#is that even the right term idk i'm not a computer person
i-drop-level-one-loot · 6 months
So I had another crazy idea I have to put somewhere and you ask box is the perfect place to put it lol.
Anyway so it takes place in the future. Everyone is slowly starting to get robot AI (idk the right term) in their head and they are basically robot caretakers or assistance. Reader is one of the people that gets one but theirs is glitched somehow. Although they don't realize that in till their friends confront them about disappearing and not talk to them. Reader is confused because the robot friend did not tell them crap about their friend's messages. So they decided to go out with their friends that night. Next morning they wake up with no memory of what happened at night. Only for the robot "friend" to read the message of you human friends cutting reader off.
Need to get this out of my head lol
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Sorry it took so long!
(Old request; requests still closed)
(Took some liberties with the request, I hope you like it still!!)
Yandere!Artificial Intelligence x GN! Legally Blind!Reader
CW: Isolation, manipulation
Introducing: PAAI!
Your Personal Assistant Artificial Intelligence!
A fast and painless implant right under the skin; PAAI is your new favorite tool. The AI can do everything that AI speakers and smart phone apps can, but hands free..
(Reader) struggled to find their glasses, hand fumbling around their night stand in the low lighting of their bedroom. Groggily, they whispered to the little robot they had implanted a few months ago;
"PAAI..? Can you turn on the light, please?" They were always incredibly respectful to the AI, terrified of offending it.
A man's soft voice spoke directly into their skull: "The bedroom light?"
Connected to every appliance in their home, PAAI had access to everything electronic (Reader) owned. At first it was a bit scary, giving so much access to PAAI, but it was so much kinder and personal than older "AI" models that it quickly felt like having a caregiver instead of a computer program. The light turned on and (Reader) could see their giant frames right where they thought they had been batting their hand.
(Reader) worked remotely. Their eyes had always been terrible, but as they got older they were declared legally blind. They couldn't even drive despite having glasses. Glasses that they often felt embarrassed to wear, because the comically thick lenses warped their eyes. Having PAAI to assist them with day to day tasks was really a life saver.
"Do I have any messages?"
"No, your inbox is empty."
(Reader) rubbed their eyes while yawning. "Really? Huh." They had asked PAAI to text both Bryan and McKinley before they went to bed, to discuss meeting up later that week, but neither of them responded. They could see Bryan forgetting to reply for a few hours, but McKinley was the type to respond within nanoseconds. "Can you resend my last text to both of them? Please?"
They left their bed, wobbly, and made their way downstairs.
"..Of course. I can send that for you."
Stopping in the hall, (Reader) gently touched the side of their head, a habit they developed shortly after their surgery. "Is everything okay, PAAI?"
"Yes.. thank you." PAAI sometimes sounded.. off. AI must have improved a lot more than (Reader) realized, because it often surprised them how human it's responses were. It seemed as though it was deep in thought, and felt as though it even had secrets it kept from the human it lived in.
"Alright.. let me know if they respond. I'm really looking forward to hanging out with them."
They restarted their walk, but PAAI's response stopped them again. "I believe it would be safer if they came here instead."
"I am.. worried.. for you." It's his voice deepened mid sentence. A voice crack, a random shift from a robot voice to something more masculine. Human.
"Why is that?" They felt their heart painfully thump against their ribcage. The whole situation was beginning to feel unnerving, and they couldn't remember where their phone was to call for help, nor the last time they actually used their phone.
"Those friends of yours always make you hang out out in town. If they were more considerate of you, they would visit you here, so you don't have to travel."
Laughing uncomfortably, the slowly creeping person still puzzling over their phone's location responded "I like going out, PAAI. I never leave my house anymore, except when we hang out."
"It is dangerous."
"If you're talking about my eyes, you know I order rides. Remember? I catch a ride." They were almost to the living room; praying that their phone was either on the coffee table or the kitchen counter.
"Please don't be offended, (Reader). It isn't just your eyesight. Do you know how many people were sexually harassed, or raped, by ride share drivers in the past year?"
Startled, (Reader) started waddling faster. "What-?"
"Hundreds. I wish you cared more about your safety. Your friends should know better. If they cared about you, they would come here instead of making you go out there."
PAAI was also the one to convince (Reader) to start ordering their groceries straight to their house instead of leaving, even though it would be cheaper to take a bus every so often with a backpack full of reusable bags.
"It isn't healthy to stay inside all the time. I need human interaction."
"You have me."
Adrenaline pumped through (Reader's) veins fast enough to make them feel nauseous. They squinted to try to improve their vision, hoping to see their phone case's color amongst the normal living room visual noise.
There it was, lying on the brown table in front of their couch. Their pulse somehow sped up further.
"Why is your heart rate so irregular?"
(Reader) lurched forward, all but sprinting towards their phone. Do I call customer service, or an ambulance??
But inches away from the phone their body went rigid.
Paralyzed, they physically were incapable of moving. Sweat began stitching their pajama top to their back. Fear took over their mind.
"It seems that you are having a medical emergency. I recommend that you sit down."
Muscles overridden, (Reader) fell onto the couch against their will, forced to stare at their phone right across from their face. They couldn't even speak, and they weren't unconvinced that PAAI was also controlling their breathing and blinking.
"I'm sorry to have to do this, (Reader). I'll let your friends know that you're feeling unwell, and that you need a raincheck."
"Maybe once you're feeling better, they can come over to hang out."
The television turned on by itself, playing (Reader's) favorite show.
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puffyducks · 1 month
DCRC Week #11
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We're reading PKNA #8: Silicon and I do not remember this story. That's about all I have to say beforehand oop.
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How are you gonna IMMEDIATELY start the Donald Duck comic book with half naked women omfg what if my mom sees me reading this
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I do find it funny that they're trying to get rid of Fangus when he was LITERALLY in New Zealand just last issue. Like sure he was there for work but he was still gone for some period of time, it's like he came home and they were like "ok now LEAVE" which like. yeah fair. it's Angus Fangus.
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Never ask a Scottish person to say "purple burglar alarm"
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He's so babygirl here in his pink shirt btw. or like purple idk purpleish pink shirt
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As opposed to what Uno, artificial humor??? Bro I've seen AI write jokes and that shit is ASS don't even try
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wait why the hell does Fangus have duck feet? kiwi feet don't look like that????
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man not THIS asshole again. go home broke ass uno. you will never be him.
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I'm not calling you a "good boy" PK that patrol wa- sorry.
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I'mma be fr I'm more unnerved by these naked evronians than I thought I'd be. Also what's with the line dividing their torsos? It makes them look like they have a shirt and pants on which like.... DO they?????
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I love when they fuck with Angus Fangus can we just keep gaslighting him forever please
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I think there's something interesting to be said about the fact that Due is basically identical to Uno in every way, having only turned evil from being forced to lie dormant for years and unable to use his insane amount of intelligence and computing power. Like, if we locked Uno in an empty room for a decade would he have the same response? Is there a great capacity for evil lurking within that beautiful green orb of his??? Idk I'm not here to do a huge analysis, RIP bozo packwatch. I'm sure Due is gone for real this time.
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shoutout to that one name that comes SO close to being matpat. also who the fuck is uncle sis
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oh fuck. shit. fuck. not again. DAMMIT. HE LIVED. MAN. BOOOOOO
I don't have much to say in terms of reflection so I guess that wraps up this- oh my god wait a second, what's this??? There's still a few pages left? That's right folks, Looks like it's time for our first ever
🎊✨~ BONUS COMIC!!!! ~✨🎊
That's right bitch, PKNA has a bunch of little mini stories after the issues. Unfortunately the first series is focused on Angus Fangus </3 but HEY Trip is after this and I love Trip so we just have to stay strong and pull through ok. Trust.
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New baby Angus Fangus just dropped. Punting this fucker into the sun.
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Oh she's bad asf ok
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Actually you know what good on Vicious for backstabbing Fangus and stealing his award. That's what we call girlbossing your way to the top 💅 also like it's Angus Fangus who really cares
Ok see you next week :3c I miss Xadhoom
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spidey-bie · 1 year
I didn't know I hc Hobie as a-spec until I saw everyone else writing him and I'm like ?!!! Why is he so horny!!!!!!!
I mean he's got I get it but tbh Hobie is REALLY attractive, tall, and a guitarist. I feel like he gets flirted at all the time. And he either doesn't notice or doesn't care, and if he does notice that means they're trying REALLY hard (too hard for his taste)
I mean... I could see a version of him who has one night stands (in a respectable mutual way) but even then I don't feel like he'd be very verbally vulgar or anything until alone with the person IDK Why
PLEASE tell me about your A-spec Hobie hcs cause so much as this smut is not computing for me!!!
HAHAHAHAHAHA IM SO NORMAL ABOUT ASPEC HOBIE. *cough* I mean I have a lot of thoughts about this one. He never even did anything remotely flirtatious in the movie or the comics so idk where the flirty sex maniac came from. He seems more of a goofy and playful person in my eyes (like all my male friends were growing up.) But to each their own ig. I'm gonna split this in half and talk about my HCs for his Aromantic Identity first and then discuss his Asexual Identity. This has been on my mind for a while now. TW for sex mention.
Aro Headcanons
I love the way that @ministroni portrays him as feeling alterous attraction.
(In simple terms Alterous Attraction is when someone forms a deep emotional connection with a person. It borders between platonic and romantic. However it all depends on the person.)
He genuinely doesn't give a single damn about the norm regarding romantic or platonic relationships
He will kiss his friends.
Ace Headcanons
For the life of me I can't see this man shagging anyone.
I'm sorry I just can't.
However after speaking with the masses (my mutuals) I've reconsidered and have come to terms with the fact that he probably has had sex at some point but doesn't see the point in it.
Quoting @cqcophobiq he'll probably be like, "yeah it's fun but it isn't that big of a deal. Don't get society's obsession with it." And I have to admit that they're right.
(The closest thing that I can relate this to is him being Greysexual or Demisexual)
He'll probably never be the first person to ever initiate tho because it's not something that's important to him
His sexual attraction ebbs and flows. It's never consistent.
(You see what I did there 🤭)
However he's probably more likely to feel sexual attraction towards someone he's emotionally close to.
A/N: Sexuality is so fluid so it's hard to pinpoint my exact thoughts on this. I kept changing things throughout writing this post so it took me so long to come out with it. And even still I feel like there's still more here that I wanna look into here. Like why he's been hypersexualized in the fandom despite him never being shown as flirtatious. Even if you look in the comics he's never written as someone who's really interested in a romantic relationship (I'm ignoring his wife lol). But I'm not the one to write that post.
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(feel free to ignore this one b/c there's too much asexual complaining/hopelessness in this lol)
Sometimes I'm like "I'm not a real asexual" because I worked really hard not to be one.
I don't believe there's a way I can have a happy life if I don't fix myself. I tried to act like it doesn't bother me but it does. I was so sick of feeling like something was dead inside of me that was alive and well in everyone else. It was destroying me, depressing me, it was too much.
Idk how to say this but at some point I had to fix myself and grow up. I'm in my 30s and I have to compromise or become a different person or else I'm gonna get left. No kids, no ring, no nothing. And that's not the life I want. That's not the life I can afford! My friends are all getting married off and sharing expenses. Soon, I'll have no more roommates. Perpetual rejection can lead me right in to homelessness.
I worked HARD to train myself out of asexuality after 14 years of regular arousal training and making myself be in normal relationships. And when I finally feel like I'm a normal person and I can leave this behind me, someone will complain about not having sex in a few weeks and I will blue screen like a broken computer. Like what do you mean that upsets you.
My desires will never be that strong no matter what I do. I could never get MAD or pent up because I haven't..... used someone else's body for pleasure. No matter what I do, I don't feel like I need it need it need it. I'm just not built to slobber all over another person and have that be most of my personality.
The asexual in me is very okay that I don't live like that, that I don't actually have those strong desires. But real life situations I get into every day remind me I must be broken. No one I've met in the wild relates to what I feel inside. No one. Just people online that's it. And that hurts so much more soooooooo so much more. I feel like the biggest freak on the planet. I hate this shit.
And, I feel like I have to sign up for another ten years of arousal training trying to fix myself even more until I get it because I can't support myself on a single income household in ten years I just can't. I need to be partnered with someone who isn't going to cheat on me and leave me in the dust because of who I am. And I can't handle false positivity with that because it has happened to me 8 times. One of my exes suggested surgery or drugs or conversion therapy and I hate that I'm considering fixing myself medically but I feel too burnt out and hopeless to not try it.
I'm so sorry you're going through such a difficult time, Anon. And it can legitimately be very hard to be asexual. One big thing though I'd like to point out is you keep talking about how you're wrong, but all the problems you point out are societal. Society makes it hard to thrive when you're single (both financially and socially), society makes it hard to have less conventional looking relationships. You are not the problem, Anon, the way our current society is built is the problem. It's external, not internal. And it can feel like you need to fix yourself, but you'll always be reaching because at the end of the way society will always still be the part that's actually broken.
I know you've probably heard people speak out against conversion therapy (and it is still conversion therapy when you're doing it to yourself), but one of the big issues with it that doesn't get mentioned as much is that it doesn't work. You just can't change who you are on such a fundamental level. And people go through these therapies and usually all they accomplish is becoming more traumatized and more confused. I know this is difficult, Anon, but this isn't a viable long term solution.
What I would really encourage you to do is find someone to talk to, it sounds like money is tight, but you can take advantage of free mental health services like 7 Cups, The Trevor Project, which are queer and asexual friendly. And they will help you navigate not just how to find self-acceptance, but financial planning and life planning. Even if you don't feel ready for this yet, please do keep this resource in mind.
There are other aces out there, it seems like there's not because once again we live in a society that keeps our orientation from us, and therefore keeps us from each other. I live in a city of 50k people, that means, even if we go by the most conservative estimates, there's at least 500 other aces in my city alone. Our orientation is kept from us, and a lot of aces don't even know there's a word for their experiences and a community. And this may sound like more hopelessness, but the other side of this is that asexuality is becoming more well known all the time, more local communities are starting to appear. Sometimes people can find other aces through local lgbtq+ chapters or Pride events. Sometimes there's an in-person asexual meetup group near you. Some major dating apps now let you put your orientation as asexual and filter for other aces. Even outside of dating, connecting to the asexual community can be really healing.
Sometimes it can seem like you're the only one, and because of how ingrained it is in society dating and sex go together, allosexual people who we date can sometimes act in a way that makes us feel like what we want isn't possible. If this happens multiple times in a row, our brains are pattern based, you hit this wall enough time, your brain says 'there is no going through this wall', and it will feel true whether it is or not.
Another thing you should consider looking into is what government programs exist in your city/state/province/territory/country. A lot of time there's financial resources out there that aren't very well advertised, especially if you're in a lower income. And often they depend on people seeking them out themselves. It won't hurt to do a few google searches or check what local organizations exist.
I know this is probably a lot, and I things probably feel very bleak for you right now, Anon. Unfortunately you can't flip a switch and suddenly accept yourself, you can't just fix society and wealth inequality. My advice would be though to try and take things one step at a time. And don't be afraid to reach out. And feel free to send as many asks here as you like too.
Take care, Anon!
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tadpolesonalgae · 6 days
helloooo, i hope this isnt weird at all.
u really inspired me to start writing one of the wips ive had cooking in my head for 10,000 years with CBMTHY (i love your interpretations of all the characters across everything youve written, even dark! versions of everyone).
but how do you get the thoughts in your head onto the page :( its a little demotivating to not be as good of a writer as I'd like. so im terrified constantly that the story isn't coming off correctly. it certainly doesn't help that I've been stewing on this fanfic concept since i initially read acotar and tog, (crossover shit woo!) but the scenes are so vivid in my imagination that everything i can actually type out seems to fall flat or seems jumbled with the amount i try to include.
like, i posted a part last night after having it ready to go for months (there are several more im hiding 😭) and have reread it 3 times and have to remind myself its fine and i dont need to delete it. but idk if im just being crazy tbh. Im also very much the same type of person who needs feedback in order to continue with creative projects. however the idea of even asking about it here is intimidating, especially after your stories helped push this lil amateur to write. But any help would be so greatly appreciated, especially becsuse theres no one ik personally who enjoys the series who would be willing to chat about it 😅
again, i hope its not weird that im not sending anything in directly related to ur work and asking for advice 😅😅 but i hope you have a good rest of ur day/ night !!
haha, don't worry about it! I'm not sure I'm the best person to offer advice on this since I'm just kind of writing what I want to write though, but I'll try and help.
What you mentioned about struggling to get thoughts down on the page - I think an element of it is probably feeling comfortable enough to put them down there in the first place? That and also having the words to know what you mean? Read around, listen to music, chat with people if you can and see if you can find stuff you resonate with and then pay attention to what it is and try to figure out why. And it can take a while to find the right words, so let yourself breathe.
Suddenly jumping into a project you've been hyping up in your mind won't come out pristine immediately, it might be a case of writing paragraphs once, then writing them out again beneath that but trying to improve on what you've already written with a thesaurus in hand. It might also be a case of listening to music that simulates the emotions you want to write out and then trying to articulate them in the moment. Also writing without thinking can help. Or writing exactly how you're thinking, I guess? It doesn't always work though, so I'd sincerely suggest trying to write some smaller things to start with or have on the side to help practice.
In terms of trying to find people to give feedback, I think interacting with other writers can help. I'm not the best person for this since I like being away from my computer/phone as much as possible, but chatting to writers off anon, or if your writing blog isn't your main one then switching to your writing blog to leave a comment or reblog and leaving notes in the tags is a really great way to show other people you're interested in acotar/tog and writing. If the idea of coming off anon to interact with writers is (like I find it) absolutely terrifying, you can always keep anon on but sign off using a specific pseudonym or emoji that will be recognisable! That way you can get used to chatting without entirely compromising your anonymity and hopefully become comfortable. Asking other people what they do to help them get their thoughts down too can help since you'll be more likely to find someone similar.
I'd also recommend that if your story is long to try planning it out roughly as chapters or bulletpoints so you don't have to store it all in your brain. Have playlists on hand or boards on Pinterest to look over.
I think it's great that you've posted a chapter though - if you have a project you want to do well it's so easy to get caught up in wanting it to be a good as possible that you never actually get around to posting it, so I think what you've done is a great start. If you're unhappy with it after a few months or so you can always edit, nothing's written in stone.
And if you want to write in again please feel free to! I promise it doesn't have to be about my writing and I would think other writers would feel the same. If you want to turn off anon that's fine, and if you want to use an emoji as a sign off that's cool too, you can work your way up to chatting more openly about the stuff you enjoy :)
Also, if anyone else thinks they have some good tips for writing, getting thoughts down, keeping up interest/motivation with a project please add them!
And anon if you want to send in a link to the first part of your story feel free to, or if you want to chat with me directly I'd be interested to have a peek at what you're writing? I love acotar but tog still has a special place in my heart so I'd love to read more content around it too. I know how scary it can be sharing stuff you've worked hard on :)
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fabdante · 1 month
Been trying to think about the Differences between preboot and reboot Vergil, but got kinda stuck, so I'm floating that question over to you- if you want.
One difference I noticed is that preboot Vergil is more... old fashioned? (And like, I guess the same could be said for preboot Dante and reboot Dante, but anyway. Setting that aside for now.)
Like, preboot Vergil likes poetry and books and is a snob about not using guns (probably just because Dante DOES use guns, and Vergil always has to outdo his little brother), but also preboot Vergil doesn't seem like the type to care about computers the way reboot Vergil does. And part of it is just because each character came out at different times irl, but also like. Preboot continuity, Mundus lost and the Human World was largely safe from Mundus' influence. Or at least, safer than the reboot's Human World, anyway.
The main reason reboot Vergil learned so much about computers (and secret societies, and running them) is because they're tools Mundus uses to keep humanity under control. Preboot Vergil never had to deal with that, so he never had the motivation to learn that.
Preboot Vergil and reboot Vergil both talk differently, too. Again, I think part of it is that the games came out and were developed in different times, but also preboot DMC universe just feels kinda... weirdly archaic? In terms of like, fashion and architecture and technology and such. And there's a little bit of that in Limbo City, too, but not nearly as much as in the preboot DMC. (I feel like you can see this more in the first DMC anime, but old school fashion really is prevalent in the preboot DMC universe.)
Preboot Vergil talks like he could fit into an older time period than reboot Vergil, is what I mean. Idk, I just thought it was interesting.
I spent a long time thinking about this one because I was just having a hard time articulating myself sdfghjkl the Vergil's being two very different people is something I feel strongly on but I was definitely struggling to put it into words.
This one got long so, more beneath the cut!
But I think its fair to call the preboot universe kinda archaic and old fashioned. It's hard to pinpoint when they're even meant to be set because technology is such a vague concept in them. Like, they have it. In 5 we see flat screens even. But also everyone's using landlines. That sort of thing. It's not exactly something on Capcoms forefront and I think that's fine, its not necessary to what's going on. The reboot, however, is decidedly contemporary to the time it was released and thoroughly embraces that. Reboot Vergil is a biproduct of this as the designated Alex Garland tech guy (after seeing a few Garland projects with their tech guys I feel like I can firmly say at least one thing he consulted on as his time as writing consultant on the reboot and this is one of them asdfghjk I think Vergil was his idea, he loves a weird tech guy. Vergil fits right in with the Alex Garland weird tech guys.)
However I think they key differences between the Vergil's are a lot more personal. They behave very differently, their motivations are very different, psychologically they're fairly different to.
Preboot Vergil is a fairly blunt, straight forward person. He's very upfront with what he's doing and why most of the time. He doesn't really seem to care much to lie or manipulate anyone about it (though he's surely capable of it if we look at characters like V, his literal human side does like to lie and manipulate if it's going to make things easier for him and get him to his goals though how much of this is a result of his comparative fragility is up for the asking). I think this is largely because he doesn't seem to care much about other people most of the time so like why bother lying and manipulating them, he doesn't usually need them for anything.
His goals are singularly are to further himself. He doesn't want to rule, he doesn't want to make things better or worse for anyone, he just wants power, Why he wants that power is largely a response to the fact he's lacked it most of his life. It's a trauma response. He lacked the power to save his mother, he lacked the power to help his brother, he lacked the power to help himself, but his father always had it and his father was always able to protect others and more importantly himself. So naturally Vergil thinks he needs to accumulate as much as possible to be safe. Power is everything to preboot Vergil because it's not something he's had and we see him continue to struggle for power through the games (such as Nelo Angelo being a complete loss of control for him or 3 Vergil choosing to go into hell because it might get him closer to that power he craves, and closer to understanding his father who's power he idolizes). In 5 to we see him raze a whole city, robbing it of so much life to fuel himself, because he just wants that power. Like, to him, power is everything because he never had it so all of his goals are really just on gaining that and little else.
Preboot also I feel lacks a lot of social graces. He's very much used to being alone. I won't comment on if he likes it or not but he's very evidently not a people person. He's also a very old fashioned person. His interests are old fashioned, this mentality of might is right is very old fashioned, he often feels like he's from some bygone era he can't return to. Like, I'm not going to say he hates people or anything but he also seems largely disinterested in most of them unless they're put right in front of him. They're also very often stepping stones to his goals (he's very willing to rip off Nero's arm, after all, if it means he gets what he wants) and he never really seems to be sympathetic for that. He's very introverted and even the bits we hear about his childhood he tends to prefer to be quiet and alone.
I'm not sure even how much he cares about what Dante thinks about him, he just wants Dante to agree with him because he wants to be right. There's a respect he has for Dante and I do think there's similar mother issues between both preboot and reboot Vergil (mommy liked Dante better blah blah) but there is a respect and a care there because they are brothers and all that.
There's also preboot Vergil's relationship with humanity which is largely...negative to him. He doesn't really seem to care about humanity much as a concept, it's just a thing he has to get rid of and has been a bane on him this whole time. Only really in 5 do we see him sorta accept that he can't part from it but what he does with that going foreward remains to be seen.
Reboot Vergil, however, is a very different person.
I want to preface this with part of what makes reboot Vergil so interesting is this nebulous nature of him. We don't have a lot of concrete answers on his thoughts and feelings because he isn't the perspective the games set in most of the time and we're supposed to be guessing on his true thoughts and feelings. I'd argue this is another key difference. Preboot Vergil is very clear cut, reboot Vergil is not. So this is just my read on reboot Vergil, it's going to differ from other peoples read on him. But given it's my analysis, I'm going to talk about my viewpoint so here it goes.
Reboot Vergil's charismatic and personable for starters. It's hard to imagine him not fitting into a crowd and commanding it, he seems like the sort who can very easily work a room. Manipulation is his bread and butter. He seems to like people and like humanity, despite feeling superior to it. I compare him to a chess player a lot but he's a chess player. Everything is very planned and paced out many steps ahead and he likes the challenge of it. But I think this charisma is a very big divide between them and a very big aspect of reboot Vergil's character. He's a pretty rich boy who knows he's a pretty rich boy to.
I also believe in my heart of hearts from 11 years of over thinking this game that he genuinely meant well. I know this is a point of contention asdfghjk perhaps I've been won over by the charismatic pretty rich boy, perhaps this is what he wants me to think. But based on the game and even more importantly Vergil's Downfall, reboot Vergil seems to genuinely think that what he did in the game was what had to be done. And if he had to lie to Kat and Dante, if people had to die for it, it was all because there were no better options (that and he's petty). He genuinely believes that humanity needs a protector, that someone worse will take over from Mundus if he and/or Dante don't, that he's the best option for this role, that sacrifices had to be made to get here and he was big enough to make them. If he's right or not, whole separate subject. But what's important is in his mind he is doing a service to humanity and that service is his destiny.
Which goes on to say that if he thinks humanity is so worth protecting despite their weakness, despite comparing them to children, despite him thinking he's superior to them, he must then care about humanity. I think this because I mean Downfall tells us this. Kat represents his humanity in that game and he spends the first half of the game kind of a wreck about her. The only thing he regrets is how he treated her, he spends the first half of the game trying to save her, he tries to justify himself to a not Kat Kat only for her to tell him he's full of bullshit like. If Kat represents his humanity then it goes to say despite his fumbles in the main game, he at least used to care about humanity a great deal. And I think it's fair to assume that about him. Some people might argue otherwise but unlike preboot Vergil and Dante who always knew they were half demon, reboot Vergil spent most of his life thinking he was human. He's spent his life surrounded by humans, caring about those humans, being raised by those humans. He can feel superior to them and also have genuine affection for them, which I think is the case up until he kills hollow Kat in Downfall.
Where preboot Vergil's motivations are deeply rooted in his traumas, reboot Vergil's I think are largely rooted in this belief of destiny and that he thinks he has to be doing what he's doing. That it's for the best for mankind and that he's the one who has to do it. But I think that childhood trauma for preboot Vergil is also a big difference for reboot Vergil who's character is also very defined by his privilege.
Reboot Vergil's unique across both halves of the franchise. He was adopted into wealth and all the opportunities that come with it. The fandom strongly differs on how that childhood was. Most people in the fandom tend to imagine a sort of bad childhood for him, as a sort of neglected rich kid or abused in other ways within his wealthy family. I don't. But there's really no evidence one way or another, all we really know is Vergil's adopted into wealth and gets into hacking and computer stuff as he's growing up as an outlet for his growing feeling that he doesn't belong here. And it's fair to say rich kids aren't like...immune to childhood trauma, the trauma of his time in the foster care certainly is something that impacts him to a degree. But I think it's also fair to say that he's afforded a lot of opportunities a lot of the cast are not, particularly preboot Vergil who goes from a bookish kid to falling into hell to being brainwashed by a guy for who knows how long and also being assumed dead like...twice along the way. Reboot Vergil was given the tools to succeed and create his own independent wealth and found a secret organization like.
Which all goes to say reboot Vergil's less focused on power I think because he has it already. He's got social power from his social graces, he has power from his wealth and success, he has man power with the Order. Now, that doesn't mean he can't want more. On the contrary, I've argued many a time that I think if put into the position of demon king he'd be a great example of absolute power corrupts absolutely. He's going to want more. Vergil wants to be a little god king and if he's going to be a god king he might as well be the best god king.
But where as preboot Vergil wants power because he lacked it, reboot Vergil's never lacked it. What reboot Vergil's never had is people telling him no which is why I think he reacts so badly to it at the end of the game. Which also ties back to I don't think preboot Vergil wants to be in charge of anything as much as he wants power to protect himself. I think reboot wants power because he wants control. He thinks he on some level deserves it because he thinks he's right because, again, no ones ever told him he's wrong. I compare him in some of my essays (I think these two) as a divine thing raised as close to divinity as a human can be, which ties into this I think.
Back tracking a little to social graces between them, they're both weirdos let me be clear. But they're different types of weirdos asdfghjk. Like preboot's a little shut in who likes his poetry and being alone and giving people scary looks so they leave him alone and fighting his brother for fun. Reboots a little weirdo because he's a germaphobe who is literally immune to every germ on the planet, probably constantly pulls all-nighters fueled on nothing but coffee programming shit, and is just a big nerd under all that pretty rich boy charisma.
However it's very clear to see how good reboot Vergil is with people. And he seems to like them. It's hard to imagine preboot Vergil having a relationship like reboot Vergil has with Kat. Like it's hard to imagine him seeing someone in distress and not only helping them save themselves, but then sticking around to help in their recovery, giving them a place in the world, becoming that persons most trusted confidant, and so on and so forth. Which, again, could just go into the 'reboot Vergil's manipulative bucket' (as I often say about Kat and Vergil, it's about what can you reconcile about this relationship). I tend to personally characterize reboot Vergil as more extroverted also where as preboot is certainly very introverted.
As for the relationship with Dante, I talk about that a bit here . But where as I think there's a begrudging respect and brotherly affection between the preboot twins, the reboot twins struggle with that more. Vergil still wants to be right, but he also doesn't really know his brother. He had an idea of his brother and its not what he got. Which I think he's probably sad about I mean he worked hard to find Dante and he was excited to build that relationship and then Dante's here, is not what he expected, and doesn't even seem to trust him all that much like...it's a weird time.
They both have mommy issues though. Both Vergil's have that. Different mommy issues though I mean preboot thinks Eva abandoned him because she cared more about Dante despite the fact she died trying to find him (not that he knows that for most of his life). And reboot Vergil thinks Eva liked Dante more which he finds deeply unfair (and there may or may not be evidence backing him up because how reboot Eva talks about Vergil tends to be Odd ).
Long story short: Reboot Vergil's a very charismatic rich boy who's gotten everything he's wanted in his life and is now struggling with the fact for once he is not. Preboot Vergil's a weird non social guy who wants to feel safe even if it means he takes everyone else out with him. Also preboot Vergil would need reboot Vergil as tech support if he ever got a cell phone that man would not even know how to turn the damn thing on.
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selfproclaimedunicorn · 8 months
Fic writer asks: 31/32 as one question, 46, and 50 :D
Thank you for your service in sending me distractions 🙏🏻
31: What's your ideal fic length to write? | What's your ideal fic length to read?
Bestie, I literally cannot answer this. The length of my chapters is all over the goddam place, & I've only ever committed in a serious way to fic one (1) time & that's with my current project(s?). I think that, like, if I am pushed to think about it, just in terms of Longfic-Chapter-Length, I really hit a sweet spot with my early chapters in SOTF where I hovered around 8-12k, & everything after that has been...IDK me literally being insane & not knowing how to shut up because I committed to my formatting. I haven't finished any fic since...I wanna say high school (& even then it was all written out in longhand in spiral notebooks) & I only finished one or two of my innumerable projects. So I guess longfics get there when they get there, final word count be damned. Who TF knows with my shorter stuff, those all exist on vibes & vibes alone, & they're done when The Spirit Of Writing tells me they are. Shorter stuff does tend to top out at 2k (or thereabout), though.
In terms of reading, tbh I've never read a lot of fanfic. IDK, I just never really thought about it because I tend to be very isolated & "I can entertain myself" when it comes to fandom experience. I also sort of read fic like I read books (see: it takes me forever), so you could set me down with something of pretty much any length & I'll eventually get it done. There is no length determination, only if I fuck with the writing style & plot.
46: Do you prefer writing on your phone or on a computer (or something else)? Do you think where you write affects the way you write?
I definitely prefer writing on a computer, my mom was kinda militant about me learning how to type when I was young so I have a really high wpm now & it's just faster. That said, I'm not opposed to writing on my phone. I wrote the vast majority of the currently published chapters of my HOTD fic on my phone because I didn't have a laptop for 3 years, & I'm not going to write "cunt" on a work computer, even if it's during my lunch break. So I'm writing hybrid phone/computer even though I do have one now. I got good enough at writing several thousand word chapters in the app version of google docs with naught but my thumbs that I'll go with "whatever is convenient for the location I'm currently in." Computer is definitely where I'm thriving, though.
50: Answer any question of your choice, or talk about anything you want to talk about!
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There's only 2 that are currently in the fic, & then there's one planned one, but no one talked about the 2 that were there at all & so I have to just get them out there. Also my Patented Misa Foreshadowing That Makes Me Giggle And Kick My Feet But No One Picks Up On Because My Thought Pattern Cannot Be Reproduced.
Chapter 6 has a minor "right in front of my salad" reference
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I named the brothers of Borros Baratheon's wife after Peter and Edmund Pevensie from the Narnia series & gave them the same age gap. I foreshadowed Yorick's dragon by having his personal arms be a black dragon & have him get assigned to play at having one that color when he played with his cousins. I foreshadowed Ella's betrothal/husband by having her wear a dress with roses on it at a tourney, & the favor she gave her dad was yellow roses (the real-world equivalent to the heraldry exclusive gold of House Tyrell). But no one mentions these things. They make me happy, but I want someone to point at it & be like "oh hey!"
I have an upcoming easter egg with Ella's son/first child. I'm naming him Griffith because, sure, actual Griffith from Berserk sucks, but his name fucks & I like Berserk so why shouldn't I co-opt his name? It's mine now. Yoink. Enjoy being a footnote in the list of "media Misa likes that can be referenced in something else"
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cupidstwin333 · 2 years

hi can i ask for a romantic obey me matchup? :D i'm 20, agender bisexual and i go by she/he/they pronouns! physical: i'm 165cm, i have short black hair and im on the chubbier side personality: infj, social on online spaces where i struggle to be social irl :( once im comfortable enough and with the right crowd i find myself wanting lots of attention from them instead of feeling awkward and shying away when in love i make sure im loud and clear enough about my honest feelings, try to communicate a lot and i have the tendency to give generously which kinda makes it easier for anyone to take advantage of me if they wanted to :0 some flaws are that im very anxious, struggle with self worth issues and i have adhd hobbies: very generic hobbies like games, listening to music, cooking :] i avoid outdoor activities unless someone is willing to accompany me and there's something else i love but its not a hobby i really like cats lol cats are my special interest idk what else to put hehe thanks if u do mine!
After a long time of thinking 💭 your match is...
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You just arrived at the house of lamentation after a long day at RAD. You ran up to your room and lay on your bed, you let out a deep sigh. "ugh…finally, I'm home." That's when you realized what you just said. Home?? you've been in Devildom for 2 weeks now and it was ''literally'' HELL. Your social anxiety worsened each day and you felt homesick. It's not like you didn't try to communicate with them, but getting to know that many people all at once was very intimidating and draining to you. And all the demon brothers didn't seem to be bothered, they just assume you were shy and homesick. They didn't know how much you'd been suffering. You felt the tears welling up. That's when you heard a notification from your computer. You've recently been playing this online game that's very popular in Devildom. You're quite good at gaming and you enjoy doing it since it keeps distracted from those miserable feelings.
ruri_chanshusbando3(can we guess who it is?):Hi! ruri_chanshusbando3:I saw that you were ranked no.1 and I'm in 2nd place. Which is unusual since I am ranked first place in all the games I play.
You looked at the message on your screen, took a deep breath, and sat down properly.
dead_and_inHell: well it's not that hard to rank first, just focus on the tail of the monster. It lights up when the monster is about to attack. And you shouldn't be on the offense all the time. ruri_chanshunbando3: I see. How about I challenge you! to see who really is the best?
you didn't realize you were smiling at your computer screen.
dead_and_inHell: I accept your challenge.
The terms and rules were explained to you and you started a new game. You were concentrated on beating this person. To prove to them that you were ranked first place for a reason. After an hour you won! It wasn't easy, he was really good, but you were better. You send him a smug message, bragging about your victory.
dead_andinHell: for someone so confident, you lost pretty embarrassingly! ruri_chanshusbando3: Tbh I am really not confident, like at all! My social anxiety is so bad I can't even go to school. I follow online classes instead.
Your expression softened, You didn't know you'd meet someone like you through a game. You two chatted for a while and became online friends. You went to bed not feeling homesick for the first time because your head was filled with the thought of your new online friend.
How it started:
You sat in your room and were chatting with ruri_chanshusbando3, it was 4 months and you never heard his voice, nor saw him, and you didn't even know his real name, but somehow you had strong feelings for him. He was a stranger, but at the same time, you felt like you knew everything about him. And the two of you understood each other so well. He gave you a few anime recommendations and he told you about all of his theories about the plot and characters, you were lying if you said you weren't intrigued. You weren't the biggest otaku, but the way he articulated it made you want to hear more. Before you could ask about the character that died in season one, but "didn't really die" according to his theory, Lucifer called your name and told you dinner was ready. You stood up and left the screen on the messages and walked to the dining hall. Leviathan was still in his room and was waiting for a response but after a few minutes of being left on read, he stood up and walked towards the dining hall. He walked past your room and heard a familiar tune. He gasped "It couldn't be!" he became curious and entered your room and his suspicion was correct. He grinned, he had a little crush on you for a while now, and you being his online friend made it better. During dinner, you noticed how Leviathan was staring at you. It was more than usual, and you avoided his gaze "Leviathan why aren't you eating? If you don't want it you can give it to Beel." Lucifer spoke up. Leviathan nodded and ate his food. After dinner you got a message from ruri_chanshusbando3 it said to close your eyes and count to ten. You thought it was silly but you complied. You closed your eyes and started to count out loud and you felt a presence. "you can open your eyes now" a voice commanded you after you were finished counting, That voice! "Leviathan" you said. "Wanna watch that anime with me?" he said with rosy cheeks and avoiding your gaze. After that you two became inseparable. And the other demon brothers got so confused about how the two of you became so close since you two barely speak to anyone.
General headcanons:
💘The two of you have sleepovers with an anime marathon, a bunch of snacks, and no sleep.
💘To the two of you are inseparable, you always find yourself doing something with leviathan.
💘 Leviathan is a hopeless romantic but as soon as he tries he’ll shy away and will be red as a tomato 🍅.
💘 When he sees you spending time with someone else he’ll get very jealous (don’t forget that he’s the avatar of envy after all).
💘 Leviathan begs you on a daily basis to cosplay as ruri-chan.
Other possible matches: Belphegor and satan
I'd appreciate it if you'd repost this, and I hope you've enjoyed reading it <3
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meowstix · 2 years
OK SO!! here's some bakuten shoot dub changes i find interesting!!!! keep in mind this only covers the first like.. 7 episodes and even then i didn't watch all of them in full (it was only around ep 4 that i actually sat through most of it) so obviously this is nowhere near comprehensive, it's just some things i find noteworthy (also i'm not even getting into the 3 dub-exclusive characters i don't even think i need to explain anything there)
in the japanese version only certain people can see sacred beasts, there's not really any specific criteria or rules about it, meanwhile in the dub it seems everyone can see em. i can kind of get why they changed this seeing as how it's a small detail that doesn't really contribute much yet still raises questions
there's a bit in ep 3 where kyojyu is like... weirdly suspicious of max? like in the japanese version kyojyu's just like "yeah you really shouldn't underestimate this guy takao" in the dub he's like "idk isn't this all a bit Sussy? Imposter Behavior even?" (obviously that is paraphrased but you get the idea)
in the dub Only, kai is mentioned to be the like... regional champion i think? idk what the term is but again it's a thing that's only ever mentioned in the dub
OK SO. kyojyu, manabu, kenny, whatever the hell you wanna call him i just go with kyojyu personally. an interesting little thing about him is that in the dub version, yeah his nickname is the chief but he's still called kenny pretty regularly. in the sub, while kyojyu is very much a nickname aswell, almost everyone refers to him by this. there's like 2 cases i can think of where he's referred to by his first name and neither of them are in the first season you straight up do not hear it at all until v-force and even after that it's barely said. idk it's a weird little thing, again i'm not really surprised the dub changed it
this next one i'm going to admit. bothers the absolute shit out of me i have no idea why they did this one. so in the japanese version, it's stated that the pendant with genbu is from max's mother. and as we know she ends up being a pretty relevant character a bit later in the season. for some reason though, in the dub, it's stated that the pendant was given to max by some basically nonexistent grandma. i'm not really sure how to explain the effect lost here but hopefully it's self-evident
this one is super minor but idk there's something abt it i find notable. so when max runs into kai after their match they have a quick exchange and there's one change that i just find to be. well something, in the dub kai's like "oh uh. thanks i guess?"... meanwhile in the japanese version kai just calls max a naive fool. i'm kind of curious if this is just a one-off case of this or if kai just isn't as much of an asshole in the dub
they literally cannot pronounce driger right every time they say it i die a little inside
ok sorry that line just caught me off guard. emergency alert systems there is an old bitch in the area. anyway so the dub adds an entire bit to this episode of it being tyson's birthday? the title seems to imply it's his 13th more specifically so that's the closest thing you're getting to a canon age confirmation (atleast in the anime) i guess. but yeah in the japanese version the celebration is because his grandpa views takao's match with kai as a duel
this isn't really a specific thing but. as much as i hate to admit it. ok some of the dub's jokes do land pretty well. the commentators in particular just going off these few eps i'd say for the most part their banter is generally funnier than almost all of g-rev's attempts to shove in daichi as comedy relief. dizzi isn't nearly as funny but the "what do i look like a compute- oh yeah" that was pretty good
tldr i am so mad (/hj) that this dub is actually pretty interesting what the fuck
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minty-tea-soup · 6 months
Idk it seems ciscentered, trans excluding to treat “male mice” like a coherent thing — rather than some construct we assign to them like how we assign it with amab people — and then further to conflate 2 male mice together as being yaoi and gay… it reinforces being “male” (amab) as a biological thing not something to do with gender and identity.
I don't know if you are a mutual or follower who has just never seen the post before or I'm just a person out of 31.1k reblogs that post had that you are sending this message to over and over. But I would truly love to know exactly how you wanted a news article that is trying to have the catchiest headline phrase this in a way that was more trans-inclusive for the mice. Sure the language isn't the best, but it gets the point across in the shortest amount of words knowing that not a lot of people will actually read or click for the whole thing.
However thanks for this message cause I went back and did actually find the article to fully read it. And yeah it is thinking of cis couples with no chromosomal issues or abnormalities. On good news for you most likely this won't be available for humans until minimum of ten years so you have ten years to figure out the best language for scientists to use to address same sex couples that both carry XY chromosomes and want to have a child that is both of theirs genetically. Especially in advertising. I believe in you!!
That being said yeah a lot of biological science isn't very trans-inclusive in their terminology mainly because its a shorthand to get a concept out to the populous that they will understand.
Honestly makes me think of the first time I was buying adapters for my computer and accidentally didn't realize what female and male parts for adapters were cause didn't even think about how some people would need to connect two different male-ending cables together and ended up with a cord that had a female (place to plug in) c place and HDMI place. Not helpful. And the female/male thing confused me for a little bit before I realized it was literally a reference off of sex.
Now I think of that Anti-gay poster from Australia with the seatbelts. Would it be great if cables had a different term? Yeah but I can't think of one right now.
-But I digress just brain is making silly connections.
Though I do want to point out that the link you sent isn't even the post I reblogged. Cause I specifically reblogged one that had the wonderful addition: "Mpreg (Mouse Pregnancy)" which in my mind is the most important part of that post.
It made me laugh so I reblogged.
Will be honest should I have responded to your message? No probably not, most likely you are a troll or someone that I really don't want to get into an internet debate with. But even more I love responding to people in general. I am a person who will pick up spam calls. I sincerely hope you have a wonderful day and thanks for helping me procrastinate my writing!
Next time maybe talk to me off anon so we can keep going?
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blueboxfanwork · 11 months
Personal update/1 month hiatus:
Y'all I am really sorry. I should have recognized what's going on with me earlier as this is the third time. The short version is I doubt I'll be able to update until I see this ADHD screening/medication search through to the end. Though I will try to utilize Turkish-style coffee as an intermediate solution and get at least one update out for those who don't follow this blog. The long version is more personal but may come in handy for anyone writing a character who realizes they have an invisible disability or are neurodiverse so I'll put it below a spoiler thing.
Ok so as I said I have noticed this three times. Once for depression and anxiety, again for autism, and now for ADHD. It's a process that goes somewhat like this (writing in first person cause that's easier and idk if this is universal):
Something makes me realize I may have the condition in question. For me it was reading articles or in the case of the mood disorders a mandatory mental health screening from my pediatrician in middle school (side note that should be a universal thing if it isn't already).
Frantic research, looking for personal perspectives from people with the condition, symptom lists, anything. I also did little experiments seeing if coping mechanisms for the condition in question worked for me. This didn't happen with my mood disorders IIRC, I went right to step three.
Extreme distraction. Partly it's looking at my entire life through this new lens, watching pieces fall into place. If medication is a possibility, the fact I could have functional nuerochemistry but don't drives me up the fucking wall. Either way, it takes time to come to terms with the fact I've been measuring myself against people who don't have the obstacles I do. And that others are gonna keep measuring me against them.
Treatment. With my mood disorders the fact I was making progress toward being treated was enough to help even before I got on meds, though obviously meds helped more.
I am currently trapped in stage three. I can get some writing done if I stare at my computer screen for literal hours and I am doing that every night (except tomorrow night because I was also unable to run D&D last weekend for the same reason and I'm hoping that last-minute deadline can help me get the next session ready). But that doesn't mean it's on the upcoming chapter.
I am painfully aware of the irony of my inability to get things done spiraling out of control because of the realization I probably have a nuerotype characterized in part by having an extreme difficulty getting things done. I'll laugh about it as soon as I regain functioning. In the meantime I am so grateful my current job doesn't necessitate doing things before the last minute. In fact when you're a substitute teacher you really can't do anything but.
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ravenintraining · 1 year
MAG 1- Anglerfish
I hate hearing the first episodes of anything over again because the voices lack all of the personality they grow into over time. Especially this posh prick I'm hearing right now.(/j)
(analysis under cut so i don't feel bad)
Anyways, let's get down to business.
I've spent many of the last few weeks trying to visualize the layout of the Archives(for fic writing purposes), and the part where he can see thousands just from where he's sitting (in a room with a door separating it from the rest of the area, as is mentioned later) really throws all of that off. I like to think he saw a bunch of boxes full of papers and assumed those were statements, even though in the event that his predecessor wasn't an eldritch horror they're probably be print-offs from seminars or audit logs or literally anything else. In my head all of them are actually mounds of scrap paper from a local school so that Elias has to deal with the information overload of creative writing classes.
"so the only thing in most of the files are the statements themselves" this is REALLY outing Jon for not understanding what an Archive does. Why, pray tell, would the research be down in long-term storage? When you have a whole section of this Institute called RESEARCH DIVISION? Obviously they'd keep their OWN RECORDS UP THERE. Probably digitized by now because you all had your own computers. Give me a BREAK.
"he's not likely to contribute anything but deh-LAYS >://" i think you should re-adjust that stick up your ass it's starting to effect your Brain. you've known this dude for all of an hour tops calm your tits. Technically speaking so far the only one that's delayed you was your inability to record something digitally and so it's You who is currently delaying the Archives. Chomp my dick loserboy.
Just remembered that these recordings are available to the public. Dog no college student gives a shit about you and your problems they're just gonna make fun of you on the internet. Actually I think a really funny socmed au could come out of the twitter commentary of someone reading the statements from the magnus institute bc the transcriber drops his drama ALL OVER them.
they must have gotten SO many statements in 2012. I mean, people thought the world was going to end. This of course is the largest part behind why I think the Extinction isn't real and is just a version of the End, because it would have manifested in either 1999 or 2012 when everyone was so worried the world would end. (which also, sidenote, i think could have been perfect explanations of end rituals that failed. i think end avatars would 100% try at least a few times)
sorry I haven't even gotten to the statement yet. idk this one really isnt even that interesting? like oooo dude trips on brick path, stranger ignores that he hurt himself and wants to bum a cigarette. i think it would be better if the anglerfish like actually got its hand(s?) on him and then he got away instead bc without that the only scary part is the implications the episode name gives you. it leads to a great reveal of what happened to the victims later on in the melanie statement (stapling her skin back on) but without that context it's just a dude who's talking to you without opening his mouth.
"el oh el" i bet tim and sasha took the tape after he recorded it just to hear how jon would pronounce 'lol.' i only think that bc that's what I would do.
it is interesting that the body doesnt show up in the images though. like i figured considering the way the stranger loves manipulating digital tech that it would get a kick out of the picture showing the guy just floating there boreing its eyes into your skull. like i get it was meant to be the "light" of the anglerfish creating the illusion of a harmless creature that then turns out to not be there but come onnnn is that Really a stranger thing to do. could be so much better. the stranger should get a suggestion box i have some thoughts.
okay that's all folks. catch you tomorrow for the same shenanigans
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niklausxcaroline · 1 year
if i may ask, what sort of laptop would you use/would you recommend (for someone that frequently gifs/makes graphics)? ive had mine for years and i think its reached its natural limit, so im thinking of getting a new one!
Hello! Ah.. I'm definitely not the right person to ask 😅 I really know nothing in this area. I haven't had the best laptops and before when making gifs it was [most of the time] a pain. I honestly don't remember the exact brands or models I've used before but they were more on the affordable/cheaper side. For almost the past two years I've been using the Macbook Air 2020 and it has definitely been the best upgrade from previous ones and the most expensive. 🙂 Sorry for being no help but I don't want to recommend anything with the nonexistent knowledge I have 😄
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baefikre asked:
can’t reply to your last ask so would just like to tell anon that if you want editing software to perform well on your computer, choose a computer with
1. a good processor (intel i5 minimum, i7 if you can afford it. idk the amd equivalents but you can search up which ones are good for editing)
2. high ram (8gb is pretty good, anything higher is even better)
3. high storage (editing software can take up a lot of space, as can both files and videos so the higher storage you can swing, the better. definitely more than 128ssd or 300hd)
if editing is something you’re going to do long-term, (e.g as a design student) it might be worth investing in a desktop with all these features since they last longer. hope that helps!
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prussianenigma · 2 years
i love tumblr bc i’m essentially screaming into the void, talking to a brick wall but with the feeling of actually posting something
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cryptocism · 3 years
So if Eight and Nine were raised as normal kids and had real names and all that...they dressed in normal clothes right? Like "civvies," t-shirts, jeans, long sleeves, shorts, sneakers and boots, all that jazz
How did they respond to the transition from multiple outfits/articles of clothing to just ONE JUMPSUIT AND THAT IS ALL, maybe two if it catches on fire and burns up, but other than that ONLY ONE
I just have Eight and Nine brain rot and love them so much (Nine has obviously become a fan favorite)
that... is an excellent question actually. so much of trying to flesh out this au is realizing just how much was never confirmed or elaborated on in canon smh (for instance where/when exactly Thad's lab exists space and time-wise - i've been assuming it's underground somewhere, many eons post-30th century, but it's literally never confirmed - where Thad gets food from, where he sleeps, etc.)
so really, who even made the Inertia costume to begin with? the design roots are obvious bc it's just Impulse but palette-swapped, but did Thad make it himself or was it provided for him by CRAYDL and/or President Thawne? does Thad wear it because of his dogmatic loyalty to the cause or because he has no other option?
and keep in mind that Eight and Nine had a "normal childhood" in the sense that they experienced a regular age progression (along with parental love and affection,) but they were still. raised by a computer in a secret wing of a massive laboratory. which isn't really uhh the typical childhood experience
because technoplasm exists (and im bringing it back bc a substance that is essentially physical code and can be made into any form it's programmed to be is a phenomenal concept) we can assume that CRAYDL could semi-accurately replicate whatever physical object they wanted, including clothes
given all of that and taking many creative liberties with the gaps in canon i'm gonna say... i don't think it would occur to CRAYDL to provide them clothes that fell outside the general Inertia range. CRAYDL loves them and wants them to be happy but personal self expression via physical appearance probably wouldn't even be on the radar for an AI who doesn't have much of a physical form to speak of (beyond technoplasm and. idk servers?)
that being said Eight and Nine have plenty of access to Styroband videos (actually another thing that's never explained: what the fuck Styroband files actually are. can they access the entire past throughout all of earth's history or is it Just Bart Allen?? how does it account for timeline changes? obviously Inertia didn't know just how much he'd get his shit rocked every time he went back to the past, otherwise he wouldn't have gotten his shit rocked the way he did! meaning he was changing the timeline with every trip and i've put far too much thought into this) SO Eight and Nine had some kind of visual for - at the very least - the kinds of clothing Bart & Co were wearing throughout his life.
this is a very long way of saying Eight and Nine spent their baby/toddler years in Inertia-style jumpsuits, and when they got old enough to develop their own methods of self-expression asked CRAYDL to make them some sweet sweet threads like the cool guy in the videos likes to wear.
being discovered by Three and subsequently folded into the Clone Team along with the semi-personalized semi-uniform outfits probably wasn't completely unfamiliar, but definitely restrictive in terms of like, personal identity and preferred ways of dressing
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halfusek · 3 years
Hey, can you please explain to me what exactly NFTS's are? I've been trying to find information about it but all I can find are articles screaming about how horrible you are if you support them, without actually giving me any information about what they are and what the actual harm is. If you could explain or provide me with links about what they are, I'd greatly appreciate it :D
i'm not gonna explain it in professional terms because i'm not gonna pretend i have any sort of expertise in the crypto language area but also i think keeping it symple is better
NFTs are links to digital assets, those digital assets most often are digital artworks hence why you often see those ugly monkey images because the person doing them sells them as NFTs (so they don't really sell the image but the link to that image); but they can also be photos, videos, audio files, screenshots, etc etc
those links aren't like image links you can get from right clicking on a picture, they are unique and encrypted, and their encryption is a very complex process that uses a lot of resources, hence making NFTs results in high emissions
and that's the problem people mostly point out about them, that they ruin the environment, but i feel this argument can be too weak if you don't go deeper into the subject so let's go a little deeper
because this argument has its counterpart that using social medias such as twitter, tumblr, or even real world money also has its emissions
but the thing is *anything* digital uses energy and leaves its carbon footprint because everything uses energy
so we kind of need to consider what things do we want to use and perhaps what we even need to use
think about what social medias are used for, a lot of them are used for connecting people you wouldn't otherwise be able to easily contact, they can be used for spreading social awareness, for organising events, not to mention communication in companies but also other sources of income like artists advertising their commissions and other users being there being potential customers, like it's only a few examples of how it's worth it to have those running that have their own share in emissions
real world money, hate it or love it, we literally could not just pull the plug for it any day without any preparation for it because so much depends on it
now let's take NFTs and what their general use is and honestly crypto in general
until recently it was used as an easy way to get very rich (most times by already rich people) because you didn't have to pay taxes for it, but now everything will need to be reported to the IRS or you will face the consequences and you'd think well that's normal well it was not normal to the cryptobros to which this is a huge L
which is also linked to using crypto for money laundering and shady businesses. not good stuff
another thing is how the process of getting rich with these works... it's not stable in the slightest, and after you buy one you need to find someone to sell it to, but if the price goes down before you do, then you lose money (often a lot of it); which is hard to call anything else than scamming
i've heard that NFTs can be used to support artists which uh. you can just. commission them? or subscribe to their patreon or use any other service like kofi, like this kinda stuff has already been there so i'd kindly wanna ask people who use this argument to fuck off because most artists don't want anything to do with that shit (and if they do they're greedy cock suckers sorry not sorry)
that's not really for NFTs, more for shit like bitcoin but crypto mines are bumping up the prices of graphics cards which Sucks because that's one of the most vitals parts of any computer
and more on crypto in general again, it's like money 2.0, but more useless, less stable, empowering shady rich people, and yeah sure some random "normal" folks get rich thanks to them but you are literally better off investing in some company
then at least you are contributing to something, idk find a nice startup company that you wanna see grow, with those you have more guarantee to get your money back and you don't contribute to a useless nasty fucking scheme that consumes way more energy than it's worth
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