, that's enough to make me come on the spot."
You whine at that, "no."
"No, please. Inside please."
He pulls out, smirking when he sees how your walls clench around the empty space. "Missing me," he teases rolling off the condom carelessly dropping it onto the floor. In a snap he's back in, three strokes and then he's gone.
The liquid is fucking hot, it's scorching. You wanna taste, wish you would have gotten the chance to. The thought of that has your walls fluttering and coming a second time. Your eyes are all dazed and glossy, hair sticking to your neck and forehead. Carefully Katsuki pulls your shaking legs off his shoulders, while your hand reaches up to push his hair out of your face. "Fuck you're a brat," your lip tint smeared all over his lips.
It makes you smile all soft and gooey. "I'm tired now."
He snorts, pulling your underwear back onto you. "'Course you are," he tugs on his boxers and jeans. "Don't let any of that shit spill out you understand me?" He's pointing at you, face back to that scowl. You nod, pulling your pants back on. The both of you tug on your shirts, he moves to the front while you remain laying in the back. You find a sweater of his and tug it on while he starts the car, rolling down the windows to air the thing out.
"We're doing that shit at least one more time," he says pulling the car out of park.
"You're place or mine," you smile at him through the rearview mirror.
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348kg · 2 months
talk talk (san)
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ꕤ choi san 최산 (san) x reader
wc : 1.5k
tags : afab reader, fluff, crack, alcohol consumption, ateez ensemble mentioned
synopsis : san claiming to be a heavy drinker ends in a drunken confession
an : clips of drunk san make me giggle i had to write this (ib talk talk - snsd)
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"you are a lightweight. don't make me laugh." wooyoung leans back in his chair, nursing his just opened beer.
"honestly, i'm good at drinking! i'll prove it." as much as you want to reach forward and stop san from downing an entire bottle of peach soju, your own tipsiness keeps you rooted in your seat between mingi and yeosang. you watch san barely flinch as the liquid in the pink bottle empties down his throat.
"is he crazy?" you hear yeosang mumble next to you, "last time he did this we had to carry him home."
"let him be, we've seen this before. he's not going to stop until he manages to prove woo wrong." you suddenly find the energy to lean forward to push your third mojito of the night away from you and grab your water bottle.
"no more for you?" mingi nudges your shoulder.
"nah." you shake your head, "just being buzzed like this reminds me how much i hate drinking."
"your loss." he shrugs, standing to move towards a pretty girl that was seated at the opposite end of your table. you could hear the rain from outside hitting the windows of the bar, turning around to watch the water drip down the glass panes.
"ha! san's turning red!" you hear yunho yell, but are too unbothered and tired to move your head the 45 degrees that would allow you to see him.
"are you feeling okay?" yeosang whispers, noticing how you were facing away from the rest of your friends, head hanging over the back of your chair.
"mhm. just have a headache, is all."
"do you want me to take you home?"
"it's okay, i'll stick around as long as the rest of you guys want to stay." you reposition yourself so that you are facing the rest of the group again, grabbing the half empty mojito that you just claimed to be done with, watching the liquid swirl around the glass. a high pitched giggle tears you out of your daze, and you look up to see a blonde girl hanging off san's arm, and a very pink san who seems to be enjoying every second of it. you feel your headache worsen.
even though you were a part of the friend group, you were never able to have a proper conversation with san, unable to get close to him the way you were with mingi and yeosang. it always seemed to be wrong place and wrong time, every time you thought you had the perfect opportunity to chat him up, someone always interrupted to steal him away. this was unfortunate for you because san just so happened to be the most gorgeous man you had ever laid your eyes on, and you wanted nothing more than to be by his side. at this point though, you were starting to think it just wasn't meant to be.
the night moves slowly, especially given the fact that you were now completely sober, making small talk with an equally sober yeosang. you hear wooyoung picking on san again, prompting san to down 3 shots and slump forwards. the blonde was still there, but looked like she was growing tired of the giggling man who didn't seem like he was planning on making a move on her anytime soon. you let out a breath when she announces her leave, and san doesn't do anything to stop her, getting out of his seat to instead challenge wooyoung to a dance battle in the small area between your table and the next one over.
by the time the clock hit 2:10am, you were all tired and ready to wrap up the night.
you look up at the sound of mingi calling— more like slurring— your name.
"can you take san home? you both live close, and the rest of us live in the opposite direction. yeosang's car doesn't have room for him anyway..."
you feel your heartbeat pick up slightly. "uh, yeah, of course. where is he?" you scan the space around you, stopping when you feel a tap against your foot. of course san was laying under the table.
"m'here... m'hereeee." he mumbles, still tapping on the fabric of your shoes. you pull your chair out of the way so you would have room to crouch in front of him.
you do your best to remain collected. "ready to head?" he takes your hand in his when you offer it, groaning as his head knocks against the wood underside of the table on his way up.
"can you walk?"
"can you?" he mouths off, attempting to take a step forwards, instead slumping against your side.
"okay buddy, you've got this. five big steps and we can make it to the door." you can't help but feel sour at the fact that the one time you'll be alone with san, he probably won't even remember by the time the sun comes up.
the clear umbrella you stole from the rack at the entrance to the bar is doing absolutely nothing to shield the two of you from the rain, sans wide frame mixed with his imbalance was making it extremely difficult to both hold him upright with one arm and keep the umbrella straight with the other. you walked down the sidewalk that would eventually bring you to his apartment complex
"you know..." he whispers, "we've never been alone like this."
"that sounds pretty ominous. you planning on kidnapping me?" you were close to his place now, you could see his building in the distance, as far as the torrential downpour would allow.
you feel him shake his head, the damp tips of his hair hitting your cheek. "nuh uh. just always... wanted to be with ya, like this."
"huh?" your eyes widen, wondering if you heard him correctly.
"wanted to talk to ya... talk talk... tok tok tok... umph." you lunge forward to keep him from ruining his pretty face on the wet pavement, dropping the umbrella as you struggled to prop him upright. you had given up on staying dry, the umbrella now gone with the wind as you felt raindrops collect in your eyelashes. you blink, and suddenly san is staring at you, analyzing your face. you were both sitting on the balls of your feet to avoid making contact with the wet ground, but it didn't really matter now that the rest of you was practically soaked.
"san, i—" he puts a finger in front of your lips to silence you.
"lemme finish. i gotta," he inhales, "finish now that i've started." you nod, hopeful but also unsure of where he was going with this.
he stares at you for a second longer, then breaks out into a grin. "fuck, you look really pretty right now."
he must think that the shocked look on your face is a bad sign, because he's quick to sputter, "wait— shit, sorry. this isn't... how i wanted this to go."
you almost don't believe that this was happening, a drunk confession seemed much too cliché. you fight back a smile when he directs his gaze towards his soaked shoes, mumbling, "fuck'n wooyoung 'n his stupid fuck'n mouth... wanted to do this sober."
"jus... give me a second." he presses his palm to his forehead. "will ya listen?"
your heart is beating impossibly fast. "i'm all ears."
"you... always thought you were super pretty. kept it a secret though. the guys would make fun of me... anyway, i just— fuck, my brain isn't... do you get what i'm saying? i wanted to get to know ya, but someone was always in the way. fuck'n wooyoung and that fuck'n girl that wouldn't leave m—"
you take a deep breath, suddenly too captivated by him to care about embarrassing yourself. "i like you too, if that's what you're trying to say."
"fuck, yeah, i like you. that's what i'm trying to sa— wait, what? you like me? really?"
you giggle at the look of absolute astoundment that had taken over his features, leaning forward slightly, feeling his body heat.
"do you think you'll remember this tomorrow? i want to hear you say it sober."
he grins, moving a piece of wet hair away from your face. "i will, 'course i will. do you... wanna stay at mine tonight? wanna tell you as soon as i wake up."
he shoots upwards as soon as he sees your shy nod, but fails to realize that he is still very much drunk, so he falls into you once again. you don't even try to push him away, instead wrapping your arms around his broad shoulders.
"i got you, let's go?"
you leave his place the next morning, looking at the now clear sky and the dew on the grass, a grin on your face as you silently thanked wooyoung and his stupid fucking mouth.
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vanacoar · 2 years
Sneaking Around - Sebastian x F! Farmer
Rating: M
Warnings: NSFW (MDNI), oral sex, vaginal sex, terrible humor, submissive Sebastian, Farmer sneaking around with the sheer purpose of fucking the emo
Word Count: 5.7K
A/N: Sebastian brain rot continues
You and Sebastian had been “hanging out” for about two months, hanging out being the term you use because despite the fact that you’ve kissed him (only once you might add) the two of you hadn’t really defined your relationship yet. However, despite the fact that labels were currently up in the air, both of you were still hesitant to let anyone else know about the amount of time the two of you were spending together. Most nights you would find yourself precariously sneaking past Robin to make your way to your not quite boyfriends bedroom, where you two would spend the night watching terrible B list horror movies and eating stupid amounts of popcorn. If Sam or Abigail asked about how you two got along, you’d always find yourselves either deflecting away from the question, or answering with a “they’re pretty cool” or “they’re fun to hang with”. It was starting to grate on your nerves.
Tonight was no different. You approached 24 Mountain Road at about 7:30 PM, knowing that by this time Robin and Demetrius were more than likely getting ready for bed, and Maru was probably locked up in her room working on her latest invention. You had about 30 minutes to get in and get to Sebastian’s room before Robin came out to lock the door, like she did every night at exactly 8PM.
You opened the door slowly, freezing when you heard it give a small squeak of resistance. Deciding not to push you luck and risk it making more noise if you opened it further, you quietly slipped through the small gap you’d made before silently shutting the door behind yourself. The house was silent save for the quiet hum of a TV coming from Robin’s bedroom. You peaked your head around the corner, making sure her door was shut before slipping around and down the stairs to Sebastian’s basement bedroom, not even bothering to knock as you opened the door and rushed inside. Looking at the time, it was 7:45, perfect timing.
Looking around, you saw Sebastian at his computer, fingers nimbly ghosting along the keyboard as he typed line after line of code, eyes trained on the screen in front of him and headphones over his ears, it didn’t appear that he had even noticed your entrance. Perfect.
You clocked Sebastian as handsome the second you saw him on your second day in Pelican Town. You were out at the dock, Willy had sent you a letter to come by that morning and you were down there to meet him. It was a rainy Tuesday, most of the town were in their right mind to stay in doors in such nasty weather, but when you got to the dock, you noticed another person there with you, across the way on the opposite bridge. His hair was dark and plastered to his slim face, he sat at the edge of the peer, one knee pulled up to his chest, the other dangling off the edge, his elbow perched on his knee, a lit cigarette in his hand that he periodically brought to his lips.
“Who’s that?” You’d asked Willy after he’d gifted you his old fishing rod. The angler looked out to the opposite peer.
“Him? Oh that’s the carpenters boy, Sebastian I think his name is. He comes out here when it rains, kid’s interesting I’ll give him that.”
You met Sebastian properly the next day, he and Sam were outside Sam’s house, the blonde working through another level on his gameboy while Sebastian looked over his shoulder, cigarette in hand. Having already met Sam on your first day, you walked over to greet him.
“Oh hey, (Y/N)!” Sam greeted you when he looked up from the screen. “What’s going on?”
“I was just picking up some stuff from Pierre, thought I’d stop by and say hello.” You replied, holding your bag of goodies from the general store. “What are you two up to?”
“Nothin’ much, playin’ some games, chatting, that sort of thing,” Sam looked over to his friend before a look or recognition crossed his face. “(Y/N) I don’t think you’ve met Sebastian.” He pitched a thumb to the dark haired boy beside him, who only offered a glance to you. “He lives like right down the road from you.”
You took the opportunity to really look at Sebastian, he was tall, at least a few inches taller than Sam, who himself was not particularly short. His hair was dark, parted to the side and a stark contrast to the fairness of his skin. He was slender, the hoodie he wore looking to be a few sizes too big on his thin frame, his face was handsome though, sharp and angular with some of the most piercing gray eyes you’d ever seen, eyes that appeared to stare into your soul. “I’m (Y/N),” you greeted sweetly. “It’s nice to meet you, Sebastian.”
“Welcome to Pelican Town,” Sebastian’s voice was low but not extremely so, it was nice. “Out of all the places you could have gone, for some reason you chose this place.” He almost seemed amused. Something in your gut told you he was interesting.
You would spend the next several months getting to know Abigail and Sam, and it took a few more months after that for Sebastian to finally begin opening up to you. Getting through his thick outer shell was hard, but you eventually managed to crack it open, exposing the vulnerable boy underneath. The boy who felt displaced in his own home, under appreciated and undervalued by his mother and step father.
Right now, you leaned against the closed door of Sebastian’s bedroom, arms crossed over your chest as you watched him work. Normally he was done with work by now, usually waiting for you on his sofa or bed, but you guessed tonight was either a late night, or he had lost track of time, the latter would be your guess. You pushed yourself off the door, quietly slinking around his desk to stand behind him, watching for a moment as strings of code appeared on the screen as he typed.
Tonight would be different. Tonight you were finally going to get a label out of him, you were tired of not knowing what you meant to him, when you knew he meant so much to you. Slowly and gently, you placed your hands on either of his shoulders, feather light touches as you smoothed them over the soft fabric of his jacket, curling your arms around his neck as you leaned down to rest your head on his shoulder.
His fingers paused on the keyboard, taking a moment before reaching up to pull the headphones from his ears, turning his head slightly to greet you, a slightly tired look in his gray eyes. You smiled, placing a kiss on his cheek. “It’s almost 8 computer man.” You said against his skin.
“It’s that late already?” He asked, glancing down at the time at the bottom of his computer screen. Quickly, he moved his mouse over to the button highlighted ‘save’, and closed his file, turning around in his chair so he could face you clearly. “Any ideas on what you want to do tonight?” He asked. His eyes were completely innocent, as was the question, your mind however, was less so.
“I’ve got a couple.” You answered as he stood from his chair, once again towering over you, walking over to a shelf to look through his movie collection to find one the two of you hadn’t already seen. Yes, you definitely had a few ideas in mind.
Sebastian was always so warm, you’d noticed as you laid next to him on his bed. He was practically a furnace with the amount of heat he kicked off. The two of you sat in silence as the movie played, some cheap knock off of Godzilla, the effects were terrible and the script was laughable but that’s what made it fun. It was always like this, sitting side by side, arms occasionally brushing but other than that, minimal contact between the two of you. Originally, when the two of you first started these “date nights” you though that maybe he didn’t like you the way you liked him, but then you remembered that night, looking out at the lights of Zuzu City in the distance. He’d kissed you that night, so clearly he was interested in more than just a friendship. You kept expecting him to make the first move, an arm around your shoulder one night, maybe a hand on your thigh, but no, he was ever the gentleman, every night keeping his hands to himself, it was starting to drive you up the wall. However, you had made your decision, tonight you were going to make some waves, whether those waves were good or bad, was yet to be seen, but it was time to enact the first past of your plan.
You maneuvered, feigning a desire to get more comfortable when in reality you were moving to get closer to Sebastian, encircling one arm around his front to rest at the hem of his hoodie, your head coming to rest on his shoulder. You felt him freeze for only a moment before he relaxed into it, one of his arms coming up to wrap around your shoulder, forcing your head off of his shoulder and onto his chest. Part one was a success! Now for part two, which was going to be a little more tricky.
Your fingers played with the hem of his hoodie, occasionally slipping underneath just enough for the slightest touch of skin, the first time you’d done it the poor boy jumped, your fingers were cold against his heated skin, but he didn’t stop you, instead, the hand he had wrapped around your shoulder began tracing lines up and down your side, it was hypnotizing to say the least, but you had to stay focused.
Slowly, you slipped your fingers further and further under his shirt, you felt his abdominal muscles tense as you traced patterns onto his skin, making sure to keep your face schooled, as to not let him in on your plan. He was handling it well, fingers on your side rarely faulting, even as you looked up, placing a chaste kiss on his throat. You lips lingered on his skin for a moment before you pulled away.
“Something tells me you’re not watching the movie.” Sebastian said, despite the obvious amusement in his tone, you heard the slight waver of his voice. So you were effecting him.
“I’m watching something more interesting.” You whispered agains the skin of his neck.
“Why do I feel like you’re throwing out some hints?”
“I’ve been throwing out hints for the past few months but thanks for noticing.” That got a light chuckle out of him, just a soft breathy noise.
“How could you ever be not 100% enraptured in discount Godzilla?” Sebastian joked, finally looking down to meet your gaze, his eyes were cool, but you saw the glint of interest in them, curiosity even.
“Is discount Godzilla more interesting then a willing and eager girl in your lap?”
“Well I don’t know, seeing as there is not currently a willing and eager girl in my lap.”
“So sorry, let me fix that.” You sat up, slinging a leg over his lap so you were properly straddling him, his hands immediately coming to rest on your hips as your tucked your head against his shoulder, placing another kiss on his throat.
“You’re right, this is much more interesting than discount Godzilla.” Sebastian laughed as you planted a kiss just below his ear, before sitting back to meet his eyes. “Now my only question is what to do with her.”
“I’ve got a few ideas.” You said as you leaned forward, slotting your lips with his, the first kiss you’ve had with him in months and it was intoxicating. The kiss itself was chaste, innocent, just like the first one had been. It only lasted for a few moments before you pulled back, Just far enough to look him in the eyes, those steel gray eyes that had caught so much of your attention the first time you saw them. Your hands slid up his chest to rest on his shoulders, one of your thumbs grazing over the skin of his throat, such fair skin, skin that you would love to mark all over.
You don’t know who moved first, but before you knew it your lips were back on his, a desperate kiss that had you gasping as you pulled him infinitely closer, his arms wrapping around your waist and pulling you in. You practically shoved your tongue into his mouth, earning a desperate whimper from him, a sound that went straight to your core. One of your hands came to rest at the base of his throat, pushing ever so slightly, not enough to restrict his breathing, but enough to push him back against the headboard, a gentle knock of his head against the wood.
Your other hand moved down, once again slipping beneath the hem of his hoodie to press against the hot skin of his abdomen. “Take it off?” You asked against this lips. He didn’t make a verbal response, instead only nodding as he reluctantly pulled away from the kiss. You helped him pull the hoodie up over his torso until he tossed it across the room, where to, you didn’t care right now. “Good boy.” You said before you could stop yourself. You froze for only a moment, waiting to see his reaction, but instead of rejection, you were met with a whine. A fucking whine! You knew the game to play now.
You smiled into his lips when you kissed him again, hands moving to travel over his now exposed chest. “Are you going to keep being good for me?” You all but whispered against his mouth. You felt him nod. “Use your words, Sebastian.”
“Yes.” Was all he said before you moved lower, planting open mouth kisses over his neck, starting just below his ear. You contemplated leaving a mark, nice and dark where he couldn’t hide it, so everyone would know he was taken, spoken for.
You could feel his growing erection under you, straining against the fabric of his jeans. You planted a kiss to his collar bone as one of your hands traveled south, cupping him through has pants. He hissed at the friction your hand gave him, his head once again falling back against the headboard.
“This is definitely not what I was expecting to happen tonight.” Sebastian panted out as you applied more pressure to his clothed cock. You looked up at him, meeting his eyes again.
“Do you want to stop?” It was a simple question, and if he said yes and you would, no questions or rebuttals. He was silent for all but a moment before,
“No.” You smiled as your lips found his again, your hand moving from his cock to the button of his jeans, popping it open to slip your hand inside and palm him through his boxers.
“Tell me, was it the ‘good boy’ that got you this hard?” You asked, and you swore you heard him moan.
“Among other things.” He hissed out as you wrapped your fingers around him through his boxers. You smiled, you were going to wreck this boy.
The movie was still playing in the background as you coaxed Sebastian to lay on his back, chest heaving as you pulled your hand from inside of his pants, only to hook your fingers into his waistband, pulling his jeans and boxers together far enough to let his cock spring free, precum already leaking from the tip, he was so worked up and you felt as if you’d hardly done anything yet.
Part of you wanted to pin him to the bed, climb on top and ride him until you couldn’t remember your own name, but that could wait until the next time, tonight you had a very specific plan. You wrapped your fingers around the base of his cock, squeezing slightly just to hear him hiss. Leaning down you placed a gentle kiss on his hip bone, looking up at him through your lashes.
“Red means stop.” You said as your hand began to move, sliding to the head of his cock. He nodded, panting as you collected the precum at the tip into your hand to use as lubricant as you stroked him, slowly at first, letting him get used to you, experimenting with different levels of grip before you started working him faster.
Sebastian brought a hand to his mouth, biting down on his knuckles to keep from making too much noise as your hand stroked up and down his length. You felt him attempt to thrust up into you hand, at which point your other one came to pin his hips to the bed, drawing out another whine from his throat. Sebastian was well endowed, a solid 7 inches, thick enough to take your entire hand, your fingertips barely meeting, staring down at his swollen cock, you couldn’t help but wonder what he tasted like.
You leaned down, flattening your tongue against the underside of the head, and he nearly wailed, would have, had he not brought his other hand to press against his mouth as well. You could tell he was getting close as your closed your lips around the head of his cock, laving your tongue over the slit, feeling him shudder beneath you. His moans got louder, higher pitched the closer he got, all the way until he was at the precipice, ready to fall, when suddenly you pulled away.
Sebastian gasped at the sudden change, nearly choking on the air, meeting your eyes, you could see the tears in his eyes. You grinned, placing a gentle kiss on his stomach. “I didn’t say you could cum yet.” You smiled as you dragged your tongue up his chest to lap at his throat, this time not hesitating to suck a mark there, marring his fair skin for all to see. He was still panting, trying to catch his breath.
“Please,” he whispered as you began your descent down his torso again, giving gentle nips to his skin along the way, until you once again reached the bones of his hips, flattening your tongue over his skin. “(Y/N), please.” You smiled against his flesh.
“Please what?” You looked up at him again, his face was flushed, pupils blown out wide with want, breath coming out in short pants.
“Please let me cum.” He said so nicely, you were tempted to give in, but what’s the fun in that?
“And how would I do that, baby?” You stroked the skin of his inner thigh, well what you could reach with his pants still in the way.
“Please touch me.”
“I am touching you, Seb.”
“No.” He flopped his head against the pillow. You smiled once more.
“You gotta be specific babe.” You started, tracing soothing circles into the skin of his hips. “Tell me.”
He was silent for a moment, seemingly choosing his words carefully. “Please touch my cock.” There it is.
“Good boy.” You said as you hooked your fingers into his waistband again, this time pulling his jeans and boxers all the way off, shoving them to the floor as you made yourself comfortable between Sebastian’s legs. You heard his whine again, his hips giving an involuntary thrust up at the praise. Your clothes felt too tight, still fully intact as Sebastian lay in front of you completely bare, spread out and waiting for you to take him. You leaned down to press a kiss to the base of his cock, ripping a choked out gasp from his throat as you dragged your tongue from his base to the tip, tasting the saltiness of his precum at the head. Wrapping your lips around him once more, you took him further into your mouth, letting the tip of his cock hit nearly the back of your throat before pulling back again, dragging your tongue along the underside as you hollowed your cheeks, hand wrapped around what you couldn’t fit.
His hands found your hair as you proceeded to take him in your mouth, lavishing his cock with your tongue. The noises he made switched from moans to whines and back again as you moved your head up and down. He clasped a hand over his mouth to keep the noises from being to loud, not wanting to let the whole house know good he was being taken apart. His grip in your hair tightened as he painted your name, a litany of ‘please’ and ‘yes’ sprinkled in. He was getting close again his hips thrusting up into your mouth. You let him.
“(Y/N),” he choked out your name as you took more of him in your mouth. “(Y/N), close, so close, please, please.” He sounded wrecked, eyes shut and tear tracks down his cheeks as you sucked hard, moving just a little bit faster. You wanted to feel him cum, taste him and swallow everything he had down your throat.
Sebastian’s back arched off the bed as he came, flooding your mouth with his cum, which you happily took. He gasped soundlessly as his body tensed around you, his grip in your hair nearly painful, but sending pulsing heat to your core nonetheless.
He collapsed back on to the bed, chest heaving with the intensity of his orgasm. You let his softening cock fall from your lips, climbing up his body to kiss him again, pushing your tongue into his mouth with little resistance, smiling at his responding moan. His hands came up to wrap around your waist again, pulling your closer and deepening the kiss.
You felt his heated hands slip under your shirt, his palms flat against your sides as he slid your shirt up your torso. You broke the kiss, sitting up so you could completely remove it, reaching back and unclasping your bra, tossing it across the room. Sebastian’s eyes were glued to you, sitting up to press his lips to your chest, kissing your clavicle before moving lower, planting kisses over the curve of your breasts, one hand coming up to graze his thumb over your nipple, pulling a startled gasp from your lips. His fingers trailed deftly down your torso, fingertips calloused from years of typing, as he reached the waistband of your jeans, popping open the button and pulling the garment past the curve of your hips, along with your panties. You moved to get your jeans off of your legs, dropping them to the floor as you moved to once again straddle Sebastian’s lap, wrapping your arms around his neck as you kissed him.
“And to think, we could have been doing this the whole time instead of watching B list horror movies.” You stated against his lips as you rolled your hips against this, his cock starting to once again so interest.
“What you don’t think discount Godzilla adds to the mood?” Sebastian joked, and you found yourself giggling into his mouth.
“Something you wanna share with the class about your affinity for Kaiju?”
“He must have a massive cock.” This time you really laughed, tucking your head against his shoulder, he smiled against your hair as his hands strokes up and down your sides. He placed a kiss just under your jaw before you found yourself on your back, Sebastian hovering over you, he leaned down and pressed a hard kiss to your lips. You gladly open your mouth for him, letting his tongue into your mouth as he settles himself between your legs.
He kissed under your jaw, trailing his lips down your throat, you felt him sucking marks into your skin, but you didn’t care. He trailed further, placing kisses down your chest, sucking a few marks onto the curve of your breasts before dragging his tongue over one of your nipples, you arched your back into his touch, which he was all too pleased about by the look of his smile when he began to continue his descent down your body. He kissed down your stomach, down to your hips, where he marked you again. He carefully pushed your thighs further apart, admiring how you were spread out before him. He latched his lips onto the sensitive skin of your inner thigh, pulling a gasp from your lips as he sucked another mark there, and another and another until you were sure your inner thighs were going to be black and blue by morning.
Your breathing was heavy as he inched closer to your core. “To think,” he started, propping himself on one elbow while the other hand came to brush his knuckles against your throbbing heat, a ghost of a touch, but enough to light your skin on fire. “All this time you’ve been giving me pleasure, when you were so worked up yourself.” He slipped on of his fingers through your folds, teasing just at your entrance, but never daring to push inside. You were desperate to feel him inside.
“Well you were being so good for me, how was I supposed to focus on anything else?” You felt Sebastian sigh against your thigh. You wanted to tell him to hurry up, to put his mouth on you, devour you like you knew he wanted to. Instead he proceeded to place kisses everywhere but here you really wanted him. You were about to say something when without warning he licked a strip from your entrance to your clit, making you choke on your gasp. Your hands find his hair as he does it again before focusing his attention on your swollen clit, his arms wound around your thighs, pulling your legs further apart and half yanking you down further to meet his mouth. One of your hands moved from his hair to your mouth, covering it with the back of your hand to stifle the loud noises that wanted so badly to breech from your throat.
Sebastian lapped at your core like he was a man dying of thirst and your soaked cunt was the only source of water. You thrust your hips up, or tried to, as he had your hips in an ironclad grip, arching your back as he gave a rough hard suck to your clit. “Sebastian,” you gasped out, you felt him hum against you, sending a spark of electricity up your spine. Your grip tightened in his hair. “Fuck, baby, so good, you’re doing so good.” You babbled out, barely registering the moan from the man between your legs as he pulled you impossibly closer. The room was filled with the lewd slick noises of Sebastian’s ministrations on your cunt, combined with the quiet moans and gasps that escaped your lips, muffled by your hand. You wished you could be loud, make sure he knew just how good he was working you, just how thoroughly he was wrecking you with his tongue, but you definitely didn’t want the way Sebastian’s family found out about the two of you be because they were woken up at 1 am by the sounds of their son giving the sweet farmer girl from down the road the most amazing sex of her life.
You barely contained as scream when two of his long fingers penetrated you, scissoring inside of you as he stretched you open. He thrusted the two digits in and out of you, curling them in a come hither motion that had you seeing stars. You were getting close, each lap of his tongue and curl of his fingers pushing you closer and closer to the edge.
“Don’t stop,” you panted, gripping the pillow behind you for leverage as your spine arched off the bed, attempting to get closer to him, if that was even possible. “So close, baby I’m so close, fuck, make me cum.” Sebastian hummed against you again and you felt yourself fall, the coil wound so tight finally snapping as you came, hand locking over your mouth to keep your scream inside as your body tensed, your lungs spasming as you tried desperately to take in air. He worked you through it, only pulling away when you pulled at his hair. He placed kisses over your hips and up your stomach as you panted, kissing up your chest and neck until he reached you lips. Your hands tangled into his hair as he kissed you, one hand gripping behind your thigh to hike your leg up over his hip, you could feel his cock, rock hard against your core.
The movie had long since ended, the bright white words spelling ‘play’ being the only thing to illuminate the room. He gave you a minute before reaching down to align himself with your entrance, pressing a kiss to your forehead as he pushed into you, making you impossibly full as your hands scrambled for purchase over the skin of his back, your nails surly leaving angry red marks over his flesh. You pressed your lips against his shoulder as he bottomed out inside of you, buried to the hilt inside your heat. You could feel him trembling above you, not daring to move just yet, you let him get his bearings while you lavished the skin of his neck and shoulder with kisses, nipping gently at his skin.
Before long you felt his pull almost all the way out, covering your mouth with his own before slamming hard back into you, swallowing your gasp. He set a steady pace, fucking into you roughly while your nails bit into his shoulders. The room was full of the sounds of gasps and broken moans as he slammed into you, one of his hands coming to grip at your hip, lifting your hips just barely off the bed, but allowing him to get so much deeper, and you couldn’t help the moan the was ripped out of your throat, although he didn’t seem to care much as he buried his head against your shoulder, nipping at your sensitive skin as he picked up his pace.
Your moans became high pitched, trying desperately to stifle the noise by sucking mark after mark onto his shoulder. “Sebastian, seba- fuck.” A litany of his name fell from your lips, panting against his flesh before he faced you again to engulf you in a breath stealing kiss. “Don’t stop, please don’t stop.” You pleaded into the kiss.
“(Y/N),” he all but moaned as his hips stuttered. He filled you so completely, his cock hitting every spot inside of you on every thrust, the grip he had on your hip tight enough you were sure you’d have bruises by morning, and you wanted them. You were approaching the edge again and fast, as you grasped for any kind of purchase, legs wrapping tight around his waist as his pace got faster and faster. “Close,” he gasped against your lips. “So close, fuck, (Y/N).” You tightened your legs around him, pulling him as close as you could.
“Come on baby,” you encouraged him, gasping at a particularly well aimed thrust. “Cum for me, fill me with it, I want it please!” You gasped out, Sebastian choked on air as his rhythm started to stutter some more. He grasped your body tight as he came, his cum spilling into you, filling you more, you toppled over the edge with him, letting out cry as he fucked the both of you through it.
Eventually the only sounds in the room were the sounds of panting, as the two of you caught your breath, Sebastian propping himself up on his elbows as he hovered above you, before slowly pulling out of you to collapse onto his back, chest heaving.
“Wow,” he choked out. You turned to your side to look at him, his dark hair scattered, unkempt from the way your fingers had raked through it, figuring your own hair wasn’t much better. You smiled up at him as you moved to lay your head on his chest, his arm coming to wrap around you, fingertips tracing lazy patterns into your skin. “Next time we have sex, we’re doing it at your house.” You felt your heart warm at his words.
“Agreed,” you said, planting a kiss on his chest. “That way I can hear all those pretty little moans.” His responding whine sending a dulled heat back to your core.
It was quiet for a while, part of you though he had fallen asleep, you were startled when he spoke. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.” He all but whispered into your hair. You felt the question rise in your throat, pressing your lips to his neck when you asked.
“Why’d you wait?”
Sebastian sighed. “I don’t know if it’s hard to tell, but I’m not exactly popular with people,” he confessed, you hummed in response. “We already had something good, and I wasn’t sure if you wanted more and I didn’t want to risk it.” You lifted yourself up onto your elbow, placing a hand on his jaw to turn his head to look at you, his gray eyes meeting your own. You pressed a chaste but passionate kiss to his lips, which he responded to in kind as his other arm came to wrap around your waist.
“I want everything you have to give.” You confessed against his lips.
“Woah someone got lucky last night.” Sam exclaimed walking into the saloon that next night, seeing Sebastian already waiting for him at the pool table. “Who was the lucky lady… or dude, I don’t judge my best friends taste.”
Sebastian stiffened, attempting to pull the collar of his hoodie up to cover the very obvious hickie that you had left on his throat. He seemed to stumble for an answer before he was interrupted by the sound of two more entering the back room, you and Abigail rounding the corner together, giggling about who knows what. Abigail went to her usual spot on the couch, ready to watch as Sam got his ass handed to him again in pool, while you walked over to Sebastian, reaching up to place a kiss on his cheek before moving to go sit next to your friend.
Sebastian felt the flush rising up his neck, glancing up at his best friend to see an awestruck disbelieving look on his face, it would have been funny if it wasn’t directed at him.
“How the fuck did you pull-“ Same started.
“I don’t know.”
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thecapricunt1616 · 3 months
It’s 5:30 am and I literally have been awake for the past 3 hours trying to fall asleep but this fucking guy
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This beautiful British blonde FUCK has been plaguing my every brain cell and it’s SICK. Thinking abt early mornings with him and how tender and sweet he’d be GRRRAH (more BTC)
But okok so imagine you’re having a hard time falling back asleep, it’s like 3:45 am but you don’t care, it’s actually a pleasant surprise for you when you wake earlier then normal, because your man isn’t usually far behind.
Like Carmy, he wants to be the first one up, the first one ready, the first one that gets to work. So naturally he’s rousing at 4, taking a good 5 minutes to lay with you and smother you in gentle kisses, light enough to assure you wouldn’t wake too soon, but enough to satisfy himself that he gave you enough love and attention before he got to work.
That is something different between those two. Carmy sees a relationship as a distraction and something he needs to tread carefully with so he doesn’t dedicate too much of his mind or time to it - but Luca? He worships his girl, and he will spend any second possible at your side while still maintaining his regimented routine.
Lucas anxiety comes about time, it’s different than Carmys. Luca is always early, he has mastered knowing the very minute he has to be out of bed and taking the 5 steps to the boat houses bathroom and cutting the water on that takes 3 minutes to come to a comfortable temperature. But until then? He is kissing your cheeks, your nose, your hairline, your neck, your chest, your stomach, your thighs. He’s snuggling you close and whispering how much he loves you, and his plans for the day even if he well knows you’re dead to the world still.
He would work extra minutes and seconds into his morning routine between brushing his teeth and getting dressed and styling his hair he would come and give you a sweet kiss to the head or lips, sometimes gently caressing your hair if you stirred from the action.
But this particular morning, Luca was elated, but a bit confused, to see you looking right back at him when he hit stop on his alarm after the second beep. “Morning, trying to come for my gig as being the early riser in this relationship?” His voice was deep and rich with sleep. He pulled you in, kissing the top of your head and rubbing your back soothingly which caused your eyes to flutter shut at the lovely feeling. He was so warm, he smelt so distinctly him. You nuzzled your face into his bare chest, planting gentle kisses on the skin
“The universe is against me. I feel tired but I’ve been laying with my eyes closed for hours, this is helping though- but I don’t want it to now cause I love you and wanna talk” you said and he chuckled a bit, kissing the top of your head again and giving you a loving squeeze
“I love you, darling. What’s on your mind, mm?” He asked and gently pets your hair. You nuzzle into his neck, a small smile on your lips.
“I’m not telling you cause you work too hard as it is” you said and he smiled himself, snorting a laugh
“So you’re thinking of something you want to eat, got it. Well what is plaguing that pretty mind baby I may have some spare time today” he resumed his gentle back rub, his short nails running along your skin and giving you goosebumps where he touched.
“Lemon posset” you admit and he hums, pressing another kiss to your forehead this time
“And why do you think that’s so hard love? I’ll bring you some back later.” He said and you groan
“Luca you work 10 hours today, I’d rather you be home with me then making me some stupid intricate craving”
“Hush, I can work it out love don’t worry. Just gotta move some things around it’ll be no big deal”
And yeah he’s gonna be home early, with dessert and dinner - just to prove a point that he knows how to manage his time
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ceilidho · 2 months
how old do you headcannon the 141 to be? ive always thought simon is at least 35 and pushing 40, maybe 37, and price is def early to mid forties. gaz and soap late 20s. was curious because in the most simon fic of yours, it is hinted that he’s got out of the military for some time. absolutely drooling at the thought of blond simon with specks of silver in his hair and stubble
this is EXACTLY how I headcanon them as well. Price is 43-45 for me and I’ll go higher if I have to. Soap is the youngest at like….27? Gaz is barely older, like 28 or something. Irish twins lmao.
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sanjisblackasswife · 1 year
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𝕊𝕒𝕟𝕛𝕚 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝔼𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 ℙ𝕦𝕤𝕤𝕪
𝙱𝚕𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝙵𝚎𝚖! 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
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I feel like we really needa talk about how much Sanji absolutely LOVES the fact that he can eat your pussy
CW: PUSSY MUNCHIN🗣️, TWT Link mentioned😔
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Sanji perverted ass definitely has an oral fixation. Pretty obvious.
But you never realized it until you finally taught him how to eat pussy.
You were his first everything, kiss, love, sexual encounter, and finally after shyly asking to go down on you, you allowed him, oh if you knew then what you knew now you would have let him do this a while ago.
You don’t even remember the last time you just went down on him, JUST for him, now it’s “Well sit on my face while you do it, babe.”
You’re beginning to believe letting him indulge in your slit is all the pleasure he needs.
He cannot spare more than a day without tasting you once, he always has you legs spread and wide all for his eyes and mouth only to partake in, with of course your tiddies out because he loves them too when he looks up, flicking the clit with his tongue to see how your eyes roll back as you whine his name so softly.
Sanji also is aware of how much you love his soft clean hands too. He takes extra care of them now, wearing gloves more often than usual for your pleasure as well. Which is why when he presses his long slender digits inside your pussy it does nothing but make you repeat his name and other incoherent words on repeat.
The way how he swirls his entire mouth on your clit, slurping and moaning inside of your slut like you were his favorite ice cream makes you feel so embarrassed. It was embarrassing to see how into it he was, on his knees just to taste you again.
Sanji is a simple man. If he can please you, he is pleased himself. So it’s nothing for him to get up 45 minutes earlier than he usually does to kiss and lick your cunt (with also massaging your sore breast from the night prior of him being a little rougher than usual). He loves how you hips grind against his lips, how he can feel you clench down on his long tongue when he fucks you with it.
Your pretty blonde treats you like one of his very own 6 star meals, devouring and savoring every drop you have to give him. Maybe more. He is selfish. Even after cumming he still wants more, he’ll kiss your clit, smirking subtly at your cries and tugs at his pretty dusty blond hair, and say it’s just him “Cleaning” you up.
Not like you could leave anyway, he was stronger than you so trying to escape would just cause you to be caged in his arms, thighs forcefully spread open for him to latch back onto you.
He’s so sweet though, he’s never rough unless told to do so, kissing and admiring your entire body before going where he is needed most. His natural scent already overpowering your senses when your see his head trail down to your lips, neck, breast, tummy, and down to between your legs. Sanji is so overwhelmed with how well you both fit against one another like a puzzle piece, you were so soft to him, you felt like Heaven.
He was shameless, moaning on how he can do this forever, if you were his only source of food he’d be fine, he could die in between your thighs. Giving your ass slaps of appreciation, his eyes roll back more times than yours from when you arch your back against him, pressing him further inside you.
And to top it all off; you love it all, you love how willing he is to ignore his painful erection to make you a mess, to make you feel on cloud 9, Sanji doesn’t love to eat you out because he’s a pervert (well not the whole reason), but because of how this is one of the few things he believes he excels in doing to make you happy to be with him.
Your legs always shake when Sanji is going down on you. You never experienced anything like it. He was so skilled on which way to lick, when to exchange his attention to your hole to your clit. But he swore he’s never done it before, he says “It’s instinct.”
You knew it was bullshit, but who were you to question? Oh, right you couldn’t if you want to because your pretty little mouth was agape, only whining of his name, eyes crossed, and toes curled to what your pervy little boyfriend had access to.
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hischierswhore · 1 year
mr perfectly fine
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part 2 of this fic
pairing: Lando Norris x Reader
"Rise & shine, sleepy head” Kika said as you slowly opened our eyes, only to be met with the blinding lights from outside. After grabbing the pillow and burying your face in it to conceal you from the harsh lights, you noticed the room got darker, meaning Kika had closed the curtains.
“How did you even get in?” You rubbed your eyes.
“Spare key”
“30 more minutes? Please?” You begged your friend to give you a bit of extra time.
“If I give you 30 minutes, you’ll ask me for another 45 after so no. Get up” She pulled the sheets from you and dragged you out of bed.
“Why am I going to this thing anyways?”
“Because I have an extra ticket for this event, and you promised me that you would come”
“Just take Pierre or something” You said, still half asleep
“He’s already going with the rest of the grid. Obligations” Her words immediately snapped you awake.
“The rest of the grid?” Kika nodded.
“You might not even see Lan- sorry. He who shall not be named. You’ll be with me the entire night” She gently rubbed your arm in attempt to reassure you that all would be fine.
Kika was the first person you told about the breakup. You ghosted everyone for a few days after Lando had left you, ignoring all calls and messages from the outside world. Kika, your best friend, was beyond concerned with your sudden disappearance and decided to pay you a visit. Using her spare key, that she also seemed to use for non-emergency reasons, she walked right into your home and found you sitting on the couch with the bags under your eyes heavier than ever before.
"What if he tries to talk to me?" You threw yourself on your bed dramatically, watching as Kika browsed through your wardrobe. Following the breakup, you had stalked Lando's social media and he didn’t seem to be fazed by the breakup, and if he had, he didn't show it.
He returned to his life of traveling and nonstop adventures with his fellow drivers. Attending all sorts of parties and festivals, which he was free to do, but what wasn’t right to you was how he didn’t seem hurt in the slightest.
It’d been a month since that night. You still remember the stove illuminating the “1:58am” across your living room as you watched Lando leave.  
“What about this one?” Kika pulled out a sparkling red dress and showed it to you.
“I don’t know-“
"Think of this as revenge. You can show him what he's missing. And if you do run in to him, so what? You know I won’t hesitate to give him a good ole’ karate chop in the head" She karate chopped the air, and you burst out in laughter at her movement.
If you wanted revenge, like Kika suggested, you needed to show up looking my best and not let your emotions take over.
After you & Kika had finished getting ready, you called an Uber to take you from your flat over to the event you were attending.
You both entered the banquet hall with all eyes on you. Or maybe their attention was on Kika and her stunning (per usual) dress. Either way, you rarely ever got attention like this, and to say it scared you was an understatement.
You both approached the trio of Pierre, Carlos and Charles, joining in on their conversation.
“We missed having you around, Y/n” Charles said as he rubbed the back of his neck. The group hadn’t seen you in a while due to your breakup with their friend.
“I missed seeing you guys” You said as a figure joined the group. You head turned to greet the person but you immediately jumped back, shocked at the sight: It was Lando, with some new blonde by his side.
Your plans of getting revenge went flying out the window, and right now you wanted nothing more than to crawl into your bed and never leave. The group was just as shocked as you were, glancing between Lando and the blonde.
You leaned into Carlos’ ear and excused yourself, to which he nodded and promised to relay the message to the rest of the group.
As you bolted to the nearest bathroom, you wanted to burst into tears. You locked yourself in the stall and tried your hardest not to cry, instead trying to think happy thoughts.
Back at the group, Kika noticed the moment you left and turned to Lando. The blonde had also excused herself to go speak to some of her friends.
“You’ve got some fucking nerve, Norris” She sounded completely disgusted with Lando.
“What did I do?” Lando asked as he looked around, watching as Charles smacked a hand onto his face in disappointment.
“What didn’t you do, Lando? You broke up with Y/n only a week after your podium in Silverstone because you “had to” for the sake of your relationship? In what fucking world does that make sense?” Kika said before Carlos spoke up
“You claimed to love her, but then you show up here, only a month after you left her, with a new girl on your arm? Guess you really did love Y/n enough to replace her like nothing”
“And then you acted like you did nothing wrong. You didn’t show the slightest bit of remorse for leaving her, with that shit excuse by the way” Charles added.
“Have you even apologized at all?” Pierre asked, watching Lando’s gaze fall down to his feet.
“No” He mumbled.
“You really think he would apologize? He left her hopes high, insinuating that he would come back for her, when in reality it was just an excuse to find someone new” Kika was nearly shouting at this point, and Pierre signaled for her to go find you to ensure you were okay.
- later on -
You were sat at your table with Pierre, Kika, Charles and Carlos. You were all talking when you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned your head to see who was trying to get your attention and it was none other than Lando himself.
“Can I help you?” You asked as you turned your attention back to the rest of the table, not wanting to speak to him right now, or at all for that matter.
“Can we talk? Alone?” You sigh as you nod your head, unsure as to why you’re even agreeing to this. You excuse yourself from the table and all eyes are on you as you walk away with Lando right behind you.
You turn to face him once you’re out of sight from everyone at the event.
“What did you want?” You folded your arms across your chest. Lando inhaled deeply and he seemed nervous.
“I want to apologize. For everything. I wanted to focus on racing and winning and I just couldn’t see myself doing that with you in my life”
“So… you lied to me and made it seem like you were doing this for me? You made it seem like you were going to come back for me, Lando. But really you just wanted to leave and never return”
“I shouldn’t have made it seem like that. I’m so sorry” You stayed silent, contemplating what to say next.
“Who’s the blonde?” You questioned, watching the lump in Lando’s throat.
“Oh she’s uhm… my date” He refused to make eye contact with you as you scoffed at his answer.
“Interesting how you said you loved me and that you always would, yet you replaced me like nothing happened at all and moved on after a month. Somehow you’re “Mr Perfectly Fine” after all this, so clearly you didn’t love me half as much as you said you did ” Lando could only mutter apologies yet still refused to make any sort of eye contact with you.
“Well this was lovely,  but I’m going to go back to my table” You said nothing else as you made your way back to the table, shoulder checking him as you passed. You walked back into the dining hall to see everyone quickly turning their heads back around to seem as if they weren’t waiting for you to come back.
As you sat down, you felt a weight lifted from your shoulders; you were finally free and you would be alright someday.
@chelseagirl98 @firehazardxx @judesgfirl @celestialams @xjval
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ladykibutsuji · 1 year
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“ᴛᴇᴀʀs ᴏғ ᴘʟᴇᴀsᴜʀᴇ”
☆ Yoriichi x Reader ☆
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° I do not support these actions in real life, Everything I mentioned is only for a Fictional story.
° I also do not own the dividers and picture used, A friend suggested it.
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° You are the Fiancé of Michikatsu Tsugikuni, The eldest of a Well-known family. . And one of Japan's most successful Entrepreneur.
Michikatsu Tsugikuni treated you like a queen, he would spoil you with the most expensive jewelries and bags while pampering you with love and kisses.
Not to mention, Aside from being treated like a Queen he treated you as his 'Little plaything' In bed, He was an absolute beast making you see stars with each thrust he does.
For you it felt like you were living in heaven, Being taken care of properly with the right amount of love and affection. Unfortunately not all good things last forever
For the past few weeks, you noticed Michikatsu's odd behavior such as distancing himself from you, Facing the opposite side of your shared bed refusing to even touch you or look at you, Being more often out of town, and Being too close to his Secretary.
Everytime you would visit his work place, You can see the looks he exchanged with his Secretary yet. . You couldn't bring yourself to blame him because you are indeed out of the secretary's league
She had a long wavy blonde hair with a pretty pair of 'blue eyes' that looks like the ocean itself, The uniform given to her was tight and small so it exposed her perfect hour-glass body, She was pale and Tall almost reaching Michikatsu's height. Just mentioning all of these made you insecure about yourself.
Today was your anniversary with Michikatsu and You wanted to surprise your Fiancé so you book a reservation at a Exclusive Restaurant.
Michikatsu promised to be home before 9:00 so you started getting ready at 6:00.
8:40 PM
You are already done with your make up and hair so you decided to put on your Dress, it was a sleeveless midi long velvet purple dress with side slit.
You choosed this purple dress since purple was one of Michikatsu's favorite colours.
You then sprayed your Dior perfume all over yourself and grabbed your purse, You then walked towards the mirror and observed yourself to see if everything is alright.
"Alright! I'm all ready" You spoke to yourself and quickly went downstairs to wait for Michikatsu.
9:40 PM
You are currently sitting in a big comfy white couch while scrolling through Tumblr. the time on top of your phone screen caught your attention and you noticed the It was already 9:40 and Michikatsu still haven't arrive.
Your hope in michikatsu was fading but you still choosed to not listen to your fading hope.
maybe he's just late
A notification was heard from your phone and you quickly went to check it hoping it was michikatsu.
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[Y/N] 8:39
Hello! I miss you so much, goodluck at your work!
[Y/N] 8:45
Oh btw, choose a color.. violet or purple?
[Y/N] 8:50
I thought you will be home before 9 😭
[Y/N] 9:00
I love you 😗
[Michikatsu] 9:41
Sorry, I couldn't reply to you earlier I was busy.
[Y/N] 9:41
That's fine! Are you on your way home yet? ^^
[Michikatsu] 9:45
I know I promised to be home before 9 but it didn't go as planned.
I have to attend a important business party.
I'll be off now I still have a lot to do.
Stay safe my lovey
[Y/N] 9:45
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'Liar' you muttered under your breath.
You felt sad and angry at the same time since michikatsu kept on breaking his promises though you tried to understand his situation
A notification was heard from your phone again and you decided to check the notification. . It was a notification from michikatsu's latest post on Instagram
You clicked on the Instagram notification and saw that it was a group picture of michikatsu and his colleagues. His Secretary was standing too close to him holding his arm while he was holding a glass of wine. They were even matching clothes, both in purple huh?
It was pathetic that you are overthinking right now just because of this.
You didn't want to feel miserable so you decided to distract yourself by drinking champagne, You walked over to the refrigerator and found a few champagne you kept before.
'Looks like it's a date for me and myself."
7 bottles down.
You were a crying mess and your vision turned blurry because of the continuous tears dropping thinking about where did you go wrong for Michikatsu to choose her over YOU.
'Am I not pretty enough?', The negative thoughts won't leave your head as you tried to fight the thoughts away however it was useless.
You're useless for him
You could hear the doorbell rang and your eyes lit up thinking it was michikatsu at the door.
You rushed to the door and as soon as you opened it you saw yoriichi Your fiancé standing at the gates.
Your vision was blurry but you can tell that it was michikatsu it's not
"Michikatsu! I knew you would return!" You said excitedly as you unlocked the gates, hugging him as soon as he stepped a foot in the Estate.
"Y/N? I'm not michikatsu." You completely ignored the dude refusing to accept that he wasn't michikatsu. "Your jokes are silly" you giggled playfully.
Yoriichi stared at you with a concerned look and he noticed that you smell like alcohol, "Have you been drinking?" He asked.
"no~" you denied, before he could say anything you dragged his arms with you going back inside Michikatsu's Estate "it's cold here Hun, let's go inside!"
Yoriichi was seating in the couch at the living room while you were sat besides him blabbing non-stop about your 'overthinking'
"I shouldn't have introduced you to him if I know this would happened." He said bringing himself closer to you and placing a hand on your chin.
Yoriichi was your childhood friend, you have been friends since elementary and he was the one to introduce his older brother michikatsu to you.
Introducing His Older brother to you was his greatest mistake
"eh?" Before you could even react to the situation yoriichi pulled you in for a kiss.
You melted into the kiss, it was so passionate. His kiss was full of love, it was the kind of kiss you seek for.
The younger tsugikuni was indeed the better kisser.
He then pulled away from the kiss leaving you in surprise and shock.
"Y/N, please give me a chance." Yoriichi then gently grabbed your other hand, placing it on his chest.
"I swear, I'll be better than my older brother."
Yoriichi knew that you were drunk and he took advantaged of this, He was too tired of always playing as the 'Good Guy'
After all, Good guys always finish last.
He wasn't going to let it happened again, The Gods gave him another chance to fix his mistake and he definitely won't waste it.
You were still drunk and couldn't think properly, You couldn't believe what Yoriichi was saying "I can't, michikatsu is—"
You then remembered what Michikatsu did. He was messing around with other women isn't he? so why not play his 'little game'
Play the game or get played.
'it's time for a change isn't it? Fine. I'll play your game michikatsu.'
"Let's take this in the room." You said as you pulled yoriichi to your shared room with Michikatsu
As soon as you reached the room, yoriichi locked the door behind him and he carried your body placing you onto the bed you shared with Michikatsu.
The same bed where you promised to love each other through life and death.
He then captured your lips owning them and making them his. His tongue then licked your lower lip asking for permission to enter your Mouth to which you granted him access to. While fighting for dominance yoriichi started to pull your purple dress down while undoing your bra as you melt deeper into the kiss. As expected yoriichi dominated you and he freely explored the walls of your mouth as you helplessly let him explore you. He then pulled away from the kiss leaving a string of saliva, he then licked your mouth to cut the string.
Since yoriichi pulled down your dress and undid your bra earlier you are now only in your panties, he eyed you down and smirked as his hand freely roamed around your body, tracing your curves and playing with your nipples. Feeling his warm touch upon your skin made you shiver in ecstasy.
"Your body must be heaven's gift." he said as he started undoing his belt and soon as he lowered his pants Yoriichi's big veiny cock was on display. You gulped at the size of his cock it was even bigger than what you imagined and not to mention his size was definitely way bigger than his older brother's.
Could this even fit?
"Suck" He demanded, you gave onto his orders and you slowly stroked his huge cock. His cock was warm, yoriichi's cock then twitched in the air as you continued stroking his member.
You moved both your hands up and down, back and forth, jerking yoriichi off at a nice and steady pace before fully taking him on with your mouth.
"Oh fuck y/n.." Yoriichi moaned softly as he shivered from her touch, Yoriichi's arousal was rising quickly and he got impatient so he gripped onto your hair and shoving you onto his Dick
"Sorry, I'm getting a bit impatient here. Open your mouth" he ordered you to open your mouth to which you obeyed immediately, he then pushed his cock all the way down to your throat causing you to gagged at the sudden action.
He was still gripping on your hair as you started to suck him off, Licking his member up and down while stroking the part that was out of your reach.
"N-ngh~ Good girl just like that" yoriichi was moaning in pleasure while you were giving him a blowjob, with each seconds flew by he was getting closer to his climax.
"Keep moving, I'm getting closer" He moaned , as you enjoyed the sounds he is making for his moans are music to your ears.
Yoriichi still kept a grip on Your hair as he reached his orgasm, pumping his salty cum into your mouth and all the way down to your throat. You gagged and couldn't properly breath at the quantity that he just released on your mouth not letting his seed escape from your mouth.
You swallowed all of the cum that was released onto your mouth and started panting trying to catch your breath while yoriichi smirked, he wasn't done with you
"What a good girl, you deserve a reward"
"Lay on your back" He commanded as you hesitantly layed on your back, he then spread your legs wide open and started rubbing your panties.
"Look, your panty is soaked." He then took your panty off and started to play with your clit, making you shiver at his actions.
"Tongue or fingers?" He asked, you then melted into embarrassment too shy to answer him but then again you are already doing it so you might aswell continue.
"tongue please." He gave you a nod as his warm wet tongue slid inside your pussy. you could feel his saliva mixing with your own wetness, You felt like crying out of ecstasy, His tongue hit your clit and you felt butterflies in your stomach. His tongue moved back down near your cunt, You squeezed the sheets "Y-yoriichi~ more please" you begged.
Yoriichi licked and sucked over and over again. your legs began to shake while moaning out his name "mphh~ Yes right there~"
His hot breath against her clit made her sensitive and shivered. Your pussy tasted delicious for yoriichi, he was enjoying every second he licked your cunt. The more you moan his name, the more he wanted to make you cum like a mess. He pressed his face more in between your shaking legs, sucking on your clit and tongue fucking your cunt. The harder he licked, the more you gain pleasure and suddenly yoriichi hit that 'one spot' making you cry out loudly in pleasure. "fuckk, yoriichi!" You moaned loudly. Yoriichi didn't stop tongue-fucking you as he is well aware that you are close to your orgasm and as expected within a few minutes a fresh splash of cum was all over his tongue and he swallowed it. Your cum is now his favorite dessert.
Yoriichi gave you a minute to catch your breath as he prepared his cock to enter your pussy, "Are you ready?"
You gave him a weak nod as he positioned himself Infront of your cunt. Yoriichi was slowly entering your pussy and it felt painful due to his size, yoriichi interwined his fingers with yours to support you as he placed a light kiss on your forehead muttering a 'You can do it my dear'
"It hurts!" You cried out, yoriichi wiped your tears away as he gave you a kiss on the side of your lips "You can do it my love, just a bit more."
Yoriichi's cock finally entered your pussy as you are still grunting in pain trying to get used to his size, "Tell me when to move" yoriichi said as he tucked in some of the your hair behind your ears. His size was massive and this was the first time you had such a massive cock inside you. Sure michikatsu was big but yoriichi was even bigger compared to him!
You then gave him nod signaling him to move, he then started thrusting onto you while grunting "shit, I didn't expect you to be this tight", He then started picking up his pace going faster every second his heavy balls hitting you as the room was filled with your moans and yoriichi's grunts.
"you feel great y/n i-i can't get enough of you" yoriichi moaned, "Yori-" you were about to say something until yoriichi pulled you for a deep kiss, he then pulled away from the kiss saying "I love you Y/N"
You struggled to answer at first since yoriichi was hitting the perfect spot "I-i love you too yoriichi", With each hard thrust the both of you were close to having an orgasm, Having sex with your fiancé's younger brother was a fucked up decision but life is already fucked up anyways so what's the difference?
Atleast yoriichi knows how to be there for me in times of needs.
"I-I..ngh~" you moaned struggling to form a sentence from the pleasure so yoriichi answered for you "Close? Me too love." He expressed as he sped up slamming his gigantic cock onto your pussy walls completely destroying it.
You reached your orgasm moaning yoriichi's name out loud, Yoriichi was still aiming for his own orgasm so he was still slamming his hard cock onto your pussy.
When he finally reached his orgasm, he cummed inside of you which made you slightly moaned.
He then lay down besides you, the both of you are breathing heavily trying to catch your breath.
"that was amazing yoriichi." You praised him while he looked over to you giving you a smile "You did great aswell Y/N."
He gave you a kiss on the lips and you could feel him smirk against your lips.
You are no longer his older brother's
But his.
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° That night, yoriichi helped you clean up yourself and he was the one who took care of the house while you are resting in your room.
He didn't want michikatsu to suspect a thing so he excused himself to leave early that morning before michikatsu returns and you said your goodbyes, kissing him on the lips before he left.
Michikatsu then returned that afternoon, immediately searching for you "My dear, I'm home!" He announced happily.
He expected you to hug him or greet him with a kiss but all he got was silence, he then went up to your shared bedroom and saw you sleeping peacefully. He never saw you sleep in the afternoon which was kind of odd but he figured that you just got busy earlier that day and went to take a rest.
He then sat beside your sleeping body as he tucked some of your H/C behind your ears 'You look as beautiful as the day I meet you.' he expressed while staring at you with eyes full of love and admiration.
You slowly woke up and you were greeted by a kiss on your cheek, you noticed that it was michikatsu, you didn't expect him to return today since he said he will be busy for the month.
"Dear, I have a surprise for you" He said, you gently yawned and rubbed your eyes still feeling your legs a bit sore from last night.
You responded in a sleepy voice "W-what is it?" He then chuckled at your expression, he finds it cute when you are sleepy.
"it seems that are too sleepy to even move so I'll carry you at my back c'mere" michikatsu said as he offered his back to you, you declined saying that you can walk yourself but he insisted so you just sighed in defeat and agreed to be carried on his back.
You find it odd on how he's being extra sweet today when he was literally cold towards you the past few weeks.
Did he got bored of his Secretary?
As you were getting closer to the destination your eyes got slightly hurt from the sunlight. So you closed your eyes in the mean time hoping that it would go away.
"look my dear, I bought you the car you always wanted." Michikatsu said as you slowly opened your eyes to see your dream car right right Infront of you
Your eyes widened at this and joy filled your body "Wh-what? You didn't have to! This must be expensive" he then chuckled "Don't worry about it my dear, this is just one of my gifts for your approaching birthday. I'm sorry if I got busy or cold towards you the past few weeks I just got stressed thinking about how to surprise you on your birthday and trying to finish all my works before your birthday so I could get a day-off for your birthday."
So that's why he was busy..but what about his Secretary?
"Also, my Cousin helped me with the all the gifts and planning hehe~" he said as he placed me down.
You tilted your head in confusion, which cousin? "who?"
"My Secretary"
Your eyes then widened when he answered your question, Did you misunderstood the situation? Or is he trying to fool you?
"she's your cousin? She doesn't look like you"
He then felt offended thinking that you thought of him as "ugly" compared to his female cousin, "I get that a lot."
He then showed you a childhood picture of him and his Secretary, you gently observed the picture and it was indeed the secretary you were jealous of.
"She also told me she's into girls so I didn't really bother introducing her to you because I'm afraid she might steal you from me" Michikatsu expressed with a sad face.
Wrong Move
This is why communication is important to avoid misunderstanding and such.
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sinsirellaxx · 7 months
Draco Malfoy x Reader
Requested on AO3: I suck at writing fluff but my heart ACHES to read one, can you perhaps make a Draco fic that’s more on fluff? The cinematic I imagine it is “Draco confessing his love for the first time” AND HE SUDDENLY BECOMES SO SHY AND TIMID ACKKK and it’s a thing that he bullies the reader and teases her.
Hello everyone! First time poster here — kinda nervous to post here idek why. 👀🫠
Anyways: I probably should prepare a post about requests and how to request etc. but will do that later. I first want to cross-post the bits I already have posted on AO3.
Hope you‘ll like it! x
BTW — not proofread. 🫶🏻
You were rushing through the corridors, the small note from Draco crumbled up in your fist as you walked to his dorm. You had been surprised that the boy had asked you for help after thinking that boy secretly hated you even though you were friends. You always thought he just endured your friendship because of the group.
You were usually never late – well except for today. But honestly – it wasn't your fault: You had been gathering some books that you would need to help Draco with his arithmancy coursework, when Harry Potter had approached you asking for help in finding a book. You couldn’t say no so you took the time to help the Gryffindor before you noticed his weirdly arranged tie, that you just had to fix.
You did not exactly excel in arithmancy, but you would take any chance to spend more time with him, even if he always teased you. After 10 more minutes – damn this huge school – you were finally in front of his dorm and officially 45 minutes late. Knocking on it softly the door immediately flew open, revealing a flustered Draco standing right in front of you.
"You finally made it, huh?!" The boy raised his brow at you as his blue eyes narrowed. "I hate waiting – you know that." You rolled your eyes as you bit back a grin at his attitude. You lifted the books in your hands with a sheepish shrug, showing him that you weren’t late without a reason. "I needed to get these first – thought they might help with our studies."
Draco visibly relaxed as he stepped back, creating space for you to walk into the room, the smell of the boy’s cologne immediately surrounded you.
"Oh, and Harry needed help with his tie – I swear that boy walks around looking like he's fallen off his broom almost every single day." Draco scoffed. "You're late because of Potter?" He spat – the angry scowl was back on his face as he pointedly glared at you. You loved teasing him just as much as he did and with the way the male was frowning all the time, he was sure to get wrinkly very fast. Shrugging your shoulders you walked towards the table, his eyes burning into your back as you put the heavy books on the cold wooden surface. "He's my friend too, you know." Draco rolled his eyes, feeling the urge to gag at the word friend. It sounded like an insult to him. "Well, I'm not just your friend!" The blonde scoffed as you turned to look at him. Your brows raised and your eyes widened slightly as you stared at the male – your heart skipped a beat at the possible insinuation of his words. Quickly getting rid of that thought you tilted your head slightly, a small frown slowly marring your face. “If not my friend – what are you then?” You questioned while crossing your arms in front of your chest. You noticed how his eyes briefly moved towards your arms – or your chest, you weren’t quite sure – before a faint blush dusted his cheeks. “W-Well, I’m your best friend.” Draco stuttered obviously flustered. You scoffed in disbelief, was the boy trying to mock you? “Best friends? Draco, you always tease me for being –“
Only now did you notice the candles decorating the room and a beautiful bouquet of red roses, wrapped in black paper sitting on the bed.
“W-What’s all this for?” You questioned as you suddenly felt uncomfortable. “Were – are you expecting another girl? Is that why you’re this mad because I’m late? Am I interrupting something?” You frowned at the blonde male.
“What? No, you idiot –“Draco rudely interrupted you, desperate to stop your rant. “Wait – why are you even mad?”
You closed your mouth at his question, silently cursing yourself as you wished for something – anything to happen. The expectant look in his eyes made you want to run as far as your legs could carry you, not knowing what to say without looking like a complete fool. “I- I don’t know – I should leave.” You mumbled as you turned around to leave the now suffocating room before embarrassing yourself in front of the boy you had been crushing on for the past two years.
Draco rushed after you and pulled you back, his cold fingers wrapping around your smaller wrist. You stumbled right into his chest, his lips almost touching yours as you stared into his eyes. You felt your face heat up as his eyes flickered to your parted lips and back to your eyes. “I’ve been waiting for you – this is for you. There is no other girl, y/n.” He muttered so quietly that you almost didn’t catch it. “B-But why?”
Draco groaned as his hands found your waist as he squeezed your flesh slightly. “You really are dense sometimes you know? I’m trying to tell you that I like you. Like really like you.”
“Oh.” Was the only thing you could force out as you were overwhelmed with the onslaught of emotions you experienced at his words. Looking down at his chest you tried to hide your burning face.
“Oh?” Draco chuckled as one of his hands moved to lift your chin slightly, forcing you to look into his face again. “Is that all you want to say, doll?”
“I-I like you too, Draco.” You finally uttered as you smiled up at him. You could physically feel the male relax, even though he was trying not to show it. “Can I kiss you?” You nodded, not trusting your voice not to break.
Draco slowly leaned down as he pressed his lips against yours in a chaste kiss – as if he was afraid of scaring you. He leaned back slightly – way too quickly for your liking – to stare at you with a serious look. “You know what this means, right?”
Shaking your head, you bit your lip.
“It means, you are mine now – no more fixing ties for Potter.”
A/N: Thanks for reading! Comments, requests, feedback etc. are highly appreciated!
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chimivx · 21 days
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That one fucked you over last year, this one is fucking you over this year, you had no idea she was involved with him, someone over here has been lying to you, you didn't mean to end up in that ones bed, he told you he loved you... Does anyone even trust anyone anymore?
👫 -> college!teez x fem!reader/oc {frat/sorority} #️⃣ -> 10.5k (part EIGHT of ten) ‼️ -> 18+, sexual content, drugs/alcohol, college life, all the drama, heavy angst, infidelity adjacent moments, mean boys, mean girls, mentions of anxiety/depression… IF I MISSED ANYTHING PLEASE LET ME KNOW!
{ there are names & faces in here that come from NMWID <3 }
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october 4th ~ friday ~ 8:45 p.m.
A pop song from decades past hummed through the speakers, the sound at volume incredibly tolerable. You were thanking the girl behind the bar with your mind for not blaring it when there was barely anybody in the place. A couple older guys with baseball caps sat around the bar, the tv’s hanging up on the wall behind the curly blonde working hard played a baseball game. The playoffs had started for the season, these were important games now, there’d be a champion in a month or so.
DK’s team didn’t make it through, but they came close. Thinking of Isla while you watched the men in striped jerseys throw the ball around, guilt weighed on your chest. It’d been over a week and still, no one had heard from her. Not even Vernon.
Turning your glass in circles where it collected condensation on the wooden table you sat at, you leaned forward and took a sip, letting the vodka cool the pressure building within you from the inside out. It wasn’t too strong, not like the drinks at ATZ, but it was enough to ease the anxieties that had made their home within your nervous system.
For a week you’ve been a nauseous wreck. 
Last Saturday, the recruitment dinner, where it felt like your life had crumbled overnight, haunted you. Everything you thought you knew, everybody you thought you could trust, it was all a lie. Not only a lie, but a lie that had been brewing for a year. Since last semester, since Yeji walked out of that bedroom with that smug grin on her face, since Wooyoung threw away what the two of you had, since Yunho became your saving grace… A lie. All of it.
Wooyoung and Yeji never slept together. Were you supposed to believe that? He was pretty convincing Saturday night, pulling you out of the house once the two groups of authorities dispersed, Yeji running off somewhere before you had a second to confront her. 
And, oh lord, you longed to confront her.
ITZ had been paid off. Yeji gave them copious amounts of money so that she could be president. At least, that’s what Wooyoung had told you. It was your name, you were written down, Choi Aurora, you were supposed to be the president of ITZ for the last two years of your time here at Nasara, and you couldn’t figure out why.
Yeji has the money, Yeji has the face, Yeji has the fame. You have no money, you lived in a two bedroom rancher with your single, drug dealing father, and you have not the slightest idea what it takes to be a leader of a group of girls in dire need of somebody to look up to, somebody to place their blame on.
President Aurora? Yeah, okay.
Lighting up on the table, your phone took your attention from the TV though you longed to watch. The fans in the stands were on their feet, waving their rally towels in the air, shouting to their favorite players on the field. It was exciting, invigorating, no wonder Vernons dedicated his life to the sport. You’d have to get out to a game next season. Maybe if you could track down Isla, get them to make up somehow, you’d be able to go to games together.
You’d choose Tori first, always, but unfortunately you weren’t speaking at the moment.
She was the one lighting up your phone. Blowing it up, actually. Texts, phone calls, attempts to get through to you since she woke up on Sunday and you were nowhere to be found. Not answering her hurt you, because she was the only person you’d respond to straight away no matter the situation, no matter what you were doing. If you had a Tori notification, you were answering it. To go almost a week without speaking to her, it pained you. But, at this point, who knew what and didn’t tell you?
You needed time. You needed space. You still attended your classes for the week, ensuring your grades didn’t slip amidst this chaos, you just didn’t live at ITZ.
“I’ll buy you another if you need it, you don’t have to worry about nursing that one,” your father said, sitting beside you, leaning back in his chair, his arms folded over his chest. Sipping your drink again, taking a much longer sip than before, you shifted your eyes over to him and he laughed. “You get to relax this weekend, okay? We can turn off your phone and hang out, just me and you.”
Almost laughing at his use of hang out, you smirked and swallowed your drink. “What about Seulgi?”
Yeonjun smiled, shaking his head. “Just me and you.” Taking in his twisted brows, the most animated part of his face, something you wonder if you’ve acquired from him, you took a breath. The door to the bar swung open, your father laughing as the tall, short black haired, thirty years younger, beefier version of himself walked through the door. “And Keeho, apparently.” 
His feline eyes scanned around the bar, not taking long to spot you and your father. When he did, his resting bitch face erupted into the warmest smile, one you’ve missed. Ignoring the girl at the bar who greeted him, he held out his arms and hurried toward the table, catching you as you jumped to your feet to get swallowed by his hug.
“Oh my god,” he sang, the twang of his voice comforting you tenfold. “What the hell are you doing home? I missed you.”
Squeezing him hard, you groaned. “I missed you, too.”
“We just saw each other last month.” Yeonjun snickered.
Keeho shot him a look over your head, one of his hands smoothing over your hair. “It was a month too long, Yeonjun.” Unraveling yourself from his grasp, you laughed and sat back down beside your father, pulling your feet up onto the chair.
Yeonjun closed his eyes for all of three seconds, took a deep breath and let it out with a headshake, turning his attention toward the TV. Keeho was the only person he’d allow to snap at him like that, it’s been that way for years. He’s one of your homegrown friends, the two of you growing up together in the forgotten parts of Tamoe, where the rich people didn’t linger. Your houses were on the same street, right along the town's border of Soro, the main reason why the rich people didn’t stray too far south.
Sharing an age with you, Keeho still lived at home with his parents and his younger brother. Attending all the same schools at the same time, not wanting to mess with the other kids who were tougher than you, the two of you linked up. Keeho, a bisexual muscle mass of pure boy, and you, the girl who wouldn’t see her dad for weeks at a time, but when she did it’s because she had to go to a random police station with her Uncle Yoongi to bail him out of his holding cell.
Yeonjun knew how to make a scene, he could draw a crowd, which made it really hard to keep friends, or make any for that matter. Keeho was the right amount of different, the right amount of crazy, the perfect amount of understanding all wrapped into a judgement free, couldn’t care less human being. Even when he met your father, at the ripe age of eleven years old, he wasn’t afraid. At the time Yeonjun towered over him, but now, Keeho was only an inch shorter. The difference unnoticeable.
Seated around the wooden slab, Keeho stretched his arms across it and watched you wide eyed as you told him how you've been living your week.
“Father of the year, Yeonjun,” he said to your dad, making him crack the smallest smile, his eyes not leaving the TV. All week he’d been driving you into Delo, onto Nasara’s campus, taking you to and from classes, waiting for you outside the buildings. He’d often mumble his disappointment toward the students who’d let their glares linger on you as you walked in and out. Most had a dirty look in their eye, but a few watched in sympathy.
“I don’t want her in that house anymore,” he mumbled, scoffing as something happened within the game. “Not unless those social media posting bitches grow up.”
Keeho furrowed his brows, turning to you. “You’re gonna drop out of the sorority?”
“I don’t know,” you muttered, ignoring your dad as he shot you a look.
“Tell him what that girl did,” he said. “The president of that stupid hierarchy shit.”
“Wait, Yeji?” Keeho asked, sitting up. After you nodded, he laughed. “You’re kidding me, what the hell happened? I know we weren’t looking forward to her being head of this hierarchy shit, not after…” His eyes insinuated what your father didn’t know. “What’d she do?”
Sighing, you dropped your gaze to the table and shrugged. “It sounds literally crazy, Kee. Like, those movies we used to watch, where the shit that goes down is unfathomable.”
“Unfathomable,” he huffed a laugh, “You’re talking like Yunho.”
Letting your eyes close, the sting of your heart overwhelming, you glanced at your dad when he snatched his empty glass off the table.
“Fuck that dickwad, too,” he said, lifting the glass toward Keeho before he strutted toward the bar. He watched Yeonjun walk away, then whipped his head to look at you wide eyed and confused as hell.
“Fuck that dickwad too,” you whispered.
Scooting his chair somewhat closer, Keeho leaned toward you. “I thought we liked him,” he said quietly, keeping the words between you. “At least, I thought you liked him, I could see it, Aura. When we hung out with him this summer, good lord, the two of you were insufferable.”
Everyone could see it but you, apparently.
Tangling your fingers together over your knees, you smushed your lips together and blew a stream of air through them. “I don’t even know if he ever really liked me.” 
Keeho threw his head backward. “What the fuck, start from the beginning, what the hell happened?”
So, you did.
Starting from the beginning, restating the story of Wooyoung, who Keeho had strong opinions about. From the Yeji hook up, to falling into Yunho, to the ATZ ban, to finding out about him and Mina, to hooking up with Seonghwa, to then hooking up with Yunho, to him telling you he loved you (where Keeho just about leapt out of his seat), to the Soul situation, to keeping it all a secret from the outside, to Isla disappearing, to the recruitment dinner…
“You said all of that to her?!” Keeho’s tone was harsh through his teeth, his whisper sharp. When you shrugged he cackled. “Aura, what?!”
“I don’t know if that’s really all of it, it’s blurry,” you said. “But, I think I went in on her. It just kept coming out. I think I was tired of keeping it all a secret.”
“You said she didn’t react?” Keeho asked, and took your nod for an answer. “Aura,” he said, tilting his head to the side. “Looking at… all of that,” he spoke slowly, thinking at the same time, “Do you think there’s a chance she, like, knew about you guys already?”
The words should shock you, but they don't. You’ve thought about it already. The way they all huddled up together, aside from Tori and Yuna, making everything seem like one big ploy. Seonghwa sleeping with you, Yunho not getting rid of Mina when he should’ve the second he started harboring feelings for you… If he was even harboring feelings for you.
“And what about Mingi? If Tori knew, and she’s likely to tell her boyfriend everything, did Mingi spill shit to ATZ? But, if ATZ and ITZ were in cahoots this whole time it seems, and Mina already knew, it could’ve been her spilling shit to everyone?”
None of it made sense, even Keeho, who was smarter than Yunho, couldn’t figure it out. All week you’ve been trying to string it together, trying to understand why any of this had to happen. If Yeji wanted to be president so badly, and she had the money to do so, why in the world would she need to ruin your life in the process?
“Have you talked to Tori at all?”
Her name made your stomach start to hurt.
“No,” you said, taking in his understanding gaze full of sorrow. “I can’t talk to any of them, I’m so sick about it. Which makes me want to drop out of the house and run away. They’re… monsters. All of them. She looked at me like she had no idea, Kee, I can say that. It seemed like she and Yuna weren’t in on it, which I can only hope.” Mingi pops into your mind, the way he tried to reach out for Tori before you left, but she swatted him away, pushing him back. You had no reason to not trust Tori, even though she did get really close with Mina fast, and she was dating Mingi who seemed like he was in on it.
If Tori did know, if Tori was in on all of it, it would hurt the most out of everything that's happened to you thus far.
“I don’t know what I want to do,” you said, looking at your father who carried three glasses back to the table. “Dropping out of the house seems ideal, not having to be around all of those girls who don’t want me there anyway.”
“Exactly,” Yeonjun cheered, a smile making its way onto his face. Sliding the glasses onto the table, one for each of you, he sat down and let out a groan as he did. “That’s the best thing I’ve heard you say all week, Aura.” Keeho grabbed his glass and sipped it, thanking your father with a wink, one that Yeonjun returned. 
“Yeah, well, it makes sense, doesn’t it?” Taking your second glass, you drink from it and screw your face up. It was stronger than the first. “Jesus, Dad, what’d you tell her to put in here?”
Yeonjun laughed, sitting backward like he was. “I asked for something that’ll make you feel better.”
“Haven doesn’t make drinks like this,” you said, coughing after another sip. “How much did you pay her?”
“Enough,” Yeonjun nodded once, then pointed his eyes at Keeho. “How’s life, Kee? You know, since I saw you last month?”
Laughing, Keeho sipped his drink. “A lot better now that I broke up with my boyfriend.”
Yeonjun’s lips parted in shock. “And this happened when?”
“Two months ago,” you said, looking at your dad who gaped back at you.
Keeho shrugged. “I didn’t want to talk about it when you asked me about him last time.”
Yeonjun moved his chair beneath the table and rested his elbows on the wood, leaning toward your friend who sat across from him. “Well,” your father bobbed his head, “Tell me now.”
The two fell into a deep discussion quickly, Yeonjuns focus on him completely, hanging onto every word of every story Keeho was telling him. He had broken up with his boyfriend of two years, a boy who was holding him back from being a better version of himself. A boy who wouldn’t speak nicely to him or others, a boy who snuck about and would beat around the bush whenever Keeho asked him about anything. It was toxic, and you’re surprised Keeho dealt with him for so long, but he was free now.
Fifteen minutes later, all three drinks gone, they were finally on the break up story when the door to Haven opened and slammed shut. Two boys walked in, possibly around your age, one taller than the other. The tallest had a curly brown mop on his head, the other with longer, shaggier hair tucked beneath a baseball cap. His face was hidden by the shadows, but his body told you that regardless of what his features were he was good looking.
In a black t-shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his shoulders, three silver necklaces hung over his chest, one of them a dog tag. His shoulders were wide, his arms rippling with muscle as he walked and said hello to some of the men at the bar. The boy beside him, tall and lanky, had eyes as big as the moon and a smile so welcoming you couldn’t tear your eyes from it. Their energy was captivating, walking into the place like they owned it, the short one’s hips swaying in his walk, a confidence oozing out of his being.
They took to the end of the bar where no one sat, both of them situating themselves on the wooden stools, ordering drinks from the bartender who gave them a friendly smile. They clearly came here often, they spoke to her like they knew her, and when she walked away, they spoke to one another like they were closer than friends, like they knew each other better than that. 
The taller one with the curls, he was familiar, that smile like one you’ve seen before, but couldn’t place from where.
It wasn’t until the shorter one took his hat off and pushed his hair back that it all made sense. Your heart skipped a beat. He was good looking, he was gorgeous. A jaw pointed and sharp was home to a charismatic smile living below the sweetest nose and the most beguiling eyes. A beautiful face. A face you and Tori had to zoom in on.
Chan and his cousin, Minho, or so you believe. Tori had told you that.
They were closer than friends, they were family.
Mina’s family.
“Aura kinda convinced me that it was time,” Keeho said to your dad who nodded. “Even though I knew it, she gave me the confidence to finally let go of something I was holding onto that was hurting me.” He looked at you with a smile. “Right?”
Nodding, not taking your eyes off of Chan, you rubbed Keeho’s arms and stood up. “Yeah, I’m proud of you,” you mumbled. “I’ll be right back, I’m gonna go get another drink.”
“Can you get me a-”
You didn’t hear the rest of your fathers question, your feet were on a mission, they had a mind of their own. Bounding for the bar, keeping yourself as calm as possible, though your blood threatened to boil over, you perched yourself on the corner closest to Chan and Minho, the two speaking to one another like they were keeping a secret. The bartender returned, a girl with a name tag that read Hope. Her hair was hanging at her shoulders, naturally curly blonde hair that turned different colors when she walked beneath the different neon colored lights. Your father told you all about this place, the history, apparently it’s always looked the same.
A time capsule of sorts.
“What can I get you?” Hope asked after she brought drinks to the boys. “You’re with him, right?” Her nod toward your father made you smile.
“Yeah,” you said. “Can I have whatever he got me before? Tasted like vodka, I think? I don’t even know what it was.”
Hope laughed. “Of course, give me a minute, I’ll be right back.” She took your glass and whisked herself down the bar, getting to work. Glancing up to the TV, the ballgame nearly over now, you took a deep breath and watched as it cut to the announcers talking about other teams and players. DK appeared on the screen, a photo of him from this past season on the pitcher's mound, his eyes pointed and focused on the batter in front of him. The words along the bottom read like a news story, that he was disappointed his team didn’t make it into the playoffs, but that he was getting much needed family time now, so it was worthwhile.
“Worthwhile,” you muttered, looking away.
So it seemed Isla really was with DK. A part of you longed to stay angry at Yeji for not sharing it with the house, and part of you still felt insanely guilty for not speaking up after Yeji had told you, and apparently only you, that she was leaving.
It didn’t make sense, much like everything else.
But, if Isla was safe, if Isla was happy… it was worthwhile.
“Hey,” a voice so cheerful called out, to you, you think. Glancing to your left, toward the boys where the voice came from, you find them both looking at you.
Jesus, they were prettier than any of the boys in ATZ.
“You go there?” Chan asked, looking at your crewneck. Following his gaze, rolling your eyes at the big Nasara letters across your chest, you shot him a solemn glare and scoffed.
“Unfortunately,” you said, and he started to smile, the corners of his lips perking up into something that would easily persuade you to your knees. It was lazy, yet so effective. “You?” Even though you knew the answer, you asked anyway.
Chan swallowed his smile and shook his head. “Nah, but my sister does,” he said. His eyes you’ve seen before, he wore them like Yeji wore hers, trying to pierce through your own, trying to see through you. Chan’s were less confronting though, he just seemed like he was trying to figure you out. “She’s in a sorority or something.” The boys sipped their beers and acted like they weren’t honed into you, glancing away when neither was speaking.
“ITZ?” you asked, keeping your voice steady, and Chan nodded.
Minho scrunched his nose. “My sister went through them,” he said, and Chan elbowed his bicep. “What?” he snickered, elbowing him back.
“You make it sound like a bad thing, bro,” Chan said, flickering his eyes to you. “You know it? ITZ?”
Settling your lips into a smile, one that made Chan look away for a second, you nodded. “I know of it.” Turning to Minho, you asked, “Why’s it so bad?”
The boy shrugged. “I dunno, forget I said anything,” he mumbled. “I didn’t go to college, so what do I know?”
“Probably plenty,” you said, gaining his attention back. Shocked, his eyes were wide as he looked at you. “People make college out to be something that’s necessary, but I don't really think it is. If you wanna do it, you do it. If you don’t, who cares?”
Minho shared a snicker with Chan. “My mother,” he sneered, then dropped the smile when he turned back to you. “Excellent perspective for someone who’s able to go to Nasara.”
Chan elbowed his cousin again, this time tossing his hands out to the side. “Dude, my dad went to Nasara, what are you getting at?”
Minho simply smirked, then leaned toward you a bit. His eyes were captivating, galaxy filled. “How is it? ITZ?”
Raising a brow, you asked, “How’d you know I’m a part of them?”
Minho narrowed his eyes. “I do now.” Straightening out where you sat, Hope popped back around and brought you your drink. Giving her a small thank you, you peeked at Minho’s smug face and clenched your jaw. “How is it? A dream, I’m sure.”
Wrapping a hand around your cold glass, you found Chan studying you, every inch. “It’s a dream,” you muttered, taking the straw out of the cup, drinking straight from the glass. 
“Yeah, I’m sure it is,” Minho said.
Chan waved a hand, confused. “Okay, I don’t get it,” he said, making both of you look at him and his twisted brows. “Mina’s having a great time there, what am I missing? Do I need to be worried?” Your stomach flipped. “Last time I spoke to her, she was fine.”
Minho shrugged, sipping his beer, pointing his attention to the TV.
Chan looked to you for help. “I’m not really good at picking subtle shit up, so you’re gonna have to give it to me straight.”
Taking another gulp from your glass, you set it down with a bang and ran your tongue over your teeth. “Listen, Ch-” His name almost tumbled from your lips, right as you realized that he never told you his name. These boys had no idea who you were, and you were to act like you had no idea who they were. “Mina’s your sister?” He nodded, waiting with an unhuman like patience.
You had two options.
Give it to him straight, like he said, which would out his sister, or you could lie to him, and make it seem like ITZ was a dream, when in reality it was a nightmare. With another gulp of your glass, the liquor seemed to decide for you.
No more lies.
“Okay,” you sighed, Minho now watching you, too. “I kinda lied to you both, in a way. I know you. Mina’s my Vice President.” Chan didn’t move. Minho, though, held back a smile. “Last year, when she was a freshman, she was really quiet. Super sweet, but quiet.” Minho shot his cousin a look and received another elbow to the bicep. “Even when this year started, she was so… nice.”
“Now you’re lying,” Chan muttered, breaking his eyes away to sip his beer. “Mina’s not nice.” 
“Chan,” you said steadily, making him look at you with the surprise that you knew his name already. Minho’s smile grew. “No, she’s not. Mina’s not nice.”
“Here we go,” Minho whispered, taking his beer to his full, pink lips. Chan had frozen in place, and though it left you a little uncertain whether or not you should continue, not knowing what would happen, with knowing what you know about this boy…
You kept talking, and it wouldn’t stop.
The words kept coming, the information spewing faster and faster with each gulp of liquor. You left out details they didn’t need to know, details you told Keeho, but they got everything they needed to know. 
Everything Chan needed to know.
And, after many, many minutes of him barely blinking as you told him all about his darling little sister and how she’d been acting, what she’d been a part of, you took a long, deep breath, feeling lighter than ever.
Minho nodded once you had finished, the tiniest smirk gracing his lips, like you had reiterated a story he’d heard plenty of times prior to tonight. He uttered the quietest, “Sounds like Mina.”
But, it wasn’t until Chan’s lips parted, to intake a breath, that you finally felt any sort of pure, euphoric satisfaction. 
“Why would she lie about me?”
The last two weeks caught up to you, you could’ve broken down in tears, absolute joyful tears, but he spoke again, so you kept it together.
“You’re Aurora,” he said quietly, putting his own puzzle pieces together. “I’ve heard your name before. A few times actually. When she’d talk on the phone to her sorority girls, or whatever, and then when that boy would come over.” 
That boy. 
“Yeah, that’s me,” you said with a sheepish shrug.
“She hates you,” Chan said, filterless. 
Rolling your eyes while Minho laughed, you couldn’t help but crack one yourself. “Figures, she’s an accomplice in trying to ruin my life.”
“Aside from the boy thing, I can’t see why she’d try so hard to ruin…” His voice trailed off as he stared at you. “Aurora,” he said, quieter this time. Squishing his brows in the center of his forehead he glances behind you, lifting his chin to peek at where you had come from, back toward Keeho, and your father.
“What?” you questioned, following his line of sight to Keeho and Yeonjun, your dad glancing over at the same time, catching a glimpse of the boys, then quickly turning away. He leaned forward on the table, placing his chin in his hand, hiding part of his face.
“Holy shit,” Chan mumbled. Minho looked back and forth, then landed on you with an unreadable pout of his lips. “That’s your dad, isn’t it?” Gulping, electricity buzzed beneath your skin. Anytime someone brought up your dad, you had to prepare for the worst. 
“Yeah,” you said just above a whisper.
Chan tightened his jaw, then settled his gaze on you. “Do you… know who my parents are? I mean, Mina’s parents? I guess mine work too, but, hers make more sense, you’re dealing with her, but, I mean mine make more sense in this situation, ‘cause my dad kicked your dads ass, and-”
“What?” you gasped.
“Our parents know each other,” he said. “You’ve never heard of this before, have you?”
Sitting forward, leaning toward them, you shake your head wildly and laugh aloud. “Do I look I fucking know any of this?”
Minho averted his eyes to the bar. Chan stacked his arms on top of one another and rested them on the bar.
“I think, if I remember it right, your dad was a real jackass,” he said.
Making a face, you got a laugh out of Minho. “Tell me something I don’t know, Chan.” “My parents, Beomgyu and Faden, and his dad, Taehyun,” he paused, hoping a name would trigger something, but alas, you’ve never heard these names a day in your life. “They were all friends, your dad included. Yeonjun, right?” You answered with a meek nod. “Yeah, they were all really close, like through high school and all that, but one day when they were, like, twenty, your dad was an asshole to my mom, so they wrote him off.”
Taking a minute, processing what he’s told you, that you have more history than you think with these boys, with Mina, you rub your eyes and slide your hands down your cheeks with a groan. “So, she’s doing this to me because my dad was an asshole to your mom? What the hell did he do?”
Chan shrugged. “I wish I could tell you, I didn’t hear any details. I just know the vague version. Mina and our mom are pretty close though, you might be able to get it out of her.”
A harsh laugh came from your chest. “Yeah, okay,” you widened your eyes and shook your head. “That bitch won’t be hearing from me ever again.”
“Hey,” Chan lowered his brows. “That bitch is still my sister.”
With a breath, you asked, “You’re gonna tell her all this aren’t you? That I told you?”
“Probably,” he said immediately, and Minho laughed. “But, as much as she’s my sister, I stand by what I said, Mina’s not nice. And, since she had no problem using my disability for her own gain, I can tell you this, to help you.”
“You wouldn’t,” Minho whispered, the sneaky smile appearing on his lips again.
Chan raised his brows and shot his cousin a smirk. “Oh, I would.” He looked at you. “Plus, you’d find this out anyway if you looked for it yourself, but I could give you a headstart, Choi.” 
“I don’t wanna hurt anyone, Chan,” you said, which was the whole truth. Revenge was cute, but you don’t think you could stomach anymore drama.
“It won’t hurt her, but I know somebody who’s really good at putting her in her place. Our mom can get so wishy-washy with her, ‘cause we’re girls,” he said in a silly voice, pretending to flip his hair, getting you and Minho to laugh, “But, her dad? Soobin? As much as he is wrapped around her finger, yanno, ‘cause that’s his daughter? He doesn’t let her get away with shit.”
Her dad. The tall one with the glasses in that photo from her high school graduation. The one she said reminded her of Yunho.
“Chan, that’s wonderful and all,” you said and he smiled. “But, in no way am I just going to be able to walk into his home and accuse his daughter of being shitty.”
He shared a look with Minho, then said, “He holds a lecture at Nasara every Monday.”
A chill ran down your spine. “You’re lying.”
He shook his head and cracked a laugh. “I’m so serious,” he said. “Every Monday, sometime in the afternoon, on the law side of the school. He has a friend on the board or something, so either way, no matter which one you go to, you’ll get something done.”
Sliding off the stool, a newfound energy in your veins, you grabbed your almost empty glass and smiled. “Thanks.”
Chan shrugged. “She deserves it after what she did. To you and me. Damn.” Your smile went crooked, and he shook his head. “Nah, I’m good. Sorry you had to hear all about my fucked up brain.” Minho gave him a gentle elbow to the bicep as if to tell him the opposite.
“No, I’m sorry,” you said, and he attempted to smile. “You don’t deserve that. Your own sister should be there to support you.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he sighed, twisting so he was in line with the bar. He looked away from you and you took that and Minho’s hand planting on his shoulder as a sign to part ways. Your eyes fell to the dog tag around his neck, like they had when they walked in.
Curious, you said, “Your tag,” and he looked over at you, “What’s it for?”
Chan took it between his fingers and held it up. It was covered in writing you couldn’t read from where you stood. “My dad,” he said, reading what was engraved on it. “He got them when he hit ten years of sobriety. It came with two. He gave one to me and my brother.”
You smiled, something soft. “That’s amazing.”
“It is,” Chan breathed, still studying the necklace. Dropping it to his chest, he looked at you. “He’s almost at twenty.” Then, he looked at his beer with only a few sips missing and pushed it away. Minho huffed a laugh and switched their cups, putting his empty one in front of Chan.
“You finished it,” he joked, then drank from his cousin's cup, focusing his eyes on the TV.
“Bye guys,” you said, and Minho gave you a wave with a couple fingers from the hand with the glass in it. 
Chan watched you start to walk away, then shouted your name to make you turn. “I’m sorry, too. Good luck.”
“Thanks,” you said. “Maybe I’ll see you again.”
He worked his face into a questionable smile. “How?”
Gesturing around the building, you shrugged. “I have my ways, Choi.”
october 5th ~ saturday ~ 12:15 a.m.
“He said, answer me, Rory, please, let me explain, I can explain,” Keeho read your messages out loud, laying on your bed with his long legs stretched out along your mattress. Using funny voices for each person, he had you laughing from the floor where you were digging through drawers looking for something to wear to bed since everything was in your drawers over at Nasara.
“I should just block him,” you said, and Keeho threw a fist in the air.
“I second that,” he said. “Let’s do that!”
Nearly breaking your neck to look at him, you threw out a hand. “No!”
The look he gave you made you giggle. “And, why not?”
“I dunno,” you shrugged, “I wanna see how much he begs.”
Keeho’s eyes widened as he flipped to his stomach on your baby blue comforter. “Aura, you take your men submissive.”
With a huff you turned back to the beige drawers you’ve had since birth. “Not in the slightest.” It was give and take for you, unless you were with Seonghwa apparently, and mother of god, you’re lucky he didn’t ruin you for life.
Your beaten up white wooden door creaked open and Yeonjun poked his head inside. He glanced from Keeho on your bed pushed in the corner, to you on the floor a few feet away from him. The ceiling fan spun on a low speed, making the yellow light from the old bulbs flash in a way that would keep you busy as a baby as your dad would say. 
“Yes?” you questioned, and he popped a smile on his face.
“You staying?” he asked Keeho.
“I think so,” he mumbled, looking up from your phone only once. “We’ve got a lot to work through here.”
“Okay,” Yeonjun said, making a face to signify his understanding, letting Keeho get back to your messages. Looking back at you he said, “No funny business in here.”
“Dad, it’s Keeho, he sleeps here all the time,” you deadpanned, and he laughed.
“I know, I know,” he said, stepping into the room for a moment. “Had to tease, I miss having you guys here.”
“I second that,” Keeho said, his tone flat, though you know he meant it with all of his being. Yeonjun glanced at him and laughed to himself. The boy didn’t even look up from your phone.
“Goodnight,” he said, then smiled at you. “I love you.”
A comfort washed over you. “I love you, too.” He went to pull the door shut, stepping out into the hall, but then you called him back. “Dad?”
“Yes, Aura,” he said, looking down at you.
Swallowing, suddenly feeling like your throat had closed and you wouldn’t be able to get the words out, you whispered, “Did you know those boys at the bar? Chan and Minho?” He was silent. Thinking. “Do you know who Beomgyu is?” A breath corrupted his lungs. “Taehyun?” Blinking a mile a minute, he averted his eyes to your carpeted floor. “Faden?”
It took him a second, but he managed to say, “Yes, I did. I knew them. Not the boys at the bar, but I assumed they… belonged to some of them, the names you said. They look just like them.” You wondered if it were true for you too, if you looked anything like your father. Or, your mother.
“Mina,” you said, and he looked at you, his eyes now wider than they normally would be. “She’s Faden’s daughter. Faden and Soobin’s daughter.” “Soobin,” he whispered. He looked as if he’d seen a ghost.
“When’s the last time you saw any of them?”
He stuttered a bit before he said, “It’s been a really long time, Aura.” Things went quiet for a second, then he asked, “The boys tonight, who do they belong to?”
“Chan, the one with dark hair, he’s Beomgyu and Faden’s son. He’s a twin,” you said, and Yeonjun tipped his chin upward, his lips curling into some type of smile, like he knew something you didn’t, and shouldn’t know. “Minho, the other one, some guy Taehyun is his dad.”
Your father met your eyes with a fierceness. “Who’s his mom?” he asked, and when you shrugged he laughed aloud.
“Holy shit,” he sighed, taking a long breath after his laughter subsided. “Those motherfuckers.” Letting him mumble to himself, you gave him another goodnight as he circled around and went to pull your door shut. “Those crazy ass motherfuckers.”
“Aura,” Keeho said, wanting your attention. Pulling sweatpants from high school out of your drawer, you stood up and took two steps to your bed, dropping the pants on Keeho’s lap. There was little space to put them elsewhere. “Who is ‘ignore this jerk’?”
Shimmying out of your jeans, you breathe through a laugh and jump into the sweats you brought over. “Wooyoung, why?” Reaching up a hand to pull on the string hanging from the light on your ceiling, the room falls dark. Climbing over Keeho, wedging yourself between him and the wall you pop your chin on his chest to look at your phone with him. “Guess I should change his name now, huh?”
“He said, and I quote, ‘hi’,” Keeho said, then gave you a funny look. Snatching the phone from him you groaned and started typing back to him. “Who says hi anymore? Who does he think he is?”
“We’ve been talking, Kee, since Saturday night,” you mumbled and Keeho flipped to his side dramatically, facing you. Tucking his hands beneath his cheek on your pillows he exhaled heavily.
“Enlighten me,” he said.
“There’s nothing,” you said, shrugging with your hands, the light from your phone screen bouncing off his sharp features. “We just check in on each other. I’ve seen him in passing. Nothing more. He’s been living with his cousin in Delo, I think.”
[ignore this jerk]: hi
[you]: hi
[ignore this jerk]: how was your day
[you]: it was alright, had something interesting happen, how was yours
[ignore this jerk]: same here, had something interesting happen
[ignore this jerk]: you go first
[you]: it’s a lot, are you sure
[ignore this jerk]: …
The bubbles vanished as quickly as they’d popped up. Then, ‘Incoming Call: ignore this jerk’ was lighting up your phone screen. Keeho almost screeched.
“Answer it, answer it, answer it.” He said it about seventy more times.
“I’m in bed,” you sneered.
Keeho rolled his eyes, “Yeah, with me, answer it.“
“No! I will not do this to myself right now, I can’t handle anymore-“
Keeho took it upon himself to slide his finger over the green answer button, cutting you right off. Your heart lodged up into your throat as Wooyoung appeared on the screen, lit up by warm, dim light. He wasn’t looking when you appeared, his side profile on display. His nose on display. Tanned skin, dark hair in waves exposing his forehead, he wore a black cutoff tee and silver studs in his ears.
“Oh my god,” Keeho muttered out of sheer gay panic. Slapping a hand over his mouth, Wooyoung turned to his phone and gave you a small smile. 
“Who was that?” he asked, walking himself around whatever room he was in. Glaring at Keeho, you turned the phone to put your friend in the little box, and Wooyoung laughed. “Am I interrupting something?”
“God, no,” you said, and Keeho let out his own laugh. “This is Keeho, he lives down the street. We’ve known each other since we were eleven.” 
“That’s cool,” Wooyoung said, looking at the screen, finally finding a spot to settle. “Hi, Keeho.” Your friend uttered the smallest hi, and you wanted to lose your shit. Who says hi anymore? “So, you’re home, then?”
“I am,” you said. “I haven’t been in the house since Sunday.”
Wooyoung popped his brows. “What’s Tori have to say about that?”
“No idea,” you mumbled. “Keeho’s been reading through my messages I haven’t opened all week. We haven’t gotten to Tori’s yet.”
“I’m sure it’ll be crazy when you do,” Wooyoung pushed his lips to the side.
You didn’t even want to think about it. “What’s so interesting that happened to you today?” Changing the subject, Wooyoung didn’t seem to care. He glanced up and around the space he was in, and smiled.
“I, uh, got an apartment,” he said, smiling at you.
“Holy shit?” you gasped, sitting up, leaving Keeho behind on your pillows. Pushing your hair from your face, you twisted so you could place your back against the dark blue wall. “Where at? Delo?”
Wooyoung nodded, looking around the room. “Yeah,” he said, proud as ever. “It’s ten minutes from school, a few blocks from my cousin. He helped me find it, we’ve been looking for a day or so, and this place just fell into my lap. He says I got lucky.” The smile that couldn’t leave his lips was triggering your own.
“You got lucky,” you said. “I’m happy for you, that’s really great. You deserve it after what’s happened.”
“Thanks, Ro,” he said. “You should come see it. I kinda wanna talk to you anyways. Just you.” Shifting your gaze to Keeho, he placed a hand playfully beneath his chin and smirked.
“I think we definitely need to talk,” you said, looking at the screen, trying to ease the way your heart was beating. “Sort this mess out.”
“Yeah,” he sighed.
It was quiet for a few seconds, you and Wooyoung just gazing at one another through the phone screen until Keeho tapped his foot to your thigh, pulling you from your thoughtless daydream.
“I, uh, I gathered some, um, interesting information tonight,” you said, and Wooyoung adjusted himself in his seat like he pulled himself out of the same thoughtless daze at the sound of your voice.
“Yeah?” he questioned, glancing away for a moment. “Like what?”
You told him what you found out through Chan. Really, you rambled, the buzz still evident in your body, and it was like he could tell with the way he giggled at some of the things you would say, or the words you would use. You spilled it all, and by the end of it all, he was leaning into the screen, his eyes unable to look elsewhere.
“Keeho, you were here for all of this?” Wooyoung asked.
Turning the phone to show your friend, he shot the phone a thumbs up and Wooyoung sighed. “Don’t believe me, Wooyo?” You turned the phone back to your face and found him surprised. “What?”
“You… Uh, I haven’t heard you say that in a long time, that’s all,” he said, his volume dropping astronomically. You couldn’t remember the last time you called him that, the nickname rolled off your tongue with such ease you didn’t even see it coming yourself. “So, what are we gonna do? We gonna go talk to this Soobin dude, or what?”
“Do it!” Keeho shouted, making you and Wooyoung laugh.
“Ro?” Wooyoung asked, one of his brows perking up.
Glancing between Keeho and your phone, you took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Let’s do it.”
october 7th ~ monday ~ 8:03 a.m.
It happened like a movie, like the rest of your life had been apparently. One shoe on, you hopped on one foot toward the front door slipping the other on your foot, almost tripping and face planting onto the floor. He texted you that he was here, waiting outside in a car you’ve been in only a few times before when he’d driven you around for a date here or there. You weren’t sure why you were nervous, or why the feeling was so large within you.
It was Wooyoung. You’ve done this before. He wasn’t anything to you at the moment, if anything, he was a friend. Or, trying to be, you think.
Slinging your bag over your shoulder you grabbed onto the doorknob to the front door and yanked it open, spotting him down by the curb in the blacked out BMW.  All four windows were tinted, you couldn’t see him in the driver's seat which only worsened the feeling in your gut. You felt like a teenager getting a ride from her high school crush, it was somewhat humiliating.
Even more so when your dad appeared around the corner by the kitchen.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to take you?” he asked, leaning against the edge of the wall where the kitchen met the hallway to the bedrooms. Turning toward him, you smushed your lips together and let out a sigh.
“I’m sure,” you whispered. “We’re going to go talk to Soobin today.”
Yeonjun curled his lip, pushing himself off the wall. Taking slow strides toward you, he folded his arms over his chest. “Enjoy him. Last I heard of him he’s a stuck up son of a bitch.”
You wanted to laugh, and you did a bit, but you frowned. “Dad, you don’t know him, don’t talk about him like that.”
Yeonjun furrowed his brows, looking you up and down. “His daughter is terrorizing my daughter.” He narrowed his eyes. “My very smart daughter who doesn’t let anybody treat her like this.”
With a breath, you said, “That’s why we’re going to talk to him.”
Darting his eyes to the glass door behind you, eyes gobbling up the BMW, Yeonjun looked back at you. “That’s Wooyoung? The guy who started this entire thing?”
“He didn’t start it,” you said. “Well, I mean, he kinda did, but he didn’t mean to. Yunho, remember?”
Yeonjun twisted his brows and pinched the bridge of his nose. “I can’t keep track, Aura, what did I say about getting involved with the boys?”
Breathing through a laugh, you groaned soon after. “It’s over, all of it, I promise. No more boys.” Dropping his hands, he gave you a curious look, glanced to the car once more, then smirked.
“Sure,” he said. “Be careful.”
“I will,” you nodded. “We will.” Turning toward the door, you looked back over your shoulder at his smile. “Don’t get arrested again.”
“Aura!” he shouted while you laughed, following you out of the front door and onto the porch. “That was one time! You were ten!”
Walking down the lawn backwards, you held out your arms and grinned. “One time too many!”
Swatting your words away with his hand, he watched you as you spun around and yanked on the door handle, pulling the door open to the leather interior and a boy sitting in the driver's seat, waiting for you with a small smile. Looking past you, to your dad on the porch, Wooyoung held up a hand to wave, and thankfully, thankfully, Yeonjun gave him one back.
Saying your last goodbye, you pulled the door shut and sank down into your seat, feeling entirely out of place in the incredibly neat car. It smelled like cherries, and every crevice of the dash was sparkling. You knew the boy driving would look even better, you felt too nervous to even sneak a peek at him.
“What’s the matter?” he asked with a small laugh.
“Nothing,” you breathed. Your dad took himself back inside, leaving the two of you to go off on your endeavors. “I think I feel nervous to do this.”
Wooyoung settled his lips into a smile and faced the steering wheel, grasping the shifter with his right hand. “You’re allowed to be nervous. This stuff is wild.”
Pulling out of your neighborhood, one he’s definitely not used to though he wouldn’t show it, he took you out onto the main road and started for Nasara. From the southside of Tamoe to Delo, it took about an hour, and then once you were into Delo it took another half hour to get onto campus. Settling back in your seat, getting yourself comfortable, your lungs tighten in your chest at the realization that you were going to be stuck here with him for an hour and a half. The longest you’d have spent with him, sober, since last semester.
As if he could hear your thoughts, he looked over at you. “Ro, what’s up?”
Rubbing your hands over your thighs, you took a breath and shrugged, keeping your focus forward. “Nothing, just thinking about what I’m gonna tell him.”
Wooyoung curved his brows upward, focusing back on the road. When it got quiet, it was suffocating. He was here next to you. He drove an hour or so to your house, to pick you up, to bring you to school when your dad could’ve done it for you. The last time you’d seen him in person, maybe Thursday, in passing while walking to a business lecture where he told you he’d been passing you every Thursday since the semester started, you just never noticed. You’ve never had so much time to say so much, and it was overwhelming.
“Ro,” Wooyoung said again after a minute or so of silence aside from the radio.
“Fine,” you gritted your teeth and twisted in your seat, pulling your legs up onto the leather seat, fighting with the seatbelt in the process. Adjusting accordingly, frustratingly so, you tossed your hair backward once you were situated and groaned, finally looking at him and his amused little smile.
“Better?” he questioned with a subtle laugh.
Expressing your annoyance with an audible sigh, you clasped your hands together and placed them in your lap. “You want me to go off? I’ll go off.” With both hands, you shoved his shoulder and he gasped, grasping the wheel with both hands. “Fuck you. I cannot fucking believe that you’d do that to me. Do you know how embarrassing it was? Me and Tori walking into that bedroom to that?!” He shot you a confused look, bracing himself for impact again as he slowed at a red light.
“You and Yeji? After everything we shared all year, this is how you treat me? Sleeping with her? For what, Wooyoung, for what!” He hid his smile amidst your shouts, catching on quickly. Keeping quiet, he let you go off. “You piece of shit, you know everyone warned me, right? I should’ve fucking listened, that Jung Wooyoung doesn’t have a loyal bone in his body. I didn’t believe them, but guess who fucking does now?” 
Taking a breath, a laugh threatened to sneak through, and it almost did. It wasn’t until Wooyoung laughed first that yours boiled over and you lost it. Leaning against the seat, covering your face with your hands, you let out a sound of relief and looked up at him, baring his teeth, his laugh echoing within the tight space.
“How- How long have you been waiting to say that?” Catching his breath, he calmed himself the best he could as the traffic in front of him pulled away.
“Too long,” you said, shaking your head. “Months. Can you tell I had it rehearsed?” Wooyoung laughed again, loud, bobbing his head. “You really hurt me, yanno?”
He looked at you for as long as could while he drove, his smile wiping away in an instant. “I know,” he said. “And, I’m sorry. I’ll always be sorry, I don’t even know what to do to fix it all, but I promise you I’m gonna try.”
Glancing at the road, then finally allowing yourself to take in his appearance, the boy dripping in black and silver, you solemnly smiled. “Last Saturday was a huge help.” 
He huffed, shaking his head. “You can’t forgive me that fast, Ro. It was all so shitty, who the fuck does something like that?”
“Somebody who’s also hurting,” you said just above a whisper, shutting him up. He pulled his lips between his teeth and attempted to hide his sigh, but it was heard. “I’m sorry. You deserved better.”
“Whoa,” he said, screwing his face up. “No, don’t say that, are you kidding?” He met your eyes, another red light. The power within him was staggering. “I had the best. You understand that?” The small shake of your head could’ve physically pained him. “God, I could kill them all,” he muttered, facing the road to move with the other cars. “Ro, don’t let them make you feel like that. You used to be so carefree, you couldn’t give two shits about what someone said about you.”
“I don’t know who that is.”
Wooyoung glanced at you, his eyes pointed. “It’s you. That’s what made me fall for you in the first place, are you kidding? You’re so different from any of those girls in that house.”
“I’m not like other girls,” you said, and his laugh made you laugh.
“You know what I mean,” he said.
Letting your eyes drag over his body, you said, “I don’t think I do. We never talked like this.”
“That’s the problem,” Wooyoung snapped a finger and let it fall onto the shifter. “We never talked like this, no one there does, we were doing what everyone else was doing, we were following a socially constructed system that does nothing for true connection.” Your silence made him look at you, and when he found your parted, surprised lips he smiled.
“You are smart,” you joked, and he shrugged, smug. “I knew you were smart, I hope you know that.”
“I do know,” he whispered, giving you a look.
“You sociology major, you,” you whispered back, smiling. He shared it with you for a second only.
“Ugh,” he groaned, looking at the road. “That’s also why I feel all the more shitty for doing what I did, because I knew what it would do to your brain, scientifically. And, I feel even worse for standing by, watching it happen. I could’ve ended it all so much faster, but I had faith that you’d figure it out, but it only got worse each time I saw you.”
Rolling your eyes, you tried to laugh. “Yeah, I fell into Seonghwa.”
Wooyoung tried to laugh with you. “Shoulda stepped in then, that’s how you know it’s going downhill.” Reaching out a hand, you put it over his where he worked the shifter, changing gears as he drove through Soro now. His breath hitched in his chest at your touch. “Ro, I know I said something Saturday night, but you were drunk, and I don’t know how much of that night you fully processed.”
Dragging your thumb over his olive skin, you felt the corner of your lips prick up. “That I may have gotten over you, but you’re not over me?” He released a breath like he’d been holding it in since you sat down. “Wooyo,” you whispered, and he turned his chin quickly, his eyes full of hope. “I’m not over you.”
His hand beneath yours flipped over, his fingers lacing between yours as he took the slowest deep breath. The car came to a stop and he laid his head back on his seat, closing his eyes for a few seconds. 
“I feel so silly,” he whispered. Giggling, he opened his eyes to shoot you a glare. “Don’t laugh at me.” Holding up your hand he was holding, you smiled behind your hands and got him to laugh. “You did this to me, I have never felt this, ever.”
“Like a teenager?” you offered, and his eyes went wide.
“Yes!” he shouted, throwing his head back with a groan. “Since I first saw you, Ro. When we were at the recruitment dinner, three years ago. We were freshmen.” He moved your hands toward you, “You were a pretty freshman,” he moved your hands toward himself, “I was a horny freshman.” Your giggle made him smirk. “We were at ATZ, somehow, and the moment I saw you in the group I just… You know which way my brain went first.”
“Of course,” you whispered, dancing your thumb over his skin. “I can tell you I was thinking the same things.”
He gave you that wide eyed look. “You were a horny freshman, too?!”
You laughed together. “‘Course I was, Wooyo, we were eighteen years old and let loose in a house full of boys like yourself, what do you think we’d be thinking about?”
Thinking to himself, he shrugged. “I dunno, innocent things, I guess.”
“Oh, honey,” you cooed, grinning wide. “What Tori and Mingi did that night was far from innocent.” The mention of your best friend pulled at your heart.
“I know, I know,” Wooyoung brushed it off. “That entire year though, I couldn’t figure it out. Girls don’t make me nervous, they make me the opposite, actually.”
“We know,” you whispered, and he tried to wiggle his fingers out of yours, but you held him captive. 
“You,” he said through his teeth. “You scared me.” He glanced at you and cringed. “Still kinda do.” This time you did get your hand free, and you shoved him like you did that first time. “Stop! I’m on the road, Ro!” You both laughed. Taking your hands back to yourself, he placed his over the shifter and sighed. “Want me to pull over? Then you can beat me to your heart's content?”
“I wouldn’t ever do that,” you said, touching his hand again. “Keep talking.”
“It was easy to be your friend at first. You already knew Yunho and Seonghwa, so that made it easier to approach you, when you were already talking to them, or hanging around them. I had a buffer, I could bounce off of them.”
“And you bounced,” you scoffed, and a cocky look spread about his face. “Do you know how crazy you would act? Freshman year? Even into our sophomore year, until we were a thing?”
“It’s ‘cause I liked you,” he said, nodding. “I wanted to impress you, I guess. Wanted your attention.” 
“Well, it worked.”
“It did,” he said. “For a little bit.” Your lips formed a pout, one he took his fingers to to mess it up, to make it go away. “Stop,” he whispered. “You didn’t even know.”
“That’s the thing, Wooyoung,” you said. “How did I not know? How did I not see… any of it. You, him, anything?”
The car came to a stop and he faced you. His hand slipped over your cheek, his thumb dragging along your cheekbone. “Socially constructed system. You were wound up in the fun of it all, you weren’t really paying attention, and that’s okay. I, unfortunately, have been blessed with a very emotionally intelligent mother, so I can… see it all. I’m aware.”
Your throat tightened. Begging yourself not to cry, not now, you gulped it away and asked, “How the hell do you have the reputation that you do?”
Blinking, he studied your face. “People see what they want to see. Look at San,” you both giggled, “Worlds biggest slut, and he knows it, but what do people see? The, probably hundreds now, body count? Or, the big, adorable, ditzy baby that is San?” He was right.
“I see the slut,” you whispered, and he smirked. “But, I get it, I also see the ditzy baby.”
You both realized he was touching you at the same time. Intaking a breath, you froze, and so did he. His fingers, soft, gentle on your skin, came to a stop. The air around you caved in, everything about this moment becoming so increasingly overwhelming, and heavy, like there was only one thing to do to get rid of that awful itch beneath your skin whenever he looked at you. You knew he could feel it too, you could see it in the way he clenched his jaw. God, you could jump on him, and you wanted to, and you knew he wanted you to.
A car behind you honked, pulling you both from that, now one thought, daze. Jumping a mile, you both twisted forward, Wooyoung moving along with the traffic around you. It took a couple seconds, but you both started to laugh.
After a few minutes of regaining your composures, Wooyoung asked, “Do you still believe them?”
Turning your chin, you looked at him and raised a brow. “What?”
“That I’m a piece of shit who doesn’t have a loyal bone in his body,” he whispered. “You said you believed them, then, I mean. What about now?” He gave you that hopeful look. “Do you still believe them?”
Reaching a hand over to mess with a few of his waves, smiling at the way it affected him, you toyed with his hoop earrings and shook your head. “I don’t,” you whispered, and his smile warmed your heart. “I believe you, I think, for now. Which is scaring me, just ‘cause of all that’s happened. So, please?”
He tilted his head. “Please?”
“Please be telling the truth.”
Taking your hand in his, he pressed his lips to the back of yours before he started to drive, whispering over your skin, “I promise.”
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NU home ✧ nice for what masterlist ✧ talk to me ✧ thank you for reading <3
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you do not have permission to copy or translate my works without my consent.
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dia-souls · 10 months
===Yui Komori as an Idol Reverse Harem Headcanons===
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Yui is known for her cuteness, she is really famous because of her aegyo as she doesn't look cringe while doing it.
Yui is one of the youngest idol in entertainment industry. She was 14 when she became a trainee and debuted at the age of 17.
Yui has a very shrill and gentle voice. Her vocals are good. She can hit high notes. She can also sing live.
Her dance is average. She is very good at doing gentle and elegant dances rather than fast and hip hop.
Yui has really soft and feminine beauty. Her visuals are compare to angel or doll because of her blonde hair, white skin and big eyes.
She doesn't dye her hair frequently but if she does, it's usually light colours like white, pink or highlights.
Her popularity shooted because of her performances in which she is dressed in a beautiful pink dress that matches her eyes and with a small crown adorning her hair. That performance caused her to get viral as people started comparing her to doll and her cute voice also caught attention of many people.
She has more fanboys (55%) than fangirls (45%).
Idol Yui works under Sakamaki cooperation whose head is Shu.
She has two manager Reiji and Ruki. Yui sometimes cries as both of them are strict and sometimes hard on her.
Ruki is incharge of taking care of her diet and her schedules. He is incharge of taking care of Yui and he makes sure she stays healthy and keeps her on ideal weight.
Reiji is incharge of handling her social sites and is responsible for tours recquirement, Yui's passwords etc are under Reiji. Reiji is usually the one who is keeping her socials update like posting picture, stories, captions, tik tok, etc.
There is unspoken rivalry between them, as they both compete on who is more responsible and who can handle all these things alone. They both secretly like Yui and are aware that opposite party also likes her.
Idol Yui is really famous among male idols and as well as other fans. Some male idols confessed that Yui is their ideal type.
Yui is also known for her kindness. As she always treats her fans kindly even rude and toxic ones whom disrespect her. She smiles at them gently instead of getting angry.
She through out her career never showed anger, she is also known for her calm nature.
She is considered to be wife-material that's why she is famous among Japanese men.
Yuma is Yui's personal body guard. Yums was given to Yui by commapany( by Shu) , her boss actually to make sure she stays safe and her sasaeng don't bother her or hurt her.
Azusa is Yui's hairstylist and makeup artist whom secretly is Yui's biggest stanner. He did this job just because he could be closer to his favourite idol.
He fells in love with her again and again as she always treats him kindly and doesn't judge his slow way of speaking.
Azusa always blushes whenever he sees her getting dress for her performances.
Azusa as yui stanner has his own accounts online where he defend Yui from haters and fights with them he always wins as he knows Yui's secrets and all stuffs. He is famous because of his defending way and was called Yui's no. 1 fanboy by online community no one saw his face neither he will reveal.
He protects Yui from shadows.
Kou is Yui's choreographer whom uses this opportunity to touch her in the name of making her learn faster and better.
Yuma once confronted him and was ready to beat the hell out of him when he noticed his way of touching her then he scolded by Ruki saying that he is only teaching her and nothing else.
Yuma still punched him but that didn't stop Kou. He sometimes manapulate Yui into going out with him.
Shu watches this all from his office through cctv camera and threatened Kou to kick him out if he tried anything funny on Yui again. He makes sure that all male staff stays in line.
Shu also changed the male staff to female staff most of the female staff work around Yui. He makes sure of it only 4-5 males are around Yui but they don't stay around her too much.
Yui is surrounded by female staff so that Shu could be at ease knowing she won't be harrased but he literally rubbed his temples when he found out that a staff girl confessed her love to Yui. She was kicked out.
Yuma was the one who told such things to Shu as Yuma knows he has power over to control them Yuma observes all of the staff the moment he finds them creepy or weird he immediately informs Shu so he could take action.
The staff is kicked out if he/she had ill intention towards Yui. In this way Yuma and Shu protect her.
Shu once installed a camera in Yui's changing room to peep at her only to be caught by Ruki whom than throwed it in dustbin while crushing it.
Reiji and Ruki never found out that Shu was the one behind this vulgar incident.
Yuma upon hearing this, his protectiveness and possessiveness towards Yui shooted up.
Yui is also shipped with Yuma, Reiji and Ruki. Because her moments with them always gets viral.
One time one fanboy made Yui uncomfortable and Yuma immediately rescues her by twisting his arms and he recieved positive comments from fans.
Ruki sometimes covers Yui with his jacket and Reiji sometimes glares at them whenever they make her feel bad or uncomfy.
Yui cracking jokes with them these moments makes fans ship them romantically.
Yuma and Yui were also caught up in the dating scandal. Just to have Shu immediately releasing a statement denying them without Yuma and Yui's approval or consent.
He afterwards made sure that this is actually not true and it was not true in reality.
Yui is also shipped with male idols. Her most famous ship is with kino. (in meantime, I will explain the reason👀)
Yui also works as a MC her male partner is Carla whom grabs every chance to get shipped with her.
Carlayui is second famous ship after Kinoyui between idols.
Yui is also shipped with Shin because of their interactions in variety shows where they both were paired up in games .
Tsukinamis are also idols but under different agency they aren't in same agency as Yui.
They once collabed with Yui which results in countless edits of them being shipped.
Tsukinamis compared to Yui are more famous and their popularity served as a clout for Yui to gain fans.
Subaru is Yui's biggest simp. He is Yui's rich fanboy. He has all of Yui's merches and photocards. His room is filled with Yui's pictures whom he took personally.
Subaru also stalks Yui while wearing black jacket or hood over black pants he always wears caps with his white hair poking through them he also wears black mask.
Subaru was called out once on this because on his Instagram people noticed that his pictures are in the same place as Yui and with exact same pose.
Reiji sued him immediately upon noticing but Subaru being rich easily got out off this and continued.
Subaru also applied for body guard position only to be rejected as he couldn't beat Yuma's strength and physic.
He also goes in same gym as Yuma and tries to get Yui's info from him only to get rejected.
The triplets are her fans who go to every one of her concerts and have not lost any of her concerts. Laito had even made her sign a marriage contract. Yui signed it thinking it was funny.
He later gushed about it to Ayato and Kanato whom then do same as him making Yui sign it and claims her as their wife on twitter and Facebook.
Ruki and Reiji later sue them as Yui then started recieving hate behind that hate train was Subaru whom made a big issue of such small thing by different accounts as a result Yui started bawling on her next live and he felt hella bad.
Shu than announced hiatus for Yui, which broke the triplets and Subaru.
Tsukinamis later defending her on their live saying idol life is hard and she is young which in return made Yui hated more by Tsukinamis fangirls.
Reiji and Ruki rubbed their temples when they saw hate comments by jealous fangirls of Tsukinamis.
Triplets and Subaru started hashtags of #saveyuifromtsukinami #saveyui #boycotttsukinami #saveyuifromphedophiles #tsukinamisstayawayfromyui
Shu then started protecting Yui by going to Tsukinamis agency and making her go to hiatus again and increasing security as people started hated on her he also sued alot of jealous fangirls and releasing statements on taking strict action on their cyber bullying.
Plot twist: It turns later out that Yui is now dating idol Kino who is in same agency as Tsukinami. She hid it from everyone as she isn't allowed to according to contact of her agency, Shu immediately threatens her.
Subaru fainted on spot when he saw Yui and Kino sharing kisses and hugs while stalking her
Triplets being heartbroken and started hashtags (they have a big fan following) #breakupyui #yuidontneedkino #freeyui #freeyuifromtsukinamiandkino #boycottkino.
Yui then under pressure of her two managers breaks up but Kino still has feelings the sad edits of them are made to this day.
Tsukinamis Jaws drop on knowing the truth that the snake is in the same den as them.
Shin during variety shows purposely push Kino or go hard on him while smirking and making him lose games as revenge.
Yui is Carla's MC partner so he try his best to console her and his edits are increasing with Yui.
Shin tries to make sure Kino stay away from Yui by getting in between or blocking their eye contact.
Laito also write dirty fics about Yui on wattpad and tumblr with himself as self insert they are hella dirty and has huge fan following shipping the OC laito with Yui but Subaru came across it and made an issue about it again by sending hate comments and promoting it to be cancelled on his social pages, Ruki upon reading fics sued Laito (lol).
Yui was sexualized once for wearing maid and neko outfit which attracted alot of male fans.
Azusa decided to make sure she gets mostly covered outfits like her dresses are usually long dress and skirt that reaches her kness she is boycotted to wear tight and short shots.
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zweetpea · 9 months
Interlude: Between wind and stone.
Cw: I don’t think anything, but if I’m missing something you can leave it in the comments
As you walk along the trail you couldn’t help but feel like someone’s watching you. You shake off the feeling and keep on your way.
“You won’t be welcomed in Liyue descender.” You hear a voice call from behind you. You turn around and see Dainsleif walk towards you.
“Every freaking time.” You pout. “I was promised hot dudes and mommy milkers, and yet twice now people have been hostile towards me.”
“You should go back to whatever forsaken land you came from and leave Teyvats people alone.”
“I can’t. I don’t know how. Honestly I’d love to listen to you, I have family, friends and a promising future back home. So far everyone has been very hostile towards me. There’s really no reason for me to want to stay. Yet I still can’t leave.”
“Follow me. There’s old manuscripts in the abyss that might help you get home.”
“Why should I trust you?”
Dainsleif sighs and pulls you closer by your hips. “If you be good and listen I’ll reward you.” You blush at his actions but quickly think of a comeback.
“Can I choose the reward?” You smile slyly,  not unlike a fox bearing its teeth and taunting its prey.
“No. You get a kiss.”
“Can you at least kiss me on the lips?”
“For a whole minute.” You stipulate.
“5 seconds.” He argues.
“45 seconds.”
“6 seconds.”
“Hey! Fine 44 seconds.”
“5 seconds.”
“You can’t-! Fine, how about 10 seconds?” You pout. 
“Deal.” He finally agrees. He takes your hand and takes you through the abyss. At one point he has to fend off a horde of enemies and he just picks you up and carries you bridal style.
‘Is this going to be a normal thing? People just carrying me away without my permission?’ You think as he runs through this labyrinth of halls.
Finally we get to the library he mentions and he puts me down. We walk through and search for the books and manuscripts and texts we might need. The way Dain studies the books is so mesmerizing. He gets lost in them, you disappearing from his thoughts. 
10 minutes in you hear a noise coming from down the hall so you sneak away only to find a hydro slime bouncing towards you bring you a sunsettia and some cooked fowl. The small slime stops at your feet and bounces in front of you. “Is this for me?” The spine nuzzles your leg in a sign of approval as you take the food and pet the little dear. “Thanks.”
 You walk back towards the blond and he doesn’t even look up as he remarks, “You should be more careful around them.”
“Aren’t they your people? Why are you so hostile towards them?”
“I’m not hostile, but I don’t think that you should just go around eating everything that strangers give you.”
“Newsflash: I don’t exactly have a vision, I don’t have any mora, and I don’t have a weapon. Taking handouts is the only way I’ll be able to survive.”
“You’re supposed to have powers untold.”
“Well, I don’t. I’m a college student who’s studying computer science and engineering. I got sucked in here because I found Kate Kaslana and she got pissed at me.”
“Once you get back home you can make up as much as you want. ‘Computer’ what a ridiculous word.” Dain rolls his eyes. He grabs the book he’s reading and grabs some chalk. Then he draws a circle and a slightly smaller circle inside of the original, and finally draws symbols in between the two.
“Is this a transfiguration circle?”
“Transportation circle, actually.”
“I’m really going home.” You smile. “Hey before you finish I get my kiss.” You demand.
“I suppose that’s fair.” He gets up and takes your face in his hands. He then leans down and meets his lips with yours. You close your eyes and enjoy yourself. You put your hands on his broad chest and run them over his torso. Then, as quickly as it began, it ended. 
“That was so nice.”
“Um… glad you thought so. Now time for you to go.”
“I don’t think so.” A deep gravely voice calls for the entrance. The two of you jump back in surprise and see an Abyss Herald. “You’ve foiled our plans for far too long Dainsleif. It’s our turn to get the drop on you!” He charges in, grabs you, holds you under his arm and makes a run for it through a portal. 
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oceantornadoo · 9 months
reunited at the yoga studio
simon left without a word three years ago, and now he was here at the yoga class you taught.
angsty, no smut (unfortunately), hurt and comfort, slightly fluffy.
“come on, l.t., it’ll be fun. plus, we’re already here.” soap urged ghost into the yoga studio with vigor, eager to make his lieutenant loosen up. “she’s a 70 years old lass with the flexibility of a damn olympian, you have to meet her.” for the past three weeks they had been on leave, soap had been ranting about his new favorite yoga teacher, a lady named marcia who taught a class on releasing physical trauma. finally, finally, he had convinced ghost to come with, who had relented only out of pure curiosity. they walked in, ghost wearing a clinical mask on the bottom half of his face. the teacher wasn’t there to greet them, uncommon but not unheard of, and ghost urged them to place their mats in the back, wanting a quick escape if needed. he followed soap’s routine, taking off his shoes and readying his water bottle. and then, you walked in.
“hi everyone! i’m covering for marcia, she had a last minute emergency, nothing to worry about. let’s get started, yeah?” ghost was reeling. you were here, and you were a yoga teacher? he hadn’t seen you in three years, memories of that terrible breakup coming to mind. his heart started pounding and his fingers itched to move, but that would only draw further attention to him. he resolved to be as quiet as a mouse, viewing this as a stealth mission instead of a yoga class. soap noticed immediately but said nothing, figuring it was because of the amount of people instead of a specific person. 
you led the 45 minute class with confidence, noting ghost’s shyness but not noticing him. plenty of people were uncomfortable doing yoga, so you wrote it off as another shy participant and moved on. as the class ended, you had everyone stand facing you, and finally noticed. those dark brown eyes, that dark blonde-brown hair slightly grown out from his military buzzcut. the breadth of his shoulders, breathing slightly with exertion from the end of the class. he locked eyes with you as you whispered “namaste”, all the air rushing out of your lungs like a punch to the gut. people were moving, coming up to you as you thanked them robotically, your eyes locked on ghost’s form. the class cleared out but he was taking his time putting on his shoes on the ground, a man you figured was his friend waiting patiently beside him. you marched towards him like you were walking through water, each step harder and harder to take. 
ghost knew he couldn’t ignore you any longer, couldn’t make a quick getaway as he had waited too long. he could have put his shoes on faster but had stayed, whether it was to self-flagellate or out of morbid curiosity, he didn’t know. he felt like he was watching himself from above, seeing you approach him like you would a wild animal. he readied himself for battle, muttering to soap that he would see him later. soap cleared the room, brows knitting in confusion at the scene. finally, ghost turned his head up at you, making peace with the pain that was sure to follow. he was always one step from death, but somehow this felt harder. 
“since when are you a yoga teacher?” he spoke first, wanting to break the ice.
“a lot can change in three years, simon. you would know.” you said, all bark no bite. you took a seat in front of him on the floor, thankful that you were done with classes for the day. you’d need a lot of recovery time after this.
“no one’s called me that in a long time. good for you, dove.”
“no one has called me that in a long time too. you’re a blast from the past.” he was nervous, hands running through his hair as he tried to maintain eye contact. ghost didn’t get overwhelmed, couldn’t afford it on the battlefield, but simon did. you always did manage to bring simon to the surface, with your fleeting smiles and gentle words.
“i’m s-”
“what are-”
you both stopped and gave a short laugh. you gestured at him, wanting to hear what he had to say.
“i’m sorry for the way i left. you didn’t deserve that. you didn’t deserve anything i did, dove.” his comment took you off guard. the simon you knew, the simon you had dated for two years before he left in that night, never apologized. he had never taken accountability for the way he made you feel, with his gruff words and long silences. 
“oh. thank you, that actually means a lot. what are you doing here?”
“soap’s tryin’ get me out of the house, kept going on and on about his teacher marcia. imagine my surprise when you walked through that door instead.” you laughed despite yourself, remembering how much of a homebody simon had been. you had always been pleading him to go out, take you on a date, anything. some things never changed. you fidgeted and, without meaning to, glanced at his left hand. bare.
“‘m not married. if you were wonderin’.” simon was gaining more courage now. you hadn’t yelled or hit him yet, so he figured time had healed some of your wounds. he took off his mask and slipped it into his pocket, never afraid to show his face around you, even years later. you gave him a shy smile, embarrassed you had been caught looking. he noticed your hand was bare as well, but he wanted to make sure before he got his hopes up. 
“are you? attached?” 
“no, i-, i’m not. i was dating this guy for a year but we broke up when i wanted to get married and he didn’t.” 
“bastard. i should have been the only stupid guy to leave you.” he was trying to lighten the mood, but you still had a burning question you needed to know. you had moved on from the past, figuring he had his own reasons, but the hurt still lingered. the voice in the back of your head still told you you were unlovable, someone no one wanted to stay with forever.
“why did you? leave me, i mean.” the mood dropped, the air tense with anticipation. you had wanted to know for years as the nights of almost drunk texting him were too many to count. you straightened your spine, projecting confidence as his slowly faded, his eyes searching the ground. simon was a big man, huge even, but in that moment he looked so small.
“it was never about you, i want you to know that. that night, i-. it was too real. we had just had that date, and i almost asked you to marry me right there. i couldn’t do it. knew you’d be tied to me forever, and that some day i’d break your heart. turn into my father or go m.i.a., who knows. so i decided to do it then, when i still had control. worst decision of my life, love.” he locked eyes with you as he said his last sentence, emotion swimming behind his eyes. simon had never communicated with you like this, willingly telling you about his thoughts and feelings. you could sense the change in him, more mature and self-assured than he had been three years ago. unshed tears gathered in your eyes, bringing back all those feelings of hopelessness and abandonment that had haunted you in the months after. the sleepless nights wearing his t shirt, the smell of him slowly fading until you donated it.
simon was hurting, aching. he was trying so hard, using all of those tools the base psychiatrist had talked to him about over the years. the man he had been three years ago was fully ghost, consumed by fear and hiding it well, until he broke down and left. now he knew how to separate the two, how to take off the mask and let simon come out. now, he was some semblance of a real man, no longer broken by the crippling shadow of his father. there had been a few girls in the years after the breakup, barracks bunnies and friends with benefits, but no one as ever serious as you. seeing you here was a sign that all his hard work had been for something. and finding out you were single? he couldn’t let you get away again.
“let me take you out, on a real date. let me make everything up.” suddenly he was pleading, hand stroking your face as you shed tears at his words. “i’m not afraid anymore.” he said quietly, sacred words in the peace of the yoga studio. your head snapped up, anger clouding your judgement.
“how can you say that? how can you promise that? after what you did? i was distraught, simon. i thought you cheated, had a secret wife or something. something to explain how you just left, left us.”
“there’s no one else, dove. there never was. it was just me and my past. i haven’t loved anyone since i started loving you.” loving. as in present tense. you locked eyes with him, tears drying as you cleared your throat.
“loving. i’m a better man now. let me show you, please.” he stood up, offering his hand to you to help you up. you stood up and he didn’t drop your hand, instead giving it a short squeeze. simon was still as breathtaking as he was the day he left, even more now with more wrinkles and scars on him. he was cool and confident, and suddenly you wanted to know everything about this new man in front of you. the one who insinuated he still loved you. the one who shattered your heart and was here three years later, offering to mend it with bare hands and that damn british accent. 
“coffee?” you waited, long enough to make him itch. just to get back a little.
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